The Huron Expositor, 1892-08-18, Page 6maw
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AUGUST 18, 1892
1111.111.1" I 1 I • o I .‘...'.1116111 k
of fife. After the deaths of his ivife and
daughter, which happened abont four years
ago, he went to live with his son William,
where he died. He leaves three sons said
three daughters, and also a large number of
gand-children and great-grand-ohildren.
-Mrs. Henry Bartham an aged resident
of Mitchell, died at the e.ondon„ Asylum on
Tuesday of last week. She had only been a
few days in the institutiou.
--Messrs. Hay Brothers, of Listowel, do
not intend to rebuild the flouring mill burn.'
ed down recently, but will enlarge their ale
vain for the grain business, also build an
skeeter at Newton.
. -The first half of the July cheese of the
Milverton cheese featory has been sold to
- Thomas Ballantyne &Sans, Stratford, at 9to
per pound. ,
-Mr. Alai. Schrenok, of Ellice, lost, five
head of cattle by lightning during the storni
last weak, . and "Mr. Jacob Steckley, of .
Mornington, two head from the same came.
Insured in the Perth Mutual. ,
-The Blanshard cheese and butter manu-
facturing company disposed of 0300 boxes of
cheese in London the other day. Price,. 9+
cents per pound,
i -The Atwood Bee says: Mr. J. H. Mc-
Biinleft on Thursday for Londesboro,where
h� tekeeRev. Mr. Leech's work on that cir-
cuit for the next six weeks, while Mr. Leech
is on his vacstion.
-While working at the harvest, the other
clay, Mr. Je W. Baird, of St. Marys, was
struck in the face with a sheaf of wheat.
His right optie was injured, and he is under
the care of Dr. Reeves, of Toronto.
-The other day a Stratford business man
was heard to remark. that during thirty-five
year e of business experience in Stratford
he hisd not found times so dull as just at
-A, T. Freed, editor of theiHamilton
Spectater, has seed W. M. O'Beirne, editor
of the Stretford 13eacon, with a writ claim-
ing $1,00a damages, for referring to him se
a bounty jumper."
-The other day Mr. Johnston Stewart,
of Bla,nshard, was offered $18,000 for his
farm, stook, household effects, etc., by a
gentleman from Wellington County, who
was in search of an A 1 property. Mr.
Stewart declined the offer. In the way of a
first-clase farm, Well situated, the owner
could not better himself, hence the refusal,
-Mrs. A. Bauch, of Poole who has been
in poor health since the latter end of the
w' ter, died a few days ago. Mr. Bauch is
a nau who has passed through much afflic-
tion. He buried two little girls -last spring,
and now his wife, leaving him with a small
family, the eldest a girl of about 13 peens,
and the youngest a child of about one year.
-Dr. Boyer, of Reading, Englaud, who
resided in S. Marys a quarter of a century
ago, visited that town last week, renewing
old Acquaintanceship. Dr, Boyer had a
protection placed around he mother and
sister's graves in the old cemetery, and was
much grieved to find the resting -place of
many of the town's early settlers going to
rack and rein.
-Mrs. L.Pelton and Mrs. Wm. Dunn left
Atwood,on the excursion last week for Color-
ado, where they will visit their daughters,
Mrs. John Rogers and Mrs. C. H. Wilson,
reispectively. It is expected that Mr. Rog-
ers will come home with he *other if she
continues to grow worse. Of late she has
not felt so well. .
-On Sunclayaof last week Mr. George
Reeves, an e old resident of Mitchell, was
tripped by'a, loose plank in a -sidewalk, from
which he sustained a broken nose and a pair
of black eyes. In consequence the corpora-
tion have,been asked for damages, and, hav-
ing refused to recognize the claim, a law suit
is threatened,
- -The proprietoitof the Royal Rotel, Lis-
towel, pleaded guilty to selling liquor after
hours on Saturday, 30th ulte and was fined
$20 and coets. Three parties Present in the
bar were fined $3 and costs, and the barten-
der was fined $5 and costs. The bartender
is liable under the Act equally with anyone
else for being illegally present in a bar
ramie during prohibited hours.
offioers of the boat acted throughout
With the greatest akin and coolness', and
were loudly -praised by the. 1:Casibeugere.
There is do doubt that if the pilots, had
not run the boat ashore dreadful loss
of life would have maenad. If the ' Col-
umbian,in her unmanageable steti,'had gone
on and entered the repids she probably
would have capsized. As it turned out, no
lives were lost, and even the baggage was
brought ashore in safety. The boat glided
quietly upon the beach with scarcely a
shook. The people living along the shores
soon noticed the accident, and at once Put
out to the island, ito render assistance. Sev-
eral of the crew managed to reach ihorenind
having fastened the boat with hanisera felled
a couple of large pine trees into the stresin,
leaking a bridge to the island. A number
of the passengers were ferried from this
isliind to another in skiffe. Having wa k-
ed across the second island they again
entered skiffs, and were ferried ashore.
All speak 111 the highest terms of the efforts
made by the officials and by Mr. Michael,
Connolly, one of the directors, who was on
board. It was the first 'trip of the Colurio
blau, which was built spAcially for the
route at a cost of $125,000. Mr. Chabot,the
manager of the company, stated that the
steamer was not badly injured, as far as
could be learned at present, but was high
on the Wand, and it would take some days
to release her. He ordered the work to
proceedat once. All the passengers reached
Montreal the following morning tired, but
none the worse for their adventure..
Melt Seaforth, on the 6th inst., tete wife ei
Mr. John McMinn, of a daughter.
SCOTT. -At Thornton Hall, MoKillop, on the Oth
inst., the wife of Mr. Archd. D. Scott, cit
WILLIAMEL-In Detroit, on the 26th ult., the wife
of Mr. Alfred H. Williams, of e son. •
JOHNSTONE.-In Howie's, on the 4th inst., the wife
of Mr. George Johnstone, of indatighter. ,
BUNSTON.-In Howiek, on the 7th inst, the wife of
Mr. Thomas Bunston, of a dapghter. -
JOHNSTON.-In Howick, (nettle ;8th inst., the wife
of Mr, William Johniton, of re -daughter.
WILLIS.-In Wingham, on the Oth inst., the wife of
lir. Harry 'Willis, of a son.
BAIRD.-In Turnberry, on the 7th inst., the w fe of
Mr. Win. Baird, jr., of a daugliter. ,
VOSPER.-In Exeter, on the 6th inst., the wife. of
Mr. George Vesper, of a daughter.-
MATHESON.- At Recta North, on the 16th leen,
the wifeof Mr. -John Matheson, merchant, of a
The Salvation Army.
A Toronto deepatch says: Great excite-
ment exists among the local corps of the
Salvation Army over the dismissal or forced
resignation of between 40 and 50 officers
since. the eirrival of Commandant Booth
three -weeks ago.
Ammig those dismisseel ate Brigadier
Philpott and Adjutant Roffe, who were ac-
cused 'by Commissioner Rees, Bocith's pre-
decessor, with keeping a diary of events at,
headquarters with, the object of writing
them up. This the accused officers denied
and demanded an investigation which was
refused, and they were given dial- waiking
papers, ,Both officers are immensely pop-
uler and have been in the service many
Very great dissatisfaction naturally exists
among the rank and file at what is consid-
ered the very autocratic and. arbitrary con-
duct of Commandant Booth, and a round
robin demanding an explanation is being
extensively signed.
So far Booth has refused to make any
explanation or receive a deputation on be-
half of the dfsmissecl men, and there are
ominous and widespread threats of seces-
sion. In fact if some understEindieg is not
arrived at it looks as if the bulk of the To-
ronto corps will,eececle in a body.
The Crops in Manitoba.
A despatch from Winnipeg dated on -Moa -
day last says:
Reports received by grain dealers indiaate
that the wheat harvest, providing that the
weather remains favorable, will be general
throughout the Province beim the end of
the week. A few farmers are now cutting
in the Carberry; Virden, PI -urn Coulee, Mor-
den and Gretua districts, and in h, few days
it is expected that nearly all the farmers will
have their binders at work.
It was stated in the Winnipeg grain ex-
cleange that the crops in Southern Manitobe
will be good, but in the western part of ° the
pirvince, and in Easterh Assiniboia they
were somewhat light. It is c onfidently
stilted that if the grain escapes damage from
the elements or other cause there will be
much more wheat in the country this: year
than there was laet. The cinality of the grain
at the present time promises to ,be exoeption.
illy good. -
The very unsatisfactory state a the for-
- eign markets mak os it extremely improbable
that the market lot the new wheat *ill open
at a fair price. It is said that at, the outset
the price will be between 50 and 60 cents
per bushel. There is still a large per cent -
age of last year's wheat in the country
which will never be marketed, and the ma-
jority of farmers have no hogs nor other
stoek to which they min feed the grain.
Consequently the surplus will be a dead loss.
Word from Carberry is to the effect that
the weather is exeellent and grain coming on
rapidly. There are fieldseof barley ripe add
some farmers are cutting; wheat cutting
will begin next Monday.
fancy lot, and prima odittinfie low, or from 118 to
4.50 each. Good Iambs are in 'demand. _Common
lambs sell at irom $2 to $8.25 each. Hoge -Fat
hogs are rather dull of sale to -day, especially large
porkers, whiotesell about 5o per pound, but nice,
swan hogs wino reee per pound.
eisureeeo, Aug. 16th. -Cattle. Choice and prime
steers, 1,500 to 1,000 lbs. sold at $5.05 to 85.20; good
butchers' and shippers' steers, 04.40 to $4.05; fair to
medium quality fat,. $3.90 to $3.95. • Steckers and
feeders -The dimmed was leer and Supply light.
Good to choice feeders, $2.75 ton18. Fancy milkers,
$40 to $42; fair to good, $130 to $32; springers, good
ohoioe, $40 to $42 ; fair, $130 to $52 ; old owe, 812 to
$15. Sheep and launba.--A few prime Isenbe sold,
early at 16 50 $0 60, but the feeling was weaker.
later in the day, and the saber could not be duplicated
at noon. The beet sheep -sold at 16 40, With good
one at 05 to $6 26. ilogle-A few extra homey sold
'to the packers at $0110, but,they bought moat of these
hog', taking in the strong weight orkors and
medium. weights at 0.90 to $0.05: Yo men paid
$6.85 to $6.90 for lair tci good weight Yorker's, and
$5.60 to $5.70 for the best grassers, and about the
prime price for light 'weight corn fed Yorkers; pigs
ruled very slow all day, fair to good corn fed lots
selling at $5 to *5.30: skip pigs and light grassy lots,
$3.60 to *4.50; roughs, 04.66 to $4,76 ; stags, $4 to
, Marriages.
GIBSON-WATT.-At the residence Of the bride's
.. mother, Silver Creek farm, East, Oxford Owe -
ship, on -the 10th inst., by Rev. A. E. Sibith,
Mr: George Fraser Gibson, traffic manager- oi the
New Westminster and Vancouver Electric Tram-
way Company, New Westminster, British bole
umbirs, to Roeaniond, fourth daughter of the
late John Watt.
STEVENS-VOSTONE-At Clinton, on the 4th
inst., Rev. W. Smyth, Mr. Samuel W.Stevens,
to Miss Minnie Vanstone, both of Colborne. 1. .
BESHGETOOR-WALLACE.-At ,the reeidence of
Mr. D. Judd, 133 Chicago Avenue, Evanit4h,
Illinois, on the 9th inst., by Rev. P. W.
Patterson, D. D., -Rev.- 'Vahan K. Beehgethee,
paetor of the Presbyterian Church, Newbery.
Michigan, to Miss Martha A. ,Wallace, third
daughter of Mr. Samuel Wallace, Tuckersmith,
Ont. .
COSENS-GOVENLOCE.-At the residence of the
bride's father, McKillop, neer .Seaforth, ori the
17th: inst. by Rev: A. D. McDonald, D. D.A as -
sited by P:ev. Mr. Livingston, of Listowel, Rev -
T. W. Cosens, of Belsvood, to * Miss Mare E., sec-
. ond daughter of Robert Govenlock, Esq,
WILLIAMS.-In 'Detroit, on the Stet ult., Atelier
Kyle, infant son of Alfred H. and Jennie Wil -
name, aged 6 days.
BROWN. -In Exeter North, on the llth inst., eenc,
beloved wife* of Mr, James Brown, aged 85
HAMILTON. -At Gretna, Manitoba, on the 1st,
Escott Hamilton, formerly of Brussels, aged 19
GRAY. -In Morris, on the 6th hist., George Cerny,
aged 82 years and 4 months.
1 Live Stock Still Dull.
1 MONTREAL, August 16. -No improvement
is reported in the British cattle markets,
The majority of shippers say there is no
money to be made and are shipping as" few
cattle as they can. A few shippers have a
different opinion, however, and are buying
heavily in the west. They don't say how
they are coming on but they are evidently,
losing heavilyor else thliy are shipping their
cattle much lower than other people can,
and that is not very likely. There is no
ho,pe of improvement in the near future, all
the cables imade public being of a caution-
ary character. Oue reason why our cattle
are not making money Is on account of the
very poor condition in whioh they are coin-
ing out of the country. They ate not good
enough to ship as fat stook and are too
heavy for stockers. The position of the
sheep market is best explained by the fol -
loving: cable from a well known Canadian
dealer "Can't turn sheep pito money."
The SS. Gerona arrived at Newcastle land-
ing her cattle in good condition, but re.
potting a lots of 28 sheep divned by Ald.
Verral., 'The remainder of the sheep landed
in isuch bad condition that they cannot be'
sold fora week. The indications point to a
short supply of stockers. The farmers have
a good supply of feed on hand and will no
doubt hold their stores unless prices are
extremely good.
BRAY SHOP.---Canse into the premises' of the
1undersign d, Lot 19, Concession* 14, Hay, in
stuly last, a ewe d lamb. The owner can have the
saroe o'n proving prep° y and paying charges. JOHN
GAL:MAN, Jr., Z rich P 0. 1287x4
,IL Holstein F
'a nember of good
*are of the very be
Office, Constance;
lestan Cattle of both Boson also
Holseein grades for sale. These
t milk and butter families. Post
Station, Londesboro. JOHN Me -
for sale a qu
tantalum Hybrid
free from any fou
on Lot 6, eencessio
12, Concessio
n ght August 4th 1
or aged mare, a kbo
star in forehead an
colt l years old wit
fIndipg them or
whereabouts will b
Olt SALE. -The undersigned has
ntity of seed wheat, of the eledit-
and Rogers varieties, dean and
eels. Any quantity can be had
the preinises of wm Roy, Lot No.
8, Logan township, on Thursday
et. 'Three bay horses,one &Wing
ter, Ono horse 6 years old with
thine white feet, also one blood
Star in forehead. Any person
lying any information as to their
suitably rewarded by applying
Tlianics road, Usbornin Exeter
- T.OST,-Strayect f om the premises of Mrs. R. Gib -
In son, Wroxeter a 3 -year-old driving mare, bright
bay, one white hi d foot with email ring of white
10 mete height 16 harnisen good
round, hind shoes turned out,
ht front leg. Any person giving
whereabouts or returning the
ly r warded. R. H. FORTUNE,
British Grain Trade.
The Mark Lane Express of the015th inst.,
in its weekly review of the British grain
trade, says English wheats are in large
tupply, and prices show an average fall of
fia., The existing reserves are estimated at
860,000 quarters. The weather favors the
tartest. The wheat crop is now expected
to reach 8,250,000 quarters, which will be
500,000 qugrters under the yield of 1891.
Barley promises an average yield of , better
quality than usual. Oats will yield 10 per
cent below the average.
Local Notices.
OD FOR SALE. -For sale, 0 lot of good,
dry, soft cord -wood. delivered in Nny part of i ehe
town. Price reasonable. Apply te° 'Joins Bennie; at
the office or house. _ 1 . 1286-3
ite NEW QUARTERS, -Me, ' J. M. Best,
Barrister, Seafortb, has removed into his new office
over Mr. C. W. Papst new Bookstore, Entrance
Hanle stairway no used by Dr. Bethune and Dr.
Beleen, Dentist. . , • --- 1285
tion is given at this mill to local and exolitinge trade.
Satisfactien in every instanbe guaranteed. Flour to
delieht geod bakers. An kinds of niill feed for sale
end ohopVig Pan be done any day or hour. 1281-8
i'Yed() TANTS GLOTHES Coratien.-Parties
hay* garinente of any icind that are soiled and
heee cleaning should bring thein right in to J. W,
Snell, the Clothes Renovator and Dyer, of Seaforth.
Qld 'clothes„ made to look 'nearly as good as new.
Thiele the way to save mermen Satisfaction guaran-
teed or no charge made: Prier's very reasonable.
J. W. Seem, first door north of Mr. T. Kidd's brick
residence, Seaforth. 1284-1
Seeroern August 17th, 40192 sommemmomennesseememeseenelennoneedieneeme
around hooftweight
condition, shod all
slightly lame in ri
information of her
same y,011,1 be suite,
V. S., Wroxeter.
On the security
six per cent., payabl
principal May be re
wishes. All expens
person except the
morneages or to kno
of Cultivated Farms. Interest
annually. Any portion of the
aid at any time the borrower
• paid by the County. No
urity Auditors allowed to see
, to whom money le loaned.
Apply to *M. HOLelES, County Treasurer.
1287-4 Goderich, Aug. 8th 1892,
- gain, the Stook,
• connectedwith a firs •
In a ;prosperous bus
Hurop and gurroun
eopnbry. A splendid
mine Stock about
factOy reasons din
Addinss, THE HU
Business, Shop and Residence
class Harness -making business
nese centre in the County of
ed by a splendid farming
opening for a good, practical
500 ; buildings, $1,600. Bathe
be given for desiring to lien.
Fall Wheat per burtheenew,
Spring Intern per bureaennew
Oats per buahel
Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1,
Butter. tub
Eper lb
Hillper ton new
Lamb Skins...
Potatceo for bag,
Wood per cord (long)
Wood per card (short)
Applea per bag
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
0 73 to 077
0 70 to 73
0 29 to 20
0 .59 to 00
0 37 to 40
0 12 to ,1 13
0 13 to 0 13
o ea a fie
2 50 te r
5 00 to 00
3 50 to 00
045 to 055
0 17 to 019
0 40 so 050
0Gto 101)
36(140 60 .to 409
2 00 to 261)
0 20 to 0 30
$ 00 io 825
2 50 to 2 59
5 'int to 0 10
0 04. to 0 Dee
Flour, per 100 The
H es per 100 lbe
Salt (rote! ) per barrel.
Pork, per 100 tbs
Tallow, per lb,
Fail Wheat per bushel. • it
Spring Wheat per Intel:lel .
Oete per- bushel . . ....
Barley per : .......
Peas per bushel ...... ..........
Eggs per lb
Hay per ton, new
Potatoee per bushel,
Hides per 100 The
C1erd wood
Wool per lb
Pork, per 1001bs
Atigtist 3,7th, 1892
0 73 to. 75
O 28 te, 0 20
o 371 to 0 40
0 67 to, 0 60'
0 12 to 0 1.8
• 0 6 td ,0 6
00 to 10 00
O 26 to Q 40
4 00 to 4 Oe
3 00 to 4A cei
0 18 tie 016
5 Op tie 6 26
Accident to a Steamer on the St.
The Columbian, the new steamet of the
Richelieu, and Ontario Navigation Company,
which runs between Hamilton and Montreal,
met with a serious accident on Tueaday last
iust before entering the Cedar Rapids in the
St. Lawrence river. There were abut 200
passengers on board, most of them Ameri-
cans. It seems that when the Colum-
bian was in the swift water, about a mile
above 'the Cedar Rapids, her steam
steering gear broke down, The pilots at
once rughed lea,ck, and, grasping the tiller
with , their hands, ran the boat on an
isliend a short distance above the
rapids. The grounding of the boat was
the first intimation the passengers* had
that there was anything wrong. The
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 16. -Spring whet, Need; red win)
ter, 6s 61c1 ; Califernia No. 1, 7 Oed ; peas, 5s 1.0d ;
pork, 70.00d ; cheese, 475.00. 11
, -
TORONTO, Aug, 17.- Fall wheat, $0,80 to $0.82 -;
siring wheat,e10.70 to 0.78'; leans, 35c. to Nee
Teas, per bush, 62c to 03e ;•barley, 400 to 45e ; ,hay,
per ton, 0.00 to 69.00 ; butter, 18cito 20e ; pota-
toes. per bag, 8.0 30 to $0.40 ; eggs, per doze 14c
to 15e ; drowsed hogs, por cwt., $7.00 bo 67.00.;
Dairy Markets.
LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., August 15.-560 boees at
81c, 1,537 bones at Re, 712 boxes at 13e0, 2e0 boeet at
9c, 912 boxes at 9ec ; 335 boxes at Sac: Buet toe
(56 packages of creamery butter at 23c to 231c1
dairy butter 'at 19c to 23e.
T. M c,,IK E W N,
Peole's Life Insiiranoe Corapaty,
Qoitrities Of Huron, Bruce, Perth a,nd
West Grey.
Vence, N. Y., August 15. -The cheese 'minket was
active and le lower to -day than lest week. Trensaet
tions aggregated 10,108 boxes,prices ranging between
8/C to no, with ruling figure at 9e. Transaetiene
same date last year ag,gregated 16,243 boxes, with
ruling price at 131e. Butter -Sales of cream* age
gregated 75 packages, as follows : Four packages at
12*, 22 packages at Teo, 42 packages at 231t;
packages at 25e. ,
TORONTO, August 17. -Butter -Steady and tun,
changed ; with selections readily taken at 16e to 10ei
and occasionally at e1.6eo to lic ; no roils effendi
Egge-Unchanged at 11/ for No, in oases, with
steady demand for all co ling forward,
tel TO RENT. -0 rent tote period of 6 years,
ebot 4, Concessim 12, Township of Grey, situa-
ted 1cA miles from let eels, and mile from a geed
echo. The farm containe 100 acres, of which about
90 are cleared, the rest good hardwood bush On
the premises are a ge d frame house and barn with
stone stabling. Terme
apply to the owner,,
Hugh Stewart, jr., on
reasonable. For partioulars
L. HICKS, Egmoiadville, or
e premises. 1288-2
QR SALE -A neat nd attractive country home-
' etead, being part of lot 1 concession 7, in the
Township of Turnberr , consisting of three acres of
rich lend, two acres are neve under grass and balance
is mewled by orchard nd garden. There is a good
franie house and stable en the premises, also a never
as cistern. The owner has.
the property must be sold,
o JOHN W. GREEN, Lot 6,
, or box No 10, Wroxeter
MONTREAL, Auguet lie -Butter -Creamery,' twee
20eo to 21e0. ; Townships, dairy, new, 17c the 19e II
Morrisburg and Brockville, new, 17c to 18c ; tv tri
dairiee, new, 15e to 170. Eggs -A fair steady oce
trade is reported in eggs at 11.0 to 1.2c for fresh stock.
In order te make room for our big purchases of Fall and Winter stock,
some of which have already come to hand,
some big drives in the following lines:
idling moil and -fined
reinoved to Manioba ao
For particulars apply
Concession 6, Turbbetr
fin'd newly shingled
of good water. It is wet
The lob contains a little
been, good stable, &c., al
trees, and currant bushe
, opposite Mayor Helmet
sold cheap, as the owner intends to remove to town
for better prospect of Ibusiness. Apply to H. A.
STRONG & Bre, Seafortin or -to J. MeNAMARA on
the peemises. 128841
.1NT.-A nice house, painted
with a good cellar and well
situated for a small family.
yer a quarter of an acm-
e apple, cherry, and plum
on it: It is situated nearly
d's residence'. It will be
Tee People's Life is a purely Mutual Company
orgebized for the perpose of insuring lives, concluded
eolely in the inteeeste of its policy -holders amon,g
ivhom the profits are divided, there being no stock-
holders to control the company or to take any portion
of the surplus. The only Mutoal Company in Canada
givieg endowment insurance let ordinary life rates
is THE PEOPLE'S LIFE. Ments wanted Address
T. McKeown,'
1288- Box 65 Seafertie
we will give the econoinic,a1 buyer
Light Colored Dress Prin s, Muslins, Ginghams,
Summer Dress Goods, Parasqls, Hosiery,
Millinery and Stra Goods, Men's
and Boys' Straw Hats, Men's
and Ladies' Urjiderwear,
el FOR SALE; -Fr sale Lot 13, Concession 6,
McKillop, conteinin 100 acres, 90 of which are
clear d and in a high stn1e of cultivation, the balance
being eush. There is on he farm a hewed log house
sided lin, frame barn and frame stable. There are two
good ivelis of water, ono nt the house and the other
at the barn. A good spi ng creekruns through the
centre of the farm.' The e ain 7 acres of summer fal-
low ready for fall sowing The farm is well fenced.
Tho ferm is well situated, being only half e mile from
Beacliwood, where there s a post office and store,
and ne from the Town 1 Seaforth. Two admen'
withie-a mile and a half, separate school and public
school. The farm will he sold on very reasonable
terms, For further parti ulars apply to WILLIAM
REIDY, Lot 12, Concessi n 6, McKillop, or Beech,
wood P. 0. 12860
T1ie Dominion Life Insurance
Company I
lasues policies upon all sound plans
of life and endowment assurance.
FOr further inform'ation see
istriet Agent, Huron Co., Seafort
Live Stock Markets.
TORONTO, July 17.-Cettle-These mostly benelee
were stokers and short keep cattle. . ns hienaji
$4.90 per cwt was paid for a few choice) lotsebu
most of the sales were made at $4.60 per. ewt. Th
demand for export cattle was only fair generally.
Some transactions were ; 21 exporters, ivekhine
27,000 lbs, (14.65 per cwt ; 1 load, averagifigg 1,20
lbs apiece, 84.50 per cwt ; 2 loads,. 1,280, $4.-e5 • e
load, 1,320, n.80 per cyst ; 3 loads00, $446 i(e0
off( •, 1 load: extra choice, beet lot handled) ori the
market, 2.,309 lbs average, $01 per bead •, 1 berioani
1,250 lbs average, $1,05 ; 2 loads, 1,200 lbs, 806 ; g
load, 1,250 the, $4.60 e 1 load, 1,200 lbs, $57.00 per
head. In butchers' cattle there Was a snide:it tome
-throughout. The figures were froin 2ee per 15 f r.'
common stuff up to sic and ilec for fait tie goa
butchers', and 3).c for good to choice ; lqc per Poe*
the,top figure touched, though one or two ecits of
extra fancy choicabrought as high as 4c. Sheen awl
Lambs. -Thirty-four head of lambs, averegneg Pi,
Ib e, apiece, brought $3.40 per need, and 9 '-oholee!
picked ones, averaging 80 lbs, were sold fot Ago sin
ib. The range for lambwas frtrin $3.60' .,$4 per
head, according to quality,. Butchers' ghee feeindoi
fair demand. They ranged at ftom 24 to iM per
head. Few shipping sheep offered and not44,4ss shoi+
wanted. Quotations for these range at Irene $5 to
$5.25 per, head, according to . quality. Pigse-000d
etraight-hogs, weighed oft ears, brought hen* $6.85
to $5.50 per cwt. Stores foundmime dethend. ne
from 84.40 to $4.50e . ' e'
te ii
LIVRRPOOL, August 15, -The market continues vete
weak. Finest steers sold at nee to 12c ;it ood ‘0
1510100 at Ile to llec ; poor to mediums
4 ioe to
lace inferior and bulls at 7/c to Nee. Shemesoldent
llece : s.
Mogrerteh, August 16. -Cattle --Prime bedelds were
in demand and sold at from 410 to 4/0 per ,pouitd.
Pretty good stook, including fat cows, sold at 004
4c, and common dry cows at from 21e to 310 per
'pound, with SOU10 of the hardest bulis at abed 2ee
per pound. Calves -There was a fair denoted for
veal calves, and prices werefrom $3 to ,$8 deoh, efut
the best were sold before reaching the market. Sheep
and Lambs -The elieep offered to -day were not a
Agent G. N. W. Telegraph and Can-
adian express Companies,
Telegraphic connections everywhere. . Lew rates
on money packages, and remitters guaranteed against
loss. The convenience and safety of our money
order serviCe is attracting the attention of and pleas-
ing many patrons. Special rates on produceand
poultry. Toronto train eerviee only 4e hours, Mon
re' hours.
° ONT.-
AGNEIW, Dentist, Clinton, will
11). visit Hensel' at Hodgene' Hotel
every Monday, . 1288
The undersigned is pr
cash price for any quanti
Winter apples. GEORG
Parties going to Manitoba
On .
And numerous other lines, Don't fail tof secure some of the above bargains.
The Bargain Dry Goods and
Clothing House, Seaforth.
pared to pay the bignest
y of first class Fall and
And we will be done with summer goods, but shrewd linyers know that this is
the time to buy cheap goods, odd lines that we don't care to carry over, Its
certainly not a profit-making month for u: Before placing our fall goods on
the shelves, we are anxious to clear out a4 much of the old goods as possible,
and prices will be a secondary consideration.
Scotch Suitings usually sold for $22,'you can buy now for $17. We put
just as good work and trimmings in ihelin as we would if we charged you
regular price: •
Canada Suitings $18, $16 and $15, are now selling' for $14, $12 and $10,
and while they're summer goods you mig t find some of them suitable for the
fall and winter.
White and, Fancy Vestings to, order at 25 per cent. discount; we have
many good patterns yet in stopk.
Light Colored Trouserings—no 'fairer or prettier goods ever shown, at
$5, $6 and $7.50.
We guarantee our work in every respect, and if you are not satisfied with
the fit, you have only to say so, and we won't ask you to take them. We aim
to please.
un Life Assuran e Co. of Canada.
Our Rapid Progress may be see drom the following Statement:
ancee in
. 3,897,139
1872-8 48,210
1880- 141,402
Net Assets be-
siees uneelled
$ 96,461
• 266,44
Life Aseur-
anew in
1884-8278,379 $ 886,897 $ 6,844,404
1888- 626,273 1,536,816 11,931,316
1891- 920,174 57 2,886,671 44 19,486,901 84
During the dull season we will offer
Special Bargains in all claskes of s-
goOds, specially in
The SUN issues an absolutely' unconditional policy. It pays claims
promptly, without waiting 60 Or 90 days.
R. MACAULAY, Managing Director.
A. S. MACGREGOR Manager Londons,District. JOHN FAIRLEY
Agent, Seaforth.
Teas, Sugars -and General
Our Royal Blend. of Indio -Ceylon.
Black Tea, is meeting with great ap-
proval ; put up in haIf pound sacks -
Our special line of Japan Tea, four
pounds for $1, pleases all who like a
good cup of Japan Tea. Our low.
priced Japans and Blacks are good',
Sugars atRockBottomPric,es -
Mortgage Sal
—IN —
Busi nes* College, TUCKERSMITH.
Re -opens Mo
Commercial, Shorthand, Pen-
manship and English
Pepa tments.
The couise of study is up to the
highest staodarcl of excellence. Busi-
ness practieex work with our Toronto
dollege, Experienced and first-class
teachers in every department. Be on
hand at the Opening. Handsome
catalogues free. '
During Moi.ths of July and
Under and in pursuance of the power of sale
-tained in a certain morteige dated the 23rd day
. October A, D., 1890, which will be produced at
time of sale, there will be sold by Public
ay, Sept. 50.. Audio
The agent for the Canadian Pacific
Railway, Seaforth, who can —give
through tielets te any part of Mani-
toba and the Northwest on the most
reasonable terms.
Remember, Mx. Duff is the only
agent for tile C. P. R in,Seaforth and
parties going by the C. P. R. would
consult their own intereats by calligg
on him.
Office—next the Comniercial Hofe- 1
and opposite:W. Pickard's store,
W. G. DCJFF, Seaforth.
• • mj • • ir
Int e Surrogate Court of the County of
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions
9i the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110,
Sectien 36 that all persons haying any claim against
the estate of Mary McMillan, late of the town of Bete
forth, Widow, deceased, who died ,on or about the
25th day of June, 1392, ere required on or before the
3rd day of September, 1892, to send or deliver to
J. M Beet, Seaforth, Solicitor for Dunn
the Exeoutor of the last will and testament of the said
Mare McMillan, deceased, full 'particulars of their
'claims and the securities (if any) held bythem, duly
verified by affidavit. And after the said 3rd I day of
September 1892, the said execrator will proceed to dire
tribute the assets of the said Estate ample the
s entitled thereto, haying refezence lonly to
One line Amerilan Prints, former price
11c, nows8C. ,
One line American Prints, fornier price
10c, new 71c.
One line American Prints, former Price
9-c, now 6.110. . 1
One line American. S'ateen Prints to
clear at lle.
One line American Sateen Prints to
Clear at 14c, worth 18c.
One. line American Challies to etear
at:6c, .
One line American °baffles, double
feld, to clear at 11c.
White Checked Muslin at • 5c, good
• value at 10c
Wide Pillow Lace at 5c, good value at
Two Ladies' Cotton Under Vests for
- •
only 20c.
Ladies' Black Ootton. Hose from 9c
upwards. 1
Double fold Onrtain Scree only 6,
worth 12c.1
Two ' Men's Ti s for 500, orth 40c
.a*eallehats to lear at leas than cost
, at
the • lahns of which he shisli have received nTice,and
afte Such distribution the said executor wi not be
resp • neibie for the meets of saideestate to arn, person
of w oae claim notice shall not have been teeeived at
the km) of such distribution. Dated at eneaforth
this Oth day of Auguet 1892. , J. M. Best, :4esforth,
Boli itor for the Execeston e: 1287-4
on -
- at
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, by W. G. Juff,
Auctioneer, the following property viz. -The vest
half of Lot 7 and the whole of Lot 8 in the 9th on -
cession ef the Township of Tudrersmith in the
County of Huron, containing 150 tides of land, 1 ore
or, less. This is one of the most desirable farm in
the County of Huron, it is situated on a good g avel
road only about.5 miles from Seaforth, and on it is a
large new brick house, a bank barn and good tab-
ling. The sale will be made subject to the unex ired
term of a lease to Mr. -S- Hunter, whicn ex reel
April let, 1897. TERMS. -Ten per cent. dow at
the time of Sale and the balance in one month t ere -
after without interest. For further par rars
apply to Messrs, C, Smith & Co. Bankers,Seivorth,
or to the Auctioneer or the Vendor's Solicitor. •
R. C. HAYS, 'Vendor's Bendier, Goder ch.
W. G. DUFF, Auctioneer, Sea orth.
Dated ° at Gederich the 10th day of August 1892.
WItitney s Block, - SeafOrth.
Change of Busine s.
• of Walton,) President Manager, Toronto
Canada's Great
Sept 5 to 17
Our stock of Summer Goods is very
complete, and we will offer great in-
ducements in order to dispose of them.
Ladiete, Mises' and Children's Ox-
fords—splendid value, Ladies' Fine
Dongola Buttoned and Laced Boots.
Gents' Fine Congress and Balraorals.
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
China, Crockery and Glassware,
Good Butter and Fresh Eggs Want-'
George Good,
Enlarged Grounds
New Half -Mile Track
New Grand Stand
And many other Improvements
Greater and better than ever
New and Varied Attractions of a Superior Character,
Instructive and Amusing-, the Latest Inventione and
Grandest Exhibits in all Departmente.
1The People's , Great Annual Outing.
Cheap E,xoursione on all Railways.
For Prize Lists, Progeammes and all
Information, address,
Heel% purchased the Blacksmith* and barring° 12863
making educes so longeend so successfullel carried
on by the late JOHN DORSEY, begs to state to the
patrons and public- generally that be will insreafter ONE
Mr. McDonald is not a stranger to most of
tomers of this establishment, and as the
will be conducted under his own personal au
he hopes to -continue the patronage of all the old ;
cuetomers and to receive favors from many now ones.
We have just received a lot of those
comfortable Sumer Corsets and
Blouses, and now it is quite unneces-
sary to he uncomfortable these, hot
days, If you doubt our -word, just
ask those that .have tried them, 'or
better still get one and try for yourself.
the cue -
bullpen ,
of 'vehicles constructed on the premium. by skilled )
' workmen andetrom the very best material.
Horse shoeing and all kinds: of general jobbing ;
Notice is hereby givon that a court will be held
pursuant to the Vo ene List Act by his Honor the
Judge of the Count' Court of the County of Huron
at Kidd's Hall, Seaforth, on the 22nd day of August
1892, at 9 o'clock a m., to hear and determine the
several complaints of errors and omissions in the
Voters' List of the Municipality of Seaforth for 1892.
All persons having business at the court are required
to attend at the iiidd time and place.
'Wc. Elmore, Town Clerk.
1287-1 Seaforth, Aug. 8th, 1892,
esecially attended to.
—TO --
epairing of all kinds done as usual. 1 A Greati Clearing Sale
A trial solicited and satiefaction guaranteed. , of
Rememben-Tee old -Edtablished Dorsey Carnage
Works, Goderichetreeti Seaforth..
Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigised
up te August 25th 1892, for painting the Jwoodwork
of the tower of , Egmondville Presbyteri n Church,
with two coats et the best lead and oil ; atI material
to be subject to the approval of the corn Mee.' No
tender neceeserily accepted. D. S EVENSON,
Seaforth, ' 12884.
Prid-e.--of the Valley MOicine,
The Great Blood' Purifier;
a package; five for $1. Pri
Valley Liniment, the greate
rice, 25c
e of the
t pain de-
stroyer on earth for Cramps in the
Stomach, Sprains, Bruises, &c.; use no
other; price, 50 cents, Pride of the
Valley Catarrh and Rheumatic Cure,
a specific for the opening of the organs
of the body that become blOcked with
diseases; price $1, or six fo05. Ask
your family druggist for the above
remedies, and never sie p without
them in your house. You/ may need
them at any hour.
Hoffman& Oo.,
Cheap Oasti Store
Hot Weather Foot -
Ladies Oxfords.
A dozen styles in Black or
from $1.10 -to $2.60.
Gents' Oxfords
From $1.75 to $3,00
Th is Week
We received a shipment of Ladies'
Star Kid Oxfords, with black undress-,
ed kid topia Dongola vamps, patent
tips, hand trimmed. A very hand-
some shoe at $250
Gentlemen's Chocolate Turkish slip-
pers—a neat, cool shoe for -street or.
house at, $2.00-
1 100 pairs of women's cheap tweed
slippers at 25c, a pair.
of all kinds
Summer Dry Goods
Is now going on at
A. G. AULT 8
In fine foot -wear constantly arriving -
a call solieited.
He intends clearing out all }chide ef Summer Dry
Goods, including a very fine lot of ItEADYKADE
CLOTHING in nien's, youths' and NO suits, and all
summer hats. The above nsentioned goods will be
sold out at once at cost price. A cordial invitation
le extended to all who may want any of the above
named goods, to come and inspect my stock.. Also
a very large dock of new Beason teas just to hand
In Green, Bladeand Japans; all of which will be sold
at the very lowest possible prices, Also a full aseort-
ment of all kinds of first-class Groceries and Provis-
ions. Also a large stock of Fruit Gems in pints,
quarte and hstegelions. The highest market prices
will be pale for good Butter, Eggs and all kinds of
Farm -Produce. All Goods Delivered Free. Gonie
One, Conte All, and get some Good Bargains,
Sept. 15th, to 24th, 1892.
Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibi:
$2,000 added to the' Priti Lists,
Over $1,500 go* to the Horses,
Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry
Visitors and Exhibitors are- promised more 10r
heir money this year than ever before, _
Stabling and space allotted on receipt of entelos.
Special attractions will be of on attractive and
elaborate kind.
Special -Excursions on all Railways.
For Prize List and all infonhatton apply to
Capt. A. W. Porte, Thos. A. Browne,
President. Secretary,
A full stock of Spring
Medicine freshly arrived at
the People's *Popular Drug
Family Chemist, Seaforth.