The Huron Expositor, 1894-07-20, Page 8t
if P
N EXPOSIT"ill'i JUL 204. 1 4e
81 1come guest for some N�eeks.—Mr. and are in the form of -a circle,- a large part visitors were pre�ent, comprising lodges from-. by Messrs, Ross Brothers, of Brussels. until the last enemy of flax is pulled Oat by
t , lice a wish them-, every success. — Robert the roots.—Mil.' Edward Appel hag re
-Witson's Oash Grocery. 'be nal for- North Wallin turned FRID
and M ll J. S. Porter, Miss Flora and Mas of hem still covered with the gg South Grey, Wes W
ve to Bayfield on Tues- est. In., front of the school 'house the ond North an � South Huron. A pr;28ftsfon Black has purchased James'Irelaud's beauti- from a splendid visitin trip in AVaterloo
Have just rfte1v`.q=ate bt fine Dinner Sets, ter a Porter dro
gemen and Younf Britons ful - residence and will move into it in a fe t
a e a in out 4,000 0412
e day. his was the old gentlorral first ground is being cleared nd levell d, nd of b w coun y, -under the pall ,I roof.—Rev.
nd.*if B 'vangeliel church,
ad at the town,park at 2 o clock weeks.—Mr. E. P. Paulin a, of a
tat a, nabil rice will do e to see t el outing * many years, and his friends could. a short tim(I the Niagara Falls High School was form Leibold preached in the U�Y 20th, 1894,.
some from there to the beaM City, Michigan, were *in! town' last wee% in the eveniril week Ago last Sunday..,- bargains in plain and Aecorated. Tom and surround� milt and majr;rhe
haal *W shed him a more comfortable day, will stand in the midst of 146al
A full line of Gern Fruit illars'it low 8 illiarn Job ad renewiria
Toilet mds of r - o,ld acquaintanceships with their Adam Fussa
than ral. prices. Groceries, We are sell[ d t Within- the building everything is grot h8t0R, SitiaSt Id after six years' service with
n - the lu t and heat being - almos
cheap style for the on the bank of the river Maitland, whore many friands h6re.—Mr. John J. Gibson Mr. D. Steinbaoh. in the store business, has
pxtra value in tea in coffee. _.:_0,ir r ociety s approve
er than tke chel dev S la's determined to fitte up in the ino 6
We have a ened up auother h7ip-
Another lot of that dhol raw sugar Just in, 28 lbsi dents convenience and comfort of teachers and able addresses ere- delivered b7 Rev Dr. L. left this week foe Owen Sound, where he quit and, intil to go to Detroit. - Conrad p
suppor one of Mr. Wilkie!s native stu
for.$I. Itn canned sroods, w -a- have. the best brands The school was opened only last J. Wood and D . Gifford, of Wingham; Mr. has accepted a situation in Mr. James Ire- Fus�sald and family, of Detroit, have been
for one year at ollege in Indore.—Miss pupils. m6nt of goods sifitil for trade,
-of fruit and vegetables in the market, so the beat
C li
il. 'k oleive A. V. Campbell, ex -M. P. P., of Brampton; land's store. here on a visit.-' He'left for home this wee
canned edwon, label finnen haddy, kippered he)ll o Lie and Miss Maggie Stevenson took fall, but the Board seem determined t k
pip' feet. tur Xant;ge of tho'choir excursion on Ti nothing undone to make the school one of Major Bennett, of Toronto and A Weis- but his wife an ily are still with Mrs' conalstiug Of
ft j sadinel corned beef, key, duok fam
all. The weather was de- Lumley. Fussold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of
afilchiken. 1fyou want a good article at P11
daytoylisitfr` d a, and vicinity. -the best in the province, and with the able miller of'He
jen s in arni ear, casi priet, we can suit you. good butter -resu lA a !together a most - joyable NOTE$. —The farmers around this vie the 14th conceslgion.—Mr. Troyer and wife
wanted. For a really good article vtiti give a good -_Ivfxs. . Hills and daughter, Miss Maria, staff of teachqrs now in char his It at ell inity VIOTORI LAWINTS VMAOLJ�
Sit -
price, as we must have it. leae t -day on a visit to fuiends mud rela- will no doubt soon be accorapfieshad. , Mr. J. al profitable day was spent. have finished haying, and mainly of tliem have been the guests of Mrs. Troyer*s
0. WilLSON, Seaforth. tives in Hampden, Bowmanville and other A Dickson, the Principal, is ably assisted 1. Oi,�wine,for ix few days —Qui e
have started to harvest their , fall ter, Mrs, 19 SPOT. At SLINS
Bank of Commerce. Block. eastern owns. by Miss Fitzgerald, B. A.,11r. W�Tker and few farmers On the Brownson iine ate
McKillop. wheat and -barley, the hot dry weather be -
nearly through Orawing in their fall w t.
o theni.—INflas Mamie Din- hea
Miss L. M. Hillen, the last two, as well as BFEviTl —Farmers in this t WHITE DR SS DUC K
OBIT Y.—On Sunday, July 15th Mr. Dicks,6n himself, being from Seaforth. have finished haying arl notwithstanding nin, daughter of thetfo truaster of this —The Zurich ishow days are flxed for
second daughter of the Mr. Walker attende am Jane Brown,, d the Collegiate Insti- fears of a Ii ht crop in the earlier part �f place, who has been past thre weeks eptember 26th'ad 27th. L E 8
late Th 1 in" Henry Brown, 'of London, btft tute at Seaforth for only a few months, bat
11310 V110T \Uf the season, Tay has turned oat a very fair with intermittent- fe-%er, is recoveriing.—
formerl a carriage builder in *S 6aforth, anil. we are glad to have had him there for even 1 on the whole: T r
yie d he weathe b as been Miss Katie Badgegood, of Londol is spend- Walton.
nf Mr. John McIntosh, blacksmith, a short dine, as such teachers do credit to
wife. so favorable that this commodity has been in her- holidays with her grandmother, A GOOD Tuill, —The garden party held
ny school."
Soo passed, way: The deceased *as born in a housed in the -very beat condition. —Mrs. ri John Fyfe, of this place. —Rev. Robert at the Methodisp church parsonage on Tues- CREA.11 SI�K MITTS
A G Al N
A Lon ctober, 1870,, d afterward James McDonald, of near. Walton", with her. Miller, of Petrolia, is also vis n - day evening was agrand success. Notwith-
d iting at hoi a. -he b 'VESTS
. I
live in 011AO�, where she waasutuarried two LooAr, BRUOS. —Mrs. Robertson, of Chalk- three daughters and neice, Miss Jessie Tel- e LADIES'
We. bave been successful in securing another big standing t usly season the attendance
years a About five months -ago she,with street, went down to Elora last week, on a far, welre visiting friends on the 5th and 6th 'Morris. rge.—As ' al, the ladies provided a odeto bargain lot of was I& Usu
-us and, moved to Seafol and had SUA�MER ORSETS
LOTHIN her h visit to her son, Dr. Robertson.—Mills. M. concessions last week.—Mrs. A. McLean, A GOOD "I'll —A very pleasant time was sumptuous replli3O. After tea a musical con -
M -ADE UP 0 G,
just grot settled down to houseklee when, A. Coulter leff on Tuesday for Ingersilill, Mrs.'Coulti and Miss M. E. McLean, all e t
at a great. sacrifice to the maker. We now Purpose spent on Friday evening, July 13th, at the c r was given that was worth more than
eful deal. MOIRE SILKS
to gf,_ie the wearer the benefit of our sucoos she conit - ad lung trouble, v lespite all to spend the holidays with her . son and -of Se&forth, were rusticating last - week at the -whole adinisiion. fee. The violin and
i residence of Mr. P. Phelan on the 7th line, lenty
Brine returned
Amongst. our new lot will be found Men's Suits worth the effcir s f local physicians, ad.also doe other relatives, -Miss Jennie the residence of Mrs. Joi Cowan, Mait- numerous invited by ihe Best Br6thers and others
where guests highl organ music
$16, hieh we livill sell at sio; Suits worth sl, tors fro London, she SUccuinbed to the fell ononda lig y was highly apprecialted.-The genial mem- RIBBONS others tare
y from a- visit to Miss Fair, Olin- landbank Farm. -Mrs. Dow, of Califorl amused themselves by tripping lit
whid . we will sell at $77.75 ;Vews Suits, all 'wool 87 the
as a kind, 4oving wife, ton. -Miss Sutherland, of -C obourg, is visi - vilitim are
we will sell at $4.25, Boys' Suits worth,$6.50, we. destroye She w lihs been spending some time with friends fantas6io. Among the many present were bers of the Seaoforth Brass Band won tbe
'11-seltal Children's
wi Suitsworth$4, we will and an a ectionate and tre friend, She ing at the residence of' her qner�, -Mr. R. on the 4th concessi6n. She was the guest of persons from Ashfield, Goderill McKillop, admiration of all present. Their numerous AAIERICAN SAIIOR HATS, i"A . ts gre vel I
sel $V5. The above are all now perfect gopills, spent th last few weeks of her short life at Lumsden. Mi Haigatileaves to -day -for"
well mader and good linitigo. We have also gone Mr. A. McLeod and family. Waanosh, Wingliam, Brussels, Hullett, choice selections were very ably given.
through the balance of all the stock- on hand and the hom of her liusbands family, -where all Sault Ste'. Marie, MicKigp; where she ex- —*I . buy i
and Bay Cit, Michigan. We also had the Having heard that Seaforth had one of the unus I
marked down the prices, so as to be on a par with that lo, ing hands could Olo: was (lone to pacts, to spend somili'tim-awith the, family of - Usborne. !11,easure of shak* ''hands with Dr. E. Y. best bands in the Province we expected an *
the new lot. Vow Is your golden opportunity for The stock- is very complete in every yourbeff Int al
JcC rN J. Plielan, both of Cin- Is
alleviate'tbe in and brightilin the last days Rev. 0. M. Thompil Methodist - ministef . �y
clothing. su -Mr. - Thomas Russell, and M excellent programme. tation
as fe Are called -Mrs. Mason and little aaugh n realized, and the 13eaforth
of one o hapda' ffered at that place. BULL SOLD. Of natl Our expee department. example,
WM, PICKARD upon to uffer in this world, �he passed Riverside Farm, has recently made a very Ohio. At 12 p. in. all partook of& were more tha 'Of
ter, of Newcastle, are the
uests of Mr. and
important sale. He has di a trip Brass Band will always receive a hearty
bett6 isposed of his well bearty repast, and then continu. d I _pmg
Seaforth. peal away to that r d�e where Mrs. R. Logan, North Atreet.--We knownyoung prize -bull. Riverside Hero ga�ly until the wee sma� hours, when all re- welcome to Walton. The ptoceeds of the
a d flering are unk I no, vn. The file- are sorry to learn by last week's - Brussels th aired to their respective homes, much evening amounted to $821.
orrow Hosiery-
Mairis w4# e tuaken to Londoi�'O . Wednesday Pot$ that Mrs. Thomas -Thompson, of this e Second,' to Hon. M. H.: Co'chraue, of P
4 last and. I interi in the fai�ily burymig Compton, Quebe.. This bull is two years pleased with the evening's entertanment. Ed -ward cFaul
r town, is quite ill at the residence of Mr.
old and is one of the best of his age in Can- 0 00
grou�d Mount Pleasant cemetery- Johu Tait, in Brussels. -Mr. A. Yol and
010 L-1al WW
ada. Hewasl�redbyMr. Russell,"as wa GET yoitr Fruit Jars and Sugar at H. F. Canal
his daughter Nellie, spent Sunday SSEAFQRTH.
also 9, ve;7 fine heifer of the gain age, for M-BRIAGE.-The marriage of Mr. S. EDWARDS'. 1888-1
POORE Bol LosT.-On Tuesday, July visiting Mrs. H. Love and family, Stanley. were 35% nolir,
17 n Dick's Hotel, Seal and �1ntbrop which Cochrane also made a liberal Pritchard to Miss Scarff took place on Tues- INQUEST. -On -Thursday, the l2th, inst.,
-,Vr. R. S. Hays is at present absent on a
i�'�colored pocket book, conta offer, but it wag not large enough to tempt day at 10 o'clock. The young couple left in the coroner, Dr., Stanbury, was summoned
DISTRWT MATTER& trip up the lakes. Mrs. Hdys, in the mean -
made ups"ollows: two file, a 2 and a 1. Any per
Mr. Russell to part with her. tha afternoon for Cleveland, -to attend the to Blake to hold an inquest on the body of
son findin hd time, is visi ing in Goderich.-St. Catha- ally� correct, for the reason that
r= and leaving it at Tim Expoi
OM04 ed. -13NXI Christian Endeavor Convention. In tile one James Dunbar, who had lived alone in Oxford. Shirt
AN AT HomE, -A pleasant At rings lacrosse club sends a team here to.:day Tuckersmith. evening the guests had a picnic on our lake. a little house fol number of years, and mei hav been reached on- many items, -Che
very .-Lines of Misses' Taffbta th do battle with our local knights -of the buti it was deemed best Rot to report th Shirts aud
Home" was held in the basement of the al!vo6s, �'eLir� price 30c, to clear at, 6c. Line of A very sociable time was spent. - We wish as found dead in bed. 'Decased was am
crosse. St. Catharines has 'always had a meeting of until a conclusion had been reached n the allow $1. Boy4
Methodist church, on Friday evening last, L lies; Li e lovel regular Me, to clear at Se. rattling good team, and will likely "Make it .*council was held on the 16th July, at Kyle's Our y0ung,friends a happy life and every about 62.years old ond had been in failing whole bill.
L11under the auspices of the Lal Aid. The ne 0 Toll Gloves,.regular 65c, to clear success in the great work which they have health for some timb, thou
gh it does not :Meb k�"
at 25c. Ch d Muslins at from so and upiviarde. hot for our boys. -Dr. J: H. Mcgaul,� of To- hotel. The. chief business -was receiving r I
undertaken for the Mater. 1pear he had r�ceiv�ed any attention or
programme consisted of musical selections American S (double fold) regular 25o, to clear at ronto, is visiting his parents in - town this offers for the construction' of -Silver Creek by, the church choir, vocal solos, readings, 12je. Ame I Challies (double fold), regular 18ci NOTES. -Service is being held every Surl medical treatmel A thorough examina- Perth Items.
week. -Mr. W. Prendergast, of the-Collegi- bridge, near Egmondville. Th6 lowest
Knota and
etc.,and. ice cream, bell and cream, to clear at I lbotweather goods at great re- d evening in the Good Templars? Hall b tion was made oflithe house and contents, as James Caven, B. A. of Toronto is rusti.
Golden Liol Sel SIA1ra ate Institute staff, is in Toronto just - now, tender was that of h. Hardy, of Exeter, y Uots m
duottions at e t ay we. 9
lemonade, fruit,, l were dispensed. It he English church minister of Teeswateri well as of the body, but no startling
working on the Board of Examine of see- and the contract was accordingly let to him facts eating at Motherwell for the summer. now 1.00.
was aii splendid evening for such an affair d and third class teachers. -The - Misses at,$180. The council discussed the pro- Miss Etta Scott is home for her holidays. - were revealed. X few paper" and letters .-Eighteen mills on the-- 4oll-ar is St..
and all prese NEW F_LEPHoNzs.-Tl following Bell 'On
nt seemed to have a naost en- Mr. R. McKinney is. slowly. impr from the island of Malts, n the Afediter
Telephones vebeenplaced this wel Mullett.& Carder, of Blyth, were visiting -friends' in priety of opening the sideroad between lots Marys rate of taxation for 1894. ]BOYS
ale time. The proceeds were used to ackson' 6d to the only relatives
sS re ; Drill Scott 4; McKay's ftee : Lums- towu last week. -Mr. 1. V. F6ar and fami-�, 5 and 6, concessions 7 a 8. MA result Mr- Ferguson raised his barn on red!es. ranean sea, point, -Moore Bros., of Kirkton, 64e opened
'0y 'deceased appeared to have, and even a
aid in completing the new choir loft of don & Wilso 'a Store ; 0el Hotel, Royal Hotel ly l6ft on Wednes for. Port Dover and was a determination to ask contractors to day. -Mr. Darroch, our school teacher) has which tin shop i Dublin village. Boya, tw4
Royal Hotel and X. Jordan's Grocery. The above all returned td his home near Harristol these documents date back some i or -Mr. Hugh Miller, of Stafla, hQ his
the church. ho natio System., but now discard It for other points, to spend a couple of - weeks meet the members of council' at the resi- tyles; Vare $3,
tb i m. The following are also having Bell holidayi.-Mr. J. A. Clark and fal t- dence of Councillor McCloy, on Monday, number of young people. went to Listowel ten yeatis. It also lippears he -had libe(l at ankle broken onv day recently, atabazu
a family reunion and picnic at 4rand - July 23rd$ at 5 o'clock p. in. j;� show on Tuesdayi one time in or Mt St. Marys. -part
FosTiEr. Nvrxs AGAix.-The Can, Telephol Placed in their establishments - Henry tended
Colb A B wer; Dr. F. G. Belden, Dental office. when the ras aFre I who know anything about the Ldeeessed or Ordemd
dian-Americal of last week, says: Bead, On
C. W. PA;;; Agent. -July 12th. -Mr. James Grieve, of of removing the timber and digging a ditch, 4 C. F. Hill of Chatham, has been.
his ate
Flostee, the noted turfman, formerly of Se.-, the 3rd concession of McKillop, finished or ditches, along the roadway, a distance Constance. affairs are requested to communic enlrged as fifth master in the St. MOAT -9
CENTR Prison- Binder Twine is Pure
forth, Ontario, has this season won nearly with the coroner. The verdict of. the jury See the spee
h in on the 11th of this month. Mr. of about 100 rods, will be let by tender or OPEN XIEETlThe members of Court 0, egilil Institute.
Manills, fine and evenly made, full weight of Twine making ti
quarter of a million dollars with his fal ev g was, death from natural causes.
in every e, Will run more to the pound than G% e is a hustler and usually gets there to the lowest bidder. After passing a:num- Constance of Canadian Order of Foresters -George T. AfePherson barrister -at -law,
On Thursday he made the any othe Young an 8 1 V nees pr4evail
Doctor Rice. r B r Twine made in Canada; excepting about the first. -Mr. Win. Johnston, of- bar of accounts the council adjourned to spent a most enjoyable evening on Jull 7 th Br LoCALS.-Airs; H. d tratford, has been reappointed ai license
tting ring via- -
be at Washington Park wiream, flax. You get it at the lowestprice at,JoaNill Blanshard, near Kirkton, was in town on meet at Weber's hotel, on September 1st, at when the doors of their Court conrinissioner for North Perth.
were tLo" Willie and Tillie Young, of Clinton are
both Doctor Rice and Floroy taking his BROS, Ses,19 relatives here, -Messrs.
Tuesday. Mr. Johnston is 'one of those 10 o'clock. operl and their wives, sisters, aunties and 1 "9 Brown ancl -Miss Annie J. Detwiller, - of Mitchell, Tito liet-,
colors to the front. He backed them EXCURSI�N- TO Tol-An excursion Tillman, of London West, spent Sunday -ad nar-se from
genial Scotd'hmen whom it always does al, cousins provi ad a sumptuous lunch. After has gral as a professional
heavily sudWon nearly $75,000 during the will 6v run - from Clinton to Toronto, on'Saturday. the good things had been disposed of,Brother here. -Mr. J. W. Westervelt and son, ill the train' h t I in Jamestown, New oney never
July 28. Tickets to go by afternoorr trains person good to meet. ..The worst'thing Ing ospi
afternoon." Saturday last, however, the F Saturday, returning on &boat him is his politics, although he says r a X t Dorrance called the meeting to order, when London, came here on bicycles on Tuesi York. it aoes -now.,
riasy and I morn ng train Ja,'c oet t. e r
I M -R. J. T. VV _�aneral agent for
Columbus handicap, worth $11,800 to the Monday. Fare from Clinton, V.26- 1388-1 he -voted Grit at vers Bros., Nursery en.aalt isag an address to Brother Stewart was read, ex- and returned Wednesday.' - They, With -Rev. Jonathan rth, of Formosa,
t6 last election and Ca ' ila on his can- ISPWISI IPA
winner, and which was looked on as a pretty WE hav just received direct from the " While the lamp holds on to burn, &e.- vting tour for fall '91 and ill '96 orders. Par- sing the regret of his lodgernates an others, intend coming next week to spend a China, preached in t a First Presbyterl
an. man ure r a is in would presl d _-Rev- and
sure thing for Doctor Rice, was won by ufact rge consignment of Tan Shoes Miss L�wis, daughter of Mr. Win. Lewis need of anything In thenurseryline nei0bors at his contemplated removal, and few weeks at this-pupular resort. Church, St. Marys, t Sunday morning,,
) confer a favor by sending him a card to Exeter P. 0.
outsider, and Mr. Foster's horse was not even Aflosel and Children."s. Call and see our of Crediton, who Was 'the guest of the their hopes for his prosperity in the future. Mrs. Newton and family, of Strati are and in Knox Church' the evening. We W* I
placed. Suchareteupsanddowns of the turf. prices before urchal T. COMTRY'S: old stand. All orders carefully filled, with btock warranted to a h nd.-Rev. Joseph Elliott, -Mrs. Herbert, of Ilice n*w 86 yeall
2388 Misses Ballantyne, of this town, for a grow and true -to name. Thanking my many cus. The address was acompanied by here visiting frie
week, returned to her home on Monday. torners for their past favors and patronal Your some easy chair. On behalf of the Court -wife7and child, of Nail are enjoying the of age and in the enj�yrnent of good health,
AN OLD W.a_Tc. -Mr. Wm.. ,kllan, of Eg THE C.k - MAGAzINE FOR JULY.- order solicited. J. T. WEsTem, general agent. holidays here. -Air. F. Sharpe, of London,
The July nu ber of The Canadisn'Magazine contains -Mr. E. C. Coleman having appealed from the address was signed by Messrs. S. Dor- n I for the ii visiting herson, X�. August Herbert, f
mondville, who has a pench for collect- an interi variety of artiales, somel them of the Court of Revision to the County Judge -P. S. -A few good agents wanted in th . is county. rance, R. Penderson and F. H. Schoales. was here on Wednesday, few day4. f arr 9 Logan, for a:
Ing and holding relies, showed us a watch a -striking me the illustrations, too, sire excellent. accommodation offfiends-*ho are to come -Mr. George St �wart, once a �opular
against die assessment of some property be- ITEM& -A lawn social was held -by the i on. -Misses Helene and Mary Austin, teacher iR Logan to7sb i but latterly, of
faw- days ago which has on it &nL inserptin Walter Town end's' I The Supernatural in Macbethi Ionizing lt . THE LEA
leavaluable ndmost real 'addition to Shal to the Coleman estate, hb matter congregation of' the Caan Presbyterian Philadelphia. 1P9
even e is spending his holidays
"Three Yeao Among tl ge her On at- church, on Mr. R. S. Lang's beautiful lawn, SORril -Haying is all over in this vicin- Air. Clarence Mitchell, Toronto Mrs. A at the old home in Lbga;a.
dated 1784,.,so that it must be older spearian stu ies, te FAki. will be-ai before the Jud Mrs. Lovering, Miss Lovering, Detroit ; Springfielcl, Ont.
than that. It has been inr. Allau�s pos- moo " by J. W. Tyrrell, the e4plorer, is well illue- urday.-Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, of in Exeter. Worth, n Monday evening last, ity, and nearly all the farmers have started D. Smith and Miss Ruby Smith, London, and Mrs. J. A. Hacking and family
i itten, and filil of most Interco Toronto, were here last week visiting their when raspberries and,
session for over 50 years, and he atill carries tral excell ntly wri t -
Ing informat' n. Papineau a6d
it as a timflpiece, and it keeps as good - his Home " by "cream were served. teilicut their fall wheat. -.Mr. -Conrad Fos- are the latest arrivals at the Queens. -Mrs. Mr. and Mr W. Tatham and fainily,
ti-ine Thomas P. G 0 tilueily illustrated articie o ants and other friends.-Mri rriage, The Exeter; Brass Band' -'played a few choice sald and family, from Detroit, n B
dern the history ill, i"malvr'oenments of that noted family. Par family, of London, are the uests Of. were visiting Blackbarn and two daughters, and Miss
as any of the more pretentious and 1110 and 9 selections On the groun�ds, which added to friends and relative here. T guid Mr. and Mrs. F. O.Clarke, all of L- NOTM I
8 V ss
chronometers of the present day. It is what is Hon. D nos, Senator, contributes a copl. In Fo ald left Von- Staden, of London, arrived at the Com -
'her sister, Mrs. J. A. Clark, in Seaforth, wel have taken cottages for the summer at
yil J=
the evening's entertainment. -Berry pick' for home on Saturday, but his wife and mercial this week. -The latest rrivas Port Elgin.
h U19 at
known as a " Wils-eye" watch, and althougk d article on the Bahamas. The fourt at present. -Mis Kate and Miss Ethel Me- is the order of the daily. -Mr. Charles
of 68 series o articles, I- ln.14orth-Weetern Wilds 11 South- family will remain here for some time. -Mr. the River hotel are: C. inith nd wife, !-Mr. Alex. Gourlay, of Detroit, s ent a
it has been in use for over 110 years, the byy Wm. Ogil 6, F. R. G. S., deals with the excitllf;], Caughe , of Ingersoll, daughters of tI late cott, of Toronto, is visi g relatives in and Louis.Schilbe was visiting at Mr. M. Kerdli- Stratford; J. W. Snow and wife,Ted Sno
cases are still strong and the works seem to narrative of is journey from Fort Nelson, on il!e S. G. eCaughey, Esq., of Seaforth, aret W, M't hall List -we Last vileek. V
coliple ofays in 1 0 H
be little the worse for the wear, and it looks Liard. to St. John, on the Peace river, -M around 'here this week. The fall wheat is er's on IvIonday.-Mr."J. Smith and Mr. G.
un ay o
amid the gra dest scenery, but full of danger. present the gests of Mrs. S. Dickson. -Mr. being eat and is reported to be a good yield. Bechtel war e* the guesis of Mr. S. Geiger on Nanny Snow, T%fr. Lowery, wife and child, accompanied the rma.l - of his'deceal ajs a xeu
as if it -might even out -live its worthy and Mrs. Jacques, of Brandon, Manitoba, ng . an J. Butler, London ; Mrs. AfXorvie.. Miss brother from Detro% and remained to- the an,
Amongst othe contributions are I' The Criminal and -Mr. and Mrs. - George Armgtro d Sunday. -Mr. C. . Schilbe, of near this Annie fcCol NESS M gio MeMurr funera,
Artificial Prod ction of Deformities and Monstrol are guests this week at- the ethodist par- eal found
rehle Stockwell, M. D.; 'A dub door
ti es,!"cay' �Gro d family, bf Paris, are the guests of Mr. Ir- place, had a flax -pulling bee, and a lot of of Clinton ; Miss Harla'nl Detroit.-T'he' -Mrs.
so � sonage.-The cricket club went down to J Bell, of the -Soo," is spendr- refused to givt
CRICKET. -The 8eaforth cricketers cover- Sport Aust It " by J. L. Payne, and two capital vine Armstrong, Huron street.-Mr4. Win. work was (lone -Miss Afar Hess, of De- Salvation Army -will hold a musical festival
ot, U -R and
torl To, y Mir a few week
ed, theihselves with glory on Saturday last, 8 ries, P -n oral Misill YateRFarmer and Mitchellfor &practice .�match on :Tuesday Cudinore, 8 at the home of her parents,
A of Kippen, spent lailit Thursday troit, and Miss Minnie Heideman, of Zurich in the barracks, on Wednesday evening I 1-r. and
A!T S to he Metropolis," bk Mrs. H. Ca;ieron afternoon, mud were' beaten by six wickets. 2 A Mrs. J. S. Coppin, of Mitchell.
by defeating. Stratford. The classic city and Frida here visiting relatives. - Mr. were in town last week. -Mr. Jacob Meid- next. Lieutenant Bryan will furnish choice Mr. Bell has a large and lucrative photi _Wht for I
Nelles W�bon. The Canadian Magazine is well de- -The Seaforth gun club shot a match at George Cu( more'lls still confined to his bed in
team had won every mal they had played to call Toro"
r until they came . to Seaforth. serving ofthe eartiest support.of Canadians; Pub- Mitchell on Tuesday evening at cl birds, r fer -was visiting friends and music. graphic business at the Soo." Ltd., Toronto
ed the London, 1883- win by a larg score.- The of Chicago, -A rink of the *itchelk bowling. elil offielials. But.
this yea lished by the otario Publishing Co., through illness. -Mr. Thomas Snell, Huron e es. here last week.
Among - others they defeat $2. W per annu e I itchell s*eet, lost a valuable cow on Monday last.
Asylum team. The day was a very fair one SERVANT .'IRTJ WANTED. -A good geniiial new organization but contain s'onie This is the second cow Mr. Snell has lost Blyth. Hensall. went to Torouto lasq week, to compete In. too late and wA
and the match most.interesting. 'The Sea- servant wazitid Apply to MRS. T. F. COLIRMAN. goo a BmEps. -A large number took advantage i�e tournament th ; was held there, butl� the WoUland. C�
d hots. -Mrs. Maher, of Listowel, -is at through disease this *pring.-Severa Ex BP.EviTiEs.-Dr. W. J. Milne and wife
present visiting in town, the guest of *ere defeated by the Granites, of Torl
forthites were in great foini and going first isterites intend rusticatimg at Grand Bend of the cheap excursion to S day Uil 0J
arnia. on Thur
got back from their visit to New York on in the first round bv 27 to 9. 'waited for hou
to bat ran up a score of 1,03, Stratford THE ELE ic LIGHT WoRKs,-Messri. George ' Murray, Goderich- street.-Misge's Vark next. week. �-A large numbe� fr6 Tuesday evening, and are now settled do'Nivii day- morning last.- The carpenters and
Lizzie and Elaine Drury, of Allistol are at Exeter and' -Mr. W. White', �i Iiibbert, sold a span.
bricklayers ae now busily engaged in the gether with 4)
family of Mr. John 9 to 8�op a
scored but 66. in the first innings and Sea- Scott Broth s, who have purchased from resent visiting the vicinity went. on the excursi6.�... to the comforts of mrried - life. -Mr. Will of heavy lit h es, recel ta
the total the town the electric light �Iaut and who forth in their second innings pin iti young,man named Isaiah Smith yesterd und report a pleasant trip. -Mr n was up to Kincal for a couple of h w ist ch �v 'Ors
Messrs. For= h7asson. of Stratford..' at 9209. Stratford'tried hard to pti-H up, will run it a er therst of September, are SamuelaKiihale,--of Fenelon Falls, -aaa k Picnic parties are itill the order of tbe day,
got his han days this week, taking An the breezes Of
d cut on Saturday last while at Mr. 'Robert M tto' if Fullart6n also solil this direetion..
emg, ing circula saw in motion -will
fPh Qieni a Clydesdale'V,eighing 1,450 pounds,
'but the beat they could do was to add 107 getting eve ything- into working shape. Henry Penhale, of Tbronto, are,1visi' Tayloi?s grove being quite a favol resort
for the'innings irtaking a total of 173. We The new- buli'ding,being erected close to the t ti to adjust a relatives here. ting Lake Huron. -The I tennis club this summer. -Our village pathmasteis are I a, few matches in the nea future.- -T
in t e wood working department-1.1of Cole- y he other'diy, in Listo
hope to see Seaforth keep up this winning railway trar, , is being pushed forward as man's foundry. -Mr. and Mrs. I Thomas 0— ML entitled to much credit for the fine stretches wel, a ybung,
sis Anderson, of Belgrave, is visiting Miss daught�r of Alex cIntosh Wallace. wea- night,
rapidly as -bossible. The plans for this Mary Dodds this week. of plank sidewalk they have laid down this 1 31 OMP
Clinton. -Flax pulling has ol a a ring wagon seat and 'by -
Pringle, of Milwaukee, and Mr.'and Mrs. iAtting mornin
building prepared by Mr. William year on our front streets. -Mr. and Mrs. R.
eag. -W started around here this week. -The lawn
GOOD H-oi-Mr. F. con- McKay, hweearl James Pringl6; of Straitford, are 'in town MORE GOOD CTTLE, ednesday and means fell the ground, breaking tb�
ineer at Ogilvie's mill,
visiting friends. �-The council have had -a Saturday of last week some, s social given on Wednesday evening,- on the Pollard hae been visiting relatives and 'bone of onef her limbs. She is remvering- Kel�
�-ratctor, has filled al� long feltwant by, build- and the workl is being arried out under his plendid ekport
new treet sprinkler on rial here -this week! cattle were put on the Clinton scales. George klethodist parsonage lawn. was a grand si friends in our village during the past week. well.
It co, d not 'be in more tal �esm w
ing on Marketstreet,,in this town,& fin� brick supevisioln Mr. M. Etwood, our po uzlar tonsorial
made by Captain s9trachan, of Goderich. - It. Middleton sold to S. Sibith ten head, the cess. It was uniler the auspf�es of the -Arthur W. Austin,, a former resident :of' I_ -n
double house. The building is plLin bat capable han4. and- when completed it will tist, has this week' i into big fine ud, ne is own re does. splendid w6rk, sprinkling Main street total weight being 12,355 lbs. W. Cudmore Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church. ar Elma and whose relatives still reside therl termhaus --of th
neat -and is situated t t' hi be adnurabl adapted to the purpose for from side to side in one trip. -it will -Prol sold to John Avery 58 superior animals, the A. M. Babb is up -M Muskoka, visit- new premises. erected bv Mr. W. R. Hod-
dence. The t% '�wexllinjs each contain whichitis signed. Two powerful high and adjoining his old stand. He has has been for seven i y6ars the � al of poll. 0 alla
ably be purchasea, as everyone seeing gatis- . heaviest pair weighing 2,9295 lbs., and the ing his parents this week. -There will be no grais 11
eight rooms all' of goodl size and well n fine style for his busi- a Ouffalo�'
dftor of th he hax Ineu ru
ied with it. -Mrs. W. Pickard and- family lightest 2,475. Mr. Grant sold to E. Wat- Blyth Standard published this week, as the now' Commercial newspap wo
speed en i as and two boilers have bee, f everything i and- efficient Clity
li hted, four down and four upstairs, and in purch e fro. the Robb Arlig En ess--Mr- G_ Allison and Miss Allison, of He has beeo p - The drivers lu
staff are taking holida
I'd' have gone td Goderi( -h for two - weeks. -2 son 43 hea;d, the heaviest pair tipping the Fitzsiml -noted to the office of associate Editol
a iion closets, wood, sheds nd a large en- gineering Co London, were here part of last week- and %US WAS *A7
of A herst, Nova Mr. A McIntyre went to St. Marys on scales at; 8,270 lbs., eleven of them runuin mons, of -Clinton, is the guest of the Misses Scotini The 9 ' -4-While pasturing i a field, neai Al
trance hall. The are very conveniently have aso purchased from this visitsng at Al R. drel Wednesd to attend - the funeral of his over 1, 550 lbs. ehch, while: the lightest pai Watson this week. -Mr. Fred Buggin is Mr. Frank Ke -es fine mi
planned and Will make excbedingly sant Mr. W. A hn of Philadelphia, a ir Coad is it present in Ottawa, being called 'getigeral etc,
friends in Tara thi's week.- age McIntyre. -Miss L. ad 61,39-0 v1st in
plea went 2,580 ; the 43 head weigh B by
andcomfortable quarters for the families thOlaga�d liggh inctonliescent dynamo and brother, 7r. John. 8. there through the illness of her br�thlll �w a. leg broken 6 kick from "other- tol in A vol
h %
", M. Hillen, daughter of Mr, S. Hillen, of lbs. W. Broadfoot bald 24 head for E. Wat- ball is ool at present in our town. horse. An effort is h Ang made -to save the new b
othel. ne de. ectrical - app -y-Isill w
lacky enough to 4ecure th �r neede I Mr. Grant, of near Sarnia, was at the m*
am. Directly anse
aratus' It Will McKillop, who is a teach6r the' High. son, 422,425 lbs., the heaviest pair 3,000 lbs. i 0 mak nd lie is now "I strung up 31 n
west of this building Mr. Samuel Dilling i& thu's be seen t, at the new proprietors are I this week visiting his sister, Mrs. Aender- -d q Ow pi
's I School, N-Magara - Fans, has . returned home and the lightest 2,350 lbs. riv4111iltill
also building a ifea,.t *and comfortable brick nialking e=erVy' reparation to give the town Leadbury. son. -Mr. R. Paterson and Mr. G. K da sling'
for the boliJays.-Miss White, of Montreal, FIRE. -Quite a bad fire occurred in Clin-. �A heavy hill
dwelling house.- Market street has im- a good service and we hope their efforts which passed ol have tostani
ved very much in the past few yeai rociaed by our people nd ti a ton early Saturday morning last. LOm%-LITiiE:s.We regret to have to an- are pushing forard the work of r. the*vicinit e'k on Fridayfith inl day ill -n
L guest at Ingleside.-NIr., Scott It origin- of Ta-visZ,
pro will be fully e the death of a little son of Mr. H. -Arnold's new brick dwelliniz.
general superintendent of the Bell Telephot a 4ted in Jacob Miller's blacksmith shop and nounc caused great- Al to fruit an well as -to: thIs foil - Tb
a the rate it is going will soon be one of that they will berar patronage Robert Bo d, Which took place on Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. McAllister, of this place,
Company, ag in town this week. M was discovered about five o'clock by mi.. y gil crops. 1pl? Fees were stripped, off the,
our nicest and neatest streets. they deserve. were in Seal recently visiting relatives
last. We extend our sy th to the be- Scott says that Seaforth is; the -best teij'.! George Swarts, who was feeding his horse. in d friends. -Messrs. McEwen t ta vines cut W and to use itla tr*
an & Geiger, gram
reaved parents.-Alittle raugKter 6f Mr.
phone town of -its size -in Canal --I The ames spread rapidly, spite'of the tZeelherto toile gTound. ()ompilany- vim
INDEPENDETNT Orix1ozi.-The Prestofi THE AND THE Cnops.-Although and he expects to have - a nighif efforts of the fir"
AN Win. Brodhagen died quite suddenly on our enterprising flax. manufacturers, have a
emen, and Cook feed store, Rev. C. Boone boa resigned the astor-- With tile,
Pro ss makes the folowing reference to business in the pas6 Cantelon B, abbath last. Th have our a m- large number of hands eng�ged at present'
gre aln ost every -department is un- service here shortly. During rothers' grocer store, Beek- e parents y and it is- really surprising how a��?Jf the St. Afar -vote of ro,
y McIntosh had a success- pulling flax; ly Bfill Church,
patby.-Mr. Finlay
gin e cours
the foot -ball match recently played between precedentedly lull, duller than has been the week eight new iiis have- with's bakery, Cook's photo gallery and tonds leavi i th a of & few weeks,
the Galt and Seaorth clubs at the former Iru ful bee drawT*g pressed hay to Seaforth one much money wi ng and industrious bo s
case for many ll and money is hard to been put in, and more are Or= Sea- Woo Sing's laundry all suffered' consider- The reverend gentleman's resignation W". The munliq
&X a y. e go and girls can earn during the se4on at p2l
Pl Our Galt correspondent get, nature eeTiesato be doing her share to- forth generally takes the lea& in almost ably, while two stables in -the rear of these d I tel H t neal tons hauld. eted, iiid is a Aource of regret to his- -the A
scores tip referee; Gibson for, his decisions in wards bringi� things to their proper level. everything that is enterprising. -Mrs. 0. buildings and two store houses belongi -Some 6f the farl wheat is ripd and it will ling. -Our hennery was completely destroy -
the Seaforth-4-alt. /game�-- The ing to 11 be 'ready - to cut in a few days ad by fire on Thursday evening of last edrigregation. duced;f4 Preston Farmers are no busily engaged harve8tin W Palist is spending her holidays with Mr. George Swarts were burned to the The
sami we believe, be very good. The air Va- amsem
ie best all round crops we iends in Georgetown. -A petition was be. r village are Missiles the revenue h
people- who -saw', -the game clillina that Galt one of tl have hag fr'* ground. The loss will amount to two o week. -It is expected that we win have our !-Among the teachers spending th
was beaten solely because they 'were out- Til -ing circulated yesterday, and wa% being very 0, h&Y-has been saved 'in fine condition. It new system of electric lights In operation calltion, at Shakespeal
for years. hay, which is much better three thousand dollars, which is f irIy well Jilissile and Emma Donaldson, f Elma the rovenue. 1
'played and"that.Mr. Gibson was eminently than" indication s promised a few weeks a generally signed by our business. men, asi- covered by insurance. will not average -more than a ton to the this week, and if the large nuirkber of lights
90, Annie Fraser of Baden ; Jennie Trachaell, The r�ial is
square all throtigh,-a r6putation he has has been hol I in first class ord The VILayor to proclaim Friday, August allere here, 'The Orangemen from our atisfal of -Ruthven Mary Paterson of Floradale er. ing the I section that are already taken, give ood
a 0
, as a all had a grand time in Wingliam always bad.. The actions of inaul of the fal wheat, go d de I of *hi h h Iread 10th, civic holiday, and to have a committee on the �ion, the number will doubtless be largel
t, spectators, however, y Wroxeter. 12th. The people from around here turned increased in the near fature. -The Of Mid ay, Zd Air. J. E. ation is 1�1 -A
were most dis- been oat, is a s, Aeudid crop both as regards of council appointed to arrange with the Methoy.
graceful, and such conduct a n COME ONE COME ALL. - Fine watches, out on masse, our youth beauty and ist choirll attended the excursion to Sarnia Doerr, of Gadshill. THE 0
is fast bring- yield and sainple ; barley, also, is likely to railway authorities for exGur io rates on mature
ing, football to the clocks, jewelry put ill thorough rep ir no charge intelligence eing there in large Thursday and intend taking part in 'the -Two,,.of Watford 'a erchants dropped, 'The, Boad
level of Pugilism. be a, good cr?�.if Oats and peas may be �that day. The Mayor has granted the re- will be made. If your ivatch has been repal numbers. gra off"their'wheels in Miwherl on Wednesday re
pat&tion as�
t players -also for- sonewha li There was ell, grand parade, over 60 beautiful
g Several, of the G4 lis red and nd union ohoir concert to be held there.
dry weather con- quest. -Mr. Robert Logan has sold the resi- failed to go right try A. Goebel's Jewelry'store, eve last tek, ntinues, but the Wroxeter, as he alway, give ti flagsand banners,abundance of music,hosts of omas Murray, youngest son of Mr. remaineclver ritight. ot that they were playing against gen- -Mr. Th
Murri Treasurer of the Town They
epairing a specialty. Remember we keep a large Shi
seem to. 'be filling well. dence formerly occupied by the late Thomas 8 8 OR staction. Watch i� e -7y nV we .0
tlemen, and acted lie h00(T111Ms,-M Flax is a good crop and employment Shair to Mir. George Chesney, of the H ch Orangemen, Lady True Blues and Young James then r" a circle f290mi tundill
is uro.n stock of wate es, clocks and jewelry always on hand. Britons. A magnificent and brilliani h-, and who is one of the Hig VIn Dean as far key -note pf v
ati cont�ast to the gentlemanly be- gi Rpa Mr. Chesney has sold his farin and. L gather- of Tuckeramit, h4 b nol as -Owert Soi-
ven to a large number of men and. lads in Remember the place, Wrol for the watch, clock and Mey deseribled. this section about here nectilloA fen,
c' it was, indeed, made up of po6triotic men §chool teachers PtGeorgetown,is home end-
havior of the Seaforth players. After the harvesting it, he flax mill is one of the is coming to town to reside. -Daring tht- and jewelry establishment. A. Goebel, Practical as the finest they have passed through, -war-- the Lieii
ad most'I rofitable industries the town dry weather the blacksmiths ae kept bus Watchmaker. 1386 and women, -loil maidens and active ing his vacatil
gme the referee had to be eseGrted off the best a y and we are pleased to earn XoW^t$ tile I
held to protect hi m from the howling mob." has. all fru ts are not such a prolific setting tires and making other re airs on JOTTI' 'M bhs. The speeches were soul stirring that he has been eagagedafter the holidays to -The frame of a R a barn, was raised ou
-P r. Thomas F. Miller is in youl ter Suft6n, 01
crop as,-%ve have had some and patriotic; in a word this day� has an- fin a similar position, at Brampton, at an in. the farm Of Mr. John Jefferson, of Hibbert,
,Teal but still road vehicles. -Mr. A. Forbes has added to H�arniltoil this week attending the -meeting Fiti
Nll,Nto.,;DviLTE NoTEs.-he. old building there will be eu)ugli for I requirements. his stock of rigs another large carryall. -The of' the Grand trancing fala.cinations which no q�qer day in creased salariiss, Ethel Murdock is orf Tuesday* last week, The foundation is
Lodge A. - F. & A.'M.-Mr. the year has. -Co-u. visiting frLIP-nds' in Clintion.-The Rev. brie-, eight feet the work is as Apples, owing tD the late spring frosts, are Mission Band of the Presbyterian church George E. Dane, Of.Hamilton, is spending a
athesouthendofthe bridge, which has likelytobealight crop a Messrs. Elliotti Nairn. and J. 8. Hender- d i tobe found in moist private houses. the Yior.. Thi
(lone daty in %l capacities for man), this year. together with a few friend of the few days with friends in toilm this week. -
On C Roe' Xiildifig trallia.1, he Ri
he - whole, however, 9 seetio son, of this village) exchanged pulpits on is to be � ft70, and when fin -
years, has been pulled doivu and the ma- ttis n of leaders, picnicked at Case's grove on Wed- Rev. Mr. Jones, ofBruasels� occupied the Zurill Zealand, Ontario, at any rate, is blessed with an nesday afternoon. -Mr. Brierly, of Londonj -Sabbathlast. Mr. Elliott is a fluent and ished, will be a credit to that part Of the
ierial is being used by Mr. John Daly in pulpit of the Pre 'SNyterian church. 'Last Sab- B.RiF.Fs.-Mr. Amos Geiger' who, some am
rop this year, and although father of I'vIr. J. S. Brierli, of t1le St. bath.-.MLiss Cl
forcible speaker, and his sermons in Carmel township.
the construAion of a more comfortale ara McLean, of Lucknow, is time ago, went to Virginia, returned home 9, -Mr. I
ff e old, timbers speak, prices are not %E remunerative as they might flyin Church both mol and eveningwerelisten- . 'N Valentine 8 k, of Tavistock, h
dwelliia.. dthes Thomas Journal, paid our town a 9 visiting with friends in town this week. few dal ago. Ht does not like that c0un- ad to with deep interest by a large congrega- been very illfor son time. To sale big diesad 4& pill
inany a comic and perhaps traggic tale of the rm_ of the new try, but decided to locate in Mich" tion.-Mis ea surgical operation was performed on elvic be, when we (ompae our circumstances visit 'yesterday. -Thursday was the wa The first stone for the &but igan il
long past would be unfel -is with -the condition of the people of other est day of the season. elf a 8 W11ker, of near Hamilton, and
ded.--:�A liol e in countries, we hav The thermometer iron bridge was placed in position on Wed- where he bought hims of la"L-- who has been vWting t Mr. Ch maws for him a- couple of weelrA ago, which proved- House, a SPI
Clinton owned by Mr. McGree, of this (, reason to thank registered over 106 in the shade at,2 o'clock. nesday last.-' I Abbie Ireland, of Owen Mrs. Win. Merner, from Vassar, Michigan, Queen!s H-Ol
e great yv is piece la
old and take ectirage. -Rev. Mr. Hodgins and Dr. Smith the Past two months has -retur= home. successful, and.Mr. Stiock is gradually re -
village, was partially destroyed by fire on re,at Sound, is at present the guest of Air. is here with her children, vis
it* fr, ham7A new 'I
covering. The operating surgeons were Dr.
Saturday last. -Several fo r!s Hamilton this week, representing Britannia James Ireland, of this villge.-Rev. Mr. and relatives, -The Quarterly igneeetin'anill Niernier, Dr. Whiteman, of Shaespeare, drive Of ins.]
�d,11,re at the Masonic Grad Lodge. The Leslie, of ewtonville, will occupy the pul- the Evangelical church, on the 14th conces- Ule Much -Discussecl Tariff Bill. and Dr. Marty, of Hamburg.
of . our woolen factory have found wor in SOxE OF OUR PROPLE.-Aeaforth lady I brethren could not do better than elect pit 'of the Presbyteriii church here on Sab. Sion, in connection with the Sunday School Latest advices from Washington say - tham Pleased'
neighboring towns. In this empac,it Miss who -On Saturday,, 7th inst, a horse ran
y recently visited Niagara Falls, in a eitber of Britannias representatives to the bath nex-t-41r. James Irelal who, for Children's Day, took place last Sunday Within a very few minutes after the con- away with a bug�y : containing Mrs. John
Bell& Smith and,Miss _11cLeod have one to private letter to a friend in this town, makes
the bick bCA�'
Stratford, and Mr.'Boldac to Forest.. It is t1le fo in chair of the D. G. M., nd in this way settle the past 14 years, has been successfully en- They had a, d time, the Sacrament be" 'ferenee on !h' of the 3W line of Wallace, who. W" the most
t Ilowig i teresting reference to some the rivalry which seema gran e tariff bill met this after. Chamney it
� I ad al thal
s to exist between gaged in business here, has purchased a ing dispensed in the forenoon and the Chil- noon Mr. VooAees announced that it was hail been visiting her daughter, r. T. J.
:a be hoped that business irill ,�oon- im- parties well own hereabout, and their lo- the more immediate aspirants. -Mr. John grocery business in Owen Sound, where he dren's
p Day celebrated in the� afternoon. apparent that tke two Houses were unable Ball�ntyne. At a t�rn in the road the
rove in order that our workers inay be cation: " The towli of Niagara Falls is said Paul, manager of the flax mill here, has now intends to commence business at once. Jim Rev. A Grab, from Waterloo, presid to agree, and i was decided to report a buggy was overturne4 and Mrs. Chamney
kept at hoyne.-Mr. Byron, it, student of to contain bolit 5,000 inhabitants, and The Refor,
and mayi,%
Mr. and Mrs. Henry jackson and Mrs. L. 0. cess which his enterprise deserves. The genera ant. thrown out, fracturing three of her ribs. Adelaide 91i
Montreal College,, will conduct* service in there is room for thousands more -the e_ eighty liands employed in pulling flAx.- is a pusher and we bespeak for him the uc- elder, presided. The following sp=s I disagreeL
our church on 8abbath morning next. He tent of space wit hin the limits- of the Co took the platform in the afternoon: Rev. Mr, Wilson Itated after the conference - Whatmighthave turned outa sekioUs
r- VaEgmilkid are cam n the shores of family -will remove to the Sound in- the D. H. Braund; Mr. Fred. Kibler, Zurich ; that he would m4 members is working in behalf of the French Missions poraion inaking � it appear as if it were des- Lake Huron, near Id . ke the re ort to the House accident happened- to r. John Murray,
tined for _" i u Ve The lae -Mr. F. E. ' while
ill Quebec. -Mr. William. Finlayson has Ba course of a few . weeks. loore, Mr. J. Snell, Dashwood; R was nator their
a verylarge city. In the mean- breezes must be pleasant those sweltering of Teeswater, is"renewin ev. A Greb, to -morrow. �11 a d by 8 a of � near Avonton the other day. After allill skoill
gonu on a trip up the lakes.-Gil%rden track time, the houses are scattered, but new days. town this wee g acquaintances in presiding elder; D. S. Faust, Zurich. The Jones how long fhe House would probably hitching his horse up to the milk wa o the
I insi
is beirinnincr to show the want of rain to an buildings are goi ag up, and there seemisa, k. -Mr. F., W. Schaefer of children's collection amountfd to $12, which keep the billr ' hereupon Mr. Wilson re. horse, by some means or other, . come
alarming extent, and lovers of Flowers find good prospect or the . town. Yesterday the firm of Schaefer� Brothers, who )has will go for missions. -Miss w a caus u ore -in in com
Lydia Faust plied that he thought the conferees would be fillad t the a d . bef yone new clul
it a hard fight to keep them, &live, as there morning we wen� over to see the new High Wingham. been engaged in the merchant tailoring bus- arrived home last Tuesday, from her visit- instructed to insist on the House bill and could at control of the lines starte off
is uathing like nature's watering to- re- School Building. iness foi- the Past few months, has been ing trip to Waterloo and other places.- theconferees
It is a fine structure of T11E TWELFTli OP JrLY.-Beyond wo�ld be sent back -within two dol t a road at a break neck pace for The Pair,
a w
du t I
lia n 3f tl
r ,
por 0 Ver,
0 a y
I mf
Ut of fll'health, to dispose The army of flax pullers fired their first hours. It is b6lieved that the. bill will aWut forty rods, whe4 it- became onta
doubt' obliged, on aQcOi it, 191 Vill have el
fresh regetation.-Mrs. Marcus, of Ridge- red bi the contre'of what was the largest Orange celebration ever held in, of his business here and isw this we i ed
ek moving cannon last Friday. They were a -bout 65 again be in conference by Saturday at the in � Russel fence and held. a prisoner
town, mother of I'vIrs. (Rev.) Shaw, arrived the old Wesleyan Catap meeting grounds. Western Ontario took place at Wingham to Milverton. ' We hope isoon to hear of his stron There is no trouble - to get voi latest. Altlil the'report shows a general I until extricatc no serious damage
Itt the ruanse on Tull evening, and will grounds contain about ix acres, on Thursday of last week. g 88 Las Tara bound to go ahead disagreementon 411 items this is nottechni.] was done.
The bu ine A y
About 15,01W recovery. Laciv
N EXPOSIT"ill'i JUL 204. 1 4e
81 1come guest for some N�eeks.—Mr. and are in the form of -a circle,- a large part visitors were pre�ent, comprising lodges from-. by Messrs, Ross Brothers, of Brussels. until the last enemy of flax is pulled Oat by
t , lice a wish them-, every success. — Robert the roots.—Mil.' Edward Appel hag re
-Witson's Oash Grocery. 'be nal for- North Wallin turned FRID
and M ll J. S. Porter, Miss Flora and Mas of hem still covered with the gg South Grey, Wes W
ve to Bayfield on Tues- est. In., front of the school 'house the ond North an � South Huron. A pr;28ftsfon Black has purchased James'Irelaud's beauti- from a splendid visitin trip in AVaterloo
Have just rfte1v`.q=ate bt fine Dinner Sets, ter a Porter dro
gemen and Younf Britons ful - residence and will move into it in a fe t
a e a in out 4,000 0412
e day. his was the old gentlorral first ground is being cleared nd levell d, nd of b w coun y, -under the pall ,I roof.—Rev.
nd.*if B 'vangeliel church,
ad at the town,park at 2 o clock weeks.—Mr. E. P. Paulin a, of a
tat a, nabil rice will do e to see t el outing * many years, and his friends could. a short tim(I the Niagara Falls High School was form Leibold preached in the U�Y 20th, 1894,.
some from there to the beaM City, Michigan, were *in! town' last wee% in the eveniril week Ago last Sunday..,- bargains in plain and Aecorated. Tom and surround� milt and majr;rhe
haal *W shed him a more comfortable day, will stand in the midst of 146al
A full line of Gern Fruit illars'it low 8 illiarn Job ad renewiria
Toilet mds of r - o,ld acquaintanceships with their Adam Fussa
than ral. prices. Groceries, We are sell[ d t Within- the building everything is grot h8t0R, SitiaSt Id after six years' service with
n - the lu t and heat being - almos
cheap style for the on the bank of the river Maitland, whore many friands h6re.—Mr. John J. Gibson Mr. D. Steinbaoh. in the store business, has
pxtra value in tea in coffee. _.:_0,ir r ociety s approve
er than tke chel dev S la's determined to fitte up in the ino 6
We have a ened up auother h7ip-
Another lot of that dhol raw sugar Just in, 28 lbsi dents convenience and comfort of teachers and able addresses ere- delivered b7 Rev Dr. L. left this week foe Owen Sound, where he quit and, intil to go to Detroit. - Conrad p
suppor one of Mr. Wilkie!s native stu
for.$I. Itn canned sroods, w -a- have. the best brands The school was opened only last J. Wood and D . Gifford, of Wingham; Mr. has accepted a situation in Mr. James Ire- Fus�sald and family, of Detroit, have been
for one year at ollege in Indore.—Miss pupils. m6nt of goods sifitil for trade,
-of fruit and vegetables in the market, so the beat
C li
il. 'k oleive A. V. Campbell, ex -M. P. P., of Brampton; land's store. here on a visit.-' He'left for home this wee
canned edwon, label finnen haddy, kippered he)ll o Lie and Miss Maggie Stevenson took fall, but the Board seem determined t k
pip' feet. tur Xant;ge of tho'choir excursion on Ti nothing undone to make the school one of Major Bennett, of Toronto and A Weis- but his wife an ily are still with Mrs' conalstiug Of
ft j sadinel corned beef, key, duok fam
all. The weather was de- Lumley. Fussold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of
afilchiken. 1fyou want a good article at P11
daytoylisitfr` d a, and vicinity. -the best in the province, and with the able miller of'He
jen s in arni ear, casi priet, we can suit you. good butter -resu lA a !together a most - joyable NOTE$. —The farmers around this vie the 14th conceslgion.—Mr. Troyer and wife
wanted. For a really good article vtiti give a good -_Ivfxs. . Hills and daughter, Miss Maria, staff of teachqrs now in char his It at ell inity VIOTORI LAWINTS VMAOLJ�
Sit -
price, as we must have it. leae t -day on a visit to fuiends mud rela- will no doubt soon be accorapfieshad. , Mr. J. al profitable day was spent. have finished haying, and mainly of tliem have been the guests of Mrs. Troyer*s
0. WilLSON, Seaforth. tives in Hampden, Bowmanville and other A Dickson, the Principal, is ably assisted 1. Oi,�wine,for ix few days —Qui e
have started to harvest their , fall ter, Mrs, 19 SPOT. At SLINS
Bank of Commerce. Block. eastern owns. by Miss Fitzgerald, B. A.,11r. W�Tker and few farmers On the Brownson iine ate
McKillop. wheat and -barley, the hot dry weather be -
nearly through Orawing in their fall w t.
o theni.—INflas Mamie Din- hea
Miss L. M. Hillen, the last two, as well as BFEviTl —Farmers in this t WHITE DR SS DUC K
OBIT Y.—On Sunday, July 15th Mr. Dicks,6n himself, being from Seaforth. have finished haying arl notwithstanding nin, daughter of thetfo truaster of this —The Zurich ishow days are flxed for
second daughter of the Mr. Walker attende am Jane Brown,, d the Collegiate Insti- fears of a Ii ht crop in the earlier part �f place, who has been past thre weeks eptember 26th'ad 27th. L E 8
late Th 1 in" Henry Brown, 'of London, btft tute at Seaforth for only a few months, bat
11310 V110T \Uf the season, Tay has turned oat a very fair with intermittent- fe-%er, is recoveriing.—
formerl a carriage builder in *S 6aforth, anil. we are glad to have had him there for even 1 on the whole: T r
yie d he weathe b as been Miss Katie Badgegood, of Londol is spend- Walton.
nf Mr. John McIntosh, blacksmith, a short dine, as such teachers do credit to
wife. so favorable that this commodity has been in her- holidays with her grandmother, A GOOD Tuill, —The garden party held
ny school."
Soo passed, way: The deceased *as born in a housed in the -very beat condition. —Mrs. ri John Fyfe, of this place. —Rev. Robert at the Methodisp church parsonage on Tues- CREA.11 SI�K MITTS
A G Al N
A Lon ctober, 1870,, d afterward James McDonald, of near. Walton", with her. Miller, of Petrolia, is also vis n - day evening was agrand success. Notwith-
d iting at hoi a. -he b 'VESTS
. I
live in 011AO�, where she waasutuarried two LooAr, BRUOS. —Mrs. Robertson, of Chalk- three daughters and neice, Miss Jessie Tel- e LADIES'
We. bave been successful in securing another big standing t usly season the attendance
years a About five months -ago she,with street, went down to Elora last week, on a far, welre visiting friends on the 5th and 6th 'Morris. rge.—As ' al, the ladies provided a odeto bargain lot of was I& Usu
-us and, moved to Seafol and had SUA�MER ORSETS
LOTHIN her h visit to her son, Dr. Robertson.—Mills. M. concessions last week.—Mrs. A. McLean, A GOOD "I'll —A very pleasant time was sumptuous replli3O. After tea a musical con -
M -ADE UP 0 G,
just grot settled down to houseklee when, A. Coulter leff on Tuesday for Ingersilill, Mrs.'Coulti and Miss M. E. McLean, all e t
at a great. sacrifice to the maker. We now Purpose spent on Friday evening, July 13th, at the c r was given that was worth more than
eful deal. MOIRE SILKS
to gf,_ie the wearer the benefit of our sucoos she conit - ad lung trouble, v lespite all to spend the holidays with her . son and -of Se&forth, were rusticating last - week at the -whole adinisiion. fee. The violin and
i residence of Mr. P. Phelan on the 7th line, lenty
Brine returned
Amongst. our new lot will be found Men's Suits worth the effcir s f local physicians, ad.also doe other relatives, -Miss Jennie the residence of Mrs. Joi Cowan, Mait- numerous invited by ihe Best Br6thers and others
where guests highl organ music
$16, hieh we livill sell at sio; Suits worth sl, tors fro London, she SUccuinbed to the fell ononda lig y was highly apprecialted.-The genial mem- RIBBONS others tare
y from a- visit to Miss Fair, Olin- landbank Farm. -Mrs. Dow, of Califorl amused themselves by tripping lit
whid . we will sell at $77.75 ;Vews Suits, all 'wool 87 the
as a kind, 4oving wife, ton. -Miss Sutherland, of -C obourg, is visi - vilitim are
we will sell at $4.25, Boys' Suits worth,$6.50, we. destroye She w lihs been spending some time with friends fantas6io. Among the many present were bers of the Seaoforth Brass Band won tbe
'11-seltal Children's
wi Suitsworth$4, we will and an a ectionate and tre friend, She ing at the residence of' her qner�, -Mr. R. on the 4th concessi6n. She was the guest of persons from Ashfield, Goderill McKillop, admiration of all present. Their numerous AAIERICAN SAIIOR HATS, i"A . ts gre vel I
sel $V5. The above are all now perfect gopills, spent th last few weeks of her short life at Lumsden. Mi Haigatileaves to -day -for"
well mader and good linitigo. We have also gone Mr. A. McLeod and family. Waanosh, Wingliam, Brussels, Hullett, choice selections were very ably given.
through the balance of all the stock- on hand and the hom of her liusbands family, -where all Sault Ste'. Marie, MicKigp; where she ex- —*I . buy i
and Bay Cit, Michigan. We also had the Having heard that Seaforth had one of the unus I
marked down the prices, so as to be on a par with that lo, ing hands could Olo: was (lone to pacts, to spend somili'tim-awith the, family of - Usborne. !11,easure of shak* ''hands with Dr. E. Y. best bands in the Province we expected an *
the new lot. Vow Is your golden opportunity for The stock- is very complete in every yourbeff Int al
JcC rN J. Plielan, both of Cin- Is
alleviate'tbe in and brightilin the last days Rev. 0. M. Thompil Methodist - ministef . �y
clothing. su -Mr. - Thomas Russell, and M excellent programme. tation
as fe Are called -Mrs. Mason and little aaugh n realized, and the 13eaforth
of one o hapda' ffered at that place. BULL SOLD. Of natl Our expee department. example,
WM, PICKARD upon to uffer in this world, �he passed Riverside Farm, has recently made a very Ohio. At 12 p. in. all partook of& were more tha 'Of
ter, of Newcastle, are the
uests of Mr. and
important sale. He has di a trip Brass Band will always receive a hearty
bett6 isposed of his well bearty repast, and then continu. d I _pmg
Seaforth. peal away to that r d�e where Mrs. R. Logan, North Atreet.--We knownyoung prize -bull. Riverside Hero ga�ly until the wee sma� hours, when all re- welcome to Walton. The ptoceeds of the
a d flering are unk I no, vn. The file- are sorry to learn by last week's - Brussels th aired to their respective homes, much evening amounted to $821.
orrow Hosiery-
Mairis w4# e tuaken to Londoi�'O . Wednesday Pot$ that Mrs. Thomas -Thompson, of this e Second,' to Hon. M. H.: Co'chraue, of P
4 last and. I interi in the fai�ily burymig Compton, Quebe.. This bull is two years pleased with the evening's entertanment. Ed -ward cFaul
r town, is quite ill at the residence of Mr.
old and is one of the best of his age in Can- 0 00
grou�d Mount Pleasant cemetery- Johu Tait, in Brussels. -Mr. A. Yol and
010 L-1al WW
ada. Hewasl�redbyMr. Russell,"as wa GET yoitr Fruit Jars and Sugar at H. F. Canal
his daughter Nellie, spent Sunday SSEAFQRTH.
also 9, ve;7 fine heifer of the gain age, for M-BRIAGE.-The marriage of Mr. S. EDWARDS'. 1888-1
POORE Bol LosT.-On Tuesday, July visiting Mrs. H. Love and family, Stanley. were 35% nolir,
17 n Dick's Hotel, Seal and �1ntbrop which Cochrane also made a liberal Pritchard to Miss Scarff took place on Tues- INQUEST. -On -Thursday, the l2th, inst.,
-,Vr. R. S. Hays is at present absent on a
i�'�colored pocket book, conta offer, but it wag not large enough to tempt day at 10 o'clock. The young couple left in the coroner, Dr., Stanbury, was summoned
DISTRWT MATTER& trip up the lakes. Mrs. Hdys, in the mean -
made ups"ollows: two file, a 2 and a 1. Any per
Mr. Russell to part with her. tha afternoon for Cleveland, -to attend the to Blake to hold an inquest on the body of
son findin hd time, is visi ing in Goderich.-St. Catha- ally� correct, for the reason that
r= and leaving it at Tim Expoi
OM04 ed. -13NXI Christian Endeavor Convention. In tile one James Dunbar, who had lived alone in Oxford. Shirt
AN AT HomE, -A pleasant At rings lacrosse club sends a team here to.:day Tuckersmith. evening the guests had a picnic on our lake. a little house fol number of years, and mei hav been reached on- many items, -Che
very .-Lines of Misses' Taffbta th do battle with our local knights -of the buti it was deemed best Rot to report th Shirts aud
Home" was held in the basement of the al!vo6s, �'eLir� price 30c, to clear at, 6c. Line of A very sociable time was spent. - We wish as found dead in bed. 'Decased was am
crosse. St. Catharines has 'always had a meeting of until a conclusion had been reached n the allow $1. Boy4
Methodist church, on Friday evening last, L lies; Li e lovel regular Me, to clear at Se. rattling good team, and will likely "Make it .*council was held on the 16th July, at Kyle's Our y0ung,friends a happy life and every about 62.years old ond had been in failing whole bill.
L11under the auspices of the Lal Aid. The ne 0 Toll Gloves,.regular 65c, to clear success in the great work which they have health for some timb, thou
gh it does not :Meb k�"
at 25c. Ch d Muslins at from so and upiviarde. hot for our boys. -Dr. J: H. Mcgaul,� of To- hotel. The. chief business -was receiving r I
undertaken for the Mater. 1pear he had r�ceiv�ed any attention or
programme consisted of musical selections American S (double fold) regular 25o, to clear at ronto, is visiting his parents in - town this offers for the construction' of -Silver Creek by, the church choir, vocal solos, readings, 12je. Ame I Challies (double fold), regular 18ci NOTES. -Service is being held every Surl medical treatmel A thorough examina- Perth Items.
week. -Mr. W. Prendergast, of the-Collegi- bridge, near Egmondville. Th6 lowest
Knota and
etc.,and. ice cream, bell and cream, to clear at I lbotweather goods at great re- d evening in the Good Templars? Hall b tion was made oflithe house and contents, as James Caven, B. A. of Toronto is rusti.
Golden Liol Sel SIA1ra ate Institute staff, is in Toronto just - now, tender was that of h. Hardy, of Exeter, y Uots m
duottions at e t ay we. 9
lemonade, fruit,, l were dispensed. It he English church minister of Teeswateri well as of the body, but no startling
working on the Board of Examine of see- and the contract was accordingly let to him facts eating at Motherwell for the summer. now 1.00.
was aii splendid evening for such an affair d and third class teachers. -The - Misses at,$180. The council discussed the pro- Miss Etta Scott is home for her holidays. - were revealed. X few paper" and letters .-Eighteen mills on the-- 4oll-ar is St..
and all prese NEW F_LEPHoNzs.-Tl following Bell 'On
nt seemed to have a naost en- Mr. R. McKinney is. slowly. impr from the island of Malts, n the Afediter
Telephones vebeenplaced this wel Mullett.& Carder, of Blyth, were visiting -friends' in priety of opening the sideroad between lots Marys rate of taxation for 1894. ]BOYS
ale time. The proceeds were used to ackson' 6d to the only relatives
sS re ; Drill Scott 4; McKay's ftee : Lums- towu last week. -Mr. 1. V. F6ar and fami-�, 5 and 6, concessions 7 a 8. MA result Mr- Ferguson raised his barn on red!es. ranean sea, point, -Moore Bros., of Kirkton, 64e opened
'0y 'deceased appeared to have, and even a
aid in completing the new choir loft of don & Wilso 'a Store ; 0el Hotel, Royal Hotel ly l6ft on Wednes for. Port Dover and was a determination to ask contractors to day. -Mr. Darroch, our school teacher) has which tin shop i Dublin village. Boya, tw4
Royal Hotel and X. Jordan's Grocery. The above all returned td his home near Harristol these documents date back some i or -Mr. Hugh Miller, of Stafla, hQ his
the church. ho natio System., but now discard It for other points, to spend a couple of - weeks meet the members of council' at the resi- tyles; Vare $3,
tb i m. The following are also having Bell holidayi.-Mr. J. A. Clark and fal t- dence of Councillor McCloy, on Monday, number of young people. went to Listowel ten yeatis. It also lippears he -had libe(l at ankle broken onv day recently, atabazu
a family reunion and picnic at 4rand - July 23rd$ at 5 o'clock p. in. j;� show on Tuesdayi one time in or Mt St. Marys. -part
FosTiEr. Nvrxs AGAix.-The Can, Telephol Placed in their establishments - Henry tended
Colb A B wer; Dr. F. G. Belden, Dental office. when the ras aFre I who know anything about the Ldeeessed or Ordemd
dian-Americal of last week, says: Bead, On
C. W. PA;;; Agent. -July 12th. -Mr. James Grieve, of of removing the timber and digging a ditch, 4 C. F. Hill of Chatham, has been.
his ate
Flostee, the noted turfman, formerly of Se.-, the 3rd concession of McKillop, finished or ditches, along the roadway, a distance Constance. affairs are requested to communic enlrged as fifth master in the St. MOAT -9
CENTR Prison- Binder Twine is Pure
forth, Ontario, has this season won nearly with the coroner. The verdict of. the jury See the spee
h in on the 11th of this month. Mr. of about 100 rods, will be let by tender or OPEN XIEETlThe members of Court 0, egilil Institute.
Manills, fine and evenly made, full weight of Twine making ti
quarter of a million dollars with his fal ev g was, death from natural causes.
in every e, Will run more to the pound than G% e is a hustler and usually gets there to the lowest bidder. After passing a:num- Constance of Canadian Order of Foresters -George T. AfePherson barrister -at -law,
On Thursday he made the any othe Young an 8 1 V nees pr4evail
Doctor Rice. r B r Twine made in Canada; excepting about the first. -Mr. Win. Johnston, of- bar of accounts the council adjourned to spent a most enjoyable evening on Jull 7 th Br LoCALS.-Airs; H. d tratford, has been reappointed ai license
tting ring via- -
be at Washington Park wiream, flax. You get it at the lowestprice at,JoaNill Blanshard, near Kirkton, was in town on meet at Weber's hotel, on September 1st, at when the doors of their Court conrinissioner for North Perth.
were tLo" Willie and Tillie Young, of Clinton are
both Doctor Rice and Floroy taking his BROS, Ses,19 relatives here, -Messrs.
Tuesday. Mr. Johnston is 'one of those 10 o'clock. operl and their wives, sisters, aunties and 1 "9 Brown ancl -Miss Annie J. Detwiller, - of Mitchell, Tito liet-,
colors to the front. He backed them EXCURSI�N- TO Tol-An excursion Tillman, of London West, spent Sunday -ad nar-se from
genial Scotd'hmen whom it always does al, cousins provi ad a sumptuous lunch. After has gral as a professional
heavily sudWon nearly $75,000 during the will 6v run - from Clinton to Toronto, on'Saturday. the good things had been disposed of,Brother here. -Mr. J. W. Westervelt and son, ill the train' h t I in Jamestown, New oney never
July 28. Tickets to go by afternoorr trains person good to meet. ..The worst'thing Ing ospi
afternoon." Saturday last, however, the F Saturday, returning on &boat him is his politics, although he says r a X t Dorrance called the meeting to order, when London, came here on bicycles on Tuesi York. it aoes -now.,
riasy and I morn ng train Ja,'c oet t. e r
I M -R. J. T. VV _�aneral agent for
Columbus handicap, worth $11,800 to the Monday. Fare from Clinton, V.26- 1388-1 he -voted Grit at vers Bros., Nursery en.aalt isag an address to Brother Stewart was read, ex- and returned Wednesday.' - They, With -Rev. Jonathan rth, of Formosa,
t6 last election and Ca ' ila on his can- ISPWISI IPA
winner, and which was looked on as a pretty WE hav just received direct from the " While the lamp holds on to burn, &e.- vting tour for fall '91 and ill '96 orders. Par- sing the regret of his lodgernates an others, intend coming next week to spend a China, preached in t a First Presbyterl
an. man ure r a is in would presl d _-Rev- and
sure thing for Doctor Rice, was won by ufact rge consignment of Tan Shoes Miss L�wis, daughter of Mr. Win. Lewis need of anything In thenurseryline nei0bors at his contemplated removal, and few weeks at this-pupular resort. Church, St. Marys, t Sunday morning,,
) confer a favor by sending him a card to Exeter P. 0.
outsider, and Mr. Foster's horse was not even Aflosel and Children."s. Call and see our of Crediton, who Was 'the guest of the their hopes for his prosperity in the future. Mrs. Newton and family, of Strati are and in Knox Church' the evening. We W* I
placed. Suchareteupsanddowns of the turf. prices before urchal T. COMTRY'S: old stand. All orders carefully filled, with btock warranted to a h nd.-Rev. Joseph Elliott, -Mrs. Herbert, of Ilice n*w 86 yeall
2388 Misses Ballantyne, of this town, for a grow and true -to name. Thanking my many cus. The address was acompanied by here visiting frie
week, returned to her home on Monday. torners for their past favors and patronal Your some easy chair. On behalf of the Court -wife7and child, of Nail are enjoying the of age and in the enj�yrnent of good health,
AN OLD W.a_Tc. -Mr. Wm.. ,kllan, of Eg THE C.k - MAGAzINE FOR JULY.- order solicited. J. T. WEsTem, general agent. holidays here. -Air. F. Sharpe, of London,
The July nu ber of The Canadisn'Magazine contains -Mr. E. C. Coleman having appealed from the address was signed by Messrs. S. Dor- n I for the ii visiting herson, X�. August Herbert, f
mondville, who has a pench for collect- an interi variety of artiales, somel them of the Court of Revision to the County Judge -P. S. -A few good agents wanted in th . is county. rance, R. Penderson and F. H. Schoales. was here on Wednesday, few day4. f arr 9 Logan, for a:
Ing and holding relies, showed us a watch a -striking me the illustrations, too, sire excellent. accommodation offfiends-*ho are to come -Mr. George St �wart, once a �opular
against die assessment of some property be- ITEM& -A lawn social was held -by the i on. -Misses Helene and Mary Austin, teacher iR Logan to7sb i but latterly, of
faw- days ago which has on it &nL inserptin Walter Town end's' I The Supernatural in Macbethi Ionizing lt . THE LEA
leavaluable ndmost real 'addition to Shal to the Coleman estate, hb matter congregation of' the Caan Presbyterian Philadelphia. 1P9
even e is spending his holidays
"Three Yeao Among tl ge her On at- church, on Mr. R. S. Lang's beautiful lawn, SORril -Haying is all over in this vicin- Air. Clarence Mitchell, Toronto Mrs. A at the old home in Lbga;a.
dated 1784,.,so that it must be older spearian stu ies, te FAki. will be-ai before the Jud Mrs. Lovering, Miss Lovering, Detroit ; Springfielcl, Ont.
than that. It has been inr. Allau�s pos- moo " by J. W. Tyrrell, the e4plorer, is well illue- urday.-Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, of in Exeter. Worth, n Monday evening last, ity, and nearly all the farmers have started D. Smith and Miss Ruby Smith, London, and Mrs. J. A. Hacking and family
i itten, and filil of most Interco Toronto, were here last week visiting their when raspberries and,
session for over 50 years, and he atill carries tral excell ntly wri t -
Ing informat' n. Papineau a6d
it as a timflpiece, and it keeps as good - his Home " by "cream were served. teilicut their fall wheat. -.Mr. -Conrad Fos- are the latest arrivals at the Queens. -Mrs. Mr. and Mr W. Tatham and fainily,
ti-ine Thomas P. G 0 tilueily illustrated articie o ants and other friends.-Mri rriage, The Exeter; Brass Band' -'played a few choice sald and family, from Detroit, n B
dern the history ill, i"malvr'oenments of that noted family. Par family, of London, are the uests Of. were visiting Blackbarn and two daughters, and Miss
as any of the more pretentious and 1110 and 9 selections On the groun�ds, which added to friends and relative here. T guid Mr. and Mrs. F. O.Clarke, all of L- NOTM I
8 V ss
chronometers of the present day. It is what is Hon. D nos, Senator, contributes a copl. In Fo ald left Von- Staden, of London, arrived at the Com -
'her sister, Mrs. J. A. Clark, in Seaforth, wel have taken cottages for the summer at
yil J=
the evening's entertainment. -Berry pick' for home on Saturday, but his wife and mercial this week. -The latest rrivas Port Elgin.
h U19 at
known as a " Wils-eye" watch, and althougk d article on the Bahamas. The fourt at present. -Mis Kate and Miss Ethel Me- is the order of the daily. -Mr. Charles
of 68 series o articles, I- ln.14orth-Weetern Wilds 11 South- family will remain here for some time. -Mr. the River hotel are: C. inith nd wife, !-Mr. Alex. Gourlay, of Detroit, s ent a
it has been in use for over 110 years, the byy Wm. Ogil 6, F. R. G. S., deals with the excitllf;], Caughe , of Ingersoll, daughters of tI late cott, of Toronto, is visi g relatives in and Louis.Schilbe was visiting at Mr. M. Kerdli- Stratford; J. W. Snow and wife,Ted Sno
cases are still strong and the works seem to narrative of is journey from Fort Nelson, on il!e S. G. eCaughey, Esq., of Seaforth, aret W, M't hall List -we Last vileek. V
coliple ofays in 1 0 H
be little the worse for the wear, and it looks Liard. to St. John, on the Peace river, -M around 'here this week. The fall wheat is er's on IvIonday.-Mr."J. Smith and Mr. G.
un ay o
amid the gra dest scenery, but full of danger. present the gests of Mrs. S. Dickson. -Mr. being eat and is reported to be a good yield. Bechtel war e* the guesis of Mr. S. Geiger on Nanny Snow, T%fr. Lowery, wife and child, accompanied the rma.l - of his'deceal ajs a xeu
as if it -might even out -live its worthy and Mrs. Jacques, of Brandon, Manitoba, ng . an J. Butler, London ; Mrs. AfXorvie.. Miss brother from Detro% and remained to- the an,
Amongst othe contributions are I' The Criminal and -Mr. and Mrs. - George Armgtro d Sunday. -Mr. C. . Schilbe, of near this Annie fcCol NESS M gio MeMurr funera,
Artificial Prod ction of Deformities and Monstrol are guests this week at- the ethodist par- eal found
rehle Stockwell, M. D.; 'A dub door
ti es,!"cay' �Gro d family, bf Paris, are the guests of Mr. Ir- place, had a flax -pulling bee, and a lot of of Clinton ; Miss Harla'nl Detroit.-T'he' -Mrs.
so � sonage.-The cricket club went down to J Bell, of the -Soo," is spendr- refused to givt
CRICKET. -The 8eaforth cricketers cover- Sport Aust It " by J. L. Payne, and two capital vine Armstrong, Huron street.-Mr4. Win. work was (lone -Miss Afar Hess, of De- Salvation Army -will hold a musical festival
ot, U -R and
torl To, y Mir a few week
ed, theihselves with glory on Saturday last, 8 ries, P -n oral Misill YateRFarmer and Mitchellfor &practice .�match on :Tuesday Cudinore, 8 at the home of her parents,
A of Kippen, spent lailit Thursday troit, and Miss Minnie Heideman, of Zurich in the barracks, on Wednesday evening I 1-r. and
A!T S to he Metropolis," bk Mrs. H. Ca;ieron afternoon, mud were' beaten by six wickets. 2 A Mrs. J. S. Coppin, of Mitchell.
by defeating. Stratford. The classic city and Frida here visiting relatives. - Mr. were in town last week. -Mr. Jacob Meid- next. Lieutenant Bryan will furnish choice Mr. Bell has a large and lucrative photi _Wht for I
Nelles W�bon. The Canadian Magazine is well de- -The Seaforth gun club shot a match at George Cu( more'lls still confined to his bed in
team had won every mal they had played to call Toro"
r until they came . to Seaforth. serving ofthe eartiest support.of Canadians; Pub- Mitchell on Tuesday evening at cl birds, r fer -was visiting friends and music. graphic business at the Soo." Ltd., Toronto
ed the London, 1883- win by a larg score.- The of Chicago, -A rink of the *itchelk bowling. elil offielials. But.
this yea lished by the otario Publishing Co., through illness. -Mr. Thomas Snell, Huron e es. here last week.
Among - others they defeat $2. W per annu e I itchell s*eet, lost a valuable cow on Monday last.
Asylum team. The day was a very fair one SERVANT .'IRTJ WANTED. -A good geniiial new organization but contain s'onie This is the second cow Mr. Snell has lost Blyth. Hensall. went to Torouto lasq week, to compete In. too late and wA
and the match most.interesting. 'The Sea- servant wazitid Apply to MRS. T. F. COLIRMAN. goo a BmEps. -A large number took advantage i�e tournament th ; was held there, butl� the WoUland. C�
d hots. -Mrs. Maher, of Listowel, -is at through disease this *pring.-Severa Ex BP.EviTiEs.-Dr. W. J. Milne and wife
present visiting in town, the guest of *ere defeated by the Granites, of Torl
forthites were in great foini and going first isterites intend rusticatimg at Grand Bend of the cheap excursion to S day Uil 0J
arnia. on Thur
got back from their visit to New York on in the first round bv 27 to 9. 'waited for hou
to bat ran up a score of 1,03, Stratford THE ELE ic LIGHT WoRKs,-Messri. George ' Murray, Goderich- street.-Misge's Vark next. week. �-A large numbe� fr6 Tuesday evening, and are now settled do'Nivii day- morning last.- The carpenters and
Lizzie and Elaine Drury, of Allistol are at Exeter and' -Mr. W. White', �i Iiibbert, sold a span.
bricklayers ae now busily engaged in the gether with 4)
family of Mr. John 9 to 8�op a
scored but 66. in the first innings and Sea- Scott Broth s, who have purchased from resent visiting the vicinity went. on the excursi6.�... to the comforts of mrried - life. -Mr. Will of heavy lit h es, recel ta
the total the town the electric light �Iaut and who forth in their second innings pin iti young,man named Isaiah Smith yesterd und report a pleasant trip. -Mr n was up to Kincal for a couple of h w ist ch �v 'Ors
Messrs. For= h7asson. of Stratford..' at 9209. Stratford'tried hard to pti-H up, will run it a er therst of September, are SamuelaKiihale,--of Fenelon Falls, -aaa k Picnic parties are itill the order of tbe day,
got his han days this week, taking An the breezes Of
d cut on Saturday last while at Mr. 'Robert M tto' if Fullart6n also solil this direetion..
emg, ing circula saw in motion -will
fPh Qieni a Clydesdale'V,eighing 1,450 pounds,
'but the beat they could do was to add 107 getting eve ything- into working shape. Henry Penhale, of Tbronto, are,1visi' Tayloi?s grove being quite a favol resort
for the'innings irtaking a total of 173. We The new- buli'ding,being erected close to the t ti to adjust a relatives here. ting Lake Huron. -The I tennis club this summer. -Our village pathmasteis are I a, few matches in the nea future.- -T
in t e wood working department-1.1of Cole- y he other'diy, in Listo
hope to see Seaforth keep up this winning railway trar, , is being pushed forward as man's foundry. -Mr. and Mrs. I Thomas 0— ML entitled to much credit for the fine stretches wel, a ybung,
sis Anderson, of Belgrave, is visiting Miss daught�r of Alex cIntosh Wallace. wea- night,
rapidly as -bossible. The plans for this Mary Dodds this week. of plank sidewalk they have laid down this 1 31 OMP
Clinton. -Flax pulling has ol a a ring wagon seat and 'by -
Pringle, of Milwaukee, and Mr.'and Mrs. iAtting mornin
building prepared by Mr. William year on our front streets. -Mr. and Mrs. R.
eag. -W started around here this week. -The lawn
GOOD H-oi-Mr. F. con- McKay, hweearl James Pringl6; of Straitford, are 'in town MORE GOOD CTTLE, ednesday and means fell the ground, breaking tb�
ineer at Ogilvie's mill,
visiting friends. �-The council have had -a Saturday of last week some, s social given on Wednesday evening,- on the Pollard hae been visiting relatives and 'bone of onef her limbs. She is remvering- Kel�
�-ratctor, has filled al� long feltwant by, build- and the workl is being arried out under his plendid ekport
new treet sprinkler on rial here -this week! cattle were put on the Clinton scales. George klethodist parsonage lawn. was a grand si friends in our village during the past week. well.
It co, d not 'be in more tal �esm w
ing on Marketstreet,,in this town,& fin� brick supevisioln Mr. M. Etwood, our po uzlar tonsorial
made by Captain s9trachan, of Goderich. - It. Middleton sold to S. Sibith ten head, the cess. It was uniler the auspf�es of the -Arthur W. Austin,, a former resident :of' I_ -n
double house. The building is plLin bat capable han4. and- when completed it will tist, has this week' i into big fine ud, ne is own re does. splendid w6rk, sprinkling Main street total weight being 12,355 lbs. W. Cudmore Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church. ar Elma and whose relatives still reside therl termhaus --of th
neat -and is situated t t' hi be adnurabl adapted to the purpose for from side to side in one trip. -it will -Prol sold to John Avery 58 superior animals, the A. M. Babb is up -M Muskoka, visit- new premises. erected bv Mr. W. R. Hod-
dence. The t% '�wexllinjs each contain whichitis signed. Two powerful high and adjoining his old stand. He has has been for seven i y6ars the � al of poll. 0 alla
ably be purchasea, as everyone seeing gatis- . heaviest pair weighing 2,9295 lbs., and the ing his parents this week. -There will be no grais 11
eight rooms all' of goodl size and well n fine style for his busi- a Ouffalo�'
dftor of th he hax Ineu ru
ied with it. -Mrs. W. Pickard and- family lightest 2,475. Mr. Grant sold to E. Wat- Blyth Standard published this week, as the now' Commercial newspap wo
speed en i as and two boilers have bee, f everything i and- efficient Clity
li hted, four down and four upstairs, and in purch e fro. the Robb Arlig En ess--Mr- G_ Allison and Miss Allison, of He has beeo p - The drivers lu
staff are taking holida
I'd' have gone td Goderi( -h for two - weeks. -2 son 43 hea;d, the heaviest pair tipping the Fitzsiml -noted to the office of associate Editol
a iion closets, wood, sheds nd a large en- gineering Co London, were here part of last week- and %US WAS *A7
of A herst, Nova Mr. A McIntyre went to St. Marys on scales at; 8,270 lbs., eleven of them runuin mons, of -Clinton, is the guest of the Misses Scotini The 9 ' -4-While pasturing i a field, neai Al
trance hall. The are very conveniently have aso purchased from this visitsng at Al R. drel Wednesd to attend - the funeral of his over 1, 550 lbs. ehch, while: the lightest pai Watson this week. -Mr. Fred Buggin is Mr. Frank Ke -es fine mi
planned and Will make excbedingly sant Mr. W. A hn of Philadelphia, a ir Coad is it present in Ottawa, being called 'getigeral etc,
friends in Tara thi's week.- age McIntyre. -Miss L. ad 61,39-0 v1st in
plea went 2,580 ; the 43 head weigh B by
andcomfortable quarters for the families thOlaga�d liggh inctonliescent dynamo and brother, 7r. John. 8. there through the illness of her br�thlll �w a. leg broken 6 kick from "other- tol in A vol
h %
", M. Hillen, daughter of Mr, S. Hillen, of lbs. W. Broadfoot bald 24 head for E. Wat- ball is ool at present in our town. horse. An effort is h Ang made -to save the new b
othel. ne de. ectrical - app -y-Isill w
lacky enough to 4ecure th �r neede I Mr. Grant, of near Sarnia, was at the m*
am. Directly anse
aratus' It Will McKillop, who is a teach6r the' High. son, 422,425 lbs., the heaviest pair 3,000 lbs. i 0 mak nd lie is now "I strung up 31 n
west of this building Mr. Samuel Dilling i& thu's be seen t, at the new proprietors are I this week visiting his sister, Mrs. Aender- -d q Ow pi
's I School, N-Magara - Fans, has . returned home and the lightest 2,350 lbs. riv4111iltill
also building a ifea,.t *and comfortable brick nialking e=erVy' reparation to give the town Leadbury. son. -Mr. R. Paterson and Mr. G. K da sling'
for the boliJays.-Miss White, of Montreal, FIRE. -Quite a bad fire occurred in Clin-. �A heavy hill
dwelling house.- Market street has im- a good service and we hope their efforts which passed ol have tostani
ved very much in the past few yeai rociaed by our people nd ti a ton early Saturday morning last. LOm%-LITiiE:s.We regret to have to an- are pushing forard the work of r. the*vicinit e'k on Fridayfith inl day ill -n
L guest at Ingleside.-NIr., Scott It origin- of Ta-visZ,
pro will be fully e the death of a little son of Mr. H. -Arnold's new brick dwelliniz.
general superintendent of the Bell Telephot a 4ted in Jacob Miller's blacksmith shop and nounc caused great- Al to fruit an well as -to: thIs foil - Tb
a the rate it is going will soon be one of that they will berar patronage Robert Bo d, Which took place on Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. McAllister, of this place,
Company, ag in town this week. M was discovered about five o'clock by mi.. y gil crops. 1pl? Fees were stripped, off the,
our nicest and neatest streets. they deserve. were in Seal recently visiting relatives
last. We extend our sy th to the be- Scott says that Seaforth is; the -best teij'.! George Swarts, who was feeding his horse. in d friends. -Messrs. McEwen t ta vines cut W and to use itla tr*
an & Geiger, gram
reaved parents.-Alittle raugKter 6f Mr.
phone town of -its size -in Canal --I The ames spread rapidly, spite'of the tZeelherto toile gTound. ()ompilany- vim
INDEPENDETNT Orix1ozi.-The Prestofi THE AND THE Cnops.-Although and he expects to have - a nighif efforts of the fir"
AN Win. Brodhagen died quite suddenly on our enterprising flax. manufacturers, have a
emen, and Cook feed store, Rev. C. Boone boa resigned the astor-- With tile,
Pro ss makes the folowing reference to business in the pas6 Cantelon B, abbath last. Th have our a m- large number of hands eng�ged at present'
gre aln ost every -department is un- service here shortly. During rothers' grocer store, Beek- e parents y and it is- really surprising how a��?Jf the St. Afar -vote of ro,
y McIntosh had a success- pulling flax; ly Bfill Church,
patby.-Mr. Finlay
gin e cours
the foot -ball match recently played between precedentedly lull, duller than has been the week eight new iiis have- with's bakery, Cook's photo gallery and tonds leavi i th a of & few weeks,
the Galt and Seaorth clubs at the former Iru ful bee drawT*g pressed hay to Seaforth one much money wi ng and industrious bo s
case for many ll and money is hard to been put in, and more are Or= Sea- Woo Sing's laundry all suffered' consider- The reverend gentleman's resignation W". The munliq
&X a y. e go and girls can earn during the se4on at p2l
Pl Our Galt correspondent get, nature eeTiesato be doing her share to- forth generally takes the lea& in almost ably, while two stables in -the rear of these d I tel H t neal tons hauld. eted, iiid is a Aource of regret to his- -the A
scores tip referee; Gibson for, his decisions in wards bringi� things to their proper level. everything that is enterprising. -Mrs. 0. buildings and two store houses belongi -Some 6f the farl wheat is ripd and it will ling. -Our hennery was completely destroy -
the Seaforth-4-alt. /game�-- The ing to 11 be 'ready - to cut in a few days ad by fire on Thursday evening of last edrigregation. duced;f4 Preston Farmers are no busily engaged harve8tin W Palist is spending her holidays with Mr. George Swarts were burned to the The
sami we believe, be very good. The air Va- amsem
ie best all round crops we iends in Georgetown. -A petition was be. r village are Missiles the revenue h
people- who -saw', -the game clillina that Galt one of tl have hag fr'* ground. The loss will amount to two o week. -It is expected that we win have our !-Among the teachers spending th
was beaten solely because they 'were out- Til -ing circulated yesterday, and wa% being very 0, h&Y-has been saved 'in fine condition. It new system of electric lights In operation calltion, at Shakespeal
for years. hay, which is much better three thousand dollars, which is f irIy well Jilissile and Emma Donaldson, f Elma the rovenue. 1
'played and"that.Mr. Gibson was eminently than" indication s promised a few weeks a generally signed by our business. men, asi- covered by insurance. will not average -more than a ton to the this week, and if the large nuirkber of lights
90, Annie Fraser of Baden ; Jennie Trachaell, The r�ial is
square all throtigh,-a r6putation he has has been hol I in first class ord The VILayor to proclaim Friday, August allere here, 'The Orangemen from our atisfal of -Ruthven Mary Paterson of Floradale er. ing the I section that are already taken, give ood
a 0
, as a all had a grand time in Wingliam always bad.. The actions of inaul of the fal wheat, go d de I of *hi h h Iread 10th, civic holiday, and to have a committee on the �ion, the number will doubtless be largel
t, spectators, however, y Wroxeter. 12th. The people from around here turned increased in the near fature. -The Of Mid ay, Zd Air. J. E. ation is 1�1 -A
were most dis- been oat, is a s, Aeudid crop both as regards of council appointed to arrange with the Methoy.
graceful, and such conduct a n COME ONE COME ALL. - Fine watches, out on masse, our youth beauty and ist choirll attended the excursion to Sarnia Doerr, of Gadshill. THE 0
is fast bring- yield and sainple ; barley, also, is likely to railway authorities for exGur io rates on mature
ing, football to the clocks, jewelry put ill thorough rep ir no charge intelligence eing there in large Thursday and intend taking part in 'the -Two,,.of Watford 'a erchants dropped, 'The, Boad
level of Pugilism. be a, good cr?�.if Oats and peas may be �that day. The Mayor has granted the re- will be made. If your ivatch has been repal numbers. gra off"their'wheels in Miwherl on Wednesday re
pat&tion as�
t players -also for- sonewha li There was ell, grand parade, over 60 beautiful
g Several, of the G4 lis red and nd union ohoir concert to be held there.
dry weather con- quest. -Mr. Robert Logan has sold the resi- failed to go right try A. Goebel's Jewelry'store, eve last tek, ntinues, but the Wroxeter, as he alway, give ti flagsand banners,abundance of music,hosts of omas Murray, youngest son of Mr. remaineclver ritight. ot that they were playing against gen- -Mr. Th
Murri Treasurer of the Town They
epairing a specialty. Remember we keep a large Shi
seem to. 'be filling well. dence formerly occupied by the late Thomas 8 8 OR staction. Watch i� e -7y nV we .0
tlemen, and acted lie h00(T111Ms,-M Flax is a good crop and employment Shair to Mir. George Chesney, of the H ch Orangemen, Lady True Blues and Young James then r" a circle f290mi tundill
is uro.n stock of wate es, clocks and jewelry always on hand. Britons. A magnificent and brilliani h-, and who is one of the Hig VIn Dean as far key -note pf v
ati cont�ast to the gentlemanly be- gi Rpa Mr. Chesney has sold his farin and. L gather- of Tuckeramit, h4 b nol as -Owert Soi-
ven to a large number of men and. lads in Remember the place, Wrol for the watch, clock and Mey deseribled. this section about here nectilloA fen,
c' it was, indeed, made up of po6triotic men §chool teachers PtGeorgetown,is home end-
havior of the Seaforth players. After the harvesting it, he flax mill is one of the is coming to town to reside. -Daring tht- and jewelry establishment. A. Goebel, Practical as the finest they have passed through, -war-- the Lieii
ad most'I rofitable industries the town dry weather the blacksmiths ae kept bus Watchmaker. 1386 and women, -loil maidens and active ing his vacatil
gme the referee had to be eseGrted off the best a y and we are pleased to earn XoW^t$ tile I
held to protect hi m from the howling mob." has. all fru ts are not such a prolific setting tires and making other re airs on JOTTI' 'M bhs. The speeches were soul stirring that he has been eagagedafter the holidays to -The frame of a R a barn, was raised ou
-P r. Thomas F. Miller is in youl ter Suft6n, 01
crop as,-%ve have had some and patriotic; in a word this day� has an- fin a similar position, at Brampton, at an in. the farm Of Mr. John Jefferson, of Hibbert,
,Teal but still road vehicles. -Mr. A. Forbes has added to H�arniltoil this week attending the -meeting Fiti
Nll,Nto.,;DviLTE NoTEs.-he. old building there will be eu)ugli for I requirements. his stock of rigs another large carryall. -The of' the Grand trancing fala.cinations which no q�qer day in creased salariiss, Ethel Murdock is orf Tuesday* last week, The foundation is
Lodge A. - F. & A.'M.-Mr. the year has. -Co-u. visiting frLIP-nds' in Clintion.-The Rev. brie-, eight feet the work is as Apples, owing tD the late spring frosts, are Mission Band of the Presbyterian church George E. Dane, Of.Hamilton, is spending a
athesouthendofthe bridge, which has likelytobealight crop a Messrs. Elliotti Nairn. and J. 8. Hender- d i tobe found in moist private houses. the Yior.. Thi
(lone daty in %l capacities for man), this year. together with a few friend of the few days with friends in toilm this week. -
On C Roe' Xiildifig trallia.1, he Ri
he - whole, however, 9 seetio son, of this village) exchanged pulpits on is to be � ft70, and when fin -
years, has been pulled doivu and the ma- ttis n of leaders, picnicked at Case's grove on Wed- Rev. Mr. Jones, ofBruasels� occupied the Zurill Zealand, Ontario, at any rate, is blessed with an nesday afternoon. -Mr. Brierly, of Londonj -Sabbathlast. Mr. Elliott is a fluent and ished, will be a credit to that part Of the
ierial is being used by Mr. John Daly in pulpit of the Pre 'SNyterian church. 'Last Sab- B.RiF.Fs.-Mr. Amos Geiger' who, some am
rop this year, and although father of I'vIr. J. S. Brierli, of t1le St. bath.-.MLiss Cl
forcible speaker, and his sermons in Carmel township.
the construAion of a more comfortale ara McLean, of Lucknow, is time ago, went to Virginia, returned home 9, -Mr. I
ff e old, timbers speak, prices are not %E remunerative as they might flyin Church both mol and eveningwerelisten- . 'N Valentine 8 k, of Tavistock, h
dwelliia.. dthes Thomas Journal, paid our town a 9 visiting with friends in town this week. few dal ago. Ht does not like that c0un- ad to with deep interest by a large congrega- been very illfor son time. To sale big diesad 4& pill
inany a comic and perhaps traggic tale of the rm_ of the new try, but decided to locate in Mich" tion.-Mis ea surgical operation was performed on elvic be, when we (ompae our circumstances visit 'yesterday. -Thursday was the wa The first stone for the &but igan il
long past would be unfel -is with -the condition of the people of other est day of the season. elf a 8 W11ker, of near Hamilton, and
ded.--:�A liol e in countries, we hav The thermometer iron bridge was placed in position on Wed- where he bought hims of la"L-- who has been vWting t Mr. Ch maws for him a- couple of weelrA ago, which proved- House, a SPI
Clinton owned by Mr. McGree, of this (, reason to thank registered over 106 in the shade at,2 o'clock. nesday last.-' I Abbie Ireland, of Owen Mrs. Win. Merner, from Vassar, Michigan, Queen!s H-Ol
e great yv is piece la
old and take ectirage. -Rev. Mr. Hodgins and Dr. Smith the Past two months has -retur= home. successful, and.Mr. Stiock is gradually re -
village, was partially destroyed by fire on re,at Sound, is at present the guest of Air. is here with her children, vis
it* fr, ham7A new 'I
covering. The operating surgeons were Dr.
Saturday last. -Several fo r!s Hamilton this week, representing Britannia James Ireland, of this villge.-Rev. Mr. and relatives, -The Quarterly igneeetin'anill Niernier, Dr. Whiteman, of Shaespeare, drive Of ins.]
�d,11,re at the Masonic Grad Lodge. The Leslie, of ewtonville, will occupy the pul- the Evangelical church, on the 14th conces- Ule Much -Discussecl Tariff Bill. and Dr. Marty, of Hamburg.
of . our woolen factory have found wor in SOxE OF OUR PROPLE.-Aeaforth lady I brethren could not do better than elect pit 'of the Presbyteriii church here on Sab. Sion, in connection with the Sunday School Latest advices from Washington say - tham Pleased'
neighboring towns. In this empac,it Miss who -On Saturday,, 7th inst, a horse ran
y recently visited Niagara Falls, in a eitber of Britannias representatives to the bath nex-t-41r. James Irelal who, for Children's Day, took place last Sunday Within a very few minutes after the con- away with a bug�y : containing Mrs. John
Bell& Smith and,Miss _11cLeod have one to private letter to a friend in this town, makes
the bick bCA�'
Stratford, and Mr.'Boldac to Forest.. It is t1le fo in chair of the D. G. M., nd in this way settle the past 14 years, has been successfully en- They had a, d time, the Sacrament be" 'ferenee on !h' of the 3W line of Wallace, who. W" the most
t Ilowig i teresting reference to some the rivalry which seema gran e tariff bill met this after. Chamney it
� I ad al thal
s to exist between gaged in business here, has purchased a ing dispensed in the forenoon and the Chil- noon Mr. VooAees announced that it was hail been visiting her daughter, r. T. J.
:a be hoped that business irill ,�oon- im- parties well own hereabout, and their lo- the more immediate aspirants. -Mr. John grocery business in Owen Sound, where he dren's
p Day celebrated in the� afternoon. apparent that tke two Houses were unable Ball�ntyne. At a t�rn in the road the
rove in order that our workers inay be cation: " The towli of Niagara Falls is said Paul, manager of the flax mill here, has now intends to commence business at once. Jim Rev. A Grab, from Waterloo, presid to agree, and i was decided to report a buggy was overturne4 and Mrs. Chamney
kept at hoyne.-Mr. Byron, it, student of to contain bolit 5,000 inhabitants, and The Refor,
and mayi,%
Mr. and Mrs. Henry jackson and Mrs. L. 0. cess which his enterprise deserves. The genera ant. thrown out, fracturing three of her ribs. Adelaide 91i
Montreal College,, will conduct* service in there is room for thousands more -the e_ eighty liands employed in pulling flAx.- is a pusher and we bespeak for him the uc- elder, presided. The following sp=s I disagreeL
our church on 8abbath morning next. He tent of space wit hin the limits- of the Co took the platform in the afternoon: Rev. Mr, Wilson Itated after the conference - Whatmighthave turned outa sekioUs
r- VaEgmilkid are cam n the shores of family -will remove to the Sound in- the D. H. Braund; Mr. Fred. Kibler, Zurich ; that he would m4 members is working in behalf of the French Missions poraion inaking � it appear as if it were des- Lake Huron, near Id . ke the re ort to the House accident happened- to r. John Murray,
tined for _" i u Ve The lae -Mr. F. E. ' while
ill Quebec. -Mr. William. Finlayson has Ba course of a few . weeks. loore, Mr. J. Snell, Dashwood; R was nator their
a verylarge city. In the mean- breezes must be pleasant those sweltering of Teeswater, is"renewin ev. A Greb, to -morrow. �11 a d by 8 a of � near Avonton the other day. After allill skoill
gonu on a trip up the lakes.-Gil%rden track time, the houses are scattered, but new days. town this wee g acquaintances in presiding elder; D. S. Faust, Zurich. The Jones how long fhe House would probably hitching his horse up to the milk wa o the
I insi
is beirinnincr to show the want of rain to an buildings are goi ag up, and there seemisa, k. -Mr. F., W. Schaefer of children's collection amountfd to $12, which keep the billr ' hereupon Mr. Wilson re. horse, by some means or other, . come
alarming extent, and lovers of Flowers find good prospect or the . town. Yesterday the firm of Schaefer� Brothers, who )has will go for missions. -Miss w a caus u ore -in in com
Lydia Faust plied that he thought the conferees would be fillad t the a d . bef yone new clul
it a hard fight to keep them, &live, as there morning we wen� over to see the new High Wingham. been engaged in the merchant tailoring bus- arrived home last Tuesday, from her visit- instructed to insist on the House bill and could at control of the lines starte off
is uathing like nature's watering to- re- School Building. iness foi- the Past few months, has been ing trip to Waterloo and other places.- theconferees
It is a fine structure of T11E TWELFTli OP JrLY.-Beyond wo�ld be sent back -within two dol t a road at a break neck pace for The Pair,
a w
du t I
lia n 3f tl
r ,
por 0 Ver,
0 a y
I mf
Ut of fll'health, to dispose The army of flax pullers fired their first hours. It is b6lieved that the. bill will aWut forty rods, whe4 it- became onta
doubt' obliged, on aQcOi it, 191 Vill have el
fresh regetation.-Mrs. Marcus, of Ridge- red bi the contre'of what was the largest Orange celebration ever held in, of his business here and isw this we i ed
ek moving cannon last Friday. They were a -bout 65 again be in conference by Saturday at the in � Russel fence and held. a prisoner
town, mother of I'vIrs. (Rev.) Shaw, arrived the old Wesleyan Catap meeting grounds. Western Ontario took place at Wingham to Milverton. ' We hope isoon to hear of his stron There is no trouble - to get voi latest. Altlil the'report shows a general I until extricatc no serious damage
Itt the ruanse on Tull evening, and will grounds contain about ix acres, on Thursday of last week. g 88 Las Tara bound to go ahead disagreementon 411 items this is nottechni.] was done.
The bu ine A y
About 15,01W recovery. Laciv