The Huron Expositor, 1892-02-12, Page 4� �
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, � . � I - . - �_ - . le 1. � 7 - I . I ; I - _. - � . I .1 . . � � orning he contracted quite aturn out of al, cutter ,one day this
IS - country wasAgqst Durr ly bled W4 ugh either Conservativos or Reformers. ,.So that lost his grip, for.he was �galu defeated by a Government will be at the back of the recovery ; bot tl�fore in ast Medical week. -Miss Lilite risfi4r is visiting in and
I . � Minister of State. The rldiDg, although s. ,a heavy cold which defied the b, f1k.-Mn Harry uTe-
. Ir the Public Works Department. The Globe there in 6ot, or ought o4 to be, elaything much larger majorlti than before. e d'.' H r. . around Auburn .this We.
. � , . 'Close one, his on two becasions been,Wrestled skill and his speedy demise follow
I I r, . I I I fat, Ontario, sop is a happy-lookIN inin these days, the
z paronthesis atter ewe,, I also publishes fac-simile, orderr., receipts and in the Star's argurinent. It is, however, __ _�_. , �_ frollii the Government, ihe lait time by a Green was bera at Mount Pleas* reason being that hfj4 wife presented him
the paper on which tha I letters for money signed by Sir Adolphe all the same, a mean, sordid, corrupt bid News of the. Wook. sub'stantial majority,'a . od all that iij required wag m,Arried in 1875 to Miss Hanley, of Ith a boy last, �aturdsy noon. -The lec-
und. I I A CENTENARIAN. —M i118 , Bridget McCaf- � ,to solid Godefich township. Aboat four years ago wi ast PAday night on Marli-
F 1 Caron, and others. In explanation, the for s,apport; but any port in a storm. . rr�b,ke another decisive victory if' the I to ture delivered I
I w " h. (r,,) . I fort died at Bridqeport, Pennsylvania, -the oved from Harriston.
! Minister says that -he a,dmits the accuracy y work of the rank and file, who stand behind i the familv r6m
- � ' the Liberal xt The i Gorrie, where they were held in the highest -toba by Mr. Jae, Elder wailporly attended.
,"� -111810P. (6) I . other day, aged 110 years. the nominee of' ; pa . —M483 Annie Moffst spent Tuesday in Clin-
. McLean, (5) 1 of the documents published, but he claims . i Gd4rt . �� ., r �t 1
AcIntosh. (8) �� Too Much Govi3rnment. PRESIDENT Tl1AYziL DEAA.-Dr. meletifig closed with cheers for -M . %urier, f respect. Froser, of Hamilton, preach -
I , 1. : ing of Melville Presby- ton. -Rev, Dr.
. �
I that himself anct f riendis contributed Is, gely Itis doubtful if there is another country on Thayer, president of the Chicago I Female 19r. Ca'misroa, and t i -The annual meet - on in the Presby -
a A. Sprost, (5) he noon, . I ' Bruesels,-was held on 0,
- , block -J. W. email. (,$) -Of their private means for campaign pur- the face of the earth that has so many leg. college, is dead. I � � t �. ! terian church, is lat ed the auniversaTy oermo - in the morning
, - . egation there are 115 terian. church lost Sabbath
g-Ged. Good. �(6 . . A SERious, 'FAi,,,. -Emperor Willioin � _! 1 !not' In the congr I m'62, lat verse, and
I Iry- J. T. Xwswarx. (6) poses in Quebec ; that Thos. McGreevy was islatures and legislators in proportion to fell, while boar hunting' stirance ' ' � added to the he took for his -text Pff!'l '
* - . ,a few days ago, and Usborne, and Ilibbert Tn. � families ; _ 40 members were in the ei
,1o]. (5). . I I i rening MattbeW 5th chapter and
- � ! Treasurer of the campaign funds fo that po�ulation as Canada has. The following received severe injuries. I I chur6h during t� 7 removed,
ffom-�-M R. Dorenwe�d--. (8) 1 (),pMpany.. e year and I *
. 20th verse. Both services were largely at-
DIED. -The German poet , an I making a n t " of 223, the present mem- , .
,.'. B bo * d Province, and that Sir Adolp4e, h ving table shows the number of ,legislators for �tld ,,nov"efiot - I ! g4in
(8)_ - . The annual lne0i�g of the Usborne d
- & rz n 7 -IN; :; ib 1. - J, 5 1� . I . -nded, and the sermons were able and clo,-
- . - charge of .% certain district, . drew o I Gisbert von Vinckelis dead. hi Yire Ii,surance Company berabip being W, When Mr. Ross, the te,
Henderson . Hdme4led; �6) I I I this eaph� province and for the Dominion,and tlic , Ribbert Mutu I ed charge of the con- quent, and delighted all who listened to
. am. I I .- I ght to &,4or legit - - I Ntw GOLD DigcovERY.-Wild excite- wa§-held in Gnr�diner's hall, Farquhar, on presqat pastor, 4vsum I . under the- leader-
- . fund, ag he had a rig mate * ere but them. The church choir.
�� W. . Morris, (a) aThoWnt of the annual Alary paid each legis- mect prevails at Cripple Creek, Colorado, February lat. There was a fair attendance xregation twelve years ,ago there w
� .
J. A� NoTatosh. (5� � election expenses in the district unde his later, with the total amount paid in salaries Ovf3r the discovery of gold ore, which yields of members, present. The Plrv�idebt, D. 116 :members. 1 r,rhe total amount raised r, Oaks, sang very nicely, and the
. . - I � / -
t� G. Owl.- (8) I 0 ge I � I I � 6 Ili the year by the congregsPio" for. all ervices throughout were exceedingly inter.
Iver-immidiVeek-ly. (,q) charge. He also, says he had no kno. led or indemnities to the memberrv: about $15,000's too. . ., Mitchell, opened. the � ppw;g duri , - I
, ir - �. . I . esting.
a TbouVorje. ft � ,- z I that McGreevy was bandifiDg any obey , I SIR MORRELL MACKENZIE DEAD. -:-Si the large amourl of business done during pur sea was $1,967.06, of which $42$.62
t it�d I- -M . work.
V41*1 aftes. -gy t -F Mor1rell ackenzie, the distioguis�ed Bag- t the we and benevolent -
, other than that- voluntarily' and pr perly. 0 . he year; the faincial standing of .6 or missionary � *
,ha'nge-W.J BfWns. (6) 01 S lish physici u, died on the 3rd inst. � L Compumv at the' re's nt time, and the small Af to pay t ing all expenses and wiping cut � -
. . 'r - w1foic (6). subscribed by friends of the party. Thit, �; - A MIIATaRY VETERAN GoxE. -Colonel I e , � . thire is still a TucketsMith
ar .1L FE. . expense of irlani eo'eut as 'coingared with the obt on the basement a.
(8) ' .-C I . ' .� RENTED. -Miss Walker has rented her
)bertffonw (&) of course, is a very plausible wtory, b t an- :. :r. 0 - George G. Minor, a veteran of the Mel;iaala � other Companies f � similar olze. ' 'Ho, coo-, balaoce'of $0 in t�e treasury. -dill road to
A.0) - A I and civil ware died a 1 few days ago irl,$t. ��m, bad . fifty -slore pasture farm on the 3
or"ohn Oarmlebael, (5) other searching inveatigation should be � PV � � filated the Company on this state of -4�ev. E. W'! Hughes, .of Wingb Mr. James McIntosh for one year for $100.
� � 9, - Louis. gral�
ived-It- F. Uwards. (8) - I � aflairt, ttiiis heisIthy condition a mishap on Smq'day, 31a.t ult., He purposed
made,when Parliament meets ands if PoSsi- � % -C te K t4 t4o C) _- . � ��,O( . . It is very conveniently situated for Mr.
. CARDIXAVS 931ALL ESTATE. -The W.Uldl, and ho I Olds . . �
,ik-J. 1tcIn%osh..(8J I THE ' ontinue. The Financial report of dkiviog a colt t6 Glenannan, where be h -
- c 9 xv�s I ' hows - 0 .
-IL Willis. (Is)� , ble, the bottom of this boodlivig b inest � CD will of the late Cardinal Manning a e I
� . __ the treasurer, and the ' auditors' abstract servic ea6 alfornatq, Sunday aftersoo . In
a Co. (8) abould be reached. Thus far, howev r,. we = 2 9 W W 09', U0. E that he possefised less than C500 and a col- - I � WEST EIND NoTxs.-Ou Friday evening -
I . . ::� 9 2 'Se 2 , : F: . , � -
. 4%nt-Wm. Cooper, (6) - lectio of books. I I were submitted an approved Qf, From com"ng.4down tbl,e Wil from the jectory the , of , last week a very, pleasant time was speat
n . : L�ayton when the
I must &dmit, there is not much in the I a:Q ." M: : : . these the follow1n, statistics are taken -. colt , bolted,'arld in turning the corner upset .
. - - - . P 0 - :g P - : . DREADFUL SWALLOW. -At Des Mottles, � -il he raw at the residence of Mr. F.
I I � � I .0 -
- I Policits taken duiing the y6ir, new and re� the cutter. Mr.ffugb�s held .on un' ,
I " 3,F!: 5-: : - :
charges as published by the Globe. As a f . : - Iowa, S. F. Duke, druggist, by ficcideo - L young people were treated to an oyster
9: Pr: , . -of 117 over th � n,
� . fL newals, 760, bei�g &4 Increase at � he was e � Ashgering his life, and then -
- V., 1P . - - - . - �
* V1 as all : "Ir - . . . . swallowed a teaspoon ul of hot lye sod will -Mr. Wm. Town
99: I , supper. send is again con-
" Iff1f. 0 stroke of business the publication : . . . . the previous year aind making the total Ie-t1bebeastgo.: Itwentupth in street I
.V.Tpe. ifft . . - L I e Ma 1. fined to �he house. -Mr, S&nautl Lxnds�'
- - Apwiu ,4, righr,, but from a political standpoint, un- : M , I , I I - - die. . i force 1,786 cov- on a; run, but walked up a's hill.where
. . 0, P�: : : : : : : number of policies now It � � Cronyl
i . Assic.NED.-E. Goddard & Sons, flour ering, ' ' he hill borough to be out,- but feels weak
!0: : - : : : - : risks to the amount of $2,846,005. two bo�e goi Wo the cutter, rode up t
- less it has more and stronger &bet in its : milling men, of St. Louis, have assigned. The net anioillat 'f piemium notes now held and got out. Th I a colt would bolt every time from hi8.lODg il1u6#8Mr. �ohu Fitzpatrick
' ��
locker which itintends to use, the publics- C" I 0 C* 0 0 1 , - o 00 Senators or Leg. Councillo -
. -_ . , W.V. 1. F A. The liabilities amounted to $130*000t and - Company, ' - , vor P y is still under the doctors care with no
I . b. 12, 1892 tionOf-Saturdays It ' elatious "was a . � mis� " g . I - he *nL4 liable to b6 assessed is any One ends& ' ed to Aop it cousequentl -Miss Selins, Nott returned
rev - - � 1 S79 � the assets. W7,000, # I marked change.
I I " T waqaq ) 1.5 W064.89; amount -of assilsoments levied it W it reached Mr. J. ��
I � I - ,
take. ,7z��§Kg -Rate of Indemnity. ' ' THz,GooD EmPFROR,-A Berlin special during 1891, $5!,140,52', paid for losses Roblnto.p's farm. , No damage, was done from Patrols& last week.
40 9 - flays: The'family 6f Herr Kneutzel', a Vic- k L8 SOLD. -The, Messrs. Elcoat Broth-
.Jevel. , -1 r. 9: = g:,w I during the year' $4'5-0.30; total assets of' whatever, and _,�Ir. Hughes was uninjured. � BUL
0 0
0 ,� .
�: . tim of the Viru measacre, recently received -,1L Comp&n .' ' . ers, wbo, have gained quite,& reputation as -
f , the Central South Perth, I = 2--.w -C"§ I Due yt in ludliDg caith on hand, un- -.On SunAsy, 31st ult., Mr§. Matthew
, 0 8 Amount of Indemnity. an anonymous gift of 100,000- marks. It � I - . breeders of thoroughbred sWak, have re
gi- 0 paid sssesoment� and residue of preminna , Wil4ofa, 2nd c6neession 'of Morris, died
0, hold at To- lt would almost seem as I if the . Vern- nowtranspires that Emperor William *a@ notes, $62,624. Mr. W. H. Paimoret I very allAdenly amd. unexpectedly, leavi , a ,mutlyr disposed of two veryfineyoung balls.
. C" I M the donor.. 1.� - a - She wi One was sold tc Mr. James - Cox, of Mani-
-3 ment haveforgotten that there is -a v %cancy., 0�0 I i 93 'o I ' lit "atle
9 motion was I . - .. r. -0 4 Commoners or Assemblymen. I I Usborne, and Mr. A McLachlan, Hibbert, 1 tl � bibs a f eW weeks e, Li ; a - I . gobs, This ani mal wm 15, months old and
1.1. � in South Perth, as up to the prom lat the" � CRUEL WIT& -3.. -Two Man have been were re-elected 'Directors for a term .of to be about the', house and was improving A -
. 1. . 4 - three yearp, with James Gillespie, auditor i tbe''barsting of a wassoldfor$77. Thootherwas purchased
- writfor thenewelootion has not blen "_ Rt f Indemnity. indicted in Hungary' for poisoning ten ve ' 83-tisfactotily when V Mr. James Speiri, of Morriso near Brus-
.1L .uafoi. moved. seconded � I 8 -to" -0 8 0 . peasant . a at the, instigation of the letter's ' for the ecouing year. The Board as' now , bllod vepsel at �er bf-art caused almost in. bi'
,.-sqn.or, " That in thb opinion anod. South Perth was one .of the fizat con- . - �3 - . wives, . coca I dent, D, I stant ' icath. Mrs. Wilson was solo. This bull was fourteen months old,
-, 401, tftuted for' 12 is: Presi a daughter
.-ig a policy, of free trade, such as stituencies to be vacated by the lection- .- I . Mitchell, Staffs; � ice P"sident, * John : of Thomas Stokes,of Grey.towinship, and , and waa bought for S95., Mr. Spleirs is to
4i , a '. C4 JO.�D WjP-p DEATH OF AN EDITOR. -St. James - Frye,. ' .
A- Great Britifn, would be in the "P-- t - Efleery, Exeter ; Sqretary-Treasarer, Then. , erlpyed the isteem. of all wbo'know her. be congratulated on his purobave, " he has
6 - D. D,, editor of the Central Chris0s.,a . H
courts, and some of those sines �scated_ ' , §8§ §fg§§ Amount of Indemnitv got one of the best bulls in the county. e
I I . a . Cameron,- Farqu�ar. , Djrectorv,-D. Me. ! She W,ns United in rnarriage to her now bereft
-Ir 'r*h4,00`*try"t_ , ' have had their electioni already,and n most . Advocate, organ of the Methodiat Episcopal i � F I
The I tral Farmersi Institute is a thor- -41 church in the Went, and'oue of the leading Lachlan, Crotinarty ; W. 11. I Pasmore, Far. � partner in June, 1889, Her unlocked for swept everything before him at the fairs last
k of them the --day for the election has been ot-1 t,o 0.7m Z., 0 � 10 0 two Total number of Legislators. I � foll'. and was call beatten once, and that
� � . to cc W ou -4 " ce 11 . char; Joseph Ja koon, 1�:itohell ; R. .H. � demise, at the early age of 29 years, I 0 y
- I - I I � -
C�_, . r" 1. . ministers of that denomination died on Fri- I . ,
� , , . . time by Mr. 1hos. RueselFs bull,which took
owgilly representative "y. It is com fixed. PriAnt Indicsficins are 1bat South t 14� - I Min, Fullairton. : I I -months and 7 days, is a source of great sor �
_. d 61 , delegates from the local Farmers' V �, �Vc_ . day in St. Louis, Missouri. 11 . � 4
. .�? .,-:q .P -I C. V - - P - - -_ 0000001k I row to her relatives and friends. There is a first at Toronto adid London. Mr. Elcoat
POW Perth will 'not be represented during the .F*.P-- I V.:qe-p Total Indemnity. I A FORGING SCHOOL TEACHER. - Mrs. � i i still has a very nice 13 months old bull to �
I own . I - peculiarly sad Watery about Mr. Wilson's
Lastitates: selected irrespective of their poli- nex Es CDs §ff Ht#on Notmes. family of late. 'On January. Ist, 1894
t session of Parliament, It is Josephine Barry, a graduate of a Bo
I I a big dispose of.
- * tbeeffore non-partiran _Jnao.rec - - High whool and a teacher in a pablic school " i
tical leanings, and I that South Perth is to be kept o _ u til We bave to add to thb above- -Mies Marsh, of Meaford, ha!i been en- , molt�er died at the age of 68. The 11th of Aucm.w -SALE.—There was a large &t-
in sa far nsi'tbe present T"opized political after the West Huron election, so t�hat in . � ,, municipal was sentenced to two years in the House of gaged as second tea�her in the 'Cranbrook ' the e&Me MOnthLs&W the demise of his father, tendance at the auction, sale of Messrs.
'� - her mother -'In-law's
of the country &rs'coucerned.. Both rulers of various kinds, such as a facillors I Correction for forging . - !Wool and �bas entered upon her duties. I andon'the 13rd'his little twc-yeat�old son John McKay & Sons on Thursday of last
parties the event of Mr. Patterson being delfeated .OF name to so order upon which she obtained ac -1 D. McCo6f , I so place& in
- mover and seconder of the resolution 60 school truste;es,etc. Each goverpip a -Mr. e of Clinton has passed away. Few persons are week. These gentlemen are noted -for the
the . there he will run'for South Peith '11 , bhus ,gJwdy,ha $1.500 from a bank. pu I excellence of their stock, both in horses and
sto young men actively engaged,in the occu- its full retinue of officials, servants, lackeys, INVE14TOR DRAD.-.John J. Schillinger, rchased. what is: khown as the Forbes ; the ; furnace of affliction and the sincere
. .
I I have another chance for his political I fe. It P - property in that town, from Dr. Guns, symoat L by of. the entire community is with cattle, and their fame in this direction, no
tion of farming. -Mr. Hislop is from� the is not right that the Government hould. etc. pall increasing the general cost. It_w4lI inventorofthe artificial, cement sidewalk -Miss Copelsnd� of Kirkton, has b I doubt, helped to ,enlarge the crowd. The
TA . een the bereaved faraffies.
I I - 11 be noticed that the four poorest provioces and fire -proof brick, died a few days ago in efigaged for the 6inton public school, . . thorobred cattle sold fairly well, cows ever -
township of Grey, in this county9 and was a hive the power to manipulate electi I Now York, aged 60, � in 1 -The Clintou *New Era gives the follow -
tqr�t, who lately resigned. ing graphic des' ,he experiences agi ! $78 each ; one young, bull brought
del' ftfrom the, East Huron Institute. , Of the lot, namely, Quebec, Nov&, Scotia, DEATH OF -DR. HANNA. -Ray. Hugh Place Of Miss 8 criptibn of -t . ,$=
8uft their own purposes in thi Mr. Wm. Clark, of Hallett, near Con- � some p'arties had with a broncho : I I On Fri-
__ , - in way ud it New Brunswick and Prince Edwafd Jsland, Hance, D: D., pastor of St. Enooh's church, . . - .and another $72; a calf fold for
in future he prevented by � 1� . day- evening a number of a' rts resolved to
M � Raynor comes, from the County of Prince should leg, ' st'On - indulge in the lijxury* ive- C stance, has the zr�Aerial on the ground for a ' PO $34-50. Sheep averaged $17.50. Horses,
of a Legislat ,ban- Belfast, died on the 5th inst. * He was one ' . . idering the quality of the animals offer-
- atd. The c&rryiog of suck a r"Olut'On An Ottawa correspondent says : � . � . new barn. Mr. Britton also has the material hitch a'broncho, pony, which belonged to a conoll
by. c, eecided a majorik'y in such sat assemb- I oil, or in other words, a Senate on a small of the' leaders of the Irieh Presbyterians. ready for a new barn. 'v in Staplet ed, ruled low, An aged roadster sold for
L4 DRATH CLAI'4'FD ITHR BRIDE.—Min Anna person who was, isiting on village.
The 8, eaker's warrant for Two Moun- scale, of which they have us - ' -.11r. John McMillan, of ffullett, is g * After the pony was hitched and the cutter $120; a draft horse for, $125 ; a two -year -
P �
shown. clearly that ,%a tren d of public tains was only issued eikrht days aggo, t the .# S. Hadrahan, of Oohoes, New York State, It will be 80xlOOO'n
. . , e . a cart has for a fifth wheel. These provinces died suddenly Monday when dressled for her to build a new barn. f e egt 'filled to its utmost capacity, and all the old roadster brought $97.50; a yearling
diritent, irrespective of party, is strongly writ for SouWDerth is , stillwithhe ;al- ' -wi ta the 50. A yearling heavy-
- � - � and 11 be one of'tbe largest barns In the ..hand sleighs in the village at ched to $70.50, and a foal $41.
Y ,I ffre tta�ide-iu&,,Dp-]06'so4,.tarestric- though the Spetker'swerrent was asued- are ell, on the vetge of -bankruptcy, and are , wedding. The body was buried in the wed- , I
IxTry.o I a - A , __ . I county. ', . rear the brouche modea.start. Theolow draught sold for 1160. The whole sale re-
f I * I - - - In Dearly three months ago, namely, Nov-,mber suppliants for aid from"the Dominion Treas- . ding dress. . . -Eli - Perkins 1 ttle celebrated American I alized something over $1,300, The sale was
_K , 1t\J,urth#r4ilq4W*hit,*,y* 1 , en I . trWwas not fast enough for the occupants
I � . . Ong '10MENT,-The -Princess '
, 1, , A MATTER ,OF I ,
I humorist, lecture with much seceptance to no as ihe noise increased the gentle trot wasp
N* � 19. The voters' lists for South Pertl -were ury in order to keep them rederick Leopold of Prusaia, having de- .. . conducted by Mr. W. G. Daff, of Seaforth.,
,A( -4@a!i' .,.jK.are res,* 16i Invo-, in'- mailed to Ottawa in December ; th � were , a Very large andi3nowin Wingham on Tue ,nd he gave the beat satiqfaction to all.
- , .
�d, are tlht, Maders, fri Als,--movernint. lost or Miql%id, and a duplicate, list 1_18 re. they are in no way economical in the matter clared. her desire to rear her infant without a- followed by a gallop, and a3 the cutter gave a OUR LOCAL RULERS. -The members of
. � - . - the aid of the bottle, Emperor William has dey evening of list we6k, a slide to onq side the occupants found them -
J '
,nly diffiev . y ift"tU way -*-,'ihat� the cei*ed herb Sannary 14,,se that- ,thel South df legislation, and it is likely that in -other . �William- Elliott, of near Ethel, has selves in the snow. On returningtothe the localBoard of Health., viz.', Messrs-
. , I � Perth writ should have been issued after this respects they are not any less extravagant, paused amid grave duties of state to an- rented his farm t Winton MoBlain,of Gr'ey village a couple of volunteers were secured Jacob McGe�. Egmondville; D. McIntosh,
i has becpmq a political one - 4=4 � the I nounce his formal consent to this important 9, 1
� 0_---`� longdeldyat once, but three weeks have AM r. Mott purposes going to to follow and catch the runaway pony.
arvative leaders oppose � ihi - i - ' . It is evident it is time that. our constitution domestio arrangement, which involves the township. I V. S., BrucefieM -, John Latta. Chiselhurst,
N, ,,� 4n*srd elapsed and no notice has been gi so - � ,
�_, _ I !�- I It the West agsin'in the spring. They su'eceeded- in finding it in a field near . the Reeve and Clerk, met at Kvle's hotel,
, � �c�iou . should be amended in more particularr, than renunciation by the Princess of 'ill court
Ei of tb:e'reform, and :fh4ily' oa=T,, 1�*ith Sout,h Perth to prepare for an e ' I -Mr. James Oark and wife, of Killarney, Seaforth, and after many fruitless' attempts and org&lnized, by- appoi'nting Mr. McGee
1, - I
!Is �ift V" " t , th , ` _ � , --. _bAr . � � ;, . one., . . . � festivities for the,preaeat year. i . * chairman for the year. " A discussion fol -
i � 4 -, no - - - 0 *b#lej of ,t I I � L . Manitqbg,�are,at, present visiting friends in t catch the pony were compelled to return
� _( -al_ I I � . - DxcEIVED WORK ZN.-TWenty,fiv'e labor- .the vicinity of''k oe .
I � . I .
" ' ' i '' I. . Constance. Mr. Clark is ' lbwed upon the'desirability of havibg a code
'm .V_-�iol- OwAik-rable . . without* him, seco,nd attempt proved �
I - . ng men passed through Wichita, Kaunas, one. of the fortu e'viede - more snoceiifu as the po!iy was secured -
it surpmrso - �; , � The Sho rn ed e �' . of by-lawe aaopted by the council governing �
I . '. � rtho ' f3re I ate, ones who hav I �,
t of ifier0onberftilvie tarmets- c6uld be : The Ontario Agricultural CoRege. on foot last Saturday 'on th,eit way from .. . � .
- The annual meeting of the !i 8 OrIll � homes in the prai�ie'province. next morning, without having done boy the powers and probed ure, of the local Board
I to forego'their party prejudices and I- i. . . At the annual meeting of. the Provincial Oklahema to Kansas city. They tell a piti- - � ill of -Realth, with a view of having the mschi-
Breeders' Association was held in I oronto ful tale of deception ,by an employment - -Mrs. Agnes Mitchell, of Goderieb, and daufa-ge to 1he 6utter or herneso, but it w mery ready for action, sbould the appearance
te a6t elections an they do in their I Farmers' Institute, held last,, week at To- s mother' of the editor of the Goderieb Star' ' teach the boys" lesion on broncho driving.
lastweek. This wto.the sixth , I agent and subsequ, at hardship and iuffer- I - ,a
. v4mu� Meet7- ''7 . I � . I *am the other day knocked down by a ranaL -There was &large attendance of.sojne of of any epidemic make action on the part of
;W Institute@, free trade would soon ing. From the annual report we gl ionto, Principal Mills deRvered an interest- iug. , . � �, 1-1"
n the� � y horse in London and received' such in- thei best farm Mr.'John the Board P�pcesssry. The Board regrets
)�accompfished fact. ,Hovrevq, circum- � cg address in which be outlined the capa-' A FoRTu,N-E'iN RAos.-Charles Famham, � � , ere of' Huron at
following information of interest: - � a bachelor about 45 years old, died -, on - Fri- juries as may terminate fatally. Caminga'thoroughbrecl .stock s%le, in Hul- - that physicla6 attending cases of a malig-
,ea. are fast forcing the issue,. ana joli- In 1891 the a I isociation, wero d for I bilities and advantages Of the Agricultural day at Binghamton, Ne . w York Statei in . -Mr. George . Cook, dentillt of Clinton, lett, on Wedneeda'y of Jast week, but. the . cant character pointed out by a � ection 77, of
I I L ' " ' . -
leaders: on both sides, will be compelled 3,162 regis-trations, 2,889 cert X* a, and College, the institution over which he pre- supposed poverty, . but a search of his dirty, has disposed of h a ractice in that town to biddiqg was not very spirited. The animals t,,he Publip Health Act, as well as the people
. I � ragged clothes revealed the I presence � of ' Mr. R. - Agnew, a ronto, P08- were all of the beat thoroughbred ptrMins, �
.g, to. seek a solution for our present 378 changes of ownership. From t sides. Among other things he said : I 0 wbo takes in wbose;bouse cases occur, are to reluctant
� I
.. I I e. were W,000 in money. H6_ - is an vived by . a session about the , first of ,'March.- It Js Mr. and Mr. Hamilton used his persuasive pow- to give.'the notices rEquired in ,such eases.
I-Ities re-jected 277 registrations, 10 cart fie&, , and I r
' ' ifical I _1 � At Guelph there is a farm of 550 acres, of brother and three sisters. - . Cook's intention �* remove to Toronto. are to the beat advantage, but it wag hard to , Without this do -operation the Board in com-
the PrOVinces, with the exception of two changes of ownership. Volume 11 -of "which about 80 acres ate �atill uncleared, 63 ' ' . �-On Sunday eVeAitig, 31st ult., Mrs. D. * parativ�ly powerless for goodL The town.
� I or RaDuCED Efim FAST To NoT,uiwG. -Miss I I got Prices up ing like the real value
-he end of their the Herd Book has - beeuclosi,fl, omi i ing * "'A leg 62 lawav,garden, nursery and fo est Louis& B. McKenzie, of Lucknow, met with a of the aninfal �%Ilo` �`hipi council mEt on the 5th of February at
Lo, have about reached' t all the pedigrees up to the end of- 11; , th r Sherlock is one of the handsomest . 8 ,ecyreth. The following ani- �'!
8 tree plantations, 27 acres in small experi- inful accident while' coming out of the mals were disposed of: Lady La L Kyle's h6tel'; members 'were all present.
r and am on the; verge of b&Dkraptcy, number on hand being 4,000. The in ber- . young women in Seneca Falls,, New York. nodowne, _Ik�
lmsutal�pllots, 54 acres in large experimental VrIesbyterian church in that place. She six Y a ' itt applications for the position, of saaes�
Is especially tha%-"e, with the� central ship of the association'now numbeis 397-i She was proud of her feet,which were small . . ,ears old, wid calf, were sold to Gor on
. I i- - . plots, and 326 'a-cres worked as a farm pro. ' ' 4 to yo , sQr were received, ,,
year b)ut persisted in making themappear smaller slipped and in falling put out her ban - uOg, Colborpe, for $80. Rosette, five - k1r. Wm. Checaty being
the Rzovilifee, of Quebec. Thipy have The income from registration fees It er. There were good samples, male and . � savel'berself, breaking the wrist. ye&ts old, and ' calf, to George Watt Har- ,phosen, indle will soon be o his rounds.
. 6ot over � by wearing shoes that were too - little. ' I .. I n
7ed- until their borrowing powe;ria ex- 1890. -An organ �e - iifig unworkable was look, $65. Oatirio Cbief,'18 months old, to 1, - he attention,of.Urmtral is -drawn to the
was S3,152.50, an increase of $108-75 lemale, of nine breeds of cattle, eigh t These shoes- caused her . to have ingrowing L ".
. ' This shows that individual herd -9 are breeds of sheep and three breeds of pigs, all brought to Mr. 0707' 3 'Chas. Rogerson, ffiflock, $55. Flets, year- __bllo�vingchaDge,i6. the-4satogament Act.�
L. Their *exchequer i-% empty end either increasiagor that the new role for I toe nails, which resulted in a disease ot the - . Oakes, of Clinton, to . I
kept, not to make money, -but for the pur- overhaul and see what was wrong with it, lin armers' sons and sons .of ten'
ugagements are urgent and pressing, entering . calves before they are ( hteen pose bone,that medical skill could not cure. It ' g, to J-ames , _Bl�th, $36. Victoria, an to of a farm
- of instructing the students. Further, On O n P a nest of twelve miee was 19 months 01d, to Thos. Cole,.Hullett, $4-8. may be assessed jointly with their faffiers. -
ey have nothing to meet them With. L months old is taking, effect. The cox Mittee 'there is a well-equipped dairy building wi th became so bad. that'sbe was no longer able founrinienilei,tall lead. The presumption is Jeanette, 14 mo ths old - to John Short -reed, This joint assessment vrill exempt the sons
aLC to.walk. This *week the phypiciana decided I
. that he owner of the organ- bad -laid *out $54. Wina 2ad, nearly four years old, to J. �
will be forced, at an, early day, to a.p- ! called . particular attention to the ri w rule ompetent professor and all the appliances ) t � from the statnte labor imposed by section,
requiring all calves born after the : rat of necessary for giving practical instruction in that nothing could save the young woman a "ieugh on rats,"' and they were laid Out Barr, Hullett, 077. Rosebud, three years 91 of the Assessment Act, that is, the joint -
life but amputation of both feet, and- they .
. the Dornionion for help. The Do- January, 1889, to be recorded be Me IS � c the feeding of dairy cows, the handling of . accordingly. I . ;Old, ly assessed will do statute labor for the
. i -If ia already burdened with debt months old. A double fee will be 0 � milk, the care of cream, the use of centri- - - to George Collinson, Hullett, $63. Mr. farm only, it is presumed they will be liable
iargod' . were amputated. - . - T
Z, . -What might have been a serious fire James Snell Pilld Lady Jane 2nd, nearly
he annual interest bill is enormous, after tha,t date." f ugal separators and the Babcock milk -tester, . . happened while i Messrs . L%V .-and R. Green three years 6K to A. Elcoat, Tuckeromith, to jury service. A number of tenders were
. I the making of butter, the manufacture of That Seed Wheat Business. were putting in,sOme electeic lamps in the Ss5. Rosy, yiarlffig, W. Snell &W. The secured for the Aupply of cedar and rock elm
he taxation is so burdensome as to be �r - I 1 3
cheese, and everything else pertaining to EDITOR HuRo-z EX_yoSITOR,-SIR,-f see Brunswick House, Wfingham, the other day. cotswoids for towma i The tender of P. B.
unbearable. Under such circum- TjiE Godekieb Star in its exuberan over I - � sold in pairs at $24, $22, $21,50. hip purivoses.
. dairy husbandry. The college has a good by your paper of last week's issuie'that; your The latter struck the chandelier, breaking A grade cow soi er- Bell, being the lowest, was accepted. The
; � d at $41. The farm, adv .
� K it wculd� J�a suicidal to itacresse the the nomination of R -o -ft. Mr. Patter n 13�i chemical laboratory for practical work in Morris correspondent says, 11 beware of fLn it, and the oil topk fire, A table was tised to be solo at the same time, was not rates are as follows : For oed&r, $9.70 per
I I ' .
al burd,ens. to relieve the needy Pro- the Conservative cou'vtntion of West that important department, and a commod- agent (I am the agent) - oing around through thrown on- the 'fir15 to smother it, and -afs_ put I � M.; rock elm plank, $8.7.5 per M.p delivered ,
up. I .
a botanical laboratory with a full set of- this county selling seef . - .
who ,have squandered their substance jives the Grits the, following dig a the !ou wheat orputtiug it help waE near it was soon put out. . -_ - - at, the residence,of the members of the coun-
new greenhouses suitable for the most thor. out on shares, and th4 if it was any good -Mr. Robert J$in'gharn, of South Dakota, �____ . .
ius living. No Ontario represents- ribs: � cil. Some small accounts and the collector's
I ough and extensive work ir� botany and the Experimental farms at Guelph and Ot. brother of Mr. WTn. Bingham, of Rullett, : Blyth, . salary were ordered to be paid. $30 was
� ; i,
to is not a, traitor to -his Province " V1 hen Colonel R,oss was called to the hortioulture. ta,wa would speak of it," eto. Now eir, I died on January 20th, from rippe. De- LoCAL BRIEFSL-Mr. A. Robinson left on voted for the relief of the poor, and the
vote for an&,% propoidtion. Now,in Ontario Cabinet the Conservatives �if the 11 We would like to get more educated wrwt that statement corrected at once, as I ceased was -77 years of -age, aul Moved 'to Tuesday aftern4ou for London, where he in- council adjourned to meet at- Weber'a Hotel
. I '
]e riding decided, in view of the ppor cities young Merl at,work on the farms of this am ,prepared to, prove that I all] doing just this county in 184"i and settled in Hullett tends visiting ft'iends.'-Mr,'. John Living- on the 22ad day of March at 9 o'clock a. m..,
itical extremity %hat is the Bensib , untry," continued President Mills, " and as �straight and bODest a busindis as an seed and remained � there. for 20 years, then he a aden,1 gave his brother call on when the list of pathmasters '
he would have to assiat the, ridling. with- Do tone, of B a
for the Dominion to pursue'! The . I I . . .y '. will be revised
draw their opposition and.'allow hi to be the question in, ' How can we do it? -We merchant, and that your paper is injuring moved to Missouri and remained there for Friday last.-Mitift Pickard, of Holmeaville, and vacancies filled.
I Farmers' Institute have struck the returned by acclamation. . But it is ot an- � have 96 great university in this Province m business, and if you don't apologize and 16 years ; from there he went to South I was the guest oflMiss S. Symonds last week. I - -
to. Let her adop+ that the party.malaipulator ofthe with a fir4-class system of high schools, mike this statement right at once i I -Dr. J. N. Perdue has got a ofirioBity in the -
. the free trade ticipated � � n this Dakota, where he died. He was married ! . �
C0 England , thi ow her markets open Reform organization ,will -be actuated and they are doing an excellent work for week's paper, I shall take legal proceedings twice and leaves -96 wife and 16 children. i shape of a wild ,�atj in his stable. Hesecur- Exeter.
such public .spirit in this case. anT, the country, but they are not, directly edu- ag�iinst you for damages. .
. The wil � -Tyndall Brothers have just purchased 'ed it in Brussels one day' last week. We NOTES. -Mr. Allan McDonell shipped a
'd ; a,bQlish the ProNincial subsi- is usual, shut their es -to the olems es of oating boys for the farm. it is true tffat � JOHN W. RYMAL, from Messrs, C.1 aild J. Washington, of 1 think the Docto� will have'
ey . r � a, great time carload of horses from this place to Mooso-
'low the Ppovinces to work out tlie riding, and at their- convention .day�. quite a number of bol the farm, . .. Wingham P.. O., Ont. ' East Wawanosh, their famous thoroughbred tamint thp beasi.-Geo. Perk" s returned miD, Manitoba, on, Tuesday last.
I .1 ys .rernain on I I I In -Mr. Aic- in their own way. Be- nominate a candidate and ask the q tore but in 90 cam out.of 100 it- is those who �. S. -If I knew who your Morris carre., bull. It is regarded as an exceptionally fine I from orrie lEist�Saturday.-A load of ladies Donell purchased these valuable animals in
wed of the burden of the Provinaial to support him." I . �. - . I . . il .1 . have been only a comparatively short time spondent is I will make it a, pDint to go, and animal, and was purchased at a good figure. I took i "the skating race Jn Wingham last t,his vicinity. -Mr, W14. Copp, Seaforth,
�_ I c
nomy and' hon- If the Conservatives -of Weal t these schools. Let a boy of fair ability seo him and get - an explanation of w . hat he Mr. H, J. Taylor, of West W&wanosh, one � Friday night. They.repo# it a failure, not- syeat 113t Thursday and Friday in this
, . � rel ing the wonderful stars they saw p ace, Ho was a,ccompanied by big wife,
a, and with dne eco * � �Auroo - a main at a high school long enough to get radans by slandering my business. of the best borser breeders in the county, withatandi, I ,
)UbliG administration, the Dominion choose to vote for Mr, Patterson bec#kc he such an educatioq as these schools can give, i . . -recently refused 8150- for .an entire suckling �oiitheirwayho�ae.-The young -folks for who is spending a few days visiting her rela
. .
i . � - I I I -
the scheme proposed,rahe sufficient is a Cabinet minister, 'they- have a perfect - -and in more then 90 cases out of 100 he will � I colt. I . . I I the pagt!week have been enjoying themselves tives he -re. -Mr. Aaron Cudmore and wife
' I i1leftehi preach, practise law, medicine or West Huron Reformers. -A borsej)elonging to Mr. G. McTavish, 6ja the I , be'n ble to go two or three from Crystal City,
for her own requirements. The right to do so. - This is a froo'country. 'But- - . '�O' a . Manitoba, are vis! �
I ting
.1 dentistry, peddle Woks, -sell sewing Ma- The West Huron Reform Convention was of W,ingham, made, things lively in that � miles. - 7�is sondethin' usual to have such relatives in and around this Place. -Mr.
I g un
?, on the other band, could raise they have no right to clami eupl�orb h r their obines, or do almost anything rather than hold at Dungannon, on Friday last, and V r., town on Saturday! af wnoon last. The horve 'good a e.-Miss,)J. E. Crittenden and Mrs. Thomas Greenwood, Fnllarton
� I .
aue required, outside of their own candidate because of thvir wagnanin ity to- 0 to work on the farm, and I think it is no M. C. CaMeroii, the old political war horse became unmanal e�ble and ran away. While !returned atur ay from a visit ,in L
,9 I I spent Wednesday and Thursday last visit'
fault of the schools at which he is educated, of Huron, was the unanimous choice. The turning a corner heoccupants .
ources such. as timber and mineral Wards Mr. Rose. They did not op e Mr. of the -cutter , Harlock.-Miss I RIC Ids f Clinton, and ing at Mr. J. T. W-P-8tcott'il and Mr. Philip
"irect taxation worked through Ross on the occasion referred o &cause for it seems10 be the very nature of things large agricultural hall,the most commodious 'were thrown out, !and Mr. MoTavish's 'Miss�Ke;inedy, Pf Syeloalflortif ere the guests Lang's. Mr. Greenwood and family intend
al machinery. This is the only they knew that opposition was 1�ss, as that general education obtained apart from building in the riding outside of Goderich mother had her shoulder d . islocated by the �of *ms'.Anniel Kelly tbi , week. -Miss moving to Douglas, Manitoba, sometime in
' I the.marival occupations has a tendency to- and Clinton, was packed to the doors with fall. Afterrulaning � considerable distence I Somirville is visiting her sim r,- , Mrs. Dr. March.�Ofa Monday last Mrs. Phoebe
e they did not have even a remo e i nee of develop a distaste for such occupations. the most enthnsiasti3 gAhering of R,eform. the horse was ;stopped, without doin i .
aws,willever bavv ressorlabl I 9 th �week._,Ms Wanless re. Sweet', of Huron street, was carrying 6, tub
cher in Dominion or Pr . ovincial gainst -him. Anyway, th I � further damage. !� I 'turned'frRm a v ilit at Bra efield and is down the steep steps of her cellar, when she
success a el.� in no Hence we require all our students to work, era evei� assembled in Convention in the . i J
.1 I I while they are being educated." West Riding. In the absence of. President , -On Tuesday ftsmoon of last w,eek, � visiti�ng Mrs, Grp.kans before eaving for her fell and injured herself severely, and will be
-tion. So long an rhe Dominion similarity between the circumstances then . i
, Manning, of Clinton, ex -Warden Girvin, of while Mr� Wesle Dissett, of Exeter, was '� homei in Toronto. -litia's Ber ha Dr -
=__ ; . t ummond laid up for some time. She received a very
. unlimit-d power to tax the and now. Mr, Ross was the repreeei,,tative Wawanosh, occupied the chair. The Dom- engaged working around a machine call d I is visitl� friends in Kippen thin week.- severe shaking up, besides having injured
long Will there be of the constituency when he was selected for BYE-ELIECTIONS for the Dominion Parlia- ination of Mr. 40ameron was made by Mr. the shaper in Verity's foundry in that towne, � Miss'Jecting, qf I Holmeaville, was the guest her left arm considerable, and received fleve-
- . -%gance, more or � a , al,inet po,,itian and besides be was c old ment toak place yesterday, Thursday, in the ' D, A. Forester, of Clinton, seconded by Mr. he happened with the misfortune of getting of Miss S. Symonds last week: -Miss E. ral other bad bruises. -On Monday evening
.- . . following constituencies : East Bruce, East Wm, Mallough, of Ashfield, and the nomin- his thumb jammed. The injured member Taman is vuittni f i do in Owen Sound last the Rev. J. w. Bell
- � -
I I s in power., and 7 resident of the county and riding, and in his ation was the prelude to tremendou * k rien , B. D , delivered a
7 -1 � Middlesex, North Victoria, South Victoria s cheers was so badly squeezed that the shattered this week.-Mr��T. Ashbury now drives 'a very able and intelligent discourse on "Tem- -
C1. I apply to and I selection for such a position both the county for the candidate, who bad on so many cc- bone was' taken away in small pieces, It handsome team 6f bronchos, which he pur- perance" in Drew's Opera House. The hall
. . money neee,_ � and riding were honored. . The case iE quite and Halifax. two members. East Elgin cmions carried the Liberal banner to victory has been %roperly cared for,anid it is thought ;;'chased last week. -Chas. Hodgins returned was well filled, which goes to show that
. -Iti�;<just differeat with fir. - Patterson. He is . i resi- comes off to -day; Di&r, Kings end, Anna- in, former political contests. Mr. Cameron, thatmr. issett will not lose any portionof from Toronto on Friday la8t.-Mr. J. R. temperance -sentiments run high'in this
. � lial, Nova Scotia, on Sa who was unable to be present at the Conven- his thumb. Williams and Mr. J. H. Taman, of Gorrie, place. The reverend gentleman i
.iue. The ,JePl,of-alnother part of ths�,province; line no. PO turday ; East owing to bus' ents, was wi -NVe are sorry this week to have to re- I - I Is a very
- tion, iness engagem I jsp�nt, Sunday in our midst.--Johii McQaar- forcible and 'fluent speaker. A Iftge num-
. .er and only intere.,ts ,in the county; his appointment Hastings and Sonth Ontario on the 20th ; once notified by telegraph from the- Conven- cord the death of Isabel, relict of the late
., � Irie left this we6� for his home in Minnedosa. her of Royal Templars from Crediton and
. j places in the was in no sense a compliment to I the people West Huron on the -23rd; Two -Mountains tioR of his unanimous selection, and a see. Thomas Walsh, �f Belgrave, which took �-A,Iios C. Irwinj who bas been here for the other places attended - -Messrs. CObbledick
We hame now of filaron and he is only using the'rk iDg as on the 27tb, and Vau.-dreuil on the 29th. ond telegram, signed by Morgan 'Dalton, of place at her daughter's residence, in Dan- 11ant year returDed, to her home in Teeiwater & Folland have been busy delivering stove
point. , It must &convenience to enable him to retain his This is all for which writs have yet been i KiDgsbridge, and 100 other Young Liberals, field, on February lat. The deceased was Ion Saturday. -Mr. Damon Crittenden, of coal to their numerousOnEtomers in the vil-
was also sent pledging an unfalteriDg sup-- an old resident of East Wawanash, having lGoderich spent . - -
ower position in the Government. But, the .Star issued, : . lunday in town, --A couple lage the past week. -The snowplow war-
. . ,taxa,tion or - port to the old Ref6fm chief in the ap- moved there with her husband and family ;of loads of our yoling people. attended a brought into use again on Tuesday. 1.
I ArmArong and his mother, -on Huron
-vay to ensure a1sn insinuates, that West Huron will re- proacbing struggle. While awaiting the about 24 years ago', where she lived until �dmuce at Mr. Hirry Kelly's, Hullett, last -Mr.
. I TIHE Bon. Alexander Mackenzie, who has I reply of .Mr. Caffieron to the telegrams the death of her �usband, which took place Iriday rligbt. T � hey report having had a street, are confined to the house through ill-
lue by redue- ctive pecuniary advantages from th-, Gov- . . I
. 1, I � rousing addresses were given by Dr. Mac- in August, 1887, when she removed t"B
, axation will ernment, with Mr. Patterson as its repre- been very ill for some time, as the result of 0 el- i.good time.-Mr.1 Harry Jes8op is continuing neas.-Mr. Chas. Snell, express agent, has
I dona.1d, M. P., for East Huron, and -J. T. Itave. ,The bereaved friends have the sym- i
_' 9 i his cheap sales a0d reports business good,- been laid up for the past few days with ery-
� -%I .
ong as it is ,sentative;L that wi ' 11 be denied it if it , fall, - is Dow reported to be improving, and i Garrow, -M. P. P., for West Huron, and pathy of the whole community. 'Rev. Mr. Swan, 'of Auburn, conducted the sipelas.-The family of 'r
I !
I at present elects a Reform his recovery ie expected. - -There died in Turnberry, on Friday,tbe 'revival' services in the, Methodist church corner of William and Mill atreets, are sick
er as its representative. . I these were followed by brief but enthusi Wni. Welsh,
*� . astic speeches from J. Kernighan, Col- 29th ult., Mrs. Walter Carruthers, aged 73 : as F 8, e I '
I Now, why should this be? Why Am 00 .- - � � 11 t rid y very %bly.-We are glad with la grippe and' inflamniation.-Mm.
1. I ' I borne; James Somerville, ex -M-. P., for years. Deceased Was born in the year 1919, .
' - � !to state that Miso J. Habkirk is able to - be John B. -Hyndn,an is confined to the house
� I-( necessities of the riding " be bet - r a:t- TwO BYE -ELECTIONS took place on Thurs- NVest Bruce'; R. Holmes and D. A. For- in the town of Langholm, Durnfries-shire, !around again. -81ater .& Sims, our enter- with lung troubt
ablisbed a tended to by the Government wilh�Mr.- day of last week resulting infavor of the I reEtar,'of Clinton, and D. AcGlIfiduddy, of Scotland, and emigrated to this country ! . . e. -Mr. Frlxnk Bandcock i,3
� �prising blacksmiths and wagon-rnskers, re- at present ill with ]a grippe.---mr. Caleb
r, in Nlon- Patterson as the representative than if it I 'h. About five o'clock the'telegram about 50 years ago with her husband, and 'Port business in 61 flourishing condition, bav- Handford, of Snowflake, Manitoba, spent a
i Government. These were Leon 6`x and , Goderic I
t in com- .were repre.,lented by Mr. Cameron? The Prince Edward, both very doubtful eon- I annOUnCiDg the acceptance of the nomination settled in the township of Dumfries, county . . :
. . I . � - � About ng a -great many, orders for buggies and few days this week in the villa e. -Rev. W.
I , � by Mr. Cameron arrived, and when Mr'. of ,Waterloo, where the resided -for wagons 9
-Lin trans- money dispensed by the Goverfimenj is the stituencles. At the March election Mr. 1 I .y for next "ummer.-Mr, P. Kelly' is 'Martin, Presbyterian minister, is confined 1 o
; McGillicuddy read the, despatch which 32 years, when they removed to the 9th *way on business regardilig the conaing elec-
' the Alli8orl, Reformer, defeated the old member ' .1 8 N
,-Master money of the whole people ,an stated. that the old member would once concession of Turnberry, where they'have tie , the house with illness. -On Friday la t I Ir.
I - , n -A numbe of .our Sunday School John Willis held a wood bee. A large num-
I teral "necessities of the riding" are neither re- for Lennox, Mr. Wilson, by a .majority of more carry.the standard to victory in the lived ever since. She leaves her aged bus. teachers and'ofli era attended the Conven- her of our young men attended.
used duced nor increased by the political, com- I Rnform interest, and prefaced it with the band, five sons an4 one dam!hter to mourn About 2o
, -
� 50. Mr. Allison was unseated and again i single phrase, " West Huron is safe, M. C.- the loss of a loving wife and mother. The 0on held in Wi am last week. They re- cords of wood were sawed up. After the
�rad ve tried conclusions with Mr. Wilson, but this port having had 4,. good ineeting.-Our night dey's work was over, -the Young people were.
, - pie,don of the ridiDg, and. if the Go went
r � Ci I Cameron accepts the nomination," the great ,daughter and three sons are married. school is progressing favorably under Mr. A. treated to a few hours of a �
, .
audience rose as one man and gave three -On Friday afternoon, 29th ult., the musement by
fon. is honest, as the Star claims it' ', the tilne was defeated by about 32. In Prince 11. Plummer. All the schola�e speak well of tripping the 'light fantastic. The young
and . 11 nergessities of the riding" Will Is as I I .
Edward, Mr. Miller, Conservative, defeat- , times three for the old invincible. Mr. citizens of Goirre were pained and surprised him as a teacher -Rev. Mr. Campbell wp6s p�ople speak in the highest terms of the bo.9-
� . ed 4
. tin,g 'promptly attended to with one repreEenta� Dr. Platt last March and being unseated Cameron's acceptance of the nomination td learn that Mr. Thomas Green had sue- Onable to take charge of the services 611 pitality they received at the hands of Mr.
v to tive as with the other; if the Govern I na mr is Dr. Platt wag again bis opponent in I means that West Huron will remain in the cumbed. to la grippe. . He had -been ill for a Sunday. Mr. Wilford conducted the Moro- and Mrs. Willis, - I
, . ., I and wish they would have
I ( ))
t__ -
� f
p t
& d
r (
I Dy
k Y,
I it -14
I 181tel"
I '
t _( ' we
u I 1 _
t 5i a
I' el
-a e.
. F
not honest it should not be Buppor Ed by bye -election. The Doctor aeems to the I Liberal column by a large majority in spite week or so and on Wednesday evening Pre- ing service, and �fr. Jenkins the Oveniu a wood bee every week -4 -Mr. ftnuel Mar-
� the . � have of the fact that the entire strength of the vioRs to his death , gave promise of speedy iervice.-A coup] of our young ladies bag] tin 06nd wife have moved intu- :11.1
11-1 I . . � i I � I -
. � I I � � � . W ge.
I I - �
�. __ . ; I I i � . � �
-_ -, --- � I n . : �
i i I * 1 7 1) _.., . I i . ! . . I ,_ . .
�, i i � I -1 -
I. b / I 01 i . .
. I - - I � i - -
- I - -1 � —
, ,
Mr. Martin is a p�
I Perkin, of this p
; � pianos and sewiij
block. We wticoz
Lo,�AL Dmirs, —
tinuea good aud
,are fairly pouriat
McArthur & Rall, �
inerchants, have di
the business will b
by Mr. John !dcA
to St. Thom", J
where his brotbi
where he hssagt
The Misses Priestlj
Ails& Craig, and M
were this week I
Arnold. -Mr. W,n
I prizing carriage =
forsome weeks val
lack of I& grippe, I
Osbawa and Bawm
A- ,ppending a few day
and in -, vidfung
Mr. E, 1.0eddin i
' '91
tackof Is grippe wl
. .
who was quite sem
complaint, is now,
Mrs, Pope returneA
I Dgebwood where P
I Mr. A. Bishop, M.
� left this station on
Torontoto att&bd i
� -Mr. Aaron Shen
arrived here this 19
- . for the purpose ol
out West in -the a
. derson, of this p -W
"Ty services at lk
day evening last,
interesung addre
� speakers present, t
being detaiine&
proved a, .grand sa
X very interestinj
. connection with tt
Improvement 'So(
1"t. when a good
� carried out, MT-�
. so I interesting essxy 4
Young Men ate I
. brought ou a gool
members present.:
I tion we're well 1
1 by & v9W ot.,
J ,
" ,
- � ..
I ! I - . jz�,k_j ,"We, el
I -Mr. Choles meyer
..A1 in the noighborhoe4
and Blyth, Visiting I
of Clinton, who wal
hen,sister, Mrs. W.
I ed home aAmulpsull
e "n. -The matly I
Wren will be pl-"
from h,
. Eve'si.1,19 but Is
� Three of our young
men in the persons
. John Larmour
cided to go out to
� spring *,tens sod
make Victor* I
headquarters. W
I decision they have
. Mwcton, of Monci
Misses Shirrey., of]
The anniverEary *et
terian church will b
raary 'at, when U
- ew Sarum, will P?
rug. The reverend.
lent speaker and
known in, , this
I Gillespie. of -nw
of Mrs, H "I'll *
12b �
I Mr.J'ohnCar i a
near Ethel, tks , ,
. I � who is seriously till.
deliver oneof his;
agent for Manitoba-
. . 'S turdayevening,
�A -
der is a fluent and t
0 wenpoew,beingai
itoba. We preaic�
. Mr. J, Tsyl&,-onre
recovering from -his
once more attendfg
MT& kinch, -of trot
week of 11n, James
a Angrink is boin,
season. Q0te A oul
� tendedrece-atly for
. -Mr. R. Lorimer!.
rapidly recovering
jury, and will 16
his duties he mal
Miss Wright of U
part of- list 4e6k A]
. B. Petty. -The Me
. getting in a large
Yorkshire Paekiag
_ _
-The exci6e voll
� division during Jan
-Carlott&, yona
Isaac C-osensiof Trol
m orning, lat in6t. :
-MichAe) SullivA
. church, Strotford, f
aged 70 yfars. �
-James Bennoch
- man of the Strat
I k_ -Miss Mary 01T
i4 ating rink a day (
. shoulder blade.
-N11r, and Mrs, J
who have been daug
weeks, -are still vor-Y
. -Rev. Sainuel Sv
n Mitchell an the e-
uary 16. � I
_Tbere is a MQV4
ell Methodists tc
churches of that,46,
_Mr, James Con
of lambs from M
market the -other
-The old boaid-(
have -been reaPPOI .
ilamelyb Jae. Priu(
and T. H. Race-
-Aid. wm. D*wi
farm, 10-0 acres, lot
- iw Mr. Alexander
- � hope, for 44,i2501
-Rev. R. fismil
week with t)ie lat , .
Elgypt and Pale-stin
,Hamilton, will 0 " i
i if
Avonbank churches
. - -The Rev. W. I
- b,
is in feeble bealtb, .
' t
trip acMss the . A
German, of Berlin,
. Air. Hincks during
-Mr. Thomas f -A
resident of Logan,.4
froln the effects 101
a widow and'seven
. years 4of age- �
-professor A - C, �
of the ,New York 86
in )tonktou l"t WeE
of craniums and ften
jul resdir-g of charac
_�. MT& peeblems, a;
telegram On 'Wedm
,ber husband WO
Am hour after A
anotber Message �
death. I
- _11r. 3T. W. Cht.1
- N"
services O' - )
Inaker for Jt-mey (:
.�e , " :
' , IA.�J � g,
. 11
. the COmir'l I
Blael .4 *'-
.&Crek;z! C, 4�
� '
mended. -
-A younf 50n ��-.-,
f N
. Ord, had au �xperl
I that nearl V '�y
y o� 3-d bi�
iug no&r the lrstclk I
� ; � West was p"Mmg,
: crass stepm� too I
that he fra-moh-rull
I 20-jr,toupaf - .a
I - I