The Huron Expositor, 1891-08-28, Page 3UST <C. issr, rAms Lino, Phwohid ;..17crs 17ra CF YL "T.14aaT ,T1-1& [king bualitest iiscounted. id sold. on deposits. iliSc°1111teds or door north 0 re Store. ORTHa ORTH astrumen tvothers FETORS, - ON: nnhairi, New York 1 pIi; DominionPiano' -V, Bell & Coo Organ Company, V. Kern & Coo ; always- on hand, alas a pianos and Organs fos Instnimentssoldos - -on terms to mit OW - tines aud small instali. et music books, 8ut..t rT BROS. iitneY18 H !NO JSHLJ Ontario. kargainein 'arkir Stows. Itiaranteed. oils Staves Oolet Agents. able and Library ri-NEY, SEAFORTIi orter rid ori ONTARIO. GMBINATION. the shortest notice dt A large assort - and Shrouds, &e.. iluality. The best free of charge and earse. ,r Director. Rea- EET, directly 0P`. rch iu the honee catt. LUMBIN,Ci ING- UNDER'S, Hops tion paid to ntilatiofl. cation care - pay atteart ily. Solicited. 4. AuGST 28,18q1. 4 Faithful Dog. 0* lona! come," said the gentle child, ugh. platted the poor dog's h Ise sbesstertIY called hhn,d fondly bdSd her not in his anguish wild, sat bese itor arose from his lowly bed. toes grave where be chose to rest; ed it night and day; ho glowed in his grateful breast, eld who had fed him sad caressed, n verfs,de away. the long Kress rustled near, tome hastening tread, up with a shivering ear, ught 'twits the step of his msster dear, lug- from the thud. Ines, when a storm dew nigh, oft„seble01 Bir 11.10ve Istthe 00111 Sow PAW" And the blonds were dark and fleet, otos thithrf with a mournful cry, Asifbe would force his way, or die, To h in? ch loved master's feet. 1 90there, through the summer's heat, he lay, Illistituinn nights grew bleak, Tis his e es w dim with his hope's decay, who r ed, and pined, and wasted away, A Sk leton, gaunt and weak. Weft e pitying children brought Thei °Kerins of meat and bread, And to coa.- him away to their homes they ught, Butbisb ried master he ne'er forgot, lSors rayed from his lonely bed. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Rear PIA!, This is De Wheel me big erip ed let he Drums March By.. , BY WILL GABLE:KIN. h, Sarah, hear the drums march by! •ration Day ;—hurry and be spry! to the window, girl; fling it open the body now,and blinded of the eye, listen while the drums march by. gear 'en ; how they roll! I can fee' 'em in my I., t--beat—o' the boots on the street; et fife ea the air like a knife ; ns grand of the words of command; Js nigh shout back thtir reply! ,1 Sarah, hear the drums dance by! 1 Blind aa a, t,•I can see 'em, for all that; Old Colone 4 , stately an' gray, Biding coo , and solemn at the head of the col Inn ; There's Ma or L, sober now, and well; Old Lengt 'y Bragg, still a bearing of the flag: 1,. There'a old Strong, that I tented with so long; There's th Whole crowd, hearty an' proud. Rey!. bays say! all't you glance up this way? Beres an old comrade, crippled now, an' gray! This la too imuch. Girl, throw me my 'crutch. ! I can see -1-1, can walk -I can march --1 could fly! No, I won' sit still and see the boys march by! Oh 1-1 fat and I 'flinch; I can't go an inch ! Nouse to utter ; no use to try. Where's m strength? Hunt down at tile front ; There's wb re I left it. No need to sigh; mithe mi % spilt; there's no use to cry. Plague o' these tear:a, and the moans in my ears! Part of a war is to suffer and to die, I must sit rill and let the drums march by. Part of a vrar is to suffer and to die— Suffer and to die --suffer and to— Why, Of all the crowd 1 just yelled at so loud, There's ha ly a one but is killed, dead, and go e ! All the old regiment, excepting only I, Marched o tof sight in the country of the night, That wss spectre band ;parched past so grand, All the ol boys are a -tenting in the sky. Sarah, Sarh, Sarah, hear the drums ;noon by! . ' My Friends the Directors. Some nonths ego I was requleated to act as i spector of elections in behalf of the stoe -holders of a certain Corpora - Rear the Bear the liear the /bathe Singh, prophwded every evil thing 0 I ate that duck; and although the others at the table were brave enough to go on and eat their share, I felt that, having prev- iously accepted their advice, I could not properly ignore that of the present objector. So I succumbed to the inevit- able, and waited for the coffee, It came. I was just about to swallow it, when the one remaioing doctor—my pet, my admiration—roared out. Drinking coffee after one o'clock is suicide." And then, as if encloraing therarning, • the clock struck three. I sadly rose from the table, and bade my hoste good afternoon, and departed, a hungry man—hungry to ravenous - Aim • and on my way home I stopped at thclub, and had a meal served in a private room. It consisted of e!eh rage -bit and charlotte-russe, which wre ;all they had within reach, and I r gret Ito say that, in epite of my abstine ce at the dinner, I suffered for _ the next inonth from dyspepsia. Whether this Was due to disappointed appetite o not, :I have never been able to find out. At all events, this is a true story GASTON V. DRA E. —Nature provides a remedy fo all 'diseases, and in Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills, women have a remedy for all 4iose ills peculiar to their sex. Suppress one, bearing -down pains, nervous heada etc,, speedily yield to their treat and restore the sufferer to pe health. Try them. Sold by all de or sent on receipt of price (50c. a by addressing Dr. Williams' Med. ,Brockville, Ont. What a Horse Would Sa He Could peak. Don't hitch me to an iron post or ; ing when the mercury is below freez I need the skin on my tongue. Don't leave me hitched in my sta ht where I d can't sole , night with a big cob ri lie down. I am tied a !smooth place. Don't compel me toe I want, by mixing it know -better than any much I need. Don't think because Igo free under whip I don't get tir move up if under the Don't think because iron weeds and briar hay. Don't whip me when along the road, or I wi time, and maybe make Don't trot me up h carry you and the bug Try it yourself sometin with a big load. • Doe% keep my etabl when,,I go out into th are injured, especially ground. Don't say whoa unless you mea Teach me to stop iet the word. It check me if the lines bileak, and sa runaway and smash -u Don't make me idrin nor put a frosty! bit Warm the bit by holdi ute against my body. Don't forget to file they get jagged and I 'food. When I get lea teeth want filing. Don't ask me to "b on. I am afraid to. Don't run me down anything should giv break your neck. Don't put on my blin irritates my eyes, or lock that it will be in Don't be so careless to find a great sore attend to it. Don't lendime to so has lees sense than I Don't forget the o friend of all the op "A merciful man i beast."—Farm Journ tion whbh shall be nameless, for which service I was to be paid two dollars. I was also invited to remain and dine with , the directors, at the expense of the compan , afterward. I accepted the 1 office an the invitation with alacrity, and enjoyed myself to the full—especial- ly at the dinner; an unusually rich dinner it was, and wine flowed like oda water. The direetnrs, no one of whom wee under sixty, were geniiil to the last'degree, and full of good advice, taking error of tics, rel to mek of this a happy lifie Their gastron Mical advice, which I felt bound' to-accep „ wasaornewhat i.lil f0119WS. Wheui the diksters were served, the president of the company, a delightful old gent eman of seventy-two observed, with much dignity and seine severity : " OP ,re ! Humph ! No oysters for me. Fo.rty years ago I ate 'em, but I'm, no Birch fool as to do it now. Take my' advioe, my young friend, and leave oysters lone. I took his advice, and, Waited for the nate° rag, which was lobster, croquet- tes. The president of the company fell to and devoured his lobster croquette before riiine was broughti to me, much to the dis est of a director, aged sixty- eight, whe sat at the other end of the he opportunity to sho* me the nay ways in gaetronoMy, poli- glon, and other things Which go table. "Ye rnay be no fool about Oysters:" said he of the other end, "but the man who pus lobsters in ..his stomach puts pizen there. I'm sixty -eine next April, and I' 'a' been in m;y grave thutty years if I hadn't dropped lobster ten years a o. Don't you touch l'ern, Mr. ----" aming me), es, ent feet lers ox) o•, If' ail - ng. 1 at mit t a t more salt han ith my oats I ther animal ow , Ther 'were obvious inaccursnies in the old ge tleman's statement, but it was due to bis years that 1 ahould decline the lobeter. I 1 A few minutes later 1 was [delighted to see a delicious fil't - smothered in mushrooms brought on tbe table. Mushr otos are my esp cial delight, and 1 was heiping myself Copiously, when I became, conscious a a ' glare ecross the I glanced up, and found myself to the wall, as it wee, by tbe director of the vintage of 1828. in% eatin' mushrooms, are you ?" d. You w hip. am a horse won't hurt I get frighte 1 expect it trouble. 11, for I hav y and myself e. Run up very dark light my f snow be o table. pinned eye of 44 yl said h I a merit. 64 H taker' order. 1 m president and the lebseer-laater for endorsiement of myi onrse ; but they were spent i and wors still, there were no rauthrooms before them. I learned afterwlard that they had eaten their share whiie I was engaged in conversa- tion on my torilv punch • knowleclged the soft impeach mph 1 Better stop at the under - on the way home and leave your tely appealed to my friends the ith a sixtp-six:year-old director right, Who subsequently peretrip- forbade me to touch the Roman ruin to put that slushy stuff into " Mig So untou Th They and w»she1 that I were old enough to be alge to get along without respect for age, 4s they were. 1: comforted myself with ! the thought, however, that the game course and coffee—for I never tone st Bppe Th lusci perfe tut 0 our storaach," i he said of it. t as well eat a snowball." be muehrooms and punch left me hed. i i - , re were but two directors left. had pitched in like honorable men, admired them and for once I 3ice crcam myself —would suffice iy my by this time ravenous bird was brought on—a beautiful us red -head duck, cooked to tion13 . ut—I put it from me un - the uld hat my. ed ext to o. hill for yes. the it. ay ea ice-cold w ter, in my m uth. g it a half nin- my teeth hen &inert chew my it is a sig my ck " with b inds steep hill, or if away, I ight who cannot pen anlintelligible sentence. The following quotations will fully show bie weakness in tluit line: "And, forsooth, this is the gentleman who tells you that he pities the man that cannot distinguish betweet a statesman-like speech and buncombe, and at the same t me he could not draw the line of dis- t notion between the speeches delivered and the babble that prevailed at the building of that ,ancient tower. If Snowflake will fullY analize and explain the abOve and make it plain, I will be- gin to thine he is capable of discusiing the trade question. I kindly advise Snowflake to read his Bible to better advantage and learn a little more about that tower, so as to spell its name cor- rectly. In his last effort he says Selkirk has • isappeared behind the horizon." I am ery anxious to know how anyone can isappear BEHIND ihe horizon. If he an do, this satisfacterily he will be able' explain how a Conservative Govern. ,ert ;becomes corrupt. As to Snow- ake's' insinuation about too much hisky, I wish to say that it costs too uch for me to get even a little of it. • is reference to Sir Richard Cartwright, only shows how small souled a COnser- tive he is. He is the first Tory I have et heard speak even disparagingly of S'r Richard's ability, integrity and jcl bridle so t • at it o leave my fore - my eyes. of my harn se as n me befor you e blockhead that ave. d book that is a teased, that s ye : merciful to his 1. The Mystery " Philander," said bashful beau, "1 wi ribbon at my throat. it without a glass." " Of course. I'll o said, and at once gr After an unsuece minutes, during whic brick house, and per of ice -water on a J stammered: " I—don't think I Can tie a respe knot, Miss Mary." "Suppose, Philan with a pretty little b call in a preacher ,to utast. Like the unveili 'g ef a sense. mystery, the situati n unfolded i Philander and he fees better now. e of my old stand -bye, a mai of teve ty-four—old enongh, I think; to knorr better—went back on me. Re Unveiled. pretty girl t h you'd tie I can't see her this o do ly be glad to "he ppled the at ings. sful effort of five he got as re as a Pired like a pi cher ly window -ail, he 0 a a ti it table er," she whis ered, lush, " suppo e you ional nor. Here again, Snowflake shows a inability to distinguish between* a ke and a positivestatement. No sane an would ever think of putting any her meaning on Sir Richard'e remarks Boston than that of a joke. 1 I was more than a little amused, and the same time a trifle annoyed, When r. Editor, he terms see the mble of kert and read Snowflake's reference, your adjustable methodeas I am not sure that I eaning of Snowflake in his j rds, when he refers to R artin. He is evidently lost re his ver- sity. Did there ever exist al political rty more thoroughly imbued with is "adjustable method" than the rty supported by Snowflake? By at means did Sir John retain power long, I ask? Was he not en expert fir es endan ered his adjusting the clashing elemrts and terests that at ign ? The possibility is, e would v� adjusted matters at Ot awa had lived, so that the rottenne s so ap- rently eunning through. t e whole vernment machine, would ave been e sample plastered over—presentmg a fi of a Whitened eepulehre. Snol wflake iises the remarks, le method," and "idle asser is a mere political hack," t ferring,to Daly, Which is tri gentleman, the editorial hose paPer is characterized od sound sense and imparti ie editorial matter of any o per published in tbe Do anada. , Such a thing as m sertions does hot enter his he a a elf to a 1 1 Horse Notes. I note a gentleman from answers Practical Farmer's reeking colts, and says he new a colt broken single to fa ouble." Many a horse will drive single nd not double, and vice versa, For driving single, 1 woul rotest against the breast,coll Ily satisfied a horse will not ore witti collar and hames, Pah ;mailer. ,I noticed in d are that she acted as though urt her considerably, and .S ouble up drawing Up hill; br when I collar, if and pad- med with to work Mrs. Partingt n Alive and W(11. The life of a Prob te judge in yen- dotte county is n t all roses. The Kansas City Gazette reporte the f Hew- ing occurrence in his office last atur- clay : "Are you the judge of reprobates ".aid an old lady Satur ay, as elle alked into Judge Monah 's office. "1 am the Judge of Probate," was the reply. " Well, that's it, II expect," quo h the old lady. "You Bele, my husban died detested, and left, me several little infidels, and I want to be their xecu- • tioner." After Snowfla e With a Sharp Stick. EDITOR EXPOSIT R,—DEAR SI my great disappointment "Snow still lives to inflict on the readers EXPOSITOR his puerile production • accident 1 lately came across a THE EXPOSITOR, containing Sno reply to my first letter. In it some rare atatements—such as co come from any other source. It me now that the deetruction of th of EXPOSITORS for Manitoba, con his reply, was Providential, a lieved the readers of THE EXPOS this Province of considerable pai know that a man actually lived i toba who could pen such rubbish be a grief to them. I wish to briefly refer to a fe ments made by Snowflake, one o says, " no man of brains would lettere to THE EXPOSITOR po No. I,—I should think not, or a else in particular, The next pa contains a challenge to, discuss the political questions clif the day the columns of THE Exposrrou ever heard of such presumption. not condescend to engage in cussion of so vast a subject wit " adjust - ions that e latter e, about atter of by more lity than her party inion of king idle d. LKIRIC. Michigan rticle on " never il to drive 11 1 enter a r. I am nly draw tit do it riving my it cut and he would IMPORTANT NOTICES 1 NOT10E TO FARMERS.—Clean ManillaSeed Wheat for Sale. Got the seed lait year east of Toronto. Apply to JOHN DUNKIN, or HUGH IlicOREGOR, Brucetield P. 0. 1231-3 HOP TO RENT.—A first -clue shop to , let in Belgrave, Huron County. Good opening for a good haro t ss or. ohoemaker. A. HASLAM, BelgmVe. 1232x5 hanged to collar and hames, he acted ke anew horse. The breast sed at an, should be broad ed. I have seen them trini sheep skin, and they seemed icelY. The check -rein I never bring up taut, s it seems such a relief to si horse to t down the check, and it chtimps and ies every way to stretch its ;neck. A orae while drawing or trottio wants is head, and it does seem too 6 let him have it. It must ant worry to a horse, so do oo high. 1 Shoes on a horse on the fa m I con- ider unnicessary. I have not shod my oreee fer ,yeare. I have hr fifteen ifferent horses in as many ears, and ever couild see that a horse ound feet needed shoes even in winter, lvitii good, eying driven even on slippery roads in inter aid on gravel reads iccsummer e - • ut a gooI deal depends on ahe.pe and uality or horn. —To lake " f THE . By °Pr of flake's found ld not ems to 'batch n g it re - TOR in ,for to Mani - would 1 • state - which lass his itical." ything atraph 't me hrough Who I can - he die - a RAD TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second bivision eJ Court, County of Huron, Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and InSurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & Livens' stor, Main strett, Seatorth. 1289 ad not be a con- ot cheek SEED WHEAT FOR SALE.—The subscriber has for sale a limited quantity of good clean Seed Wheat (Seneca variety). The wheat was grown on ligutish soil, and is iree from wild or other obnoxious seeds. ltORERT DALE, Drysdale, Ont. 1238x4 fONEY TO LOAN.—Private and company BI funds to loan at lowest rates. 810,000 of ptivate funds have been placed in our hands which we will loan in sums to suit borrower. Loans can be completed at once if title satisfac- tory. DICKSON & HAYS, Cardno's Block, Sea- orth. 1143t1 TIARM WANTED TO RENT.—Wanted to ren 1j1 for a term of years a good hundred acre farm with fair buildings and convenient to mar- ket. One :In the Township of Tuckersmith or Stanley. Satisfactory reference given if requir- ed. Address, CHARLES ROUTLEDOE, Sea - forth P. 0. 1234 t.f HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For Sale a House and Lot on John Street, Seaforth. There are three bed -rooms, sitting roOm, dining room, kitchen, pantries and wood -shed. Also a good cellar, stoee foundation, and hard and soft water. A good stable and first-class garden. It is pleasantly and conveniently situated and will be sold cheap. Apply to A. STRONG. 1234 t.f. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farm consisting of 100 aeres,being Lot 10,Concession 8,Grey. The land is of first-class quality and is well cultivated, fairly well fenced and drained, 75 acres cleared,8 acres good hardwood bush, and 5 acres cedar down. There are also good out -buildings, orchard and well, and brick house. For further particulars apply on the premises to DAVID MAGUIRE, or address Brussels P. 0. 1230x12 —The itnnual session of title Grand Lodge of I. 0. 0. F. opened i Stratford •n Thursday last week. Fo delegate a arrived. in the mor grand procession headed by Battalion Band was formed a to the Collegiate Institut building, where th le session was held. IThe Grand Master reported a very gratifying state of affairs in the Order throughout the 1 Province? and bright prospecs for the future. l —Two lots of cattle were ehipped from Stratford on Saturday. The first lot numbered nineteen fine animals, and were purchased from Walter IMurray, of Avontore hy Mr. McNicol4 of Pleas- ville. They averaged aboet $62 per head. 'the Coghlin CompanY, of Strat- ford, shipped 56 etteckers, destined for Dundee ,j Scotland. They a eraged 950 1 pounds in weight, the price paid being three cents per pound. —A Mrs. Carruthers, of Brainy River, near Rat Portage, was arrested in To- ronto on Thursday last week on suspic- ion of having shot her husband on the 3rd day of January last at their cabin near, the banks of Rainy Italfer. Car- ruth'ere ' was in the empley of one Fotheriegham who runs a bawmill on Rainy River. He became srppicioue of undue familiarity between his wife and Fotheringham and had threatened to shoot Fotheringham if he did not stay away from his house. However it happen- ed,wor Carruthers was found on the 3rd of Jinuary last lying ori the floor of his cabin, with two bullets from a revolver in his head. Detedtive Murray has been for weeks tracing up the cri,le and the arrest of the murdered man's wife is the result of evidence he has been quietly gathering. Mrs. Carruthert is a tall, well-built and handsome wcman ; a de- cided brunette, with dark brown eyes and heavy higher& ..Her maiden name was Slack, and ellE lived for many years in Blanchard, Perth county, where her relatives, all very estimable people, still reside. Both ' Careuthers and Fother- Ingham were also forMer iresidents of Blanchard. Detective Mury left Tor- onto for Rat Portage on S turday with litrs. Carruthers' in charge. r hundred ing and a the 28th d marched FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned Execn- tors offer the John Lowe farm for sale. The property consists of 100 acres, being Lot 10, Concession 6, Grey, and having thereon a fir -t - class brick house, bank barn, orchard, wells, never -failing spring, good fences, &c.; about 70 acres cleared, balance bush. Possession will be given next fall. For further particulars as to price and terms, apply to W. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels; or to JOHN SMITH and E. J. McARTHUR, Executors, 6th concession of Grey. 1236tf $4 000 hFARMai fof ,FoOt R22S, 3L E. the—B6etihn gnortheonce 9 skin ut Morris. The farm contains 100 acres of choice land, 90 cleared, and balance good hard- wood. The farm is in a good state of cultivation well fenced. a never failing stream runs through the farm, a first-class orthard, brick house and good frame barn and other outbuildings. The farm is within three miles of the Village of Brno- rels. Title perfect and no encumbrance -on farm. For further particulars apply to H. P. WRIGHT, on the premises, or Brussels P. 0. 1227x13 ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The sub- scriber offers for sale his new frame House and Lot No. 12, on the south side of Goderich street, in the town of Seaforth. Tne house con- tains 9 good sized rooms and stone foundation with good celler, hard and .3 ) ;water also. A good sumper kitchen and woodshed, and a large frame barn. For furtiu r particulars apply to the proprietor on the pre,: isee. A. G. AULT. 1226 FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The Blske Butter and Cheese Company, at a meeting of the Directors and SharehOlders, held on the 27th of March, it was decided to offer the above named factory for Eale or to rent. This is a good oppor- tunity for any person wishing to enter into the busine a, no the factory is in good running order for the manufacture of both butter and cheese, and tuated in one of the best farming districts in Ontario, and will be sold at a very reasonable rate. Apply if byletter, or personally, to Mr. HENRY EICHERT and Mr. D. B. STEICKLE, Blake P. 0., Ontario. 1216 3 BOOTS & SHOES. .1110••••• HAMILTON & Will give Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes for the next month, to clear out all Spring and Summer Goods and make room, for Fall Goods. STORE FOR SALE.—The subscriber now offers his fine two storey brick store for sale. It is situated on the east side of Main street, and in the flourishing Town of Seaforth. It is well fitted up, and adapted for almost any business. It has two good front show windows, and 20 feet front by 70 feet deep, with good solid walls on either side, and a first-class cellar, and the upper story is well fitted up for a private residence, or well arranged to let to two tenants, with good front and rear entrance, and a good gravel road coming in at rear of lot. The store is one of the best in the town, and has always comruanded a first-class businese.For further particulars, amly to the proprietor, 'A. G. AULT, Goderich street, or to Seaforth P. O., Ontario. 1228tf ' Come along everybody and get an early choice as these goods will go off quick and the sizes will be broken up. The Early Bird Catches the Worm. A Nice Pair of Toe Slippers for 75; a splendid good fitting Oxford for $1, any amount of Slippers for 25; and all other Goods at a reduction. We will offer the Trunks and Valises we have on hand, ,at a big reduction to make room for a large shipment we have corning. member the place. HAMILTON & McINNIS Corner of Main and John Streets, in John Logan's Old Stand. THE SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. Having completed 'rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and introduced the latest equipments and the roof); improved Machines, improved am now prepared to do • All Kinds of Machine Rer)airs. AND GENERAL FOUNDIRY WOthc.. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale Lots 16 and 17, on the 6th concession el Morris, containing 2 0 acres, about 130 acres under cul- tivation, being free from stumps, well fenced and well underdrained ; thirty acrrs good pas- ture land and the balance well timbered with hardwood and cedar. There is a good frame house. good frame barn and other out -buildings all in good repair. There is a splendid 3 oung orchard of three acres, also a never failing spring at the house and the river Maitland runs across the corner of one of the lots. There is no swamp or waste land. It is within three miles and three-quarters of the prosperous village of Brussels, and there is a school on the adjoin- ing lot. This is one of _the best farms in the county, being well adapted for both grain and stock. It will beeeild cheap and on easy terms. Apply on the premises or to S•AMUEL LOVE, Brussels P. 0. • 1235 tf. LAND ROLLERS. We are now turning out some of the best improved Land Rollers, and invite the farmers to sae them before buying elsewhere. T. T. COLEMAN. 1111111. -41,40 -40 -410" -- DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? LLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION die; FURNACES. FURNACES. FARMS FOR SALE.—Two excellent farn3s for sale very oheau, 320 acres, 70 under culti- vation, balance heavily timbered with mixer. timber; black birchenaple,spruce,pine,hemlock and cedar, goad frame house 2x28, kitchen 15x22, good well and spring creek, good log barn and 3 other sheds, root house, half acre small fruit, hell mile from school, three-quarters of a nile from railroad, five miles east of the thriving village of Theeealon, where stoye wood eel's every winter at $3 to $3.50 per cord; both lots on main road; good soil, and suitable for stock, dairy or grain farming- ; convenient to saw and grist mills, cheese factory, &c.; will sell in one block, or in parcels of 80 or 160 acres, to suit pnrcha.ser ; bad health the cause of selling. South west quarter section 31, 160 acres; this lot has all the baildings on it; 40 acres cleared and well fenced with cedar; good well and spring creek; price for this lot 81,400 for deed ; the improvements are worth all I ask. South east quartersection 31, 160 acres, 30 under cul- tivation; good soil, sandy loam, no rock, good water, good sugar beeh„lalance of lot mixed timber; price 8750, or $400 cash for 80 acres. Address—A. WALKER, Thessalon, Algoma. 1236x3 IMP ORTAN T. WATCH REPAIRING. Having opelied tbe ttom lately oecupled by A. D. YOUSG, 1 am prvptrert to do Lb kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry • Repairing. Having 14 years practical experience, and re- commendations from some of the best jewelry houses in Toronto SS to my abilitras a first-class watchmaker, the public may rely on getting their Watches properly repaired. I have all the necessary tools, and can duplicate any broken or worn out parts. Aar SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I am selling off my present stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods very cheap, to make room for new stock. If you want a good Watch, don't miss this opportunity. For good work, promptness and fair prices, give me a trial. R MERCER, SEAFORTH, Leading Coal and Wood Burning Furnaces. GARNET COAL FURNACE in four sizes -5. 6, 7 and 8—Steel Radiators, portable or brick set. i THE ATLANTIC WOOD BURNING FURNACE in two sizes—Nos. 43 and 53. No. 43 takes wood 43 inches . long, and No. 63 takes wood 53 inches long; Steel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an EXTRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER, Economical, Strong, Durable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the supervision of a Techanic with an experience of 25 years in the fi:r- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good satisfaction every time. lar ESTIMATES FURNISHED Kidd 's) Hardware d Stove House, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. VOTERS' LIST, 1891. Township of Tuckersmith, COUNTY OF HURON. -- "\ITOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons men- tiored in Sections 5 and 6 of "The Ontario Voters' List Act, 18-9," the copies' required by said Sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assess - meet Roll of the mid Municipality to be en- titled to vote in said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list was first posted up at my office in Tuckersmith, on the 12th day or August, 1891, and remained there for inspection. And I hereby call on all Electors to examine the said List, and if any omission or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate pro- ceedings to have the said ea-rors corrected ac- cordingto law. SAMUEL SMILLIE, Clerk, Tuckersmith. Dated this 12th day of August, 1891. 1235-3 W.CAMERON SiVIITH BARRISTER. Solicitor of Superior _Court, Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the High Ceurt of Justice, Commissioner, •Money to Lend OFFICE. --Scott's Block, over Lumsden & Wilson's Drug Store. 1234 Two Doors from Post Office. Notice to Farmers. PLOWS, PLOWS AGAIN. • T. MELL1S reminds all again in need of Plows or Gang Plows, and all Plow repairing, that he is now ready to supply all their wants. A new stock of the best brand of Mould Boards, Plow Castings, Gang Pleve Castings No. 1, Plow Han- dles for all lines of plows, Skimers, Wheels, Bolte, everything in the plow line to be had by Foing to the Kippen Plow Shop. Plow Repair- ing of all kinds done with neatness and dura- bility and small profits. T. MELL1S, 1236 Kippen. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - $6 000,000 REST, i900 000 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A6Genera1 Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts issued payable at all points in Canada, and the principal cities in the United States,Great Britain, France, Bermuda,&c. SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND :NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. Special Attention given to the Collection of Conamercial Paper and Fanners' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTH. WE SHOW THIS WEEK A FULL UNE OF AN- GOLA SHIRTINGS, GREY FLANNELS, NAVY FLANNELS. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANK- ETS AND CLOMFORTERS. WHITE QUILTS FROM $I.50 TO $t. BEST VALUE IN THE T7ADE. IN CREAM AND WHITE LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, &O., IN GREAT VARIETY. A CALL SOLICITED. R. JAMIESON. HAND -MADE 1 Boots and Shoes e. IVicINTYRE Ras on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of his own make, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair of our boots, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds !of Boots and Shoes made to order. All parties wlo have not paid their accounts for last year pleasecall and settle up. 1162 McINTYRE, Seaforth. PAPST THE JEWELLER, MAIN STREET, SEALORTH. If you cannot cross the opean, And the heathen land xplore, You can find the heather nearer, You can help them at your door. If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot !Teak lile Paul, Yon can tell a lot of people repot has watches for them all. Emulsion OF Cod Liver Oil AND THE Hypophosphites of Lime and Soaa. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES •Scrofulous and - Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. 1_PRICE 150C. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. ii -......, HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment oom ? --- This Company is Loaning Money on • Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. PAPST THE JEWELLER'S Is the cheapest and best place to buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewellery in &Worth. Repairing a specialty. Mortgages Pachased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed en Deposita, according to amount and time left. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goclerich. • HORACE HORTON, MANAGIRBt QV/ Goderieb, August 501.18R15. M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpassed. I ani pre- pared to ciandrict burials in a moot eatis- fac.ory manner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. tar Charges most reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. 1223 ' Seaforth Cheap Store. We have on hand a large line of TINWARE, CUM' COMBS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &C., Whieh we are selling cheap for Cash. We have the best and cheapest Goods to be found anywhere. Remember the place. No. 1 Campbell's Block, Seaforth. McDonald & Menzies. Auction Sale on Saturday afternoons. 1221 PHOTO - ENGRAVING. IT PAYS TO ILLUSTBATs TOBB BrisINISS. Portraits, and auto of colleges,hotels, factoriee machinery,Ace.,made to order from photographs, Prices Low—Send etan3p for epecunen sheets. Metropolitar Press Agency, 183-52 New York City