The Huron Expositor, 1894-10-19, Page 1-T y ange, askiig iuL sow nett - ts Ster- .ewstons g s, rs- lcs, Mrs,. m stock - Weston. At, Mrs- ot, Mrs Ster- harness,. :R Penth. it- - Bork- , 1st and - F Cook. olleetion oas .sr, con - 'a branch Baydeld, „ - ?urpogeol 14004 untold and fur - a upon , toinach, arab un- it is safe • cheerful hopeful uant or L shirk. is is the - tic ner- saph for anxiety oultane- s of the. -, and—, sign of er and a ar with _petty se aria- rascible„ tuber at Lre their ation of - us very through e to ac - 'us sus- turday owing.. 1 not opieo. when, , Mrs. orn ia arriede settled on the deatb. f whom ee sons alcolin, eLean, Strath - Lobo ;a: Her held in. onnced at thie- f an in- ada so - as been- teresto in the to pass portant and so- tractect yteriata 11 parts- ly sue -- News, e -day,. s paper - t years - 11 life's ay be -- had a mehow o far, ito so ise iie post hould the last for any Ox- olateins absence ev have highest sing to com- e been seven London vinning is pro - o all record tu first snore TWENTY-Sh V hiNTH YEAR. "WHOLE NUMBER, 1,401. SEAFORtH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1894. Similarity. -a ra ever notice a lot of boys ng in a frog pond 1 They are grotty well scattered along the bank *ail some lad, with a tempting worm, Isla a " killie," then watch them. In lit than a minute where the " killie " WM alight, the water fairly bristles with all sorts of angling instruments. Irtd you ever notice a similar scene saiong those who fish for business -live you ever noticed that a greit gaily business men fish for business jot like the boys fish for frogs? They ire pretty well scattered along the line until some enterprising firm conceives siSd markets a good seller—then watch them. Almost as quick as the pro- -seibial wink, the market fairly bristles with all sorts of inmitations of the good seller. All are anxious to get same business where the enterprising irm got theirs, but, like the boy who if his superior skill landed the "killle," so the enterprising firm, by reason of their more intimate knowledge of the wants of the trade, secure the bulk of business. ' P. S.—WE ARE THAT FIRM. WITH OUR Blue and Black Beaver Overcoats to order, at to $24. _Frieze Overcoats to order, $14 to $20. Tweed Suits to order, $10 to $22. Black Worsted Suits to order, $18 to $28. 'Waterproof Coats to order, all prices. Readymade Overcoats and Suits, Hats and Caps, Fine Furnishings, len We are Leaders in Our Line. Jackson & Creig, CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS, HATTERS and FURRIEltS, .- SEAFORTIL PECULIAR CHINESiE HABITS. A COUFISY FESTIVAL. non, the chair or thrdne of the idol is carried by 4, 6, 8 or 12'porters. Around It are other men, who carry the um- brella of ,the joss, the long red boards on whick• are inscribed his name and titles, the weapons with which he is to be defended against' etlemies, the flags and banners which - steike terror into the hearts of his toe, and there, of course, is tfie perpetual band ot mask. It con- sists of a gong, a tora4tom, a drum, it clarinet and cymbals. pometimes there are two and eyen thrile clarinets, and sometimes they add a *repot and even a horn. ' The first . conilaination is bad enough. It causes Yell to gnash your teeth and de -sire to shoot s,oniebody. But the last is somethi4g frightful. Would Bend a Rock. After the second bar. you close' your ears with your fmgers and escape. Aft- er hearing it once I wet; firmly convinc- ed that when the Hebtew priests and Levitss made the walls& of Jericho fall down with the sound ett their -martial music they simply hired some peripa- tetic Chinese orchestra! that happened to be in the neighborh4ed. Then there are men and childreWn the parade, sonie dressed in ordinttry oosttune and others in cheap, flimsy disguises. Pretti- est of all are litte boys attired as warriors 'tiding on tiny ponies miid donkeys and little boys and girls made up to repro - Bent angels on floats and platforms OCrl- tired with flowers. The procession breaks up at the temple, becatse at that hour the public banquet gen*ally opens. It forms again in the evening aud goes ever the same route, only now it is far more attractive. Torches, flambeaux, Lanterns and transparezieles are massed En confusion for the ,e:intire line of , march. Every jeaond Beene enthusiast ; in the parade oi. the Sidewalk ignites - an immense string of l firecrackers on! the end of a long pole to increase the birlliancy, the racket and the confusion. Not until the lights are; all dim and the torches sparks and embers does the marching cease and the Marchers retire to their homes. The larger the crowd and the greater the melee the higher is ;he honor paid to the less and the vil- lage fathers and the Vilma. flu, sucoes—s of the festival. ! Plenty to pobt. ' The banquet is spread in the quad- rangle or one of the long halls of the village temple. It is alivays a huge feed, even at it e smallest, laeting at least 12 hours. Those who have eaten all they can retire from the feetive board and let newcomers fill their seats. At a fes- tival given by the vieeroy .of Quang-- tung the feast lasted six days and nights. All depends upon the aMount of--anoney the village elders expend. At a banquet of this sort quantity rather than quality appears to be the prevailing principle: Whole, roasted pigs, fro- little porsine babes up to 209 pound lig" boiled pork, pigs' liver, tripe, kidneys, feet, jowls, brain and ribs, fresh fieb, smoked fish, dried fish, devilfish, chteken, duck and goose, boiled, roasted, Steamed, stewed and fricasseed, crab.* powns, shrimps, crawfish, mussels, scall4s, periwinkles, sea conches, potatoes, Sweet potatoes, yarns, cabbage, pickled 'tabbage, onion, garlic, beans, peas, rice,ilmillet, lentils, cauliflower, leeks, shat, &Reis, gin- ger, fruits, preserves, pandies, pastry, cake, nuts, dried fruite, sauces, tea, Chinese wines and liquOs make up the lengthy bill of fare of the occasion. I must say that everything is well cooked and served. The whole roasted pigs would be a revelatiOn to many'd our cooks. The skin is giii crisp as to be genuine crackling, and `the flesh within is so well done as to *it within the lips. When brought frinn the oven, it looks more like a rioh, red carving rath- er than a substantial and soon to be de- molished roast. The boiled poultry, and especially the steamed, are as white as _ivory. They may be a trifle overcooked, but that in a land where gastrio and enteric troubles are the leading evil is an advantage rather than otherwise. Barring the whole rots, everything else is served. in rather steal' quantities on medium sized bowls and salvers. This prevents waste, anet also the con- sumption Of the more dainty dishes long before the -collation Is °Ver. The cooking is done * the temple likewise and within ' fu'l; view of the convives at the board Old the people about the premises. The Draansh Everywhere something' was going on at every moment. In one shady nook, under a tree, a publio reader was molt- Ine 801130 spirited tale =to the evident de- light of a score of auditor* He held the book in his hand, but seemed to know each word by heart, as he seldom glanced at its pages. He had a pleasant - manner and a good voice, 'Put he pitched the latter in such a high ltey as to make it rather dissonant to a FlUropean ear. There was one theater devoted to comedy and farce and a qpcond to trag- edy and moral drama. Tho theaters ate not buildings, as at home, nor even in - Closures. They are platfqtras about 20 feet square, erected for feet above the, level of the ground. Tlip trunks and properties form wings on;either side of -the stage aaad afford a partial privacy to the actors for dressing fue4 undressing. In front of both showal were chairs, stools and wooden benches, on which sat the women, girls and little children of the village. They wereall exquisite- ly neat, clean and nidely dressed. The young girls wore gowns r bright col- ors or of white bordere with: color. They seemed all absorbed, by the play and never pernaitted their *yes to wan- der from the stage. Some pf them were very pretty, having milk end rose,cora- plexions, luxuriant black hair, large brown eyes, good features and very shapely figures. The silk trdusers showed off the graceful outlines orf their lower lirabs. It would have been' a delightful picture but for the poor, ditefigured feet, which seemed all the more cruelly mon- but the joss is said always to turn over straw by the contrast. . I a new leaf and become a good- deity The Whole World gin. thereafter. To go QU with . the aneoess- There_were mailondtee. imaller than [Special Correspondence -1 HONG1CONG, Sept. 18.—Hearing one day of a Chinese country festival in the neighborhood of Kowloon, which is just opposite to Hongkong, I got up a party_ of friends, crogeed the harbor, and within an hour was in the scene of the lestiviliee. My ChineSe servants were w ell acquainted in the place--ein feet, were cousins or nephews or something or other of the leading family of the town. It was a stroke of rare good for- tune, as it insured US a cordial welcome and offered opportunities to see and hear that are never presented to strangers, much kss Europeans. 'A Question of Generosity. The festival was given by all the fam- ilies in the village. Each had subscribed what it could afford and had paid the money over to the village elders, who formed a sort of executive cominittee. Not alone this, but they had written to well to do kinsmen in Hongkong, Can- ton and elsewhere, who had duly and generously responded. It is a sort of a duty for everybody to "chip in" upon these occasions. The element- of pride -also enters, for the-narae of every giver ankthe amount of his gift are inscribed upen large placards, which are posted ap where all may see and read them. A mean man is not only contemned, but 'is treated with a rudeness aud incivility that would spoil the patience of a sEdnt. la the morning the people turned out' gayly dressed and looking their best. On this day the woraen are allowed to go out foot and enjoy themselves in the open air, where the rest of the year they stay within doors or travel in closed -sedan chairs. They make full use of their privilege. The pretty girl walks, talks and poses, so as to exhibit her -charms; the frivolous or flirtatious fe- male devotes her eyes to the young men and smiles_ and stares, winks and ogles most preposterously; the heiress wears her joy eAs as conspicuously as possible and draws her costly skirts about her whenever a poorer member of her sex comesnear; the gossip entertains a mul- titude with insinuation, slander and scandal, while the scold finds ample scope for her dreaded, and notorious tongue. They Take the Joss Along., About noon is a procession. It starts in front of the domicile of the leading man of the village, wanders, now fast and now slow, through all the thorough- ' fares of the place and winds up at a • temple or jossheuse, which has been cleaned, repaired and decorated for the occasion. Like all Chinese processions, it is so grotesque as to be funny. There is usually a "joss"' or idol to start with. This is a small figure no larger than a girl's doll, but so bedizened and be - whisked as to seem a miniature cut- . throe& pirate. He is fastened securely to the seat of a strong sedan chair or a throne on poles, so that no matter what may happen to the carriere he will not suffer the indignity of pitching forward and falling into the mud. This is the most terrible luok that can happen to an idol. If it ennui- and he is not to. blame, something awful will befall the people.of the conesnunity. On the con- trary, if he, theeidel; or the deity he represents has been misbehaving, it is a very just and appropriate punishment. Josses who allow their -worshipers to get sick or do not send good harvests or prevent fishermen making good hauls With their nets are frequently chastised by taking them out of their comfortable temples and putting them in the mud. or in muddy water. The process is cruel, ours, With /*urea only 'LS or 6 inches high, moved,by silk threads so fine as to be invisible at the distance of a foot. There were "shadowgraphs" like those familiar t6 patrons of variety theaters. There were tiger theaters, queer little shows worked by a- single performer as in Punch and Judy, but using a tiger as the hero and all sorts of other ani- mals as his successive victims. It did not appeal much to the grown folks, but was immensely popular with the little ones, who crowded the space in front of the box and expressed the liveliest terror and delight at the ferocious ex- Ploits of the great carnivore. There were acrobats and jugglers, gladiators and gamblers. The gladiators were boys. and youths trained to the calling, who fought with sword against sword, shield and dagger against sword, shield and sword against spear, shield and dagger and double sword against single sword. They were quite expert and alert and tireless to a reinarkable degree. At the end of an encounter of a hag hour's du- ration they were alanost as fresh as when they began their arduous labor. All these mountebanks and public) en- tertainers are welcome guests at a country festival and find in them their best harvests. They get each a modest stipend from the general fund and nev- er pass the hat without a reasonable trilmte from their spectators. They pass - the hat with great regularity. Polite and Cheerful. Beggars are conspicuous br. their ab - ;once. The day before the festivities the committee fee the chief or king of. the beggars and the village constable:: The servioes of the latter seldomle- quired, as the former curious character keeps all his unclean followers far away' 'from the banquetingialL An outsider cannot' fail t� be impress- ed with the good nature, politeness and happiness of the 'people. They seem to be devoting their entire energy to pure enjoyment. There is no quarreling or bickering anywhere. Everybody is on his or her best behavior. There is no drunkenness. That irritating vice is practically unknown to these people, or, unpleasant to relate, is known as the "western barbarian's joy." You leave the festival with a happy feeling of. having passed an enjoyable day. AL&ROHERITA ARL11.4A Mem -• HARD TIMES IN MANITOBA. 'Accustomed to a good roomy house, good board, good reading and plenty of company, our short cold days seem long indeed, and the clear nights spent all alone, seem as if • there would he no end to them; so days and weeks pass on. A visit to the nearest 'village is a cheering prospect. The store is visited where -Mr. Tenderfoot has made ar- rangements for a supply of the absolute neeessities-of life till once he e_an get a little money from "-home," or failing that, till his hareest • is reaped and sold., The poetoffice is visited and the contents of whatever mail he may get is voraciously read. He meets.some friend that he has known in days long past. Scraps of news are exchangedand discussed., experiences of the peen and hopes for the future are dwelt upOn. The day is cold, appetite is keen, the hotel is at hand, an adjournment to it is proposed, dinner is called, and the two friends sit down together to the only really good meal either of them has had for a long tinie. A cigar and a drink are in order after dinner, and then another drink and a cigar; a game of pool is in progress, a ban- tering challenge is given and accepted. The contest grows warm, games and drinks rapidly follow each other for the balance of theafternoon, and at teatime the pair are • loudly singing, "We won't go . home till morning," and they won't. Perhaps two or three mornings find them still reluctant to start on the home stretch. Yes, in this way I have seen the price of load after load ef wheat frittered away at one spree when there was no first intention to spend a dol- lar, and, of course, the loss of the worse than wasted money was bitterly felt. The loser voted himself a fool, but, strange to say, the way back to the hotel seemed broader, straighter and shorter then before. I need not say that the value of wheat spent in that way does not pay debts owing to the store keeper, the taxes, seed grain,. the machinery man, who sold him the mower and since provided him with a bin- der, and on which he took another lien note which also included his prospective man as well as the balance of his belong- ings, such as the wagon, plow and harrows. So here we now have Mr. Tenderfoot at the end of one and a -half or two years without an article to his name that is not heavily mortgaged, and creditors badgering him on all sides for what he has not to give. Yes, in a worse position by far than his father was in after a two years' experience on the farm that he bough e 50 years ago in the eastaat so much per acre, and not one stick of the heavy timber cut on the whole lot. The father toiled, economized, and worked himself up to comfort and independence from the beginning without a dollar. The son began with a wad of bills in his pocket, as full of life and hope as the father, and on a homestead free of charge; broad acres without any obstruction to the plow, land as fertile as could be wished for, railways and elevators within a reasonable distance, hay for the cutting, and much else in his favor, but, for the lack of an experience and wisdom to keep clear of implement agents and debts of all kinds, he finds himself in a deep hole of debt, bitterly feeling the force of the . term "hard times.' Of course, there is an opposite picture, but the one given above is of such frequent occurrence and affects the whole so badly that a person can't help seeing that twenty or thirty per cent. added to the cost of machinery by the action of the tariff, the heavy freight charges made by our railroad, the foolish spendings at our drinkshops and the ruin- ous ramifications of our credit system, with its big prices, its heavy interest and fre- quent loss, and other expenses, are at least the four most frequent factors that appear as causes for this stubborn depression that hangs over us and which we call "Hard Times." • A correspondent of the Galt Reporter at- tributes the hard in Manitoba to four main causes, viz: The N. P.; exorbitant freight charges by the C. P. R.; the credit system and the whisky cause. He gives the fellowing graphic description of the in- tricate workings of the credit system, and the general result: Next there is a heavy accusation made against the credit system, a system that has unfortunately been so much in use in this country and has resulted in a vast ansount of evil. The credit system as practised here is quite complex in its workings. So insidious in operation and under the cir- cumstances that a person not having seen the reality would almost need an illustra- tion to enable him to understand. bet me try to give you a common sample of say 12 years ago, although the same in somewhat modified form is only too eommon now. Mr. Young Tenderfoot arrives from the east, full of life, hope, energy and good in- tentions wellseducated, well, clothed, and with a roll of bills in his pOcket that his father or some one else has ( placed there, The young man is a choice sample of an emigrant, but is ignorant ' of the hard ex- perience and caution in spending, that the earning of money usually gives to the earner. Things Were flush in those days, for the C. P. R. aud other railroads were being constructed. Wages high, crops good, prices those of the east with the freight added, for as yet Manitoba was buy- ing breadstuffs, not selling as at present. Five dollars was about the price of a sack of flour. A better article is common now at $1.65 or less. Mr. Tenderfoot is seized upon by a Government agent, carried off and shown choice points of the country. A homestead is selected and -preparations for "settling down " are entered upon. Of course an outfit has to be procured to com- mence operations with, and ere you could think it possible the vultures have marked Mr. Tenderfoot for their prey. The horse - dealer is after him at once, and nothing short of his best team is fit for his dear friend Mr. Tenderfoot. Some well-worn, well-groomed, over -rested and got -up -for - the -market animals with a high recommen- dation, are sold for say four, five or six hundred dollars per span. Nothing less than four hundred dollars could be men- tioned for the poorest span of the car lot. Then harness of the most expensive sort must be got to put on the flashy team, Wagon, plow and harrows, as- well as ma- terials for the building of a shack for him- self and a shelter for his horses have to be got. A stove with utensils, a little house- hold furniture, crockery, and a supply of food for himself and team are indispensa- bles, the total cost of which has cleaned him out of his last dollar. He breaks up a few acres which he hopes to backset before the winter sets in so as to have it ready for the seed as soon as the spring opens. But- in the meantime he must put up a sufsply of hay for winter use, and has nothing to cut it with. A rig is descried in the distance, which proves to be occupied by Mr. Silver - tongue, an, agricultural machinery agent, who, on his way to somewhere else, has called to see and have a chat with Mr. Ten- derfoot. Mr. Silvertongue sells on commis- sion, and, of course, the mower question is soon brought up. Mr. Silvertonguc almost chicles Mr. Tenderfoot for ever thinking of hiring or borrowing a mower, as such a process would not only be unsatisfactory, but stultifying to any person with a spark ofindependence of feeling, besides the firm in whose interest he labors would willingly supply the best mower in the market, with all the latest improvements, on terms so very liberal, that no farmer with any re- gard for his own interests would ever dream of being without a mower of his 'own. All he would want at present would be proper security for the price of the mower. The result is that a mower is bought on time. A lieu note is taken on the article itself,and also on the span of horses so that the se- curity may be ample. Mr. Silvertongue bows hitnself out after a remarkably cordial hand shake, for he has in view the sale of a binder ere the limited crop is reaped that Mr. tenderfoot will , be able to sow next spring. Fall weather comes on apace, a few loads of such firewood as can be got most conveniently- is got home, and Mr. Tender- foot for the first time faces the rigors and loneliness of indoor life in "Bachelor Shack." This was tried several thnes but no sooner bad the tins been attached than the air was full of flying hardware and the spectators sought refuge under their chairs. "Well" said the famous horseman, when he got through, "I've handled over eleven thousand horses, but that Herald horse beats any one I ever saw." —The unveiling of the Sir John Macdonald statue took place Queen's park Toronto last Saturday, with imposing ceremonies. --z-A carp fish weighing five pounds was caught in the Niagara river near. Lewiston the other day. —Mr. William McKenzie, of Glencoe, aged eighty-five, a pioneer of that neighbor- hood, died recently. He came from Scot- land in 1818. --J. W. Hodgson, a prominent produce merchant of Liverpool, England, now in Ottawa, says that Canadian cheese and hogs are in great demand in Britain. —Jonas Doxtator, who was arrested on a charge of slashing and cutting a horse, the property of J. F. Derrough, was sentenced last week at St. Thomas, to six months in the Central Prison. —At Ayr on Friday,- Muss Bessie, daugh- trial for arson, was severely kctured by ter of Mr. John Guthp.e, WM thrown Judge Finkle, of Woodstock, the other day. " Yours is one of the most deplorable cases," said the Judge, addressing. the prisoner, "that it has ever been my misfor- tune to see—a man educated for a profession honorable and noble in itself, to be sitting in a box with such a charge hanging -over his head, all brought about by the beastly habit of drunkennets." —S. Fraser MacLennan, B. A., son of Rev. George MacLennan, late of Camlathie, now of Pinkerton, has been appointed as- sistant in psychology in the University of Chicago. His appouttmentwas a complete surprise to Mr. MacLennan, as his ,first knowledge of the vacancy was a card from his former professor, Dr. Baldwin, late of Toronto University, now of Princeton College, New Jersey, saying that he had recommended him for the above position. —The wife and family of Edward Boavers, convicted at the Middlesex assizes on; the oharge of manslaughter, are now residing at 592 Princess avenue, London, and are not in best of circumstances. They left the farm on the Roman line in Biddulph, shortly after the tragedy. The property has since passed into the hands of the loan company holding a $4,000 mortgage against the place,which is valued at $5,000. Bowers had. expended about $1,500 on the farm, but it will 4ll be lost. Smiley. He was known among his friends as the "Genial Josh." He was a pronouneed humorist with his tongue, but rarely wrote anything in a comical vein. He leaves a, widow but no children. —Miss Kate Black, daughter of Mr. Neil Black of Glenelg township, Durham, wai killed instantly Wednesday night. She was driving home with her brother-in-law, Mr. Patrick Sullivan. When going down a pretty steep hill the neck -yoke gave way, caueing the horses to run away, and: upsetting athe rig... Miss Black was instantly killed, while her sister, Mrs. Sullivan, had her jaw bro- ken. —The remains of the late C. F. Falcoeen who died in the Hamilton hospital, on Tues. .day of last week, arrived at Lucknow on Wednesday, and were conveyed to the resi- dence of his parents on the 6th conceseion of Kinloss. Deceased was a school teather and at the time of his death, was prindipal of the Smithville High School. He was an exemplary young man, and his death was a sad and sudden blow to his parents and many friends. —Lawyer C. F. Clark, of Tilsonburg, on out_of the family rig, by the horse taking fright, and received serioes if not fatal in- juries. • —The marriage of Mr. Carl Kranz, of Berlin, to Miss Annie Bingham, youngest daughter of Dr. Bingham, of Water- loo, on Wednesday afternoon, 10th inst., was an important event hi Berlin society. —Mr. W. R. Elmenhorst, president of the St Lawrence sugar refinery, and one of the wealthiest men in Montreal, suicided by shooting on Friday last, b sane. —The first shipment of sheep numbering some Northwest Territories, eying become, in - Canadian prairie 1,800, from the has been sold at Deptford, England, at four shillings per stone, dressed. —The Glencoe Presby entered' the other day rian c'hurch was and the mission boxes in the vestibule broken open, and rifled of their contents. The sum taken is unknown. —Frank Westwood, who was so mysteri- ously shot, while Opening the door in answer to a ring of the bell at his father's residence in Parkdale, died of the injuryonWednesday last week. —John Kehoe, an inmate of the St. Vin- cent de Paul Penitentiary, to which he was sentenced for murder in l888, died sudden- ly at the penitentiary on Friday, from the excessive use -of tobacco, —Adam Henderson, :concession 8, East Nissouri on returning from a long trip to Scotland', was presentedby his friends with a handsome. easy chai . Over 200 were present at the reception —Dr. Ames is giving Sarnia on account of ill •move to Colorado wi Wilkinson, of Mooreto don,' will take over Dr.' '—General Booth, of t has had most kindly an from all classes at the cities where he has stop his way towards Ontari in Toronto. —John Lochman, o with an accident -vvhic sight of his left eye. the cooper shop, and a, and struck him on the eyeball, totally de- stroying the sight. —The International: Beekeepers' Associ- ation,Missouri, United State, has elected by ac - which is meing at St. Joseph, R F. Holterrnann, Toronto will be the for years a resident awarded the con - guards to the Brook - is means his fortune. n was accepted in • Back to the Old Stand. DEAR EXPOSITOR.—A few weeks ago, on reading in the Sun the valedictory or fare- well address of the nominal editor of that paper, I could almost imagine I saw the big tears rolling down hie cheeks as he con- fessed his sorrow for the many slanderous and defamatory articles he had penned dur- ing the heat of an election contest, and when he thought Of the ten dollar apology. He very contritely promised, while in this melting mood, never to do so again, and that the Sun would turn over a new leaf. But, like the dog to his vomit,or the sow to its wallowing in the mire, the poor things that compose the company, have again fallen into evil courses, as witness in the two last issues, in speaking of the money raised to prosecute the cross petition. They know very well that Conservatives and Grits alike sent in their money • with their petitions, not being aware that it was un- necessary, until Judge Rose gave his de- cision in the election court. But, as the late head of the company has often said, "it is hard to make honest and truthful men out of a parcel of Cads," so it is in this caae. , FAIR PLAY, up his practice in ealth, and will re - h his family. Dr. n, formerly of Lon- thmes' practice. ie Salvation Army, cordial re eeptions anaelia,n towns and d. He is working , and will shortly be Teeswater, has met will cost him the e was working in nt band sprang up • • I • clamation as President, of Brantford, Canada. next place of meeting. —Robert Thomson, of Woodstock, has bee tract for supplying life lyn Street Railvvay. T Mr. Thomson's inventi preference to many. —Mrs. Merrilees, an old resident of Ayr and daughter of the late John Manson died at her residence on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Sheshad been an invalid for many years, and lifacl been up to a few weeks ago engaged in a law ssit with her brother Robert Manson. —While hauling ti ber at Baden, one day last week, Herbert Niergarth was struck .under the jaw y one of the sticks, breaking the jaw i two places. Dr. Nicholse'boand the jawiwith a wire to keep it in place, and he is now doing well. He professes not to have much pain. —There were one 1 hundred and sixty- six prisoners in !Oxford county jail during the last twelve l months. Thirty-one were sentenced to the LI Central Prison and one to the Mercer Reformatory. Six went down to Kingston and three to the reforma- e. Canada. Good coal is selling in the Edmonton district at 50 cents a waggon load. —The International Order of King'', Daughters is holding its annual convention in Montreal this week. —Turnkey Bruce of Whitby jail, was beaten almost to death Friday by a convict named Arnold, who escaped. —Mr. Neil Graham's granary in Ekfrid, was entered and between 50 and 60 bushels of wheat stolen the other night. —Owing to his ill health, W. Scott, of Westminster, has retired from farming, and sold his 100 acre farm for $5,000. —Robert Young, of Newbridge, is at present digging a canal to unite two of his lakes, so as to give his fish more scope to perform in. • —Mr. Gee, of Thorndale has purchased the estate_ of Mr. Matthew Hayes, consisting of seventy acres in Dorchester township, for $3,500. —Mr. Alfred M. Gustin, son of Dr. Gustin, of St. Thomas, was married in New York a few days ago to Mrs. Harriet M. Webb, the famous elocaionist. —Mr. Fred Daub, of Baden, received two first prizes at the Elmira show„ Woolwich township, for hair lined sewed shoes and boots. —A. Smidt was fined $3.75 for being one of the baseball nine who were playing at the Windsor Driving Park on Sunday after- noon. —The steamer Highland Maid has been wrecked at Long Sault Rapids, Rainy Lake. The mail, passengers and crew were saved. Boat and cargo a total loss. —Professor Gleason, the famous horse trainer, is in Montreal at present and has succeeded in training and subduing the worst kickers and balkers in the city. The other evening he had an interesting wrestle with a handsome mare. belonging to the Montreal Herald Company. For over two hours the professor struggled with that mare and finally he had her so trained that she would go quietly enough in harness, but he could not get her to submit to the operation of having three tin pans tied to her tail. tory at Penetanguishe —M. S. Schell, app says this year's crop ii enormous one, and ti heavier than was exp different sections he h 12,000 and 15,000 bar the Old Country mar e buyer, of Norwich, Oxford county is an at the yield is much cted. 'Already in the s purchased between le for shipment to ets. 'Po —A most distressing accident occurred on Friday to the little 12 -year-old sin of I Mr. A. G. Montgomery, of Brantford. ; The youngster, with some other - .boys,: had climbed up to look in a window at the Brant Avenue Methodist church, and one pf his companions had fixed an umbrella In the ground, so that he would strike it in coming clown. Unfortunately, the lad lost hie hold on the window sill, and fell with full force on the umbrella, which penetrated him to the extent of two inches. • —A young man in Montreal, named De- guire, 25 years of age, has just lost his life, the fatality being brought about by thk poor fellow's own imprudence. Deceased was going to his work, when he saw two e ectric wires on the sidewalk, which he attempted not tease us, please, but give us a banana to pick up, and in doing so fell to the or some raw meat and water twice a aead' ground a corpse. The wires were charged The visitors were consigned to Mr. Dev liu with electricity and, of course, -should not by a Jamaica friend. have been left so exposed. Deguise was onlymarried in the early spring. Perth A handsome monument has been erect- Items*. • --John Laughlin', of Glenelg township - ' — Grey county, while driving home Wednes- ed in the St. Marys cemetery to the mem- day night of last week, was thrown from his wagon and killed. When drivingidown ory of the late Robert Hillyard, of Tor - the Rocky hill, the bottom boards 'of the onto, for many years manager of the Bank of Montreal in St. Marys, and a respected wagon slipped forward, and in endeavoringcitizen. to push them back, Mr. Laughlan was —Much sickness prevails in Mitchell at thrown out in front and the wheels passed present, and it is attributed to the filthy over him, his injuries resulting in 'death. state of the River Thames. The medical His son, who was with him, was also thrown out and somewhat injured. health officer has reported that the water will even affect the milk of the cows that —A sad and fatal accident occurred at Mr. Hughes' place, in East Nissouri Tues- drink it. —Dr. Smith, of Mitchell, was sent for in day afternoon last week. Matthew Young, who, with Mr. Abbott, runs a threshing haste the other day to attend to lairteRonen- burg, of Logan, who had taken a strychnine - was removing the thresher from the barn. machine, had completed the threshing and *owder in mistake for a headache powder. he mistake was made by Mrs. Ronenburg's His team was spirited and went out rather lively and Mr. Young lost his footing and not being able to read English, as the pow - dere were all labelled. Antidotes were ad - fell. Both wheelp passed over his body, killing him instamtly. He was unmerried, ministered in time to prevent aresults. any serious - and widely known and respected. he oc- a eurrence has cast a gloom over, nearly the —The death is almouneed at his home in Fullerton, of Archibald McDougall, at the whole township. age of 75 years. Deceased had been a ad- -A telegram from Vancouver, British suf- ferer for many yews from cancer, and Columbia, says: "Frederick Turner, a ally passed away Friday night, 5th inst. member Of one of the leading families Of The funeral took place on Saturday after - New Westminster, British Columbia, is dy- n ing from a knife wound, inflicted on him by noon, and in the absence of a minister JohnMcNeill, M. P, E, officiated at the grave. Grade Irevin, with whom he had been liv- Mr. McDougall's wife and two brothers =r- ing. Turner was a fast bicyclist and a vive him. crack rifle shot, and went to Wimbledon with the Canadian team. Turner told the etefeA,s ,....i. —A straer who said he came from woman that they must separate. The Az Lgaury7landonenlAgarg. edPreantis. 8 liveryman in doctors have no hopes of his recovery. team of horses THhies and rig m order to travel around the town mother is dying from the shock. and vicinity. Not returning, emptily was woman was arrested. It is said her name is made at various pints, and Chief North - Bowman, and that she was born in London, Ontario. , graves, of Ingersoll,located the missing team and rig near that town. They bad- beeil —A few miles west of St. Agatha., Water left at Burnside crossing, and a farmer of loo county, on the farm of. Mr. A. Oroff, a great catch of the finny tribe was the vicinity took charge of them. They made on Tuesday last week. The fish in Mr. Groff s were restored to Mr. Prentiss. large dam had grown to a fine size. e Miss Essie Martin of the Listowel pub - dam veaslet off, and with a large net t h te6 he sh, li_c school staff, and lair. Will Martin, her by the thousand were forced through brother'three have returned from a months' waste gate and caught belowHere were European trip, where they visited the prin- . cipal points of intere:st in England and Ire- z wagon loads of fish, and those present re- ceived bushels of them. All the farmers for land, with a aids trip to Paris. They had a miles around were there, and a large number thoroughly enjoyable and instructive trip. from the surrounding villages came with Mr. J. W. Scott and Miss Scott, also of bags, pails and baskets, and returned home well supplied with fish, which will last them a month or so. —A. F. Afa,cLaren, of Stratford, who _ judged cheese at the World's Fair, was the sole judge of cheese at the Western Fain While the cheese was being judged, the points made by each exhibit of cheese were taken down, and the prizes awarded ac- cording to the score cards in each section. This is the most systematic and correct method of judging cheese and butter. It enables the judges to give an impartial and correct judgment of the goods, according to their merits. The exhibitor also, by receiv- ing a record of the number of points his ex- hibit has made, can easily see in what par- ticular his goods are lacking, and why he has failed to secure a prize. , —Those who gathered round the dead body of an unknown woman, which had been dragged from the Lachine canal at Cote Si. Paul, the other morning, witnessed a very peculiar incident, and one that will notsoon be forgotten by those who were the chief participants. While the body was awaiting identification on the canal bank a man approached, and with one look of hor- rified surprise, exclaimed that it was his friend's wife, and. off he vent to break the sernbled to hear Rev. ArchibaldGunn' news the best he could, to the husband. A. of St. Andrew's, New Brunswiels, & The f ' atter arrived on the run, and sure leading Presbyterian divine, wlio has been enough identified the drowned womau as visiting friends in Western Ontario, Mr. being his late wife, and evinced the deepest Gunn is a native of the county of Picton, sorrow and anguish at her sad fate. Friends Nova Scotia, a county which has produced lifted up the corpse tenderly, and carried more than one of the foremost Canadians. the remains to his home, while the discon- Likeother natives of that place clown by solate husband hastened on ahead to prepare the sounding sea, who have wandered this his little children for their dead mother's way, Mr. Gunn is a very large roan and has home -coming. What was the 'man's sur- a commanding appearance. —The Duke of Windsor died on Tuesday of last week, in 'Windsor, after several weeks' illness. He Was a St. Bernard dog and was owned by bought him from Ma ago, for $800. He and was sired by Lo $2,000. --Miss Bertha Wight, president of the Young Women's Christian Association, Ottawa, the new building for which has just been completed, was the recipient on Satur- day of an anonymous letter of congratula- tion,on the result ()filler labors as president of the Association. The envelope also con- tained $200. —A sudden death 6ccurred at Innerkip cl Mrs. J. Hall were . P. R. station to take home in Brampton. Mrs. Hall,/ leaning said, "I have some - and immediately ex - s about fifty-five years ans claiming heirship to ate in New York city ti and organized a joint wing that a corporation ispute than individuals. ed is in the heart of New Lawyer Hanna, who or Guillot two years eighed 180 pounds, rd Dufferin, wiao cost Friday, while Mr. a being driven to the the train for thei When near the depot toward her husband, thing to tell you," pired. Deceased w of age. —Over 400 Ameri the big Edwards es have met in Cincinn stock company, bei can bettersettle the The property envoi York and is worth $800,000,000. The Canadian heirs include Squire Harry Edwards, John Edwards and J. W. Gustin, of London. —.Mr. J. G. Buchatan, city editor of the Hamilton Times, was drowned in the Dun- das canal while returning from the Rockton fair on the evening 61 the 10th inst. In company with H. F. Gardiner, editor of the Times, he was driving along aroad that runs beside the Canal. They missed the turn for the Main road, and. in turning round the con- veyance slipped over the side of the canal. Mr. Gardiner swam out, but Mr. Buchanan was drowned. Mr. Buchanan was one of the oldest newspaper men in Canada. For over thirty years he has been city editor of the Ntamilton Times. Before that he worked on the Hamilton Spectator under the famous MeLEAN BROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year in Advance. prise, however, upon entering his wife's room, to find her safe and sound, and eleep- ing quietly in bed. The astonished woman; who had come home daring her good enan.'s absence, arose, and conclusively proved to the arriving -cortege that a great mistake had been made. Of course, the husband was overjoyed to know that he was net a widower after all. Yet, up to the present time, no one has identified the body of the poor stranger. —The question of scribbling book vs. slate, has been brought up in the London Board of Education by Trustee Blackwell, who says the former has of late ahnost driven the slate out of existence in the school rooms, on the order of the teachers,. "It is no laughing matter with •a working- man having a large family to support," saul the trustee. Trustee Jeffrey said there seemed to be no doubt that the matter WAS being abused by the teachers. To those people -who were hardly earning their living, this constant purchasing of scribbling, books made a great deal of difference. Trustee Anderson believed the cause of the schools turning out so many bad writers nowadays was the use of scribbling books in place of the slate. —Mr. John Ulch, a sturdy farmer of Greenfield South, near Windsor, lied an ex- citing struggle with a wildcat at an early hour the other morning. He was awakened by a noise in his barn, and on investigating found the ferocious animal in the act of de- vouring a pig. The wildcat turned upon him, and in the fight which ensued Ulch was badly bitten and scratched about the throat and breast. He finally succeeded in beating the animal off with a club, and it escaped to the woods. His injuries may prove serious. The wildcat has been- doing a great deal of damage in Essex county of late, and a hunting party is out in search ` .of it. —A Montreal despatch says: Watson Hibbert, a young man hailing from London, Ontario, arrived at the Bortaventure delve the other morning on his way east. Shortly after leaving Toronto he made the acquain- tance of a young man call ieg himself Clarence Jones, who said he wi% going to Montreal with cattle, which were on ahead. At Cornwall he spoke to a stranger, and. then, turning to Itibbert, asked -him for $60 until they reached Montreal. He produced a cheek for $150, which he offered for se- curity, but Hibbert was so sure of his hon- esty that he declined to take it. On slow- ing up as the train was coming into Mon- treal, Jones excused himself for a moment, and went to the end of the car, which wan the last seen -of him. - —Mr. R. J. Devlin, of Ottawa, received a curious present the ether morning. Con- tained in a wooden case, which 'arrived at the custom house, were two small live ani- mals, which looked something like enormous rats or weasels. Theieqed. was much long- er and finer, however. They were -nine or ten inches long, with fdrry tails of the same length. The cage bore the following in.. : "Wo are Mr. and Mrs. Mon- goose, of Jamaica'going to Ottawa, Can- ada, for our health. We kill snakes and rats at sight. Idiots who put their, fingers in the cage . will probably lose theateeepo Listowel, have returned home after an ex- tended trip to the Pacific Coast, visiting British Columbia and California. —The funeral on Sunday, 7th lust, of the late Robinson Swift, of North Eaethope, to the Roman Catholic cemetery in Ellice was a very large one. His six sons were pall- bearers. Mr. Swift was very well known throughout the whole county. He former- ly lived near Harmony, but a few years ago sold out and reinoved to North Easthope, where he has- since resided. He died on. Thursday, 4th inst., at the advanced ,age of seventy-seven years. Mrs. Swift and & large family survive him. —At the recent cheese fair in Listowel, thirty-one factories boaidecl 7,879 boxes of cheese, mostly .August make. Not a sale was made, the best offer being 101e. and 10 5-16c., while lOic. was the lowest figure of the salesmen, There was apparently no idea of doing any business, and the drop of 6ds in the cable to 50 sh. gave an even bluer aspect of affairs. A considerable quantity of cheese could have been got at Wie., though some held higher but would not - name a price. —At Knox Church, Stratford, on Sab- bath, 7th inst., two large congregations as- . Y• ••••:, • t -••••T -