The Huron Expositor, 1891-04-24, Page 724, 1891., EARry. ono" gradual, =A. tejle Calla tPaervite„ us ---At Weir' kaw. 1112.r moon, 0flidri 'rY College. Toro', Ifedical Societe 11141.1r attend ol atio` Nmstantly on hand: wrtre Hotel, Raw, tldstry and Surgery 140.6 graduate of (mark i ren, Menher of tba etc., treat* all die. Animals. All eau er by day or nigh* attention- given ID On MAL ./Ct1 Kidd' SITIreolip seardware 1112 RMARY.-Corner eta, next doer Oath rth,. Ont. .411 dh pe or any of thee°. ally treated at ta he shortest nail: W. ELDER, vet.,. re edook of "Vetseble r on hands Walton, Insuranct r taking afildien a loan at the lows., eitor, Notary, , rs north of Cosa. text door to C. k street, Seaforth. Ion and Cameron.. 1215 ; Barristers, &owe trio. J. T. Gassoir 68, ERON, Basel/tem O., Goderich, Ont. Ur Homo IL Q. 606 ConveyanoerO, Office -Ovate Seaforth. Pri. per dent. 1035 'lletertl, &Molten,. citoes for the Bank. Money to ban_ , Ontario. A. R. 782 io the zate firm ed, Barrister, So. rea Solicitor tor e_ Monev to len& afft Biock. Itain riy with Messrs. Ooderich Belo tit and Brussels. k, Main Street. W. B. DICKSON. 1127 )AN. ht loans at 8 per re to borrower hi money at any MED, Barrister 880 - D. S.eDentist. Hardware Store, 1164 )ffice over Ham. ere, corner Main Nitroue. painless extra°. 1169- , Dentist, L. D. eOnt. Will be at ,ron Hotel, oath. nt Keen MONTH, on the ppm' ath. Teeth ex- A.II work 971 (successor to H. Royal College -- Teeth iniertedo "celluloid or rub - for the painless- O'Neirs bank, 1204, the mouth by iii.„ M. C. P. Se )aly's Grocery. eswered at thee 1173 Edelen, Surgeon tee Ont. 1127 moefield, Limn - Physicians and 4 Ont. 880 iiolan, Surgeon lefiloe and, - street, Sewn& arch. 842 M.,. Member and Surgeons, aid reiOdenos 848 c College of' etc, Seaforth,. north aide of' the Methodist, raptly attend-. 1210 tf. ellove of the, eThi Surgeons ckid. Office: Main Street,. °toes Square,- aneey. 1127 neer for the. nded In al left at, Ms- ttended t0. etioneer and: t by mail ta- ceive prompt: 1185-52 0 APRIL 24, 1891. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. f • Woman's Power. Women were designed by their gentle mature to endear domestde life to man, to /mike virtue lovely to children,to spread around them order and grace, and to give to society its highest polish. No attsinments should be above beings whose end and aim are to accomplish purposes at once so refining and so salu- tary ; every means should be used to invigorate, by principle and culture, tsuch native excellence and grace. It takes two to make a quarrel, but it lies in thennewei, of one to prevent it. The young wife will act wisely and for elle happiness' of all, herself included, in Ihe home if he always atrives to bar the entrance to quarrels by loving pati- ence, gentle words and ready forgive- ,; but this plan of notion must begin at the very commencement of her mar- ried life. The door once opened is diffi- cult to close, though it can be done by much trying. It lies in the power of woman to make or mar the man who loves her. Be pure, whole-souled, high-minded, and he will rise morally and intellectu- ,elly ; be petty, flippant, vain, and no,, -matter how high his aims and aspir- ations, yon will surely drag him down eta discouragement and defeat. A Rebel for a Husband. A soldier who had been taken prisoner 104 a wife and children living in New . Jersey. A good minister, learning that there was soon to be a general exchange of prisoners, and wishing to relieve the terrible anxiety of the wife, called and -told heir that her husband would prob• - ably be exchanged in a short time. "Well," said the poor, broken- hearted woman'"1 love Jahn, and the thildren love him, and if he hull so handsome as some men I don't want to -exchange him, I don't ; and I just won't haves rebel for a husband, so now !" Care of a Child's Hair. Unnaturally crimped hair i not con- sidered beautiful, and tightly curled .einglete are deemed an old-fashioned way of arranging a child's hair, there - fere girls are not now made to suffer during their sleeping hours from curl .papers and close braids in order to look ,pretty the next day. To dress your little daughter's hair stylishly cat a deep bang and let the re- -minder hang free, unless a narrow -zibbon is tied around the head. If the hair is thick or naturlly wavy and curl- -ing, that is sufficient, taking care to keep it well brushed and the bead clean. But eome children have scant, limp locks that are a constant trouble to their beauty toying mothers. Such hair may be improved in appearance by curling the ends. Roll three or four inches on a few soft cloth relent; these will not -hurt the head as when the hair is rolled tightly and fastened close to the scalp., The Dutch style is another pretty way of arranging the hair of small children. Part the hair, then cut it so as to just reach the shoulders, curl the ends and cut a very alight bang. The curls, combined out with a coarse comb, will form a sort of halo about the head and make the plainest child look quaint and pretty. Dr. Julia Holmes Smith, an excellent authority, says the only ptillow suitable for a baby is one made of fine hair and very thin, so as to raise the little head just above the body. She calls feather pillows an abomination becauee they cause perspiration and predispose to colds that lead to catarrh by keeping the child's head too warm. A still greater abomination, she continues, is the habit some names have of covering the child's head with a flannel shawl, as if the scalp was too delicate to endure the air of a sleeping-roorn. This makes the head prespire, and if their is a con- stitutional tendency towards eczema, the baby's head will have a scurf. • Over -Feeding Fowls. While a great deal is said and writ- ten about over -crowding, but little is heard of over -feeding. But it is a fact fancy fowls are usually over -fed. There are two causee for this. One is that the Average poultry fancier has other busi- ness to attend to during the day, so he gives his fowls all they will eat, and often more, of a morning, and then gorges them again when he cornea home in the evening. The result is droopy, 'listless etock that stand about in a stupid manner, with no activity or desire to scratch and -forage for themselves. Especially is this true of the larger varieties, which are great hands to hang about the kitch- en door anyway, unless the are colon- ized oat. Another cause of overfee ling is the ambition of the breeder to bave extra fine fowls, and a, desire to display his generosity in the care of thein4 This leads him to gorge them on every 'convenient -occasion. At the same tide, whether -conscious or not, he ia overt xing their constitutions and making hem even name liable to disease and 1esa likely to attain a superior condition than if he • had fed them meagrely. Poultry should be fed a little at a time and fed often. Wher it is con- eenient to feed often, it is b at to feed 'only a moderate amount at time, and let them do a little scratchin for their living. Better an empty crop an, activity than a gorged one and tiorpidity.- Rural Canadian. 'TY, Convey, Accountant ere Insurance ondence, ere. any of these tion. .0erwev &mast, SEA - 1134 ITCE. , *nee Money ork; Ratei sect 'NCH. llowed en unt and t Square RTON, AGNS, M making the noise, and the chorus thus furnished was all thht could have been desired. After two asked if noise was or three minutes of this racket a silent / rest was taken, whiph was broken by a single cFow who made a little talk in the crow dialect, followid quickly by others. Things became mnre dignified and my interest ii the pr 'ceedings was so hi - 1 tense that when a fi l e fat bird submit- ted a few remarks and was applauded by general cawing from every bird pres- ent I could scarcely keep:from clapping my hands. Suddenly twelve crowit flew down the lines twice and back and.all was still as they did so. I was amused and startled. This might be a ju of crows on parade. And I believe it as. After two or three crows had gain spoken the twelve flew down the lines once more; but this time there were fierce caws from very crow in 'ans- wer to caws from th twelve. My fancy explained; The jur was seeking its ver- dict in public opini n, and the excited crows, like revolutionary mobs, demand- ed blood. Back to heir perches for the last time flew the crows and again a silence fell, not unl ke the abrupt hush of court room whis. ers as the prisoner steps forward to le rn the worst. But I could distinguish no criminal. As I looked for the poor fellow there was a great angry caw fr m every crow and all flew to the centr of the line, where, - as I live, they tore three of their un- suspecting kind inhreds, leaving only a few feathers to fI at upward and out of sight as they sep rated and noiaeless- ly flew away, seemingly satisfied with what they had done. -Ewing Herbert. e Training Housewives. 1 A HINT FR M NORWAY. A regular system of education in bak- ing, spinning, dairy work, and such like useful accomplish ents for young wo- men is about to e instituted in Nor- way. "The Socie y for the welfare of Norway" ds going o establish numer- ous training colle s all over the coun- try. At present the most protninent of these is situated ome distance from Christiania, and a apears upon outside inspection to be simply an ordinary farmhouse. Inside everything is very plain, but very nem and clean. There are only six pupils taken, although the number of applicants has been ten times greater than the ac ommodation. The girls are divided is to two Elections, and all the work of th day is mapped out. Each girl is called by a number, and while Number One is in the kiichen, Number Two is making the room tidy, and Number Three is attending to the dairy. The other section at the same: time is busy sewing, spinning, cutting - out, making clothes, &c. As sections and numbers change week by week, every girl gets each particular work in turn. Dinner is served at twelve o'clock and then a few hours are. devoted to science, botany enc. the higher branches of education, for though no girl is ad- mitted before she has completed her eighteenth year, still, as they are most- ly drawn from the peasant class, they have not arways advanced Very far in their scholastic education. - Physical exercise is not forgotten, as the garden is kept entirely in order by the girls themselves. The pay, including every- thing, is just over 43. a week, and two of the pupils are free. The training lasts a year. , • Food and Good Looks. Food has almost everything to do with woman's good looks. I never saw a vegetarian yet Who was comely in ap- pearance. At best they look like badly cured invalids, gaunt, dull eyed Or with gutters below the eyes and faded com- plexions. Vegetarians allow and largely use the most difficult foods in the world for sedentary people,;milk and eggs. The yelks of eggs are said by one physician to be hard to digest, and a promoter of rheumatism. I think he can hardly' be speaking of fresh laid eggs twelve hours from the nest and. lightly cooked. But it is true that stale eggs or those heated by carrying or kept in unwholesome contact develop a poison as dead- ly as the tyrotoxicon of impure milk, if not identical with it. We must one and all protest against the taxation on imported eggs. The Ham- burg eggs at nine cents a dozen will answer for painters' work and dressing glove skins, which call for millions of eggs annually, but failing the foreign supply must cripple home resources and take invalid's chief nourishment away from hie lips. Doubtlees not a few of the cases of large waists, and bloated figures among .women, all which are on the way to fevers and rheumatiems, would improve by the strict diet of scraped beef pulp broiled, with toasted brown bread, with little sugar or starchy_food. Errors in food are dangerous in nurs- ing mothers, who not only damage their own beauty for life by poor nourishment bnt fail to supply children with strength of constitution. Sir Henry Thompson, the eminent writer on food, says : "Most of the diseases which embitter the middle and latter part of life are due to avoidable errors in diet. These errors begin many times when the child is a few.hours old and continue through the earlier years of life, laying the foundation on which to build the future person." "To tally nourish a child," we are told, "the mother or nurse must furnish from twelve hundred to fourteen hundred pounda of good milk during the first year of its life, and !this must contain from one hundred and twenty- five to one hundred and forty pounds of solid matter -more than many:women weigh," says Dr. Cool, who goes on to state that 'the nervous system contains as a constituent a phosphorized oil found in the yolk of egg, in the human blood, and in butter andcream especially. A Court of Crows. THE STRANGE SIGHT SF.E IN A PE.011I • BIT I ON STATE. I never would have belietred stories told about crow justice had I not at- tended their "court." On beautiful 'day in December I was rid ng on the public road two miles north f Hamlin, lesaisas. I had noticed grea flocks of crows flying about me, and rhen near - mg a cottonwood grove, in making a turn to the right, I saw h ndreds of them perched in the trees io solid lines to the end of the rows. had read somewhere that crows were ell govern- ed birds, and when I saw thi fine look - mg body I judged that it at there to awe trial to some offender of !some sort. I stopped any horse, half caring the crafty bird h would fly -adjourn court or continue the case. To my delight no attention tvas paid to me it takes a man with a gun to disturb t ese mock- ing impudent blacklegs. I s just in time to hear and see all that was done. trom a tree at the head of a may', where tau crows sat, there ,came -such loud and rapid cawing as I never heard before from so few throats, and every :now and then all the flook joined in News Notes. -The other evening Chicago suffered one of the most destructive coniflagra- Mons -that has oecurred there shice the great fire of 1871. The loss la fully 81,000,000. John M. Smyth's house furnishing establishment on West Madi- son street, and Kohl & Middleston's dime museum were burned, When in a marvellously short interval both struct- ures had turned into a mass of flame, gr at fire tongues darted across the stijeet and lodged in the upper storeys of the buildings on the north side of Madman street. 4cross the street the walls soon succi4rnbecl to the furious onslaught. Herel the upper storey of the building on tie corner, of Madison and Union street caught fire. Quickly following this th flames lodged around the windows of the Haymarket theatre building. Just west of the Haymarket building was the building occiipied by the People's Clothing Co. Here also the windows wore on fire. Despite all efforts, the buildings between Union street and the Haymarket block shared the fate of those across the street, and were wiped out completely. In the Haymarket the firewasconfined 'to the upper storey, but the whole bui ding was filled with smoke and water. fWest of the Haymarket the damage was com- paratively small. -At no season in the year is Id in the head and catarrh more prevalen than flaring April. To neglect either eans misery and perhaps fatal results. asal Balm is the only certain remedy for hese dangerous diseases, and as a preca tion - any remedy should be kept in very household. Nasal Balm has cured hon. sands of sufferers -it Will cure you. Try it. , -Five hundred negroes attacked the county jail, Kanass City, Missouri, the other night, with the intention of lynch- ing Wm. McCoy, who brutally murder- ed his mistress, Nellie McGruder. They broke in the outer door. Only one guard was on dutY. lie drew his re- volver and threatened to shoot the first man who approa' hed the door. The committee of tw nty withdrew, and after some parley tlhe mob dispersed. -A despatch from London, England, a. says: At a dinner given by the Devon Congregational Union at Tavistock a sensation was ca6ed ;her the presiding minister, Mr. R. Davis, who sabfithe could not propose the toast, "The Queen," and that he would therefore call upon Rev. Mr. Johnson to perform this task. Mr. Davis added that Mr. Johnson might also toast the Prince of Wales and all the gamblers if he chose to do so. Mr. Johnson consequently proposed the toast "The Queen,' saying, Iler Majesty had no more royal sub- jects than the dissenters. Thereupon the assemblage, with the exception of Rev. Mr. Davis and his wife, rose to their feet and sang the National Anthem. -John Doan, wife and three children went to Springville, Indiana, a few days ago on a visit. One of the children was taken sick of diphtheria. Physic- ians were summoned, but the father would not let them in, as he believed only in faith cure as practised by two old women of Anamosa. The faith cure women commenced their practice, which is said to have been most inhuman, but the child grow steadily worse and died. Subsequently the two other children were taken sick and treited in a similar manner. Both died. Public excite- ment was intense. Citizens talked of arresting the old women, while others talked of lynching them. Becoming fearful of speedy death, they left that town on foot at mid -night. A. T. Stewart's Way. An old employee of the late A. T. Stewart, the millionaire dry goods mer- chant of New York, tells an inetance which shows the means sometimes em- ployed by that gentleman for enforcing the rules of his store. There was a rale to the effect that no person employed in the building should carry matches under penalty of dismissal. One evening, as Mr. Stewart was passing through the store on his way home, he suddenly turned to a number of clerks who were standing near the door and asked: "Can any of you oblige me with a match ?" • No one answered for a moment, 'till one of the men, prompted by courtesy, and thinking that his employer would not take advantage of him, replied, "Certainly sirt here is one," "You are discharged," was the un- gracious response. "Go to the desk and get what is due you." And with a "Good evening," Mr. Stewart passed on to his carriage. - Washington Post. Men With Feeble Stomachs Are Apt to Lose Their Hair. Dyspepsia is one of the most common causes of baldness. Nature is a great economizer, and when the nutrient ele- ments furnished by the blood are insuffi- cient to properly support the who e body she cuts off the supply to parts th least vital, like the heir and nails, th t the heart, lungs and other vital orga s may be the better nourished. In ca, es of severe fever this economy is part cular- ly noticeable,. A !single hair is a ort of history of the physical condition of an individual during the time t has been growing, if one could read losely enough. Take a hair from the b rd or from the head and scrutinize it and you will see that it shows some atte uated pilaces, indicating that at some pe iod of its growth the bloody supply was defic- ient from overwork, anxiety or under f eding. The hair falls out when the s rength of its roots is insufficient to suet in its eight any longer, and a new hair will t ke its place,unless the root is di eased, e plains Hall's Journal of Healt . For t is reason each person has a ertain definite length of hair. When t e hair tiegins to split or fall out massage af the sCalp is excellent. Place the tips of the ffngers firmly upon the scalp an then vibrate or move the scalp while olding the pressure steadily. This will stimu- late the blood. vessels underneat . and bring about better nourishment f the hair. A brush of unevenly tufte brist- les is also excellent to use up n the scalp, not the hair. Try it for Yourself. It is related of the inventor •f the game of chess that, on being prom -sed by the King, whom he first taug t the game, that he should have any eward he might ask for, meekly replie that he would be content if the King would give him one kernel of wheat o the first square, two on the second, fo r on the third, eight on the fourth, a d so oln, doubling up to the sixty- ourth s luare. The King gladly awed d to t is seemingly modest request, and qrdered his attendants to bring in the wtheat, which they began to do; ut, to the astonishment of the monarch, it was fOund Chat there was not wheat enough in the whole dominion to pay o the crafty inventor. . A mathematician, who claims t have •been figuring OM this chess board urios- itxt says that to 'fulfil the King' pro - Me it would take 30,027,097,184,485 bushels of wheat-allowing,600,000 ker- nels to each bushel. This prodigious amount would cover the States of New pork, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and elaware all over with wheat to the epth of a mile and a quarter. In a few ords here is the exact number of wheat kernels the chese inventor asked for- 9,629,268,78 ,938,775,I68. Figure it up and prove or disprove it. -On Tae day morning, of bat week, Mr. W. T. Williams, of the old Hicks farm, Logan had a narrow escape from a fatal accid nt. He was on the wagon in the barn loading baled hay, and in some way fell over the side of the rack with a bundle of hay. He had one col- lar bone andi several ribs broken. He is now getti g along as well as could be expected uu er the eircumstaneee. Fatal Accidents and Large Fires so often ()eau: lhat should be avoided by using Can be preeerv by using Imperial Cream Tar- tarcaution. eire same with your health; it tar Baking Powder. Sold, by all grocers. Manufa ured by 1 W. GILLETT, Toronto, Ont. Do Don't Delay. cough cure. I Will cure sore t It will cure pai fluenza and br ing to the lung Hold it to the 1 it is. You see the first dose. You Cough? Take Kemp' .3 Balsam, the best will cure coughs and colds. It roat or a tickling in the Throat. is in the chest. It will cure in- nchitis and all diseases pertain - because it is a pure balsam. ght, and see how clear and thick he exoellentreffect after taking Large bottle, 50e and $1. A Pleas nt Herb Drink—A Sp ing Medicine. The druggist the new cure f discovered by Oregon grape west for those ple herbs. and boiling water t at 60 cents to $ Family Medici Monthly tell us that people call daily tor r constipation and sick headache r. Silas Lane. It is said to be root (a great remedy in the far omplaints) combined with sine - is made for Use by pouring on draw out the strength. It sells a package, and is called Lane's e. The " following priz to boys and gi AIM, of Onta of "Sunlight 3rd, $3 ; 4th, and a pretty than 12 wrapp Soap Office, 43 29th of each tion ;" also number of w published in t in each month Prizes for Boys and - Girls. ht" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the every month till further notice, ls under 16, residing in the Pro- io, -who send the greatest number ' wrappers : 1st, $10 • 2nd, 86; ; 5th to 14th,a Handsome Book; cture to those who send not lege rs. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Scott St., Toronto, not later than nonth, and marked Competi- ve full name, address, age and appere. Winners' names will be e Toronto Mail on first Saturday 1218-52 A Winnipegger's Opinion. The followirig is taken tram a letter from Mr - D. Davis, W nnipeg, Manitoba: "Being per suaded ts useclHagyard's Pectoral Balsam for a troublesome old, I was entirely ured by the use of two bo ties." 1- Be particul but never min troublesome poor policy w ters the blood body strengt vented. Ed UrENTLEM ; worth i and external epid ern ic we ive, and for s to equal it. ring Cleanin r every Spring to cle n the house, cleansing the bloo until some sense takes hold of ou. This is en by using Burdoc Blood Bit - will be thoroughly cleansed, the ened, and future suffering pre- torial Evidence. 'N. -Your Hagyard's Yellow Oil is weight in gold for both internal se. During the late La Grippe ound it a most excellent prevent - rained limbs,ete., there is nothing W. PEMBERTON, Delhi Reporter. No Free from Pain. Mr. Frank Pahner, of Winona, Ontario, says: "1 have beer troubled with lame back for about six months, then thought I would try Hagyard's Yellow Oil, vhich cured me, Am now free from all pains, alnd recommend Yellow Oil very highly. Tarisightly 3imp1es, blotches, tan, and all itch' ing humors of the skin are removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet long. It aleo destroys all other kind s of m orms. , The most1 agreeable, restorative and tonic stimulant is filburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. 1 Constipati this dread Coated Hurd It h, Man humans or Wootford's Sold by I. S. Eogliels soft or cello ho es, Bloo Sw eney, S Throat, Cou bot le.. Wa Cure ever k forih n claims many victims. Ward off ieettee by the use of Small Sugar- ck Pills when needed. laummissemsomewes _ e and Scratches of every kind, on nimals, cured in 30, minutes by a.nitary Lotion. This never fails. Roberts, Seaforth. 1186 52 avin Liniment removes all hard, sed Lutnps and Blemishes from Spavin. Cuebs, Splints, Ring Bone, ties. Spraies, Sore and Swollen hs, etc. Save $50 by use of one ranted th most wonderful Blemish own. Sold iby J. S. Roberts, Sea - 1180 52 FAR TO East hall half 7 on 10t South half 2 Lots 11 an I f 'TOW Lot 38 on For terms 1197 ti ; S FOR SALE. 'SHIP OF bicKILLOP. on 9th concession, 50 acres. West concession, 50 acres. - WNSHIP OF MORRIS. on fith concession, 100 acres. OWNSHIP OF GREY. 12 on 13th conceision, 200 acres. SHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. rd concession L. R. S., 300 acres. c., apply to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED, Barrister &c., Seaforth otic to Depositors IN THE— P41st Ojffice Savings Bank. eposits i ceieed to the ending 30th $3,500, excl may at any t De-3artment In sto ce 1st abl the above Bank may now be re - amount of $1,000 during each year, of June, •and a total balance of sive of interest, which, if desired, me be transferred to the Finance or investment in INSCRIBED STOCK— KIM of $109 or multiples thereof. This k will bqar interest at the rate of 31 per t. per BM um, payable on Jot of March and of Septe eber of each year, and is redeeni- 1st of M rch, 1896. AMUEL DICKSON, Postmaster. ost Office,j Seaforth, March 2nd, 1891. 1216-6 T E FARMERS' anlicing House, sm_A_HicDP,'113a_ In conneetion with the Bank of Montreal.) L 0 A N Itc CO. BAINXERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS.' RE MOVE D To the Com iercial Hotel Building, Main Street A eneral B nking Bustnees done, drafts istue and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. ONEY TO LEND n good a tes or mortgiges. 1-0BERT LOGAN, MANAGER. ••1058 . This is the wab with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shatieliness, /Du buy it-4ut ou don'i ceep it unless you ke it. After two or thr e weeks' year, you can -etu n it and lave your money. AK n iheSYOUR ,AOODS SEALER FOR THESE CORSETS. A T. McNAMARA, 1tLeadbu .L1. pure-bred Berksh re Pigs first prizes in 1890. YouIg pedi sale, also two prize winner Boar vice. y, breeder of winners of 26 reed stook for kept for Per - 1203 PURE CHESTER WRITE.- will keep on Lot 21, Londo the well-known pure bred Che recently owned by Mr. George ersmith. This is one of the bes the county, and as only1 a lin sows will be taken, first con Teems -$1, payable at th4 time the privilege of returning if nec ERIC TOMLINSON. ' , TH(R S)EIWEB.RTEhe un LH ig, D BEI KS service during the prese t se ises, Lot 20, Concession 1, Mc one-fourth miles east o [ Le known Herksh're Pig " Bo irbo ported stock on both sides, number of sows will be taken. sow, payable at the time of privilege of returning if nece )amf. , O undersigned Road, Stanley, ter White Pig, lewes, of Tuck - stock pigs in ited number of e first served. of service, with ssary. FRED - 1214x4 -4 RE BOAR FOR ed will keep for on. on his prem- illop, one and hury, the well - King," from Mi- nd to which a Terms --$1 per ervice, with the sexy. GEORGE 1199x12 Seaforth Having purchased tike from Mr. Roderick Grey, t beg tinuance of the pattonage w ceived in the past. With t have in my refrigerator ahd sit be able to give my customers quality of milk even in the vete airy. airy Business to solicit a con- ich he has re - e advantages I ation, I hope to tisfaction as to hot weather. Realizing that the cash sys em is the mosl just and satisfactory to all oncerned, I have decided to sell for cash only. tar Tickets suppliectlat reduced rates 1171 D. D I LS 0 N • GODEO Steam BoiMT Works. (ESTABLISHED 11880.) Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary, Marine, Upnigh4 & Tubular BOIL RS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stqc -3, Sheet Iror Works, et . Also dealers in Upright arid Valve Engines. Automatic specialty. All sizes of pipe constantly on hand. Eft short notice. Works onposite G. T. R S Horizontal 1 lid ut-Off Engines. and pipe 1 tting ates furnished tion Goaexich. THE BIG 1, MILLS, SEAFLiITH. The above intils have now !bean thoroughly built upon the complete MARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS • —AND • Flour Dressin • From the best Manufactu p in, and everything nece he to turn out flour SECOND T In the Dominion. The fedi] gr4ln from farmers and for °le have also deen extensively hi now t taken from farmer"' and oaded into cars at the per hour, by the work of twi.h A LARGE FEE FOR STOM C! een put in, and the nece d ng chop and coarse grai od shed has been ered unloaded and reload Fl RO 0 Hig FIN n1 Fue EAT EXo Promptly attend0 ST -CLASS ROL GUARANT • SiTs0JVI opped satisfactorily and LER FLOUllt, •BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds OPPED FEED Constantly on .01 331.101E'S EleCtric Hair Restorer RESTORES GRAY HAIR, —TO ITS— Original Color ,Beauty, Softness. Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cures Irritatioh & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the hair, produces a new growth, and will stop the falling out in a few days. Will not soil the skin or the most delicate .headdress. FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottl Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOR. CANADA, H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Druggist, 60 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 01\TT.A.W Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office: Seaforth. 4'" THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company in Ontario having a Govermrent Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Ate now carrying on the business of Live Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN AVERY, Sec.-Treas. 1164 - Removed I Removed I ar 0 EJ--Vy.-11\1-G-, SEAFORTH, - The Old Establisned Butchee has removed to sew premises immediately opposite hio Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many 'new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. Zr Remember the place, 'oetvreen Henderson' Harness Shoptand McIntyre s Shoe Store, Main Street Seaforth. 89 GEORGE EWING. °Iao'iaVd 0 Ci) " CE) (1) ‘..e re). M- O p.ti tdo A) 0 w CDc-t• Z.T3' " %IIo riM data Ut. see en, W 0 5 2'471° I ul P (DC) maa. poCD 0,_,'"3 10 :Nip, 2 CD 0 )1 CA SI) c -t• too )-4' ti ri Machines PC Firms have been rn ry'added to enable NONE t.es for receiving ating and shipping roved. Grain can wagons, weighed, te of 700 bushels n. STONE OPPING ry machinery for s. , so that wagons der cover. ANGES to, and ER FLOUR ED. =MJD vithout delay. est Market ash for any Q Wheat. 'co Paid in ntity of PPLE Bict RELS —AN COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SA E. first-class and obliging men will be ln3pt nd custcmers. The IX beret pstronge of o and general trade re OP ctfully solicited. A. W. OCILVI & CO., OPRIETORS ri CD 'Hill0 1V3S Planing Mill, umber Yard AND SAW MILL I CONNECTION The suoscriber would hg to call :attention to the large stock.of dressed and undressed lumber which he always keeps sn hand,at the very lowest prices. Bill Stuffcut to any order on Short otice., - Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Mill, Lot .29, Concession 16, Grey, whi b. will be cut to any order on shortest notice. Luniber delivered at reasonable rates when d sir( d Onitre_by uiMI remptly fill .d. Address I IIIvD11A1,EN F. 0. 1105 Charles (2 erengesser, COD CBS(' ion8, Lgoan. McKillop Direc ory for 1891. JOHN BENNEWIES, R JOHN MORRISON, De DANIEL MANLEY, Co JAMES EVANS, Coun WILLIAM ASCHIBA JOHN C. MORRISON -•SOLOMON J. SHAN: throp. ROBERT G. ROSS, Ass ADAM HAYS, Collect° ,.cve, Brodhagen P. O. utv Reeve, Winthrop. neillor, Beechweod. "Ilor, Beechwood. D, Councillor, Lead - Jerk, Winthrop. ON, Treasurer, Win- ssor, Winthrop. , Seaforth. W. R. Counter -THE LEADING - Jeweler of Huron A Dead Sure: Tip. Times are hard, and I must have money; therefore, I will offer for the Next Thirty Days. My large and well -assorted stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVER-PLATED W-ARE,FANCY GOODS, PIPES, SPECTACLES, &c., at rock bot- tom prices. This is a genuine dis- count sale for cash. Call early and be convinced. Repairing fine Watches, Clock -s, Jewelry, &c., a specialty. W. R. COUNTER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 'CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned desires to inform his old astomers,and the public that he has disposed of the Biacksmithing business, which he has carried on in Seaforth for over 25 years, to his SOD, J. A. STEWART, Who will hereafter carry on the same in all ita branches, and he hopes that the same liberal patronage so long extended to hira will be con- tinued to his son and successor. ALEXANDER STEWART. In connection with the above, I beg to say that I will carry on the general blacksmithing business in all its branches in the old stand, an by close attention to the wants of customers, hope to receive a continuance of the hboral patronage so long extended to my predeceesor. Horseshoeing and general jobbing a specialty. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction, and charges reasonable as usual. J. A. STEWART, - 1205 MainStreet, Seaforth. McGla UNIVERSITY MONTREAL. A Special Announcement . —OF TIIE— FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE has been prepared, stating the details of the New CHAIRS, LA BORATOR1Es, WORK- sHOPS, APFARATtis and other improve- ments in its several Departments of Civil, Mining, Mechanical and Elec- trical Engineering and Practical Chemistry, which will afford in the Session of 1891-2 advantages not hither- to accessible to Students in this country. Copies may be had on application to the undersigned, who can also supply detailed announcements of the other Fa- culties of the University, viz.: Law, Medicine, Arts (including the Donaldet Course for Women) and Veterinary' Science. J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, 1215-26 Acting Secretary. The McKillop /4utual Fire Insurance Coimpany. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY; INSURED. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, Presideut, Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Ses4orth P. 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth 0. DIRECTORS Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald Ross, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Be ehwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; R bt. McMillan, Sea- orth ; S. Carnochan, Seafort . John O'Sullivan id Geo. Murdie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or transact other business will be promptly attend- edffi1 to on application to any o the above ocers, addressed to their reepective post offices. 1189 Knight's 1310 d Cure. ,t, STANDARD ,household remedy in success - 1 -1,;,_ fel use more than 40 years. A positive cure for Dyspepsia., Seroful , Nervous Proetra tion, Constipation and all di eases of the Blood, Stomach and Liver. Unequalled for Prod cing a Clear eCornplexi n. A botanical compound, pit up in pack es and f en t by-rnail at one third the cost of M- ary medicine. Large pack es, eullicient 1 �r 3 quarts, 8L00 ; half size pee ages, sufficient ter 3 pints, Ne.; sample packao , 25c. A reliable Agent wanted inIthis locality. KNIGIIT BOTANIICAL CO., 1183-52 252 Broa,glway, New York. I ) theiratl on , worst, Bitesf or m ; - Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in Se elli age, F.,reeipelae, Inflarn eafiCE. Cla rT C 1 ililiatsil 1, 1,76 paAnidsal}1;lixkn TiEmnigroR Cures Lumbago, Sciatica, Rh ennatiern, Neural- - -Ilia, Toothaehe, tains ir every form. By all dealere.. Wholesele by F. F. Dailey & Co. ALLAN LINE ROYAL :MAIL STEitliSHIPS, CHEAP EXCURSION TO EUROPE. Fortnightly Saili g from PORTLAND OR HA 'FAX, TO DERRY O1. LIVERPOOL. ; CABIN RATES S40, $50 and .60 Single. ES°, $90 and $110 Return, aceordi g to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, outward, '25; prepaid, 830. Steerage at loweSt rates. Accommodation Unsurpassed. Apply to II. & A. ALLAN. Montreal, or C. BETHUNE or W. G. DUFFISeaforth. 1168-62 77: .;