The Huron Expositor, 1891-12-11, Page 1I
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. - TWENTY-TMRD TBAR. . I . . I � - I I I . __ — __
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- WHObB.NUMBBR 1,252. . , SEAFOR�H, . itIDAY, DECEMBER 1 1891. , . MoLEAN BROS. Publishers
I . 1 -4 1 . — I I , I ... I I . #1.50 a Yearoln Advartm.
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WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING. suppliO by the.AKinister of ELcation. A I 'attle want to be fed so of Occasi us when men were working around of London. He helped t,) build the Id the rebellion of '37-'38. In 1839 MA. -
. f I An great atilea, mild and equable climate and its son and c
I � - evening meeting during h`4 Convention, vast wealth of natural resources, morel thai, th!J,,tvill make a pruflt and .not fed the bar weeks before. Theunforturiate I Weistminster bridge, wbich was the first Howard returned to Gudpb and has re -
AN INTKRISTUNG REPORT. under,the auspices of t eio enthusiastic varied and more valuable than that of any just eno gh to keep them alivo. I hope the man said that he did not make his p-esence a -,roes the River Thames at London. e aided there ever since. Of a large family of
youngworkers, wa3 most interesting and other province in the Dominion,, are destined criticis�. " on my letters may benefit some. known a oner because he bad beer] suffering rge, .
The following. is the report of the dele. I I also arrested the first man in London,, ad twelve, only -five sons remain: -Geo
encouraged one to hope mu h Ior the time at no -distant day to make" it one of thel I I chained him to.s. trea where the court -ho se clerk of the division court; Robert, Alfred
gates- frorn. the Seaforth Union to, the recent I Jola,-; C. MORRIsON. untold a ony from his amputated limb, and
when they will be t ing wealthiest provinces in the Dominion. i I .. . he pref rred to stay in the loft till it got now istands, and Charles in Guelph, and James, ia, Ro-
- Convention � of the Provincial Women's hoep em Omit s I
,, erb of the ria
Christian Temperance Union at Toronto, generation. � The province may be said .to consist of . I . �
I � ; better. Mr. ThomEon removed McDonald
I � 0anada. * -A number of the lady school teacher of cheater. Four times since last aprink has
. ented At the last meeting ol the Seaforth I W I I ..
I � In connection' with a di 3cussion on the two almost distinct divisions, each havit ' to comfo table quarters, and the man is dAily London have petitioned the Board of E u- death entered that home. .
pres 9 John oyd, Belmont, made 25,000 gal- .
Uaian, and which has been handed us. for enfranchisement of women, Mrs. McKee, of characteristica'peculiar to its3lf. The one � � visited b many people who have become in- ca,,;iou to raise the maximurn 1%dy ta&ch rs' ' -A Church of Hn land clergyman in St,
publication by the Secretary: Barrio., gave an illustration of how our work comprises Vancouver Island, the numerous lone* of ci er this season. terested -n him. 7 .. Z� salary to $600, with an annual increase of . Thomas has refused 9 to take part in a; tem- . -
The business proceedings of the fourteenth is oft4m handicapped. In lone of the wards small ielands along the coast, and that por � ' - -A.1c % of 14,400 dozen eggs crossed from -The Silsby steam fire enRine, which cost $25,
of th 'ir tow6 was a saloon the . temperance tion of the main land wetit of t - he ' Windiscli o Detroit on Saturday, . . Heretofore theirtaximum sal%ry has perance meeting condected by a Woman.
Annual meetiag of Ontario Women's Chris- 0 Cascade -The I ntario Fruit Growers' Association Berlin close on to $4.�000, was sold the other been $4251, and the yearly increase 6'12 50. -Two Buffalo mein, father and son, are
tiam. Ter wome I 11 wanted shut up. A committee can- mountains. In this region the climate I's day'for $205. The .engine was somewhat In accordance with Inspector Carson's re- said to be employed in luting young Can&- a
� aperance. Union. haming been so f ally � - will mei t in Hamilton on Dacember 15, 16 1
reported by the leading daily newspaplars, vaswd thwward with the result that m6re .mild and the rhinfall -is considerable, espect- and 17. - - i dam&ged by the fire which lately occurred port as to the qualifications -of the various than girls to that city for immoral purposes.
. a,nano 4oubt, read by the members of our than the required number of RATEPAYERS ally in the 'fall and winter months. The -The Ilate Dr. Boyle of An eretburg at the engine house, bat the damage had teachers in the public sebools, the b ard -Three men were* badly scalded in the
Union, it o,_=rxed to me. that perhaps some signed the requi,,ition. 11�1 w'leti the Pet -A- Ja,)an current is one of the chief factors in ' r r of been re 3aired, the brass work polished up have gr%nte;l $12.50 bonus to lady teac ers Canadian Pacific Railway yards at Winni-
. to the ,r,l b�queath�d $5000 to the li that
* -
impre3sions and observations would be quite tion was -prese.nted Pet- authority modifying the climate here, and so great i , b a and the 'mgine made almost as good as new. in A class (specially ,recommended), but peg last Friday night by the bursting of a
� Is town. -
,,6% ititercali-ng as a report of more routine these women, who had hpent ime * and its influence that the -mercury seldom falls I to t le w Still, th( price obtained was only $205. -B will receive no increa,6e. * -_
, . -; hildren were born those in class steam
gri'tar!es, 'cezing point in winter or rises above -Fou, le ife of Pipe.
work of the Convention, To one atte,ading strength getting those below f, Alfred qoite�aa, of Loretto, Quebec, on -The nas Oliver, an old resident of Ayr, -Mrs. John Peddie, was found fr6z n ,to -The Rev. Dr. J. Fraser Smith, writing
g for the firit time the strong- coolly told it was oul � #EC.ToRs who had ninety degrees in summer, Tornadoes, � a � 3r inst. . . . r ine, from Lin Chiang, China, to a friend in
� such a. meetila � . er� t1 _ Se Thur.9d celebrated his .66th birthday on Tuesday death last Friday morning near Delo ' �
est feeling, I thlink, is one of surprise, if not a voice in tile matt , my friends, cyclones and blizzards,. are unknown, a.nd -W I (pourtney has sold his 76 -acre farm Ist inst. It is the custom with Mr. Oliver Manitoba, Her husband took a loa ' of King6ton, says.- - Many think that we alre
I sistonishment, at the thoroughly business. how itinjus'this is. We m y _be ratepayers thunder is seldom heard. In the 'interior near rlDoetou, 0 1�,dward McGuire for tobavetiswhole family aesciiible at the wheat to market Thursday and she and her on the eve of a great rev'111tion. At any
- and contrXute equally wit i' men in support region the rainfall, especiallyin some parts 8 � home ev ry year to celebrate tLe' occasion, sisters and brother went to spend the day fate for many years the siotua*tion has not
like way in which the meet-ings axe con . 1 4,000. � ' .
diucted and the amouat of time and thought of our ittatitutione, but ai ply because we is a great dtal lepm,.aud 6e winber is some- -Mr. Wni, Richmond, .south Dumfries, this ye r being no exception, when a with a neighbor about a mile distant. hey been so serious. 'The Hanauese gentry, to -
I necessarily given by some of our women in are women we may . not be ele I ctors. While what more vigorous. Bat, even there, -the near A r threshed recently, off 100 acres, very ev'oyable time was spent by all pres- �eft the friends for home abolu't 5 o'c ock, the number of 20,000, have pledged them- �
attending to the details in connection with the m(,!;t ignorant or deg aded man -pro- temperature does not, get so low, nor does ent. . on e j rat
0 2 066 b s els of grain. . but were found next morning tb t *1 selves to drive all foreigners from China and
�n vided he is a rats,payer, a d sometime's by the winter season last as long as in some of ' -The unsecured liabilities of Lewis Wigle, only 400 yards from where they st#ted. it is found oat a eystern of ccercion is carried
the many branches of work undertake . by � -A .ickering township man named I I
the Provincial-DrJon: As a rule, women hia wife's earnings -has a oice in making the more easterly provinces in the Domi ex-M.P. of Leamington, have gone up to Mr. Peddie found his wife' body, ) The on to force all the people in the province -to
laws for us; and in decidi g how our money ion. In fact, it is said cattle graze on tre Windso ihas been fined $50 for selling hard
- . a
are not naturally bbsincs-3-like, nor have I cider 1 $100,000, The unf4 rtunate' creditors will others,who are all yourig children, haditheir back them in their effort. The British con -
no - shall, be appropriated. - A d, wors,3 than all,, open ranges all winter, subsisting on driisd . do well if they got 20 cents on the dollar, feet and bands badly frozen sul at Men -t.sin ba�- ad vised agaiust 'dioving
they hall trainixig in tha,t direction, but' � ;. _� Kauffman has purchased 25, ' I "
doubt thcs-_ meetings are iors, it is really women who a. and 'in the way bunch grass, which is very uiltritiotis, : large mount is for borrowed money, and -In the mi4gt of the hu.rry and flur� uan at present and' says the ksa we
� IL . great educa 04.().nture land in BleDbeim township A .
and I tho3o privileged to attend. _them year of this much-needed refor . If they united Agriculture, except in some f %vo'red loc�li- acres of the disa ter will be felt in South Essex for the Loadon'Cqurt House, on Monda I ru- move around in there the better,"
or . fr B in Keyou for the sum of $800. - I
in claiming it,it wouW� � I
after year develop wondclrfullly-aud to Id be coomplishedi and ties, is not carried on to any .great extent. 0 in e - )-"m ( a day. The inspectors are W. R. ing, Mr. CharNs Hutchinson, count, 0(1 w n -The Ottawa Journal says: There is one '
_Dr -.p owan, of G -1t, is La Kingsioa, in- 1"3 Y �
- . ' y r I
som e of us, W much af raid of the sound of until it is accomplished th world will never But along the Fraser, �ome: distance from Brock, f Toronto; Thcs. Fuller, banker, attorney, fell down the stairs at 6e orth form -of union between Canada and -the
v(-stiga i g-thecause Of disease among the Leamin -
our awnvaice; itwAs, inepi-ripl, tohear ho%v 32eaccomplish-ed the end for which all Wo. its triou-th,in the NiccIA,Okanogan and other - ton, and George McNabb, barriater, Fide. He was very seriously injured lsome United States to which the strongest op.
I 11 I pigs at ockwrod asylum. . z2
bly vna,nv of thcsa'women took part in dis- Tne"I s Chiriztian Temperan e Unions profess valleye, some fine ranches are to be found, andaut of London. , I months ago, and could move aroundl but ponent of annexation, commercial union or
a _ - I I ie * Col, B. B. Boyd, comm I
. to be working - The tetal, prohi.bit,.*on of arid many in 'these regions are makil)(y COM-
cassians al' the various important - questions � o . i, An old couple named Mr. and 14rs. very slowly After failing at the top qf the unrestricted reciprocity -could- make no
. I th 2a ,Bruce battalion, died e,t Port Elgin - .
brought before the Convention. An'd, the liquc,r trhtfic. . fortabh��ivings on a few acres, raising fruit 8,10 I Jolin Orr, residing tit Manotick, Carleton stairs he slid' down on his back, a distalice of reasonable objection. Thanksgiving Day
. .. day from cancor of the stomach. u -
Whu was equally worthy of admiration, the But this inform. al .report ia growing , sc, and veget.iblf,s, But at prcs��nt British venient is on foot in Montreal look- county, ied within 24 bours of each other. about twenty -feet, Some one statidi�g in coines every year in both countries. In the
/ mpt uoto3 Columbia is an importer, ini,tead of an ex- ing � Mr. Or retired to his bed, apparently the hall picked him' up and helped him into United Stat '
why 111 Ing 0 clo-iing of s.d000s at 7 o'clock on .
j i whiah they sniamitted to the ruling fast on our hands we must not atte es custom has fixed upon the
of the chair -stopping at ouc�!-though one on other branetts of the ork, although all porter of fruit and Agricultural products. Sat nights, its in Cntario. In goot health, sleeping with a, -grand- the deputy sbi6riff's office, He said hie was last Thursday of November as the day of
. co,utd see they bad mach to say ati the poinot are important and intcres ing, and in every The coatt region is densely covered with . . Miller & Co., Picton, paid out child na,med Andrew Gellson, who on merely shaken up, but not injured, thanksgiving, while in Canadi� the first
or subi.ect under discussion. Of -courae a!l department good work is be,ing done, the timber, some of which attains an ��eriorrnous awakening in the morning found- the old -Another big party of Scandinavians Thursday of November is usually selecte -
I � $11,000 or help at their canning --factory in � 41
delegates were not ed uca tee, to that point, aim of each one being the pli f t!Dg and well- size, the principal of which is Douglas *fir Picton uring the past year. man d ad. Mrs. Orr was prostrated by from the Western Statee-one hundred aiid but this ycar, the Governor-General pro -
and valuab!e time was occasionally wasted being of -our common hum nity. The liter- and red ccdar. In this aloue British o -
-L% Semaine Religieuse, the Montreal grief, and before midnight had edso breathed thirty-eight-airived in Montreal a day or claimed the second Thursday of November
. in a va-rie'y of wayff. Sometimes, while attire department, the p e�s, unferrnente�d Columbia has a mine of natural wealth her last. , two ago over the Canadian Pacific Railway, as the day, Now, there is no gool rea,sou�
-3- ' Roman Cath-olic organ, sA�ye that flower
some of the delecra,tes were talking in low wrlipae at com m-union,ev an eli8tic work, work which'will,_not be exhaubted for many gener-
�, . '_ Offeria s at the -futicialts of Christians are _)1r, John Master, an old and hi�hly re-' and proceeded to New York via the Cputr'al why Canadians and Americans sfj,iould *dt I
, o Mbering enterprise;s are carried I spected jr,sident of Plat'sville, has disposed Vermont, where they will embark o the offtr up thanks on the Fame day. If the
tortea with each other, inirGrtalt res-lations among lumbermen, sailor , soldiers' carapst at:Ons. - I..,P conde ed. - ts and intends moving to Berlin, steamer " Hamburg " lor Eu he last Saturday or the last -Alonday of Novertir
-a a d on quite, extensively and have been foe. a I * % L,rope. I i _ t
wouldba-prA10Vae Convention, dhcuss-)d provincialaDd county f it prisons aa Al. I vcry�Shar.bat Lake, shot a bl,ick , J�
work. gror,- number of years, L and are likely to attai ; - "' ' 0 1 !r`e8 I �, '
and voted apou, and the talkers evidently jaite, and many other 'O Ell to bear a I w dayls ago weighing between 800 whe ill reside wi,,11 his s,)n, 18tac previous party thc-s,2 People looked pr sper- ber were choseu iu.qtead of the last Thursday
knew ao'hiiig 6f it, fo,r a 'little latEr on some. ing out of these, and ,,.�,', tl!ho�sam6 end. in far greater proportions 'in the futire. Nlasterj wh has recently been appointed ous, with good clothes, p;enty of, mob y and of the month niany Canadians living in the
- L, . and 9( pounds. This is the largest bear . 0 '
� one Y, ould rise to. ma�ke a suggeetion. or in,.ve view, ara inc!uded in Vomen'§ Christian Hithert0"the merket has been chie "I a ever se-, : in that section of the couctry. registra� of wuterloo. Air, Master was one b�ggage. They are going home for a States might be abl�e to eat thankegiving
a resointian going into precisely the" , & rppid developmen of * e e rly settle the Plattsville die- pleasure trip, and will come back i the turkey at borne.
s&me Temperance work. The evenin� meetings foreign one, but t -It s proposed to celebrate next year 1 of th rs i n
- � 9 I - - a as he is a rernarkabl' intelligent sprirg, . �
atkbject as had betn previously put, discus- ht-ld in tl�e different churc , crion 0 f the 11 -Mra, Jane Rielly, a young married wo-
hes were l,trgely ,the province during the past few years ,has Sh P ke the 100th anniversary ct I .y
specially interesting. Itey. created a local demand of no Bmirdl proper- old __Vtle man, his reminiscences of early —Andrew Afel1wraith, cashier in th � Gore man, residing in Toronto, was admitted to
sed and v,Qted upon. There would come attended, and . - - 4 i settlery nt of the ep.stern townehips by the I
I days are very interesting. . I District Mutoal Fire Insurance Com 3any's the General Hc,spital the, other nigbt suffer -
questions and explanations from- knowing Dr. AnnAl� Shaw's lecture at .one of these tiOr,s, I United nipire Loyahits.
0 -leetings was full of good tbings. I body, arms
Onep., till final�ly MaAarn, Pricsident -.9" uld evening n g " British Columbia i3 rich iji mineral IM Thre thousand dolbira damages to L, N. -Stephen Hal), bridge corninissionerfor office, Gait, fell in a faint on the sidiewalk ing from terrible burns o ' h the
- have, to explain that 'the question having Shestroagly cropbasizeld � fa'ther's ,influence sources, - and there lies one of her cl�ie Poulin, drygoods store, Ottawa, m -as caused Oxford county, bas preaentad his report to while going home from a school board meet- and legs, She bad beeu� lighting the kiteb-
[ beeit.already settleil, this, later resolution in, the training of boys. $he COrJteuds so sources of wealth. Though mining has bpen �he council, showing that. lie had lexpended ing accompanied b his son-in-law ab ut 10 en stove and resorted to the dangerous but
� . ' by car( essly leaving a water tap open in the . y t- L .
was out of order.. The, mover WoUl' carried on for over thirty years, il. has ne,'ver 11 in brid es Since the last meeting _$3,040.65. o'clock Friday night. He was pick. -d up too often adopted expedien of helping the
.1 thr-n -much i3 esi3 and writ b 't I'mother'a � flat abr, e. .
i ol a as th . His exp uses were, -8125,70; and $42.20 was and carried into a doctor's offi
11 hadn't heard." iDfluence," that the au� a is the reached so extensive a scale at in which I ce, but death Operation by pouring on coal oil. The usual
I strbaide, reLmarking she '�,, alar' ide -A i eam of horses was sold at Princeton � � ' e
d in �ence counts for it is carried on across the international line. id th reeveis with whom he consulted. ensued within half an hour Heart J ailur result followed -the flames sprang up and
I Of course, th-s sometimes happened through father's exam, ple airt� .&car tAining . the otjr day for the magnificent suni of $1. Pat ' , I
I ' hildren ' i The tw bridges between north and south was the cause of the sudden death, The igi)ited her' clothing, aDd before help could .
� delegates beiag, Absent from Canvention. , , I �
I little or nothing wi h,. hi's G . While Pl is the principal form in which Whethor the were bought for their bones
I � � y b
I - are both this industry has been c%rried on, thoughi of Norwict had not been accepted because deceased was about 58 ears of ag and be called site was frightfully injured. The
L But,, froni wha,tsoever- cause, they were sho, strongly insists that n.�t .only , or their hides is not stated. - y
r hindra,actr, to bu-ine�s,. though no dottbt equallyimpot-tant, but �t is mainly the 1,Ate years considerable work lias been done - ton, one of the they w re not completed according to con- much esteemed. A widow, wbo is a Bistei ambulance con.veyed her to the hospital,
; helping to show us wha,t an a,imirable exe- faiher who Zletermines t1le charauter and On quartz ledges with encouraging results. wealthi,st citizens of Montreal, died recent- tm,t.' I of Mr. David Goldie, of (Irreenfield mille, where the doctors did what was possible to
Gutive officer oux President, Mra. Cavers, is. habits of his boys. T�os who, have One great remon why there has not been ly -in Cc lorado,whether he. had gone in quest -On lie morning of the 3rd inst., George Ayr, and grown up family survive' birn. alleviate her sufferings, but the shock was
el Of us . .
be - more rapid development i1a this direction Moody, of St. Thtmas, a brakeman on the -The worst blizzard which Manito �a has Be -great that they bold out no hope of her
She possesses tact and sweetness cf manner boys know there is inuc� f ,roe in r con of heaft, By his will tfie Montreial Gen- I .
who ever ea�w or I and railro d Grand runk Railway, fell between the cars experienced foryear's prevailed Thursday recovery.
to an. excePt-ionad degree, and stiJ, as a rale, tertion. As ,she says, " has been the want of capita Oa eral He ipital gets $100,000.
kept the Conveation -welf in hand. But, on heard of -a boy who wanted to be like his communication, by which the n�a -Chi istmas turkeys appear to be in de- while br king and had both legs cut off. He� last. All trains were cancelled. The Maui- -Miss Hibbert, daughter of Captain Rib- .
. i machinery and supplies could be taken ibto died from loss of blood and shock before the tou. train reached within a mile of Winnipeg, bert, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, purchased
the,whale, Our women did well, inost of motber?" I Don't be, as soon as old enough , � mand. . tround- Perry's Corners, Oxford
" 9 it -the mining regions and the ores, taken 4,6t, doctor ould operate on him. ,He was a but got ,,tuck there, and the Cabadian st Digby the firlst through ticket ever issued
them speaking. distinotly - and to the to imitate, copy father and. brothers . 1.5 - 11� county,� Mr. Win. Currie lately hall 14 .
I By the construction of the Canadion Pactric member of the Independent Order of Odd Pacific Railwaywas obliged to se3dout at that station to a person going to .Hong
pamt. . not his greatest ambition t be a m%n and do . stolen, nd Mr. Lillico had 20 that'silently
, what he . thinks to be rrf�auly things'? The these obstacles are being partially rem'ovi,,,ed. disapp4red. . Fellows, and the society took charge of the provisions to the passengers. The drifts Kong. ]Her route was via Vancouver and I
,one realized. more f ully what . a very im- All indications point to British Columbia as � remains. Ile leaves a wife and child. were like little mountains on all the a reets, she wag due at Hong Kong on December
I mother',� influence may refine and 'elevate ; . I I
p6rtamt documentoar Constitution is by the but a g od-living, wholesome man, who has the scene of great mining developments dqr- -As W. Robson, of Perry's Corners, was -Phipeas Kinsey, a' farmer about 40 and traffic wa� practically suspended. The 10th, on which day she was to wed Captain
time given to discussion of the changes 0 iDg the next docade. It is not a little sur- riding oae of big horses through the river it years of age, living near Aylmer, committed street car ser*ice was stopped, and all the Brown,of HAntsport, who is now in charge
made ia revising it. A good many dele- the confidence of his boys ie, under Ood, the ' -6t'umblel, throwing him headlong into the .
. ' prising that the capitalists of Epgland have suicide I ist Friday evening. He was ap- roads were blocked, and general busiuEs3 of the do2ke at Hong Kbng. The particu-
gates were strongly in favcrr of having !the Most powerful influence in the - boy's life. esty's water. Mr. Robson managed to crawl out parently as well as usual all day, anrl about in the city wag at a standstill, lars of the cast3 are very romantic. Miss . I
not given this portion of Her Maj "
words 171 as a beverage �' expunged from our If fathers could more fully realize this truth without any injuries excepting a cold bath, - �
,. and would give more time and thought to realm the preference over the United St bes , Tlicirias Starr, 131rinceton, superintend- 5 o'clock after splitting some .wood, went. -Robeit Reed, a wealthy citizen of St. Hibbert visited Hong Kong early lost Bum�
- Pledge; but. K, large majorit of us thoukht tations when investing in mining enterprises, wl ich - into the house, and went into his bedroom.
r, y T John, New Br O'nswick, built an obser 7atory mer with her father. There she met Car-
- fitting them to -b�ittle Avith.the temp , ent V the Alethodist Sunday- school, is I
such action tin wiae, as , it would prove a and discouragements. of lif , it would be an they undoubtedly will as this region becomea Sitting down beside the bed on the floor 120 feet high oki Mount Pleasant la9t enm- tairt Brown for the first time. Shepromised
atum-hling block to rii.any good, earnest . credited with having one of the best schools
workc-re, and the Pledg6 as it is covers the im.niense deal better for tl�. em than, as is better known. Then there are the coal in the 0 unty. Ile has been superintendent with his back against the bedstead, he placed rner. It was an expensive and elaborate to return in the fa',l and triarry him, and
. � -
I generally the case, sp--nding all their mines of Vancouver Island, which &re pot a pistol to his head and fired, killing himself building, but Mr. Reed claimed the ri,bt to she kept
nect"ary gra,und. After the second day it BOW Pacific Coast. The for, 22 y mrs. instantly. spend hiss money on a foolish In 13 . her word. She would have to travel
'. me and strength acquiriDg the means to excelled by any on the _Wm, Bains, chief of the local police � xurli if � he 7,000 miles to re,ch her r.rospective hus-
.rry out the " - . . . I -Friday morning Mrs. J. Kellar, of Kings- wished, and so3augbed down . band, .
WFIA fo-und to be impossible to ca� grive their boys better ecluxetional and social principA mines are focated at Nanaill-no , i,ind Windsor, for the last twenty yea,rs, who has all cri icibm,
rogularorderaf bus,inesaf,yr each day, as the advantages than they the ,.,4elves had, and the Union mines of Comox, which are been sl . ick for several months past, died a ton, in,vited it neighbor, Mrs, Barber, to ' He could not 4augh down the big ' I of -Says the London Advertiser of Friday.
discuse,ion of the Constitution and receiving ' take ten They each drank two, cups of tea Satu a Mrs. Baeyertz,
too often with the result t e boys turn out seve ty-five miles north of Nanaimo. It is few days ago. Deceased was 46 years of rday morning, which tipped otr6the the converted Jewess, held
deputations front other societies put back 13 ' and a fe minutes afterwards were taken structure, and Wt it lying along the
idle, diEaipated,and unthar kful, even with e9tirnated that the products of the coal �ide of the undivided attention of a crowded as-
- the prag,rxtnwe one day, so usually the . . . age, an leaves a widow and five 2hildran. with so ere pains, Two physicians I I .
� sense of the convention was taken each ses, good, faithful mothers, an, out of her words mines alone realize over two millions of dol- -At Moncton, New Brunswick, on Sat- called a d trGated the women, who were the hill. The E,itmo gale knocked dowil a sec- semb)y of men in Victoria Hall la,stevening.
t3 lars annually. These mines give employ- threwoff tion of a largeland expensive bridge across Hef theme is one of absorbing i-uterts" at all
I sion. as to what order of business should be has grown the thoug i ' urday, gale blew down three' spans of a ,substance. Th . I � 1
n.3 particul%r and oting about the tnent to a great number of men, of w ey are recovering the Paticodiac 'at Moncton. . times, but her manner of dealing with the
born brid,ga 6nnectinu Albert and Westmore. 4
taken ap, NN[uch interest was ta.kert in the ctre t exc _n The doctors say tea lead must have Mo4dy, of subject wis original and interesting. She
I morals ind habits of the fathers of their there is no scarcity at preieDt. one com- land co uties. The -bridge cost $6,000 It rapidly, -rhe funeral. of Mr. George 3 a
repo. , rt of "Temperance Instruction in Our children, as are men in t, o kind' of women party, the New Vancouver -Coal Company, was I,+ feet IODg,and about half of it' has been boi ed with the tea. St. Thomas, the Grand Trunk bra�ernan discussed: (1) "Is there a hell?" (2) cc IN
8Ghools.11 Generally, reports from Local es, a Ion .stride will have pays out monthly from one hundred to one gone. - -Jos ph Myers, a laborer, aged 30 years, who came to hts death near Dunnville Friday there repentance after d,eatb ?" and (3) " Is - �
Urtiuns on this subjeat were discoura,ging, a is . r. a hundred and &ixteen thous%nd doll%rs in - while w rking on the Grand Trunk Railway moining, took place on Sunday ' puiiiabinent eternal?" The lecturer's� strength
Ool, r' largely attended. It appe
"' s
in a,vo: of Woman Wages. A great deal I of the coal fin'ds a d away, near Y rk station, Wednesday lait week, ws�_
1. -made soine good points in . which s millions of dollars store unfor
v in use does Dot meet tho needs of' the f . d i f ont of the Montreal express tanate man wa� in the act of cro tit Bible quotations. Her sincerity is
no� , irancisco and other cities steppe in r "t
it is admitted on, all sides that the text -b been made in social pu i D Sb w also I -Th�.Serninary of St. Sulpice, Montreal, ars the lies in her simplicity -of argument and her
Suffrage, and on the d lowing morniog,' market, in San P has subscribed the gain of $20,000 towards asing b tween f requ,e
case, In many districts, inspectors, trus- having been introduced to� th6 COnVeritiOD, along the coast, on which the United States� the completion of the new St. Peter's train, a d the erigine struck him and carried two cars when' his lantern w4nt out and, undoubted by the most skeptical. listener,
tee,,i a.,uLl tea.chevs, are not in favor of intro- ! . collects a duty of seventy-five .cents per him a d stance of 50 yards, breaking several missing his �c,othotd, be fell- betwqeu the and her influence therefore is very powerful.
gave w some bright, enco, raging thoughts. cathedral in Montreal. . I
. ducing it at 4( ;. lnsp�'ator Glashan, of 0,'- , L. Of ton. The people of Nanairno delight to, call-, _Fish cn)bur-e has now reacbed a Inost of hi� ribs and inflicting other serious in- cars, his legs ,being cut Off,* Hevitas con- tier words tire well chosen, her sentenceb
She believes Conventi6nN are I ,a mean juri6. Myers was i?aved from death by scions to the etid, conversing freely ith his � beau tif ally con 8tructed, and her elcar, ring -
contempt," This P y . to * le -
ta,wa, going so fax as to write " that as a of the .Pacific coast, important st3oe in Qanada, and every year
n grace to our ,wonien, es ciall house. this the New Caetle In lar '
text book it is benLath -peri whcs,�-, .cares anr' duties are many Another source of wealth is the fisheries. millions of eggs I 1pl,trick Walsh snatching hirn off the engine mate.i. fle offered up a, prayer, a, d left ing voice -reaches every part of tile building
� Iteraucc; c-tused a srna�ll sensation in Com- .1sec � ceiving .Are gathered from the As the t ain passed the ,station platform. mk--.n9ngcs for bi3 loved ones, and ju2t as. in which she speaks. hdr. condlubions are
u and beavy,snd if ao othe result were seen, At pm,sent the salmon induistry is re haunts of the va ions fish and artificially " -
vention a,nd 1,(.d t6 a.-reso-lution being passed ' h bi i work for the inost attention, All the streams of the hatched in Goveruniout breeding houses. -Al ert H. Harrington, the young minis- another day %#aB being , ushered in passed. that th�re is a hell., Men and women aro
t hat a, copy of the letter be sent to the Mini- -04 '�
the women helpad, thi - wh more &live after death than they are now.
others, is wotth all tile el f Women's coast and larger islands swarm with saimon ter who wes convicted of forg,pry, was sen. peacefully awAy.
C orta o . -A horse puichiis6d recently by James i
I Lly in t) I teucO t Toronto by Julitice Rose to imr McDonald, North D f -
s,ter (,,f 1�vc& ae spring till late in the � fall. H. Metcalfe, A,,,. p. D
tion. On the other hand, soine --Hugh ries, Life is the spirit wit' in up, and th,t never
districts -notably the banner County of ,Chri.,3tian Temperance U �on Conventions. from ear P., of KiDgat6n, was 1 t5 si in .. 8
'VLV-e Sup�PoSe One Of th objects of these The Frazer and'Skeena rivers are- the prin- prisbu cut for two years, less one day, in claims that the 'severith concet'sic, run dics, bat rather is quickened into new life
M iddlesex-re' ported much good ,�7oLrk done, . I . -fflietpd with diphtheria. The stable dog the CeDtr I al. Ea.rriDgt011'8 action in giving tbrough his propert , and soinatime ince be after it is freed frolLn itS present casement- I
I e o y .
I I , T. U. conventions is to educal e and encourage cipal head -quarters of this industry a, t 'pres- and a oat caught the disease and died. Mr. himhelf up to justice, together with his decidcd , -
. and it was foiind where*ver NV. C. lopat Unions and, when Pghtly used, they ent, and on these rivers the bulk of the � two "Metcalfe's children, six in number, were to "hold the fort" by buildin a, wire the body. Punishment will be eternal, be- �
wolaieri, work actively and unitedly the best hundred thousand cases that are packed an- re6ous good record and his subsequent fence across the road, thus cloring u what cause sin will be eternal. As a man dies he
have great in ftuenc� in t1h se as well as maDy I I laid ,the dispase and two have died, P �
! � I
rez -a are obta-ined. Teachers are mem- _ -aally are put up. I . peniteDee, operated to reduce the extent of is said to have been a public tboroug .fare for will corntinue to exist forever,
ult n :
other directions, and i'14 ; The others are recovering.
bers of Unions ; Inspectors and trustees .� CIOSillg .perhaps I the;sen ence. Harrington as soon a3be was some 50 yeara, At the last meeting of the -For the past four ycars the cottage ''
axe influenced in the right direction ; a some thoughts su'ggested�,` by the 'Convention Hera too, may be said to be the tonrists' =The manufacture of barrels is an impor- t!Lkbn f om the court fainted dead P.way and Durnfries council the reeve was auth rized to meeting workers of Toronto bave been in
� m ay be helpful to our ovf a LTnion. That we I home. It has been said that the roupe of ant industry at Alvinston, over 25,000 apple al . re ioved in a cab. have the Obstruction removed witlio it delay the habit Of gi,ring a
strong temperance sentliment. is created, and Cultivate PUL . netUE"Jity I and busiue&k-like the Canadian highway across the grea!t di. and fl I our barrels having been turned out of w .1 I .10 . meal during tile winter
U -L remarkable alliance between two
eve _ tile rnUah'dLespisied teXt-book does ser- I A To carry out�the wishes of the conn il Chief on Sunday morDing and evening to the poor
. methods in conducting bur meetings - that vide has been environed lavishly wit� the the Elliott cooperage works there this fall. familie is reported from the parish of St. Ahern, of Galt, and C. Cromwell ere e'm- men and children of the ci-Aty. Last Sunday
vice in teaching what we motbers believe to we give '.;he Pledge, and I Constitution '.more moot stately, as well as the -most cl�licate Besides these barrels there were .also aboult
be of equal hn.porta.tice with other subjects . i Mwrie, near Quebec. Two respectable farm- ployed to remove the fence whi h they morning the first ineal of the eeas,)n was at
, in our meetADgs-, having them scenery the world has known, and noup who 75,000 shooka . irinde in this sh6p forthe � � 2 .
taught in Gu_r Be ,ich are made pi-orninence . . - ei4 named Rheaume and Moran had each did on Nov. 19.- Mr. McDonald tb n appli- Richmond' hall.
,hoo,.18, and wh repeated or. r,ea,d at.stat�d times,- etc. ; that has not bad the good fortune to see L IV, 'Can ,foreign trade. . . In the morniog about 250
. . I "
,put � d - -Lieut I priant FiDdl%y, of the Salvation eij ous ngaiuk,t both part es on the men were fed. - After the breakfast Rev. H.
com. taory. The fact of its being optional . Y, lit t hildren, four sons and four daughters. ed for a suinin
and not necessary to, pass exam-ination,-, in- we make special .effot� to iricreasd the fully appreciate how tkaean . fitting1these I Rheau e's four sons married Morin"a four above cbarge�' G. Baldwin, of the Churchof .$
clines many tea,ahera to shirk their duty in mein, bers-aq�ivo. and honorary- words are. Whether. one- looks on the�snow- Army, stated at Kingston, the other nigh t' d gh ers, and the -four sons of the latLer� -At Toronto Saturday a storekeeper was gave a very earnest and pra2tiefti address
. number of . . ,
11 Scientific Temperance Irstrua- there is such an inspira i n in numbersY and crested, ice -capped and ice -created lmoun- that her great grandmother was burnt at .a ed their fortunes to the four daughters fined $5 for having' sold what w, 3 repre- from -the text �' What Shall We Do ?" He
reg&rd to , a ore women who tains on the peaks on which the sun sparkles the stake in Scotland because she would not Jot
� tion, " we need more worker �_ - t of Itthe former. The offspring of the first seuted to be a quart of oysters wit out bair- was followed by a man who three years ago
haven't as many born( ties aii some of us as on a' crown of diamonds, or on that give up Christ. She waa a Covenanter and fo4r u ions up to date are 39 children, and ing measurdd them. 8ection 2 1 of the came undiar the notice of the &�sociation as a
Mr I '
.5. U,ra,tt,of Ham-ilton,on, Sabbath School have. If each one f ld bring in one rocky gorge down which noisily plunges the the eyent took place during the persecution of the latter 35 ebildren. � Weights and Measures Act prov" es that ditittkard and general bad character, wel,l-
and juveafle work, reported progres3 in -some u eating what a sparkling 1�tream,'or o'er which falls with of the CovenauterR. .
I . ew member at our n, M, - ' I . bout three w4�eks ago the death at "Any peraon who uses for the pqrpoge of known in police circles. That man told in
-o ng of ,the Woo3stock ertaining simple, plain but pathetic language bow he
directions, although results are not alf, - wonderful help it won , be, and as Madam dainty curve the chrystal lace-like cascade, -The first meW ; Elk rton of - Mrs Samuel Roether was an- buying or selling any article or aal.
gether ,,�a,tjsfactory. This work aniong the : ,
, . Presideat said in her a dress, 11 if, women or gazes on those velvety banks of moss, the Local Union of Christian Endeavor was held nolunc d ; an� on Sunday 2Nh ult. her hus- the price to be paid for such ariticle, any had been led back into the ways of truth,
young is really of first � importance, as we could realize that when hey are not with us-- clustering fern and Sylvan retreat, which Monday evening last week in Knox church, bd flld her to the great beyond, in weight or measure which has not �een duly arld is going to start out as a
. . . . missionary
recog-nise in prev do of those n i g' " � Rev. H,. C. Dixon reports thal,
ention. our main hope. , ot ini' aitractB the fancy and pleases the eye, while of the members
0 - The they are ranged on the I ,There was a large gatherin the 6 th year of his age. Mr. Roether was inspected and stampod accordiag to this next Friday.
e Unions is triaugula�r, viz. -, Legis- nee work, �urely they ever. reveiLl the hidden grace and ' '
work of th synipa,thy with terup . . of the various Christian Endeavor Societies. -- men -are not as nu erous as last year,
. a �esi ent of Berlin many years ago, after- Act, is guilty of an offence against, this th m
la,tive, P�raventive, Restorative ; but in pre- more of them would un e with us." That beauty of the Master Mind which formed Excellent and stirring addresses were given rd removing to Port Elgin; but h l, on conviction, incur a pen- Ninety per cent, of them are strangers, and
. omen [loping I haveiinot trespassed too by Rev. Dr. McMullen and Mr. Elliott, w I
vention and the enfranchisement of w we have a Prograt;,me ommittee ; that we thtin all. 1, f B c 0*1111ty was set &part, and Walkerton alty not exceeding, $50 and not less than $5 for the most par' their 'appearance is better
az ow e space, en president of the local union. the I . "
ty. .
lies the solution of the liquor problem, . have a Sick r -Committee; and, much an your valuabl in de county town, Mr. Roether was tor each Offence.' - than in former years, In the evening supper I
Among the inamy useful suggestions con. most ivnpo,rtaut of all, � I at more attention Yours, &c., , -Mr. Borijamin Rosenburg6r, jr., of Now a 1poi ted to the charge of the gaol, a posi- -The teller of the bank at Norwich has was served to 200 poor children under 14:,
. tained in If vi. Pratt's report, was that a let- 'en 'to, -evotional exercises. . Gmo. FoRRMT.
� and time be giv . Dundee, met'witfi a -painful accident the tipa hich he hold up to the time of his in his possession some curiosities in the years of Age. After supper a short, bright,
ter be seat to Young People's Societies- would NANAnitO, November 24th, 1891. � . other daywhile out shooting sparrows. . ba6k bills of defunct relig; .
I- If we had more prayin women we . i It d at . shape of $246 in old .,Ous service was ht-ld, at which Mr.
Chriatian Endeavor, li,'pworth League, etc., have more 'Working omen: A Promise . [NOTY.-We shall be very glad to bear appears the gun missed fire, and be low- - ne of the landmarks of the Holbrook banks, Exchange, Contiolidated, Federal, Ro�ert Armstrong delivered a brief address.
askino, them to take charge of temperance me�tirig at one of the oon-time devotional from our young friend frequently.] 1 ered the muzzle to examine the breach I .
T s ct Ofrd county, passed away ie- Royal Canadian, Mechanics' and Niagara. Those meals will be afrved ever Sunday'a'8
work utheir various Sunday Schools, The r - " I y �
, I exercises, was a beaut ul, encouraging and _____ .-4. when the cartrid,ge exploded ; the tl it. the person of Me. John Dennis, at District Banks. An old gentleman brought loingas the cold weather laets.
- I
report also strongly urged that the name of appropriate service ; a d a mouthl�, prayer- Hog Business. : charge t& -king off one of the toes of his left e u go of 82 years. The deceased settled in a large stocking filled with rolls of bills -At Richmond, Quebec, on the 2nd inst.,
. t a
children's orgauiz*tions be changed back meeting might be very belpf al to us Lill. . . 0 foot. I . thpt district when it was a dense wilder- to the amount of $1,132 which he had found Scotchmen atsembled in great numbers from
from Loya,l, Legions to Bands of Hope. . pd tfully submitted. DEARExposialo-R,-I see my letters- ar . �
There seemed to be a feeliag among some All of which is resl read by some persons even as far West as -Recent statistics show that the coal n as, but by persevering industry he made in his house a coupl� - of weeks I ago while the surrounding towns to c,flebrate St.
- . Manitoba, even if they only find fauit with trade between Cape Breton and Montreal is f r imself a home, having at one time in cleaning up after the funeral of hih wife. It Andrew's Day. - They were met at the rail-
delegates that the latter -name was too chitd I -RE OURCES F BRITI8H them. What ex -Governor increasing enormoudy, no less than 410,000 b1i a ossession property to the. amount of appears the. old lady bad been boording up way station by the officers of Richmond
iah and kept out older girls and boys and . : S - . proven
another orgamiza-tio-ri wo-uld. be nece4gary to COLAT BIA. � by experiment is tfia,t if a bog weighing 50 toris having been received during the past $PO . 00, which he divided among his six this sum for over twenty years, and in- the counity St. Andrew's S)ciety iii their tartan
hem. To one of yolux delegates I � I I pounds live weight is fed two per cetitt of its season. A decrease is noted in the imports abus and two d,aughters. Deceased was an meantime some $246 have hecom,� worthless plaids, Scotch bounets and badges, with
get hold of ii . - o o t ei t on piper Clark and drummers of the band of
it seemed a weakening of our forces to thus E BY A HU13 N BOY. . weight it will gain one pound in fles4. But of Scotch and English coal, the figures this a v cate of pr� hibition and took an active and a dead loFs, not to talk f h interes
rn�ultiply. organizations, as a young!womenjs DEAR XPOSITON,' I Of a,11 the . places after it reaches one hundred po4nds in year being 25,000 tons against 40,000 tons art in the agitation for the passing of the this great sum for so many years. ' the Royal Scots of Montreal, Proceeding
. . I . . I -
sh-ould meet the which of recent yea'- have sprung into weight the two per cent. will just k �' p it at last year. I 11inkin and Scott A--ts. In politics he was ' -Very nearly a drowning acci ent.occur- to the town hall at One O'clock tile large
society auch-as now exists, . ted the same weight, and the gain wil�r be in .-Mr. and Mrs. Buckborough, who are lif -loug Reformer. .. red Saturday morning at Gael b, on the gathering inarched to Chalmer's Church,,
need amd foirin the connecting link between prominence, possibly nonb have attrac, I a feed about to leave Goble's Corners,county of Ox- 1 The Montreal Witness says: -The close river opposite the Hornewood Retreat, Wil- where the annual sermon was Preached by .
However, more universal and i ide-spread attention proportion to the amount of exti" . I
Bands of Hope and the Unions. pt than have Washington nd British Columbia. given it. Now, I will give you som� figures ford, were surprised the other evening by Jf n vigation affects every commercial in- lie Waldron, aged 8 years, ,iad atrry the Rev. J. It, McLeod, Of Kingsbury. wa.1, done in th.a-t connection exec ' ies are discusging Bucham, aged 7years, ,
,g (I
) 13
being in the lattl r at present, I will in support of w I have said. This Beason about 200 friends, who wished to present �pre t. Most of the factor . . were Fla_ 11 I e After the sermon the officers of the Saciety,�
a, reli,alution to change the name to Band of ut e my rema,rks incipally to it, al- 83 hogs, averaging, about 100 po�lnde in them with eome tokens of their regard be- siup rfluous help. The railways are sericlue- ice, when Harry broke through,, I Willie im- membere and friends, marched through the r
0 're tan .
Hope. We might say here that it �w a - . I T: airs. I
- lt6ouzh a great de,al J11 hat might be said of weight, gain 74.74 pounds on an average of for�their departure. An address, was read ly alected. The Grand Trunk dismissed mediately jumped in after him, land catch- town, the- band playing Pat iOtic A
solved a,11 pledged children should be' repre .� .. "' 0 two months on 20,780 pounds of feed, be- by .. Parkeson, T. Ccsbin being called to wenty men the other day froin the frcigbt ing him by the coat collar wit4 one, hand, halt was made in front Of tile residence of
.a e ice with the other.1 Dr. Lett,
sented at the World's Fair, Chlica-go, bry Ope is also applicable the other. .
- es inscribed on I cards of : British Colutfibia i� the most westerly sides about half of what whey tbe.y: could the chair, allcla pleasant evening was enjoy- heds. A Canadian Pacific Railway official held on to tfi the Mayoy, Ar. John Murpb,y, when the their awm I , � e, mixed with about half � me, 9 0 .
,a, a. The - tak as much water. jed by all. tated that they had more n (laborers, of the Retreat, heard the boys cries, and, bagpipes - kiried I uder than ever. Return-
ani�farm 1�ize in the national color , red, �rovince of the Domh'i n of -Canad ,
, N
I n .
Province en-ibTace3 alli, hat portion'Of land A will drink the whey of one hundred -Lying i a helple�s and dying condition baggpge men, &c.) than they knew what to sprang into the water up to hia, neck, and iDg to the town bal-11 the yearly business ,
white and blue, to be used in decorating the . pig kept the drowning lads affoat until assis meeting was held, alter which the party
section aBaig-ned to our women. Wherever lying north of Washilgl',on and west of the pounds of milk a day, and the lowest we in the loft of W. S. Thomson's stable on the do with, but did not care to dismiss them at boys were i� the water apsembled in the basement of Chal,m
Organized, 0 the Young Women's Society J�ocky --mountain - �pt the Alaskan penin- .had was 4,500 pounds for 75 hogs,. The eleventh concespion of Dereharn township, �ucl a time of the year when it was eo hard tance arrived. . The .er7a
" "' ' to find employment. about fifteen minutes. Harry was uncon- - Church, where the ladie .
seems to be ,� tower of strength to this sula, and that sm.1.1 s rip of Alaska lying hogs averaged 90 pounds gain on an average ,,hear 113gel`5011, a man giving the name of I � as had Prepared the
e along the Pacific coas .ts far South as lati- of 250 pounds of feed, or nearly 3 pounds of McDonald was found the other day, Mir. -' -Levi .Myrick, of Nilestown, died on scions when rescu,ed, but after onsiderable anolual dinner. The large room wa6s filled �
. :
cause, beautiful and helpfat work being don utes; an feed to one of pork. I think the whey was Thomson lives on another farm, but had Oc- .,November 30th. He was born in Massa- labor by Dr. Lett he was resusciiated. to its utmost capacity, .a 'second seating of �
ny tude fifty-four dearer., forty min
-1 .
by them in., cities and large towns. -Ma e�rapira seven hund Z req iniles long by five nearly sufficient to keep them withiout feed. CaSiDn to viiit the stable in which the man 6husetts on November 23, 1800, moved to -One of the oldest residents ' of Guelph, the tables having to be made before all
tauching incidents were told of their work I � ere not fasted as long after had sought refuge, and while there be heard Wei tri-drister when 19 years of age, and was in -the -person of Mrs. Jameo' floward, died could be accommodated. The company
among the Jok and how inuch the poor peo- hundred wide. - Most of them w � s�ld, and a voice weakly calling for . help. A search married to Maria, daughter" of D Col. Best- there the other day, aged 73. *S11he was born was a hearty one, French, Irish, Engliah,
In the Child- L There is, possibly, �q province in the Do- � feeding when bought as when .
ple appreciated their visits. ' inion of which, UDti ,-ecent years, in a good thriving condition revealed McDonald in the loft in a terribly wicl:, who died four years ago, They had in the county of Norfolk, Eogla d, in 1818. all joining with their fellow townsmen in,
9- m so little some were not I . . ' I .
ren's Hospital, Toronto, in addition to di, out as it was from when taken in, so in this case the ileal gain emaciated condition, and with his only foot nine children, two of. whom survive them. -She was married'"rly in life an emigrated their day of rejoicing. The concert in the
tributing fi-owers, etc., the workers teach the was known, beieg shi t have stat6d. The fro'zen and rotting. The -man stated that he The�e also survive them 10 grandchildren with her busband to Canada i the - year evening was % grand success. The thistle
.1 children two days in each week. The child- the eastern provinces by great barriers of would be greater than I 111 ob,tasiied food or drink. for five or six and 22 great grandchildren, Levi Myrick 1836, coming first to Guelph nd then re- was prominent above the platform, P-r,d the -
ren show great anxiety to learn and are mountaina. But, Wi h the better connection feed was also sometimes not of the :bee for bad n
- weeks, and in support of his statement spoke cut %e first tree where now stands the citv I moving to, Hamilton, -where ehe lived during wards, 11 wh
making good progre.m The books used are given by the Camadia i acific Railway, its I the purpose as It could not be got this ses I I ; - 1. . . . I - - . - a daur meddle wi' me,)' below. -
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