The Huron Expositor, 1892-01-29, Page 1` 'To- ---:�
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TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. , . 4 - . McLEAN BROS. Publishers. 11
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WHOLE NUMBER 1,259. 1 1 . SEAFORTHy FRIDAY, JAN,'I'UARY 2�, 1892. i 11
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� I . I - .1-- I I 1 I . 1$1.50 a Year, in Aidivance. �
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, ought to a close, by Mr. y could well dis- g%thoring. One Of our party shot all alli- shape' of deer, elk and antelope skins . froin pletely exhausted and almost famished. Be- there reloaded on the companYa steamers' ��
SOUTH HURON FARMERS' I tertairiment was b� wore any -clothing the I ft
. cago. The steamers o d by the i
INSTITUTE. I MeMordie moving the usnat votes of thanks, liense with, and the majority of whom ,gator 16 feet long to -day. They ar� very the Nhort.hzebst Territories, Manitoba and ing taken sick the nighti-ahe left, she was for Chi wne �
- "hi Britis 0 urn is. Mr. ffall� of thes � works, unable for nine days to leave the shelter compapywhich have hitherto operatedon t
afterwhich all J ined in singing "God did not wear any clothes at all. Here is plentiful in thi& vicinity. I is one is mot ?
-- Save the Queen." Thus ended one of the found the essence of simplicity and inno. considered extra large by the native8� It is tells us Phat perhaps one-fifth of their whole �.he managed to i=struct for h'ersel.f. �'Iiith Lakes Huron and Superior, will be I
I The first meeting of the South Huron I t � traux. §
most profitable an pleasant days yet held cence. Maidens and boys up to the ages of hanizing at the door of my tent on a treb.-ars I
Farmers' Institute for the year 1892 wai � Output of g oves and mitti is made ,froin her gun she killed a squirrel from where she ferred. to the route between Windsor and hf I
. held in the new Public Ha'l at Kippen, com- by the Institute. 12 and 14 years of age stood around an- I write. It will be. skinned and lafited. deer-skiiis procured in Ont,Ario, as far north Hat-, which was the only sustenance she had Chica.go. PaisengerA as k,
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday THE FCOLITI) DAY. I premely happy clothed in nothing more than Next week we will explore the Sa,Ogrelya as Sudb6ry and Mattawa. He buys deer- during the whole nine dayN, beyond what be chj�dged at Windsor. well as freight will �, -
I ' . I �,
, IcLean, Preei- The second day's meeting wai held in nature allown them, and without any sense ,river country, where many of the party have skins from various a 9 t , , -Thrre died on the first concession Of �. .
of last week, Mr. Robert B. -N p rt of the S ates, ..91le had taken with bet for the one day. -
dent, in, the cbair. Coxworth's Hall, f lensall, commencing at 11 of shame or embarrassment. . �snme intention of settling, since it hiis been notably Michigan and Colorado, and tans -On Saturday afternoon a deputation Kinloss, on Sunday, 17th inst .,Alexander r
� - .
. ;
Mr, W. J. Palmer, Da.iry Expert at the o'clock a. in., the President in the chair. For a medio (six and a quarter cents) we Oemonstrated to them that it is so fficult them in Brockville, from Appin and Tait's Corners coagrega- .Gralidni., aged 74 years. Deceps-d was born �:
Ontario, Agricultural Coilega, introduced the spo p - -Trainor R. C. Stinson lim in his stable tione, Middlcsex county, waited on their in Invetnessbire, Scotlan _ d. In 1849 he came �1'
Mr. Palmer e on the im'rovement of bought it dozen of the fiLeSt oranges we had to get in and out of the mouth of the atues
Subject of *1 flow to Improve the Quality of our dairy ftock. y breeding and feeding ever ti.sted, the skins being quite green and �iver, upon which stream they had rigin- At Brant ord, a young horse ti'hat promises to pastor, the Rev. Alex, Hender�on, at the to thris country and settled in the township .'�
I �
our Butter." Re condemned the system of I 9, very great impro ement could be made - in very thin.. They grow wild here. We �lly intended sattling. Ever�one f the be one o� the fast green performers of IS92. manse, and surprised him with the preseuta- of Lobo, county of 'Middlesex,, where he I
, L -
buying dairy butter at a fixed price, inde- the returns from the avtrage cow. He gave went bathing in the C,aribbean sea, and na- party is in good health, sickness bein cem- it is tl c black horss- MaJr Caspio,I foaled -tion of a very handsome cutter, with robe, lived for a short time, coming to Kinjoss in -
pendent of quality, rs it gives no induce- individual instances froin different parts of tives of all ages and both gaies joined us in paratively rare here, little or no rri:ahria, 1886. ; I . I
I ! whip and bells, accompanied by an effec- 'the year 1854, rFsiding on the farm where I
I I 1.
ment to the tarinars' wives to make a good the Province, showing that cows cauld be - the water and we all splathed around tojeth- �uch as one would expect in a warrr,;' coun - -The 'village of Err,bro had a paper, the tionute address. . be died continuously until the time of his I
- er try. "They say" this is a good c�untry Review, 0-9 years ago, . Ili
article. He also Advocated the Creamery made to produce $50 and upwards in the , both parties talkiDg to each other in a Jan�es - Mann was -On Thursday last week Win. Blinco, death. The cause of his death was throat 1�
. . . -
systern as the only way to secure a hold i year. language that neither undeist3od. We had for the cure of catarrh, rlieumatisn� and the only man in business the# who still con- � Peol township, had been out threshing at a trouble, with which he had been affected -
In .
. the old cou.utry market,i, as it was the only D. D. Wilion read an interesting paper to be very careful on account of the sharks ODnaump'ion. Owing to irregular mail fa t�iuues hils ocau ation in the place. ! neighbor's with his machine. On his return, some six or eight weeks, $
' - p He was a worthy Ic
.11 that infest these water@. They scent a man cilities, re uent, t - I
I way by which we could get a large quantity on 11 The Egg, from the Hen to the Table my letters cannot be very f Ald.� J. K. Stewart, of Ottawa, for many in driving into his own barn At night, the ruan, and had the respect of the who - �,
� .
Of a uniform quality. As Mr. Wilson's piper will appear in a fu- in the water very quickly and at a great dis but will send them as often as PoEsi R. I years An active temperance worker, haa . niaebine slowed round and threw Mr, Blinco munity. 13 com
Mr. 1). Wei8miller did not want all the ture issue in full, e would ask our readers' tance. The Carib is as much at home in uld advisq your readers no'. 'tr) pa � much' been appointed Provincial i inspector of to the ground, killing him instantly. The -Last Friday a light engine running from :J
blame of the bad butter laid at the store- to wait and study i carefully. - water as on land, an they swim before they Ttotention to the advertisements 0 SOY 110ens!s in place of the late Rev, J. W. deoc-ased was a son of Win. Blinco, of Pilk- Gravenhurst to Allandale stopped .at Orillis - ,
keeper's door, as it was impossible to find The afterno'n cosion wa,i opeued--by can walk almost. Captain Murillo took Honduras land companies until they . ee my M i
I 9 a I annlng� : � ington, and wai much respected. for orders, and it was found that the front '3
. n I
the wornan who made the bad butter, and John L Hobson, t e subject being" Grow- party of fifty Caribs on boi.rd with their teports in TH F, EXPOSITOP., as a great cal of i -Four! doctors operated on a St. Cathar- -About ton Aays ago James Brycp, of el
I I pair of trucks were misbing from under the �i
if the merchant ref used to take - the butter, ing of Green versus Summerfallow- canoe -i to discharge the passengers and cargo fraud is at the bottom of at leait wo of ines captain, on Monday, sapposing be had Proton, came to Dundalk to order a coffin .
. 1) ! I tender. The mishap was mentioned to the
Mr. H Is not in favor of sum- at the mouth 0 the Patuca river, which had these companies as some of our pa roal tumor, but on re�ching the seat for his Sister, who ha,d died the previous driver of the midnight, who was cautioned . ,
hewould loae the austomer's- trade, -which Ing- 2.00 P .
m. ade, in many cases a loss of $200 cash trade werfallowing exce t in. exceptional cases, to be done at ship's tackle, or over the side, 7ow finding out to their nortow. of the trouble they found it was a cancer, evening. On his return he found that his to look out for the 'four missing wheals. 'I
by refusing to ti,ke S30 -worth of butter. The but would grow g ead, as his while riding at anchor, as there i -i no harbor On e company, whose head office is IL cated with which they could do nothing, ! �
rTen crops inst I wife had during his absence gi%en birth to They were located down an embankmout ..
discuss',on wai.alr-o taken part in by John 1. In C- 8
experience has beqn, if the root crops are' or wharfat Patuca, fOChicago, we have ascertained here, never -The Galt Reformer came out last'week twins and that she, too, had passed to the two iil north of Severn bridge. .How the I
' -
Hobison, R-alph Keddy John . Hannah and kept thoroughlf .6lean, it will clean the After one day's sail on the Caribbean Sea, owned a -foot of land in Honduras, yet they in an entire new dress, in which it looks re- spirit land. He is left with a family of wheelm became detached or whirled from .
others until the adjournment at noon. land as well as a lbare fallow and give a we came to'anchor two miles from land, op. Are selling land in' Chicago to lots of F eople, markably
, well, The Reformer is an excel. seven small children, two of them the newly under the tender without the hind trucks 1�
At the aftarnoonL seasio3, Mr. John 1. . profitable crop a,t t e same time. He advo- posits the ,mouth of the Patuca river, in who, on their arrival here - find the,, have lent paper And as its nfxrnes� implies is a born twins. . . � striking them in hard to understind. The 4 -
Hobson introiuced the subject of " Protec- ,ated rape as a pro table crop. Prepare the four fathom@ and a half of water, the. near- been duped, and are practically stranied in staunch .Reformer. It dese ves to be wall -A resident of Hull, named 1-1. Lanzon, engineer felt no jar, and was a most sur- .
tion, -MaDag.ement a,ud Application of lt*nd 58 for turnip , sow from Jane -20 to eat we could anchor with safety from land. A strange country with little,or no means of - suppoeted.; 1� � had. a frightful experience while on his way priged rivin on seeing how matters stood, r
. �
Bi,raya,rd Nlaulure." He first told how not Jully 10, run the 8C ffler close to the plants There is a terribly rough bar -at the Patuca communication with civilization as yel. Any -George Tudhope, - for nearly half a,
so they will requir, i very little hoeing, sow mouth, with a very heavy -surf, especially a k home from Ottawa the other nLight., He -The Chicago and Grand Trunk and its -
to make manure: lat, by placing the . person who wants land in Honduras (8 � ani8h century cler of the township of Oro, was was slightly intoxicated, and after erossing �
manure heap on a .sloping hill side, withou three-quarters of a pound of seed per.acre ; at this suason,of the year, and it was deem- Honduras.) will be given free all the land b . connections i1nd the Grand Trunk of Can- ,�
, . uried t'O illia Thursday last week.. He the new suspension bridge he tumbled over �
I t ' �
providing a means to prevent th.e washing turn lambs in aboul the first of October. Oa ed impossible to land. However, the Cap- they can cultivate, and receive a tith to it received hi� lrrat appointment in 1835, and a low log railing, Down he went on the ada are taking steps to -secure their full .1,
away of the liquid from the manure ; 2ad, lambs bought at .,I cents per pound the tain consented to lay to for 24 hours in the- when it is cleared. The great drawb%ok to served abare of the i=eaSed tiaffic that may be -
. - dontinuously, except from 1850 to hard rock twenty feet be'low. It was some *
dl,y having too !argo a barnyard, in some first week in Octob)r and sold in December hope that tho'heavy sea might subside. On- this country is trknaportation facilitie�; but expected during the World's Fair At Chi- � .
� . 1857, , � �� hours before ho. recovered his senses. Very cago. It is the intention to double the a
. cases 30 or 40 acres of the farm being -open at 5 cents per pou d, he made a profit of Sunday moriiIingy he sent a boat lo3id of that will assuredly come in tini6, and this -Mr. 1. M. Kirby, Michigan Central little hopes are entertained for his recovery. track between Hamilton and Niagara Falls I .
to the stock to wander over, thereby losing- $1.57 per head,! wi bout any hand feeding. Carib Indial-Els �shore to see if a landing *ill one day be a gyeat centre ol fruit Railway 6spaicher, of St. Thomas, has in- -A very sad accident occurred in St. --- �
In the absence of Mr. John Whyte, could be effected with sa.fety to freight aud gulture. vented aud� patented a combi�' and build a connection between the Sarni& i
to a large extent the droppings from, the . I I . ed order and Catharines, on Saturday morning, which ;
animials. He also condemned the selling of Mitchell, who was �o have given an address passengers. These Indiana -are the most ! branch, which is in a direct line between -
. I 0 sem aphore; board, which is being tried with may result in the death of Alfred Begg, the � i17
a, tore cattle as a serious w - ee .Ing, ten -year-old son of Mr. Win. Begg. The .9 .
aste of manure oil' -hog br di �Ir. 11. Delbridge,of Us- expert boatmen in the world, but on reach- I Ca,riada. satisfactory results on the Canadian Pacific Chicago and Nia ara Falls and Glencoe, on I
which should be maele on the farm, as the borne, gave a few �ints on the management ing the breakers the boat,.7as inst%ntl Railwa the main line between Detroit and Niagara I
I Y I John Bartram is the eole occupant of - Y. boy was riding on passing sleighs when by Falle, .with a view to facilitating ,the
coarse grains which should be fed here were of the hog. He wbuld give breeding sows overturned and the Indians �itching about -Mr. George Eddington, of the Imperial some means he was either knocked down or ,
I .
also shipped away to feed these cattle a,ud plenty of exeremp', with soft, succulent in the angry surf. They did not mind got- Brautfo!rd county jail just now. Bank of Portage la Prairie, and formerly of fell under -the horses' feet, and received a flandling of traffic which now goes by way 1
thereb,y earich other countries. food. He believedithe Berkshire to be the ting their clothes wet because they didn't �Arcbbishop lache, of Manitoba, is laid Woodstock, died last week of pneumonia. severe kick on the head which crushed the of London. . . �
His prac- i . I
tice had been to feed all the stock his farm most profitable brqed. Mr. D. Buchanan have any on, but they did have a holy hor- IJp in bed with illness. . He was ill about a week. The remains skull badly. -A party, of New York journalists arrived V
would carry, and w%s cheap to favored a cross with the improved York- ror of sharks, and with wonderful dexterity 1 -Benjamin Shupe, otie of the oldes, resi- were sent to Woodstock, where his relatives -Three months ago, the paAtor of East at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, last Fri. Z .
I dents of Berlin., died Friday, aged 7 . day night from Ottawa, where Senator Ogil-
buy stock and feed, which he could always shire, as it gave the meat which was in most ucceeded in righting their boat, and return- I 've. . London Methodist church, Rev. J. Philip, I
�w ' �
do ait a prafit. and have the extra manure to demand by the pac cers, d to the ship. A few Americans who- are -Parliamen"t will meet for business 3.t -A peculiar accident occurred to Robert B. D., astonished the people by unnouricing vie bad taken them in hand and had shown �
Ottawa on February 25th. - - 1.
enrich his farm. He does not take much I Mr. Allan gave some valuable hints on - now settled on the Patuca, stcod on the Robertson, teamster for Jackson & Hallett, that he wished them to bring cash con- them round. They called on Premier Ab- 1-i I
. sttQck in plowing under green crops for man- marketing fruit, and in answer to some beach.with a number of natives anxiously , -Mr. Mercier has decided to figi t to a of Guelph, on Friday. He was running up- tributions &mounting to $2,000, and place bott and had a short chat. On their arrival I y .
uxe, as he believes there would be more ad- questiotis put to iim .by The audience, be watching -our fforts to make a linding, but finish in Quebec at all costs. stairk when his foot caught in an. upturned them in the collection plate, in the interest at Montreal they were met by the American ,
. gave information, cp'vering the whole ground could render no assivance, neither could -Adam Shaw, aged 79 years, an old resi- corn�r of the oilcloth and his second too was of the new church. Last Sunday evening Coimul. After dep�o,siting their valises they
vauta,g-e in feeding the crop to the stock and . J
' I
making the manure in that way. In the from.plauting to marketing the fruit. In they cr083 the bar t,) come out to us, Tile dent of Hospeler, died last week. cut And br at joint. the offerings amounted to $2,214. drove to the Park toboggan slide, where i
�� ken at the F
. , ;
management of farm y%rd manure be does � aribs returned and absolutely 1 -Buffalo and Toronto ioemen are catting -A company is being formed in Wiariou -A meeting of the managers of Knox they were made welcome by the members of I
I fact Mr. Allan proil ad himself to be a per. boat crew of Y1. 1krge quantities of ice at Orillia. Th( the club. They were taken down the slide :
not see any advantage in covered yards, suf- feet encyclopledia df fruit knowledge. refused to venture across the bar, and whin ice is to M'anufa,,ture terra cotta 6rick, a large church, Dutton, was field on Monday even-
. � ti,wo feet thick. �
The See in a vote of thanks a Carib refus4 to go on the water, a white . mine* of the proper material having been lo- ' I .
ficieat to pay for the 'expense of building. retary inimov .g , eeveral times, and expre�sed themselves as 1I
I I ing. The proposition to purchase the remi- ,
'In open Yards there should be provision to the speakers., st �ted that the Directors of man had bett�r keep off it aho, -The thermometer'dropp'@d to 30 0 below cated on Colpoy's bay,, a few miles from that dence of F. A. Humpidge for -a wanse wa harmed with Lthe experience, which will f,
made to prevent leakage, and have the heap 'I decided to hold three It was decided to return to this place_ 2 ero at St. Thomas at four o'clock W �dnes- p I
r 11 c -
lace. doubtless be glowingly described in the ;
the Institute had, I . . � Ex,�erts have examined the clay and discussed. The matter was set on foot but I
more meetings befoie spring, viz.: at C�ed- 1rionia, sixty' nsiles from Patuca, where c ay morning last week. E
a.3 Compact &8 possible. The liquid Manure � pronounce t first-class. a week ago, and already the canvaEsers, newspapers these gentlemen represent. The A .
iton, Exeter and � he leader of the Caribs, assured us irty will visit Quebec before returning to ,i
bents, a@ scion S'aforth. He also ui Andy, Anderson returned to Laporte, Messrs. Hollingshead aiad Black, had secur- I
shou�d be taken up by abser - ged Pedro, t 1 ' I -The Local Option liquor by-law vias de- - I
. ' �
tists say that pound for pound the liquid is members to rionew' their subscriptions' as we could land in s3.fety. Moreover, Captain Ifeated by 23 majority at Blenheim the other Indiana, r cently, from Sarnia to visit his ed a subscription to the amount of about M York. They are delighted with what . I
� � I they have seen of our cities. They are travel- � .
more valuable than the solid manure. Mr. - early as possible, ap the reports and bulle- Murillo told us we would have to laud here, ' aY- mother, e,had been absent three years. $1,000 in the village alone. The property is �,
- . , ling in a private car. I
Habs i on advised a,pplying the manure to the tins would only be pent to those members safely or not safely, as he could not afford - Principal Cavan, of Knox Colleg,�, will His arriva was followed by his arrest for held at $2 600. I :1 , I
surfaPle of the -sail in th.e late fall'and early who had paid their �subscriptiona for 1892. to waste any more time chasiug up and leave Toronto February 1, on a trip to stealing $2:000 worthof goodsfrom freight -John Hamilton, who has been living in I -One evening lately Rev. M. McLennan, �.
winter unless on a hill side, where it would This closed a vryY!iateresting and profit. down the coast with his I ship looking for a 'Europe and Palestine. cars on the Nickelplate line. Forest with his daughter, Mrs. Oakman, for of Hepworth, Bruce county, was welcomed I
able series of meet 9, and, besides, his provisions -51r. McKellar, of Glencoe, hds just paid . . 7
be liable to wash away with the rains or ings. All the meetings place to land � . -In a few weeks the only r maining tell about eiRht years, died on Wednesday 1%at at his manse by the man,igeis of his con- .
were well attended, and those present took were about eshausted. $300 for a very promising filly (pacer) by gate on Talbot street, betweM St, I bomas ,eek in a most pitiable state Of destitution gregation who on behalf of the congregation �
melting snow. In reply to J. B. Header- - In fact, hard tack! � w .
son h!a said he would not spread manure on a deep interest in ithe discussions. and 'Salt horsel begin to appear on the table. Ontario, 4,81q. and Aylmer, will be removed, las the iesult and filth. He formerly lived in New York presented him with elegant robes for ;
i . But that didn't matter much. Nearly ev- I -Mrs. E. Reeves, who died in Belleville olth cod work performed �y a number city and is said to have been at one time in I his cutter. Mr. McLennan bas been I
anowlif a foot, deep� He placed very little I - -- - -- i &�-few days ago at the advanced age (if 100, e . i
� eryone was 321�-aick, and no one was there of �pu 1 �
value, on'commercial fertilizers, but had re- b1c spirited citizens of Yormouth'eight comfortable circumstances. His age is Ivery successf ul in his minictratione.
i � hxploratio�s in, Elondurao'. , to eat, anywa�l except some old travellers was An old resideut in that district. . �.
ce'v6d comaiderablerbenefit from the use of i . yearst ago. I given as 118 years. This is another cage to his people, the � congregation h4ving
salt. - � (INTERESTING LIETTER BY R. J. DUNSMORE.) who could eat! a' washboard fried in alligator ' -Joseph Reid, while chopping wood in a -George Adam Darby, of Crowland town- showing the necessity of a poorhouse for the trebled within the past eight m4ths.
I ' I
An. interesting discussion followed this IR.oxiA, H'ndums, Central America, fat, if necessa�y. It was so warm (90 de- bush near Orangeville, by a slip of his axe ship, Welland county, died 1R'. -!t Saturday. county. When M r. McLennan went to the Rep*orth .-I
'1� - I .
D cember lot, 1891. - I -Any slept on d ck, cut off several of his toes. 11
address and was taken part in by R. Keddy � . I gree8 in the shade) that m e He was a powder mookey, aqd an ey� wit- -A ,new line of export in grain has de- field he found a few Presbyterian families I
The party of ex orers which left New but in the �The Government has itsued a che k for ness of the battle of Queen; ton Heights, veloped within the past few months airong discouraged and dejected. -He went earn- � -
Wm. Buchanan, James Pattersonj ,11eter' 1 m0dle of the night several heavy $
Orleans on Mond , November 16th, were seas broke `ov4fthe decks, washing a num- $32,000 to Connolly Bros. on account of the , A -
Cameron and others. . where, Gen ral Brock fell. He was 93 years faxmers In Wellington county, that of the estly to work, and his efforts have been . �
� !
Mr. W, J. Palme; gave a short address on -the subjects of mu( h conjecture and curios- ber of articles' overboard. Your correspond- Kingston dry dock. - of age, and�leaves numerous dysceDdants. export of blue peas to Germany, where they crowned with success. Now a congregati U . t
. .
I " Winter Dairying." In Denmark the farm- ity, as they procee( ed through the streets of ent was sleep ng sweetly wrapped up in a -The mining and lumbering camps around - �wing to the great searc(,ty of teachers are used -for soup and form a staple food for of 250 attends his church.every Sabbath, -1
- ers have become wealthy through -lair in that city to the lili liois Central fruit wharf, blanket on I � lee side of a stanchon when a Sudbury are all badly stricken wit I the iuiiManitob� at the present time the Depart- some classes of. the population. There hps and a feeling of love and good will for Mr.
Y 9 to take pis,3age on card the Italiau,Steam- great heavy se and dumped a ppe. . ,
in winter a-,z�-well as in summer, A cow giv- _Br ment' of Ec ucation has decided to close the been quite a run nn them, and within the McLennan pervades the congregation. Mr.
ing o3ly 3,000 tbs. milk in the cheese fac- ship St. Oteri, bound for Patuca, Ron - duras. whole ton o ice salt water on top of him. anal itain is to be askled to contribute an present seision of the WinnipegNormal past month Mr. Wm. Carter has bought up McLennan is a Eon of Itev. Gto. McLennan, I
. Many of the party were a complete walking He %rose A y, wrucg out his blanket, a subsidy of $250,000 towards the School for iret and second clals teachers on and shippe .
tory season worth. $20 and $6 worth of but- d 3,000 bushels. It is quite a of Camlachie. I .
ter outside the factory season, is kept at a Arsenal, being ladea down with rifles, shot shobk his h a badly, and pensively thought Planadian fast mail service. February � 3, instcad of March 5, as pro- boon toboth farmer,and dealer. -
I -Mrs. Ira Morgan, whose husband was vided in th7t regulations of the' department, Right Rev; William Day Reeve is at . -
loss, as it will cost �30 per year to-k-eep a, gubs, etc., while t eir belts fairly bristled of Seaforth, a d climbed out on the bridge 11 , �Mr. Alexander truce, one of the beat present the guest of the Bishop of Huron in i
with knives, revo vers and m'Achetem, the to dry and em ty out his boots; ftilled on the. electric railway at Ottawa a -Early Friday morn.iDAI,two men who known and most Y �
cow. Mr. EwiDg, Nor t hum berla nd, realized [ n . . high] respected residents Londop. Dr. Reeve is the 'new bishop of --. .
$64 per cow from his herd. He sent his latter being a shortl sword or huge knife to Sunday Afto noon we came to anchor in a w weeks ago, died ThuraL'ay at Metcalfe. were in the vicinity of stead on the of Guelpb,-and his family have met with ,Nf,ck,,'nzie River diocese, and has had for � : �,
ba used, As is the chstom of the natives of beautifully ca in harbor off Irionica, h -0f a -John Pickering, about 15 years ol age, q I i 1.
mil;k to the cheese factory in summer and I sm of Isaac Pickering, of Forest, while play- Canadian Pacific Railway,1were attracted by sdvere affliction within a few days. Since many years. a rcmarkable experience an a ' -? I
made buttoer which, he sold, at 22c. per lb. in Honduras and other Central American mile out from 1 land. Mr. Drynfurth, the . the howling of a dog over a black object last spring John B. and Alexander, twin missio ar in one of the most remote and �
countries, for the cutting Of A, pA38age leader of the expedition ; Mr. Farrington, ing with a revolver, the -other day, was Y i
the winter. He fed his cows on a, part en- through the dense j 1 ingle of this conn try. Associated Press reporter, an interpreter dentally shot through the bead. acOl- lying in the Enow. They went over to broth'ers, have been suffering from lung iohos,,itable regions, In April, 1869, he I
silage ration, at a cost of 1W.,ents per day. . where the ( og was, and found,the body of a ;
. - trouble. John died . on Wednesday and 1, i
� . f t E igland for his distant� mission, and ,
Would have some in the fall, Toward sunset, 'Ube long, narrow ship, and THR Ex oema correspolident, eat -A little fellow named Montgomery was man frozen stiff. Alexander on Friday last week. Both were after f long and toilsome j,j.urney of several, � �
for winter dairying. and would advise ivh;ioh was built in , Palermo, Italy, and flies ashore in a a all boat for the purpose ol in- fatally scalded by failing into a pail o, boil- -Edwarl GeoghaD,tbe veteran caretaker remarkably intelligent --young men, and months reached Fort Sirrp9nn, the chief .
. .
bg ose. 'Calves can be fed the It lian colors, hast off her dock lines terviewing th( Comm -Andante and to ob,ain ii � ig water, near Orangeville, lait Friday. of the Rom in Catholi.c Cemetery in Dandas, their early death at 24 years is regretted. tradir g post of the Hu0son Bay Company - � I
on skim milk with grain added, as profitably and swung out into the current of the grand his permiabion to land our party at ;his . -Fred Chambers %nd Abraham Edwards, died on Tu a's evening 19th inst., of pneu- -After nearly a month's suffering, Alex.. in th � Mackenzie - River district. Since I
M,issis ippi. amid ck eers for the owner of place. A crowd of wondering, naked and t�o boys, have heen released from Penotang irionia, bro ht on by being out in the late Smith, the young wan whose leg wa's ampu- e S 8 .
- I � ,
--- as on,whole milk. the vessel, Senor S.' Oteri, who showed the sem i- asked - na.ives flocked to the b(tach to r0formatory and handed over to their severe wea her. He was aaed'73 years, and tated by a Canadian Pacific RAlway trai th n bi labor have been chiefly among the � .4
The, discussion on 1%1r. Palmer's address � .
party nauy kindnesses while they awaited witness the unusual Bight of a steamship in fi�iends. .. 11 E,!quiinaux and Northern Indians, on the I I
was t�ken part in by S. Smil lie, P. McKay, for over 30 years had. been in qharge of' the at Caledon station on Christmhs eve, died in bordez of Alaska and the, shores of the
D. Wrismiller, B. S. Phillips and othe,r8, the ai�rival of ,the vessel. The beauty of these waters. We inquired through our in. I --Stephen Albeit Long, aged 19, wai acci- cemetery , . Orangeville.. Blood poii,oning set in and ArcticSea. In November ]&-it -Bishop Reeve
. k the mc onlight trip � own to the mouth of the terpreter for the Commandante,,and were at dritily8hot dead near Hamiltonkriday -Mr.'Z Symington, of Plymouth, was the immediate cause of death. Smith was cc usecrated at Winnipeg to smeceed 11
showinc, that a lively interest is being ta en . �, � I
0 river cannot be described with justice. once conducted to his presence. Ibile out bird shooting with two cOm- Lambton's cheese king, has rented his farm was about 30 years of age and a'school .
in dairyiag husbandry. . A -bout 9 p. in. we. sat down to a good din- tall, thin, swarthy Spaniard, and has d6m- p4nions. Bishoj Bompas. . �
Mr. D. Buchanan, a graduate of the On- � to his son,1 and taken up his residence in teacher by profession. An action for dam- �
- I 11
ner, ou r first on board,and, for the majority, rnand of the i troops here, which consia t of Rev. F. McCuaig, of Welland, w 11 be -Al Paris lad while out bunting rabbits .
tatio Agricultural College, read a carefully I Sarnia, in t�e new house erected last -year by ages ngainst the Canadian Pacific 'Railway .
L the last., for soon after passing the jetaius at five natives -not a very formidable garrijon. moderator of Hamilton P r the his daught r, Mrs. Cattanacfi. Mr. Sym- i' . the ot3er day, near the Bliie Lake woods, I
prepared paper on the advantages of " In- � a likely to be the outcome of the accident. 9 I
the Mouth of the tiver, and with the rise Wo stAe,d one business in - the country, and next six months. � came across a hole that he supposed was a
dividual Experiments in Agriculture." This oll% asked for permission to land and pitch our - ington will , continue to manage his cheese The remains were taken to Luckrow for in- �4
pa,per will appear in a future issue of THF and fal I of the ship On theAoug, rough sw Galt will have a four -days' exhibition of factories as �usual. , . I tertnent. rabbit burrow, he put down his gun on the
- . i �
of the gulf strea y and pet stock, beginning an the first - ground, and opened his bag to put the
Ext-osuor, . m, 11 the passengers, with tents.arfiong them for a few weeks. He was --- . Thomas Rawson, who was hurt on Mon- - -A friend writes from Harriston to the -ferret in the rabbitt hole, when suddenly -out
. . p
Mr. A, McD. Allan gave a valua the exceptiod of a few who had traverged v�ery suspicious, fearing, doubtless, that It OnFlela day last ek, near Edgar otation. E sex � �
ble ad- - � . we I effect that Rev. Mr. Mu lay me Oix young skunks, before the hunter
the great s-ilt deep before, bacame possessed was some filibustering expedition, such as !-Wesley Prangley, of Stratbroy, for pub- county,in the bush by a falliiig limb, died
dress ,on " Fruit Gulture," and - the beat � Embro, purchased in New York a beautiful had Mine to take the second look at the un -
of an ardent desire to gaze over the taffrail are common in these parts. He inquired if 'liohing his $500 reffle on New Year's Day,, on Weduesc ay evening at hE.ilf-past ten in French marblp mantle clock, and Mrs
m.e' thais to grow farshipping aiad marketing down, down intp the phosphorescent we were armed, and it took some tim el to his been fined 6W and costs. � - expected arrivals he broke to his heels , and
� and sh.ipping locally. In plume, would re- ; great agon 7. He leaves a wife and four
C i wator% and they g4zed and conrinued to convince him that our arinswere merely for I-Lachlim MacDonald, of GO Munro bought in -Toronto an elegant, .9ilver plun d himself into a enow bank, to be in .
commend the Lombard, Yellow Egg,- oe s . elph, brother smallchildren. HewasanHaglishmau,and tea, service, with the money presented .
'oldenDio:p and Bradsham., He hasnot gaze at intervals until they again ato.)d upon huntipg game, and that we 'didn't want his ofl the late Sheriff Selacl)onald, ot Goderich, about forty yearsof age, I to a isafe distance from the young animals. A
. .
G f . thena b� Knox church congregation, Embro. 11
little ted -cent country. He fin*lly decided dled on Saturday night last aged 93. Lateron he peeped out of the bank, and much - the Green Gage profitakble. Applies terra firma. I - -At a I meting of the South Dumfries They felt that they would like to have Forne to hisisurprise he saw the young intruders
thia sea t� to come on board and see the Captain and -A Winnipeg -dispatch says: The ?res- council- the ium of $103 was paid to William
should be bought by quality and variety, as The Passage acrosa the Gulf at W l evidence always in eight of the cordial re- playin� with his ferret, but theAun was too 14
� . , .
son of the year 19 VAU111y rough, and this therefore donned a pair of scarlet trousers byterians ot Carberry have extended cal I Ellis for sheep killed by dogs on the even- i
they are sold in the British markets in that � lationship that existed nd cb.c3e �o the animals for him-'approa-ch it, -f .. -
. way.. Growers wonld then, have greater in- trip pr ved that we �werc not exempt from with a criamon mash, in which was . stuck a t9 Rev. Mr. M:!Gillivray, formerly of Lon- ing of December 24. This is the largest their old congregation, hence the purchase
the gei oral rule. I fter a little over four pietol of the vintage of the sixteenth can- don. I - 1, I . later oh another boy came up and shot two �
ducements to grow the best selling varieties. . I ain6unt ever paid to one person for the de- -The body of the late Henry Carter* of h �11
days a' sea, we, ran into port at Troxillo, tary,andasword. After much pa 1 - t � young animals together with 'his i
- rleying ', F. J. Boyd, of Jers6yville, who was 8tructioa of sheep by dogs in one evening " formerly a resident of Toronto� arrived a' � .
To get good fruit, Orchards must be.manured ort I t ferret, and then he sauntered along mud . 1�
Hobdu, where the custom officials had to, with the Captain, he gave the desired per- h by a bull about four weeks ago, that township. being one-third of the who"' - thIfl6t city Thursday for burial. ',Mr. Carter captured hia gun, but came home a wiser i
regula,rly and the trees pruned and'kept in iospect what we were bringing inio the mission, and the work 9f disembarkation at di'ed at his residence on Wednesda� last dog tax for 1891. i
aheatthycondition. The discussion on this I had tiLken up his residence in Chippewa and boy. - .
address closed the afternoon session. oountr.y. Being wained on board by those ship's tackle wag begao,� The ladies of the week. . I -A rnsu who travels about repaifing had built a house- there lait fall. The - � .
THE NVENING SIWION. I who knew. thatIthe Honduras cusOm auth- party remained on board all night, and by i -At an adjourned meeting of the Erskine clocks visit�d Mrs. Jackson's house, in Lon- plastering -was completed a few daysi agov . -A very large concourse of the residents i
An interesting evening sesiion was held orities would-ci ly coofiscA t i all rifles in . of I I
ty, .; ertair sunri�6 the thirty or forty tons of freight church coogregatiou in Hamilton the salary don West on Friday. M18S Jackson was the and on Sunday evening Mr. Carter, having _ Nassagsweya turned out on Saturday
in the Hall.. Mr. Hobson gave an address the pa. ,, 3 these little -Central Americam was all pile� promiscuously on the beach. of the pi�stor, Rev. J. G. Shearer, was raised only person h e, and as the man refused to put a etc' afternoon, 16th in'st., to a double funeral ,
rtpubl ca &M so prOEe to, revolutioas they , The native are very super8titiout, and t . ,*in ve in one of the rooms, slept there which took place under ver #-ad circum- i I
an " Education," advocating a more prac- I s 0 fr�m $1;300 to $1,350. leave'the h(�IU80 when told to do so the young for the first time. The beat of the stove Y 4
� are very strict aboUtISILloWing firearms to be ward off any evill that might accrue from . h stances at Campbellville. -Mr. George W. .
.ical direction to the studies at the schools Mr. Carr, of Trepton, in jumping loff a lady seized kettle of hot water from the brought out the fumes from t e newly -laid
- .
upils for their af. brought into the co atry, shot guns and re- our a4vent in their midst, they retired to - a ove an gJave -he I Logie, who has been studying for the minis- i
t '� , was and plaster, and in the morning the occupant of . 1.
in the way of fitting the p ,Tin under the wheel t d the intruder a dose that
volver exceptedi tt riffis of the party their place of worship,, and made night ff I so( ry at Knox College and wag on his second i
in life. e the will DO', n forget. ' ' s
tar positious, red such injuries as necewitats� . I the room was found dea6d, smothered with . I
Itev. Mr. Acheson, Kippen, spoke of the were hidden away iiii my8terious 01aces and hideous apL,they executed a "hoolah-hoolah " year there, with big wife and child was . k
I . � Amputation of the left foot. I -The La nibton Teachers' Apsociation has the plaiter's poiso:!. I .i
I e:efetnPn, more by mortal man until we had dance to -6'e execrable din of tom-toms. By I spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. I . t
" Independence, Heal thfu-Inesq, and Pleas- I I . . I IN
0 -on February 3rd, next, the Roman i
left -0 -t of entry lo�shind us. Aft the ship noon Oeit d &y. twenty white tents glistened . The Baden Star is a new a I n the published 500 pamphlets, containing! "A Logie's friends at Coboconk, Victoria county, I
In eloquent S- p I- ' -
s of the Farmers' Calling." I rr"'
u re. y at 7. It course of stidies for the public scheols of Catholic population of St. John,,, Quebec,
t nchor in thelharbor at Trdxillo, the in tbeltropical sunlight, and the smoke of journalistic field in Waterloo when he was taken down with the grippe. , 1 :
, erms he also gave a touching picture of what c county I
� Lambton, v�ith hints and maggestioni for thn will mrske a pilgrimage to the Pariah of St. ;
, whole town came d ' to the bea6h to gaze as many camp-firas curled upward in the is; published by C. V. IAmbre ht., fo, orly . The disease developed into congestion of the i
the farmers' home ought to beand might be. �u guidance of teachers." The work4as pre- Blaise, as a thanksgiving for having been lungs and after a ishort illness, Mr. Logie 4
With a good library of useful information at the shipi6ad of Americauo6," while clearairand lingered among the tufts of pFoprietor of thaDrumbo Advertiser, - pared byI6spectc,rs Barnes and Bre I bner, preservedfrom the plague of diphtheria i
hundrtds of &anoe , or 'Ipitpang,"as the the p.alp tram overhead. Several of the cii�John Hutchinson, Woodstock, ba pur- ' - died on Wednesday, 13th inst., at the age �
. .1 assisted b fli
and good music, the comparative leisure of I c � T. A' Reid, principal of the When the disease was making great rav- I
nativieE call them, paddled out io us, and tents had to be moved hurriedly, for the aised the Royal Hotel property in I son- of of 33. � His remains were brought to his old
the long winter eveniags could be used to I Forest s h I . i
ma,keL home the moat attractive place on h If n k,d black fe lows r3warmed up the reaFoal that big cocoanuto occasionally fell burg from Mrs. A. Cowan. The cons dera- I . ages in the surrounding locality, the parish- home in Nassagsweya, and a few -hours :
3 the ground, and sometimes the tion wae $4,500. ccident'occurred at the Canadian ioners of St. Johns, finding themselves :i� -
c'h ' in and ropes over thd side, crying heavily to -A bad� , after their arrival there, his father, who had I
- I
earth, and would check the desire of our ., ao.t e", vieing with each other for the monk Id aim one at people around- I Pacific Railwabyo,,,Ibo s,ioWinnipeg, the other threafened with an invasion, placed them- beeng . radually faUving, died at the great a 11�
oung people leaving the farm for other b , -The Manitobn, temperance convention . ge �,
I f selves under the special protection of S�- of 93 Years, On Saturday both father and . I
y 'Allings. - - privile e of taking us ashore to, ace the the ca p fire. have decided to ask the Legislature to gub- I morulng. e rFw rker's helper named. I � �
C, town. As we were to lay there hearly all While out hunting the other day I wit. Robertson �ccidentally slipped'into ,the hot Blaise, to whom the now attribute their I �
-y1r. D. Weismiller followed in an address . mit the question of prohibition at thel next 1 11 Y son were buried together, it being a very . .
. day, a d but few of the p%rty had ever seen neosed a most touching and pathetic scene, Provincial election. I water Cie n, and was terribly scalded. He preservation from the plague, and hence the -impreesive service. ?"
on., the 11 Relation between the Merchant . � rescutee by a follow -workman from. the proposed pil i
a t - I all went which made me feel ashamed of inyself. A was grimage. �
llmd the Farmer,".in which he -jhowed.that hr � ca country efore, nearly I . . - -John Price, dealer in hides and 'wool, --The grippe is very prevalent in Galt 1
as e boiling - ,L Edgar C. Jennings, son of Mr, il
ash I and a number of the aged and old reoidents I
. .
the merchant was a. neCeesity, as he gather- ash I the natives conveying them to and troop Dfmonkeys were sprivaing rapidly MoDtreal, has aFsigned at the instance of w ter, his feet and' legs having -Rev. 0 �
fro for the sum of two reals, or twenty-five from t�ee to tree. Several feri:�ales carried i suffered b�dly. He was taken to the,G.en- Thomus Jennings, of Moray, who was or- I
ed his merchandise from all parts of the cents. , . their 'oung on the back of their neck. Now, � the Bank of Toronto. The liabilities are eral hoepit�l. i dained on December 20th, left about two are being taken away. Among the victims . "
globe o supply h,is customers' wants. - I : R
Y about $10,000. � are Mr. James Dalgleish And his wife, who .
ty, being about the only way to capturc a live mon- I I The lity returns �
Mr. Allan spoke On 11 Beautifying the Tru. illo is quite an ancient - 'or a for Canadian weeksa-go for Reathcote, between Owen both died on Sunday morning, 17th inst. �i
Horne." He advised planting shade trees, L foUndf d some three or four centuri�is ago by key is t6 shoot a mother -awl catch li�!r -The Galt waterworks have been s4ccees- I cities for Pe month show a large in. Sound and Coldogwood, where he has been Mr. Dalglei8h was a well-known and te- -; � � 1
. tested. The works cost labout ! t th I
kept Montegurna, who w 9 afterwards driv,fu out young ode. Being very desirlous of capturing fully � crease ove L corre,jponding period for stationed by the Bishop of Huron. -Mr. spected itizen and had been a rr,sident of "
I .deaths were Jennings drove all the way, He will have
growing flowers and having a well ' emale $120,000, Their capacity is 1,500, gal- � last year. !In Montreal the N
ez, both fanious men in the annals of w live one, I singled out a large f . . Galt ro about 50 years, Mr. Dalgleish
hLwn, as well. as a small vegetable and small by Cort wa,j clinging I lons per day. OT ' 484, or 2.�13 per thousand ; Toronto, 1.39 under'his charge three congregations, and bailed from Yarrow, at which bi-storiv place,
fruit garden. Spain, Mexico and X'eru. A grim old Span- monkey, whose little one
Mr. Palmer gave a " Peep into the Uri- ish foit overlooks the sea, on the parade around its neck, and raising my rifle, fired. I -No horseman that ever lived in danada ': per thoueknd ; Quebec, 2.88 ; Hamilton, will drive thirty miles cach Sun.d3Y in his early days, he was personafly
8LIP-n World around us," which he made very ground of which BeAries dressed in the pic- She fe I a short distance, caught a limb and I can truly claim such a record as tha�. pos- - 1 34; Ottawn, 1.78 ; Winnipe*g, 1.24; Vie- to reach his appnintments. Mr. JeDnings acquapted with such notables as fipgg, the
Uniform of the Re -public paced , L igh Columbia, .1.66. L . .
I turesque Taking the sessed by Mr. Louis Wigle, of LearniOgton. : toria, Brit � is a graduate of Huron College, London, and sweet I inger of Ettrick ; Laidl&w, Sir,
to stendi d herself a mornent, . . I
interesting by his practical Applications . I is a young man of more than ordinary .
little � off her back, wh,are it.still clang, e 2,*list in � -
coaditions.of every day life. to an� fro. One part of the city is occupied , Ue passed four pavers into th I � -A strikiDg example of woman's courage Wait ' cott, and others whoee names are
she ki sed it tenderly, flt.AvAed it on a run af- � Is I eTc nowned. He had the honor of
Mr. D. Buchanan gave an address on entire y by the nati iron, whose d wellinumi are � t891. . and fortitude comes from near Bear Lak. , ability., worl'd I -
" Fashion in its Relation to Farming, " in built 1 Pf Cypress or Mahogany slabs, thatch- ter th others who were scampering "Way ; -The Monetary Times says: Back kin is ! in the vic� I nity of the depot �f Mr. J. R, -ArraDgements have been completed joiuin -ith Hogg in the famous Poet'A
- ed wil h palm branchen, and with simply a as fast as they could, and a few minutes af- I avorite material for gloves and mit�ens in ; Booth, th.� Ottawa lumberman. A married whereby Windsor will become quite noted Gamei I, and was perhaps the last survivor of I
w hicli he in,troduced a couple of well deliv f I ; '' . I
- -
, clay f oor. 17he In tives of Hnndnras com- terward dropped deadat .ny feet. I felt &I- I . ,�!
ered recitations. . most like a murderer and never was so Nnada and the United States, but m�ch of : step-daug�ter of a well-known hunter named as a shipping point during the next two the rn� rners wbo attended the, funeral of
- prime egroes, -origi aully, probablyj from the h in
The ap s were interspersed with- mu . - � e co ' fort and durability of such hand 1 Peter Dw3li, started to visit some traps, and years. The Canadian Pacific Railroad Com- Sir Walter Scott, Mrs. Dalgleish was a
,eeche I
sic, vocal and instrumental. Mr. James West Indies; the Cariband Waco Indians, heartily sorry for anyi4hing in my life. It qovering depends on proper tanning ilof the I arranged to be away one night in the bush, pany has decided to make Windsor its chief noice of Ithe Ettriok Shepherd. Her father,
Crawford si,ng a number of suitable songs all of whom 'speak the Spanish language, was such a Pathetic scone, bordering so pkins. For twenty-six years pa t the i She did not. return, and her half-brother shipping point to Chicago preceding and Davi& Hogg, the poet'x brother, was flock- I
With A smattering of French and -English ; closely on hurnsa suffering. Br6AYill have , Ptarted to hunt her up, and after consider- during the World's Fair. Contracts have mast,4 at Abbottsford, on which estate Mrs. � .
in an. effective and pleasing manner, while Potario Glove Works at ,
J. Murray, of Seaforth, brought down the Spanisb, however, being the principal This letter in alre&iy,,t,00 long to.&dmit of paid much attention to these sk s, and � able search found her lying in the 8now,with been let for building a dock along Windsor Dalg ish was born and brought up. She - -
-tending over a quarter of a mile in f -
house by his character comic songs. A tonga ,� though the Indians hav4 a language any description of this country, and, be- surned out excellent gloves. buy ' a babe of seven or eight days old pressed front, ex requ ntly saw Sir Walter Scott. She wit-
arped up length, and all freight coming over its nessei .
of tht ir own. On firit setting foot on-abore, sides, our explor&tiong 6&ve 'scarcely yet I South American deer skins, whic a said ' closely to bar breast and as well wr . his funeral, and saw his daughter
number of the young men of the vicinity I ,
g&ve several pleasing selections on the mOuth we were surrounded by crowds of native -commenced. We have plenty of ba anas, I to lie the best of material for fine loves, ! an possible. The little one was; * 11 right, Canadian branches and other adjacent con- I Ann t mve AbbotUford all alone and in toAfflo . �
-9, plantains and sugar cano f:r the in obtain , the snug and warm, but the mother was con, - nections will- be unloaded at Windsor, and nover to return.
organ. At 10.30 o'clock the evening's en men, women and children, none of whom cocoanut 4ad part of their supply i obtain �: f . -
- ; i
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