The Huron Expositor, 1893-12-15, Page 3893-. current 5t rates.' ivorable t OE - - 9 0,000 01000 Drafts , interest, F1`,..roven - nd Far ringer. at; all 10. .so have S. THI Live te - . ormol •••••• mme ' 400 IIege [ccess to earsirL rople for -ess men. atalogue [Pal. e you. rths DlogmBan 15, 1893. 1- 1 . • . , THF. HURON EXPOSITOR. Asscropwriscrrerce7ranerrzrx" thexpar ty who gets this egg t kindly corres- pond with Wm. Greviar'Brussels, as he is looking for a partner. She must be good lookiog." Month% rolled by, Fred went to the States, and the lucid tort was almost for- gotten, but the other day a letter, bearing the post mark of Glasgow, Scotland, Arai addressed to Wm. (J,e ar, came to' Brustede post office. He littledreamed that it - wai freighted with the all important mestage it contained. It said, in substance, "I write to tell you that the egg came into my possession, and being taken with the unique way of ad-vertising for a pertner, I write to let you know thut I received he As for my good loolie it would not do for me to say, but if you willeiend me your photo I will send mine in return end you cu judge for yourself, Yount Truly, Nellie Law." When Grewar got through reading the let- ter the boys said his heart flopped up and down like a ohurn dasher; the sensation of unutterable joy thrilid through him like a Spanish needle through tow linen pante and crept over him like young goats over a stable roof, but after a while he quieted down, and has since written to Mies Law, in it appropriate terms," as folks often say. " Billy " neglected to show us the reply, but it will likely suit 'eggsaotly,' If he strikes a millionaire in the Glasgow lassie he should give Fred a nice present.We might say for Miss Law's benefit that Mr. .Giewar is a good baker; a I crack base ball player; a No. 1 trombone manipulator ; fine base vocalist; good looking and will drive single or double. Any further infornts- tion will be cheerfully furnished. if the message had been written on a duck egg or even a gjoose egg we would not have wonder- ed but ust a common every day hen egg. It's wonderful. We would advise Mr. Tait to charge an admission fee to all youths wanting to pack eggs after this. The Huron Expositor, SEAFORTH, ONT. MoLEAN B -ROS., - Publishers ADVERTISING RATES Contract adverticernents, matter changeable at rsaucu 1 Year e mos. 3 mos. 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 82 60 31 60 to 10 " 600 276 105 3 to 5 41 550 300 175 I t Ito 2 '1 00 3 25 1 85 If the advertiser elects to change not oftener than °ace per month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be sseda on the above quoted pricee. Rates for special position can be ob•ained on appli- cation at this office. Business or professional cards, not exceeding three quarters of an inch, 84 to 85 per year. Advertisemente of Strayed LostFound, eta., not exceeding one inch, one month 31, each subsequent tooath 60c. Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, not exceeding 1 inches, one month $1.50, each sub- eequent month 760. Ativertiseraento on local page, ten cents per line es,eti insertion, with a discount of 25 per cent. to patties who also have regular contract space. Local advertisements under township or village heading, So per line each insertion.- - Transient advertisements, ten cents per 1ino for first insertion, three cents per line each eubsequent insertion, nonpareil meaeure. Advertieem ents without specific directions will be Inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis. Tan F,xeosesou goes into 4,390 honies every week. which means, on a conservative- eatimate, that it has 20,000 readers every weeki It is the best advertising medium in Western Ontario. 4 $ a a IMPORTANT NOTICES. A LL OUR SkIEET MUSIC reduced to 5 cents. Catalogue free. MARVIN'S MUSIC HOUSE, Detroit, Michigan. 1349-X26 ULES FOR SALE.—For sale a good span of in Mules, warranted quiet and good to work. Apply to D. NICOL, Bengali P. 0. 13244 f CiTOCK FOR SALE. --David 11111, Staff& P. 0., O Breeder of Thoroughbred Durham Cattle and Berkshire Figs, Young stock of both sex for sale. 18544 TIARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Foraiale or to J rent, lot 3, concession 4, H. R. S., Tockersmith, containing IGO aeren. For further particulars apply to ROBERT CHARTERS, Egmondvdle. 13494 f rrtEACHER WANTED.—A seoond-claes teacher _L wanted for W. School Section No. 12, West Wawsinosh, for the 3 ear 1894. Applications received up to December Rh, by JOHN WESTER, Fordyce P. 0. 11165x3 A 0001) CANOE.—A stock of General Merchan- 111, disco to be exchanged for a farm, about 34,500 could be reduced to snit. Parties writing give all particulars of farm. ,Address EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Somforth. • 1366 ltifONEY WANTED.—Wanted to borrow for a ty1 term of years, between twoatid three thousand dollars on first mortgige on farm property. Money wanted by let January. This is a first-class loan. Apply at, or address THE EXPOSITOR, Seaforth, stating interest desired, 11356x4 11STRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises of Jas. Sproat, near the Brickyard, Tuckerstuith, about the first of November. one ewe -and lamb. The ovriste can have the same on proving property and paying charges. JAMES SPROAT. 1355x4 VSTKAY HEIFER.—Osime into rthe enclosure of _EA the undersigned Lot 24, Conassion 12, Stanley, a two year cid heifer. The owner can have her by proving property and paying charges. P. CAMP - 13b& -4 ITAIR GOODS.—Mrs. George Taylor wishes to M- I I form the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she is prepared to make up switches, curls and hraids out of hair combings. A eall solicited. 116 Market Street, SamuelStark's residence. 1338-41 BDULL FOR SALE.—For sale on Lot 13, Conoession 4, Tuckeremith, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull, 9 months old and of red color. A splendid animal. Will be sold reasonable, WM. CARNOCIIAN, Eg- mondville P. 0. 13304 TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Division e) Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancor, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. OBIce—Orer Sharp & Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. • 1289 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. G001) FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, mirth hall Lot El, Conceseion 2, East Wawanosh, 109 acres good tones; good orchard and never -failing creek. Apply to H.J . D. COOKB,‘Barrister, Blyth, or PHILIP HOLT, Goderioh. 1278 'DARN FOR SALE.—For eale, Lot 4, Concession 18, _IC township of Mullett; owitaining 76 acres. There io on the place a good train° barn and shed, and a first-class orchard of choice fruit, a never fall- ing spring well, and a spring creek, and all fall ploughing done. Convenient to church and school. For further particulars apply on the premises/Sr to JANE ROBISON, Harlock P. 0. 156,4 200 fOREZADVINiosaFOR 11 andS1411,—ZI:,,Vonaclreep Grey, is offered for tale. 120 acres are cleared and the bilance is well timbered. Buildings first -clam ! Orcherd, wel:, &c. School house within 40 rods. Possession given at once if desired. For further particutare as to price , term; eto., apply to MRS. WALKER, Roeeville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER, on the farm, 1209 -ti TAMS FOR SALE.—For sale Lot ' 21, Comes ion 3, Hay, containing about 99 sores, of whit& 80 acres are cleared Ind in a high state of whine. tion, well fenced and over 1500 rods tile drained. About 25 acres seeded to grass, good frame house, large frame barn and frame stables also a good bear- ing orchard and plenty of never -failing water. It is on the Zurich gravel road, within one mile of the prosperous village of Hensel'. Also the Emit half of Lot 16, on the 5th Concession, Hay, containing 50 acres, of which 16 acres are cleared and the balance well timbered with older, back ash and soft maple and well fenced. There is a never -failing spring creek running across the place and no waste land. A splendid pasture lot. These farms will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprietor is anxious to re. tire. Apply on the large farm or address Hen - sail P. 0. WIL BUCHANAN, jr. 1352t! frIEACIIER WANTED.—Male or female for Union I. School Section No. 2, Tarbutt and Laird, hold- ing a second or third class certificate. Duties to aommence January 1st, 1894. Applications will be received for the position up to December 23rd, 1893. State salary required, with testinsdnials. WILLIAM, BRUCE, Secretary -Treasurer, afoLennan P. 0., Algoma, Ontario._ 1356x3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS, &c.—Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- structed by, Mr. Abraham Crich to sell by Public Auction on Lot 31, Concession 2, H. R. S., 'Tucker. smith, on Wednesday, December 18, 1808, at 1 o'clock pan., sharp, the following property. Horses.—One mare, general purpose, 4 years old: Ons driving mare, 4 years old ; One yearling mare, sired by Car- lisle, Clear Grit dam. Cattle.—Three cows supposed • to be with calf to a thoroughbred bull; one farrow oow ; three steers Tieing two years old; one heifer rising two years old; four spring calves. Pigs.—One brood sow; seven young pigs three months old. Sheep,—Eleven good young Leinster ewes. Imple- nnents.—One lumber wagon ; 1 sot bob -sleighs; 1 top buggy; 1 steel land roller; 1 seed drill combined; 1 mower; 1 sulky hay rake; 1 hay rack; 1 gravel box; 1 fanning mill; 2 set iron harrows ; 2 general par. pose plows; 1 two -furrow gang plow; 1 stuffier; 1 grind stone; 1 sugar kettle; whiffietrees, neokyokes, forks, shovels and -other artioles too numerous to mention. The implements are nearly all new. The whole will positively be sold without reserve as the proprietor has given up farming. Terme of Sale.— All sums of 35 and under, cash-; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved endorsed notes. A discount of six per cent. off for cash on all credit 'mounts. Thomas Brown Auction- eer, ABRAHAM CRICH Proprietor. 1355 -td -DOR SALE.—That very desirable property owned _U by the late. L. G. Meyer, being Lots 44 and 46, Gowinlock's Survey, Seaforth. Theproperty fronts on Vi2toria Square, and on -it is erected a very Com- fortable eottage, stable and other buildings, at pres- ent in the occupancy of Mr. Kenneth McLennan. For particulars and terms of sale apply to F. HOLIdESTED Barrister Seaforth t ' 132841 MENDERS WANTED.—Tendere will be received by J. the undersigned up to Saturday, the 30th day of December, 1893, for the carpenter work required in the erection and completion of a lf storey brick dwelling house 20x30 feet, with kitchen the same size. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For plans, specifications andOther informa- tion apply on Lot 11, Concession 6, 'Morris, or address WM. WORM, Sunshine P. 0.- 1356x4 A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE.—The under IA_ signed offers for sale cheap, and on easy terms his property in Hills Green. It consists of one quarter acre of land, on which is situated a good general store with dwelling attached, and under which is a splendid cellar. There is also a large ware- house and stable. Hills Green is the centre of oue of the richest and best farming districts in Ontario, and this ie a splendid opening for a good, live busi- ness man with some means to make money. For particulate, address CHARLES TROYER, Hills Green. 1265t1 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of interest at sums to suit $ 70b borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 Within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister, &c., Seaforth. 126 BOARS FOR SERVICE, BICYCLE 1 VENTIONS- Some of the Latest— fatter tam Thaw for - Devising I provemeats. Invention after it vention for the im- provement of the I icycle has followed very rapidly during the last few yeaM, and their seems to b no inclination on .the part of the cr cling machine to rest from his labo , and we are apt to have a continuation of novelties to pick Critics who have derided the enthts- illstic young scorche s who bent to th ir wtorkiand who hay been -told that tl e AUCTION SA -LE OF FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEMENTS.—Wm. MoOloy hu beeninstructed by Mr. Peter Morrison to sell by Public Auction, on Lot 27, Concession 13, Hibbert, about a mile Eaet of Chiselhurst, on Tuesday, December 12, 180. at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the following property, viz.: Horses.—Onle aged mare ; 1 mare 4 years old; 1 geld• Ing, three years old, all from imported stock; one driving mare, 8 years old; 1 roadster gelding, two years old, sired by Edinburgh; 1 illy, one year old, sired by Brown Billy; 1 horse oolt, sired by Shilling - law's coach horse. Cattle.—Three milt% cows; sup- posed to he in calf to a thoroughbred bull; 2 farrow cows; 2 tboroughbred Durham cows, with registered pedigrees; 2 heifers, two years old; 1 steer, three years old; 1 steer two years old • 4 steers one year old; 3 heifers two years old; 2 heifers two years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 thoroughbred Durham heifer, 2 years old, registered pedigree ; 1 thorough- bred bull 10 months' old, registered pedigree ; 6 spring calves. Sheep and Plgs.—Twelve Leicester ewes; 1 Leicester ram; 12 ewe Iambi; 8 spring pigs. Ireplements.-1 hay. rake; 1 mower ; 1 binder; 1 seed drill- 1 muffler; 2 lumber wagons; 1 set trucks; 1 light wagon; 1 buggy ; 2 pair bob -sleighs; 2 gang plows; 8 general purpose plows; 2 sets iron harrows; 1 land roller; 1 straw cutter; 1 fanning mill; 1 wheel barrow; 1 set double team harness; 1 stone boat; 2 hey racks ; a lot of horse collars, shov- els, ohains; rakes, whiffletrees, neck -yokes and ether small articles too numerous to mention also a lot of turnips in the pit. The whole of the above property will positively be sold as the proprietor has rented hie farm. Terms.:—All sums of 35 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given .on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 6 per cent. per an annum will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. ,PETER MORRISON, Pro- prietor; Wm. ,MeCloy, Auctioneer. 1355.3 IMPROVED YORKSHIRE PIGS.—The undersigned has for sale a number of Thoroughbred Im- proved Yorkshire Pigs, of both sexes. Apply on Lot 24, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckeismith, or address Brucefteld P. 0. WM. CHAPMAN. 1856 t 1 ERKSHIRE FIGS.—The undersigned will keep ponduring the present season on Lot 18, Conces- s 3, Tuckersmith a THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE Pro, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms,—$1, payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. Joan G. SPAM'. 134441 Everybody Look. ,; fault was not with he rider, but wi h the machine, the ha dle bars of whi h were too low, and w o then set out, n a wholesale crusad against wheels n general as chest cra pars, can find s lace in the fact that in inventive geni has patented an adjtlsta.ble handle b r which can be fixed suit any riderfro the scorching old woman and child ki I- er to the staid persoi who want; to s t up stiff as a poker. Easy running has 1 been one of • points in wheel construction to whio inventors have devOted an imnie amount of attention, and . they hav. As this is the season, of the year that every one must buy good, com- fortable footwear, and as times are hard and money scarce, ,we have re- duced the prices of our I entire stock lower than ever before offered in Sea - forth. Those buying at our store fwill be abl,e to buy a -first-class article 'at a w price, as our goods are all marked a ay -down. We call your special attention to r Winter stock anel low prices, hich we feel confident will suit your ants and also your pockets. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE Pla.—The undersigned J. will keep for the improvement of stock, on Lot 33, Concession 8, L. R. S., 'Dicke -renal', an fin- peoved Yorkshire Boar with first-class pedigree, to which limited number of sows will be taken, Terms.—$1 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. This is ono of the best bred pigs in the County. THOMAS LANE. 135841 . . POLAND CHINA BOAR.—The undersigned has -on Lot 19, Concession 3, MoKilop, a thoroughbred Poland China Boar. This pig Wan bred by J. J. Payne, of Chathan., and his sire took first at Toronto and Montreal shows- this year. He has proven him- self a eplendid stock pig. Terms. -51, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ROBERT CALDER, Jr. 1364x4 1` been rewarded by accinplishing tanoh good for wheelmen at 1 rge. The prin- cipal points which hav4 received the at- tention of inventors working for easy running improvement aye been in the tires, but other parts of the machine have not been forgotteii, and at various times the aprockets havie received atten- tion. A laWly-invented sprocket is shown in the accompanying cut. The inventor claims that with it you can make better time With less power, and it lasts three times longer than any other device. You CETI feel no motion from the chain, requir no oiling, and the ohain does not ride p on the points BOARS FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has for service itthoroughbted English Berkshire and a thoroughbred Taniworth at his premien, Lot 5, Concession 6, Hullett. The Berkshire pig was bred by Snell, of Edmonton. Terms -81.00 for the Berk- shire and 31.50 for the Tamworth, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. Also a number of good young pigs fit for tiers -ice for sale. These are all registered stook. F. H. SOHO -ALES, Constanee. f884 f BOAR FOR SERVICE—An Improved Yorkshire Boar for service. Terms.—One dollar, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of return- ing, if necessary, also a number of Oxford Down Items for sale, on Lot 3, Concession 13, Hullett. L. TASKER, Harlook F. 0. , 18564 ..— DOLAND CHINA BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The un- dersigned has for service on Lot 10, Concession 6, Stanley, a thoroughbred black Poland Chins Boar, bred by Messrs. Roe, of Avon, Oatsrio. Terms.—One dollar, payable at the time of service, with the priv- ilege of returning, if necessary. WM. SINCLAIR, Varna P. 0. 1856x4 We have some new designs in TRUNKS AND VALISES, Which you should see before buying elsewhere. Give us a call and see that -our prices are what we advertise. Richardson & McInnis,. SEAFORTH. A Splendid Business Chance.. The undersigned wishes to dispose of her business and stook of Fancy Goods, Fingering Yarns, Berlin Wools, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, etc, etc. The stand is one of the best in Seaforth, just opposite John Street Sin Main and the stook is a first-class one. This is an unequalled opportunity for anyone who wishes to engage in this. line of business. Apply to MISS CARLYLE, Seaforth, Ontario. 1.361-11 1344 -7-,:; k.:=L:7;21.-7,,,17TT",74'-''.1.c.7?: T.;•Oit ilia r:f)v:d of -1- wort.,s of ail 1,..imis • t D. . • front ehilaren or , ' • . .#k• : 7Lt,,?. • 1150 • Dn. 6 WI 1 7 1-I' s ;:t . : :V‘ 1". GERMAN WORM s ot.''' 1 sr.': : ' .sirs'..,..it. . LOZENGES. A)waYs rorript, relizble, safe and pleasant, requiring no ft r.niedieine. Never failing, 'I,c-ave no bad after „i••"' .7:-.v4co, ....:5 centz per, 13,)1r. . •, NO -VT ry repronnoea tHereon, even iti tlfe ab- sence a .Iii-ratten.clant Such a mold le, appereutly possessee great possibilites of fu.teire, user u 11 ess,* • e Of copper refilled in this eountry 11, ..About; one third of Ole gea..e a wall treated 1y eiectroivtio processe:i. The Liverpool overhead electric way is fgrUipped Nvithfati ingeinous ti3 s- tem of automatic electric,signals. whic as .far as we are aware, .are tile fiet whirl' have' been °periled in flee It: i1uniiyy hit wholly eatisfactory rt stiPs. A. si ction of one oi the Drifieh main lineS is now to be equipped.with (.1c4l- 1. operated sietials, 'switches, at ,1 crossings,' controlled by small harjd levers in thenignal cabins. The actin] movement • of the signal arms aijid switches in the system is to., be effect d by the direct action of large long-range electro-nuignets energized by a stroi g dynamo current. * * 11f Th London, Brighton and South Coat Railivay of England has 30 of its trai s lighted by electricity, anti is now abo it to equip a number of additional train It is said that about 15 per cent. mo e work can be got out of an electrical y lighted than of a gas lighted trai which makes ,a saving in first cost of about $225,000, as 85 electcically light d trains can do the work of 100 gas ligh - ed trains., *** A system of electrically-controlle clocks hag been arrangeid in Berlin, in connection with the electric light an power.service. Once each day, at a ' hour when few lamps are in use, a m mentaty ditninution:of pressure in tl e mains of about 10 volts, winds and set the clocks, which are disconnected fro the circuit the rest of the time. *** An insulated wire has been invente by an old and experienced electrIcitin i the employ of the transatlantic cabl companies, which appears to combin the impermeability and moisture -resist ing qualities of the gums with th cheapness and cOnvenience of the fibre 'Which have hitherto beets so largely em- ployed for this purpose.—Engineerin Magazine. TRANSPARENT LEATHERR1 3 •,; Shoes of Olass-Like Material May Soon Adorn .Our Peet. According to the Magasin Pittoresque transparent leather may Le manufactur- ed as follows : After the hair has been removed from the hide, the latter, tight- ly •stretched upon a frame, is ,rubbed with the following mixture . Glyoerole (26} B.) 1000 parte. Salicylic acid 2 parte. Picric acid 2 parts. . Boric acid 26 parts. Before the hide is absolutely dry it is placed in a room which the rays of the sun do not penetrate and is saturated with a solution of biclhromate of potash. When the hide is very dry', there is ap- plied to its surface an alcoholic solution 1 of tortoise shell, and a transparent aspect is thus oibtaiird. This leather is exceed- ingly, flexible'? It is used for the mann- facture of toilet articles, but there is nothing to prevent it from being wed for foot gear, and, perhaps with raucy stockings, shoes made of it would not prove unpleasing to the sight. They would at least have the advantage of originality. and break. It improves a wheel so much that it is perceptible to any rider. They can be furnished to fit any of the leading cycles. An improvement in bicycles which is apt to receive considerable attention during the ooming season is shown in the last out. It resembles the usual safety wheel, except the sprocket and chain gear tei the front wheel. The handle bars are extra long for leverage and curve far back. They run through tubes working on ball bearings. In front of the handle bar is a lever brazed in and connected -by a rod with a large sprocket attaolied by a ball bear- ing to a crown, fork. This sprocket is connected by a ohain to a small sprocket in the front wheel of the same size as that on the hub of the rear wheel. The front attachment is geared to 108, thus giving with the long handle bars great pnwer to the arm pressure. It is the invention of H; J. Bauer, an Elizabeth, N. J., dealer, who isalso a racing -man of some note. The wheel scored a victory in the fixst race in which it was ridden' the novice event at Freehold. Therider had never mounted it until a few minutes before the race. Mr. Bauer also states that on his invention . he has beaten his best times from 5 to 25 miles made on the single geared safety. He is also able to climb hills with an ease that has surpris- ed him.. Is the time to get your; Photos for Xmas. Remember, only three vreek.S; and as I am making all kinds of Cain- inet work for $3 per dozen until after the holid4s, you should gat sittings at once. I have all thenewest stylls and designs known to the trade, and use nothing but the latest inventions out to secure the highest finish and great- est perinanency in my work. The very nicest assortment of Frames in town at my studio, and pictures such as Etchings, Artotypes, Olios and Steel Engravings, going cheap for Xmas, Remember the place—the Ground Floor Photo Studio. BAUSLAUGH, Seaforth. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, ON1tARIO, NO WITNESSESEOWIRED Lighting Fuel With Fetroleum, Figure- No. 1 of tile accompanying illustration represents a rod of metal, of which one extremity- passes through series of discs of as6eetos. These discs, forming a porous cylinder, are dipped in the can (Fig. 2), the cover of which raises and which is filled with essence The Vision of lairds. Birds have very acute vision; perhaps the most acute of any Mature, and the sense is almost' more Widely diffused over the retina than is Ithe case with man; consequently a bird can see side- ways as well as objects in front of it. A bird sees—showing great unealiness in .consequence—a hawk long before it is visible to man; so, Wei, kiwis and pigeons find minute solves of feted, dis- tinguishing them frona'what appear to .us exactly similar pieces of earth or gravel; Young chickens tre also able to find their own food, knowing its position and how distant it is, as; soon as they are hatched, whereas a child . Tort' gra. dually learns either to se• or to under- stand' the distance of objects. Several birds—apparently the youlng of all those that nest on the ground—can see quite well 'directly they come out of the shell, but the young of birds, that nest in trees or on rocks are holm blind and have to be fed.—Chamber' Journal. The Caterer's Ark The caterer's art seems never -to be ex- hausted in the designing of new forms of ices. At a recient dinner there was placed before tit,. hostelis at dessert * barge elm bowl, which Was apparently a mass of fruit and flower. There were beautiful peaches, with lihe bloom on Ithem ; grapes of dewy iuSciousness ez• quisitely tinted reees, ad big F:aster lilies, bunches of olierries with foliage; strawberries, -plums—a riot of flowcr.rs and fruit, every atom of which was de- liciously eatable, in the shape. of 'navy colored and flavored ereanis.—New York Times. ELECTRICAL TCIPICS. HOW BRIDGET MAY USE COAL OIL. of petroleum.. 'It suffices, after having saturated the discs of asbestos, to simply push them into the midst of- the embers to cause the petroleum to light and burn. The coal is soon ignited, and one avoids the annoyance of fagots and pieces of paper and the inconvenience which must accompany thern.-=-La Nature. An electrically operated ype meter has been for some time in u e in Boston, which is so arranged th t it may not only be used in the ordi ary manner for office correspondence and copying, but may be electrically co nected with a similar instrument at a di tance, so that a copy of the work may It automatics'. T. Appealed to the Queen. An incident has just occurred at Windsor Castle. An aged and widowed Scotch woman named Mary Clarke, a resident of Dumfries, feeling herself ag- Trieved in consequence of, having been victed from her home, 'determined to ay her case before the Queen. Accom- anied her daughter, a ,girl 15 years f age, she left the town and walked rst to the White Lodge, Richmond, rid then to Windsor Castle, where she rrived in a penniless condition after a ix weeks tramp from the north. Her ape was investigated -b34 Acting InsieO- or of the royal heusehoid p0 - ice, sand her immediate necessities hit v - ng been cared for by some charitable ersons at the castle, the Poor woman nd her companion left Windsor on their eturn to Scotland. -'-Paris Herald. - A rea All Explained, New York clergyman who was hing in a neighboring village as - t m hed the congregation by saying, "1 'IS11 to return to New York by the first t •ai , as I lia,ve a wife and five children t:1er3 and have never seen one -of them." This tiechinitiOn excited the . most pain - f 1 curiosity among the people, which as; allayed, however, vhen it became newn that the -one" Nv!tich the.elerey- Ian had never seen Wf1F, one' that had een born since he left home the day be - f re.—Argonimi Found Her Lover on an Hu • Shell. "Love laughs at locksmiths," sad:well it ay, for the many devices and devious ways t in motion to secure a fair partner oan amity be enumerated. The old fashioned le followed by Jaoob and Rachel is long t of date and the advertisement, "Want- " has taken its place. Now a new rule s come to light and we hasten to pleas before the youth of this section, hoping at they will not give the chief iettor away. st spring Fred Tait was engaged packing ge in the Egg Emporium of hie uncle, in useele, 16 miles north of Seaforth, On- rio. To while away the hours he cocoa- nally wrote poetry and little " billy - es " on the egg shells and then packed em away. One of these notes read some - Jug after the following fashion :—" Will A Thanksgiving Feast. We two are the Ise; my daughter, To set the table for two Where once we had plates for twenty, Is A iOSIOSAMO thin to do. But nay boys and girls are scattered, To the East and West afar, And he who was dearer than children Has passed through the gates ajar. I'm wanting my bairns for Thankegiving, I thought last night, as I lay Awake in my bed and watching For the breaking of the day. How my heart would leap in gladness If a letter should come this morn, To say that they could not leave as here To keep the least forlorn. - Samuel, my son in Alberta, Is a nch man, As I hear, And he'll never let want approach no, Save the wanting of him near; While Jack is in Manitoba, And Edward over the sea, And onlY my little Jessie, Is biding at home with we. , And I feel like poor Naomi When baek to her own she went, And they said, "1. this Naomi'!" She well knew what that meant. Inc staid, and the lads have wondered, And the time- that was swift to go When I was brisk and busy Is laggard and dull and slow. Oh 1 the happy time for a mother Is when her bairns are small, And into the nursery bed at night She gathers her darlings aU ; When the wee ones are about her, With gleeful noise and ory, And she hushes the tumult with a snail; Her brood beneath her eye. But a mother must bear her burden When her babes are bearded mese On 'change and in the army, Or ttorstchiox awa with a pen - In some banker's dusty office, As Martin is, no doubt— A mother rout bear her burden, And learn to do without. I know the Scripture teaching, To keep the halt and blind, And the homesick and the dentate, At the festal hour in mind. Of the fat and the sweet a portion rn ssnd to the poor rnan's door, But I'm wearying for my children To sit at my board owe more. ' I tell you, Jessie; my darling, This ihing for money and pelf, It takes the heart from life, dear; It robs a man of himeolf. • This old bleak hill side hamlet, That sends its boysway,,- ' $ Has a right to claim t em back, dear, On the fair Thanks ving day, Shame on my foolish fretting 1 - Here are letters, a perfect sheaf; Open them quickly, dearest! Ah me,Ais beyond belief 1 By ship and train they're hastening, Rushing along on the way. . Tell the neighbors all my children Will be here Thanksgiving day. - • The Proper Caper in Cards. FROM THE NEW YORK RECORDER. "What," asks a correspondent, "*0 the ight thing to do in the way of leaving cards hen calling upon a family 7" Well, there is some difference of opinion pon this subject. I believe we differ some - het front the usage of London sooiety, here young ladies have no cards of their wn and are always chaperoned. A married woman sends in her name if he lady of the house is et home; having ecu her, the visitor would leave two of her usband's cards on the hall table when de- arting ; one for the master and the other or the mistress of the house. It would be considered vulgar if she left erIefotfhehelradoywena. lied upon is "not at home," he lady calling leaves three cards, her own nd two of her husband's, for she ecoord- ng to etiquette, calls only upon thee mite ress of the house, while the husband'e cards re for master and mistress. If there are daughters, a separate one of the lady's cards is left for them. She would not leave her husband's card for the • DERWEAR. e. 4te ea • • "ezieee 1,7eWTINTEll ;4:7 The cold winter winds cut into the flesh and almost freeze the soul if you aren't provided with warm underclothing. Our line the present S0,141911 is more extensive and of greater variety than ever before. It comprises 1 Men's MOAB and Drawers from, 25c to $2.75 each, and _ Ladies' Vests from 20e to $1.50. FOR THE CHRISTMAS' TRADE WE HAVE FOR THE LITTLE' FOLKS Wool Hoods, Oaps, Jackets, Motto and Picture Handker- chiefs, Toques,-Infantees, Bootees, Bibs, Wool Mitts, dm FOR THE LADIES _ daughter. Turning down the end or corner of a card signifies that the ladies of the family are in- cluded in the call, I do net think this custom obtains much, but I believe that it is good form, and is certainly both convenient and sensible, the idea being, of course, to let one's friends know you have called, and the simpler the method by which the object is effected the better. There is so much useless fiummery that simplicity becomes elegance very often. Almoet every high elites stationer pub- lishes books tied , pamphlets on card etiquette, and if my correspondent does not find smooth sailing in society it would be wise to invest in a volume or so. —The Sootohmen of Stratford celebrated St. Andrew's Day by ia banquet at the Royal Hotel, in that chi. Over 150 peo- ple were present. Hon. Thomas Ballantyne, M. P. P., occupied the chair. —The new Methodiat church at Milverten was opened on Sunday, 2rid inst. Services were held in the morning n German, and in the afternoon and eve ing in English, t Bishop Bowman, of Ch oago, officiatieg. His discourses.were intere ting and instrue- tive, and were listened to with rapt atten- tion, The services in the other churches were withdrawn, and the beautiful edifice was crowded on all three °cessions. The church cost $6,000, and is a credit to the town. It has a seating capacity for 300 people. The tower and large bell add greatly to the appearance of the ehurch. The collections and subscriptions during the day amounted to $1,600. This leaves $900 to he raised to dear the church from all incumbrances. Silk Mittens, Wool Mittens, Lined and Unlined Kid Glove* and Mitts, Plain and Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Wool Shawls, Fur Muffs, Fur Capes Storm Collars, Mantles, Mil- linery, Hosiery, Fine Dress Goods, &c. FOR THE GENTLEMEN Fur Caps, Gloves, Mitts Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Braces, Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck Squares, Cardigan Jackets, Cashmere Socks'Ise. A line of Fine Linen Table Cloths, with Napkins to match, nicely boxed, just received. oaa•••••••••••=1,,,M.01.a.M1. DUNCAN 8c DUNCAN, CARDNO'S BLOCK, - - - - SEAFORTH. I Severe Pain in Shotilder2Years Cured by"TheD.WhIenthol Plaster. My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to tee heart; after using many remedies without relief, she tried s "D.& L." Meothol Plaster. it did hayfork, and oseng to this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me hese, giving equal starts:We. J. B. SUTHERLAND. DTEggiSI. River johns. ILL Sold Everywhere 25C. each. GET A MOVE ON. We have got a move on, and are now in our new Warerooms, ready wait upon you to show you one of the finest stocks of Furniture in Western Ontario. We make a specialty of pleasing all our customers. Now that we are in our new Warerooms, we are in a better position than ever to meet our and show them goods that are worth buying. Come right along and satisfy yourselves that our Furniture is all we claim for it—the latest designs, best of workmanship, and finest finish. We sell cheap all the year round. Popular Goods, Popular Prices at the Popular Firm of • 11 4 s - The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium, STRONG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET -SEAFORTH \MEM 2 SPOONS. <4).."1"The smaller one. Stied with SKREI Cod Liver Out win do more building up than the large one filled with the bast al the many emulsions now be the market. SKIMS costs no more and does three times as much work as three bottles of emulsion. Alma tasteless. Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL & CO., Moatreal. 111 +.--Stark's.lieadaehe, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, A sure cure for all Head Pains, Stomach and Bowel 'floe/tee o)c o' Pi" ot:11c4: ewnPlaist8icc:::P.1:::::::::1111:1'8"*TARK8:441144MA".Phr"."7111: 4:261:11fet elehe oeit, .THE R. ST:10,,,MEDICINErtmeemtv"1 cepootwegy Ogees: feteetee/e„, cot; ttrlti °117. 4/611 Ortetat 19011.4giora (reit/146144 n eve (9 eist" • 944e. co //ivy e *44:1 41/ oe: etil. t 60r 0 Onne-- fre, Sec '12 ai.1, 010(k •P e take:414 „j.j" *Of 011& a PeiVef 6Qe a pet'ma/isvm et/ ,eVioe to, .ea*e Aatiacigt;:i I/P2Y" Nothing Short of the Best Should Satisfy Young men and women wishing to prepare themselves as Book-keepers and Stenographers. CHATHAM, ONTARIO, LI recognised as the peer of any business or shorthend school in America, and vastly superior to any of HI oontersporaries is Canada. No better evidence of this need he advanoed them the following list of plums where studesto osme from who registered during the 15 der: immediately preceding the writing of this ad.: North Adams, Meek; Washington, Mieh.; Lethbridge, Alberta : Berlin, London, Toronto, lInnteville, Mus- koka; Einoardine, Rnthren, Coateworth, Rodney, Clintoni•Strathroy, Napier, Hampden, County Greg ; Auburn, County Huron; Seaforth, Bothwell, Windsor, Strangffeld, Ridgetown, Woodslee, Fletcher, Camp Palmer, Tose' Gounty : Glen Rae, Highgate, Aldboro, Brampton, Alvinston, Glencoe, Custpbellion, War Sprites's, Chatham, and many points in the vicinity. It pays to attend the best. Two of AitlitrieliNg best pentneu among the members of our staff, means a great dad to our pupils. - We pay rallwoy We in easinlo g onethese. Good board for Mies at $2, gentlemen 32.60. We oscura bosrd at these figures with very respectable privets families, and have the places in readiness for the students when they arrive. Write for handsome estalogue and specimen of pennaanship, and be convinoed of EU superiority of this institukon ever all wheels of a similar kind in ()made. Mention where you saw this ad., and addrees-- 1S48 D. MoLACHLAN, Chatham, Oratorio, a i;f1Q '