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The Huron Expositor, 1892-02-05, Page 3
- ? .. . I � - I , , II . FEBRUARY 6, 180- , - ��_... .:. . - THE HURON EXPO 1TOR 3 ann a sort ox vague notion that literature nam Dean racing In money Dy1tne nanarut. 41d, and ready to depaN, bad sent a taai• IMPORTANT NOTIOES. LUMSDEN _ _ I 1 V H/ (/�T lI'/ Ai.� � ,"was one of the ways to Wealth an idea He had no pt►rtieu! r adectian for Hump sags ti• It[r. Ayaaa, rogssafirg a tnetnoa#�a r & WILSON'S s ' , OHN BSA'iTLS, Clonic the of Second ivisba which says something for the sangulnr turn and only refaced 'n that personage a good interview. J Court, County Commissioner, -of Huro Con - of his mind and for his inexptlr once. luck bseause it see ed likely to be service- "I never hada gentleman under my or. veysomr, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ><rrnds „ AS the name indicates this o u- `� Gentlenllin : I call assure you that He was on fairly intimate terms with the able to himself. He thought that u creditor dere until now," said the great contraotsr, Invested and to Loan.. Office—Over Sh�rp & P p `�.� editor of the journal in question, and be- with his poekste t 11 of money would be "and when I first engaged ye, Mr. Wynne, Live�'store; Main street, seatorth. ` lar reaaedy combines the h�alinb dour I�al.�.irll ul l+iz h:Is liven the TO leasaater to dead with thdn one whose I confers that I had a certain misgiving Is ( and soothingproperties of Gl cer- Q tier be:.t satisfaction to lime. I liave '- "' AD18ENAF V e fore hes financial arrangement Frith Eiir. P: g g OBEY TO LOAN.—Private and compare fundsP A Y y Whale was a week old he;'called at the pockets were empty—which gain may be regard to the enterprise. I've sent for yr Al to loan at lowest rates. s10,000 or rlvate ine with the well known virtues of :;(lid more (if it thalt tiny- other uoitgh , editorial office with a little bundle of iitanu acceptsd as a pi oof of the young man'a to tell a that -I'm very much pleased is- funds have been placed in our hands wh oh we 1 Fir Balsam hence its wonderful nledicinc I ever had and never had i rants of the w rid. deed with our assiduit and our b". . will loan in sums to suit borrower. Loans be r I script which he had selected from �O uaO y pp y 0901pleted at once if title ratistacsory. DICKSON efficae in removing -all soreness anything lenge m customers so trifles of the last half a dozen years. The But when the da of settlin approaohsd, near intelligence. The hi of comataraii. sit HAYS Cardno's Block Seaforth. 1143tt A, .3 L p y editor glanced at them and tossed them and Harry Wynne met -Mr. j hale by ap- pre+perity, Mr. Wynne, is difSottlt is _ and imitation from the throat and Nvell. S. MCKIBBIN, Merchant, Tightly about with an apparent seabe of appointment he encountered an unexpected climbb, and no man can do it b aRufrM. OOD WANTED.—Sealed tenders will be re- Chair value which 'kaa strongly out of pro blow in the first sa tence that was apolteu. I'm a pretty quick obairver, any I m in- W ceived by the undersigned up W Janullary 10, bronchial tubes. Leaclbur� . lhV% for the purpose of supplying 1•l oordd of green ortion with the author'@. his one would "L was afraid," said Whale. who Inas a @lined to think that yo have the roof of N d p g IN Sonournfull confidential man with a high the matter i, e I sent for a on r 'Doyle body cordwood for school section o. R, G Y M l ATS I3 BALSAM d'o perhaps, and perhaps this other ; as for Y (1 y y per- Tuokerpmith. JAMES McGILL, krgniundville, the rest—well, he would look them over. falsetto voice and a habit of burin¢ an in- peas to tell ye of my oursatisfaction, nasi as t 1�54tf He might find a corner for them. The terlocutor into corners, "1 wa. afraid that sign of it you'll find your salary raisad neat , budding litieratenr suggested payment, You Weren't going to turn uii, "d I m so year to the extent of twelve pounds tea per TO LEND at 6J1 per cent in e m. to East A.ve., Hamilton, Nov. 6, 89. j , , � 6 �Q suit borrowers first class tarso Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson; Sea - said something in a vaQiie and general way rotten poor that ,upon m word I don't quarter. Newt* •young gentlemen of your security. Also impruvod farm for side at s great forth. Mesers. Lumsden & Wilson Sea - about the necessity of buckling to at one know where to loolk for a my up-bringing that sum may appear Tory bargain. Former owser left County. Applyppeereon. �''j � thing or another, and expressed his resolu- This staggered t e debtor for a moment. insignificant, but you may regard it as the ally or write. E. N. LEWIS, Solicitor, God, orich 0 forth, Ont. "`I am horribly torr to hear it, old fel- first indication of successful merit. I wish I l4 7-t8 Gentlemen,:— W ill you please tion to abids by the belles lettres, for „ 7 7 �._.r Gentlemen,—Some time ago I re - which he was modest! convinced that he low but e a merry Christmas, Mr. Wynne, and a send me one half dozen bottles of y i „ or1cE To CONTRACTORS.—Wanted to ceived a bottle of your Royal had a native aptitude. For heavens pike, said the plaintive a y new year. N job of cutting and skidding the cord -wood and Royal Glycerated Balsam of Fir y y Whale dont toll me you're 'not going to The increase in itmolf was not m llooat saw logs on from 60 to 100 acres of land, else clearing Glycerated Balsam of Fir, and found In effect he nasi the editor did come to Y g $ r express at once a bottle of this de it. I ve of nine hundred to find to -mor- but it was an earnest of futurs th an� the sates. For further rticulars address fee un. Pe P: d a case of actual terms, and the young gentleman , gs' dens ed Box 12b Wi ham P. 0. GEORGE � it invaluable in removing row, and I on t know nw a than the man ,the kind words which went with it rya__, � g preparation leas been in my posses - found himself en�t►gecl on approbation to + F T,HOMSON.. lug tt. severe cold with which my daughter produce prose an verse on society topica in the moon wherei to look for the other the young fellgw's heart. He climUd on — Sion for some time. I gave it to a was then a icted. I shall only be and ie supply Paragraphs from his own fifty." ! j to a westward omnibus, sad took a certain STRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises of the man safferinr from Sore Throat p "I thought ou' been w in all over hwd ids in foo the wether in that 1� undersigned, Lot eb, Concession 11, H Hitlop, b I ' too ha o recommend it to others personal knowledge of society people at $ y ' 8 y Pr PP. „ , about the middle of June, an unshorn ow . Tbq Hoarseness, &c. He now wants rste of remuneration which 'might rise to the shop, young ynne answered, feebly. won�uc fashion. Ie lad a fortnight's owner may have the same b rovin pro and and intend ';to keep it in the house. ve pounds r week or sink to three. Ob- "I haven't been about the clu much lately, holiday Were hiar, sad -gave idleness the paying ebarses. THOS. BRA IE,1�arico�c I►. o. this half dozen for himself' and p P per , - 1 enclose $1 for tyle bottles, which viously tbere was no Eldorado here, but for but when I have n1et any of t e fellows I ve first welcome its had ever offered it in his 1*x4 ' friends. Yours Truly, JOHN Mop- lease send at our earliest eonven- all that it was better than nothing, and heard of notbing 1cut our luclt." lits, having I"rnsd ita #woof@ from labor. TAT Kincardine. P y Harry felt a glow of conscious rectitude as "You haven't hard much cif my luck," j y ESTRAY LAMBS.—Came into the m of the s << All his journalistic work Lias read beton subscriber, Lot 12, south boundary, tanl•y, fence. J. $IaJCG he emerged upon the street. piped Whale, fo� this last �hree weeks, hand, and his portmanteaux were alread� about the 23rd December, two white Lambs.. The He out the club almoat entirely, and he or if you hays I : •Ten't I'm atone -broke, packed for a visit to Lady McCorquodals a owner is requested to prove property, pay p>rarges THE GREAT Li ��T1 COUGH TT �'�f `�j1 �/�'Z7 T��% r my bo and that'i all about i . I've t onse at Norwood Y and take them away. ALLAN DOUGLAS, Bt �j ■ • ■ E j, O LJ vi .J • f Sw ■ J� J D �L slaved away at his Tones, his piquant riffle y� ii° when ho'would ea- t society puagraphs, and his occasional small P&Y Hoskins of Cork Street mina hundred counter the divine and perfect Inthis. Be t articles under the natural and excus- tomorrow, and if', I can't mee the bill I had come to the loverlike stage by this Messrs, Lumsden & Wilson ,Sea- Dear Sirs : It is now about four jiARM TO RENT.—To rent, for one year 6iD acres r s •impression that he was bringing shout must hand it over; to him to orrow. You titan in which a young mase discovers that r of good pasture land on the Mill =,Ttiok•r- forth : C years since -I first tried your Balsam know what sort of a follow he is." he L absolutely unworthy of the re and of mmitb. There is plenty of *•&ter all the year round. - sonaething like a new era in lettere, and bad D y g Ap ly to the undersigned, Bruoeseld P. o., or at his Gentlemen : Your Cough medi- of Fir, and I have never since been at least set his foot on the first run of the Hang was perfectly Ignoraa of the oafs- lbs girl he aa.tgs for, and when his know- denos, Milt Road, Tuckersmith. EDWARD cine GI rested Ballism of Fir, without it in the house. In the golden ladder. g talion enjoyed b}r. Mr. Haskins, but thous ledge sI her a86ction fills him with @pro PPAAPPLs. lI259•tt , y + when this had foes going on for about a was so serious a!forbodingx in Mr. Whale's found humility and disposes him to high galls well with me ; the longer I . worst attack of cold I ever remem- x0onth he encountered Captain Peter tone that his heart nailed at Im. resolve. The routine of the office was �T OTICE.—Belgrave Cheese Facto The! und•r- P � � ry have it the more I think of it. I her Navin it ave relief at once, Restos who hailed him cordially and "What can he do?'. he asks glorified by tie thought of her, and when signed will receive tenders for the sale 4f whey S, S drop the friendliest "ibis tithe re- "Do"" said Whale, In his a iguished fat- he iMhed vire or e*alted virtue in his per ton of Cheese up to the loth day of February, ]snow it to be good and can always E and with the children we always po 1892. There is yard, troughs and shed in oorneotion snip er about Hump's bill. Heston was sotto; "he can't do much. H can only run wesitAy article or his prettily turned vermse, with the factory. The who to be pur,ped by! factory recommend it with confidence. find it the best and safest remedy. sorry to tali the your$ fellow that Hump us both into -_the bankruptcy a urt, and that Iatbia wad always wish him, and the hands. JAMES OWENS, President. 4259•# ' Wm..NEAL, Merchant, Walton. S H. L. PmNE, Zurich.. had been veryhard hit, and would be oer- means ruin—to me, anyhow. 1 don't know thought of her, to his own mind, inspired ' how our people might take it " hist to an eitcellenc he eeald never have u OUSE FOR SALE—For Sale that pttasanily fain to want sa massa up to Ghad This 7 P P y 11 situated cottage rl the earner of yo and COUGHS, SORE WAS a avow sw&ken,sr, or Harry bed allow- At this point, with an aspect of resigned ao>Tsd without her. Sperling f9treeta, formerly occupied by A. iL Murray. ad himself to hope almost with certainly despair, he sipped at a brand and soda, Romance is not of much u" 4s, a you" Tbere to -hard and soft•water and a splendid !garden. COLDS, bit off the en of a c1p r with sudden me- man of limited income unless it lead W011 Will be bold' cheap and an easy terms sr thel owner that the bill could be renewed, and had in- I has removed to Kincardine.. Appy to W. O. DUVF. „ , deed staved off in fancy its final payment to "G'Otla apsteful jerk nese, an having ap amongst other things to the study et 1169112 Winnipeg, Nov. !, 89. some indefinite distant period when moue parintly forgotten to light, pl n ed himself (ores. It had led him in that direction Lumsden & WiL3on Seaforth P y ' Messrs, Lumsden & Wilson. ,. , would be comparatively a matter of indiffer- niocd�ly into an arm -chair, and lid his best wad he had drawn up a creditably business- RacENTOR WANTED for Duo's Chureb,,lValton, once. to him, to look wretched and disconsolate. like balance -shoot by means of which he J Presbyterion, to lead the singing at the! morn- We have handled your Balsam of Ontario. Idem thus enforced to, look still mere The pigeon had no need to assume any of saw himself and the world so more than a ing and evening servioes. Those applying are ex- Fir for a few ears past and with H ': Being 1 petted to sing before the oongregation for two 7 P widel .afield for wwa a and means he called the airs the rook vas acting. He felt thousand pounds at Tariaace. He would Sabbaths when the can lodge their terms with the lr y y g the greatest satisfaction to us from -p Dear Sirs : Please find enclose• M mind a certain C. W. Fergusson, sten- quite overwhelmed by this unixpected barn pay interest on the jewels until such time session. Applications received up to the 8th of the fact that it has given universal .lir of affairs. as he could redeem them and would then February. Apply to JAMES SMILLIE, Walion P.O., g $1, for which send me two ,bottles tractor m a great way of lytiein.as, ends ' satisfaction to our customers. We c Ontario. 1;96ax 3 member of Parliament whore he had wont at Look here, Hump, be said in hopeless be able to return them to Iris. Butterfield _ of Royal Glycerated Balsam of Fir the house of Lord Hounee. This For assn apology, "I've got a hundred, and if you at a sacrifice of perhapsacouple of hundred Campbell. SWOrth could have sent you hundreds of � ONItY To LEND.—oar. Cam i b return mail or express,slid ffas a 9cotehman--a Yuan of energy and can stave the thing off for another throe pst�ads. His income was itrcreasiag—he having been appoLtr3 @gest for the Hasnii• testimonials had we kept s record A y probity, wh©'had one foible. He wanted months ou're �waloome to it. I'm awfally had withdrawn his expenditure to the ton Provident Loan and Saving Company.i is asw oblige, Jo .v PEFpiLRs Stron Ville #o associate with people of fashion, and brry, oll roan, he added with unnecessary narrowest limits; he was working for laves prepared to effect, loans an the most 4vorable of them, We class it as the best S + g _ „ terms. Interest 6 per oast. Payable a nuauf, article in the market for the ur- T Chippewa Count Michigan. would have on anything for a baron- contrition. If I had thougl{i I was put- sake, and felt as if there was no end to desiring money will p ' gry yt ;� i charges .very light. Parties ee as mos f P� y g etcy. Young Wynne mixed with the ting you into a hole I would never have energy or success, and in two Tear@ at the consult their own intere.ts:by calling on me before pose. A. W. BLEASDBLL & CO. hest poo !e in Engls.,ad, and when he borrowed the money. I'm earning money least he would be clear. He felt mightily borrowing elsewhere. WM. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. - sow, and I shall earn more as I o on and etc rienoed at this limo, and realised as 'lf as tf' `� j�/j' BRONCHITIS, � �`1 j� T �+ office see ing without demur, in Fergusaon's g Pe AS T1.L t w ■ A 1J O N V .L�� y S w C office he of it without demur and with it � 1 could only have a year or two to turn ine thou ht, Hite clearly, the rico he had g , ` q p GOOD CHANCE FOR BUSINESS.—TQ rent, , •. salary of two hundred pounds per year, round in I could pay it all without bother paid for his whistle. me bad had his fes- A on easy terms, a commodious store with dw•l- 1 L. . 1 which was at leant a hundred more than ing anybody." son, to he told himself, and had paid for it, ling house attached. There is also a stabld. This he was worth to begin with. All the "My dear boy," Whale responded, with and sometimes, though he was not often of �n. arty u situato•d in the village of Cromarty, and • Toice and sir of refound wretchedness a devotional turn he thanked rsvideace . e cents. of ae fine an agricultural comjmuaity ways opened themselves to the young roan, p p as there is in Canada, and cede a Una opportunity 3 but none of them led to immediate fortune. "if they'd only give me a month I'm safe as devoutly for having opened his eyes so for a good, live business man to de a largo trade. He could command now an income of he bank- But old Hoskins is worse than a early. He was young,. and the world lay Apply to OEOROE MILLAR, Cromarty. 253tf Important - a - Announcement semen hundred pounds s year, and if he Jew; haT have his pound of flesh to -mor- before him to conquer and subdue,. A. here row, and he'll take it off both of us, and was not a lad in, London whose heart beat FOR SALE'—The property sit oilers for eel• that lived like an anchorite and worked like & � „ • valvaDle hotel property situated is ,the !Village nigger he could 'hope to pay off Hump's that • t►11 shoal to a men honestly exultant tune thin his of Zurich and knows as the Conwaercial hotel. The , bill in about a year and a half. He went This was a sufficiently umpleamut pros- that grimy afternoon, house is commodious and convenient, enloye # pac- t and Ha sat in 'silence to cont -em- The hansom was alre&d •i the door to nonage second to no is this section and afiprds a BRIGHT BROTHERS j oa trusting to > chapter 01 accidents, and p� , Y'y Y splendid opening for a good live man. Possession was warmly applauded iq elderly friends to it. He glanced nevi and again at carry him and his beloogiap to Victoria, may be baa at once, For further particularej apps 1 and relatives, who knew nothing of the hale, who preserved throughont a very and he was actually upon the threshold to the lessee on the promises or to the undersigned i motive which pushed him to suoh premis- creditable assumption of despair. Nothing when the postman brought him a lector D. wEISM1LLER, Proprietor, Sippen, Out. 1867 tf, i in efforts. was said between; them far perhaps Sve which tompletsd hie beatitttds If canis g��.'QRTS g minutes, when the' rook snddenl fennel from the editor of a alar ma aaine an- �j ARM FOR SALE.—Lot 12, in the nth Coac•eaion t$amatimes, when the weight of tho y , pop S , of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, � , Hump slipped for a Yno{{nnssrot from his ever and laid a hand upon his comp&aion m nounoed that the article he had seat in • the property of the late Mn. CatMrie• xiteleli : The Lead 1 ng �l®th lets of H u non, shoulders, he felt wondetfaily� happy and shoulder. The jgoungster, looking up week or two before was aceopted, and nen loo acres, to acres cleared and free from stumps, and virtuous. He had plenty of capacities, seemed w read a g eam of Is a in his eyes, t "od the welcome intelligence thief it in a good state of cultivation ; tw scree of b lead . and had ouch stores of health and spirits "I've got as ides}, my boy. I think we would be id for. There are writers whip well wooded with hardwood timber. The farm is that so amount re work seemed to over can work it. Your credit's pretty goal, receive mete that the half• Yiaes • well watered, and has on it &.,good fruit hosting or- seg to inform tie people of Seaforth and surrounding country, that that' hs�*e g pale ,chard. Tharp are emoted a traw,e dwelling house, tire his►. The more he did the better he isn't it? You doult owe much?" offered for Hurry W nne's Brat eeatribution barns aired outhouses. Tears of psysysot ban be added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the grow to like it, and he quite wondered that "I don't owe a hundred, outside this," to the magazines, but the are vvterans made easy ; a fair proportion of the purekase moss „ y may remain on mortgage at a low rate ,ot interest > > he had ever thought himself at ease in the young Wynne answered. 1 aid off two or specialists, and ae more et flushed Pgy��-t, Most Complete and best selected stocks of Boys , YouthSg 4•For further terms and p&rtfenlars a i the nn - old idle vacuens days. or three t 'ousand dine months a e and I ve with joy over their earninggss that deesigned MANNrl(O Js S170Tr, rts, •e., f t Wisilst this new tide of energy and re- been going pretty 4teady since." a provision dealer over tke proilta on the custon 1',f.6P•8 and Mens Readymade Clothing solve was running he began to think with "Then we can ! do it," cried Whale, sale of bacon. The budding author telt i . greater seriousness than ever about the slappin him oa t1ie shoulder with a beam•' ,his cheeks flush and his eye kindle as he CATTLE: ',FOR -SALE. I IN -THE COUNTY. virtues and personal perfections of Miss ing Mile. "Butterfield will do it for us," read. He was lord of himself and of the t Inthis Gre . He bad known Miss Grey "Bu-tterfialdr I world. nURHAM BULLS FOR SALE —For sale, eur . yy `'Yea Butterfield. Conduit Stroh. With this ha exaltation "are*! nsb- L thoroughbred Durran Buss one year old, and 11 from her ehiidhood, and even in the days + PPY y all with registered pedigrees. They are of fees sad of the Eaton jacket and collar had re- Jeweller." dued he reached his journey`s enrd. Lady- red color. Apply on Let 27, Cencomion 8, Hlibbert, sarded her with thoughts of worship. "What will hada. McCorquodale actually casae into the en- or address Stafr<iP.O. DAVID HILL. 1$64x4 Prices Unequalled. We lead the Trade. Thera had been of coarse an interregnum "He'll let a fellow in your position have trance -hall to receive him, an act of cordial- ia his passion, tont when the brutal period a bracelet or twill, or something of that ity and condescension that imposing sad T$RBEY BULL FOR SALE.—For sale cholla, the 11 a thoroughbred Jersey Bull, " Pride of Seatorw-" Remember the Old Stand Cam bell's Block, opposite -tile - Royesl Hotel, of ado •sconce, at which all girls are de- sort. You needn't; telt him what you want stately woman had never before permittod lie is a first-class stock bull, and will be sold �•ap. p spicable in a boy's eyes, was over, he had 'em for. He'll riinpl think it's for moms herself. Lady McCerquodale was of majus• as his present owner has used him for three lyears , Seaforth, c come back to the original shrine and had girl or other. AtteMrough will do the tic proportions, and strictl clerical in her JOHN HANNAH, seaforth.l,,,.N}4.� 1 1�Mf BRIGHT BROTHERS, �srformed secret ri:tos of adoration there. rest." dress and demeanor, as bofitted the relict of URHAM BULi.3 FOR SALE.—For sale,' three i Ik was she who had prompted his muse and As befor®, any art in a #torsi; but thio s bishop. The sainted doctor had had • D thenen`fibred Dnrhau� Bull Colas., troa�; a to had given ills to the vanes signed H. W. particular entrance! looked perileua, and the serene time of it in his day, and her lady- 13 menthe old, all red, and one of which is ae good I • in the society jonrnal to which he was now mariner was afraid! of it for awhile. ship had ruled him by the power of the ae any in tate County of Huron. Address. EIYOOAT "Butterfield wot'L bother you for a cote- - BROTHERS, Braaetleld. i bta4tt H E RE DIDYOU SEE T I E FOR E 9 a recognised contributor. In the boyish Y house of Bridgebourne sa with a rod of iron. efflorescence of his heart lap made a great "pie of years," ani at that assurance all He had been a man of compaiatively burn • mIioROUE3HBRFD DURHAMS FOR SALE.—Fos matter of this and told himself that lova sense of danger vaoishad. "You'll have to ble extraction, and had sever overgrown 1 sale 9 A 1 Short Horn Bull Calves from a to 13 7 - had found the way to fame and fortune. get seventeen or ei hteen hundred pounds' the Scottish ragmatical humility which had months' old, got by the Pure Cruieksbanks Buts, , The harder he worked the more he worth," and at that the victim winetd a distinguished him in his earlier days. A "Perfection," 9100; also a let of"It wonood young cows 't make an , and heifers In calf to Perfection. The above aaimeis thought of Inthis and the more he thought little. y difference m Y kind of wonder sat upon the good man's have fint•claae pedigrees and will be sold ch•sip and You of Iathis► the morn he was inspired to labor. boy. You can pay interest on it at your soul to fiud himself the son-in-law of a peer, on easy terms to suit purchasers. Fifty head of Look Of coures nobody is expected to share a uncle's until you redeem it, and then But- and legislating under the same gilded roof Short Horns to select from. DAVID MILNE, L lovers raptures' about his mistress, but i tortield will take yet back again, and only with him for the benefit of common people. i making all allowances for loverlike ex- ' char a you a commission for it." Lady McCorquodale had taken good care of for see j ale doesn't knhw anything about rite," that amazement and bad alwa a kept it O The SCOTCH DURHAM BULLS FOR 3, Con - charming Inthis Grey remains a very I Y 8 y p The undersigned has for ®AIB on Lot 13 Con- charrning and beautiful girl. She had at E said Wynne. i &live and flourishing, Now that the good cession 4,H.E.s.,Tuckersmith, two Young Thorough - PC period of her life a completion of re "Oh, yes, he dPes, my boy. You frost doctor had escaped her rule he had grown bred Bulls, the one is'll months old and the other 13 months. He has also a number of Rood Scotch Dur- this it markable purity and brilliance a color so Butterfield. Yotjr names in _ Debrett— to be a king and a saint among men is her ham heifers for rale. WK. GARNOCtIAN Esmond• rich and fine that it would alone have that's good enough for him." remembrance. His portrait leceratel al- vii{@ P. O. I" it. made her noticeable amongst a crowd of 'Master WynneE jumped into a cab, and where g most every apartment is the house, smiling tw¢ pure. Print nun girls of her age. In addition to drove straight to the jeweller's. Mr. But- HORTHORNS FOR SALE.—For sale, young g g with a moor, this to cal leek from the this she had the softest, shyest, most speak terfield was the pifik of courtesy, and a ' gg�� ►� bred short horn Butt Calves, l0 months ofd, family canvass, the phetographic , paper, sired by "Perfection," 9,100, and one bull 21 months' ing and amiable eyes, a figure full of deli pa rently had no suspicion in his nature. a po ever and In the servants hod=rooms from the old, bred from imported vire and darn_. Aieq, seven On `/ data grace and vivacity, and a very jewel of i held a pair of white hands up to his chin framed front es of illustrated evangeli- cows and heifers, five of them in calf or .with; calyx a he;ert. She was not quite eighteen but 1 and smoothed them over the other with a gang at foot. Apply on Lot 16, Concession 10, M rri•, or q Q cal -weeklies, *here the impress of the Bey cn P. o. NEIL MoDONALD. �2"_4 Lady McCorquodale, who was supposed to ;,``constant caressing} motion, expressive of & sainted coon soca was dimes by the un- V know her as well as anybody, was ~vont to s` fluttered deferencO. Mr. Butterfield had� the you u s•7 that she had under all her airs of uiet "never oefore had toe extreme honor of deal- even type of tlti hidden page. Hello b I y McCorquodale was ton years young -Neighbor! se mission, a► oharacter of unusual firm- �Q with a mein r of the Sridgebouras � 1 I or than her -brother Lord Hounes, and was f S+ n ow go no s;ysnd tenacity, 1 famil Be was 'delighted Ls secure Mr, therefore at titin time fift��•seven years of Lady McCorquodale was the eldest and i y, 'g a She at Chiried the mwole of the broil- You look as if something pleasing only surviving daughter of the earl d j Wyuse a custom, `and trusted Soto satisfy ag Btridgebonrne. Her ladyship had united him by their firsti transaction, w to secure . and at one time had had @sale pretensions had happened lately, said one of our herself early in life to a yoaag Scottish his sonstsnt patronage, and, he hoped, the . to beauty, though these hail ions since worn citizens to a friend the other nigh." TIIE HEEL 0)s THs HB 11cBY RUSBICR. clergyman whom the family Insuesee patronage of the: family. What did Mr. away. She always were her widow s weeds, r( Well, yes, I do feel pretty' com- hadg fro ht to the dignityy of lawn WJone desire? * bracelet? Or a riviere, and what with a natively imperiew tem- fortable "said the individual first ad- or both? The metneat *#A curiously oppor- rament and a long life of government, , If this is not the pattern on the heel of your Robbers and mli/eves and a sat in the Houw hod developed a it and bearing like those dressed loetween the puffs from f very of Peers. -Miss Gra was a niece tuns. He had just that moment received Ped r g � Gray from his rinci ti workman a perfect little of a permanently Indijnant queen. When fragrant Havanna which he was Smok- OvershOea, you will noon require a new pair, and be sure you get of the tato bishop, and her Ldymhip0 who P she was rations e e was all the more object of art. It could be worn u o braes B loss "You see I had been bast' all the GLtANBY. }lid no ctiiidren, Kaci r.do}ctr<i t}cc girl in has let. sa- a brooch, as an ornament for the agreeable by contrast, tont her a®iabilitiea a• es�rliest chitheod zx her, own,. flair, or as a centerpiece for the riviers were rare, and her servants in especial day, waiting on my customers, and s I- 1 f a t d b c aware of IIA# which accost Died it. The atonem. were lived in dread of bar chill and dignified WAS somewhat worried over some bills fl 1 he w o c ainl y is c n w reties. that I had to pay, and altogether I e t i ter .Harry's infatnr,tioli for Lady �IcCorquo- Brazilian, an of the purest water—not the �e hilst her lad shi was greeting her dale's beautiful little ward, and .-hen they rubbish nowadays importsd from the C&ps. y g g too tired and miserable to o home to 1 great-nephew in the ha 1 an apparition pre- g APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES were o more than chiidrecl to stile r had j I<.r. Eutterfield produced the glittering it g P t Well ust as I wet' about to ft g seated itself u n the staircase and draw ea , J 11 thoub' ct his d. votiorc and her acrcictan�e of tis object in its morseco case with alining Po DAN®RUFF his eyes and attention that way. Inthis close a couple of customers, wh had it a cry pretty sight to ti+'itricss, :ex no . of sapphire colored velvet and while satin. 7 , stood smiling at Lim from the stairway, tlanbi it� w,- s. As the yonug people grew Mr• Wynne could; observe its extreme neat- g long standing accounts, came i and look' sweetly roll in a lain dress of ujt t>r�ands manhood and worran,yood the nese, its—iia chastity. The price of this m[ 1 p p aid u That made m mind;, eau cage iia<I begun to a$ume a graver stir. charaning little Object was, it turned out, Scotch tweed. $�e advanced attar a p P y y' S as only - p&uee o a second or two, and gave him her but I was still feeling used rel#, so I i I r tisstono Farina tisk ie its There lruc} been one ocf two inforucc l family phenomenal for :cheapness. It w y hand with a tett blush. The boy's eyes went over to W. G. Glenn, the new ia• L. CAYi)bi. othtnai color. councils, :►t which t;he position of afr.iirs two thousand three bundred pounds, and pretty Y Toroota, Tmvoiva¢ PammearArmt.C.P.I , looked adon►tion at her, and as the little man and had a dish of o�st'rs. I SMP#hili^ M Ask• had been cliscuaseel. t was aclinitteci that i Mr. Butterfield declared with fervour that , s.ra: Aeci•DaadtnR!•.prt •�•rofDas. O warm hand nestled in his own for a mere tell you the were fine. Thcn got a ,:rets -lac action is j°a.'.n°"'—f'""n a" Keeps the Scalp cka^, if auyt!hinb hould u,i 6'ie of the evident pre Ino ether jewellerin the West Lind websin a instant he thrilled all over, and was ready Y Y a re+r.ppticattamsnocoaiytiwro removaaSR4 ferenee the young people showed for each } position to offer such an article for leas than to slay dra�one. Even her stern ladyship quarter's worth of these ci ars--have a llin- o d.druffebar, a�eIt$a s� nut ■s.c� and Makes halt sag Growth. PlisMs other, the acl�trrita were all on Iathia's three thousand. Y p g fattin' nrt4ena/r.mat•tt.ofta.apttabt•sea g' smiled well pleased at their meeting, and one—and now I feel that I tail' enjoy '� UAR�ANTEE� vroru;L davisiblearv>itL. P'0"'O drO1'h' side. t.acly �lcCorqu idale made no secret Mr. Wynne, nervously caressing his in- of the -fact that she ;meant to leave her cipient moustache, thought it would serve indeed the person wopld have been hard to the society of my wife and c ildren _ lease who would not have looked on the ----.------__ ___.-______ rnoncv to the girl_. '!i'he late hisimp had his purpose admirably. Mr. Butterfield pours it with satisfaction. The lad, When I bet home." ---- ---s ' been a saVlmg than. a4d out:+ide t1w pui,lic- rubbed his hau4s the more at this and young pa - ly-arcnouncecl brnelacions ticforcc l t;v his with a confidenti►1 certainty into which a with his close -cropped gold head, brave s` Say," said the first �� speaker, I — poasxiari hul spent neitt to nothin• of Ices little air of the Most refined and respectful forehead, and candid eyes, and hi@ "that's a ten center, isn't it 1 THE E�FO R TH I FODR�a sncrfnie. Inthis xonJ'd be well to do , end i }ocularsty was allowed to tree ventured tall sh�ii figure with its promise of a who no Glenn gave meix for ' m&nl strep th, and the girl, mig- '„ ' Harry, except for thel lirnited fortune of his ` to think that th lady would a�prove of it. y g a quarter," said the friend. �cc jj Having complated rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and introduc- ' would lelI ve hirci tivoulct Naso An hour latex the trinket was in the Donne and graceful; with her steadfast q , ! Uncle l ercy su #a look and changeful color, made a charming 'c Well, rejoined the other, I come nothing. It would lc a brillicecct matcic for hands of Mr. Attenborough, and ilia dread g ' i de the latest equipments and the most improved machines, I am now prepared picture. bask till I eta quarter's worth too the bov therefore, an: by 1u, cazean$ a bril- ed bill was in ashes in the fire -grate of P $ q leant rnatdi for the irl. t ' The two young poo le said little, tont I never struck as good for the mon J do ■ Still tice whole Harry Wynne's chambers. p b � ' �+ Q thin' was in the family, and there was no Still as hour later Captain Peter Heaton the looked a great deal, and when Harty A �) K i n d s Of M ac h I n e Repairs pai rS had superintendiad the unpaokung of hes ie- that new man beeps good stork, and objection made by thi responsible peoplo on and Mr. Herbst Whale eat in .Mr. Butter- longings he sought the drawing -room, sad sells it right, too ; he'll get along all TT r either side. ( field'a private rolom over a glass of singu- gA Lll D lT� �I E I�A. L �' OU Y WORK. 0� • f Q oh&rmed all ears h a modist recital of his right, don't you think so `I" As the time approached for the payment larly ne old Madeira, and amicably •r $ t snccnaea. Lily �cCet�nodale was proof ri No doubt of that. Good night." of the bill Harry d scovere(1 that he Could can ed the share;which should fall to, each of hist, but was tot oTefrauoh dispose! t• by no means hope to pprovide more than a of t�ettl whsa Mr. W'ynne's fafnily shank �_ 6A LAND ROLLERS. S• hundred pounds towa�Cds meeting it, but he have been oea"U*d to pay for his per- (TO BE CONTINUED.) Moving Buildings. j . made himself fairly �rasy about it after the ohMs. — - . manner of outh, under the belief that the- —Mr. Gus Goebel recently returned to Tye usder*oed ins a eompleW outU for the ! We are now turning, 'out some of the beet improved Land RAtletB, and holder w'oud renew, j He hardly went near t4PTEE ILL Nlitebsll from Pennsylvania. He brought a raising and wtink et tiaiYiagii, and V roe prepared invite the formers to else them before buying elsewhere. the club; but he had casual meenn with . handsome standard bred pacing stallion to Wce eosksom (tee sit wr�k work on tit s#asrtwt ��s It Van two veleok on the Sa'turda , P g notice and soot re&soca'ble toress. Kdoetwe his old friends of the Five -Year -Old, slid 7r back with him for which he paid about gsa��, T. T. COLEMAN• yearned to his great rejoicing that Huai oedug t�iarlafaesi' t' lead )lIT ff- —. IU4112 JQZORGE A• LOGAN, B o•oew. had bison in extrtrdi n veinoftate. and ewe who was }aL�sodT shoved.:rwt>•so•t-�• I . i CEO. GOODil9 If �� r, i, z' [nvites inspection of the fallowing Goods, specially suited for the Holiday Season. '! J 1, )vershoes, all jdnds and Sizes. 1i Ladies Felt Boots and Slippers. Far Caps for Gentlemen. t' - 0 Jents'Embroidered Toilet. Slippers Hanging Laul`ps do Table Lam ?i Fancy Ching and Glassware. r tl Dinner sets.: Tea Sets. ; And our Wonderful IOc' COUNTER,13 I )ver .1,000 artielea to choose from, and Four choice for a Dime. it t 3-= f Grocery Department.11 r nom lets with finest Iaisins Currants, Peelrs, �piues, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Nuts and Candie& '4 j s 1 . ri d Teas and Coffees specially for the Festive Season. I 1 Sp ecial Bargain Tables i At 5c, 7c, 24c, 15c and 2k• , !1 No one should miss seeing these i� Bargain Tables. Every article a. bar gain &,Dd every thing same price, jwit the lace to bac Christmas Presents • I and Goods for Christmas Trees. ` jV1 — {; CPEO. GOOD I 1 SEAFORTH - AND - BRUSSELS. - i - 'i `; - •' ; I vlb! ET � �! ,JI.L 7",� 6AI 4 PURE � W . .1 POWDERED 10 rr6 1 - y '' �-' _� .1 �" PU ESTv 8TRONCE IT, BEST. teedyy 1 rune in an gqnarMty. For making Srhq c'' 'toning Water, niainfectinc ,a►nd a hundred otter r. ri eq uals 20 je0unds bat Soda. I; SoI4 by .ill Uroaers and Druyalats. - iil �� �I V!/� �C7i'iLIJ�L'Z`T, iorcaAt:3 is SEAFORTH #` m11 us i MI=0 ur. y Scott Oe, ' i PROPRIE'7"ORS, I SEAORTH, m ONTARIO. t P1 01I.—Dunham, Now York; W. $ all sit , Guelph; Dominion Piano Com- Howmanville. i OR AN$.—W, Bell & C -0 -Guelph ; Dominion Organ Cogipany, Rowninuville D. W. Kara & Co., Woodstock. Tie &iitvs Isetrpta+enta elwye an hand, also &few 1 -head Pianos: and Organs for mie st hese is upwards• IaratnMents sold on the instal- - srest ,or on tstri9 to *nit o"tosrers. Vidhe. and ra>w!t instrsmente on ha&d aleo'iset Waal•, b, ac. . SCOTT Bfinr%sb, � �'i r%W GODER10H t ;. 8teaM Boiler - Worl�atr i (tiSTABLi>s8>l:il ins@.) ' Chs stat & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary L I Marine, Upright & Tubular B. ; V 11JERS�.,I I Salt Pr' ne, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irot Works, E etc., etc. Also Dealers in Upright "i Horizontal Slide value Automatlo C'rrt?II F.ogisee a specialty. AIt gifts s pipe r,&d pipe -fitting sonitaatly on hand. F,tt'Miat!/ taralshad so sbort nptiso works—�Oppos`te G. T. IL station, Ooderich. I NGloves, $ Frillin s, Ties Anel - Corsets at HOFFMAN's, Seaforth. A large line of Plashes at greatly . reduced prices at HOPIrMA.N & Cil'$, SeAforth. Beat assortment of Yarns in to*u �, so at HOFYMAN's, SeafOrth. `MARRIAGE LICENSES ri TME ![ M EXPOSITOR -OFFICE BHj"'t ILTV. Ori'f'Ag110, MA wilrodiisi" RtOUIRSO ,�'_ . . i . � . _ . I _ L . i 1 + . . . . . ^c . , ,, . . . - � - I - 1] I I j : ! III -1-L -'--'--"-I- _ , . I II . 1. 'I - I - -----I----- ----•------- ___- -- •.. _ —. --I-:.--- I : . �I -_ I - - - _ L I - - ,�'_