The Huron Expositor, 1891-04-10, Page 3S RDY EYS nent (ers,. ONT. York ion Pia uo & Co., & Goat hand, also _ Orgaos for iteta sold on ) suit C048, iall instep, eke, &o. • NO taxi°. of in Staves. ed. hoves eras. d Library EY, FORTH. ffrAfi HES; 4aleateS,. .NT. , L r1 es - arm - i I ' 1:rAII.I0. • rION. st notice. e assort-, .uds, &c., ,The best j .arge and r. Res i- 1 ectly op- i house : 8e$INP:84- factories; !oto,eraeris. ea sheets. !nay, -ra City, APRIL 10 ,1891. of the ladies and elderly men. I would willingly have escaped all this prepara- tion, but it was necessary to ambmit to it, and besides I was not uneasy about the end of the adventure, for if I was a --young steward, I was an old horseman. I could hardly walk when my fathet placed me on a horse to my mother's ex trtme terror, and he had afterward spared no pains to render me his equal in an art in which he excelled. He had even carried my education in this re- spect to refinement; in making me some- times weer the old and heavy family arnior, in order to perfect me in vault- ing. However, Proserpine allowed me to gather up the reins, and even to pat her chest, without the leaat sign of fear ; but she no sooner felt my foot press on the stirrup than she sprang wade and gave three or four superb ilinge over the large marble vases which ornamented the steps; then she curbed herself down, pawing, beating the air with her fore feet, after which she stood quiet, tremb- ling all over. "Not easy to mount," said the groom, winking his eye. "I see that, my lad, but I am going to astonish her --see." At the sante moment I leaped into the saddle without touching the etirrup, and while Proaerpine reflected on what had happened to her I had taken a firm seat. The instant after we disappeared at a gallop down tbe avenue of chest- nuts, followed by the sound ef clapping of hands, for which M. de Bevallen had had the kindness to give the signal. The incidentt insignificant as it was, did not fail, as 1 perceived that even- ing, to eateblish my reputation in their opinion. Several other accomplishments ot equal worth have completely secured me all the importance I wish for here, that which will allow me to sustain my personal dignity. It can be seen, more over, that I do not intend to abuse the kindness and respect of which I may be the object, in order to usurp in the chi% teau a position little in conformity with my hnmble duties. I shut tnyself up in my tower as often as I can without be- ing wanting in politeness; I keep my- self, in one word, strictly in my place, so that no one will ever be tempted to pat me there. Several days after my arrival, I was present at one of those ceremonious din- ners which, at this season, • takes place almest every day. During its progress I heard aty name pronounced in a. tone of interrogation by the fat under -prefect of the neighboring town, who was seat- ed on the right ot the mistress of the house. Madame Laroque, who is sub- ject to fits of abstraction, forgot that I was near her, and whether I would or no, I heard every word of her answer: "Mon dieu-do not 'speak of it! There is some inconceivable mystery there -we think he is aome diguised prince -be can describe his travelsover the world by the hour together 1-Ele hes every accomplishment; he rides, plays the piano, he draws), and all to perfection. Between ourselves, my dear under -prefect, I think he !is a very poor steward, but a very agreeable man:: The underprefeet, who, is also a very agreeable mail, or who thinks he is one, which is pate as satiefactery to himself, replied gracefully, that there were beautiful eyes enough in the chateau to explain many mysteries; ithat, besides, 1.;11/13 WW1 the ligitiamte father of Folly, and the natural steward Of the Graces - then suddenly changing -hie tone, "how- ever, madame," he added, "if you have the least uneasiness respecting him, I will have him interrogated to -morrow by the brigadier of the gendarmerie." Madame Laroque protested against this excess of polite zeal, and the con - venation regarding me proceeded no further; but it piqued me greatly, not &phut the under-prefectp who, on the contrary, pleased me infinitely, but against Madame Laroque, who, in ren- dering more than justice to my private qualities, was not sufficiently penetrat- ed with a sense of my official merit. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Elsie Speaks Out. (AT TWILItilliT, i msl'AIILOR.) You're vexed with me to -night, I know, I won't ask.you to kiss me, '- There's Nursie calling ere [react You'll be right glad to miss int, I'm sorry that 1--plirgue you so; I guess I kill you nearly ; I guese you'll never half believb, But I do love yout-dearly, Oh, I do love you !dearly. I never meant to break your watch, I thought I'd plat be trying How fast the littlei wheel would turn When something atarted-flying, And whiz -z ! it went, and then etopped short; i An' now you say its spoilt for good, Can't it be mended -ever? ; 1 never thought ohe little tou Of pretty red upon it ,t Would spoil your icture yesto day ; I wish I hadn't d ne it, . I never meant to---inever, • I thought I'd like , o help you ome, You'd left the brush right ready; I believe you'd think 'twas pretty, too, •If you looked at it steady. l'in sorry -that I tore your froc That ruffle was so i spreading, My feet are little to look at, But they're righVbig for treading, An' then I woke You from youi. nap; The monkey was So funny, I . T laughed out 100,, before I thought, To see him counting money._ I never mean to .1:e so bad 1 \ But everything I nr doing I Just turns right straight to naughtiness ; There's al ways mischief brewibg, k - So Nursie says, bore in my heed; I've cried my eyes eut--nearly ; You won't believe ooe single word, But I do love you -dearly, Indeed, I love you dearly. There's Nurte-caling loud; god -night, Why, Sister, you are crying' s Oh, me! I nevem i• eant-there .! there Let me the tearbe drying. ! Oh, oh ! That hada !-but still its nice. An' you'll forgive-Aneerely Oh, hug me close, an' kiss me, too, For 'I do love yeti -dearly, Oh, I do love yon dearly -St. Nichol as. Gaieties. -Angry subecriber (to editor) -I'm mad all are way through; and I .want my paper stopped ! Editor -Yes, -sir e do you want ylour bill made up ? Angry Subscriber -2r, I ain't mad enough for that. • -Mrs. O'Reurke-"I wish yez wud give me an order for some medicine, your riverence, for little Jimmy, here. He's been ailiag for two wakes.' Father Reilly-" I th nk a little soap and water _wouid do him thiug." Mrs. give it to him your riveranc ` Here is t conductors ou the fraternity taking up the as much good as any- _ Oltourke-" Would yez efore or I rather males, e latest to beat us poor of our fare,' mad one of the other' day. While tickets, I reached a nicely dreased lady, vho was looking,apparent- ly pre-occupield, out of , the open car whitlow, and tapping her pocket book on the windo the shoulder t when she jum dropped the p window. Sh could I do ? I dad. 1 noti dent, stopped _next trip, and a postage stau It chanced that on the'next day I had to renew the lease of a large farm. The tenant wes a canning old peasant, but I succeeded in dazzling him by some terms of jurisprudence adroitly inbagled with the reserve of a skillful diplomatist. When our agreement Was Om:minded, the good men placed in my desk three -rolls of gold pieces. Though the mean- ing of thie payment, which was not due. did not once occur to me, I abstained from exhibiting any eurprise '• but I found by indirect questions -that this 8881 constituted the earaest-money, cus- tomary on eaoh renewal of the leases; or in other words the ' glom of wine whkh the farmers give , the owners of the vineyards. I had not thought of claiming this earneet• inoney, having found no mention of it in the former leitseses, drawn up by my skillful pre-. decessor, and which eerved me as models, I drew no conclasion from this circumstance, at the moenent, but When I placed this pledge ht Madame La - rogue's hends, her aurPrise astonished me. " What does this meoin ?" she asked me. I explained the nature of the gratuity. ahe ntade me repeat my ex- planation. "Is it the custom ?" "Yes, madame, whenever a new lease is granted." " Bat there have beea during thirty years more then ten leases renewed to ` imy knowledgre-what ht. the reason we i voer e ? never'' heard woed of these things before "1 do not know madame." Madame Laroque fell into an abyss of reflection, at the bottom of which she tuet, perha,ps, the veuerable saade of Father Hivart, after which she shrug- gea her shoulders, slightly looked at me, then at the gold pieces,then- again at me, and seemed to hesitate. Then she leaned back in her arm -chair, and sighing dee,ply, said to me with great 8i ill : Very well, monsieur; I thank yen." This act of palpable Ithnesty, which she had the good taste not to compli- ment me for, had the effect of impres- sing 141a,dame Laroque with a great idea of her steward's; ability and virtue. I discovered that some days afterward. Her daughter was reading to her a his- tory of a voyage to the North Pole, in which there was an account of an ex- traordinary bird which did not fly away :-" H.old," said she, " that is like iny steward." I firmly hope that I have since ac- quired, by the strict ,attention with which I have devoted myself to the task I have undertaken, some right to less 'negative praise. (To be continued.) what to tell you, edge. I r,ouched her onn attract her attentio, ed as though shot, , and cket-book out of the( car began t& cry, and what Mid her, of course, which ed the place of the acci• or the Poeket-book the found the contents to be p and a ca -Fd of hooks and eyes. I felt pretty chea ,then.' -' And yo me, George.' thousand dear man, George.' know me yet. 'Well, dearest, I do t i not w-ish you e die for nee to show your affection.' 'W hat is , it, my darl ing? Shall I pluck the ?tars from their cerulean dome? Shah I say to the sea, hal ha! cease to flow'for my love •wills it? Shall I tell yon bright and innoceut moon that is her light tha face trio rou no,' she amili to attempt su ask of you is ing.' • All say you ould die for Die for you? Yes, a hs." Yoh- are a noble ' My darting, you don't linting the hill tops with she must not shire on thy hly-ha?' `No, George, g said, do not wish you h impossibilities. All I this-, 'Yes, my dari- ask of You is this -don't cad again.' -A good-natured newspaper chap was at e. rustic picnic and rashly spoke to a young lady without the forinality of an introduction. He happened to see a great fat caterpillar cralwling on her lace ward her said, But the off with an im- eture and said, ' me without an cellar, and jarnping t 'Madam perknit me t young lady Waved him perious and insulting g • How dare You speak to his attendant, or clerk who was on his knees, and whispered to him: Three ohairs for the Protestant ladies." The clerk, being an ignorant man, mistook the words, etood up and shouted to the congregation : "Three qheers for the Protestant ladies !" whic 1 the congre- gation immediately took up and gave three hearty cheera'while the clergy- men actually stood dumfounded. ' What It Would Do. , The money paid for one glass of beer would pey. for one loaf of bread. The - money paid for one glass of whisky would pay for one pound of beef. . • The money paid for two glasses of beer would pay for one peck of potatoes. . The money paid for two glasses ff whieky would pay for one pound of coffee. . The money. Reid for three glasses of beer would pay for a quarter of a pound of tea. 1 . The mouey paid for three glasses Of whisky would pay for a dretsed fowl. ! The money paid for four glaeses of beeravould pay for two dozen co eggs. I The money paid for four glasaes Iof whisky would pay for three pounds o1 butter. The money plaid in one'month for two glasses of beer a day would pay for a ton of coal. I The money paid in one month for two glasses Of whisky a day would pay for a guit of clothes. - The money paid in one yefor three glasses of , beer a day would pay the rent for a small suit of rooms for one year. ' - Td'he money paiin one year for three glasses of whisky a day would pey for an outfit•of houtiehold furnittire. f The money paid in one ye r for four glasses of beer a day wouid . pay for a carriage. Tne money paid in one year for four glassea of whisky a -day would pay for a horse and harness. -Wooster Herald. _. The Smart Ofacei Boy. Dittieguished individual -le" Possibly, sir, you du not remember- me. Years ago I wa,s your office boy.. eOne day you sent me out with $10 to buy etamps. I took that money, -invested it, and real- ized a cool $100,000," 'It, Great rtierchantee" Wella I'll forgive You. What do you waut Distiiiguithed individual-" I would like to borrow another $10." -New York Sun. His Roll of Bilis. Thompson (meeting Faetgle)-Hello, Fangle, you are jest the man 1 went to see. Lend me $10 fora welek or two, will you ? • Ftingle-I'm verry sorry Thompson, but 1 havn't the money. ut why don't you ask Cumao ? I saw h•m about a quarter of an hour ago, nd he had a -great roll of bills in his pee et. I think you'll find him in the cigar store on the corner, Thompson -All. right! I'll tackle him. (Thompson hurries off, ud presently meets Claris° at the place indicated by Fangle ) ( Curnao-Hellow I Good Thompson 1 introduction 1 You are certainly no • gentleman, sr !' Here the caterpillar overbalances! itself, _and fell down her neck. ' Ye ch ! Oh ! Help! Take it I off. Oh, pl ase take it off, somebody ! screamed th fair one. The newspaper man was the- only ' somebody ' around, and he said, '1 couldn't think of it, inadern ; 1 hern't been introduced to the caterpillar '21 How to ecome ;tosy--Chetked 1 V.7 om n. The politkoal battle is over, but the battle with 'disease nu1st be constantly and unceaeangly wag d else the grim -reaper wilt come out victorious, and loved ones Will be gathered to their long home, On all sides may be seen pale Md listless . girls who ;should be enjoy- ing the health and glow of rosy youth. Everywhere- we -are met with women young in years, yet prematurely old,who , suffer in silence &Lrnos1 untold agonies, the result of those ailaients peculiar to the female; system. .To all • such, Dr. WilliarnsaPink Pills c Me as a bleasing. They restore wasted t4tality, build up the nervousi system, elnrich the blood, and transform pale anI sallow complex- ion. into glowing, rosycheeks thatalone follow perfet health.1, In a word they are a certain cure for ill these distrese: hag complaints to wbich *omen and girls are paculiarly lieble. A trial of these pills wall convince the most scep- tical. of their wooderful merit. For suffering men -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are (gutsily efficacious; For overwork, mental strait'. loss of sleep, nervous de- bility, and atl those di eases that lead to broken 'down mantle°. , they are a' cer- tain specific!. etimulatiiig the brain, re- inforcing the exhausted system and re- storing shattered vitality. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are nature's restorative and 'should he used by every weakand debilitatedperson. Foe sale by all deal- erspo or sent stpaid; op receipt of price (50 cent° a box) by a.ddreasing the De. Williams Medicine:Col., Broca vale, On- tario. - 1 . 1214 4 • , A Cordial Reception. One Sunday, during high mats at twelve, in the cbapel df the little village of Glengarita, three ladies of the Pro- testant faith! were obliged to take shelter from one of :these heavy summer showers. which so frequently ocicur in the, south of Ireland. The officiating prieet, knowing who they were and wishing to appear respectful to their, stooped down e morning, IMPORTANT NOTICES 16-101t ,SALE. -A first•claes ,residence on the U corner of Victoria and George Streets, 'Good stable and orchard. Apply to A. CARDNOe Saforth. - 1183 TORE' TO RliNT.-To rent, the middle stliee in he Bank of Commerce Bloek, Main Street, S.aforth. The best buSinees part of the town. pply at the Bank. - • 1213 tf OFIN BEATTIE; Clerk.of the Second Division Cort, County of Huron, Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Lean and Insurance Agent. Fund ]nvested and to Loan. Office -over Sharp & Livene' store, Main street, Seatorth. 1289 1\101.fi TOt nd to lioClaAn Na.t-10P,Ar, iev8 zte rates.od ecrotrif private funds have been placed in our hands which we will loan in sums to suit bonower. Loans can he completed at once if title -satisfac- tory. DICKSON el HAYS, Cardno's Block, Sea- orth. 1143tf THORO GHBRED CATTLE FOR SALE.- For slc two theiroughbred Bull tedves, one 12 moths' and the other 10 rponthe' old. Also a eo ng thoroughbred Cow with heifer calrat loo. Appl: on lot 8, conees ion 10, Tuckcrsrnih, or.address. Kippen P. 0. JOHN McKAY & 'ONS. 1214 4 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN HARPURHEY F at SALE. For stile cheap, the property of Mr. 14 eCulloch in Harpurbey. There are two dwellin htuses with an acre of land, and plenty of good wa er. It is pleasantly and convenient- ly situ ed and vvould make a most desirable residen e fbrea retired farmer. Apply to DAVID McCU LOCH, Seaforth. 1213-tf SEED BIRLEY FOR SALE. -For Sale a quan- -• ti o two•rowed Barley, suitable for seed. It is th Highland Chieftain variety. The seed - was im or ed froin Philadelphia last spring. It is fully tw week e eanier than the ordinary two - rowed arley, and will yield from 50 toil() bush. els per acre and will weigh from 66 to 68 pounds to theushel, l This barley can be got for SI. per bushel t the Seed Stores of Robert Soott or E. Hinchl y, Seaforth. JOHN STAFFORD. N.B. -Also he Empire State Potato for seed. They can be a at the above etores or at Mr. Staf- ford's( rnf, concession 13, McKillop, for $1 per bushel. eed Mummy Peas 80c per bushel. 1213-5 VAL the het sale. I is a cot It is be lake; at person It will apply t JOHN DES 'donee signed. has tef frame all on house fruit a uated; good r BLE PROP leRTY IN BAYFIELD 01 SALE. -The property in Bayfield of ev. George Jamieson is offered for t i composed of 9 acres of land on which ifortable brick house and frame stable. situate.4 on the banks of the d is a most desirable residence for any ehiring to live in this pleasant place. )e sold cheap. For further particulars LEX. JAMIESON, Seaforth P. O., or fORUAN, Bayfield. 1213 tf. RABLE RESIDENCE IN SEAFORTH OR SALE. -For sale, cheap, the resi- n(' lot owned and occupied by the under - t is eted on James Street. The lot ()Otsego of 72 feet. There is a two storey Ose, 2e by 26 feet, and kitchen 12 by 20, a. stone foundation, also a good wood rid stable. The lot is well planted with d ornatnental tree- and is pleasantly sit - n1 the buildings and fences are all in pair. Apply to ISAIAH HOLMAN. 1215x4 FOR Direct March, r3, tunity and sit it; iour801 nu e ft the 1rateN R Blake I SALE OR TO. RENT. -The Blake Butter d 'Cheese Company, at a meeting of the rs' and Shareholders, held on the 27th of itlwas decided to offer the above Darned !Or *ale or to rent. This is a good oppor• or any person wishing to enter into the s,'as the factory is in good running order manufacture of both butter and cheese, ated in one of the best farming districts rib, and will be hold at a very reasonable poly if by letter, or personally, to Mr. 'ElOHERT and Mr. D. B. STEICKLE, ., Ontario. 1216 A Sr Winth the' ma conifer also a one -fit supplie Thompsoa-Good morni g, Cameo. I tttit want to borrow ten dol- 1 is a bla close b .J This property and business %ill be Curnso (interrupting)- wfully sorry sold cheap as the proprietor has to retire on ac - old man, but count 44 ill -health. A eteady, pushing man Thompson -0, that won t do ! YOu've could bits good businees and make money. Ad- ess ,Mthrop P. 0., or apply on the premises got lour of money about !your clothes. t ro WM HORNEY. 12162(4 tf. Fangie told me that you had a bundle of billin your pocket not tWenty minutes I ago. a ENDID OPENING, -For sale the Car - ,e Shop and Business in the Village of , at present owned and oecupied by rsigned. The shop is frame with a le dwelling house attached. There is cl cider mill and a stable. There is of an acre of land. The shop is also withea full stock of carriage -makers ood business is now being done. There smith ehop to work in connection with wsmiermainmemememewisimelsioa, TEAS A 8.1)CIALTY. The Post Office Grocery has in stock one of the finest assortment of Teas to be found in the county. Greens, Blacks and Japans of the -.best quality, and at prices from 25 cents pe, Ib. up. I C;umso-Well, it was •itery little in Foargle to give me awa like that. I have a roll of hills, thong . Here they are: (Produces roll.) Th.e tailor's bill is the -smallest. It's $34: how will that suit ? : • Thompson -I'll thresh Fangle when I catch him. ' I forgot that first of April. I Dreams o By CCntraries. 1 , "Bi Ge rge, but this is odd !" ex- claimed a, tizen as he met another in front of the City Hall yes erday. " How ?" "I 'dreamed last night hat I (met you on this very spot !" li g N I>, . . " Bat I did ! You were dressed ex- actly as you are now, and your over- coat was unbuttoned." " Did we talk together?" .: "We did." --- "Did you risk me for any money ?" "No -not exactly. I asked you to indorse a note for me as a great favor." ! "And I indorsed ?" 1 "You did. You said you'd be only too happy to oblige me, and I left you with a heart full of-" "Never mind What your heart was full ef. It's not much of a coincidence, You owe me $20 borrowed money, and I'll see you in Halifax before I'll indorse your paper 1 Good day, sir 1" 1 Sunday Refliactions. In lending money to ihe Lord always be sure of your middleman. Neither wisdom, virtue nor honor were ever achieved by chance. Some cheap things are ever in good form -politeness, for instance. Necessity is a doubtful virtue, be- cause it knows no law.t Who is prepared tra deny that the world is better to -day han it was yes- terday. Luck is no more related to pluck than is a will o' the wisp to the polar stare Who, instead of knitting, fain would ravel, with socklese f et must shortly travel. ___... Nothing to ork On. "Got anything you want sharpened, gents?" inquired the aged peddler with the razor paste. " Yes," replied the smart youth at the desk near the door. "You can sharpen our wits if you want to, old man." "Got to have something to work on, gents," the old man said, as he looked amend the room, shook his head pity- ingly and walked away. -Chicago Tri- bune. - this was the Marriage Etiquette in Texas. Westerly-" Did yop read about the Texas girl whose fiance did not appear in church at the time appointed ?" Brown-" No. What did she do ?" Westerly-" She borrowed the minis- ter's revolver and asked, him to wait a few minutes. Within balf an hour she came back with a placid smile And a submissive s bridegroom." VA cessio which bered houae stabil fence coltiv also There and t one 0 smith is go is siti field of a 1 vel r can b ticul MRS. Onta UABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. For Sale iniTuckersinith, Lot 31, Con- , L. R. S., containing 100 acres, 90 of are cleared, the remainder iseWell tin - with hard wood. There is a good frame n a.rly new, also good frame barns and 3g plenty of hard and soft water, well , vell underdraiued and in a high state of ti n. There is a good bearing orchard, .oung orchard of first-class variety. Is about 30 acres of fall ploughing done e remainder is seeded to grass. This is the best farms in the Township of Tucker - and has no broken or had land on it, and for either grain or stock. This property ated on the Mill Road, 1 mile from Bruce- nd 6 from Seaforth, it is within a quarter ile from the schoolhouse, with good gre- eds 1 ading in all directions; Possession given to suit purchaser. For further par. re apply on the preiniees or address to MARY SINCLAIR, Brucefield P 0., lo. 1210 tf. Es Blue " Ke and One mati mal EW $10 REWARD. RAY DOG. -Strayed from lot 5, minces - *doe 12, Hibbert, On the 12th of March, a Collie Dog, answering to the ramie of per." He has a white ring round his neck white strip on the face, and ehort tail. ar sticks up mote than the other. Infor- n that will lead to the recovery of this ani- vill be liberally rewarded by GEORGE Mc - N, Henstell. 1214 "MALLAWALLA," A famous blend of India Teas, is giving excellent satisfaction. Give it a trial. prei a T wit JOS Bre vice has reas 0. BULLS Fop. SERVICE. RHAM BULL FOR SERVICE. -The un- dereigned will keep for service on his ises, on Lot 18, Concession 1, Tuekersmith, oroughbred Durham Bull. Terms -$1.50. the privilege of returning if necessary. PH FOWLER, Seaforth F'. O. 1207tf RE BRED HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CAT- TLE. -The undersigned breeder of Pure Holstein Friesian cattle will keep for ser - on his prernisee a thoroughbred bull. He Iso a number of young bulls for sale. Prices nable. JOHN McGREGUR, Constance P. 1211 G -1=Z0 C S - We have also a well -selected stock of Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Salmon, Lobsters, Lunch Tongue, Corned Beef, Potted Ham, Sardines, Canned Peaches, Pine Apple, Pumpkin, etc. agents for "Chicago Yeast Powder," the best 25c powder in the market. A trial solicited. a c 9th,' whi Ter at ti ing. R SERVICE. -The undersigned wishes to inform stockbreeders that he has purchased °ice Short Horn Bull, " Baron Knightley from the well-known Bow Park Herd, to h a limited number of cows will be taken. .8 -Thoroughbreds, 38; Grade, 33, payable e of service, is ith the privilege of return. R. CORLEY, Belgrave. 1211 E • SEY 'BULL -The undersigned will keep during the present season on hit) farm, 2nd 4cone eaten, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, a thorough- , - bred Jersey Bull, sired by, Canada's John Bull. Teri s-61.50, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if necessisry. JOHN HA NAH. N. B. -Also for sale a Jersey bull calf, -leven months old, thoroughbred. 1164 THE FARMERS' 13. nki ng House (I s:ELFQITII connection with the Bank of:Montreal.) LOGArd ik CO., BAN KERS AND FINANCIAL ENTS To ti A and 0 REMOVED e Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street neral Banking Business done, drafts tattle ed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND ,y. FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH. , ONE DOOR SOUTH 01? POST OFFICE SEAFORTH. tar Wanted -Butter and Egga. BICYCLES The Charles Stark Company, Limited, of Toronto, The Largest Dealers in Bicycles, &c., in Canada, have appointed good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER, 1068 , ,LUMSD -&, WILSON Their sole agents f r Seaforth and vicinity, and intending purchasers willdo well to call jon or correspond with them before purchasing. • This company ctually'control the entire sale In Canada of the best English makes, and you can prrcure from Lumslclen & Wilson any machine, or part thereof, at the same price as if purchased in Toronto. All styles of Bicycles sold -ladies' and gentlemen's, safety and ordin- ary. Call or write for catalogue. Easy termsofayment. LUMSDEN & WI SON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. 4 TAE YOUR From the best while you are about it. It won't cost you any more to have all the advan age of selection from THE LEADING STOCK FOR VA-RIETY. We are showing by far the best selection and in st complete line o new styles and late novelties for the present seaso SEE IT AND BE SATIS IED, Or you are bound to find just what you want. Another very impor- i tant thing for you to know is, that we give QUALITY AS WELL AS QUANTITY, And show in all departments goods of the highest grade of value and general exceillRnce. And -lastly, be it remembered that IN PRICE WE PLEASE YOU With the best figures it is possible to make on honest goads. Come and see the best and cheapest in Staple and Fancy Dry GOods, Dress Goods, Clothing to order, Readymade Clothing, Hata, Cap, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c., at the Bargain Dry Goods and Clothing House. WM. PICKARD, Corner Main and Market strrts Seaforth. FURNACES. FU NACES. Leading Coal and Wood Bur ing Furnaces. Wellington, GOO* Ethel.. ... Whagham.. Gonto Blisevale Bruseels Ethels 4 3 'easel • Grey and Bruce; Passenger. Mixed. 2.61 P.m. 8.31 r.x 8.38P. if. 3.06 e.45 9.20 8,21 10.00 9.50 3.80 10.10 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 6.39 a..m.11.10 A. M. 7.26 r. 6.48 11.22 7.65 7.02 11.45 8.65 7.14 12.00 9.31 London, Huron and Bruce. GIOING NORTH - Louden, depart. Exeter Reiman. Kippen. Brucofleld Clinton.............. Londesboro Blyth Belgrave..., Wingham arrive..... 1.. Gorse Sotrrn- Wingtutm, depart Belgrave Blyth Londesboro. . Clinton . Brucefield Kippen. Hensel' 'Exeter Passenger. 7.55A.n, 4,35roe, 9.16 6.57 9.28 6.09 9.34 6.17 9_42 6.26 .. 0.00 6.4 10.19 7.03 .. 10.28 7.12 10,42 7.27 .. 11.00 7.46 Passenger. ti.60a.m 7.05 4.00 7.18 4.16 7.26 4.2.6 7.56 4.46 8.16 6.04 6.24 6.12 8.32 5.19 8.50 6.33 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton station follows: Crowe Wrier- SEAPORTIL CLINTON Passenger .. .. .. .. 1.03 r. et. 1.20 P. x Passenger... .. .. .. 9.10 P. X- 9.27e. at Mixed Train.. ...... 9.20 s.et. 10.05 A.M. Mixed Train 6.15 F. M. 6.40 010110 EAST - Passenger. .. .. .. 7.59-A. M. 7.43 A. Passenger .. .. .. 2.43 r. N. 2.25 P. Mixe i Tram,. 6.30 r tr. 4.56 P. II. Freight Train.. .. .. 4.30 P. w. 3.30 P. For CRAMPS, COLIC, and all Bowel Troubles, use - PERRY DAVIS' Used both hi-ter:tally and externally It sets in icklv aft 'oil rig almost inst.= relief inno etie eeNerest pain. BE SURE to GET THE -1.1EllUINIE 2r7eo pee. bottle. ,,,,,,x_FT:2717M=1240;1211111 and .11100D COMBItIED 1 .,„1:k1ULSION epereehteceeve A .threlet MEDICINE VP COD LW* Inereasort W&ght, Etrengthens Lunge and aterveo. Price 50c. :Led -1.-09 Dor 33ottlo. 111152=2=1211112=4:2112111232111111 Ministers and Pl,kblic Speakers use SPE ‘CE 'S Chlors,rain'e Pastilles For Clearing and Stkngthening the -voice. Cure lioareenees an Soreness of Throat. Price o5c per bottle. Sample free on apptication to Druggists. GARNET COAL FUR ACE in four 8izes-5. 6, 7 and 8 -Steel Radiators, portable ar brick set. THE ATLANTI vvcop BURNING URNACE in two sies-Nos. 43 and.53. No. 43 akes wood 43 inches long, and No. 53 takes wood 53 inches long; teel Radiators, portable or brick set, has an E TRA HEAVY FIRE BOX; is the most POWERFUL HEATER Economical, Strong, urable Wood Furnace made. These furnaces are put up under the upervision of a mechinie with an experience of 25 years in the fi:r- nace business, and are guaranteed to give good atisfaction every time. tar ESTIMATES FTTRNISFIED. ,Kidd's Hardware d 8 ove House; 'MAIN STREET, SEA ORTH. THE SEAFORTH FKDUNDRY _L Having completed rebuilding and repairing the old foundry, and introduced the late si equipments and the most improved machines, I am now prepared)to do All Kinds of Machine Repairs AND GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK. LAND BOLL We are now turning out sortie of the best i and invite the farmers to s,te them before buyin RS. proved Land Roller, elsewhere. 1 T. I. COLEMAN, ummunganzaezgamma... TO MOTHERb PALMO-TAR MAP Is Indisponsablo far the Bath, Toilet or Nursery, for elesming ple &alp or Skin - THE BEST BABY'S SOAP KNOWit. Petee 52130. • •1: Physicians strOngly recommend Wyeth's 24a1t Extract, • (Liquid) To patients suiferitig from nervous exhaus- tion ; to improve the :Appetite, to assist Da- gostion, a valuable ',foul°. 40 4..ente per bottle. The most satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER is Channing 'i Sarsaparilla, It is,a Grand HEALTH RESTORER. Will cure the worst form of skin disease ; will cure Rheumatism; will euie eialt Rheum, Large Fitthae, $1.00. minignetMenialltalater ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM For 00NSU1:PTION, :loughs, neglected Cddris. Bronchitis, ArithMrs tnd alt dissahes of the Drugs. In three sized bottles 25c, 50e, and $1.00. FOR HEADACI-1,4.. AND NEURALGIA, ' rpkir For Lumbago, SciatiCa, " Cricks," Tic, Stitches; Rheumatic rains and Chronic Rheumatism. Each plaster in an air -tight tizi box. 25a, IMENEEIM1121=10=XIZSIMIZIMMIMMMI WYETH'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE. For Pallor, Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart. Valnable lEtesVeratiVe for Couvalexcents. Combinea Nutriment with Stimulus tar Be aszeltal to ask for WYETII S, the only CEIYUINIS. . Millikh,:4•401,11004.00. DAVIS & RENvE CO. Lim., 114074TREA Proprietors or General Agents FOR MOST OF TILE POPULAR Prepridary or Phvmaceutical Medicines Toilet Articles and Perfumery. KIPPEN PLOW SHOP. T. M.ELLIS On hand again with al new supply of all kinds of Plows,Gang Plows, 'Land Rollers. Cultivators and afarm implerneats, which are all good,and sold away down in poes to suit the times. PLOW EPAIRING. plow.citatioga of alt rfaeavnedr doffaoripplogwona7paoaairaf. .. A. larger stock t ings to fit all plows. Farmers wanting genuine mould boards on any line of plow, plow handles, plow bolts. The beat American Plow Boards always an stock for al lines of leading plows. All plow repairingdose with neatness and i dur.bility at bottom rims. u Farmers now is th time to bring along your Pks‘s nsesv always find them in good order and ready for laand get thew ready for *spring. you will 1213-16 T4 MEL LIS, Kippen. e