The Huron Expositor, 1894-10-19, Page 9• .• 1.31.0% After the eete.- ery - Waty arta ungs. to eehi The", guests Present,' were Eve.. The ' rzeil.known martci ash the el. L their unj aratOUnee t e PiA)rietra of 41_ liaberv L knees, depart. October 4th at and 9 nionibt unusually go to her death itlit cold. cha OIX Thursda,t. ntl Pefteef 4 ,e of leanfreedre rn of Keith, 01; with her late ts country vuship of 7 aorre,, to Stanley ind re conceseion. time of her • a retiring dia. . hospitable and he wee a rterieu ehu'reb, of Rev. A. &ed leaves oce wn ters, Mrs.Wat feEwen, all re, Itge number of euaintances fof :to of interment agham, ox t Wed - as occurs not hesame town, Fifty Years ago' vere joined t�. if of this lona s of 1-NtinghaZ Ireland, of Dal- '..ates and Mrs. iughters of the a homest-ead to he event. They Tears, aad the me. On Wede per was parta- by those men- (:eorgo ether datighter, 'ken. It waa a. was calcula,ted e, being loaded 5, the da.intiest art, fowl, etc. ,f golden -colorect Et were in keep - al Mrs. Ireland - elegant and E.. of which were to. good use in ks are aged 73 being both see marty more day. ardav laee,seys: Tweed in July having proper s was incurred. tit has been ure village council egotiating with pany, of Drent- e Company, of • a contract was for the lgine- On the (I in town, and Council, adver- the Town Hall largely,attend- Iona.hrs Object Lhe meeting to st the same in ree of cost, but close of the aced under ar- rant issued at embers of the been offered a irchase his en - hearing on Fri- vton aad Me - evidence, Mr. t,ud_his trial on gave bail in Mr. Ronald's that it was success, ever tte. 11 is looking for aghsh market; Souris, Moni- tor a few days. on the roll of [09. Average hell, is recov- e of typhoid e misfortune to - he break at the who fell from has been help- ers will hold the Collegiate her 25th and rere delivered e on Monday-, f money dis- opular teacher going to the ens, to further _ purchased in r0111 Stratford a inst. The against Cans brineville, has- ise his valuable. ,-hich he paid several years _making is be - k cheese and is Mr. Bal - butter making [g on the Mit- [-,s about coin - in the county. ble room for is taking, y in the Neer ring the doe - 611 be looked rs on the case, ,800 acres of I Section and .ly formed in nith for Mr. ;, for over. 12 and will re- )arture is gen- rullarton' has horses to Ross has also to the same Washington sister Mrs. de. After an nrned to visit ances. ' great day in iagen. }far- ehed morning 9,3W Stednaan Got Them In. John Hawley, author, journalist, politi- cian and traveler, after discussing the pearvelous diction of Abraham Lincoln and the great president's lack of education, said: 0.1 wwer lcuoly a really good writer or er who lacked a college odueation who did notregret and lament it as a sal-, out loss. Nevertheless we have had many remarkable examples of what Americans inftY@oQmpUsh in I 1 torature without hav- g i1go i -raining. tiot long ago Ed- mund Clarence Stedman was wadkbag down Fifth avenue, New York, with Thomas B. Aldrich and William Dean HeyfejA- Aq they Might sight of the eniversity club Mr. Stedinan began to ex - palate upon the pleasures of belonging to the dub and urged that ho he allowed to put up the names of Mr. Aldrich and Mr. Howells as candidates for membership. 'Finally one of tfiern—Mr. Howells, think—responded with the confession that, as he was not a graduate of any college, he Was not eligible to membership. The other followed with a similar confession. Mr. Stedman was astonished that two of the most polished and distinguished writ- ers in America had not received a college education. But Mr. Stedman did not let the matter rest there. Hewes determined to have them in the 'University club. As a result, Harvard and Yale shortly after- ward conferred degrees upon Aldrich and Dwells, and this removed the bar to their membership in the club."—Chicago Post. A Curious Oak Tree. resident of Augusta, Ga., has an oak tree growing upon his place which is not ratlike other trees of that species in gen- eral appearance. Instead of producing the regulation acorn, however, it is annually loaded with peculiar formations, as un- like the natural production of such trees as one could imagine. As a general rule, the cup of an acorn is as large or larger than a thimble, covering at least half of the acorn proper, but in this case the tiny receptacle is not larrter than a pea, and in- stead of being conaructed so as to hold but a single nut or kernel, contains from three to live small ones, the number seem- ing to vary with the distance from the ground, the oupe on the lower limbs being uniformly filled' with three of the tiny acorns. Botanists of national repute have pon- dered over this sylvan oddity, and old set- tlers, noted hunters and woodmen in gen- eral have visited the wonder and left with- out even attempting to name the variety et oak to which it belongs.—St. Louis Re- public. • ' A Pretty English Fashion. One of the prettiest of English fashions Is that of painting the name and the fa- vorite dower of the owner on his pet chair. A chair seen recently in a charming home vies beautifully individualized by this treatment. It was a low slat sewing chair that had belonged to the grandmother of its present owner, and it is as strong today as it was 70 -years ago. This clever girl gave It three coats of white enamel paint, then aded the two balls terminating the side posts. On the top slat across the back she painted La France roses, her favorites. On the middle slat she inscribed her name, "Mary," in up and down English writing, and on the bottom slat were old fashioned ' pinks, her grandmother's posies. The cush- ion of the seat was pink India silk, cov- ered with a pattern of delicate green leaves, tied on with ribbons of two colors. The autograph and the blossoms stamped the chair with a unique individuality, and it was altogether quite as "fetching" as those seen across the wator.—New York News. • An trnhappy'Bestriction. The Xenia institute, ' the colleges for woinen established by the czar in com- memoration of the Inarriage of his daugh- ter, the Grand Duchess Xenia, limits its sphere "to the daughters of our faithful subjects who, by reason of service to the state or by birth, have acquired the status of nobility." It would have been a greater and more useful memorial if this aristo- cratic clause had not been inserted. The young women of the Russian nobility find no difficulty to get their splendid educa- tions, but there are women in the czar's domain who do.—St. Petersburg Letter. SEAFORTH, OCTOBER 19, 1894. LE • Great Revolution in Prices of ry Goods Accouni of Me Change ini the Firm cl Messrs. Duncar,11 & Duncan, Seaforth We have decided to offer our whole stock of ,Dry G-oods, etc., at sueh received our stock of fall and winter goods.. Our mantles and Germany and England. All our flannels and underwear lowest prices. and will be cleared out at HIS GREAT SALE prices as will astonish buyers. We have capes are imported direct from were bought at the a sacrifice. WILL COMMENCE ON A Glorious, Sweeping, Money -Making, Clearing Sale I Bargains I Look at the Bargains! Bargainta TOWELLIN G S 0 P12110 Lamps. Whore there are young children a piano lamp, unless it have a most solid and sub- stantial understanding, is not always de- sirable. An excellent substitute, particu- larly if your piano must stand in the dark - and of a lone city parlor, is a crane polo attached to the folding door or art frame, from which may hang a lantern lamp of almost any style and price. One of the prettiest models is the Pompeiittn, which is brought out in several_ materials and grades. WOD143111 Bicyclists. The death of the lady cyclist fron syncope after a bicycle ride is of mural ethe text for many fraternal warning and advice to lady bicyclists to give In the enjoyment of an exercise in whicl it is feared they may indulge to excess 'They are, of course, told by some that bi cycling is 'unladylike, if not unworn= ly, and that women, do not know hoie to practice the careful restraint in sucl matters to whieh men are accustomed. They may very well afford, however, tt treat all this sage advice as at least su- perfluous. So far from being unsuitei for women, bicycling is an exercise ii -which they may indulge with perfeci security and generally with much ad- vantage. We are persuaded that the; are as little prone to excess in athletic! as are the generality of men, and withie reasonable bounds we should like to Bei Cycling as generally practiced by wom -en as by men, and it would be greatlj to the advantage of many cycling clubi and cycling resorts that the ladyliki element should be more largely intro ducal.—British Medical Journal. —FROM -- Gents per Yard. ALL -WOOL BLANKETS —FROM— $1..99.. INFANTS' BIBS 6 cIENTS A MASSACRE Mantles - and - Capes DUNCAN iDUNCAN'S Cotton ades FROM 12 1-2 C MEN'S FELT (HATS Latest yles Lowe t Prioes. MEN'S Top Shirts Lower than the Lowest. AMAZING BARGAINS —IN- -AND— UL8TERINGS. Every one wants our Cashmere- Nose —AT - 20 FAT coLoBs FLANNELETTE 4 —FROM— C, NTS Tal4 Linens. The Story of a 13.1ind Lamb. Dog stories aro common enough. pto- ries concerning sheep are much more rare. Many years ago it came under the notice of the writer to observe a mother with twin lambs, ono of which seemed quite different from the other, wondering about himlessly and not as others of the kind. NVe were not long in disoovering the cause —it was blind. The mother and brother tvere quite alive to the fact and watched he little one with tender and unwearied - hare, one or the other, as they saw it get - 'Ling into danger' rushing forward to the escue, and witha sharp but kindly butt turning the little blind one out of danger and bath a safer path. Was not something knore than instinct developed here—Na- ture Notoa. 16c a yard Grey Flannels —FROM - 10 Cents —FROM— NEFI\T'S B All -Wool Socks 9 Cents Per Yard. Double your Dollars ITY" 13TT-aral\T" G- -Mr-OMR, Dress Gods.94 Silks DUNCAN & DUNCAN AS kr Umbrellas —FOR --- 121-2 CENTS A PAIR. MEN'S TIES AT LESS- THAN This is where ECONOMY —AND -- QUALITY Join Hands. YOU GAN DRESS LIKE A QUEEN —AT— Cents.s a yard FANCY ILAGES Handkerchiefs ONE CENT Sale Prices. GLOVES HOSIERY —AT— HALF PRICE. 5 CENTS A YARD. Black and Colored ricking OoodCar. a its' Circulars Sheeting. Cottons pot Shirtings atFabidousPrices " Melt's _Rubber Coats Rubber Buggy Aprons t Sale Prices Mese are great large plums which are ready for plucking. There never was a time when CASH SPOKE'so highin Seaforth. Come in and find something you want and learn the purchasing power of a dollar with us. NCAN & DUNCAN Seafort —FOR -- 1-7 Cents Per Yard up. Underwear KID is GLOVES Black and Colored Cashm ere Fresh and Good. —AT— UNSURPASSED "VIA -T--1 TT IIIS Towels, Doyles, 84co., Napkins, Table Covers, 50c A SUIT UP. At Prices that , will Force You to buy, LADIES' IElowers, -"V" S Feathers, Ornaments, —FROM - 10 Cents Up. All Wool,Very Low. TO 01..M.A.MR, At Any Price.