The Huron Expositor, 1893-12-29, Page 7th.
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DECEMBER 29 1893
;25 C ENTS
PAPSTS Bookstore.
A few lines on exhibition in the
window, and suitable for
Xmas and New Year
1=11R,E BM 'TM'S_
An immense Assortment cheap.
C.* PAPST, ,Seaforth.
• 4
-..! - IP ISI:Ok F.I.V raAvis'
:;:s ---F,--- .,5-,----,1,--...0----.
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11 .,
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'‘) i . S C)
Hatties's 8i Furs
all Month Only..
JOHN WARD,: C4th,-
Has a large stock of Harness of all
kinds, and Robes and .Fur Coats,
which. he will sell at greatly reduced
prices for the next 30 days
POP/ C..A.S1-1
In Robes he has the Black Gallo-
way, Highland Steer, Wambath,,
Highland Sheep ; also a large salecj
tion of Goat Robes.
TN °CAI'S, he has Buffalo, Cianad
• and Australian Coon, Wambath.
Harness to suit purchasers.
Iltar tain Street, Seaforth, Strong'S
ited Brick Block.
The McKillop Mutual Eire
Insurance Company.
omE0 icArsaris
Both the method and results whei
Syrup of Figs is taken. it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taken; it
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and mires habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pros
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac4
ceptable to the stonach, prompt iin
its action and truly beneficial n its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,its
manyexcellentqu.alities commend it
to all and have made it the most,
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliabledruggist who may not
Lave it on hind will procure it
promptly for any one who wishea
to try it. Manifactured only by the
peasible to stop the driving gear in the can-
' ter: Brakes must be applied to bring it to
a standstill. The inventor claims tint a
person can easily travel 50 or 60 miles an
hour on good roads.
-Mr. Wm. Gale, who hoe been in Mani-
toba for the past twoyears,/ arrived in Mit-
chell the other evening. He will spend the
winter with friends in Mitchell and Fullar-
C '
-The renins of Mr, Russell MeGefeivho
left Mitchell/a couple of years ago, to reside
In New York. State, were brought back last
week, to be interred, in the Mein Street
church cemetery.MI: McGee was well
known •about :Mitchell, and was much VP
-John L. Sullivan is at present° in Chi-
cago. He is quoted as saying that he had
totally abstained from liquor and was keep-
ing Minima in good trim. He further says
he is enjoying robust, health and weighs a
little over 210 pounds.
-Judge Hindman, in the District Court,
Fort Dodge Iowa, feed Juror A. Sperick
$16 and dieolarged him from the panel for
drinking an ocessional glass of beer
while on The juror admitted . drink-
ing five gleasel of befir during the week.
-The World's Fair hnildings and $200,000
in money have been'given to the South
Park Commissioners by the exposition
directors. The buildings and. the aceeseories
of landscape' gardening, bouleIrdS; and
!statuary represent about $18,00 ,000 in
cash, but they are regerded as eo many
white elephants now, and the 8200,600 that
went. with the gift was intended to !pay the
park commissioners for removing or oaring
for them: In accepting the gift the park
board infeirmed the directors that it would
'proceed to wreck the towering pfileces for
the money there is In them. No Offers to
preserve the White City were made; none
were aeked. The Wcirld's Fair people
wanted to abandon Jackson Park, as it is,
leaving everything behind.
D. Roes, President, Clinton P. 04; W. J.
Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; John Hannah,
Manager Seaforth P. 0.
J. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead
hury; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Harlock ;
Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; M. Murdie, Seaforth
hos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Neilane, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth
• Carnoehan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo
urdie, Auditors.
Pe.rties desirous to effect Insurances or tran
c tother business will be promptly attended to on
pplieation to any of the above officers, addressed to
heir reepective poet offices. 1
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc-
- z:essful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. ,All
,lrw;gists are authorized to sell it on a
.'ive t,,,uarantec, a test that no other cure can
stand. If you have a Cough,
-.ore Throat, or Brurichiti, use it, for it will
cL;re you. If your child has the Croup. or
Cough, use it psomptly, and relief
sure. if you dread that insidious disease
CONSUMPTION, don't/1'W to use it, it will
s are you er cost notli:ng. Ask your,,Drug-
is,t for SHILOH'S CURE, Pren: :0 et,t,.,
5C and 1.u0.
News Notes.
-Mr. John P. 'Hopkins has been elected
Mayor of Chicago by a plurality of 1,220.
-Pork ,has been coming into Harrow,
Essex county, lively, $6 per cwt. being the -
ruling price. Wheat is bringing 52 cents
and oats 25 cents.
-Mrs. Susan Arner, of Maiden, county
of Essex, is enjoying good health in her 9th
year, and is busily engaged knitting stock-
ings for her great -great -grand children,
-For burglarizing the Salvation Army
barracks, in north Toronto,- Benjamin and
James klarris have been seietencOd to six
months in Central Prison.
-The Guelph M.eroury says a man named
Addison ran two miles in Waive minutes
at Bloomingdale one day lately. He holds
the record for Waterloo county.
--The mammoth Canadian cheese, which
was on exhibition at the World's Fair, Ohio.
ago, on its arrival in Liverpool, was found
to be in such a state of decay, as to
preclude tile .idea of exhibiting it
throughout England, as was originally,
intended, -
-The Michigan Central Railway now
agrees to pay the corporation of Tilbury
Center $1,000 a year for water, instead of
$709 'sts before. The village is to be lighted
with ten electric lights in its atreets.
-Fourteen Pelee Islanders went over to
Kingsville, in Essex county, over three
weeks ago for supplies for the winter. The
cold weather, set in, and now they can-
not get back; with their boat, while the
ice is not safe, and they aro still in Kings-
-Mr. Clifford Calverley, the wire -walker,
whose life hung in the balance for weeks
after his fell- at Trenton, New Jersey, in
September last, arrived in Toronto the other
night, accompanied by Mr. W. S. Jackson,
his manager. He is still rather weak, but
expecte to resume his dangerous profession
in a short time.
--Various trustees in the vicinity of
Kingston are moving in the matter of free
text books for the Public Sohools, and are
gleaning valuable information from all
parts of Canada and the United States,
-Rev. D. C. Hoseack preached an im-
portant sermon ion a recent Sabbath even-
ing, in Parkdale Presbyterian Church, in
which be dealt vigorously with corruption
in publiclife, and condemned the organiz.
ation of an association to antagonize Roman
Catholics at every point
-The ,latest fad is a poverty social.
Every woman must wear a calico dress and
every man hie old clothes. In addition
each man is fined twenty five cents if he or
she does not have a 4atch on his or her
clothing, and a prik\al is given to the one
wearing the peoreet clothing.
Stearn Boiler Works.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jarneg Williams, a highly
respected old couple, living on the middle
road about a mile and a half north of Port
Credit, were found murdered in their
house on Sunday morning, 17th, inst. The,
murder is supposed to have been committed
the previous Friday by the hired man,name
unknown, svho has disappeared, taking a
horse and cutter belonging to the old couple.
From the marks in the -snow it would ap-
pear that the murderer drove towards
-The sleet storm of Friday night, the
15th inst., caused great devastation in and
around Toronto and eastward as far as
Halifax. Hundreds of trees were .borne•
down by the weight of accumulated ice on
them, and boughs were broken off by the
thousand. Wires of all kinds suffered
exceedingly, and all electric services were
badly deranged the ne.xt day. The tele-
phone service 'will not be in working order
for weeks. Ottawa had one2 of the worst
snow storms that has occurred there for
--On Friday night, 15th inst. ,Mr, Brown,
a young farmer who lives near Thomas -
burg, hung hie lantern on a nail in the
barn when he went there to feed his live
stock. The result was the destruction of
the building, with the winter's store of
fodder,a fine team of hones, some cows, and
'sheep, together with vehicle, harness, etc,
Mr. Drown had a narrow escape, being
obliged to crawl out on his hands and knees.
The loss will not fall short of $2,000.The
amount of insurance,, if any, has not, been
-The New York, State sheep breeders
were in annual session at Rochester last
week. President S. P. Luk, in hie address,
said that looking at the subject in any way
he might he saw nothing but the certainty
of free wool, He said that the American
Merino is the only sheep that has withstood
-all importation in this country, and he
counseled the aareful breeding of that vari-
ety, even though it be done at a loss for a
time, for 'it would pay in the end. The
American Merino clothes the world, and the
world must be clothed in the future [se in
the past.
-Matthew Zeigler, one of the oldest set-
tlers of Mount Vernon 'Valley, Washington
State, has invented a tricycle that for 'Teed
will revolutionize the world. He. has been
working on it for ten years, and has just
get it completed, He took it out the other
day for the initial trip, and fully 1,000
people were out to see the , trip. At the
first effort the steeringg-ear did not work
right, but after' a little hanging he went
off all right and made a mile in less than
two minuteS. The machine has two, large
wheels and one small steering wheel- The
larger wheels, or driversa as he calls them,
are seven feet in diameter. The driving
power is got on three motions, the principal
one being the rider's weight, eand it le' im•
-The gossip regarding Lord Roseberry
and the Prince of Wales' second daughter
is being bandied about In London society
circles in the liveliest manner, and there is
little doubt that the voice of the public, at
all events, would give its consent. The
princess, by the way, has a will of her own,
and is rather fond of escaping from monot-
ony and amusing herselt in an original
manner from time to time. Not long ago,
for instance,she-obtained leaye to visit ate old
preceptreas (much loved by the royal family)
who owns a quiet but pretty little place
In the country. Not one of the neighbors,
gentlefolk though they were, had ever seen
the young princess, whose photographs
scarcely do her jaatice, and she reveled in
the " lark " of masquerading as " Miss
Wells" during the length of her fortnight's
visit. She played tennis and golf, drank 5
o'clock tea and danced with sons and daugh-
ters of the squire, the vicar and the doctor
just like any middle-olass youug lady. Her
pleasant manners and fondness of a joke
endeared her to every one. NObody could
dance and play tennis as she could, and la-
mentations were general on the departure
of the popular Miss Well," Her real
identity was not known until after she had
left, when it came out by accident, and
groat was the astonishment evoked.
,-A terrible aceidentsiccurred at the elec-
tric light works in. Harriston on Tuesday
evening of last week, when a young man
named Thomas Davy lost his life. Mr.
George .Leighton, who was measuring saw
logs in the yard, noticed that the lights did
nit start up when they should have, and
thought that ‘the connection had been
broken, He called to Mr, Davy and re-
ceiving no Blamer .he looked around for
Devy, but not finding him, went to the
Mill and upon entering the place a most hor-
rible sight met his eyes. The engine was
still running and wound around the counter
shaft was deceased's body, revolving at the
'este of 2,000 revoletions a minute. The
engine was at once stopped and when Mea
Leighton went in he found poor Davy
smashed to a jelly. His head had been com-
pletely torn off and thrown against the op.
posite wall. Assistance was at once on
hand, the body released, placed in a coffin
and taken to the council chamber, then to
hie home. The sad shock caused a deep
feeling of sorrow throughout the town, as
he was one of the best citizens. He leaves a
wife and two yeoung sons to mourn the loss
of a most kind' husband and father. He
was a member of the Royal Templars of
Temperance, and was insured for $2,000;
also of the Independent Order. of Oddfel-
-In the Brandon Sun of the 7th inet., we
find the following account of an interesting
medial operation performed near that
city : On Tuesday evening last, Dr.- Fer-
guson, of Winnipeg, arrived in the city,and
in company with Drs. Fleming and Fraser,
proceeded to the home of Mr. G. Baker, of
Brandon Hills, the young man who sus-
tained such a serious accident early last
week. It was known that the patient's
neck was broken, but as the unfortunate
young man could eat, drink and converse
rationally, although the lower parts of the
body were beyond his control, it wee hoped
that some relief might be afforded 'him by
an operatioe. With this end in view the
Aocal practitioners called in for consultation
tr. Ferguson, an acknowledged expert in
eurgical matters, On 'arriving at the home
of the young man an examination was made,
ancl it wa3 decided that even if hie life
could be saved he would be a helpless crip-
ple for the rest of his days, ancl they would
let the patient determine whether the op-
eration should proceed or not. He at once
decided in the affirmative and here a very
tedious operation with the utmost bravery.
It was found that three of the vertebrae of
the neck -were smashed, and the spinal cord
injured to such an extent that his repoverY
is almost an impossibility.
-A correspondent writee to the Berlin
Record : The passengers in the late' train
to Galt onSaturday night, 16th inst., did
not have a pleasant trip. When the train
got near Blair the ice was seven feet high
on the track, and the train had to be taken
back to Doon. A eleigh. was hired, and the
pateengere, baggage and all piled in. When
they got to' Blair the passenger's for that
point were unloaded, and the Galt party
started for the next station. About a half
mile from Blair the team got stuck in the
ice and water. The driver got out to in-
vestigate and the water wee found to be
about four feet deep. The paisengers were
requested to get out and give the horses a
chance. This they did not re1W3, when the
driver told them that they could do as they
pleased, that he would unhiteh his team,
and, that the paesengers could sit there un-
til the water went down. One of the party
suggested that the boards be taken •off the
Successor to Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, fJpright & Tubular
chsit Pans, Smoke
tackle, Sheet Iror Works,
tc, etee
Also dealere in Upri
Eng:Inc:if, Automatic
[zee of pipe and p
•Set'rnistes furnished o
Works -Opposite 1, R. Station, Gorierich,
This world-renowned Soap stands at the
bead df all Laundry and Household Soap, both
for quality and extent of sales.
Used according to directions, It doss sway
with all the old-fashionedldrudgery of wails
, day. ,Try it; you won't be deisappointed.
SUNLIGHT 130AP hrii3 been in use in
Whinsor Castle for tbo past 3 years, and its
manatacturers have been specially appointed
hi and Horizontal Slide Valve
ut-lff Engines a specialty. All
e4itting constantly on band,'
eh rt notice
Ilwarded 11 Gold lisdale
-hospitals. He was recognized as an Isiah-
oritron materia medics long befor the
faoulty at Hanover called fm to instruct
the young students, whose successful itrac-
Hee has kept the standing ,. f the Dartmouth,
medical school always high r than its r vats.
It was Dr. Phelps who se clearly foretaw
the dangers of the American way of lihing,
With the best methods and moat advahice4d
knowledge of the times at his command, he
went to work to find a s lentific, common
sense remedy to euro the oo commonevils
that, under -one nante an. another, result
from an unhealthful stat of the nervous
system, and within a score of Years
have seemed to be sweepin over the alma -
try like an epidemic.
He stmeedede
He gave to the medic 1 profeseion that
celebrated prescription hich has Since
come to be known the wo Id over as Pa Be's,
salary compound.
It is Dr. Phelps' presori tion which ever
since has been freely treed and presoribed by
the most eminent of the profession. IThe
formula was furnished to 11 reputable hy- -
sicians, They found the «onderful remedy
to be exactly what, was claimed for it, a
great nerve and brain etrengthener and
restorer. .
It was demonstrated eyond doubt that
Paine's celery compoun would cure ner-
vous debility and exh nation, neuralgia,,
sleeplessness, dyspepsia nd all blood idis.
eases. It was as harmle s as it was geoid.
It was the universal a vice of the medical
profession that the co poundhe phliced
where the general public could procure it,
and thouiands of people have every Year
proven t
hnwtt(!sclom of t s good advice.
ted senten e of a well known
Boston phySicirtn 8,nd writer is worthy of
repetition: " Paine's celery compound is
t is not a earsap-
Die ; it is not an
a far beyond them
superior to cheap
eleigh box and a raft or bridge be built tlo
the wire fence. This Wag etarted, but found
the sleigh boar& were not sufficient. The
driver, who was standing in the water, was
asked to get some fence boards, which he
did, Thnanale passengers then passed over
on the boards and the wire fence, while
the lady passengers, teamster and Engineer
Brow, (who was thought too heavy for the
temporary bridge) were hauled out by the
team. After it was found that all were
safe;the 'party started for Galt, where they
arrivhd at about half past twelve in tlne
-Charles Patterson, son of Samuel /fat-
terson a ,arominent and wealthy citize of
Allegheny, Pennsylvania, disappeared just
after the war. Hie, wife lived with her hus-
band's parents. MA efforts to locate Pat -
arson failed, and he was mourned as 'dead.
Thomas patterson loved his brother's wife;
mid after25 years Succeeded in inducing her
to yield,. and they were married two years
ago. Thanksgiving Day their !domestic
happiness was disturbed by the aripearanee
of the missing husband. The reanpearance
was painful to all interested, and after a
brief conferenee with the wife, Gherles
withdrew, and, although in the city, his
whereabouts and intentions are unknown.
He is now gray and bent with years. He
has wandered over the entire country. For-
tune has not favored him, and he shows the
buffets of privation and suffering. Thomas
Patterson is an official of the Ohio Valley
Gas Company,
"Five Little Gossoons."
Five little goesoons, an' which is, th' best -
Sure, whit is that racket I hear 7
Five little goesoons-by th' hole in me vest
They're up to some mischief, I fear I
'Aoh blaok curly head is tucked into bed -
That's Tim's voice ; he's raising a row,
He's th' woret o' th' lot-" !sow kapc still there !
Go to slape, all flier o' ye now !"
"Yis, yis," Says all four,
Wid a snicker an' snore, -
Save Tim, he shpakes niver at all ;
Ooh, Tim ie th' rogue, but he bates all th' rest ;
He's th' finest gossoon o' them all.
Children Cry for
Five little gossoons-faix Tim is asiape,
Twa'nt him, sure as I am alive ;
1 bethinks me was Dick, -ah, he's a black shape,-
Yis, Dick is th' worst o' th' fives
"Go to slape, 'ach one o' ye there i,
Tie, yis," says all four,
Wid a nicker an' snore.
Save Dick, he shpakes niver at all;
Och, Dick is th' rogue, but he bates all the rest ;
He's the finest goesoon o' them all.
Five little gossoons-sure Dick, he is still,
Th' poor little lamb's not 't blame,
'Tis Ned -of mischief, oh, he's got his fill,
He's the worst o' the lot to me shame ;
" Go to slape, all fiveo' ye, now ;
" Yis, Yis," says all four,
Wid a snicker an' snore,
Save Ned, he shpakes niver at all ;
Och, Ned is th' rogue, hut he bates all the
He's the threat gossoon o' them all.
Five little gossoons-an' Ned I have wronged,
He's whisht ez a mouse th' swate child-
, 'Tie Con, mischief wid him has alwayii belonged,
He's th'.worst o"th lot, an so mild ;
" go to slape, all five o' ye now !"
" Yis, yis," says all four,
Wid a -snicker an' snore,
Save Con, he shpakes niver at ail ;
Och, Con is the rogue, but he bates all the rest ;
He's the finest gossoon o' them all.
rest ;
by the, women'WO
are ailing and suf-
fering, or weak -and
exhausted. And, to
every suCh .woman,
help is guaranteed
by Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip-
tion. For young
-- gills just entering -
womanhood; wol.
- men at the "critical
"change of life," ; Wornen approaching
confinement; ntirSing mothers ; and vie
ery woman who is " run-down ".,or over.
worked, itis a medicine- that builds up,
strengthens, and regulates, no. -matter
what the condition of the system. .
. an invigorating, restorative tonic,
'a soothing and brae,ieg nervine, and the
only guaranteed remedy ,for "female
complaints" an d weitkuesses. In 'bear-
ing -cloven censations. .periodieal
uleeration: intironniation, and every kin-
dred ailment, if it ever fails to benefit or
cup,. you have your money buck.
. Five little gossoone, four little gosioons,
Three little gossoons, two osul one, -
Ted he's the babby---of all the gossoons,
, If Con is the worst, I'm undone !
1" Go to,slape, all five o' ye now !"
• " Yis, yie," says all lour,
Wid a snicker an' snore,
Save Ted, he shpakes niver at all;
Whew, that bahby's the rogue, but I love
An' he's the finest gossoon o'• them all,
-Jennie E. T. Dowe, in the November
Cen tury,
not a patent medicine;
arilla ; it is not a mere t
ordinary nervine -it is
all as tho diamond is
Patients who are weal
sleepless, dyspeptic or
been advised so often t
compound to ward off d
ency, and it has bee
thousands of cases with
that it has come to be
by the public, as well
hoiden and the druggi
such asses.
There is an extraor
upon the druggista.
wholesale druggists -a
ed experienoe-ewrite8.
celery compound has
remedy for diseases re
younerves and
you that within e. y
creased three or fou
demand has been and i
creasing one, you will
in which it is held by
Paine's celery oomp
great sale because it i
Because it never fail
e Because by its use s
stored to health.
Becauee it has been
him the
and weary, when
despondent, have
use Paine's celery
isease and desplond-
used in so many
the result desired,
known everywhere
s the medical 'Jere-
ts, as a specific in
wary demand for it
One of the ,le ding
gentleman of ex end-
s follows: " P ine'a
frome be a stagdard
'ulting from wenken-
lood. When/ tell
ar its sales Vac; in -
times,. and tha the
to -day a steadily in -
understand the favor
hose who have used
Constipation Cured.
MHE following extract from a letter from Mr. Jas.
M. Carson, Banff, N.W.T., will speak for itself:
"1 have been troubled with constipation and general
debility and was induced to: use your B. B. B.
through seeing your advertisement. I now take
as it completely cured me." _..
great pleao:=.nre in recorni....__
Dr. Wood'o Norway nending it to all my friends,
ColdessAsthrna, Bronchitis,Hoareeness and Consunip-
tien if taken in time,
_____NPine Syrup cures Coughs,
The Best Cough Cure.
Dr. Wood's orwayPinoSyrup
best cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, sere
throat, and all throat and lung troubles. Price, 26e.
and 60e.
__ie_.B._Is the safest and
Burdock Pilis cure Liver ills. They are email and
elegantly coated, sure In effect and pleasant to use.
yie • lir
und is having this
to give relief,
o many have been re-
dernOnstra,ted beyond
doubt that it is exac4 what is claim d for
it, that it is a great nerve and rain
strengthener and resti rer, that it curee! ner-
vous debility and xhaustion, neuralgia,
sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and all lood
diseases.Because it makes pLple well.
To Dartmouth's gr at professor t ou ands
of grateful people of all classes aiid o eeds
owe more thau they can acknowledge, and
hold him in as high esteem as did etrer a
class of students wh eat before him. 1
Our Family Physician.
DRAR SIRS, -I was troubled with eczema (salt
rheum) for about two years, hut 1 did not bother
with it until it began to itch and spread over my
hand. 1 then took four bottles of B. B. B., which
completely drove it away. It was by my son's ad-
vice 1 took 13. B. B., as 13. 13. B. is our family
J. S. Mitts,
Collingwood, Ontario.
Little Men and Little Women sometimes suffer
from worms. Low's Worm Syrup is very highly com-
mended as a cure.
A Fait]aftil Lover.
A pretty incident lately occurred in a
public school. In a eh538 of small children
the teacher desired, by illustration, to ob-
tain the word favorite. She said, after sev-
eral attempt, " Well, children,
if there was some one you loved more than
anybody else in the world, and wished al-
ways to keep her with you, what would you
say she was; what name would you give
her?" small boy hel4 up his hand, and
when told to answer, reaponded promptly,
"My mother !"
Childr n Enjoy
the pleasant favor, g ntle action and 'sooth-
ing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need
of a laxative ; and 1 the father or mhther
be costive or bilious, the most gratifying re -
putts follow itieusene that it is the beet fam-
ily remedy known. Every family should
have a bottle,
Ap.- •
Worth its Weight in Gold.
DEAR SIRS, -1 can truly say that Hagya,rd's Pec-
toral Balsam is the best remedy ever niade for
coughs and colds. It is worth its weight in gold.
Lorneville, Oitario.
" By a thorough kn wledge of the natural laws
which govern the opera lone of digestion and nutri-
tion, and by a careful a plice.tion of the fine Proper-
ties of well -selected Coe a. Mr.Epps has provided for
our breakfast and supp r a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which ,,may save s many heavy doctord' bills.
It is by the judicious u e of such articles of diet that
.a constitution maybe g adualiy built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency to disease. 1 Hun-
dreds of subtle maladie are floating around us ready
to attack wherever thee is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal sllaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blo d and a properly nourished
frame." -Civil Service pazette.
Made simply with b Bing water or milk, Sold
only in packets by Gr ems, labelled thus:
UNDO. , ENGLAND. 1351-26
-Itch on human and horses and all animals, cured
in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.
Great Professor's Work af Dart-
Work for thePublic Good
The Old Medical School at Han:
over in the Hills.
BOSTON, December 1st -The most Impor-
tant professorship in the country, in many
respects, is at Dartmouth College.
It is the chair that has been occupied by
Professor Robley and afterwirde by the
great professor, Edward E. Phelps, M. D.,
LL. D., the discoverer of probably the moat
famous prescription in the world,
Dr. Phelps ranks not only as a leading
scientist, but hie name is at the very head
of the list of eminent practitioners that the
'country has has produced.
Even as a young map, his ability was
conspicuoue. He had Mastered the teach-
ings of the leteet German science. He had
made an exhaustive study of the German
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Caetoria.
When she had_Children, she gave them Castorlas
B. B. B. Cures &lick Hefidache.
Gr..NTLEMEN, -Having suffered for a number of
years with sick headache I concluded to try B. B. 13.,
and by the time I had used two bottles I was cured,
and have not had any eyinptoras of it since. I man
safely recommend B. 13. B. for sick headache.
Orono, Ontario.
Rheumatic Oure for Rheumatism and Neuralgie radi-
cally cures in 1 to 3 days. _Its action upon the sys-
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
oncd the cause and the disease immediately dIsap-
peais. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth.
woe --
A High Valuation.
"f there was only one bottle of Hagyard's Yel-
1A,011 in Manitoba I would give one hundred dollars
for it," writes Philip II. Brant, of Monteith, Mani-
tobo, after having used it for a severe wound and for
frozen fingers, with, as he says, "astonishingly good
Blood Poisoning in the last Stages of Dia--
beteA cured fdr the first time in the ease
'of Dr.E. A. Rose---:Dodd'e Kidney Pills
idid it.
Termer°, December126th, 1893. -The case of Dr.E.
A. Rose, Who was cured of diabetes by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, was sufflei ntly remarkable to command
widespread attention but second thoughts bring
ot.t a more remarkals e phase of the matter. Blood
peisoning, as a d eve opment of diabetes, is always
considered fatal. Wh D it sets in, the attending
physician always give up any lingering hope he may
have had. In Dr. Ito e's ease blood poisoning had
set in, yet he was cur 'd. Ilia is the only instance of
a cure having been c Yeetod after bloodpoisoning
had appeared. This 1 ct, and the reports of other
cures of kidney die se resulting from the use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, lust convince every one that
these poseess extraor inary.virtues in cases of ?kid-
ney and blood disord rs.
Pitcher's Castoria•
- — --
to keep and to use i every family. The simplicity
Pane-ItIbLER is a plrely Vegetable preneratiomsafe,
attending its use, tog ther with the great variety of
diseases that may 1) entirely cradieated by it, and
the great amount of sin and suffering that can be
alleviated through it nee, make it imperative upon
every person to supp y themselves with this valuable
remedy, and keep it lways near at hand. Aek for
the New Big 25e, Bo tle.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins Chattanooga, Tennessee, says :
" Shilo.h's Vitalizer AVED MY LIFE.' I toneider
It the best remedy f r a debilitated system e I ever
used." For Dyspep ia, .Liver .or Kidney trouble it
excels. Prtee, 75 ce ts. Sold by all druggiets.
Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural
The annual meeting of the members of the Tucker -
smith Branch Agricultural Society will be held at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on
THURSDAY, January 11, 1894,
At I °fele& p. m., for the purpose of electing
Officers and Directors, and the transaction of ether
As the question of disposing of the present Show
Grounds, and the procuring of other grounds will be
considered at this meeting, it is particularly de-
sired that every person at all interested in the
society should be present.
• Secretary.
A Timely Bit.of Advice.
In these times of grippe and pneumonia it is of
great importance that we should know where to
look for a safe and sure remedy. A slight cold may
become a serious one, the scarcely noticeable pain in
the chest is too often the forerunner of pneumonia.
The first cough may lead to consumption (a cough is
always dangerous). Never neglect a cold or cough
for even one day, but get at once'as _a safe and
sure remedy, Kemp's Balsain, the best cough care,
which is recommended on all sides. It should he
kept in the house regularly to avoid delay when
needed. It is sold at all drug stores.
-English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or calloused Limps and Blemishes from horses,
Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save 860 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by Lumsden & Wilson.
A wonderful new combination is R. Stark's) Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take;
perfectly harmless.' Mr. S. F. Glass, London Pottery
Works, says: ' No teetimonial can be too strong to
express the beneficial effects I have experienced
from the use of R. Stark's Headache'Neuralgia and
Liver Powders, personally and in myfairrily, as they
have afforded me perfect relief from the moot dis-
tressing sick headaches which frequently incapaci-
tated me from doing businese. 1 know of others
who have been equally benefltted. I consider them
ono of the most useful combinations of the day," J.
Temple, 46 Catharine street north, Hamilton, says:
"They are most valuable for sufferers from head-
ache, neuralgia and liver complaints." Price, 26
cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Incipient Consumpt
Only one cent a dos
bottle. Sold by all
is sold on a guarantee. It cures,
on. It is the best Cough Cure.
; 26 de., 60 cts. and V1,00 per
A Keene Lady.
A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Humphries, living in
Keene, Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a
statement to the effect that it completely cured her
of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney arfd liver
troubles. Such a complication of diseases yielding
to this remedy should encourage sister .sufferers to
give it an honest trial.
Captain' Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal, says:
" Shiloh's Catarrh ternedy is the first medicine I
have ever found tha would do me any good." Price
60 cents. Sold by 11 druggists.
Interesting estirnony to the Af-
Coughin_wg Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam stops the cough at once.
RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. -Distressing Kidney and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is
a great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary
passages in male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost Immediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth.
Sore Legs Cure by Royal Crown Remedy
after clever st doctors in Canada failed.
LONDON, June 20th, 1890.
Dear Sir, -1 was great sufferer fig years with one
of the worst kinds f sore legs. I doctored a great
deal with some of t e cleve :et doctors in Canada.
They failed in rnaki sr a cur I was recommended
to try your medicineo ; I g 1 two bottles of your
Royal Crown Rerne y and on s box of your salve;
I treed it accordi g to directions.- In two weeke
after .1 commen ed to use it I was able to
ge to work again. I feel much :•etter in health, and
the legs seem to b a sound r Me. trawl the bone. I
can recommend it o the world at 'large.
625 York Stre
Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowels
Each Day.
In order to be healthy this is necessary.
A Splendid Business Chance.
The undersigned wishes to dispose of her business
and stock of Fancy Goods, Fingering Yarns, Berlin
Wools, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, etc, etc.
The stand is one of the best in Seaforth, just oppesite
John Street on Main and the stock is a first-class one.,
This is an unequalled opportunity for anyone who
wishes to engage in this line of business. Apply to
1351-t 1 Seaforth, Ontario,
How to get a" Sunlight" Picture.
Send 26 "Sunlighlt" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
are words "Why toes aWoman Look Old Sooner then
Man " ) to Iarve Biros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,.
and you will react e by post a pretty picture, free
from advertleing, iod well worth framing. This is
an easy way to de orate your home. The soap is the
best in the market, and it will only cost lc, postage
to send in the wr ppers, if you leave the ends open.
Write Your addre s carefully.
Milburn's Cod
and Hypophosph
entire system.
Leading Undertaker
My facilities are uneurpassed. I am pres
pared to conduct burials in a most sate,
factory manner. All modern undertaking
appliances. Competent management guar-
anteed. A full line of burial goodie .on
hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate
and reliable.
tiff Chargee nioet reasonable.
°TUTU Gill
!setU 0111
i -t
c -p -
3111 40 NOSS
av noIJ IO
Every one, young and old, desiring photos fdr
HOLIDAY PRESENTS, or any other purpoee, ishould
And see samples of his work before- getting them
taken. Hie photos are the best finished in the coun-
ty, and his prices low. All sizes from stamp photos
to life size, Specialities, Cabinets, Children's photos,
and family groups.
His High Grade Cabinets at 113 per dozen, are un-
equalled by any other firm,
(For the Holiday Season Only.)
One dozen beet Oat:Andes a large Crayon finished
Portrait and a beautiful frame -rich and heavy -
Total price, $11, all for 86.60. This is really a great
chance. Several novelties for the Holidays. See theirs.
FRAMES AND ENGRAVINGS. -•A large stock to
select from, at prices that will induce you to buy.
For the best work in photography you must go
L.41. the Art Studio o
iver 011Emulsion with Wild Cherry W M •D. TROTT -
tee bWlds up and strengtherns the
' 1366.4 800TrA BLOCK, Seaforth.
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avtry dity's work: abcleat Mil 0 ; Aur.'t
fail to write to -day,
Address A. W. KNOWLES, Windsor, Ontario.