The Huron Expositor, 1894-07-27, Page 8...... . . . . . - ­�: 7: t_7� A_ 4. '�7 Z�, A; & I A I - �A _ , 11-, - " Ir ME HURROY 1PXP0SJTL_1Mr10R9 JULY 27 T 1 9 gie Charlesworth.—Since drinking in those -on Thursday evening 6f last week. 'Next di lace of Mr. Thomas J. B. Elliot,�i is home visiting his parents _V Wilson"s Oash Grocer note the rather severe illness of Miss Magi 8mAh1#.­M-r'. Eldrige Kellam airrive& home this, list Rev. Mr... od incumbent Of or., will get the, position of clerk -of the,5th Deans WeM the sick list last week. —Mr. _y t . FRIMAJ6 -a- St: T homas' church, Sea ort was vcourti4a the p We are,stilt selling, sugars at old prices, 20 pounds �refreshing -showers the thirsty earth is' morning he staritbd Iliff on the Sarnia choir ed Grand Chaplain and. r. & H.' IMIns, Trivett, deceased. There are a number of. from the Wotern State,. —Mr. Thomas Me - of Redpath'a best granulated sugar ter $1, 28 pounds smiling its thanks to a beneficent t-Creaior, excursion. MiAses Willson, Galloway and barrister, Exeter, " Di4tri t Deputy 'for aspirants for the. position. —6live, the ten Kinney and family havvarrived home after ood v or 24 pounds coffee sugar for $1. Have and vegetation seems to have taken a new Doble, of the Methodist choir, and Messrs. South Huron district. Rot ppointments yeal% old daughter of Mr. J. T d. jour throu,;J1 Mich' visit- Westcutt, . an extende, LUGFr4,,,e4e,1ved the first of the new crop of Japan teas. kease of life. a co JULY 27thl Walter Willis and Harry Beattie also en- were made on meri ngrat-ulate who had her arm broken,on Sunday, the - ing friends. They bad ayi enjoya Z t - I -- - oner pound for 26% it will convince you that we cti6 I rip UP are selling cheaper than you can buy from any tea Joyed the trip.-�_A large party of towns- these gentlemen ont��heendoti n conferred 15th inst., by falling into 9, cattle guard, the lake and'. look the beiter for their vaca- pe,tiltr. We belong to no combination to ke 'people, including the families of Airs. T1._ 0. upon them. The - District D uty Grand bas nearly recovered frorn her injury. tion.—Mr. thornas Forbes has received the 9'uP THE LACROSSE MATaH.—The best lacrosse ep ll nk ads of choice groceries at gins as a re I spon -de -Chic We have Opened up another very low ible p ces for cub or trade. -match seen in Seafoith for a long f1me was Ken�p, Rev. Mr. Hod Mrs. Neelin, M aster- h sad news of ihe ath in. NO, by apo- ile. osition having 0 e you in t J ust as the c or -W . Duncan, Mrs. Case, Mr.' 'all the lodges in the Jig i t nder his �ldesr, sister, Whit6- ment of goods uitable for uly, t en y have played on the Recreation Grounds on-Fiday Mrs. T. t1ric n plexy, Of his� welthae the beneffilt f uyin o sat prices. W. M. Gray and -Mr. James Beattie, piot direction, and we are sure that a more She has reid� afternoon, between the Athletics, of St., EF .'Brrs.—Miss Minnie Campbell, a d in that city thirtv-fivl� years No on* can do a 0 b n 1 all for the. same as nipked at Bayfield on Friday last.—The corn on BRI and ih, fS10,y were among those which consisting of petent or po they could for cash. Gem fruit jars all sizes, and Catharines and the -Beavers of this town. pular man f9r the positi teacher in Peterborough county, ana'Miss lost everythi'i in the big fire of 18N. the- best flour ut low than -regular prices. Extra Although the' Beavers won in four straights, long desired rain came in a smart shower on 'could not have been selected than Mr., Clara Campbell, of Toronto, ae spending. 1�19 vulusinflue dinner mote, tea and toijet sets. All this is hardly a fair criterion of the! game, Friday,, cooling the atmosphere and gladden- Collins. VICTORIA, LAWNS their holidays with their parents here. —Miss goods guaranteed to give satisfaction. I The highest' ing the hearts of farmers and gardeners, as lPlifladelphia. Nr which was'elose from start to finish . The Tilley Jeffrey has returned from Bu TWE pripe paid for good butter and all kinds of tradp. Ive e well."Ahe anxious housewives Whose cis- Brucefteld. 'where she has resided since December. —The SPOT MUSLINS G us an trial, we are satisfied we can suit you in Athletios ar the prettiest tick handlers NOTES. —T* farmers in this Vicinity are - quality and price of goods. And the fastest tea;m that have ever been tems were empty.—We are sorry to heir FOR SALE. --Wago*—nice and.light, with Methodist church has been re -painted and nearly all thrJugh cutting wheat, and most ayed brilli- alsomined, and its of them will 400n be cutting ��ts.—Flax C. WILSON, Sbaforth. 'seen in eaforth andat times pl that Mr. George EWing, of Tororito, son of and shafts and fine peddling box complete. the walis and ceiling c a WHITE DRESS DUCK, Mr. George Ewing of*this town, was hurt po 'Bank of Commerce Block. 6atly. I They , appeared throughout to be Also good set single Harness.. Both in use little pearance tl impioved thereby. A�r. pulling bees se*om to be the order of the day. 1374 Aitying-better lacrosse than our. boys, -but in Montreal on Satpurday while playing in a more than oneemon. . MoINTosHi Bruc-efleld. Jewell, 0 gr�a Y —Re —Mr. Angusti Thoan, of Dashwood, -was LACES A TRIP j 1398.3 f Mitchell, did the work. V. th6y couldn't score and the Beavers could lacrosse match between the Shamrocks of the uest of Vr. E. Rothermel, last Sun - that city and the Torontos. He was struck BRYEFLETS.—Rev. Mr. McCoy, of hat- John Kenner, our new Methodist minister, 9 C VEILINGS" has made a very favorable impression upon day.—The Catfiolic parson�t not be kept from scoring and its goals that ge, which Was n ount. Our boys never played in better just over the heart by , a thrown ball and hm , preached in Unio ]BIR (CLOTHING medical assistance bad to be caed. - Though Church on Sabbath lat.�Iylrs. Matheson the people of this appointment. burned down spme time ago, is �agaln re- HONOLri form, their defence game, especially, being CREAM SILK MITTS built, and F4ther Courteous is again unable to coritinue the ame he was soon and daughter, of Lucan, are,,visiting -at the- the afte, T� There was nothing ornamental about 9 OCCUTYM9 it Miss -Elle Johnston spent sufficiently recovered t home of Mrs. Ketchen, of _&anley.—Arnon Morris. I r gteppedabd their style of doing thin 8, but their style o sit hi the press 9 e LADIES' VESTS Steamsb .B A RGAI NS stand and act t6 part ese who left our statinon the Samia ex PERSON-AL.—Dr.E.G. McCassy and IVU. J. ay unde parental roof.—Mr. J. C. ip told. the fh seemed to aston- of spectator.—Mis8 T111 Kalbfleisch's cqrpenters, while working near ish the St. Kits men, who -had evidently ex- Mary Kyle, of Toronto, is in. town at pres- ursion were: Mt. James McDonald, Miss P. Plielan, both of lCincinuati, Ohio, who SUMMER CORSETS�- one of the, We have. been successful in securing another big Brucefield, had -their horses tied to a wagon. lot of pe ent, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe.—Miss Taylor, Alias Laing and ;Mr. and Mrs. have been visiting their paxenta- and friends anda bargai eted somewhat of a snap, but in the third Lizzie Smith of Toronto, is spending her Ketchen. —Mrs. (Rev.) Graham and daugh- in this section for the past two -weeks, re- Somehow the har�es got frightened and.. ran Comm snd thO they woke up and kept- the defence busy. MOIRE SILKS MAME UP CLOTHING, vacaion here, visiting her parents, North ter, of Egmondville, are visiting friends in turned to Cincinnati on July - 26th. They a*ay, but -luckily no one was in the wagon ata.great rl cetothemaker. We now purpose They couldot go through. them or around and no serioiis damage was done.—Aft. to e the wearer the benefit of our successful deal. them, however, and finally the ball was sent --assistant �-his neighborhood, —Miss Mamie IvicIntosil were both highly pleased with the prospects albfleisch was on RE RIBBONS safety outr Main street.—Rev. Mr. Guthrie, Among our new lot will be found Men's Suits worth pastor of the Presbyterl is visiting in London.—Miss Sterling, of here and enjoyed a fine visit. We ire al-� Edward K MOI up� the field to at ian church, preached 016, w we will sell at $10; Suits worth $11, ay. This was the estr Goderich, is.vi kting her friend, Miss Ruby ways glad to see our' day. were sent gime of the match. In the fourth, rain be- in Walkerton on Sabbath last, c Huron boys e4ll *and masses Of AMERICAN SAILOR HATS; which w will sell at $7.75; Xen's Suits, all wool, $7, here was taken by Mr. Birault, a repre- Mason. see us, and also hear of their- good sn'ecess aoxne -to we will sell at $4.25 ; Boys' Suits worth $6.60,we gan to fall heavily just before Seaforth will in life. (Areenway. will wit at S4.2� ; Children's Suits worth $4, we scored and the players and the crowd made sentative of the - Student's Missionary sell at$L75. The above are all now perfect goods, --Society of Montreal College. — Mrs. Tuckersinith. NEws G_-kTHEPwGs.—Mrs. J. D. Wilson a bee line for shelter. There was a large well made and good linings. We have *196 gone nd crowd at the grounds and all seemed to en- Thomas - Coventry and Misi Coventry * WEST END NOTES.—Mr. -and, Miss Farn- MOKMOP. and Mrs. A. Beaumon and.two children, of The stock is very complete in every through the balance of sit the stock on hand a I marked down the prices, so as to be oh a par with the exhibition thoroughly. The St. have gone to Hamilton to spend a ham, of Hullett, pent Sunday with friends PROPERTY Thomas, Hen- Aurora, Ilfinois,:' arrived here on the l2th department. It loy of derson has sold his 50 acre farm, bei4g the Of July. The train they came on was the new'lot. ow is your gol en opportunity for Catharines boys left on the 5.25 train for month's holidays with friends. ­Mr. B. . in this vicinity.—Miss Mary Mitchell, clothing. & - Gunn -returned home from Montreal last M rded by !United States soldiers for a hopie. They did not expect to find so eaford, is visiting relatives here.—Mr. west half of lot 29, concession 10, tliia,to-,v-n- 9111 WM. ROKARD strong a'team here and felt a little sore.over week and his numerou's friends -were glad to Thomas Cole, of Goderich Township, spent ship, to Mr. John Dodds. The price was number of miles through Chicago.—Mrs. A. arrived see him, appaxently,, so much improved in Sunday with relatives here.—Mr. G. Logan $3,100 and M. Wilson and daughter, May, Seatforth., fouf straights. They have nothing to be is &.good one for 50 acres, Mr. 1383 ash�med of, however, as they played good health. He was accompanied by his has conimenced the frame -work of Mr. F. Henderson has bought a 100acre farin, be- home last Saturday.—A number of the Edward McFaul lactlOsse and were never guilty for a moment brother, Dr. Gunn.—Mr. John Hutchin- Crich's barn and expects to -get it raised ing the old Sutherland plac�, in Hullett, members of thq Boston Methodist Church of Toronto, fornibrlyof Fbrdwich, M` this week. —A number of our young people from Mrs. Sutherland, of Seaforth, for of r ugh -or ungentlemanly PI choir attended t4e 3rd annual - excursion to ay or conduct. "On, etre sure the ciiizens of- Seaforth would �Iiis county, and for a short time a teacher took in the" choir excursion last week.— $5,500, and will move to that, township. Saria last Th�raday. They were greatly SEAFORTH. I ased with thei vast gatherffig.—We were like, to see a -couple more matches of the in the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, is at Threshing has commenced this week.. He has secured a. good farm, though the Same quality. present in town, the guest of; Mrs. McTav- buildings are not in as good condiffbn as Cessed with an all night. rain last Al onday. successfuL For years their garaen ish, of Maiii Street Worth.—Mr, Bauslaugh they might be, We, wish him good luck in 4rdes God6ricll. THE EYE. has on exhibition in his' window this week, his change. �Ii7ooert. have been famous and: this -year theirsue. DISTRICT MATTERS. —Not onlyto catch LOCAL NOTES.—The (11611ing.. house of NEW William Towers, cess was as great as ever- The Seafor* your eye but help you pocketbook and give you the a splendid picture of the Hough Cup team Mr. Dulmage, near the! salt blopk, was utmost eatisfaotion, I am. offerl , at bard times of the Collegiate Institute. --Mr. Harold the veteran and popular thresher, has pnr. brass band. was in attendance and excelled, In burned to the ground on hunday morning, Ashfield. amuel Horton, a new iron oweiry establishment. chased from Mr. the a ea, GOOD WORKMANSHIP.—Ajr. Alexander -atelies for performance themselves. does, eve*rthiog uau§ h foull in a well kept Soutlaam- and Miss amie Davey both of -Never before bad between one and three o'clock, cause—the NoTES.—The hay crop will be rither light clad Burns separal.. or, and will no doubt se in Stewart, of this town, has shown us a dirk and prices that can't be beat. Spectacles to suit ail !,ondon and who *are at present rusticat- upsettmi' of a lamp.. As the fire began up- in this vicinity this year.—Farmers 'are go well. There wai scarcely a pan Y P Ythftel knife, such as those used by the Indians long sights, at all prices. Leiije stock of gold frames Ing at Bayfield, paid a visit to friends in make: things huln during the threshing music from 8 oclock until, 11- ni.,;exopov rino, weddtnfl rings, keepers gem and diamZA' stairs, all the furniture was saved. The busy at their fall wheat harvest now. The, t for a short time to allow the bandamen ago, which he maide himself from the ori town on Monday.—Mr. Morris, manager of loss could not be,heavy.—The Canadian crop -Will be a good average oue.—The pros- season. kerdblefi 6stIr Tow 178 is very obliging, and, to 9 ringi, also'ch dren's frings. Large assortment of the inner ina, and whilst t inal steel. It is a piece of magnificent jewelry and silverware. ReadquartersAor repairs. as for ft a ca eful threshing, is second refresh Uughedm the Seaforth Branch of the Bank of Commerce Order of Foresters assembled in Victoria pects for an abundant harvest, are very en- �d workmanship, and. is as well finished as if A. ld*acm, Seaforth. 18WI has gone on a tri� to the lower -Provinces. Street Church last Sunday morming, to hear couragiiig at the present time.—Some beau. to none, and h a number one 'outfit church choir, under the leadership of irs Aboul turned out Of any of- the large cu We wish him a pleasant time. —Miss Mar Maud McNaughton, gave some horus" ii -the leavir tiery WE are running our woolen. mills doing y a special sermon from Rev. 11. 'Irvine. tif ul monuments have been put up in Zion will no doubt makp a big season as usual. — eatablishments. He made it to send to a cusiZ' work ol all kinds, ak.all times, as 'usual. Devereaux, daughter of Mr. Robert Dever Mr. Saddler, of Sfaffa, hag also tkeir usual good style. The Seaforth ban&,, A. The congregation crowded the church. cemetery this year to the memory of purchased ock- who; de- from Mr. Horton new sixty horse power nPproves --vearlv and deserves the title now The whist VINEOMOND'S SONS, 80atorth. 1389-l' eaux, of Tuckermith, east of S.eaforth, is The subject of the sermon was, "Charity parte'd friends.—Mik. Bower is going to put friendinthe old country. It shows that 'Mr. Stewart has not -vet forgotten his skill -MtbwEy TO LOAN.—A sum of money is &w. mill Doiler for his saw ##11, and having plent given it of beirig� -the best band this 4ide of' an, to home from Chicago at present on a v it-- and Purity, " from the text Pure relig- in a new cider press in his steam a y of unni' 'd hammer, loan and e rig with theforge �n on good -farm mortiage. Apply at ExposrroR Mr� Samuel Deem, an old time Seaforth on the 12th concession. Mr. 8 power will be able Po do a ruiabing business, Toronto. We shall be lad to hear them -the Opric*, Seaforth. 1389-2 ion and undefiled before God and the father — peers, an old a soon- ; theoys know. how to boy, but now of Toronto, is visiting friends is this : to visit the widow and the fath'er. resident of Ashfield died last and sustain his god reputation as a saw. 4uto. behave Friday morn- t TH-z FIRST OF THE SEASOX.—Mr. Henn, GIRL WATED. —Wanted" immediately, in town.—Nir. Abe Davidson, of St. Paul, elves too. The proceeds amounted to The P4 is miller. wo Monteith, of the %2d_Concea1on, L. R. goodgirl to do general house rk. APPlY to MR8. home on a visit to his parents.—Ar� �wl less: - in their affliction and to keep himself ing. His remains were buried in the Dun- $73, which will leave a handsQme balam�e to. D. Joillism, Sealorth. unspotted from the world." gannon- cemetery, ' followet to their. last high enau Tuckersmith, has the bonor of being tht 130 flew in through a transom of the ominion go towards church repairsi. We noticed the and -to zX( D resting place by a large concourse of friends dorrie. CF i Rev. Mr. Newton present- with his - first to deliver wheat of this season's grow i _�XTRAL PRISON Central Prison Bankthe other evening. Whether it wanted VJo I �p W)ly fiGOl re manilla binder twine. runnl�g from wo to e50 49 Cromarty. and neighbors. A CORRECTJON. --�EDITOR EXPOSX7014-111 They both look we . U. Mr. J0 0 - u accommodation," or had got into the wrong hn D. L rA:- in the Seaforth market. Tuis Wheat was Ject to the pound, and put up in bales of net 60 sue of last your is BRIEF BiTs.—Jos. Routledge, V. S., of wIhek, in items from Gorrie, delivered at Ogilvie's mill on Wednesday, pounds to the bale, to this year sold at 8o er pound shop, the obliging clerks were unable to as- row, of Fullartn, and Min Maggie Brown- reen. is the titatement �hM $40 of missionary the rise, July 25. It was of an excellent sample and in loss than carload lots, freight paid to purchaser's certain.—Mrs. J. T. Clark and child, of To- 11derton, spent a few days With friends here. Hiva lee, of Hensall, were also present,. Th�y money &Ike 11v n; 't railway station within the province. ha;d been stq�en out of the Methodist Iqu ear" - -John C pin, jr., and wife and the Misses NGAGED.—The trustees of the eighe 6 a. at dard. We hope Mr. It 6an ronto, and Miss M. Clark, of Clinton, are are former residents of Vtains. Theres oigbt th I be obtained by anynne remitting cash with th church, whic of ey. e order Cop of schoolin �'in - h is1not correcta Tre, an 'dent minizter were -prevente 'has many bushels of this wheatz to ALxx JAFFRAY,,Burear, Central Prison, Tor- think to MR' visiting friends in town this week,—, Mr. o Mitchell, were the &uests o. 7, Staril near Hills Green, a from being, thel Of amount was taken, 4nd we grieve to an" a d7that he will get at least one dollar onto. 1389X2 William Somerville, ^ agent here of the isses Livingstone on Thursday, last have re-engaged Mr. - JI61in Essler for the present by various causes, What might. that there are any 0 midst who itre year 1895. Mr. Essler has t,u%ht he ushel for it. wheat never fell below Great North Westerh Telegraph Company, week.—About twenLy-five applications were thusevilly dispose been a heavy loss. th-the rector, Wssl.� the WAIVAes I ul fi it would be a great deal A 1, VILLAmous SoHm%ry.—Shortly after received for the positi school this year, and has given silo good The facts are these: 'lave thm better spent Saturday and Sunday ruaticating on on of teacher for happily averted through the prompt az-- twelve o'clock, on Wednesday morm. The boys and girls a certain class were same Leir I *rig, the School Section No. 6. Peter McNaughton, satisfaction in the opction thathe has not i lar bo'lireyer and seller. As a, wholeY the share$ ofLake Huron at Kineardine.— sistance rendered by Mr. Thomas Beacom e contributing their p nnies towards a special fire rin whistle was blown and our citi- croT. Men have been busily engaged for the past Sparrow. It appeals the -Rev. Mr. this year promiseli to be of good idah � of No. 3 school was the choice.—Mr. Oilles- only been re-eDgaged for next year but his missionary i and Mr. cUle seas. zens gan senrryimg down town in hastil pie,. of Hamilton, wheeled from that city salary has been increased � c)bject.' Tire money was a week stringing new wires for the Bell Tele- $45. He is t KerriWs horse- had been overheate TJ d through an it is expected that the average will n o re - now rus e a am epeated Journeyh ttere seem fall much, if any, below this sample.- t ro on garments to find out the cause of phone Clotupany.—The rain of' Tuesday here and is t, t, 'with his uncle. ceive $350 for next year. it is all paste -board mite box," and left from Bayfield iL VaTus. eno'not 134 lea in the a i - It tt"ed out that some of the morni —The stone 'Work � at le bridge at the allround when merit is,- recogn Bricour Tmg from week to week I a the class -room, and arty. !Iliad, ed an re- ith the garden p boair&rs at the Royal hotel had been n* did an immense amount of good to school house is completed. This, with the warded. was supposed to c6�tain bet*'een $1 aud in connection wi 01rianys RuvAwAY.­Messrs.' Robb Bros vegetation and helped to cool off the atmos- about 8 o'clock at night was taken seriously between i had awak�ned by smoke in their rooms, phere.—The many friends of Air. Thomas new top, will be an improvement on the old Ew CHunou.—The mathriii $1.50. — J. GREE$E, pastor Methodist. and had d is all on the ill, but thank to the gentlemen_abof� torts aff6i rather'bad runaway on Friday last. Mr. thopght the hotel to be on fire. structure. —Many friends of Allen MeLeari ground for the new Presbyterian ch church. T It trans- Govenlock were�pleased to see him in town arch be. iia�med, Matters were put all.right after two� Tolin Robb was out in the country with the piredhat no fire could be found in the build- ilregret to hear of his serious illness. ing erected here, and the brick-laye'rs are at B. Carss, of Hitrriston Ahe luxur delivery wagon and, after driving out 6f Mr. this week. He has almost entirely recov- is visiting friends fand acquaiatenances hours'hard work. Messr. xiiiatron Ana ing, and most of the citizens went' home ered from his recent accident and is a , in Mr. McLean contracted lung trouble bnt a work . L A month's delay was occasioned b In Stinson macle efficent ga-te-keepers, an, Mr. Garrow's place on the Roxborough road, I U with the. impression that it was a false up to the eyes a few weeks ago and his low ccmdition is a not being able to get the bricks. toNvii.—Rev. Mr. !-Malcolin and wife, (if George Beaty was a, goo rude, and in business.—Mr. Ro ert The wor was slititting the gate when the horse took alarm' This was Teeswater, are the �!guests- of.:rs. T. H. dzleman at the not the case however- surprise to all.—Mr. Livingstone's new will likely be pushed on vigororusly now,and refreshment stand, b Roberts, engineer of the water -works, was tit the principal thanks- w1th sail fright at some object, probably a binder in Mr. Lir, in looking around for the smoke, a ain up to time on Wednesday morning barn is about completed and to this fine new edifice will likely be ready c gb ' .—Berry -picking is the order of commemor- for are due to the giris. Bravo girls !. By the-� 9 the day with mauk,�of our villagers.—Mr. a neighboring field, and started on the rim. h d pen the door of Mr. J. A. Clark's ate the event about two hundr*ed young Occupancy by the commencement of the new and now when the fire alarm sounded,, and had way what a pity the Rev. M,%. Kerri4 anoe off he wheeled suddenly, E 25 ne -e 4 0 Shaver has put a n4w roof on his house.— is go. politic A short dist shop, and going in found the furnace -ople assembled for an eve r pressure up and everything in readiness for P� ning of pleasure. year. Miss Minnie Williah'is is visiting friends in Ing away re, wo _k 'leaving the box -and springs on the road and and snioke pouring out of the do' 'This was done to the satisfa�ction of all. for him if. he had been a alight! a liberal su�ply of water before it was re- for there are rumors of mo goia with the running gear. He sma8h�d ff� &Igo taing & while��": 9 that two of our � longer. noticed a Teeswater. It is ri light allowing through the The barn' is a large commodious one and re - this to smithereens and finally got caught in quired. Mr. Roberts has had char e of the Lakelet. bachelors eept fhat 9 have reiI&ved to leave the ranks fleets credit on Mr. Livingstone, also D. a barbed wire fence. Luckily, he was not crack -in the floor. Pulling up a board he w ter -works for a great many years and LOCLITIES.—A very pleasant time was of the single men. found 'a lighted candle stuck on a board McLean, the builder.—Many farniers in ey are sensible.—Mrs. spent hurt at all, though the has never once been found lacking hen the At the residence of . Mr. Pritchard, Pollock and her dh Frank, of St. Marys, Brusdels. spa C, Ir or ction came. —Rev. Air,. where a number of youn peoTle gathered, are the guests of BRIEFS.—About 100 went on,the wagon and harness among a lot of refuse on the top of an old h x f 'a Galloway, this vicinity con�plain of damage done root ere �6adly b6'. R. Ross.—Rev. WT dar�aged. When caught, Mr. brick �ake oven. He called the attention pastor, of the Methodist �hurph, has treated end grain crops by grass-boppers. choir ex­� Robb hitched him up in another rig and he of r. theother evening—Mr. Jr Gar iner preached Greene and Mrs. ene'are visiting at �cursion last Thursday to Sarnia, some going. bts dylnp went along home quite - quietly. Al Clarkand others to it. They took himself to a v�ry hand e and comfortable an elo uent sermion on Sunday. We are Lucknow.—Our bi the candle out clists present an at- as far as Detroit, where they saw the-:Bla- my 1X gig. Itisojilfurnisbed by Mr. Bluevale pleaseatolearn that he intends enterm tractive ppearance-,in their in and, after talking a while new covered wa f were a ut to go away, when fire broke out �g new suits.— Ribbon races. The Brussels choirs did Wall, FROM ALGOIMA. r. John Mur 0 0. C. Willson.—Miss D�, , le, of Port Huron, the ministry next June. We are sure he is Businessilis somewh' -ray, of t ice cream BREVITIES.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'kesser ot dull in our villate. at etting two second prizes. The d SY VW over booths, which consist of is visiting her sister, Mis. W.'D.. Bright, in of Hamilto one of our young men who will make - his resent, on accou4t of th ein On top�i of this was a lot of old basl Oarm 'Hawnflai, Tuckersmith, returned home from Algoma wooden shell built lip within, tile she n, were visiting at Air. William' e farmers got enou h for anything. The Brussels ai'fool. on Thursday. Mr. -Nifurray has -a farm in p town at present.—Mr. David L n. of Tor- Messer's this week.—About a dozen of our k. —We are pleased to learn that Eard. at work taking.off their hay an Driving- f cets, etc. 0 mar ark Association are- talking Or erl? Of The fire- had been very cleverly laid, it Seaforth, is -�isiting friends in "town.—Mr- were succe ave greatly im. having a two days, meetin ; on the 4thand-- the Huron settlement, near Port Find ay onto, son of Mr.. John Logan, citizens took advantage of the excursion to Messrs. W. McConnell and D. Hamilton wheat.—The late rams h %nd he has been there since early in June,. candle being put im a box in such - a w Sarnia last week.—NIrs. Stowe and family sful in passing the entrance ex- proved the root crops. 5th of September, ad if lev meet with the' --sign shit making improvements. He says that *that after burnine for a time, ay G�oige Turnbull returned home from a have returned from their visit to Goderich. amination.—Mr. Dixon is baving a founda- ervI;, will h although the weather ha's been very -dry it would catch trip to the Old Count4 On Saturday. Mr. tio put ul-ider his ho se. We - expec encouragement they de� The forei a lot of, paper. Aad this not been —Miss Mary Yorston treated some of -her t his $1,000 in prives for the follow' rosy. Am noticed Lonji� 3 . nigraces: there this summer, crops are Turnbull went over with a lot of horses. friends to -a birthday party last Wednesday, son will occupy it ere long.—Rev. R. esboro. 2.33; 2.28; free for all; 2 year ol race;aaida evAL .1 and Omise a good yield. He sads Phillips will preach in Clifford on S NOTES., —.,Nfr. A unro, from ooki,ng well it woula certainly have b rned the build He sVrs horses are very dult of sale in the at the house of her uncle, Mr. Magnus unday. and the; family living above would have i'll Old . t. Bay City, half mile running race. —Thomas MLaeblan. those Isli pr all the ha ountr'y.—Miss Bell Richardso has Michigan, is visiting his aunt, Mrs.,McKen- Huron people settled there are 0 119 well a hard time to get out. The - furnace had - Spence, oflMorris. They all had a good —Ivlr. E. Mahood w6 at Mrs. has sold his homestead on the road nortli death wo 8 Vial in yomi to .1 Mr. Murray brought been started so tha it would appear that Lennox's on Sunday.—Mr. Dul of Brussfils,to Jas.Parrof London township, and like the country gone to W spend her hol, zie.—Air. Thomas Fhirservice retitrned from aYs time and heartily wished their hostess many his visit to �Scotljna last we d iss Mae Williams_—Mr- happy returns of the day. ek —F bidden ti —Mr. Hugh . Ross for the sum of six thousand two luindred Ing Idol -h him several samples of grains and the fire had originatedthere, Theiiieendiary, Miller, of the London Free Press, and Mrs. ds eav3 Youngblut i's getting wit with her frien gold his farm.—Alr. Robson inten red. grasses"taken from the fields. He has a however, did not seem to know how - has returned home from the Old Country.— this vicinity this summer,—Most of our lars, a to ar- re low -price, as it is a -first class farm would b Miller, are spending their holidays at th farmers have finished haying. ady. He expects to be at work in: a few magni, cent sa mple of clover grown in every p upon range tlie drafts, so that the furnace Owing to the slight illness of Rev. A. G. articular —Mr. Ball, and itbor smoked home of Mrs. Miller's father Mr. Richard days. —Lou Olmette,' Lawday Young and a farmer -- red cla so clover grown on black loam, and the 4moke, penetrating into the hotel, Hartley, Rev. Mr, Leech preached very ae- east of Brussels, has been -despatching sev. and oth r T;O it Pollard, near Leadbury.—Mr' P. Ke Maud Fair have paised the Hth School en- ains, t ether with sam; tli,,�e� fire caught. ceptably in the Presbyterian church last Sta 0 eral of the Village dogs which have bem;, But 01 ,plea of has purchased a splendid driving mare 11tM9 trance examinafior� —Frank ngman, of the di e t6ils ang a beautiful specimen from Sabbath morning. - He occupied the pulpit THE VOTERS' Lis T*S For. 1894. —The new worrying his sheep. It is the best to�, -%as a m6st villainous sclim6 and It is for- Jolih Swallow, of McKillop, She is a the l3th concession" is down with typhoid Of birch bark. T hese various !4amples are as not only the M�. years 1�2 hurche on bakery b Kvid. Milne, exhibition at Mr. Robert cott's a tunate t4at it miscarrie daughter of Old Clear Grit. —Mrs. J. H in the Methodist church in the evening.— voters' -list for 1894, was posted up on the fever.—Georic Sue willoon be all right t tl�eir owners - out of trouble. eed probably the �Otel and the Wed Mr. Samuel.Burgesa, of Brussels, and Misses 17th inst. There are in all 703 names on again.—MrE. - Win. ay is on the sick list. of Ethel, had his sale Of thor- proposin 01 store, Seaforth,.and are well worth e Broadfoot and daughter, May, returned Annie and Bella Richardson were visiting the list. Of these 524 are q oughbred stock on the 25 of July' , and sold- holl eing store on he other aide, uld have gone ualified to vote by those at all interested in that country. �11.d m eda� from a week's visit to friends at Mr. John Burgess this week.—Miss Smale, at all elections ;'89 to vote at municipal —John Cuming, Sr., is not improving much. a goodly number, but at low. prices for the Sandwic een qndangered. Mr. T or ' at _M —Fall wheat is aboft all cut in th iss Clark ha( no suspicion whatever of who the to Sa is! neigh - F -e A. Cowan, of McKillop, went of Brussels, is the guest of Miss Wynne at elections only; and 90 to vote- at the Le ­ r quality of the stock, as his stock is first, rnia on thd choir excursion, Thursda 918- borhood and some is housed; it is a good at week.—'114iss M. Lyon, of Chicago, is who W" No -T SHuT Dou-N.—DEAR EXPOSITOR.— &uilty pa�ty was. Some time ago the back of I y present. lative Assembly only. Of this number 348 crop. There� is some class. John Smith, M. P. P., from peel, Kindly allow us space in your vaued paper door was t the injnry that your Purst in with a Etick of wood and expected home on a visit this week. She are eligible as jurors. Ot the nlamher qual�- Methodists have P-reachin was his auctioneer, but did not seem any whoay g twice every better than, or even as good as local men..,. re p ese ._�L seems to bar a grudge aganst Mr. Clark. Chicago, are guests at the reside' day was not largel patronized. —A few of 0 tari .—IAirmera- Which ti v over.—Mr. Will Pringle and wife, of M. J. Westcott, g�neral agent for closed.—The excursion to Sarnia last Thurs- from�all 'over Western n 0 Egmond. a lot of sp,onge taken out of the trough and has been visiting friends at Paris on' the fled to vote only at mimicipal elections, 35 Sunday since Ebenezer appointment was A large number of breeders we Exeter. ville correspondent- seems continual1v trying sprewl over the floor, so that some one are women. to do our business, We are prepared, at all wa nce of - Air. Cavers Bros, Nurserymen, Galt, 13 again on his can. C. time,%, to do our custom work, in all At his instance, Coroner Smith held 'an in- Usborne. are through with the cutting of the fail Wilson, Goderich street, East.—Mr. and vassing tour for tall 194 and spring '95 orders. Parb our villagers drove �o Goderich on Frid branches as usual, but we find a ood many, quest on the fire on Wednesday even ties in need of anything in the nursery line would wheat. The flax erop is good in tbislocality en ugh I on account of his writina. are leg ing, Mrs. McKernan, of Chi -,ago, are visiting - THE 18.94 VoTEus' LisT.—The list for 1894 to enjoy a day by th 3 lake, and had � a gogoall this year, and 'there was a larger Amount fer a favor by sending him a card to Exeter P. 0. to think which was; Ot finished and will be re§umed Mrs. McKernin�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. con f this township who are quali- time until about 3 Velock, when the rain 7 0 Nersons in to ziot- g� we are not. It is not only an injury to our this evening at eight p. m. Alt orders carefully filled, with btOck warranted to pu business, but to a great many others in town, Thomas Downey.—Mr. James M. Anderson, grow and true to name. Thanking my many ous. fie to exereige the franchise, was posted UP t a stop to all further enjoyment.—Rev. than usual sown, being about 75 acres more xxhoald n of L ondon, formerly a Seaforth boy" tomerg for their past favors and patronaze. Your by the township clerk on the 17th of this Mr. McLean, fr in the than any former year. It gives emloyment With lim for when farmers go elsehere with their om Blyth, preached ; f ited. J. T. Wyarcow, general agent. month. The total number of persons on Presbyterian church ion Sunday. —Mr. John cis! strel Stewart has was the guest of Miss Nellie Dawson this p. 8. er y ing, some o As to t and business week.—Mrs. James A. Cline, of Wink —A few good agents wanted in this count3'. the list this year is 831 last year it was R. Sundercock, whol is a member of the the 4ug bustz- wool they do other business as well. LOCAL BRIEFS. —Mr. J. A. order solici to a great number for the next few mo our hands lea' disposed of his store pro ham, 1387-t f --J. T. Pepper has sold -out f those he men- in Kinburn to Mr. . An ness in this place -to James Fox, Of Wrox- tions lia-ve not beerr in our employ for over Trew,_ of Usborne. is -visiting friends in town.—Miss Bem- 822, so that there has been an increase of 9. Sons of England, h4 received a very sym- 41 to the U, 'Londe8 Brussels welcomes the new man to our town ed It hul ry jobs. There i§ no fear but we will nicipal and Legislative Assembly boro Lodge, on acco'nt of the recent death ly taken tem.- ville.—Mr. Will Smithson, 'who left Sea- connection with the Young Women's Chris- White engine anda new Stratford sep. -a he Will do as well as his predeces- 00all two years, and others have on Mr. Stewart has dome t ITE —Messrs. Win. and John Parsonai There are 595 person's qualified to vote both pathetic letter of c6j4dolence from eter, and they are now busy taking stock. pora o resiae in Egmond- bridge, secretary of the Women's Guild in of this place, ha -%w purchased a new at mu and trust 8 elections ; 152 persons, of whom 40 are, of his daughter. forth 14 years ago,. "I a boy, and who has tian Association, Toronto, has been the arator, and have started, threshing in have a full complemi6nt of help, whenever been thi Isor.—ThOmas pushing his fortune in other landsince guest, for a week past, of her aunt, Mrs. women, at municipal elections only, and 81 Farrow has secured the- As noto we require them. We have heard that neighborhood. They have engaged the ser - then , has been in town for the past week. Knox, of Harpurhey. Miss Bembridge left m�nhood franchise voters. agency for the Canadian Pacific r&ilWajy to be led there is a fortune left fef the man that min vices of Mr. Richard Quance, an expen- Chikelhurst. here, in the place of J. T. Pepper. tn= IA his own business butve don't think your ,-He left for his home in Kansas on Wednes- We"esdav f6r London.—New Bell tele- enced man, for the season, to sist, as whilst C11IRFS.—Mr. andl Mrs. William ]Vushel- lit 1011 ay. —Mr. John S. Paul, the energetic fore- phones have been placed in the Town hall, Mr. Win. Parsons, who has been under Wingliam dville correspondent will get it. If nan of the Seaforth Flax mill, who has had the water -works, and in Mr. E. Dawso ber of Mitchell, -*ere in this vill p last Hensall .41011 Sim aFour citizens were like him, how n's _�any re. The number is, fast running training for the past few weeks, will act in WAFTINGS.—A foot bridge, five feet wide, and gim f wer 150 hands employed, pull Suniqlay, the guestsDof Ours the capacity of engineer. We may look for- has been built over the South braric the ? would find employment in town? in #ax for liquorsito .1; tl! h of Mrs. S. J. PerTin.— BRIEFS. —Nearly all our places of business ieveral weeks, has completed at part of up to the three figures.—Mr., Mrs John Barrell of London, and family arenow supplied with electric light; as well luto Hol -tlly, A. 17�Aw EGATOND'S SOINS. Wiliam ward to some big days' threshings by this Maitland river, near the' salt -block. —Work are the guests of Mts. Joh Latta.—Mrs" as a large -numbp-r of our p Ing of respectfi Tn rivate he operations, and' ill soon co mence Ballantyne, License Inspector,. has been con- outfit. Harry Jones, who has been run- has been ommenced k the grist mill, lAt ves in and we are pleased to state from 0i w aing in again ir -ri8i Ing re I and threshing.—Mrs. Alex. fined to his residence for some days by ill- Peter Morrison, or.,,, Is that the new E(�,?.10NDVrLTF NoTFs.—The union scho,�i ning a threshing outfit for a ritimber of b Carr Brothers.—The Union Furniture St. Tbomas.—Mr. 46d Mrs. W. 4. Maud- d satisfaction, friends 1 I tewart and Mrs. John Smith left on Fri- ness.—Mr. James Beattie has this week system of ligbing is giving goo years in tory Company have not started work pi on Wednesday of last week, was an ay last to visit friends in Michigan. shipped about 26,WO lbs. of. w6ol, av Bon, of Bradford , re in the village last so much so that a t many who Were this neighborhood, has sold his vac to sinit enjoyable affair. The weather was warm, h ilig machine to Messrs. Coward & Brown, of y , but intend to in a con le of we k w k.— the resu 1W eir many friends will wish them a prea- et P e a e Mrs. John Alexander left last week W&itin ering g to see but in the grove, de air was not oppressive, time and a safe return. got tired of holding it for the American Winchelsea, who will run the business Mr. Cummings is erecting a dwelling hou Ft's."aenow ord e for Manitoba —Mr. D. D. tariff bill to pass. This represents th clip , to vi*1t her sons and other lights, while others who have them are hav- being tempered by a breeze, and proXiMLi around Winclielsea.—Mr. Thomas Trevitt, on Shuter.street and has th� foundation gMaL Ill tY Wilon has sold the oat-iiieal' mill �o Mr. of a good in n' sheep. —Mrs. W. J. Daws friends.—A number 'of Our youn men, to- ing more put in which ake volumes for of on who has been clerk of the 5th division inost completed. —Quite &.few Wingba 91 mites to the water. The only regrettable feature Valter Thompson, the former proprietor. son, Doatigias, of Detroit, are visiting �est friefids. took in the ion tte Royal lectrie el us sh about the gatheringwas that busy wor-k in at court here fpr the, past forty years, died at attended the Biptist Convention in Toronto choir excursion to Sarnia on the 19th.=We Company are giving, coupled With the effici ships. 1 and gether with their the satisfacti I that ahile he had it Mr. Wilson put about five Mrs. A. Sutherland's at present. his residerice here on Wednesday evening last week.—Mr. Alex. Orr has sold the are sorry to, learn tbat our old friend, M management of Messrs. Cook Bros. the harvest field kept som e away. —Addie thousand dollars worth of improvenjents in ent now 0 ntly pur- r. worth, Aggie Kyle and Frank ackson ha the founders of the Trivitt - dvnamo is situ- it is n, Stevenson, Odie Kenn the mill, an last at the age of 82 years. He was one I of livery stable, which he had rece Donald McDonald while standing on the millers, in whose mill the edy, "Mag ie Charles d it is ne of the 'best in e the Province. We hope themew prQprietor ASONIC GRAND OFFIerms. —A Memori I chased, to Mr. Samuel McLean, of Gode- fence to enable him- to get on a horse, slip- ated and operated. Surely t�e world in to Pure t the Church. He had accumulate oves" succeeded in passing the Entrance examina- %vill keep it as busily at work as Mr. d consideia rich. —Messrs. Mitchell and Page ai-e busy d and had the in i8fortune to break his forhad Inyoiie, even a year or so ago, pre - 9 8 Enworth League had a very large ted tbatv Hen8alf would be enjoyin I tion froin our schooL- We congratulate our son has.—Rev. Dr. McDonald, acco4ipanied la't webk, the following officers were a�- Mrs. A. Q. Bobier, of this place. The fun- the south side of the town.—August 8th _g elec- Tb e, Wil- Masonic Grand Lodge held at Hamilton wealth, which he bequeathed to his neif digging and puttin tile in a large drain at leg. — T he voting friends, on their success, as it reflects by Mrs. 'McDonald and Alias Allie, attendance last, Sunday evening, there being tric lights before 'our more pretenti- tra on th6ir ability and close application,'as Detroit on Tuesday, where the a number from Kippen. AL-. Geo.- I. e- ous sister village - Exeter, they would have alld tht left for pointed for the current year, iz. W. eral took place to the Trivett Memorial has been declared by the Mayor as Wing - y � intend White, Q. C., Pembroke, Grand Master'; church on Saturday -afternoon last, Bishop ham'ki civic holiday. The Taggart conducted'i the Question Drawer. well as on the careful training of their a ending a nionth's holidays. —14r. Pharles W; Gibson, X P., Beamsville, been ridiculed. We 'vei Deput Baldwin now await the electric, these teacher.—IJ, -v person seemed pleased with officiating. Revs. Messrs. Robin- Order of Oddfellows intend to have a mOn- The questions, although somewhat difficult, treet cai Barteliffe is 'erecting on his prope�ty on Grand Master; Thomas,W. Lester, 78. —We are pleased to see that Mr. yrstile able and elo,quent discourse of Mr. Bey- Hamy- son,.. of -Walkerton ; Shaw, of Lucan ; ster excursion to Toronto on that clay. —The 4-11 ohn street one of the handsome8t resi- ton, Grand Senior Warden; A. E'. Cooper, were answered wellj,`and we believe the con- John'Oliver, assistant druggist to Dr. Mae- were teele, of Kirkton, and Hunt, of Exeter merry-go-round " that was located norch egation derived ni � t** I lesons from diarmid, haufficiently recovered from his rott on abbEttii morning last, and a liberal L� ences in town. It is a brick venep.r, two London, Grand Junior Warden; Rev. . were presei�t and assisted in the burial ser-) of Stephenson's shop, on Josephine street, gr , anyprac lea isklost collection rewarded his effort. He is a .9 borey, and being beautifully situated will W. Hodgius, eaforth, Grand Chaplain; them.—Weare 'please&to harn that Dr. recentse illness to engw in his duties Of wh 1710118 vice, which was very solemn and imposing. has left town. It wa a great attraction for James L. MeTaggi . rt, of Detroit, has been once more. —M �r voting man and will yet do good ser- e an ornament to; the town. Air .;Jos h Hugh Murra iss Maggie Murray, of Clin- Cleve vice, il spared, in ti Oh Y, Hamilton, Grand Treasurer; A v ry large number attended the funeral. both old and young.—Mrs. J. Brown, Of re- ppo ted to his old position on the Board vill!%e, is spending a began the enlightenment of K ea ng has the contract.—Mr. J 'e ' e to i 11 IT - J. 1. Mason, Hamilton, Grand Secretary; a in ton, formerly of this ;hf - van, of the Molson's Roxboro, is visiting in town this week.— of Health for another year. few days among her friiinds here:—Mr. Malcolm Gibbs, Toronto, Grand Registrar; Bank West Toron by lull his fellow coutrymen. in Quebec.—Mr. . illan returned home from his Parl�amen Aft. A. A. C. Denno to Junction, was here on Mr. S. Halliday and wife, of Detroit, have �,! 0 Macarthur and family, together with his Moore, fof t last week- on a two t i y duties at Ottawa on turday. Mr. J. If. Pritchard, Toronto, Graud"Tyler. Saturday last attending the funeral of the come to spend the summer with Mr. Halli- months' trip to the old. country. Mr. McMillan says that sweltering in the Le is- The foil ied a re elected District Deputy father-in-law and me owing we bloore's health h" uot been of the best for 16tive Chamber at Ottawa (luring the g late ther-in-law, Mr. and Thomas Trivett.—Rev. E. W. Hunt d '8 mother, 4� old Mrs. G. D have hot Grand M.s V-arna. some time, and the journey is mainly under- 'e ters: -H. J. Wigle, Windsor; Arnold, been campin at e mtherisa good eal more W. J. Ward, Brigden; rchibald Rowat, Grand Belid during the past week.—The and it d 1KOTES. --Messrs. Mitchell preached the funeral sermon of the late disagreeable and Paae have Co -.Nip, and t a Whiteman Pea Harvester. en 'i, arna. Rev. Mr. Walker, of -this -village, was re- away b tak on that account. —Miss Mary Kyle, of t mn working in the harvest Thomas Trivett on Sabbath morning last, in been awarded the contract for ile large —D. MIXORTL V"iRl field.—Messrs. Nilestown; R. H. Co in E, et r Doctor the Trivitt Memorial church, and'Rev. S. drain at the South side of the town and ETIES.—Thehum. of the thresher is cently in the Sf ate of 'Mi hi H s, c e o4uto, is spending her holidays at tile eid & Wilson are having the interior of Wilson, Tara; Fred Myles, Burford F. Robinson officiubted in the evening. have begun work on it.—On the l2th of once IC Zan, visi Ing to the T pleasanthomeof her nandfathcr,Mr.Jarn 'painted, kalsbinined Hopkins, Orarid Valley Thomas Mccal I I in 9 es their hard -ware store more heard in our midst. The old relatives and� friends.—M.r. Wrif. Thom warm greeting awaited th Lar Ongregatious attended both services. July brace broke in the footbridge,wbiletb veteran thresher, 14. Andrew Reid, has pu e a�td otherwise improved.—The e1jildren, Hamilton Te c a r- son, formerly of this village, and his -1r. McCoy, b J. T. Westcott, fruit tree agent, is procession was' asing, causing some excite- chased a new mill from the Clinton foundry, Mr. Dyke, now both of Chi have been turned I C. Ro�er, Orillia; H. r. friens p cago., _t4unate enough t4achers and friends of the Presbyterian ston, St. Catharines A. Alc(lillivray, canva the vich-lity of Grand Bend ment, but there was no panic and the dam- and having given his engine a thorough over- here during the past week, visiting relatives Rer y those io John to 1 d b neet him, on his arrival from Stratf6r Sj1b ath schools of Seaforth and Rpxboro, Sto6fville; Dr. Rae, Oshawa; John haw, this wseeit�'31111 '-be ot' on Saturd hast. Time seems to deal gently ai e to have their annual picnic at Mp s. J -T. Westcott and family, age was soon repaired.—The Oddfell6ws of hauling he will be prepared to do a first, and friends.—The man friends of Mrs. W. y- umphe John Sterling; John Hew -ton, Kingston ; J. Mr. Thomas D Master Norman and Wingham, have arranged for a monster ex- class job to all who may favor him with B. McLean will regret to learn that she is, with him, as he is as hearty anti genial as `44ott's grove, McKillop, to-day.—D'. J. S. Hbustn, Smith's Falls; E'. A. Johnston, Miss Edna C aw' Caine f ever. rs. McCoy and family are in tr reech, and Miss Millie Cud- cursio �o Toronto on August 8th, over the their patronage. —Miss Mabel Reid and and has at- nch, of Winiii�eg, and son-in-iaw'f Mrs. I20rignal; W. Bradley, the Soo; Thom more are spendin-a 0 %a been quite ill for some time, and ford for the present, at the parental home. E r. Coleman, of- Seaforth, died i this week at Grand Goderich, Wiarton, Southampton and Kin- 11 ti�at city Mr. James Reid, of Bay City, Michigan, will hope for her recovery.—Pic-nic parties Sacret, Huntsville. The following members Bend Park.—Mr. Mr. Charles Aberhart, of Buffalo, is rus- a 1 Sunday. —Rev. Jo M- Y. McLean, M. P. P. 'ardine branches of the Grand Trunk Rail- are at present visiting relatives here.—Mrs, to the lake still continue the order of the seph McCoy, 4f Chat- will compose the Boar(! of G'eneral Pur- for South Huron, and A. Bishop, Esq., ex- cay.—An old half -burned building bel ticating at his old home, just ivest of the h tm, New Brunswick, is at presellp here p6ses: . S. Dewar, London; one- Deitri'h, of Seafortb, is visiting old friends day.—MMrs. We­Aes, of Strathroy, is Visit- William Rea'. "riday in to Dr. Taniblyn was foundo be fi�e here. c before A F. spent some days last week at Bayfield, en- preached in' Union Ottawa; Dr. L. ecord, Brantford last. —Mr. Gregory Tom, ing her daughter, Mrs.. R. Wllah.—Miss village.—Air. and Mrs. James Cumming v,9iting friends He M. P. P., were in the village on I on of Vancouver, e other night and was this time destroyed church, Brucefield last Sabbath, aOd will MacW&tt, Barrie; J. C. H GAnDmq PARTy.—The English C ahureh Ross, Milliner, is visiting her si- ter, Mrs. Inge"F3011 British Columbia, is visitinct his this ni ler, Ot entirely garden party at Vijnl% was as usuo.1 a grand McLean.—Miss Davis, of Rxeter, is visitintr joyinu the refreshing breezes of Lake Hur Nre again next Sabbatl, His Dr. D. 11. Martyri, Kiardine ;. J. E. this place.—Mr. John pa&man, Of Grand demolished.—Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gray, oil success. Throughout this section f the her brother, Mr. IVV: C. Davis merchant, _01 on. P ' reach the parents in beyond hope of repair, though n Collie left oil Monday lat on a visit n4� �rous friends 'will be pleased to 9"pe him D'A-vignon, Windsor; J. W. Murton, Ham- Bend Park, spent last Sa urday here attend- Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. N. H Young, her daughter, vIrs. James Dallas, king so well.—Airs. H. Ungary, of St. iltan; E. T. Maloiie, Toronto, and R. B. country it is geuerpUy admitted, that the this village.—Mr. Teeple 'has the frame of of K Blf�nl�eiiu, near- Chatham. ing, Mr. Trivett's funeraL—It is rumored of Blyth, were the guests of Mr. F. G. Spa -r- youn eople in co"ection 'with this church his dw Ili —We regret to I mas, with her baby, is Yi8itinly 'at Dr. Hungerford, London. As will be seen'by I around the village that Mr. Ch 9 e ing up and the contractrs, we arles Snell, ling last week. —Mr. J. bleKelvie and Air. P. know w to ro, e wc"� so aa to make things pushing on A n to bw -heave Now - -----------