The Huron Expositor, 1893-08-18, Page 2Tr 2 Something New` TQM GI-REgT THE HURON EXPOSITOR. TO LOOK BACKWARD. THE MAST SHOULD NOT BE AS THE WATERS THAT HAVE RUN BY. Youth Should Not Spend All Its Time in Gazing Into the Future—Dr. Talmage Swings the Scythe on the Harvest of Past Advantages and Past Adversities. BROOKLYN. August 6. — Rev. Dr. Talmage has chosen as the topic for to- day, a panorama of reminiscences appro- priate to the season, the text selected be- ing Psalm 39 : 3 : "While I was musing the fire burned." • Here is David, the psalmist, with the forefinger ot his right hand /against his temple, the door shut swains the world, engaged in conteumplation. the And it would be well for e posture often, closing the door against the world, while we sit down in sweet solitude to contemplate.• chest I Once In a small 1 lass n d off the passed a Sabbath in delightful solitud.e, for I had resolved that I would have one day of entire quiet before I entered upon autumnal work. I thought to have spent the day in laying out plans for Christian work ; but Instead of that it -became a day of tender reminiscence. I reviewed my pastorate ; I shook hands with an old departed friend, whom I Shall greet again when the curtains of life are lifted. The days of my boyhood came back, and I was ten years of age, and I was eight, and I was five. There was but one house on the island', and yet from Sabbath clay break, when the bird chant woke me, until the evening melt- ed into the bay, from shore to shore there were ten thousand memories, and the.groves were ahum with voices that had long ceased. - Youth is apt too much to spend all its time in looking forward. Old age is apt too much to spend all its time in looking backward. People in mid-life and on the apex look both ways. It would be well for us, I think, however. to spend more time in reminscence. By the con- stitution of our nature we spend most of the time looking forward. And the vast majority of people live not so much in the present as in the future. 1 find that you mere to make a reputation, you mean to establish yourself, and the advantages that you expect to achieve absorb a great deal • of your time. But I see no harm in this, if it does not make you discontented with the present, or disqualify you for existing duties. It is a useful thing sometimes to look . back, and to see the dangers we have escaped, and to see the sorrows we have suffered, and the trials and wanderings of our earthly pilgrimage, and to suns up our enjoyments. I mean -to-day; so far as God may, help me, to stir up your memory of the past, so that in the re- view you may be encouraged and hum- bled, and urge to pray. There is ti chapel in Florence With a fresco by Guido. It was covered up with two inches of stucco until our Am- erican and European artists went there, and after long toil removed the cover- ing and retraced the fresco. And I am aware that the memory of the past, With manly of you, is all covered up with ten thonsand obliterations, and I propose this morning so far as the Lord may help ine, to take away the cover- ings, that the old picture may shine out again. CLEARING SALE DRY -GOODS IS STILI. BOOMING AT A.C. AULt'S, Seaforth .ill cash buyers of 85 worth and upwards, will re- ceive one 'pound of the bust Green, Black or Japan Tea, ortwo pounds of 26e Green. Black or Japan Tea free of charge. These teas are. a consignment e to and as I desire just received, allnew and fresh, clear out my entire stook of Dry Goode, will sell as cheap as any other store in town. Besides giving the presents of Tea, my stock is all fresh and new. I have. just received another consignment of all kinds of Fresh Grocerie_e and Canned Goods which will be Bold at the very lowest possible prices. 1 have a iu 1 assortmenthe ofFzuit Jars in all the differ- ent sizes and at rdial iovitat on to alit to call hant ddget eon et of the end a ochap goods. a'The highest market price will be paid for any quantity of first class butter in either cash or trade. A. G. -AULT. Club' & Bennett's Planing Mill. The undersigned would begleave to thank their many customers for their very liberal support for the past. and would say that they are in a much better position to serve them than ever before, as they are adding anew Regina and Boiler, also a dry kiln and enlarging their building, which will enable them to turn out work on short notice. - Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mould- ings, Shingles, and Lath always on hand. COntraCtS taken end Estimates P. S.—All in arrears please pay up. 1321...t f ,: Awaits those who prepare for it. Secure a business education. It is the corner stone of a successful career. The beat place to secure it is at the • %�-ter. PURESI1 STRANGEST, BEST. l Lime! Ammonla, L e nd um A , Contains Phosphates. or any Injurialefe REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. M ARM FOR RALE. For . sale en improved 100 r acro fatal, within two and a half miles of the town of Seaforth: For further particulars apply on the Tucker - smith, orisesi Lot by- mail toy OHNaion PRENDERGH. AST,1CSea- forth P. 0. 1290 Centra. Business College, STRATFORD, ONT., The largest and best rchool of its kind west of Tor- onto. Students of this college transact business with the students iii our Toronto college. We still guarantee satisfaction to all our patrons. Many of our former graduates receive upwards of 81,200 per annum. The course of instruction at our College roc entirely different from that given in an ordinary bis exactly the college. ame asis given at higher ur Toronto school We have assisted a hoot of students to good paying positions during the past year. , Write for handsome catalogue and new circular " dollars." tarFall Term begins MONDAY, September 4th. SHAW & ELLIOTT. 1337-26 THE FARMERS' Banking House, �3E.AFORT11- (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & BANKERS _AND FINANCIAL AGENT -r- GOOD FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, north half Lot 311 Concession 2, East Wawanoeh, 100 acres ; good fences, good orchard and never -failing creek. Apply to H.I . D. COOKE, Barrister, Blyth,t or PHILIP BOLT, Goderioh. FOR SALL.-That very desirable property owned by the late L. G. Meyer, being Lots 44 and 45, Gowinlook'sySurvey, Seaforth. The property fronts on Victoria Square, and on it is erected a very cam• fortablo cottage, stable and other buildings at pres- ent in the occupancy of Mr. Kenneth ll?oLennan. For particulars and terms of sale apply to F. HOLMESTED+ Barrister, Seaforth. - 1328 tf REAdOVEL+ To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Banking Business done, drafts rue and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. `ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGEP 1068 To Exhibitors of STOCK at the FALL FAIRS. AC1tE. FARM FOR SALE.—The 200 ace 2UU fartus being lobe 11 and 12, concession 16 Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance is well timbered. Buildings first-class. Orchaad, well,. &e School houte within 40 rods. Possession given at once if desired. For tofurther particulars as to price , terms, etc , .ape y WALKER, Roseville P.O., onto NELSON BRICKER, on the farm, 1299-tf HOUSE FOR SALE.—On .North Street, Egrnond- , ville, about five minutes walk from the church a frame house, one story and half, with seven, rooms, very comfortable and beautifully finished. There is a 4uarter of an acre of land, well fenced, with a few good fruit trees and.a large number of currant bujhes, good cistern and well, woodshed and coal house. This is an exceptionally pretty and com- fortable place. Apply to MRS. C. HOWARD, on the premises, or write to Seaforth P. 0. 1323-tf FARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale cheap, the East hal! of Lot 20, Bayfield Road,. Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The 'bal- ance is well timbered with hardwood. There are - good buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a mile of the Village of Varna and three miles from Brucefield station. Possession at any time. This is a rare chanoe to buy a first clams farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144t1 FARM Ir McKILLDP FOR SALE.—For sale the south half of lots 1 and lot 2, concession 4, Mc- Killop, being 150 acres of very choice land mostly in a good state of cultivation. There is a good house and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard and plenty of never failing water. A considerable portion seeded to grass. Convenient to markets and schools and good gravel roads in all directions. Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, or at Tan Huaox Exrosrroit Office, Seaforth. JO1298-tfHN O'BRIF,.N, Proprietor. If you would s, cure f rrt prize you must have your annual in the finest condition, his coat must be smo•tth and glossy and he mart be in good spirits so as to "show off" well. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is the best Condition Powders known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, r.gulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses ";good life" making then: appear to the best rossible advantage. Get DICK'S from your dtuggiat or grocer' or address DICK & CO., P. O. Box 482, Montreal.. Steam Saw and Shingle Mill for Sale on the River Maitland, in the Village of Wroxeter. i FARM IN GREY FOR SALE.—For sale Lots 13 and 14, Concession 18, Grey, the farm of the late George Campbell, containing 128 acres, nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, well underdrained and fenced, also a splendid bearing orchard. Plenty of good water. A good house and bank barn with other necessary out buildings. It is three miles of Walton, about seven -from Brussels and thirteen from Seaforth, with good gravel roads in every direction. About fifty acres seeded to grass. This farm v ill be sold cheap or exchanged for a smaller place. Apply on the premises, or address, JAMES CAMPBLL, Walton, or DONALD. MG INNIS, Exeter P. 0. �.-.v. Unlimited quantity of timber to be had in the neighborhood of all kinds. The mill is in first-class running order, and complete throughout ; capacity, 10,000 to 1,000 per ten hours. There is also a sub- stantial frame house, stable, etc , belonging to the property. Apply on the premises to MRS. ALISON GIBSON. - 1238x6 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment COMPS NY_ 1 bring to •Inlfia another passage in the history of your life, The day came when you set up your own household. The days passed along in quiet blessed- ness. You twain sat at. the table morn- ing and night, and talked over your plans for the future. The most insignifi- cant affair in your life became the sub- ject of mutual consultation and advise- ment. You were so happy you felt you never could be any happier. One day a dark cloud hovered over your dwelling, and got darker and darker ; but out of that cloud the shin- ing messenger of God descended to in- carnate an immortal spirit. Two little feet started on an eternal journey. and you were to lead them ; a gem to flash in heaven's coronet, and you to polish it; put your hand to seems to turn to gold. eternal ages of light and darkness But there are others of you wild are like watching the starting chit of a newly- - the ship on which Pau lsailed where two created being, seas met, and you are broken by the You rejoiced! and .you trembled at the violence of the waves. By an unadvised responsibility that in your possession an indorsement, or by a conjunction of un- immortal n- t 1 treasure was placed You pray- foreseen events, or by fire or storm, or a e rejoiced, d and d and wept headlong and where you once dispensed FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 5, concessibn 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckersmith, containing one bundred acres more or less, 97 acres cleared, 65 of which are seeded to grass, well underdrained, three; never failing wells. On one fifty of said lot there is a log house, frame barn and very good orchard, and on the other a good frame house and barn, stables, and good orchard. - The whole will be sold together or each fifty separately to suit pur- chasers. located 1} miles from Seaforth, will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, as the proprietor is re- tiring from farming. For - further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, and it by letter to Seaforth P. 0. MICHAEL DORSEY, 13234 FARM IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 8, Concession 7, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, nearly all cleared, free .from stumps, well underdrained, and= in a high state of cultivation. The land is high and dry, and no waste land. There is a good brick residence, two good barns, one with stone stabling underneath, and all other necessary outbuildings; two never -failing wells, and a good bearing orchard. It is within four miles of Seaforth. It is one Of the best farms n Huron, and will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. Possession on the lstOctober. WbLyAon the prem- isee, or address Seaforth P. 0. .1276 This Company is Loaning Money or Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased, SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cont.Iaterest Allowed tar Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE;—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderioh. IORACE HORTON, MANAGER Qioderich, Angnet, ,188s. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED .IT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICF O SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, NO WITNESSES REOUIR ED paper. un, the weariness and exinLus- tion ! 011, the burning pang I Would - God it were mornit!g, would God it were night, were your frequent cry. But you are better, perhaps, even well. Have you thanked God that to -day you can -come out in the fresh air ; that you are in this place to hear God's name, and to sing •God's praise,and to. implore God's help, and to ask • God's forgiveness ? Bless the Lord who healed' all our dis- eases, and redeeineth our lives from dis- truction. Perhaps your last sorrow was a finan- cial embarrassment. I congratulate some of you on your lucrative profession or Occupatiots, on ornate :apparel, on a commodious 'residence --everything you - FARM FOR, SALE. -For Sale, 80 acres in Sanilao County, Michigan` 75 acres cleared and 111 a good state of cultivation, fit to raise any kind of -a crop. It is well fenced and has a good orchard on it, and a never failing well. The buildings consist of a frame house, stabling for 12 horses with tour box stalls, S6 head of cattle and 100 sheep. Ninety ewes were win- tered last yoar,sold 8630 in wool and lainbs this sum- mer. There are also pig and hen houses. The un- dersigned also has SO acres, with buildings, but not so well improved, which he will sell either in 40 acre lots or as a whole. These properties are in good localities, convenient ` to markets, schools and churches. The proprietor is forced to sell on ex. count of ill health. It will be a bargain for the right man as it will be sold on- easy terms. GEORGE A. TEMPLETON, Doronington, Sanilao County, Michi- gan. 1298x4 -t -f inituor a re r d and and wept and wonder- senseless panic,you have been tlung ed, anti prayed rejoiced, and wondered ; you were earnest in sup- great charities, now you have hard work plication that you might lead it through to make the two ends meet. life into the kingdom of God. There Have you forgotten to thank God for was a tremor in your earnestness. There your days of prosperity,und th-at through • d in- leyou have sn.Ld n isoof that was a double interest about your trials some There was an additional interest why vestments which will continue af,er the you should stay there and be faithful, last bank of this world has explodedeind and when in.a few months your house the silver and gold are molten in fires was filled with the music of the child's of a bursting world? Have you,amid all laughter, you were struck through with your losses and discaurrL;;enients, forgot the fact that you had a stupendous mss- that there was bread on your table this slog. morning. and that there shall be a shel- Have yotikept that vow? Have you ter for your head from the storm, and neglected satiny of these duties? Is your there is air for your lungs, and blood for home as such to you as it used to be? your heart, and light for your eye, Have those anticipations been gratified? and a glad 'rind glorious triumphant re - God help you to -day in your solemn re- legion for your soul.', miniscence, and let His mercy fall upon child - Perhaps your la$ trouble was a be - your soul if your kindness has been ill rEavenient. ThQ heart tt hich in child- requtted. God have mercy on the parent. hood was your i•. fuse, the parental on the wrinkles of whose face is written heart, and which has been ti source of the story of a -child's sin. God have the quickest sympathy ever since, has mercy on that mother, who, in addition suddenly becothhes lent forgiver. And to her other pangs, has the pang of now sotnetiiites, whenever in sudden an - a child's iniquity, Oh, there are. many, *to once and without deliberation you many sad sounds in this sad world, but say, "I will go andtell mother," the the saddest sound that is ever heard is mother." Or the /father, wlthwotce less there any here who remember that in I want to bind int one sheat all your past advantages, and I want to bind in another sheaf all your past adversities. It is a precious harvest, and I must be cdutious how I swing the scythe. Among the greatest advantages of your past life waif an early, home and its surroundings. The bad glen of the day, for the most part, dip their heated pas- sions out of the boiling spring of an un- happy Koine. sWe are not surprised that Byron.s heart was a concentration of sin, when weliear his mother was aban- doned, -and that she made sport of his infirmity, and often called hien ''the lapse brat." He who has vicious parents has to fight every inch of his way if he would maintain his integrity, and at last reach the home of the good in Heaven.. Perhaps your early home was in the city. It tuay have been in the days when Canal Street, New York, was far uptown. That old house in the . city may have'been demolished or changed into stores, and it seemed like sacrilege to you—for there was more meaning in that plain house, in that small house. than there is in the granite mansion or a turreted cathedral. Looking back this morning, you see it as though it were yesterday—tile sitting -room, where the loved ones sat by the plain lamplight, -the mother at the evening stand, the brothers and sisters, perhaps long ago gathered .into the skies, then plotting mischief on the floor or under the table; your father with a firm voice com- manding silence, that lasted half ' a minute. Oh, those were good da} -is! If you had your_ foot hurt, your mother always had :L soothing salve to heal it. If you were wronged in the street your father was always ready to protect you. The year was one round of frolic and mirth. Your greatest trouble • was an April shower, more sunshine than shower. The heart had not been ransacked by troubles, norl had sickness broken 11 and no lamb had a warmer sheepfold than the home in which your childhood nestled. - - Perhaps yott were brought up in the country. You stand now to -day in 1 gladly ou would have allowed thein to - -____ .....a,,.. �t,., .,1.I tree. '�'nnrinhhr•,l depart -if ......1.1 only have kept that FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE.—For dials Lot 12 Concession 6, H. R. S Tuckersmith,. containing 100 acres of choice land, nearly all cleared and in's high state of cultivation, with 90 acres seeded to grass. It is thoroughly underdrained and well fenced with straight rail, hoard and wire fences and does not contain a foot of waste land. There is also an orchard of two acres of choice fruit tree; two good wells, one at the house, the other with a windmill on it at the out buildings, on the premises is an ex- cellent frame house, containing eleven rooms and cellar under whole house, and soft and hard water convenient. There are two good bank barns; the one 32 feet by 71 feet awl the other 36 feet by 56 feet with stabling for 50 head of cattle and eight horses. Besides these there are sheep, hen and pig houses and an Implement shed. The farm is well adapted for Frain or stock raising and is one of the finest farms in the country. It is situated 3i. miles from Seaforth Station, 5 from Brucefield and Kippen with good gravel rc a leading to each. It is also convenient to churches, poet office and school and will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the preinises or by letter to THOMAS G. SIIILLINGLAW, Egmondv�ille P. 0. 1285.1 When we assert that .. Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure � Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO 8TAY CURED. By all dndggists or mail on receipt of price, So cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. e e r i e 0 tender, but a heart as earnest and loving. that home they were unfaithful? Are —watchful of tall your ways, exultant there those who wandered off from that over your success without saying much, early with la ibroken left the Oh mother 1I stirothat ie although the -old people dl() talk it over by tileinsel•res—is taken away forever. reminiscence to -day. Or there was your companion in life, I find another point in your life his - sharer of your joys and norrow�, taken, tory. You found one day you were in leaving the !heart an olds ruin. where the the wrong road; you could not sleep at ill winds blow over a Wide wilderness of night; there was just one word .that desolation, the scuds of the desert driv- seemed to sob through your banking lint across the place which once bloomed house, or through your office, or likethe garden of Go 1. And Abraham your shop, or your bedroom, and mourns for Sarah at the care of Mach - that word was " Eternity." You heist, Guinn along your path in life, said, "I am not ready for it. 0, God, suddenly, richt before you was an open have mercy," The Lord heard. Peace grave. came to your heart. You remember People looked down, and they saw it how your !rand trembled as you took the �rci3 only a few feet, cif'ep and ae few feet cup of the Holy Communion. You re - Wide, but to you it was a chstsclot. n member the old minister who donee- which went all your hopes and all your d it sacs obi remember the church the breaking of a mother's heart. Are thought flushes on you, ••I have no AUGUST 18, 1893 DOMINION }:- BANK, MAIN STREET (NEAR $t0YAL HOTEL), �EA..FORTH, f�►NTARIO_ crate y expectations. officials who carried it through the aisle; But cheer upin the name of the Lord you rember the old people who at the close of the service took your stand in Jesus C'toist, theforsalce you. 11111C11 the is Lord theirs in congratulating sympathy, as going much as to say, `'Welcome hone, you take that child out of your, arms? Why lost prodigal;" and though those hands. He is going to shelter it . better than you have all withered away, that Communion could. He is going to array it in a Sabbath is resurrected to day; it is resur- rected with all its prayers. and songs, and and have it all ready to greet you at tears, and sermons, and transfiguration. your codling home. blessed the:hroke'n Have you kept those vows ? Have you heart that Jesus heals. Blessed the tin - P �ortunete cry that Jesus c•tmpassion- been a backslider? God help you? This stet. Blessed the weeping eye from day kneel at the foot of mercy •site start te-..which the soft hand of Jesus wipes away again for heaven. Start today . as you' tear. started then. I rouse your soul by that the. teSpine years ago I was sailing down the reminiscence. St. John River, which is the Rhine and But I must not spend any more of my the Hudson commingled in one scene ot time in going over the advantages of beauty and randeur, and while I was your lite. I just put them all in one g great sheaf, and T bind them up in your on the deck of' the steamer- a gentleman memory with one loud harvest son pointed out tome the places of interest. such as reapers sing. Praise the Lord, and l said, •`All this is interval land, ye blood -bought mortals on earth ! and it is the richest land in all the Praise the Lord, ye crowned spirits of Provinces of .New Brunswick and Nova Scotia." But some of you have not heaven ! always t, .� "What." said I. "do you mean by in- tervalland?" "Well,•' he said, •`thi, a smooth life. Some of you are now. in land is submerged for a part of the rear; the shadow. Others had their troublestrim; freshet's come down, and all these years ago ; you are a here wreck -of 1 the water, what you once were, - I must gather up �in�clitlieis lwaters rlflowe lrt riclihcleclosit and the sorrows of your past life: gent, how when the waters are gone the harvest shall I do it? You say that -is impossible' B trill .s L1 and there is the giaudest as you have had so many troubles and Harvest that was ever reaped." ' And I adversities. 'Then I Hill just take two, instantly thought—"It is not the heights the first trouble acid the last trouble. os the Church and it is not the heights As when you are a asking along the of this World that are the scenes of the street and there has been music in the greatest st: roe eriGv, but the soul over distance, you uuconsciously find your - which the floods of sorrow have gone, selves keeping step to the music.,so when the soul over which the freshets of you started life your very life was a tribulation have torn their way, that musical time -beat. The :lir was full of ic:lds the greatest fruits of righteous - joy and hilarity; with the bright clean y oar you made the boat skip; you went on gess, and the largest harvest for time and life grew brighter, until,after awhile and the richest harvest for eternity. suddenly a colds from Heaven said, Bless God that your soul is interval ]and. "Halt !'' and you halted you grew pale, How Itull'uloen «.'re, Killed. you comforted your first. sorrow. You had no idea that the flush on your child's Astory-teller of half a ct'ntnry ago cheek was an unhealthy flush. You gave au account of a terrible method said it cannot be anything serious. which the -Western Indians used in Death in slippered feet walked round destroying the Buffalo, and one which about the craddle. You dict not hear the , must have been the means of snuf•!ine tread ; but after a while the truth out an incalculable number of lives. flashed on you. -You walked the The red hunters, he said, were wont to floor. -Oh, if you could,with your strong lie concealed in the vicinity of some high stout hand, have wrenched . the child precipice, and. w •en a stere of bisons from the destroyer. You went to your cane roamingithither in search of food room and you said. "Gocl,slive`nsy child! they would send one or two braves out God, save my child!" The world seem- among them, Concealed in the effigy of ed going out in darkness. You said. "I a buffalo `and covered with its head, hide cannot bear it, I cannot bear it." You - and horns. The false buffalo being felt as if you could not put the lashes stationed between -the herd and the over the bright eyes, never to see them precipice, the ;Indians would surround again sparkle. Oh, if you douses have the herd, as nearly as possible, suds then ken that little .one in- your arms, and rush from their concealment shouting' to with it leap into the grave, how gladly like demons., The animals being you would! have done it. Oh. if you could alarmed, and seeing no. tear• let your property go, your 'houses go, open but in the direction of 1 1 y false t�..A.,1., would run -toward Your land and your storehouses go, how GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards at highest currentT rates. No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRED Drafts bought and sold. Collections made on all points at lowest. ram, Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same ; favorable - terms. BUSINESS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED THE N BANK9/1 COMMERCE CANADIAN ESTABLISHED 1867. OFFICE,T RONTO. HEAD CAPITAL t'PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS $6,000,000 - CAP � - $ i,100,Ot)p B. E. WALKER, GENE: SEAFORTH B! A General Banking Business Transacted. REST - - _ - - - AL MANAGER. ANOH. armers' Notes discounted, Drafte issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. SAVINGS BANK D Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv allowed. OfIntereit added to the princip Special attention given to the collectio mers' Sales Notes. F. 110LMESTED, Solicitor. d, and current rates of interest 1 at the end of May and Noveva- of Commercial Paper and Far M. MORRIS. Manager. Under the White Canvas in Ole South End, Ye -OTT WILL. M"Il\T33 BEATTIE B Who, it is well known, ate the Star Groce you they are doing a rushing biz. No Their motto is—" The nimble sixpence cha ROTHERS, s. A glance is sufficient to tell 01a stock allowed to accumulate, es the lazy shilling. They wholesale and retail a very supelior line of Provisions at extremely reasonable prices. BEATTIE BROS. it fur fruit that was not quite ripe, be- cause you cOuld not ‘vait anv longer. You hear the brook rumbling along over the pebbles., You step again into the furrow where your fathee in his shirt sleeves shouted to -the lazy oxen. You frighten the Wallows from the rafters of the barn, end take just one egg. and silence your conscience by • sayiug ;that they will not Miss it. You take a drink again out of the very bucket that the .old well fetched up. 'You • go for the cows at nigni,1 and find them wagging their heads through the bars. Outlines in the dusts, and busy streets _ you wish you were lionie again on that cool grass, or in the hall df the farm house, through which there !was the breath of new mown hay or the hloseum of IsuckeiTheat. Yoa may have in your windows now .beautiful pleats and flowere brought from across. the seas, but none of them stirs in your eoul so much charm and memory as the old iVy and yellow . sun- flower that stbod sentinel along the gar- den walk, and the forget-me-nots play- ing- hitless:fad-Seek mid the lung grass. The father syho used to come in sun- - hurn t from the fields, and sit down on 1 ht, door sill and wipe the Weat from Lis bruw. may ha‘e gone to his ever - Jesting rest. • The mother. who used to etilie door a lit tle bent over, cap and on.: her face mellowing NV ith vicitsiltities of inahy years, may have put down r gree head on the pintikv in the valley, but forget that• :10:11•, you neyer Ha ve.you thanked (.-hal for it ? Have God for au Val one treasure. But one day there arose from the heavens a chill blast that swept over tla bedrooneand instantly all the light went out, and there was darkness — thick, murky. impenetrable, shuddering dark- ness. But God did not leave you there. Mercy spoke. As you were about to put that cup to your lips. God said, "Let it pass," and forthwith, as by the hand of angels, another cup was put. into your hand; it - was the cup of God's consolation. And as you have sometimes lifted the head of a wounded soldier, and poured wine into his lips. So God puts his left arni wider your head, and with hie right hand he pours into your lips the wine Of his com- fort and his consolation', and you looked at the empty cradle and looked at your broken heart, and you looked at the Lord's chastisement and you said, "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy Ah, it is your iirst trouble. How did you get over it? God comforted you. You have been a better man ever since. You have been a better woman ever since. In the jar of the closing gate of the sepulchre you heard the clanging of the opening gate of heaven, and your felt au irresistible drawing heavenward. You have been purer and holier of heart ever since that night when the little one for the last time put its arms around your neck and said, "Good night, papa; good night, mamma. Meet me in heaven." But I must come on down to your latter sorrow. What was it ? Perhaps it was sickness. The child's tread on the stair or the tick of the watch on the stand disturb you. Through the loug weary days you counted the figutes the carnet or the flowers in the. well the it. and the false buffalo, moving quickly to the edge of the cliff, went over. but by some preconceived arrengement took refuge in a cave, cleft er shelf. The leaders of the herd. would irmee on the brink. seeing death before them: but those behind could not see the alm ss, and would press madly forward. so that those in front Ivere forced to leap to the rocky ground hundreda of feets below, while those behind were gonded ferward by the huntersmntil they became. mad with fear. and followed to the same end. The Indians then selected as rnuch meat as they Nyished and left the rest to the wolves.—Detroit Free Press. MULLETT it JACKSON, Hardware, Stove & Tin Merchants We are now prepared to ask a -share of your patronage in Hardware, at we have a well -assorted stock of goods,kincluding litHarvest Tools, Builders' - ardware, Paints, Ctiii, Glass and iDutlery. Also remember, we handle a -fine line of Stoves and Tinware, et4id elr AT THE NEXT MORNING FEEL IiIRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS SETTER. My doctor says it aets gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleaaant laxative. This drinkris made from herbs, and is prepared for use as easily as tea. It is called LANE'S MEDICINE Buy one to•day.1 Lane's Family edl e All drug•gists sell it for 50e. and SLOOperekaieo. moves the bowels, each, do,y. In order to health.Y this 13 woman. • Metallic Shingles are taking the lead for roofing. the wood shingle. Irr All Orders Promptly Attended to. Inspect before putting ou -MULLETT & JAC SON, Seafor STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUS FURNISHING EMPOitIUM. GET A IVI ATE ON. We have got a move on, and are now in our new Wareroomsy ready wait upon you to show you one of the finest stocks of Furniture in Weds* Ontario. We make a specialty of pleasi g all our eus.tomers. Now that Ire - are in our new Warerooras, we are in a b tter position than ever to meet our = friends, and show them goods that are wo th buying. Come right along and satisfy yours& ves that our Furniture is all claim for it—the latest designs, best -of -fforkmanship, and finest finish. sell cheap all the year round. Popular Goods, Popular Prices at fir Popular Finn of The- M. Robertson F-4rniture Enwori STRONG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL McOOLL'S OILS —ARE TB BEST USE LAR INE MINN! CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION MOM'S CYLINDR OIL WILL . . wear twice as long as any other make . . . THE FINEST HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY FOR ,SALE BY ALL LEADING bEALERS IN THE 00U 132 :se. Ilythslell .4.yo!tt: eve wag flea tb NE Vas T y Toy ohoi phOlit Salt array ty Wed and Will enutki this spee ed bt D. Sher Ram Ja acne Thee Tic litre Pi