The Huron Expositor, 1894-10-26, Page 8, �V_
'TIRE SIT CTOMR 26, 1-89t
EXPO mime
Aown but Mr. Oke is an industri-
age this week visiting Mr. and what
iting at'the home of her imiat,
-to be around, although he'has. week, via MM rk ibe �ill
visit on Sabbath last. Bpthgentleinen left, is agaixL able Charles Mas ' Mrs, . Sutherland, He Was accompanied ous yo4iig �msu, And a, good farmer and will. RIDAYvu
V-11son's Gash,,Grocer�- Graham, of . Blyth.—Mrs. on
a good impresioiii by their genial many-ker jetill to use 9. crutch.—We are sorry to learn. soon ni4ke a fine pj"e of it.—The farm on
by his son Clive,—The Grand Trunk has
of in&i6matioji of
"#ftjh system of doing business P, the bat and kindly, e;jeo ng words. —rs. 'that Mr. J. S. Roberts, druggist, is atpres- had a very severe attack laid a fine,,new substantial platform or walk the fthlconcessiou�whieh he left has been
(Rev.) Graham and 71VP Graham returned ent suiej�g from a species of malarial fever tbe.bowels'laab week. She is slowly - im-
-uoodulltimes. When youha,,e the moneyyou can en the tracks. —The Rev. Air. R ented I by his brother-in-law, Mr. James
suits you best and can alws� 8 1 weeks' viqit to and for sqme time has been- unable to attend proving, and thought to he out of danger.— betwe 0 1 OUR STOCK OF
h re you get what i on Monday -from & thre4 urcK Martin;j lately of E xeter. Mr. Martin has
a you run an an -soon toee Wit. Roderick Young spent the new incumbent of St. Paul's Ch
C;=6 lowest prices. Who counfriends IR Windsor and vicmi —Mrs. .to buoiness. ' We hope,'however, a few days last d1t for threeyears At an onnual'rental
(I a
$eit- often b3ve to take, what don't -suit you and &I lov, Charl6s Bartliff week visiting at the home of Mrs, Donald pre ched his first sermon on -Sabbatheven- rente
.) Bealigatoor, of Newberry, gichigan, him around again,�—Mr'. of Mr. Martin has been engaged in
jjWbae to 1%y the outside prim There is never ing, �ast, to a large con4regation, and his
n seve cated in Fraser, of Statillay.—Miss Jessie McTavish
"r Cutting o pdc�s to a credit buyer. We I'laya a who has been. spendin ial weeks at the and family are now comfortably lo kL vere much a d listened the implement business for some 'time but and WWOP G06do.
itock ot an kind of Groceries, Provisions, ntsj fir. and Mrs. Wallace, their lifmasome new brick residence. at the returned home from Detroit last wee- ;where sexwices i ppreciated in
home of her'pxre fers farming and has etarned to his
Iraill . -to with interest.—Mr. and.Mrs. J.B.Short, pre
no, currants, figs &c., just in. of Tuckersmith,. and who has been a wel- head of John Street.—Mr. A.Scott, of Scott she has been -for some. time. —The Sacra occupation and he:is�iwise.Mr. -ENTY-SE
for mili or trade have one price for all, 1, have been isiting at Mr. A. to a now comple-tei and we are- ludy to, TVV
is- come guest st-many homes in this neighbor- Bros., left on Monday on his sun. ual, trip to ment of the Lord'S'Supper wae celebrated of Parkhil
(1, hil farm on r
at Vwy lowest cash price ana can guarantee Bar v. Johnston's, London Road, Mrs. Short'8 W, Morrison has rente a
11jetion otti in price and quality of goodo. Tuepday on her return. Manitoba,. He expects to be back by Christ- in 7 Union Church on Qbbath last. Re the public the very best vikine
Grand the 3rdeoncession of Hullett, that was re- WHOLE X1
Give Us a hood, left,on
UW to a and fine coffm we are soiling cheaper of words qu Taes- Mr. -Hamilton took charge of all the ser- father's,—Mr. Charles Burford
a. can buy &"here elte. In flwr wehave mas.—There was war Trunk Railway section I oremah, of this cently ccupicd by Air. Price, to Mr. Henry t eir money, The, assortmnt is
THER WORTHY PIONEER. day -evening at the Queen's orner. A vioes.
have DEATH.oF ANo Ait Of raising two of the Li en years. The farm
jonred- Ott price an'4 raised tho quality -and ame Village, has the ere ttle r a term of t larly large mi
—The Clinton New.Era kindly sends us the farmer's wagon and a top bug4y b d 'Air. Little pays an Good Buv
vow the beat in the market. largest mangolds -we have heard of in this cont t
0. WILSON, -Seaforth. following Somewhere about a year ago collision, but nothing- was hurt save the Ashfield. afifival -ental of $950 for it and in addition
anattack feelings of the parties concerne sectfon� They were on exhibition at W. C.
Bank of Comme a Block. Mr. Joseph W. Mills suffered from ITEMs.—Mr. Edmund Andrew has,,re- Dane's grocery, and tipped the scales at X! pays th, taxes and does the road work. Mr.
of gripj Bad although he rallied therefrom he colds are,, very. common property at present.
turned from an extended tour to 'Manitoba. ad 36 pounds. —We jare pleased to see that Price h not yet secured anoWer fa:
red, and has evr since been in Some of our citizens are laid up 4vith them. w
never recovei --�-A very successful Sabbath School conven- Miss K. Hodgina is re�overing from her xe. MANTLES.
failing health, �ntil Tuesday morning, when' —Rev. AL�r. Holmes, of Clinton, ind � Rev. to
tion was held at Hope, on the Ashfield cir- cent illness, and is once moire able 90 Stephen.
A RUSH or io He grave, of McKillop, 1 0 e thunder iss H(�,uham, of Stafts, has been
P! death becani t* n. was born at P. Mae ecupied th
`Ckard &'C . cuit, last week.—A very heavy about.—M NEW xDE,.qcE.—Mr. elson Baker is
Crushes. -and with his par- pulpii of the Methodist church qft Sunday, MANTLE CLOTus Are- accustomed I
Little Falls, Wet Wrk, shower passedver this vicinity last Mon- - guest of Mrs. L. Harold, of this vil- -,a new brick house on his farm, on ents, moved to Quebec, when but a c--- UnGalloway being laid up with sore throat. the� 4,jildin� -7
000 They then m6 vid to McKillop in the year -:-Mr. T. Lapshe eek drau day morning.—The farmers, this beautiful lage. --Miss Stanley, of L4can, is the guest the 3rd concession. In fact it is too nice and masue the e
TheY Can Fit ly is this w, na from CAPES With 'them loud.
biirn to weather,,are getting a great amount of fall of Mrs. Miller Edwards, of the township of a house for a bachelor to live in, and we
1853, and entered on -a settler's life. For a the station the timber for his new 1heir
�n and Boys to a nicety with Fall and Winter ploughing done. Hay.—Miss Nellie Campbell and Miss Alms hope he will e'er the winter is over, have a nothin*
number of years he resided in Stanle town- replace the one . recently burned. Judging . . - I - . P FURS
cbmpan on in is jos an
Mack attended the McGillivray fair, last hi sorrows.
SUITS AND OVERCOATS ship, where he had bought a farm, tut on by the amount of material being drawn the -is wAy. the crucial test
renting his farm he came t� Clinton to re- I;arn will be a large one. —Mrs. Wm.Sproat Zurich. week.—Mr. R. Bell, jr., our enterpt ing A —une by one the old set -
re finding p -ODS, by seasons of ho
For Active Duineis aide, and was for a considerable time— has returned from Manitoba, whei she has FAR-ir RENTED.—Mr. Samuel Rannie has foundryman and saw miller, his tlers ;a away from this world's cares and DRESS GO
The v
For Semi -Dress and Evening about 20 years—a respected reient in this spent the summer -and expects shortly to rented his farm on the Lake Road, to Air. present foundry too small for his increasing toils. )n Friday morning last the a irit of struction.
For School and Play Day ton. Subsequently he took up his resi- take up her abode in her former residence J. W. Tyerman, of McKillop. The farm business, is erecting a much large one, and Elizabeth Kestle, wife of the late 50sh TRIMMINGS' df Seaforth and S
I r ook its flight
deuce with -W son-in-law, Mr. W. Shipley, on Goderich street.' Miss A. Powell wlib contains 2100 acres, and has been rented for of b ick. Air.. Bell employs first class Pedler I from earth"at the ad -
All Occasions, All Seasons of the Iffuron Road, where his death took has been. visiting at the residence of Mrs. five years at an annual rental of $350, the machinists and is constantly manufacturino, vanced age of 89 years. Deceased was one
mills and of the pioneers of the township, having place. He has been a faithful member of Case for the past few weeks, left on Wed. tenant- to pay the taxes and do the road and shipping awa portable saw SILKS"
Ili -ST QUA LI T I I�S 94 settled on the farm where she (lied, wken
Mr. Rannie intends havin an auc- ent kinds, t
is ad sy to visit her sister in Pittsbarg,Penn- work. and tha
the Method' t church for many years, a nesd
ffairs, sylvania. Jennie Stephenson, of tion sale on Friday, the L ovember, i Who says the tow4ishlp was a Vast wilderness. S
jpRtCES ROCK SOTTOM" I >nd of -igbttopatrons in the cities. he
while never specially active in public a
-FICKARD & CO. are right in eight and goods are beral causef' His Forest, is at present in town, visiting h6r when Ild will sell a lot of splen&d stock, in- Hensall is not right to the front, sending as% leaves five sons and one daughter to mourn GLOVES othin- to be, t1
t Goods, gave his support to the Li
wife and one daughter—Mrs. Shipley—sur- brother, Mr. Hugh - Stephenson. —Mrs. H.. eluding some good thoroughbred cattle., she did exhibits to the Worlds Fair, and her demise.. The funeral took place to the it in preference.
our Wonclerful $1 Pants. vive him- By industry he had accumulated S. Young and ias Young, of Blyth, with that with success.—Mr. T. J. Berry, our Exeter cemetery on Sunday afternoon last, dnce M-110 HOSIERY
considerable property, and he was regarded Miss Mi-itchell, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Bayfleld. well known horse buyer, is, and has been and was very largely attended. b
shipping horses weekly to the old country.— HymENEAL.—On Tuesday morning last 13,e8t value for ye
WM. P11C;KARD & CO as a thoroughly upright and honorable citi. Mr. W. Gray's, in town. —Mr. A. Forbes, JUST now 11. Y. EDWARDS has a numbor
a. -s of remnants of extra quslity pantings In lengths of re in one of our prominent young farmers took it AND UNDERWEAR. the tr zen. He was a brother of John - Mills, of of this town, thinks his driving mare h Mr. J. Stacey and G. Chapman we a
j4ftw'u, Clothing and Dry Goods House, 11 yards Caledonia recently, visiting friends &m into his head that it was not good for man
Hulletb'L and Thomas Mills, of Bluevale. made a better ione day's record than Mr each. These can be used for making pants
Seaforth. Davis' of Mitchell, of which we spoke lasti or coats for small boys. and the price is less than and attending the fall fairs. —Ty1r. E. Ram- to live alone. Mr. James Cronyn, of the Call and see our spjendid See our range:c
half the wholesale value. To see is to buy. Don't
rs 21st concession, was married it St.Peter's 14 say,of London,oneof ouroldHensallbuilde
EVERY pair of the R. Kelly stock of Boots week. At Brussels she took first in the ring, wait for they won'k last long, 02-1 0vercoating, fro
an in sale. now first in gentleman's road outfit and. contractors, was in the village this Cathedral, Biddulpb, to bliss Ellen, daugh- arid also the lo we ate
d Shoes will be sacrificed stthe barga JoTTvTGs.—Mr. and'Mrs. D.. H. Porter, of sad quality unsul
going an at T. V. RuTlixwxs. 1402-1 and first in the trot.—The Women's Chris- London, were calling oil friends here oil week, renewing old acquaintances.—Mr. ter of &. John Sullivan, McGillivray town- f r our goods.
n Tuesday.—Mrs. (Rev.) Armstrong has ar- he Rev. Father
A FULL assortment of ammunition. See tian Tempera ceUnionmeets on Wednesday ntralia. T
Johli Zuefle, our enterprising shoemaker, ship, near Cc
W Pr7
Our Scotch a
31ULLM & JAcKsoN's Hardware. 1402-1 afternoon next at the'usnal time and place, rived home aftef spending a few weeks at is mo.ving into his new dwelling on Rich- T:r�fier, of Mount Carmel,. tied the knot.
Suitin the
—Last week wond stree ris survey.— -3 Mr. Lawxence Sullivan, brother of the -g-s are
BARGArN�,s in dinner sets, tea sets and --Miss Zimmerman', (if Hamilton, is a guest her former home in Chatham. t, Mor Our villager
r sets, etc. No trouble to show goods at the have been oil the guard of late on account Of bride, asted as best man, and Miss Nellie dward McFau I t-ainable, -and for
at Mr. Wm. Campbells- we were given a branch off a plum tree,
DISTRICT MATTERS. b I b i in the neighborhood, and our
Grocery, Seaforth. J.C.LAwLAw. 1402-1 :�j ars eing Crowley, of Dunwich, as bridesmaid. About
1 Ir. L Joseph sells us.
PACKING HOUSE AIND PLANT FOR SAIX taken from thd orchard of '.N ware merchants can hardly fill the orr thirty of the cntr SEAD)RTH.
TEmFERAN(;E WORKERS. — The regular Wild, which was full of blossoms, showiqg acting parties' nearest
—The Bell Telephone CunAP.—The undersigned offers for sale the Seaforth quarterly meeting of District Lodge No. 24j --On aer they are receiving' for guns and revol- relatives were present to witness the-inar-
$TUL ExTENsDT-No, Pork"Hotise and Plant, consisting of refrigerator the unusually mild fall weather. Sun- See our, Black
Uompany have recently placed new instru- cutting room@, killing house and smoke houses, na Independent Order of Good Templars, was day last, Rev. Mr. Davidson preached at v6ro. This should be suggestive to thieves riage ceremony. The happy couples were
Fear's drug store, Mr. all necessary appliances for carring on the business. held in the Temperance hall, Londesboro,: and thi and night prowlers, who i -night. be mistaken neatly attired, the gentlemen weariug beau- ents this one may well reard, him. W. aud $22, the
snents in Air. L 1". St. Andrew's chrch. We underst a
idence,o and in Dr This isagood chance for the right man. SAtisfIc- on Tuesdaypf last week. J. G. Murdoch, for genuine burglars'. tiful blabli: suits, wilst the bride and brides- Blawden takes pa's 'Thomas Brown's real man is . to preach here during the h the privilege
tory remons given for selling. EsTATX OF11. ROBB In a Mrs. Hunt
talic long District Chief, Templar, occupied the chair. 9'le maid were dressed in elegant " k ilk 0 c avmg
31urrayasurgery. The new me 1402-tt coming winter. v in the house -till. Yebruary. This
here were. elevOn! lodges, represented by Port A113ert. dresses withbeautiful white briTa'11 veils. Lmve your or�
Aistance line East is now connected with the I HAVE j list opened out the nicest lot M.ATmmoNiAL._A very pretty wedding t e second timeMr. Bawen has *been the.
-will receive gaTj
Seaforth office. This will be a great addi- such as Steel 70 delega, tea. Thb Secretary's report showed took place on Wednesday evening. last NoTES.—Mr. George Thurlow, who has After t marriage, the crowd assembled
pictures that ever c7Ame to Seaforth, I s
as it the membership to be -770, a slight fallin been ill, ii now getting better. —Farmers wended'their way to the residence of the pur64aser of thi§ farm, haymig bou lit it
4jonat advantage to Seaforth patrons, engravings, Etchings, Artotypes, Gravures, Pastel 9 week, at the residence of Mr. anT Mrs. marky years ago -from the lat( suparb, in workm
and chromon, atremarkably low prices. Von't fail off -from last quarter. - Some of the lodges this locality are now begin ke bride's parents, where a wedding dinner ---- fty, of E.—
veg direct connection with Toronto, James Thompson, of t -e. The con- in niing to ta � Mr.
New re- his villa a it to Mr, Pe satisfacttory in el
a it a to see them before purchming. B*vnAuau, the have lost in membership, whilst others re- U d after which the newly wedded aid 801 M
fork and other Eastern points. By liable rhotographer. ' tracting parties were -Mr. Nialcolm 'Me-, tip the roots.—Mrs. James Young is suffer- was rov e
port a substantial gain. A resolution was 0011�4' took Zile train for'Detroit, Niafara James Cooper and .-John McNevin gWL
NoTiGE anics' In- t popular lung from a severe attack of bronobitis.—A with a car loa 'o rses to Algoma this
in Seaforth, for' instance, can talk Leod, one of the leading and mos 4 f ho
011 to Members of the Mech passed to place a good man in the field, to Ro v ere W49 axe Lea
rith a person in'New York. and hear as dis- stitute. Members will ple"o take notice that in business men of Ripley, and Miss I Aorence meeting of the Presbyterian Sabbath School Fal cheater and other week. —We ho#e to hear of their good sue.
to a person in town. visit and strengthen the' lodges now. *in ex- K., third daughter of Mr. Thompson, and they will spend their honeymoon. After ecm. —11r. Alexander McMurtrie has beem..
rMetly as if talking compliance with the rules, all books must be return- teachers and'managers of the church is to
istence, and be eld Wednesday., evening to discuss the their return they will take tip their r
e(I to the Listitute (or subsarlptiem� renewed) on or to organi�w new ones. It was one of Bayfiel&s most charming and popular eat -
confined to the house for some three weeks,
iGuw_Nx-.TG Accil)ENT.—One day last eek iday next, November Isk to sa+e-t -fine t method of raising funds for a new dence at the bridegroom's beautiful form on
before Thurr ho also decided that each lodge should be via- rmed bes b6in* troubled with sciatica. He is
preacribed hy the rules of the Library., Wmbu m ited once a quar"ter by some of the district young ladies. The ceremony was perfo library for the gabbath School.—Rev. Mr. the 21st concession of Stephen. Our best I.,
proving, under the -doctor's ._Mr.� Ban- GLU
31r. Georae Cardno, of this town, met with MOORE, lAbrarian., by Rey. Mr. McDonald, of Varna, and was care Mon.
what iniidj�t have proved a very serious ac" ofli-,eris. It was lurther recommended that witnessed by a goodly number of invited Jeans occupied the pulpit for Mr. Turnbull, wishes go with theryoung couple in their 0 er uort�
FIRST CiSS brands of cigars always in jamin Blair is 41s under -the weath
vicleat. He was out hunting black squir- Nirginia, Pet Top, lodges should report any items of interest facets, being principally the relatives ad of Goderich, last Sabbath evening.—Mrs. new aphere of life. 2 -
stock at the Imperial Restauradt to the local papers and thus advertise the I Rosemont is visiting at her feeling so well �'as he wo4ld like.—Petty-- -US CM
andwhileintheactof firingthe 'gun Trolley, Something Good, Highland Lumis, tone. riends of the contracting parties. The es- McNally; of 0
"Is$ , it 1),arst. wall Jackson, Boquet, Criterion, PAtti, etc. TVbsc- Order. J. D. Andrews, of Hamilton, Grand- teem. in which Mrs. McLeod is held was father's,Mr. Soott's. thieving ia very prevalent' in our midsf. FAIAO
Ike was using a breach loader moms. Those -not having too much'of this world!x,,;
I cos and cigarettes. R. IlAxBy, OPPosite Batkir Of Chief Templar, and F. S. Spence, of Toron-
His face was badly blackened. and burned amply manifested by the large number and SEA]
w I ith the powder, and oir., eye is pretty sore, Commerce. Seaforth. -1402-2 to, rand Secretary, were present, and as- handsome and valuable character of the Bluevale. NOTES.—' A ood many farmers are start- goods would do well to pro*ide for coutin-
BAusL.kuGH's Photo Studio is the place to sisted'in the businem of the meeting. This iug this weeT to take up turnips.—The. gencie. —Mr. Robert McLean and Mr.
�buthewill not, urdess4ome complication get all kinds of work from the amid! wedd�ing 0�
miniature'to iw gifts. f The �ung couple will settle BREvrriEs.—Mr... Charles Walmsley was weather the past week has been fine enou h Andrew Bell have been liftlog some Jainbo:;.
was Mr. Anilrewz' first visit to this part of I
sets in, lose the sight of it. Under, the the life size photoo, and remember that the 30 days d( n in a com ortabTeolionie in Ripley, and buried on Tuesday afternoon in the Bluevale 1p mangolds, .Scal�s at fr6ra 20 to- - A FRESH I
an exceedingly fo - limit for CAinet Mantello Photoo at $1.60 per dozen Huron, and he was well pleased with the for anything.—The carpenter ;"--ork of t* Bg the
circumstances, he had r this style the best wishes of hosts of friends go with burying ground. Mr. Walinsley was born Michie's house wa,- finished on Tuesday, of 25 pounds.—fdr. Thomas 1)insdale, on go -
is nearly up. Those wishing of photo temperance sentiment displayed. Refresh. I .
Aunate, escape. The gun was a 'borrowed them. THE EXPOSITOR joins in these good in Ireland and about thirty years ago came
should secure sittings at once. Ali work guaranteed last week, and the painters brush is b-eing ing out ojT Sabbath - morging to feed hiW1
ments were provided for the delegates pres-
Ame. to give satlefaction. 140-1 . wishes, and we ho e their wedded life may to Bluevale. He lived for a good many applied, by Messrs. Roddi�k slid Wake' stock, was surprised -to fludk's vveIt bred bult [Special V
ent by the members of Londesboro lodge., be long, happy an prosperous. years in a hous
T e on the lot where the' new The culvert at lot 9 and 10, on Oth line, MONEY WANTED.—YOU can always de- in ' lying dead. It had seemed quite well the.---'
John Han- the Foresters' hall, which was procured
r3end on 46tting first class goods at bottom pricea at Methodist church now stands. About six' This was one of Mr.Dins-- h shotild be looked after atouce as some re- nl
f6rtliepurpose. In theevening a public or seven years ago he went to Ripley to
MoKillop. 's best animala and was' very So says. the chart
1.1ws'sale ou.Aouda last,was well attended. Central Grocery, Seaforth. J. C, LAIDLAW.
1402-1 meeting was held in the Tempefance ha11, pairs are badly needed.—D. Kelly had & da e
Considering that it was a cash sale, and the live with his son, and had reached
COUNcrL MEETI-_m.—The council met in threallina bee on Monday, this is the last theneighboih 6oa. Mir. Dinsdale gave oiler coast survey as I
extreme scarcity of money at the present GOOD general seviant wanted. Apply to at which address e en by Revs. Jones' Hotel, Leadbury, on Monday, the remarkable age of one bundred montll�,
J. M Seventeen miles.
time and the low prices for horses, the MRs. D. D. WILSON, Seaforth. 140t-2 Hamilton and Fair . G. Murdoch and the and two years when he died.—Mrs. Robert 'threshing in the district.—A thunder storin hundred dolUrs for him w led a fe
� a, October 29-nd. The members were all pres- passed over here on Monday last, accom- old.—M. Ricker is busymaking tip 130mis'l, tory aboebJell t
whole*sale footed up to a good figqire, the WE have a very large stock of men's and Grand Chief Templar. There was alsc Maxwell returned home last week after a
boys' long boots. Our prices are undoubtedly the good programme of vocal and inst'rUmental ent. Accounts for gravelling, cub�erta, pauiea by, -rain and hail.—The Listowel mur- fine cutters and sleighs.—'.Our grain eleva-, the quaint little V1
amount reaiized being $809. Horses sold visit to her son, Mr. John blaxwell of
P tor at the station ari�-%vell filled, Mr. John
lowest. T. Coventry's Old Stand. Cash only. music. The chair was occupied by Mr. B.- ditches, &c,, were passed nd cheques given di-ir is tlxe� talk at present. The crime eom-_ scattered banilet 0
implements Brandon, Manitoba.—Miss Eli2a Messer is
from, $3 to $40 per head, and Laurason. on the treasurer for $481.82. t was resolv- ;ed �n F riday of last week was a fi-orri- Moffat being kept busy at his ost, takinW, time houFesf dab
generally went low, but cattle sold readily ed that no action be taken with reference visiting her brother, Mr. J. J. Messer, of in't" ikt weather beoten, bi
AT the Imperial Restaurant you can get ble one laud hanging would be almost too in gram.—Miss Hannah Iviaon is visiting.. and brou,oht fairly good prices. Three 3 Hamilton.
; one a good i0c, 15c or 20c lunch at any time from 7 a. m. Brussels. to expense of coffin and doctor's bilr for good for the wretch who committed it. her brother's in New York decay, houses of t
year old Jersey 'heifers brou' to 11 p. m. Oysters served in all etyles. R. HAX13Y Patrick Hines, as he was not. a resident of McLean visi in-Aeilsall f
Hy3iENEAL.—The re ted friends or a few
tars -came bome lb
ear 1111f -tidence of Mr. John
Ii sold for $16.50, and a two, year old opposite Bank of Commerce. 1402-2 OTM.—I have laced telephonic com- Dashwood. nk, was the scene —Miss Liziie Mnt -arlock,,
Muni-jation between ift. Fox's drug store and my the , municipality and did not die in this R. Miller, Morrisba of a days, Oith, Of H ulous seas, and j
5ersey.'steer brought $15.25. Neither the ee ings are n On SabbOffin,
township. The council adjourned to meet NoTEs. —Revival m ti ow being ited at the parental home
happy-evrnt on the evening of Tuesday, :hot.
4meries were sold. ST. JA�TES' CHURCIT.—The ceremony of Office- for the coovenience� of patients, by which mes-
farms, nor the crer ges m receiied. DR. GB.AuAm. y conducted in the Evangelical Church, by last.—Mr. James Dick, bf -Scaforth A, Qualul
ay be sent or in Crawford's hotel, Dublin, on Monda October 16tb, when his youngest daughter,
bell for the church will �be la
blessing'a� ne Rev. Mr. Eby, assisted by Rev.Mr. Braund, Agnes, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex.
November 19tb, at 10 o'clock -a. m. Our friend Mr. Shaffer a, visit. on Monday- The o14 villag4
SETTLED OUT oiF CouRT.—Mr. Kelly performed by Right Reverend Bishop O'Con- has last.—Mr. John McNevin i'4'.making a now -1
SUICIDE.—011 Wednesday word was re- A SMICIDAL POLICY. —Farmers are trying Of Zurich.—Mr. John P#pe, of Hensall, Glson. The ceremony was performed by .4settled Ini tbe Vigo
-who has been keepiny sell- seld his property, consisting of a house and 'Rev. Mr. Hartley, at, six o'clock, in the #ume and waterway for tbe saw mill an&,
a boot and shoe store nor, Bishop of London, on Sunday evening
ceived that Francis Kelly, an old resident their best to brina oil harder times by
kere, and who sold out recently, was brou next, at 7 o'clock, in St. James' Roman
ght of Brussels, but now residingith his sister ing off young stoel and all their hay and lot on Main street, to. Mr. Sehaffer.—Mr. presene . e of a large company of friends butting his mill in ood sh4pe for the w tho quaint old ho
up before Magistre Beattie, the other day, Catholic Churell, in this town. The blesibig in Listowel, had committed suicide by straw and coarse feed off the farms. - Such Win. Ball, flurniture dealer and undertaker oj i�er, Mr. Robert P. %ell beiOg chief enginew'',. fore
oil a charge of fraud, by a wholesale man in of bells is very�ancient in the church, The bride looked charming in &-dress fathers alcep,
throwing himself before the engine of the 'farms will soon produce nothing to sell. A fntends eredting a new store the co 9 cream cashmere, and was atto
ended by her ]Ek
Brantford. It seems that Mr. Kelly owed
goes back beond the eighth century, to material on cousin -1 ill6r. The afternoon train, which cut his head'com- man might just as well try to work without spring, he hiving most of the
this. -firm qnite a large anionut for ods,and the days of 1?0�e Sabinian, the introducer of the ground already. This will no doubt Miss Maggie A groom i Blyth.
910 pletely off. He had been in bad health all food as to expect land to grow crops with- was assisted by his brother, Joh In littlo Anlaig
that they drem- on him for the amount er wor-
bells, Like everything else in b even -
Summer and must have been insane t the out food. Only one thing is needed to make add largely to the appearance of the il- the ceremony the guests sAt down to. a� A MERITED TRrBuTE.—(jn Friday
through the banks, but before -the drafts ship, the church blesses her belli'. This time. He would be about 65 years'61d. this county the garden of the world, and lage.—Our village has now been supplied standing gallant C.
sumptuous repast, to i�hich all db�i arn�le I g, 19th iust., the ine4ibers and some-,
cf honored Mr. Kelly had sold the blessinkis called its baptism. Not that the si
'Wer r a den a o
RAcEs.—The races last Saturday were a cheapen tile cost of production that is, in- with something that has been needed fo justice. The populirity of the br'*d f ' d f the Women's Foieign Mis
itock. The wholesale men at once brought church imagines the bell susceptible of any success. e was the dizzy flight of!
The Agricultural Society having long thne, and that is a constable, in the ' ciety of St. Andrew's Chilirch, Blyth,wer*
crease the manure.—Co, r. manifested by the large number qf usef al
inward virtue or true sanctity, but her in ter� cles, our Meycles -6
this action, bat the matter was satisfactor dropped out, some of the driving park me� person of Mr. A. Leideman, who, no doubt, and handsome presents which she received' ntertained by Mrs. J. M. 11amilton. Af that were,once C
ily arranged before it came to trial. There tenti�6n s to withdraw it from the. order of village, .01
-eserve better order in the 'tak
took the matter up and by charging- an will pi 1 had partaken of a, ve6 recherche tea
11 - Hullett. re than The newly wedded couple will e up their '7 :out he boarf
seems try fee,and 15 cents admission at the gate, its. MacLean, president,- was presen6i"
to be no evidence of any intention on common things, and to announce tl�at,. hav ell especially Sunday nights, in the futu
ing been once consecrated to the serviQe of abode at _xMaitland Brae," the home of the Amagunsettalsc(
the part of l r. Kelly to delraud his credi- they got enough to pay all the prizes. There SUICIDE.—Mr. Joseph Branifield, an old there has been -in the past.—Air. J. R. Tom, groom. 111ith an affectionate addrei1e, and a beautiL:
tors, but they strongly objected to being God, it cau no longer be employed foe resident of the second concession of this very sea gull's w
public school inspector, paid our school a framed certificate of '�life membersh
was lots of fun for every one and all were si�^
along the 'wave.
Foreign Missionar
left without seourity. other purpose without a kind of profan- satisfied. Thefollowingis the result: Farm- township, committed suicide on Friday last visit oil Tuesday.—Tbe promotion examina- Of the Women�s y
'No. 4 of the life ra
ation. The church wishes also to render by hanging himself to the limb of an apple tio Leadbury.
er's trot, Wm. Wilson, Ist-; V. Vanorman, us were held in the school last week.— iety of the Presbyterian Church -in Canada
Saturday evenin my�sterious and holy, both the instrument today, tattooed, tt
Acv.IDEST�—011 g last, 2nd W. Beat, 3rd ; W. Fowler 4th - tree in his own orchard. The body was 'Mr. Schluchter, who formerly lived on the LOCA irrms. —At the auction sale: of sur- the Blyth A - An e:kceediug1yF-
. y uxiliary,
Mr. Wni. Fowler, of the 1(uron Road, was nd the - Fjound, whioli will summon the discovered by a little'son of the deceased
Thomas- Hays, 5th ; 'M. Cardiff 6th - W. 14th concession but is now in the United p )elit by all. eagle trampaut),
Ins stock held by Mr. Joseph Stanzel and . leassint, evening was al
returning from Brussels with , horse and faithful to all that- is most sacred under about half -past eleven in thd forenoon; and States, was visiting friends in the village pir. J. C. Kifiney, on- Thursday last, Mr. I NEwSY NOTEg.—MrS. Thomas 7.enith and a dini
Atp, dark, Heaven—tbetword of G'od, the offices, nate trot. —A. Forbes, at that time iife was scare'ely extinct. The the last week. d_1 � Kirkby, -the veteran auctioneer, Waniew'_7 - .. -His Country In th,
covered bliggy. The nighl, was qi Ist; P. Scott, 2nd �_ A. Scott, 3rd; J. Vin- breorge d Miss Mag ie Murray "received by:telo-.-
and when a short distance north of Lead- tance at an4 part -i ation in her holy mys- neiahbors were smedily notified., and the wielde& the hammer with his usual Vigor.— In oidAinagansi
centp 41th ; W. Best, 5th; P. Scott's colt, rain one day amt week the sad news- t
teries. -Tho nameciy a saint is given to�the �d every effort made to xe- that waas `�,ct out
bury he went to pass a tearn. Another 0 Gth. - R.� Roach acted as Judge' and, gave body removed, ai One of our residenters went down to Hib- heir brother in Wisconsin was dead. Wow
l iety becomee n1griD 43ive, 0 Wroxeter. to the lips Of barA
team, which bir. Fowler did not notice in bell for man 4 e store the unfortunate mail to life, bat all in
*atisfction to every one. bert last'Sabbath and tried the efficacy of earn that typhoid feverwAs the causeloil
The act was a most deterinined one, LOCAL NoTEs.—Mr. A. P. Boag has his when Washingto
m"tin- tjjt�t giR � �Ll XT. mor� faithfal when he feel� vain.. eath and the isequently,
baptism by immersion. The ceremony was corpse, coif
7Fowler got his buggy caught between the that he is called to his church by the voice the man having to double tip his, legr, ill cider mill in operation again this season. — conducted by an eld r. Herbert there are add pie
Tuckars-mith. - . er of- the Latter Day ot be brought home. ----,&M
of a saint. This bell, the gift of Messrs. order to keep thernfrom. the ground. Mrs. Mr. Thomas Hemphill has begun the exca- great crxkts 61
two vehicles. The CODcussion threw him
1). R.' Landsborou I Saiuts.—Rev. T. -W. Cosens preached an )Ury int*.nds leaving next week for at
otit on the hard road, but although consid- O'Connor and Howard, members of the con- W 1, Branifield was at Clinton at the time. Dr. vation of a cellar fQr a new house to be excellent sermon at Bethel Methodist church;, ism, where he is going to take a course im lise; then are oN
the popular teacher of chool Section o.
erably out and bruised- he was not serious- � gregation, was purchased from Meneely & Shaw, of Clinton, coroner, held an inquest built this fall, near tile old Royal hotel last Sabbath, from the text, " And there 1e.bnsinesscollege.—Mr.- Will Powell �der the ishadow Of
5, bas been cuTaged for next year. Mr.
in the nilld fun
�an biel.1 founders, West Troy, New on the remains, and the. jury returned a stand.—The ash ceiling of the Presbyterian
ly injured, and is nw able to be around t e sea." Ile described the loveli- �town last week.—Rev. Air, Buggin
as proved himself an able was no mor n
CVork a �d 9 weight, with mouiltings, is Landiaorou- verdict to the effect that the deceased had church having - proved defective, is bei re gill ijsenmen
again. The �borse did not get awa, but lng neas of" Heaven in beautiful and eloquent Aurora thiw week.—There is some talk 4�
the bugg,r was considerably wrecke& The. li�ight school and -a debting Oub I
3,075 pounds. It is described as possessing and efficient teacher, and the trustees have I puffed -and pulled
come to hi cleath by hanging, the act bav- latheid and plastered.—With a view of n ak-
shown their- appreciation of his services by terms. Alice Dundas led the singin
a sweet and clear tond.—COM. ing been committed while he wits tempor- ing the fallhows of the future more at- 9
two men,with the teams acted the part of at Bet4cl church lgat Sabbath with tarted this winter.—Dr. W. J. '.Milne tales of the'260 f�
making a liberal advance in his salary. arily. deranged through over -indulgence in tractive, -a track is being graded on the much -serpent tbatloomo
-helped Mr. Fo,%vler to accept�nce. bliss Dundas is a clever mu8i- urchaaed a bicycle from Mr. George.Ema-'-
izood Samaritans and
T. ty grounds by some of the more public spirited
MEj.4,NscjioLy AcciDEN —A most melan
drink. Mr. Bram�eld was abou six a thIck night off I
-up his rig, and he got home all right LoCIAL BRxEF.s.—We are glad to learn that cian for one so young, and the congregation pon, of Clinton. The maphine i's a good,
choly accident, resulting in the death of years of age, and leaves a widow and five of inembers of the society.—There is a great 'The old villag
Vhat night. No person was to blame, and Miss Aggic McIntyre, daughter of Mr. John, Mr. William Lang, the well-known pu at that place are proud of her talents in this �aud we expect the doetoi will make a
0 rider in time.—John Kelly, of the Queetel- nclent wballug i
0 res5 the mo, it
y sue- maker of -Varna, took place on the farm Of itcharming d leasing of all ac -
Mr. Fowler is well satisfied that he u t off mantyre, of this town, has been ver. a family. stir in the flour and oatmeal mills at p
ent, '�oth being run to their utmost capaci- plii hments. Freg u lhis prope Mon's father% arc
as, well as be did. cessful in her final examination for trained Mr. McKenzie, 3rd concession, H. R. S., 0 Coul 1; Pe I ently hear the I hotel, bag rty -up for ty. The oatmeal turned - out Joy the Wrox-
Rev. Mr. Paul of Brusselp, will occupy thr,-, Ing _ men's father
nurse at the Toronto General Hospital. Tuckeramith, on Friday last. It seems that Hensall. rt )f a gun in the woode; on the Sabbath
eter mill cannot be beat in the Dominion.— . I
'N(YrEs.—The bridge span- Miss McIntyre stood among the first six and -Mr. Lai% was engaged in fixing a pump for G. J. SUTHERLAXI), NotaryPublic, Con, Zry- hen will some of our people learn Methodist church pulpit next Sunday� 'The *hole bunilc
6 Wroxeter has a printing press within its
ining the mouth of Silver creek, just east of obtained over 70 per cent. of the pos6ble Mr. McKenzie. -Tile well is about forty veyancer, Commissioner, Fire and Life psumnp, limits, and tb to 1 the lanA f their i
sea. Office at the heets of the Wroxeter A( - iav� respect for the day of reat?—Judg. IMiss '15'oung and her friend Alias 31 ly givohem a
Agent and Issuer of Marriage Licen 8 1 ing r the appearance of two or three of of Toronto, and H. S. Young spent Sunda)' 4ou
�fflac,e is being rebuilt, consequently number of marks, 50 per cent. being- nece8- feet deep and Mr. Lang went dow� int ough
our i, Post Office. All legal documents carefully drawn up vocate will soon be flying to and fro thr
0 1
-vision- coui*� that ts the -only I
_Uanis have been sary for a pass. We congratulate heron for the urpose -of joining the two parts. in Seaforth with frienas.—Di
uira-ble to pass that way p according to law at reasonable rate.@. Noney- on out the world. the yo ng fellows in the east end recently,
or so. Mr. Alex. _Uuatard, of her success.—Mr. W. Elliott, of this. town, we wo d naturally come to the conclusion was held in Industry luill on Nveduesdali, wape gardening t
for a week While the top part was being let down, the morigagi security. 1401-3
nt�!c that fi ling is bad for the eyes, and yet A number of cases were -&aklt with, front of the doo"
Brucefield, is the contractor a guara played with the Gordoii, McKay & Com- rail which was holding it tip, in some w FA-R-mmRs call at the Hensall I ' I
taj mplement Kinburn. jud9w -1 appaT-atus.%
that a good jobdl be brother ny's football team in Toronto on Saturdav slipped and fell into the well, hitting e Shop and see the latest and best Pulper in the njar- w ea ' t ad * th who are smitten on Doyle Presiding.
f3 e no' 'se Spina
Ifensal scribe, we pity your disconsolate r., t, the Hurons being out of it for this sea- ket. M. ELDXR. 8 desman. 1402-1 ch;ek to vturn th:ether also, as in that
unfortunate man on the. head, and, as is PASSED Aw-AY.—An old and respected one present to bear bi.
a Tight;whalc.
as there are so man son.—We also notice that Mr. J.'W. Liv- supposed, killing him instantly: He 'was 'E E The Royal resident, of this village and neighborhood, case
bachelorhood, fil e ORANC, CE1,10RATION 4e believe, there are those who are
maidens all around you, who d, Lut- inaston, who is attending L Trinity Medical Varna. bill is the isbed i
ot out of the well as speedily as possible, Orange Lodge, No. 733, Hensall, assisted in the person of 'Mr. Raphael Stephenson, sufficilhtly vile and saturated with raffian-
t member of y AN H n 0 da 0 ng lasb end on end in bu
less, be most hppy to do their part in mak- Selool, is a prommen the Var�' gut life was then extinct. by the neighbor"ing lodges, will form a passed peacefully away yesterday - (Thurs- ism, t6 put in their leisure 'hours smiting. TE3rFNR . c .-0 M n y ev ul
have cooh
ang you a benedict, and bless you all your sity football chLb. Mr. John Jackon I's torchlight procession at half past six, on the day) morning, at the green old age of 82 —Thefe i3 considerable unhappiness over several loads from the Varna Council, P-04 �could
evening of November 5t Templars of Temperan6e, paid fr�teri,%T:.�' Giant KIller's dij
days with the sunshine of their smiles. also playing on the first team.—The Metbo- li. After the years. the tu that affairs have taken in the milk a
Brudelleld pro I
3us. C. L. Papst, of Woodstock, who had dist choir intend having Mrs. Caldwell, th cessi ren and friends will. repair SOLD OUT.—The Kinburn Cheese and cten isit to'the Brucefield Council, and a verY*
n e e -od to Gux atIN-Irs. George Baird's and ee 71.
been spending a few days at the parental well-known soprano soloist, and Mr. George to the Orange hall, where there will be ad- Company, under the management of Mr. T. heartii a in athize ith the worn 11 who enjo
yable evening was spent, The um04 have it,
dress goods, flannel and, flannelettes, tickinge an Monday on her return.— Fox, violinist,or their annual concert this dresses given by Rev. Brother Kerrin, of C. Papinean,have just clo8e(I a,;ieryue b I t kno in how highly the product bers of Varna Council who were tbere,opeal-, 'The 104
home here, left on cottons.' All prints marked down to cost. Fresh cess- ave 99
We regret to note the cry unsatisfactory year.—_'N1r. Edward Cash, of this town, groceries always on hand. We make prices right and Mitchell, Rev. Messrs. Walker, Swan, and ful season's business, and have' -disposed of of thel cow is a d by fariner's wives.
We Yery highly of the Bracefieldisters. The sea permet
condition of Mrs. Colbert's health, and captured very peculiar spider in his office give highest values for eggs and'butter. Mn Gen. Currie, of Hensall. Other brethren of the their make of cheese at very satisfactory also regret the matter very much on ant
1 0 DiED IN MANIToBA,—ANre regret verr- bod'.k. Little An
the other day. It is a very large one and BAIRD, I Mrs. Jobir
trust soon to bt able to report improve Association will also- deliver addresses. prices. The last half of July and the Ang- of th 'd... liters, many of whom expec a much to learn of the death f booni of thwom
mient.—Mr. John Daly haz nioved into his has a yellow'body oil which arett-very prefty TEnPEnAN.cE,—A very successf&I public M -Mr. Bell will head the procession, ust make has been sold for l0j cents per new;[Zeag and winter liat hen ma j o Wilson, of Carberry. -Manitoba on the fflh�l of the 6 , gull r
playin I
fortabIe new Uriek residence. What is longitud Browng pound and the September; cheese for, 11 her ilk money, money which unfortunate- inst., at the age of 25 ye a. Sh 1 inal blaek markings, which make it temperance meeting, under the auspices of the Highland bagpipes. Messrs. ar e
com There are coils 0.,
nKt in order?—Miss Collie hs retarned to resemble, somewhat, a tortoise shell. The the Royal Teniplars of Brucefield was held and Stoneman, of Hellsall, will sing a few cents. ly never came.—Mr. James Campbell o one child, a fine, bright boy of four y -once d1if brave
her position in Mr. Duncau's store. H�r le,", are bright red and the -eyes when the in their hall livit FridaT night. A good good selections, and there will also be songs T. — Mr. Albert Trewin the b�undary, had a successful plowing be and a fond and affetionate hu8bandli. gallant. yQ11 g�
avy in that estab- insect was ali ve, were "like little bright programme was� provid Rev. -'Lvfr. Ham- sung in German, French and English. The has had his barn enlarged, atone stabling recen ly. There were upwards of twenty mourn her removed from —foi your mall,.
services seem ever necesst loss. They
lishment.—Miss Al. Stovenson, vilio has re-, bla&k beads.—Mr. M. J. Prendergast, who ilton, President, of Toronto presided as Hensll order -will open their lodge in due put- underneath and the stable floor paved, teanit at work.�' to Manitoba about four years ago. saving a,
Wilson was a daughter of and
sided here for sunie years, -with her unole, has been in Mr. F. W. Tweddle's office for cliairman in avery happy and I form at one o'cicck, where a reception com- making it one of the best bank barns in the them of Eea=am
p easing man
one bj Cijollyld dog.",
e time has returned. to Chicago to com nittee will be in attendance to receive nd
Mr. D,,Stevensou, left for Toroto oil Wed� soin - ner. Revds. Leech, of Varna, and Currie, i neighboi,bood. The framing was d Charles Weekes, of Varna, a the
nesdavy. In her departure ive lose lone of plete his 81tudies for the protession of dental of Hensall, and Mr. James Foote, of Varna, friends and visiting brethren. Mr. Raleigh, of Londesboro, the stom Kippen. pathy of many frien4 will be extend. lnag�
I,. S. S.—A
our most estim-,vb1c young ldies, and by surgery—'V1re notice by the Toronto papers gave very earnest and practical addresses on viNG now got done with the fall e�� them in their bereavp-ment —18 a t1BY hons
BlarEFS,—Our contractors are busily en- by Air. T. Walker, of Clinton, and the atone 0
bibift no. I am prepared to attend to the wants I
those most intiniatelycqakited withher, that Nfr. J. W. Livin,",to A S_4.D EvE:qT. —bluell 'sorrow WAs
e secured second the temperaneQ subject. Air. W. Stoneman gaged fipisbing tip their contracts, the pre$- by Mr. George Addison, of Bandon. e e le as Lin-ensed Auctioneer for the county f tbe beacb, too fal
the loss -will, be keeniv 'fejt, as they wil '1;gall did their work well and leave Mr. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reikio - �sevice, For the
i R"e th ro'O day last., its becoming kn
I prize in the one mile bicycle race at the an- and daughter, and Mr. Reid,_ of Hensall, ent weather being most favorable for t.— here on Fri oil
e 8 that Mr. William Lang, of this A illage, in
miss an ever generous friend. In ever de nual. Varsity games. He was beaten in fast rendered some lively and attractive vo- Mr. Wm. W I h the contractor for the 'Trewin a fine building, able Gxomm TAYLOR. 1401.2 r y thei,
partment of the (;hureh Miss Stexen�on was met with an accident in Tuckersmith,
time, only b such a craok- as F. A. Moore, cal music, and Kiss McIntosh and Air. Wal- woodwork- of the fiew Methodist Church has 1. 0. G. T. —* The District Lodge held ix S nrBs.—Pulling mangolds with t, e but poor accomn
a faithful, intelligent worker, nd we are of Toronto.—iNliss Agnbs Knok (ivirs. Charl- lace, of Brucefield, several,, interesti ill- a good staff of men busily engaged -in push-' Lobdesburo on the 16th October, was at. hors 9 is the latest novelty of our neighbo
resulted in his death, the partic
The gu -carril.
sure we voice the sentiments of her inany ton Black) qie most celebrated of Canadian strumentalpieces. The meeting was largely on the work, and ho- expects to have it tended by five representatives from Con- hoo(J.—The fine weather of the past we k which will be found in another colunwo;7-
nists', is to appear in Seaforth for attended, and all iseerned to enjoy it very Mr: -Lang was born in the county of the 111fe saving
friends when e say ll ' deeply regi et h er elocutio al finished about the, . specified tinle. The stance Lodge. The delegates were Misses has been taken due advantage of by t e boxes, the bawsc
departure,'and that their best wishes will the first tini� on December 11th next. -This much. It is the purpose of the Council to far ers,housing the piotatoes and mangold',
church will be brilliantly lighted with ne"ar- A. Mel-mosh, G. Farnham, M. B. Schoales managh, Ireland. He came to Canada the code signals,
ever be for her future hnppiness and pros- is a tret which will doubtless 1?,e appreciat- have several such meetins dring, the au- 1 twenty electric lights. The wires are al- and Messrs. T. Wheatley and D. Farnham. whi h causes business in the village to 1846, and located in east Durham. H4w
y lanterno, 'red M as teven- ed by lovers pf g6od entertainments. —Mr. tumn and winter. They deserve 'ilie syr- ready in position, and- the* church when finish Representatives from every lod th sic for the time being.—Master Alfr d then removed
perity. On Tnesday eveiiing, i 6 in e to Mornington, Perth coun Y -V 1
son's fellow teachers in the Sz�bbath school, F. . Beattie, V. S., and Mrs. Beattie have patby and support of the community in ed will present a very fine appearance, re- district but one were present contrib- W �itman and Master Iii'd. Cudmore ha e and- six years ago he came to Varna ai&'
line caIr axe thi
wisbing to give some tangible proof of their reniove(,j to Detroit, where Mr.. -Beattie has this noble work, Surelv such meetings fleeting credit upon the congregation and uted largely to the interest of the nieeti bot left the parental roof and are taki g started a PUMP
king business, and f9poft'
n 0. - work.
ai secured a goo(I situation in connection with must be productive"of goid fruit in extend- contractors, Mr. R. Cudmore and Mr. W. At the next re lar meeting of our loc-al, I
preeiation, gathered at her regidence and 9`1 �p - eir abode in Clinton to learn the cler ed the occup9tion of 411 digging also
This app
presented her with a neatly worded address the sttkbles of the Aiessrs. Shedden, who do ing the cause of temperance and increasing, 'Welsh, and an ornament to the Village. lodge, the delegates gave reports of the ingi business, the former going with has three brothers and three -sisters livin&
with r. a surf is runnln�
accompanied by a beautif ul Oxford Bible, the carting' business for the cit .—Mrs. the membership of the Council. -the lodge decided to adopt m -OrAi .
y Mr. John Fisher, of the township of Hay, proceedings, and Wi.6e an and the latter with Mr. PI viz. : oses and Elliott Lang, of M 'be lauuohcd� `1
suitably inscribed. The address' was read Jaines Broadfoot, sr., of Tuckersmith, has l3rtEy1TTES. -Mrs.Halliday, of arnia, who and who hasbeen a resident of our villhge some of the meaures,proposed. In future, st"l. , Both are clever boys, and their e ton; Aaron Lang, of Gratiot; Mrs.
thTough this I'll
bY Mr. R. J. Muldre-%v, and ',NTiss Jennie returned froin an extended v as Was injured by being throw� froirn a cart, is for some time past, as on Wednesday of we hope for more intereting meetings, Players will have just ause to be nit of andrs. Wilson, of Worth Easthopet -
isit to Kan& as ro I pleasure of barij
e o'' th -hough still unable to be re- last week, happily united in to the -members are making a stronger effort tk1eirg1:irka.Mrs. Robert unn t "a id Mrs� Elliott-, of Stanley. He was a C -01106r -
'Hills made the presentltion.—On Monday and will remain h re f i e winter. 'Ae improving, alt H, Ka earth in he life I
evening, at the irivitation of the genial many friends of the old lady will be pleased moved 'from Mr. Ketchen"fi. Her sister Miss Jessie Thimson, eldest maarurgh8g;r of than usual to make the order a success here. he a general favor -
farm of �fifty acres, which is ll yativ litics. - He wa's
o"t' Ibi. the life line witli
owner, Mr. P. Al. Chesney, a MU-11ber of to learn tbait she is enjoying excellent Mrs. Willith, of Sarnia, is now visiting here. Mr. Bernard Thomson one of our pioneer FRm CHA-SoEs.—Mr. William Oke) who sit4ted near our villap, to Mir. Will. ite withInSt who knew him lug oli
giv nor.
a C is having the front —Mr'- I)tincan Moavisli's, sale, on Tuesday and much respected residents, and we unite - for several years was living on his fathers B4*den, of Exeter,* the. pice being and good h His d %ill has cwt our Young people sperit 6delightful thne at he Ith. , fr. C rmi bael
big -beautiful born--, just �oijtjl of the village. r- in earted.'4 The galt carr
of his new block painted ana checked last, was well attended, and the prices with the many. friends of the newly married farm on the 8th concessioi, of Hallett, has ue�ghborhood of _Z166m -ovor the - whole neighborhood He
hree t
—31r. Rose and Mr. Jos6ph Collie drove to When completed tbis-will 'be one of the ealized were good, -ow at present are couple in wishing them all bapi purchased the farm of Mr. William B i ha whih is 9*0viedn W4W
C iness in rig M ibout 410 anast -Qf 'Sink!
fthel on atarday last on a visit to Mr. D. most attraUive looking. business blocks in selling well; but -the price -of horses is ill their new home in Mic 34%. R. on e 12th- concession and has moved on were- intemd iA
Sproat_ Mr D. D. Wilson and Mr. Bright, town.—We are pleased -to noticehat- our, 10,T. Mrs, MeTsivish, -�.wfll remaili
-,Df eaforth, pour school ork in was. �m Ziii 1111 vM. it.. This f&rm_4bntvd�* 100 som asid
a friendly old and worthy citizen, Mr. Alex� Cak%oj, I the farin.—Mi"'Mi'm-e