The Huron Expositor, 1894-07-06, Page 87117'1,_� 7
. . . . . . . ...... .
z'7 -
made. The news reached Sisforth about, visiting friends in Brussels and vicinity. — had long been looking hopefully forward. the athletic sports were, 1i eld on the squarp,J.
fought Ahould'er� to *boulder during the Ed. Ditim'er, jr,, wheeled to Galt on Satur- She letwes two so a and two daughters to MeBain beingi . i th -but the 1FRIDA _V.
WiLlson's Grocery., plel;i$oite half -past eight o'clock in the �eveningr, and e prin..pal winner,
&In ' against a common
Have Just received one crate of fine D Be enemy, wheeled into line during1he late the large crowd gathered aI the t6le- day to.spend the-firt with friends there.— mourri her loss, viz. : Robert MeMordie, of heavy thunder showei nade the groun
ts, Kippen Henry, of California ; Mrs. A. wet and al Abe 1 12.30 the thunder
Anyofie wanting a good _,"k, e a -enthusiastical- Mr. Sofin' CoventFy-left on Tuesday for op] u
sometbfng extra. I MI I to contest, using every effort to secur p y graph office received it very set at a reasorable price will do well 'to we t=- triumph, in many cases; at the lise of ly. The Hurons have plaed' four matches Halifax, Nova Scotia, where heill remain Montietli, of Tuckersmith, and Miss , lary began to rattg, and Shortly after the rain JULY otal
Some good bargains in plain and'decorated 'To* and one of the noblest causes ever espoused by this season, and Windsor defaulted to them. during the Summer, visiting friends. —On A. McMlordie, of London. Her memory accom iiiied by IiI and by one we
TO110 Sets. A full line of Gem Fruit Jan at less t9: heaviest she' era of the sea -
than regular trices, Groceries, we are selling chmp- man ; even the boasted bond of the lodge In these four atches they won 11 goals Monday. there were 46 rail tickets sold will long remain fresh in the minds ot her had ne of W
e The
or than the c eApest. Ztra value in tes, and coffee. room, with its fraternal obligation f mut- and lost two. This is a pretty gooq rec*d for Clinton, 274 for GO&I land 84 for acquaintances and her bereaved family. son, every place being like a lak . I All through this month we will offer -
Another let of that choice raw sugar just in, 28 lbs. usl aid, counts for nothing when the part for a team which began the season under other points. A large number. of Seaforth- And truly may we say that one has people were b� this :time heading for the
for 01. In canned roI wo have the beat brands whip cracks. Is this consistent and in the adch, unfavorable auspices. The Hurons ites also Spent the day at Brussels, and not. passed away whose jouriiey through life, race course, but it was almost covered with ]Bargains in t
of:fruit and vegetables in the market, also the beat
canned minion, lobster, finnen haddy, kipcerw heu- best interest of our countty ?-111r. D. have now, for the third time, won the a few went to the picnic at Roxboro.--21!he might well, be taken as an example by those water. For 8� time the directors looked
rdines, corned beef, pip' feet, tur sy, duck Clark has been laid up with a severe at- championship, and Seaforth is proud of new electric light station is proceeding rap- who are following after. blue, but thei held a hurried meeting, and
r" if the weather kept clear to go on
'To"hicken. If you want a good article at the I NoTEs.—Th' LADIES' UNDERWEAR
n Ili
an idly, the foundation bein already com-- e 4dependent Order of decided,
eat cash price, We ranL Bull YOU. Some good butter �f(j �Ie several days, but we them.- Yori th the raceA:�, at 3 p. in., which they did,
wanted. For a really good article will give a good for now unprovin pleted.—We are sorry to rn of an acci- esters, of this place, will hold their anniver-,, wi
'a' urlf
ow t
aree note
Me is 8 QurrE AN ADvzNTURE.
price, as we r#unt have it. pending a few weeks' in Brus- —Some Seaforth- dent which befell,,the eight-year-old son of sary Service next Sabbath, in St. Amdrew's and, at once opened the gates and the people CORSETS
C. WILSON, Seaforth. sels with her sou.—Mrg. McMurray and ites had quite, an adventure in Goderich on- Mr. James -MeEwing, of Maryboro, former- church at 2:70 p. in. The Rev. J. S. Hen- poured in, until the receipts for the gate
sum of - $460.
Bank of Commerce Block. Mrs. Hannah returned on Saturday last Dominion Day. -Messrs. W. D. Bright, A. ly of Tuckersmith. Last Tuesday,wbile the derson, of Herisall, will conduct the service. an(I stand f ed up to the'
1374 'from a two eeks' visit to Ethel, where J. Bright and a couple of others *ere pro- boy was handling his father's revolver it went A cordial invitation is given all to attend, The races were not as good as they would HOSIERY AND GLOVES.
they Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. ceedin& from the, harbor to the river. to fish, off, the charge passing through the child's —'Nfr. and Mrs. John -Cooper, of Howick, have been with, a fast track, but the crowd ,
Sproat; It was a tong, journey for the old when theyaw what looked like an over. hand and'eausmig a ver ugly wound.—The spent a few (lays with friends here.—Miss' seemed pleased. The mees all came off,
1319 V10THINCI ladies, but they, stoo(f it well and enjoyed turned canoe with two persons clinging to many friends of Mrs. 6harles Lowrie, of 61ark, of London, is the guest of Mrs. Rick- finishing about 8 p. m. The track was in
themselves imm,ensely.—Mr. McGee- went it. The water was liretty choppy a�d they this town, will be pleased to learn of the er.—Mr. and Mrs. Win, Pope, of London, - first class order when the rain came on. The BLACK and COLORED SILKS
w zsociation *111 clear themselves, but had
East on Monday with the remains of his could not see very. ! well what as goin W h' ell has attended one of herfa- spent Dominion Day at the home of Mr. As I'd have
sister, who died in Clinton on Saturday. but thought likely' it was a couple of Uys, =e allitiolgraph quilts. This piece of George Talor.—Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, it not been for the rain, the� won
The deceased formerly resided near George- who had taken out.. a boat and gone in. for a handi-4, rk was constructed by Mrs. Lowrie of Galt, spent July lat at the home of Mrs. bad two or three hundred. dollars to the
We have been successful in securing another big town, and the body was taken there ter swim. Howe.yer, they decided to go over -for the benefit of the Millhill U. P. church, R. Hunt.—Tbeo school teachers' are all home good. They citil. only, however, Arust to RIBBONS
bargain lot of interment. and see about it. , They started for the spot, in Musselburg, Scotland, and was forwarded taking their holidays. Who wouldn't like better luck agiin. The following is s, sum-
MAIDE UP CLOTHING, and soon saw that it was a serious matter, to friends at that place some months ago. to be a teacher these warm days ?—Fifteen mary of the r4l6es VEILINGS
at a great sacrifice to the maker. . We now purpose SHOOTINVI MATCHES.—A Shooting match 'as the canoe had overturned, and a lady and It was greatly admired, was pronounced 11 a scholars went from Mr. Forsythe's school to `41IMN -MINUTE TROT.
to eye the wearer the benefit of our successful deal. between the Seaforth and Clinton gun clubs, g�ntlemsii'were clinghig to its side. They monument of indiutry, and when sold try the entrance examination. — Mr. Ricker, Allen Wilkes
Amongst our new: lot wilt be found Men's Suits worth at blue rocks, took place at Clinton on Men- called Mr. Livingstone Woodle brought the handsome price. of 50. This our new wagon -maker, is very busy. Mr. Sqnstor PARASOLS
915, which we will sell at $10 ; Suits worth $11, Who Wag Rumor Jr.
which we will sell at $7,75'; 3fen's Suits, all wool, $7 day. The Clinton club offered a slver cup in a boat close by, and the two &is pulled church has just been ren9vated and recon- Ricker's good work win soon commend it- time, 2,371, AND MIUINERY.
we will sell at $4.25 ; Boys' Suits worth,66.60, we# for the competition, and this was won by down to the Zinfortunate couple. They structed, and at the services on self to the public.—Mr. James Cooper has TWO-TITIRTY TROT.
will sell at 94.26 ; Children's Suits worth S4, we will he Seaforth boys after at close and interest. managed to get theni out of the water and Sabbath, June 3rd,.the collections amounted bad a good supply of hay pressed, and is Saranac,
sell at $2.75;1 The- above are all now perfect goods, Mr. John Nelson, 2 2 2 DRESS GOODS
well made and good linings. We have also gone ing-contest.' The following is the score took them ashore. The young lady was to tile handsome sum of E115 ]Is. The now delivering it at the Station for I Nimrod,
through the balance of all tile stock on hand and dLINTON. almost exhausted, and could not have held membership is only 150, but though small Cudmore.—Mr. John McNevin spent the Beat time, 2,40, marked down the prices, so as to be on a par with Ceorge Hinchley... out many minutes longer. It was a most in numbers,appears to be great in liberality. First at the parental home at the Nile.— TWO-n"Y RACE.
-the new lot. Now is your golden opportunity or ............. ..... 16 fortunate thing that the Seaforthites were The pastor is Rev. Daniel -Gilchrist. —A Mr. T, Mellis was at Hepworth last Satur- Lord Tennyson,
clothing. E. Cantelon ......................... 18 'close �y, or the result would undoubtedly secial meeting of the Womeres" Chrilatian day, attending the funeral of Mrs. George Brown Sam, MUSLINS
W. Carter ............. . ... ....... 14 Be8t time, 2.87.
WW PICKARD J. McMurray ........ have been serious. The accident happened Temperance Union,in regard to tile Band of King, Sister of tbe late -Mrs. T. Mellis, CHALLIES
only abou a qu4rter'of a mile from the Hope picnic,� will'be held at Mrs. M. B. whose spirit took its flight on the 28th ult., Hafthe rain kept off, all tile r9ces would
Seaforth. A. Hovey.....L ............ .17 evening at 8 o'clock.— at the age of 24 yeat ir C
I piers. 0. Tli�� d e t.
A canoe is a rather difficult craft to Smith's this (Frida -a. She leaves & sorrow- have trotted bdtter than 2. bi
Dr. Blackall .................. ....... 8 navigate in rough water, and the young Mr. R. Haxby, of this town, is having the ing husband and four small children, one an ors are talking. of holding a fallf'. meeting. AND DELAINES.
man in charge of this one seemed not to have north end of the old Pinkney hotel fitted infant two weeks old, to mourn the lose of a The judges were: George Henderson,
Total ............................... 104 been able to keep its head on the waves, up for a restaurant, and will open up about lovingwife and tender mother. Thus are two starter; George Whiteley and ThoTas CARPETS
and, swinging around, it was caught in the, the middle of the month.—Mr. M. Hurley's sisters called away within eigteen months. Lapslie.
J. Stephens ........... I ............. 1 16 trough of the ware and overturned. residence was entered on- Sunday last, while We are often reminded of the shortness and -uTjRrAINS
E. Hinchle ..................... he was at church, and 47 extracted from uncertainty of life and the voice comes to all
y Morris.
DISTRICT- ATTERS. T. Jordan .............. ...... 15 Tim LATz ROBERT COLEMAN.—Much his purse, which lie had left in the house. "Be ye also ready. NOTES.—Brussels 'was the centre of at. nd all HOUSE FURN18HI WGIS,
J. Turner ............ ................ 2 The purse contained $62, but three'five dol -
0 surprise and regret was felt by our citizens
... .1 lar bills were left, Strange to say. The Bluevede. traction for both young and old of this
8 on its becoming known that Mr. Robert township on the 2nd uf July.—Fall wheat is
A GOOD IAciI 'NLiTGH. —On Friday J. Dodds .......... ............. _220 Coleman had passed away *,cry suddenly on thief got in' through the -back window and BRFviTiEs.—Mr. Messer, of our cheese badly Iodized this year, owing to the recent
last th� Dauntless lacrosse club,,of Clinton, — Sabbath morning last. Although he had left by the9 door.—Mrs. Horton, of Strat- factory, has sold the last half of the June hea;y rai�s..—Youill Brotliers finished1 hay- Edward- McFau I
came down to battle with the Beavers, Total .............................. 108 been confined to his residence for some ford , Was visiting at Mr. R. Haxby's resi- make for 9J bents per pound. —Some'person
The ,ame was a good one, the fir�t game, —0 dence for 'a few days. Miss Haxby accom- or persons placed a plank upright in a ,Ole ing on the Sample -farm last week. They
weeks, his case was not thought to be so are hustlers.—A school picnic was held in SEAFORTH.
especially,- being Jiotly contested. In this A SAD B.EREAvEr4E_-.-T. —The'Umily of Mr. panied her to Stratford, where she will visit in the ralway bridge before the 10 o'clock
game, he L r, the Clintonites seem to James McTavish, of the Kippe road, serious. On Sunday mornmiz he got tip for a time.—Mr. J. T. Clark, who writes as train went lo�er it on Saturday night. No Bo8maWs grove; (Browntown), on Saurday
n about the usual time mid parb3ok 'of break-
Tuckersmith, have recently suffered severe " Mack " on Toronto Saturday night, afternoon, last Week.—A goodly number of
have pretty well tired themselves out, as fast, and seemed to feel better than usual. was harm was done, as the engine broke the
the other games were ail short. The Sea. bereavements, having loI by de7ath two* Shortly after breakfast, however, e com- the guest this week of Mr. J. S. Jackson.— plank. :� A detective was ber6 on Tuesday farmers have st�rted haying. It is an ex- near Milverton, where he intends to spend
forth boys missed Tom Stephens and daughters of the household. A few da Miss Mirmie McKay, teacher at El i ceedingly light crop this jear.—Mr. John his vacation.—Mr. Gavin Davidson spent
8 phuned of not feeling so well, and lay down mirs, is investigating the matter.—Mr. Hilyard
Brown " Jackson, but nevertheless, aftev ago they received the sad1ritelligeuce of tile home for the holidays. --The many friends of Leech, of Manitoba, is visiting his uncle, Hunter -had a horse killed by lightning & Dominion Pay in town.—Aliss.Jessie Cowan
;n� a lounge. Mrs.� Coleman had occasion to
they had got Steadied down, they played t death of their son James. ' It seems ]a a Mr. John Weir will regret to learn few days ago. It was insured in the How- is visiting with friends in Atwood At pres-
tl t le ve him for a few minutes, and when she that he Mr. Joseph Leech, of this place.—Mrs. ick Company onunion ay passed off very quiet
gc,od Same. There was not a very lar, g returnedlahe was shocked t4dr; find that the has been confined fo his residence bi illness Thomas Stewart spent a few days this week IF I
-1 he was eniza Yed with the Canadian Pacific —Mr. James Ross, teacher in ent. —D D
School Section No, 6, left on Friday even- here, most of the pleasure seekers
crowd present, people apparently thinki .. - Railway Cornpany, and while repairing a Wray, of
3 vital spiirk had fled. Bright -44 --disease of for the past week, but we hope to see him vi iting her sister, Mrs. Jerry going to
that the match would be a repetition of t_ bridge near Revelstoke, British Columbia, around again con. W are al o orry to Alma. ing for his h mO in Allnnxidale, on h'
the kidneys, accompanied Z"b, he rt failure a L- 0 8 a 0 Is new Brussels and Goderidli.
r -Mr. Martin Charlesworth is ver, Brantford whed,—On Friday of last week
St�atford one. that had been damaged by the floods, he fell was the 'Cause of death. . Coleman w"' state that . 7 thepupils of Btirrie's school hatheir-an-
from the bridge, a distance of fifty feet, re- a brother of the late Dr. Coleman. He was poorly.—Mrs. A McDonald and Mrs Hullett.
nual picnic. very enjoyable time was
DEATH Or MR. joH.N CAR_vO0HAI . ceiving such injuries as to cause ]lie death f age, and was one of the oldest A. Reid, of Woodstock, spent the first of FARx SOLD.—Mr. J. P. McLaren has dis- 8 ent.--lifiss Vi6let, Be Ethel.
Ll. 'before he got to his boarding house. Mr. July with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Scott, Of ne, of Toronto, a , t BI�IEF&—Wm. Berulth and wife, of Len.
John Carnochan, of the township of Grey 2d=ohighly respected residents of , the- posed of his fine 100 acre' farm situated one n
r- tEe lat with her -parents on tho- 3rd -e
Wm. Carnochan, of ti; McTavish has been absent f o in here about town. He was Harp —Mr. F. Gutteridge is making Ene, don spent a few days last week under the
and brother of Mr. a I nu e Irishman, being urhey. and a half miles north of the village of Kin- She- was accomp end, Nlisil
six years and has been in British Columbia ar� He -leaves a good progress with the electric ght build- burn, to Mr. William Jamieson, of the 11th Annie W llie.-:� I -A public school examin parental roof.—The garden party held on
town, died on Sunday last after an illness of genial and warm Ue ted. �'anied by her fri
nearly two years. Mr. darnochan was a about two years. He intended, coming widow and family of several children to `9 ; it is to be quite an edifice, and will be concession, for the sum of $6,300. This is Thursday evening of last week, on Mr.
home next fail ad was evidently' looking well fitted for the purpose intended.— ation was Md in School Section No. 5, on James Lindsay's lawn, was a success. Be.
native of the township of Tuckersmitb, be mourn tlie loss of a kind husband and affec. what may be termed a fancy price during Thursday of last, week. The pupils. were Sides.' tb.4�,,'usual refreshments, speecheox
ing a son of the late Samuel Carnoblian. forward to that event with feelings of great tionate father. The funeral on Tuesday Mr. Win. Copp 'SL building storfe stabling 'the present depressed state of the land mar- put through th elir facings " by visiting
During the long and painful illness of his pleasure. But Providence decreed it differ impres- under the barn on Dr. Scott's farm in Hr- music, et&,,,, were given, and all seemed bi
- was verylarg6ly attended, and. the i &I ket , but while we compliment Mr. 3cLaren teachers Black , Ross and "McCall and con -
brother Samuel, of Egmondville, recently, ently. He was a most steady, industrious sive services in St. James' Church were purhey.—H ing is now general in this vi- on making,so Satisfactory a sale, we congratu. ducted themselves in a manner most credit- enjoy themselves.—The bricks have arrived
Mr. Carnoegan, although far from well him- young man, about 27 years of age, and had witnessed b a. very largre congregation of cinity. It is proving a better crop tban was late friend Jamieson on cellent ble for two of our new residences, and the brick -
the faculty of making friends. wherever he expected a few *weeks ago.—Mrs. W. N. Securing so ex both to themselves and their teacher, layers Vill commence work at once.—Mirs.
self, was @(-close attendant upon him, and mourners, tile church beilli crowded. The a farin at so moderate a figure.
few then ihought thal he would be called went. The sad news was a terrible blow to deceased was a member of the C. M. B. A. Watson and Miss Bella Watson left yester-' AxoI CHANC.E. —8 'Mee purchasing Mr. Mr. Knechtel. ohn McCallum is visiting her sister, Mrs.
away so L SI after bifil. He was Sixty years the bereaved parents and relatives, and the day for Montreal. (From Another Corres,ondent) Hinchley, of MCI.—Will Matheson
and the Royal Arcanum, the members Of McLaren's farm, Mr. Jamieson has disposed NOTES. —M-essrs. McDonald and Coombs and a lady friend spent Sunday in Bluevale.
of age, and had resided in Grey for upwards heartfelt ympathy of many will b� extend- which attended the funeral in a body. The of his farm, containing 50 acres, to Mr. -t
of 18 years. He was twice married, and he ed to them. Mr. John McTavish, a brother, remains were laid to rest in St. "James' Brucefield. Hugh Dunlop, a neighbor, for $2,600. The and men are buy working at Mr. Michie's —Miss M. Pebbles, of Tiverton, spent Tues -
will leave for -British, Columbia in a few brick residence !on the 6th line.—Turnip day in our vinage.—W. K. WhaIII
leaves behind a widow and nine of a family. cemetery, just east of the town. NEw TAILOR SHOP.—I hereby wish to an- farm is conveniently -situated, has on 'it a
He was a kind hearted, honest man, of days to look after the affairs of the de- nounce to Pie surrounding public that I have open. fine bank barn and comfortable frame house, hoeing is in order now; the crop in general Avoilbank heese factory, spent a feW days_�� --
whom much good and little ill, could be said, ceased, and if practicable win, probably, ed a custom tailoring - shop nearly opposite Dixon's and is considered very cheap. We wish is a good one.—Haying will commence in a in our midst.—The Foresters turne(fout e*
and was beloved by his family and relatives. bring home the remains. LocAL BRIEFS. —The Clia�hanl Daily Ban- Hotel, and am ared to give satisfactory work *in genial Hugh a long and prosperous life to few days ; the crop is on the light iide this masse to the demonstration in Brussels.
an of Wednesday of last week has the fol- the tailoring 11 Pre moderate prices, Will be pleas- , year.
d highly respected by all who enjoyed his N enjo his �emforta_ble home. great many from this townhip They looked well.
acquaintance. PiTRE FLAX BINDER � TwiNE. — lowing to say about a former Seaforthite: ed tohave you call. J. B. MeDONALD. 1882-4 y took in the monster demonstration at Brus-
Acem-rwNT.—While assisting at a barn
w.alletackof Pare Flax and Eureka Flax Twine. "Thestageof the opera house had been � BRIEFLTS.—Dr. Armstrong lately vaccin- melson.Monday.---rMr. Win. Newcombe- is CrOI�.
raising on the farm of Mr. A Ferguson,
Secure your snpply at once. Pricei are right and ated the pupils of Stanley school. The
THE, SAFoRTa 8 furnished with every requisite necessary to back from Newark, New Jersey --Mr.
w.—A union meeting quality guaranteed. JouNsoN BROS,, Seaforth scholars - are now sperlding their vacation Mr. J, Snell met with a painful accident its 's'llingled his shed.—_.Ar.
of the directors of the South Huron and lim.1 give the audience the returns hot from the Thomas Russell h NoTEs.—Some of the farmers in this vicin-
d as satisfactorily as possible. On the with swollen arms.—Miss Lizzie Rose and through a rafter falling and striking him on ity have started haying, but the majority
Tuckeramith Branch Agricultural Societies LADIEs' AID AT Ho -mm — The Ladies' the head, inflicting an ugly scalp wound. James Hall inten4s Shingling his barn next
was held at Kipen on Friday last. As has Aid of the Methodist Church will give an At Hen,,, platform was a Great Nortliwestern tele- Miss 'Maggie Burdge returned from London week.—The noisyi�lruls heard again, get- of them will wait till next week before thei
on Friday evening, the 13th, in the church, at 8 last- week. —Miss Jennie Duncan is visiting Mr. Snell was immediately driven to Dr. I
already been announced the uion Show graph machine, operated by Miss McIntyre, I ting ready for the 120i.—Some talk- of an start.—Mr. Alex. Purdon, who is in -the
o'clock. Refreshmento. musical and Lite at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ross, of , tile Cooper's office and had the wound dressed, - . n to 8 employ of Paul adge, erecting
far - -is needless to say that never befor 'cursio rnia. on ty myfb�ka-
d1slyPrO an& it e
this year be held at Seaforth, on Thur- n�ne. Admission 16 cents. All sre oor in' manse.—Miss Shobbrook, of Clinton and under careful treatmentis doing favor- e" 19tb inst ; a
day and. Friday, the 27th and 28th of Sep- f ift4e'd 1386-2 have the results of an elect -ion been so rap- 'T,,ent ably. very good place,� to go no "ubt, but too and windmills, left for the London Hospital,
tember, this being the week following tfie idly and neatly placed before the people." last week visiting in the village.—Mr. Ohn busy a time for tlik farmers, as haying will being threatened with typhoid fe'ver.—Rev.
AvE Youp. PoT.,I_Nothing so M.- Aikenhead spent the first of July at his
Western Fair at London. The work of the economic4i, so thor - bugh, o iss, McIntyre is a daughter of Mr. ' John he in full swing tken.—Miss Annie Cantelon Mr. Henderson, of ensall, preached in the
r so easily applied as home. He is now in the employ of Hobbs Stanley. Presbyterian church here last Sunday even -
meeting was to revise and improve the prize Paris Green. Get the pure article from Lu.vSDEN & McIntyre, of Seaforth.—The only comfort has been on the sift list again.—Mr. Young
list and appoint judges. The local )3ocie. WILI for 25c. per pound, and you can rely on it the Galt i papers can extract from the recent & Oborne, hardware merchants, of London. LOCAL STORMS. —Alessrs. Win. Graham, ani family, of unshine, intend going to the lng--About two hundred people attended
r'y doing its work. 13wi football match there is byi,%ccusin The Royal Templars held their annual - pie- John Stewart, and William Aikenhead re- the picnic here on Mond4.—Re. Peter
have gone to considerable expense'this year _g Referee old country this a8, They don't like Can -
improving their grounds and buildi. 'IDANIEL'S ELEcTpc ' BjzLTs. "—These Gibson of "I M' his III Tom Gibson nic in Bayfield on Saturday last. While on turned on Saturday last, from Glasgow, ada at all. Scott, while filling the pulpit occupied by
0 n
mysterious curative agents have performed some has played foo the grounds they had their photographs Messrs. Graham and Stewartr having dis-
They have made' a good spee tra tball about &a long as it has BARNs BuRN�EI)4j'--The barns and sheds Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, was seized with
wonderful cures in Rheumatism, Kidney trouble@, been played it� Canada and anyone who I taken in a group.—Mr. Fach is repairing posed of sixty head of fat cattle. Their belonging to Mr. R. Blair, of the 6th line a sudden fit of weakness. It is expected he
erected comfortable Stabling- fo stock- and and general weakness . They may be procured fr, oni I
built a new and convenient business office; LuMsDEt & WILSON'$, for $1 each. 13864 knows him will appreciate the humor of such his hotel and is also -building a kitchen. passage there and back was not a smooth were _to�tally deCg)royed by fire on Sunaay will recover in a few days.—Mr. Doli, -who
one. —A number of new bridges in the town -
and as a list Of Most interesting attractions, CENTRAL PI BINDER TwiNE. — We an acetsation.—Mr. George Gouinlock and evening last, at 16,ro'clock ; the fire was, no is sawing Ilimber oil the farm of Mr. W.
ship are now being built, while others are doubt, started by ;some one, as nothing was complete sawi% outfit,
in addition to the regular prize list, will be have secured a crload of the above twine which we two children, of Toronto, were in town over TuckersniAh. being repaired. The roads are a credit to
%ctory prices and the same terms. Sunday, visiting Mrs. T. T. Coleman.—Miss burning about the buildings. As and if he had come here earlier irr i e sea -
Farmers will not have to send to, Toronto for their pan of horses
offered, we are safe in predicting that this will supply at 1 . PEXCILLINGS. —Some of the farmers have the country.—III John Hunter will leave
will be one of the most attractive, as well Leave your ord6 I r early and we will see Lizzie McKay, of Windsor, has arrived home commenced haying and report the crop this week !or the old country, with cattle. was also burned. The loss is a bad one to Air' sell he would have got great deal more to
8uppl� utely I Blair, as he has no place to store away hay; do, as some of the farmaers around have used
As most largely attended agricultural shows that 31�u are supplied. This is the only absol for the hofidays.�Miss Bella Ballantyne, of much lighter than last year..—Miss Annie This is his second trip this season. We
in this part of the country. pure manilla twine manufactured in the countr , Crediton, and Miss Jennie Ballantyne, or stab) their lumber beforenow.
and will run from 6W to 650 feet to Of Kennedy, *he has been spending a few trust he will be a4 Successful in this trip as - to house any stock whatever. The
the P011111 Bluevale, are home from their respective weeks visiting- the parental home, leaves in his former one.—Miss Jernima Fraser, of insuraffee, which was $2,OW, will be' quite. -a, JOHNSON BROS., Seaforth. 13ft-1 schools for the holidays. —Mr. and Mrs. A] c- bel.
THE EXAMs.—The follbwing students of this week 'for Detroit.—Mr. Donald Me- Toronto, is spending her'vacation at her - !P, McKillop.
Ir'E ROXBORO PicNic.—The, Roxboro pie. of Mr. J. H. h FATAL AcciDENT.—A terrible accident
the -Seaforth Collegiate Institute have pass- T Donald, of Lucan, were visiting the family Kinnon, of the 8th concession, has returned mothers home. —The Social of t e Bruce- R_
ed, Successfully, their xaminations, taking nic has become quite a famous affair and the C L Broadfoot this week.—Mr.' home from Algoma, where he has been with field Methodist Church, held at Mr. Stan- happened on the 6th line, on Monday last, AxOTHER FA Al SOLD.—Mr. Gardiner bas -
the marks set opposite their names - From Pear e and Mrs. Pearce, sr., of Toronto, whereby -John Currie lost his life. Mr. sold the north half of lot 21, concession 14,
one held th* ear, on Monday last, on Mr. we the intention of purchasing land. � Mr. Me- bury's on Thurgda-fof last week, was a sue-
r men, was 4'ardiner, Wi46W
re this week the -guests of Mr. W. K. Kinnon likes Algo oI with othe shing- the property of 'Mrs. Ann
Form A to B.—W. Aberhardt, 82.1; A. IS Currie, al
John Scott's lats, was no exception to the Pearce, Manager of the Dominion Bank.— ma. and, we learn, has cess. The atteiidince was good, while all ing on Mr. Samuel Love's barn. when he of the late r. Win. Gardiner, to Mr.
Bethune, 7277 ; K. McLean, 512; W. Papst, rule. The heavy clouds which . rolled up every notion of moving there.—Mr. A. Seemed to enjoy themselves. —Miss Mary
579; T. Robinson, 670; J. Reinkie, 615; Mrs. 'McDonald, of St. T!lomas, and. her fell off, a -distance of .30 feet, to the ground Henry Hamilton, who owns the adjoining
irom. the west about nobn threatened to tw d Sproat has had his two barns elevated for Gibson returned home lust week, from visit. and was killed. i He was t4en to 11r. farm- This farm contains 90 acres, and
0. Stewart, 687; B. Pumshard, 658; M. o children, all Miss- McLaughlin, of the the purpose of having a foundition erected ing friends in the vicinity of London.�Mr.
drown the picnic out, but they passed JanieS Russell's lie, was sold for $4,400. It is a od. farm and
Wright, 608. From '13 to C.—J. Bulger, Over same city, are the guests of ffr. and Mrs. underneath. When Mi. Sproat's buildings Arthur Kitchen has just finished his course ,!,ie whence the funeral 90
426:'G'. Cliesney,'580; A. Colbert, 4124; N after a couple of sharp but short bow"Prs, R. W. Bruce Sinitb.—Miss May Cline, of with y of took place. He I e� a widov� and four good value for tlie money. Ili. Hamilton
nan, 428 ; F. Lawrence, 427; P� Len By two 'Wingham, is at present visiting friends in the fine barns that are to be found in this turned home in time to cast his maiden children to mourn his loss.- Mr. Currie wa is to be congratulated on his purchase.
leavin a. nice cool breeze. are completed they will rank an in tbe LondoI business college. He re -
0 rigs -were wending their way from town.—Mr. Fred larkson and Mr, 0"0 1 township. rat -class hand
2n, 455; A. Wood -ley, 441; A. Beattie, C a fi it buildings, and a good FIRST OF JuLY PARTY. —Another of those
614; L. Dais, 560; M. Fowler, 417; L. ctions to the 9 AN IRATE I . VOTER.—' DEAR EXPOSITOR vote in favor of the Reform party. 8�w anni ic - av
all dire )ienLiC grounds. eople Grff have laid aside the pedago ue's birch workman, and wa ell liked by all who jal gatherin h' III , h e become o
Gr' , 499; E. Kidd, 424; C. McKinley' forth ao well as from An old resident of Tuckersmith complains him. ng folks, took place
were present in large numbers from Sea- for the summer and are home for the 1101i knewL popular among Is, you
550; A. Murray, 458; K. Purcell, 474; G. country and all the� surrounding days.—Miss Jessie Bethune, dau liter Of that there are Some " bloated Tories" who at Mr. W-ni. Lockhart's, 4th concession., on
Pickard, 451 ; C. Rudolph, 482; A. Wingle, an exceedingly pleasant time Mr. C. Bethlinie, stationmaster, anT public dispute his right to vote at . every election. SULACTITES.,—M Mondaylast. The young people gathered
was spent in strolling about, I! watching the �ss Lillie Jaffrey, of Wiroxeter.
529. The candidates for second and third- school teacher at AyrIIIOntaI arrived bome in Mr. Lockhart's grove in the afternoon,
class ames, and in social'converse. The g-'ames, —Mr One excited individual ordered him to stop Buffalo, is visiting under the parental roof Co�m O. -,m Co-.Nf�. ALL. — Fine watches, and spent a very pleasant time in foot bail,
r or no charge
icertificates have been writing this 9 last week. B. Adams, of Brantford, when entering the polling booth on une oaks, Jewelry put inlihorough repai
week. For second class and matriculation which consisted of races for boys and girls' was in ton last week -attending his father's J at present. —A large number from here at- ei base bail, croquet and other games. As the
26th. � Afraid that he had happened on a tended the picnic held in Jefferson's grove, will be -&de- If yonf'watch:,bas been repaired and
of all sizes, were keenly contested and ex- funeral.—Miss AZg' tailed to go right try A. GoeWys jewelry Store, evening closed in the veteran violinistI
there are 38 writing here, and for third clas's ie McIntyre, of the To
den of thieves, he hurried up and marked last Monday.—Miss Annie Geary, daughter
t Wroxeter, an he alwa;ys givel satisfaction. Watch Ab. Forsyth, put in an appearance and
47. There are 8 to write for first class cer-1. ceedingly interesting. ' About five o'clock rento General Hospital, is at presen in his ballot; he was then told that he had no of Mr. Thomas Geary, is visiting at her I -
tificates. � Those write next week. Mr. An-, the picnickers Were called to the tables, town visiting friends.i—Mr. Will Bethune ; repairing a eiiecialty. i Remeipber . we keep a 14rge accompanied by the organ, furnuille OUX
drew Scott was the p* which had been spread with a bounti right to vote in Egmondville, He ventured home in Hibbert. She has been attending stock of watches. clocks and jewelry always on hand. d
residing,'examiner. and fill and appettz, arrived home last week from a trip to Du- i to say, he had voted in the municipality that school at the Sacred Heart Convent for the Remember the place, WrI for the watch. clock excellent music -that even those who,
Mr. Howard Fowler the assistant. Ing feas and were luth on the steamer "United Empire." and jewelry establisbinent. A. Goebel, Practical thought they had got over such �.gaieties,
— I he resided in,. and that he was the full age a8t year.—A Quoiting match was played
f Clin le, - who, it I He then learned that " the polling tween Gorrie and Staffa recently, and re- IL
three times filled with he�rty and hun- Miss eil, of * Stratford, was the guest Of * of 21. Watchmaker. were ent'ced'on the floor, and shoWed how
T gry peop CIB4 Umo_Ns.—The Union Such things were done in their young dayz.
Two GOOD Mi DEPART.7�'_ wo 0 is needless to her brother, Mr. Oscar Neil, this week.— i division at Egmondville was a municipality, suited in a win for the latter. The 'return Tim INvi
ton�s most prominent and �respected resi- say, did ample justice to the Itempting vi- Miessrs. T. Stephens, J. Oughton, J... Jack- I Base Ball Club hai;e added another game to After. a most bountiful lunch dancing] ws"s
aZ�s. On the platform, while the crowd d that be- would have to sleep there three inatch was played Wednesday last at Staffa,
Aents departed this life Since our'last issue. son and W. Elliott played on the picked an their long list of 4ictories by defeating the resumed, and as all d' ng for their
�ere appea months before the assessor made his ap- with the same result.—Miss Ida Hotham, "all
We refer to the death of Mr. Joseph Chid- -aing. their appetit6s, the musia team 1epresenting the Western Football As- pearance, to. entitle him to vote." This, of our popular music teacher and vocalist Goderich club in �he county town on July homes such remarkswaearethlesTollowinj could
-ley, and also the demise of Mr. A. 11. Man�` clans discoursed sweet. nusic, and Mr. sociation, at Berlin,on Monday, against 2nd It was simoy a walk over for the be heard: " Never spent�7 such a p easant
Willie Hays gave a couple of step dances. course, will be news to a good many, as it sang at a concert in Chiselhurst last week.
ning. Mr. Chidley, for Many years, -was a the Toronto League team. The Toronto ii;;ions, as the *'iscore will show, which time in my life." "I wish the Ist of July'
to this old resident. —VOTER. Out foot ball team was defeated in Mitchell
member of the well-known firm of M. Me- !men won after a close and exciting game stood 13 to 4 in 4eir favor. The -batteries came oftener." "Hope the other gatherm'
kfter supper Mr, Thes. E. Hays, of Me- W"
on the 2nd, by 2 goals to I.—Mr. and Mrs. 9
0 �were: Gderich, tillobertson, Holmes and had half as good a time." Taggart & Co., fanning mill makers, and Killop, was called to the Ch&'J'r and short by one goal to none.—Mrs.- Braund left oll, I
addresses were iven by Rev. Mr. Hod A; W. Hotham and Mrs. Hutchison, are
few men in the County Nvere better kn ns, Wednesday for Devonshire, England, where 1 Kippen. Malcolm8on ; U0ions, 'McLaughlin, Me-' THE DomINio-N D.&Y PjcNic,—Which was
am oil
own Dr. Smith, and V A. S. McLean, 1311 away to Grand Bend to c t for a Hardy and Sandeison. instituted some itiiie or ten years ago, was
to,, or more highly respected 'by the older Of she intends making -her home in future.— 1 BINDER TwrNic FOR ALL. — T. Aiellis couple of weeka.—Miss Lucy Itchison, ot
rasidents.—Mr. Manning, althou . gh a young h FOOT BALL. —Ofir Junior foot bail club Angus McLeod's bush.
Seaforth, who were listened to with' close The public school closed on Friday last for would remind all that his large supply of Binder Seafo t , is visiting her sister, Mrs. John eld thi's year inMr.
q most prominent summer, an defeated th was composed of a:
"ian, was one of H-uron', attention, as they spoke of what that day the d the youngsters will run 1 Twine has come to hand. which 'for quality and le T�ceawater club by I I)al to 0 he co any bout fifty
and most promising citizens. typified, and the lessons to be learned from I at - price cannot be excelled. There is a big reductioif Robbins.—Mrs. Baird, of Stratford, w" MP
He represent- wild for two whole months. -The Col egia e in Teeswater on Wednesday last. t is ex- or sixty intimate acquaintances of the dig -
ed the town for niany years in the County it. Then the Roxhorough choir , : in prices tbis'vear, so that the home market will be the guest of Mrs. Chubb last week.—Mr.
ascended Institute closed a little earlier in the week. the cheapest this season. Call and got yoiI PUPPIV. and Mrs. R. McCool, of Harrmi on, paid eted the retu'rO match will be layed trict, and as the weather was all that could
d —Rev. Mr. Guthrie spent Dominion Day at T. MELLIS. 13M.2 day �fternoon, be desired, they enjoyed themselves to the
Council, and was one of the leading mem. the platform an delighted the audience I tere next Wedno
umb our village a flying v
bers of that body. He also, as a member of with a n er of choruses, glees, etc., his home in Guelph. —Dr. Arthur Atkinson, OBITUR.—It is our painful duty to iit this, weeT. RECEPTION.—A., splendid reception was full. The afternoon was spent in youthful
rinint -which were exceedingly well rendered and of
the firm of Ma & Scott, enjoyed a Detroit, was in town visiting r�latives record the death of Mrs. Ann MeMordie, tendered the est�emed member for East sports and amusements in which all joined
la e law pract ile as a politician, his rapturously applauded. Ab6ut hdlf-Pa-9t 'this week.—Our cricketers went down to relict of the late Robert MeMordie. The Brusdels_� Huron, Mr. Thorias Gibson, at his home heartily, throwing off for the time being,
seven the picnickers scattered, going to
abilities as a spe�ker and his skill as a Stratford on Monday to play a match with subject of the accompanying sketch was BRnglzs.-�-Mr. J. Leckie was in town from here on Wednesday evening of last week. the conventionalities of � etiquette and the
their various homes after haing had a most the club of that to n, nd were badly: born in the county of Down, Ireland, in'the Saturday to Monday renewing old acquaint- Quite a number' of the Young Liberals reserve which sometimesi characterises
worker and organizer, were rapidly bring- W
ing him to the front, and had his life been able afternoon's outing. beaten, we believe. * We may say in exten- year. 1807, ' her maiden name being Ann aces, and he always has a -great number.— drove over from �russels, Gorrie, Fordwich social gatherings ; so much was this the
_# age, in
spared, he was surely destined to make his Tim HURONS A -RE C1-IA1NFPIO_',S.—On Fri- nation, however, thit on account. of there Carripbell.., She belonged to a family whose Mr. John Currie, living near the vin and other poIIld were joined by the case that even our bachelor friends Who, on
mark in the legislative bodies of his coiui- being so many other,attractions oil that day, 1 name has long been connected with -tile wel- Morris, a carpenter by trade, on Monday, friends here, wh* at once repaired to- Air. other occasions, seemed to be embarrasied
(lay last the Huron Football Club journeyed
try. His death is a serious loss to the com- it was impossible forl them to take their fare and -prosperity of the -iky of Belfast. while shingling a barn at Mr. Samuel Gibson's residexice. r. Joseph- Cowan by the presence of any of the gentler Box,
munity in WhiLeb. he lived. He was a ic- down to Galt to play the final' watch for the
championship of Western Ontario. 'At Sea- best team down.—Mr. Watson, of New Her brother, the late Henry- J. Campbell, Love's, fell off "and sustained injuries of was voted to the chair and a most enjoy- even in an adjoining compartment, might
tim of consumption, and has been severe York, is at present the guest of Mr. George amassed considerable wealth as a linen *hich he died a -few hours afterwards. —The able evening was spent. The members of be seen in mortal combat; contending- with
forth, the previous week, the home team
sufferer for over two years. He wits a inem- Ewing and family.—Miss Bella Barr has manufacturer of that place. She emigrated rain on Dominion Day was hard on the the Youha Liberal Glee Club, of Brussels, a tgir antagonist in the invigorating Sports
had left the field victorions �y tile small arri,�ed home from Queen's College, King- with her husband to Ontario in the year d otheros, all,-- -fir;
ber of the Methodist church, and frequently re of one goal to none, and Glt natural- booth men. Mr. Samuel Shine, who refused an furni d music, while quite a of the day.. Whether or ii�t th� t of
filled the pulpits under the auspices ;f thA see ston,where she is taking a, university course. 1847 and. resided for one year near Toronto, to take out his license, appears before the number of stirripg speeches were also in- J!aly exercises are to be a cure for bachelor"
denomination with rreat acceptance. ly expected that on their home growids The late Benjamin Adas, of this town i and the following spring moved :to what Reeve on Friday, and he will realize that it dulged in. At the close of the programme bashfulness remains to be seen ; but to
they would be alile to make a pitich better Brantford'
built the first Buck f undry in was then known as the Huron Tract. They would have been better had he complied refreshments weke served by Mr. Gibs-oI careful observer of past results, they appear
EoXONDVILLE IN showing. The match was a most stubborn- many years ago. It was a small brick settled on a farm in the township of Tucker- with tha law like others.—The fall wheat is amiabI4 lady, after which the meeting was to have tended thitherward. -In the even-
OTT.S.—SC11001 closed oil
ly contested one, both clubs �eing deter- structure very different'from the immense Smith, -where she unde ripening, and in a couple of weeks farme broughlto a cloie by a* "n " A Id Lang ing all repaired to tbe* house
likinty of the youth of mined to win, and we, are sorry to say that stove works now operated under the same Her hus- where they
Friday, much to the rwent all the hard rs u
will be busy at IIi6th haying and harvest. Syne In ' for
our village, who will now roam at will for ships and trials of, pioneer life. and a rolising cMe'r Mr. Gibson. were most hospitably entertained
the Galt players resorte' tq rather un- name.—Although the cricket club met de- band died in the year 1863. She and her" The spring crops are now all looking well. JOTTINGS. -131r. George E. Brown is Mrs. McLeod. A suitable programme hav-
the next seven weeks, ("iving 11nXiOus sportsmanlike t cties at times, paid that the feat on Dominion Day,our other sports were unmarred daughter continued to reside on —Mr. R. Roach was away at Hamilton on home for the holidays.—Miss Laura Brawn ing been provided, a couple of hours were
mothers no end of -worry0at times as to spectators several times* rushed'pn the field much more fortunate. At God�rich the the homestead till 1893, when they me Tuesday, driving a mare in tbe races there, is visiting with friends in Goderich at res- profitably spent in listening to and taking,-
ved p
their,wherea,bouts. In this connection, we and interfered -with Seaforth pla:yers. The Beavers won in the lacrosse match in the to London. She was blessed with a good ad got second moiiey. He is getting sev- ent. —A very violent thunder storm passed part in musical selectiom, readings,recita-'
believe, a union picnic is under contenlLtia- gol-keeper seemed to be especially marked, easiest possible manner. In Br' eral more horses added to his string. &over this vicinity last Sunday afternoon. tions, addresses, etc. A particularly L enjoy -
tion betwreen the children of tll( and it was 'neces ary t o e ime for the Beav ussels the constitution, was of an active disposition, The rain fell in torrents. Mr. -James Free- able feature of the proceedings was Zile ren -
a & n t - era' second team also won the lacrosse and always hopeful, gomi to her HeavenIv DoNinuo-x DAY.—As was expected, Do-
schooland those of the Sabbath school.— whole team to surround him in order to match against the Dropshots, of Lucknow, Father With all h le, and placing all
Notwithstanding the severe frost minion Day brought a big crowd to town. !-and's stable and Mr. Charles Simmons' dering of a couple of recitations by Miss
Of May protect him from the crowd. Til the firt by a; score of 3 to 0. In Clinton, VT On the first train there, were seven cars house were struck by lightning, but for- Jessie Johnston-, " about 9 or years of
the rose crop has been very good ill this vil' r. A. her trust in Him. She was a consistent ;2 10
0 half of the game Galt had much the best of Winter won both -bicycle races, while the', member of the Presbyterian church, giving loaded to overflowing and each of the other tunatelyvery little damage was done. afe daughter of the late Thomas Johnston,,
lage, but a new variety which appeared oil the play, and really Put up a Inao-mificent Seaforth gun club won the. shooting match liberally to all its schemes, and attending — I
8aturday last, promis;s to excel all others trains through the day repeated it and from Miss Minnie Staples, of Teeswater, is visit- 0 Toronto, which gave evidence of the
9- -they coul(f J70 was to' by' four birds. In Goderich, Mr. George service regularly as long as her health per- early morning the crowd drove in from every ing with friends in town this week.—Miss careful training she had received in the art
ame, but the best
in beauty and durability of bloorri.—The score one aoal. During this half the Sea- -Baldwin won the two mile bicycle race, but mitted her. Sbe was greatly respected by direction until the town was full
political atmosphere has bout reached its to over- Jennie Miller returned home from Deseron- as well as the great natural ability she pos-
forth forwards were held down so closely
fell, after passing the scratch, on account of all wbo had the pleasure of her acquain- I flowing, there being about 5,000 people! to on Saturday evening last.—Miss Annie sesses. The entertainment throughout was normal temperature with us ; still' tile that they could not combine at all, but in the spectators rowding on the course, and tance, and was here. In the forenoon there was a football ` Sanders is this week visiting with friends in of a high order, and did cred t
question forces itself before the thinking ever anxious for the welfitre i to those -who,
the second half they got down to work and was not able to start in the other races.— ' of her family. 'What had once been a .1 match between Ripley and Brussels, which Harriston.—The contract of, taking down took part. At the close a committee of
minds Why is it that partizan politics made rimp around the other fellows, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mullett and daughter strong constitution began to fail during the resulted in favor of Brussels by 3 to 0; then the old bridge has been given to Mr. Allen three young bachelors was chosen to ar-
is the most powerful influence governing especialy in the last twenty minuees, when left on Satuxday to visit friends in Gait. last 10 years, until her earthly pilgrimage was came alacrosse match between the Seaforth Boag, who, with a aue of men, is busily range for next year's picnic. They were
inen'sactions in this country to -day ? The they scored two goals, leaing the score two 'Mrs. Nkfllet, wiii also %risit friends in To- closed, at the age of 87 years and 5 months, Juniors and Lucknow, which resulted in engaged at the i6rf tills week, and it is ex- empowered to add to their numberand w'ere
ties of church fellowship. fail asunder like to one and giving them the championship by rillia before returning home.— at her daughter's residence in London on the favor of Seaforth. The following bands pected the work on the new iron bridge strongly reeommended to each choose a per -
flax at the touch of fire, when the party three goals to one. Mr. Gibson, of Berlin Airs. Ed. Latimer and daughter M 26th of last mouth. She in attendance - Wingliam, Listowel, will be commenced a once.—Mr. Neilson manent partner before another such ows-
alarm souuds ; temperance workers who was the referee, and a most excellent one lael Mas B. 8parinR spent a few days aggie and passed painlessly were
this week away to that heavenly home, to which she Kincardine and Aubum In the afternoon left on Wednesday morning for his home sion.
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