The Huron Expositor, 1893-08-18, Page 1, � 1 ___7� 1 , - - - I , I - __ - � I . - � , I -111 __ I . - - . ... - . I � I , -1. . - � - I � I Z � - ;_ . .� I . J �� 11 11� 1893; 11tN 189L L I � � �Gdods I - �EMWG�_ ( - �`�lve we will ad, stmk of Dry , �11 Trade, cfaul- I I . �iss Flor�a Got � P Of . town this week, I . to -day for TAani. . - t from Goderich. .Sd of horses.— � . , � ildIng a new saw - . . c aild it north of I and Taylor Hel, World's Fair.— .- � _ry. and the river or some time, [,� ,j-Tha,,barns o,lid tle. n I the old lop, were destrby- , ning Of last week. I I I wait engaged In . gone out for the I . Id the fire. The. . &son's crop. of hm,y. I year's fall Whe , ments. The It - I .. Mr. Little at - I - I t tile farm last, cing. There yvat - ha buildings and- ured. It is SUP- , rigi � nated.from a., - �fI the. house. uncil met at JoneW ' Z ay, August 7th. � � I &a,,. were passed, . I I A by-law was rate of 2,02 mills- � '..1 School '�ant.2- f hip ax en i I p iture 1�, . Fhip rate, to raise I ills on the dollar, ,ction rates ranging the dollar, except 3, which the Clerk I ce on the roll unless A with seal attmoh- I I and No. 9 sent no ; uld be made except I ate, the trustees � o foot the balance - En Samuel Storey � to inspect drains �d to be filed m he I gal steps. Council," � Crawford's hotel, I - th of September at � __ - �r. i; Harry and Miss. �� , � we are holidaying � ,iaald Elliott and - ,�he guests of her . � � of this place.- 6ronto, is spendin he p � arental roof..-! . I � �g are at the World's. � eek.—Mrs. Wailter visiting. her mother,. 1%i300 peoplo' went �st, Exeter's Civic [ Bros,, who have �Ieak House, Grand at week, returned --mr. T. C. Sweet - . ra visiting relatives I �d Cleveland, Ohio, �ere.—Nlrs. George - ,siting her mother, I *mes street.—News I � I last from Grand � , son Of Mr. George psley, aged 21 year* - drowned at Grand - recovered fifty�five I �a the water. He - L was drowned in , I � -Mr. George Smith, ' Iispo8ed of a very , I 'fr. John Shute, Of , - 4rne, last week.. Ile ' � Alr.,A. E. Tennant, Z, - �ftber ,of "Pags" to ma -ad m, ade by the I 11 ;for la,.p dogs.—Billf 7 - I the, SoUth 11-uron * � e held here on th& �� � . ember. Keep your - � ad tile beat fair III , 6 as Trivift is con - I . � �.h illness.—Mr. Goo, . . is the guest of his- � , NN,eatcot,­ - . Huron " � bin Company played i ad,ay evening DO- � . , . s during the d4i ' � amce, it being our . . - =e,ra,hoebe H&rri* Of this' : i of ,the lat0' ed at. Creditorl on ths _r tied in the ' Exeter' . . .afternoon last. 'H6� 4e aftended church - I 9 Sahbath. Ile rel- , follow - ,e on Monday . � 0 demise. -He WAS la s place. . or# of . B�_,ker, past ,officiated at the full- er and wife., of Bar, . I 5iting relatives here _ 1 home on Monday w n u . manuf acture, of flourp I Tile very best NO- 11 I i Procured, the People " � ,,y can expect first dris. Wm. Daw sPell� ,�tusville.—Mr. James ,i flote�l, has again. re, �4rtonder, af wo, weeks. --Mr, and a, were tile guests Of � p,,nny Fri,th, of the , a..,.,y last.—Mr.james It.1anitoba, was hert �-k �_, week, visiting rals- nit tre , .velliug with a ptured it, �,.-hiuh he cal -L intends having thorn 'he fall fair,, The,Y � ,%� fj,arllan�, a IfflaucEs will also be on e,xhi- kair at London next Exeteritea, Who have d i;(�a.d Park return, .%.,t.__The t�o Jiln'0) Z the tailori'ng boo'- �;%nj. have disgolvecl i le'.�,_ W. Creecil Will if , , bus.iness.—Mr. John ,f thi,g place# has beell ;-ks repairing binders, _inity. _N 4"4 Vic ,Ljosors, vt, hwve the, contract jance for Dr. 11000ack)' �,,,,mxn,ence operations [I Brothers, porkpack- ,�ped some large orders , ,!ed ineato to different ce.—Messrs. Davis ct � of fat Cattle W �al cars lailt.—The Indepelld- � �� cla the Londonfla- )ad, intend to. run Ari i Satarday n8x-�y ood The fare from GO* - , ki I C I 1. , . � - ! . . I . . � 47. 1 — __ I ­ ­ . 4 �.� I � V=�_­­ -,---------, -------- I . . McLEAN BROS., Publishers- - I . � �. - �I . - I TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. I ii — I I - . - SEAFOkTHo, FRIDAYy AUGUST 18, 1893. $1.50 a Year in Advance. 1. �i , . � I . WTiOLE NUMB,ER9 10340. . I i � , . — t i ___ _ . �k �,:. , I . 1_1___-- — . � - - mind is apt to search for the particular line moving waters, terra cotts, in color, moving ROTHERSY of dime novels which this -i"; youth has been between banks of reddish mud, make a . ; i - � ... ; ; . devouring. t strange contrast with t", all-surrouuding i � . � - ; i - green. Here and there asohooner livetrand- THE MAGIC WAND. . � " ad high and dryTin the narrow bed of one Record. Breaking - Wom the big northern suburb comei won- of these streams, waiting for the tide. This drous talea of the doings of a Wizard I rom, is the lu6nd of Evangeline, where men bar Halton county. They have been lucky out with d kee the waters that they may enough to strike. 'artesian wells in North To. y , . :P IZ: I C. S ronto, . and thoo6interested ha've been en- gather hay from meadows which would be . � thusiastic enough to yearn after the shekels marshea were the tidesallowed their way. . .. Here, we flash patt. 'the site of the old � ., —IN— . I which would be theirs could they got 4he French fort, There, the conductor points , I I .... I - � contract to supply the whole olts with out .the tree at Gr4nd - Pre where the - .. I water. A company has been forma and . . . . . � experts have been hired fe visit the locality Acadians bade farewell to their homes, and ­ I SoyS' Clothing perhaps cursed the day when they listened . ! 8 and report on the chances of more artesian � : : � - . . I to the voices of French emissaries and re . I . : ; . � wells being put in. The latest resort of ; 2 - 'A I SenatoirMoKiudsey was to bring an old far. fused to swear allegiance to England's . I ) . "I ,nor from Halton county who enjoys a wide kiog. Over there morose that smiting water, . '%re)re gbing to break- the record in reputation for skill in the use of the witch- bluff Blomiden raises its crest, while all .. - . Ion high grade Boys' Clothing'- h.z I fod. The public have the word of the I around us Is the pastoral scenery, rich in ' __ 4 priceF " a . . I color and in suggestion@ of prosperous, I Why 7 Just to acquaint,you with t�e Senator for it that the malic prong wielded peaceful homes, which Longfellow has im- . i ,. . I - a I mortalized. At Annapolis the boat is I fact ,,hat we keep only good Clothing by Water-find'r Waill i did things mar- , 0 1 velous to the eye and the mind. In every - just to make new friends, just to ke- spot where th d i i i 0 taken for Digby, the trip being down the - . a Ivinin _r d indicated water Annapolis Basin to Digby Gut, a narrow tiew old acquaintances have holes since been Tug and water found. . . Mr. Charles Wilson, of Sherbourne street, entr"oo- into the Bay of Fundy. For a . I LOT NO. I—Think of getting a in another citizen of undoubted veracity who. wonder,, this tempestuous little gulf was in . . � I i strona, durable Suit, usually soid tonches for the efficacy of the witch -hazel good humor, and a' pleasant sail across It - . 90(K ) . 6 brought us, in the evening, Into St. John. for $3, $3.50, $4 'and $4.50, for only scheme. He had a well located on his I — . � � . , - - premises this sprifig by the Halton expert, St. John, like Halifax, ip beautifully sit- - All the north end'is wrought up over these ine, I . $2-25— events, and here and there you get a man uhted on hi h ground, rising from a f . commodious Tarbor. Like'Halifax, it is a . . who will say he never believed what his old - I f city of forty thousand peo0e, and. the oom LOT NO. 2—Splendid new pat- grandfather told him down on the arm �',till a 4 in roial metropolis of a province., There the . o 'now- St I'D � terns for school wear, the regular i similarity ends, for . John im' ne of the THEY WILL DEPART. � - I � handsomest cities of its size on the conti I . prices of which were $4, $4.50, $5 and $5 � Representatives of two of the city's oldest nent, its streets being wide an.A. straight, I - __ . .501 for families died this week. On Wednesday well paved and lined with business and pub- . Donald C. Ridout went to 'his test. For' lic edifices that would do no discredit to . I 1 $�3_00. many yearn he has monopolized most of the . Toronto, B ' uffalo or Detroit. An air of busi- I patent solicitori' work of this portion of the ness activity pervades illese streets wh1oh is, I I . country, being, besides.-% member of St. if not lacking, not so noticeable In Halifa'xo I . Everygarment has our guarantee. We . . . , mence this sale Saturday mor, . George's Society and a director of the In- mud it is a common sayl 'that if Halifax , it would be com Ing) dustrial Exhibition Association. He was a had the enterprise of St. L August 19th, and will continue for I son of the late L G. Ridout, manager of the a better city. On the other hand, If St. 1, Alothers—don't overlook old-time Bank of Upper Canada. ,.On Mon- John had Halifax' money, it would be mote I . ,Dne week. T - day, at her home in Spadina Avenue, Mrs. prosperous than it is, for it is evident that, i I . this sale. Clarke Gamble died at the age of 74. She despite appearances, St. John is not proo- L L - I was the daughter of Henry John Boulton, peroua. The great fire of 1873, while J . once Chief Justice of Now Foundland, who making it possible to greatly add to the ap- - JACKSON BIROS.4 . afterwards built and, lived in Holland pearance of the - place, seriously crippled LL . . il House, the Wellington' street quarters many business men, who have been istrug- � THE - BOYS' - CLOTHIERSI vacated two years ago by the Reform Club. gling, against fate ever. since. The ship - I SEAFORTH. One of the brothers of the Chief Justice was building trade, once an importont industry, D'Arcy Boultpn, of the Grange, whose is fast -disappearing unde-T the demand fo; . son afterwards lived there and ' whose iron ships, and there has been no increase . . widow is married to Professor Goldwin in .any branch of businosi to make amends. - Smith. . In fact, New _� seems bound to . NOTES FROM THE QUEE141 Brunswic � � CITY. . . see its industries dig p6ar without others I . I taking their place, u3e ' I TORONTO, AUgUOt 14 1899. i A Squint at Halifax and St. John. I I n 4a a radical change ... The din of this Sunday car fight is awftil. I in the. commercial ,policy of the Dominion Everyone is heartily sick of it. The senAi- A CANADIAN EDITOR ON HIS TRAVELS. should infuse now life into - some that are . - " I ble refuse to argue any more, but the p&.peis — .� now dormant. Of late years a most impor- continue to fill their columns with the of - � (Concluded from Last Week.) tant industry has been the making mud ship- � fending literature. Thank goodness, the From Sydney, Cape Breton, a day's rida - ping of spruce deals to the English market, end comes on August 26th, that is, if the on the Iptercolonial brings one into -Zali- but the gradual extinction of the forests, by-law, as expectqd, carries; but if not fax. The trip is one of the prettiest on the gives warning that this is an industry i .. . then those in fav'or of Sunday care will continent, for the first few hours the train, which has been -its best days. What will � make good their word to know no rest till 1A windiDg along the shores of the Bras d'Or take its Place ? is the question St. John is I � city by-law declares the use of cabs and ce,i- lakes, gives the traveller even better views asking itself. The province is not blessed,, riages in the streets as unlawful as that df of these picturesque waters ,and their our- as Nova Scotia is, with mineral lands, . but; . care.. The impression still prevaila.in Min- rounding hills than can be obtained from it has important fisheries, and its agricul- � isterial. circles that the railway is scattering the decks of the boats. The passage of the tural productions are such as fin&ready - � thousands of dollars to the left and right id strait of Cause lends variety to the ride,and sale in the United States market. There is, I ' . an endeavor to get the by-law carried. It then, for five or six hours, the way is therefore, a general sentiment in favor of I has beern stated by W. H. Howland. that thb I through lake dotted Nova Scotia, ending in freer trade relations between the two COU11- I I � company would be the gainer by achange a ten -mile run along the far-famed Bedford tries, but whether this will be crystallized by $100,000 a year, whereas even the Ratdi I Basin ' Halifax' pride, and one of the great. into ballots w,hen election time ,comes payers'Association admitSunday cars would i est harbors in the world. Bedford Basin, around is another' question. These Now I not net them over $16,000. Here are a few ill large a" it is, is only part of the harbor, the Brunswickers, like other good people, near- - i- Bout er home, allow many considerations to con figures interesting at this time. I'lle com . herly portion of which is formed by I , i trol their fingers, when marking the ballot. pany has invested $2,803,000 altogether, ! Chebucto Bay. on Which Halifax is situate. For 1892 the total receipts were 8817,000, 01' � I The position of the city is moot command- — . . which the city rec ' eived 8 per cent as well 68 1 ing, but its jumble of old time streets and In these three Maritime Provinces there &56,000 mileage, leaving the.company's bal� houses with modern avenues and buildings is observable a common tendency to speak of ance at $695,640. t I does not create as favorable an impression as Ontario as Canada and Ontario people'as i foOper by Canadians. This sounds strange to the THE PROIBITION CAMPAIGN. I 1 either Quebec or Montreal, the : . � its adherence to the unique forms �nd sys. earsof those accustomed to consider that . I With an eye wide open -.to the fact that tems of two centuries ago, the latter by its we are all Canadians, from the Atlantic to I next January is to decide the great plebis- . ir of the Pacific, but the explanation is to be � I I ,h of the Domin- up,to-d&te buildings and general a cite fight, the On tario branc n- found in the simple fact that up to Confed- W iollAlliince is starting in for hArd labor, I nineteenth century progress. Halifax, co I I - I I - � The first meeting was held on Tuesday id I aidering its -situation, should be one of the eration the term Canada was confined to . � , most attractive cities on the continent, but tile present provinces of Quebec and Ontario. . - � this city, 75 men and women being present, while it has many charms, it lacks others it Another noticeable tendency of the Mari- � b e is to speak of Eog- I A convention, to take place in Octo er's first' ' I I , lmr�-:� might easily possess, The citadel, which - time Province peopl I week, was decided on. What is more * 11 crowns the city is built on the top of a high iand as " home." This is characteristic of � : portant to citizens was the adoption of ft club hill on the western side of the long, narrow even those born in the provinces, and is suggestion that a Toronto prohibition harbor. ' This hill is as rounding as a cone, due to the close connection, compared , be formed. The members of this need nob be total abstainero, and the club is to re- the regularity of its outlines suggesting an with that enjoyed by Ontario, of the , main & fixture whether success wait@ on the artificial mound. Around its sides and base ol,d country and the provinces. Cqmmu- - 4cation I efforts in January or not. Many regard the clusters the city, a splendid view of which 13t a frequent and easy, .and where � move to admit others than total abstainerd' may be obtained from Citadel Hill. Par .as o nre merchant from 'an Ontario town will to be Peculliar, and look forward tq some the eye can see' the shimmering watera'of visit the English markets each Eamon, three - the Bay and Basin wind between �reon or four will go from a' Nova Scotia town of . . . . . I . queer complications in tile club management hills, whose sides bear heavy fores,ris or the same size. I when it shall have come to pass that the lion waving meadows.* Beneath our feet the I " __ ' � and the lamb lie Aown together. city stretches along -the -water front, wher—e The ChigrLeepo Ship Railway .seems to be c THE E_N�umsir COMPANY. ugly piers stretch out their arms into the even a more dismal failure than De,Lesseps' Each week putk? the St.. George's Riff e,g harhor. The w%ter is alive with craft' of Panama scheme. It was designed to con - more in the shape of an actuality, The every description, but consTicuous a6ove all nect the wateri of the Bay of F�udy with � Englishmen of the city are pressing eagerly tower 11 The Blake," the ag ship of the those.of Northumberland straits, and much . forward to fill the ranks, evidently with an North Atlantic squadron, and a French has been written of the marvellous feat of idea that the regiment should have as few as frigate spending a few days in port. "The engineering 'which its completion would .possible of members not hailing from the Blake " is covered with' bunting from stem signalize. It was to have been one of the land of roses. For th6 officers' positions ,to, stern, for this is the wedding �ay of seven modern wonders, but, alas for the . . - - just as keen a rivalry exists. Dr. G. S. Ry- England's future king. The . whole scene, -descriptive writers, the aspiring engineers, . � erson, M. P. P., has been offered and has on a bright summer morning, bi an exhilar. and the English shareholders, the plans I accepted the position of commanding officer, 1 ating one. The citadel behind us, filled have gone awry, and fifteen millions of dol - 1 and it is not likely that Colonel Sweeney with troops of the line, and this great lars are represented by nothing but some . I will sport the gray uniform in any position I warship in front, are all that is left of Bri. huge excavations, rotting timbers, iron e ork left for burial to the tender hands of I whatever, despite what has appeared in the I tain's military and naval forces in ' British w .. � I press. I North America, but they serve to rethind the drifting sea sand, and a disgusted lot of A SAI) DEATH BUT A 1,UCICY FEND. that this city was built for the especial pur- c!Lpitalists. There seems no chance of the l z - , The death . of Mrs. R. G. Barrett wife of I Pose of strengthening England's hold on work, which has been discontinued for some � I � the northern part of the continent, that it years, being resumed. When fifteen mil - the well known barribter of that name, is a I � l ib, and seven mil- � . l has ever since been one of her most impoi. lions had been spent on i - ; . particularly sad event. On Awguat 2ad the al stations, and that to -day the lions were found4to.,be required to complete lady strayed wway from her home, No. 187 Mother of Nations still keeps watc e sapient individuals wh-o I Bloor street, in the direction of Rosedale, � i ard at the door of the young and stalwart were financialIV interested conceived the W . the northern suburb, and was seen no more. borninion. I - � bright idea of endeavoring to -determine if I I till discovered by a searching party in one — w the railway were needed—if it would be I` of the thickly -wooded -glens on Sunday �� �� Many of the streets of Halifax are nar- used when completed. Some people might I niornimn From the appearance of the body 1 I � I death h'ad come fully 48 hou,rs--before. The tom,,.dirty and noisy. Perhaps all this is -have been forehanded ,enough to ascertain � Jusepaxable from a seaport town. On the this fact before starting the work, but these ground near by showed how the unfortunate I capitalists had not displayed any such Un - I lady had slipped and fallen into the nook in ,other hand, she boasts of some fine. public ' 1,,)u,ildings, of a park which for natural beau. seemly haste. When they did investigate which she lay, Tile deceased was 62 years - : . ties is unexcelled, and of -public gardens tkey found that ship owners would be very I � of age, and was a daughter of the late Lard- 'hich would be -a, credit to the wealthiest reluctant to trust their vessels to the mer- ner Bostwick. . Alfred Cook�' a laborer liv- Qty in the United States. The presence In cies olf the railway, and that, in any case, . I - , I ing in Itoeedale, discovered ' the body, and the harbor -of H, M. S. Blake furnished an the receipts from tolls would not amount to i tot till a few hours afterwaMe did he learn � ortunity which was not to be missed by even a reasonable interest on the invest- , . . � I . � that a reward of $500 had been offered for PPP " a . A visitor from lands where war -ships ar ment. So work was stopped and it is not I the finding of Mrs. Barrett. _� - It is a subject for ginknown, mud a v6ry pleasant hour was likely to be resumed. 4 � � . ADVENTUROUS YOUTHS. ,ipent in going over -this imodern reoresenta- even national regret th�xt so great an enter- Edwa,rd Holland, aged 9, and Henry tive of the 11 wooden walls of England," prise should meet such a fate. Duval, aged 15, live in the east end and ftere were some six hundred men, officers, I — - have the old original "stern love of nautical *eamen and mariners, yet such are 'the di- Another engineeri * ng undertaking, also adventure. On Sunda� morning the pair hiensioos of the boat that there does not ap- vast in its conception, is engaging much at - J ' -Went fish,ing in. Ash�pidge's -Bay. They Pbar t6 be any, crowding. Beauty is so � tentiOn in Now Brunswick and Prince Ed - braved the dark watirs in a boat 14 feet � ce9sarily sacrificed to utility in one of ward Island. The pr-pposition to construct " t I long., propelled only by flat boards. In the i1beese modern engines of destruction thit a tunnel under the Straits of Northumber- � course of time they lost their rude paddles I baps I had no juritification for feeling land, to'connect the Tisland with the main - I I I arid drifted out into the lake, being picked r1urm' pointed. But certainly there is little land, has been dangled by the Dominion � up by the Chippewa on Monday, three miles of t1le beauty which story and picture tell Government, time and -again before the eyes - . � fronitheisland. They had passed the night up was characteristic 6f the ffeets which of thenativas, especially when an election . On empty stomachs, and &a It was as cold as Seison commanded, with their tiers on tiers hove in eight, but it is 16 solierne which - . ordinarily is looked for in November, they ol guns, and spreading yards Of. snow-white should never be seriously considered by .... must have been miserable enough. However, cinvas, in this huge iron -bound, black -fun- Parliament, A tunnel under these Straits , warm food and drink restored them when nilled leviathian. It is -compaeb and strong would cost untold millions, and would uev- Once on the big steamer, and they landed in aiid deadly, But it is ugly. er, either in reoeipts or convenience to the . town laughing over their misadventure. -It- Islanders, pay the cost of operation, let . . The story doesn't end hera, for on Tuesday Porn Halifax on the south to Annapolis alone any interest on investment, The e morning Duval appeared in the police court oft. the north, the Windsor and Annapolis straits are some fifteen or 'eighteen miles . �. . charged with attempting to stesl a small A&Ilway passea through a rather poor see- across at the narrowest point, and the Idea � steam yacht belonging to Charles Farquhar, 6in of land near Halifax, and through. the .of the national treasury being depleted of - . . Evidence showed that he cut the moorings, fai-famed Annapolis valley. The scenery millions of money for the purpose of tun � I L Put on a fire and tried to induce the engine iti'this valley is charming,the hills on either nelling this strait, for the slight benefit L to propel him in search of more adventures. side receding and advancing as the train which might accrue to a hundred thousand I The efforts of this precocious navigator were rd9hes through, their sides laden with apple eople, is simply preposterous. In summer, � - L- : Unavailing, however, and he drifted about trees, which come down into the valloy, and Naily boats, sailing to and from different . L . the bay all day, when he fell Into the hands a,hnost touch the frain. '1he numerous ports of the Island, giie ready access to the I � - q Of the harbor police. He was sent down rl�ers which water -the valley are all tidal mainland, and the same applies in winter, L .. 2' .. - - � . . I . for 10 days on the charge of larceny. The stiesms, and at low tide their sluggish- except on a few of the coldest' days in se ' � .- I 11 . . __ . � L I L I . : i . . � i . I . vere winters�, when navig Stion is soMeWh&t L - most Important districts. The experience i I . car to move OD, she refused to do so, and . I 1 11 _� ..., V- � tance of 14 miles. If this enterprise proven J� 11 - . 4 . 2 impeded. The Government steathir Stan- ley, which is put on this route in winter, is ':but of importers the past season was anything i satisfactory. The bulk of the Canadian I was at once placed under arrest. Her husband, Justin Rice, known as the "cow- - a success the shipping on the Detroit River - � ii % will be considerably lessened. !. " L � so adapted for the work that the Interests 'crop I W was secured by a few operators,- ho boy preacher," tried to induce the officer to ' —The Roman Catholic Basilica at Ottawa I _- Z :1 � of the Islanders are quite well enough �must have lost heavily, &a the season, from . . liberate his wife, and as a result was locked was broken into last Friday night and tbe, '?, . - , , - , L . served. She is fitted with large tanks in ,beginuin� � 'L W . to end as one of disappoint. . _' u self. I him '1he g- - tabarnsele was smashed, from *hIch were, - �'L , _ L - the stern, which are filled with water. By ment. he crop . generally was of poor value of Canada's fishery last year taken several valuable silver vases, altogeth- � I 4,�T � tightening the steamer in front, the weight �quality, size and color, the exact reverse of was close on nineteen million dollars. . This er worth. some hundreds of dollars. Part,of 1_'�.L . ".-' of theme tanks Is sufficient to lift the bow of 'the previous year, which was the finest in Is a trifle lose than figures recorded for the silver and gold drapery around the . - , L � � ts I the boat high out of the water. Under a . quality and condition ever reoeiveA ; and 1891, but is two millions in exceps of thotse tabarnsele was also taken. One of tho If I � V. '�^ L 11 *i, fall head of steam the Stanley is sent - ,no doubt this, In co notion . with badness nju for 1882 and double the output of twenty candles was burned about two inches, ishow- I � . C4 . I against the ice floe, and her iron -clad bow, :of trade, had much to do with the unsatis- years ago. . Ing that the thiews had been in the church I . . I , . Y., passing over the ice, brings the full weight -factory results. The prospecta for the com- —Win'. -Montgomery, of Ottawa, team- . ,,, � I quite a time. * ­. of the vessel upon the ice, breaking it if it 'ling season cannot be considered brilliant. ster, went home on Monday night at six —A Montreal despatch says: The live ,.,.'- . I . � �.;" Is &B tbick as twelve inches. It will thus The depression In trade still oontinues, mud o'clock and found his wife, who usually was - stock export trade has gone all 05 pieces ��.,. � ' . �1 : be seen that the people of the Island are :there is no indication of any immediate im- at the door waiting for him, lying dead on this y or ; so far only 43,012 head of cattle '�� t'! . e I . - it. brought quite as closely into contact with . : ovement. Should the.English apple crop the kitchen floor. The cause was heart � i and 534: sheep have been exported, against * �'. . 4 the rest of the world as are -many other tr all safely harvested it will be ample to disease. ) . . I 62,998 cattle and 14,278 sheep for the ssme, % ; � V_� I parts of the Dominion upon which the Gov- :supply the demand during the early part of —Alderman Will, Windsor, on Monday per od last year. Bad market i in E land I � I i . I 2 � ornment never dreams of expanding mil. lions, and thai the proposed tunnel would the season, and consequently none will' be wanted from the United States and Canada night heard a noise in his room about%4an - hour after he retired. Getting up, hit f6ot I. are responsible for this great ,'ailing 0 � Ex- - - ­. I . t� _% �� � porters have, as a usual thing, lost Ilfeavily g ._�11 , I serve no other purpose than that of a bugs before good, well -matured winter stoA can struck a tin box lying -on the floor, mind an . on their shipments. Pric-p.s in Liverpool �._ - 4-4 political bribe* Surveys for it are now, I _ be shipped, at which period the English examination showed that it had been taken . have declined lt,d per pound In the pikat. � � .. I I , I I - � . � I I understand, under way, and even for this crop (which is fully one -mouth earlier than from a dresser and $75 carried away. three weeks. , . . . �tl , � , I - � fell It." wastefulness the Govern ment should be usual) i9i mostly disposed of, an insignificant —The competition for the Sir John Mac- - —An electric light wire across one of . .i. - I - � called to account. quantity only beinj of keeping quality. donald memorial for Montreal was won,.by London early on �­'­. I I the fire alarm wires in ,� 41. J. S. B. � . George E. Wade, of London, Eogland. The Saturd morning, and set the gongs In the 1'. :111 I 1 ta , - . : � Canada. I . price is $20,000. Two ty-five sculptors an D - � � three .1. T 1, . tlo ringing furiously. The men , -, �._ ;­ - Successful Candidates. � —Prince Yorihito, of Japan, has arrived ttred the competition. , Foreigif and local turned out of bed, and it required some '! 1, . � I I - Below is a list of candidates who have . I at Vancouver. o -experts were consulted-. before the final do- islon. _­ I timeto regulate the difficulty, the current 1: ; 1 � ' .., �i�l from. the electric light wires being very !. j been successful in passing the High School junior *and senior leaving, pass and — Hay was $8.50 and $9 a ton on the Lon- don market thia week. i I . 0 ' . —The doctors entertain but little hope for in I the recovery of Mr lie, assistant �,_! f-, � . I _� � powerful. The magnets in o3e of the halle i�� !�. - �, were burned out, and other damage was 4 ,',- - - _. Erimary, onor matriculation examinations at the —Mr. D. M. Cameron, ex -M. P,, has been iub?u1*1b&n -I' �_* e� several points where they wrote in the t appointed sheriff of Middlesex, . ,Manager of the Cjit�� aftid Railway � A, - done. The rainstorm bad caused the wires I -t. � " , I "sag." County of Huron. Unsuccessful candidates who were examined at High Schools or Col- —Rudyard Kiplibg, the famous author of . military stories, is now in Montreal. !Company, Toronto, and a forrAr resident of , Ayr, Waterloo county. He has been ill for to 1. .� , . - _ . � 4 `. I I - � - —On the return journey from Bridge- w � � I - I � . . I -14 I loglate Institutes will apply to the princi- I - - —Professor Saunders, of the Experiment- some time from blood poisoning, and on Sat. urday underwent an operation. north on Saturday evening a bus containing - . �11 . i a number of the True Blues and . . - pals for their marks ; other candidates will � annl to the Public School Inanectors. The &I Farm, Ottawa, has gonwon a trip to Brit- ' � ish Columbia. —A plague of grass hopper@ has struck in .,--, _. � I Blues, of Peterboro, who had been Attend- . - , I - 1D_ 1-1. - t", 2F 1 results of the scholarship examinations will , —No further news has been received of the vicinity. of Ha i1ton, and farmers cont- ing- the demonstration at, %; urn, o, r - I a be announoed in about ten days : the disabled steamer Sarni&, now sixteen plain that the oat crop unharvested is ruin- ,turned, and several of the occupants were , - days out from Montreal. ed in consequence. The little peath out off severely injured. Mrso Albert Manning � '� SEAFORTH. —TheCanadian Pacific Railway bridge thebeadeof standing grain* and farmers had th-s right side of her face crashed iv, ' ' Primary—M. Boyd, W. J. Brownell, W. near Portage la, Prairie was burned Sunday are outtiDg. their crop greeh In order to the cheek bone and upper jaw, brokell. J. Cameron, J. Campbell, A. Carnoch N,M. night by tramps. Trains are delAyed. save lt� � . Miss Cora Sheffield bad her face out, and 'A, Crew, E. Devereaux, J. Esler, J. Forrest, —The residents of Hamiltolm had to —The city treasurer of Toronto has re- Miss Carrie R,Owe had her back injured. I A. E. Fortune, E. J,Gemmell, A. D. Hayes, swelter in 94 degrees in the shade last Fri- ceived from the street railway company a —Three dignitarieshave- been namedbythe - R. Johnstone, M, Kelly, M. Latimer, A. C. day. cheque for the amount of the city's per cent- clergy of the Diocese of Sherbrookei in Que- . . Lawrence, R. McKee, A. McKinley, A. Ma- age, one-eighth on street railway earnings- bec, as qualified to fill the office vacated by —While a lad named Hughes was tam- J Rae, J. Miller, J. R. Morrison, W. Mul- ering with a cartridge at Lindsay the other for July. The atim. is $6,654 13. For the the death of Bishop Racine. They are Abbe cahy, A. Prendergast, A. M. Punchard H p Ly it -exploded, shattering ' onth last" year the per centage was Proulx, of L%val University. Vicar -General I � * da the thumb and smm" m . Rob;.noon, M. Smillie, J. J. Clenuan ( "O' two flagera. � 86,287 65, Chalifont, administrator of the diocese, 'and ad in Latin authors). —Valerie Edwardx, the ten -year-old —A Portage la Prairie, - Manitoba, firm, Cure Lofeblv a, of Sherbrook. In accord- - junior Leaving.—I. Ballantyne, J. Bal- daughter of Robert Edwards, York street, who do business as elevator contractors, have ance with the� usu�l practice, these names lantyne, R. J. Beatty, M. Bell, F. Bethune, Hamilton, was killed by the kick of a horse at present seven buildings under construe- will be forwarded to the Pope, who will M. F. Campbell, M. Davis, A. S. Grieve, A. " - tion, with an aggregate capacity of 210,000 select from them the successor of Bishop Killoran, D. Londeaborough, H. Lawrence, on Sunday night. of bushels. In the co'urse of a couple of weeks Racine. I M. Morrison, H. Morrison, 1. Murdy, H. —The ' watchmakers and jewellers they expect to grapple with two or three —The Hon. Thomas M. Daly telegraphea Turnbull, W. Turnbull. London have decided to close their places of more large elevators. - to the Indian Department at Ottawa, on Senior LeavIng—H. Fowler, W. T. Gem- business during August on Wednesday —A Melbourne wo,ol broker who came to Monday of lt�st week authorizing the p,ost- . Mel], W. S. McDonald. " afternoom. . Canada by the first steamer of the new Aus- ponement of, the male of the Thousand Is- . Matriculation—J. A. Jackson, J. ,M. Mo�� —It is claimed that in the twenty- tralia-Canadian line, says that there are good lands, which was fixed !or Thursday last. Kinley, passed in Latin and Greek, I. class I four years the Canada Southern Railway prospects Of a growing trade between the This action h � been taken -in view of the honors in classios ; W. Rae, passed in Latin has been, in operation, not a single passenger Dominion and the Antipodes, He in looking widely expre�ssed opinion that the islands t and French ; A. Thompson passed in Latin' has been killed upon it. up business for his house. should be set #part as a public park and the . —The steamer Flora brought 153 ason- enable the -1 and Greek. gers from Cleveland* to Port Statifely n —Tv�o special trains, one of horses on the postponementl of the sale will � I 0 a CLINTON, Tuesday. The trips by this boat are be- Csneidian Pacific Railway, and one of cattle, vie we of all cl�ose to be secured on the par - on the Grand Trunk Railway, started Tues- ticular ph7e f the question. - , Primary: --W. Bagehaw, G. H. bielloy, E. coming very popular. day night from Toronto for Chicago, under —Julia rt ur, the talented young sotresw . - M. Cartwright, E. Cooper, N. Crich, L. —Lord Aberdeen's lost public act before .. Cruickshank, 1. A. Cunningham,'M. Do- sailing for Canada will be the laying of the the supervision of Messrs. Henry Wade, of New York, whose home is in Hamilton, - herty, M. A. Dunkin, E. Hitch, W. Hall- coruer stone of the new Salvation Army bar- secretary to the Ontario Commission, and Qntario, had lanned to go to Europe this I - I W. N. Andrews, Dominion transport agent. summer, b I � has been induced to stay in and, S. Irwin, L. M. Johnstone, C. McDon. racks in London. - - u ald, M. McIntosh, D. A. McKenzie, A. Mo. —Alfred Ormsby, a car repairer, aged 23, —The Canadiati Pacific Railway land New Ydrk b�j� the success of " The Prodigal Taggart, L. McKee, B. Murch, A. Rosa, A. who was terribly crushed while coupling sales for July amounted to 15,000 acres. Daughter " a ad a good salary. She will re- - 0. Russell, C. A. Tebbutt, Emily A. Tur- cars at Allandale on Saturday, died on Su�- Compired with past years this is regarded main under Mr. P&Imer�a management and I V. Ross, R as favorable, although last July the sales anticipates a opportunity to do some 'work - � ner, L. R. Whitley, W. Brooks - day. ' ' lier youngest sister, who � Kinsman (passed in Latin grainmer). —At Montreal on Sunday afternoon Ed. were exceptional and exceeded this niouth's. next season, I Junior Leaving—J. R. Bone, H. Dodds, ward Vallee, aged 28, was run over and Since the first of theiyear the land depart. played Lady�gatha so delightfully in the . F. M., Riohardmon, W. J. Scott, Thomas killed by a car on the Electric Street Rail- ment have disposed of 80,000 acres. . &I Lady Wind I ermere's Fan,'_'has gone home - Snell, L. Stevens,, J. Walsh. way. I I —A large real estate deal has just 'been to Hamilton 1for the summer. - matriculation—C. McKinnon, J. C. —Dr. Church has entered- suit against the Put through in Montreal. Mr. W. Alex- . --Creditori of the Great North-West ander, of Toronto, h%s purchased the valu- Central rai;lw iy, of Manitoba, have placed Lindsay, (passed in Latin, French authors.) city of Ottawa for $10,000, for having . GODERICH. I wrenched:his leg by stepping into a hole ill able property on the corner of St. Catherine judgment in be hands of Sheriff Clements, � __ the pavement on Albert street in May last. and University streets, opposite the Qaeen's of Brandon 9 i rith instructions to nelz& the Primary—P. H. Austin, W. Ball, N. " hall block, and will build a large dry goods rolling stock And hold it till their claim* J. —The Rathbun Company, Deseronto, has ave been sa � isfied. The engines, cars, and � Bailief A. Clark, A. Cummings, A. orders from Great Britain and South Afeica . establishment upon it. The cost war over h Dickson, W. A. Elliott, A. M. �"Ferguson, ufficient to keep 175 men in the factory $200,000 other rolling stock have consequently been N. Findlay, B. Guest, H. F. Johuston, J. 8 rking.full time for three months; —Sir David L. Macpherson, of Toronto, seized and traffic stopped on the road. The McMurchie, F. McConnell, M. O'Neil, E. wo! The bean crop of Kent county has been i who is leaving shortly for a lengthy sojourn seizure was made early on Monday morning, - Paterson, W. J. Quinn, M. Rose, W. Raid, al - most completely ruined by excessive in Europe, has donated the vast collection and notice h .. I a been served - on connecting C. Sprung, C. Sillers, M. Tichborne, S. of Palms- and ornamental exotica which has lines to ref &in from moving any stock of I Walper. drought. Wheat isyery b%ckward in that been one of the chief attractions of I I Chest- the road. f - Junior Leaving—L. Andrews, S. Beckett, county, and farmers �Are discouraged. ut Park," him home, to the city of Toronto. —Joseph � t. Joan, aged 10 Lyears, was - M. Craigie, 0. Coleman, J. Hicks, A. —Mr. Robert Tur4er attempted to get on n Lding at, Mountain street, Montreal, the L i The collection is considered one of the finest stav � - . . Jeckell, L. Kaine, R. Kaine. J. KiaAhn a moving train at the Foresters' picnic at ; met. Orillia on Monday, and fell under a car, one of its kind in America. � other eveninj watching theVains gd�_, U, at � ran to 240 1 C. B. Latta, M. A. McIntyre, J. M. Rob'. of his lags being cut off just above the knee. —A cockney named Rose, after winning Suddenly th� gate -keeper beg, - M 14, ertson, H. Russell, H. A. Ryan, E. Stew- , —Tile employees of the Manitoba and the confidence of his employers, a couple of Josephi X* foolish boy had jumped on tha, art, M. Salkeld, J. H. T ert. M. North-Wootern Railway Company have men in Montreal, decamped with about cow -ca c or of an a I ngine 58.it was speediiig Senio r Leaving—M. i6ampbell, C. struck for payment of back wages, and con- $1,200 worth of diamonds, jewelry and past towards[ Lachine. The -foolhardy littfe- Framer, R. T. Strong. curiosities which he had been given to dis- fellow hun� on till the train reached Coto Matriculation—E. F. Armstrong, P. E. sequently the road is tied up, VVI en the engine was stopped and —Mr. Allan Bogue, superintendent of the Pose Of- So far nothing has been heard of St. Paul, 1 3i ,, Ball (passed in Latin), J. McRae (passed in Ontario Poultry Association, has just for- him. ' foolish Joseph was hauled from hit danger- . Latin) J.,C, Reed. warded -to the Ontario Commissioners of the . —A new postage stamp of the value of 8 ous position �and banded over to Detective . WINGHAM. ents is being put into circulation, This Flynn. The , oy pleaded guilty in the Police I �, I World's Fair, Chicago, 2,321 entries o.f Can- c � Primary—F. Ansley, W. Campbell, A, adian. exhibits. I stamp will be available for the- prepayment Court next oruiug and was flued $2 or ten Cornyn, E. Deans, A. Elliott, W. Fife, A. '—Father Murphy,a lecturer on aitronomy either of registration fee and postage com- daV.9 in jaiIJ rine Ar- ' Fraser, J.Gilmour, E. Johnston, W. Tucker, and physics, at Ottawa College, has accept- bined, or of postage only. The 5 cent regis, —A detse! ment of the Royal Ma. . I L. Watson, D. Weir, J. A. Warwick. ed a professorship at Harvard for the sum- tration stamp, when the present supply is tillery) of L ndon, -England, comprising- 14 . L I The attention of successful candidates is rner term. He will return to Ottawa in the exhausted, will be withdrawn. privates an , 3 non-com missioned officers, . ,I( . -A woman named Annie -Purcell, about arrived in ontreal on Sunday night and . called to the two following .regulations. f &.11. 45 -years of age, living in a small house alone left by tile �anadian Pacific for the Pacific (1) Applications for admission to a County —Rev. Father McBride, who has been in at Ottawa, was found lying on the floor coast. Thel marines, who are under the I Model School, stating age last birthday an,i St, Michael's Hospital, Toronto, for some early last F . riday morning insensible and command of Lieutenants Barnes and, Temple, - choice of school, if any, shall be received by weeks, is reported to be very low. Father dying. Her moans attracted the attention will be stationed on the Esquirnaltifortillpa- . the Inspector not later than the 25th of McBride was secretary to the late Arch- . u Parlimmen't voted August ; but no person shall be admitted bishop Lynch. , of the people next door. She was foaming tions. Th Canadia who will not be eighteen"years of age on or —Miss K. F. Ho6garty, formerly of the at the mouth when found. Death is sup- $700,000 to ards the building of the fortill- posed to have' been caused by Canadian cations, on, he understanding that the Int-� before the close of the term. (2) The teach- Provincial Model Sch&ol, Toronto, has been , n � perial Gove nment would man them, and ere -in -training shall attend regularly and: appointed, out of 40 applicants, modern cholera. , . —AAvices from various poinp up the Ot. the preventAetachment is the first of a force - . , punctually from the first day of September � language specialist in the Winnipeg Collegi- tawa Valley speak of exceptionally heavy of 100 men I that will be placed upon the till the final examination in December. ate Institute. Salary, $1,000. - —A number of the French Canadian phy- crops throughout that portion of 'the Pro- fortificatiotis. . Thinws in Manitoba. sicians have formed an alliance to protect vince. Hay and spring crops are all splen- —The Pqstoffice Departmenthaa issued a � themselves against a certain class of dead- did, and will yield heavy returns. The pea notice stati,�g that the inclosing of a letter Mr. E. E. Sheppard, Editor of Toronto beats, who go from one doctor to another, crop is exceptionally good. Roots promise or any writing serving the purpose of a let- �.", Saturday Night, who has recently returned d never pay their bills, well ; berries very plentiful ; apple crop a ter in a npwapaper, or in any other article `iL - from an extensive tour through Manitoba ' an failure. . of mail matter passing at lead than letter - -- and the Northwest, delivers himself as fol- —The Sandwich council will offer the —Professor J. B. Tyrrell of the Geologi- rate, is a� offense at law punishable by A, . lows : . Canada Brush company free water and taxes oil Survey, who, three months ago, left on a fine of not I a than $10. Several convic- 1 94 I was in conversation with the princi- for ten years if they decide to locate in the long and difficult trip to explare the water- tions have iLa�tfjely been had under this section pal wheat buyers and others concerned in town, on condition that half the men am- shed northwest of Hudson Bay, has been of the toffice Act, and postmasters are andivich. ,� 1108 exercise the utmost vigilance to theproslerity of the farmer in the North- ployed shall reeide in S heard from. In a letter dated from Fort requested west, and I cannot report more than an —At Ingersoll last week, a hostler named Murray, 62d parallel of latitude, he says he prevent fr4nds of this character. A ques- average crop. The hot weather has shrunk- Stone had his throat cut from car to ear in a will likely have to winter in the north, an he tion having been raised several times lately en the wheat on light land around Brandon, drunken fight with a man named Maclure, has met with unex,?ected difficulties and as to the I postage rate on cut flowers, Post - and in a few btlaer localities, Hailstorms Although very weak from 1088 of blood, delays. ma t h ve been informed that cut flowers I a er:se on. the Manitoba & Northwestern deva8tat- Stone will, in all probability, recover. —Mr. J. J. de Groot, Cooeul of the Neth - are cla .� as fifth class matter, rate 1 cent ed quite a large strip of country around In. —Hugh Galbraith, the talented young 'lands to Hayti, was in Halifax. This gentle- I per ounce: ty of London, Ontario., has receiv- di&n Head, but everwhere else a nificent ' man is a member of a large Wsibees firm in 11 —The c daDeer, oi London, won the valuable gold , to Of Ameri- I m& , crop is reporced. In Winnipeg itself there , roenects I ed anotbe offLr from a syndics, wedal for Highland dancing,at the Canadian Hayti, and is now lookiDg u'P the p � : I in not a vacant house or a vacant store . ts for a lease of the London & There are hundreds of house's being ereate� Order of Foresters' demonstration in Wood. of trade between that idinad and Nova 1 can capita i'l I � I stock on Tuesday, . Scotia. He has decided to charter six ves- , P,�rt Sta - ley Railway. The terms of the . "ff, r are viewed very favorably by the Al- by.people who own them and intend to oc-. ding on the rail- sale to carry brick from that -province to � , oupy them. I havp been throughout every —Thornas Luck was stan ourinen g�nerally- In addition to the offer . way platform at Burford on Saturday last Hayti, during the present month, and is of ' Province of the Dominion and half the when a man in a moving train caught hold opinion that before long Canadian brick will of $15,0001 rental, and 10 per cent. over &W - States of the Union this year, and there is of him by the arm. Lack. was pulled under be extensively exported to Hayti. ;- 000 of the earnings, the proposal Nrovi,des - , no city in them equal to Winnipeg in the the train and ha4 both legs cut off. He has � —The Hon. B. B. Smalley, of Burlington, for the 5 -cent freight rate offere by the � solidity of its progr s and in the hopefnl- since died. Vermont, has just been reappointed by Cl�veland syndicate.. No provision is made noes of its future. Terywhere you go the —An action for $5,000 damages has been President Clevel%nd Collector of Customs for the ru I ning of a line of steamers, but people tell you the same .thing. Money is instituted by .Chester O'Brien, a cabinet- for the State of Vermont. Thisincludesthe Mr. Bren [;,an, who is acting for the syndi. hard to get, yet everybody seems comfort- maker in Toronto, against Frederick Rob- Uiiited States Customs offices in Montreal cate, stat s that this is likely toopen one. able and prosperous. Shacks that are hard- erts, of the same city, the charge being that and Toronto. Mr. Sm'alley held this ap- I The name of Mr. Brennau,s associates in the ,� ly tenantable are occupied by people wh - I not given, but they are said 0 Roberts has alienated the affections of' intment under President Cleveland's* last I transacti n are . I po m ell of wealth. would gladly pay three times as much mon. O'Brien's wife. , ad inbstration. He will enter on these to be me ,ey for better houses. There Is no boom ; —At the Anglers' Congress hold at Ni- duties on September 1. Mr. Smalley is well —A unlilque event in the form of a Hebrew there is no building craze ; everybody who take recently, Mr. Jame4 known in Montreal, wetddi�g i, ok place in the council chamber , - 0 he CI is building is building for himself, and the ago,ra on the Oi i Hall, London, lastTuesda� evtn Pringle, of Toron!to, was awarded first prize —A Windsor despatch states that the class of buildings is superior to that which ate which has in hand the project of Ing. Th was thef marriage of Mi*8 ROSA � y marked our goose -pasture boom days. I for the beat fish story, while Mr. J, D. syndic I I A tem. - 1 am Edgar, M. P.$ aud Mr. Charles Hunter were connecting Lake St. Clair and Lake Brie by Bernatei to Mr. David Shipirn. - quite confident that Winnipeg inside of five ' successful in the fly canting competitiom. a canal large enough to admit the passage porary canopy had been erected in the con years will have 50,000 people." —Henry Doolittle, farmer, aged 55, liv- of the largest lake boats has had engineers tre of the compartment. Undero,this the ing five miles north of Oshawa, was thrown at work for eorne time, and has now definite. g-00n40jok his position. Hestood directly The Apple Look -Out. from a reaper on Monday and the wheels ly decided to put the proposed canal through before f Rev. S. Rosner, chaplain of the . Messrs. Woodhnll & Company, large assed over his head, killing him instant- by way of the two creeks route. The ri bt Jewish Benevolent Society, who wao to Per- ' 11 He was attended by apple Importers of Liverpool, have sen Fl I of way has been purchased, the route wilfbe form theiceremony. - their customers a report as to trade prospects —Mrs. . Marg4ret Rice, daughter of a surveyed and everything put in readiness three gontlemen friends. Shortly After. ,for the current season. It says the early well-known citizen of Toronto, and said to to begin excavating an soon an the comp By wards the bride, accompanied by three lady a A brunette promise of an abundant a connected with an English family of receives a charter from the Government, friends, made her appearance. into .Justice Doyle's The company is already having plans pro. of pro-noOnced type, she was attired in cream Britain has up to the present been realized, title, was brought ot had been In - and should the weather continue favorable court in Chicago, Tuesday morning charged pared for dry-docks, machines, ship and satin. After the nuptial ku during the next two monthi the quantity with disorderly conduct, and was fined $25 coal -chutes. Wheatley-- and several other dissolubly tied, Mayor Essery delivered am will be the I t I Man years. Out of and costs. Mrs, Rice was accused of ob- small hamlets along the-esual route expect addresn,l A wedding breakfast Was then I '"ge" to a at once to spring into prominence. From partake4 of by the two hundred guests pres 270 reports obtained his mr, 79 are over structing the streets by atterripting to hold 0 . .�ge ke across the isthmus through ent, Dancing was indulged in uuUl a lat average, 134 are aver , go, and 57 are under a religious service at the corner of Ylsdison lake to Is is but a dis. hour. � 1 4 average, and the pro�pects � are best in the and Peoria streets. When told by an offi- _ which the canal will be built I � . I I � I . .