The Huron Expositor, 1894-09-14, Page 8. . . . . . . . . . .
1149 1891,_
1P Pnn
tend. A am . all. . a0iission fee will b-6 charged. I light insurance -Gray, Reeve; Mr. T, 0. Xemp.; Mr. M. Y. for some years, has been' dissolved, Mr Etihel.--Xiss Luc i'visiting he
ni as e wai a COultes ie
th 's on T a to. the Messrs. er
—Xiss Jessie fravue, of Sarnia, who has t e ca Met-ean, and others. At, this juncture, the Robort Beattie, the senior memb - of the Sister, Mrs. John. N, -,!,ntooh, of Moles orth.
Willson�."s Oas-h Grocery. tyn"t'he prope re all Sea
o. W
h Uncle, Mr. D. Stevenson, cott will I rty very liefty. —At thb same firm, retires, We have not learned -what' —Mi-.: Fred Hartle; :Aft on Monday morn-
b6eli visiting e 4ightning commenced to flish and the
AN m hisk [let
y. our ptoof vinegar for pickling, it is tb hope he i.�g for Exeter, wh.- a he will visit fdr a few
mouth, left for home on 'thlindei. to roll, and a hasty departure w Mr. Beattie intends,to do, but we,
and cheapest in the . market. Pure. Spice, whole d the paa time, the stable of Mr. L., L. -Merisul, in
ground and mixed at reasonable prices. We have In f made fo ill'still continue t�-Teside in town, as he is days.; -Ae will t1wil ieturn to Clinton,
;i3ay morning.—The storm of Saturday this town, had a close call. This stable is o r home, and', no doubti most of w
morning lastbrqke with- terrific violence bri nd has a slate roof. The lightning -those present reached tha safe retreat be- an enterprising young man. and a good citi- -%%,here he will re�iime his studiei—Mi.
isduoed, the price of fruit lars, do, not buy until you ek ,
have found out our now prices. Have receied an-
dge bord, and tore the fore the etc isswing, who has been conthied to Robert King has be � laid off work for a
other shipment of that same 25c apan pleases'�' over this village �nd vicinity.- . The crashing struck at the ii rin got serious. But, even then, zen. —Af en
everyone. who tries it. Try aur fine Black Tea at 40c thunder, the viy�d -lightning 'and howling slates oat in a strip about six inches -wide, although it -was nearly, twelve 'o'clock, most her residence for A couple of weeks through few (lays with a felon oil one of his fin'gers..,
nd. omeofthevery hot judges of black scene long to be remem- until it reached a metal gatter, when it so, is now, we are pleased to. learn, re -
u wind rendered.i �resent seemed loibile to leave, and but for illne nimtk of
September, the opening
pteewr'Nus they cannot get a better at any prioe. bered. Tho erious result juit here, seemed: to follow it o e a ening
good eatisfie- t -the eave-trough, and th Ahre t elements, no.dout the -pro- covering. —Miss Gray, daughtei of Mr. Win. Tuckersmith.
The� Bourbon blend of coffee is gLvI
pro -
tion. Ifyou like a finecoff ae tryloft once. Flour liow.over, wao'll; rattled nerves.—Mayor from thence'lo the ground. Further .-than ceedings woul& have- been considerably M. Grdj, has sufficiently recovered from her the Fall trade, is here again wi,,th
WEST END NoTxs.—Mr. Joseph -Crih,
guaranteed equal to any made In town, sold at 81-70 McGee is atten ng Ontario's great fair at making this break in the roof no damage loziged, as the evening bad been ad pleasant- recent attack of typhoid fever to be -able to sr., who has re4ded: 'with _�kis son her6for
n things for the Fall and Will
perIMpounds. If it does not plane you. we ill Toronto this week, The- duties of office do was done. Those who have lost so heavily' ly pent that all were desirous'of making it drivd out on fine days. --An orchestra has removed' to Clinton.—
ta'k& it back and return the money. The highest long some time, has
nice fowls and good butter, more solid comfort. —Ontario should be de- their ' misfortune. Fortunately, no lives leave to assume their new duties at Harail- School: and will play next Sabbath afternoon. not seem to Worry him, and few men take will have the Sincerest sympathy of an in as as possible. Dr.. and Mrs. Smith been formed in the- Methodist ;Sabbath
o! trade, either In can or George White and wife are visiting relatives wear. The stock is extra well,
pri'l pol 'or 0' k goods W I' n 0 at Wingham this ve-ek.—Mr. Fred Johns, mum,
tribute' were lost. The storm seems to hae. been ton about the Ist of October, and they eX- —Mr. John Ward. intends disposing of of Thessal0n, Algoma, is here on a visit. He ed in the most seasonable and desir.; WHOLE
in Pay good price. servedly proud of the magnifi cen
C. WfLtON, Seaforth. paid by the press, irrespective of party, to very severe all over the 'Provne-a, and we leave Seaforth- next week. The thirty sets of light and heavy harness by states th b the weather there has been very
Bank of Commerce Block. -a dead state . amen, the late that in many different parts nu good wishes of hosts'df friends will go with auction at his shop in this town on Thurs- a ble goods. 'We will not ente,
the memory of it iner dry during the latter part of the, summe
Hon. C. F, Fraser. -When the Supreme ous barns and other buildings have been them,' and while, by their removal, Sea- day, the 27th inst.—Up to Thursday noon crops were fAir.—A numb ya
of t� -just nw. Our past
but the er e
Ruler of the ulaiverse calls the roll of these burned. forth will lose two estimable, useful and there were 167 tickets sold at Seaforih sta- far artieulars
mers could not' lougb, owing to the P
pseudo statesip6n. -who go to parliamentwith' popular citizens, what will be Seaf6rtb's tion for Toronto since the commencement of
1 1 ground be Ut, ince the recent
-h has a real bear' loss, in tbis respect, will most certainly be the E xhibition. The largest day was Mon-
a bribe in their pocket in the shape' of a A B.&F. SToRy.—Seaort for fi�e goods ought to be�
Nade-Up C1 showers, ar�`busy j�eparing to sow wheat.
railway pass, ftad others who strengthen story. this week and a true one too. . For a 'Hamilton�s gain. day last, when 80 tickets were sold.—Mrs- —A number of tile i oung people of this vi- and this Season we will, be found. in
a 3�fl
themselves artd their party by some use- 66 le of weeks the farmers about Ii islitown Budd, of Guelph, is the guest -of her daugh- cinity picnicked ti Ba �ld recently, and
"up b
less: public work at double iti actual cost, or have een seeing a black she bear occasion- ter Mrs. T. W. Duncan.—Mr. James War- it
Spent a very-pleasan day. way behial d former seasons.
This Yeal Season- will find us more than uii=IIY bribe constituencies by funds received from any, but none of them had managed to bag LOCIAL BRiEFs.—Mr. Jimes Hannon, the wick, formerly of the Golden Lion store,
prepared to cater to, the demands of our customers favored c4ntr4ctors ai�d protected manufac- it. On Tuesday morning, on Mr. Darl' in Is eial proprietor of the Shipka hotel, town- was visiting relatives and friends in town
When you arhre
for maide-py Clothtng. Owing to out increasing tj k. —The ch . oir the Presbyterian orms. trade in this department, we have been compelled starting to plow, e g i! of Stephen, was in town on Saturday. this wee
turerS, what i� sharp contrast will Such men farm, as they were all L�; W_ PiLlu-11-1-11JU
-nee and Mr. Alex. r Hannon is an ol —IvEr. A. §peir, 4th line, lost a
to utilize the whole of the room which we formerly present to the noble integrity of the states- bear,made its appeara d Stanley boy and has church intend h mg a musical ad literary NOTES.
Our Fall stock is now r Week, ArOp used a part. for Clothing. man who has just passed from the ocene of DarlinT, f,,ett' , a gum from the house, still many friends in that part. -- The entertainment in Ae church next Friday e e am o4, un eve 9 as it is our desire to makre b
-Pilesof suits and Overcoats,- . i 1181neft
t �n4
com1plete. Piles upon li litning. There were burned along 1
earthly actio The life work of such a Starts a er it with a collie dog. He Shot Broadfoot & Box FurnIture Factory, -which even' A address will be delivered by is) W
Ila& been shut down for a couple of months, of Acton, who on a former arn One bnde, one 1110wing which, we offer at unp;ecedenedly low prices ; the lively this fall, ad to do th got our prim$, ex:a
ngw, styles and finish, the very beat to be found in man is a pointed rebuke to over -zealous it in the shoulder but did not manage to Rev. the Ina I
tke the market. Call and inspect at Protesants. stop it. He shot again and grazed its head. has again cominen one threshing machine and other i le- pose to our stock quic ud
ced operationi. ' A large occasion so delighted a Seaforth hid, kly,
u ments also nearly: all the bay, all t e fall Upon
The third shot he got at it struck it on the mber from town and the surreundin�k and the musical part will be given by the dCWM as
WM. P 01KARD & COS. other grain. Mr. Syeir th
They ouMon-L ExTRA ftims.—Mr- Gear B back and knocked it over, but it was still country'visited Toronto this week. choir,, assisted by Nliss, Grace McFaul. The wheat and a lot of e rule of low prices for eve.- at got the thi is not
'othing and Dr cott, one of the -most p ite Teme 'able lire calling machine fixe up we have borne
-Usrgam,� C, y Goods)aouse, ublic-spin to run. The hunt was joined by others say the crowd at t1ke big show is as large as ell i will be'lighted for the first time on o sell. We are aeterlinned
orth. evening by electricity.—The person who QU ceftplete,
of Seaforth,- who is' nothing if not loyal to but it was not until Mr. Tully's swamp, ever and d6es not indicate very hard times. that sua Will
Seaf 1=4dyi1ito, start out : Monday morning. The
loss is a heavy onei�l as it h§ stated that five that tbere shall be no room for Cora,,
the beat interests of the town, recognizing north of Dublin, had been reach�A, that -the —The Western Fair o&ned at London lost a pair of pect cles on Main street, week.
the public benefit of making our annual fall bear was finalv put hors de combat" by a yesterday. It will be largely patronized by Seaforth, can get the. same on ap hundred dollars is ill the insurance ' on the plaint w4h eitheegoo& or pricg. pla) ea IL"t
ica ion
-ad ot
show as attractivg as - possible, has hustled 'shot from Mr. - Jack Dalton's rifle. The people from this county. It is rapidly rival- at THE Exi-tisiTo 0 — rs. 8. Pow- barn. —The storm on 'Sunday evening was a P. - F-FICE. M �Onest goo,
afound and, on his own keaponsibility, se- bear is a black one, of medium size and in ling the Toronto Industrial. — ell, of Philadelphia, is at present here on a fierce one, doing a,lot of damage to fences
cured the following extra -prizes, to be do- fair condition. It was 'on exhibition in and trees. The wind shook off nearly all be known to yOU Zsm
David Donovan and Robert Winter, jr., visit- to her mother, Itfis. F. Case.
the apples -where the orcbards were not w 11
nated as specified : Mr. George Q. Patter- Mr. John Dopp?s butcher shop, but by have returned home from the old country.— in rv&ble goods o1all
sheltered. The rAu was badlynee
son,of the Burdock Bloody Bitter MTg Wednesday afternoon all the meat bad " Geordi&"Nieliol took pasage for the old e Edward McFaul,'
Ashfield. -ouir Mon,
DISYRICT MATTERS. Co., offers an unbound volume of the Pro- been disposed ot to those who %vish- country last week and his familiar , . On Saturday mornIng last lightning burned value for -T
NOTES. ---'�We hao a beautiful rain last Fri-
nion lie
day n lit which iucalculahl4i good.— SEAFORTH.
gress of the Pilgrim'8 Bu. a 'for the beat. ed 4o, try roast bear or bear steak. will not likely be seen around our streets barns of Mr. Shaw, on tTle 2n conces-
ning were
gone, an a visi ordrea cod
The annual the property of the donor) ; Mr. Joseph laren the same neighborhood. board of directors of'the- McKillap 'Mutual friends in. M i
Ti[ANKS(, , mund Andrew is
tilree kegs of weak butter (butter to become The mate of this one. issaid to be still at for some months. —A meeting. of the full Mr. F Sion. The thund,er and light
HARVEST an toba, . W t to heavy, and the rajn fell hea-vily at times. Furnishings
e *i�h him a pleas -
Harvest Thanksgiving Service in connection Owe Rose, of the Broadbox & Foot Furni- Fire Insurance Compa Thefire was seen a great distance away. It
ny will b6 held in ant trip.—Zion church had a narrow escape mind wit4 a good store of useful knowled Ruts and Cap;
with St. Thomas' church, was- held on San- ture Co., offers an Unvarnished milk stool for is a heavy loss at this time -of the year to W te roof Cl
DEPARTEDF.RiEND'S.—The Hamilton Her. Seaforth to -day for the parpose.of consider- -from lire last week. The neighbors had to while -young. For the purpose of f_
to the best three-year-old yearling be burned out.—Mir. Peter, Cantelon had a g day, last.. The Rector exchanged pulpi, any aid makes the following 'reference to the In matters of importance to the company. work hard to save it.—The pastures and such n q�ganization they call for a meeting:
Rev. Mr. Wood, of Wilaham, who breed (heifer to become the put- Men!s F4_-&dyF
wproperty of the late Mrs. El bee raising -tip his house. The masons are
izaeth Jane McCoy, who de- r. McLeod, of Brookl Y"n, NeV YOrk,w&s meadows have beell pretty wellseor to be hel4i i the Kippen hall on Friday,
preached two. very able and. appropriate donor) - Mr. H. G. Edsall, of the Commer- t instone wall under it this� week. —Ap hv in town last -week, the � guest of- Mr. John ple YoutW ReAd3
cial Hotel whose The crop is not
b0t parted this life on the 4th inst., and the cgreat drought —There has not been a ow '>lot inst -hen all arig invited to attend,
sermons ta large congregations. The pac ers.are at work n y%1 Readym
offers an unfilled tie Of death w hro cl d last week. It says large extent of fall'wheat sown owing to the Mr. Ole has returned home and is
c ni e Copp. The d7octor is an old Huron boy, Bal
church, as usual, was very prAtily decor- " Walker's Worst " for the best wagon load a very good one, owing to the drought. 0110 Wu!s Fur Go�
The deceased was born in Caedon, Ire. being a son of Mr. Roderick McLeod, Of extremely dry weather. more at is post. —Rey. I&. and -Mrs. Mra
ated witl) grain, fruit and flowers, reflecting of home-made bread, unbuttered, (bread to land, in December, 1827 and came to Hain- arIge and lucrative
Brticefield. He had a I
Kibbon eturned home on Friday last, ft
credit oil, the ladies, who devoted so much become the property of the Commercial) practice in Brooklyn, but his h<h failed Bayfield. er
ilton in 1847, being in this city un we "sk your "t
time ajid labor to that work. 'The choir Mr. G. B. Scott, of th6 Oriental Sh i bil 1889, him and he spent the last sdinmer in Idaho. Belmore. OxLy a few -of those Corsets at half price spendin two weeks with friends. MAU.,
hen she removed with her husband and BPEwTiEs.—Messra John Hovey and ten feel, like all other folks, better after's.- Convinced thst� you 1
left -50c for 26c, 75a for 40ot $1. for 60c. Sizes, 18.
performed'their part with pleasing effect, Parlor, offers' a ten -year-old razor, light family to her late. residence in Brantford Ile was on his return to Brooklyn when he George Englis returned from Scotland last come before all are jone. H. F. EDwARzo. 1306-l' rest.
wns iAteT"t an vell 01
the bright, hearty singinj and'ehad-ting roadster safety, for the best ten barrels of to hip. Mrs. McCoy a at& ell called here. .— Messrs. Mullett & Jackson
beWg a cheerful feature of the services.' fcPly was un Hartley returned to
mouth Rook apples, (apples to be- were puttin eek. --Mr., William BP.EEzY LocALS. —Mr. E. Routlege, of St.
Presbyterian; for many years a member of g a new roof on their store
Harriston High School this week.—It is eX- Thomas, made a flying visitome last week. 8taaley. 'triiae.
come the property of the barber) ; Messrs. Knox church, and also one of the first to building last week. They had it nearly all ssE�
PnESDYTIMY Or HuRox. —The Prezilqtery A -L G. VafiEgmond's Sons, qf the Seaforth pected that Mr. Duraford, who, during the —Miss M011YA16Aulay, of Southampton, is
I-oin St. John's Presbyteriah church. She completed on Friday night and expected to PA AwAy. —We have. this week t -o
held 9, regular meeting; in Clinton, oa the woolenmills,ofer a skein of yarn for the beat summer !months, conducted the English O'st
leaves six sons and four daughters to mourn' finish it early Saturday morning. )ending a week with friends here. —Mrs. record the death of one of Stanleyi in In this Church services so acceptably here, will %ex. Grainger has returned home from an ptoniiijig young men,, Mr. Alex We 6T6
11th inst. Sessions were instructed to ar-' Early Rose" calf, any age (calf to become her loss. The eldest son is Rev. Joseph interval the big rain storm cafne-on and the ander Coon.
range for their own� missionary meet i u preach his farew6ll sermon next Sunday.—
s or the property of the d6n,�rs) ; Mr. S. Dick- result was tha the unfinished roof failing enjoyable t to - A1ackinaw.—Messrs. Me- eroh, - el est son of Mr,
MeCoy, 4 Chatham, New Brunswick. Of rip John Cameron, of
no, and all sessions within son, postmaster, offers a new, uillickea post. The people of the Methodist church, purpose
missionary Serino
the daughters three -are married, Mrs. Mus_ to turn thb water, their' store and . other Geoch aud James Ferguson, of Seaforth, -the 4th1concession. He was.just 22years of
holding a Harvest Thanksgiving service in ere, ag
the boun ed to have such age stamp. for best five bushels of "Berk- grave, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Stewart, ere deluged, and their stoves and re. iie had not been -well for some tim�,`-
were. request Fre nser have been spen4ing their vacation h
meeting qr sermons. k1r. W. T.'Hall, sta� shire pears" (pears to become theWroperty- Jar wa apar future.—A box -social will be held guests at the Albion.—Mrs. Peters 'and
d e the
all wives of minihters." goods considerably damaged and &b4ut, two weeks ago took a trip to
sustained. The supply of Bayfield. and the Seaforth Sun, offers a year's subsicri ' 16 Howick and Tupberry, on Friday e Jac
I -out, read- a discourse which was cordially of the Government); Mr. eelin of —The Woodstock Se' in re- will be heavy and this i' Albion Monteid with the hope f improving
F. G. Their loss in the schoolhouse of School Section No. 13, family, of Seaf4th, were at the
a loss in which there is no on Sunday- l"t.—Mr. T. Jowett h h ith. i e we f m . mil n n k_.`
ing to the death of Mr. Donald MeDon- Welullf , as ea, H nt ro Ila to a a too
fat 'nsur Septeml�er 21st, commenci"g! 6vi g
Bethany was left in the hands of the Rome tion- to the Sun I" for -the beat pumpkin, alil, her of Mrs. R. A. Scott, of thi ance, but, as will be seen by our ad at 7 0 0100 . been. ha..m -his. -residence repainted.—Miss the boat both way, a. He enioyed his t
Mission Committee�including the Moderator (pumpkin to beco, ver' Theprograitime will consist of Vocal and
me the property of the poor t, I is they are going to give - the Florence England and niece, Ruby Fisher, very m UR -
town, who died in Woodstock on the 8th Iqlng 00 1111111 ell, and Aen he reti�ri;ed to his The LEADIN-9.
Of the Bayfield session. The attention of of Harpurhey.) E. Instrumental music, readings, recitations,, returned ho_me� last Saturday, a a H to h e be e
inst.,,says: The death of Mr. D. Me- bIF4 the benefit. — �tlr. and Mrs. after a cle, Amil - n, e f It tt r, only that
the brethren was called. to Knox College Donald, a well known citizen, occurred at 'Ile of St. - Catharines, formerly of dialogyes, tableaux and wand exerciSes, month's visit to. Mrs. . H. W. Erwin. —A he complained of 'a Severe headache. Thii
Jubilee, and the hope expressed -that they DON'T FORGET the uction sale at Dr. 11 oclock on Sa ver
Foiumtoins: ur young e0ple had a I
turday last. Deceased w passed through town on Tuesday. number of o' not ge�ting better medical aid was a
Smith!s residence to -morrow (Saturday) afternoon at Staffa. pleasant tiir 6 braith's, Goderic when it w f un - he w a a oughtt
ivould 4tted to the matter. The reports 81 years of age gnd'was a Vell known'a Mr. and Mrf. Holmes drove from St. as 6 a
nd Cath- erin
one o'clock U5 from
of the Finaii�e,- and Sabbath School Com- sharp. 1396-1 'Lgptand
STrACTITES.—A very pretty wed road, on Tubsday night. —We unS
9 ends, John -AROUND
respected farmer on the 10th line, - 'Last arines to Clint8n, where they spent three din typhoiA fever. Despite All that Itle best.
mittees, were delayed till next meeting. RpSL-AVED SEAT TICKETS for. the
Moderation in a call was granted to the ,,- Minstrel Concert to be hold in Cardno's Hall on the Zorra, until 1870, when he moved into weeks visiting their sons and other fri took pla e at the residence of Mr. that M. Alex. Grainger purposes niqving to medical skill could do for him, his en&ebte&�'
Woodstock. He was born on the 26th July, d on Tuesday they were on their return Kemp I nesday. The contractin Clinton.—The prize lists of BayfiehyFair are constitution gave wV before the ravagesf
last evening of the Fall Fair will be on sale on and an 9
bert Dalton and , and he passed aw�,y
Ai bib Id qrri e iseas
gregation of Brucefield. The next meeting after Tuesday next at Papars Book Store. Popular 1813, in Fload, parish of Creich,Sutherlad- home. —The many friends of Mr. -0 . a partie Miss out. Pick out your large pumPkin and'
Tresby tery is to be held in Clinton, 6h prices. Bishop, of Usborne, ex -M. P. P.,'for Nelli 41ne fruit, and get, your trotter in shape- IDR. TALMAGE AM11
shire, Scotland, and w married on Feb. South ha young couple are early Wednesday morning. The remajis
country -be pleased to learn that he has ymoon a N
the l3th of Neemberat hajl;f -past ten a. in.. he dates are October 9th and 10th.—Miss
Huron, will spendi
Tum Woollen Mills is the place to get ruary 14thi 1845.- He came to this t the Indust.iialk. were taken to his fathees residence
Exhibit -a number pf our citizeiis
Tweeds, Blankets, Flannels, Yarn anti sufficiently recovered to peii-nit of his re- . Stanley, and will be interred in Bair&s
Knit Goods, in 1831. Deceased leaves a -wife � and eight IT. J. Martin, John Erwin, Charles Stewart,
cheap. Prices away down. A. G. Tw
SAD NEws.—The family of Mr. Tlionias good and turn home from the London hoop are -akin ig all an4 egrge Stanhury took in the
ROMOND'S SONS. children, viz. : Mrs. Douglas Bruce, East ital, where allow at Toronto' this It. Darr cemetery this Friday. He was a most eg. Livingston, of Hullett, near Alma, re.--alved Zorra;.Ivlrs. Frank Pillinan, Woodstock; he bad been for a month and where he under- we i. ngst them are: Miss Lizzie. Toronto Fair this -week.—On Sunday last, tiable young man, and was beloved b all
very sad news frouil friends in the St.1,tes a TKE ROYAL TEbtpL.&R.s, of this place, will Mrs. W. A. Reid, Woodstoek ; Mis. R. -A. went a very 4itical operation. Although Sa er, a. William Campbell, Master both morning *and' evening, St.. Andrew's who koew him. His death is asevere W wmeft of the
few days ago. They -were expecting t wo Of hold a crockinole social in the Oddfollows' hall, on
Monday evening, September 24th, 1894. Scott,Seaforth, and two daughters at home. still weak, he is gaining strength and biw.1 Leonard Campbell, and Mr. Y. D. Hutcbr-- church was cTowaed, by interested con- to his bereaved parents and friends. AxtUte An4l SdOn
Mr., Livinaston's daughters, Mrs. on. =Tile Staffa F6
A. V*)'itlker partaculars next week. 1396-1 The sions'are, P. A., Detroit, and Geor friends have now good hopes for his pe d otball t6am ae to play -gregations. In the evening many -were
and M .0 , Gibson who reside in Reni- SECURE to gain admittance, the occasion being yo CK recovery.—Mr. W. 0. Reid, of th the Beechwood team, for a football in labl,
rr TI hTs'earlyfortbe Grand Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The jate Mr. e weTI
Boll, Iowa, ever oil v Brussels.
-i isit last week, bat in- Minstrel -Concert in Cardno's Hall on the last ight McDonald was a deacon in the Congegation- known firm of Reid & Wilgon, is in Toronto Mitchell, at the Romal� Catholic chuich the last services of Rev. W. T. Hall, who U
stead they received a letter from MrsANTlk - of the Fall Fair, Friday, Septemb BraEFs.—The Reform Conv
�r 28tb. bl' this week doing the exhibition picnic- next Tuesday. As these clubs have has so efficiently performed"the dkities of ention. will be
&I church - and was honored by a wide and visiting, lTCff.V=
ersayingthaher' two sons Thoratis and bethe best musical and the most comical entertain- * cl held here on Friday, the 21-st inst.,for the�,
mentof the season. Tickets at PApst's Book Store. eir. e of acquaintances." friends there and in Oakville.—Nfr. Hugh never met before, and both have the reputa. potor during 'the summer. His practical , , 1, . I—Evoellet umdaul
'date for the
.,-John,hadbeen killed. It seemsthatthey were Popular prioes. 1806 -IL Grieve is in Toronto this wepk 100 ion of being first class teams, a close serm6ns cannot have failed to make a last- Purpose of nominating a caudi
king up a t game of Now 7ealand. u
iving a steam, threghilig engine over a
LADIES' HousE�- SLmFERs at 15c, 25c, 35c A ComrLETE number of stylish rigs f6i exhibition at the is expected.—Miss Nellip Campbell has ine impression. On Sunday mornmig next- Commons and to see after the proper rew- sel- nee", bore. TA
-e way and both and 400. Men's new long boots for the fall. Re- tric lights, of this town -w- e _V ce -is an. tzaveled _�i
�bridge, when, the bridge ga Seaforth, show. —Th�'good people,of Union �one tolvEtchell to learn dressmakin t Hol' Sacrament will be observed, Rev. $ion of the lists. A large attendan
ere rail for the- g__ Uvea ,w
youlig men received stich injuries as re- member this is a cash store and we -hope that -n Oh Brucefield, have.decided tip extend Mr. W. Crayford isat present visiting. rela- Mr. Mebonaid 6icipaited.—ir. Petei Erb, of Grey, had
6 one urch, in charge. During the re-
oWdrity, aud It, A6d
will be offended if refused credit. Xt to not because a unanimous and hearty call to FRe-%;,. Mr tilres in Toronto and district.—ldr. Archie mainder of the month a brother of Rev. Mr.
.suited in their 41eath. They were aged 21 first time under the new management on Joseph Holmes, D. Duke and Win. Duke ftem etter thaft
and 23 respectively. Both young raen -were you may not be good enough but simply because we Saturday night. As -we have alread stated, befort A. Hunter J. P." on'the charge of
do business on a cash basis at T. Coventry's old the firm of Scott Broters, so loni and so uthrie, of this town. We hope they wili Millar, of Stratford, spent last Sunday with Hall is expectbd.—Mr. Walker, formerly of u.,r.0- nf. n3ade moreet ther
Uatives of 11idlett, their father, -who -died a stand. succeed as we WQUICI like to h*e Mr Del steali!ng a bee iive, on) Tuesday, but the
few years ago, being a resident of that
TuE regular meeting of the Womens' dealers in, Guthrie for a neighbor,'and besides both airing ad'upholstering furniture. r. e, until Thursday to enable
favor known as musical instrument relatives here. ;roit, has coimenced business here re -
recently purchased P they tberefore do0d
township before, removing -to the States. Cbrisdan Temperance Union will be he!d next Wed- this town, congregation and pastor would be subjects Lumley. �Yaiker has -already done considerable work th: , isoners to procre colinsel.—H. Whit.
er -were all ready; .?, . I --IBut New Zealondl
Mrs, Waler an4 her sist nesday afternoon at half -past 3 o'clock. Don from the town the electric light' Plant for congratulationshoold skichp, happy union herp., giving, complete satisfaction. — A-fr. ley as also charged with robbing the till of .1 _. I
got; EN full attendance is desired. 10 for' with the view of working it NOT-Es.—The serere wind storm of Sun- oolon there sre 91
to corne to Canada,, d a ni . Oil a much be cousummat 61; d. —Quite � numb Trott, photographer, of Seaforth, whose Jain a OLeary, of, the Qu�&en�s, but was ". , _- �_- I I., I :
larger and in er of Sea- day evening did considerable damage men, This will. bi
the next day after the sad accident occur- ALL -who take pa;rt. in the Minstrel con- ore exterided scale. They, quitted —A'-1arge[ 111111113er vent to the To,
forthites went down to Mitchell, on Sunday around here, blowing down fences, branch gallery here for the sumindr'has I
red. Mitch Sympathy will be felt for the e,t are particularly requested to be at Cardno's hall have erected, at the railway station, a new besides f T wded. This)v Gul
been managed by Mr. James Cameron, ronto ir on J ues4ayr, thereeing a special
to -night (Friday) not later than 8 o'clock, for re. and'Monday, to attend tile o ening of tl�e unroofing the barn- of Mr. William Miller
brick power house. This -building is now
bereared mother qnd relatives, among the hearsal. The orchestra will utsion train on t1lis branch that ran" _ymemen sA x
0 be in attendance. 1396.1 completed and contains all - necessary con. new Prealwyterian church. Aere were fin- of the, boundary.—The funeral of the late' closes business here to -morrow, (84urday.) I�V*Mmn iientftl
many iriends of the family in this vicinity. inense crvwds at all the service Tke London Free Press, of Tuesday last, Enkgh with ovir -seven hundred on. There
Foit ALE 200 empty Sugar a. —Mr. John Mrs. Jamieson took place; on Saturday, a STeryWOMO# is ent
Veniences for the effieiet carrying on of the Aitch 0 0 Miss Millie is a4ther cheap day on Thursday.—Br
Barrels with covers, suitable for packing apples. son, of Roxboro, lost -a horse last large number attending.—Mr. A. Casey, of conbi e the f 11 'wing : 114 -
The Popular Grocery, ESTATF OF H. ROBB, Seatortb. work. They have had placed in it, in addi- e in els The:dUl"Itris th
A GipVS M1,13TAKE.—A de- weekfroma diseasewhich is saidto'have London, a law student at Osgoode Han Bow'�Y, of Chicago, (formerly of Bayfield) tVs had a number of sneak thefts with -
1396 -2 tion to -- the old plant, two 75 horselower -Uhrday, 8t inst. -The i"n e last week. The house Inany m2en that te.rom, Chicago, dated 8eptemer 12th, t in Airs at of George.. spatch f been commiicated 'by horses, belonging to Toronto, was visiting his cous , I died Chicago on Sm h
HoRsi� wanted in exch Monarch Econonlical Boilers," P. Carcliff omaws lifetime
8 ange for ligines, both boilers and engines in this remains were brought to this city yesterday was entered through the window all(I sas. Robert Fulford, aged .36, a wealthy Implements Call and ee. T 0 A Rows, Sea. an wo
high speed e the threshers. 'He has anotiler horse which Whitlock and other relatives
contractor, of Englewood, has deserted the forth. also very sick with the same trouble.— vicinity last week. and interred in the family plot at Birr. a Mild watch, 50 cents and some jewelty'
b hom the establishment of the Robb —.rs. John Cole, of this drunkarW* ditch.
man, who was one of our oldest Place,, is in of typhoid fever. We hope for Thedeceased was an dsti � bl stc use was tried, but�
woman he married twelve years ago, -and — `1;g Isaiah Rol ma, e young lady, 10n. Thomas Kelly's ho and perfect state
En ne Company of Altiberst, Nova Scotia. ti
eloped with his beautiful cousin, 6rertrude and most respected citizens,hm gone to Be- her speedy recovery. and had a large circle of friends in Canada the �irl. heard them and gave the alann.
RE everest 'the mianhoea, for
A SEvE STORM.—One of he a They h ve also an Austin heater, nianufac. lin and intends removing his fa The�e were both on the same night, and on'
McCord, of Exeter, Canada, a girl of nine- thuilder storms experienced here for a Ion Ill - . I mily there who will regret to hear of her demise." kind. The *Wnex
teen years- Tile family and.intituat0a have 9 tured y Cowan & Co, of Galt. This heater @ — _ 'Frfdaynight the station -was entered ancl
tirne occurred early on deliver's water pure to the boilers at a tem- shortly. We wish him success in his new Donnybrook. already done well,
!tm Saturday -morning. som� $12 of change in the tin 'was taken, and
donetheiru oat to hushup tbeaffair, and It lasted for about two hours. The.wiiid perature of 2121, thus savin the boilers and home.—Mr. William Fowler has rented his LOCAL DoixGs. — Rev. Afr. Smith, Of wingliAm- 'eyed of States AndEupve'
were's-accessful uatil to -clay, when. tbe en- nd- econon farm on the Huron Road, west of Seaforth, Arthur, W severe storms we had &]Sol James O'Leary's till was reh Ing in pitriors and
blew a perfect hurricane.; the rain desee i ising fuel . For tie incandescent preached anniversary sermons in AFTI.Xos.—The abo�a;m - timo
rude came to to Mr. Thomas Jarman, for a term of f , so the register says. It is
ed in torrents;, tb�e'thuuder was terrific, and ligbtin they have it one thousand light ive the Methodist church here last Sabbath. A last week haye dove quite a lot of damage they Shan, get thi
-Chicago bout a, year ago. to hei! and so am. This was in years. The :far' thi work was -stopped and the thie box thi%t'�dastle lu
the lightning nearly continuous, dyn m ontains two hundred I yea had
anufactured in PhTfla. tea meeting was held the follo -nmg throughout the country. On Saturday
wm& eve
muscal Studies at a city college. She acres ; is one of bet, beware, as they mayflay it o'nee t4o,
sharp - as to be am oat blinding. After a de � hia, and is the verylatest and most im- the best in the county and -which was a reat success, Ke,%% morning Mr. Arthur Shaw's barn, in Morris, oft n. They are nd taken bythe
boarded at the Fuford home, and was -was rented f6r $5W a year, the tenant pa Suppose to be not, while the brave'st
ash and a very severe proved in use. Besides this 'they have the y- n8a was present, and deliver- was stritr3k by lithtning ai�d burned to the far visitors, but mere amateurs,—
particularly vivid fl Swan, of He
treaed as their own child. The wife never ing the taxes and doing the road work away Stailoft and GreatlB
crack of thuder, the sky beciame illumin: two are dynamos formerly in use in the ) ed a very eloquent address. The proceeds ground, with all is summer's crop in it Th sports are getting their guns in shape
suspected the love,that was growing up. b" --6il.6 Mr. Fowler retains the use of the brick
town. It is without exception k #rj and from Vad cl
e- �ted both to the north and South of the one of the amounted to 8,56, which goes in aid of the Mr. Allen Spiers, of the .4th line of Morris, e huntmIg season comes in on Saturday..
tweea her husband and his cousin. About residence, the garden and orchard.—Air. Sabbath school. — Threshing is now the bad his barn burned on Monday morning by inany lwgulsh In
three weeks ago Gertrude determined on town, thus showing that the lightning had most complete electrib plants of ts size in Frank Buggin, of Blytb, was here last week e'v- N. T. CluE formerly of the 415 -
taken effect. - It was soon apparent that the the Province. The machinery was set in order of the day.—Mr. William Berkitt and the ligbtnin with, all -his crop.—Miss -Mon 4bey WM jW
going home for a short vacation. 7 The train Visiting his sister, Mrs. James Beattie, be- co, church ere, ut iiow of Fenton,
fire in the iRorth was Mr. Th-omas otion and the entire plant wo 'Miss Kate Robinson were united in the Martha Sad4 er has gon� tio Ottawalmr. left at night, and Fulford said he would ac- Lapsl�ie's in rke'd fop 6 higan, is here enjo in his holidays.
ht. -From the holy bonds ' f matrimony on Wednesday and Mrs. Timmins, of Toronto, hav6 been would be h&Ued
barn, just adjoining the town. This - build- ��4q firsb time on Saturday nig ford going to Philadelphia, where lie intends e �eems ave a la peaft Of 016 matt
company her to the station. Since then ing was struck on the west side and was in very Oat, everything worlied without a studying dentistry. —Dr.. Burrows, late red- 5th inst., at the parsonage, by the Rey' visiting friends in town.—Mrs. George Faw- for Tho
d yet' he famil. ac pany hftn.__1%e &U9xi"t"L -
go into JWW A00Un1
neither of them have been seen. Fufor flames almost instantly. Fortunat hitcht n'd to the entire satisfaction Of all dent physician and stir eon of Toronto Gen- Mr. Baugh, of Auburn. The bjicle was as' will be held here
ely Mr. aett, of Ter6nto, is visiting at Air. R. Hilys air ast
hemidyes 19
left a note to his -wife statino, she had al- Lapslie was, up at the time, and on seeing -ent lamps -a sted by her sister, Lizzie, and the llie, of Bluevale, was on Thursday and Friday, the
t, concerned. The incandest eral Hospital, has pureflased the practice of
ways been. good and to him, but inad ber- Dr. mith, and has taken up his quarters in '91 4th said 5th
that he was in love with Gertrude, e e a rush to li by Mr. Sillips. Mr. and Mrs,, Berkitt leit visiting at Mr. Alexander Ross' last week- of October, and promises to be a sue%eas i
his property in flames, Strong d teady light, while the are la"'Ps the Doctor's office. Dr. Burrows iA a clever
at hisstock, which was stabled in the on tNe �0'l M9'e'rcial and street circuits give Wingham for Toronto and other places. —Mr. F. Patterson is visiting in A�r and theiDirectors are offering U108 -too join -them
and would live with her until she got a building. - !there were seven horses an much better and � more young man and comes highly recommended -special at -
in 'The wtv4s ond d!
vorce, when they wo d steady light than Their many friends wish them happiness Galt this week.—r. Webb, of Stratfor 1,
uld marry. The four pigs in the stable. He succeeded i formerly us allowine the benefits of the uisition is ia4tions this y a
th and will, no doubt, be a valuable acq t e
T to tl their wedded life. visiting his parents in - town. —Miss M. i
errant husband made over $20,N0worth of n . ie professionat lists of our town. �Mr. better a 0 a lam
gettmy out all the animals 1111proy d e 'whole outfit, so far,
property to his wife before leaingr. except one two- '0 ower- Hill Sleeth, eldest son of Mr. Win. Sleeth Linklater iq visiting at Ripley this week. — Uthop Ui
Y -ear -o d colt and the pigs. mine $ , AM brot
The barn was a Is e, �4 satisfactory to the town and to The cider ijill is running ; bring along your Wroxeter. Ing a 11 f
is laid un with a sev ere attack of typhoid Leadbury, "VP 910 Im
large b the entlrprism'g.proprie ors apples.—The Union Factory will be run- ft
ank-barn with stone stabling under- t who, we ho NOTES.�Thezannual meeting of the Wo. ought o U sm
Pe, fe'ver.—At is stated that the barn of Mr. Loc.ALwips--Mr. John Rae and Mr. Rob- Foreign Missionary Soci whica -to got *0
wi reelil e liberal return for their la!ge
'NfEmisv.—The Huron County neath. It Cont ined the entire _- season's ning in a fe1w days, under a new firm. ety was held
besides some implements, all of which, outlAy. Th:.entire work, from t-lie'laymg d- ert McKee are attending the Model chool et of the Presbyterian Church-
Clifistia Emdeavor Union will liGld its crop, Nolan, of McKillop,neMr the Hullett boun i-n&:)bxe basem
third annual convention in the Rattenury of course, were destroyed. - The colt burned t d Ila ary, was,- struck by lightning on Sund at Clinton.' The latter has been engaged to suarditm-I
lug of the building to the se- By lap Thursday, and was highly successful.
who we t home
treet Methodist church, night an;f burned but we have not obtained teach the school in Section We. 81 McKillop, Kippen. Sot#e $26 were
Clinton, on was a very valuable animal, being a lecti placing of the machinery, was netted.—At the half-yearl the oond
Zg year. He is fortunate Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th, Kent,, 8 carried particulars.—Mr. and Mrs. -William Rich. for the ensuing
cky t, ndard bred, which Mr. Lapalie I tinder- the direction of Mr. Wil- blopm PLOWS aud gang ows to hand. me�ting of the Young People's Society of 'the von4ortof thi
mond, of Washington, Oxford county, having pecured a school so near home.—Mr. Better bargai6s than ever, A fa line of ow Ch a n
I"repxrations are being made to receive a hadrecently purchased for breeding ur- liam Me -ay, for many years chief engineer. all A Asti, n E dem or, held last week, 11�
oi All.
spent a few days this week with their uncle, James Wiltse has 3, busbe of moulO boards, plow bandlesi emtings for all was elected presidenb.
and, iudginocs poses. He valued her at $500. He ha( an able to his owf, skimmers. etc.,, at the Hippbn Plow j 1. Co N06 only
large delegation of Haronite' 000 Is oats this Aniiie Allen
at Ogilvi 's mill, and it is credit
tile partial list of speakers nd sub- 0 mecliani Mr. A. Youni.—Mr. Robert Paterson, of' year. This is the product of 50, acres, zand to the,
* I skill and push pnd ability esoie wan, vice-president, and Mr. Will
insurance of $7 0 oil tile building and $1,200 as an Shop. . x1lubla.
jects given below, a Successfu convention is Rensall, whose planing Mill was destroyed Is an excellent return for, this season, Mr.
Sariders, secretary. They in -turn select t1ae for moregood
on the contents, but his loss wT be several n eer nd overseer. In fact it is credit" by fire on Friday night last, was in town on Wiltsie is an excellent fatmer and has a ve ScRiBs.—Farniers are busy this week fin. MOM f0t )nor* 4
assured: "8oineaspects of Christ'awbrk" hundreds of dollars more than thi's amotmt. , e gi' to oth.6r officers and committees from
-able t e town that �ve have in it a gentle- ry mb"
will be taken lip by A. . G. Anderson, of The blaze So illuminated the town that on 'man of b a mechaical ability, and we are Tuesdayi Mr. Paterson's loss is upwards fine flirm.—Mrs. Menary, a former resident, ishing up their fall wheat. The acreage of ihe society.—Mrs. John Gibson left Here ift mounw
ollars, and he haa but.,%, UOW'feet high,.
y sorry to I arn that there is a prospect of our no in eas ns. in Vancouver., take theirphotm
St. Helena;. " Equipment for Service," by man of the streets a person could almost of-. seven thousand d iho has been residing in Michigan for sown this season is small compared with Sathirday, on a visit to friends
J. A. R. Dickson , 1). D., of Orut S ys- losing hii surance. He take3 his loss quite philo- some years, has been here on a visit. Her other a q Farmers Are beginning t
see to read. The fire alarin was sounded We congratulate the Messrs. 0 Brkish Columbia.—Rer. 'John Ross
ternatic Bendfi cence," by Rev.. James Ander- Scott on sophically, however, and says he is not dis. chief object in coming was to see her fath- realize that growing wheat at fifty cents is *be -mountains 4
and the firenien tnrned out, but, of course, ieir success thus far, and tl I sels, will bold Communion services im
son, Godcrich Every 'Meinber a old they ebuld liot render' much assistance. town is I courage�d, although he will have to com- er,. Mr. Love, of Morris, who is seriously not profitable. —Mr. J. C&Uni'nLg and Mr. an Sabbath- next. d statuesque v
a' 0 to be congratulated that so im- resbyterian church
Winner, by W. If. Butt, Centralia an portant ai mence just about where he did seventeen' ill. —A surprise party, composed of a select Archie McGregor, of our village, are taking posto" sorae df
y of tile townsPeople, who had been interest has fallen into such con -i- a number are attending the Exhibi-
sibilities and Methods of Junior 1AVork by brought 01*1t;)valked through tbe'sto1m to petent an trustworthy bands. Mr. Pat6rsonhas made an eA- number of young people, met at the resi- an at orento this week. andsltitude�xnidi
ears ago. in the Tor ' to fair.—Much sympathy has
Miss Washington Clinton; report of Cleve- viable record for himself for industry, good dence of Mr. Irvine on Friday evening last - been felt by the the an In the
this neighborhood
the scene of t1le fire, and through the as- people of in
THE, BASEBALL MATcIL—Not for many ar,
for Mr. Robert Patterson in his heavy loss
TaTul Convention, by, Miss 'G. M. aistance furl-iialled, an workmanship and fair dealing, and should.,an enjoyable time was spent. —lnteuigence the attist's sug-91
implement 6use A PLE,�SA�XT EVE.NJN(,._It Was 'a _da� has th�re been 'as enjoyable an after
very lie start in business again his excellent busi received by one o� by the fire.", -'—Mr. Benjamin Blair has been face to full faea
-4eaforth ;-" Causes and Remedies of Dull Situated near tfie burning barn was Saved. agreeable �nd soc coin. f oar residentsi from 'noon's sport in -Wromater as that of Thurs.
ial _pany that assem. ness reputation will nable him to work lip Tylodbejaw, states that the er in that see- very poorly for some days, but we are And one doy anic
A1c_et`in(-rs,"by%1is8 'S. A. Achesun, Godc- I,.,, tilis 1�jous *T day last, when a baseball
e Mr. Lapslie had his ehicles 'bled in tl�,e rooms of the Young Men's match was I& ed
0 P I CL or -from standiul
rich Reports of Coranti ttees," by A] iss. andniost of bis valua" more easily and quickly than he did as new tion are almost an entire f0i]Lsre, owing to seence.—The between the Galt and Unlon"Zams, the or-
ble implements Stored, Christian Association, in. this town,, oil Fri- J pleased to learn of his convale day evenilig last. The occasi?p was a sort purohased,, the handsome residence of Dr. ture, we hope. sleepers from their, sweet slumbers. The the Dominion. The day was p clubs in e cheakg of the.
-thesou, Winghain, llaw y, I so th,,vt they 'w -e saved. We understald . M. Best., barrister, has rni f d day might awoke may of o said to be one of the very beat
Ma, ra a, Sea beginner.�,Mr. the scarcity of rain;. better luck in the fu- sto 0 8 n Ur Me�
hRoore, Brussels, Miss AVil- tht he hien
(is to pr6ceed with the erecton f fare,"rellisocial, gotten lip in boner of Smith and will occupy it shortly. r. Best gale of Suiiday night destroyed one of Mr. a la ropit -of laughber
crowd had asseb
rle led when play was
lHensall, Mcli,wen, Clinton, and of another ba�n at once, so. as to have it Mirs. Dr, Smith, by the ladies of the and family will have a comfortable and-ele McMerdiea e In the inounta-h
sting it to call
Mis.-i Neffic Lucknow. Selected ad- read to house, bis stock in -when the cold n's hristian Temperance Union, of at 3.30 o'clock. After au inn -
y Wome gnt hom�, and ae to be congratulated on Bluevale. ground: the only on� loaded with apples. is sedlo&t V
apiece both parties settled down to work,
dresses will also be given Rev. J. W. weather comes. The contract for the new which Mts! Smith has been for years a their purchase. —Messas. M. Morris, of the BRioHT NoTELr.;Ts.—Our visitors at the wer& I r. Johi MeNevin was taken suddenly
t Holmes, Clintoa Ret. Joseph Grode- building has been awarded- to Mr.'P. Keat- niost active and useful member. In ddi- Bank of Commerce, and Dr. Cam R, 0 In Is ria 8 in on Mon. ay night, and has been under the and whiewashes in close succession - - - - - -
With crowbar to
year are : NIrl. and Mrs, theorderoftheday. As the game pro-
tild not have been given to tion to the �neulbers of the Union, a number have their residences lighted -by electricity. Mr. and NIL r a. doctor's car4e since.—Mr.'Wm. Anders6n, of or tapeline to I
it co, pbe n w di t I tbi
rieli, nof Hensll
bet -ter nian.—As was subsequently aseer- of ladies and gentlej-nen, friends Dougal greased the Uniofis by some very brilliant June, 1886, the
of the —Mr. E. McFaul, Mr. C. W. Papit and Frazer Mrs. McTavish; Messrs, Kichigan,i, is spending a few. days at the and sharp* plays scored a opt
NOTEq.—Mr. (leorcre Need- taii�ied, the blaze ia the South was caused guest, were'linvited. aud Nve The few runs and k
hani, of Cortinna, Lainbton COMAY, and by the burni of the barns re present' l.� A. Wilson were in Toronto this week Messer, Samuel French, George Arde, home of Mr. John Anderson.—'Mr. Shaffer and Rotowalmli
of Messrs. Scott evening was devoted to social converse on business and pleasure ben't.—Mr. Thomas Robert Musgrove, Alex. Bruce, R. N. Duff, the opponeiits at bq;y, till amid intense ex -
father of the late Rev. C'reorcte Needham, of Brothers, oil e -th con( made er large shipment f I this cit
grgmd frolic. Fbi
0' 18i innings"was reached and,
uie 08sion of Tacker- games of vakous kinds, music and readings.' Case, -%Ao last week took'& bunch of cattle and J. Jennings.—Du the rain storm �Vee, Shaffer -likes to keep &egldime ement, the 'a gone to vilt tha
this wh had been Spending so Smith, about OvO Miles and a half South of After suppe Mrs. Coulter read an address hitthis an unlucky misplayDecurred all
to 'alontreal intending to ship them to the oil Friday night Mr. Tr-thur ShaWS barn in eireulation.—Many are Sorry to learn of ow -
days very Pleasantly Avith friends here, left Ermondville. i This fire took place simul-
th, on. behalf of the Union, Ing the- Oalta#to score, nd the game was morning.
good the sad d(*,th of Mr. Alexan'der Cameron, They were stair,
fo� home on. Tuesd' He was taneously that at Mr. Laipslie's. expres th Old Countr�, got a 6hance to sell to was struck by lightning and burged. Mr. lo*t to the home team by one run. When
aa e egret felt by all at advantage at Montreal and f Mr. obil- Cameron
so did not go Shaw intends to build again this eldest son it ab
I Cre a -L � of Stanl�y, ove step 'Of
accompanied by _Nlis3 who re- There were two 1, r b nk b, r1i , o e ear- her colu�tei�platedr removal from ea- it is remembered that a CC nine " taken v
turnsinuch improved in helth.—Mr. and lv ne-w. Th g further. Tracy, who was to have ac- Daniel Lewis retuhled on Tuesday from a who died 4� Hamilton on Wednesday. ' r. from leartli tow
the niain forth, acknpwled ing ber 6itiring from such a large centre of population as
last week buildina and t Owl ser- coinpauied the cattle to the other side, bad visit to Montreal'—Another goose case is and Mrs. Cameron were at his bedside, and at our boys the steps of the s
Alrs, James Forsythe went east lie iolcointerior was in a ieesinbeh�lf of the Union, and other the Gal district and pitted oa a visit ta relatives and friends in Toron- chance to go an way, but the -water look- awaiting tile an all that ki#d hands could do was don�. for not so much aJil
blaze in lesis tittle than it takes to - write worthy objeqts in town, and wishing her' y nual sessions. of the Bluevale of the backwoods, who never
to, Cobourg and other places. They will a -have Practice-
loont ituirway.
ed rather rough, and he decided th t he courts.—Mr. Thomas Stewart, has built a his recovdry, but in vaiii.—Mr. Robert b4t on ioceuio= of this kind, the woder is.
walked All the q
about it. Mr Matthew cott 'was looking ba piness and prosperity in her new home- was better off on dry land so he came back fence around his house, which cdnsiderably Mellis, the oldest business man of our Vil- that they were not completel 41 1 h
attend the Industrial E\hibition at Torofito out at the Nvindow of his 'bed -room at iiile ill Wamilton.1 DIr Smith made a net and to 8
sque c ed
'Mrs. Forsi,the expects. to be bsent le of deer passed adds to the attractiveness of the place.— f een serving the publichere The citizens of Gorri and roxeter have
eaforth. —A coup lage, who has b' grandeurs and
81PPUoP Smith) through the outskirts of the town on Tues- A. Craig is having the upper flat of his alld sunshine an
dtime, nd saw the flames issuing from. the riate ipeech on bQbalt of Mrs. , or
from home v6bo�it four weeks. —Mr. William hay loft (if One, of the buildings Mr. nigh forty years, is now enlarging his iniiell reason to be pro d f their
er carriage shop plastered. Some of our and having it repainted, all in good team, and if loyalty to their own vdutex� of decadi
There ich he 4 cknowledged the many kind- day morning. They had evidently been 'a o baseball
A-TeDougall, at,., left on Monday for Oxford w ' c iluinber of horses and several calves nesaes they 11ad received from the people of store
an(i East i(ld-lesex to superintend the _club was
These steps '00c,
dri ven out by some of the bush fires. —Mr. young people -went over to (4orrie on Wed- style. We trust our good friend may be discernible at times during the eX40itement
inthestables. These -were liberated,but Seaforth daring their eleven years' residence J. A. Clark irs haviAg.the �fron't of his con. nesday to attend the su spared an6ther forty years to do business in
cont feet pper pianist F
pae-kiiag of a large quantity of apples for litt)w else was saveil. The barns ' ained 'here ; the p easant friendships they had given to the ofJ the game, nothing -was said or done to ex-
ionery store -nicely painted.--Alev. Mr. Union' Baseball team.—Johnston Brothers oul violet, and lal Mr. George Turnbua. He will be away the entire crop of this season, together --witb forine burg. Mr. James Cooper goes to Lou- ce�sj and no untoward -action -obourred - to
d and tile regret they felt at leaving Stewart, of Salford, Oxford County, is at have purchased the-- livery from Mr. John d011 thii Week, 'With a number of his finely, in 3,r the proceedings ofth day, Mr. John about two months. —The social in our a good deal. froin former years. A largq so Pleasant I - place of residence, and so present visiting big Si6eri Mrs. Black 2nd McDonald.—Fifty-six bushelm of oats to the bred sheep for the Fair.—The young people 411hitouiK% sueb
charch this evening, Friday, promises to be number of implements, including a bindei nty kind aid cobeenial friends. Compli- -concession R, )as, f Brussels, um ire, the game; and it -
i _iVit , ,
tit!" are
of 6mith.—The ere is reported by one farmer near 13lue. of this I'' making arrangements to Aless to say
(e yl is nee ed t'he d�ties of
-an enjoyable affair, a -will be stored in the hililings were burned. t ry remarks were alsoma I' b thers,wh� have been ca. of a hold a L
a everything rhe ie a Mayor Beattie7Bro
arra.uged for the comfort of those who at- buildings %ere an-iong the best hi the co' rrying on vale.—Mr.- A. MoE*en, Mr. John 8, Zety during the winter
-NJ. the gro�ery and por _ry
un Wilson; Rev Mr. Gailloway; Air. Wm. _jdg to Zlitire part -the ZAtirs
k-Patking business here and Miss Mary Yorston spent Uay M months, A& king thai it better tio fin. the 7