The Huron Expositor, 1891-10-30, Page 7•
OCToRRR 30, 1891
The Pledged Violin.
" I will lents thee sae en florins upon the
iestrumetit. Itis not worth se much ; no-
where e'.se wouldst thou meet with snoii an
The speaker ---a pawn. -broker by trade, a
German by nationality,. a Jew by birth
red a little curiously at the customer i e-
r .
- r, e
him s he sake. In • Elands re hs n
co slits held
a beautiful little violin wealth far more than
the trifling sum teat upon it. 'slut the young
man opposite him looked so hungry, eo shah•
by so hopeless, that he aroused only a
feeling of eXt.ra cupidity in the dealer's
with grand knee and hook motion. She will
in all probability be exhibitedat the forth-
coming New York show. The some gentle-
man, who evidently understands what he is
buying in the wey of horse flesh, paid $850
for Solitaire, a blood -likes cbesnut snare with
beautiful neck and s'rouldersand grand loins
and quarters. A game sort of -looking eta -
tomer was Rob Rey, who had not only won
in the
s o ring, h buthad been �
sen nose
1 over "Stick," and Mr. R. A. Jackson
secured a bargain n when he purchased him
for $800. In all, forty-one lots were dispos-
ed of ter $18,180, an average of over $445,
which ivay be termed a phenomenal price
for honks of this class.
"Seven florins. It is far abcvo the valuta -
of such an inatrument as this; it is good only
for firewood, 13u:t there l saver( florins, and
if not redeemed in a fortnight to become my
George Newmark had tears in his eyes as
he _gazed at his beloved violia. For ten
years that little stringed instrument hal
been leis companion and comforter, Brought
with him from Kia birth -place, L i.ngensalza,
be had clang to it through every pr:vation ;
clothes, even food, had been gone without,
but his violin had never been parted with.
Now it had to go at Iast, and for so small a
siren ! No wonder the young .man's lip
quieered wets he knew that once out of his
hands—once pledged for seven florins to the
German Jew—he Woult never be able to re-
deem it. Never- to play on it again, never
to speak to Iiia heart through the sensitive
musical strings ! The thought was almost
more than ho coned hear.
" Herr Schmidt," he Said at last,. . " I must
take your offer, but allow me to play a .last
tune on my dear violin. At the worst—and,
alas r it is the very worst with me now—it
has spoken to me and sung back all my cour-
age and hope.
With mugh reluctance the Jew readied
the violin o . er the counter. It was such a
valuable ria I and if once again in the
young student's hands, he might refuse to
part with it1
" Thou hest the florins ; here they are,"
he said, pushing the coins toward the white;
hite;trembling fitgera that were aching to catch
up the violin. "No backing from thy bar-
gain. Thine the florins, mine the fiddle,"
"Of all the sad hearts that have left your
door,there has been none so sad as mine,"
replied the young man, his hcdce thick Kith
emotion. '*Only one more message through
my friend."
Seizing the violin, the inusici,n platted it
lovingly beneath his chin and stretched out
the hew firmly. Next moment a tune so
exquisitely soft and m.uaical throbbed out
into the dusty room that even the old Jew
listened in apite of himself. A few ehords,
a few strains, and then a rich voice took up
the melody
" %ife so weary
Saviour, take me."
The ;cords: were well known then ; they
are better ktnown now. Sung as they were
in that masa; obscure shop in one of the most
obscure streets in Hamburg by the author
and composer, they were beautiful past all
Suddenly the key changed a few bars of
the minor, anti then the melody poured it-
self ant anew as Neumark's face lighted up
with a snails, and he sang :
". Tot w bQ knows?
The erose is precious."
With that smile his renancia-tion was com-
plete. Layntg down the instrument, he
said in Latin, "God's will be done !" and
the place.
tell me where I can obtain a
song ? I would willingly give
What Can You Do?
It is related of a man who stands very
high in this country that once when he was
young and poor, seeking a Situation in order
to make a living, he went intoe rich man's
office and enquired if he wanted to hire a
boy. The rich man, who was sitting at his
desk, leened back, looked at the weakly lit-
tle child before him, and quizzically aekod:
"Why, what can a little fellow,' like you
I c n tin what I am bid," was the reply
given, romptly and respectf ulty, yet de-
He as so pleased with the bay's answer
and m neer that he hired hire`s, once. The
little f slow was diligent, honest, faithful
and seccsesfuI, and is now respeeted by
45 hours' work. The average for the week
was 5,755 ens per hoer for 45 •hours. Mr.
Smith's' usual average is 5,010 per hour.
These figures are supported by affidavits of
the operator attested to by thforeman of
the newsroom.
—The six -days' InternatIona bioyele race
at Madison square, New ork, began
shortly .itfter midnight on Menday
of la 'week. e.
k. Ther weret•
There 14 a 'ntes ,ants,ia-
eluding Englishmen, Sootohm n, Irishmen,
Germans and Americans,
—The thoroughbred staple , St. Blaiso
was sold at New York on SA urday, 17th
inst,, to Chas, Reed, of, for X100,-
000, the highest price ever rad for a thor-
oughbred horse.
—Tho Secretary of the Aust alien Jockey
Club is paid an annual ia!ary .f $5,000, the
handicapper $2,500, while the tarter is ob-
liged to subsist an $1,750, an ,the judge
places the -horses for the mo est num of
$1,250. It may be added, h. wever, that
the late handicapper,- E. . Barnard,
after many years of faithful service, has
been retired upon a pension of $2,500 per
—Two school trusters qua relied at a
Board meeting in one section of Virginia
and one of them has just died f ora the in-
juries received.
--Nitric acid Was thrown in he fage of
Mrs, F. A. Kunz, 44 Dearborn street. Chi-
cago, Sunday evening of lest eek by an
unknown man. Mrs. Kunz w is a .young
and Irtndsosne woman, but the aueident has
disfigured her for life. She is t e wife of a
traveling man. No clue t,o the identity of
the mau or the motive.
_—A panic occurred on Sunda , 18th Inst„
ina menagerie at Buda Pestle A lion be-
came enraged at the teasing he vas subject-
ed to by a boy who was standin close to his
cage. Suddenly thellion thrus one of his
forepaws -through the bars and imed a blow
at the boy's head. The, Iion's p w struck the
boy, tearing his scalp complete y Off. The
•animal's growling, the shrieks o thewound-
ed boy and -the sight of the blood caused the
arrectators to i become panic -s ricken, and
they rushed ftf r the ,exits. M ny pertsons
were serioublyi injured.
—On Sunday, 18t1i inst„ in he District
Court at litenham, Texas, Cors elia Stewart
obtained a diroice from her hu band, Win.
Stewart. Sh stepped acre ss the hall to
tho county cl rk's office, and in fifteen min-
utes from the time. she was divorced was
married to \V n,
—The largelet land fur ships ent of- this
year was mode two weeks ago ,.y the . llud•
eon Bay Corn'pany from Vict.ria, British
Columbia. to Louden. The c.Ilection em-
braced $25,000 worth of heave skins and
$10,000 wort of bear.
—Charles., teacart Yarnell lest no fennel
will, but had made a series of memorilnd9,
found among ibis, papers, conve ing sugges-
tions as to how his property tight to bo
realized upon and disposed of, tad how his
documents should be dealt wit . His wife
holds the absolute right to the disposal of
everything. Mrs. Parnell continues in a
very low condition. She has i no way re-
oovered from the shock experi.need through
the death of her kusbandr and is still con-
fined to her bed.
—Several eminent French awyers have
been consulted upon the matte s of the re.
leese of the fund of the Irish 'arliamenttry
party now on deposit at Paris. It may take
years to get the matter set led. Messrs.
Munro & Co., the Paris banke?s, have fund-
ed the whole in securities be ring '5-- per
cent. interest, realizing £2,• 00 annually.
This amount added to the fun will reach a
Urge tot 11 before the vexed 1 gal question
can be settled;
Th Ladles Int rested
,pirit of Friendly Rivalry
Stirred Up 11
The -ladies of Cali:eta-are d righted ; hus-
band' note with pleeaure the el iling faces of
coue ry is stirred up with apleasurabhe ex-
cite cut.
It imply amounts to this,— hat the manu-
facturers of the celebrated anti .universally
grand competition scheme kbown as the
" Diejimond Dye Competition'," which' is
freelY thrown open to every mother, wife
and daughter of our broad Dorninicte.
Ne less a. sum than $1,500.00 will be distri-
hated to the mothers, wires and ;daughters
of Canada, in first, eecond and third Prizes.
Thia sum is really being returned to the
constmers of Diamond Dyes. Every lady in
Canada can afford to become a comp tetor,
and has sufficient intelligeace and ubli'y to
make up some of the articles mentioned in
the long and varied list. .ikmple time is
afforded to all for experimentilog and becom-
ing Perfect its competitors for the large nish
prizes afire&
It tis au unprecedented act o' literality on
the Part of the wealthy manufacturers of
Diantond Dyes, and never before attempted
by iiny similar institution i4 the world;
and the public havethe meet ample proof
that ;every promise will be faithfully carried
During the season the manufacturers of
Diamond Dyce have contributed liberally to
country fairs, in oyder to lencovrage Hon: e -
hold Economy and Art, Small and alimst
unknewn concerns have tried to stimulate
this et &racier of work, by the offer of insig-
nificant sums of from one to three dollars,
that would not in any instance defray cost
of dyeing and the making up of goods called
for. We. fear these small imitators have not
yet ditcovered ths fact that the ladies value
too Orly teeir time and install ,ls, to be
lure by such arifling andrniserable prizes.
rushed fro,
copy of tha
The speaker, a well-to-do,. portly individ-
ual, Laid hie hand on George Neumark's
sleeve as the young man ran oat into the
gathering darknese, leaviag his beloved
violin in the Jewhs keeping.
George nista yet quivering front the vio-
lence of hiS emotion, and it was rather a
choking voice that replied ;
" My good friend. I will cheerfully fulfil
your wish without the florin ;" for ha i
not seven pieces in his doublet -pocket, and
Weald he. sell the child of hi3 brain"' Tak-
ing the stranger into his poor lodging, he
gave hirn al copy of the hymn, and Iittle by
little relaiel the seory of bis grief at pledg-
ing hisinstantnent. Very akilfully his
tor put qnestion after question until he
tory. Team stood in honest John Gatig's
eyes as he listened to the tale of poverty and
privation, ao nobly borne.
John Gutig was a valet in the service of
Baron -von Risenkranz, the Swedish ambas-
sador to the city of Hamburg. Next day
the baron was in posaestien of George Neu-
markds history. Ho was told of the lin.plesa
inusiciaa's poverty, his musical skill, his
beautiful hymns, his beloved violin ;•aed
when at length he heard hire himself, he
eves as much enchanted as John Gutig had
"1 ant not in need of a ceurt-inusician,"
he said, smiling at the pallid, eager young
student, te but d o want a private secretary.
Will you accept, the post?"
No need to say what was George Neu -
mark's anawer. The situation offered meant
caraptrat ive wealth and freedom from care.
It meant more—even the possestion of his
beloved instrument. His filet atep WAS to-
ward the den of Herr Schmidt. The Jew
was- quite taken aback at the quick redemp-
tion vi ao valuable a pledge ; with a sigh he
gave it up, far with it went his hopes of a
good bargain.
Towards his old lodgings George Neumark
next took his way. His landlady had al-
ways taken a deep intereot in his tribula-
tions ; ahe must be a sharer also in his joy.
In a few minutea the room was crowded tsith
friends and neighbors anxious to hear him
play again upon hie inetrument. Bow in
hand, he stood considering for an instant
how he could best preach it sermon. of trust
in. a living, letving Gods Thee soft and low,
glad and triumphant, each by turn, swelled
out t he words of his. own s weet
hymn :
'4 Leave God to order all thy ways,
And Lope in Him, whateer betide ;
Thoinit find Him in the evil days
Thine all-eufficient Strength and Guide.
Who t in God's unchanging love
Builds the rock that none eau move."
Whea asked t he made the hymn hinitelf,
Weil, vee • atn the inast-tunent, but
God &wept th kept. These %verde, Who
80f f- burdea on my heert. I went over them
again and again. and so they shaped them-
teelvesinte this sone—how, I cannot tell.
begaa to sing end pray for joy, and my soul
bleseed the Lerd; then word followed word
like water from a fountain."
May we be able each one to repeat Neu-
markts lageitifel thought in our lives, "
arn the inatrun not, but (4cd sweeps the.
keys."—Well Spring.
Canadian Horses en New York.
The New York Herald. apeakiiag of Mr.
W. D. Grand's sale in that city, saya :—
Metars, Tatters elle held an important stale
of high class Caroaclia-n horees at their build-
ing in Fifty-fifth street and Broadway,
Tne chief attraction was the cousignment
frem Mr. Grand, of Toronto, which contain-
ed meaty prize. wieners in the hunter and
hackney classes at the different Canadian
showa. A meet fashionable and numerous
attendance was present, most of Richmorld
county club, and the Meadow -brook Hunt
being preseat. The highett price realized
was $14400, paid by Nirst. N. C. Reynal, for
the brown mare Bel:laic, who so far has
never been defeated in the ehoav ring, -and
haa won, first at Elmira, New- York, London
and the same. distiuctien two successive
The fairs of our country having closed for
the egasort, the manufacturers of Diamond
Dyen mean to keep the ladies busy during
the long autumn and winter evenin;e, by
offering large and substantial prizes in keep-
ing with the character of work asked for.
The production of every competitar will
form an exhibit in the large and well-equip-
k no
'Diamond Dye establishment in Iontreal,
three of the largeet and best-known Dry
'is firms in Canada hate promised ex -
to award the prizes. These well -
la houses are : Henry Morgarreet Coo.
Henry & N. E. Hamilton, and John MurphY
Graham & Co., proprietors of the Mon -
tread " Daily Star " and " Family Herald and
Weekly Stan'lettavo signified their v Ming -
nese to act es jndgce, on the various Essays
sent forward fcr eompetition.
Yhiung and old, rich and poor, have an
equal chance in this magnificent and novel
willingly enter. If you have not yet receiv-
ed a book giving full particulars of the,
scheme, write at once to the Wells & Rich-
ardeett Co., Montreal, who will send it post
vire simply outside barbarians. When the
see that five:dollar hill growing bigger the.
will all want to shake bands with you an
send you to Congress. Keep welt within
your iuoome', and you will save yciurself from
skulking round the corner like a kicked dog
when the dun is en your track.. The hand :-
est thing on the plenet is the penny laid u
for a rainy ds,y.
Now,young nag fir, get, rid .of the noasen
that you are a genius, settle down to t
ronrlutio:i that you are just an avern e
No:th Amerioan !boy anus then ettrt in.
Keep yourself elekt, loot after your digest,
ive apparatus, don't smoke cigarettes, get to
bed early, be square toed in alt your dea
Inge, end we will wager a cookie that t
Sixty ; ora will have to look backward f
those who began the race when you did.
Arc you ready ? Then, Go !
But before you go, ineaddition to t
Herald's sago advice take this one other pr
copt with you : " Seek ye fir.t the kia
do:n o: God and His righteousness ; and a 1
these thinks shall be added unto yo=a."
PAPST, the Jeweler
Is showing the neatest stock of Jewelry, Watches
and Clocks in .town. Call and see the
And also sone of our own nianufa Lure.
Ian: eelling the crest C.00dg for he least money 10
the county. • t
See the stock of Watchee in all qualities and prices
at Papist the Jeweler's.
Repairing of all kinds dont: on the premises.
Wood, Grain and Wool taken -fie payment fat
Goods purchased from
PAPST, the. Jeweler.
No diseount sales advertise, d, but .one price all the
-Tb THE--
time. Cali and inspect.
:o plain facts about the B. &C.
:orset. You can't break the
)ones—for one thing. 1 -If y oc
lo, within a year, you'll have
Tour money back. It fits like
1. glove: And hear how it's
cold .: if you're not satisfied,
lfter a kw weeks' -wear, you
;an return it and get your
Here is something from Mr.Fra k
A. Hale proprietor of the De W tt
Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel in n
meet the woyld aS it comes and go
and are not • slow in sizing peo le
and things up for what they re
worth. He says that he has los a'
fa.therand several brothers and is-
ters from Pulmonary Consumpti n,
and is himself frequently troub ed
with colds, and he
to tnake him sic at
Consumptionhis stomach. Wh n-
1 ever he has take a
cold of this kind he uses Bosch e's
German Syrup, and it cures 1 irn
every time. Here is a man ho.
knows the full danger of lung t u-
bles, and -would therefore be ost
particular the medicine lie u ed. -
What is his opinion ? "
use nothing but goschee's Geri an
1 Syrup, and. have advised, presu se e
more than a hundred different 1)er-
sons to take it. They agree N, ith
The above ntills have noW been thoroughly rebuilt
upon the comp ete
uiiiings have been
- The Mill and Stcrehmule
greatly enlarged, and 1 mew nlchinery applied
Flour Dressing Machines
From the best Manufactnring Firms have been put
in, end everything neeeseary added to enable her„ to
turn out flour
In the Dominion. The:faciline ft:U. receiving grain
from farmers and for elevating a shipping have aleo
been extenvively iniproved. Gr in can now be taken
from farmers' wagons, 'weigh , and leaded IGIO
ears at the rate of 700 . buebel per hour, by the
work of two men.
Grover Cleveland gave the
his advice about aucepziug a
pointment ; There are no per
.a,nii much to be p:tied at- t
learned in life to look t
:boy for any other.businesr,
We are asked to remind our readers of
the fact that all intending competitodi
should at once tignify their intentions of
hecomieg, cempetitors, by sending in the
forrn, properly filled up, which is found on
page 15 of the book referred to. We wish to
impress upon our people the fact that tide
contest is absolutely free to all, There is
no cost for books, meentrance fee, and no
menet, to be -sent forward ; it is as free to
all as the air we breathe. We trust our pee -
pie will do ivhat they can in this competi-
tion, and thus sustain the reputation of our
women and girle as adepts in houzehold
work and art.
ons so forlorn
!ose who have
public posi-
ts a man or
d is apt to
vagrant oI
cuatom cHopPIN6
71 to,
crest', ess `sew
RI O CD to ed
els' rn ��°
a r+O ria ra
. p ,. et-
- y
! n,, m —,=te r
1.53 O iii
ct- Cil O (D + -Lf
Hee been put In, and the necessary machinery for
handling ohop and coaree grains,.
A good shed has been erected,* that wagone can
be unloaded and reloaded undee caner.
" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
tion, and by a careful application et the fine pr per -
ties of well -selected Cosoa. MT. Epps- has pro 'Wed
our breakfast' talnes with a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which May save us many heavy doctors' bills.
It in by the judiciouanse of such articles of die that
enough _to resist every tendency to disease. Iun-
drede of subtle, maladies are floating rirsuod us eady
to attack whetever there is a Weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by 'seeping ourselve well
fortified with pure blood and a propetly nour shed
boiling water ar Soli only by Grocers, la elled
1,245 52.
The Seciet Bal
The excitement created.
board election in a Certain
town, in which are still to be
original charaetere, is extret
The -women seem. to cothe out
y the school
found many
ely 'amusing.
in uncommon
force. e" Who aro yo -u going to give your
vote to, Mies— ?" (inks one f the scouts,
addressing an elderly Scotswoman. " Isna
rder, meeting
Scotch faeh-
or a moment,
Vs true ; they
king the man
lesing whole
vin' my vote
there the ballot ?" is her rejoi
question by quettion, in true
ion. " No ; it's just open v
a lee." The soodt is shaken
then says mildly, " Ah, yes,
will be voting by ballot. Lo
severely ie the face, tire lady
think o', Wullio Glecietme
nicht, o' sleep framiu' a Ball
till !" To another lady who
mind a resin ob3erved. strayed
is a reel decent man," alludi
_short replY.
The Temperance
The Advance, of Chicago,
constantly' harping on the
of prohibition upon the pros
will not he able to dt•aw
the experience tif Des Mein
Children Cry for
eiviE; Notes.
—Over $100,000 worth of opium in annu -
ally taken into the United States from_ Brit-
-The authoritiea at Pittsburg are being
incited to -arrest everyone at work on a
Sunday piper after 12 o'clock on Saturday
--A new cenal has been dug at Lake St.
Clair flats, Michigan, which Will let out ves-
sels and cargoes valued at $19,000,000.
New York have just been bought by a cab
company as a power station for $150,000.
l—The eight-hotir labor law has been de-
clared constitutional Nebra.3ka.
a --The cement mill, vsarehousen, cooper
shop andother buildings of the Lawrence
Cement -Works at Itinnewater, ew York
State, were totally destroyed by fire last
Friday- night. Loss, $300,000 ; insurance,
—President Harrison had over 2,000 cal-
lers at the White House on -t-he- first four
days of last week;
—Thirteen valuable race horses were
burnt in their stablem _at Sabina, Ohio, a few
daya ago. They belonged to Mr. U. M.
M.orgen, a well-known breeder.
—At Mancelona, Michigan,the other day,
Charles Werner stumbled into an old well
and fell to the bottom, a distance ot 80 feet.
He leaves a wife and an infant child.
—Mrs. Jane Schoolcraft, an attractive
widow of 50. whose home is in Kaaawba
county, West Virginia, has broken the mar-
riage record in that State, her.marriagelwith
Philip Adkins laat week making her eighth
venture in twenty years. This spouse is ,.61
years old.
—F. J. Smith, a practical printer, operat-
ing a Mergenthaler machine in the Commer-
cial office at_Toledo, Ohio, on Tuesday night
set 47,900 ems, corrected matter, in eight
hours, regular copy " off the hook." Satur-
day night he set 49,500 ems, corrected -mat-
ter; from regular copy " off the hook," in
eight hours. His record for the week was
259,000 eme;.corrected matter, representing
Pitcher's astorla.
ig tn one of the
its," st as the
lets who are
lighting effecte
erity of a city
s, Iowa. Des
oilseed people
and hat not au open s aeon ithin iti limits
nor within the County in w
ated, and yet it is just now
of the most remarkable pros
thing as a I•ouse mestere room to rent can
scarcely be lonndleateginy pr
than a million dollars worth
blocke, forne of them the fin
run front twenty-five to fift
et than a year ago ; its m
elects for 1890 exceeded t
more than $5,000-,000. Eve
ttatistica of the Transfer
that the population is irc
arrivals alone, et the rats
per .1.1ontli. A good ma
would like to be killed in
that prohibitio his killed 1
.ich it i3 situ-
enloying en era
et ity. Such
ce, while !note
flees andenore
f new business
at in the Wiest;
lank- clearances
per cent. high-
ose of 1889 by
y kind of bush
, and the actual
ompanies. slow
easing, by new
f one thousand
y other cities
the same way
as Moines."
Good Advice for a oung Man.
The New York Herald h ving. been aslad
by a young man from the ountry how
win wealth and fame in th( great city,be-
down belevv and let the lacieis and the
mountain peaks tele care themselves.
Second, 'Da your evork veil, no matter
wbat it is. Study your usiness. Make
yourself master of it, by pn ting your head
and heart int() it. If it is b iok-keeping,then
keep bookS in such a fathioe that the, angel
Gabriel will want to lepil you his crown as a
token of approval. If you are a meehanic,
or artisan, or farmer, be p oud of yourself
and the rest of the world will soon come to
be proud of you. Nothing is needed so
much in this generation as man with skill-
ed fingers. You mayhave a long pull, but
the clock will strike an une •pected hour and
the opportunity—which c mes to every-
body in turn, but which n ost people miss,
—will present iteelf. Stu ly the bull dog,
and when you get your eeth into a big
thing let them stay there.
Third, Save The coward runs in
in his pecket. The wo ld may laugh at
you because yen can't ha e a four-in-hand
necktie. All right, let it .1augh. You are
your own world, stnd the eople who sneer
Promptly attende tri, and
Chopped satiefactorily an without delay.
And ail kin of
Highest Market Pri e Paid in Cash
for any Quantit of Wheat.
Pa e -t -
Consumption Citred.
An old physician, retired from practice, h ving
had placed in his haads by -an East India rui slots-
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remed for
the speedy and permanent cure of Consurra tion,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throa and
Lung Affections, ateo a positive and radical cur for
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after
thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to in ke it
known. to hiJ suffering, fellows. Actuate b • this
motive and a' desire to relieve human su e ng, I
will send free of charge, to all who desi e i , this
recipe. in German, French or English, vit full
directims for preparing and using. Sent b mail
by addressing with stamp, nam:sig this ap r, W.
Monthly Prizes for Boys aad
The " Sunlight " Soap Co.. Toronto, offe ti e fol-
lowing prizes every month till further notic , o boys
and girls under 10, residing in the Provin e f On -
those who send not• lefi'e than 12 wrappe s. Send
wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 eott St.,
Termite, cot later than 20th of each in nt , and
marked " Competition ;" also give full oat e, ad-
dreee, age, and 'number of wrappers. II inners'
rianica will be published in the Toronto M il on first
Saturday in each month. ' 1.218-52
Never allow the bowels to remain const
seriona evit ensue. National Pills are ut
as a remedy for constipation.
I:1 Pt
en CD
Charlesworth & Brownell, Seafortl3,
is headquarters for .£ a,
We are iinportp's anal profit silarers.
We haver the choicest India and Gey'lon
brands, the finest and most delicious
Tea the world can produce. .Also a
larger stock of TIysone, Blacks and
Japan Teas. Look andsee if you an
can find anything to match our cup
quality at the prices we offer you. We
ask your personal inspection. We
stand as squarely by our qualities as
by our prices. Why shouldn't we.
We can well be rank, we can well be
fair with such g ods and such prices. ,
Why ? Because, we im-port inlarge
lines, buy and sell tons every few
weeks. Parties buying in 20 ib.
lots we will sell at wholesale prices,
A word to the farmers who are buy-
ing Tea from certain tea. companies
outside of their own county. We will
guarantee to sell equally. 'as good--
oodwe think better --a may pickings .Japan
Tea . at fromfive to ten cents a
pound less, according to quality,
and take your butter segs and produce
in payment. By doing this you save
money, leave your money in your own
county where it will do you the most
good, and support your own merchants
instead of sending the wealth of the
county to assist to build up outside
sections. Remember, we warrant the
Tea, and it can be returned if not fully
better in cup quality at from five to ten
cents- per pound less. Please do not
forget this. One trial will convince
you this is ono blow. We do but very
little advertising, as the public knows.
This is the first printer's ink we have
used 'not,
over two years. Our business
does :not, nor never has, required any
booming—it has been raduallyincreas-
ing and becoming more solid every
day, for which we are thankful. Farm-
ers and others will please call and
secure their Tea, and in every case the
Tea can be returned if not more than.
We keep a full stock of General
Groceries. -
Yours. Respectfully,
Charlesworth - & - Browne 1i.
Banking House,
(In eennection with the Bank Of Montreal.)
Only flratklass and Obligin
attend ousicmers. The lib
". F
men be kept to
To the Connxiercial Hetet Building, Main Street
A General Banking Business done, drafts Issue and
cashed!. Interest allowed on deposits.
Card notes or mortgages.
A. It E R S.
Where are you going with your next
oTist. Remember we are aivino• from
38 to 40 lbs.
Of Flou to ..the bushel for - good
ed lest
Victoria Carbolic Salve is a -wonderful litialing com-
pound for cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, schlde, boile,
Milburn`s Aromatic Quinine Wine fortifies ,he syg-
tent against attacks of ague; chille,bilious fever,dumb
ague and like troubles. 1
Ask Your.Friends About
Your distressing cough can be cured. We linow it
-because- Kemp's Balsam within the past kW years has
• cured _so many coughs and colds in this cOmmunity.
Ito remarkable sale has been woo entirely by its gen-
uine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what -he
thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There is no medicine so
pure, none so effective. Large bottles 50c. and 51
at all druggists.
A Cure for Constipatio and
Dr. Silas Lane, while in the Rocky Mou t ing, dis-
covered a root that when combined with o her herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for const pation. It
is in the form of dry roots and leaves an la known
as Lane's Family Medicine. 11 will cure bit. headache
and is the best spring Medicine, For the 'nod, liver
and kidneys, and for clearing up the corspleszion it
does wonder& Druggists sell it at 50c a Id
Vhen Baby was sick, wn gave her Caitoria.
Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Ciasteria.
Vben she became Miss, she clung to s'astoria.
Vhen shelled Children, she gave ther Castorit
Of L. It you have Difficulty in Breathi Ift—Use. it.
For sale lin all druggists. 35 cents per byttle.
Turn the Rascals Oeit.
infesting the human system. Turn them out and
keep thernious by using Burdock Illood Bitters, the
natural foe to the disease, which invigtrates tones
and strengthens the entire system.
Cure for Chapped Haalids.
Dam sees -1 mesa itis a privilege q recommend
Ha.gyard's Yellow Oil as a sure cure or chapped
hands, swellings, sore throat, etc. I commend it
to all.
Josephine, Ontario.
Th -e Trade' dutloo ‹.
The tra e outlook seems bright, but to t
dened wit bad blood, stomach' or. liver 'rou
the outlook is blue. This may e avoided a
ing health restored by the n e of Bilrdo
Blood Bitters, the most effecti e, rapid hnd
tory medicine for all derange ents of ithe
liver, bowels and blood.
lose bur -
k Blood
lead y for use in any qua tity. For making Sop
A can equals nO pou ds Sal Soda.
Sold by All proeers and Druggists.
Loan and vestment
At he lowest living prices.
This Company is Loaning Money on
Mortgages uchased.
Depositt, according' to amount and
OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and
North Street, Goderich,
Dealers and others buying in
quantiti4, it will pay you to call and
see us before purchasing.
Remember the place, Seaforth
Roller Mills, formerly known as the
Red Mill.
TEReEY BULL.—The nu 1 rsigned will keep dor-
s) ing theyresent sensor 0 nis farm, 2nd con-
Jthey Bull, sired bat Cana a John Bull. Terms -
51.50, -payable at the time of Service with privi-
lege of returning if necessa 4 JOillisT HANNAH.
N. B.—Also for sale a J Sey bull calf, clet en
months old, thoroughbred. 11.64
1- —The undersigned 114 der of Pure Bred
Holstein Friesian cattle will k ep for serYice on his
her of young bulbs for sale, e eseendents r,f ." Netio
erlanci Prince," aq regist Ted Pedigrees.... Prices
reasoaable. Apply on Lot 8. Onsees.lion. 11, Hul-
lett, or address.. JOHN _McC list -GOP., Constance P.O.
from- Mr.IRoderick Grey, I
ance of the patronage w
, the past, With the adva
customers setisfactien as
the Wry' honweather. Real
tent is the most jitst and
1:23" Tickets ,supplied
Pitcher's Ca
,Ditiry Business
,e; to solicit Cantinu-
ich lie has received in
tages I have in nay re-
po to be able to trsive
o quality of milk even in
z ng that the cash sys-
satistactory to ell con -
II tor eash only. '
at reduced rates. -,,
W. H. CODE & Co.
Montreal and Quebec,
TO Derry and Liverpool,
CABIN„ 5,40 to $0. According to Steamer •
and location of Stateroom.
Int ‘rmediate and Steerage at low rates.
- sia Londonderry, every Fortnight.
WIN, 4'35 and upwards. -Return; .is5 and upwardg.
* Steitrage at low rates.
J. C. SMITH & CO.,
A General Ba,nking business transacted.
Farmers' notes discounted.
1 Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
, OFFICE --First door north of Reid &
Wilson's Hardware Store.
136 Lexington Ave.,
I have nsed the Flax -Seed Emulsion in seven
.ses of Chronic Pronclaitis, and the early stages
Brooklyre, N. Y., Feb. 14t13,1889.
have used your Emulsion in a case of P'fithis
onsumption) with beneficial results, where paint
mid not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion
.1/sit!' to the relief and possibly the cure of all Luna
-onehial and Nervous Affections, and a good ges
al tonic in physical debility.
-regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior t
c Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally Muse.
187 "West Sith St„
1 have used your Fax -Seed Emulsion Compoun
a severe ease of Alai -nutrition and the rmit sea
ire than hoped for—it was marvelous, and cor
noes. recommend it cheerfully to the professie
d humanity at large. M. 11. GILBERT, M.D..
Sold by Druggists, Price V.00.
35 Liberty St., New York.
Something for the
The best Washing Machine over on'ered the pnb-
lie. tearim the clothes, no hrealcing buttons,
no boiling the clothes, no slopping or splatthing
aehe from Worki g it, washes all kieds of clothing
thorougly, give out ma triat or gold. on apprcval.
Call and fSCC AlF.0 latest itnprovati wringers.
The celebrated " Davis" and " New evenemnt the
leading rraehinea. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
O. Cs WILLSON,Sernicrtlia _
Ineluding Top Buggies, Phaetons, Gladstones, Ken-
sington's, Salisburyhe, &c., superior finish, work-
manship end material. Road Carts.—Daisy, Hill, and
others by Cananoime Carriage Co., Thompson and
others. ,
01 every desert Mon, Farm Wagons, ite. Special at-
tention given Wind 311118 for pumping.
ADlingodearfTewwinHorses for tale and a few good ee-
ond hand derab e and single buggies cheap,