The Huron Expositor, 1892-07-15, Page 4-- :- -, ­ , - -­ I- -- . -;4 - - I - -, . - - - I - I—— I_---- -----"--@ -I v # 'I I 01 ---------- — � �­ ; - ".. � ��77 - - - - --11- -- - - - - - - -,---,- 10" -.011",-�"- - - - -..-A"ff - , . - . 11, - Val' ­ -- -- -- ­­ - - Va7mommi -N` - ­ ­ %i --_ �� -- ­­ ­­­. ­ � - � t- I I 1'­�L�­ ---,- - ------- - N0110" ".V!-."��,W­ , ­ ;, �. - � M �� � , , ­ �, I ­ , � III 0 il I i i - - - - - --- I'll, IN ­ - - I I - 1. .1 , � I � . I - - - I :,,, - . I � I ,� � � � - . A . . - . I � 11 - , I - I I I . - I . I I . . - . . I 1. �, - - - — I - . ., ! ­ I . f � I � � . I I I . . . � � . I z ; . I ­ I r I . � I � 1. . � I . V � . . � . I .4 � I - , - " - . I - � � � � I ;�� - . , 1 4 1 - : � � I I I � I I - I � I I" - . � - I . I I I I � i . . . I I : I . 1� � � I . � � I I � P . I 11 � I r I . . -- ��. I I; � -, I I I i I i ,11- - - � I THE -HURON XP S QRIF . I I . . . � � I � . � : .. 4 - . 0 IT . 7 - I - � � - . I -- -- 1. . �.f - ----------- I - i . I j I - \, ti .. I �� ZZ � . *The' of the Republican members ", � of ihe Legials. �-i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. follow the former, the Globe knows that notable Instance of this kind. If, howoverg Senate revolted against the anomaly, � I �� � �� -�, . � . Il � .. . r- there is a very much simpler and loos ex. Mr. Maclean wants to make a name for him- Senate made a number of fiteral changes in! ture were off attending a Convention. � i 2 tha;Bill, but no other change of any conse-1 $hey had to attended their business as the3 ; . Air The figure between the parenthesis after mob pensive method of collecting the revenue self and become a worth successor to a most in F � "I I were paid for do g their p&kty� would have ; y quence. r � i11, � , lime denotes the pap ot the pqmr an which the ! ­ � advertisement will be found. requ 0 I , . ired ths, by customs duties. It also worthy ,man, Tory though ,he be, he will The Caron charges were brought up ln� had the solid electoral vote of Michigan � � � : - � � � � f ' knows ,that with free trade- all round the stick to the people And put the companies the House d ng the week on two different this rail. i ,, - ram for gab-& lVoks, (5) . t uri .. 0 ere ' K 5 Salesmas Wanted -Brown Bros. (8) Th was an additional eubsidy� The People's Par in ansas took a stel I .� .... i I A 8pleadid, Ov4 We. - It. (6) i people would be better able to contribute. at defiance. ,.Time will tell what kind of 0006 Iona- � � ' a eks ago whych should win them the I . - propos d by the Government for the Temls-, few we, ; � Cara of Thaniamouss a N=. g. (6) the revenue and there would, In addition, be' stulf he is made of, He has commenced well al i I 11 �� � oouata railway, and this is one of the rail-: respect and gratitude of every Americain . . lsbgwof Andrew P. Luose-F. 1101mested. (6) 1 �11 I aststs of John Dorsey -F. Holmented 5 very much less revenue required. at any rate. . : a I t- I � ways which Mr. Edgar charged had beew citizen. They had the courage to nomin te, Z . . ,� , , Notice to Dobtora-Mrs. John Dorsey: M .1 � � i - sweated by Sir Adolphe Caron for eleotion� in & State full of old union soldiers, an ex. 'I � The Last Fin -John Wwd. (6) : I sip"iel Day 1Wss­-J&ok9on Bros . IT BOOM$ that Mr. Blake is not so badly funds. He therefore moved that until the, confederate sold ier for Congress. Thenom. � I . . Wl H li I �!1? I A., Era Weather root-wwo--]L 6) The Popular Policy. Tomiscouts Company ware relieved of the: ination speech was made by Mr. Close, at) .� - � ­ ��!- Wsated-Wm. Morries. (9) It in an encouraging *sign of the times to equipped for an election campaign in Ireland dium of this charge no further pu�lfc ex -union soldier, and was a noble and gon. 11 . � - B*W-Wm. Home. (6) some of his friends feared he was. Mr. 0 _ rebukc .... �:, I Farm for gale-Mimbeth Ferguson. (6) an the more independent. Conservative a a 6 money should be granted to them, This. � orous one. This Is a well-direoted . �, . James Somerville, of Lucknow, an Id was defeated by 45 to 92. Col. O'BrI I � Do You Need Now Shirts 7 -Jackson Bros. (6) On to thei jingoists and wavers of the bloody , � 11 journah advocating a breaking up of the W. Wide Awako-D. 14throp Some. (8) ; 1, political camptigner, and a former M. P. was the only Conservative who voted for it. shirt who have for so long disgusted dedent .!�. . Farm for Brie-Thomm Bums. (5) . National Policy to the extent of declaring for W at � Bruce, Is reported as a& Ing that In discussing this vote Sir Adolphe Caron and fair-minded people. ,1 Estray Colt"eorge Turnbull. (5) L., y � * M. i- - , i r I . or free trade with Great Britain, It im still on on: �6pcasion when Mr. Blake was con- aid that it was reported that' Mr. Edgar General Grant said that the Do ocratic " * � ...... I �� . more encouraging when we find them advo- testing South Bruce he undertook to hold a would not appear before the Royal Com- Party could always be depended upon tc � � -- I V 5SP .* ' in a Tory; stronghold. The only mission to investigate the charges against make a blunder just at the right time ((of -11 . )ht L, UTJOU ( figft osting this poliby as a lever to be used in me'st'a � � . _ . JOV .. 11 1i � IV- 4'W . avail . 0 ,%I , 4, able room was a saw mill, which was him and he charged Mr.. Edgar with shel- the Republicans). It really does look a 11 l V f procuring free trade with the United States. open atone ond. When Mr. Blake began tering, himself behind hi ivilege as a he was right. They nominated a man, on a I is pru � iI The following is a quotation from a recent his address his opponent's supporters got mern r of Parliament, and boldly declared platform that insured them A square stand - that he was ready to rneet any obarge. Mr. up fight, a cam-pAgn of principle, , on a 11 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY,- July 15, 1892. article in the Toronto News : noisy and undertook to break up the meet- . , --- We have already proved by the census Ing. Mr. Blake gathered a few friends Edgar said It was an unheard of thing for a question in which they clearly had t6 Rd- ' around him, and, throwing off his coat, pro. man like the Postmaster General, who had VaRtage, if they have it ,on any. What . i returns that even the greater part of the � I A , The British Elections. ceeded 11 to clean out the saw mill," a job shirked an investigation by the Committee more could they want? But here a;t ithe . manufacturing inter -eats of this country which Mr. Somerville says was quickly ac.. of the House and sheltered himself behind a very beginning of the campaign, a number 1 1 The elections In Great Britain are still in would be benefitted by -frae trade with . . � I I jL complished. ,Another attempt made to mob Royal Commission chosen by himself and his of prominent Democratic papers go 1 to L 1, - tr - I . progress. Mr. Gladstone has been elected Great Britain. In Ontario, the centre of � ­ I � industrial enterprise for the Dominion, out Mr. Blake at a meeting In the township of colleagues, to have the. brazenness to acc6ee booming the Force Bill as the leading issue " � � ., I - ., .1 . . in Midlothian, his old constituency, by a Courtright &is failed ignominiously. Mr. him of lack of courage. Mr. Edgar said of the coming election. They have not a . of thirty-four millions invented in machin- 0 ' , a and, if they I ��, I majority of over 700. Hon. Edward Blake ery and tools. in classified establishment#,- Blake was quite an athlete in his younger that the Postmaster General would find out fighting chance on this isou IV- I woo elected on Wednesday for South Long- over tWellty-three millions are employed in days. Jt will be seen from this that " mus- that he, Mr. Edgar, had not sheltered him- had any sense, they ought to know it. T.hey ., cle " on the paxt of a political candidate is self behind * his privileges, and, whatever are in the wrong from thb very beginning. 1 I ?. , industries tbat-would be benefitted by the I ford by over 2,000. The Liberal Party is change proposed. We have further shown as valuable a possession in Canada.as it is fault he had, it was not want of pluck, as The 11 force bill," as it in oaJlado is a bill to li, gradually gaining ground, and have made a Supposed to be In Ireland. the Postmaster General would very soon give the Federal authorities- the control of - � I �t � that In establishments-- -throughout the . find out. � . elections in order to i . noure a fair election ;;; � �, �: 7 not gain in the content thus far of 49. If whole Dominion, the prbaperity of which -- . .. W t-, I t is aimed at the South- 0-�� THE DmElORNING ated The Minister of Finance Informed the' and a fair count, I . - 7 1 1 House in reply to a question b Mr. Laur-' ern States &nd in intended to protect n6 ro 1�. LLL 11 we, can rely upon the des tches, it is now would be advasced by this policy, there was tC�MM4881013, 86ppOil g 11: . I TO, . y . Ill, an increase in am loyeas of '150 per cent. in at the recent session �f the Ontario Legimls. 0 1 i I �, generally conceded. ths(!P*r. Gladstone will ten years, whilej otected industries the . ier, that the question of the 'anal tolls and voters and insure the counting of their ti ' .. pr tare, is still at work and its finding is likely - discrimination against tho United States votes. It is partizan meapuie, for, of I �, I 1A I'll . have, a. 'majority when iho'contest is closed. Increasee was onl from thirty to thirty-thiae to settle the vexed question as to whether was still pending with the United States course it will b: the Republican party which � I'll . , � . -- �� I As it shown by the statement below he has per cent. Governinnut. I may as well say here that will gain by it, but that is worst that p V� . . - I . � i � I , The Toronto Telegram, another I the dehorning of cattle is a beneficial or a the 51 �� a few votes to pull up yet, but it is said he cruel and harmful practice. A few days the Canadian Government has offered -to die- can be said about it. As long .� t , 11 11 , I Is sure to carry most of the elections yet to ant Conservative paper, has recently be- ago the Commission visited the Dominion continue theL discrimination against he has the franchise h:e has as good a right to ' - I United States if the United States wid ve vote as the beat white man, sud'if he ha�s a ',I - a Experimental Farm at Ottawa and inspected 9� ! , z � be hold, and it is confidently expected that come a convert to vi wa similar to those ex. L ,�-t � a pledge to continue in the future the policy right to vote it in ouly fair , that his vote " e I j,� he will have a majority of from 10 to 25, pressed by the News, only it goes further fourteen head ofl�cattle- which have been do- they have pursued in the past of allowing should count. There can be nb two w I A , ' 11 ,111��111, . � - horned at various agas extending over a - ys - Including the Irish representatives., It will, and advo' . - Y � i, cates free trade, not only with Canadian vessels to pats through the $00 about this. All fair minded! citizens redog- I -�� s, I however, require a good, reliable majority Great-Brit4in, but with every other country period of five years. The animals appeared Canal free of toll on an equalit the nize the fact, and if the Deniocr�ts pin their v T: _y with I f. , , to be In no way Injured by the process, . i % , 4 T. I Prof. Robertson, in his evidence, stated he vessels of the United States, The answer faith to this they will be swamped, that is �F*F : " �c to enable him to carry his home rule scheme. that will give as free access to their Mar. - � X - was favorably impressed with the dehorning of the United States Government to this 4as all. Let them stick to tariff � reform and 9 , I The latest returns show the. election of kets. Straws such as theme show how the �; � n,ot yet been received, ' - rnake a straight, - square fight. Rea4ing � J0 -1 " 534 members of the new House of Com- breeze of public opinion is blowing. scheme.. In his opinion it was beneficial in The efforts of the Min4terial members 'to the Democratic papers Is at .times a little -., I c ", r . c, ,�, � more ways than one, and he thought farmers : I' � secure an increased indemnity of $500 a nauseating and makes one think, after all, --- - mono, divided as follows: Referring to the remarks of the News as should be allowed to use their discretion in . ji N Session has failed, by reason of the oppofif. there in only one respectable� p�rty in -this "I L7 'i, � � se .... ...... 233 quoted above, the St. Thomas Home Jour- such matters. The chief pain lasted for a , 1­,� Liberalt Unionists ................ 35 � � period of not less than six seconds, the tion of the Liberals, but the House has ad. country, but, hap for the ,,Party, it ie ,, 4 . nalmays: "Mr. Davis- speaking for the Lib- . time 92ny its orgaEl, V'� — 268 9 it took to out the horn, R. W. Elliott opted a revolution allowing- members to 'go somewhat better t - ,�',� - I t � . . Liberals ....... I ... I ............... 217 ill crals in the House, moved a resolution In herdsman at the farm, favored dehorniog. ' away for each Session, for twelve d 8, 100010010 _ I !� � i I Anti-Parnellites., . ....... ........ 42 , "favor of such an arrangement." This is MENNEN! . without having, as Is now the practice, a NOTES FROM THE QUEE* 11 )i . day deducted from their indemnity, � CITY. � � �i .: I I Parnellites .... .... .... .......... 7 not quite correct. Mr. Davis' resolution was THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT The Conservative Union of Ontario, at I - . - to - 11 , �t ! � ON � 24M bat a sort of half way measure and provided annual meeting here onFriday, elected Air. - Total members elected , . ,.-. . . . I ...... 534 (By Our Special Correspondent.) TojwxTo, July 11th, 18012. i - Z � To be elected ...... I only for & REDUCTION In the duties on Brit- Patterson, the Secretary of State, Presi- � , ... 11 I .... I I.... ...... V.. 136 . . OTTAWA, July 11th, 1892, There is some thought of getting no a ish goods. Mr. Davis' resolution was a into- I dent, Dr. Montague, M. P., and Mr. A. subscription for the "Island Boy," who. for , ;- I At last the Session is�over and the Gov- Marter, M. P. P., Vice- Presidents, and Mr. . I � I , -hearted make shift. It did not - three weeks gave rise to so much conjecture, ii - arable, half 1 , I Parliament Prorogued. :,. - arnment -are relieved of the unpleasant Robert Birmingham, Secretary, - . "I ' I I The youth has his bump of hu � acknowledge the principle of free � : mor remarks- T�l - - The Dominion Parliament was pr' - . necessity of being brought face to face with I bly developed, as witness the cool wayl in �1 trade. Why the Liberals In the Dominion � .'iiiiii on Saturday last. The Session was a length Parliament daily. Both Houses were pro- OUR AMERICAN POLITICAL wfiich, getting frightened at the threat to , y I I � Parliament should be so much afraid of the : ' t I I I but not a specially important one. It was I rogued on Stturda . � LETTER. I look him up for good in the insane asy um 1� 3 jlf - ' principles which they profess to hold when y I � [Witirrm FOR THx EXPOSITOR.) on Monday, he asked the sereants to lie - I, i 1� notable more for what was. left undone than Yh�e House was treated to a surprise last ' phone for Dr. Clarke, arry Piper ad Q - out of Parliament is, something we cannot . ' On the fourth of i uly the People's party �s- Z� , � what was done. The Session was consider ek, being nothing less astonishing than others, as he had important informatioal to J" � - we 1� ,; understand. There is not a man amongst 1� I. ably lengthened on account of the delay on _ - sambled in National Convention to nominalte give. The boy wished to see how these % " � the introduction of Tariff changes in the ex., candidates for the office of President and I I � "it them but will openly avow,when away from . gentlemen would take the confession atter ' - , ri �-A, the part of the Government in bringing piring days of the Session. The changes Vice -President of the United States, Th4ir all the tro ir ­ Parliament, that be is a free trader, and yet able they had been a to. When ��, I. �T, down many of their im rtant measures'and were not extensive, but the principle of in- choice for President was General Weaver 0 U I -, po ex -Alderman Piper first hearf t at the boy .; they all seem afraid to put their principles Iowa, who ran for President in 1880 on t a I � � ,� -- by over -much talk, Those who' propose troducifig important resolutions after one- Greenback ticket. There was conxidersl)ls he wanted to adopt and . a ucate was , # to a practical test. If the Liberals could O� .,t' i cutting down legislative expenses by do., half of the members had gone home was talk for some weeks previous about Domi0a. William Adams, son of a farmer,near.Hamil- '41 V oldly and I . 4 , % only be induced to come out b ton and the possessor of cheek Oric ugh to cling 'i 41 creating the number of County Councilors, strongly disapproved of by the Opposition. ting Judge W. Q. Gresham as the head:of i 49 11 � - should commence at the other and of the manfully for universal free trade with every It was such an unwise precedent that even the People's Party ticket. It may be te. to the cook -and. bullstory conoer 3ing Mar- . 11 � � I N ,_; " . country in the world that will t ' No us free membered that Judge Gresham was a tin," that worthy and generoqs 3arty could I , I �L 9 X p re are have been knocked down with a feather. . "I legislative machine, No doubt the the Government itself did not feel at libbrty inent candidate for the Republican 1 ­ trade, they would have a policy worthy of Zo n: . 41, 11 too many County Councilors for the work to to defend it. The changes made are as fol- ation in 188, Judge Gresham i a rem Only the day before, when pres g, T ror- ,.as ,ad by the in n the glorious traditions of the Liberal party, a is k ex -Alderman to tell him the real truth, the 1: t I aste in this direction is Iowa : A duty of 5 cents & dozen is placed .ably fine man, would do honor to his country I � �' I E., ' and one that would bring them th6usands of insular Adams asserted with ! N lars in 'his - , but a drop in. the bucket to what is actu 11 in the office' of Chief Magistrate, and 1t. � ' �f thrown away sit the other and. a y upporters who now stand aloof from them . . on eggs which were formerly free of duty. certainly woqld have been a fine thing I eyes, 10 You know,'Mr, Piper, whatever I _ 1, r could do to others I could never lie to you. �ul . The exist. z, a A change was rriide in the duty on molasses the People's 'Party if he had consented . �� , With such a policy they could sweep the Z , 1, once of the Senate causes a dead waste, for from I cent per gallon for every degree be- head their ticket. However, he refuse You hove been so - kind to Mo, " From his ,-,"f - . . , i which no rebam is made. Even in the country, as it would bring to their ranks rill low 40 to I cent per gallon. When it goes allow his name to be -used, whatever "�io laat statement Adams says ;he had been .4 i -� . I qs - � L ' . 6( 1 thinking of his s,3heme for a year, and being I bat the subsidized monopolists, boodlers t-- sentimento in regard to the Cal% it " I I I Commons there is no doubt but that the . down to 25 or 30 of a grade the duty " out of work he Z ; nd Government crumb -pickers. Why do platform may be. As soon an it was fmolu�d . � I "0- came to Toronto land walked . I R 4 and waded to the place wher& he was found. Z d 0 he . I business would be better done and in a half a I comes prohibitive,. and, an these low grades that Judge Gresham could not be indac� Then when the time was rip arrayed . 1�� , not. the Journaj and other independent . �4 less, time with one third of the members - h f ; - , - Liberal papers, who believe that this contai very little saccharine inatter, their� to Stand, General Weaver became the popu- himself in the historic stockin night-shirt , " -11 which we now have. What sense is there, . is the consumption is to be discouraged, and the lar candidate and was nornipated on. the and slippers,sunk his clothes the water, �- best policy, not only for the Liberal party klon, i. � t. for instance, in Huron being represented by . dealers in the better qualities protected. first ballot, The nominee for Vice -P , I . . . �� fl�ll .1 - but for the country, join in- and help to Two articles used in the making of leather, den.t was Gone,cal Field, of Vir r"" bound himself as tightly as he could, twist - 41 three good men when one would answer the I degras and oleofitearine, are put on the free I6 spite of their idiosyn�Tefiies, there 'is Ing the cords around his wria4 to get them If, � �.. I purpose just " well as three. Every other induce the leaders of the party to adopt it, list for the use of tanners. Crude lime juice something to be admired in, the People's tight and calmly lay down to ' &wait discov- ti T� !,11 county n the Dominion is equally over. instead of apologizing for their timidity an Is made free, and there are some other minor Party. They have been poorly represented ery. But it is the coloisal cheek of Master J. ; it is doing in the few lines we quote above,9 changes. An important part of the resolu. Adams and his perfect, education, in mendac- A � `.� burdened, We should have a reduction in in Congress ; they -have been made the toql, � : f �� � - tions, however, gives the Government power in some instances, of the disappointed offibe ity that catches everybody. , 14ark Twain- - ! F� ,,� our legislative expenses, and lopping off should work him into a book, . � � to. suspend the duties on sugar, tobacco, and seekers of the older parties;. they� he, a - I I 1, shQuId commence Wipe It Out. � ,� 4 .at the top of the legis- molasses 'When imported from any country made numberless � A GOOD INVESTXEI�ZT, * i, Ii I . , . mistakes ; they hate i r , which does mot grant to Canada the most - � , it la�tve tree. There is nothing that would Those who expected that the miserabl Other monopolies will . find � food for ; 1 , . e been judged by their loudest mouthed sup - A 1 7 A fa�vored nation treatment. The meaning of porter, Jerry Simpson, who, by -the way, !is thought in the fact that the street railway I ­ bring about such a saving more speedily than old.nonentities who compose the Dominion I , � -4 - g 'i . .. I this in plain English is, it gives the power a Canadian ; they have been jeered sod cleared $75,489 in June as against $70,000 I1 �' i di eat taxation. If, the people could- be Sena i �If, I to would summon up courage enough in May. And this is with the';old-fashioned '! ir I to the Government to enter into a reciprocity laughed at; they 9 , -, have never been takOn homely system of horse -cars. There in no , 1 , , � , , made feel what this over -representation is to do an independent. act in the arrangement with the British West Indies � seriouely, and yet, in spite of this, they I . , '. " i ­ costing. them, they would not long continue interests of the country must now be for the purpose of keeping out the sugar, demand admiration. There in about the�a telling what the receipts, will run up to i of purp6se, a supreme courag1s, � tobacco, or molasses of the Spanish West an carnestneof when the electric -care are substituted, which 11 W, sending three men to Parliament .to do the disappointed. They swallowed the R' 1� edis, will .at be Ibng now, seeing that King t 11 Indies. These latter have entered. into a an outspoken frankness that must c9mmand I�w ; work of one. - , . I � tribution Bill at one gulp. Mr. Boulton's - I street, west of Simcoe, is under way, I ­ reciprocity arrangement with the United respect. The older parties have to a great � ` '. �q . . — motion, to refer it to the Supreme Court in . States, and Canada is therefore discriminst- extent ignored the agricultural que ' I THE NATIONA4, DA�V. ,4 � 'r - stion and Dominion Day was celerbr0ed in grand , against in their markets. The object of the labour question because they were raid I .� The Globe and Free Trade. order that its constitutionality might ad af I- , ­ . be f I ' the -Government is to' discriminate against to risk their own existence by coming out style by Toronto people and a good answer ,�, � In reply to a statement of a contemporary tested, only received seven 'votes. Talk - I I . to many who think Canadians are growing . -them in our markets. The Opposition pro- boldly. The new party took the bull by the less fond of their country was the Ple f ., to the effect that 11 it -is a,�.solately necessary about the Senate conserving the intereo3ts of tested against giving the Government in horns. "They at least suggested a remedy. - 3. - .- in& 14 " " that the Dominion Government should .at the in inority ! It is as useless'for thin as for Council power to suspend and impose tariff Their schemes -may be impracticable, but leaf to be seen Pinned on every post. Those " I . I . who stayed at home and went to see and : t ppons . . , I I Ic 4� 66 once abolish the duty now charged on anything else, unless the minority ha � duties. Mr. Laurier pointed' out that it was they are a beginning. Then too, the new hear the public -school children 11 " . , one of the provisions of the McKin. party does not try to straddle the silver . 11 British imports into this country," the to be Tory. In that case it might do some- copying, witnessed the -" lay Tariff Act, and wa wholly foreign to question, The two old Parties tried to prettiest sight of the day, .Tier on tier, i , thing. All that it is good for in registering the practice of British constitutional govern- frame a silver plank that would please both and boys with Union 1"Jacks and !; Toronto Globe says: . 0 1,500 girls L I - I "The abolition of the duties on British the will of the Government that &�pointed Mont, under which Parliament alone has sides, the People's Party sprigs of maple, gang national ,airs until the .1 - . _ came out flat foot" The Mutual -street kink never . sa - f the I roe before had such a crowd within! its walls, I goods would be admirable per se, but where most of its members. It is a blot upon Our control of such matters. There was a great ad and id they were in favor a roof lifted, 1: ,f i �- � I should'we raise the nine millions odd of deal of confusion in passing these regolu- coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. i '! revenue that Would be loot? The News ligislative institutions ; it is a disgrace to tions, owing to the haste in which they had This may not be good, sound financial and the audience joined the stoim of ap- . . i ! used to may that we could not raise the eight , the country, and it speaks little for the in. been prepared by the Government. So much policy, but it is manly and straight forward plause from the school children at the � I . , I `h, I dependence or intelligence of the people that so th speeches of C, M. Skinner, M. P., of St. 11 !� millions derived from American goods with, . at Sir Richard Cartwright termed it a dealing. There is no straddle there. The j , ,q 5 Ohm, New Brunswick, our own � Col. Dan- �1 i,,, �;,, . out driving the people out of the country. it has been tolerated so 1011g, If the ex- disgraceful farce, because not a single Mem, course of -the People's Party in this state . . I I � ,I k� I � I - I ber of the House knew the effect of any of has, too, been admirable., At the beiinninR ison, and Alayor Flemming. Among others - I :1 , M � � 11 But suppose we did abolish the duties on pense- of this incubus bad to be borne by these changes, and not a single member had of the Campaign there were overtures made on the platform was Alexand' , - J. 'i British wares and thereby discriminate or 'Muir, the il; " I 1�� j4 against the United States, what would Con- :-direct tax it would not be allowed to live a copy of the Resolutions, so that none knew by the Democrats for a fusion by which both author of what is likely the, boat known . _ . , 14. a what was going 011, It iq certainly a queer to a song in Canada, Is The Maple Leaf." He � i3� gross do to the exports of forty millions a two years. It is neither ornamental nor parties should be benefit d ad the Repub-. ' I , . - � i I r, mostly farm aad other raw products, way of Makin laws,� The Government licanr certainly never heard the result 0 yea useful, but it is mighty expensi i knocked out. But the People's Party I I ve. 9 If his Pat- � ,,­ constantly refused to give any explanations, $$ riotic muse so charmingly rendered in I .j� Which we still send across the line despite kept "in the middle of the road. They � - � I the McKinley tariff? And how would our the Chairman did not underistand what he refused to have anything to do with fusion. chorus before. . . I I A HANDSOME PRESENT. 7 . I two big railroads fare over there ? TWO Cents a Mile. was reading, and yet the resolutions were They, would nominate no Democrats, They �,� The mo'tion of W. F. Maclean, the recent- carried and became law the same day, stuck to their owq party and n A pleasing event of the week was the , . . Our big brother is - evidently arguing ominated � . ", There was'quite a debate on the motion their .own ticket, The result was that at presentation to Inspector J. L. Hughes, .of I . against its honest convictions. As for "-our ly elected member for East York, and Hon ' by Mr. Maclean, of East York, establishing the Democratic State Convention held a the Public School Board, with a soUd oil. , - c t I . . " I � t two big. railroads " the Globe need have no Alexander Mackenzie's- successor in Parlis. a two cent a mile rate for passengers on all . ver ten set, valued at $600. This occurred I , i A , few days ago that party endorsed the whole 11 � --4 1 solicitude for them. They are abundantly Mont, which proposed to prohibit all rail- railways east of Port Arthur, but the House State and Electoral ticket of the People's at4he last meeting of the local executive of I I . , � � I way corporations in Canad,a from char rejected the resolution by 128 to 20. Among the National Educational Association, and �, 4 able to take care of themselves and the ­ .ging the.20 -were Denison, of Toronto Party in order to knock out the Republican was indicative of the citizens' appreciation *f i � -, k-, people. of Canada would be fools to continue a higher rate on their roads, East of Port , Landerkin, party and prevent them from getting the ten Mr. Hughes'labors in brin , last year's ; , '- I Arthur, than two cents per mile for passen- of South Grey, McNeil, of South Bruce, electoral votes of Kansas, which they would , ging f taxin .themselves lest 11 our two big rail- O'Brien, of Muskoka, and Sproule, of E,st ' convention to Toronto and entertainlif K 9 therwise certainly have got. This action . i I ger traffic, was vated down in the House last Grey. These were all the Ontario members a them. The teachers wil.l have a final bi - � roads" might suffer. The very fact that of the Kansas Democrats may have a very a - . � . I , week by an overwhelming majority. The who voted in favor of it, but the day vF1ll wide reaching influence though they them- noe of$200. 4 �h Canada s�nds to the United State ' 9 expq,rts I come when gome such legislation will be de- selves are neither a very powerful I . CHUBZH B"GRATION. 4 3 A �, to the value of forty millions a year despite rate nowcharged is three cents per mile, nor a ; , . manded by the people and granIed. by Par. pro ossessing body. In the first place it . Years:sgo when Kit,g Street was the con - I , . . the'McKinley bill, is. the best proof that'the contemporary referring to the 'vote says : liament. wilrprobably give Kansas a People's Party, ter of the residential part of the city an wall . � I If the member for East York expects to The Senate had a debate as to whether of as of the business portioA, d - a - Americans are as anxious to trade with us executive, In the second lace it may, I o`wntown , � �1 I P 11 - t , I I e- - - ; I , we have get the support of -marribers of Parliament they should go on with'the Criminal Code itself, be the means of making Grover Cleve- arches thrived, but the growth of the jut we are with them and that 1. I - to two cents per mile railway fares, he must Bill this Session or not the ,rround being land for the second ti President of the town northward has forced moot of them ti .- ' - - - nothin to fear from that quarter even were first make the Commoners independent of, taken that such an im or . with it. The old St. James Oathe P. f 9 P tant till affecting United States, or it my means ?f dral will I we to eive free admission to British goods. the railway companies by doing %way with intimately the relations of the people, one to starting a movement - that will shortly be the only sacred edifice left In � � the acceptance by them of free passes. Men the other, in regard to life and property, cause his busy King Street, as.the congr . egation 20f 1. I And still more would this bathe case if we election. Under the electoral. system, I New St. Andrews have decide� � . � , . who pay nothing themselves can neve'r be should be ca:refully considered. There was none of the candidates has : Inajority in th to join toe - U . rett. It will locate at the corner of Spaidife, 41 offered to the `nited States the same con- expected to a,ppreciate the position of people no time for such careful consideration this electoral college the electio in thrown Int - � � ditions that we offer to Britain, viz.: Free who do. . , Session, as the Bill was not irtroduced in Congress. Thus if none of the candidate Avenue and Wilcox Street. i . I � I � I ­ � access to our markets as soon as they give - There may be something in this. But, we -- the Senate until the House of Commons was this fall has a clear majority the Preaiden THE GRAND OLD VRTEJ�A,VS, - .. I I I A I , all ready for prorogation, and as the Bill will be eleeted by the House of Represent - As far as the YorkPioneers are co �j , ,I us free access to theirs, - Besides, if the fancy, the great reason many voted agal.net consisted of over a thousand clauses it was tives and the Arrangements for the Niagara celebration on ,� , � � - � Vice President by the Sena � I farmers and other producers of Canada got the motion was t�e late date in the Session an� 14tt - . .% � , er imp6asibility to carefully consider The House is Democratic and July 16th are all complete.. TheiArmy and ,� � would, f ` J� . free British goods they would be in just so in which it was 'brought forward. . There it in less than two or three weeks. Navy veterans are to attend to 4 man, and I , . The course, elect Mr. Cleveland. The Senate i �, Government,. however insisted upon putting Republican and would elect Mr. Whitel&V I ,� much better position to bear the exactions was not time to properly discuss or consider � will take their own band. - I Among the � 4 : enate is nothing if not Reid as Vice President. The two older pa�- q Lieutenant- - �. I of the McKinley bill and to compete with it.' We hope, however, that Mr. Maclean it through, and the S ' speakers who will take part ar � . obedient to the Government, They passed ties. are so nearly eqfial that -the loss of tell Governor Kirkpatrick, Sir Oliver Mowat, I � ! the Americans not only ia the American will persevere with his motion, �'He has the 500 clauses in two days, which shows*the Republican electors may have the effect do. Dr. Ferguson, Colonel George T. Denison ,- market but in the markets of the world. country With him. If he'brifigs' it up next rate at which they worked. They must be seribed and Should the Democrats in other and Dr. Oronhystekba. The' commemor- L 4 This is the Globe's own teaching. So far as Session even free passes will not save the given credit, however, for one good act, States take their cue from their Kansas ative medal now being struck will be ready I namely, the striking out of the clause legal- brethren by the end of the week, and is a n;ice bit of , the revenue is concerned the Globe has membera who vote against it. The change * * , this is almost certain to be the re. r many times �olved t IzIng the Quebec lottery. In the House of oult, that is if Mr. Cleveland does not def- work, . . hat difficulty. It favors is one -in the interests of the people, and the Commons Sir John Thompson had made it feat Republican expectation by coming out TILE INEW CENTRAL DgpoT. free trade with the United States. Accord- legislators who place the interests of the an offence to establish a lottery or to sell or iwith a clear majority of the electoral vote.. he City and the two railWays have at I P , ing to its own itatemont, by adopting that wealthy railway corporations before the in- buy a lottery -ticket under � a penalty of im- last come to an agreement in referlence to the � � . . Another thing that is making Republic. I . �, policy we would lose eight millions of terests of their . pr sonment for three' years and a fine of ans feel down in the mouth is the new Mich. Union Station, and work is to go on iniide � constituents will have a - I At the same time the Minister of igan law, recently confirmed by the Supr6m h. The present builUing is to be revenue. If, therefore, we could do without tough reckoning' $2,000. P of a Mont .1 - ' whpn election time comes. Justice introduced an amendment specially Court. By this law the electoral vote does utilized and the approach to be to the south 1� �. . . f the revenue collected from American im- Free passes will not save them. The only exempting the Quebec lottery from the op- not go as. a unit t I from Front street. Simeoe street in to be 7 . a the 'party in the major- - , - ports, it should not be difficult to, devise a � fear is that Mr. Maclean may be bought off e1ration of the criminal law, As Senator ity, it does in the other States, but " . as closed, except for foot passengers on .an * ;.1 ! I . goes I scheme whereby the revenue collected from or frightened out by . the big railway car- l?ower said, they might as well declare by districts, so that the 'minority is repre, , elevated walk. The plan adopted shoWa I spealing to be an offence in all the Provinces 8ented as well as the majority. This is) that the new structure will be" architectur.. 1� British imports, being only one million dol- porations. He would not be the first legis- e cept Quebec. Public opinion Will strong- without doubt the bett�r and fairer way, ally no mean addition to the city. - � I , lars more, could be made up. But, supposing lator who has ed - into the big rail- ;approve of the action of the Senate in but Michigan is a Republican State, and by � , i . I ' ' I I - )N ) ..I P g, i � ,; f 11 I I , ull, I I i I T .1 - I-' , 4 1 A " I I 4 , - I I � - we had free trade with both Great Britain way net, and, from a va le making no exemption of this church lottery this law the -Democrats gain 'Several electorq -On Dominion Day in Stratford two lit - I - . liant. champion of in Quebec. Although Sir John Thompson they would not otherwise have had, henco tle boys, named Beckler and C oughlinjound !i 1. 4nd the United States, as we believe ve'ry the people, became a subsbrvient toal of the appeared to be willing to make gamblers by the -Republican kick. The fun of the thing two one -dollar bills. They showed them to 1. - I soon would be the case, as the latter would corporations. Mr. Dalton McCarthy is a Act of Parliament, the common sense of the is that the law was passed while - . a numbeT Hadley Cook, the livery man,and asked him .o ,I - ; s, . . � I I � . I I I ­fk f � I I . � . I � . . � � � I -099,Mk I : ­ � .� .1 � �111 - - , , 1892. W if they were good. Howas doubtful about - sides there is a formidable list of killed and . , it, but gave the boys five cents each for the wounded, The Pinkerton men bad ultimate. - - bills on chance.'; An information was laid ly to surren lly, I at Cc k f ning innoney under again 0 t , btal * 0.1. HOW STANLEY WAS DEFEATED. -The Lou. - falls pretences aid paid the money Into' don, England, Chronicle, claims the aredit ABDUCTMD.—The little daughter of J. H. court, The nia . strate directed that the - of having beaten Henry M. Stanley. It - - , pany during the mouth 'Of June, covering � �� bill# remain with the Chief of Police until waged a persistent warfare against the ex. supposed to have been carried by a band August lot, after which they are to be re- plorer, and printed extracts from his books I- I ,Q a Q * A .1 I Ono : ; �i *ys in case they are not to show how inhuman and merciless he had - claimed by the o�uer, . been in the slaughter of the Africans. Stan. I � . 0 ley is about to- take a holidty in Wales, He - I Dr. Douglas the Orangemen. is worn out and disgusted. His wife and � 1 Pnd DRAn ExposqoR. - The Egniondville mother-in-law are also worn out, and they are all going to Wales for a holiday. patriot,who in this the hour of his country's � BRITISH ELECTION NOTES. — V'snity Fair . need would, I suppose, like the hero of says the Queen in much vexed at the defeat Chevy Chase, fight and lose his legs and - of the Marquis of Lorne, who stood as a [- fight upon the stumps, looms up a i i 9"a 'a i Liberal -Unionist in central division in Brad- - � TnE ExposiTOR two weeks ago, but b elm�z ford, where he was defeated by G. Sha-wI � 14 -- �! busy in the bay field and fully recogni in z a - Lefebre, the Liberal candidate. Her Ms. I � . I the unimportance of his letter, and the great demands on your valuable space , I . jesty, the paper say#, was greatly opposed . 7 * � `* was in no harry to reply. The dear man, . to his standing for election, and wish. ad him to take his seat in the House of 7 . � ; : I I I in the outset, has vanity enough to imagine Lords, to which he is entitled. Lefebre had -1 �,'i that he has vanquished me in argument, In . . 4,710 votes, and Lord Lorne 4,425, The 14 - deference to seniority I will lot that Pam" Liberal majority in 1860 was 459. The I � , He says for twenty five years the Orange society has supported the Conservative Government's disgraceful attempt to dis. - party. I wi ' 11 set him right here by saying franchise workmen has suedeeded. From nearly every constituency come reports of . � lr� that for a much longer period of time the failure of to reach the polls. It - Conservative members of the society have -workmen cannot beAoubted that the defeat of Jones . s � " � � supported their party sod the Reform main- I the Liberal candidate at Peckbatri, was pri. t i � bers have had the fullest and freest oppor-- tunity:of acting as they saw fit. Does this marily due to this cause. The Ldef eat of J. � �: 1 look like machine work I ask? J. O'Kelly, in the� north division of R.as- I I J The Equal Rights movement in Ontario common, surprised the Parnelliteo, whose candidate represented the division in Par- . I , and the Nationalist movement in Quebea L liament since 1880. � had their day, They were both short-lived - 1 and entirely uncalled for. The Orangemen I in general took no stock in the former. The Huron Notes. �11 . promoter#, all around, were con lotions by 76ke. - -Clegg & Dames shipped 4 cars of cattle . reason of their inconsistency. John and pigs from Brussels on Monday of last L -Charlton, M. P., for 6XI&MLple. While the , week. . last Provincial Elections were in progress, . -Over $3,000 worth of butter was ship- I hens a prominent, man in � the movement, ped to -Montreal from Brussels on �Nfonday . went up to Bruce and worked against -the of last week. Equal Rights candidate. As there was, I -Mr. John'Clegg,of Fordwich,has retired . believe, as many Reformers as Conserv&- from business, and has sold his stock to tives in the affair, our Egmondville friend 'Mr. - John Donaghy. , will probably be prepared to ssy that it was -Mr. John Shobbrook, of Hullett, has a combined machine, Take the Orange re- sold his farm on the Ilth concession of -that presentative in the Dominion cabinet, Me-, townihip to Mr. Caldwell. . Kenzie Bowell, a pure minded, honest man; -There were recorded with Mr. CAmZI- courteous, honorable and independent- bell clerk of Hullett, for the six montfis Where does be bear any resemblance to the � ending June 30th, 40 births, 18 marriages . machine politician, I enquire? Take the and 22 deaths. � members of the society in Parliament, M -c- -Before Rev. W. Torrance left Gorrie, I Carthy, McNeil, O'Brien, Taylor and many for Goderich, he was presented with an easy others ; are there more independent men- on chair by the young men of Orange Hill op- I - either side of the house? When have those ' pointment. � men ever showed up as being of the machine ' -Mr.S.A.Sesman, of Gorrie,has been op stamp ? pointed agent for the Canadian Pacific R"- , Now I come to that part of our friend's way at Fordwich, and, has entered upon his lettet which has called forth this reply. He dales. . quotas the words of Rev. Dr. Douglas. -The vital statistics for Clinton recorded This man Douglas, I understand, resides in with the Division Registrar, W. Costs, for L � ' the Province of Quebec. I am not aware the half year ending June ,30th, is as fol- � I that he was asked to attend the Conforenca' lows : Births, 33 ; marrages, 12 ; deaths, 15. L of the Methodist church, but am quite sure -The receipts of the Festival at Con- he was not requested to deliver the fiery tralir. on July Ist amounted to $2550, while . - harangue he gave utterance to. The poor at the concert in the evening $50 were ,- old man, who is atone blind, tells what. he ' taken. Both were thorough successes. I � sees, etc. According to the -Egmondvile -The evenin train@ north and L� writer's version, 1, in common with Orange south on the foridon, Ifiori,013ag and Bruce Methodists, who are legion, have read the Railway, cross at Exeter instead of Cen- oration with amusement not.,unmixed with tralia, as ban been the case for some time,. feelings of mild contempt, at the same time -Bowman Brothers, of Morris, sold ten pitying him on account of h ' is physical con- head of 3-year�old steers last week, to D, � dition. So our friend, after great research, Stewart, of Wingham. They averaged found another who cannot read for himself,of! 1,300 pounds.and were a flue lot. 41 cents the same mind, bat in refutation and rebut- was the price received, �- .1 tal of the testimony of this pair therre will be -A man from Seaforth was fined $5 and heard,before this goes to prers, the voices of costs, $5,90, by Mayoi Butler, of Goderieh, two or three hundred Methodist clergymen Tin' on Saturday last for poaching on M,C. Cam - ringing out from a hundred platforms this eron's trout stream, Colborne.' He will not Dominion,worde of appreciation and encour- try trout fishing again in Sharpe's Creek, agement to continue on as the advocates of . -Mr. T, Ktiachtel, of Brussels, has been civil and religious liberty,to be on the defens,­ engaged -, to teach in School Section No. 6, ive rather than the offensive, and to sav no Morris, one and one quarter miles west of - unkind words to those who may differ from Sunshine, after the holidays. He has a them in mattero of religion. second-clasm certificate, . - I find my critic, in his comparisons, has -Shortly after six o'clock on Monday gone out of his way to again say unkind morning of last week, the valve between the things of the, late Premier.. I would ask the two boilers in the Union Furniture :fac- him to take just five.minut - es to think over, tory, Wingbam, burst. The firemau nar- quietly' what manner of man it is who will row.ly escaped being badly scalded, but no continually persist in casting reflections on further harm was done, N, and speaking ill of the dead. Yes, all loyal, -Mrs. Thuell, of Blytb, has a gobbler , respectable men, Grit or Tory, are welcome - that has hatched out eleven chickens this I to connect with the society in q4aestion, but year, am�d is performing the maternal duties I 1, there is no r6orn -for the rebel. He may of seeing that they are properly fed, pro- - term himself a Continental Unionist or An- tected and educated. His highness eats at � nexationist, but the former term is the prop-- I the second table if the rations appear short or one to. apply to those sneaking blather- , for his family. � skites who are striving to dismember the 'LMrs. John Ransom, 6th concession of J�ritish Empire, and Jeeiroy British connec- Grey, was quite severely injured on Tues - tion and influence on this Continent, - day of last week by an attack from a ram - , Yours Respectfully, on the roadaide,'w"hich knocked her down -,4 I � . . and bruised her leg. Mrs. Ransom made I her escape through a gate that was fortun� - � News of the Week. ately near by. � I DEATH OF CyRus W. FIELD.—Mr. Cyrus -On Tuesday night of last week Luke Speiran, 14th concession of Grey, had one I W. Field, the well-known projector of the ..sho,ep killed and five badly worried by dogs, . 4 Atlantic cable, died in New York city on . Tuesday morning. He was in his 73rd year, Sheep belonging to J. Hislop, A. McKiy and J. Dougherty in the same locality have i - �, HOG CHOLERA.—A bad form of hog loo been worried. I cholem has broken out on the farm of the -A four-year-old horse being hsadW by Hudson River State hospital at Pough- Mr. D. Gemmill, V. S., of Wingham, has keepsie. . . succeeded in breaking the same wheel ,of a . I SMUGGLER SEIZED.—A 13ritish steamer cart three times within a month, the last has - been seized at San Diego, California, break occurring on Tuesday evening while charged with Pmuggling Chinese and opium be!ng driven out of J. Wilson's lane. I . I I from Vancouver into.the United States. _on Monday, 4th inst., while two or . � MARRIED 8,000 RUNAWAYS.—Peni Mae- three children of Mr. W. "Anderson, and � : : I ! mie Beasley, at Aberdeen, Ohio, who has others were playing in the vicinity of the A � I married over 4,000 runaway couples there, mill race at Cransford,Ashfield, unfortunate- is dying. . . . ly Maggie, the eldest cl)ildof Mr.Anderson, I � I V`OLCA---qic ERUPTfONS, —Mount Atna on fall into the race and was drowned. She was Saturday last was unusually active and im- a fine, good looking 'and promising girl, age � mense quantities of lava and ashes were seven years and four months. � 'Concession ejected from the crater. I —P. Robertson, 9., Grey, re - CHRISTIAN ENDEAvoRER.9.—The reat I= cently made a .sale of beef cattle that will Christian Endeavor Convention at he hard to beat. The purchasers were Scott I York, with its 30,000 delegates, closed on & Jones, and the price paid was 5 cents. A I - Sunday. Next Convention will be held in steer 2 years and 4 months old weighed Cleveland in 1894, 1 1 1,470 pounds ; two tWo-year-old heifer's av- - BicyaLB CHAMPIONsHip.—The fifty mile eraged 1,250 nd a 3 'year-old heifer scaled safety bicycle championship race of the Na- 1,560. Mr. ;oberteon received about $300 . tional Cyolista Union, in London, England, for the sale. the other day, was won by Zimmerman, --�Robert Armstrong, of Morris, is back of New York, in 2 hours, 37 minutes, and frouh a short visit to Manitoba and- Dakota. 32 3-5 seconds. SWINDLING BAINKEF-Ii. — The Scotland Ile aye crops are* growing well, but will haveta hsxd run to be ready for harvesting Yard, -London, authorities have succeeded before the frost comes in many places. in breaking up a gang of swindlers who have Plenty of last year's grain is yet unthresh- . been carrying on a fraudulent business as ad and the prices away down in �Ianitoba, allegedbankers, Their victi me 'were princi- 'for it when put on the market. . pally on the Continen�t. The receipts —There is likely to be some litigation of the gang in two years have. amounted to shortly over the trotting horse, 11 Sleepy- . $,500,000. . J'oe," which Thomas Berry, of Hensafl, re - FAILURE OF COTTON B-a0y,ERS. —Isaac cently sold to a Montreal buyer, The horse Cook & Sons, prominent c-3tton brokers of was delivered at the point agreed upon and I' Liverpool, have suspended payment, A ' the money paid over to an acting agent for Syndicate has been formed to take over ". M r. Berry, who refused to pass it on, bat . , their whole interest of 110,000 bales of act- .Z for some reason the animal was not taken, - - � : I ton st the struck price. This cotton will be I % - the buyer, possibly ruoing his bargain. This � � unloaded at the rate of 25,000 bales daily is a case in dispute between two old dealers. until their interest in liquidated, I ' -One hundred and four applications were � ABDUCTMD.—The little daughter of J. H. taken by the Howick Fire Insurance Cam- Guthrie, of Brown county, Indiana, mysteri- - , pany during the mouth 'Of June, covering � �� ously disappeared Tuesday evening. She is -oft 1. prQperty to the amount of $151,100. No � supposed to have been carried by a band policy will be expired in the Company from 1i - of gypsies. Parties are pursuin ithe I- I ,Q a Q * A .1 I Ono : ; �i . 5 97ales. - UTLFRY ExPoRTs.-The exports of cut- lery to America in the past three months from Sheffield, England, amounted in value to 933,090, against f21,000 for the same period last year, but the volume of - trade in still less than it was prior to the McKinley law. EMPEROR WILLrAm's GRATITUDE. -Em- peror Wiiliam. of Germany has forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, in Stras- burg, a present of 5,000 marks, in reco4ni- . tion of the assistance given by that organiza- � tion to German immigrants from Paris. ONE OF CARNTEGIE'S GIFTS. - Andrew; Carnegie, the American ironinaster, has re- ceived the freedom of the oity of Aberdeen, 'f in recognition of his gift of L1,000 to the Aberdeen Library. - c . � . � IRON WoRms RiOT.-The labor struggle � in the Carnegie Iron Works in Homestead, � Pennsylvania, culminated in a fearful riot. A large body of Pinkerton's men were intro- duced upon the scen� nominally to keep Drder% but apparently with the real object of intimidating the strikers. The result wss a pitched battle in which revolvers and Win- 2hester rifles were freely ueed, and on both I . -- � ­, 9 � V& 0 , ow ng 160 Me term of insurance being reduced, by the Ontario Government, from 5 to .3 years in 1887, and extended again to 4 years in 1889. -Mrs. Cameron, wife of Mr. R, A Cam- eron, merchant, of the brm of Cameron, Murdoch & Co., of Lucknow, second daughter of Mr. William Murdoch, of Ash- field, died at the family residence in Luck - now on Tuesday morning, 5th in'st. De- ceased who was in her 32.nd year, being ill only a few days, the result of confinement, Mrs. Cameron was a devout Christian and a member of the Presbyterian church, and will be greatly missed by that body, -The South Huron Ministerial Associa- tion met in the Thames Road Manse on 'Aonday, 4th inst. The attendance was small,,there being only five members pres- ent. Rev. A. L. Russell reaa a " Medita. tion on Eternity," which showed careful thought and good composition, It was an attempt to enable the hunian mind to.gras the infinitude of Duration. Members for - lowed with their criticisms. The other pa- per not being on hand, the Association ad- journed from speculating on " Duration " to try some of the reaRties of I I Time" in the , .