The Huron Expositor, 1894-12-21, Page 47�� _4 --W _�7 - ;_ -7, ­_ � 1T?R"-N­1 1P, V 4 WWI A� T.- 7 W :4, > VI., --N -44 4 -C M - rE DE E AR 21 1 Ei THE HURI EXPOSITON'te 894. 4 e1v . e i so generally disagreeable that it, mission work and other interesting good. amistauce ti sank ange cameb 31r.­.-MeLptirew stock of $10,000, consisting of 1,000 shares of thenig E -Until tile -ell luncheon, and, I believe, before he had path hich he concer%�ea to be the, right. hing illust be d A collection &mounting INEW ADVERT11 one nent with her 111118111 has been -very unfottunate during the p"t $10 each, of which over $1000 has alread was decided that sometl to $51 as taken Henderson and Rev.: 'Z1 tasted %, catlet, or. whatever had been placed We know of no betteri Ch.ristmastiirmon for bed. The sitelias beendeeidel, -to preViint further disturbance. Such coil- up, iafter whliell refresh ments were served. %&The tign-ft beL' n the varenthests after each before, him, I -saw him. suddenly L Iftech, over ng �Can , adi ' thwd the life and death of few years. AbI three year's ago 11 s. beon subscri the uct is a disgrace to any civilized. cominun- The meeting was pronounced t sue- be on hand to assist. �Wee YOU istis Me , slight rising ground on grea fter his which is on a one denotes the pap of the paper on which the Laren died,'and in a short time a and, fall -almost into Dr. Reid's arms. called 11th Concession, a few odis gouth of the ity arid the young men concerned are nn- cess.�The Rev. Mr. Manley preached a Jiberty V) put a PV"o -advortiewtuonx * iii be found. doctor's reyesi all ihe ladios Sir John Thompsoft.L only son assed'aI &lid now he is very able sermon on a 11, L I I At. the T C. Pickard., doubtedly on the high road to the peniten- bbat I)ecember ;8, Abbeson 9114 f tev. .Xmas. Presents -Dill & Speare. (5) to mourn. the demise of his eldest daughter. railroad, and belonging to 0 on �,Chaugcd pulpitA lasi; left the room, and the etor and 1, - and' ., The Governor Gen�ral has called up f He and tile ed have tile Operations will begin at once in order to tiary, if not the gallows. Sth,in the Thames Road church. lr. lan. Christmas Bells --MoCosh & Jeffery. (5) ned. We A le , is Possuse(I of enderson Alays rR some of he servants alone remai Mr. McKenzie Bow�ll, 'the Minister o! kiends of the deceas , though 80 yeaTs olo Ohditwaav, Goods e and .1 sympathy of ti I ie entire Corn I inanity in their have the establishment in running order for -,Nli. Win. Rennie, of North Ea9thope, -at Kippen.--Mi. -T11VI MISPI Band Meet ing. (8) did all possible, but I felt his L PUIB -Trade and Commer toform a Cabinet., md. bereavement. The funeral c;6 the fol - the eving supply of milk, the directo remarkable voice, and his knowledge of ra be� passed away a couple of weeks ago at tile George� $010 Violiniet. inced that no ai(I Coal& aI a scripture is' very extensive. iig to Ilia new'11I DoWt milas hearing Mrs. C Adwell. (8) i,CZ man - over seventy largelyattended, many ing '�rate , Preiident ; J. Connolly ripis-old asic Of 85 years. Deceased was He leetureIII The new Premier lowing Monda r -who -has been -Bpe Notice. -Henry Ellber. (6) Reid held the same views, and. it unhappily id is, theipfore, not likely to friends of MrStwetren froi outside points Vice-Pre"ident; -J. Jenkins, John Cox'aud resident of the township since 1832 and was on tile following e -ening in the interest of ick with her son Job Farm t -:r Sale -James Horney. (5), proved to be correct. years of age, al the Bible Society.-Akirs Robb, the ente being'present well as a very I&I num- George Holland. highly'respected. by all who knew him. r_ feelingll the bette Farm lot for sale -11. Hale. So: far as I could see, Sir John had been develop any new or ptartling 'characteris- recent'thnnder storm,light- prising teacher of the school in.Se, Annu3,l,%1ee%.1ng-1t. H. Ferguson, (9) her of the residents of Wingham' and vi- n Friday, 7th inst., Edward J. Craw- .-During tile -tion in good health. up to the time of his first andeseent 3, Usborne, itelI holding a concert -011 rilatrimonial. fever he Xuhicipal Nowmations-A $willie, (51 een e n struck Lbe wires of the ine .,Icharal "It, A old Dr. Reid 'g -ndrewW i -r tics. He has b a member of the Cabinet cinit .4'. ford and H. Leme, of near Londeaboro, wer for Side-Prancis Kettol. (5). u . t fox hunting and ran one into a pile of woo Friday evening, December 21st. e eetric light system in Alitchell, and b r Paul 4. G� Ault. cause for sixteen year is an. old. type Conserva- d. Aleg n A Snap, that he had pains in his�cheat;. The in front of n- Madge, of Thames road, the windmill and ',year no less thain fell Execuiart Notice -John PraI (6) of his death was undoubtedly sudden f"AlIare Wre, honest and cautious. He has never Huron Notes. Crawford got on top of the wood, and with- ed out the tranformers lia�-fork king, has purchased a magnificent i1h a b�eeia carKea off Annua,13(eeting-T,F.Ha,.,,,ig-(5) , - ont putting the gun to Ilia shoulder, 'fired; ala's store The flainage will cost the town. SplendIA Xn3as, Gifts-& Willis. (6) of the,heart's action. been considered above the ordinary in at- Ploughing was a common occupation last when -the gun rebounded, the hammer catch- over $290. St. Bernard dog, whi4uli is only etgilt mo nths Fine Selection of fiarvers�-Nhdlett & JaCkson. (8) tainnients. and was selected because, there week in Tuckersmith. ing him in the right eye, tearing the ball -Rev. Fattier Kilroy, the well-known old and weighs 120 pounds. He 5ntends to CoalReatera-Mullett & Jackson, (8� laundry. tratford, feed bim onstray trinlips and pack-ingn. Pondcal Points. tor of St. -.Deat ABargalu�iotkn Beattie. (5) being. no, person who' y'virtue of sheer . �Saiu Lee basopened. a, Chinese 4He was ti&eu io Londehboro, iseph's Chuch, ,rably. conside in &risen's bi of Christmas Presenta-Wni . PiAard & Cc (8) The fund in aid of Lady Thomp3on and &bII was the Oak, Exeter, where it was dressed. It was thought, at �ecentli' completed the 40th nniversary coulmunity al,crr a successoe to the Pre- pleted Iof Xmix, GreetlAir-Broadloot and Box. (8) --Mr. Daniel Manley has jus Corn first that he would lose the eye, but '-here piesthooit and entered the 64th year Hulaett. -just budUing-into m Notiee to Creditors -J. M. Befit. (6) f am' ily has already reached $26,900. Sir mership, McKenzie ',.Bowe'll, by reason of one �f tile finest llouse�s in the township of big -life. He has had tin interesting career �,E " ost,( Spectacles -9 Mercer. (8L) I . is a fair prospect of savinj� it, althougli the Fv,,, 'RAL OF ftorr_-,san bfightest and Sitverw^reI Mercer. (9) Donad Smith gave 5,000. -The trial.of the long and.iaithf servie,e Nvas McKillop ;lit is likely destroyed. and served on the battlefields of the Ameri- -six boysand. one al- best entitled Big This took place on Wedesday last, Though —C. Wils3n. (3) Mrs., Halliday, who was detained in -One day recentl a young man. about can war. Wilson's, Cmh Grocery East Northarnberlaxid. Provincial election to it. It would be too much to expect that -Ty the day wag very disagreeabl the attend- Menry an Catholic Rafgains-A. Young. IM Stanley for some weeks on account of a, run- -Durin oin orocaties-A. Young. (d) - The iry ,of Hibbert. 21 years ot ark complexioned and vespers at the P unce was large. icewasbeld-atth petition, has been announced to take placet he should fillL Sir John Thompson's place.' away accident, has retur'ed to her home in e wearing a greyish tweed suit, -with cap to' Church, Marys, some person or persons house of Mr. Gavin Hamilton, froin %heh -inonth� he �passeil! at Cobourg the Sth of January. �Mr. Probal, bgnizps this fact more Sarnist. match called at the residence of Mr. W. G. effected an"6iltranceto the i)riest's residence y no one rec the body was taken to the reatftig pla this world W that` ce, in BI now has his Cabinet completed. It likely to -One day lately,Messrs. Charles Donald- Smith, of Wingham, and asked for some- an $2, from a Clearly than Wimself, and he is nut d stole the morning's collection$, the cemetery of the Hil P ;from. trottblingan W son and John Scotsmore,:of Stanley,eot &lid I -coat and res4terian. Pe -1 ru is -10inposed of all the members of the old' ead the -party oat of the rut it no thing to eat. His hanger being appeased, the housekeeper's room, an ove that of 9XV0,sitfi - This if' be left by the back door, only - to make his rubbers belonging to Rev. P. Bre Church, Hallett, and placed beside )nriug that try to Cabinet, with the addition of Mr. Diekey, He is one of the few remaining pile� a cord of wood in 25 minutes. mian be- his wife not long departed, Among thos I e -Complained, but N1 occupies considered pretty good Work. d 9 es other artiale8. 'Ir It tll& way to the front of the house, an enterin aid esent were the aged mother of the illvr na6ner quite,ua i bad 'EAFOTI FRIDAY, Dec. 21st, 1894 of Halifax. The-WestAlgorna eectionpe-, -men who are high � protectionists by eon- :- --Mr. H. Hammond, of Blyth, thehall,.stole from wi, hat raek -AlissAunie Leopard, orgnist in the P . r grief with t e ly moi a black trious son, who bore hei ry d -n the Court misfortune. bue L day. lately to -fall and hurt k, p chrch at IrCurtzville -was agree- -.to those arviud hily tition was finally disposed of i victionand Whe makes any changes they cloa laid shawl and black Russel cord Methodist truest Christian gr e; Afrs. Cadzow, a sis- his knbe, from the effects i of which be is now -evening ac r by' a visit in Toronto on Tuesday-; Mr. Savage was coat. ably surprised the other are likely to be L only in tile direction of suffe and confined to'the house. from &L number of friends, ho brought well- tier froniuffalor and a- brother froin Blue- 'time -here was indt Sr John TbLompson's Fal3aily- nd-1- the election declared void. -Weare sorry to learn of, tlie death of vale, were other relatives from it dl.�St, Me seate, a Of son has I�ft 8 Mrs. W. W.AleVica, Goderich, which filled baskets, and staid for tea. . Finally, -who were pretent. a ar of enougli to write his building the trade biLrriers higher. V illiam Skelton recently sold 50 acres Pr ncip I C en, it seems that Sir Jobm Thonip --I . of land being 7part of lot 10, concesslop befeIre leaving, their presented tier with a arrangement seems tohavt beenagre6d d, mercy u occurred,on Friday, 7th inst., from heart Knox College, represented the Professorsf Pon th( 11,Iis f &iI very poorly provided for. This, Jupon by the parties beiprehand-, and the T Woodstock Sentinel-Rtiview remarks: Morris, to William Sanderson, of Hullett ell. -filled parse in recognition of her services the College, and R.A.Mitchell, B.A., and A. ier township, for $2,300. There are -no build- Nilare. . Deceased was formerly AI Carrie .,eame in a6ritact, wi under the Circumstances, is not to Ilia dis final court proceedings ere billy taken to 0 e fa tj i the life of the late Prem Cooper, of Clinton, adopted daughter of the " Organ L. Budge, B:A., were sent by the students Ilevr t6 be forgt Credit, but- it is a lesson -which should ings on the lot. late Mrs. W. H. Cooper, and had only been -Dr. Cowan, who last week removed bringing with them also a beautiful wreath 4nterI in the Crol 9 ole colliplywith the The- expenses which which has excited a great dea of interest. fromAtwoodto"Toroutii, had- an a last week, -Frank MeLeay. of Brussels, yvho at nation 'ident of Goderich for a few -months. bore f prompt -the, people of Canada to see tha amoupt to over $1,000 wiill be borne equaly and discussion was' Ilia co i�sion from a horse and buggy from there and tried to a res sale of his stuff prior to remo%�hl, at which of cream roses, hich affectionately tion, 'Our Profesor." Re,.% J. -was Inelph, was on Thu 2.5, abou L raday last She was suffering f rom, pneumonia also, &lid the hiscrin one of the larg suffer on this ac- b -,\ r. Conee and e. -NInSdrin, Itwfis Ball tile* in' at.G t one-fourth they are not al -lowed to Mr. Savag - Methodism to Roma Catholicism. -ee was thought t better. The re- he offered his II for E. Turnbull, L. L. Bb, f Toronto, also was ty, there being ve o be ettin8 Sir John started life as a poor boy Haldimand, against a natter on which Sir. John Thompson him- week sentenced by Judge Chadwick to tin of what it cost him, and about one-half its Count. the inmber-elect for' onitentiry. mains were interreg in oderiell. Her in- present to pay the last respect to the mortat testifying years in pi ug price of horses and his aira seemed to.be, not the amassing whoin a t b, was entered, has admitted self observed profound silence. He never fant child has been sent to Mr. MeVicar's value, at the presI�nt selli remains of bis old friend and rooni-Inate pro e replied even to such critics as -the late Dr. �Albort Gerry, formerly of Brusgei, has but the aninial was not sold. Surely borsesl our Al usiness at P of wealth, but the serving of his country. his disqualific ition oil account of his having arents at Sarut have become a drug on the market. while in College. The service at the house, .-family have Douglas. Those who knew him best seem t?pened a hardware and tinware b :conducted by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, was very -their sore affiliation, Mr. I iatters in East Wawanosli cre I �`D 00, his great abilities to Indian Hdad, Northwbat Territory. Municipal -at Jones sell Had he devoted occupied the osition Of isafter of marriage to"have no doubt as �o his absolute honesty --The Patron Lod-, simple, though deeply impressive.- Rev. in changing his religious views, tho'Protest- Gerry is a tinsmith by trade, but has been are beginning to get into shape. It is said house, Logan, has be"en resuscitated. A the making of inGney he have died a licenses at the time of his - glection, and lie that Mr. T. H. Taylor, reeve, will not seek �A . . T il-el farming for several years in that locality. Mr. Young,,of Clifford, an old pastor of the ants have both regretted and eviticised it. meeting hAl on Tuesday evenint;,,Iast week, Acceased, opened the Eervie by reading the -13T very rich instead Of a poor man. And, -The Kingston reli Mra. R. J. Dunsmore, of Toledo, dhLo, re-election, and that being the case, it is -iN I. P. WFT El _1I X wif of course be uuse&*d, He appears to have lieen a gious man, -v was addressed bv'Nlr. John 'NIount even. short as he has. -been' in office, had lie election trial which was in progress from is visiting her fattier in Clinton. Mr.,DunE- expecteatbat'Mr. R. hiell, the- �23rdPsabn. Rev,TV1r. Rainsay,-of -tertainment WiR U( who reached his final eon ictious in much -Present P., Mr. Alex. 'Waler, Mr. -W. '_MaKenzie 4 been to the .'Forest, read a part of Revelations, 7th bistmas eve� i �on C, e the same ay as.Nev�nlab and others. After more who is all old Seaforth boy, hits deputy-reever. will ask promotiozi I he might have. made a Monday u and others. Eicyliteen members were en, hapter, ad Rev..'Ur. Turnbull, of TO been so dispose( , ntil Wednesday, has result d in 0 rolled. At anotD r ineetina this week routo fortune out of his position and not be any death a crucifix;. rosary and a portrait of our offered an editorial position otf a Csinadia11 eveship. The names of Councill' r David lie ber of perso" bb led in prayer. as of Dr. -Caven the Unseating -of Mr. Smythe for a. Corrupt tick to Canada to re- Robertson and William Sutherland are 04 The addre in the Saviour were found III Sir Jollies person. dally, and may come b cers were el�cted. -part progrA rorse than some of those by wti.o ip� he was The personal Charges -with the depAty- then followed. It was a loving., eli�queyit --.will Certainly bI men -Mr practice by an agent. ma had not profound feelings side. *ned in connection an-� Mrs. W. Colwell. of Paris, uoded. "That he bits not done this, is - al the, counter -protest -Word was received at Londesboro a reeveship, in case Mr. Sheill runs for reeve. - and eulogistic tribute to the meniory of Ilia .,officers of the Epw Burro on both sides ad on the subject of religiio. wolild scarcely visited lt� eir many friends in _N11 itch ell last few go that a son of Mr. Thomas Jor-` All the other old councillors will ask for re- gue, and was wortby of the Jitional, proof that what ever lie may week. They -%%,ere the uests of Mr. Ed- -apointment., for u against Ron. Mr. Harty were wthdrawn, car�r these things about with him. It occasion. Rev�- Mr. Acheson, of Kippen, rs to do, he was personal- Zd bean inteiise'�y interesting thing to (Ian, of the I Oth concession of Hullett, and election, &lid in addition the name of Mr. ward Archer, who is a brother of idI Air. y and the battle wi 11 be fougt over pronounced the benediction, and fter �be have allowed othe again. diss It, theologians and many others to know the formerly- of near Hollnesville, had died P. W. Scott is inentioned in* this bounce president. well. Mrs. Colwell's many friends re ly without -blame ja this respeeL It is said large assemblage gave a last lo6lk exact train of or &,It the influences in the London Asylum. He was buried tion. pleased to learn that- -tile has . j ast dropped ilie peacefulfeatueol the eT the, pro- -urer. Ira -e Notes which lead i -Sir John -Thompson's remaI there. -Forrester's flax mill in Clinton had an into a nice legacy left her byan auntin the- as that ll that is left -for his h -ily is a li�f and Comments tre ce, of $6,000, - He has, alsol some cession was formed to the cemetery. The of Turneesehurchi insurar. The Globe -on Saturday published' a able change-�,bf belief. -The inembers of Cole's chureb, Goderich. exceedingly nari�p,%, eseapkfrom destruction isle, of Wight. only service at the grave was a short praI of paining tthe vhv township, are enlarging t ifax, but it is mort,,rged. ___ - I 'Ung of last -week. be shed so as to by fire, on Wednesday evei =The Perth ourity Bee -keepers' Associ-. in - property in Hal, Christmas number of which Canadians have Provide better accommodation for horses. just at six o'clock, as the nieu were leaving ation. held &'meeting in '.St. on tlie� by Rev. Mr. MeLeau, of Blyth- The f Utti in the It a's correspondent clemency of the weaher necessarily made In this, connection oi As ciation. Mr'.' Thomas H. Cook, of -the same township,, work, a Ian' cidentallir knocked 'cers theGlo reason to be proad. 11Wonsisteil of thirty Sunday Soho so of -h tern was ac fth hist., for the election of r Tile fi about to erect a now barn on his farm,91 all the services brief. As the Professo two pages, sixteen of which were prin I over, setting lire to some mill (last. For- otiler business. F. A. It is interesting to recall a remark ted on tratford, the wort, al f th meeting of the Walton Union lived so he died ' anxt was buried, belove(i made by the late Premier to your corres- concession. tunately it (lid not burn fast, and there was was elected President John Baxter St: fine paper and richly -illustrated. Ihecq'ver Sunday School iasociation was held in nidbonoredbyal. Heneverroseso high -p its donated a large The Paul Several -in -ter- -.Teopeninig service I He pondent on one occasign not long age. pages were most tastefully printed in two :Puff's hurch on I %Vednegd.ay,, December sufficient helpat band to control it. 8, ecretary-Treasurer. ag to orget th . e 'AV dictionary its a prize to, the pupil. in Brussels firemen were called out, and deserve, credit esting and vauable papers, on the bed �LF OB from whence be can -re. Ili 'ted in ii, singular manner all were uni I hate a manbo is beastly rich, 42th. Owing to the extremely disagree 'last week, one Of a colors, and the design for the front cover Public school who passes the best examina- for their zeal, although -their services were dusti-y, -%,ere read. able weather and he muddy roads -*ery few so and added tha he had always been a: poor ion in spellifig. The contest will -take the best and trnest graces of manhood. pageas most originid and- taking one- re sent It:Nvas not thought wise not re4uired, as it was no easy matter to --George Yandt, of Rostock, lost a valnu- -vary the I flax Mi I on this last occasion- all United to show IT- tion a at_ the meet' h. S Its 4u. M%n The Government have cased 've Pre place before school closes for the Christmas take the engine, etc., to the r. able colt the other nig t f ome of The subject matter, too,. of such qu h we 't ing, and the spect. ObIteacbers and schoolinates-were holidays. owin--to the horses became untied in the stables and' amiwation. -In ention was proceeded Forrester carries no insurance, e stmas Globe' in the weather and War ipy, of Bluevle, who. is the b the followill(r aunouncement was IV to 'be mad ity. as plabes. the Chri b!usinvess 0 . f the -.Mr. Ed d Ba risk being such that rates are very high. started to kick, when the colt was kicked present; then his college mates, -and it; large ar deputation iroin hi's first and- only pastoral and it should meet with a he 'ty and' with. now attending the Model 7 -,crowded with p Bythewaythe6lobe h school at Berlin VIII The meeting was opened in the" usual way --A meeting of the Dominion Horse- on the leg. The lea was broken and tli.e has been engaged as.teacher in -Union. School charge in Hensall, led by Rev. Hender-' the day the Bever, ak- ab I e by7devotional exeraisesi after which tile re- son, generous response "'The Khan, a wHter of unmist Section No. 2, Elma, and Wallace. He is a breeder's ociety Ivas held in the Raften- colt had to be shot. neighbor and. lastly those identified -with him at -ir meeting just held the eon- noticed a cc le Uringpresident gave. a short address follow- bury House, Clint -in, on Wednesday of last of Mr. *Yundt, also lost a good'colt, which -examined by the v C.9 )% 0 the'College. No man ever laid a- beetter At o genius. A little poem. e- up d should. make a piancin around the promising young man -an ee large attend- got hurt while out tiou of Lady Thompson aind family was f ed by an address from the newly elected w k. There was not a very foundation or built so well thereon. - Every o weeks ago, entitled " Too laite,, and his success at his profession. Aects agreat Zeal- idered and it-- was decided that their president, Mr. Aleander (4ardiner. &nee, 'The officers re orts -showed that strav stack. art of it was firm -he never even lost or Miss Hannah Baaes,. daughter, of Mr. p M ding a such- as to -justify the lines on the death of Sir 4ohfi Thompson r: James Smillie and I r. Win. Pollard he Miteliell. Recorder of last week- ..I their ieacher. N a smaller yea's busiiriess -T -n 37 years lie made the Vi William Banes, of ana nan at: anything I I Crediton, died . at tier "Otw'tt"I Theramors about there being four forgot a friend. I ability -will bear ibomparison �with MWO gave lengthened ri�ports of their re'speath e than ever before, the finances weriestill in a says grandest -progress. Though he only lectiire(I colleagnieg of the late Premier in asking for e had al subscription to create a fund for thatis appearing to -day. His prose iketahea Sunday Schools. home on Friday, December 7bh. Sh prosperous condition, the balance in the or five cases of small -pox in Logan is �11 selves. After th few years, his po ition a rofessor was so a. nation a a p 'been suffering & long time from that dread a class, bank, with no liabilities, being $1,4770. The fudge. Al r. Seebaeh is coming tIbrough his Mr. R. B, 'M cLean the support of the widow and- her family,. v -inch merit Rev. T. W. Cos�ns then tailight disease, cons4ruption. he was 25 years of noteworthy as to merit the Doctoes degree ter a very,appro of Caadian farm life, also,ha e n Council ttack all right and no otlier members of tile f t king up the lesson of December - 9th, old offleek and retiring members of in Divinity.' This lie modestly refused,- vi!s ,I appoi- a -a while his delightfully origrinal little talks age and was much re ected and beloved by' .-N-ary thep, ciIII sp -!e oi motion was family are afflicted as reported. The ad a conimittee to c%rry*' the matter out.- (01kriA teaching by parales). r. - Cosens were re-elected. A noti case But his work here was done. He ever ea. , rogra with the chickadee and other beastiea are all her acquaintaue - en- farther,"back in Lo an, nA a result of assod- antereatin, P . T4e first step was to ask Mr. Foster to act. taught an excellbrit lesson, making it so -The Trustees of Turner's church, Tack- made that a next atijull meeting the 1 seemed to labor bArd to finish it believing atiqu with r. See 1 ach 811 his return from a Treasurer until the subscribers could ap-' d Joel cletZi and simple that all could easily. coal- tries of volume would close, and the n6t as far as they might be behin eramitb, are having the interior of tlie 0 Chicago, is also isolated,.�and no fear of the that his years were few. He did then Il4s b ie ladiesaua rty point trastees to invest ad manage the t,, ate q 8 prebend it. standard of registration be then raised t 'best, ad now has received tile J)PArty- Harris' Br6r R%bbi rie b1fildi painted throughout, - and have Chandler � nd speeches b - n disease spreading ftfittlers entertainef. fuixd. 'The form of sabacription sbould be Mr. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, who was four er'osses. III wll. done. "-Com.. given le contiact to Mr. J. G. Crich, of l3th inst., Mr. present seeined to such thW. amounts subscribed would be pay- next to address the meeting, wiO absent. -On Thursday night; rth. They vill also put in'& new far- -R. J. I�arton, who has been teaching ving about a mile verijoy"the'proceedi of MGntreal, or any of its Newfoundland is having a time, of ter- Miss- Dick read her paei on "'What are Seafo James Shane, a farmer, Ii -aile at the Baul ool in Lower Wingharn during the past 'reorge E. the true elements of success in wr)rk-ing for nace, but have not yet decided ivho will do sch. and a quarter from Mitchell, was arrested Kippen. isfiIea with Mr. Fx ae�Lcies, to the credit of Hon. (, rthas tendered Ilia resignation to the rible depression just now. The two Banks the Lord in the Sabbah School, as a the -work. yea I on the charge of stealing sheep from a fiblok with theprgress: Foster. It is not desired that large suals trustees. Mr. Barton purposes changing THF. LiTERARY.-The literary and inusi- nion il le A, the of the Island, the Commercial and -U i I -The other day, John Platzer, an old owned by. Mr. John White, of Mitchell. The dividuaU but teacher.' ocation, being about to go into the should be contributed by in fiave suspended paymen, and, is nearly all man who has lived in Blyth, was -arrested his ar' dn ng on for soi ie cal, entertainment., under the auspices of the d should be generally subserib Rev. Mr. Givens, of Syracuse2., who is at Kip en Literary and Y-oung People's bv Constable Davis for committing an un. drug business Ht M ildmay in company- with sheep'on. -or that the fu people. - We ask the time. Mr. White has about 500 fluiprovement IS vices of Mr. F ad tor by- the Cs -I the money in the Islad consistp, of the noI present visiting his sister,'Mrs. Win. Smith, n4ural Crime one day lately. .-He was Dr. Wilson. They are erecUng a buildin ociety, which -was held public to take the matter in had at once, of these two Banks, the positiolI ;of affairs. gave a very interesting address 6n -Sund 9 his farm, and a few taken from, so .1114ny on tI -evening of the 14th inst,, in the ome increase of 11 ay 9 placed in the c66ler anabrought before the for this purpose and it is being rapidly e Kip- Sch migbtihave escaped deteeLtion, but the tbief being _A500. so that eviery one will have an opportunity r toell Magistrates and committed to Gode- 'pushed forward. Mr. Barto has aiven the f4�,w. It is estillQed pen. Hall, was a decided success in every re- C n co filption in waanotsatisfied WithLa can be imagined. Betwee of cGutributiII his mite." The Convention was greatest m satisfaction as a pedagoine, and spect. Considering the state of the roads politics and business difficulties, poor New- again in the evening. ricli to stand Ilia trial. the trustees were loath to part with him. that 40have- been stolI Of these. abi)at and the numer of other entertinnints December 15th, d -Deputy-Reeve Kennedy, of Clinton, did -.a all present 25 have been recovered. bel foundland is having a very hatA time in- EVENING SESSITON. is well up ill drugs, having studied them held on that evening the audience was large - not attend -t -he meeting of the County Coun- He The Late Pr emier. -0. Konold, of Britton, passed eacefully Alias Fitzgerald, the eminent soprano soloist in Buffalo 01.1 VW deed. It is asserted that the Commercial cil. last week, but it was through no fault of for about five years. His many friends will away on Siiturday�Deceiuber Ist,a er about ing of tbe,vleaton Quite a numb�r of people turned out in The people 6.1 Canada were y-yeatly shock- i to go, owish him suecess in. his new; undertaing. of Toronto, appeared for the first time be - his own. He made all arrangementE Bank is a complete wreck,. mainly through: the evening, but not nearly so many as� two monII illness. He an his wife mine -on Monday, Dece. ed last week, when the stidden and unex- the doe- Mr. Hogartb, of Kineardine, will sacceed fore a Kippen audience, and fairly captivated frad a t of the direc- there -would -hay;e been had the weather but *as suddenl 'y taken so ill that from Cheyenne, Wyoming, over three Iftece'sa lent dealing on the'pa and delighted them with her be Sir John ThomI was ter ordered him to -bed. He has recovered, him in Lower Wingliam. autifill. icing- Jnuary 7-t pected death lof. tors, or some of them, wid the" sharehold- 'been wore favorable. months ago, to wait on -his mother, lira. ing. All her songswere Avail received aaid opened by the reading ho* ever, since. -One. evening lately a lady and her Thomas Teasdile, who (,lied of typhoid -at the residence, illde known. Most people believed him to� will, The meeting was -The other day a seven year olil son of young (laughter residing in Wingliain had. a loudly applauded. She will. iii future be joaetl era, when things are,straightened* 4p Of n of the Scriptures by Rev. fever, after tw;� weeks' illn"s. For ;e ' al a portio Mr. ver welcomed by 'a Kii-ppen audience. Mr. J. T. be a sound; healthv, robust man. His gen moaths the same disease was in the family Me. .2, �t it is said, be left penniless for the inost, Griffin. Mr. W. Hill, of Colborne, was kicked on pecuffar v9itor. Hearing a kno k at -tile era appearanee would. indicate this. It V1, a h to Open it, and the continued anxiety and contant Wren, favrite soloist of Hensaill. appeared deput sence of Rev. D. Forest,,the wl- the forehead by a horse, sustaining a frac- door the d ug ter went readily p�rt. In the a Broadfoot. v at his best- and w" repeatedlv'encored. school house seems now, however, that his terribly sud- dress of welcorme was given by Mr. Smillie. ture of the skull, through which -there was, expecting to see a visitor for the e enlug, care brought on him an attack of pleurisy surprise I to tbo , Be more III- After extend in' a .. Ii'earty welcome %p all artial loss of brain matter. Under medi- and immediately extended the ifivitatioll followed by a combination of diseases. 'IThe The Al. S. T. L. club, whidh babeen but a returning. vfricer den call was no a 9. 81 o.rt finie - ized, and is Robert Louis Stvenson,the Scottishnovel- Cay treatment he is ,Icing as well as can be 61 come in." Instead of seeing the familiar sh organ composed of pre ent, Mr. Smillie Called attention 6 tile- deceased was only 30 years of age, and was sfiielair, and no dutiaiatelv associ&ted wih him, _tGr r I ist, died very suddenly at �kpia, in the objs expected. features of their expected frie'nid, an appa- our leading local musical talent, rendered The 40011C.L; -el eats of the 4asociation and to the work married but a little over Ovo years. - some very fine selections. Instrumentals it was feared, if not epected by himsel. I -iber of all Christian viz, : The development, oi -Mr. T ish, of Exeter, has ently toQthleas and w inkled- old woman, -The great reaper was busy in. Mit�hel homas Corn ri r 'a atnoan I I nds on the evening of Decen A whose nose and chin nearly met, and carry were given -a Dayman and Beattie, He had been a severe sufferer,, character. purcha§ed the Stephens . farm, situated i last week, three deaths having taken- place by 'Messt . 5 er CentL 3rd, of what appears to have been apoplexy, The accompanists wery Mises Murdoch in a precarious state of health for several Next on the programme -was an address Blanshard, one mile and a quarter south Of ing a stick, met their -view. � The old ha ithin six days. Mri- Thomas for the roll wm 'exto Tile music, by Rev. Mr. Griffin, tile newly appointed Woodham, for the -sum" of 4,30 IY I", I accompanied by- -the collapse. of the Iung8, (� The swung her stick around live and exclaimel mine years a respected resident of the twn, Al ui�, Dayman and Whiteman. petitI was !a 11101tills, and the journIey he recently took farm is all excellent one and is considered repeatedly in a sharp -voide, "I want as a whole was acknowledged to be the best U aiui I Mr. Stevenson, was not one of that type' of pastor of the English church. Mr. Griffin died on the 7th inst,, aged 69 years. Oil flhomas M Ch S k a fine brick house on ever rendered in Kippen. across the Atlantc, whi Wa generality very cheap. There"i MODeV !" Some women would have been t -hoi lia(l Aliases Maggie -of Ngmofidville te with death by n outline of the Sunday chool. work he'l0th inst., Mr. Tohn larter. v Men We' usually associa gave ar e I . lid Mabel McLean, of Iffensall, appeared in supposed to be on publi busiiiess, was stating that the cause is olie'in which every the premises and a splendid frame barn. H frighCened at the antics of this strange r- a Aluen! He Pe been � valued citizen of the to%va for the -Of I -Sol o his heath, apoplexy, being tall, thin and active. Christian should be interested, as it is oneL will move thereon shortly. son but this particular mother and daugh- PaSsed. away in his 71st year. amber of recitations, which, for expres- -cow-a to r for the benefit I post �O years sion. in voice &lid ge4ure, of the al tin at was.49 years of age and had written many of. G'od's schemes for Uplifting mankind. -r. John Mills, of Hullett, has pur- ter are not of that class, and after a short poetic the township, and to afford him, relief from the cares and fine He was a good mail, well read, wid possess- spirit of an author's * niis,wehave neverseen successful books, the most widely known oi Sunday School� work should begin -at home, chased from Mr.. Andrew'Young kis parley the old. woman took her departure- ed a) mind -well stored with secular and mot themselves e worries incidenl to Ilis position. Over a . e of Dr� J and in extreme- youth, as children ace the farm of 100 acres, for which he paid the' scrip�ural knowledge. He leaves a widow equalled at their Mr. Beattie, of Varna, bill-ty of nien- b which is " The strange. cas ekyll 8 recitation in his usual able d year -age, when in Paris, he had a v cry severe Subjects of God"s love, and therefore should sum of $5,300. It is considered cheap, a also gave a Mon- Of the electrs i and Mr. Hyde, one of the ipost remarkable Perth Items. and four daughters. On Thursday,. l3th attack sim-flar to that -which proved failtal be instructed; in the meaning of His there is -on the farm a new brick house and ner. - The dialogue-courtabip under 4ifli- at, V, literary creations of the century. kincdo . He called attention also to some three large barns. Mr. Mills is ]low one of December sitting of the Perth inst., Mrs. Win. Johnston died at the early culties-fairly brought down the house, and in age of 31 years. Mrs. Johnston was a na- MOM, nesday last week, %nd before leaving We are glad mon Wed qualification a: Hullett'sargest land owners, having 500- county council cost the county $400. -about to report that the old -W Of the necessary a of teacher tive of 'Alitchell, and had been, ill for asesolved to Canada for the Old Country the lavqt time, -SpeAal evangelistic meetin, being none the worsefroin his sudden collapse. A L They should have a comprehensive acres of choice land. _gs are three months. - She leaves her husband and of "ell he b.(t consalted some of the most sh ilf al The Old and the New. view of the Bible. -Robert Armstrong hits purchased the held at Willow Grove church, Logan. a little boy of -7 years. vote of thanks was tendered to those who I to meet Again Although, as we said last week, the la-te with house and lot belon ing to George Jamieson, -The Logbn toi�nsbip authorities have took part in the programme, when the ineet- an(I einneut physicians i, Canada,. and they 2. They should be possessed -A narrow escape occurre I Decelnber, at 9 d the .' other 1 corner of Jelin and larI streets,B C� I Sir-Joh Thompson's commercial policy was soundness,".. in order to create character T. russets. or�dered all residenters to submit tb vaccla- day in. Sf Maiys. - On _N101iday evenin closed by singing 44 God SaVe the; deci(.-led that in addition to his heart trouble i- The price paid was -.$245, which is consider- ation. 9 �ueen." The next regular ineeting f the 1118 Ev, ill the children and enable them to apprec about 6 o'clock Mirs. J. 13. M1011, of Avon- zz� 1 to �vbat `1 Society. -will be,beld on the eveni. he was afflu icted with Bright's disease,, and almost directly opposed son and family will re- -0 eneral Booth, of the Salvation Army, bank,, accompanied by Master Harry Al u ir In r of Fri- Breedr'I`� ate the trutlis of God. ed low. Mr. Jamie ng M they (fave it as their opinion that lie would POSITOP. believes to be in the best interpsts - �iilove to Wiarton, where he has it situation is billed to speak in Listowel on the 25th of wlieii a ZY, December28tb. In si r. -n Mr. 0. F. Blair, of Brussels, was then were leRvink town for their home ation, in Corive of Canada, v t we have' always4ecognized. Editor, it is my %,cry -tin on) , C� called upon for &If addreiss, the subject )f - awaiting him. . Mr. Armstrong takes pos- January. front wheel came off the bug y andthe pleasant d-Lity to measuresf reli not lie more than about nine months. On el ( : session aboi4t Clwistmas. -The young Nimroda of Zion report hav- report that there were present a numberf t in hini commanding ability, sterling hon- which was, "iThe.relation of the State, the horse started to run away. I-Irs. Aluir present free T arriving in London he consulted an eininn Home and -the Church to the education of -.,There is a slight rnove- in munici I in no fewer than 6,74 sparrows with- I young men whose rowdyism an(I illigentle- 'a, Ue I Y a epee In "lain I U1 held. on to the lines and held her proposed )f esty and intense earnestness of purpose. I physician there who confirined tbe views ( - - the youth of our land." matters in Wingham. W. F. Brokensh in the �ast month or so. manly conduct not only niarred the pleasure tbese days it I has become too generally the 9-Ittle.companion in, but the horse went rac- of others but Was an insult to tho wthe doctors. Sir John as eax - Mr. Blair showed that there was need of announces that be Will be a candidate for -Mr. W. Challenger, Huron road, has- ing acrost the bride and just as it was turn Be taking A FAA101-S A d al advisers to re- fashion for public men to be what would in &:more thorough traning of children as the mayoraty for 1895. e will likely sold Ilia farm. to Mr. Dougal McDougall, of ing the corner to Station street it drop ( part in the programme. If t hae opposition,but who it will be is not yet Fullarton. Price not told. Pel. ot on hev ". nnot see -from Ancklaud, literture be called decadent. They make maiiy �f them were. totally ign O -rant of 'the dead. 'It is supposed a blood vessel burst thatuch conduct is n ly r�ot smart,but -death there of I tire entirely frova public life, but be de- Faith they professed-, to believe. It is &180 known. It is certain that R. C. Sparling -John A. Thistle, of Downie, -,,has sold prof usely through tL is childish and foolish, they houla at least, (-lined to do so, until after the general clec- tight of earnestness of. purpose and of th�ir the duty of the Ch n Pill again be a candidate for the reeveship, his farm on the Embro road, to William as the horse 'Died he try to protect tile good name of tb eir friends rch to provide ample 1% now and moitth. The sudden a pping -ensori author no doubt, William McEwen for $6,800. y r raining from. it. -Co -.At. dutv to the country, &lid profess, to believe Holmes -will neek There are 109 acres in 7 tions, and took- the trip to the Old Country accommodation for papils a special class- threw the occupants of the buggy out on tile was born in IsM, re-election naLdeputy-reeve. the farm. r. James Canning, merchalit, inL the hope that the change woluld. tone lAw tht fascinating briliianey coverg all sine of room for each class -also to provide suitable Mitchell road but fortunately neither was hurt. The : �ed hi's educatioll materials, such as good litorature, 'modern -The amount of milk taken in at Ethel -Mr. J. 8. Blaek, teacher on shipped a tor of turkeys to Toronto on horse was a valuable, animal.- )1ant moved'to tier up sufficiently to elialvyle hini to stand the onlission as,well as of commission. The artist �heese factory during the season, from May High School staff, has resigned, and will ac- Tuesda!'tast.-Mrs. R.. bI aid was helps, and all that is necessary, to carry on ast week, �Seottsh bar, in politics, not the hard working public ser_ to November Ist., was 1,310,421 pounds, cept a similar position in Chatham at an On Wedue-aday morning, 1 new home on Monday. The citizens of 'to the work. about six o'clock, Mr. TaI the 'Shelfield vIt was first intended - to bring the re vauit,they claim for their ideal. There was, He concItIded Ilia excellent address by piaking 119,413 pounds of cheese, aver ng advance of $200 in salary. Hensall will find Mrs. Hunt a ooCi nd kind nalua a Cutter, whose " Workshop on Wheels" is 9 his reputatidn 10.9 pounds of milk to make a pounT of -Mr. John � Balfour, of Hibbert town- Lean, s however, none of this about ir John giving some of the necessar qualifications iiler�ghbor.-Master James. 14 071 of to: y Altogetber this sold for 9,11,491.- ship, has purchased the farm of the late at present located in Listowel, got a sudden Treasue llcl.ean,is suffering from sciatica, va, and after the ceremonies there, cheese. B. T t1i4kc- them to Scotia for fina iter- Thonipson.. No one who sa,%v bi -in and heard 6f teachers, viz :-Sympathy for child na 06 ; average for de Year, 9.63 cents for a Mr. J. Allen, in Fullarton, for the sum of aakening. His caravan, with the boiler and is confined to the house.- III speak could help respecting and ad-' ture ; enthusiasm ; they should be progres- and engine m�hich runs the concern as over the weird, Jheese. The annual meeting will $4,000. w de Cie g, son of Mr. Clegg, of this place, u -tent. This intealtion v1dinately sive, and above all they must possess hearts und of placed oil the platform' beside the Wallace g by v, E�bp held. in be cheese factory on Thar day, -Mrs. H. Y.. Hoar, of Atwood, possesses a painful experience on Saturday miring him. Life was not to him ab* a had rather Ian aive with love forthe DiVille Al aster. street bridge, and the rotteli tinibeI of the Oil accaunt of the 131ritish Uovern- Dieceinber,120th. curiosity in the form of a chrysa last by ha his hand badly crashed I "Two sides of Sunday a n- ay vin )y it, to convey the body: --On Friday, 7th inst., George Jit kson thismum, which hits 300 flo rs 11 hand car on t me it having offered sorbing game nor a mere stage oil which to The address, we a on a :upport gave w and let the o tfit de e track, losing the polits Of School work " b R Mr. Ross, of Bills- ..a ekhibit the manificence of his mental v. me cend toward the water. The old iII who is do- (tireet to. Halifax, the old hoine of the de- gels, conclud'ed Ze eeveing's program . It was assistin in taking down a barn at single stalk. It is a sight worth seein some of thefin(rers. The ittle fel in iU sleeps in the wagon, came out ir)to the g William elton's in Morris, and while -Mr. Win, Chessel and r ing very we under the doctot's care. -Mr. -CL are the par.- was one of the most able and comprehensive Th powers the sparkle of his wit or his power M . James tamp street without taking time to refleot that triule, tit,,ulzirs of Iiis deatil its given by one who to mae nien writhe by the keenness of his addresses given, but we regret that space standing on a b6ani in removing one - of the bell, who have been in Dakota the past two his attire was nt exactly up to the stand- Wm. Cooper returne(I home on Mondav from saire. It was real', it ws eltrileet, -ft was will not permit even an understandable sum. Plates, III rope caught him and pulled him- years,have arrived at their respective h me Wisconsin, where lie delivered a car foaa of been d was present: ard of propriety, and, seckiring bet the sheep. M * Mustard, daugter arrivals f Ru maryoNit. off. He fell about sixteen feet. His right in Bornholm, on a visit. iss to be filled with honest effort to better the caravan was removed to a vacant i ot ou Breadalbne, in an interview after I This was one Of the' best and most sue- leg was broken in two laces -During the thunderstorm of Hugh Mustard, of M-a-nitoba, is visiting with California wIle v men.' He worked aturday, Main street, and the proprietor's nprve is Castle, said : -I world of his fello� a good cessful Theetings the Association has yet knee and ankle. The Coken bones were Sth hist.. lightning de8troyed sixteen tele- t., her &nut, Mrs. James Mustard. -The Bacra- a i I steady enough to do his work as neatly to Wind- a tea ;at 22s �Id- -B-A deal harder than any clerk in his depart- held. It losed with vo of thanks to the soon set and Mr. Jackson removed to his graph poles in the vicinity of Bornholm, inenit of tlie Lords Supper was dispensed as ever. -3d cheaper, n Sor. At luneheon be suddenl fanted, mid. home, where he will be prisoner for a completely demolishing some of them. ment, be was Premier of Canada speakers and the Union choir, which, as last Sabbath by a large number of pe6ple in ! . continue weak I ne af the an(I myself saeceeded in usual. 'ably: acquitted themselves in dis. good while. _Mrs.'Wm. Thorne, of Mitchell, who St. Andrew's --hurili, and tlie services on iching I -ooia, where we cot�rslug swee im against Ii a inclinaion. A most tot t isic during both sessions. . -It is not often that any member of the was ill with typhoid fever for some weeks Farquhar. Friday, Sabbath and '.Nforiday were of a "Id. OAts -are getting hiin into the next I wint.low. incident was the finding on W person aer placctl hini Gn. , lounge near a, County Council is absent from a session, but in Clinton, ham fully recovered, and return- LOCAL HAPPF,,x vxc�s-.-Deeplooni was cast character that shoul not fail to bring forth slow of sale, Air. 'Alexander Gardiner acted as chair - We got soinc, water for him, sIII) his de ath of tue portrait of Jesus of Naza- ma'n with his usual ability to the entire sat- four members were una�-oidably absent.. from ed home some das-ago. in this section Friday evening when it -%vas good results. -All isB Fitzgerald, of Toronto, i etvant for a little When the the last one. Reeve Griffin, of Aslifield -A few days ago while Mr. W. Ward, announced that James Ale as olitlays with her reth. The powerful statesman, the success- isfaction of all. Vougall, of tile j-3 8 ending Cbristm h iven, him, Sir ohn revived in I lost his wife, and the members showed their of Fullarton, was working in the woods a boundary line, had departed this life. He ucte and wint, r. and Mrs, R., Afellis.-- I f ul. politician, who had just been �niade a A Mootreal i . short se nued inueli distresaed at, sympathy and respect by adjourning for one limb fell on his ]lead cutting it so badly bad been in very poor health for. about a Everybody is getting iready for Christmas. 1mvint, niade hat he regarded its seene Privy Councillor of the greatest I'An ire -On Friday, December 7th, Annie, the afternoon.' Deputy -Reeve Oliver, of -,r shipped his second car fair p) Oil Grey, that the dot -tor had to put eight stitches year, and his dealli, though not unexpected Mr. James Coop ri th man eldest daughter, of Alr. Peter McLaren, and Deputy -Reeve Kennedy, of Clinton, in it. came suddenly at last. Re was a IoaA of horses last Fiidy.-Wbile r. yesteI anIM17kitII " It Seems toG and fooli_,�11 earth, who was mixing as an equal r, young stables, I to faint, Like th-is.' I replied 'One does Treasurer 'of the townsli* ' of Turnberry, were both ill in bed,while Reeve Bawden, -The disappearance Of-& inan named John man of good character and gen ohn Sinclairi family of four, in a buggy, who control the destinie rid, car- lif a of the we' ip ial;,disposi. not fait on purpose. Pray do not disturb (lied at �er home in. Winghani. The de- of Exeter, was a witness in a caseon trial at Jones, from his home in' -Stratford, "is caus- tion, and was a tv horses so, universa favorite ij� the en- were returnin- home from church last Sab- -aribred froni i yourt-elf abo7ut the natter.' ried where no eye- but his might ee it the ceased was a most estimable young lady, London; Ing his relatives much anxiety. He had tire community. -A young sou of Jr. Alex. bath evenin in the dark, the buggy went and. thorou "Hie then, begged me to return to my picture of the lowly Nazarene, the Master antl was belovie'd by all who had the plea -sure -The Holmeaville Cheese and Butter considerable money about him whell: last Turnbull, Thames road, near here, inet-with over the eng of a culvert lan(lint them all _941 lanchean. Dut, of course, I'wouhl not hear whom lie hunibly followed. He was not of her acquaintance. She was a graduate Company is still booming; Adg to seen and foul play is feared. an accident some time'ago by wbie,11 he re- out in short order. Xole were urt, bow- raised on the of it, and therefore remained with him un- of Alma College, St. Thomas, West Territel and seemed annomicement the share holders met in the -For some time past Rev.` Mr. McFadzen ceived a bad scald on the face an(I breast. ever. -Mr. John Cooper, of Howiek, paid a, til lie seenied,to ('0111-plct(�lv recoered faultless ; ovie cannot help calling 111) things to have al bright fature before her, but Pickard ball, Holmesville, on Thursday, and other members of the Baptist church at We are glad to say that lie is. r -1,1011dition anti and arose to aceompany ine 13ack to the ill his Political life that did not lo(sk right, som ecovering flvihg visit to tbra parental home last put, tlirotigh 1 �t e three or fear years ago she had a December 6th, The day was fine and there Fullarton, have been can Graud preparations are being inade lky tbe sed a great deal of 'he annual meeting of he We- Z�- ly.end the ho hincheon room. I offere4 Idin -ippe, wbich developed was a large attendance. After calling the annoyance through the misconduct of a -'I ga Missionary Auxiliai'Y of the Children and teachers of my hut but its we have said bfore the seal of severe atack of I& gi iyxepil�s i�ore St. Andrews he walked cheerfully remarking I s greatness w� ous into lung trouble. -Afong with a younger meeting to order Mr. James Connolly was number of young men. Public worship was Thames Road church, took plce op Friday, from tvverity )i its that, am id the treniend Sabbath School for their Christmas tree ell- ain. %It right now thank ter, she'spent last winter Awd most of the appointed chairman and Mr. J. W. Yee, cofitinually disturbed, and after that was December 7th. The meetimy Ws largely tertininent, on 'the evening of Wednesday ig for more, $ Y011., In the difficultie and temptaions which Meantime, I)r. Reid, the PllyiCi beset the horses are III sunimer following in outh6ril. California., Secretary. The first -order of business was over they would aniuse themselves by' enthusiastic, through- next, -with a good programme on hand. by run- attended and was very whain I had sent for, of the leader of a greaEpolitical party, and were sol. withiyl two way but -%It of no avail. They returned a, few to form a joint stock company for the mau- ning off with some of the vehicles ana dis- out. A very interesting address� was de- the children and also the assistance of miss in- threc iaini�itcs of ir John' return to lie so seldoni deviaed froml the straight months ago, and the deceased gradually facture of cheese mild butter. with a capital turbing Mr. MeFadzen's liens and making livered by Mrs. McQuesten, of Hamilton, on Fitvgerald, of Toronto, who rendered such