The Huron Expositor, 1892-01-15, Page 8111 # � , l, , 7 T � - . - � __ i i I � I - I I � . __ 1. . I - - � ful bla i opene I A a shop in Varna. Mr. Robert Bell intends - running a portable I presented to yo ing Liberals %t the present Wells is a most enthusiastic Missourian, and MCKWOP. :1 oksmith, h" . ill in the village. This will be a vAlu - � EDWARD -:- OASH, time, urging th �ir organization everywhere would have all her friends rn�ye there if jibe BULL PURCILASKI).-Mr. Wm. Lockhart, qs and his brother'Willi�tn intend running* saw m. toy villag( : foir the purpm of exercising a wider in- could. - Rev. Joseph Higgins of Dundas of the 5th concession, has puroh sad from shop bare as well*&@ ther . Mr. Kaiser is:& able acquisition to our already bu I Will continue to buy any quantity of g � . good and obliging work an and is sure to WEDDING BXLLS.-On Wednesday, Jant fluence. He re rred to their political an- county, was here this week. Mr. Higg�as Mr. David Mfine, of Ethel, the :11 borough- . He carries W th him the host ary 6th, a very happy event- -took place a, . � Fine Roll- and Print Butter. Also cestry as worth sires whom young Liberals was called home to see his mother, who re- bred bull, "Lord Huron." This;'animal is succeed - nee of Wm. Towers, Esq., of th Hides, Sheepskins and tallow of to -day shoal emulate in their sacrifices sides near Br'ucefield, and who was seriously of the Cruickshank strain, and is a low-down . Wi-sheo of his wany friew x. -The Annivet- the reside n hi -i . i I oary S�rvices of Union 'a*hurch, conducted township of H1ibbert, on which occasio Furs , the ! 1 at his old stand and contests r political emancipation. ill. -Mr. J. T. Garrow was in town this blocky &DiMal, sired by the well-known bull, bath by the Rev A. F. Tully, Of daughter, Milos Janet, was united in Dealing with a present, he pointed out week. fie came down to see his lather, who is Perfectione" He was one of the herd that 'last 8 . ch- I * 'Mitch 11, and his lecture on Monday -even- bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Qarmi . � - GODERICH STREET, SBAFORTH. the problems tiat confront Canadiam, the is very poorly.-Tihe Kidd hardware store, took the silver modal at the East Huron ing o the I I Pyramids of Egypt" were of &el, of this villoge. The ceremony was per- I solution of *hi,,h must largely xest with the on Main street, was uold on. Tuesday, under show. We congratulate Mr. Lo§khart on r jo�rmed by Rev. Mr. Scott, of Cromarty, land , . a decree from the Court of Chancery. It - his purchase. This fine bull should hi host order. The audiences, conside' - . young men, I Jter touching upon the vari- 112 t provalency of Is grippe, were large was witnessed by a large number of the rela- ous phases of the trade question and the was purchased for Mr. Buok, of Brantford, benefit to the stock -raisers of hlol�illop and an% . n on tives and friends of the contracting parties. 11 g eatly enjoyed CLOTHING. eluded by . i I exodus, he cox , expressing his be-" for $3,050. - It is a very che prorrtY its surroundings. 9 lief that the Bt 2rdy Can4�isn of his country, at this figure.-Misis Violet asase . at Sabb h and were more than ,delighted and The bride was the recipient of a very large — �i I . I li lecture. It is number of u7seful and valuable presents, i . . I I would yet nolv o all problems by the agli- present visiting in Toronto, the guest of Blyth. e� . , profi d by the very able piec . p, After the ceremony was ended and the , i . cation of true - Liberal principles. Mr. ad- Mrs. John Aird. -Miss Fowler, of H&r- 11 Mae say the lepture, is 9. nianter . ly congratulated a I I � . : � ing of Men's Jay . purhey,- returned this week from a six STORE To LZT.-Deeirable basinesi; stand showi g grand research�i Mr. Tully is �& happy couple were warm - � Bix range of Now Clothing consist followed in an excellent speech, wherein in Blyth to Is& for a term Of Y ei C the corner fluent -spiay, logical and earnest speaker. very pleasant and lively evening was enjoy- i Youths'Boya'and Childrin's Overcoats, and Suits � ears. Bel - I he defined the object of the visit, the gen- months?,visit to friends in Oregon and Ds- atore in Watson's Brick Blook. Beat sta, d in town. ' by the large company present. We wish Nmsht at prices away below ordinary value, and a i ope he will be w�th us again soop. ad lower rates. oral purposes of Young Liberal clubs, the kots. She says the Dakota people are all in Excellent cellar rand. suitable for go I store or W wbick will be sold at proportionally grocery with flou and feed. Rent reao. nable. Ap- Then usio by the --hurch choir, under the the newly mat -Tied couple long and contin- . MeWsOvereostAfrom$11.60up; Men'sSuits from 04 specialwork ihey have accomplislied, the good spirits this year on account of the ply to MRS. ELIzA AWATaoN, Blyth. 1256-4 Mr. Wm. 9,ell, was excellent, nod happinee I *.-On Wednesday last the up; Boys' suiu from $4 up; Boys! Overcoats from cause for whici they labor and the leaders good harveat they have had. -Mr. Michael . leader'ship of I l , ?,sq., of the v $2.75 up; Children's Suits from $1.75 up; Children's � - I ... residence of Henry Anderson, I overcoats from 1:L88 up. our stock of Fum com- whom they f6l low, closing- by referring to Murdie, of McKillop, is busily engaged ' NOTICS.-Revival meetings are till being - i . I ne, was the scene of a . P"Ug LAdi*W - and Gtnts' Coats, - Can Cape@, the bright prospects of the Liberal party as drawing bricks for the erection of a new held in the Methodist church witi satisfac- � East Wa*Anosh- e cl very happy event.' We here refer to the Be i I - - et to�ry results. -The Fire Brigade vvill hold kmisiarettes, muss, Boas, &c., is now compete at the judged by the condition of the Conservative brick residence on his farm. He purchased - return George kfabkirk, of the ; largain Clothing and Dry Goods House. their annual supper in the Commercial hotel � LOCALS.' Mr. Will Bepnett has marriage of Mr. � party, the tu ... in the tide at' the last gen - them %& the Crediton brick yards, and is . ' from Michigan, where he has be�n township of Hibbert, to Miss Janet Auder- : L WM. PICKARD, oral election and the general turn in the having 'them shipped to Seaforth Station by this- Friday evening. We hope they will ,home � 11visiting friends for the la'3t few weeks. -Mr. son, youngest daughter of the late Robert ; T. Kidd's old stand, Sesforth. tide toward Liberal success, A hearty vote train. -As an instance of the business bein have a good time.-Tbe good aleigbing has ; 0 1 1 . 9 had a marvelous effect upon bosines3, as land Mrs. R. McGowan, f the third cOnce,11- Anderson. The marriage ceremony was .. of thanks to the visitors was moved by Mr. done by Seaferth merchants we may�state I I . ht (�Ojtr,on &P004, 1 1, Wilson %nd seconded by Mr. Robert that so great was the rush at one store that Jarmers are taking advantage of �t to bring Sion, als6 Mr. and rVol a. Richmond, of, -performed by Rev. - C. A. Fletcher, of the - th the proprietors were forced to place a con- their products to market, and business is !Blyth, were visiting frie ds on the 7th con- Thames road,w)d was witnessed by the rela- Itor - L' i . - : 9 SP # umsdel), and carried unanimously. boom in a sma)], way.- ce8sion 6. few days ago. Miss Maggie Niqol tives of the cootracting parties. The bride . I - I stable ist the door to keep out customers un- ,commencing to i � her recent illneO. . P1 . iis slowly recovering frorr was made the.recipient of a number of tine EDITOR'S J w. -The Clinton New Era til those who were inside were served, and Much surprise and regret was felt by our : -Mr. M. H. Harrison, who had the misfqr- ful and va � luable presents. After the cere- i . __ . , � rays : I I For some. time past the friends of &a one lot got out another batch was admit- citizens on hearing of the death o� Mrs.John nkle while out . p 'Margan, of this village. She bad only been !tune o fall and Sprain h s a mony was ended and the happy couple were � DISTRICT M.ATTERS. W. H. Kerr, f the Bruisels Post, have had ted, and no on through the day. Chea � . hunti ig on New'Yetar's.jay, is able to get warmly congrotulated, and had pirtaken of t their auspiciot s,aroused as to the cause of goods and a liberal use of printers' ink will ill a few days and a fatal terminiation was ' I- until near the last. aroun I once more. -Thelyoung people of the the sumptuous repast prepared, they took 4. ; th - his increasing .,orpulency ; they did not like tell. -The sleighing is. now splendid and � not,exp6cted by any obe oncession intend holdiDg an entertain- the train for liagersville and Hamilton� COUNTY CO,N,TRACT.%.--Mr. John Ainsley, to suggest tha; a good church member such business is brisk, the streets being : She. was a most worthy woman &act was held 6th c ) Friday night which, if. the� where they intend spending part of their I County Engineer, is callin,g for tenders to as be, might b) indulging in more than was crowded with vehicles every day�- in'bigh esteem by all who knew hcr. Much ment on (this promises to be & honeymoo th - ' he sent to him at Wingham by the 23rd of good for him, ut their fears i3urely leaned � An armature in the commercial dyna- . , Sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband w,eatl�er prove favorable, n. We unite with their many . I ' friends in wishing them long and continu. ilding of 'the Creditors ' and family, The remains were !Interred in grand success. -Mr. Walter Scott finished I I ed . I January for the reba in that direct on. His conscience - bp,came me at the electric light works, burned ing on Saturday Imt, it being the last happiness. � - , Vridge in the township of Stephen; the eree- out on Monday night, and had to be Ball's Cemetery, Hullett, on Satu!Way. - thres I his own accus , and in a letter over his own - i . : and & so the first of the season. -Mr. and I - .-. - ti;n of a bridge over the East branch of the Fignature he a mite that he has been driuk- sent to Toronto to be repaired, and the re- i �! . Sauble river at Stanlake's mills on the bound. had Ao 1use i Blumile. I Miss*mstrong, of For-lyce, were visiting - : Chiselhurst. ,ar ing, and like all reprobates claims that it sult is that our merchants have . I at Mr. S. Fell's one day last week. I ary betweenHay and Stephen,and the rebuild- has been d ' him good. But he asserts their coil oil lights for the past two or three � PASSED AWAY. -Mips Barbara �'Anderson, I _ POSTPONED.-,'Owii3g to the death and I 0 1 - i i 0 ; ing of Day's bridge over the Maitland river that it was no b " hard cider," or anything so nights. These interruptions are very an 1� aged 42 years, 7 months and 6 dalys, a high- ; . I Clint�n- funeral in Kingston of Rev. H. Irvine's , or�the boundary between the townships of g but it se' he 7th `Concession I father, the revival serv.ice has been post- trong, but simply "St. Leoa water" that noying, ems they can't be help6d.-- � ly respected resident of t , I HowickandTurnberry. These are ,all good of 1urnberry, died at her mother0e residence 1 A iNEw FiRm,-Se�le, Hoover& Seale poned indefinitely. has produced ;such beneficial effects. Be- Sleighing is making wood more plentiful in � i . 'have 6pened ont in Clio�on a marble and . sized bridges and their construction will ware,W. H., ])aware, 'they that tarry long,' town, but -there is still a brisk demand.- on Tuesday morning after a brief illness. ,; ooper'4 old stand. Seale � . � � make work for somebody. &c." On which the Brussels Post remarks : Rev. Mr. McDonald is still confined to his : Deceased was daughter of the late Jame" I granite'shop,- in C w I th, Tuckersmith. � 11 We would like to see St. Leon tested on residence, but is improving slowly. -Mr. Anderson,' and leaves a large�:', circle of � & HoOver, of St. Marys,� are connected . i ;, : this firm. The -L�, grippe is Still with us, al- ' THE SOUTH HuRox AaMCULTURAL SO ..you, Bro. Holmes, but it might take a hogs- John Beattie has had all the .goods left in - friends who were attached to her on account i !y are well acquainted in t is .LOCALS. � ciETY.-The annual meeting of the member- I _" on you his shop by the late fire removed therefrom of her excellent traits of charactd:r. A deep i part f the county, doiri� work here for he though this cold weather has somewhat W s head of it to put a " corporation , -Mr. Simon McKenzie - of the South Huron Agricultural Society 'as. there is so inuch of you up and down and and is having them dried and overhauled. feeling of sorrow is expressed on account of � ; we years, and hav, made a reputat n checked its ravages. al for his new house, th will be held at Dixon's hall, Brucefield, on so little of you bro3d-across." THE Exposr- Judging from present appearancea there will bet demise.. The funeral. which.took place secono to none for gooT work. They have is buoy drawing materi Wednesday next. the 20th inst., at 1 O'clock TOR suggests that if a hogs -head or even not -be much of any use. -Mr. Cardno and on Thursday, was largely attended. The just nished a Gray Gr1inite Monument lin which he inteods to build next summer. No W jp- M.9 for the purpose of electing a now board half -a -dozen h ogs-beads would do the busi- his tenants have come to terms again, and remains were inter'red in the fam ly burying StrAlord cematery,to the memory of the lite 'doubt it will be a fine Structure, as Simon . of directors and the transaction' of other ness they won Id not be wasted. 'But the gen- have declared a truce' and all of them are ground, Bluevale. . . � Jame�, Kennedy, which is the largest privite generally,doeis things right.- -Miss Annie I monumentinWestern Ontario. It Stands !22 Allan, Of the 2ad concession, entertained a - business. Theie meetings are usually not eral impression is that the New -Era Editor is remaining on in their old stands, -We notice LOCALIT�E!i. -Several are suflrering from I i nearly so largely attended as they should be, ' �� gh, an weighs 15itons. They have also number of her friends on Wednesday even - hollow from t a chin downwards and if this by the report of St. Andrew's church, Peter- la grippe although none are seriously ill. feet ' I but we hope this year will bt; an exceptional is the case it ould take soul-ethilig more bore', of which Rev. A. McWilliams form- -Mrs. Diiniel Lewis, who has been ill for put i:1 a Granite Monu�ent in St. Matlys ing, when a very Sociable time was spent. one and that more interest will 'be shown by. substantial th t St. Leon water to fill him erly of this town is pastor, that there has � some time, is now wor8e.-Mias Maggie cemetery, for the farn4ly of J. D. Mooie, Such gatherings very often are profitable to the farmers and that there will be a large B or Ingersoll, where egg merchant. It is of Ithe Sarcophagus Oe- the preachers. -Mr. Char I as Mason, who has out. We p scribe oat -meal broee and been a large increase in membership dur- urgess left on Tuesday f � � a and weighs six tons. : been for some; time in Utah, returnea this meeting. - black -strap olasses-equal parts of each. ing the past six months, while the treasurer's she -will be for cruel tilme.-Mr. �Peter Rob. sign . - 7 . I I -Mr. Henry , week, lookin 3 hale�and hearty. report showed a balance of $11,144 on hand inson, accompanied by his ife a d son, of . - i I . 9 " 7 � w"i i I I Monteith has �ecured the services of Mr. - SOUTH HuRo_,� FARmERs ]IN-S*TITUTE.- I k, arrived the resi- � Busi-NEss SuCCESSFUt AND OTHERWISE.- after paying all expenses for the year, This Boiesevain, Mauitobr ! Kippon. JohnFolland,lof Seaforth, for a term of ten 18 I TheFarmers' Institute, for South Huron Thisisa topic ftiat can always be discussed with is a very nice nest egg for a congregation to deuce of his father, Mr. John Roitinboa, on NOTES. -Service icni t e Methodist church months. Joh i u is w fine fellow, and is sure to opens in the new hall, Kippen, on Wednes- grofit. Everyboc y is interested in the success of our have. -Training fast horses and breaking Tuesday. � Sunday at 2.30 p, r a, -A prayer -me � et- ne usinessmCD. bo matter what the calling of . an in- � � next give satiafa6tion,-Mr. `Wm. McCloy, of the day next, the2Oth inst., at 10.30 o'elocka.m., dividual may be, he is, in a measure, dependent on thoroughbred colts seems to be a prevalent 0 � ing, instead of preaching service, was held ne - when an interesting programme ,will be pro- those around hin! for the necessaries, the comforts amusement around town these days. -The � Ilth couoeesi0, near Chiselhurst, ha so - . I . Bayfleld. , in th4 Methodist churct'last Sunday even- out an Auctioneer's license for the County, ,at duced. In the evening there will be an an- or the luxurlie8 of life. Individual interests are ice on the rink just now is in fine condition ) absenoe of Rev. H. Irvi taiument consisting of addresses, music, mewd in the interests of the community of which and skaters and curlers are having lots of NOTES. -Mrs. H, Dickout, of Iona, Michi- ing, Owing to th' peg and will take as many'sales as he will be. .for the individual forms a part, and the prosperity of the and Mrs.Thos. Thirsk and t I hildr who was attending theifuneral of his fat4er favored with.' I &c. On the following day, Thursday, the Mr. Jas. Elder. of Virden, Mauitoba ga", . � I M( I community is ess ritial to the prosperity of individu. funi.- . . . I I risiGiug t�eoirc fathee'or' at Kingston, ­ I � � I ' � lutitu,te will be herld at Hensall commencilig als. Let us illul-trate: Mr. D. D. Wilson does a and formerly of Rodgerville, this county, of South DAkota, are N � Ciau.RcH ITE5ts.-ThP report given 1 in . W at 10 eclock a. m.j and there will be a fore- large business in exrrtiug eggs, which he buys not was in town this week. Mr. Elder is a lead- Mr. Jas, Whitten. -Mrs. Smith, of Duluth, : Cromarty. Od . . 1 . ul . direct from tl ucer, but in the majority of cases . is spending hot holidays with her parents, your last week's iNsue ofl-M.r. Acheeosi'sspr7 noon and afternoon session. The ful!l pro I NOTES. -M �. Malcolm Lammond, who has Di from our mercha- ts who have taken them in ex- ing and -prosperous farmer of Manitoba. He men on Sanctification, 1 -though -well meant r gramme will be found in another column. change for goods -n from the producers of the our- has been commissioned by the Government Mr. and Mrs. Burgess. -Messrs. � G. Stan- what mislead�'ng, as neither i e been sick for some time is Slowly recovering. we We hope all thtse meetings will be largely rounding countrj. Now, let us suppose'that those I 1 of his,Province to lay before the farmers of - bury, C. Logan, P. McDonald and A., WE'S SOMe ! - We hope he will soon be 'well again. -The attended by the people in the .vicinity. to whom the farmem take their eggs are Dot in a . I Ontatio the benefits to be derived from . set- Ommond were home Christmas. ---mThe young text nor the giat of the; discourse was cor Literary Society is in 6. ff ourishing condition, They will be interesting and instructive, and position to cow te with the merchants of other f Ike now enjoy skating on the rki'ver. It is rectly given. Suffice it'to say that the aim. . s been broken, up towns. The fs, er takes his produce where he can tlemOst in, Manitoba, and with that object in 0 -Mr.- of the preacher was to show what the Scrip� but the checker club ha I . not likely the rink will be opened. , owing to the r I I of Is- _4eetingi of the Patrons �and , r to make JVM L ' . . Chose ' . those who fail to attend will be the . get the beat value for it, and Mr. Wilson either has view he intends to hold meetings in several , tures teach on the abov�* subject. The I losers. to oxport a less n imber of eggs. or, in orde of the. municipalities in the county, of which and Mrs. John Cowan, Sen., andj�scn James, n Friends. . up the numbei, I e haa to be at extra expense to se- - haVe"Linoved to E,mondville.- Fergu- course was quite in harmony with the doe- . WE ­ cure those that fl id their way to other towns. And notice will be given. later on. -Rev. Muugo .� . , trines taught in the ymbols and by �he A PLX'LSAN� EvENiNG. ' As is customary, cc rue of th e egF trade holds good all along the Fraser, of Hamilton, will � deliver a lecture son i6 holidaying at Goderich. theologians of the R 4 peo,ole of this neighborhood had a ol Tnx CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. -At the last what is t ' HOTEL CHANoE.-Mr. John Swartz who elormed Churches!- the young 1 regular meeting of the Christian Endeavor line. Let any iridividual doing a fair amount of under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor � , grand time on'! New Year'a night, all being cc business fail, and the depression is felt to a grea has conducted the River Hotel here for seve,. The vote on the organ question last Sabbath, I i ; . ter . invited to thelhouse of Mr. James Gillespie' bu society., in connection with the Presbyterian or less extent by those around him. We confess to Society of the Presbyterian chiirch on- the ral years with great success, has leased the In St. Andrew's Church, resalted in a large , ? ' Church, the following officers were elected having been rompted to write the above from nowe evening of Tuesday, ,February 2nd. His hotel !or a term of years to Mr. Olazier, of majority of the votes cast being in favor of No pains were spared to make the time ,ta for the current six months. Rev. A. D. remarks inum by our new townsman, Mr. W. G. Jecture will be descriptive of �is recent tour Dungannon. The new propriet r, who is the introduction of the instrument. A joint lively, and tb�e bashfulness of the many be � I McDonald, Honorary President ; Miss Tuf- Glenn, of the St. ulien restaurant. In a conversa- in Palestine. -Mr. John Hannah went to meeti I ng of the session an& board of manage- guests scon gave way before the good cheer po tion which we'lum I the other day, he made use of the I well spoken of, takes possession )a the first ford, President ; Miss Elder, First Vice Brook v-ille this week ti? attend *he annual 'will be held in the near future, for above illustration, and an lemented it with the of March. Mr. Swartz has purchased an meut� and affability of.the people of the house ; Fo President ; Mr. Mercer, Second Vice Presi- assertion that he would usep9i's b,,t efforts for the meeting of the Ontario Creamery Association hotel in Wingham and will remove to that f urthor deliberation in regard to the matter. indeed,' the 'v�,hole house seemed abandoned gr ity of the town. hoping that as his neighbors ly hour in the dent ; Miss Ballauty-ne, Secretary ; Mrs prospen . being held there.-Mr.!Lucae, an old gentle. -Quite a number of our neighbors are ill to merriment. At au ear ce R. Wilson, Assistant Secretary ; Miss Sara' enjoyed a prospe bus business, they would not fo et man who resided soutb� of the railway track, town, I evening oupp The tables ' to give him a ca when they want. anything in - 0 with Is grippe. -Sleighing is good and in � I ,er was served. Su bet McLean, Corresponding Secretary; Mr. line, which con * a of choice Confectionery, Tobxo- died on Wednesday night after a very short'. . � i much appreciated. I I were literally loaded with good cheer, and it - George Duncan, Treasurer. The Society is coes, Cigares and okere'sundries, of which he keeps illness of la grippe. Mrs. Lucas is also very Brucefleld ' 0 . - presented an, pitome-of country abundance of progressing favorably. The meetings are only the bezet. e would advise our readers to give ill and is scarcely expected to recover. -The SUCCESSFUL. -The educational Depart- . - in this season of overflowing larders. . Sup- SA the New Alan a L - . 1267-1 ' Elibbert. � per passed ai ray in the - flow of inno ant always interesting and are well attended. - recant frosty weather' seems to have a bene- Mont have notified Mr. W. McQueen that his . c ab There is an active membership of over forty, MARBLE Rics, Seafortb.-J; W. Ne- ficial influence in checl�ing the spread of la name was accidentally omitted from the list, - PERSOVAL.-The many friends of the hilarity, afte which the room was cleared wilishaspure ".-d the Marble Works of the late - me and sixty-five associate members. The fOl- David Grant, ss� intends to carry on the business in grippe. We have not, heard of many new published in the dailies, of successful candi- Laird of Glenquaich will heartily endorse and dancing 9 rted, and alihough many a lowing are the names of the convenors of all its branches. Cemetery and building stoner work cases hereabouts and rpany who have been dates at the recent examination of the School the sentiments contained in the foll. "Ing hall may hav resounded with.many a scene a * . . an specialty. ythifig in this line afflicted are recovering, -Mr. Neil Bethune, of Pedagogy. He has returned to ra raph which appeared i Ord of broader ro t and revel, yet none ever , wi the several committees : The Look ,or. . a - a f, . Will do well to cal on me, as my prices will be an rew beacon last week : 14 Reeve McLareri,l of witnessed honest and genuine eDi Out Committee, MiEg. Thompson ; Prayer rill allow. J. W. of' Chicago, has been spending the. last week, city to resume his studies at the University. - TbmoT , a . oy- ha � onCe here. -Mr. George Hibbert, was Jn the city Y'. His ment., a usle y son able as good N rork and material % Mond& �_ a ,which was furnished b Meeting Committee, � Mr. J. C. Smith ; Nx.,IwA. - 1256 or so with his par RECOVKRING.-The many friends of Mr. cc Social, Miss Jones; Sunday - school, Miss AccoUNTS a *a now ready, and. all parties Patterson, of Sheldon, Dakota, and formerly John McKenzie, of the Mill- R( I ad, East of many friends regretted to find him in very art of the lijamony band, was " inexpressi- de Kate C:)wan ; Sick andt: Relief, Miss Wilson; who have not yet settled will oblige by doing so as of Hallett, is visiting old friends in Huron this village., will be pleased to le 6rn that he poor health. He is suffering from a severe Ely melodious," although,one of the fiddlers, fu � ' i Missionary and Temperance, Mr. John BOOR as conveniei it, and thus saving further trouble at present. Mr. Patte'rson looks well and is recoveri-mg. Ele was laid ip with Is attack of dyspepsia. )Chere is no member who was particularly happy, sometimes fell andexpense. EOBZRT WILLIS, Boots and Shoes, Sea- I . f in , forth' -1 says he had a big crop this season. He says grippe, followed by inflanima,ion of the of the County Council More highly esteemed . behind, but made up lost time by travelHun Robb; Flower, Miss Dora Wilson. L 1256 tfian Mr. SIcLaren, and every- Ov' I Sal to - 7 � all the former Huronites near him are prom- lurigs,,and for some days his - li a was des. in Stratford er a passlag with prodigious celerity, - , ! . al COUNCIL DoiNas.-The last meeting of the THE appar tus for the Gymnasium has pering.-We are glad'to learn that Miss paired of, but he is now getting long nicely body, will wish him early restoration to good clearing mor bars than the keenest fox - . . L arriver. and clawes will be orzaized. Mr. Hallett is ' I heal0b." i hunter to be n at the death. At a late old council was held on. Monday 'evenin Campbell, daughter of 'Mr. Wm. Campbell, and is able to sit up. t 9 prepared to give private iiistruction to young ladies I - last. Accounts to the amount of about SMO at their homes -i 2 the bar -bell and swinging club who has been quite ill is.,now recovering and ORITUARY.-The 19"te Mrs.Geo ge Plewes, i - i I hnur all went home, feeling tired, but happy, L � . were passed arid ordered to be paid. The drills. Terms rEasonable. 1257-1 is -able to sit up. -While out driving last who died on the 6th inst.,' at the residence I Jaensall. and thinking that the good old times our � Saturday afternoon, Mr. H. G. Edsall, of of h I I I forefatherai u2 ad to have on New Year's day- 8a report of Mr. Roberts, pound -keeper, show- GOOD Genei al Servant Girl Wanted ap. , er -brother-in-law, Mr. Win., Plewe8,.of ' 1,OP.3 VVANTED.-Any quantity of o0d were beginning to come again. I R - ing a balance of $6.75 poundage fees due the ply to MRS. J. 0. Rosic, Egmondville. � 1257-2 the Curnmercial Hotel, and another gentle- Brucefi6ld, was born in Toronto township, soun Sim, Ash, Maple, Basswood, Birch &c. van- - � town after defraying expenses, was received I , Sa SEZD WiiEkT for sale at Roberf Scott's man met with what might have been a county of Peel, in the year 18J6, and was � ted -4elivered at Hengall Oatmeal yard. Highest 0 . . . i - � M and the amount wae ordered to be deducted Seed Store, Seaforth. Lookout for full particulars seriou.s accident. When nearing the railway the daughter of William and Alice Mealey , pricesipaid. D. UzquHA&T. - 1260.tf Walton. 03 from Mr. Roberts' salary. The report of next week. . 112-07.1 cros3ing a passing train frightened the horse of that place,and sis er of Mrs. W, m. Plowes: '� SAW Lor,s WANTED. - Three hundred BIBLE SOC ' ETY MUET'INGS.-At the last M, I the Chief of the Fire Brigade was read and PRIVATE MONEY To LOAN in SUMS from causing it to bolt and run away. Both occu- of Brucefield, and Mrs. Currey,,' of Bramp- � thous�nd feet of good, sound, soft Elm wanw. the annual grant of $75 to the hook and lad- 000 ta $3000. ,Apply to R. S. BAYS, Barrister, Sea. piants were thrown out and the cutter was ton, She and her husband settled about Highest cash prices paid for the same. Also Rock meeting of the Walton Branch Bible Society ha forth. 1257-1 Elm, ;Bamwood Alaple, .Beech, Ash, Cedar, Hlem-' it was decided to hold special meetings in in der company and. $50 to the Chief- ordered i . totally destroyed. -A new floor has been 33 years ago on a farm on the Second con- I lock, :etc. C�hom sawing as usual. ,Lumber on Turnbull's school house, Grey, on January an to be paid, and the thauka of the council laid in the dining room of the Commercial cession of Tuckeramith, within two and a. hand 'and cut to order. RoBmtT Baw,, Jr., l4on� 18th, and in Button'a echool house, Morris, were tendered to the Fire Brigade for their CA5imy,F, TC, WINSEND.-The talented YOUDg Hotel, and oth6r improvements are also half miles of Kippen, which con Inned to be' "111 I Mitt p - Services. The members -of the Rose Com- actrees, Cam .111 T ' neend, appeared in under way. -Mr. A. W. Sloan, of Blyth, the family residence until last s )ring, when : LoICAL BRIEFS. -The �teighing is excellent, on January 19th. The. following speakers co pany and Hook and Ladder Company, who Cardno's Hall eon 17onday, Tuesday and was in town this week. He came down to Mr. Plowes di8posed.of this pro I 3erty in or- ! just enough sinow falling qvery evening � to will deliver addresses: -Mr. Db,vid Knight, at f. =e ratepayers, were allowed a rebate of one Wednesday venings of this week. The see Mr. McCaa, who is still confined to der to move to:M,00so i N hwest Ter- i keep! it all that could be desired. -Mesars. I'The'-. Bible;" Mr. James Bulger, " The th ,� min, or ' I 'Bible in the home; " Rev. D. Forest, " Mau en . dollar each on their taxes., and the members audience each evening was much smaller bed at bis brotber'is in Egmondville.-Mr. ritory, where he had purchased� an exten-, Cook Bros., of the Llensall . Flouring Mills, adapted to the- Bible, or the Bible adapted F who -are chargeable with poll tax are to be than the taler ts of the actress and merits of Wilfred Woods, son of Mr. Charles Woods, sive farm. for himself and sons. Mr. Plewes 1 report businee,s rushing, and gay that every. to man;" Mr. John Hewitt, "The Bible exemptedfrorhtbe payment of the same. the play deseived owing, no doubt, to the formerly of this 'town, and agraduateof and the young men went out, last spring to � advertisement in TiiE.ExposiTuR for wheat the best book in the world." Mr. James cb The tenders for cord -wood were referred to L great amound of sickness in town. Miss THE ExrosiToR office, has been appointed Moosomin to put up. buildiDgi and begin or clover seed telle.-Reviival. -services are . the Fire and Water Committ . ee. After traw- Townsend is, without doubt, one of the beat manager of the Brilliant Sign Letter Com- farming operations, leaving his wit' e with I being held in the Methodist church of this � Smillie is president, and Mr. Andrew Johns- of - acting some other unimportant business the actresses that has ever appeared before a pany of Baltimore at a salary of $1,200 a his -brother and'. sister-in-law at � Brucefield, village, and are being well attended. -Mr. ton is secretary of &the meetings. A collec:. p( I ' tion will be taken up at each of the meet- re council broke up. The new council meet Seaforth audience. On Monday evening year. These Huron boys filwaYs come to intending to return.at the New�, Year, and. Mag6e,-assisbant minister to the Rev. Mr. ings. Meetings commence a6t seven o'clock. in . on Monda,y next at I 1 o'clock a. m. . they played " The Queen of Hearts," Miss the front wherever they go. -Ail parties in- after remaining till spring in 0 tario, both i Fair,, is taking comfort these days out of the � MARRIED IN MANITOBA'. -A corresponden't D - . Townsend tat ing the leading part, that of a tending to join the Seaforth Curling Club intended again to join the famil� in Mooso- I beautiful pair of persia�h lamb mitts that he " - . ANOTHER oF Huiws',> Pio_sEERs DEAD.- lady adventurees, which part she performed this season should leave their names with min. However, man propcsoo but God dis- ' was recently presented with by the main- . at Cypress River, Matiitob4, Eends us the b . We learn of the death of Mrs. Sparling, in a manu � er hard to surpass. On Tuesday Mr. John Weir, the Secretary, before Tues- .poses. Mr. Plewes had reache Brampton 1 bera of the Epworth League. -Mr. James following:. "A.very- pleasant event took &� relict of the late Rr. George Sparling, of evening she appearibd in "East Lynne." day next, as the rinks for the season's on his way to -Brucefield when lie received I Elder received by express a few days ago a place at Mr. Robert Sharp's, Cypress River, h - this town. . Mrs. Sparliiag died at the resi- This-- play is not a new one to a Sea.- matches"' will be drawn for on that day.- the sad tidings of his wife's sudden and un- number of extra fine imported ewes from Manitoba, when Mjsa 84ra Ann Smith) of dence of her daughter in Brampton last forth audienLc(, but in it Miss Townsend Mr. Robert Grieve, of MeIgund, Manitoba, expected departure. Instead' f going to gugland. They are something extra good,. daughter- of Mr. James Smith, of Van- w L , . week and the remains were interred in that again a . howed her great ability as an actress, and formerly of McKillop, is at preseDt in her new home in the West she as entered and we believe Mr.- Elder intends taking cou'ver, and Me. Johnson McDole, youngest cr " � son of Mr.Robert MoDole, of Hullett, were -in town) in accordance with the Wish of the she taking the parts of Lady Isabel and this vicinity visiting friends. Mr. Grieve upon a better inheritance which will Dever therif back with him to Manitoba. -Mr. Jae' joined in holy bonds of matrimony. The fa deceased. Mrs. Sparling, with her late bus- Madame 'Vin . On Wednesday eveRing has been in Manitoba for ten years, and is fide away. Mrs. Plbwes was a faithful Jarrett is getting the material on the ground - band, was among the. first settlers' where " David q I arri-.k " was presented. The part well satisfied with the I result of his opera- wife, a kind mother and a d evoL� Christian, for the erection of his new dwelling here. ceremony took place at 7 o'clock p. m. and a, , . Seaforth now stands, and where she resided of David qarr.ck was most ably taken by� Ltions there. He is Ice& ed in the centre of a She was much loved and respected by her It will be i good one. -Mr. and Mrs. Dickin- was performed by Rev. Mr. Kenner, of Cy- to I .� press River. ' The bride was neatly attired 19 until the death of her husband.- some thirty -Miss Towrisen L Her support during the settlement of former Huronites, and they neighbors, and took a deep interest in St. son, of -Bottineau, Dako-ta, who have been . years ago. He sold the first town lot on three eveniDgi was rather poor, owing to a are all doing well. They had gooderoPs Andrew's Church, Kippen, of which she was, here for the past few weeks on a visit, re� snd looked charming, and was attended by 0: f her cousin, Miss B. Sharp, while Mr. James tp what is known as the Sparling Survey, the slight diso�rga ization of the company about this year. -Capt. -Menton, of Stratford, was a member for more than twenty years. She returned home this week. Mr. Wilson, ­ . T MeDole acted as .groomsman. After the y - site where the .Queen's Hotel noW 'Stands. a week ago. 3hould this company appear in town last Sunday conducting the funeral leaves a .sorrowing husband and � three sons Mrs.. Dickinson's father, accompanying . ; usual congratulations were over they all sat Si Mrs. Sparling was widely known by the first in Seaforth again, however, we have no services of the late Mrs, Morries.-Lieut. J. to moarn ber loss. Blessed are bhe dead them'. We wish them a eafe and pleasant I ' I _t , down to a sumptuous 'repast prepared for gi settlers north of Seaforth, hundreds�of whom doubtbut:tha,; they will be received by Green, formerly of Seaforth, and who has who die in the Lord. I I trip.�,-Xliss Davis was in , 'he village this the oecasion. The preeents were both num- at shared her hospitality. She leaves seven of much larger ah.diences. The wardrobe used been stationed at Guelph, was in town this DEATH OF TWO PioyEigms,-Mr. Duncan week'visiting'her brother, Mr.W.C.Davis.- . - � ' erous and costly and showed the respect in m a family to mourn her loss, three daughters by Miss ToWDsend is from the celebrated week. - I � Cameron, tailer, of this village,p�assed peace- A large number of our residents are and I which the bride is held, We all join in w and four sons; three of the sons are in Worth, ot P�ris, and her costumes were . - fully away to the better land on Wednesday � have been suffering with Is grippe. In ,fact 4isbing Mr. and Mrs. McDole a long life Ot di Manitoba -George, of Porbage I& Prairie ; marvels of beo uty. EGKONDVILLF ITEMs.-Again death has evening of last week. Mr. Ca meron had! there. is scarcely a home in which one or I . - Edwin, of Norquay, and James, of High I - - I t -happiness and welcome them to Cypress gi been in our midst and has carried Off One suffered an attack of paralysis at out a year more. of the members are not down with, i , P - . � Bluff. The other SOD, William, resides in LOCAL ftim.-On Wednesday last Mr. full of years in the person of Mr. John Cc]- B90, and has since been in delic tte health, 1 but we are pleased to say that with good . . "Ver. " - to Clinton. The daughters are Mrs. W. Cash, Wm. McIntosh, of MuKillop, delivered to . I About a week before his death ie was at- medical attendance and nursing even those " . th of Al oma, Mrs. M*ry Dolson, of -Saginaw Mr. J. ff. M . cDou all, of this town, a owe, line, who died on Monday, of la grippe. He ta * h' h he never -who have had the severest attacks are in a - 9 9 I eked by la grippe from BrusBela. tb two years; old, that weighed 235 pounds. had reache 1! I city, and Mca. J. S. Young, of Brampton, d the patriar I chal age of 86 years, rallied. He was one of the pica er"settlers fair way of recovery. Mrs. Hodgins, of the 'REFoum MEETING. -The annual meeting a in the latter place deceased made bar home This is the he i.viest weight we have ,beard and will long be remembered for his kindlyg of this village, � and by his honest� consistent Commercial House, was hardly expected at of the Reform Association for East Huron, a for the past a; , x years. Deceased was 85 of for a ewe of that sige, and shows Mr. I chrisbian life, he won and retain�d the pro. one time to recover, but,we are gl . ad to say will be held i I n the town hall here at one 81 years of age, a native of Tyrone county, Ire- McIntosh to- - a a good feeder. ' It was sold obliging, disposition and strict integrity. found respect of all who know him. Hie that her case is now much more hopeful.- o'clock on Yriday, January 22nd. A good land. She was a consistent member of the atfour cents er pound. -The Misses �Case, He was buried, acgordi6g to his last wish, . - ' � great desire in life seemed tb be to do good Mr. Isaac Luker and family, of Sheldon, Da- : meeting of Reformers is requested from all Methodist church, and lived in that faith, of Silver Cr e �k, have the nobbiest rig in under the spreading branches of the beauti- to his fellow -men. Lie had long been an kota, and James Anderson and wife, of the parts of the riding as business of importance the end of which is peace. I coasists of a pair of handsome ful maple tree, beneath which he so often active and useful member of Rev,. Mr. Ross' same place, are here on a visit, and intend I ivill be transacted. th . Shetland ponibs attached to a nest cutter. . i congregation. He was full or spending the winter morithis among relatives I Buizirs. -Abel Tindall bag sold his farm, el - . satin the Egrnoadville .cemetery. -The' an. y prepared f POLITICAL MEETING. -The meeting held Miss Carrie Robertson, of Oakville, is at the great change and our loss is' His gain, and frienda.-The Rev. B. Surmari, of St. I being lot 19, concession 9, Grey, to Thoma@ R in Kidd's hall, on Friday evening last, un- present visitisig friends in towu.-Mr. C.W nual congregational meetiag of our church I , . I I Mr. Cameron had reached the good age of Paul's church, is confined to the house I Moore, of Brussels, for $3,900. ,Mr. 'Moore -se der the auspices of the Young Liberals of Papat has'p.umhased the store recently oo:t was held on Tuesday last. The attendance 73 years. He leaves a wife and! four sions" 11 through a severe attack of I& grippe. -Our i gave up farming some years ago and moved fo I I Seaforth, was fairly well attended, and no cupied by Mr, John Beattie, and which was was riot as large all could be desired, perhaps all of whom are grown up and holditig good � grain buyers report a large quantity of grain ' into town, but he evidently likes farming cc Joubt many more would have been present the scene Of tie late fire. He pays $2,300 on account of sickness. Still there was a positions in Manitoba. . Dunc," I the youni, i coming in. -Messrs. McConnell & Nowell better. -In last week's paper the figures ei I I but for other attractions in town on that for it and will have it f1tted up for his own fair representation, but those who have the eat Son, came home to attend hip father in 1 are shipping this week t6 car 'Load of horses � respecting the purchase of the Richl.rdson m I � , evening. The chair was occupied, very use. It im, ow, of the beat stands in town. - business to transact would feel cheered and his l&9r, illness, � � to Manitoba. -The Heneall Observer, our 1 farm should have been $7,000 not $7,500.- 0 . I i I I efficiently, by Mr. Jamesi Watson. Ad- Mr. Thomas Downey has been confined to - . encouraged if more interest were displayed -Mr. John MeDiarmid also passed away! new paper is making a very creditable ap- 1. Melville church Sunday school had their d I t dresses were delivered by Messrs. Frank his residence I or some time with inflamma- in such meetings. Reports were presented on Tuesday n1ght last after a very short ill- i earance, and contains a large 'amount of I annualsleigh ride on Monday afternoon and C L I Yeigh and Frank Pedlley, president and tory rheu atliam, but his many friends are by the various Committees and societies in ness, He had reached a good d age and � Focal news. -Mr. Paul Do&, of near Chisel- I an enterta,inment in the church in the even- ce L _ I i vice-presideriV retipectively of the Toronto glad to 8 a t at he is able to be around connection with the congregation, all (if had resided in Brucefield and vicinity for a � hurst, is this week moving into the village, -i ing, They all had a splendid time, -D. to Young, Liberal club. rhese gentlemen,and again. - ris.. Park, of Goderich, was visit- which showed increased prosperity .and fin. great many yeare. He was an honorable, ' to the dwellin � g he recently purchased from I -Langdon, better known an Eli Perkins, will re others belonging to the Toronto club, are ing friend in town -this week. -The' County ancially a balance on th� right side. Such kind hearted man, anO, was liked 'by everyl: Mr. McQueen. -Mr. William Moore has deliver his- famous lecture " Philosophy of e . holding simi4r meeting@ throughout the Council meet, at- Goderich one week from 'a condition of affairs is I alike gratifying to person who enjoyed his acquahitance. He � a young driving , colt that shows i Laughter " here on the evening of February o Province. Tfieir object is to establish Lib. next Tu(nday.-Mr. James Stewart, the pastor and people and should stimulate them was a most eDthusiastic Liberal in politic ', great action with any amount of . . 3rd. Rev. .Mr. Salton i's instrumental in se . e � ral clubs where clubs do not now exist, and well-known a ricultural implement dealer, to still greater zeal for the fatare. We are and in his earlier days was a h ker ; spring. I having him come here ' tir up the young men of the Liberal . . 11 rd worke -Mr. R. Lang, son of Mr. James Lang'. of 1 andhe should be w to a is now ne irly recovered after a month's siege a Sabbath -keeping, and I generally a God. in election times. La Grippe was . I the im- Manitoba, is here on a visit looking hale and � Welcomed by 0, bumper house, as he deserves a I party to increased diligence. Messrs. Yeigh of Is gril,pe'.--The annual meeting of the fearing people, but are we doing either by mediate cause of big death, I hearty. -Our oatmeal mills ard no . i , being one of America's best lecturers.- w . w running i it . . and, Pedley are both active, enthusiastic Women's Presbyterial Foreign Missionary inducing people to f urnis[` us with articles of BRimirs.-Mr. John Manson and family' day and night in order to fill orders re- ; The good sleighing of the last few days has S young men, and they are very good speak associatioii, u ader the auspices of the Huron food on that day which W, e might as well ob- leave here this week for Brandon's Manitoba. ceived.-Lots of saw logo are coming in in : made things lively and business men seem ers. Their visit here, will, no doubt, be Presbytery, ill be held in the Presbyterian tain on the previous evIniag ? We surely The good wishes of many friends * answer to Mr. Urquhart's advertiolem-ent.- I pleased. -Joseph Scott, farmer of 'Morris. ' productive of good, although the Young Church "In this town, on Tuesday next. violate law when we tempt others to break � will go with them. -Rev. J. Higgins, of Mountain, Mr. Sim Fax, the celebrated .comic singer, i has made an assignment to F. S. Scott, of m Liberals of Seaforth and the old Liberals There 0 I o be a meeting of the Presiby- it. Those whose SAbb�th mornings are who is here just now visiting his mother � will be at Coxworth's Hall on Friday even- I Brussels, for the benefit of his creditors, who E wg�l all, too, always give a good account of them- tery o e as me day. -Mrs. Theme".% Wells, spent in providing the pqbiic in town and who is very ill with la grippe, ..preached a � ing, 15th inst., on the occasion of Mr. Scott's 1 will meet at Brussels on Febuary 23rd. -The a I � selves when the time for action comes. Mr. of Missolri, who was here - attending the village with milk would, �no doubts- appre- most able and thoughtful sermon in the I concert. - Mr. Writ, Horton, familiarly ", old council held their last meeting on Mors- fr Yeigh dwelt upon the responsibilities that f uneral ofi her father, the late Robert Scott, ciate one day in seven of rest ; by all means Canada Presbyteriar. Church last Sabb t . i known as Uncle Bill, thinks of moving into , 4ay evening last when they passed* a few M .' I our village, We will be glad 0 a 113 rested upon and the opportunities that are left for 11 her home on Thursday. Mrs. make an effort to help'thom. to it. I -Ur. John Kaiser, our popular and succe ee him.- I a�qcouuts rind wound up the business for f . . I . I I . � a's . . . I i - '' I d or, ( 0 1 b h , I ) �ii` T. at i�d t to vi ff � � 0 0 � F , , 0 Ir , I t tbl i I �. it, I , I t ,�' T, 0 , I 11 �e dl r � I. i . . . . I I . . I . . I ­ I - � i - � � � � � _ . . 11 � I ; . I . I I � I .- : . i . . � . � ; � I . . 1. . - I , if � I � . �, 11 I . � - � N j , i I : I . y - L . � ., � I 1 1 � - .;� I i . 0_111 I - I � I . . - I . . .1 I I r - �__ . I ­ I I 1 " N - . I � . I 7 - 11 I � i : . . - . I . i � I - . � . - . I . � I I � I , - I - . . . . . I � - �__ . - I AI - I I I ­ . � - �__,�,,�� , E,- - _� - I - � . � t , , 1892. . . - -W I 1101�1 PURCHASES - . FOR ­ � . ! � I SPRING0 I � - -_ We have gone in heavy, and in a . ry few weeks will Show the finest ection of . � if11-1 94 SPRING GO: DS The I I before 1 a stragfj g at it has yet beea' our pti-rflege to no rega down ii ice before tho public. or fanc. � I gi I I . I to wo i , i. ,� , i � i � -J l Ilk L . - I - , I � I , � I - --....r 1* ONE there A, I The purchases are much greater � . was �di_sl � under v an any preoious spring 8ea-son, ancl bearded Men eat e aoods will all be to hand early. 6 riotoul � � i and Wle - . probabl, This space will .tall yon of 'the . to this . silver fi4 . rivals. � - . . . region a I . � . instance I- . former< I � the rept . I . " CaInP u) . . Al" PRESENT tent to I � only rou I � . I w passe�-� . e � are engaged in clearing out any- � ,ca!lad ! perhals, I ing andl'evarythir�g, we have left m you, The n inter Goods. I piece ofl, �, bcLps 01 Which t'i � MOU4, f. th - � - � - this i8 I j . I � Ed -Ward: McFau 1. PUMP11), , ofwatel land yen SEAFORTIT. I for year I this grei __1 Cloud of 91. The new council meet on Monday I �� I I boring . i the xt. The United W ork imen installed their �1111111 peouhaf w officers on Friday evening, Mr. Patter- likeo, all D., of Seaforth, officiating. After inst,4- ' tiking eh ion thayadjourned to the American hotel noticed an oyster supper and amuse- for supp nt and esajoyment.-The officers of � estern Star Lodge Independent Order of � sewers � is for So d Fellows were installed by the Deputy . mouth o atrict Grand Master on Thursday of this ��'. I mouth � ek. I much d I Staffa. I hardly i producii LOCAL NOTRS.-Au enthusiastic meeting of co%lo the ratepayers of School Section No. 3 � gets " I � s held in tkeachool house on Saturday to * p3aing 11 nsider the advisAility of repairing the I . ground,� I school or building a new One. After kina ,w naiderable discussion it -w'as,decided to down `f ild a brick one on the old site. -The re- may. BI rn foot ball match, which ,was to have - to tanne an played on Saturday, hfiis been post- - ing off I" � ned ind,ofinitely on account of some of the � the hum rent Rome Club being laid up with Is their da ippe.—Mr. Thomas O)iverii in a Very low moles oil I ndition at present. -Mr. Charles Tuffin is U i i p _'9 ffering from a severe attack of sciatica.— . storey fi -is our painful duty to chronicle the death ' fence. I - Mr. Wm. Chubb, which took place, on I tendentl turday, January 9th, after an illness of I Scotila) 1, out ten days. - He was one of the Oldest S - �-The , hot ttlers, coming here about thirty yearn ago. j . t&ges - a was a member of the church of England I fellow, I d a Conservative in politics. He leaves a I of grou ' fe'and a grown-up son and daughter, who All.of tf ve the h�airtfelt sympathy Of the whole intender nimunity. have also to chronfole the . differeni -We ath of Mr. Worden, who passed - peace- ,�. � . 'i -some d] Ily away to his reward on Wednesday I blanee �1 orning. He was an old resi-lent of the time's Be, WLShip, and was held in great esteem by . eral stoi I who knew him. I liabroeial . � 11 Saloonsy. - Usbome. two now Az;NivjiRsARy Si&R.vtci&s.—17he anniver- enjoya t ry service!j in connection with the Thames .respect J ad Presbyterian church will be held on small � bbat'li, February 7tb, when special ser- dul � . - buil 1p,J ons will be preached in, the forenoon at 11 bAnch i clock and in the evening at 6. On the - 'Walsen onday evening following it to intend ed. to the,coal ve one of the . Tegular old-fashioned 'tea- ber of c etings, at which there will be an - abund- cc of food both for the mental an - mine a shipped iyeical -man. The tea -meetings of this -1 rigregation are always of the most enjoy- superlof le kind and it will be well for all to bear unpract distin-v a date in wind and not make any �other far USIA I gagement for the evening of Monday,8th I ebruary. Mine in. I bave foi OBITUARY.—It is our duty this week to . mineral ronicle the death from plocumonia of one' - � The D' n the oldcat reside ts of G.sborne in the � tlic, reon of William Wynn, who died at his .all act figu? I sidence, lot 9, concession 11, on the lith - The a xt., at the age of 82 years and four months. ' ,y lookin - 9: eceased was a native of Donegal, Ireland, . when ul it emigrated to Canada over forty ycara � wise vc 0, mud has ever since made Usborne his dress ji� )me. He married Jane Cathcart, a native revolvel his own county, who proved a loving and i. sight , illing helpmate in overcoming the diffi- I can,dist Itivis peculiar to our earlysettlers in mak- . eight h g a comfortable home for themselves and in a br.1 mily. Mr. Wynn was a -staunch Methodist . I uphoist d always entered beaitily ihto anything also qu riding to advance the interests of his be- pectors7 ved church. Heperformedtheaeveralduties and we class teacher and Sunday School Superiu- Igalber- ndent very acceptably and wuB for tome wben 01 3ars a trustee of Wincbel6ea ppblw school. animati nee advancing years had made it impos- ricbes. - ble to follow his usual labors he ban con- �__ The I antly used his leisure in improving his Coal alo indandreading the good old book, out of toitt, le hose pages he drew great consolation, and I do no ad as �he bad lived, full of hope in a � lowed a Orions resurreetioD. His remains were in- ' � 'compar rred on Wednesday last in Kirkton beside � ting ba ove of his beloved wife who preceded him I- pay to ither some nineteen years ago. Helea;ves I lartv'j. g� large family to emulate his good example � can vvi id lay to heart the simple truths his life was I beef ir ent in teaching. � '_ I OX) niq ,ly , � --------- Port Albert. - , more. the 1.01; NoTim.—Divine service was conducted in pay unI a Episcopal church here on last Sunday �06�. 'es ening. The -.sermon was preached by Had - ural Dean Craig, of Clinton, In future, . ary hel rvices will be held at 10 30 a. m., as ; I � � � titrie. rmerly.—A tea-meetiug in aid of the Epis- I . � I . �, � wait ep pal church took place here on Monday W Ikeed P 1� ening last. Tea was served in the bass- compa.1 I ant of the church. The choir of St. Georges T t'hat tb iurch, Goderich, -Vas in attendance. Ad- , _ � rdine, , - . I resses were deliver1W by -the Revs. Messrs. I , Scrip arrie, Fairbairn and Potter, The pro- they b. eds amounted to about $75. —We regret I �� parch I chronicle the demise of Mrs. J. Young, ­-, nothin �, lict of the late James Young, which sad `* , � , outsid - rent took place st her residence,Lake Road, �7, - F� ; � 10M " rt i Thursday last week. Deceased was �, - � -4��_, erty V) ized with an attack of Is grippe about tyro �, ceivi� it eeksago, which developed into pneumonia � staterni 2d terminated in her death. aer remains -1. I __ receive � ore interred in Colborne cemetery on . I :� . tive to� unday last. - : the S+w V I able u — almost incredible poverty and ­. greater inery exists among the alien population Of _: time pi sat London. A report tells of the death of have r child almost immediately after its birth accoun om, the lack of warmth and proper care. _� At tht� other and child were alike without cloth- I for gra, gi I I . I to wo i , i. ,� , i � i � -J l Ilk L . - I - , I � I , � I - --....r 1* ONE