The Huron Expositor, 1894-12-21, Page 7esent
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DECEMBER 21, 1894.
While thanking the people of the
town and surrounding country for the
-encouragement they have given us in
the way of very liberal patronage, we
.desire to call their attention to a few
facts concerning our business methods
,not generally known. It has been and
is our constant endeavor to turn. out
Tzhe very best class of work, and this
we succeed in.:doing by using nothing
bnt the chaicest materialseind emyloy-
ing none but skilled workmen.
While doing this, however, we. wish
Tit distinctly understood that the prices
.charged are much lower than those
.heretofore prevailing. This is account-
=ed for by the fact, that doing a much
larger business than our competitors,
we are satisfied with much smallsr
margins. Machine made harness at
any pric- is dear, and when that is
.coupled with poor material, you can
...depend upon getting a harness that is
absolutely worthless. We manufac-
ture the best harness ffrom 810 up to
be obtaieed in the Province, and to in-
tending purchasers would extend a
bearty invitation to call and see Mr.
-Charles AitzelTe or the undersigned, on
the premises, when their wants will -be
considera4e1y taken care of.
WI. Broderick,
Corner Main and John Streets,
J. C. SMITH & CO.,
A General Banking 4businese transacted.
Farmersnotes diecounted..
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits at the rate
•of 5 per cent. per annum.
SelLE NO'IES discounted, or taken for
• 3311e3tian
OFFIOE--First door north of Reid &
Wilson's Hard ware Store.
Musical - Instrumen
Owing to hard times, we have con-
-eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when,
rightly used. The many, who live bet: -
ter than others and enjoy life tnore, wit14
less expenditure; by more promptly
ldaptiug the worIcrs best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced. in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moht acceptabln ana pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing Ana. truly
beneficial properties . of a -perfcet lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
aisle:Mug colds, headaches and f fevers
and )crxnaueuty curing eons( ipatioli.
It has gives} satisfacti Isis to rnilhionsand
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid.
neys, Liver and Bowels without' wcak-
cniug and it is perfectly tree from
every objectionable substance:
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists iii 75c. bottles, but it is menu-
:actured by the. California, Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, 1 Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
sccept any substitute if offered.
-Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at Corresponding prices.
smoke rising from eight or ten spots along'
the river 'bank. The cliffs of sand or clay,
.interspenied with beds of coal, rise about
150.feet above the river n edge. A strong
smell of creosote filled the air; masses of
charred moss—brought down by the floods
and afterward's set on fire—lay on the bank;
and I saw several beds of pipe -clay, baked
by the -fires, the detached fragmentsof
heautiful colors—pale blues, ochres; oriental
reds and maroons. Tliii3 clay before it is
burnt, is soft, and moulds in the hands, and
the Indians come here in time of fainine and
fill their stomachs With it; though analysis
proves that it posseses no nutritive qualities
whatever. The buildings of the company's
Fists are whitewashed' with this 'white
mud,' as it is called, and the sills and win-
dow casings painted with a preparation
made of ashes, 'procured by burning drift -
'pod that has lain in the river for several
gars:: This gives a fine dull red color and
t "e effent is very pretty."—” A Woman in
e Mackenzie Delta."—Outing for Novena
Jes"Fore Christmas.
Father calls me William, sister calls me Will.
Manlier call nie Willie—but the fellers mill me Bill !
Itiglity glad I ain't a girl-:--ruther be a boy
litheut teem melees, curls and things that'e worn by
I Fauntleroy !.
-Love lel chawrik green apples iin' go swimming in the
• New Household Hints.
Try mixing gum water with starch- To
prepare it pour a pint of boiling
water on two °nieces of guta arabic, cover it
and let it stand 12 hours ; pour it from the
dregs and bottle for use.
—Try to hnpress it upon the mindsof
the servants that they must not rub all
with equal" vigor, from the dainty lace
handkerehiefs to the heavy sheets, for cloth-
ing ismoreoften damaged .in- the laundry
than in all the wear and tear of common
—Try the recipe for cleaning delicate
laces, which an old lacema,ker, who has
woven many a gossamer for the great con-
iihisseur and lover of laces, Mme. Modjeska,
gave to her pupil and:patron. Speead -the
lace out on paper, cover with calcined mag-
nesia, place another paper over it, and pita
it away between .the leaves of a book, or
other pressure, for two .or three days. Then.
all it needs is a skilfulashale to scatter t
powder, and its delicate threads are as freele
and .clean as when first woven.
—Try dipping shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs,
etc., in the cooked starch after they are
rinsed, and then ring them out of cold
starch after they have been dried. This
will give them' the stiffness required. But
remember that stfirched underclothing is an
abomination. Table cloths require but very
little starch, not enough to make them stiff,
but just enough to bring out the gloss of the
—Try ironing all lace and et.nbroidery on
the wrong side, and irennntil perfectly dry.
Calicoes tchat are apt to look too " shiny "
should be ironed on the wrong side. Do
not have the irons very honfor ironing cali-
coes and figured chintzes, as bot irons
will fade and turn the colors more than
—Try using the iron simply warm for
ironing silk handkerchiefs,' and iron them
on the wrong side before they . are quite
dry. Flannels too; will need an iron only
moderately heated. Take them ..from the
line. before they are quite dry, roll them up
for a short time, and then press until
smooth. Pressing does dot make the flannel
feel so stiff and hard as rubbing with the
iron, and very hot irons will turn the fabric.
—Try folding sheets so that they may. be
ironed with but very little trouble. First
double them crosswise so that the .right -
sides shall be together, turn back the hems
so that they wili be even with the fold"first
made, then double length % ise of the seam ;
iron each outside where the • hem is, - press
out the edges and the inner part will be
pressed enough—in most cases entirely
—Try to learn how to " do up" a shirt;
properly. Iron every part of the shirt bed
fore the bosom, being careful not to stretch
- the neck. Then slip in the bosom board ;
and with a cloth wrung out of hot Water
rub the bosom well, rubbing off all the sur-
plus.starch from the " cold starching." If
the bosoms wrinkle anywhere rub them to-
ward the. bottom. Iron quickly with a hot
iron, but not hot _enough to stick and
scorch. Raise the plaits with • the blunt
edge of a table knife, and iron again, polish-
ing until there is an even Joss overt -he en-
tire surface.
—Try soap -bark for cleansing woolen
dress goods. Soak ten cents worth over
right in a pail of warm—not hots -water.
In the morning strain and add two-thirds of
it to the water in which the goods are to be
washed ; if they are very much. :soiled add a
teaspoonful of - ammonia also. Pour the
rest of the water in le Hell the soap -bark was
soaked into the -rinsing water, wring well'
and hang out of doors where the goods will
dry rapidly. When nearly dry iron on the
Wrong side. The soap -bark not only
cleanses but gives a little body to the ma-
teriels; such as uew goods have.
Is positively the most rational and MOST SUCCESS-
reilL treatment ever devised for these troubles. It
• eonsiatssaf combined local and constitutional treat-
ment, which not only speedily relieves the loeal
trouble, but thorouehly eradicates the cause as well,
thus insuring a perfect and permanent cure, even in
apparently hopeless CASCS-
ENT. if you have Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung
Trouble or' any other chronic disease, and WANT TO
RE cured, call or write at once -
DR.: ROURK is widely and favorably known
throughont `Canada, being a graduate of Queen's
Univeralty and of the Academy Terra Mariafecen-
tate of ethe Royal College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, neember of the College of Phyaieiacis and Ser-
i:eons if Ontario and Quebec, LATE MEDICAL
Thirty Yeats' practice.
Consultation free and confidential.
Call on or address:
Boots and Shoes
• o.': ilakeurke the casterdthey -
le ey give
wf'r belly ache !
feet all the time the hull year route there ain't no
1 flies on tile.
put Js' 'fore Christnise I'm as good as loan be !
Ot e yeller dog named Sport-- sick 'int on the sat;
"ust i hing she KIIOWS she doesn't know. where. he is
at! , .
Got a clipper -sled, an' whtp lli koys goes out to slide
Isoug cornea the grocery cart an' we all hook sr ride !
But, domutimes, when the groeery mare is worrited
arid crow,
He readies seine with his whip, and larrups " up hie-
hos; -
An' then. 1 laff and holler; "Oh you never teched
me !"
But jes"fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin bo!
Gramma nye she hopes that when 1 it to be a 'nun
I'll be a thissionerer like her *Ides' brother Den,
As wuz et ue by the carmine tnat lives in Ceylen's
Were every proapeck pleases an' only man is vile !
But grand'aba tele had DMA' been teem) a %lid West
Or read the life uv Daniel 13oonmor elite I guess she'd
That Buffalo Bill an' cowboys ie good enough f'r me
Iseaep' jet.' 'fore Christmas, vidite I'm ire good as I kin
Thee or -Sport he hangs around, se solium like an'
Hie ee es they seem
little Bill ?"
The cat he sneaks down off her
wha 's henarne
Uv the .1 two eneuilee uv hern that used ter make
things hum ! . e
But I ani so p41.te and stick to earnest!ike to biz,
That mother ,in.1 to father ; " How -improved our
Vinic ii. !.,
But lather, havin' ben a boy Ifneselfsnspicions me,
Whet! 'jest 'tire Christmas, l'in us guod as I kin be !
For Christmas, with its lots an' lots uv candies, cakes
at,' toys,
%Vue unde, they say, f'r proper kids, and not f'r
naughty buys !
So leash yer face, and brueti yer hair, an' mind yer
An' pd'usiarni dtstel:ts.out
yer pentaloons, an don't wear
out yer aims ;
Say s estsum to the lattice, an' yessir to the men,
zil; WIICYI the3''zi company duu't pass yer plate f'r pie
again ;
But boiti.iii' ur the ti ings you'd like to 8.0 upon
t het I tee,
Jea"fore Chrismas he as good as you kin be :-
-EUGENE IlliI,D i . Decee,ber Ladi b' Ileum Journal.
a-sayin': ".What's er
,Hae on hand a larg.e number ef Boots and Sheet, of hi*
own make, beet material and
*Warranted to 'give Satisfaction.
you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair o.
our boots, which will be sold
Repairing promptly attended. to. All kinds of Boott
and Shoes made to order, All parties who have pot
paid their accounts for last year will please call and
-eettle up.
1162 D. McINTYRE, Seaforth.
perch, a wonderin'
A Montreal Lady Plainly Told
That There Was No Hope
for' Her.
Was' victorious, he was to. take his holiday ' year. September 14th fotind him with hie
at once, while if she *on the contest, she 1 regiment in the Crimea. .11e fought brave -
was to visit her Mother without delay, thus ly in the battles of Alma, Inkeimann and
Sebastopol, for which he received the
Crimean and Turkish medals and three
clasps. When the forces left the Crimea,
Mr. Deehan went with his regiment to
Malta'and afterwards to Gibraltar, England
and America. He came to London in 1865,
and has been employed in the Grand Trunk
shops for 20years. Mr. Deehan leaves a
wife and grown up family. -
--About two hundred ladies attended the
reopening of the Womerfs Christian Tem-
perance Union Cooking sChool in London,
on Monday afternoon, at Somerset Hall.
The teacher, Miss 'McLean, who took her
degro in a New York school, prepared ai
number of wholesome dishes with profes-
sional dexterity and gave a running lecture
on the merits of good cookery. She ex -
premed pity for the poor husbaruje who had
to eat imperfectly cooked .nictuale, and said
less alcohol would be drunk if their stomachs
were better treated at home.
—There was a, lively row at a Spiritual-
istic seance at the residence of Mr. E. J.
McRobert, Chairtnan of the London School
Board, one night last week. Mr. Sim Fax,*
who had gonein to view the proceedings,
struck a light, when he was immediately
set upon and beaten, and badly cut about
the head and face. Mr. Fax decided to
prosecute and swore out a warrant for the
arrest of Mrs. Moss' manager, Mr. Randall.
Mr. Fax claims that Mr. liandall inflicted
the wounds. He is now out on "bail.
leaving th
lorious a
held. Mrs. Illoonaleigh aecepted the terms.
The effect was wonderful. Peace floated
with outspread wingenver the Bloondeigh
domicile for six days.. On the morning of
the seventh Mr. Bloomleigh looked across
the table at his wife and asked, "Have you
checked any ill-natured remarks against my
account, my dear ?" ea
"No," she replied. You have controll-
ed your tongue reinanka,bly well. Haveyou
any against me?" s'ec.
" Three hunlred and twelve," he remark-
ed calmly.
" What !" she exclaimed. " That cannot
be. I'N e not said a single A thing I've ' felt
like saying to you for a; week."
" I know it," 'said 'Bloomleigh. "You
said them to the cook. They had to cotne
out, of course. Pil. start to -morrow."--
London Tit -Bits.
victor in either case to she
d undisputed possesion of the
o ! Diamond Dyes, ye colors fair,
Preparedwith scientific cure,
Ye joy of every women's heart,
From our loy'd homes;- ohene'er depart,
Ye are our cheice, our joy and -pride,
Forever in our homes abide,
That ye may show your inarvllous pow'rs,
When time brings -.on our dyeing hours.
In vain have speculators tried
• To mar thy worth, thy ftune deride ;
But women's 'hearts so warm and true,
'Forever loyal are to you.
Shinnon ! shine on 1, ye stars of light,
. Ye Diamond Dyes se fast and bright,
Ire gems of true econemy,
May millious yet be blesshl by thee.
• - No Money in it.
"My 'mother gets up, builds the fire,•and
gets my breakfast, and sends me off," said.
a bright youth. " Then she gets father up,
-gets his breakfast., .and sends him off._ Then
she gives the other children their breakfast,
and sends them off to school: ancle4hen she
and the baby have -their breakfast. • .
"rTer.ow old is the baby ?" asked the re-
po •
" Oh, she is most two, but she
•-and walk as well as any of us."
" Are you well paid. ?"
"1 geta$2 a.week, and father gets $2 a
"Row much doesyour mother get?" •
With a bewildered. look the boy said :
• " Alother ! why she don't work for any-
body." .
"1 thought you said she worked. for all
of you."
" Oh, yes, for us she does, but there is no
money in it."
Too many boys and men who earn much
larger sums than those mentioned above,
act as though " mother " not only had no
right to share their earnings, but received
what she did by some special grace on their
Among other factors in home happiness,
the right management of home finances is
an important- one. The silent partner in
the world -business, the wife who takes care
of the husband, keeps the home bright and
sunny, and. manages the children, is entitled
to what she thinks fit regarding the disposal
of funds, and to have her Rum share of them
to spend as She pleases.
can talk
A Striking Proof' of the Value of
Paine's Celery Compound.
" Paine's Celery 'Compound saved my life,
and I will always gratefully retnember the
Mrs. P. Kelly, No. 68 William. street,
Montreal, made the above statement with a
wonderful degree of thankfulness and joy,
after being cured of a most dangerous dis-
ettee that had firmly laid -hold on her, and
-defied the best efforts of physicians.
Sufferine from Bright's disease, Mrs.
Kelly was taken to the hospital in order to
secure the most approved treatment known
to the 'medical faculty. After spending
some tune in hospital, Mrs. Kelly became
worse, and the physicians plainly told her
that she wasincurable,.and she was dis-
charged—sent home to -die.
When hope had almost fled, when the
body was weak and frail, and life almost
extinguished,' Mrs. Kelly heard the glad
news of Paine's Celery Compound—was told
what it had done fier others who had been
pronounced incurable, and she at once de-
termined to test its powers.
The Mariner's Compass.
A Sco•tchnuni one day was bragging in
-Thelybear's company that it was a country-
man of his that had the honor of inventing
the compass. Thebbear took his part
against the rest., who differed from him, and
he said he could further tell them the oc-
casion of it. The Scotchman seemed much
pleased at having so good an advocate, when
Thebbear proceeded as follows:
"When the captain of a ship was coast-
ing with all that caution necessary before
the invention of the compass, a storm sud-
denly sprang up and drove hire out to sea.
Not knowing where he was, and expressing
his concern for the safety of the ship,. a
Scetchma 1 among the crew bid him not to
be under o inueh uneasiness, for . he could.
at least tell him in vhat direction they
were. • Well, that will be som.ething,' says
the captain. • Then here. it is, mon,' says
the Scotehmen, pullite.!`h a louse out of his
head and placing it a ." n a sheet of white
paper, ' watch thal fel ow's, motions well,
for I'll be hanged if you -ever saw a
Scotch' louse that did not always travel
south.' "
After, using three bottles of the life-giving
Compound, Airs. Tinily felt that there was a
woudrous _power to infuse new life. The
medic:nee was continued from day to day,
until a perfect cure was effected.
Mrs. (Kelly, now as strong as she ever was
in healife, wishes to direct the attention. of
other sufferers to the medicine that cured
her. She writes as follows :
•• I am of. opinion that I shall be confer-
ring good upon my fellow creatures by in-
forming them of what Paine's -Celery Com-
pound has done for me in the past.
Novelties of the. Far North.
"About ten miles above Fort Norman we
landed for wood, at the bocanesd Here
are the scenes of lignite whieh were on fire
when Sir Alexander Mackenzie first passed
down the river 102 years ago. Later in the
season when there is darkness at night, the
flames can -still be seen distinctly ; but at
the time of our visit we could only see the
Children Cry for
Medical Men Investigating
Discovery of an Absolute Rem-
edy for Diabetes,
TORONTO, December 1 7.-1M edical men
are on the alert just now when the subject
of kidney disease comes up for discussion.
Diabetes has always been looked upon as
-sure death by the profession, but lately the
,doctors have had their eyes opened to the
possibility of it cure by Dr.. E. A. Rose, of
Portland, Ontario. He has stated in writing
that he was cured of this disease after be-
ing pronounced "in ex tremis " by six medi-
cal brethren, and his cure was effected by
means of Dodd's Kidney Pills.- This reme-
dy has attracted much .attention from the
medical profession because of the success in
•the cure' of kidney disease, and many phy-
sicians are to -day prescribing it in affections
of these organs.
- -
News Notes.
--The Galt Hospital trust receited 878 as
their share of the profits accruing from Mrs,
Mountford's lectures.
- —Mr. James F. Lister, ALP., of Sarnia,
was present at the St. Andrew's dinner, at
Forest, and deliN ered an eloquent address
in geed Gaelic.
—During the month of November the
Galt and Preston Street Railway carried
over 11,000 passengers, over and above those
carried by C. P. R. tickets from and to
—Elia McKenzie, of Brampton' was taken
to the Toronto General HospitalSaturday
night.!, suffering from a dose qf carbolic .acid
taken in mistake for castor oil. Her throat
is frightfully burned.
—At'the annualeneeting of the Montreal
Exhibition Company a resolution waspassed
endorsing the plate to hold a -world's fair in
that city in 1896, and pledging the com-
pany's support to its projectors.
—Stunuel Edison, of Fort- Gratiot, Michi-
gan, the venerable father of Thomas A.
Edison, the famous electrician, is now in his
91st year, and is in full possession of all his
faculties. He is known locally as " Uncle
SfLeaaNkI‘lie.rarl'am days ago, was bought by Mr. Elijah
he ferof Cyrue Holm, near Pa -lineh
Wellington cou•iity, which was sold a
Eagle, the original owner, for 83,205. Mr.
Eagle, who has retired from .farming, will
probably rent the farm out.
—A student atteuding the Brandon Col-
legiate Institute is writing an essay for the
" Ram's Horn," on the .subject of the amal-
gamation of all the Christian churches in
the world. He hopes to win the prize of
$100 offered by that paper.
—Mr: Thomas Laurie, of near Ayr, re-
cently sold a bog to Mr. Robson, of Ayr,
which dressed 207 pounds at five months
and it half old. Mr. Laurie also sold three
hogs to Mr. J. Guthrie, of Ayr, weighing
740 pounds, live meat, at six months old.
They wereall attended by his wife and he
gives them to her as a peesent.
—The Berlin News says : " The oldest
apple tree in the county of Waterloo was
planted about the year 1800 on the Sherk
homestead, opposite Doon, on the Grand
'Ri'der. It is still bearing fruit- and , is the
only one remaining of the orchard. The
thickness of the trunk at the base is about
three feet and at five feet from the ground
is two and a, half feet.
—The missing George M. Barker, son of
the late George Barker, of Niagara Falls,
who suddenly disappeared from his home
on May 31st, 1889, is - again being eagerly
sought by his relatives, who offer a reward
for any information that will lead to his
being foundorfor any satisfaetory proof of
his death. The boy is wanted. to share the
estate left by his father, which is valued at
$75,000, and is to be equally divided. among
the,chibiren, there being six if George is
alive. The lad was 13 years old when he
left hAveomet.e
ran of the Crimea died in East
London on Monday, 3rd inst., in the person
of Me. Thomas Deehan. Mr. Deehan en-
listed at Burr, King's eounty, Ireland, with
The Modern Mother
Has found. that her little ones are improved
more by the pleasant laxative, Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of
a gentle remedy than by any other, and
it benefits them. -The true remedy, Syrup
of Figs, is manufactured by the California,
Fig Syrup Co. only.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natifral lawe
which govern the operations of digeetion and nutri.
tion, and by a careful application cf the 'fine proper-
ties et well -selected Cozoa. Mr.Eppe has provided for
our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save us many heavy denten,' bills.
It is by the Judicious DSC of -such articles of diet that
a conaitution way' be gradually built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun-
dreds of elibtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever therm is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame."—Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with holing water or milk. Sold
only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus:
A Splendid ,Combine.
Milbutres Cod Liver Oil Einulzion with Wild Cherry
and ilypophosphites is tha surest and best cure fnr
e.nughs, cold, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma.
Priee, 50e and 81.00 per bottle.
ea •
Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emuleion with Wild Cherry
and Hypeehosphites bands up and strengthens the
entire system.
Having been troubled with biliousress and head-
ache, with lees of appetite, I was advised to try Dr.
Carson's•Bitters, and found great relief after a few
"Two and it hay years ago•I had. a severe
pain in my left side, which became serious
and alarming. I was informed afterwards
by my doctor - that I had Bright's disease,
indeed this was generally aeknowled.gedby
all who knew me.
" I was under the doctor's care and taking
medicine for a long time without receiving
any relief. Getting worse I was sent to the
Montreal General Hospital, where I was
treated by the best doctors.. After remain-
ing in the hospital for some time, I was
sent away, as they told me there was no
cure for me.
"1 eontinued doctoring at home for near-
ly a year, but grew weaker and .fraller. At
this time • I was -meted by my brother-in-
law to try Paine's Celery Compound. The
first bottle used give me great relief: I con-
tinued the use of the Compound, and to -day
can trily say that I am perfectly cued, and
feel as strong as ' ever before in my life.
Paine'e Celery Compound saved my life, and
I will always gratefully remember the fact.'
He Won.
There is continued strife between the
Bloomleighs. It is only a question now as
to which has the greater wit, whether
they etagseparation from each other or
not. ,!
They fell to disputing the.. other morning
as to Which was more at feta for the lack
of amenities -so noticeable in their home,and
after a series of small squabbles Bloomleigh
proposed that they settle elle question by the Forty -Seventh TRegirnent of Foot, on
eath keeping count of the unpleasane re- February 13th, 1854, at the. comparatively number of remedies arta doctors vnthout much re-
marks made by the other for a week. If he early age of 17 years. Shortly afterwards I suit, but Stark's Powders did the work." She says e
Warning to Women.
Ladies who appreciate the high qiiallty of Priest
ley's Drees Goode should make is a point Vs tee that
Prieatleyei name ie stamped on ever s five yards.
Instances are not unknown where Priestley 'e trade
mark, 'Th' Varnisimd..1340_anrd " has bean used the
secend time wi h inferior goods wrapped upon it,
and can say that they are, for an 'appetiser, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used.
I have used DL. Carson'', Bitters for twelve months,
Toronto, Ontario. J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Sound ag a Dollar.
Sound people are lucky in finding the right remedy
at the right time. A case in point follows, and ;a
worth reading:
About 1 hree trinnths ago I was all used up with
Rheumatism, suffering more than torture from it. I
I took three bottles of your valuable medic ne, Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, and now feel all 0. K. Some
six years ago 1- took a few bottles of 11. B. B. and
found it the best medicine I had evereAsed. 1 had
the very best of health until this attack of Rheum-
atism, but now I am glad ta say that B. B. B. has
made me as sound ae a dollar.
A. McnCau
0., Ont.
Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs.
Norway Pine Syrup cures colds.
Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs.
Toronto, Ont.
Lumsden & Wilson
Including the latest and prettiest things in the market—something suitable for
all circumstances can be found amongst their varieci assortment.
goods and prices solicited. at
Comparison of
No Equal to It.
As a cure for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns and
Scalds, Chafing. Chapped Hands, h•flained Breasts,
Sprains, Wound, Bruises, Hagyard'e Yellow Oil is
the most reliable remedy on the market.
Cheaper than the Cheapest, and as
Good as the Best.
To be convinced of this fact, give us a call and °see for yourselves. The
undetsigned having purchased the very fine ,stock from the Assignee of the
estate of Matthew Robertson at a very low figure, are prepared to offer the
samemt,prices which defy competition.
The Undertaking Department
is well supplied with a fine assortment of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, Jic., at
prices to suit the public..
Little Men and Little Women sometime; stiffer
from worms. Low's Worm Syrup Is very highly com-
mended as a. cure.
A Fatal: Attack.
A fatal attack of croup is a frequent oncurrence
among children. Every household should be guard-
ed by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral Bantam at hand.
It ha oaks up colds, coughs, croup, asthma and bron-
chitis in a remarkable manna.
Burdoctc Pills cure Liver ills. They are small and
elegantly coated, sure in effect, and pleasant to_uie.
A Positive Cure.
Burdock Blood Bitterer cures all diseases of the
blood from a common Piniple to the worst Scrofulous
Sores or Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Bo Is, Blotches and
all Blood Hunlors cannot resist its haaling powers.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures Collette
Colde, Asthma, Bronchitis,Hoarsenees and Consump
tion if taken in time.
Warerooms—Strong's' Red Block, Main Street,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Casteria.
When she w8s a. Child, she cried for Ca,storist,
When she -became 3liss, she clung to Castoria.
"When she had Children, she gave them Caetoria-,
Winter Term
Thursday, Jan. 3rd, 1895.
BTaATJ1 '01t1D,:OT_
Book-k:eping, commercial arithmetic!, penmanship, bizeinees and legal forms, commercial law, buslitesi ear-
respondebce, phonography, typewriting, spelling, business custom, banking, business practice, ete., thor-
oughly taught.
We teach business by doing business. Stratford students transact bueinees in N't holes al 1 w-reretailing, Coalmiesion, banking, etc., with our Toronto stud. nts, Our school offers advantages not foun'd elsewhere in
Canada. This College has a elan record from the first day of Re existence. We still guarantee to eatisfy
our students, or refund the tuition fees. Iligh grade courses of study: elegantly furniehed rooms; experi-
enced instructors in all departments. • Hundrecia of young men and women have lotted our voliree of study
a stepping stone to slimes& Geed board ia Stratford at -,S2.60 per week. Write to the College for an illus-
trated catalogue. 1390-26
P. McINTOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors.
Stark's Poe ders, each package of which contains
two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the
cover of which forms a Pleasure for one dose, an im-
mediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, elSo
Neuralgia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and an-
other in capsules, (from 1- to ?s, of one is an ordinary
dose which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach
complaints. They do not as most pills and so many
other medicines do. lose their effect or produce after
constipation, and are nice to take. 25 cents a box,
at all medicine dealers.
Is necessarily small. Just so small are the bendts to be derived
from attending some so-called "business col!eges."
-„ hemsre
";-A; e
Forest City Business* Shorthand College
Q m, zoi\TDo3g-, QT
On the contrary, is noted for the practical character of its work. You 11.23
something practical, why not correspond with us at once.
1390-26 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal,
Notice - to - Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court, County
of Huron.
All persons having any claim against the estate of
lire Jane flester•Cnewey, late of the Township ef
Trickeremith, widow, deceased, are required to isend
to the undersigned on or before the llth day of Janu
ary, 1895, hill particulars of their claims and of the
security (it any) held by them, duly verified by affi-
davit. After the said data the undersigned will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among. the
parties entitled. having reference only to the claims
of which notice has been given and after such dieted-
bution the undersigned will not be responeib e for
any part of the tweets of the estate to ay person of
whose claim be shall not have received due notice.
F. HOLMESTED, Executor.
Seaforth, December lith, 1E94. 14C9-4
How to get a " Sunlight " Picture.
Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Does aWornan Look Old Sooner than
a Man " ) to LSVRIL BROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St.. Toronto,
and you will receive by post a pretty picture. free
from advertising, and well worth framing. Thie iv
an easiy way to decorate your home. The soap is the
best in the niarket, and it will only coat le. postage
to send in the wrappers, it you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
es • 4es
Blemished Animals.
Itis really surprising how many good animals are
bedly blemished through slips or strains. In most
cases only slight lameness exists at first, and if Dick'e
Liniment were at once applied this would be. cured,
but even when lumps have. formed they can be re-
moved with Dick's Blister. It ethes teurba, Spavhit,
Ringbones and like blendahes.
Weste'rn People say of Stark's
For Sick Headache, Biliousness, Neuralgia and
Mr. Wm. Grey, foreman Grand Trunk Railway,
Hamilton : "1 suffered for ten or twelve yeare from
severe headaches. Nothing did me good until I got
Stark's Powders"
Mr. Horace Wiles, chief of police, Woedstock
"Stark's Powders are a sure cure every time."
Mr. Maynard, Woodstock : "They are wonderful."
Mrs. Mary Keats, ES Mein Street. Hamilton : " Suf-
fered for years from dreadful headaches; tried a
"They have been of the greatest blessing te me, in
• the regiment left for the east and landed in
fact they are Wonderful."
Pitcher's Castoria. Varna': Turkey, on July 22nd of the same ' Price, 250 a box; sold by all tnedieine dealers..
Seaforth Carriage Shop,
Dorsey's Old Stand.
Has now ready a nice assortment -of HAND-
SOME CUTTERS of various styles. Also
SLEIGHS, both heavy and light.
These vehicles were all made at his *nen
establiehtueet and are guaranteed to be of
the very beet material and workmanehip.
Why buy factory mule stuff when yon can
et homeenasie vehicles for the same money
that lock just as well and last twice as
A cog is sure to satisfy intending purchasers.
Always look slick and fat, and thrive
on their food.
The greatest care
is exercised in select-
ing the ingredients
from which this val-
uable compound is
prepaeed, se that we
are willing to pkdge
them strictly pure.
This explains, in a
measure, their great popularity and
unparalleled success. Full directions
on every package. Price -25c per
pound, or three pounds for 50c, at
Send 9 cents in stamps or 10 cents silver, and we
will send vete by return mail the
Perfect Letter Writer,
A net little book, being a perfect guide in the art of
Letter Writing. It contains lettere of Love, Friend-
ship, Business, etc., with valuable instruction*, and
advice. Every young man and woman should lutve
this book. Address,
Ingersoll, Ont.
'Grain Crushing
And Grinding.
MURRAY & 'TYNDALL wiil be at the Grange hail,
Egmondville, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY of each
week for the purpose of grinding and crushing grain,
Parties bringing grain ean get it home with them
the same day, Price for barley fed oats 5 cents per
bag and 6 cente for peas. •1408X4
Parties intending to build please eall and examine
our stack of tine white bricks, they are recond to
none for durability, color and quality, generally..
Also afew goods Mimi for sale.
J. and J. SPRAT,
1408x4 Tuckersmith Brick Werke
Never so Good, Never so Cheap.
Ten young Short Horn Bulls, the best lot ever
offered in this Province and at priees never befpee
offered. They are good size, good e,olor and healthy
condition. 1 have not lost a cattle beast in the last
eight years hy sickness of any kind. Once and see
them. DAVID MILN'E, Ethel, Ont. 1400