The Huron Expositor, 1892-01-08, Page 7DU tIft' eye fl tat rA etis es- tn. 1 or est. sots ta- eht hst otai Ste- rio- ttot- If. end tine vet tort - of ees, as te seat sore ated sees ',tee ,Ot troM end leer. ate, y to hie eove Orr llc 2r j leak bor.- lade- E1rtatit u. - 4,1 JAN'ITAST 8, 1892 a Loss of Self Control. Some penmen have asturally weak wills. AR the minims. saying is, they ars easily infinenteed. Their only safety lies in free- dom front temptation. Others have will 'enough, bat k is ealisted on the wrong side, sad strengthens itself fir evil. There are other persons, however streag they may have been originally, are mow the slaves of pa shin, or have bottoms paralysed by the nee of istreng drinks or drags. The helplessness of tbeir case is not due merely Se the power of a wrong habit, bat to in- duced cerebral degeneration -the atrophy of important cells ef the brain. Their condi- tion is like that of the incurably insane. t An article in the Quarterly Journal of Inebriety `strongly emphasizes this latter fact. According to it many drunkards are utterly beyond care, because the brain -c1114 have become atrophied. In oases where the malidy has not reached this hopeless condi- tion, much may be done by restoring the functions of the brain and body to a normal tone. The erarisg set up by the use of opium is oste of the m st persistent and intense, and of course one of the most difficult to resist. It has no remission nor periodity. The dose has to be inert aged until the amennt is snob as to impair the nutrition of the brain, dis- turb the whole alimentary system, and ulti- mat tly to destroy the power of natural sleep. The habit is most injurious to the higher mental faculties, and especially impairs the wih' !oral differs from other drugs for which there is a craving in that it is in no degree a stimulant. It simply produces forgetfulness and ileep. A craving for it is a strange and abate mil thing, and is to be explained only by the effects at the drug on the substance of the brain. Comine is the most absolute destroyer of the moral sense that we yet know. The craving for it bec ones intense, and all self- contr. .1 is lo -t Tne dose has to be increased faster than tittit of any other drug. The inimeliete effects are transient, but not so -the craving when once it is created. Marvels of' Surgery. So life be It iu our bodies, no matter if they be hacked .or hewed or maimed or brokeo, the s'ergt ea will set hopefully about the vroork of repair. The process of gretting animet t sere is now carried to such an ee- tent te at the do fieiency of one creature is made good by.daseing a piece or part off an- other. A ( 'segueing birth -mark on the face of a ehil so as recently neatly cut away, and a petch p.f skin taken from the arm of the mother as naesplanted to cover the wound. A na.0 so frightfully bnrned as to Jose the gre ter p irt of his epidermis was suet: •ssfully re-covered with frog skin. Re- covery wiij heve a double meaning hence forth ler him ambstt have taken the cor- nea ircre tee eyet of rabbitie cats and dogs, to replecto arld meke the vision of human beinge Tb4 o iderful fibre, the nerve, has al.o yielded is le to the skilful teach of sett-oee . he nerves may be patched and pieresel. T a no rvo s of brutis have been succesefulty j ointed to the stumps of severed Derv:" or one . Briefness may be cured by graftieg, New York physician has re- cently rep d ravages of this kind by first taking giafta froorn the petient's own scalp, where time 1 d spared his !oaks, aml after- ward eking u t the supply by portions taken from the heti of another person, doubtlees selecting i air of the proper color. "These grafts were c4tt up hy reea;ns of a punee,ane inctuied net inly tee thickness of skin, but also subeuta. eves tissues beneath, which left teem full a quarter of an inch thick. Holes correst onding in size to these left after the re n reel of the grafts were, of course, made "n the scalp for their reception. Ali tie- grafts united well, without suppur- ation or aetiwarcl results, and bore hair luxuriently." Even the bones, where they have been spl ntered by accident or destroy- ed by dissaee, may be replaced with better bones aucl become incorporate with the com- plete osseous atructure. In the light of such surgical achievement s the mysterious creation of sk men in the Garden of Eden loses a part o its incomprehensibility. The hurts end ail ents of our poor humanity are helped a id h eled with a skill that ap- proaches magic. As Prospero could set his gobirrea wo •k to grind the joints of his enemiee with ry convulsions, and to short- en their sine a with aged cramps, so the good m igician of the scalpel can now undo the demoniac ork of the goblins, who ap- parently have never 1-sft off grinding men's joints and a ortening their sinews. In these days of onderfal scientific diseovery the surgeon ea ily keeps step with advanc- ing knowledge -PhiledelphiaRecoed. Sausag s and Headcheese. Almost eveAy family in the country has a rule of its own for sausage meat, and the ,tastes of people differ considerably as to the proportion or fat and lean to be used, the amount in different rules varying from one fourth to one alf fat. It is well to make a test in this nr tter, the medium of one third. fat to two thii ds lean probably suiting the majority of pa sees beet. A rule which has proved exoee tingly satisfactory when a small quantity is put up,crels for four pounds of meet, two t iirds lean and one third fat, two tableapoe iuls of salt, one and one half tabIapeonfui1 of bleck pepper, meaeured scant and eve4, four tablespoonfuls of pow- 'dered sage lea es,half a tea-poonful of cloves and half a tea poonfal of allspice. Mix fat and lean together and add the seasoning, -stirring together with the hands so that the mass is thoroughly mixed. Ley this in a pan, and if you are Lot going to use it dur- ing the week, throw a little melted lard over it. - Make the me t into cakes with the hand end fry them ti 1 brown on both sides. They ehould not be •ver an inch thick-ratber Tess thau mor. It is a great mistake to eook •Santages ill they are hard and dry. At the serne ti e it is essential that all pork should be there ghly cooked, for otherwise it cannot be considered beyond eutpicion. An excellent ay of cooking sausages is to dip them ii yolk of eggs and fine bread crumbs and immerse them in stome boiling • ot lard. Cook them ten Minutes. Or, the sausage meat may be made into cake in this way: Breaded with- out egg and beied in a, hot oven, eurning the pan they axle in, as they brown, from one portion of the oven to the other. A. Prerniun3 for Poor Cows and Dishonesty. That is jIlItt t hat the present system of pooling milk at cheese factories amounts eo. Profe.osor Cook of theVerment Experinient gtation, Says: A cerefut ste y of the herds of this State will show th evil effects of the present method of ply/ tg for milk. Wherever in this State a chesge factory has been run for many yeara it ill be found that the herds ie that vicinity all give thin milk, aed will produce but a e 1111 number of pounds of The reason of this is evident. butter a year. weight of their milk, and eo all their efforts The patrens hale been pad entirely by the in. breeding have been directed to getting gows thet wont ,i. give the largest quantity of Inn without !regard to quality, and ae a large ft° w is eine os t al ways accompanied by a poor quality cif milk the result is that the general character of the milk of the neieh- borhood is lowered. And here again: Where the milk is paid for according to weight a premium is put on watering or *lamming it. Human nature 1 ie not proof aga nat this temptation, and as a result we have ound samples of milk that has been tampered with in every one of the more than twenty creameries that we have tested. A contemporary very correctly holds that Children Cry for eat, I every honest petron of a eh se factory ought to deMand tbat his milk paid for aoeording to its quality. What encourage- ment is there ier al man to bre d or feed his cows well sudelr the present ondition of &Oars? But better things are a sead. The creamery business lie here. Th Babcock Test and Cream 8e0arator will se change Shipp that the poor miloh cow w 11 be killed for beef, mad the skimmers will h v. to quit their tricks or be patiefied with skim -milk prices for their milk. In tbe address of Protector James W Robertson, ade about experiment -41 dairy ;stations, it WiI be seen he keeps urging strongly that th Beim& Milk Tester be put into the c eese fate torit s, that they may pay for imi k accord- ing to itt true valnI. As he lel the ex premien of his opio on in *berm during the spring and sumn er. while he was her - Ing the matter testel' by expert soientiste under bin direction, we regard hi fortified opinion all the more valuable now that be has his awn factp for the be is of his opinion. _ .. • A,4"..0414.64.4.1411,11416, ..1.71341‘11,•16-0.6:6w.611,4,- 6 6. , A Poori Provider. "Why, Jeretnia Brown !" exelaimed Mrs. Brown, as her iusband retur ed frotn a short railroad jon ney, "is this on alive and in the flesh ?" I "Why, o'ceurse I it's me," - re lied Mr. Brown testily. " siert this the ti • e when I said I'd be back ?" "And yen ain't b en in no sem ent and got killed ?" "De I look as if I was dead ?" " And yen ain't 1 et both lege er both arms ?" le No, I ain't.' "Not even one leg or one rm or an eye ?" " leo ; I tell ye I am all right." " And you didn't so much as get hurt enough so you can sit in the house and not work for a month o two ?" "How many timehave I got ti tell you ii there tin% i nothiug &peened ?" " W411, you beatiall ! There • on went and paid a doller fo an accident insurance ticket just before yo left, and you haven't done ane thing to ge any money out of it. A whole dollar wast cl for nothing; and you might just as well h ve made ten thousand dollars if you'd nly get kill d. Nice manager you are.--euffalo Expreis. - - Twelve Wise g usiness Maxims. 1. Be strict in kee 2 Do nothing in a must be thine, do fir 3 Employ no one yon can do for your 4 Keep everythi 5 Do not tell y others. ing engagements. hurry,: but that which t. o do for you t at which elf. g in its prope place. ur business d signs to 6 Avoid credit, r me.mbering thst cash is king, credit is a slat- e. Bechar iu all b rgains, and e :plicit, in all engagements. 8. Keep copies of 11 important t ties legal documents. 9 Ceustantly eXa 3ine your boc a. 10. Boli.nce your -books regul rly at stated mes. II. Always keep iehin your inc me. 12; Never go seem: ty for any on and Mr Backman s First H rse. In the smoking r om at Stony Ford a few evenings ago 0] ries Backman told of his filet investment i hors/flesh. He was a boy as; Lansingbur , and possess d of an ambition to ride t e young horses of the neighbcirbrod. A fahner had a colt which had been injured in tihe groin, and e was so a.nxions to get rid of him before de th could possibly overteke hi that he offereo to sell him to the boy. " slow much mo ey have your was asked of he budding breeder. "Eleven dollars," w the reply. "Well, I will let you ha • e tbe colt for $14, $11 down, and the baler)e to be paid a soon as STou can raise it." 1' e iterms wee satis factory and the trade was closed. he boy was left with an empty purse and was saddled with a crippi d eelt. flow to pro- vide for the eripple as the next nestion. He persuaded two ne ro men in the employ of his grandfather to ow for him t no grass growing in the old -f °Honed wor fence rowsewhich grass, b the way, was usually wasted. and this gay him quite a b nch of hay. His grandmot er had given him a nommission to buy for her fifty turk 'ya, and he was fortunate eno gh to make twenty cents on each tur ey. This pu him in funds. He paid his ebt of $3 and bought several bushels of oat He took such good care of the colt that t quickly r covered and grew into a pro using animal After keeping it for one yea he sold it for $150-a very large price in th e days. The transac- tion was the talk of the neigh iterhood. This firat emcees enc uraged the bre to try again. He bought wit judgment an, sold at a profit, and later in life, after he ba,d ac- cumulated a fortun in merchandise, he went to Orange C unty and est blished Stony Ford. The breeder of Electioreer, Cayler, Dauntless, Startle, ouis Napol on and other well known sire, and of such trotters as Guy, Elaine, Elist , Gezelle, Ste de and Dawson, is proud of hathe has acc mplitsh ed at Stony Ford, bu he thinks hat he never displayed more nerve then «hen he paid $14 for a cripple colt. -Ex. School Reports. The fol'owing repornbased on pr ficiency and good conduct sho s the standin of the pupils of Roxboro aloe' for D cernber. Fourth class.-Thcs. Walker, Mab I Cash, Jas. Dickson. Seni r Third. -E phemia Kyle,, Bella Neilans, Willie Hay:, Msry McMillan. Junior T ird.-Annie ordan, John Hawthorn; E ta Cash. Second. - Alice Walker, Wi lie MeMilla Part second. -Mary Shade, Thos, Shade Part let Maggie Shade, Ka ie Neilans. Death of Sir dam Wils n. Another of Cana a's once pr minent and able men has been removed fro 1 this sphere. We refer to the death of Si Adam W. Wilson, ex -Chief Justice of tbe It ntario Court of common pleas who died at oronto on the 30th ult. from t e effects of an attack of paralysis. Mr. Wil on was a Scot hman, having been born in Fe inburgh, on Septem- ber 22, 1814. When 1 years of age e emi- grated with his father o Halton county,and four years later becarn a law clerk n the firm of lion. Robert it ldwin Sulliva , who was a partner , hen of the noted ibcral leader, Robert Baldw'n. He subset uently became a partner in th firm, and co tinned so till 1849. In 1855 he was elec ed an alderman in Toronto, nd four year later filled the mayor's chair to which he I as re- elected. He entered p Mica! life in 859 as the member for North Vork in the C nadia Assembly. In 1862 he became a mei ober of ehe Sendfield Macdon id Governrroe t, tak- ing the portfolio of S licitor-Gener 1. lie was elevated to the be ch in 1863, a, d from 1884 to 1887 he was hief justice of the Queen's Bench Divisio and President of the High Court of J stice. He le veto no family, but his wife su vives him. -#4,-- Poultry House Ventilati n. It is a very difficult matter to v ntilate a poultry house without causing dranehts of air on the fowls at nig t. Tbe prep° mode is to keep the poultry ouseclean, le we the doors open during th day, and sh t the house at night, allow ng no ventila ion at all. We have found t et it is very • ifficult to keep the fresh air fr om coming in and it is a fact that tnany wh1 take paireeto render • the poultry house watra and comf rtable, by atoppin,g all cracksand crevices, nd by • ) lining the house with aper, make a hole in the roof or gable ends which they style a "ventilator," and thus let in more co d than Pitcher's Castoria. 1 I • THE HURON EXPOSITOR they desire. There is not as much foul air in a poultry house as may be supposed. The severe Geld readers mittens heavy, and less volatile matter oxista. Fill a poultry house with smoke, and Gloss the deer; tben step outside and notice where it escapes. You will at once be convinced that you need no "ventilator," and that despite all your pre- cautions, your house is full of air -holes that you eannot easily slue, and that your birds ars liable to roup and other diseases, due to cold draughts • air ever them at night. • - VIM Ohletity. A little girl end her youngest brother were en their way to the shop ene windy, frosty aterniag. They were bath poorly dressed, but the little girl had a mot of cioak over her. As they walked briskly along, she drew the by 'loser to her, and said, "Come under my cloak, Johnny." "It Isn't- big enough for both," replied he. "Then I will strefoh it a little." .And they were soon nestled close together. How many shivering bodies and sad hearts there ere just because people do not stretch their Comfort leveled themselves. --Christian Com- monwealth. Laundry Hints. The Housekeeper gives the following hints : To take ink out of linen, dip the - spotted parts : inimediately in pure melted. tallow, then wash out the tallow and the ink will have disappeared. Here is a good way to wash red flannel: Stir two tablesptiOnfuls of flour into one quart of cold water. Let it boil ten min- utes, add warm suds and wash the flannel in tithe using the hands instead of the wash• board. Rinse in three waters all warm and of the same tempereture. Even the bright scarlet flannel will never lose its color when thus treated. - To wash calico without fading, put three gills of salt in four quarts of water. Put the calico in this while the solution is hot, and leave it in until it becomes cold, then wash and rinse. To prevent colored stockings from fading, put a tablsspoonful of black pepper into the water in which they are rinsed. Black stockings, or those which are dark oolored, should never be washed in water which has been used for other clothes. Black pepper in the water will also keep black calico or cambric from fading. "Grasshopper Christians." The Presbyterian complains of "grass hopper Christians." Others have doubtleae been troubled on account of this although they may noef recognize them by this name. Our brother, the editor of the paper referred to, says that they "are on the jump in re- vival tiim a but hide away the rest of the year. When they get the power on them, to see.them shout, and exhort, and sing, and pray, one would think that they were taking heaven by storm ; and when the ex- citement, dies out they cease to hop about, and make no further stir until the next year's religious fervor puts renewed anima- tion into them." All Shia is too true There are Many who do nothing and Imola ft et little !ife at any other time than duriug a revival. Then they will be so much in earnest that they wit complain of those ss hose zeal does not burn as brightly as their own. They forget that while they have been dormant, those of whom they complain" have been earnest in season and out of season. -116- Talmage's. New Years' Maxims. Make it the best year of all your life - the brightest, the happiest and the best, writes Dr. T. De Witt Talmage in his de partment in the January Ladies' Home Journal. imbue your heart with the fresh - flees of the morning, your soul with the sparkle of the dawn. Resolve by good deeds and thoughts to make this the most triumphant year of your life. As a series of short maxims to carry with you through this year, let me give you these : Make every -day begin and end with God. 13e conteet with what you have. Have a hearty, joyful family altar in your domestic circle. Fill your home with as much good read- ing and bright music as yonr means will allow. Think ill of none, but well of all. If fortune favors you, think of others. Don't sham ; be real. Keep busy and you will keep healthy. Psespect all sacred things. Love God. N ews Notes. - Sir Wm. White, British Ambassador to Turkey, died from influeuza in Berlin on Monday,last week. He was 67 years of age. While'hanging pictures on the wall in the rectory at Exeter, Rev. Mr. Ftott sustained an ugly cut on the crown of his head by the falling of a hammer which he was using. A surgeon was necessary to repair the wound. Thomas Neilans collector of taxes for the towuship of Huth tt has beat the record this year. He has reported that the amount of uncollected taxes in Hallett was but $223, out of a taxation of over $12,000. Hullett township is not in debt $1 and has in the neighborhood of $800 in the treasury. -John Davies, one of the best-known mining experts in the West, died at the Sherrnan House,Chicago, on the 28th ult. of pneumonia. Mr. Davis had made and lost - several fortunes in Colorado and California. He died almost penniess. He was once 1 owner of the Little Chief Mine, near Lead- ville, which he sold ten years ago for $500,- 000. It was afterwards sold again for $5,000,000. He was charitable, but drink and gambling proved his ruin. -The Christmas mails to New York were the heaviest in years. Tile steamship Majestic, from Queenstown, brought 1,184 seeks of mail, the largest ever brought by a stearnahip. The Havel, from Bremen, brought 463 sacks. The "Sea Post" is in operation on this vessel, and the mails were assorted on board. - The new German artillery is possessed of an element of appalling effectiveness in the new bursting powder. It ia claimed that when the shell bursts its splinters will cover a circle of nearly nine hundred feet. The Reichstag will so -on be asked to vote a large amount to supply the entire artillery Ns ith the destructive powder. -Last Tuesday Prof. M. C. Dougherty, superintendent of public schools at Peoria, Illinois, was walking along the street when he heard a shot fired behind him. He turn- ed and saw Miss Maggie Harrigan, a dis- charged school teacher, running away from him. He then discovered she had fired a bullett through the lobe of his ear. Miss Harrigan had asked for 'reinstatement, which was refused. ' -Twelve of the most popular young lad- ies in Minden City, Michigan, engaged to contribute $1 each of money earned by themselves to a fund for buying Christmas presents for the poor. On Tuesday they appeared at the drug store of Edward Cress and asked for the job of sawing and split- ting five cords of wood that lay at his door. The druggist consented. The spectacle of twelve stylishly -dressed women sawing and splitting wood collected a crowd in short order, but despite the crowd, tired muscles, and blistered hands, the girls persevered for two days until the job was finished, and the dollar each earned turned in for the poor. -A block of sqnalid buildings in Leather lane, London, England, in the Holborne district, was recently condemned, and the time given for the people inhabiting the block to leave their dwellings expired on Tuesday night. Some of them had already left, but 48 families, comprising 130 per- sons, lingered in the hope that they would not be dispossessed. But as eoon as the legal limit of time had expired officers began Children Cry -for "German Syrup" We have selected two at "Croup. three lines from letters 1 fleshly received from:pa- tio who have given Geriaan Syrup their children in the emergencies f 'Catoup. You will credit these, ecaflse they come from good, sub- tantial people, happy in finding hat so many families lack -a med- ne containing no evil drug, which other can administer with con- dence to the little ones in their ost critical hours, safe and sure at 'it will carry them through. ED. L. WILLITS, of Mrs. JAS. W. KIR; ma, Neb. I give it Daughters' College, o my children when Harrodsburg, Ky. I oubled with Croup have depended upon d never saw any it in attacks of.Croup reperation act like with my little daughe 1 . -It is simply mi- ter, and find it an in. aculons. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers re mothers who use Boschee's Ger- i an Syrup among their children. medicine to be successful with the ittle folks must be a treatment for he sudden and te,rrible foes of c.hild- ood, whooping sough, croup,1diph- heria and the dangerous inflamma- ons of delicate throats and lungs. @ t e eviction of the tenents,and the fureiture we thrown into the roadway. The tenants w' re warned not to return to the tenements, d the doors were locked. The scene on e street , was distreseing. Women and c ildren, scantily clad, *teed about crying p teously, their faces blue and pinched and t eie Poems shivering. Some tradesmen in t e vicinity took pity on the unfortunates a d furnished a, quantity Of coke. Fires w re started in the street, and about the wdeome piles of glowing coke the women a d children crouched, thankful for even t is small blr ssiug. The evicted people w re compelled to remain on the street all ni ht. There is general indignation ex p essed that the tenauts ehiaild have been e icted during such an inclement seaeon. Ground Bones. for Poultry. round bone and cait bones are different. A fresh, green bone caunot well be giounde It may be crushsd or pounded, but not ea4ly ground. Hend-milli are in use that pe mit of grinding bones that have b,come hus deux] dry, or, have been steamed or he ted, but the green bones must be pounded or cut in fine pieces with knives. There is rat diff,rence in the value ef fresh bones fr w the butcher andthose that have been ex r sed uatil they are dry. Green bouts itain quite a proportion of meat and earti- e, and are greedily eaten by all clasecs of fo rs. in au fe LIU en co 811 En to Me pr an ca if er th cu ki he Frenchman and the Scotch Bailie. , n a certain Scoteh seaport a French sailor o had been taken iuta cus'oly for fight- , was ked by the bailie, "Wee, Mon -e, wb,t hae ye tae say tee the chairge o' fain' sit the harhor `I' The Frenchman de a gi sure exprt saive of his inability to lerstabd the interrogation. The court do another attempt, and adopted the mon expedient of endeavoring to convey leaning to a loreiener by talking broken YHA to him. ' Mensure, what haf ye 1, ay tof dis ebairge ? Surely ye canna s comprendin' that ?" "1 vish an inter- etare," said the prisoner. "An' ye need tae," pityiegly remarked the bailie. "1 ina make cot half ye say, an' I'm no sure e ken yerst11-ye putr, silly, jabberin' tur. i Awa' ye go, and be sure tee keep peace till yer ship leavcs, when ye can each! ither's threat's for me l But dinna k up ony mair stramases in oor (plate toon. A StOker's Explanation of the , Steam Engine. . ' ThiS 'ere furnace, gen'lmen, heats that 'er water ; and that 'ere water is in this 'er biler ; and that there pistern-rod is mo eci uip and down by the steam from this 'er4 bil r ; and them 'ere pisterns acts upon them r ds, which turns the axles of the pad- dle, anI the paddles their selves in cerise qu nee. '-From Pickwick Abroad, by G. W. M. Reynolds. , ---- , -r-The farmers' institutes are to hold a monster farmers' picnic at Grimsby Park next suinmer. By that time it is expected to haveI the electric railway running to the park from Hamilton. GRATFUL-COMFORTING. PPS'S "COCOA BREAKFAST. " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whi h govern the operations of digestion and nuti-i- tio , and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well -selected Cosoa. Air. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured bey - era e which may save us many heavy dootors' bills, it i by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a co atitution may be gradually built up until strong enouugh to resist every tendency to disease. ilun. dre4a of subtle maladies are floating arsund ns ready to a tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escae many a fatal shaft by keeping onrselve well forti ed with pure blood and a properly nourished Ira e." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boili g water or milk. Sold only by Grocers, labelled thusi: JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chem• ists, [tondon, England. 1245-52 I Consumption. Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had- laced in his hands by an East India mission- ary] the forrnirla of a simple vegetable remedy for the peedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron hitie„ Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lun Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nevi us Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after havi g tested its wonderful curative powers in thou inds of co ies, has felt it his duty to make it know to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this moti e and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will end free of charge, to all who desire it, this reci , in German, French or English, with full direc one for preparing and using. Sent by mail by a dressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. N TER, 820 Power's Block, Rocheser, N. Y. 1128-26-e. o. w I A Sensible Man Wonl use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. It is uring more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 13ron hitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than ny other medicine. The proprietor has auth- orize any druggist to give you a Sample Bottle Free o convince you of the merit of this great rem- edy. Large Bottles, 50c. and $1. A Sensible Statement. tios,-Having used your Burdock 13Iood Bitters uccessfully for some time past, I must state that for n y complaint of biliousness and acid stomach I have liever found any equal, and I continue to use i.t and zjecomrncnd it to my friends and neighbors. W. SUTTON, St. Thomas, Ontario. Familiar Family Friends. Th1 family store of medicine should contain a bottl of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Mrs. Hannah Hutc ins, of Roseway, Nova Scotia, says " We have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil in ouriamily for six year, for coughs, colds, burns, sore throat, croup, etc., ind find it so good we cannot do without it." Failing. Fast. DE tit Sias, -My mother was failing very fast after thre mouths' suffering from dropsy, being swollen from head to fcot, but after`she had used one bottle • of y ur Burdock Blood Bitters it was removed, and she f it quite well. We think there is no better med- icine and are true friends to B. B. B. Miss LAVINA TAYLOR., 177 Jamieson Avenue, Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. Pitcher's Castoria. A Pleasant Herb Drink. The best curs ws know of for sonetipation and headache it the pleasant herb drink called Lee'', Family Medicine. It ie said to be Oregets grape root, combined with simple herbs,and fa wide Mr us* by Pouring, boiling miter o the dried room and herbs. It M reinerkably efficaelons in all blood dis- orders, and IS now the over.1fl remedy with ladle, for cleaning up the complex!' . Druggists sell the peskages at 60e. and $t. 1 40 • 10.- TUST why so mealy people suffer pain when a e) remedy of known. a d outairi effect like Hag - yard's Yellow Oil may be hadpei t every drng store, itaan Is not very clear. This nese pain mouthing remedy is a' prompt and pie s mire for sore throat, croup, colds, rheum& ion, INDS beck, etc. Price 35 cente. i eft*Ite 1 Dyspepsia. This disease may be trued to a variety of cause sash as constipation, liver trou lee, improper f04K11, etc. There it one cure-Burd$k Blood Bitters - which guy be thoroughly relied so to effect a r - moment cure.' It has cured a Atinste canes orIIS years' shading. ' Winter Spt rts. 1 The gay winter season exposes 'many to attacks of colds, coughe, hoaraeliess, tigh • em of the shed, asthma. brcinebitie, etc., whi require a reliable remedy lika Hagyard's Pectoral 1 nr her their re- lief aud cure. Known as re1l le ter over thirty years. The best cough cure. Skin diseases are most ann ng because so no- ticieable. Dr. Low's Sulphur 8 heals and cleanses the skin. Burdock Pills cure sick hea▪ dac e by regulating the stomach, liver and bowele. There ie no better remedy for worms of any kind In children or adults than Dr. IA a Worns Syrup. Milburn's Beef, Iron and WI e is prepared from fresh beef, soluble iron, and • are sherry wine, combined with choice aromatics The Dyspeptic's Hope -X D. 3. Why 1 Because it cares when all ocher remedies ail. A free sample pinkage mailed 10. any address. i W. D. C. Company, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. ewes. Can dyspepsia he cured? Yes IL D. C. is a " post tive euro,', " e safe cure " " a templets cure," 'a marvellous core," " the best eure," "a thorough cure," and " *guaranteed euro. • The Worl GoneT-rad !" Wa ted -the world to regain its reason and dyspcpti the use of their stomachs by the use of K. 0. C. Be a well man, a free m aha py man, by taking K. D. C. -the great restorative f r stomach troubles. Dr. T. A Slo um'g OXYGENIZED EMULSION of URE COD LITER 11 yen have Consum tion -Use it. For sale by all drug sts. 35 cents pe beta% ----T Spaviu Liniin nt removes all hard, soft or calloueed Lum is and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, .eweeney, Stift .s, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the meet vvonderful Blemish Cure ev known. Self) by J.S. Roberta, 1237-52 -Itch cued in 30, minutin by Woolford'r. Sanitary Loiion. Sold by J. ,Roberts. 1237 MonthlyPrizes for Boys and The " Sunlight " Soap Co. Tor nto, offer the foi- 1 . Girls. !Owing prizes every month till furt er notice, to boy s and girls under 16, residing in th.' Province of On- , tario, who send tee greatest num ier of " Sunlight" wrappers : 1st, $10; 2nd, $4 ; ard, 58; 4th, Si ; bib to 14th, a Ilandsonle Book; and pretty picture to those who -send not less than 1 wrappers. Send • wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap 0 ce, 43 Scott St., : Toronto, not ater than 29th of each month, and marktd " Competition ;" also g ve full name, ad- dress, age, aid nue ber of wiapsiers. Winners. names will be published in the T ron&oMail on211r52st Saturday in each month. i When Baby Was sick, we gave • er Castoria. When she was a Child, she ell: 4 for Castoria.. When she became Miss, she Oiling to Ca.storkie When she b Children, she ga, etheu Castoria. Wellington, Grey ome NORTH-. Pausenger. Ethel s 3.00 r. at. , Brussels 3.15 Blnevale... .... 3.30 , Wingham.. - .. 8.40 ' GOINO SOUTH- -.. Passim Wingham.. 0.30 A.M. Bluevale .. .. 6.39 1 Brussels 40 6.63 Ethel.... .. .... 7.05 1 nd Bruce. 9.31 sem. 8.451')!. 9.45 9.35 0.00 10.00 0.10 11.10 er. Mixed 1.10 L. Is. 7.35 P.X. .29 8.96 .52 8.65 .07 0.31 London, Huron GOINGxeliTe0:111- London, depart E Clinndtoesnb. Lo , . oro Blyth. . Belgrave Whigham arrive GOING SOUTH-. Wingham;depart 1313elyigthrave Londeaborot OBIruineton eco id Hensall Exeter -1-• 1 „ an Bruce. Passenger. 8.15a.m. 4.46eas 9.16 6 02 9.28 6.14 9.84 9.42 10.00 10.19 8.21 6.S0 6.50 7.C8 10.28 7.17 10.42 7.31 11.00 7.65 Passenger 8.45.a.m. 3.20r. ; 7.00 7.14 7.22 7.65 8.15 8.24 8.32 8.50 3.45 4.20 4.53 4.60 5.00 6.17 6.24 6.138 Grand Trunk RS way. Trains leave I Seaforth and CIF.nton station as follows: GOING WEST - Passenger Passenger. - Mixed train.. nixed Train. .1 Gorrio EART- Passenger. . Passenger Mims! Train. Freight Train. SBAPOWP 1.07 P. 9.16 r. 9.20 A.1. 6.20P. n 7.69 sax. 2.66 P.I4 5.40r 4.25 P. ti Carrrox. 1.23 e. M. 9.391'. 5. 10.06 a.m. 7.00 r.u. 7.48 A. U. 2.38 r. w (1.00r. M. 3.30p. x Judicial P ursuant to the Judgment oi th sion of the High Coiirt of .1u 14th day of December, 1891, in an vs. KIDD, there will be offered fo Sale. Chancery Divi- tie,e, dated the tion of BUCK sale by Public Auction on the property, Kidd s Store, in the Town of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, THE 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 1892 at 3 o'clock p. n property, namelY : Part of the bloc upon a plais of part ot the Town of for Edgar J. Jar v is and registered Lot, having a frontage on th Main Street of 34 feet by a depth of lane. Upon the property is ereet two storey brick uilding, known whieh is suitable or any business. The purchaser at the time of sale wi pay a deposit in he proportion of,$. of his purchase oney to the Vendo to pay the balanc of his purchase ir thirty days the caner without int chaser at the tim of sale to sign a the completion o his purchasc. Th served bid fixed y the Master. Th be viewed at anytime, and further conditions of sale ,ay be obtained On Hohnested, Barri ter, Seaforth, or & Proudfoot, Bar 'sters,Goderich. COMSON. Maste at Goderich ; F Vendor's Solicton. ., the following of land marked Seaforth, made as Carmichael's west side of 135 feet to a d a enbstantial s Kidd's Store, Ellti9 OP SE. - 1 be required to 0 for every $100 'a Solicitor, and to Court within rest, The pur- agreement for re will be a re. = property may particulars and application to F. Messrs. Garrow 'ignecl, S. MAL- HOEMESTED, 1254-3 Notic to Cre itors. IN THE HIGH 'OURT OF JUSTI E, CHANCERY DIVISION. BUCf< VS. Pursuant to a ,. tidgment of the 0 of the High Courof Justice, made i Creditors of .1oht Kidd, late of the in the County of Huron, who died 4th day of April, 1883, are on or be, n of January, 1802, to send by • Francis Hon -nestled, of Seaforth, ' Plaintiffs, their Christian and Su and description, the full particulars a statement of their accounts, and t securities (if any) held by them, or they will be peremptorily excluded! the said Judgment. Every Cred security is to produce the same he Chambers in the Town of Goderich January, 1892, at eleven o'clock in t time appointed for adjudication Signed, S. MALCOMSON, Master HOLMESTED, Plaintiff's Solicitor. day of December, 1891. I • !DD. ancery Division this action, the own of Seaforth, n or about the re the 12th day st, prepaid, to olititor for the ames addresses of their claims, e nature of the n default thereof rom the benefit of r holding any ore me at my n the 22nd day of .eforenoon, the on the &AIMS. t Goderich : F. Dated this 22nd 1254-3 • 1 It's easy enottol the BD corse'. That's be :ause it 1.1:15 ‘^'.;;.L; of fine wir( :prings -,ides. The) lasp the tq,;--..ire closely, bu. rield .ry rnntion. -Their "giv(-.",1-:!t they coint )ack. clo 6 )63 your mone) -if you, worn a Ball corse. wo or three weeks, and fmc hat you don't 1:le it. Amu TOVIL Dirr Goons nr,Aura ren exam COMM& $1,000 REWARD! For any aoschine that wlfl do as great a range of week, and do it u easily Ned as well, as can be done on the Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine. This offer has been before the public) for the pad ten years. It has not bern chimed, proving that the Davie Vertical Feed is THE EMT ON EARTH. Agricultural Implements. Stearn Cutters, GrainCrushers, Heree rowers and Eneilage Cutters, two style Root Falpers, Pulpers and Slicers eombined. Those machines are from the beet makers in Canada. A full line of PLOWS, fifteen different styles. The Chatham, Bain and Adams Wagons. "NirM T=TIC 1.1M S., Fine Carriages, Top Buggies, Phaetons, GIad- stones, Konsingtons, Mikados, and all kinds of Fancy Riga, and a special line of Road Carts,inelud- ing the lemons Daisy 11111, manufactured at Gan- anoque. AlS0 a full line of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. Come and get one of those ehampion waehers on a month's trial, and save your wife's back from being oken. SR -Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale Al] kinds of PLOW CASTINGS and REPAIRS for all the different lends of plows that are in the market always on hand at 0. C. Willson'e Implement Emporium 0. C.WILLSON, Seaforth. J. C. SMITH & CO., 33..A:1\TIKM1R,S.. A General .13anking business traneacted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for collection OFFICE -First door north of Reid & Wilton's Hard ware Store. SE AFORTH. 51.750000 5 MUST BE LOANED AT PER CENT. on Firstand Second Mortgages. Old Mortgages paid offe NO COMMISSION. Agents Wanted. Call OP *end 3c. stamp for CIRCULAR. E.F.REYNCILD 5 7RICHMOND 57W TORONTO FARMERS. Where are you going with your next grist. Remember we are giving from . 38 to 40 lbs. 10f Flour to the bushel for good !wheat, FLOWER AND FEED At the lowest living prices. Dealers and others buying in 'quantities, it will pay you to call and see us before Purchasing. Remember the place, Seaforth Roller Mills, iermerly known as the ;Red Mill. 1 W. H. CODE S; Co. BULLS FOR. SERVICE. -DUBE BRIO HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE. -The undersigned breeder of Pnre Bred 'Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for service on his ipresaises a thoroughbred bull. liehee also a num- ber of young bulls for sale, descendents of " Neth- ; eriand Prince," all registered pedigrees. Prices ;reasonable. Apply on Lot 8. Concession 11, Hui - !lett, or address JOHN MeGREGOR, Constance P.O. FARMS FOR SALE. : . • TOWNSHIP OF MeKILLOP. Lot 10 on 91h concession, 100 acres. Wskt half 7 On 10th concession, 50 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. So -at 1 half 21 on 5th eoncession, MO acres. TOWNSHIP OF 'GREY. Lets 1 .nd 1200 13th concession, 200 acre TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. lot le on 3rd concession L. R. S., 100 acres. For terriis 'tee apply to the.nhidoeLreignmaTEd. F - 1197 ti Barrister &c., Seaforth. "ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL aTtAldSHIPS, REOUCTION IN RATES. Steamers Sail Regularly from PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Direc-t loRIONG TIM WINTER. MONTHS. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STAY E ' SERTICE OF i li ALLAN LINE LIN STEAMSHIPS. 1NEW YORK & (3LASGOW) 1 . , 'a Londonderry., every Fortnight. 1 Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, a30. IISteerage at low rates. Apply ,to EL & A. ALLAN, Montre2a12.,52 or C I BETM,15'E er W. G. DUFF, Seaforth. 1 Highest MarketPrice Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. PJL PUREST STRONGEST BEST I I Contains no Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phospbatea, or an:seethes:1a' et. NEW BUTCHER SHOP IN SEAFORTH. JONES & McCUAIG, Beg to inform the people of Seaforth and violet* that they have started the Butchering business es Mk Street, Seaforth, in the shot formerly oecepied ley Mr. George Ewing, and wilt be glad to eery* alma° easy call on them, with fresh ;neat of all kkds. both have a practical knowloige el the analuaes aid ,ruaraatee a good article and prompt atteation Wulers. Orders solicited and meat delivered in eag part tot the town. 1239 tf. - JONES & XeCUAIC, THE BIO MILLS, SEAFt.RT11. The above mine have now been thoroughly rebuilt upon the complete HUNCANIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The 11111 and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new maehinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS -ANT- Flour Dressing Machin' es Prom the best Manufacturing Firms have been put In, and everything neceseary added to enable her to turn out flour ECOND TO r4 ? In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving grain from farmers and for -elevating and shipping have also been extensively improved. Grain can now he taken from fanners' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 buehele per hour, by the work of frwo men. A LARGE FEED STONE CUSTOM 011OPPING Has been put in, and the neceesary maellniny for handling ohop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so thet wagons elln bo unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly Attended to, and F1RST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. OTYSTCDM MIM Mr) Chopped satisfactorily andvrithout delay. ROLLER -FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of APPLE BARRELS -AND- FINE, COARSE AND LARD SALT FOR SALE. CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Only first -clam and obliging men will be kept to attend austciners. The liberal patronge of tame - ere and general trade reapectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & PROPRIETORS 1 CURE FITS! When I may I cure / do not mean merely to stop thaw for s time then have them rekun again, 1lama.. radical care. I have made the dfsesaa of FITS, ZPILIBP. my remedy to care the wor Because ether' have ST or FALLING 8I08St steady. I warns* failed fs so reason for not now receiving a en76. Beal at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of iroy kalanalae remee_y. Give IMPRESS and POS1WN. T-001 G. RIZOT, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, bNT. Seaforth Dairy. Having' purchased the Dairy Butoinese from Mr. Roderick Grey, I beg to solicit a continu- ance of the patronage which he has reeeived 10 the past. With the advantages I have in !my re- frigerator and situation, I hope to be able -to mre my customers satisfaction as to quality of milk even in the very hot weather. Realizing that the oath eye - tem is the most just and setiefactory to all con cerned, I have decided to sell for cub only. ter Tickets supplied at reduced ratee. 1171 ID. T). WILSON THE FARMERS' Panking - - House, sm_A.HvolimmE_ (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN 84. CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT, REMOVED To • the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Banking Business done, dratte Mole and eaeh_ed. Interest allowed on-deposite. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, iii,10.1A0101 1058 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and investment CD111-P)_e 1\T-17-_ This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK KRANCM 3,4 and 5 per Cent.Intere,st Allowed en Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. ---Corner of Market Square and North Street, GoderielL 'HORACE 11011113N, MA.a-Aasz, Gederieh, August 6th,1886. 9/1 -