The Huron Expositor, 1892-02-05, Page 6THE HURON EXPOSITOR.
Little, Nut People.
Old Mistrals Chettnut °rem &ea in *burr
Padded and lined with the softest of fur,
Jack Frost split it wide with his keen silver knik,
And tumbled her out at the risk of her life.
Hero is Don Abused, a grandee from Span '
Some raisins from Mas came in hb
Hs has a twin bmther a shade or two leaner.
When both come together we shout, " Philopenal"
This is Sir Walnut • he's English, you know,
A Mend of my Lady and Lord So -and -So.
Whenever you ask old Sir Walnut to dinner,
De sure and have wine for the gouty old sinner.
Little lil Peanut, from North Carolina,
She's net ristocratie, but no nut is finer,
Sometimes she is roosted and burnt to a cinder.
In Georgia they call her Miss Goober, or Pinder.
Little Mime HazIenult, in her best bonnet,
Is lovely enough to be put in a sonnet;
And young Mr. Filbert haa journeyed from Kent,
And asked her k marry him soon after Lent.
This is old Hickory ; tool' at him well,
A general was named for him, so I've heard tell,
Take owe how you hit hint. He sometimes its
- back !
This soli& old chap is a hard nut to ersok.
Old Mr. Butternut. just from Brazil,
Is rugged and rough as the side of a hill ;
But like many a ectuntenanee quite.' ill-favored,
He covers a kernel deliciously flavered.
Here is a Southerner, graceful and slits,
In flavor no nat is quite equal to him,
Ha, Memieur Pecan, yeu know what it means
To served with black coffee in French New
Dear little Chinkapin modest and neat,
Isn't ste ounniug and isn't she sweet?
Her skin is as smooth as a little boy's chin,
And the squirrels all chatter of Miss Chinkapin.
.And now, nay dear children, Pm sure I have told
All the queer rhymes that a nutshell can hold.
-St. Nieholae.
The Bider' s Sermon.
Our elder told us yesterday we had not learned to
Until we learned how Waged 'tie to pardon and for
The dear, sweet precious words he spoke like heaven.
Ly manna fell ;
The ported peace they brought our tearts so Mango
tongue can tell.
11 Lave brings millennial peace," he said; and though
my lips were dumb,
I still kept shouting in my soul, "Amen, and let it
come 1"
"Whew men forgive all other men, the year of
Will dawn upon the world," he said; and I, "So
e 1.t it be."
"So lnelour neighbor as yourself," he then began.
And lEs-'Fite across the aisle, he shouted out
'What right had he to yell Amen, the low -toned,
measly hound t
Who took my cow, my new mulch cow, and locked
her in the pound!
The low down, raw-boned, homely crank,a lunit head
and slut,
Whose lees and grace and heart and soul hive all
been rusted out,
To sit there in the sanotury, and holler out Amen!
If I mild choke the rascal once he'd never shout
One day his dog came by my house, I called the
brute inside,
Gine him a ohtmk of meat to eat, and he crawled oft
and died,
He just crawled off and died right then: Says. I,
11 I'll ist him see,
No long-legged simpleton like him can get the best
of me."
But, oh, that sermon I would love to hear it
preached again,
About forgivennees, charity and love of fellow men,
I should have felt as if I basked in heaven's especial
If that blamed eillain, Silas Fitz, hedn't .at across
the aisle.
• -S. W. Foes.
Story of a Poultice.
Family discipline is still maintained in
some American fa '
milies as of course it
ought to be in all. The Rehoboth Herald
furnishes an instance. A small boy got a
sIirer in his foot, am:lording to the Herald,
and his mother expressed her intention of
putting a poultice Bantu! wound. The boy,
with the natural foolishness which is bound
up in the heed of a child, objected to the
proposed remedy.
I won't have any poultice !" he de
"Ya, you will," said both nuather and
grand mother, firmly. The majority was
Iwo to one against him, and at bed time
the poultice was ready.
The patient was not ready. On the con-
trary, he resisted so stoutly, that a switch
was brought into requisition. It was ar-
ranged that the grand -mother should apply
the poultice, while the mother, with uplifted
stiek, was to stand at the bedside. The
boy was told that if he "epened hie mouth"
he would receive something that would keep
hint quiet.
The hot poultice touched Inc foot, and he
.opened his mouth.
"Yon-" he began.
." Keep still !" said his mother, shaking
ber stick, while the grand -mother applied
the poultice.
Once more the little fellow opened his
But the uplifted "Awiteh [awed him into
In a minute more the poultice wags firmly
in place and the by was tucked in bed.
There, now," Baid his mother, "th.
old sliver will be drawn out, and Eddie's
foot will be all well."
The mother and grand -mother were mov-
ing triumphantly away, when a shrill voice
piped from under the clothe.:
YOUIVS got it on the wrong foot."
How an Axe is Made;
The Manufacturer and Builder says that
the first step in the operation of making an
axe is the formation of the axe head without
the blade. The glowing flat iron bars are
withdrawn from the furnace and aro taken
to & powerful and somewhat complicated
machine, which;perforisse upon them four
distinct operations -shaping the metal to
form the upper and lower part of She axe,
then the eye, and finally doubling the piece
over so that the whole ems be welded to-
gether. A workman stands by, seising the
partially-faebioned pleasseone after another
with a pair of tamp, mid hammering the
lower edges together. Next the iron is put
in a powerful natural-gas fermium and limit-
ed to a white heat. Taken out, it goes
tinder a tilt hammer and is welded together
In a second. This done, one blew from the
"drop" and the pole of the arils complete-
ly and firmly welded. When the axe leaves
she" drop, there is some superfluous metal
still adhering to the edges and forming what
is technically known as a "fin." To get rid
of this fin the axe is again heated in a fur-
nace'and then taken in hand by a sawyer,
whotrints the ends and edges. The opera-
tor has a glass in front of him to proteot his
eyes from the sparks which fly off
as the hot metal is pressed against
the rapidly revolving saw. The iron
part of the axe is now complete. The
steel for the blade, after being heated, is
out by machinery and shaped with a die. It
Ls then ready for welding. A groove is out
in the edge of the iron, the steel for the
blade inserted, and the whole firmly welded
by machine hammers. Next comes the oper-
ation of tempering. The .steel portion of
the axe is heated by being inserted in pots
of lead, the blade only being immersed. It
is then cooled by dipping in water, and goes
to the hands of the inspector.
An axe- is subjected to rigid tests before
it is pronounced perfect. The steel mint be
of the required temper, the weight of all
Taal of the sante sizes must be uniform, all
must be ground alike, and in various other
ways conform to an estsblished standard.
The inspector who tests the quality of the
steel does so by hammering the blade and
striking the edge to ascertain whether it be
too brittle or not. An axe that breaks dur-
ing the test is thrown aside to be made over.
Before the material of an axe is in the pro-
per shape, it has been heated fire times, in -
Children Cry for
ru "
Those who have not
A Throat used Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup for some
anti Lung severe and chronic
Spsolalt . trouble of the Throat
and Lungs can hard-
ly aprecate what a truly wonder,
ful mdiiue it is. The delicious
sense.tion of healing, easing, clear-
ing, s h -gathering and recover -
g are tnknown joys. For Ger-
• an S p we do not ask easy cases.
ugar id water may smooth a
throe or tope tickling -for a while.
Thi is a far as the ordinary cough
med eine goes. Boschee's German
,SyruP is discovery, a great Throat
land Lu g Specialty. Where for
(years there have been sensitiveness,
;pain, co ghing, spitting, hemorr-
hage, voce failure, weakness, slip-
ping do n hill, where doctors and
niedicne and advice -have been swal-
lowed ad followed to the gulf of
despair, here there is the sickening
conviefio that all is over and the
end IS evitable, there we place
German yrup. It cures. You are
a live Ma yet if you take it. 0
eluding he
when compl
hands of a
has dons so
After panel
grinding d
lapwing proceu, aid the axe,
ted, has passed through the
nt fprty workmen, sash of whom
stifling towards perfeoting it.
inspeotion, the axes go to the
partment and from that to the
he finish them upon' emery
bne-Byed Deer.
One of th good stories - told about out-
door lit in "Wild Sports in the South" 1.
that of re -hunt." whieh took plain on a
very da k n ght. Two mem, with Jake, the
bey,. led out armed with guns, and bear-
ing also a f ying-pan wherein blazed a firs
of pitch pin knots. The deer, startled by
this ligh , were expected to stand staring at
it, alio ng their eyes to be used as a mark
for bull ts.
Sudd nly I felt Stockton's hand es nay
shoulde , co polling me to stop, and then
the orac of his rifle told me he had fired at
a deer I had not seen.
" Tha d r shone up bright," said he, in
a self -as sfi &tone, as he proceeded to load
his gun.
"Are 't Wou going to secureyour game
before 1 adi g ? asked I.
We tared in the direction of our prize,
when, t ouk joy and astonishment, another
blue lig t a peared in - the same direction.
Stookto ed again, and out went the
"1 .ot :the doe first," he said, loading
his rifle "and evidently the buck wouldn't
leave hr."
Agai we started, but had hardly taken a
dozen tep when lo ! another llght ap-
peared. 1
"It's vexstrange " said Stookton, as he
raised his gun to his shoulder, "but I've
seen on y • • eye each time."
"Pe ap they've all been standing side-
wise to ye "1 replied.
"51 orl front," he answered. " I'
that fe lows eye for him."
Cram went the rifle, down went the eye,
and we rue ad W same our game. There
was n Ing to be !eland 1 But soon the eye
reale red
it e e," said Stockton, "something Is the
matter Ith my rile, and I hare been &hoot-
ing all he time at the same deer. Give me
lie sized my piece, and when the eye,
whioh heel temporarily disappeared, again
came g &ries out, he took deliberate SIM and
"Th re, said he, triumphantly, "h.
won't his that eye of hie again ! I've past
the ba 1 aq are into it."
But e as mistaken. While he was re-
loadin , » eye again flashed out. Stockton
WWI h f- !mimed and wholly amazed.
"T ke the rifle," said he, briefly, "And
let hi ,beere it. I'll hold the light."
As I was bringing the gun to my sheulder,
I obse 'red tbat Jake, the boyeWas squirm-
ing ab ut n a most unaccountable manner.
Sudde ly he broke into a wild yell of
laught r.
"W at s all this tomfoolery about ? " said
Stookt n, angrily, grasping him by the
should e; "Tell me this instant,eor I'll
send y a ham.!"
66 Ha 1 a 1 ba" ! shrieked the boy.
"Amel a L glst-house ! Five miles away I
Oh my! ob my! Did I ever 1"
"J Ale ," said Stockton, after a period
of dea sil noe, "we are a pair of donkeys.
We've eeni shooting at the rerolving light
on th Amelia Light -house, five miles
away ! " '
I No Vacancy.
It is ot rue that "The tailor makes the
gentlenan ' but 15 18 true that a gentleman
cannot de y neglect the tailor's Bervicen, if
he wisher. sop:. in general to take him is. A man prominent in Canadian for
what h
politica); lif was somewhat too ()melees in
ibis rem ect
This ;a man was once on his way to oall
upon a we 1 -known gentleman in Quebec,
and sto pe an Irishman in the street to in-
quire th w y.
"Can yo tell me where Mr. Hunter
lives?" ai the statesman.
"15'. • se your going there," was the
unexpe ed eply.
"But do on know where he liven?"
' , id I do; but it's no use going
The i qui er began to pt angry.
" I di 't ask your advise. I simply want
to know wh re Mr. Hunter lives."
"Ob, wel , he lives down that street yon-
der, the fire bowie round the corner •, but I
tell you it's no use your going there, for I've
just beep th re myself, and he's already got
a nsan."
Mr. Run er had advertised for a servant
the day b fore, and the statesman, so the
story gees, went at once and bought a new
The Whi
come to ab
other girl,s
low and' sw
voter in t
spirit, ; of
of daeh
lips, why
not. The
bad end at
ed a good o
be thrown
this rascall
the lonely
tar, that
courage up
this prectic
true thet t
end. Whi
money It
aroandl th
has set
e Whistling Girl.
ding girl does not commonly
end. Quite es often as any
e learns to whistle a cradle song,
et and charming to the rang
e cradle. She is a girl of
independence of character
and flavor ; and as to
you must have some sort of
lips to whistle; thin ones will
histling girl does not come to a
11 (if marriage is still consider-
oupation), except a cloud may
pon her exuberant young life by
proverb. Even if she walks
oad of life, she has this advan-
she can whistle to keep her
Bat in a larger sense, one that
1 age oan understand, it is not
e whistling girl comes to a bad
thing pays. It has brought her
has blown her name listening
world. Scarcely has a non -
smut been more famous. She
the adage. fibs has done se
es Cartorla.
mush toward the emancipation of her sex
from the prejudice created by an ill-natured
proverb which never had root in fact.
But Ins the whistling woman come to
stay Is it well for women to whistle?
Are the women likely to be whittlers ?Thew
are serious questions not to be taken up In.
light manner at the end of a grave paper.
Will women ever learn to throw a .tone?
There it is. The future is insoruteble. We
enly know that whereas they did not whistle
with approval, now they do; the prejudice
of generations gradually melte away. And
woman's destiny is not linked with that of
the hen, not to be controlled by a pro-
verb -perhaps not by anything.-Harper's
-Mr. Wm. Maudson'who recently pass-
ed his examination at the School of Peda-
gogy in Toronto, left Mitchell the other day
to assume the position of teacher of science
and mathematic:s in the Georgetown High
Rev. W. A. MASON, Georgetown, P. B. I.:
-(let letter) I have used your famous K.
D. C. and have derived great benefit from it.
My ease is very severe -complicated with
ether troubles.' (2nd letter)" I have been
troubled with a constant pain in my stom-
ach. I was drain- it was cancer. After
using your medicine it entirely disappeared
and has not returned."
ele • et
Five to One.
D1AR SIRS,-Laet winter I had five large boils on
my neck, and was advised to use B.B.B. Before
I had finished the Bret bottle I was completely well
and think B.B.B. cannot be excelled as a blood puri-
Jon x WOOD,
Round Plaine, Ontario.
Knights of Labor.
The Knights of Labor aim to protect their mem-
bers against financial difficulties, etc., liagyard's
Yellow 011 protects all who use it from the effaces
of cold and exposure, such as rheumatism, neural-
gia, lumbago, sore throat and all inflammatory pain.
Nothing compares with it as a handy pain cure for
mean and beast.
Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful shampoo.
It cleanses the scalp and darkens grey hair.
A General Overcome.
DEAR Sine,- 7 suffered from general weakness and
debility and my system was completely run down and
I found B. B. the best medicine I ever tried. 1
would not be without it for a great deal.
11188 NELL'S ARlismoso,
Dunblane P.O., Ontario.
ete• •
Small Sugar-coated Burdock Pills do not gripe
or sicken. They are mild and effectual.
French China
A complete as-
sortment- of fine,
decorated China
just to hand at
Western Tea Emporium.
NERVE MEANS are a ewer dist-
arrernithat awe the wont oases ot
Nervous _ ,Debilies Lon Vigor and
Failing Manhood ; restores the
Walkman of bods or mind mooed
by over -work, or She errors or ex-
oesses of youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely owes the most ohninak cisme Vim all other
massunlem have failed weak relieve. Beid by devi-
lling ea $1 per leader ogreaisingr sister $4 or sent by mail on
rsoiipS DK= be
r. Q. ritelor.oatoohlet.ESold la -
TEM JAMS 1 etle 101Nit
For sale by J. 8. ROBERTS, druggist, Seaforth.
1113a112 NIVW 3015 18V3
0 Co3o.
OR 090
P1:11 )aai a
In order to make room for Spring Goode,
the undersigned offer bargains in
Dry Goods,
Readyniade Clothing,
Boots & Shoes,
Etc., Etc.
This opportanity will be open for 30 slays
only. Come one,come all and secure bargains.
1259-4 MoNEIL & COLEMAN, Zurich.
What is
.,ssee "V. eee
Castoria is Dr. Sar
and Children. It
ether Narcotic s
for Paregoric, D
It is Pleasant.
Millions of Moth
feverishness. 0
cures Diarrhcea
teething trouble
Castoria assimil
and bowels, gi
toria, is tho Chil
uel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
• 1
ontains neither Opium, Morphine nor
bstanee. It is a harmlcss substitute
ops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 011•
ts gnaranteo is thirty years' ;use by
rs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
toria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
cures constipation aud flatulency.
tes tho food, regulates tho stomach
,„ healthy and natural sleep. Cass,
Iren's Panacea -the Mother's Friend.
"Castaris is an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Nothors ha.vo repeatedli told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Dm. C. Osooc.e,
Lowell, Mass,.
" Cestoria, is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is r ot
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and tam Castoria in-
stead of the vaxiounquack nostrUms which ars
destroying their loved ones, by toreingopium,
morphine, soothing syrup andi other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Ds. J. PeKmenman,
ponway, Ar
The Centaur Cou4pomy, TI
" Castanet Le no well adapted to children OM
I recommend it es superior toany Prescription
known to me."
II. A. Amaze., X„ D.,
111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N.Y.
"Our physicians in tho children's depart-
ment have epoken highly of their experi- .
enco In their outaide practice' with Castoria,
and although wo only ImITO among our
modlext1 euiepilea what is lorIVA as regular
products, yet we aro free to poetess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor up.1 it."
Uxrrae Haserrao ASO DIRPRNSART,
Boston„ man.
salaam 0. Sterne, Pres.,
array Stroot, Now York City.
The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in
Seaforth for al short time only
]=1:313° oza) 8mAa4-33..
Zetablisthed 1867.
AL/A(P...ID .y ..
AliGeneral Banking Busineas Transi
issued payable at all points i
the United States,Grea
Depoeits of $1.00 and upward. reoeiv
en SWIM -TO TES ?mamma. AT TUE RE
Special Attention given to the Coll
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
-Farmers' Notes Miscounted, Drafts
Canada, and the principal cities in
Britain, France, Bermuda,&c.
,and current rates of ;interest' allowed. INTER -
OF MAT AD ilrOVI31E111 n EACH Yzese.
et Conunereial Paper ati4 Titrineirs' Wes
M. MORRIS, Manager
Stove, Tin and House Furnishing Emporium
Is the place for bargains, and if you don't want to buy
Which is the best for a qiristmas PresOt why choose a
her shipment and if you have
come and see what other nice
We have just received. ano
already got a Sweeper, why
presents we have in Lamps,
Remember the stand.
Furnace and Job Work a specialty.
What doss it mean? The Dictionary says low prices, that may be, but it does
not follow that low priced goods are icheap. To constitute real !cheapness other
things mtust be taken into considelfation before the price; foremost among
these is quality, which means an attiibuts, or rank. Our immense stock of
Furniture will therefore be ranked very high, because it is superior in quality
to anything ever before offered to the people of Seaforth. Besides this, it pos-
sesses other attributes, such at solid.ty, which means soundness or firmness.
Durability, which signifies that our gooda will last for a long time. Fitness,
which means that you can find in th stock something suitable for evairybody,
this is because we carry so many va ous styles. All these attributes We com-
bine in our.goods, and we are able te sell them at such low figures, that we are
conscious of having embodied all the' necessary qualifications of peal cheapness.
One trial is all we ask, and if that dins not secure your trade w will be will-
ing to do without it In the meant4ne we are determieerl to stand by our
banner of highest quality at the lowlst living prices. ,
M. Robertson's Central Furniture
OP -
Dry Goods,
Groceries and
Please call and examine our stock
before purchasing elsewhere. No
trouble to show goods. Highest price
paid for all kinds of farmers' produce.
I beg to thank all my old customers
for their past favors, hoping to receive
a fair share in the future, and would
also be pleased to See as many new
ones as possible.
Coal in Car lots sold direct to
No intermediate profits,
Write for Prices.
Special Attention Given to Se.
dello. and Clubs.
FEBRUARY 5 1892.
j'OYIN GRIEVE, Y. S.. how _graduate o Ontario
Tistimpaer caws, ,dts. ea et Doreestie
Animals treseNd. Ws promptly attended to sad
charges mode/eke. Vete Hoary btty iecI&e_
Office at W.W. gays'
"DRANK IL Battik, V. Be gradtutte of Ontario Vete
X winery College, Tomato, Member of the Vet.
erinsey Medical Sweet . breaks Au dieekes of
the Domesticated All oath promptly et.
tended to either by day or night. Charge! =Oder -
ate. Special attention given se veterinary dentee
try. Ofiloo oa Mein Street, Seedortio one doe
south of Kidd's Mordwrat store. 1112
ea vie and Godeetioh Street" nett does to w Feee,
byteriaa Chunk &alertly Ont. All dinette st
Booms, Oattio, Shoop, or any ot the do n ideated
animas, ruosessfully treated at -16.• itLrinary or
eloswhere, on the shealesi notice. -hams wder,
ate. JA11113 W. ELDER, Yek.inaty Surge*. P -
0.-A large 'took of Tete:teary Medicines Kept oat
silently on hand
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 110,
Proctor in Admiralty.
OFFICES : 16I Yonge Street. comer Adelaide,
and EN Blom Street, Toronto, Oatario. oisit
11Lf ATTHEW MORRISON. Wailes, hennas.
Ossuniestoner for Webs( affidavffis,
Conveyemees, he. Money to loan at -the lowest rates.
X. Monsnon, Waitoe.
T M. BEST, Banister, Solicitor, Notary,
Oillee-Romas, five deo a north ofOomme
eso;e1, groaned 1 Seer' seat doer to C. L.
jewsks$ store, Maksemete fleafortle. Opted*
agento-Cameren, Hilt sad Ctsanerea. NM
Hello, neighbor, I haven't seen you for a long
Sims? Where have you been.? Yea some to be s
hurry this morning? Anything wren? WA yes?
Sick I mercies? No it la 'macro lest, and as angry
as the dem. Bad ensue'? Hew ease you to get
into VW dilemma. You see that Instate?. I have
bniu dowa the Ceuntry for seek bine on businees,
and my watt& went astray;
It never failed me Woes, sad I am miming it
now:eight years," I took 15 50 six et the shining Jew-
elry okras of the town, where I slopped, but nosiest
• them mimed to detect what was tbe matter, I kept
agoing to them until I was bold, myself sad watch.
were s Dulness bround thine. I got a olwase 5.
come home for a few days, aid I wall not Coin to
lose it either. "Whore are you ohm to p415 re-
paired to -day?"
I son going straight to Paten', jewelry Ake Sea -
forth, aod if I don't ire; ber fined them, I am satilieed
then that what those other fellows teld unethat it is an
Amman' waboh, Aed I consider Papist a magisal
workman ma Aneericin or any other wakh.
He set shim watch right for sae yeses ago, and it
gave me poled eatishietion, but timelier* them other
duffers has Ready spoiled her
My friend, I Gan toll you, that when my watt& is
wrong I am wrong, when she is tight I am right, and
I mu going to have her right too, soon as 1 get to
floaferth, I know Pepsi esn Ix her, so geed bys edd
Noe spallive pm* Ow the ahem disame;
memons st mem of Ms wags Moe seed et tem
hem hem meet lineal se is wre
TWO eT Ina*
WSs Veldifi1&11 TI SOMI on this moon to one
anew lois WI sot no IBEEINISS led E.O. affirm
T. A. Bt.00Use, PA. C., ISO Amu -aloe
lIctillop Directory fbr 1892.
JORE BENNEWIES, leave, Brodhapn P. 0.
JOSH( MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Winthrop.
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beeolsweed.
JAMES EVANS. Councillor, Beachwood.
WILLIAM ABOHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury.
J 0575 0.110151518075 Clerk, Winthrop.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop.
WM. EVANS, Aseseser, Beeetewood.
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Sesforth.
Curse Buress, Outs, Piles n their woad form,
Swellinee, Erysipelas. Inflammation, Frost 115er,
Chapped Heaps, and all Skin Diemen.
Owes Lunshago, Soiatiese Rheuensatiam, Neuralgia
Ttadse, F ains ia:every lona.
By ail dealers. Whoiesale by F. F. Dailey 410..
My facilities are unsurpassed. I eosins -
pored to meadtest Intrials in a most salts-
..ery manner. All "modern usdertakkor
appliances. Competent manageneentraar-
soloed. A full line of burial goals on
baud. I aim to be prompt, eons:dente
and reliable.
Charges most reasonably.
Steaniers Sail Regularly from
Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 526.
Steerege at low rates.
via Londonderry, every Fortaight.
Cabin, $40 and upwards. Seemed Cabin, lee.
Steerage at low mks.
Apply to IL 41 A. ALLAN, Montreal, or 0
BETHUNE or W. G. DUFF. liesierith.
eee AZDOW 5 PILOUDTOOT, Darriabors, Seth Limo,
Ur he., Sedosielt, Gesaos, Q. 0.;
W. Pummel?. 011
rfAMTRON, HOLT is CAMERON, Bearlike* gs
U Senors la Chanoery, he..Godesieb. One M. S
Oaannos, Q. e., Pima MOOT, It. Osamu
-1-o J. DOWNEY Solicitor, Oosveyaneer asolatis
jj of Vistoria, lit. C. 0Am-env iank of
Ceatmenes, Main wink, Seafortik. PrveAe tumble
loan at Aland Spec musk lea
Xvoyemeoene ho. Beaklike' foe Mte 'Yese et
shnANNING BOGIT, aserlikes, Sondsoq; 0.ision, limb& IS Gahm. Money to limo Moo.-
Elliott Bieck, Mato., Ontario. A. MAIMS
Jassas Boon. 711.
EMoOsaghoy Beinsosted, Darrister, HOLMINTEID, suoosesor to tat. 'sea lira
,17or Ooeveyanaor sat Notary. Solisiear for Ibo
Oanadian Dank of Ossansoroo. Messy to boo Tama
for sob. Office In Book's 13look, Aida Wire*
DICISON Is HAYS, formerly wish liens& asc-
row 41 Proudfoot, Goderiohl 15.listen, At
biters, etc, Sosforth sad Brussels Seafertit Mks
Blook. Maio Strom. 1.8. HAYS. W. R.
DIOSSOti. Money to Leas. 11S1
Solicitor ot Superior Court. Consiniseimeer for
Was; Affidavits in tee High Oemt
a Ju1510., 00ausiasieuer,
Moor to Load
OFFICE -Is Meyers' Moak. Mao gerriet, fleatletia„
adjoiaistg Mies of Dee. Bethune end Bolden. elm
-E1 W. TWEDD.11, Deatiste Moe am' Mandlisa
Melimezisithoese itirere. rle a4litideatifilltd.,
taiaister$ for the painless inksaikea Klee*. Mil
Tvt. G. 711.AIILLIX BILDIN, %oath* -; Aseisiont,
jj Dire A.S. ATE/EfitiN. Gi Mm .54 tie
painless) lacteselion el teeth. Mee &VW J111011016
Vardwars Store, tenforsh. Wiii visit
every Wednesday at Disea's Moto'. 1St
_ EINSMAJI. Dentist, L.
; 'tor II.. Linnet. Oak WO! b•
I *ill..•
as tits Sum Motol, en Wm saill
Msedsek's Motel, Moissall, is On nags AIN .11111131
FUMY in gook MaOstit. TOMS salassisilsrliik
loot pain possible. All wort. firot-obies litorai
Estes. en
Di...0....u.ix).....awitc.biikof the iriessoeseitst usagestealis.
tal ausweess, Ontario Tooth insorlad with sr
.oet a photo in phi oslisloid or rubber. =A sato en&
'thole, gives, tortheepainless eatraolime et boa.
Odlee-ever O'Neire bask, *user; oasesie. ISM"
E. R. -Plates smeared flevely ia Ohs mesa by
Yeaseas• Patent Valve.
VI-ONEY TO LOAN.--Stealnkt Immo at II jist
111 seas., milk the privilege to borrow*, ef
Timis( part of ths psisoipal memo et any now.
Apply to T. mozaturrauk Banuateet, Seafeelit.
DN. 0. SHIPPARD, Physisian and linoren.4`
field, Ontario, suestemor ta Dr. W. W
Tv'. T. P. MeLLUOHL/14„ M.O.P.S., Oaks* rev
skian, Surgeon sad Aoconeleree.NW
promptly attended. Mos, Dasbareal,
*rime, Goderiele Street. epposite Methodist
Church, Setaiorth. RESIDENCE, not Agrioultterel
J. G. SOOTT, IL D. 0.31., (Asa Arkee and Tie-
teria,) M. C. 7.8. O.
C. MACKAY., M. D. 0. M., (Trinity,) F. T. M. Ce
M. C. T. S. 0.
Veit. EarAUL, Member el the College ad INF
JIJ Seisms sad Summate, etc, Soafewele, Oahe&
Ode., Oady's Bleak opposite Onseaseental Mel*
Night bell at resideooe, north vide of Godwin' lito
'eyeteeth deer wok e$50d50 ursh. 117031.
E. COOPER, M. D., Plernioisa, Surrsoa sad
Amouoiser. Oenttaace, Oat. 11N
ps. sualoTr, Broesiskt, Ilweatisie So*
Wise" ef Physioiams hal
ThSurgeoes, Mho
'. Brasolsid, Oat. INN
-n W. .11100E $MITE, M. D 0. IL, ilwaibow it
the Oeihips 01 Phylleimis and Sergeosin Mt.&
ftosiferth, Ontario. Moe rovidones same it
opiroptod by Dr. Yorisoo.
,4 LAX. pirrEeNe, D., Moir of Ike Sopa
21. Oallogo.rof Pis sioisas sod thurgesto, MITIMPSule
Seesossor to Dr. 31s.kid. Oille lately oesepisi
by Dr. Maskid, 1a Street lloatorth. liosialsam
-Owner of Tiotoria Square. bons. 'Moly eorsetiet
by L. I. Danis/.
'f P. MINX, Lismood AioNsbeer fie tee 0160.
by of fluxes. Saks attended la a I peek el
asCounty. All mien left at In Resew*
Mae will be promptly otteaded to.
T1H. PORTER Gesaial Altotioneer *ad
• Tahmetor. Orders sent by mail to my ad -
dem, Beelleid P. e, wilt moire peosept alimetice.
Torsos moderate. 11St-et
Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Stiles prompt-
ly attended to, charges moderate and satiate:Kum
guaranteed. Orders by mail addreseed to Chisel,
burst Poet Office or 1.15 .5 his residence, Lot 2, Cow
cession 11, Tuckersmith, will receive prompt *5505
tion. 1268 tf.
W. 0. DUFF,
Collector, Book-keeper and Aceounteati Zak 114140.
Liie, Accident and Fire Insurance Agent, Money Do
Lome Careespendenee, Ito. Parties rensitlot
services in any of them branelses wffi remise
prompt attention, 017101 lit DAUNT% 31.0Tywu(!?
Seaforth Dairy.
Having purchased the Dairy Business,
from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to soiled a ematinte
.nee ot the petronage whieh he bas ramined in
the past. With the adventagee I have la mr re-
frigerator and situation, I hope to be able to eive AT
tustomon satisfaction ne to otieStr of soak eii*50
the INTY hot weather. Rea that tho oasis sys-
tem is tbe moot Just and to *X tee
cerned, / have decided baleen for gash
ar Tickets supplied at redvend rotes.
1171 D. D. WILSON
La the minds
-they are young
sociated with
and with rode
ninny things bes
coverings. .Ont
the walls of dw
ways, clear and
fence posts, be.
pieces, black bo
It earl be sa we
that hathi tubs
fectly writer ti
edges of he slat
So usefpl a ma
of wealth where
deposits i Grea
other Eu row
eral of -thf Unit
ductive merica
tral and tern
Slate in got on
blasting, 1 holes
steam drilla.
ohains the rough
of the quarry, a
trucks to the oh
slate forms nal
splitter," foilo
with a large bie
to strips of aben
roofing slate.
Then the slate
trimming mach
heavy knife, the
to rectangular "
erate this trim
the elates are
square containin
sired square feet
In the neigbor
quarries one will
entirely of slate.
are made are smo
are exceedingly
A Pennsylva
articles are man
three horizontal
each of which is
cutting diamond
most expensive
one costs $5,308.
There are also
saws, a circular
slate working In
The huge ho
upon one of the
a ratchet at the
a minute. The.
at the same ri
aaw to keep it co
from the cut.
After the sewi
being moved bac
under s. firmly
polished, much
by means of a rs
iron called s r
covered with a
funnily saturate
bored by meatus
Slate land wee
the tract upon
quarry in Penns
for a pint of liqn
have taken milli
-A large pa
Mitehell took ad
lug on Monday
drove oat to the
Doble, near au
telly entertained
-Messrs. Col
dealers of Mitch
ship, dr. W. R.
Thorne, of Lend
place, and the fir
as Thorne Broth
-Word has
of Amos Walto
that town, said
spring, was fro
raring man was
on by a storm w
-11/.. Paul K
eon-in-lew of
Logan, was in M
avorto attend th
Toronto, who wa
Kane the eeiebr
lowing &asocial()
try last week
North East Ho
ID the same to
Von, Fullarton
sedation, Foliar
-Mrs. Ellen
pioneers of B14.11
y at the resider'
Currie'near B
had bean ou aIn
back to St. Mar
was 85 years of
-Mr. John
some twelve ye
with an aeciden
centiy, which c
ed the eccupatio
ing fell Irene his
-When retur
day little Olive
placed her ton
iron bridge. I
that the tongs'
and in pulling i
$k. lush on the
-Mrs. liktrids
Davidson, died i
laBt week, in th
husband died se
early pioneers o
towel. They h
Sena and one
George, was;
Listowel Bantle
-Mr. Wm.
for the West a
'meeting with
himself a helms'
Wilson of Win
zth, 18k. Mr,.
mifling bushie
that place from
, interesting cere
-Peter Zie
iras charged b
with assaulting
Ms wife. The
when True ap
check, which
office Departm
and fell on the
kis beck. For
$2 and costa, t
-The Atwo
young men, by
evening, was f
young people e
life. Mr. atE
faculty of 111.
manner that h
gregation, w
word -pictures
vividly and for
-The Pres
January 19.
.-was appointed
months. The
.anthorized to
The new eh=
31st by Dr.
granted to tia
eeed with a ea
bytery disapp
salaried secre
of foreign mis
vote, however
-The body
-who was hill
Couple of viree
ford for lute
4srakeman on
.As was the
'watering tun