The Huron Expositor, 1892-08-18, Page 9FOW Ai6GUST n PnRITOR.rk this week.—A. idaying iht Walkerton. -.-.:-A riot took,place. tiie,! tbwn to considerable 1088. 4, the packers wilt. begin wo
subjectin IN5 per�jear The Board were very re Ing last wask, when
ijefit several thousand dolla prt vfth Mr. Robert Frenob,who E. Pybus, of the. 6th line,. will again be wi anal -street one eveni EDWARD OASHI The towo hai on ip- has pelfinhad the duties very acceptably Mr. E. Garvin Vaoking apples in the south- all, the guilty parties were brought before a whoieWe and Retail D*Ipr in for hose 1rucke arid other fire protecti justice of the Peace find bound over to keep
ern part of this township.—Harveating oper-
paratus, ThlEkvaliiable and costly Property for manylyeare. but he Would not continue in locality. the peace for one year.—Mr. Ed Christie,
is now distril6dtod around town in wooden on for Ion I's than $280 and although before ationo are still in fall'blaab in th dpplio&tiona n w . ill be out this week, and liveryman of this place, and Mr. D. Dor-
buildings, theio being none others in which asking for 'they offered him Most 9f the grai. e3(bbanged
e latter part of next weak the majority rauce, liveryman of Seaforth, AFORTH er his former by th has now horses of
GODEICH STREEl', SF to storO it, aid it thus in dauger of being $260,being an increase of $19-ov me. last week. Ed ill be thrgugh harvesting. Some tqA
U burned,'i and, destroyed, and for lack of a salary, they considered the difference be� of farmers w finish this week.— every color in his finely equipped fivery, he
WjilbuyDairyB tter in allY quan-, hose toWer ln� hich to dry the hose and a tween what he asked,and.what, others offer. of the smaller onei will g secured the much talked of white
Etc it ed, to do! ibe work f 'or, too great to j notify Mrs. b'Moore returned from Ripley last havin ard
tity and,s�ape, if welf made and good suitab 4,ib which to keep it, 'is I team from Seaforth.—Mr. X. J. Pick
R1 I week, *'here she was visiting herdaughter, rapWl oin#; 0 decay and will not last a� acceding, to his request.—Mr. and Mra"L t
color, from May Ist, 1892. y 9 MeGarey, of St. Thomas, a . Mrs. Dr. Knechtel.—Mr. Harry Fear is re- and family, of Seafortb, spent the pasC
' third 074 the time that it would if properly -from a severe attack of bronchitis. week in this place visiting relatives and are being distributed
, �'taken caiareof.f Suitable iw6ommodation for visiting at Dr. Smith's. Mrs, MeGare�f cov 3siding in this local- friends. —Posters
r —wreinegehool teachers ri
Stacks 6f Made Up those ptrposea which we have indicate I is formerly X[ivs Jessie McLaughlin, is a siste ough the village announcing the Special
thr what t e Council propose to furnish, and of Mrs. Smith, ano the young couple aiis ity resumed their labors this week. 'Alias J.
Otothing. this id -the object for whi . ch they ak the now on their honeymoon trip.—Mr. Fraiig Kelly isteaching in, the vicinityof Dash. events which will take place at the Western
near Seafo.-th, and Fair to be held'st. London September 15th
property owners for money. It will rest Gutterid$e has beeq*warded the contract wood, Mr. J. J. Clennan ase
let^ n. Mr. W. J. to 24th.—Exoter beat Parkhill at laoro
Haing just comp ed and �laced in stock a big with the pioperty owners, therefore, to may for the Mason and brick work, on Strong,4 Miss Jennie Kirkby,at Walto )gin work here last week by three goals to one, Con -
purchase of made up Clothing, consisting of , gh re.turned on Saturday to b( The - con- Tod on Tudiday Ae-Xt whether or not they will new�blook. The price in $31940. 3milijeo siderable slugging was indulged. in. —The
hits school, while Miss X Men% Youths', Boys' and Chil- the money or whether they desire to tract for, the wood work h%3 not yet been inthe W or ol&position in section Stephen and Usbdrne branch agricultural
and family, of of Gray, resumes h -dren's SUM% societ hild a meeting on Saturday last for
go OU -068 We are now doing, and run the risk let..—Mrq. Henry Smibh NO. 9. y
from the largest and best man.fifacturing flam in the of having our iroperty destroyed, simply1or Goderich� Are at present in town guiests at the Queen's hotel.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. arrangipg special prizes, etd., for our fall
Dominion, at prices in clearing lots hich the makers a presbrit saving. , We think that those Who Staffa. fair, 'which'takes place September 26th and
claim they are losing money on. We older the whole,
vote ag�ainst the by-law,- and against those Bright left on Wednesday morning, for a 27th next.
together with our own stock, at large redu2tions off t B, D.,
regiflar prices. Nwis your golden o ortunity to propoted improvements, will vote against trip to Muskoka, - They will be absent for a SP)ECIAL SERVIOF,. —Rev. W.- Craig, on , will secure a good Suit at a low price apttheBargain their bwd interests and the interests of Ithe couple of weeks and intend camping 'out if �of * jClint , Rural Dean of Huron Brucefteld.
Clothingand Dry Goods House. town, The town is amply Able to afford 1the the weather keeps fine. We wish them 'a f preach in Grace'Church, Sta6, on Sunday money. There are few. towns I in Canada in pleasant time.—Hallett's museum of curiosi- evening, the 21,9t hist., and administer the BRIUS.—The Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor,df Union church, intend
WM. MCKARD, sor Slocum's art gallery have -Aoly� Communiblo. T. Ridd'a old stand, Seaf orth. a better pos�tiou financially. Our debt is ties -and Profes fall fair.—Mr.Alex. THE FALL Siiow.�The directors of the holding a lawn social on Tuesday evenifig
oomparativOly 'small, while our liabilities been closed up until the , David McIntosh's lawn. The
Hi�bert Agricultural Society have decided next, on,,Mr.
have always been promptly met and oui Wilson and his son Regie returned home brass b d of the 33rd.Battalion, Seaforth,
sinking funa is in good shape. We h the old country on Tuesday eiening.� to old their fall show at Staffa on Tuesday ap
ge, from
herefore, that the by-law- will be carrii on Mr. A. J.'Willson, son of Mr. O.C. Willson, and Wednead y, October 11th and 12th, have, be�hengaged. A grand time may be
expected. ,All come.—Mr. ames Graves,
t as
4 Tuesday next, and that before another year is at pres� olidays under An �, unusualr� uccessful Show is expected -
of Seaforth, has the contract of painting
passes around we will have a town building' the parental roof.—The Rev. Mr. Oliphant, this fall, as the prize list will be more var
whidh, although it may not be very eiten! of Bayfield, . preached in the Methe''dist ied nd invibing than ever before. Union church inside and out, - He )gins
e'ditable church here last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Galloway this week.", The managers are also consider -
DISTRICT �&ATTIMRS. sive. or ornamental, will be at least or in . appe%tahoe and sufficiently commodious and he havin exchanged pulpits. — W it'lialla urnberry. the putting in of a furnace.—Mr. R., G.
ronto� wye at iSniginpson has added to hisotherwise well -
to supply Phe -urgent needs of the town. Powell and Mrs. Powell, of To TnB CRor.—The farmers are getting
present vioiting friends in. EgniondvillO and. sesorted stock an excellent yet cheap line of
SHOOTINO MATGa.—�, very interestin ' 0 - their spring =ops housed in good shape.
9 vicinity. , Mr. Powell is a priate
r and has Fall wheat in many cases will not yield .90' glassware' and combination dinner and tea
shooting match took place here ou'Friday CANADA'S GREAT FAiR.—Settember 5th to ets. We like to see such business tact.— last, between the Gun Clubs of Seaf orth and Vth�1891 The citizens of Toronto aveoted$160,- hold a good situation oR/ the Toront4,.: Era- well as last season, an the rust did more or a
000 -td the 'Voronto Industrial Fair for improvements ire for several yearO .—Captain Daflus lesg damage to -'almost ever field, thevery- Do not forget the lawn social on Tuesday
Brussels, regu�lting in a victory for the home to be made on the grounds for this y9ar's Exhibition, y —Our genial townsman, Mr.
team by 8 birds. Each had 15 birds, and,as which is to be held from the 5th to the 17th Seppem. gtar4i a well known Sesiorth boy, will take early sown And harvested will be the $est. evening next,
pres- in the meetings at the barracks next William Dixon, returned on. Thursday of.
will be seen, thescore was an exceptionally ber next. About 60 acres have been added to the Some late fields of oats are slightly rusted d new grand s�and Pard last week from &'visit to Michigan. He
-ving be�n missed en� grounds and a new rac� track an Sun ay. He will sp,e�d a weeg or two ill but in general, the spring crops are� �o to seat twelve thousand pbople is being, built I and high one, only 16 birdal ha town before taking Is positiob. as scribe Th mi, g d. was also at Detroit and -Porb Huron. He
out of 105. This is the highest score ever many other improvements are being made. Pon- a root crop pro ses to be the beat for made in a match here, thits showing that the sequently this year's Fair promises to be greater, and secretary of the Salvation Army in had a pleasant time but is better pleased
better thin e i Cha many years. er. A large number of fine speciali at- tham. Captain Heift expects to with Canada than ever before and says
boy -'a are improving with practide. The fol- new —Stark 12, Turner tracekone have beon arranged for and several ! have a jingle band before long in this Brucefield is good enough for him to live in.
features are promised. The exhibits in all depart- is the keore : Seaforth, oorps. I Hie' hopes to have. them out on Centralfit. —Mr. Fach is having the old Turner hotel
.13.1 Anderson 14, Dodds 10, Beattie' 13,' ments will be larger and better than at any previous Everybody is in' ited to all the C�VSIIED TOO�EATH.—A sad accident oc- %uilding so renovated that boon its old
- Falr,jind will inolude many that have been prepared the 29bb. v Hinobley 13, Bright 14. Total, 89. Brus ourred' on.. M day, last, resulting in the
for thi World's Fair next Year. Cheap excursions meati friends won't know it. It has haid, a stone
ssIs,---4rvine 12, Watt 9i J. Roni 11, Bal- ligs.—Mise Marion McMichael left on will as usual be run on all.railways and the attend- death of a boy,;the only son of Mr. Samuel
the excursion Thursday for Toronto,! where. foundation placed under it; has�been all
lantyne 13, MaNaughton 13, Hewitt 13, D. anoe of visitors will no doubt be its large as Ovet. Calfas, who recently came here from Io "a, she purpose� ipmaining some time.—N,Messrs. re-arrangedlinsiee and is being bricked up
Ross 10. Total, 81. Majority for Seaforth, All entries have to be made on -or before the ist of The little - fellow was pl%ying around August but most of the space in all the building� for Broa.dfoot* Box are having their establish- Is on the outside. When completed it will be
polled V rack when the horses start
eight. the exhibit of manufactures has alread)r been a t '. They w II have father's ha, one of the most convenient and comfortable
ment lighted by electrici y I . I
for. For cooled of the prize list and programmes catching him in the pokes of the hosteIrkes in the county. Mr. Fach is .. a
AxOTHFR GOOD HO*RSF. SOLD.—Messrs. drop a post bard to Mr. Ill]), the manager, at To- tbeir own plant and run it with their owif wheel and crushing him. against the inai e of hustler. 1288.1 power.—ReO. C. Fletcher and Mrs. Flet6her,
John- McMillan & Sons, of Hullett, have r0nt0- the'rack. He lived but a few Moments, sold to Mr. Charled Dalgleish, of Cheater- GIRL ANTED.—A good,general servant. of the Thames Road, Usborne, were In town Highest wages. Apply to on Tuesday.—Mr. Alex.� McLaren, tftb well- field, their splendid young Clydesdale stal- Mus6 be a izood cook. Blyth.
0. XP Keirpide.". This horse is 5 years old Mrs, Goderich street, Seaforth." 1288x known cheese man of Stratford, wasjn town Usborne. lion, 11 - - re out to. ki Loc�BRIEFS.=Misa Annie Ross loft -on
ind was imported b7 the'Messrs. MoMillan last Saturday. He droN nburn' HoiasEs Lost.—On Thursday, the �Ih d
im MARRIAGF, BELLS.—A very pleasant inburn Saturday morning last for . Toronto, where
social e ; at took place on Wednem and purchased the cheese of the of August last, Mr. Paul Madge , of t� �e
when a yearling. They �,,bonsidqr lit not V10 iday at factory.—Mr. Edward Cash is not' able mshe will attend the Normal School.—Miss
only the best horse, but the best bred horse, the residence of Mr. Robert Goverilock, so Th as Road, V748 PuttIng, up �. windmill �111 Eakins, of Strathroy,is-at present the guest
to leave hi's residence or to give his per nial of the many good ones they have imported. 6 the farm.of Mr. William Roy ogan tow
near Sestorth. This was the marriage of attention to business, but still he seems to ship. He turned his horsee'lodse in t 2a of Miss Teup. MoElroy.—A number of our
His sire Was " New Hope," for some years Rev. T, A. Cosens, of Belwood, Wellington Young folkb attended a s6cial gathering at
the stud horse at the Keik breeding estab- Mi�a Mary E., second daughter be slowly�tecovering.=St. Thomas church pasture field, when some person through t 3e the residence of Mr. John 'Shobbrook, in
county, to Sunday School pie-nic will be , hold lishment, and afterwards purchased by Mr. of Mr, dovenlock., The important cere, in Coleman's grove on Tuesday next. night left the, gate: "Open and the - animi s Hullett, on Civic Holiday, (Tuesday- even-'
Divid Riddell, of Blackhall, Paisley, Soot- got out and strayed away. vIr. Madge has
mony wag performed by Rev. A. D. Mc- A'very pleasant time was spent.—
lana, and for which he p]aid z6200. Keir, Donald, D� D., assisted by Rev. —Mrs. Dr. Nicol, of New Hamburg, and been to considerable loss and expense tryi ig r. John Rankin, of Seafortb, spent Sun -
Miss Freels, of Ottawa, are. visiting at the to locate them but up,, to the present I as
,si(te; iti a full brother of " Maine of Keir, Livingstone, of Listowel, in the prese,=e 0 day in towh. —Misses H. and J. McGee left
at resent traelling in the -Glasgow die'. rectory.—Dr. Smith atter-ded the funeral of failed to find any trace of them. - They w, re p, large o�mpany of th relatWee and friends Dr. W. H. Henderson, at Kingston, this f oi their schools on Saturday last, one in
1] one. bay mare, a kicker, and two bay hov es
tflk and * is considered, one of their best of the you g couple.1 The groom was sup- f 6 and 3 years -old rispectively. Goderich township and the other in Hay.—
week. The deceased was a ormer college
breeding horses. Xeirside's "dam is Keir ported by Rev. George McKinley and by mate and Very intimate friend of Pr. Smith. Mr. John Brownlee, of, London, spent Sun -
Peggy IV., by Britton, b Prince'of Wales, I
Mr. W. M. Govbnlock brother of the bride, day under the parental roof.; Mr. Bert
His grand dam was Keir Peggy, the dam of —Mr. Fred PeareD,ofthe Ottawa ollej iste Belgrave. Jamieson, of St., Tho including . the while Miss Cosens ana Miss Agnes Govon- Instit4te, and an old Huron boy, is at pr6s. WL Mae, is at' ' resent via
many first-cfas animals, lock waited oti.ihe bride, After dinner the ent in is vicinity spending his '�holidays. OTY-s.—Mr. John Wrayj of Algoma, i iting friends here.�Mr, John Else left on -
world -renowned Darney. It will be seen visiting friends in this vicinity.'—Mr. Wiri. Saturday last for Winnipeg. where Ife in -
by this that Mr. Dalglsisii has got a horse party drovo to town and the y6ung couple Mr. t; took their d - 'ture by the afternoon'train. i p ren has just returned froi*i a trip to Thompson and family, of Al tends studying. —Mr. J, S. McKinnon, of
spar Man =. I He was very much pl�ased with goma a d
that is ai'good as he looki and, while we re formerly of this plape, are' visiting friar) Is the Mammoth House, is . holidaying at
As both Mr, and Mrs, Coset
gret his famoval from this county, we hope he appoarance of hings in that �ountry.— here.':—Mfss Maggiel Drummond, of Detroit, Grimsby this week. —Mr. Arthur Tierney,
hosts of friends in this vicinity, a Dr. Mattie.F6ster, of Welland, w4o has been
he will rhave the best of good luck with him' large crowd a-eserhbled at the station to of - has been visiting fripuds, in this vicinity. — wh - o last fall safted for England, returned to
and that the people of Oxford and the neigh - the guest of Miss, Elder for tea ays post
for theik con$ratulations. Mr. Cosens is a Dr. McAsh, late of Wingham, his purchap �d Blyth on Nyednesday, last week. He looks
bor rig counties will show their appreciation left for home on Wednesday, —Was Fenton i is rising young clergyman of tMe Methodist and taken charge of I the practice left vaca t better thari when �he left uo.—Miss Maggie
of h . enterprise in -a tangible manner. of Brantford, and Miss Pook, iiagarvi
r,-burcbj and he has selected as his life's part- Falls, are i i of Mr. J. by the death of I)n Williams.—A lar e- Heffran left,on Tuesday to spend. her holi-
Keiraide was shipped from here fi5r his ner a most estimable young lady, who will risiting at the resideuci�. crowd of pleasure seekers from Belgrave a da a in Loudon and -Detroit.�Miss Aunie
new home on Tuesday evening. 3ortant W. Elder.—Mis Frank Brine on- Mon- vicinity took in the excursion to Goderi y be to him a te6l. 'helpmate in hie imp day for Brussels, where �she wit- spend a Moffatt was visiting' friends -in wroxeter on
and acred calling. Few enter upon' their on Frid y—Mr. * 8 Tuesday Net.—Miss Morrison isl the� -,g4ast
couple of Weeks with her sister,tIrs. Peter EGxoNDviLrE NoTFs.—Prom present out- life's work with bette.r rospects for a use- kicked.on thehead ' hile shoeing a vicio 8 of Miss 13..McGill at present. —The flax mill
Scott. look the Main street of our village will not ful future, and we but give expression to the horse, is able to be around again. re-opened'on INIonday morning laot.—Mr.
be in good form for fall traffic ; a few loads heartfelt feelings of all who know them GOOD WO#K.—On the farm of Mr. Joseph Win. Taman spent Civic Holiday'�� (Tues -
of g%-yel-have been laicL'down here and Tuckeramith. when we say we hope,their future lives will Stonehouse.,iinE%at!Wawanosh,lir. James day), in Gorrie,visiting his brobfier.4- -Avery
attemptIo i1`1 te large crowd froin here went, to God;riah on
. I WEST FNA�) NOTES. , Mr. John Weite, of Stonehouse started at 2 o'clock in the af r- there, but with no Pprov th'D be cloudless and lisppy, and'that they may road -bed. There is no half mlle'of -! Lad in be long spared to walk and work together in the 2nd concussion, his; purchased the, farm noon to bind after the reaper in a field )f Friday Iset, where a very enjoyable time
known as the David Elcoat farm, for the heavy he�t,� and hen the iesin was u i -
the country that it will pay better tt keep the Mister's vineyard,. was ispent.—Mr. . S. -A. Gidley returned
in repair, as travel oentres on it from south, sum of� 5,700. He has aeouied A good farp, hitched,for supper t iere wan just one round from his trip to Cleveland on Monday. He
east and west towards Seaforth. -Money LOCAL BFiEFs.—Mr. ull sent and will no doubt improve it.—On Safurday to.,bind. The same gentleman and Mr. ho - looks bettet. George Turnb can soNrcely be better spent than in keep- 9. third lot of hbrses to the bld countiy last last Mr. Joseph CF1ch had a narrow escape ert,Roy also pulled: 1v&, acres of pens, wi h lug up good roads, much wear and tear of week A stranger Also, ahipped a car load from being hurt. While drawing gats his itcythes, in nine hou ��s. The East Wawan. Leadbury. horses and rigs' being thereby prevented. to th; same market on Friday.—The Mayor load slfpped off and he was thrown off fall- _ogh'boyp arp:good wt)rkera.
LOCALITIE& — The threshing machine
!rig close to EL stake. The horses took aehort, It is not from any selfish purpose we wish has called a, public meeting for ii-aprovements in 1hi-9 direction, as local evening to discuss thb Fire Hall � run but were. captured without damage. — - whistle is again heard in the land. There
are five �hreshing machines at work in the
traffic is as nothin compared to -that, from There should be a large atten4an6e.—At Mr. F. Reynolds had the misfortune to get 9 BRIEMS. The diiectors of the Brussus
the country, Whose' needs a good street will ome bones of his hand broken from,,!alliug northern part of MoKillop, Wheat, we be -
a recent meeting of the! McKillop Mutual .0 - dri�ing park are busy getting their nev lieve, will give a good averageyield, in fact
-1 a b�nd'v ught bestserve..—In thereport of the latd enw 'Fire Insurance Company 117 a licatione for a short distance, and got hi ca hd stand fluishe It has seating accom-
trance - , Master Albert Colbert. -These � appli- behind- a box. gran . peas is the only kind of griin whiah is below
examinations membership were accepted. modation for 500 anlissoarranged that ever the average, while the fruit, apples in par -
is credited to Seaforth instead of Egmond- cations covered insvirande toAhe amount of, 3 d person on it can have full view of the hors 8 tioular. is immense. There will
ville.—Schbol keeps once more,having open- $186,000. This ci� 3 - reliable company Varna. the word " go " to the finish. They rush of) work for ihe next mouth or two.
ed on Monday, and anxious wothers will be- still remains a1avc6te with t e public. It ' P1CRSO.NAL,--Mr. A. D. C. G. Oardno and
hold their races on Friday of next wee
ralicved fom the racket of holidays,' but has not had alass so far thial, year. Mr. Miss Sarah Jens Noble spent ;�'� . unday with The directors are sparing nothing and wi All hands, voung and old, will have plenty
to do, which is perhaps all for the best, as
how about the glorious. freedom of which Frank McM-�Ikin, of Toro to, a , former Miss Addis Armstrong. favorable weather !there will be a goo idleness breeds mischief, and, Satan finds
theboyeadd girls have been,, deprilved; a Seaforth boy, is at present v siting friends ANOTHER PIONEER GONF_ John day"s sport. -A number of our citizens wer t plenty for idle hands to do., 'We would
thing of the past, only remembered with in town, and is the guest o Mr. Thomas Foote departed this life on Si�.�'urday, the to th
reg et e county town'on Friday last, the day suggest, that Mr. Frank Reinhart be ap-
Well, men and women of the f u - Coventry.' Messrs. James rehiballd -and 13th inst., at*the advanced age Q 78 yeare, of O:ur civic holida', and took in -the Ishe P 'r
y ointed poundkdep�r. Frank would fix
ture, brace yourselves for its duties, �nd Itobert Scott leave here this eek for Mani- at the residence of his son-in-lavAj Mr. Geoi breezes, but they complain that they were 9, them.�We are pleised to see the , smiling
school drill is your beat preparation.—A foba. They take with them a lot of g6od Apdersori. 34r. Foote had been � a resident little cool.—W. Millman I of Woodstock, the
merry load of flax pallers,- returning from horses to supply the people of that Prov- of he t6wnship of Stanley for ii . earl fif tv noted horsOW'Z.9611, W a in A town on . Tuesda y faoe of Mr. Samuel Dickson, postmaster of
L10g : p 'looking. after some good horses, owns two farms near the village.—Our
work on Saturday evening last, took a sud. ince.—Mr. William Ireland who works in rine' Seaforth, occ sionally. This gentleman
years. He Was a man of ster" '- 'of this -week
don drop to mother* earth .While passing 0 met with, a painful accident ples, a Libe�al in politics and a pe 11 eithei drivers or carriage. —The apple men esteemed friend Mr. Robert Govenlock sr.
Rilvie's ,mill rs n we,
3 afe w days ago. He fell while carr jed in th through the village. One o, the wheel day.. Y1139 a � veri qiestirs of the e was are busy scouring the country for Apples has been'on the rounds buying apples. 'vye
became detached ; a sudden spill out and a bag of grain, injuring his knee.—Paul Free-' a great reader, andias possessed of more they are something like'the lamb bu r ybra, f understand that he purchased a nice lot of
brokeu'axle being the result, with no heads man is a cripp'le sinc� the lacrosse rnatch th�n ordinary intelligence. The remains being early.' The price is not as large As fruit in this section, There is no class
or bones fractured. at St. Mlkrys, last he got hit on were interred in Baird's cemetery, on' Tues- might be. —The farmers are busy threshi which the farmers hold in higher esteem
1W1 firemen have the knee by lacro day laot, ano the lar e numbei, of people the fall wheat It ske room for spri
THE TowN By —The' iagara tourna- who followed his remains rest- grain and �r6port prod
.9 than those who are prepared to buy their
AjAW. property decided not to attend the to their I i0tre yield from 20 to uce.—Mr. James Davidson has erected
owners of the town of Seaforth will be called meat as the Grand Trunk authorities refuse ing-place showed the respect. in which he bushels pe B� iness is dull d loctil a fine stone milk house And intends to 'go
r,acre.— 1181 an
on on Tuesday next to vote on a By-law en- to give them satisfactor� rates. They have 157as held in the neighborhood where 'ho'had news is scatce. extensively into dai�ying. Our worthy
the Council td raise by -Wavy of -loan deoide , d to Fave up their money and go to lived so long. He was a native of Dundee, abling township 21erk will be prepared to give him'
ilie sum of fourteen thousand dollars. This Chicago next year.—The lacrosse match at Scotland. IHuHett., all needed instructio6 8'. What that gentle -
money is to be expended in puirchasing a St. Marys on Frid I between the ACCIDET.—A most melancholi man does not know about this branch of
ay 'a"' St. Marya McKfllol�. I site and in erecting a suitable building for Beavers, of Seafo�rib, and he FATAL
and fatal accident occurred on the fa M f industry is not wor-'th knowlng.�.�Miss Gray,
-hall, hose club, resulted in a defeat for Seaforbh by 0, town purposes, to include a fire LAW.—The 'readers of THE Mr. George Allan, 10th concession or 13 0 i- a. James
r r to one. That net have been PRACTICA� f t f Ribbert, is visiting her aunt �� Mr' tower, lockqp,�piiblia hall and clerk's office, score of fou EXPOSITOR 1SOMetiMeS wish to �now law. township, *on Saturday forenoon last. I I.- Bell. As Is now', well knowr, we have no such an off day'for the Seafort boys, ---There Hire is. some. Trustees are requested t - 0 seems that a young Man named Win. Allan, building as this�,in town since the Old town were fifty tickets sold� at Seaforth send munici' al clerks the amouit required &bo
station for the Kineardne excursio p ut 25 years, of ak',nephew of Mr. Geo. Jaensall.
buildingwas destro, ed by fireayear ago. for school purposes before tlie'fir# of -Aug- Allan, went �to) the s able to get a mare to CHorriNc, done every da at the Hensall
At the same time ihe people will have an on Tuesday.—Miss Maggie McIntyre, see- y
net. It is 69w past the 15th and.1 have not put her ou thel reap r. Not returning a3 Flouring mills, and satisfaction guaranteed. All
opportunity of voting upon ote of two sites. ond daughter.of Mr. JoG McIntyre, a tele- all the r6turns in yet. The Council meets soon as 1,x i�ied, Mr . Allan weut to th 3 chopping must be paid for 4)efore taken away. 12 B
pe The one site is that on Main sti6et on which graph operator, has left -Mit-,hell and gone on the 22nd iinst,,, and I am expected to have- stable to look for him.1 when she was horror LOCL Bm i Pcc 11 he order
are the ruius-of the buil#n�s recently de. to Gorrie where she has a 3oured a good I no
9 the school rates ready by that time. Also, stricken on seeing hi, lying on the stabl 3 of the day.—Trade still co
stroyed by fire, together with the property tion in the po3t office I he's. h a ritinues quiet in
poi 0.0 number have not sent me the teachers' floor imme'diately be4ind the mare a - owing to the farmers 411 being
ad a, the village
I in the rear, at present occupied by Dr clever young lady, And the rri!e peop, Is names and �ddressee so that I can 'send the parently,,do4id. She -got assistance and ha Bethune.,' The other site is that occupieA will find her both accomm6d ing and atten- voters' lists ito them toL have them posted up. g Lin so busily engaged harvesting. —The sound of
ersous the' youn . an removed to the house an I the steam threshei is now heard on all Sides,
by the.old town building. The former will tive.—Some evil disposed oleman I broke Trustees are posted in law on the 15th day medida,I aid I [was
cost $5,900, or thereabouts, while the littek several panes of glass n a office f at once ent for. It w a —Our euterprisipg sheep and cattle buyers,
of December; but not at any other time o found that'the skull yvas severely fracture namely : the e'sers. Petty, T. Ballentine
belongs to the towA and, of course, will not windows on Saturday- evening, by throwing the, year. Fathmasters are liable to 0ine )r'!fellow, �ever having W. ShilliDglaw And J. Shepherd have ship cost anything. I Whichever site receives the stones through them, A re ard ofA $25 is $5 of and the poc regains i larges for not having all weeds- and thistles cut consciousness, died al�, k.' It. a- po away a 0
t number of votes on Tuesday next offeredfor the detection of e guilty o'cloc d I t of fine stock during the past
- on road allow%nces in their divisions. Very supposed that as he &#proached the mare n; few weeirs.—The Buchanan wire fence is
will be the one selected by the Council, 'ind ties.—Mrsi Alexander McLe , of Cavafierr,, few have cc in the event of the old town.lball site beink -Dakota, and formerly of Tuo eramlih, is at �ajied with the law in this re- tbe�stall she kicked him, inflicting the i - now on exhibition along the front of Mr. T,
spect. - I thin a -Township Board of True- the Council at its last meeting in- present vikting friends in thi county. Mrs. juries'iwhich�'resultedln his death.- He w a J. Berry's lot.—The Misses Godfrey, daugh..
selected, toes would be better, as five men in a town- 6, hard working, indu'�trioua man and w s ters'of Rev. R. Godfrey, of Stratford, and
structed the 'Mayor and Clerk to cancel McLean and her husband and family have, ship are more likely to attend to heir duty much respected by t4os�_,who know hi formerly of this village, are visiting frieness
n e amount of. $6,000, th6 resided in Dakota eleven years, and they than forty meta are.—Jo-uN C. M Risox.. -He was unmarried and made his,home wi h
in the village. —Miss Hodgins, who has been
price of the other 4ite, to �e issued under have prospered there. They .. ave been ex his uncle, Mr. Georg Allan, where he w the By-law, so that the people have every ceptionally fortunate, as th y have never spending the past few weeks with relatives
possible assurance that although they vote had a cro,p'f ailure. —Mrre. He ry Byrnes, of Morris.. when the ac6ident occurred. and,,frionds in Detroit, has returied.—Mr.
the By-law, there Wl enough Winnipeg, is visiting at her rother's, Mr. NoTEs. �'Mrs. R. Shortreed �as i� the R. S. Young, who has boon an active and
of the debentures to secure the erection of A John3on's.—It in stated that Mr. W. M? township of Elma last week, visit her Exeter. enterprising member of the well-known firm
the building. if, however, they select the Morrieso market gardener, h�a left town. nephew, Mr. Andrew Laidlaw,, X former LOCAL BRIEFS,—Th.e Royal Templars 9f of *Coad, Rannie & Young, has recently
other site the whole of the money author -i Messrs. Dorrend . e & Hargain have disposed well-knOWDi resident of this vicinity. —Moses Temperance will att6j-d Cavan Presbyterif n withdrawn from the said -.partnership, bay.
a body ouSunday next at 10.. having a good situation i
ized by the By-law will be re ired, /As to of the w6ll-known White stallions, which Allen, Who %ails from Barrie, is �t present ..QhUirch in 0 n view. The
qu ress an for several.'years have been d' in Whiteley'w int �orr
the site we do not propose to dZi hi; towushi solipiting alms fj,i himself when the Re'. Brother W. Mart n business will be carried by the remaining
1�, wEo* ar ill deliver 'an appropriate sermon to � the members of the firm, 'namely, Messrs. R.
opinion. Some think that when the to;wn is. livery. . T' -bey are now owned by Mr. E. and ami 6� in destltul'�e circurn. w
erecting a' building of this -kind it e�houldl Christie.�` '61 Exeter.—Mr. Thomas Bell, of stances. go is anotheir fit subject for � members of the order.—Messrs, Ross k Coad and E. Rsnnie.—Mr. W. Dent and
Refqge..—MISS A.�. AE'dbrson, of Taylor, con$raotors, are bi y preparing toe sister, Alias Dent, are visiting relatives in
occupy a prominent and convenient position.' was in town on Saturday last.— us and that the matter of a few thousand d6l. Dr. McDonald, accompanied �by Mrs. Me- Bruslels,-soent Sunday visiting rflatives in Woodwork for the Verity foundry- wor t this village.—Mrs. Lippart, of Zurich, was
rrier in the way. To: g their holi- thi Iocalit'.—.We are pleased to announce 13rantford "and will ship the material e a
lars, should. not be a ba' Donald tLud Allis, are spendin a y th in the village this week, spending a few days,
-go Smith, who has een ill for in a few days. 'Mr, Robert Sanders e t with her sister, Mrs. Ii. Oook.—Mr. D, Me.
those who think this way the sitb on Miln da t
ys at' -Windsor. Durin D . McDonald' that NIr. Geox
Ir a
street will be mthfutory, as a more centr4I,- Absene his place will be Wiled! by his sesist- the past two weeks, is convaleaoei it and, we here on Tuesday last for Manitoba where I is Coll hag alr"dy brought now wheata to, the
i d 3 Hensall F1 It has turned out
or convenient -pl&ce could not be got., 1�ut I int, Mr. Wilson.—Mrs. J. C� Roffman, of hope, will soon be enjoying he ual good will spend&, few mo�ths shooting. —Robert ouring Mille.
for those wh of _ihe moriey, Ktratford, has baen*visiting friends in town health. —gre. R. Holmes, of Brussels, a for. Leathorne, Esq., lefti.this station on Satur- sixty pounds to the btishel.—Mr. 'and Mrs.
than they dor of" convenience and Xp'do'r*' this wiek.—Mr. Win. White has once more mer highly esteemed resident o ' the Sth day last with three q�rs of stock for the� o.d 'Xiscarthur and family have returned home
once the other site will, certainly, fil thi taken his Old place at the Ro al Hotel, and concession, was renewing acquaiqtancee in country markets. The squire will be a f -om Ailea Craig, where they were spending
bill, as it will not cost any thing. As to A� the patrons of this excellent and pop this vicinity last week.—It i red that sent 'about three montbs.—Mr. Richar lie summer months.—Mr. land Mra.� G. D.
ular ru necessity for the building, we think. theri . hostelry will be pleased to welcome him back � wedding will take place on theloth conces- Bissett. of the Grand Trunk railway car Arnold have returned fro�n their visit to
can be no two opinions on this point', 6d Mr. T. F. Coleman, left here on sion beforethe leaves tu BAlrs. shops, London, spent Sunday in this - pla,le Ailas Craig.—Miss Grant, !of Thornyhurst,
ain -we feel convinced that the people will itjt� Voniay on a driving expediti6n. He went John Pybum, of the 6th conceesiori., was vis- *ith relatives.—Mr. Logan and family, A ic at the Manse visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
con trary to their best interests if thby',,, d4- from here to Woodstock, and from thence iting friends on the 8th concession Jast week. Hensall, spent Sunday last the rooD.—Mr. . Qhapman, -of Lon.
nests f S. Hende
y bakvie, To- —Misses E., anti 2. Knight took ",,advantage Mr. Mark Meakine.—Lathers are busily e 2- don, and formerly of' the township of Hay,
not vote for the B -law, no matter 'wbicls to Brantford, thian Hamilton, ,
site is selected. In the first place th t' i ' tonto, Newmarket, - Collingwood,. Owen of the cheap excursion to Goderi0h on Fri- gaged lathing the Woods Br6thera' block.-- and whp .is an assistant book-kLeper in
.4 a An and day .
JaL now paying rent foy the use of : hell �wRl Sound, Wiarton:, Kincardine, Goderich and enjoyed the ref reahing Preezes of Excavationaare being made for the newhou 3e Messis. J. Wright & Compauy's *holesale
es for town purposes, an&'Ih� home. He will have a fine tri� if he carries Lake Hur In.—Rev. Mr. Fear, oft._- the Nile of Mr. Charles Snell; j r., this week. — IT. and ret 9 Mr. hardware store in that'city, 'is
rent they pay will go a good way in pailn' —Mr. Jo 4r;Duugannon, preached a very Dyer Hurdon and family, who have been b6i
out his programme. ' bn Oughton, circuit, ne me s;:tding his vacation.—Miss Aeacon,
interest on the debentures for the son of Mr. Henry Oughton of this town, has acceptableijoermon in the Jackson � Appoint- rusticsting at Grand Bend park the pqit. of -Londoa'� is the guest of the Misses Hod.
f building. Ilesides this, there is no lo6t_Ltk"� returned from a trip to Manitoba.—At a ment Methodist church'last Sunday after. week, returned home on Saturday evening. gini. —Miss Wile iti ' relatives and
I I on is v"I Ing
and no place where one can be got unieis 9 meeting ?f the Public School Board on Tues- noon. Mr. Jenkins, of Blyth, will occupy —Deputy, reeve Spackman won the major- friinds in and about Lo6desboro.—Miss Gib.
is built, and a lock-up is an absolute n6e�- day evening hist lAr. James Irvine was en- the pulpitlnext Sunday. The p0tor, Rev. ity of the prizes at the Sons of E I d son, of Cralt, is the inept of Mrs. Wm.
g Moir.—The pathmastera of Hichmondtreet
sity in the interea peace and order::' gaged as caretaker. There were a number of W. . Campbell, ip'at present enj'?'Ylng his picnic at Grkind Bend park; W. J. bagirli
the third place 9, fire hall -and hose t6�vO good a lications but Mr. Ir7nes offer was vacation at Grimsby Phrk.—Most of the he
and Ed. Bissett �-omi�g next in all t e co - north are making good Improvements in the
an. t
ot longer be done without, exo-" lj� a g6odl"'n 1 cfeal the lowest being the rate of apples in this township are already sold an a tets.—Rei., F. H. Fott -and family are ho - way of gravelling the street and
down now sidewalks.—M'r. David Mack �Vha M,
the Esp fifty acre fa�
A-UG.0 ST.
the purchaser of v
which was recently sold y auction at, Ithe
Commercial Hotel her. The price aid
was $2,150, which is co; Aired p
We have arranged to r- e
�Mrs. S. Stahl has been visit, g
mother at Crediton.
portion of our
Wroxeter. --glad N iss Bn=.Fs.--�Mrs. J. Rutherford
Lizzie Cowan started for Sault Ste. Marie
last, instead of Tt so-
on Saturday morning
day, as stated last' *week.—Mr. George
'T X1 I S M MT rX 3�aa,
Brown, who has been spending h i a ia 0 Is 14� y a
here with his mother; returned to h 001
near Ottawa on Fridi6y morning last. —Mr.
T -
The Contents of some of the Shi�p.
John Walden started for Manitoba on so-
ments will be
day to try his 'fortune in the prairie ro-
vince. may success attend him.— r. Munro, of Milverton, is *the guest of his
brother Alexander at present. Mr. M aro
was at one time connected with the
ham Times. —Mr.- Curry, wife and fau�il are visiting at the home of Mre. Curjry�s'
father and mother, in the vicinity of At- wood.—The English church pie-nic t kes
place on Thursday, 18th inst. Good es-
ther, good times and lots to"eat are ex ect- ed.—Mrs. Samuel Nellie is at preient yery
It is to be typhoid fever, thdugh
sick. said
of a mild form.—Farmers are very busi in
tbis locality with harvesting and thres�iagl
consequently business is somewhat quiet,. —The peace of our '�ally us STAiBING CASE.
'quiet village was disturbed by the in' Ili-
gence that W. Johnston had,parbaps,fa ally
J. H. Cameron, who is keepi g a
boarding house in the Grand Central A tel.
He formerly occupied Johnston's ho' tel and
disput� be-
there has been a good deal of
tWee�n the two men over rent and furni�ure.
On Thursday last about noon Johnotoulwent
to Cameron?a and pressed for the paymqut of
some furniture with Mrs. Cameron.
the dispute that ensued, Mrs. Carner n got
a horse whip and proceeded to lay it retty
freely on to Johnston, Mr. Cameron came along at this time and ordered Johns on off
The QuAlity and Styles,will be the
the premises, saying that if he did ot go
BEST — and the Assortment -and
off be, Cameron, would help him off. re-
Variety greater thn ever.
sulted in a tussle, during which Ja naton
drew a and st�abbed Cameron wo,or
three times, hitting him in the bres t and bringing thelknife down to the lef side,
Edward McFaul
Making two deep gashes -in the lower part
of the stonjach. One wound is considered dangerous, but the other is more trifling.
Camerou's hand was.also badly cut. Dr.
Smale was quickly on the spot, and im-
mediately ordered the arrest of Johnston,
this year than it did the year. before r,
which was done -at once. Mr. F. S. Scott be-
Irvine came, and feels unable at pre -sent to
iog here at the time immediately put him
under arrest, and him under the care of
make any furt1her advance. Theommittee i ted reported having erected, dun'
APPOIn rig
Constable Paulin, who,after the magistrate's
the quarter, a beautiful fence, costing $0,
trial on Thur aday eveuing,took him to God-
around the parsonage property -in Hensall.
erich on Friday morning - to await his trial
at the assizes. Mr. Cameron 1 is as we an
—The , n the Goderjoh Organ
Factory are pushing business with commen d-
coin be expected. The outcome is not known,
able. energy, and have added a new depart-
btit his prospects are, good so far for
m4t the manufacture of lain and
P olished woodwork for bathrooms, closets',
sinks, etc. This business is one for which,
Huron Notes,
they have exceptional facilities, both in
—Messrs. J. 'Brunedon & Son, of Londes-
workmanship and in te 14 and they will uo
doubt wokk up a lar e trade;
.boro, have so far'this season disposed of 23
—Mr. Jervis, sr.� of Holmesville, -met
—Mr. McLaughlin, of Brussels, baR been
with an Accident on Monday of last week, which might have resulted -seriously. He
engaged to teach in school section No. 10,
was engaged in. raking a field when the horse
Stanley, "successor to Mr. James Grant.
—John and James Cardiff, of Grey,
took fright, throwing Mr. Jervis under the
threshed their fall wheat last week and had
rake, by which means he was badly shakta
UPI but no very serious injuries were sus-
a return of 33 bushels to the acre.
tiined. The rake was torn to pieces.
Joseph Stitt, an old and much re-
�A retinue of two -wheeled chariots called
spected resident of'Auburn, departed this
at Bayfield on Sunday last week while mak-
life on gunday, Augu 't 7th
ing a circle from Goderich by the " of
—The voters' list f:r tfieltownship, of
hais just been issued and contains 1,012
Varna and Clinton. In a ri-ace near Varna
names, 603 of whom'are eligible to Herve as
- one of the party, Rays, of Goder-lob, had
the misfortune to catch his pedal in the
—Mr. J. S. Jerome, of Wingham, has
wheel near him, which quickly precipitated
him to terra firms, demolishing his wheel
purchased the brick residence in that town
and causing his return bak by Bayfield.
belonging�to Mr. Angus McGregor, paying
a good figure.,
—On Sunday evening as Mr. Norman
—Messrs. Stanbury, of the L ' ondon Road,
Fair, of Clinton, was driving some friends
home from Goderach, the horses were fright-
near Clinton, have sold nearly '140 bead of cattle this year, VO of . which Were fed. by
ened by a do :g barking at them, -and ran
away, The rig was upset And he held on to
—Mr. John McLaughlin has sold his
the lines as long a's he could, but the horses
farm on the 6bh -concession of Howick to a
got away.. They were fortunste in having no worse injury than a broken carriage and
Mr. Archibald McNeil,.of Cranbrook. Poo-
session is to be given next April.
—The agricultural hall at Wroxeiter was
--Mr. Beirries, the proprietor of the r-
te struck by lightning during one of, the la
house, Fordwich, formerly f Wal-
ton, happened with an accident a few days
storms. It sustained considerable damage,
which was-fortu!nately fully covered; by it
ago whic * ht h
_h MIR '. , avet proved very serious,
he was worliing in Mr. Dlcka Fordwich, mud while trying to take a slab
—On Thursday, 4th inst., while the you�g
child of Mr. W. MoCool,of flullett,was play -
Away from the large circular "w had hit
lug around the floor it walked over the door-
finger and thumb badly out,
—Rev, F. Swann, and S. Marshall, of
step and fell a allort distance, breaking 'to
arm above the wript.
Auburn,'while an their way to Goderich a
—Mrs. Coleman, of.Clinton, left on Tues-
few days &go, were violently thrown out of
their rig and hurt rather cc siderab, Ar.
in ly, Mr.
day of last week for Carolina, where she
has been engaged as'shorthaud teacher in a.
Swann not so much as Mr. Marshall, who is
seminary. While in� Clinton -the lady made
yet unable to be around.
—The town voters' list for Clinton con-
many friends and will be giceatly missed,
—On' the recomme�dation- of Inspec6or
tains the names of a total of 511 persons
Semtb, Mr. James Turnbull, of Toronto, and
qualified to vote at municipallections and
elections for the Legislative Assembly; 322
recently priucipal of Clinton Collegiate In.
qualified to vote. only at municipal elections,
stitute, ., has accepted the principalship of
another Collegiate Inetitute.
and 4 L 7 qualified to vote a4ly at elections for
—Mr. Gilbert Mair, -who has alrea-4y
the Legislative Assembly. There are 277
persons qualified to serve as jurors, and 70
done considerable threshing this season,
states that grain is turnin out only about
persons down as widows.
20 bushels io the acre,. ft varies accord-
—An accident on the sideline between the
. second and third concessions of West Wa-
ing to the locality, some going more than
wanosh took place recently, but fortunately
%—Wm. Pollard, of Grey,has werop of Egyp-
it was not so serious as it, might have been.
As James David Smilie was travelling dur.
tian oats that is a mar"I nefar so growth end promise is concerned. Out of a sample
Ing last week, his team., one of which is a
five heads.were counted 107, 109, 118, 129
colt I took . fright and ra�L into the ditch.
'There wait a hay rack on.the wagon, thus
and 134 grains respectively. . The heads
average nearly 10 inches in length.
making the accident more dangerous. Mr.
—Mrs.. D., Fraser, of. Stanley, 1ad lately
Smilie was thrown out and had one of &is
arms badly hurt,
a somewhat novel experience in hiving bees.
The swarn, went only a 'short distance when
—As Mr. J. Bennet was threshing for, My
they settled on come Canadian thistles in
an adjoining fieldi, The thistles.were equal
R. Marshall, in East Wawa -nosh , the other
day, something went into 'the. separator,
to the odeasion-and sustained the wdighi of
breaking two coneaves Q�nd the grate, This is hard 11juck for Mr. Bennett in the
the colony till, they were safely hived. —While Mr.Johut. Geddes, -of Belgrave,
mencement'of the season, but the old say-lng
wm shoeing a fractious horse on Saturday,
is, a bad beginning makes a good ending,,
6th inst, he was struck in the' forehead b y
may it prove true in this instance, &.8 r
Bennett has secured one of the best thregii.,
one of the animals' front feet, stunning and
seriously injuring him. Had i�. been half an
ing out -fits he could find reerdless of ex-
inch to either side of where it was the"
penes, May success follow his efforts. I Messrs. Fred and W.11, of EaRt
wound might have proved fatal., . The following persons were ticketed
Wawampah, were returning home from Blyth
from Brussels to distant points by Mr. T,
Fletcher last week: Miss Charlotte Davies,
Tuesday ever.,irig of last week,'their horse
took fright, causing some of the harnes to
of Ethel, to F argo, Dakota; E. W. Mellsom,
to CiLuipbellton, Now Brunswick; J. Me-
give way, when it becams' unmanageable,
upsetting the buggy in -the ditab. Fredwas
Dougall, to Sault Ste..Karie, and Mrs. Has.
thrown clear of the wheels, but Wili%= was
kina, to Detroit.
caught in one of the Wheels, and dragged a
,i4 -Mr. Clark, of Kinburn, met with a
slight accident on Saturday list while in
considerable distance before getting free.
He was pretty badl hurt About the head
Clinton, Turnin a , little too short the
and back, but 18 to be round again.
The rig was badly arnashed.,
buggy resoh bnle, and t6
ting frightened he was thrown'i horse get.
violently out
—On Sstu AY evening, 6th inst, the-
Is Blake
on the ground. He got a pretti bad shock
for an old man and seemed to feel it.,
young peo, of
and vicinity—to the number oF 18 or 20—paid Zuriok a flyi
—The exec utive committee in connection
visit and calling at � the residence of H. C.
Doan, V.S... rnq4de Mrs. Doan the of
with the district Sabbath school
convention met at Holmosvillel on Tuesday
a handsome silver butter dish,, butterk-nife
of last w.,eek to arrange for the'convention,
and napkin ring, wither name nicely an-
which in to be hbld 'at that place early in
graved on each. Mrs. Doan thanked them
September, A good gramme has been ar.
in a few appropriate words, and after spend-
ranged, and a proltrable session may be
ing a few social hours ull retired to their
looked -for.
a. These: beautiful presents were ac-
—The first meeting of the quarteriy offi-
companied by An add. -vas expressing their
oial board of the Hensall'oircuit, for the year
appreciation of her sociablenges aucf kind.
hearteduess. in xaAitling in all
1892-93, was hold on 6th inst.
church social#,
The meeting was well attended. It was
decided to raise the salary �of the superin-
tandent, Rev, H. J.. Fair, from $700 to $725.
—Mr. Aexander 'Mitchell, a former well-
The probationer, Ray.z G. McKinley, *ill
known resident of Perth county, and who at
receive $350.
one time was a candidate for Parliamentary
—Kippen circuit quarterly board met in
honors, has for some years been a Ireopected
KippeW. on Saturday afternoon, i6th inst.
citizen of Brady, Texas, He writes to the
Mr. W. Sinclair was elected to attend the
Sentinel, of that place, advocating the Po.
financial distrfdt meeting in olmeaville in.
litic&l union of Canada and the- United
September. Mr. Justus Parish, after the
4tstes. He would have the union cemented
usual exeimination, has been licensed as a
by connecting Lake Michigan and the
local preacher;, Mr. Pariih in an unusually
Georgian Bay with the laikes f Ontario
clever speaker,", and is thinking some of
and the Atlantic, and connecting the wat-
entering the work of the minjitry he will
ore of the Pacific with the Atlintic 0 and
make a. success in Any line of life he enterm.
to that end the franchise of the PAu&mF60r
Owing to the loss of Drysdale Appointmet,
Nicaragua may be Acquired. He would fur.
which -has been put on Bayfield circuit, it
ther have constructed two new double track
having paid $70 lait year, the minister's sal.
continental ralways, running from the
ary this year is. $050 ; it was $700 lost year;
north to the south. It is a big scheme and
this circuit is paying $233 35 more for sAlary
no mistake.