The Huron Expositor, 1893-12-01, Page 8) � �_ i : - I - . . � . . . I I . (A . . .. . -7 I � �, 11 , � � .. I " _�� - ,� - � . Z11 I � � I . 11 ___ - I - -1 . . . . I . � .. I � . . . I - . . . I . I � I . - . - � I � . . . I I . � - I . . 11 - _. I � I I � . 13 1. - . I - � DEcEmBrut 1 ! � - I 1. - . �. - _. � I I N . . 11 - � - __ $1893. . , . 8 . - 0 mommommo� ____ TTnTT!!T11 . . I I ___­_� I . - ___ — � - - -7— 1 . : McDonell. IM 'rlr'%A"V I'll, I - - . . . I I . Her many Sonforth number of their friands.1-Rov. Mr. Deffill friends of Mr. John E - I = =:- � the day very pleasantly at the parent& immediately took an intare 6 � n us and told � with friends in. town. of Goderich Townshig, preached on Sunday hardware morabant, who is one of the old X,Rx-.jjx,.,J . EDWARD OASH home of the latter.—Mr. James Dallas b*s us what to do. Immediate y af to tting friends ware delighted to meet with her 6 en of MrrIames I again.—Miss Stewart, of Benmiller, spent morning -in Trinity a ur'oh, Rev. .Mr. - Ker- eat and most enterprisit ,,, business m I GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH) , gone to Inwood to take charge of the ,mis- heroohn went to' work *0 . W ' . Elder and rin being away at London. No service on this village, will regret learn�of hia pres- . ' , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In . I mica field lately occupied by Mr. J. S. Mul. Crombie's foundry,but in t a fall be! Tiving with Mrs. J. -tare ' DEOEMBER 1st, 1893. - �. to Cincinnati, living tht,r about 1 seven family.—Mrs. Fred Robb, of Park River, Sunday nexb.—Thereal'estste business is ent illness, which is of r .h a serious na . . . drew.—'Mr. Joseph Srroat spent Tlitstiks great 4 k orrow Dakota, mud mister of Mr. Win, I G. Broad- still booming here. Mr. George E�win has that on Friday evening -3t Doctors Brown- - I Fine - Dairy - - Butter, giving here. For some weeks he has been years. There occurred the mid, of Hensall, I of which robbed his f utarel life oif much �f its � foot, of Tuckerernith, arrived in this neigh- purabased from Dr. Wright',tho promises oc- ing, -of Exeter ; Maodi-el -perform, a � I - . I —ALSQ— 160"king'for lost timber along the shore � I cupied b Dr. Sheppard,. onthe Square, � -and Gunn, of Clinton, had to � ­ 'Any person visiting our store ; I . sa. He married'� ]a ly to whiom he borholod last week, and will spend a couple y J I surgical operation, which we are pleased to 7 . � 1W - ts, will see at once that it is filled . � � , � 0 I . Lake Huron and the Georgian Day; a large happine a I � I Hides and Tall; ached, bu the first anni-, of months visiting her -numerous friends and ! . , rt�ft which was being towed across the lake was very much atti . say, has been attended with good resul � � . . I M r. veraary of their rnmrria e ea er laid away relatives.—The Bell Telephone Company Exeter. ;' . cDonell is still very with choice Dry Good's of ever - � n 'y - Sheep Skins and having- been broken up by a storm. - a 'd althou ad I I ..., 1 !.Raw Furs7 - I Sproat thinks he has located about 1,000,000 in the able earth. Vr. 01 ,er then ,came has, within the pasb few days put hisbru I COLT LOST.—Strayed from the pasttire _gh Mr. M I deseription. We aim to keep , . back to Galt, but shortly ' a ompanied his ments in Messrs. A. Young's and C. Wil- fleld from Lot 24, Concession 4, Usborne, on Noveta.. lbw and sufferitig considerably, we are g a oplendidl msorted stock of . I . . .. � feet. . The raft was in tow of two tug8, one the tow hip of'Wawa- son's grocery stores, Mr. W. Ament's cooper her 16th last, a heavy draught, light bay horse colt,- to learn that he is recovering, and sincerely .y I -� . I I — , of whicif was sunk during the'storm.—Mr. fatherand family to Mr. Oli- shop, and Mr, John Coop's rewidence.—Mr. risin 4 yearsi with white* star on foreheed and a lit- trust that with the good care and medical reliable- goods at mod JACK`F -, James* McKinley, -of Toronto University, nogh. They came here in -1 6. Me w1lite on one hind foot Inside. Any information skill he is receiving, he will soon regain his _ erate- ROST to meet . spent Thanksgiving at home1ere. HeLis an ver possessed a,good � educ�ti'l , and during Bertrand Hillary, of Stpokwp.11, England, leading to the recovery- of this colt wIII be thankf ul- ed health and spirits. In the mean- ways seeking Is no respecter of persons, therefore, prepare - enthusiastic foot ball playei -and came up most of his life in VY awan aught school, is.at present visiting his cousin,''Mr. is Mul, I 'I received, by Post Card or otherwise, by GFORGE wont e much missed from our to improve the values, , his coming by securing one of our' - I Reame so much lett, of thi � a town. -The- Misses ,Dew�r, of &nmoitm, Exeter P. 0. I 1 1356-1 time he is and will b . alwaig . __ . 0 � partly to help. the home team' in their con. 'but after a time his hearin , pan. business and -social circles. -Mr. William bringing out the newest styleg Winter Overcoats or Suits. I ease that Meaford, are at present the guests of Mrs. - ITEMS.—The funerallof Mrs. Lucy test with 0e Toronto boys. . By the wa;y, affected that lie was c9mpi5 Ito 0 1 - Blatchford, of Prospect Hill,uear St. MarYs, and always working for $ We have just secured &'big range from a ,leading e retakership of J, R. L on. -There ha's bee a charming warden, relict of the late David Penwardex , Jennie the at less than the cost of production, 110 - occupation. Securing thba� y -.Miss -_ anufacturer me of our boys "' carry weight " physical . a - was in the villuge this week. m ipondingly low prices. the church here, he came I __ 9 and his sub- variety in weafher during the past week, � took place frorn'the re:ideuca of Mr, S!Lmuel Murray was in 4oderich part of last week interests of our customers. We . which we will sell at correm ly, a grand equipment f6r the battle of life. � of and,the changes from snow to rain and from Buckingham, of this place, on Sunday last Call and inspect and we will convince You of the So thought one of the Toronto players at sequent life is so well kn 'wn to mo3bl uent and t ieuds.-We are, pleased have some excellent things to bargains Nve have in store I ileighiD a the Elhnville cemetery, for you. No. trouble to the match on Thursday, when he ran your readers that more need at be said," . i ,g to mud, have been freq she having died and this visiting fr "d Mrs. J. O'Briert, who show our goods. . I �, ___40-__ � rapid. It now looks an if winter had started on Friday, at London, 'at the age of 67 years. to state that Mr. an offer you this month, and- ,we , , WX PICKARD sgairkst� kle. -William Elliott and' dislocated � SHOOTING. MATCH -The second aunuil in earnest, and there is fair sloghitig. -Miss She was formerly a resident of Wiuchebjeao were both low with typhoid fever, and who are certain that it will be to I his shoulder. The poor fellow, no doubt,. ' in Usborne township.+The I -Lev. W. Mo- were here througli their illness, have recov- . . Seaforth. concladed he bad 'co-Ilided with a post, or live pigoon'shootiug match, for an oyster Nom Clench, the celebrated. violinist, will * your interest to call `� — - , . - appear here on the 27th irk�t., under the Donagh will speak on the Plebiscite in ered nicely, and were able this week to re- and see __� some ponderous - Will, how- supper. under the manal � . . .. . � __ � obstruct�ion. . gerni at of the Sea I turn to their home in Londeaboro.-Miss these offerings, -1 . . ever, was not the least shaken by the colli- forth Gun Club, -came off a , the Queen", auspices of the Methodist �Oiirch choir:- Oardno's ball, Seaforth, on Tuesday evetilng fltiug friends here. Just at this time of the yev,r � Latest Grocery News. * The Mechanics' Institute �e negotiating next.�Mr. Richard Evans and wife, bif Lou- Edith Millar, Exeter,is ViE - on Thanksp. iving day and , McCallum, and Drs.Macarthur And � . � sion.-7-Mr. John Ireland has gone int(y the hotel, Seaforth,_ . 8, the with Mr. Adam Brown, of Hamilton, with -a doi), spont last Sunday here, the guqsti of -Mr. C. on, of the wants are usually Uumer- - milk delivery business with Mr. Aber-bart. was very suc6essful. Mr. . Stephen ' I a 'of London, Miss Roberts , I , i have,just returned from the Easteinrnarkc�s, - I � I their son John. -Considerable snow tell on _�%ug I 11 ous$ and embrace som. where I have bought and personally selected a brand All who know him will wiBh.'hini suebeas in gouial landlord, preiented th ' person mak. view to having him give his lebrated lee, I * P . Miss Cameron of Ailea Craig, I Othing'or his new 'ventu ing the highest score in the n bird match, ture on the great Chicago ext ii�itlon, illus- Tuesdaylast. - A few� cutters and �lehzhs_ �xeter, and I I new stock of Groceries, &c. I have bought nothing re. -Mr, D.. Grant, of St. apent Thank sgiving'Day with Mr. Arnold other out of the I(. I but the best quality of new fresh goods all through. t Dr. Blackall, trated by limelight views. The lecture is wi-ra seen in the village on Saturday last.- r, ra. McArthur of this village. -A . logue" of thi . 1groat eat&. Marye, spent Thanksgivirig with relatives with a beautiful silver cup. 1 e is 61 any kind, so I will b making t r �r� Now.. So old or adulterated good of Clinton, won' the cup on said to be inte i esting and the views admir- A number of our villagers are conri�ed to Ild M ngs to we . in the village. -Preparatiom are under way � hoi�e social under the %a- I - have one of the beat, � if not tile very b�st stock of e devotiont 1'exeroises at their homes with severe co)ds. t ery enjoyable at we have a large stock-�-in fact - and as I ent in the interest of the . straights. 'The following isil the so . ore : A. able. � Hereaf ter th . � ___ . _____0-_ I I AK Illiary, I . choice Oro ries ever ofTered in Seaforth for"an entertainm . vening mt eting of the I � �pices of the Ladies' Miosiouary . a very heavy stock of I rcl e . I - 6f St. Paul's church, was held at p 0 - y for cish or trade, thus greatl'y reducing --A. Jd Bright, 7 ;. T. the Wednesday e rest %-ill sell o 1! Sabbath School,to be held about Chrietmas. J. BRIGHT, Captain, - Chr � I , f the aNpegaes of doing business. my prices will be fa Ma- Young Men's- istian Assmiation rooms . I I Ex,pect to open the sto in this connection we may remark that the Ballantyne, 3 ; J. Andered , 6 ; ,J. I Usborne. dence of Mrs. Petty, sr., on Tuesd � . . I big surprise. 5 re next week.-!' oreliberal .-.Murray, 9; S. Gidley, 8 ; 0 Hinchley, 7 ; 'Will commends at 8 o'cloc� an'� � close at -8. 30, , A FA41LY GATHERING. -A most plea -sant 4, MILLINERY . � � � � cbIlection od 1hanksgiving was m � amu . Ing nd although the weather and I � � . C. WILSON, Seaforth. 1 than usual, for which our Sabbath School is J. Ross, 9; A. Stark, 8 ; F� eattle, 7 ; E. after which there will be' ements. The family rd -union took place at the residrrice -1 last, a 1355 : ol is , . I Hischley, 7 ; T. Jor i; W. Dohertyl ,officers are_ encouraged by vai increasing ioads were both uinfavorable the attendance � grateful. With this exception the acho dan, � 41 .of Mrs,, Peter Gardiner, Thames Road, Us- was very large the house being crowded to - MANTLES enti ely self supporting, an the children 0, G. A.. Sills. 5 ; Robert * 3sattie, 7 ; A. interest in the - Association �'i by young - at day - $ . _ I borne,, on Thanksgiving day. On th its utmost capacity, and a most enjoyable Shr � r ' st will not . ­ . DRESSES - I ,W * - Willson, 4.-97. , J. DODDS, Captain, -J. men, and it is .hoped this int ir� Mrs. Gardiner entertained under her hosp�i- a _,ftUVJ0n (5111JOO,to - , mrid�"acheracontribut6to that end every ly continue but increase.-, )a; account of time was spent by all. Mrs. Petty nd her krp,)w TV Jr V# 8a�64atb. - . Dodds, 7; A. Tierney, 7 ; C. Overberyl, 6 ; on table roof twauty-six Gardivers, including family sparing no pains to make all present FURS ., � � w -3 �5 . . J. E. Blackall, 10; John Siophens, 8 - E. the unfavorable eather on Monday e�ening - . . 7 last,.the meeting held at No. 14 Ischo6l, Mo- sons, eorks! wives and grandchildren. Th feel athomeand ' enjoy themselves'. -*while , . 7 ; A. Fulton, .1 s o ri.s are c Alexand6r, of McKillop ; Peter, - . __ - . A FARm SOLD. -Mr. Samuel Lands- - Csotel6n, 7 ; John Turner, I � ,purpose of r4moti-6g the the musical and literary prograimm AND WINTER CLOTHING. ' DISTRICT MATTERS. ' - borough's farm on the 4th .concession, 11- R- 8; S. Hinchley, 5 ; H. GripO, 5; William Killop, for the t so well 4tended of Mount Pleavanti Michigan ; Dr. Gardi- greatly to the evening's entertainment. The I — � I _� . . prohibition vote, was no . - � been sold to Mr. Ament, 5; John Lee, 6 ; ril Stephens, 5,; nor, of London, and James and Robertw of fector, the Rev. Mr. .Softley, having inti . . . . 8" Tuckeramith, has iley, near Var- W. Cline, 6 9� A. Scott, C-06 The follow. as was expected. It, was,the efore, thuught Usborne, Thepe embrace an unbroken The season is- fast adv - . TEMPERMicH NOTES. -The first ublic Aleitander McKenzie, of Stat harsda,.,� even- matedthat the ladies wereauxious to pro- ancing, I p This is the ing is the result of the shoc ting for- the desirable to adjourn until � family, with tl�e exception of one brother, and we want to quicken the mass meeting in the interest of the probibi. na, for the sum, f $4,200. . . - cure better lights for the church, and that � tb�aj'�t has been sold in this sweepstakes, each having siX birds : S. H. ing of next week. - A good ' staff i of �peakers who died a few yeam ago. - This is the first a sale of these goods, so I . - aboat $10 wan required for that purpose, -you have 1 11 - scite will be held in Cardno's hall,: cheapest farm ley - will be In attend anoe then. Weard,'gladto a �1 - tion plebi t county for a long tin�e, and we venture to Gid P 6; J. McMurray, 6;` George Hinch I time in ten years or more that they have all Oce -will offerieg was talren- up, when not � our reason in a few words W -_ i -4 on Tuesday evening next, Docamber 5th, a re than lay, 3; E. Cantelon, 5; J E , Blackall, 4 ; .see Mr. James Stiwart, foFmarly imple- met together, land it I is needless to say that . . � �- 8 o'clock p,.m. The Rev. W. MoDonagh, may that the b'uildi6ge on it costmO . Tierne'y * - ,ent of this t is hore just : only $10 but $15-50 was quickly and cheer- we are making extra I . xeter, rid other@, will be present. this ium�. it bontains 100 acres of excel. ,A. J. Bright, 6 ; A. I ; E. Hinch- inent ag ow.�, who theyali speni an etijoyable time. They - � - i - � , fully contributed,which speaks well for the 99 . I of E a. to de- lent -land, well improved, and has on it a le I rieve, 5; T. � now froth Michigan.. Mr. S ewsrt seems to Im, any mother may liberality of the people, and Oome and see how good a deal yt 4.; F. Beattie, 2; H. , are all sonai of who the ladies are . . liver addresses. The pabliLo are cordially . nderson, 4 _; J. Dodds, 5; like"farming in that State, and, alt6bigh he a the . you I I i - I large two storey stonj house and a 'large . Stephens, 5 ; j. A . I u ' be congratulated on the success of their . can make. � . 1, he has no ipt6ni well feel pro ' d, and we are sure it wa . I - e - -1 be taken erbery, I 4. Bays times are dul i 4ou of hat to . . . invit d to attend, A collection wil ging undernwith, A. Fulton, 5 ; Q Ov � . I uppermost dostre in the minds of all t social. . � . f import- bank barn with Wpe;stal L as h thinks 1he can I up to defray expenses. ----�Businass 9, � - abandoning Uncle Sam, I � I Mr. McKenzie is to! be congratulated on his i � the worthy 4iid beloved- mother may be . I � : I . �, 1, . I - I I y out of him yet.-Theri . I &nee requifes the attention of every Royal � . a more such pleasant. �' I ' - ,purchase, and as there wo-s a bargain going Two FOOTBALL MATCH.-!, Ihanksgiv- I lIv'll be .spared to P'oy many ' Tuckeramith. : . a Institute special services in the 8% on � m * � % . , - A� B � Templar at iheir meeting on Monday : even I t , t, k, t,r :� WAST END - � I there are few more deserving of it than he, ing day the Parkdale Coll! hy ,a re -unions, i . Ing next, I . wn, dn� sun he ! I - . _. NOTBS.-OIPViDg to the dis Edward McFaul, ., and we hope he will be Ion ared to enjoy football team, �of Torontd., ttem ted to racki, in this to .�, a 1. � aireemble weather the,spec 11 - . � ME h , roe o',616ck, t key �w�lll hold � Walton. I . ial services which . I the comforts of hi� beau impome. When wrest the Ho'u'gh cup from ur .echooV boys of ternoon, at th I - to being conducted at Turner's Appoint- SEAFORTH. .., �� A PLXASANT EvjmixG.-On the evenin -i S'h opel. tempqrjanoe meeting, Ind a ' ighl, A FiND. /`Wslton�people will be pleased We - I Mr.'Landaborougl4 removed. to the Park 'here, but the- cup still rem& no in " _ L,Ia pr'aiter and -4 nt,-have betan postponed until ,& more . . of 1hanksgiving Day, a very pleasant social , , Aifriends The Toronto boys came up , e nesday night commencing at eight o'cloo, to let,rn tha clay of the beat quality, suit- Me . � � - -t of the Pies . by River di4rict, in Dakota, his many in, old P a good rest, an we e ditermin- praise .meeting. In the eatti;-B-arrou f4vorable time. -Mr. 'John Crich of Minna- Her many friends in and around � was held in the baseman on be back again 0 as to get � able for m Ing' brick and tile, has been . * � . I - hoped'he would so -MaKillop, .14 1 )lie, is home on a visit. -An extra a I - .� � I t drain case, from an lofied last spi I.- terian, church by the Endeavor Society'. A. -I - Huron, content to',�spend the :remainder of od to take the cup. back with them. The found on t farm of Mr. -David- Campbell, I mount Gorrie wish her every success. -Mr. li .,, week, the judge has given hi eaWon, set- of grain -crushing and straw-catting is being Chris. Xiue, who hag been preachingia though this weather was unfavorable, qu ' iving now storm, I I rt ,his days here, butithis Bale looks ,as if . they match was played in. a dr , . F on- the thi lot from Walton, and uegotia- � I . a large company assembled, who listened �.- " ) has be- which, howeverp did not seem t ffeot bho ting aside the eagineer'sawa, . an )lacing tions have I done this season. the Northwest, has returned home, Quite - . I rill be disappoiutid, &ad that:! h( am a 0 a . n Mr. i already been completed for the i - ho, had . a good program of mo arary , - M I h ... a , ,0 . -NOTES, Mr. Abraham Crich,w I I sical and "lit I ild W�st. playing much, although t e , of all the coats, &mounting to 0 d tile yard, by two a few like to return to spend the winter lit I ; come resigned to reside in the w . . opening of a brick ab ft 5�reg a ectatori, �, I a Beattie. - cargo his father's farm rented for Ithe past season, Ontario. , � nion and hom ithere was quite a lar a umber, had Mr., J. Tyerman and Home, Sweet Horne", etc.- . locations, and, to the humorous remarks . coiumu . w , practical men, who have chased the an- . . � �robably preferribg close ' ned to In many parts of th Ontario I the cbkairma�v, Rev. Dr. McDonald,mi . -Nis family Who' are located to do a good deal of " lairiki round " to W. Sparliog: have both been a his given up the place, an -his father wants ' I � il much enjoyment. . At the conclusion of, V , - fellowship with nd pri;-ileges of the warm. The r ys ir gineat.Do�rney's saw mvill,rwith which to td come back on it a ain. Xr. Crich will in te,province of there, to the comforts a . �eep themselves 0�to be the . residences by illness for some days. run their crushing and other machinery. . 9 ' t the, first- shot he Plebiscite campalp i - portion of the 'program,, light refreshmon t i ; � i al almost mmediately - 0 1 1 1 ience h4ve a sale of his stock and effects on he has been fired, but the R . I better civilization. ; I scored the first go .. ' Such an ,industry will be a great conven lath of January. He intends g , eople of Howick ! - I Were served and everybody settled dow'� to I - - _: � after the kick-off ; then the ho e team sall. . Chiselhurst. I to the people all through this section. 0iDg to Be&- have not yet entered the fight. , It Is poi. . . � I I have a good, socia�lo time,. which, from� ap- � , -Fine Chin3k Tew ed in and got two in successi n, the o'core TEAcHxR ENGA(;ZD.-.We are pleased to I f4th' to reside. -Messrs. Murray & KeD7 sible that they are loading up and that they I . I CROCKERY DE�ARTMJKNT. , f thi's village, t4dy, who did such a good business in grain wish to let the enemy come veryclose before pearances, they succeeded in doing. The Setc. Dinner Sets,-!Xh%mber Seti and Fancy.Gopda standing 2 to 1 at half tiTe. Soon after learn that Mr. John Hicks, Blake - Y,�r, suitable for Christmas - presents. Please call and � c6shing last winter, are again in the busi- . evening was closed with singing and �ra' half time Toronto scored gain tieing the who is at present attending oderich Model I ' . they open fire, and that then they will fire audall left well pleased with the way in select; will be -pleased to lay mide until called for. � ,, but from that out theT er' A HAPPY EvENT. -A most pleasant event n ' a this season. They hold out at 'Kyle's such a, volley that the result will he felt I C. LAMLAW, Seaforth' i 13 ..garne, e not in School, has 8�cured the situ. tion of teacher he remi- 91 which they had spent the latter part of J-, I I . ! 55 took place on Wednesday last, at t cd crush on Thursday and Friday from one and of Ontario to the other. -Mr. � t A. Young's rocery ! ea. it much arid, the home boys adde two goals,, of SohooU Section No. I Hay, for 1894. ,rner, and . WAN 9 A dance of Mr.� Pete� Douglass near here. of,each week. This will be quite a con, John Dickson, of McKillop, is the juest of thoir Thankigiving'day. '. I TRD1_ a r forth. -Apples, Potatoes and E -The highest besides -- issiag ihree easy ones hat looked Mr. Hicks is an- exemplar and � energetic .'� � m � This was Ahe marriage of Mr. John.A. - Man' Volience to the farmers of the vicinity. Campbell.-Mr� � I I - - pricein cash or trade. 3'5 - ' like sure things. Luckily, he ever, -they young man, mud will, no ubt, ,give the son to Miss Mary imabella, fourth daugh. 'Smious Acc1DXXT.--WQ are very sorry his sister, Mrs. J. B. -H OF 'AN OLD SEAFORTHITE.-Many ., F . Match, our new butcher, has taken posses. DEAT gg;'d hand Itwo- didn't need them. The home bo s played a beat of satisfaction. � I ter of Mr. Douglass, The interesting cere- W learn of a 'very serious accident which be- sion and seems to be the right man in the il ill FOR SALE.---�A good BeCo rillia t at times, SELLING OUT. -Mr. Peter Morrison, who , i of the older residents: of this vicinity w, horse pits power in � good working or er. Will be sold -great game, in fact it was b Molly was performed by Rev. Mr. NoDou- fil Mr. John McLean, councillor, who re - regret to learn of the� death of Mr Tho ' ,�'Ioiqls, Scafbrth. . line, partic larly, they resides about a mile east of is village hav- right place, i Is cheap. Pall and see.it at 0. C. WILL � and on the'forward ald, of Varna, and was witnessed by a large relpides near Kippen, on Monday evening I 11 7 . Johnston. Mr. Johnston died of iieart Mai. I - 1356-1 1hi - ' I . . were often up to champion6hip f rm The ii3g rented his farm, intend aving an muo- . � , I I I i . assemblage of the elatives and friends. of I"b. It seems that Mr. McLean was at - , ) � � I -half-year visitors played a fast, no exhibiting tion' sale on Del -ember 1 th. � e has a ' are in/,Toronto on Monday of last we�kk. NOT14.-The ly eeting of the, at e zuricb� 1. th for s�ve�al i ga. e the contracting p rtiee. Mr. 'and Mrs. - wprk an the 6arn floor, and in some way he Members of thi) Mechanics' Institu will be held in o' am a I be a big sale. He ha been in feeble heal to ,r 6th, good combination, but tbey�%id t seem able splendid stock and there wi 't a GOOD WouK.-Messrs. Edward and IAyi - the reading room, on Tuesday nex , Decomb a 0. Manson are amon; our most eatimabl stepped backward through the trap door, ' months past, and his,death was not unlock it 8 o'clock p. in. The Illustrated and other papers to stand the pace. One ?f th rn fel ' I and I � � young people and a art on their united life fm�lling to the stable floor below. When Makiim, of Zurich, did some remarkably � ad for. Mr. Johnston was a son of the la�e a ng JTarkuary Ist,) to- dislocated his elbow early in the game, but. Hil 'for the f utur creditable work on the farm of Mr. John& for the six months. commenci Is Gree, i. I with bright proipectv a. They f ': nd, about an hour afterwards, he was unk- John Johiaston, of Cedar Creek, Waterloo gethei with several unbound vdIumes of Reviews and it was fixed up and he � pluck ly kept on - � received I �, du Smith, neir here, last week. ,On Tuesday county. When quite a young' man he b t Magazines will be sold as usual. WILLIAM MOORF, I . I on ly mi hap of the SAD AcCIDEN'T:-A tblegr km wasi have hosts of f riend,s -Vvho will join with us in conscious. 7 -Medical. aid was procured, when and Wednesday they sawed, split and piled ' - q . S� 1355-1 ' playing. This was the , here on Monday last, stv�ting that James the hope that their bvightest dreams may be itIlwas found that he was suffering from con- � � . , . .ace t�ra . Secretary. I � - the farm and engaged in the produce tra ! � game. We hope the Parka,ale b ye will try Kennard, of Washington S:tate, had elcell i . ' fourteen cords of two foot wood� On �both I MCKILLOP. November 17, 1893, -Mr. 0. . i � I I more than realised. . cussion of the spine, besides numerous cuts .1 He was one of the first grain buyers in Se - 11 Willscn,-Dear Sir, -In answer to your onqlliry again next spriDg. dentally shot himself. - Decommed *as we I I . - I days they commenced work at 7 o'clock is forth, and did an extensive buAlnes here f r ( I like the Joliette Grinder I purchased from you. - . - I known in this neighborhood having resided I and bruise- about the- head and shoulders, the morning and quit at half -past Rve in 11 . Belgrave. 'a ' - --- several years. His first wife was a sister of h,,! - � . and it will ---,be a long time before he recovem. It is all that you claimed it to be. I can, grind out the evening. They used a five mud a halt and occii- seventy-five bushels per hour and grindit into fine LOCAL -BRiEFS.-Mr. a mes Archibald in this vicinity until abo hree years ago, LITTLE BiTs.-Mrs. Carlton and family, Much sympathy will be felt for Mr. McLean Mr. Thomas Lapelie, and he built own- mcal. It is easily wanaged a . n horses to when,he went to the Pici .c Coast, where ' I � foot saw. This is a record not essily,equal. . nd will last well- I shipped several very nice drivi lately of West Wawanosh- have removed to by hit numbrous friends. pied for some years the residence now - crusher or �� an industrious led, and'there is no use. for sawing madhins . . ed and occupied by Mr. S. Dickson. For would recommend it ahead of any roller Toronto this week. -We are sor y to learn be was doing well. He wa Rat Portage. -Mr. iR Livingstone is having WHAT THE COUNCIL DoiEs.-The council while these boys are around. I any other machine that I have -seen for chopping all -that Mr. Win. Dale, of the H�u on Road, and very highly esteemed young than, and mill. fitted up in good shape for this met at Weber's hotel on the 20th X,ovember. , several years. he has resided in Toronto. He ]Ely,NRY, WESENBURG11, . up . . . his ma w- BAmFs.-Last Thuriday, -Thauksgivi!t_� . , . kinds.of grain. Yours Truly, - 135642 Tuckeramith, has been laid inflam- his eaTly demise is -. deeply! regretted. He season's work. -A Christmas Tree and an- The reeve in the chair. The arindal reports ' was one of the best known produce dealerW Brodbagan P. O.' - . matory rheumatism for 11 same time, but was a tn�tnber of Hensall C art of Oddfel- - day, services were held in the forenoon in in Ontario at one time, and like most others �_' NEW RaigiuS, new Currants, new Poels, I His remains are expected to be sent tertainment, under the auspic6a of the of the Local Board of Health and the thb Evangelical and Lutheran churcheL - I � in that uncertain business he had a some. ifinest ��Pape Cod Cranberries at right prices. Try the hope he will soon recoi,er.-M . Richard Iowa. Methodist Sunday School, will be held in Medic4l Health Officer were presented. There was a good turn out. -Mr. Simon alue in the market. Wright, of Woodstock, a' former respected home. The family have the sincere mym- . ' The reports congratulated the council on . . what checkered business life, and had man .Orien� Tea, the flnes� and beat v . � � the Foresters hall on Monday evening, De- . , y Get a �sample packaj , �. J. C. LAIDTAW, Seatorth. � by of the community in their sudden be- Geiger, who has been at home for about a resident of this town, spent Thtnk 1vi Pat - ups and downs. He was a genial, kind- ; . i356 119 Lug � camber 25th. -Mr. Charles Wilkinson is the immunity of the peopI9 from any ma- week, last Monday returned to Berne,Midh- hearted, good citizen, and had many friends � I Day here. We are pleesed to a t. � I seriously ill. -Mr. P. W. Scott is - ship . ping lignant contagious diseases and expressed i2an, where he has bought another 70 acres , ' AT: LAST I AT LAST. -After 20 years ex- Mr. Wright is doing wel thel southern * i cordwood from this stmtion.��'Nlr. P. W. the pleasure of the members of the board - - I 1 - I Aple of f il i We understand he now hat 1*' who will regret to learn of his departure periminting we have found the true price I in a y � 10 I VanNorman had Is successful shooting at the increasing care bestowed by the peo- of land,. . from this life. He leaves a widow and � .washing in our new washers. Call and see them at town. -Mr. Abner Cosens and who . Goder � M I I acres of good land there. -Last Friday our � family of 8 children. -1 . . 0. C. WILLSON'S,Seaforth. . :- 1356-1 Pave been in Toronto f r year, CHURCHNOTES.-ROV. , - Ca,14.pbell is match on ThanksgNing Day. --A, - farmers' ple on sanitary conditions.� The reports public school teachers were in Goderich at- , . . Am .already busy making up ap a in town, . - - 0 I ecial returned to the old hom iteaTein at8hte West and delighted his rhany fr�euds by ball was held in the For�lsters' hall last � were ordered to'be -forwarded to the Pro tending the Convention, -Butchering is the TnE KLtisER RECITAL. -On Wf-dne8day orders for the Christmas trade. . I make up yourown' End, Tuckerimith, last week,. an willhere. preachingin the NorthAreet Methodist Thursday night. , � � vincial board. The engineer reported the order of the day. Pigs are squealing last - 7 .teV �­ designs to suit, and,guarante.e satisfaction. Please after reside there. We re sorr to learn church on Sunday.-] , J. B. yke, of � � - work on the big ditch completed and the . . . qvening Mr. Grenville P. Kleiser, teacher of leave our orders early. R.MBROXR, manufacturing very a r h( '. -�4 1 1 1 ditch doing its work well. The report was directions, every morning, except Saturday, elocution in the Toronto College of Music, Jewe&1r. -_1 1356-1 that Mr. N. Cooens is in 151th, Belgrave,, filldd the same pl,ilpit me ,eptably St nley. - and Sunday. -Dr. George Fee in able to W with but slight h f er, , and it on the previous Sunday. -The iiew 1pipe or- ANOTHER PionKER GONE -Mrs, Spar- accepted and the contractor paid. The - - , gave a very enjoyable recital in Cardno's SEAFORTEr, November 27,' 1883, -Mr. 0. � out again, after an attack of filuess.-Mrs, ' i , hall, assisted by local musical talent. ' The C. Willson, -Dear Sir,-Tife washing machine I pur'- was necessary for Mr. A. Coo a Ito return gan in North Street churc� in a grelat auc� row, relict of the late RichaW Sparrow,died meeting of the electors for the nomination George Stephenson, of Marlette, Michigan, I class. f, don't under. and look aftbr bis father's iuterests.�Mr. cess, delighting th ei congregation ith* it last Saturday at her home in Stanley, aged of candidates to fill the offices of reeve, -_ programme was an exceedingly well chosen chased from you works first- I - I I after a week's visit to her parents, Mr. aud - - stand how we kept house so long without it. Yours Wm. Young, of Bever y., near �,Galt,.,and volum e of sound and sweet' can of to;le.' Beast deputy -reeve and councillors for 1894, in to . Mrs. Rummel, left for her home again last 'Seaforth Orchestra gave two in- . 80 years. Mr. Sp'rrow has ,been deceased - one, The Truly, RORFRT JOHNSTON. .' 1 1356-2 daughter, spent Thank�giving -Pay with of all it is paid for in good 7 suk`bBcri�tions. _ about 35 years. In 1840, fifty-three years be held at Dixon's hall, Brucefield, on Fri- Monday. -Mrs. John.Decker recently pw , strumenta-1,selections ; - Mrs.Bright and Miss SPECIAL Value in, all lines for the Holiday his cousin, Mr. Andrew Young, of this Rev. H. Irvine is preaching a series f ser. ago, the IaWMrs. ISparrow emigrated from day, 22ad of December 1893, at 12 o'clock � I Galloway gave a very fine vocal dust and a large, handsomt: and well tcwrk.�s,Mr. Wm. Dynes, of McKillop, has moos 'on The Lord's Prayer, in ictori& noon, Polls will be opened on Monday; Ist sented her, husband with a bouncing baby. t'rade. Just received ��` Irels-nd with her p�tents and resided at or Alliance hold' , Mrs. W. Somerville a beautiful and well selectedstock. R.myEtoxit, Jeweller. 1365-1 purchased the property of, Mr.D. McGregor, Street'Methodist church. 'He is M; con- . of January 1894, at 9 o'clock, at the usual boy. -The Young P66ple's - rendered solo. Mr. Kleiser's numbers were � near Montreal for two years. In 1842 she their half yearly ele,ation of officers last Mus. Owen Hitobcox the popular and in Harpiirhey, for $425 � and intends com- ductiDg successful revivai work Zion married Richard Pp 4 )laces. Joseph' Weber deputy returning Tuesday evening in the Evangelical church. all so good that one coul.d sca:cely choose talented temperance lecturer and evangelist will de- - I arrow, and the couple I . between them, He seems alike a,t home in liver a lecture, entitled, The Prohibition Plebiscite, ing there to reside whe� �e leaves his farm. church on the Huron road., I I settled on the farm where she breathed her officer for No. I ; James 4roadfoot for No� The officers, appointed were : Miss Lyals Mr. Dyn" will have &�very comfortable . �0 --- -, n a the portrayal of the most delicately witty, 'in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, December Sth, � I last. At that tinme the whole of this section 2; S. Smillie for No. 3 and Job Sincl ir Faust, President; Fred. Kibler, Vice Presi- der the auspices of the Seaforth W. 0. T, U. This home in which to enjoy � his v retirement.- , . i I Varna. ,� was, of course, a dense wilderness. Three for No. 4. A vote of the electors will be grandly heroic and pathetic selections. His "' - a I Rev. Mr. Barr, I I '" - - dent ; Miss Tinny Geiger, Secreisiry.; M�s . last n umber, "On - the Rappahanock," wi-th lecture hasbeen-prepared expressly- for the. Pr6hibi- We are glad to learn th t! ,_ � T -On, Fr day eve' ing a children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sp�r.' taken on the question whether or, not they . . I I bition PlebiB&'cite; Campaign. Lecture begins at 8 N�,' who has been very poorly for several PRESiNTATION. I are in favor of the Prohibition of the i:m- Carline, Correepondiog Secretary; Mi" � - piaao accompaniment,, was most enthusi- m. silver collection at the door in aid of the fun s . . large number of the meimb re and a herentg row, one son beirkg� deceased. Mrs. Joseph Well P Tr4sarer. Rev. D. H. Braund, pu- astically received and. such a tru.ly artistic of the Women's Chnotian Temperance Union. 1355-1 weeks, is now improving, � although he is not of St. Jqhn's. church rep ired to he resi- Foster anil Mr. Joh, a Sparrow, daughter and portation, manufacture and sale, as a bever- tor of the, church, conducted the election.- , . effort as�his rendering of " The Hat," has Miss Nora Clench; the great Canadian able to be out much y�,t.-Rev, Dr. Me- dence of Mr. Char . lee 0 RD, and a due son, survive. The latter resides on the old age, of intoxicating liquors into or Within Mrs. Chapman, of Listowel, has been here - violinist will appear in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Donald was taken sudden y Ill on 'Saturday homestead, Parr line. The late Mrs. Spar' the Province Of Ontario. The council �rill I never been heard before in Seaforth. Unfortu Wednesday Evening, December 27, under the, evening last, and was u ble to discharge time.Mise Mary Ann Logan was made the . meet at Weber's hotel on th:e 15th of Decem- vileting hev siat ' er, Mrs. Kibler. -The:anuulkt 1. his pastoral duties on Sa bath. " he ser. recipten y comp ithentary row w I - at 10 o'clock a. ia. the' Upper Canada Tract 8 I nately the audience was n'ot at a1l commen- auspices of the Methodist Choir. The great event Of t of a very highl I U , as one of' the good old Christian . meeting of ooiety . , aurmte with the merit of the entertainment, the season, Ke�p the date open. 1344.1 . � address and a well filled purse. Miss Logan Presbyteri ps, ever known as a pious, her was hold 'last week in the Evangelical vices, both morning and vening, ere con- , a I P for though the reserved seats, were very well S -EE my. Solitaire' Diamond Rings set i replied in a few well -chose" remarks�thank. godly and noble woman. -The remains of church, with the President, Mr. Fred. Hells . 14k. gold. I aln ducted by Mr. D. D. Wil on. W6, are glad . ig the kind friends for th:"ei if t. the deceased pioneer were tenderly laid to . BIru- ssels. filled indeed., coiasidering the unpleasant Only $6.00. They can't be beat. ISO to learn that Dr. McDon kld is improving, "I . r liberal g. I - in the chair. The opening services were - weather, the baek of the hall had not have them at all prices. R. MIRRU119., Seaforth , ' Refreshments were -served during the even. rest in Bayfield Road cemetery, last Mon- BRiF,Fs..-Last week Mr. James O'Leary, conducted by Rev. D. H. Braund, after . . . enou I ,gh tenants to keep down the echo, 1. . . . .. �356-1 - and hopes to be able to resume his duties .ag, and the remainder �'f the time was day;, Rev. Mr- McDonald officiating. of the Queen's -hotel, and Mr. W. F. Scott, which Rev. Mr.. Kropp, of Dashwood, mod , � . NOT1GE.-Sugiirs down, down at the Con- shortly. -Mr. John Chap nan of Tbeswiter, 11 t in music and songs. I � I - of this place, attended the closing:but sale Rev. L. H. Wagner, of Stratford, General I WELL DONE. -The gentleman referred to tral Grocery, J. 6, LA'IDLAW, Seaforth. 1355 who occupied- a position in Ogil�ie,s mills open i A very pleasant Hensall. of Fashion Stock Farm of Trenton, Ne Agent of the Society, addressed the Mae I . here, about twenty years ago, was I in to.wa time was spent. ! I . i ' I w t- � . ican ing. in, Ih.e following paragraph, which we take . .f - I 0 1 this Week, calling on old., friends. Mr. DEAT110FANOTHIRR PONREP..-Sparaely SPECIAL bargain: sale of Bootsand Shoes Jersey, at P. Kellogg's saleroomFi, Ameri The following�officers were elected for . , from the Pembina, Dakota, Express, is 'Well DICATH ' OF I FORKEP. HuRoNITE.-Mr. ,Chapman is a nephew o ' Mr. Win. Chap. a week rolls around that w ,do not � � ee and Vallses. Our special bargain sale for the Institute building, New York, and purchns- the current year : President, F. Haps; Sec- . known to many readers of Tni EXPOSITOR. . � past two weeks was a grand success and -people came ed two young stallions, both standard bred A , ' . John Oliver, a former resident of WaWan- :�man, of Tuck ersmith ji near Brucefidid.-The corded in the columns of our local ,rapers, distance of 10 and 15' miles and were well repaid for , retary, H. Damert; Treasurer, H. W' 1; � He was a resident of the town6h .-. Hay This a and having what is called royal blood in Keeper of the Depository. D. S. Fault. ip of ad fo 11 Death of Another 01 Settler. , their journey and as we have still a large stock on . before removing to Dakota. o8h, in'this (munty, but who h r sev-' Women's Christian Temperance Union will ther of the e I and - eir veins. They are called-O'DonneR and I , We rejoice to week no arly ettlera ha I pass- h we will sell at"special bargains from now till th eral years been care -taker of the Centrar field their regular meeting on -Wednesday s, . a January let, 1894, it will therefore pay you to ..Call Costumer. Mr. O'Leary purchased the for- . learn that our old friend has not only proa. ed a* the person of r:. . S ,row at Wroxeter. Presbyterian Church, Galt* died in the has- afternoon next, at half -past three o'clock.- ,ay, in . - par I and buy your foot �wsre from us, a's we have the -Mr. MdCon- LocAL HAPrzyixGs.-It is offie"Ity, Ali, . ppr1ed but'grown rich in his new home, and " . the ac�yanced age of 80 a re, at t6e resi . mer and Mr. Scott the latter. pital in that -town, last week, of heart diu- Mr. Brewer, of Clinton, �has arranged with 1* largest andi'most complete stock in the county to i'". r I we are. safe that he can enjoy the fruits 0 of . ; . , the Protestant Protective Association nounced that My. John Sanderson has been I I his industryand good managerneut in old ease, from which, he had suffered for some the Presbyterian Church Sabbath'School, dance 'of her bon, Mr. John Sparrow, on select from and are 1 sure to please you In- quality, nell time. He -was 72 years of age. Says the here,to give an exhibitionof his stereoptican Saturday last. Her remailas were interred style and price. Terms ouh. Thanking you for past lecturer,'had a small house last Thursday appointed, to the, posit -ion of post-masterp Huron better than in any other place. The Galt Reporter: A friend who knew him views in the church on the evening of Mon-, in bhe -Bayfield'road cemet ry on Monday patronaKe. Sign of Big Boot. A. WzsLoH. 1366-2 evening, not paying expenses. The people, rendered vacant by the death of our 108 Express says : 11 Mt. J. F. Ric�kbei!l..of Ca. well and was his companion for many years day, December 11th. -The entertainment last, and notwithstanding he inclemency of SALB EXTENDRD.---�Our two weeks' sale evidently, don't believe in stirring up creed post -master, Mr. Robert Dickson. Thiff % : valier, was a pleasant caller on Wednesday. the weather a large number availed them. was a grand -success. We soI& a lot of good@ and distinctions. -The debate between the ment, we aye sure, will meet 'With in earlier days, supplies some particulars of will be,for tho benefit of he children of the IL pleased a great many people. i Our stock is still f4r Young Liberals and Conservatives, on Fri- appoint ap . Mr. Rickbeil- has sold his splendid farm the days befbre hO l�ife here, and says :- Sabbath . school. --Miss Fergus Campbell, elves at the opportunity to pay the Iamb too he. y and must be reduced'at least $3,000, by the generai proval, as' Mr. Sanderson is 0121 I . , niece of Mr.', R. Lum a a1v ' day evening, notwithstanding the stormy near Cavalier, to Mr. Ernest Rentameyer, si One day in June, 46 years ago, friend fide ,� has received an tribute of respect'to ,the departed. end of he year. To accomplish this we will continue., of Wroxeter's oldest and most respected ace, for the earn of $8,000. Mr. . ' . I ught too bject, Pro- citizens and is well deserving Of'thS " of that pl Oliver and myself , might have been seen appointment as teacher i 3 the intermediate � our sale until January lat. We have be night, had a big house, The au i much stock for winterand must new get rid of it it I Irke Rickbeil came to this county in 1879, with -taking our seats on the Cheviot Chase department of Blyth pt blic school. .The - Ba�fleld- was a mistake, but we re prepared to p . ay the tec.tion vs. Free Trade was ably handled by tion. It is expected the transfer will � ,almost nothing. He has heen laid up some . i . penalty both sides. -The telperanoe people are pl � 9 and we are oure the P&I by sacrifloing our pr tits rather th ,n,be compelled . ace very soon -day is out of stage coach, running from England 6 Edin- Blyth people will find fMir_Jh Campbell a IF YOU want bargains g� to H. f, Ed- 'I of the intervening time, but to � . to carry overour our satock. Our 'mistake 1� your holding meetings every Sunday afternoon, ver afficient,service,wilt be main"di bu�rgh, en route to � Glasgow, there to take mostcompetent t6acher. and an estimable ward's general store, for he is selling goods it hard . y . I debt, has something laid by, and thepro� I I I B65.1 gain. We have ski , Good-bye" to profit,& Drop in the town ball, and will continue to until under his management. - The special passage on the go 'd ship Romulus for New young lady. -Mr. W. 1). Trott has on ex- time'prices. Call and Bee. in and got the beneiit" of our prices. Terms cash. ceeds of his farm, besides a large amount -of 0 , RTS. - � I -t week. D. Wxis- after. the vote at N'cw Years. -Peter Barr, Thanksgiving service keld under -the AU, , stock and machinery yet to sell, &mounting York. Whaiever later years may have hibition in his studio a most excellent group BP.BEzy NOTFL .Last week Messrs, Witch this space to prices nex I � f Morris, has purchased the farm known as - TROVI I - Society Of MILLER. 1355-1 'O . Fices of the Young - e a shown my friend to have beien, then he was photograph of the choir -6f the Presbyterian D. Harrison, D. MoDonaldij A., Brown! Neil h in all to a nice sum, and is an exa-triple of � ­ I the old Kippan farm, in Morris, for $3,400. in iasement of th# - a strong and active man, agile and full of q ) BRi 11 church in this town. . The group is a Murray, M. Rose, A. W6?da �.and James Eirs. -The ight Rev. Bishop Bald. ristian Endeavor t"' the I . what thrift,"economy and i the soil of Pam- energy. There were only about forty of us large one, and each indi �idual is accurately McDonald arrived home.�, The rest of the win is to hold A 6rifirmation service in St. ,,-Hugh Lamont has purchased lot 5, con- Presbyterian church, on Sunday eVeningi , , . . birka county c&n do, 'Mr � Rickbeil will re- passengers on board, and af I ter exhausting taken. The picture is y ' creditable to Mr. ' fishermen are expected thi- Paul's church, fl6niall, on TueRday, De- cession 10, Grey, owned by Robert Mc- last,,was a � decided success in everyrelr4 ' main at Cavalier this winter, and in the I y �iaughtwj, for �$4,200. A F. S. Scott made. The basement, nearly every seat of whiab all means of i6musement, the long days of Trott's artistic taste and skill. -Mr. John have been greatly delayed this fall b in- comber 5th, the service to commence at 2:3QL, - , � spring, a,fter selling his'personal property, the voyage Used to pass very slowly. Well, MeMann, Huron'ii horse,king, has shipped clement weather. -The M'ethodist I t_ - the bales of both properties. -Messrs. John- ly decorated With . e mee p. M. -A handsome pulpit . frontal h ' 16 will take his family ba6k to Canada, ternpo. . � � � ston & Cochrane.have removed their pre- flowers and appropriate mottos. The rtiy- - tea r was occupied, was nice I I remember the'captain coming on deck during the past two eek thirty-three ing on Wednesday evening of last wee was been presented to,' St. Paul's church. A - I rarily, while he takes �a proapecting trip in . re "" . z mises from King street to the old postottice.- John Rose, of Brussels,- delivered A v101 . one morning with a small package in his, horses ; of these 18 wr� sent to the Old very well attended, considering the un a'Vor- similar one was also presented for the priy. s6 arch of a. milder climate in which to make I , - - W . � � er-desk, bbe money for these beautiful gifts This firm are doing a good business In tomb earneab and eloquent address to the TO I hand, and loAing at a lot of us standing Country mud 15 to Detr iti Mr. MoMann ableweather. Afineprograrrime of -nunio a home. Mr. Rickbeil is one of Pambin.a ,�listleBsly about the clock he suddenly said .: keeps pusliing them off. 1 Pull times don't and speeches entertained t ose present and being raised throukh the exertions of the stones and monuments. -Farmers are busy people, touching on the great U410041itY of - county's most respected citizens, and his , Well, you are'4 dull looking lot of fellow@. seem to make much differlefioe to him. -The a choice tea was served. social'wai hold president of the . delivering pork. This market is, as usual, unity in the work of the church. Ttle 401- , neighbors will sincerely regret his removal. " . lv�omen's Auxiliary. ., . the best in the county. -The aleighing of lection taken at the close of the meeting 0 i. I 0. , See here, I am going to put this package contractors for the now 1toWn building are the next evening. About 30 was realized. Bumm.-The weather and roads .being the last few days makes things bully. beh f of Home Missions was a very sub� I away up, in the rigging, then I'll give the 'making very slow progr,oq with the work, �The Sabbath School sch are of the 1 Pres. badl at present, trade is a little quiet in 6u'r . . . al The EGMOINDVILLE ITEMS. -Large quantities word, and the first man who gets to it shall and if they do not brush up their profits byterian and English churches are bnay pre- usually stirring village. -Our teachers left " stantial one. -Mr. Robert Elliott$ Of , . ' : . of bated hay almoat daily_ pass I this way for have it.' A sailor took the package up to will be eaten up by the ipenalty of $3 for pa,ring for their Christmas tree ente tain. here the end of last week, to attend I the Gorrie. . Wingliam Times, was in town on Saturday This may be necessity on the ; arrived lost. -Mr. Thomas F. Miller was in TorontO I shipirlent. a difficult pla3e in the rigging, to reach each -day the building is Onfinished after ihe ments.-John Falconer has home Convention held � at Goderich. -Inspector BRTEFS. -Last week's snow storm made ,00ds for the holiday � I part of our farmers, but it is surely the which there were several ways. The word first of December. -A young man named from Godericb,'where he has been working Totq, of- Goderiqh, was in -the -village this excellent sleighing, but a thaw set in on this week, purchasing g wrong, way to render &Jarm productive by WS5 given, and away went a number of con-/ Fred Westfall had a close call at 0 livie's thii fall. -The Orange Young Britons have week, visiting our school. -Th _ * Monday morning and continued all day., re- season. -Miss Jean Gibson is .home frofft . . 9 allksgivtn - Them. carting away frorrnILit one of the best Manure -testants : but Oliver was the best up to that -mill on Wednesday forenoon. He went to arranged to have an entertainment in the Day passed over very quietly in our village! moving :,,great deal of the snow. -The Toronto on a few weeks' visit. -Mr. producing articles. For some years wheat kind of work, and .reached the package an upper flat to poke down the bran in the town -ball mud have -eng ged the n Agio, The day was observed as a holiday, all Misses El , of Guelph, are carrying on re- Tippling, of the Grand Trunk Rail"r I - . :r, T* I production has Veen lessening, How long quite ahead of all the rest, bringing it down bin and slipped in. He was speedily sucked mirth, music and mystery company to.. ive- a places of business ,being closed, and in the *vival meetings in the Methodist church h-sre, Olinton, is spending a few days with 9 . ! . r. William Lee is ibis week , I is land going to produce hay when no for. with birn. It eingy drawn off through the programme on Tuesday evn a union Thanksgiving service was and are meeting with good success. They F. Miller. -M be . was something good, a,nd we In, as bran was b DW her afternoon . tilizer is left on the farm? In a few years discusaod it, and1or a time the monotony of spout at the time. Vort6natel - his danger 12. Mr. Ellswort� is a clever magic . is and held in St. Paul's church, which was largely are good singers, and appear to be thor u h- moving his family to Orangeville, Where . I . . y minsat wheat will again be a good paying price, the voyage was broken. Arriving at length was discovered in time, and hewa drawn Mr.Devlin in a first-class banjoist and ome- attended,the ohur�h and aislea being crowd- ly in earnest in the work. On Satur has secured a partnership wit ,h a pro � � without doubt, and those worn, out farms, ht New York, 'we failed to get work, and - out through the spout, He was nearly dian. The press speaks . �ery favorably of ad to the very doors. The resident minis. evening the commodious church w ds firm of that place. Mr. I a's has off which all the hay has been sold in the took the.old steamer Sir Isaac -Newton up smothered but soon recovered, and Is now 'their performances. -We' ore all present and gave short and ap. filled with an appreciative audience. been a resident of Wrameter for the Past t4* - � are please to term w - which time he has malls many - . meantime will hardly be very productive.- to Albany. Work was scarce therej and non6'the worse for his dangerous expedition. state that Mrs. Thai;. Herd is recovering from propriate addresees, while the services Those interested in the Garrick school re- years, during . were i� of & most interestin gret that Miss Caron, the assistant during friends, who will be sorry to learn of 114 * ' Communion services will be held (a the we took a canal boat to Rochester, and -Mr. John Broadfoot! has arrived home her recent severe illuess.­LMr. W= J�wett throughout 9 . . I � sacosell � ilk � ' . - church on Sa,bbath, the 10th of December. thence steamer to Toronto. We got some from his trip to the Coa t, and looko as if is also improving. -Mrs. John Johtkst�n, of character and mu6h enjoyed by'all. - tenant. the last two years, is compelled to resign,as departure. �Wo with him every I _� homas Davidson aut- On the Friday previous, the Rev. J. S. Hen. work there and them left for Hamilton, and travelling agreed w 11 ith hirh.-Mr. C linton, was on a visit to 1 her mister, 1 Mrs. -Miss W. Carlisle, wh fingersoll her certificate expires at the close of the his new home. -Rev. T ­ � or � , po- - derson., of H6risall, will preach at 2 p. m., while in the hotel there a atrauger came in and Mrs. A. H. vA1yxm;dewr., of St�atford, Pierson, and after a short:, illueso. died on visiting her sister,� Mrs, Thompson, who -was present year. She is a good disciplinarian Rev. J. Rose, of Brussels, exchanged - , and on. . the following Monday, the �Rev. Dr. and called out. I Any one here wants to go spent Th�nksgivirg Day here, With the Wednesday'morning, The remains were reoentry married, and who was also in Lon- and a very efficient teacher.' It will not be .pits on Sunday last. -Mrs. McGregor 1id ' , McDonald, of Sea,fortb,wiH condoot th4uks- to Galt?' � We concluded that ivas where family of Mr. M. Y. ,MoLean.-Mins ,A. conveyed to Clinton for , burial., Mr. and don visiting friends, has returned home.- easy to secure a worthy successor to Miss son, frotia Tyne, Scotland, are here on * , ing service at the same hour.-Atios Col. we wanted to go, and kot on the wagon -and ,Cowan, formerly one of the most �kopular Mrs.' Dr. Stanbark celebrat(A the 25th an. Miss Wright, of London, formerly of this Cares. We understand that she intends to visit to her sister, Mro. A. Gibsono on their - T I . .. . . way -to Erie, Pennsylvaniat where they p5z' flie went to Mitchell on Thanksgiving day started. We fell into goo& hands, as the I and efficient teachers in our public I school, niversary of their marriage on Tuesday village, was here a few days ago, the attend the Hariston h1g1k school, with a view , wi , and spent -days '[of certificate. posa making t Ir home.' , th her friend, Miss Mulberon driver was James (Jimmie) Brown, and he spent rhanksgiving and two followi�g evening last, when they entertained a large guest of Miss Petty. - The many to obtaining a hlgher grade, he I . .. I i . . I I ; I . , i , . . � I I . . . I i � - .;�, I . 1; / , : I . . or, 1, , , . I I I I . . � � I . I I � - � � � . I t ' - r , y * t heI ) I o 0 a I I �(�l I a I , � $ 1 I, t _f. t I I I I � N 3;�,( - I - I ? a � ' d a rd (I r r $52 Mr. on � 9 P a 4 �� t ,Je' , e� I a : . i 0 1, �' p v en ,�i '. I 11 ad 14 �', .1 I 1 M � ; 0 I � � t �l , a I 0 1 1�, h * I , 6, 0 il _; M n 6 1 - / I . � � I I � � - . . - �� - 11 . I - I ­­­­ . ..". - . ­_ I ___-_1 - ____ ­­ __-__L-- ­ � , I - � � ­_ ___ �- I ­_.­..!­ . - . � I I . L � & - �1_ - i . : - i - : i . . �w , - . i I ; . , . I i i � . I . I . - . I . I � . I � I j � : - I i - - . . I - I ­ . . I � L. . __ __ - i " . . I - ; I � � I . . � . ; - I . . � . � I � - . I �[ I I I � � I I I . I 411 - I - - . - . i . I I . I . I � . I I I ,� � I � - .1 . - Z _­ - - /I I ammm�� - �___ * TWtNT3 I - Vifbtl - . HUI ,� We ;are i —ready wi , I : in ,our Nine,. I tal. And I will retail � ' or .even so J has two the of regard c to the ,cozftf ceiver. W. �11_ trade wit , h I . MENI . . . LADI' BOYS BOYS : � � MENIJ, gig . �1� " � . I I Is . if luseful t minister to goes for ai season will i The wise a ancl not wi , You're at R at any 6me . � 'JACI . THE FA � ; I A, - .gai DZA-a EXP( tions on the reader, and i with the - Vol public,questic opportunity b fact that ther, it should be V -1 the people W -h so that they n it not be' iqg di made in thlit 4 First, tho 4 I accruing fron . liquor-, is $2,2', - � . . The largerpoi 'Civics, jaid I pensive wines, . . tion would ,shi - , the ordinary r load enough n� revenue, ftm= on liquor, ion for the rateps� . $11 a year for � N�ow the Ai nothing. ; matter wan � e- speakers on b( hibitian in,vol mission will I plaut Iiind tm.tl have to should compensation I have 12 millial . . hadeto store I enactuient, foi . two years oldl I paid for. ^b, to be met by t I his vote upon: But an objef silministration less crime and, leted before : I whisky. Figm- that crime bw� cohol consumei States, Germai wbich donsusal liquor and hat .tion holds g( . true, thst'0j;h the crime"I'suo and theme facto more potent ca. Your gaol -in I four months ti posed to elose . Theie have be since:Confeder murder of Luc Asimed that d any of them, - of shrewd aud.', I � will be necoola I lenfurn.. L I - But further, under which, I necesasry objel I (perh b�pe not w pay Im f*r m, j I and properi . . Tr I I Int,of whis. y ry ; under w -h % hotel -shed or . self at the firej cents -from you in the business ttings will lew . of a lower 4se . Would attem illegally.� an a low At all, I Once more, t - t4es who have encouraging. Years, and �ot , 'JU ftchusetts .i k I I I an clad provii , i . police with til I it. It 0outinu I ca - ,at was enor L 9tisted, diaban( , act, -ancl came I and KansaB, re these cities the habitants, mud I Alaught, NLOW ' r - I rRoatho and ti . - instructive, no-.. Petitioned for 4' � cording ' n �'y ,a " torm, an; 41 . :01T.'ed the H I Lo ' raembers had I Mon isgue. Th I blll�, thinking t ,but wore badb JCV*n InL-the,oit I stautly violateo - On eo;e1der,ati( izftl