The Huron Expositor, 1892-04-08, Page 1, 17V. -- . - � I -- I � a i-1 I , I I — — I — � I . .- � I - - . . ,.. ��17�1-4=— = � ��,71- - . �- i` I I � . . - I ­. 11 -- � I I I � - - I � . . - I � I - I F-17- . . . ­­ - . 1# I � , I � � - - I I � . - .- � -- - . I - .. - - . I —) � ­ . � - 11 I . . . - - � t . . .. M . I ; ! - I . - I . . I I I . i W � . i — . . I I I . I . i � -.1 .1 . ; . I i I . I - % . i I i � � . I I v, : E, - - . . . I - I . - - - I � - - ­'��', - I I - . Z I J W(r---,1-,- 0 0, I "* * Wei 19 , 4*� Its, - - TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. - 1, - I . . , - . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. I WHOLE NUMBER, 1,269. ­­­ I . ------- . - - - . not going to answer that question directly, � �New SPECIAL -a just at once. Kansas is surrounded on all I . sides by States where ,liquor is freely.sold, . V - - and in one of which (Missouri) it is very ex - . I Attention has been given to our tensively manufactured. In all of these I i I . . States, and in Kansas too, there are many I � I Hosiery and Underwear stocks this men who have as little respect for I& w as � � . notified him to leave her in quiet possession. * - any criminal in the lower claases of society � --ide, -, season, and we are able to Show you in our largest cities. Is it posiible, under .� cut cleanthrough his left shoulder blade I these eircuriistances, for prohibition to be .-Guld I the finest assortment in this section. - perfectly enforced in Kansas? Yet in the � see- . . two months and a hm-If in which I have been , . X OO& . � �' . - in this city I have seen but one person wb om I �busi- , I , Our 25c line of Hosiery contain's I I knew to be drunk. - People have told me . ,. a n st, I that there are " joints " in the city, but I - - some wonderf ul values in, wool) cotton have never seen one, and I have never been C, for - .. asked or solicited in any . way whatever to � pre- and merino. We are safe in saying drink liquor. I know too, from the way.1 � new . hear it spoken of, that if a man moving in I . �Ven�t you can't buy the same goods else- respectable society were found in a " Joint.9" poijiti6"n I know nothing ? but requiring a dozen stitches to bring it to- it would create �Llmost, if upt quite as much Qvincy - �- 11� where at the price we ask. Black scandal as if he'were discovered in a broth- - ether, aqd several pieceb of the splintered tone el, To show what the sentiment of the o � Oashmere Rose in every grade aud - people is, after ten years of prohibition, I r � les, ' will simply say that a few weeks mV, toe 7 wright prices,. 40c to 75c. Natural � Methodist Conference in session at n8as � Anna i C7 city, Kansas, passed a resolution, stating I 1�1 Wool in all qualities. that it was their belief that the Governor ill th(-: . and Attorney -General of the State had not � can�t I Would In Underwear, we show a full range been doing their utmost to enforce prohibi- tion. The day after this appeared in the I ; � � glar- of Cotton Merino, Natural Wool' I � papers tbegentlemen referred to published denials, supported extensively by facts and �Pring � ?-,� r anct I Balbri-,an, &c., in sizes 32 to 46 I I , - figures. The matter created quite a stir, and the trepidation plainly exhibited by the � I I . . 7 I , .- . We can fit the smallest to the largest. two officialsi in interviews had with them by newspaper reporters was rather amusing. � . � I . If you desire something nice in Spring C, 17o sum it all up, you cap get liquor if you . Are bound to have it, -but the tempta- I and Summer Underwear, you must ' tion to drink has been remored from the. path of the young men of Kansas, and the ring - � have some of ours, as we show the treatinj system and the saloon, which aretbe backbone of the business, have been . e are � aother 0 only complete range. . complet0y destroyed. . 0 and whiffletrees are in their places and in - . " come -The firm of Hickson, Duncan & Com- , . I 0 . I � some- . In Neghgee Shirts we carry a grand Z.3 , . An Independent View. - mared ; I . DXAR EXPOSITOR,—Your Leadbury scribe I . -e . m a -k assortment I 'from 50c to $4. See our evidently inherits his blarney from,his Erin . I . goods, toys fobacconists' and druggists' ! ancestry ; his politics, however, coni6 -from I . - special line at $.I , it beats the world. a far less creditable source, clearly not the � I tay � HURON EXPOSITORor Montreal Witness,but .T I I ., I from some monopoly vitalized and oubai- Ili- - We also make Shirts to order, and I dized Organ, such as the Toronto Empire. try his chances at making a fortune near ��, Observing that your careful teachings have � � I "I guarantee them equal to the best made . 6 I entirely failed to dislodge the partisan - -here lin- a 11 Ct . Samples s,nd self -measurement blanks scales from his eyes, anything I might say would be abortive to produce s%tibfactory . ,, the - results, mud turn our friend ,.from- the error �. 'Ll have . *led upoi-i application. Mai I of his ways. However, if he will study the 1. * -About t1wenty Bernardo boys jue't ar- operations of that beautifully designed wa- L .Inery, : - il It chine, the Dominion Franchise Act, from �,neixce- hest at rived from the home for waife and strays in . revising barrister to the printing bureau, manipalated by such experts as Premier . �'w 'he . I the L , Abbott and Sir John Thompson ; carefully I N, our- The Leading Furnishers, Seaforth. examine the periodical distribution of gr�nts to canals, har�ors and railwayp, for' �meiita I . � example, the Goderich and Wingham -hat to: - branch, and last, but not least, I would sng- V ill be, A PROHIBITION TOWN. gest th&t he, it good Conservative.- tell us I I 0 them going ,up on the London, Huron & . what becomes of all the fat fried from pro - ,ing,, so friends, [Written for the FixFoarroR.] I tected manufactures, and the boodle ob- Wined from privileged contractors. These, .1 � spring. Frobablythe majority of your readers know , nothing moreL a -bout Topeks. than they le&rn- � I I am sure, will be found more potent fac- � - ed from their geography books when at tors, in' carrying bye-ele-tions, than the . feigned attempts of an A6bott or a Thomp- - � -Ham � Iton is going to have electric strect ' school,. viz.: that it is the capital of the State of Kansas ; yet Topeka is one of. the son to purify the administration. 1: would i -I, U I y beat towns, in a good many ways, I was I also suggest that he inform himself as to the past history of Mr. Laurier, and he will not � � 11 . ever ia., and just the kind of a place that would please such good and sensible people be likely to use his name in connection with " would surprise the most sanguine. -D. B. a& read- TH-s ExposiTaR. the " race and revenge cry, and that he made heir home in Canada. He married a grandITAUghter of General Benedict Arnold,- ,the w hich he emigrated j ust fif ty years ago next read %ILI Mr. Blake's letter, and appropriate n bu3i- L Topeka is situated on the Kaw, or Kan- L that portion which applies to the party at 1, is vis-- sas River, a tributary of the muddy Mis- I whose shrine he worships. An to who . af thit souri, broad, muddy and full of shifting should succeed the present cabinet, surely � a very � sandbanks. The city in divided by the . ,it would not be difficult to ,find material �0.-Dr. 7. river into two parLs, Topeka proper and more acceptable to all honest, patriotic - o -f- last North Topeka, of which the former is by Canadians, even among Conservatives, than �iarmid, far the most important in every way,though � . a Thompson whose unfortunate antecedents I I N orth Topeka has a considerable population should estrange a large portion of, our .1 . and many good bnainess places, Th -e popu- people from him, and whose present princi- � lation of the who',e city is about forty-five ples have twice this sesaion placed him in a tl i� War- thousand. It,is here that the Atchison, very equivocal position ; a Foster, who for � Aliller, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway has its head- the sake of place and power, and perhaps I Charles, quarters and its work shops and general of - ,,in a moment of weakness" turned his - Sh them , . Aces add largely to the population and back on big former cherished principles and . . "Quarria- business. of the place. They have a WAY deserted one of the noblest causes ever �ship to here of asking every stranger if he ha 0 3 espoused by man ; a Chaplean, who has I In ill for comet, work for the Santa Fe. Topeka 19 0 never been known to manifest one high . Pe to, see also a great grain centre, and is said to man- moral purpose, or a Haggart, who has for- , Flltingal%- ufacture more flour than any other city in gotten that the age of. chivalry is not ex- mrd's on the Union, except Minneapolis. The street3 tindt and that female clerks are not outlaws. � y a gooil &re nearly &JIL wide and straight, and the If "teadbury " will head this list with � . parties principal ones are paved with asphalt 0 r Premier Abbott, who helpsd the late Sir � 11 � erchantg brick. From East to West they are named John through the Pacific scandal business, I dt coau after the Presidents of the United States, tack on to it the names of Caron and Dowd- �,&fe�-A and from North toSouthare numbered. new, he will then have the representative hana at - Kansas avenne, the principal street of the members of what he is pleased to consider - �� atber it city, runs nearly north and south, and for a purified administration. In penning . -'rhe J.00- aver two miles is solidly built up with two, these or any forder strictures on the party �Ij. I& , t I rgA three, four and five storey brick and stone in power at Ottawa, I have not Asuated at � . h ill business houses. To the west of this lies I Grit parity, but only ask, that men of �,C;retw-, . street after street of comfortable homes, in cleaner records be entrusted with the des - ,we will many very pretty, with broad roadways, tinies of our country. Thanking you for your - moat cases boulevarded and lined with trees. valuable space and fearing to treepasi 11--a esti- �- lip. The In summer time this portion of the city further, I will now bid my Leadbury critic the bounty uses it for a po,jr house as well, must indeed be beautiful. The State House a kind good-bye. 1--vitation, . is situated in a park covering four . blocks. . Yours truly, � y 9 7; was The: building itself is of stone, very massive- EGNO.NDVILLN SCRIBB1.9R. Tlawning his ly built in the shape of a Greck crome, from '-L �n: set dutf the centre of which rises an immense dome. I The Spring Work. -&9 L L the ne%-t At each entrance is a flight of aome steps leading up to & portice with immense flated LWRITTUN .FORTuz ExpoarroR.] - � he has L stone pillars, having sculptured capitals. Ordinarily, the operations of -the agricul- L -cats to, Only two wings are At present ,in use, the turists differ materially from those of the -Lahea Of othertwo not being completed. North of mechanic or tradesman, The latter, under - it shoula. . the State House, in the same enclosure, is the usual circumstances, enter the shop at L L - ,,%f orriat the City Library, a handsome stone build- seven in the morning and leave it at six in (cl every ing, entirely free to the public, Topeka also the evening. This routine goes on the year � '. 11� has three colleges, one of which, Bethany round, cold or warm, wet or dry, w inter or is through. � Ladies' College, haa beautiful grounds, f ul,ly summer, the same ordeal gone . I I , as largb as those of the State House. There -Not so with the farmers' work. In one sea- - : ap hali I are also several fine, large churches and son things may be slack, while in another - . �Pfthat many. fine public school@. A measure is work will heap itself upon him to such an do . I d. more shortly ta be voted on by the people'for a extent that he scarcely known what to the � le- Mrs. I - - . City High School, which will do credit to - I be first. There is probably no season of that a rush in work is so beneficial as -in I Or thO . Archi- I . the place. Any part of the city can reached in a short time by the electric rapid year . the spring. Could we sow all our grain the � �1 , to- etV tranEit. line, and many take advantage of first day the ground is ready 'our barns be much fuller when the harvest is I general - . . to keep this to live iu[.one or other of the pretty suburbs of the city. When I first came to would stored in the autumn. In Bulletin LXXI, I of. the, Topeka I was fresh from the West, where ,issued from the, Ontario Experiment Sta- T tions for � I I saloonal are auch a prominent fea6ure of the landscape, and before that I had �been dwell- tion, we have the following observation in the conclusions arrived at : 11 That while met at . ing down town on the East Side of. New the average yield of all the varieties sown bushels acre that , ."o,"(1 of . I -- York CJity, where they are,if anything, more abundant, and c ertainly more gaudy and -May let was 42.0 per ; from the same varieties -sown 17 days later . 11 at of L L - noticeable, than they are even in the mining gave a yield of only 27,5 bushels per acre, assist- -11masters : . towna of the far west. As I strolled about the streets it seemed to me tL�at and the greatest difference relatively was, found iti th-e case of spring wheat." In view ' appoint, 7 � I diviS' principal something Wa!3 Wanting. I couldn't see a of this observation then, it behoves us, as 11 lZ I: ; S. single saloon, not one, There were three or the slang phrase has it " to get a move oil$" . divit- four magm-ificent hotels,. but even these had and at no other time in the entire year will ey� .� Ediwart, no bar-rooms,L Then it dawned upon rne it bb productive of so much good as during It I divisios � prohibition was in force in Kansas. It that - the 2eason of spring work. , - Vvnl� didn't seem to be a Scott Act sort of prohi - In any contest or undertaking t he man 1:� �,C�ibaldt bition., either. I had not been long in the beat prepared is- the man moat likely to suc- I * 61 ; city before I was impressed with the air of ceed. While the sun is busily engaged in . . i on lCeefet solidity and business conservatism, There removing from the fields their winter cover - �, � lision 93- seemed to be no pronounced epirft of fever- ing and converting the snow -drifts ,into run- s dkeepers - iah restlessness so manifest -in Western I ning streams we, too can take up the work . ns and no symptoms of perennial boom. tow ' and make ready for the season that is fast . been Lumunica- -%C,fn L $a,y.#' J t I a t I was also struck with the sturdy, healthyp appearance of all the children I met., and upon us. If the horses have hurrying r and living in idleness during the winte " � I n1i ra the have likewise amused people several times feeding on cat straw, it would be well to in- �n I a calW4 . by remarking spontaneously that I never a%w a place so chuck full of pretty girls. crease the ration somewhat and find odd chores for them to do. The muscular, as I I to have � � NowJ don't in -tend to claim that all these well as the digestive system, will thus be resolu- tify tile thing.,s are the resulta of prohibition, I preparing for the more severe labor which - I f the - - simply present things as they appeared to they are soon to be called upon to perform. . G I � I erMlt a, .1 me, and Would appear to any stranger com _ Look well to the household requirements, for the women must have their supplies. It I - - a- to, re . , , ing to, the place. Next, I Suppose You will want to know if don't help a m%n',s good nature, or enable ill We4-- � - - � , the prohibitory Isi is really enforced. I am him to get early to the field, to be called . 11 0,01 �' . of Stratford,of the Tweatv-eighth Battalion, . � ..of , - fear is felt in Montreal of danger frow spring I i � a will � I I - . I I I ­ � - is one of the veterans of 1866 who. has a re . - . . . . i I -Vk-7 4 I- . . . SEAFORT I i I I . I I . FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1$92. � � � - - . McLEAN BROS., Publishers. I - ,iN Q� . I � . $1.50-a Year in Advance. I � . I I � I . I . I i I . -- - upontocutwood for half anhouror more stand, i� is not long since he was a resident and beforethe saw could be stopped, it had I . notified him to leave her in quiet possession. * - ber of witnesses were examined on *behalf of I f bef4-e going to work, in the morning. A of that place, that there have been more cut cleanthrough his left shoulder blade I He refused, and abused her until she had the claimant, and the case was adjourned - i 1i few baga of flou - r may be easily laid in. just fortunei I lost in the grain business in that down to �.he'q ribs. A physician wa I La sum_ t. leave, and she brought this action to re- till Friday. I now, but it may takehalf a day of valuable city than perhaps in any other business on moned and the injured man taken to the I cover possesgion; The verdict was for the -The old Kaufman house, Sebastopol,was ; I time if put off until it is called for when you the continent. In regard to the cattle king hospital, where he now lies doing as well as defendant without costs, the chief justice destroyed by fire on Friday night. The &d. are in the midst of your spring work. 1he doing-m�ssionary work, in order to get a can be. expicted, The wound is a bad one, holding that the plaintiff having been mar- joining barns were also destroyed. The f cultivator tooth that was broken last go&- Government poijiti6"n I know nothing ? but requiring a dozen stitches to bring it to- ried betweed 1859 and 1872, and havin ' re- 9 origin of the Ere is unknown. The buildings . N. � il son just as the work was'being finished,- had I believe it is well understood there have ether, aqd several pieceb of the splintered tone ceived the lands during coverture from the were insured for $1,500.,which will not cover - the lose. , better be attended to, It don't do to dis- been some who did not make th had algo to be removed, husband, could not eject the husband. - cover that the implement is out of order as business a success, to make just some slight -The young son of George Malott, of -The St. Thomas Turf Club has decided -Mr, Jacob Jousie, of Poole, ban pur- 1) it is taken from its winter quarters the efforts to get there, With regard to the Merses, who had one of his checks torn off to hold a three days' meeting and to offer chased the old homestead -lot 3. concession - morning operations are to commence. Be discrimination in freights it is something by a vicioushorse a few weeks ago, is very 82,5W in prize@, - , 2, Wellesley -for the sum of $5,500. The last time it hands it brought $1,000 II sure that the need grain is alleleaned, bagged every person should like to see rem6died, low, and it is thought he cannot recover. -John Renwick, one of the best known changed I .11 and ready ; that cultivators and seeders Are . - but it is a well kno M fact that that state f w- both the line. An attempt was made to engraft now skin flesh, but blood engineers on the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railway, in De. more than t he figure now paid by Mr. . Jousie. i oiled and ready to hitch to; that clevises of affairs exists on sides of on the poisoning has set in. died at Harper's Hospital, t and whiffletrees are in their places and in But Sir, I am glad to see he has got a -The firm of Hickson, Duncan & Com- , . I troit, a few days ago, Mr. Renwick had -Mr. George Barber, the popular horse- 9. - good repair. These are little -matters, yet remedy tor all our troubles, reciprocity or pany, of Tor bnto, wholesale dealers in fancy been In the employ of the Grand Trunk for aboer of Listowel, has sold out his black- I !I it is just such matters that distinguish be. free trade, r -o he won't have that. Annex- . goods, toys fobacconists' and druggists' ! 36 years, and for 21 years -was a resident of smithing business to Mr. A. Furg, of Monk- ton, intends to rem to Manitoba to �, U , ii - tween the man who gets to the field at seven ation pu�e arkh simple. Now Sir, in it not sundries, et having lately dissolved part- c�, i Fort Gratiot. He was born in Brantford, and .ove . o'clock every morn ng and the one who gets I a pity he had to go a o far around to get nershi h * ense stock is now being � 1p, t. Olt imm and was 55 years and 11 inonthA old at the try his chances at making a fortune near ��, there all the way from this hour until half. there? I suppose, however, it was in order offered at grOatly reduced prices to clear it time of his death. He leaves i widow, five Virden. �1 y , past eight ; small matters, yet matters . to let himself down easy. When he given and effect a ipeedy liquidation. . daughters and one son. ;He was a Mason -On Thursday, 24th ult., Mr. James � Roger, Fullarton, -way his long �, � d which mean minutes, yea half-hours, and the reasons for the faith that is in him you , I -About t1wenty Bernardo boys jue't ar- and a member of the Royal Arcanum and I - of passed a to il It balf-houre soon Tnako days, and days lost at . may heat from me again. rived from the home for waife and strays in . Brotherhood of Local Engineers. home. Mr. Roger had been ailing for some -.i , i. this season mean bushels whic h might other- � THOMAS E. HAYS. England, wtre in London on Friday, and -There died in the town of Sandwich on time, and his death was not altogether " wise have been, but which now never can MOKIUO�, March 290, 1892. � left for their respective stations, most of March 22nd, John McEwen, ex -sheriff of unexpected. He was one of the early set- -1 be harvested. I I 0 them going ,up on the London, Huron & . Essem county. He was born in the State of tlers ana a staunch Liberal. 'North I While many look well to these little I Canada. , Br uce railway. They were attired in the New York in the month of September, -Mr. John Quinlivan, of East- things, a univers , �l attention by every' - � -Ham � Iton is going to have electric strect regulation bl�ue suit with grey cap, -T4e Baptist church at Alvinston wag 1812, of Scotch parents who had emigrated to America in 1805. The family removed hope, who has been laid. up with a sore leg . for months, is About fully recovered and is I farmer in the county would increase Huron's annual yield of bushels by an amount which cars. I Toro�tp is to have an illuminated clock damaged �b fire, on Friday afternoon, to y to Ga aDoque in 1821, and from that time thinking of making a voyage -to his native heath, the Green Isle of Sea, from I would surprise the most sanguine. -D. B. - .. � over its custom house. - the extent Oi about $500, It is supposed to have been �caused by a spark from the made heir home in Canada. He married a grandITAUghter of General Benedict Arnold,- ,the w hich he emigrated j ust fif ty years ago next � I The County Poor House. -A new $20,000 school will be built in T i smoke St ' k Of 45he stave factory. The loss 'T ' whom1e survived about eight years, He May. JD . -It the weabern part of Kingston. . is covere b� insurance in the Mercantile had b�en sheriff of the county about thirty -The boys of Newton gave themselves a I DEAR EXL'OSITOP.,-In a recent issue of -Nearly one thousand immigrants arr'v- Company. ! years. I little blow out the other day, and the result .1 THig EXPOSITOR there was a recommendation ed at Winnipeg on Friday, April let. -A big pine tree recently cut in Peter. . -A train of new cars, which excel any of was that about twenty cords of wood was X - from the Grand Jury for a House of Refuge -A, C. Mieener, stock dealer,, will build bore county,, not far from Lakefield, was their ind ever made in Montreal, has just cut by five saws in about four hours at Mr. A for the poor, and after auditing the county I a l3Ox95 feet -hog pen at Princeton, near . five feet in diameter across the stump and been t rned out of the Grand Trunk shops Alexander Murray's. After the feat the ,!4 " 1 accounts and enquiring into particulars Paris was - 180 fee't in lengtb, It was cut into in tha city. � The cars are five in number, evening was passed in enjoyment of all � 9 bave come to the same conclusion as the -�im Pax, the well-known Woodstock ' twelve saw logs, and each log sawed into ' three first class, one second and one smoker, kinds. I Grand Jury, namely, that a poor house vocal apecialist,has removed with his famil Y - quarters. : They were ma e or the suburban service to -Among the wills recently entered in the 0 would be cheaper for the ratepayers than to London. I -Father I Doyle, an American Paulist Lachi� ie. On the outside they are band- rogate court, Stratford for probate were sur � I if the present way of dealing with the poor. Jail built for for in- -David Mounteney, charged with mur , der Belleville,ia bail to the amount� Father, preaphed a remarkable sermon in ii sofnel. r painted "n Tuscan red and gold, The thefollowing, the figures representing the . the Dock- 4 was criminals and not at out on St. Patrick'4 church, Montreal, on Wednes- interior of the first class cats is ,finished in value of personal property -John offabsive poor people, whose only crime is of $2,000," day evening [of last week, against the evils tnahoi any, and of the second class in ing, Mitchell, $4,418 ; David S. Campbell, . poverty. The Government appoints the -Crossley and Hunter have begun a. of intemperR!nce and the responsibility of grounded oak and cherry. A novel feature Provincial Land Surveyor, Mitchell, $5,300; - Ili -1 jailer, turnkey, matron and surgeon, and series of evangelistic services in Brandon, those in authority who refused to enforce re- in the'oeats, one half of which run length- Thomas Driver, $2 21-6. and ; - . " pays them $1,420 a year if there are none Manitoba�. . strictive legislation. wise with the train. The heating is done Alexander McDonald, Hibbert, $1,370. , I but criminals confined in the jail. But if -A petition was presented to the� Senate -The Ontario Horse Breeders' Associa- from the engine, and each car is supplied -Mr. Johu Roger, Civil Engineer and the bounty uses it for a po,jr house as well, on Tuesd�y, from 1,200 women of British tion waited on the Government on Thursday. with automatic quick action brakes. Provincial Land Surveyor, late of St. Paul, 11 I', the Covernment only pays its share of all Columbia praying for enfranchisement. of last w6ek 'nd asked that all horses im- -Rev. Dr. Torrance, Public School In. Minnesota, will succeed to the position the expenses in proportion the number of -Tfiom�s Willib,mson, the Markha In ported be sub"ject to a duty of $30 per head, spector, and .5ecretary of the Board of Edu, lately held by the late Mr. Campbell, of , inmates. . For iustance,-Al-riDg the last forger, ham been sentenced to seven years Q�t and all horses valued at over $100 each be cation,�Guelph, ban resigned bmh Positions. ' Mitchell, Civil Engineer and Provincial quarter there were criminals in jaii 65 days, ' Kingaton� Penitentiary. aubject to a duty of 30 per cent. per For 37'years steadily he has been inspector, I Land Surveyor for the several townships ad - vagrants and drunkards over 900 days, and -Dr. Platt, ex -M. P. for Prince Edward valorem. , and for over 35 years secretary, and during joining that town. Mr. Rogelt is an honor T 1. the Government paid $61 and the county county, is recoving from an illness which has . -A lumber trust has been formed at that time has done a great deal for the ad- graduate of Toronto School of Science. over $800. For wood and water duriDg the covered a period of four weeks. Winnipeg, h ch will advance the price of w i vancement of education in -Guelph. The -A. fl. Smith. who has been in charge of I year the Government pays $90 and the - in Nearly 5,000 immigrants arrived . lumber consi!derably. Two dollars on the reason of his resignation is that he is getting the office of the North American Mill Build - - I count ."over $300. In 1891 the Government � Y' 00 Winnipeg during March, against 1,8 in lower grades have been added this year, in up in Years and that the tax is becoming too ings Company in Stratford for eight years, I If paAd for jail expenses $392.37 and the -county March last year. I addition to ,S2 on the higher grades last great On his strength. It in probable that was presented with a gold -beaded --&no by i, . Paid $3,867 01 ; in 1890 the GovernmeDt -The Montreal Board of Trade recom, I year. The �Combine Association includes Wrn. �ytler, B. A., head master of the Col- ' the employes before leaving for Chicago, A, paid $283.73 and the county $2,150.12. mends that the export duty on' saw logs L all the lUmbpr dealers. legiato Institute, will be appointed in bis where he will join his son, who has a good - , I During the ye&Lr 1891 the county paid the from Canada to the United States be reim- .-The 1parn belonging to Beverly Robin- place.! Mr. Tytler's health has not been of position on the staff of- a railway centering . sum of $1,411.04 for keeping in different ... posed. . son, of Si4dalsville, on the town line the very beat for some time past, and he . I in that city. . I I - � L parts of the - county persons who were not -Richard Potter has purchased t.h e I . between London and Lobo townships, was feels that he cannot mueh longer do full jus - -While Mr. John Nicholson, of the 14th L I bad enough to send to. asylums, but were Belleville street railway, and intends to in- destroyed by fire one night last'week. Five tice to' his position as head master. He also concession of Logan, was cleaniug big horses -fit subjects for a House of Refuge, and in troduce the electric system and extend the horses, ineluffing two valuable stallions, has done great service ;n connection with on Monday night, last week, the lamp ex - 1890 the county paid the sum of $815.31 for line, � . - were burned to death. Insurance on build- the Oucational work of his city. ploded And not fire -to the barn, which Boon - the same purpose. In these two years the -Two young girls, d ughters of Charles ing, um. - !so Clara Loughie was a passenger on was levelled to the ground. One fine young ! county has paid over the sum of $8,000 ; of B. Hawley, of Chando: townsbip, Peter- -There are seventeen weekly newspapers the Grand Traink train which arrived at the horse, a seed drill, oats, hay, together with .1 course some of tbis was paid for the insane, born county, wbo were bitten last fall by in. Simone county, Thosb which have been Uniorr station, Toronto, last SundiLy morn- other articles were also destroyed. There I but the greater portion was for keeping in- a dog, are likely to die of hydrophobia. buried are the* Beeton Tribune, Beeton ing atill.45. She had taken a berth in the was some insurance an the building. . digents and drunkards. It does appear -The! water is very'low in the St. Law � Chronicle, qardwell Courier (Tottenham), Pul lm an car, and in the morning, while in the -Quarter master -Sergeant R. J. French, - strange that'our present Government will rence and Lake Ontario this season, and no * Cookstown Advocate, Coldwater Investi- ladies' saloon performing her ablutions, two of Stratford,of the Tweatv-eighth Battalion, I't license houses to make drunkards and take fear is felt in Montreal of danger frow spring gator, Coldv fater Tribune,Washago Pioneer, valuable diamond rings, which she ,had is one of the veterans of 1866 who. has a re . - two-thirds of the license fees, mud then - floods. . Elmvale Adyooste. Two dailies have also thoug�tlegaly left in a parse - in her berth, markable record of lo? service. He has � W V i� make the county pay for the board, etc. . -The: Ayr Recorder has discontinued succumbed. , , , were stolen. She at once reported her lose w been a member of the enty-eighth since R I Ndw, your readers will notice that the publicatiog, want of is the cause. -Mr. Andrew Moscrip, near Galt, lost a to thel, conductor, who took steps to regain � its organization, twenty-six years ago, and - county paid nearly twice as much jail ex- , isupport The plant has bee sold and removed to-. valuable Ayrshire cow Imt week. An ex- the rq�issing property. Suspicion fell upon I belonged to the Stratford Rifles for the three . - I penses, and nearly twice as much for county London. . amination after death disclosed the cause, Allan ' J. Hogalie, a colored man who had years previous. wards in 1891 as in 1890, while the differ- -Dick Roach, the well-known wrestler, . -fined In the Stomach was found a piece of the been 'eting as a porter on the Grand Trunk, , -A few days ago, as Mr. John Roger was I 11 ence in the amounts paid by the Govern- was $25 by the Hamilton police magis- I I I at Ol ,e wire of �a skirts about four inches long, 71 b r. o was off duty at the time and on big driving a colt home from the Fullarton post i ment is very small, Now, if the county had n trate onWeduesday for intimidating on- a nd this appeared to have set up an indam- way 6 Chicago. Constable E. Pasino, from office, the animal became frightened and - t a Poor House with about fifty acres of land, union moulders, mation whiofi had extended to both lungs CAou�g, who happened to be on the train 9 commenced to run and kick, and in his en- V the Government would grant' them $4,000 -The Presbyterians of Florence, Both- � . . and heart, ' searchl,led Hogans. For some time nothing deavors to get wway upset Mr. Roger,break- - �- towards the expense. On this land could be well and Sutherlaud's Corners have ex- � -Thonl�as . Dawson, of Bostwick line, . '� wa.6 f�und - upon the man, but just an the . Ing one shaft 3ud otherwise injuring the , �� kept at least ten cows, -and the inmates tended �. a call to Rev. Mr. -Coulthard, of W estmindtef,, died on the 31st ult., in his officerl was on the point of giving up the rig, The horse ran about a quarter of a ' - r! , could look after them. The amount raised Picton. , 80th year, Mr. Dawson was long a resident searcli the two rings were found concealed mile, when being entsogled in the -harness it . , 1 from these cows would be nearly enough to -Twenty-three thousan& dollars have of the township, having lived on the farm in his �sleeve. He was then placed under came to a atop. Mr. Roger was beverely - - ,g 7� pay the overseer's salary. The, law could be been paid to the widows and orphans of on which e died since his -marriage, 52 - arrest� and taken off the train at Toronto, hurt from a kick. 1 11 Y so amended that a couple of cells could be deceased' inembers of the CaDadiaw Order of rs Age. b�out a year Ago hi ated yeai 6 q -A sudden death occurred at Brunner, - had in the Poor House go -that the insane ' Foreatem during February and Match, : I partner wa ealled away, and: since t at ,:A I Perth Items. a few nights ago. William Kerr retired L� � could be kept there until removed to the -News has been received of the death, time the health of deceased has been failing� -The Mitchell Blue Ribbon Association that ni bt in his usual health, and &rose g, - I asylum instead of sending them to jair, then by typhoid fever, at Shanghai,' China, Hamburg,who, He leaven on ; e son and four daughters. I'll ha a membership of 947. about 2 10 clock in the morning to care for The � ,j� Y, the county's share of jail expenses would be of Miss Annie Smitb;'of New -Mrs. Mklish, wife of the rector of Cale- I 1Z - ood finds a ready sale in Listowel at a � nick child. child was removed very small. I am satisfied that not one had been engaged in mission work.. I I donis and ,York, died 1 last week. Sns&u $4,50 ,P'er cord. . . from one bed to another, and Mr. Kerr I I person in fifty has any, idea of what the in us. They say the -The steamer Idyl Wyld arrived at Sarnia from Detr it on March 31st, making the 0 Caroline Stanton Mellish was born at St. I uite a number of Fullarton farmers - 9 a gain retired. Hardly had he lain down than be was taken ill and fell - to the floor, . qr i vagrants jail cost George, in Brant county, on August 18th ! . are engaged in maple syrup making. Z� jail and jailer are there, but then there is a h earliest opening of navigation thr ough t e 84 . She Was the second daughter of the I I � -9r. Riebtird Sarvis an old time resident and by the time he was lifted to his bed ` f cost to the county of 84 per week for keep- rivers in years. . late Samuel Stanton, of St. George, and of Mi�chell, paid that zol;n a vioirt last week. again he was dead. Heart disease was the 4 ing them there, and that is first-class - hotel -The creamery butter, sent from the factory British Col Susan Frances Stinson, daughter of the late . � - D. H. Duperow, of Stratford, has cause of death. � November last the Reliance Electric � "i B board for tramps. If any person will take West Oxford cheese to - Dr Stinson, and a granddaughter of the ' Ir. . inven, Od a new and useful farm gate, which -In the number of days in jail aBd the cost for umbia realized 24 cents per pound clear of all Is te Col. Stanton, of Amberetburg. . a, i I the f & merf, will appreciate. Cc f Waterford, contracted with Y9 # �.11 maintaining the vagrants during those days, expenses. i I r I 'd idrowning accident is reported -A a$ -Whleat dropped to 80 centi per. bushel the ity Council of Stratford, to light that . - I I he will find that I am correct. -The travelling dairy of Ontario D" . from the vicinity of Curran, Prescott county.. on the Stratford market, a few days - ago. A city with 70 electrio lights, at 20 cents a . , . JOHN C. MORRISON. partment of Agriculture, which did such i A young farmer, named Henry WoodlDg'p � year Ago the price Was $1. light per night, the lights to be 2,000 can- - I good work last year, will visit the Bay of was driving home from Plantagenet, an,4 -Njr. Jam. es Trow, of Stratford, ban re- dle power. In the latter part of December Two or Six Rowed Barley. Quinte District this suaimer. . ' started to dross the stream near Benson'o cover�d from his late illness, and is able to thd Reliance Company sold its contract ;J DEAR EY.1`06TOR.—In Mr, Pringle's last. -The Provincial Provident Institution " Ferry, but t� e ice gave way and the whole be abi)ut again. to the Stratford Gas Company, and an , , ik letter he says his reason for entering into about to erect a fine brick office building in St. Thomas, with accommodation on the . outfit br oke1hrough, Weeding being drag- I r. Hincks, of Stratford, who has —1�ev. M electrical expert has since declared the right furnished is not up to the standard agreed I I � � the barley queatiob wag for fear you would be led away from the straight path. Now, . I ground floor for the St. Thomas 'Business. . . ged down. with the horses and sleigh and drowned. i been ,traveling in Great Britain and France, . I is expe w cted to be home- again mud occupy upon. The sale of the coRtract to the gas has been by the - i� �-11 Sir, you ought to be thankful to have some College. ! the Frontense Assizes, held —An examination took place at Brantford . . his oWn pu 1pit on April 10th. - company never recognized council, and the Reliance Company dis- . I . one of Mr. Pringle's ability to look after and see are not betrayed over to —At . recently, the hull -lees oats case was dis- :the other day in a breach of promise suit. The plaintiff is a good-looking young Brant- —The head sawyer, who got cut so badly with �he circular saw at Mr. John Longe- claims responsibility. In the meantime the 9 you you the Tory -Camp. He says in your comments missed,thejudge holding that the defend. ante, or alleged 11 sharps," had maintained ford tqw�shjp girl and the defendant a son Way's' sawmill', Bornholm, died a few days city is getting its light free, the council hav- ingr refused to pay for the light on the L you gave your readers to expect higher - for the two rowed barley than they their case, ' I . ,of Mr. Hanmer, the well-known sheep breeder. Damages are placed at $2,0001 ' 1%fterwards. He leave" a wife and family. —ih,mas Fitzgerald and John Aikens ground that it is not equal to what the il prices I hadeverreached for the aix.—How Mr. —Mr. Robert Ovens, who �ad been a real- and defendant is about to. marry another have completed the purchaso of OW land on agreement calls for. The trouble, it is ex- Pringle could make that out of what was dont of Galt sipce 1844, died last week. He More0attle, Roxborough'- girl. The � case will com� -up at the next concession 1, Hibbert,which they bad leased pected, will terininate in a law suit, —Rev, Dr. Campbell, of Listowel, has - said it is' -hard to understand, as there was said that would bear him out in was a native of abire, ScotlAnd, and had reached ,his 78th 4 a8sizefs. —Ope day last week,Mr. Robert Boyd, of - from the Canada Company. The price paid was about $2,000. been called by Erskine Church songregation, ; I Za nothing his statement, But I think I was not far he : I year, I —Mr. Waldie, 88 years of age, qne of the Matchedash, Simcoe county, was shopping in the bush, when a tree fell across a hollow —Stenographer Stevenson, formeply of Stratford, who has been studying low at Ottawa. The Synod of Hamilton and Lon- don meets in Stratford on April 19tb, when - . from the mark when I amid seemed anxious to et into politics -and his last 9 oldest residents of G&nanoque, having lived , log, which oved to be the winter abode Bozet�pan, Montana, for some time past, . ha this call will be considered. Mr. Campbell J letter is quite proof enough of that. The there since 1837, died the other da; . Three Y of a bear aS its two cubs. The old b I . : is examinations successfully, and i: went to Listowel some eight or nine years five cents extra I charged for seed to some weeks ago 1 deceased's wife died, aged 90 I started off, at a brisk run, and though now styled ind � . ge. Ago as the successor to Rev. J, W. Bell, M. 9 farmers would seem to him to be an outrage. years. I � —Passengers to Manitoba last Priday, by watched for did not return, Mr. Boyd took the cabs bo�ne, where they now are, &a pl &k- —1 North t is rumored that Mr. Duncan Ray, of Easthope, has been engaged by the A., and under his administration the mem- bership of the church has largely increased, � 11. ; I wish to let him know it was very reason- able, as any farmer or person who under- the Northern Pacific Railway, had to be I I transferred 'by boat near Grafton, North ful as a paii, of kittens. I been chief officeris of the Patrons of Industry to so much so that in the early years of his pan- torate the capacity of the old church became stands the business will admit, He has not to Leith in Scotland this time but Dakota, over a large la,ke of water which ' e —Evaogolistic services have Suc- _ efully conducted in the Episcopal church " deliv ation, �, r a series of lectures on the organiz- in various parts of Ontario. inadequute to the needs of the growing con- building � gone he has brought to our notice one who ban had formed on the track. Fears of a flood are entertained. - I at Grautonduring the past fortnight b y' the I '— notice has been posted in the Grand gregation,,wben the scheme for the of -anew church was inaugurated, which re- � left this world of cares and troubles many —Mr. John Owen, a well-known vessel enerfOtic pastor, Rev. F. R. Ghent, assist- . ed 9vangelist Sam Grigg and the Truut ford Railway locomotive shops in Strat- that, hereafter the men will work only sulted in the building of the be&utif,al A . years ago.. I may say my father was not the only Reformer who went ovpr to the man, died of old age at Detroit the other y resident clergyman. The church has . fiveday-saweek, the shops being closed edifice that adorns the corner where the old I V , Conservative side. It issaid there are two day. He was born near Toronto in 18", and went to Datroit when a 'boy., He be- been crowded every evening, and at the 100 down entirely on Saturday. 4 . church stood. —Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Thompson, who - J -1 ld specimens of flesh and blood that never change, I hope Mr. Pringle does not belong . . came --frominert in political and business cir- I close of the special services over per- sons signified that they had been spirituall �y —The -first mi8icale of the Stratford Har ony C irele wag held on Tuesday, last for many years resided in Mitchell, but two � London, it t to either. He wishes to s�ow what we, * oleo, and amaseed much wealth. * _ Hiss Etta Twaits, daughter of: Mr. Wm. blessed. Mr. M. week, at the residence of 'Mrs. Robert years ago removed to celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, C� � would get at present if we could get free into the Am erican markets, does he wish it Twaits, Galt, has received the appointment - -The other day a little son of Fennesy, of Brantford, got hold of a bottle Smita.- A large number of guests were presont and a most delightful entertainment Olt their residence in that city, on Wednes� 1*1 I understood that if there was no McKinley of permanen't head nurse in the surgi*cal ward of BuffAlo Elovital, Miss Twaits has of spirits of ammonia, of which he swallowed wga:kiven. � day, March 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson surviving claildren—Robert, of 11 11,� bill we would be getting 30 cents more a but recently: graduated from thiCl hospital, - a portion of the contents. The parents' .at- tention was called to the child by its cries, —Mr. H. Ingrad., a railway brakesman belonging to Stratford, had his left leg Woodstock ;'Walter, of Mitchell; Charles, I bu�hel. If so, then McKinley was wrong in his opinion of his own bill, as he went to taking a very high standing. . i —A few'days ago a 200 horsepo�ver I Whee- and w physician was immediately summoned. I crushed under a wheel at Mitchell on Satnr- I of Tilsonburg ; Henry, ofLoudon, -and for- inerly of Seaforth ; Mrs. SanderB, of Ta- . a , . show it would assist the American farmer. -price lock engine was shipped from the'l Goldie & He:administered the proper antidote mud re- lieved, the little sufferer After a time. The day morning while couplill9tears. He was I to the hospital at ratford, where coma,' Washington Territory; slid Miss ­­ If it did not raise the then in what way did he expect it to have that effect. If McCulloch Co. workp., Galt, dez,tio'ed for the . log youngster iii doing well, but is sufferi removed the inju red log was amputated, Agnes Thompson, of Stratlord� Twenty- living, Like . I it is the Canadian farmer who has the 30 Consumer C rdage Company, of Dartmouth, o Nova Scotia. The fly wheel weighs nine from an inflamed mouth and throat. —The Quarterly Board of the Main Street two grand -children are also most of his fellow countrymen, mr. Thomp- cents duty to pay bow does it come that the American Paltiters are working so hard to tons, and is 17 feet in diameter. I i : —The following is from the Anecdotal Life of Sir John Macdonald, issued a short , Methodist Ch -arch, Mitchellp have invite& � Rev.. I. B. Wallwin, of Bluevale, to become I ; be has tak son is a staunch Libera, on the Toronto Globe since the earliest days, when I � , have the duty removed. I did not think —Twenty per cent. of the veterans of 1837 time a,go ; One day as the members of the , the pastor for the -next Conference year. tas that journal was known as theB&nner. I I I they were so careful of the interests of the snd 1838 who were alive when the move- Cabinet were chatting J together, after the He accepted, subject to the approval of I Many congratulations and hearty wishes for . Canadian farmer - I ment urging Government recognition of business of the councillwas ovei, Sir John the kationing committee. � returns of the day were showered upon the Now Sir, the price he quotes two rowed their services was started hteen months ago, bave s�nce passed outloi9f reach of this was seen to look intently and seriously at I Mr, Carling. At last he asked, " Carling, , —4lexander Anderson, charged with em- ; i bezzlidg money from his employers, the vener ated couple by their Posterity and by /.- barley at is not what a good -sample is - worth, and if we are not able to produce a world's favors, ' I wonder if the Almighty ever created a � Macdonald Manufacturing Comp,any, of friends. . . 0 - � g I ood ,sample such as is required for the —A Boiesevain despatch says : The body James C. Pardie, an HDglisbman, lost n'as honest as you ilook ?" This is the ma � same Mr. Carling who lis now mitting in Par- � Stratford, -was brought before the police i magistrate last Thursday. He pleaded —Richard Wai8tell, of the village of . A N � , q English market we cannot expect. the beat I think it has - been clearly shown of near here during the recent blizzard, was liatnent in the seat belonging to Mr. � guilty to the charge and was remanded for of last week Clandeboye, was on Monday , Eilbe r Snell and . I - � :t ! , i , price. by the reports from almost every part found last night. ,Deceased had waudered about in the storm, and finally lay Hyman. —Dundad Banner. —Sanford vs. Sanford at the Guelph I sentence. � ! —,John Clifton, one of tha s u b -contractors brought before Justices . Lewis, at Crediton, i 1pon the serious charge -1 11�1� 1� I 11 where tried,that with good .cultivati6n that can be done. When I claim the shipping aimlessly down in the open prairie. , Assizes was an action by a married woman ' of the Great Western Railway at its con- � Wift No. 1, who was of having two wives. is Susan Cook before her marriage to Wa tell, � I I I of cattle as being a great benefit, l,thiDk —Mr. John Graham, of Galt, met with a I against her husband, to recover a farm lot in ' in I - struction, died at Calder's hot,el in Strat ' ford on Saturday, He wag 78 years of which, she gays, took place in Toronto., , i -1 the farmers .of this country will bear me , , very severe- accident a few days ago when Minto township. The wife claimed that 1849, lays the information and is prosecut- ]; � 6 . out in that statement, alt . hough at times working at tiespeler's sawmill. The driv- I 866 the husband made a deed of the farm i age. - ., to her, because, owing to the abuse she had ' � The arbitration case of Walkom vs, the ing. Wife No. 2, who was Mrs-. Cobleigh be- 11 . � I � , shippers may have lost. Does Mr.' Priogle wish to tell your readers there hits not been ing belt of the large circular saw had slip - pe�A"off the pulley, and while assisting the , I city of. Stratford, was opened before his received from him, they separated. He left ­ : Hopor Judge Woods on Monday, last week. fore her marriage to W siatell, which, it is alleged, took place in Exeter in 1889, lives I I i �. li : great failures in the grain business in the workmen in replaning the belt the teeth for Howick, taking away consider able of to a farm he had th, ere, bnt i The claiment asks $400 damages, because with defendant at Clandeboye. On account �, -i '!, city of Chicago where he boasts of being* able to buy and ship one million bushels of the moving saw caught Graham's clothes, thr9wing him over on the floor with his back the fjurniture umin* control of � the corporation raised the side walk in front Immediatgly returned, ass I � d, A of the absence of material witnesses the case, adjoumed. I � J qi I any day ? Is he not aware, an I under- - . . . - . . I � . I I I I - - I I � against the saw, While in thin position, the farm! in Minto, She objected, and - of his shop num- - I I I � � . � I ; i I � . � ! . . . . - . 1 I . I � . I ; . I - 11 I - " . � - I -� - I — - � I . . f - 11 was . . � - . . ; . I 13 � - . I t ,� � . � k = .z �� � I