The Huron Expositor, 1893-12-08, Page 8DECEMBER THEHURO SITORN .8 N EXPO EDW, ARD - m,:- CASH ,GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH.0 Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine - Dairy - Butter, —ALSO— Hidles and Tallow, SheeP Skins and Raw Furs. ACKFkOST is no respicitir of persons, therefore, prepare to ineit hle jooming by socuking one of our Winter Overcoats or SUitS. We have just, secured a big range from a loading manufacturer At Ion than the cost of production, which we will sell at carrespondingly low prioes. Call and Inspect stn& we will convince you of the bargains: we have in store'.-Ior you. No tronble to show our goods. WM. PICKARD Seaforth. -GARS. OHEAR SU Received one car of sugar direct from the refinery which loan sell cheaper than if I bought in smali lots. Will start at 20lbs. extra Granulated for $1.00, other grades In proportion. Will have everything in glace early next week, *ban I will have one of the nest, if not the finest stocks of choice Groceries -in town, and at the lowest prices for each or trade. I know I can do business.for very much smaller profits by doing a strictly cash or 'trade business, and I think there are plenty cash paying customers who do not care to pay utore than goods are worth for cash to support one good dare In Seaforth. C. WILSON, Seaforth;ck. Bank of Commerce BI DISTRIOT MATTERS. ELZOTION 01� OFFIOERS.—jit the re ular meetiog.of Huron Counci�,I, No. 95, wyal Tomplars of Temperance, held on Monday evening last., the following offloors were elected to serve the e.neuing term of six months: J. H. Pyper, Select Councillor; James Beattie, Past Councillor; Miss R. Nichol, Vice Counoi I I -10r; Miss H. WillISMS, Chaplain; R. Haxby, Recording Secretary .- � R, H. Young, Financial Secretary; S. Trott, Treasurer; A. Mills, Iffermild ; Miss B. Guard ; Thomas; Murray, Sentinel. A WORD FRom AzroTH&R HuxoNiTz.— Mr. W. A. Mills, viriting from Corsov. South � Dakota, on November 28tb, say - : " Enclosed find a $2 bill, for which pler,,. xand we THE EXPOSITOR to read in t evenings, It will meen� to me like a weel, letter from kome, &A' there are so many L over the county of Ouron that I used to i. acquainted with. We have had a beautif u i T autumn here. NO ImOW has fallen yet. L asn, buying grain for the Northwestern Ele- vator Company, of Minneapolis, here at Corson. The wheat is of an extra fiae ; it this season, everything grading 7orthern. Howq bought over 30,000 bush- els i1i the past t w*o mouths." TItz Pmwiscnx.—A mass meeting in the interests of the Plebiscite was heI4 in Card- no�x Hall, on Tuesday evening. There was a moderately large crowd present. Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Sesforth, was the first speaker, and his remarks were listened to with deep interest. - He was followed by' Rev. W. McDonagh, of Exeter, whose witty $allies kept the audience in great good humor. .Mr, D, A Wilson, Mayor �(, Sea. forth, was the last speaker. He read &�;,very interesting paper oti " The history ot"the Plegiscite," and commented on it in '.A/few remarks. Mr. J. EL Pyper acted as !nan:. There will be another mass meeting in 6onDeation with the Plebiscite on Wed- noaday evening next, which will be'addiess- ed by Rev. Colin Fletcher, of the Thames road, Usborne, and Rev. J Galloway, of Seaforth, At this meeting ihe opposition are invited to have a speaker, so that both sid.es of the question may be placed before the public. It is hoped there will be humper house, GOING 'AWAY.—We are sorry to learn that the ' Seafor ' th Collegiate, Institute is likely t6 lose the services of Mr. H ' J. C;awford.-, who, for several years, has filled th'e position of classical moister. He has been appointed by the Toronto Righ School Board. to fili a 4imilar position in the Park. ditle 14-igh,Schlool, via successor to Mr. Car- ru-thers, also a. former teachex in our Col. legliate Institute. It ipeake highly for the Aaff of oar Institate that so many of them are picked'up for the larger and morer im. portant seats of learnig, The salary offer- ed Mr. Crawford is $1,500 a year. We have not yet leirned of his acceptance, but we have no doubt but that - he will accept the offer, else be , would pt have put in his application,. All inerested in the In8titute here, a4also out citizens generatly, will deeply regret losing Mr. Crawford, Although quite a young man he ist a most painstaking, thorough and efficient teacher and a desirable citizen. AwNuALMEETING.—The annual meeting of the Women's Forbign Mission Society, in connection with the Seaforth � Pres-byterian church, was held on Monday even�ng last. The eltetion. of officers for the ensuing year was the principal busines - on hand. Mrs. (Rev.) A. D, McDonald who has held the office of President of the Society for many years, declind re-elaction, and Mrs. , Kirkman was unanimalisly chosen to fill the position. Tbe following . officars- were also elected : 1st Vice -President, Mrs. A. D., MoDon&ld; 2nd Vice-Pres'ident Mrs. S Dickson ;, 3rd Vice-Presidout,' Mrs. A: Young ; Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Lyon; As. sistaat Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Wilson ; Treasurer, Miss Tena Wilson.. Sevral musical s4lections were given throughout the evening,; a vocal solo by Mrs. R, Logan and an instrumental duet,by Misses Kate Duncan i6nd Flosaie Weir were listened to with pleasure; Miss Wilson gave an inter. eati,ng reading on " What Miasio4s have done for Women." There was a large at. tondance sit this meeting add the members, ofthe Auxiliary will be pleased to V'rel. come even a atill larger nu-Inber at their next regular meeting in January. ' THE LATE JAKE SUTUERLAND.—A cor. ret�poudeat at Marden sends us the follow. ing in reference to the death of the late Jam" Suitherland : 1:1 It is with heartfelt Borrow we send you t4e Bad tidingi of the death of Mr, James. Sutherland, - which took place ftt his home near M"orden on 'Sunday, November -19th at 3,45 p, m. Hi3 illness was not of Iong d.�iratiZn. He complained of a'sore throat in t the beginning mud the doctor being called r6nounced it tonsilitua with sym&ome of lever, In a short time the medicine administered afforded him grewt but cdoge8ti6n of the various organs commenced and was suocesmf'�Illy treatqd until it reached the heart and then neither the skilful bands of his physician and fiarse', nor the loving care of him friends was of any wvail. Prayer was offered in the churches, Methodist and Progbiterian, on Skbbath Morning, for his recovery, but G(d willed R otherwise. On the followi�g Wodnceday his funeral Vervioes were con- ductf,d by the pastors of the above men- tioned churches-, and most tenderly was � he barne from the beautiful home, where for one brief year to the da'y, he had Jived so ha,ppily, to his last resting place in Hillside cemvteryinMorden." Thefollowing clip. piDgfrom theMorden Herald, willyou Klease reprint; "Last Wednesday, Mr. lmosSatherland, brother-in-law of Mr. W. H. Snowdon, was buried in Hillside oemt-tery, having died, af ter a abort illness, the previous Sunday. Just a year ago, Mr. Sutherl and and family came from Sol% - forth, Ontario, and purchased the farm of the late Mr. Hiram Jiokling. looking for- ward, no doubt, to many happy and pros- perous years in his now home, but an in- scrutable Providence willed It otherwise. DuriKig his! residence in this neighborhood, Mr. Sutherland, by his kind � and. obliging manner' ' succeeded in drawing to himself and Dimily many friends, who inouin 'his loss, and who extend their warmest sym- pathiss to the bereaved wife &ad family.1" NEW O.Fircru.—The following officers have been elected in ritannia Masonic Lod $eafortli, for the -current iear, viz.: Dr. mith, P.M.: Rov.J.W.Bodgin@,W.M.; J. H. Reid, S. W.; Robert Scarlett,f J. W.; J. Orr Rose, Si . cy.; L. G. VanEgmond, Tramp.; R-, Mercer, S. D.; W. Arneut, J. D.; A, Slemmou, M. of C.; G. B. Scott, L G.; Gaarge Pterson, Tyler; W. J. Chesney, S. S.- R. S. Hays, J.S.; M. Morris and Dr. CAm�pbell, auditors. I The brethred of Brit- annia Lodge have selected an excellent otaff of officers who will,- we have no doubt, keep the lodge to the front as usual. - CROS -CUT Saws And Axes at MULLETT & GOOD apples and Poultry wanted at LAID - TAW'S, Saaforth. j 1366 CLOTHES PIN SOCIAL.—The Royal Tem- Vlars of this place will hold a clothes pin sociml in the M. C. A. rooms, on Monday evening next, Decem- bar 11th. A plendid Frd,gramme is bein� wepared. Refreshment: will also be served durin itelevening. To spond.an enjoyable time, do not faFI tto attoRd a clothes pin social. Any itrount of fun. Admission only 10 cents. 1360 SEVEN HUNDRED oords of wood wanted at the WqqjLm Mtbi,s. 1350-1 SKATES, SKATZIJ, E KATZS. I Jack frost is here. He will soon me :a skating. Open the rink. We have a pair of Skati a for everybody, young and old, largo and small. 7 le Boost assortment ever shown. Prices to suit all pockets. Rate & WM80N, Hardware merchants, ALL the newest st Ion in Photon., cum. blued with extra n h and superior quality of material makes Bau lau ' a ground floor Studio the only reliable place a our Photos. ' 1366.2 4 Wig have all kinds lof Tweeds, Worsteds, Flannels, Yarns, Blankets Shirtings Horse-blaukets and Knit Goods to clear 0 t at redu3ed prices before stock taking. SRAFORTH ZOLLAIN MML#. 1256-1 '130, I laioss for Stowe'& Co's Uncle Tom's Cabin are 26, 8fi an id 50 �ente. F.6serv�d seats now on sale at repave. I ­ . 1866-1, EvIgIry man, wom, i an and - ohfld in this county is Invited,to Inspect the beautiful Christmas Goods now on exhibition at W. R. Coums , a Main. ,moth ewelry Store, Seaforth. 1350 WATCH for little Eva in the parade, driv- iiig her Midget Pony, at noon, December 11. 1256-1 THx great musical event. of the season— Miso Norm, Clench and the Methodist Church Choir In Carduo's Hall, Somforth, Wednesday Evening, Dec. 27th. Watch for large bills and secure seats early. 1166 Miss Daisie Markoo,'the World's Great- est Topsy, Is with the Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin Com- pany and "I appear at the Opera House, Monday night, December 11. 1366.1 W_ R. Counter, Jeweller, Seaforth leads them all in his line, Why, because he han2les nothing but the beat good@ manufwtured by English, American and Canadian manufacturers. 1966 STEREOPTICON ENTZATAINKENT. —On 'Mon. day, December 11th, Mr. Brower, of. Clinton, will give an exhibition of stereORticon views for the Sab. ;bath Sckool,dn the Presbyt4lan Church. Theme will consist mostly of soeses from the old t08tAM811t. Admission, Children 10c., Adults 15r. Entertain- ment at 7.30. 1866-1 A I GRAND street parade at noon, on December 11, by Stowe and Co's Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1356-1 BUY one of the noted Rockford Watches froni- W. R. Counter, Jeweller, Seaforth, and you will never regret A_ 1350 You can always depend on getting -first. class goods at bottom prices at the Central Grocery. LmDLAw's, Seaforth. 1256 MILLUNm&y BARGAINS.—Ladies or Child- ren cam secure any of our Hate or Bonnets at just half price. WX. PIOKARP,/Saaforth, 1366 SOLID gold and silver good - manufactured Is on the shortest notice at W. R. COUNTza'g Jewelry Store, Seaforth. 1866 GET -YOUR CLOTHES CLEAKED.—Order for Barr's Dy Works, Mitchell, can be left st Rich! ardson & Afelunes' Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth, and W�ll bepromptly attended to, and satisfaction ,given. R. . BARR, Mitchell, Ont. 135OX3 E,ifCAGEMENT and,weddinfRingo a speci- At W. R, COUNTRR'S Jewelry ore, Seaforth. I 1356 OUR. prices of Frelze, Tweeds,. Blankets and Yarns will surprise you. Woompl Mmls, 1866.1 ALL kinds of Cabinet Photos. , only three. dollars per dozen at Batiulaugh's. 1866-2 BLYTH, December lot, 1893,—Mr. 0. C, Willson, Seaforth,—Dear Sir,�f was Intending to write to you before this to tell you how I like the little Champion Grinder you sot up for me. I think it is a very good little mill and does its work with ;n kind of grain in a oomplete-x manner, When rinding oats for horses I can run through from ten to twelve bags an hour, with other and harder grain of course not Be much. Of course the capacity of the mill would be greater than this if J were to elevate the tread power more, but sit I am not pushed for time I make it as en;%y as I can for the horses. All that have seen the will running think it a good one, Yours Truly, JAMms B. TimaNny. 13b6_2 A FINE assortment of Pipes at W. R. COUNTHR'S Jewelry Store, Seaforth. 1366 NEXT monthly sale cOMmances on ' Satur- day Be sure and see, price list. Fxtm - bargains all th,�ugh the store, GooD BROT119M. 185U-1 BARGAIN counters, 5o, 10o, 15o, 25c. loaded down with Christmas novelties. Good BROTHICR8. I 1356-1 A STRA161:1T POINTER,—You c%n make twelve elegant Christmas presents to twelve of your best friends fur $3.00 by sitting now for a dozen of my fadeless, enamelled Photon. How can you pro. vide twelve as sati8factory resents for twelve per. sons for the same amount of money/ Come now, while the weather is fine and before the holiday kush, and I will give you the finest work that ever left my establiBliment, and your worry as to bow to provide presents will be -over. WM. P. TRoTT, Scott's Block. 1356-1 MR. Patrick Mulcahey wishes I to an- nounce to the public that he has opened a -first-class barber shop in Constable's old stand, next to Daly's store. The -best of�oatisfaotion guaranteJ, everything now -and clean. Call once and you will be sure to become 'a regular customer. Ladies' aid - children's hair cutting a specialty. 1366xi 1 1 Gom) 'and ate -el Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all sights at IV. R; COUNTHR'S Jewelry Store, Seaforkh. 1356 .To LET.—' A comfortable cottage on Wil. liam Street. Apply to JAmrs BZATNR,� A MELANCHOLY AtICIDENT.7"Mr. George Forrest writ from Alberni," British Co- lumbia , under ate of No�ember 27th, gives the following particuls'ro regarding -the sad �nd fatal accident j�nentioned in our Hill@ Qreev correspond en c a--' last week : " The many friends of James Kennard- will regret to hear of his sad death through ccidental shooting at -Englishmark's River, British Co. lumbia, on November 24; On the day of the, fatal accident -Mr. Kennard was working on a house of Mrs.: Hurrens', when a farmer by the name of Plumrffei came' along and said he was on a bear track, when Mr. Kennard immediately dropped the tools he was work- ing with and 'joined in the chase. After fol -lowing the trail for some distance they came on a large cedar tree which was hol. low,and between the roots there was a large hole, making an entrance up. into the tree, and fi�ndi,ng no track beyond this -they oon- ol�uded the bear was in the tree. Mr. Ken- nard immediately ran over to, the house of Mr, Mille, who lives near, and got a saw. He was also joined Joy Mr. Mills. On ar- riving at the tree Mills was going to chop t -he front while Plummer and Kennard were 90ing to saw the other side. Plummer was rubbing some tobacco in his hand, wh*'� a te Kennard wa's standing 'on a log ole ri 9 away some bra8h, Behind this log his rifle stood. He stooped dow�n, caught the gun and was drawing it up, when it went off, the bullet entering the left obeek and com- ing out at the top of his head. I He fell over dead, never speaking a word. Ria ro. mains were taken to the house he had so lately erected and the funeral left the house the following Sunday. The Rev. E. C. Cooper read p%rt of the burial service . tht Wellington, 19 miles distant, and the place of interment. The funeral procession was mot by the mounbArs of the Wellington lodge n4opendent Order of Oddfellows, who took charge of the body and marched In proces. sion to the cemeteryp where they performed the last sad rites to a departed brother. Too much caunot be said of their prompt re- I sponge, as it wil I awhen they received - Christmas anniversary on Friday evening, Coluncll met on Monday evenigg forthe word. His maj�ly friends and relatives bay Zo Denombor 22nd, 'in their. now schoolroom, transaction of business. They wM also meet the tincereat oyiinpathy "—The of all who know hi William which Is now ad mirably fitted for entertain- , * again on the 16th inst,—Misi jam Wingliam, -777777777 77777 was a son of meats, and a good programme Is b I pire- mister Gf Wm. James, is vi:81 t1inog, 'on: and Jane K n' d of HilloGreea, :nd was I sit l9ditor Irwin a residenca this week. — 27 years of e Ag He lived in the is ighbor- D. Trott and A. Bauslaagh,i to most prices Watson and Emigh shipped t4 c&rload of hood of Hille reen until 1891,whou in com- in neighboring towns; have � made. "A consid- lamb from the Grand Trunk Railway depot pany with Mr . Forest, he went to British erable reduction In pricon of photographs. on Saturday, —Mre,� James Beattie,' of Sea - E Columbia. H , intended coming home this &&forth won't be.boaten, in photograph v or forth, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. winter to see h a parents and friends and -anything else.—The invitatlons are out for Buggiu, this week.—The Methodist Sunday his sad tAkIDg Way is a severe bereavement the Fireman's annurA baill, which takes sohZl Anniversary will be held a week froin to them. DECEMBER THEHURO SITORN .8 N EXPO EDW, ARD - m,:- CASH ,GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH.0 Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine - Dairy - Butter, —ALSO— Hidles and Tallow, SheeP Skins and Raw Furs. ACKFkOST is no respicitir of persons, therefore, prepare to ineit hle jooming by socuking one of our Winter Overcoats or SUitS. We have just, secured a big range from a loading manufacturer At Ion than the cost of production, which we will sell at carrespondingly low prioes. Call and Inspect stn& we will convince you of the bargains: we have in store'.-Ior you. No tronble to show our goods. WM. PICKARD Seaforth. -GARS. OHEAR SU Received one car of sugar direct from the refinery which loan sell cheaper than if I bought in smali lots. Will start at 20lbs. extra Granulated for $1.00, other grades In proportion. Will have everything in glace early next week, *ban I will have one of the nest, if not the finest stocks of choice Groceries -in town, and at the lowest prices for each or trade. I know I can do business.for very much smaller profits by doing a strictly cash or 'trade business, and I think there are plenty cash paying customers who do not care to pay utore than goods are worth for cash to support one good dare In Seaforth. C. WILSON, Seaforth;ck. Bank of Commerce BI DISTRIOT MATTERS. ELZOTION 01� OFFIOERS.—jit the re ular meetiog.of Huron Counci�,I, No. 95, wyal Tomplars of Temperance, held on Monday evening last., the following offloors were elected to serve the e.neuing term of six months: J. H. Pyper, Select Councillor; James Beattie, Past Councillor; Miss R. Nichol, Vice Counoi I I -10r; Miss H. WillISMS, Chaplain; R. Haxby, Recording Secretary .- � R, H. Young, Financial Secretary; S. Trott, Treasurer; A. Mills, Iffermild ; Miss B. Guard ; Thomas; Murray, Sentinel. A WORD FRom AzroTH&R HuxoNiTz.— Mr. W. A. Mills, viriting from Corsov. South � Dakota, on November 28tb, say - : " Enclosed find a $2 bill, for which pler,,. xand we THE EXPOSITOR to read in t evenings, It will meen� to me like a weel, letter from kome, &A' there are so many L over the county of Ouron that I used to i. acquainted with. We have had a beautif u i T autumn here. NO ImOW has fallen yet. L asn, buying grain for the Northwestern Ele- vator Company, of Minneapolis, here at Corson. The wheat is of an extra fiae ; it this season, everything grading 7orthern. Howq bought over 30,000 bush- els i1i the past t w*o mouths." TItz Pmwiscnx.—A mass meeting in the interests of the Plebiscite was heI4 in Card- no�x Hall, on Tuesday evening. There was a moderately large crowd present. Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Sesforth, was the first speaker, and his remarks were listened to with deep interest. - He was followed by' Rev. W. McDonagh, of Exeter, whose witty $allies kept the audience in great good humor. .Mr, D, A Wilson, Mayor �(, Sea. forth, was the last speaker. He read &�;,very interesting paper oti " The history ot"the Plegiscite," and commented on it in '.A/few remarks. Mr. J. EL Pyper acted as !nan:. There will be another mass meeting in 6onDeation with the Plebiscite on Wed- noaday evening next, which will be'addiess- ed by Rev. Colin Fletcher, of the Thames road, Usborne, and Rev. J Galloway, of Seaforth, At this meeting ihe opposition are invited to have a speaker, so that both sid.es of the question may be placed before the public. It is hoped there will be humper house, GOING 'AWAY.—We are sorry to learn that the ' Seafor ' th Collegiate, Institute is likely t6 lose the services of Mr. H ' J. C;awford.-, who, for several years, has filled th'e position of classical moister. He has been appointed by the Toronto Righ School Board. to fili a 4imilar position in the Park. ditle 14-igh,Schlool, via successor to Mr. Car- ru-thers, also a. former teachex in our Col. legliate Institute. It ipeake highly for the Aaff of oar Institate that so many of them are picked'up for the larger and morer im. portant seats of learnig, The salary offer- ed Mr. Crawford is $1,500 a year. We have not yet leirned of his acceptance, but we have no doubt but that - he will accept the offer, else be , would pt have put in his application,. All inerested in the In8titute here, a4also out citizens generatly, will deeply regret losing Mr. Crawford, Although quite a young man he ist a most painstaking, thorough and efficient teacher and a desirable citizen. AwNuALMEETING.—The annual meeting of the Women's Forbign Mission Society, in connection with the Seaforth � Pres-byterian church, was held on Monday even�ng last. The eltetion. of officers for the ensuing year was the principal busines - on hand. Mrs. (Rev.) A. D, McDonald who has held the office of President of the Society for many years, declind re-elaction, and Mrs. , Kirkman was unanimalisly chosen to fill the position. Tbe following . officars- were also elected : 1st Vice -President, Mrs. A. D., MoDon&ld; 2nd Vice-Pres'ident Mrs. S Dickson ;, 3rd Vice-Presidout,' Mrs. A: Young ; Secretary, Mrs. J. R. Lyon; As. sistaat Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Wilson ; Treasurer, Miss Tena Wilson.. Sevral musical s4lections were given throughout the evening,; a vocal solo by Mrs. R, Logan and an instrumental duet,by Misses Kate Duncan i6nd Flosaie Weir were listened to with pleasure; Miss Wilson gave an inter. eati,ng reading on " What Miasio4s have done for Women." There was a large at. tondance sit this meeting add the members, ofthe Auxiliary will be pleased to V'rel. come even a atill larger nu-Inber at their next regular meeting in January. ' THE LATE JAKE SUTUERLAND.—A cor. ret�poudeat at Marden sends us the follow. ing in reference to the death of the late Jam" Suitherland : 1:1 It is with heartfelt Borrow we send you t4e Bad tidingi of the death of Mr, James. Sutherland, - which took place ftt his home near M"orden on 'Sunday, November -19th at 3,45 p, m. Hi3 illness was not of Iong d.�iratiZn. He complained of a'sore throat in t the beginning mud the doctor being called r6nounced it tonsilitua with sym&ome of lever, In a short time the medicine administered afforded him grewt but cdoge8ti6n of the various organs commenced and was suocesmf'�Illy treatqd until it reached the heart and then neither the skilful bands of his physician and fiarse', nor the loving care of him friends was of any wvail. Prayer was offered in the churches, Methodist and Progbiterian, on Skbbath Morning, for his recovery, but G(d willed R otherwise. On the followi�g Wodnceday his funeral Vervioes were con- ductf,d by the pastors of the above men- tioned churches-, and most tenderly was � he barne from the beautiful home, where for one brief year to the da'y, he had Jived so ha,ppily, to his last resting place in Hillside cemvteryinMorden." Thefollowing clip. piDgfrom theMorden Herald, willyou Klease reprint; "Last Wednesday, Mr. lmosSatherland, brother-in-law of Mr. W. H. Snowdon, was buried in Hillside oemt-tery, having died, af ter a abort illness, the previous Sunday. Just a year ago, Mr. Sutherl and and family came from Sol% - forth, Ontario, and purchased the farm of the late Mr. Hiram Jiokling. looking for- ward, no doubt, to many happy and pros- perous years in his now home, but an in- scrutable Providence willed It otherwise. DuriKig his! residence in this neighborhood, Mr. Sutherland, by his kind � and. obliging manner' ' succeeded in drawing to himself and Dimily many friends, who inouin 'his loss, and who extend their warmest sym- pathiss to the bereaved wife &ad family.1" NEW O.Fircru.—The following officers have been elected in ritannia Masonic Lod $eafortli, for the -current iear, viz.: Dr. mith, P.M.: Rov.J.W.Bodgin@,W.M.; J. H. Reid, S. W.; Robert Scarlett,f J. W.; J. Orr Rose, Si . cy.; L. G. VanEgmond, Tramp.; R-, Mercer, S. D.; W. Arneut, J. D.; A, Slemmou, M. of C.; G. B. Scott, L G.; Gaarge Pterson, Tyler; W. J. Chesney, S. S.- R. S. Hays, J.S.; M. Morris and Dr. CAm�pbell, auditors. I The brethred of Brit- annia Lodge have selected an excellent otaff of officers who will,- we have no doubt, keep the lodge to the front as usual. - CROS -CUT Saws And Axes at MULLETT & GOOD apples and Poultry wanted at LAID - TAW'S, Saaforth. j 1366 CLOTHES PIN SOCIAL.—The Royal Tem- Vlars of this place will hold a clothes pin sociml in the M. C. A. rooms, on Monday evening next, Decem- bar 11th. A plendid Frd,gramme is bein� wepared. Refreshment: will also be served durin itelevening. To spond.an enjoyable time, do not faFI tto attoRd a clothes pin social. Any itrount of fun. Admission only 10 cents. 1360 SEVEN HUNDRED oords of wood wanted at the WqqjLm Mtbi,s. 1350-1 SKATES, SKATZIJ, E KATZS. I Jack frost is here. He will soon me :a skating. Open the rink. We have a pair of Skati a for everybody, young and old, largo and small. 7 le Boost assortment ever shown. Prices to suit all pockets. Rate & WM80N, Hardware merchants, ALL the newest st Ion in Photon., cum. blued with extra n h and superior quality of material makes Bau lau ' a ground floor Studio the only reliable place a our Photos. ' 1366.2 4 Wig have all kinds lof Tweeds, Worsteds, Flannels, Yarns, Blankets Shirtings Horse-blaukets and Knit Goods to clear 0 t at redu3ed prices before stock taking. SRAFORTH ZOLLAIN MML#. 1256-1 '130, I laioss for Stowe'& Co's Uncle Tom's Cabin are 26, 8fi an id 50 �ente. F.6serv�d seats now on sale at repave. I ­ . 1866-1, EvIgIry man, wom, i an and - ohfld in this county is Invited,to Inspect the beautiful Christmas Goods now on exhibition at W. R. Coums , a Main. ,moth ewelry Store, Seaforth. 1350 WATCH for little Eva in the parade, driv- iiig her Midget Pony, at noon, December 11. 1256-1 THx great musical event. of the season— Miso Norm, Clench and the Methodist Church Choir In Carduo's Hall, Somforth, Wednesday Evening, Dec. 27th. Watch for large bills and secure seats early. 1166 Miss Daisie Markoo,'the World's Great- est Topsy, Is with the Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin Com- pany and "I appear at the Opera House, Monday night, December 11. 1366.1 W_ R. Counter, Jeweller, Seaforth leads them all in his line, Why, because he han2les nothing but the beat good@ manufwtured by English, American and Canadian manufacturers. 1966 STEREOPTICON ENTZATAINKENT. —On 'Mon. day, December 11th, Mr. Brower, of. Clinton, will give an exhibition of stereORticon views for the Sab. ;bath Sckool,dn the Presbyt4lan Church. Theme will consist mostly of soeses from the old t08tAM811t. Admission, Children 10c., Adults 15r. Entertain- ment at 7.30. 1866-1 A I GRAND street parade at noon, on December 11, by Stowe and Co's Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1356-1 BUY one of the noted Rockford Watches froni- W. R. Counter, Jeweller, Seaforth, and you will never regret A_ 1350 You can always depend on getting -first. class goods at bottom prices at the Central Grocery. LmDLAw's, Seaforth. 1256 MILLUNm&y BARGAINS.—Ladies or Child- ren cam secure any of our Hate or Bonnets at just half price. WX. PIOKARP,/Saaforth, 1366 SOLID gold and silver good - manufactured Is on the shortest notice at W. R. COUNTza'g Jewelry Store, Seaforth. 1866 GET -YOUR CLOTHES CLEAKED.—Order for Barr's Dy Works, Mitchell, can be left st Rich! ardson & Afelunes' Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth, and W�ll bepromptly attended to, and satisfaction ,given. R. . BARR, Mitchell, Ont. 135OX3 E,ifCAGEMENT and,weddinfRingo a speci- At W. R, COUNTRR'S Jewelry ore, Seaforth. I 1356 OUR. prices of Frelze, Tweeds,. Blankets and Yarns will surprise you. Woompl Mmls, 1866.1 ALL kinds of Cabinet Photos. , only three. dollars per dozen at Batiulaugh's. 1866-2 BLYTH, December lot, 1893,—Mr. 0. C, Willson, Seaforth,—Dear Sir,�f was Intending to write to you before this to tell you how I like the little Champion Grinder you sot up for me. I think it is a very good little mill and does its work with ;n kind of grain in a oomplete-x manner, When rinding oats for horses I can run through from ten to twelve bags an hour, with other and harder grain of course not Be much. Of course the capacity of the mill would be greater than this if J were to elevate the tread power more, but sit I am not pushed for time I make it as en;%y as I can for the horses. All that have seen the will running think it a good one, Yours Truly, JAMms B. TimaNny. 13b6_2 A FINE assortment of Pipes at W. R. COUNTHR'S Jewelry Store, Seaforth. 1366 NEXT monthly sale cOMmances on ' Satur- day Be sure and see, price list. Fxtm - bargains all th,�ugh the store, GooD BROT119M. 185U-1 BARGAIN counters, 5o, 10o, 15o, 25c. loaded down with Christmas novelties. Good BROTHICR8. I 1356-1 A STRA161:1T POINTER,—You c%n make twelve elegant Christmas presents to twelve of your best friends fur $3.00 by sitting now for a dozen of my fadeless, enamelled Photon. How can you pro. vide twelve as sati8factory resents for twelve per. sons for the same amount of money/ Come now, while the weather is fine and before the holiday kush, and I will give you the finest work that ever left my establiBliment, and your worry as to bow to provide presents will be -over. WM. P. TRoTT, Scott's Block. 1356-1 MR. Patrick Mulcahey wishes I to an- nounce to the public that he has opened a -first-class barber shop in Constable's old stand, next to Daly's store. The -best of�oatisfaotion guaranteJ, everything now -and clean. Call once and you will be sure to become 'a regular customer. Ladies' aid - children's hair cutting a specialty. 1366xi 1 1 Gom) 'and ate -el Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all sights at IV. R; COUNTHR'S Jewelry Store, Seaforkh. 1356 .To LET.—' A comfortable cottage on Wil. liam Street. Apply to JAmrs BZATNR,� A MELANCHOLY AtICIDENT.7"Mr. George Forrest writ from Alberni," British Co- lumbia , under ate of No�ember 27th, gives the following particuls'ro regarding -the sad �nd fatal accident j�nentioned in our Hill@ Qreev correspond en c a--' last week : " The many friends of James Kennard- will regret to hear of his sad death through ccidental shooting at -Englishmark's River, British Co. lumbia, on November 24; On the day of the, fatal accident -Mr. Kennard was working on a house of Mrs.: Hurrens', when a farmer by the name of Plumrffei came' along and said he was on a bear track, when Mr. Kennard immediately dropped the tools he was work- ing with and 'joined in the chase. After fol -lowing the trail for some distance they came on a large cedar tree which was hol. low,and between the roots there was a large hole, making an entrance up. into the tree, and fi�ndi,ng no track beyond this -they oon- ol�uded the bear was in the tree. Mr. Ken- nard immediately ran over to, the house of Mr, Mille, who lives near, and got a saw. He was also joined Joy Mr. Mills. On ar- riving at the tree Mills was going to chop t -he front while Plummer and Kennard were 90ing to saw the other side. Plummer was rubbing some tobacco in his hand, wh*'� a te Kennard wa's standing 'on a log ole ri 9 away some bra8h, Behind this log his rifle stood. He stooped dow�n, caught the gun and was drawing it up, when it went off, the bullet entering the left obeek and com- ing out at the top of his head. I He fell over dead, never speaking a word. Ria ro. mains were taken to the house he had so lately erected and the funeral left the house the following Sunday. The Rev. E. C. Cooper read p%rt of the burial service . tht Wellington, 19 miles distant, and the place of interment. The funeral procession was mot by the mounbArs of the Wellington lodge n4opendent Order of Oddfellows, who took charge of the body and marched In proces. sion to the cemeteryp where they performed the last sad rites to a departed brother. Too much caunot be said of their prompt re- I sponge, as it wil I awhen they received - Christmas anniversary on Friday evening, Coluncll met on Monday evenigg forthe word. His maj�ly friends and relatives bay Zo Denombor 22nd, 'in their. now schoolroom, transaction of business. They wM also meet the tincereat oyiinpathy "—The of all who know hi William which Is now ad mirably fitted for entertain- , * again on the 16th inst,—Misi jam Wingliam, here. depeased was a son of meats, and a good programme Is b I pire- mister Gf Wm. James, is vi:81 t1inog, 'on: and Jane K n' d of HilloGreea, :nd was pared.—Our photographers; Messrs. V;m, sit l9ditor Irwin a residenca this week. — 27 years of e Ag He lived in the is ighbor- D. Trott and A. Bauslaagh,i to most prices Watson and Emigh shipped t4 c&rload of hood of Hille reen until 1891,whou in com- in neighboring towns; have � made. "A consid- lamb from the Grand Trunk Railway depot pany with Mr . Forest, he went to British erable reduction In pricon of photographs. on Saturday, —Mre,� James Beattie,' of Sea - E Columbia. H , intended coming home this &&forth won't be.boaten, in photograph v or forth, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. winter to see h a parents and friends and -anything else.—The invitatlons are out for Buggiu, this week.—The Methodist Sunday his sad tAkIDg Way is a severe bereavement the Fireman's annurA baill, which takes sohZl Anniversary will be held a week froin to them. p1twe next Friday eve'Ing. ��Every arrange., next Sund The following Monday even. -TBS. mont Is being madi for �ho comfort and Ing a grand entertainment will be given in EGMONDVIL�E NO The Sabbath plaikoure of the guest*.—M-r.; R. Lumoden the baRemaut of the church by the children. sohuot -entert4inment mentioned in last was called away by telegraph last Saturday, The good oleighiog on Saturday aftorroun week's notes, ill be beld 1 on Friday even- on account of the serwas illaksm of nephew, made our 'all 'town very lively. The farmers Ing, Dakiernber 22nd.—Mr. Phelps, of Lou- Mir, Sutherland of O'bourg, who :as,about Rocked ill with their produce and busi. don�� theagen of the Upper- C&nada Bible Sooletyo ddreas twenty year id t of Seaforth for O! si on ness men report ig @�Ies. L.- b 'Mr. Wes. Beut� 'eek.—Mr. will the annual meetin of 9 a short time. a"af, a sorry to learn that ley is in Toronto w Eddy this the Egmondvi le Branch 'in our church on Mr. Sutherland has since died, leaving a 'widow Moser tote' Oda attending the StrAtford Bust - Thursday eve iug Dext. It is hoped a full and large family to mourn his loss. — neris CollegO after New Year'",—A few from house will root the reverend gentleman, The many friends hereabouts of Mrs.R-obert bore went to the Belgrave ball on Thuril-day who will spea. on the subject. of hi's " Trav- MoKeracher, MoKillopi formerly Miss evening of last week We bear they came els in the Eas ."—Mr. Fred We tphall, of smothered "Chrietens' McKenzie, will deeply reiret to bome without having a' single ddnae.— this vi1,I&:g!,, ho was so nearly 4earn of her death, which took place on. Great juaintities of wood are being hauled in in the Big Hill, list week, in improvin , hursday morning. Sho- had been ill for theso ays. nicely. It w e a terrbly close @%II an about two years. She leaves a husband and shows the've y uncortain� tenure of human two bright little boys to mourn the loss of Goderich. 0 life.—Mr, J Allen was off work several a faithful wife and loving . mother. The YLZANINGS,—Ab last sufficient suow ;hag days last weltlas the result of a fall from a funeral - !taken place on $aturday, at 10 fallen and remained undrifted to make first - ladder. He I P, however, we believe, � again O'clock a.m., to the Maitlah0sak cemetery. class Eloighiog. — After three weeks of able to attend to duty.—A, report was'leiron. lated in the v on Saturday last �f the Wroxeter. stormy winds this eek has begu cold and Illage death of Mr. William Schnell, formor'�y a PROHIBITION Mmila.—The first public bright.—La grippe has reached our town, and is shaking quite a few already. - We book-keeper in the'woolleti- faotory1here. mass meeting in the' interests of Prohibition hope it will soon go north for the winter. On Sabbath several persons drove t� hifv was held in the town hall, on Thursday All the dongregations suffered last - Sunday home in H%y and were much pleased to find evening of last week, and, despite the very from snow -fright._ The first few inches that him rather better than he has been for'i some time.—Awa usin incident Is reported from ptormy state of the weather, the hall was fall always have this effect, —Rev. H. irvine -to wellfill6d. Mr.ThomavRae,P.C.of the had to drive his out -appointment Sunday the south e d of our village, Some 6�en had g4tliered for hog -killing. The water Royal Templare of Temperanoo, occupied aftern000t-the firpt time since July let, The . the chair, Rev. Mr Shaw opened the meet. bicycle h4d done the work hitherto. being heated, they proceeded to the e xecu- Ing with pra". yer. A�Idrease were delivered --- - ; . , I tion, and afte r some considerable effor� sun, by Revile. Brownlee, Shalw!l and Ddividso�n, I Stanley. oseded in dei patching his hogship. i This accomplished they considered some liqoid and others. Suitable music was furnished by the lioyal Templars' choir. The , meet, LOCAL Donfas. —Rev. Mr. McDonald of refreshments tioesseary,but being rather cold Ing was a gueaess in every respect, and au. Varna, is now lecturing for the temperance cause in the halh and school houses of the partook too fl eely sad soon forgot the needs of the ocoasio i, hog and water being allowed gurs well for the coming Plebiscite. LOCAL ITZMS,—Mr. Mrs. John J. neighborhood. If Christians would but be. to cool. the hair to isof The , how was re, and Rutherford, of Detioib, Michigan, rre home stir themselveal soon this great wrong would be removed, But while Christians moved. Butrin Irishman's wit noveri or- makes him and razors and knives soon on a few 1,4eeks visit. James Fox is this week moying into the hoose. recently ocou'- will stand on one side of the bar, and drink f :harp did the work. How w 11 the cons' Omer by lee. rom the rumseller on the other, they will AIDDS Can 11011. Yen, Vindox " is , Ightt r we need prohibition to help�.men to pied Mr. —At the election of o&oero of the Rdyal Temp are of . TemperAnce . on I prove but a stumbling block to their weak- ef brothers'.—Mr. Duncan McKenzie, who govern" their Rppotit0s. Friday 4vening last, the -following were ele3ted: Thomas N� Miller., S. C.; Maggie has been a residentof Stanley for nearly half a century, was last Wednesday taken I GOING TO womA.—Mr.- Win. MOIK16YP Poulin, V. - C.; James Neilson, Resording Secretary; Thomas Rae, Financial Secre- 'tary'; to his last resting plaoe In Baird's cemetery. He leaves a widow, two sons and one of'the 10th co cession of Tuokeremith, re- Annie Sanderson Troseprer ; Alex, daughter. turned last w ek from Algoma, where he. Smith, Chaplain; Win. bibson, Guard; R. had been for everal weeks on a prospect* � 10 i n tour. Mr. W. McDonald, Sentinel.—The Foresters In - -cert Ashfield. cKay was well- pleased witt the country, a d, as an evide-ace of his good tend to hold their annual con on Friday a eveni g, January 19th.—Mr. George E. ITZMS.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. opinion, we m 'may that he ham purchased 750 acres'of Is d near Thessalon,and Intendo Dane of for Iton, last, FridaV morn* 6 Ham, ing, where he has, scoured a situati on, men- W. Ritchie, 13th concesion, is' very low. Nolhopes are entertained of his recovery. up his or t�siu I manent abode there short. tion of which has already been made in Mt. Bower, 12th cioncession, has put a now In his is I he ns's land h rohamed Is near, the fine arm own by Witu. Thomas Nott,� fora theme columni@. We wish him every success. engine mill, and now prepared to 0 first-class work.—The sleighing in first - morly of Hulle It is located- on -the $bore —Mies KqtbForsyth Is home on a short visit from Toronto, where she is at present class, and in. consequence business Is Im- of lake Huro and in very conveniently residing. proving considerably. situated, ther being schools, churches aud marketing con onionces close at hand. He Bayfleld. Blake will, also,have,the benefit of both wat r and steam transpor4tion, is he has the I�eke ')n GET 7our,Christmas Groceries at H. Edwards, best AifoTnlin OLD RxSIDENT GoNx. —On the 15th of November 6st, on the Brunson line, one side of �Im and the railway on the the Now Frult'Extroats, Candi Peels and Spices. lab Stanley, Mt. Robert Walker died suddenly other. All thi land, with the exeeption of about eighty &Tres, In heavily timbered, and BuzziT LOCALS. —Alexander Ferguson h s of h eart disease,.aged 67 years. Deceased there is for returned from Goderich, where he had bag n had lived for 25 years on the farm on which a profi�able market all the wood I- he can supply. So that . wh he will got ZISI'more all fall.—The last fisherman to arrive ho o 0 are Messrs. 'H. Collod*y, John Pollock, he died. He was aman of quiet, unassum, ing habits, marked for his perseverance and for the wood w 11 do a good than pay for the cle ring of the land. Mr. Mb- Charles Dresser, H. McLeod, John Augua . t' strict honesty in all his dealings, and great - ly beloved by Kay is very on ,husiastic about, -the country, and.1thinke he h d Frank Jeffrey, W. Harrison, W. Erwin, John McLeod and K. Murray.—James Of who knew him. He leaves behind him a sorrowi I ul partner and a f&mi- m ood strike, as ... doubt he has. Ne Zliadeggoing back about 'Orsigia, of Goderich, waz's herei-7-0-n Monday. ly of six—two soon &W four daughters, to the first of the and in the Mean-' e —Mr. J 'see Card, of Housall, was here this mourn their irreparable loan. time has arra Zwfyearl 'n or an auction 8108 of his week.—Rev. Mr. McLellan, of Totonto,who MCKU10D. farm stock herej which will take place on ws given a call by Bayfield'and Bethani, the 21st of Dooe�mber.. He has brought with 'O"gregations, has refuted to aoceot it, ana� THn PATRONS' PLATFORM.—We are re - him samples of #pring and fall wheat, which the Presbytierians are yet without a regular! quested to atate that Mr. John McMillan, was grown on t�e farm of Mr. Nott, also . pastor.—We understand Mr. Eason is cor-� M. P., will deliver an address on the Plat- simpleS of all k d a o of grain grown on St.' responding With a Toronto firm regarding' I -An. form of the Prons of Industry, in No. 4 Joseph's Island, justpi pposite Mr. McKay's the establishment of electric railway! schoolhouse, on the evening of Friday next, land. Aoy ootintey that can grow such connection between Seifoith - ard B,%yiield. the 15th inst., at half -past seven o'clock. grains as these s mples must be a good coun. matters are "ry quiet here yet, All are cordially invited, try for agricultu al purposes, as it would �e —Do not fail to attend he -Orange Young hard to get bett r samples. The St. Joseph Britons' entertainment ct the town hall,.on Constance. Island samples t at Mr. McKay got from Tuesday evening next, December 12th. The NOTES.—An Epworth eague has been I Mr. -George Hs ilton, a former well known boys always have something good, and this formed in this village. Officers were nomi. I resident of Hibb rt, who resides there, may measow- they were f6rt-quate in securing Massie. Ellsworth and Dovlio, who a nated an followR�: President, Mr. R, B. be seen by si y e on, at Two ExpoLTOR give I Rogerson ; Vico-President, Miss Ids Brit, Office.' first class variety 4atertainment. If you �ton ; Secretary, Miss -Mary MoCully.—One want a night's fun don't forget to attend,— �day last week Mr. Hiram,Proctor had his LOCAL BRIEFS. —Mr.' Bans laugh has on The ChriAmse trees promise to be of more than usual interest this The I 0 �face and ears severely frozou while in the exhibition in h 9 window this week two r most excellent gr -up photos, one of the la. year. young Oks are practising with a will. and are de- employment of woodcutting for Mr. S. S, lCle.—Mr. Win; Cook has purchased a crosse club and t e other of the McKillop termined to'excel former efforts.—The Bug. lish Church ate for his pouy, and now posje8seo an ad. township council They have to be seen to Tree is on Tuesd&y evening, nirable team.—The doctor is now comfort - -5 be ap reoiated. Mrs. Broderick, of Buffalo Ear December 19bb, and the Presbyterian's on Friday, December 22ad. bl F I d in his now residence —Mr �, y �is with twodau ht6ra, is at present visit. eorge"M"i'llson hmiij recovered from Be, ing her parebts, I r. and Mr8,. A. Cardno. Tucke'romith. .ioere i Iness.—We are sorry to learn that our —Dr. Charles M Kay was present at the oung friend, Mr. George Coates, is going. seventeenth annu I dinner ot Trinity Medi- A GOOD TimB ComiNG.—Mr. Shillinglaw, leave this village and ' take up his abode cal College,, Toronto, held on Friday even- tbe-.energetic ' and efficient teacher of bhe oar Brussels.�Mr. Win. Rinn has returned ing last, and was one of those who replied school in Section No. 9, and who, by the f'om Manitoba., to the toast of the graduates.—The funeral way, -lias been re-engaged for next year, is of the late Hugh MoDermid took place at mak6g prepairations for - a grand musical Stratford on Monday afternoon, an1d Was and literary entertainment to be hold in the LOOALIT19B.--7-The Putortainment given by largely attended, The deceased was a school -on the vening of Wednesday, the r. Edswurth and Mr. Devlin, in the town brother of Mr. Angus McDermid, of the 20th iiist. Th: following among others h 11 bore, was fairly wLIL attendad, and a Huron Road, Hu ett, and of the late Mal. have promised their services on the occa- v ry good time was spent. —Mr. CAmeron oolm MoDermid, A Harpurhey, —The-, price sion : Mrs. W. Somerville, of Seaforth ; h m got moved into his now blacksmith paid by Mr.,Dyni 9, for the McGregor prop- Miss Park, of Cromarty ; Mamoru. Will a opt an is dAug a laige business. Not erty in Harpurhe, , was $475 and not 84250 McLeod and Walter Willis, Seaforth ; GeO- b able to do mil thework himself, he has as stated I i ast week.—The rink is now being D. Money, Kirkton ; J. G. Wren and Mr. 1'6g secured the services of Mr.. Tim MoDermid, flooded, and if the- cold. weather continues Stoneman, oV,Hensall, Master Willie Hays, of! Dablin.—Milis Susie Nichol is visiting there will be lots pf skating %ad curling for of MoKillop; and others will conititute the fi�r stister, Mra. T. C. Delgaty. —Mr. Christmas. Colonel Anderson is in com. vocal brigade, both cotni and sentimental, Frank Carlin has purchased 9, fineDew cut- mand again this year. A better man could while the instrumental. will be furnished by "on tol from Mr. Grieve, of Seaforth,—Mr. not be goti—Mosars. Brooidfoot & Box re. Messrs. Forsythe Brothers the violin, Will Brooke has been the guest of M r. John ceived a $700 order from Galt the other day and Messrs. Strong and Sproat on the $a dler for tho past few days.—Mr. Me. fbr the furnishing of a private residence.—, mouth organ. This promises to be- one of Br yne, tailor, of V,&rna, visited Mr. T. C. We are sorry to learn that Miss Bennooh, the most sucoesof ul entertainments thab have Do gaty, our village t4lor, —Mr. Thomas who was teaching a violin class here, under yet been held in this section, and that is Vi 7imn had a bee drtiwibg bricks from Cred. the auspices of the Young Men's Christian saying a good deal. ito2 this week. HO i0tODde pwting up a Association, is lai I up with rheumatism at large barn next aummer�—Mr. H-Arry Mat. her home in Stratford. Her brother, also, Leadbury. thi we returned home last week after a year who was in New Aexico for his health, re- turne&bome last eek, and died on Tues- NoTics.—Miss Jane i-Menarey, of Gray in he Northwest, Harry prefers our On- tar o winters. day morning. o are sure that Mine Ben- township, near Brussels, has been visiting noch's pupils and frienda'bere will deeply at the residence of Mr. J_. J. Irvine for the past fortnight. —Miss 11tickwell, who bas. Exeter. sympathise with er in her affliction.—Mr. Robert Coleman as been 6 pointed dele- been suffering from an attack of erysipitlas . CCIDINT. —On 'Friday afternoon last Mr. gate to the annual meeting Of the Catholic \8enefit is, we are pleased to say recovering icelY, l n Young people do not like to be confined to Jo u Vail and his sons, William and Woo - Mutual ssociationi. which takes place next summi ir in Nova Scotia, by, the their room, and this, we believe, has been y were 6utting wood in the H*y swamps, I r nty Sodom, his son W, sley, aged 17 years, local society hero. This is a society con. "mutual Miss Haokwell's first severe lllness.�A young lad,son of Mrs. MoNab, has been hl wh let choppffing, let thtj axe glAnce, cutti 9 neoted with the Catholic church for aid and life Insuram.ce.--The Royal Templars, suffering from inflammatory rheumatism for U fo toes 0 one of his Net. He is dolnug c I Die ly under medical treatment. of this town, inten I having a clothes' pin some time. We hope t6 soon hear of his POSTPONED Lzaruitz. —Mr. H C. grow - social on Monday 3vening next. If any of complete recovery. —Rev. Mr. Comens er, f the Molson's bank, Clinton'.was giving our readers are anxious to know what sort of an entertainmer t that is they should go preached missionary sermons, at the three appointments - in the Walton ciroalt:last a lecture with niagic lantern views in the town hall on Tuesday eveninglast. The �and iice.—The many friend's of Mir. John Sabbath.—Mr. James Cowan and Mr. John fire ab Gidley's showrooms, near the town McLean, of Tuelceramith, whose accident Govenlook, of Winthrop, have purchased 01 considerable quantity of hay in this seation hat , started just as the lecture did and the - we announced last week, will be pleased to learn that although confined to bed,he isim- for shipment. We wish them the fullest latt, r bad to bo postponed, Fijuc. —Aboat 7.30 p m. on Tuesday even. proving, and there i; not Iikely to be any measure of success in this useful enterprise. iog, fire broke out in Gidley's furniture serious results . fr m his unfortunate acal- —Referring to the feelings,of kindness. pos- rooi us, on Main ittreet. The building is the �dent.—One afterhoon Mr. James A. sessed by some of our people, it is uotewor- pro )erty of the Independent Order of Odd Anderson, who is' nothing if not a sport, thy that we have a young woman who keeps house for her -uncle who in aged and I ha . s no. fell, own, and the mtore below in occupied by ,ture shot two foxes and two musk rate in a swanip in McKillop. He was only gone wife or daughterii to take care of him. This Mr, S, Gidley, as a furn I show room, wit i work shop in the rear. The fire caught about five hours-, but Jimmie has a quick young lady, however,,is'not above washing frd - a stove in the work The Odd - eye and a sure aim for game.—Mrs. Hitch- his faiao and combing his hair, besides in- -shop. fell ws' hall was fit up, it being their night cox, the celebrated temperance orstress; who numerable other kind attentionii. Such acts of meeting. The building is a briok struct. so, deligkted large udiences on the occasion of kindness are, to say the least,highly com ure and ban been built about,fivb years. The of her last visit he -a, is to give an addres meifdable. Independent Order of Foresters, Canadian in Ciirdno's Hall this evening, under the Order of Poresteri and the Sons of England auspices of the Wc man's Christian , Temper. Blyth. occupy the upstairs. � Mr. Gidley saved con- ance Union.—Whi e the plate glass was be- BRzviTizs. —Word. arrived here on Tues- siderable furniture,which was badly doirnag- ing placed in one O � the 'Windows of Mr. M. Jordan's- day morning of the deavhL of One of our pop- ed. The. Oddfel Iowa' furniture was ba dly new store, it was, by an unfortun- ular y6ung men,'in the person of 1homas dairaged by amuke and water. The build - ate accident, brok4 a, and/*ill haye to be re- Moor , son of James*Moore, vell-known in ing was badly gutted, The briok walle are placed,—T-ha Automatic Telephone Com- to n )w - Itueems he was working on a railroad left in good condition, The adjacent build - pany are still inor asing their circuit, having brid some place in the State of lowa,when In was saved. The firemen and citizens 'placed 'phones in he following places dur- he fe;l -from the bridge and wait killed. The dii good service in checking the fire. Mr. t Bk Ing the pas wee A. Ingram's'residduce, corpse is expected to arrive on Thursday Gidley lost all his tools and considerable Dr..Campbell's re idence, Thomas Brown's evening. Mr. Moore and Mrs. Moore and furr iture. Hlo lose will be heavy, but he auction room, a d W. R. Counter's resi- family have the heartfelt sympathy of all in has some insurance. The Oddfellowe carri- dance. —Those int rested should not forget their trpuble.—Miss Reid, one of our lady 'teachers, ed I isurance on buildin au4 contents. the Sabbath 80,ho I entertainment in - the school indinds leaving at Chris- LWAL ITZKO. —Our &uboll met on Wed- �nt of basement of th�ello resbyterian church here tmas, Miss Campbell, of Seaforth, will fill nen( ay, the 29oh ult�, when the 'different on Monday evenin .—The many friends of the vacancy.—What's wrong with our skat- deputy-reburning officers for the manicipal- 4y Mrs. T. E. He v@1, ' If MaKillop,who has bee4.. Ing rink? In another winter going to ity were, appointed. Oar present Reeve, seriously ill for so a time, will be plessed.W pass without one being built, — Mr. Dr. J. A. Rollins, will be opposed by ex - learn that she a fecovering,.—Mr. A. Cardno Hector Brice is at present at home, very ill. Reeve, Win. Bowden. The present deputy, got in a fall cai load O*f —Mr. A. M. Babb was in Brussels on San. H. 3packman , will be opposed by one of the oranges this ek. They came from day.—Mr. -William Irwin, editor of the prei ient councilmen, who will make 'a good fw the grove of Mrs. Harriet i Bascher BI th Standard, is somewhat indisposed run and will probably be elected. —Electric Stowe, in Florid 6.—Mr. Patrick Mucahey thra week. We hope he, will be around in a light is all the talk. Windmill talk is a is starting On I lis own' account in the few days. —The - Epworth League intend thing of the past, lint will always be stamp. harboring busini me.—The St. Thomas' Chure� Sunday S)hool intend holding going to Auburn next Tuesday evening to ed on the memo d okets of the rate- r?, an y their give their sister a aoisty an entiartainment.-­- payers,—Rov. M otonag4 preached a very sloq- uent sermon on the Plebiscite on Sunday evening last.—T�n congregation of 9 the James, street Melif, -dist.church intend holding their annual at) - !!armairy and tea, on Sunda� and Monday nel-, . —The Bobier Pro- duce Company shipped i ur cars of poultry to British Columbia on Monday last. —Mr. - McManus, of Crelikinery fame, spent last week in this place. —Mr. Joseph Brenner and wife, of Grand Bend, spent Saturday last In this place. —Considerablo stiow.1f 11 on Sun - 01 day Ia9t and we are now having good sleigh. ing. - Mr. J. T. Weatcotto fruit tree agent, is ugaiin taking.orders for spring delivery and reports good success, He represents the Galt nursery. —L%wyern Dickson &,nd Collins, of this place, spout the beginning of this week in Toronto on businoss.—Aliss Ids Gould lobt a valuable gold - watch on our street on Saturdoy evening last. —Mr. Robt, Sanders, who ho' been on a rabbit shooting expedition in Turnberry township, returned home on Monday evening last with a large rL' 6ne rabbits. —Mesars. Cob. number of ve'y � blediuk & Foll4ud, hardware morohhnts, have already disp9sed of over thirty coal stoves this winterl—Metors. R. Pickard & Sons will occupy their now store in a few days, Brucefteld. As we have sold our premises and the store must be Yacated. -Our whole stock of D Goods, Crocker Hardware, Boots and Shoe@, 111:71 clues, &c., wilr be sold at sweeping reductions. EVE ELYTHING MUST GO, As this stock has boon put In during the past two �ears. There are no old Foods. We confidently say that everything has been bought at rock bottoni prices, and genuine bargainsi are to be had. Produce taken as usual. Come at once and lay in your winter parcels. J. MoIxTosu. 1356 BUSINESS CIiANGZ.--,An important sale of business prope'rty was consummated in our village on Monday of this week. The cor- ner store, owned and occupied for the past thirty three yeirs by the McIntosh family, has saad into the family of.the late Rev. J. W."Simpson and Will bhortly be occupied by Mr. George Simpson as a general store. Mr. Simpson is to be congratulated on ac- quiring this business stand and the large and steadilY increasing trade carried on by the McIntosii Brothers, before whom other business enterprises of greater magnitude appear to be temptingly opening. We wish all the parties concerned -success In their now venture. The conveyancing and real estate business will still be continued by Mr. J. A. McIntosh. NOTHS.—Services are not now hold both morning and evening in Union Presbyterian church on Sabbaths. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, is moderator for the congregation. —La grippe has again made its appearance in the neighborhood. It is needless to say that it is an unwelcome guest. —Mr. Pollock has been confined to the house with it for a time, but is now recover - Ing. —Revival services will be conducted In the Methodist church for another week. Mr. White hike consented to remain for a time.—O,n account of illness Rev. Mr. Leech was unable to preach on Sabbath last. —Large quantities of grain come into our village daily. Our enterprising merchant, Mr. Scott, allows very little of it to pass to other rnarkets.—Mr. Wm. Foster left on Tuesilay-last for Bradford, England, where he inteud� spending the winter in b,is old home, We wish him a safe journey and a pleasant visit in -the old land. He expects to return to Brucefleld in the early spring. —Pressed hay is now shipped weekly from our station. Farmers seem to find this inore profitable than feeding, atock, as for- merly.—Mr. Robert Ross had his foot badly bruised a few days ago, in taking out sto ' DO for a barn foundation. He is reooverin and will, we trust, soon be aboat his wor again. -Morris LOCAL MOVEMENT5.—W. J. gouch lost a fine young working horse last week by in- flammation.—Mrs. John Mason, ar., is visit- ing friends in East Wawanosh this week.— Willows Farrow lost a good milch cow last week, by a tumor in the throsib.—Mrs. Henry Bone in on the sick list at -present. We hope for a speedy recovery. --Mr#. Rob- ert Souch, who has been in declining health all summer and autumn, is still no better.— La grippe, like the tax collector, in again, going from house to house making life an, Dual oal).---Council matters are very quiet for this time of the year. Still there if an undercurrent of rumor which speaks volumes and a now council for 1894 will likely be the result, at least in peirt.—D&vid Walker lost a ialuable horse last week by influent&. A great number of horses In this township are inflicted with the same disease and it is proving fatal in quite a number of cases.— W.. Farrow had a wood bee on Thursday of Isist week, at which he had abo4t 20 corde of wood made ready for market..' In the evening a social party took possession of the house and made things lively for a time. — The truste'�s of School Section No. 6, have re-engaged James R,)Fje for 1894, at an ad- vance in ealisry of $5.00. Miss Kinney has been re-engaged in the Browntown section fur the ensuing year, at an advance of $15.00 in a-Alary.—Mi8s Me,liess Souch-, of this township and Mr. George Lowery, of Brussels, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, on Wednesday, of thin week, by Rev. Mr. Pring, of Bluevale. The cere- mony was witnessed by a largo number of friends and acquaintane'es. Elensall. SPECIALbargaiu AaI8 bf Boots and Shoes Trunk# and Valises. Our ocial bargain sale for the paigi two weeks was a gran2lauccess and people came a diotance of 10 and 16 miles and were well repaid for thbir journey, and, as we have still a large stock on hand we will sell at special bargains from now till January lot, 894, It will therefore pay you to call and buy your foot wnre frons us, as we have the largest and most complete stock in the county to select from and are sure to Olease you in quality styleandprice. Tormsouh. Thanking you for pasi patronage. SignotBigBoot. A.Wzerou. 1855-0. SALE EXTENDID—Our two weeks' male was a grand success, We sold a lot of goods, but our stock is still too heavy and niust be reducod $3,000 by January lab. To accomplish this, we will continue our saleall through this month. Our prices will mail the coda. See a few of them: Black Cashmere wortr1l.00 a yard for 76o. ; Black Casbmere worth 76c for 60c. ; Black Cashmere Hose worth 50c. a pair for 40c. ; Black Cashmere Home worth 35c. a pair for 26c. ; Factory Cotton worth i0c. a yard for So.; 6 pieces Flannelette worth 10o. a yard for 7c.; Felt Embroidery worth 35c a yard for 15c. ; Embroidery Lawn Handkerchiefs worth 26c. each for loc. ; 10 dozen silk Handkerchiefs worth 75c. to $1 each for 50c. ; a line of men's Caps worth 60c. each for 35c. ; Drees Goods of all descriptions at a sacrifice. over. coats worth $13.00 each for $11.00; Overcoats worth 110.00 ea,3h for $8.00. On L%dion' Mantles we can sive you at least $2 on e%oh, We have. bought too heavily, and must now unload. Our mistake will be your gain. Terms ca8h. D. Wiusummut. 1356-2 BRiKFS. — We are enjoying excellent sleighing in this secti a and the farmers are ina-king good use of it', while our streets pre- mentquitea lively appearance.—Our mer. chants ar� all preparing for a rushing Chris-, man trade and have the stocks to do the business with.—The Fanaville Methodist congregation intend holding a tea meeting' in their church on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 19oh, and intend sparing no expense or pains to mitke it one of the best ever held, which is saying a good deal, so all their to& meetings in i the past have been good and largely attended.—A large number of the Royal Templar# of this village attended a box social -tieid under the auspices of the Kippen lodge in the town hall on Wednes- day . evening last and assisted in the pro. gramme. They report b i had a good meeting and time with their ppen friends., —The.many friendsmof Mr. Alexander In. gram, one of the old and much respected pioneer farmers of this neighborhood, will regret to learn of his present serious illness and will hopo for his recovery.—The many friends al.41 of Mr. Simon Hunter, of this village, wha�very recently returned from Manitoba, whiere he had been spending the summer nd fall, principally for the benefit of his he:lth, and who returned home great. ly tionefitted by the trip and change of clim. ate, will be sorry to learn- that he, is at the present time and has been for the 'Past week A V FIRIDA-m-1 DECEMBER 8th, 1893. For 0hristmas Tiadell Our stock will be found well W. sorted iu- the following goodis, viz.. Handkerchiefs Ties Gloves aud Mitts Hosiery "Underwear Hoods Wool Caps Shawls Bilks Dress Goods Mantles Millinery Fur Capes Fur.�Collara muffs &C., &C. Table CJoths Napkins Voylies Tray Covers Towels Lace'Ourtains Mats Gents' Ties it Mufflers it Gloves 4i Socks 4f Underwear 0 Fur Goocts Clothing Edward McFaul.- SEAFORTIff. in a very -critical state, We trust,however, ke way and will recover.—A temperance mosibing was hold in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening. There was a fairly good attendance and interesting addresses were girsh by the reildeat ministers. —Miss C. Chapman was In London part of last week and this on a visit.—Mrs. (Rev.) Fisher If, here at present, being oalled thron0h the 111! sees of her father, Mr. Alexandr Ingram.— Miss M. Millar, of Exeter, was in the vil- la this week Visiting friends.—Mbs K. 31901a, gins to visiting friends in Ailssi Craf&— Mr. Wv�. Moir was in Galt on Monday at- tending the funeral of a relative, the late Mrs. Gibson.—His Lordship, Blo.hop Bald- win, of London, was in the village on Tues. day at St. Paul's church, for the'popose of confirming a number. who were uniting with the church. A large number attended on the occasion to hear the Bisho.p's address to the candidates, which was both earneeb and eloquent.—The Rev. Mr. F. Swann's father, who is a retired minister, was in the village last week visiting his son, and con.' ducted the morning seivice.—Hise R,Eraua left here last week, for Londsboiro.--�Mr. George Found, of (Aarlog Cross, and form- erly of Whitoohurch, was here this week calling among hie friendc—Miam McDougall, of near Cromarty,was visititi-ahere thloweek, —Mr. Wilson, of Ails% Craig, was here re- cently, spending a few days with Mr, J. F. Troyer.—Mr. Robert Hunt, jr., of Missouri, was here this week viAting his mother and attending the funeral of his father, the,late RobertL Hunt. —Our grain buyers are kept buoy theme times.—Mr. J. Sutherland, of the postoffice book store, is putting in a" large stock for the Gbristmas trade.—Tho many friends of Mr.J, E. McDonall'wil be pleased to learn that he is doing an well an can be expected, &nd that, thOULg still very weak and suffering cousidera.bly, he is on the way to recovery. (By an Occasional Correopwident.) IX�111198TING ITzms..—Th e Ministerial As- sociation of South Huron, met in the Meth- odist church on Monday afternoon last. There was a good attendratioe of Ministers, A' Plenary Verbal Inspiration " was the sub- ject of the day.. The.diAcussion of the topic was ably led by Rev. 0. Pletcher.—The Ex- ecutive CO mmittee of the South Huron Pro- hibition Association met the warne day, in the same place. Consider -able business, in preparation for- the prohibition plebiscite to be taken on January 14, wais transacted. Arrangements were made for a general con. vention of the South Riding on Wednesday., December 13th.—The report. of the ap- proaching cold wave, which,struck Lambton and Bruce with such divabtrous results last week, has sent a cold shiver through the Grits of this section. WhithLr are we drift, Ing ? — The setni-annual meeting of the Yo-tiog'People's Society of Christian Endeav- or, of Carmel church, was ht Id in the base. ment on Monday evening I-Ast, This society has passed the fourth m.fle atone in- its his- tory, and is steadily increasing in size and consecrated siotivity, 'The i-xperiment of last year in sending a mis.eioaary to one of our Home Mission fields pro-�ed so satisfac- tory that the society has reiulved to under. take the same work this yoar, The follow - Ing officers were oloated for the ensuing six months : President, Rev. J. S. Henderson; Vice- President, Mrs. Win. Moir ; Corres- ponding- Secretary, Mr. Win. Elder ; Min- ute Secretary, Miss M, Hunter ; Treasurer, Mr, A. McPherson ; Organist, Miss Aggie 'Murray.—The Women's Foreign Mission Soci - ety held their annual thanksgiving s6r- vice on Wednesday afternoon and also elect- ed officers for the ensuing ye,,r. There was " large attendance of members and an ex- eenout programme was rendered, The re- ports of Secretary and Treasurer showed mo.st,encoura ing progress during the year. The th Walring amouu ted to $43.5,0. The follciving officers were electod for the year: President, Mrs. J. S. H -nderson ; Vice - Presidents, Mrs. Win. Bu- ba ian and Mrs. A. Arnold ; Secretary, 1 s-, 'M, Brown; Treasurer, Mrs. Win Moir —Oarrnel churc is losing one of its faithful offi ,are, Mr.Chas, McAllister who ban ably cm -,ducted the oor- vice of praise for the pa -t five y�ears, is re- signing thitt position. Stepm ,re being taken to secure another Port AluerG. NoTELETs. —A heavy f -) i t snow brought aleighingattheend of I.,,4t week. It Is plessanttohear the sou',)l of - the sle.lgh- bell@ again.—Mr. Henuitig.who ad the grist mil,l re ' ated for the p ,i, yearjas re- turned to Goderich, Wn i a h re he and his family won the goo will &,,-I .isteem of the people. Before leaving t par y was given to the. young people of i h v ioi nity. An en- joyable tha was spent. —M sars. Platt, and Runcimau, who have ran to i he mill for A time, have taken posseesim. We extend to them a cordial welcoin�., —Navigation is still open on the lake. A *u,ijoner Jay out; near the harbor laot S&1urliy I during the I ale that was blowing 1r, teparted earl)r unday morning.—Mr. It Grabain is still suffering from the effeefs f rtie accident he met with laht summer. — %I r. J hn Keefe, of Kingabridge, had an sue im mile of tock Imist week. The anim,-I, 'hold at a WHY ,good,figure. Mr. & DeLoog was the Auo- tionser.1 ..144d TVVMTYA3E1 WHOLE W1 4s When �he frol And the foddiE. THEN TO THINK. of hearts- to b -Xmas gifts, th Most Useful) MOS imd happitiess, _XW88 UOV461tles Secure the doiee possible pnoes., N ew Orea Bow,s, Four -in Fancy Suspel $&tin in new effv English. - Glovf colors auct stylea English Undej ()ottonj Worsted mere, Merinoy M Shirts--W,hitt front, open back, Night Rdbefi— W-ool. S Jewelry—Ouff Buttons, j$tud M Garters,-Armlo In all -departm goods for the hol THE LEAD] SEA East a-ur MR. TNOMAB GIs, The bad.a ralac' on Tuodxy 'I"t, Huron Raform Q present about 160 � gub-division in the', sonted, and the gi thuslasm preWiled. at and bets' . goither in the Ridingo At the appointed A. Hyeloptstled t In a ueat,aoddree which led tobe coil and congratulated I the large turout,w animity would rev Mssre. Jokn.R.- Murdle, McKillop, 'were appointmd. a c( and a committee j appointed, 'The Q ,Ing completed its Is their seats and he stitated, - The ,follow1ug ari gate$ in attendance MoKmLor.—Ed. Rugh Dunn, amem John Malone,Thom John Shine, John 1q Common, Peter Ke Govenloak, Willian son, It,, Pollard,,.AJ -Coan. William � Frank Rest,,Gsorge David McLachlan, Pollard, amle* ATALI '-Doigi Mchael-arl James Campbell. 'Isue, Aleander I Thomas MoLaomau McKinnon, Titornam lumt M. Armstroni McDonald, draw Tdrnbull, Jo Taggart, James Ma in 0 MCKAIr, Wn e D. Milne, John Win. Smith, Win. IM-cGragor, Rayman, A, i,C. ui tine Foerst;4. Wb MOnRIS,—Thoms JfAmes Craig, JoseF l0kv, John hortr4 -than Moore, Law lurrie, Robert Arn John Spair, Simon Johr Elston,, vsey John W, Wheeler,, Arh. Can id-offatt, James Smi fdosest Waltor Fov HOWICK.—H.Hu John Bell, Thomas 1110n� John Scott, I 161in, Knox, Peter I A- Mclotosho �Thel� McLach)"t WM., I James Hunter, Fra Lachlan, A. Nihol Edgar, Thomas; Hi Graham, Alexan&r RULLI&TT.—Tuon Stephenson) John I Joseph- Winchley, Roij, Thomas Neit Watt, John-Di-meE Cleghorn, David R son, Robert Doug -14 killer, John Douglata, BRUsus. —Jamf 11- McCracken, It, � D. Warwick, Jame, tel, -W. M, Sinclair, WROXE-2131. —It. R. vogtf Win, B A communcation t1%Ty from Dr, , Men 1181nability �to be I tl0ka on ccoulat of A 411red them that th4 in personhe ould Counselled uianimil OilOic6 of the Conve 6'racter an -wol, temolution was FAAAW doctor iit ivio Illt 110ke that.he would The Prooldiit,oi stated that ho woul 06iVing nominations doll1gates made g4L About iWentyJ, In a delegate ooked thwi Placed -on the vlatkL 14W the tion cdv This loin o say that tho looking lot of m4 ftued�upcft to new