The Huron Expositor, 1890-02-28, Page 6• THE " !RON ri >S4. !TOR« FEBRUARY 28 1 Amusing ElpisiSdes Related by a Pioneer School Teacher of Leadville. I taught one of the first schools ever taught in the great mining camp of Leadvillei Colorado, and naturally en• ough I had meny unususl and amusing experiences. The*,schoolroom was the second floor of a two-story log building, the lower floor being used for a grocery store. Everything in the schoolroom was of the most primitive kind. The seats were long pine benches. There were no desks, no blackboards, and not an inch of plastering in the whole building. ' There was nothing between the grocery store and the schoolroom but a loosely laid floor of unseasoned pine ithat be- came.looser as it seasoned. It was, un- fortunately, full of knot holes, and whenever a customer came bet* the store for a bar of soap or a pound of sugar, the school heard the entire tran- saction, and as the merchant was a very loquacious man we often heard some funny things. T,he schoolroom water pail was kept on a pine box at one end of the room, and it -was accidentally overtnrned a good many times that wintee, and, strangely enough, the boys sitting near it could never tell just how these acci- dents happened, but they always occurred when there were More than the usual number of customers in the store below and they never failed to throw the school into paroxysms of joy'. The effect was different on t e grocery - man. "Ilerii you, Mister Te cher !" he would roar up to me. ", Well, what is it ?" I would 8,8k in as calm and dignified a manner as I could assume when talking through knot holes at my feet. "Them boys is pourinWater down here ag'in and wettin' my goods and my customers, and I ain't goi to stand it?" "Boys !" I would say ate "did ly, any of you upset that pail ?" , No, sir," would come frdm a dozen of the innocent ones. "And they did !" the would shriek out, "you - down here and see! If you 'em behave I kin, now, and too I" One day he carried his thr cu tion. There were several c the store and I was busy wit I rocoyman just I come an't' make I'll I do it , stint1o exe- stomers in a class in geography when an ominous plash and the giggling of two boys tol4 me that the newly filled water pail had gone over again. There were litt e leminine shrieks below, and the next Jlninuts the grocer 'sugar scoop in hand, appeared in the acliool room. Without deigning to notic me he ran back to where the overturne4 pail was and began laying about him with the sugar scoop, and before I could recover from my amazement nearly every pupil had gone shrieking and laug ing down a the stairs, with the irate grocer ins mad pursuit, hammering away 1 with the scoop on the heads and backs of the guilty and the innocent alike A few minutes later he frittered up through the knot holes: "Now, if - you can't Make them youngsters behaye themselvee and have some mermen, I kin !" This singular lesson in co rtesy had such a salutary effect on the school that the pail was not overturned again for two whole days. The nex week we moved into a new and bett*. room on the ground floor, greatly to 1he delight of the grocer. -J., L. Harbor in Wide Awake. Minard's Liniment Cures Diatom ' • er. Good Taste. "You naay name this bo, Mary," said a man to his wife when heir, fifth child was a few weeks old, only, you must call him John." The f ther had had his owns way with the o her !four, and it was no more than fair that he should consult his wife's taste for once. It is a pleasure te see husbands thus considerate. The Detroit Tribune re- cords a similar instance: , An elderly couple entered a dry.. goods store on Woodward Avenue. He was slim and tall, and she was round and short. "My wife and I have come to do some shopping," he said to the clerk Indeed ?" " Yes ; my wife wants a neW dress to take home." "Just show her what you have. Let her select whatever she wants." "What line of goods will you have, madam ?" asked the clerk. • "Ob, something in silk," aeiswered the husband for her. The clerk took down a roll of bright - colored patterns. "How does that please you, madam ?" he asked. "No, that is toe bright," said the husband. "How do you like this, madam ?" asked the clerk, displaying &neither roll. "No, my wife doean't like that,'" he returned. " It is too dark." Again and again the clerk displeyed his wares before them, always appealing to the taste of the wife, and being I an- swered by the huaband. "Well," said the latter at length, "1 guess this piece will do. Wrap it When they were on the street, he remarked to his wife: "That's a nice piece of goods you belecaed, Mary." A look of quiet humor stole into the old lady's eyes, but she merely answered quietly, as she glanced affectionately into his face: "Do you think so, John ?" Coughs, s ,cure of such diseases had been fully tested. to the public after its metits for the pesitive • Allen's ' Lung Balsam was introduced s - . •„ It excites eveetoration and causes the Lungs 'Colds Croup - I 1 the irritated parte ; gives strength to th:diges- ttl%listhsreCwrett nsthaeniceiheeugrrfieosrthnetletlisat!dcl?ahnegaeiss tive organs ; brings the liver to its proper action, and imparts strength to the whole system. Such is the Immediate and satisfactory effect that it is warranted to breakup the most distressing oough in a few hours' time, if not of too long standing. It contains no opium in any form and is warranted to be perfectly harmless to the most delicate child.- There is no real necessity for so many deaths by consumption ,when. Allen's Lung Balsam will pre- vent Of only taken in time. ° For Consumption, and all diseases that lead to it,such as Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Lungs. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM is the Great Modern Remedy. For Croup and Whooping Cough it is almost a specific. It is -an old standard . remedy, and *old universally at so cents 5 and $1.00 per bottle. The 25 -cent bottles " A 1 len s are put out to answer the constant call i 25 -cent bottle to test it. --- lf, you have not tried the Balsam, call for a Lung B alsam , for a Good -and Low -Priced COUGII CURL . quent dizziness. These are but a few of the more geeeeral symptoms,and those who experience them should lotita no time in applying a remedy -delays are proverbially dangerous, and in the calm of this too prevalent disease may lead to death. We offer Nasal Balm to the public as a POSITIVE CURE for cold in the head and for catarrh in all its forms and stages. Nasal Balm has been tested in thousands of cases, and the testimonials in our possession prove that it is all we claim for it. It has cured other sufferers -it will cure YOU. It is easy to use, pleasant and agree -- able and does not require a douche, or any 'torturing instrument to apply it. Give it a trial and be convinced of its great efficacy. Sold by all dealers or sent poet free on receipt of price -50 cents for small or $1 for large size bottle, by addressing Fuevoup dc Co., Brock- ville, Out: He Had Made the Round Trip. "I have taken my last order. I am going home," he said, as the clock struck the midnight hour. The nurse looked at the doctor with a significant glance and whispered: "His mind wauders." Presently he lifted his* feverish head from its pillow. "Any letters from the house ?" he in- quired. "There ought to be letters here." Then he slept, and in his sleep he was a little boy again, babbled of fishing streams where the trout played, of echoed hours and romps with his mates. At 12 he suddenly awakened. "Alt right !" he exclaimed in a strong voice, "I'm ready. He thought the porter had called him to an early train. The doctor laid a soothing hand on him, and he slept. In his sleep he murmured: "Shaw you samples of our goods. I'm going off the road now. This order closes out. The house has called me in. Going to have my first vacation, but I shall lose timetime-titne !" He drowsed off, and the dootor count- ed his pulse. Suddenly the sick man started up. "Give me a fetter from home. Ellen atways writes to me here. She never disappointed me yet -and the child- ren. They will forget me if my trips are too long. I have only a few more towns to sell -promised to be home Christmas -I promised to be home- promised-" He slept again, and. again awakened with a start. "No word from the house yet ?" He wee going home fast now. The doctor bent over him and repeated, in a comforting voice, the precious words of promise. "In my father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you." "Yes -yes," said the dying traveller faintly. "It is a clear statement. It is a good house to travel for. It deals fair and square with its men. The chill December morning dawn- ed -the end was very near. The sick_ man was approaching the undiscovered land from whose bourne no traveller re- turns. "I have changed iny,route," he mur- mured faintly. "The house is calling - me in -write toeEllem and the 'children that I'm -on -my -way --its in my sample base -without money and with- out -a good house -fills all ita orders as agreed. Call me for the first train -I am ping to make the round trip and get home for; Christmas." They lid his head back on the pillow. He had made the round trip. He had gone home for Christmas. News of the Week. DIED. -he Sulton of -Zanzibar is dead. CIVIL ' ENGINEER DEAD. -William Jarvis McAlpine died on Staten Island on Sunday, aged 68. He was one of the most eminent civil ,engineers in Am- erica. AQ UARTETTE. -Mrs. M. Newton, of verson, Pennsylvania, gave birth on hursday to four girls, all of the ordin- ry size, perfectly formed, and likely to / 'live. L ETITIONING CONGRESS. -Maseaohus• etts has sent 240 petitions to Congress praying that the exportation of intoxica- ting liquors from the Unitel States to I Africa be stopped. I BeLFOUR'S Sceteeih . DEN OUNCED . =-- i The Irish Presbyterian Church has iissued a manifeato denouncing Mr. 1 Balfour's recent speech in favor of Catholic endowment. I A Rem ACT. -At Hastings, Minne- sota, Mary Dielzen was shot the 'other I evening by Louis Sommers, whose pro- posal of marriage she had refused. The murderer escaped. AN ICIE FAMINE. -An ice famine in Chicago is feared to be inevitable. Ac- cording to dealers the dearth extends from the, Mississippi River to the Atlan- tic Ocean,south of Wisconsin, Lake Erie and Vermont. FURIOUS ELECTION FIGHT. -A rail- road Board election fight in Wichita, Kansas, engaged a hundred men with guns and knives on Thursday of last week, and two men were fatally wound- ed. ' THE WORLD'S FAIR. - The United States Special Committee on the World's Fair have reported that it will be held in 1892. The selection of a city will be left° to the House. DIED. -Sir Robert Kane, M. D., died Saturday. He was formerly president of the Queen's College, of Cork, and was at the time of his death a member of the Senate of the Royal University of Ireland and Board of National Educa- tion of Ireland. • A Positive Danger. - MA. Eprrolt.---Itis a well known fact ' that the majority of people are inclined to look upon a cold in the head as a matter of little importance -involving at the most only a temporary inconven- ience. No more disastrous mistake was ever made. The neglected cold in the oad is the source of catarrhallffections with which about seven -tenths of the - people of this country are afflicted and catarrh itself is too • often the pre- 1 liminary stages of consumption and death. The symptoms of catarrh are manifold, But among them' may be mentioned, offensive breath, dull and oppressive headache ; offensive droppings from the nostrils into the throat and bronchial tubes ; deafnese or partial deafness; constant hawking end spit- ting; weak and watery eyes ;la hack- ing cough and feeling of general de- bility ringing in the ears aind f. W. N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machine8. All kinds of i4oporty insured at lowest rates in first-class reliahle companipe, and losses set- tled promptly. '1 Spenial low rates on FARM PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 750 to 61 (cash plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these companies at a saving of 20 per cent. on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from 225 to 275. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale: Ma- chines repaired. NNT.. W'.A.111S 0 .L\T MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Save Your Hai] BY a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor This preparation has no equal as dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool and. healthy, and preserves the color fullneos, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or Ore( bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hail grew thiqk and glossy and the original color wa., restored." -Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Qentre, N. H. "Sometime ago I lost all my hair ila consequence of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and. Strong. It has Apparently come - to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." -.T. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for ° the peat, four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." - Mrs.. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, .Haverhill, Mass. "1 have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe :-.hat it has caused my hair to retain its natural color." -Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c., Bishopville., Md. Ayer's- Bair PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MaSs. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE.-Sotith half of Loi 10, Concession 4, McKillop, containing fifty acres, all cleared and in a good state of culti- vation, well fenced and underdrained, a good orchard and a never failing spring well, a house and kikhen, a good frame barn, and frame stable 'and other necessary buildings. It is very convenient to mills and markets, five and a hall tulles from Seaforth and four and a quarter from Dublin, besides a general store, post office and blacksmith shop within a quarter of a mile of it; two and one quarter miles from Catholic Church; Separate Sehool and Public School convenient. This place will be sold, or exchanged for more land. CORNELIUS DELANEY," Beechwood P. 0., Ont. 1156tf pusLic AUCTION SALE OF FARIVEITOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.-Mesers. J. P. -Brine and James Oke have been instructed by Mr. John Hannah to sell by public auction on his farm, Lot 16, Concession 2, II. R. S., Tucker - smith, one mile west of Egniondville, on Mon- day, March 3rd, 1890, at one o'clock, sharp, the following valuable property, viz.: Horses. - Three heavy draught geldings rising four years old, 1 gelding rising three years old, 1 spay working horses six years old, 1 spanworking horses nine years old, 1 driving mare six years old, sired by "Joe Gale," 1 driving mare four years old, sired by "Sorrel Cloud." Cattle- Tweive cows supposed to be in calf to a thor- oughbred bull, 4 fresh calved cows with calf at foot, 4 strippers, 1 steer rising three years old, 2 hteers rising two years old, 4 heifers rising two yearevold, 3 steers rising one year old, 8 heifers rising one year old, 1 Jersey bull calf ten months old, eligible for registry in the American Jersey Cattle Club Herd Book, also six Leicester ewes, 1 brood sow and 19 young pigs. Implements. -.One Toronto Binder, 1 ten horse power with rods, 1 bevel gear jack, 1 Maxwell straw cutter with carriers, 1 grain crusher, 1 Gale harrow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 broadcast grain and seed sower, 1 root cutter and pulper combined, 1 set five ton hay and stock scales. The whole of the above must be sold, as the proprietor has rented two of his - three farms and intends breeding Jersey cattle only iiPkiture. Terms of Sale. -Ten months` credit wirr be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Seven cents on the dollar discount allowed for cash on credit amounts. JOHN HANNAH. Proprietor: J. P. BRINE and JAMES OKE, Auctioneers. 1168 - 13 "Yr" TII MONTHLY FAIR -WILL BE HELD IN - 33 T Y" 111 -FOR THE - Sale of Horses, Cattle, &c. -ON-- Tuesday, Mal-'ich 4, 90. AUCTION SALES above date. A. ELDER, 'See.-Treas. 1157x3 conducted free of charge on C. HAMILTON, President. GREAT SLAUGHTER OF Readymade cf Ordered Clothing. We want more room for our Spring Stock, which is arriving daily. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits for $7, worth $12; Men's Overcoats, latest style'for $4.50, worth $8; Men's Odd Pants in endless variety, $1.50 up; Boys' two and three piece Suits below cost. We must clear them out. • ORDER DEPARTMENT. -Scotch Tweed Suits from $14 up, trimmed and made in the latest style. None but first-class workmen employed. Gens' Furnishing- Department. Five Hundred Ties at 25e each, wort!' from 50c to 85c ; 1,000 pair of Braces, must be cleared out at 25c. Men's Underwear at cost; don't fail to call and examine them. Come one, come all, both great and small, to Duncan's wonderful clothing and furnishing house. Don't forget our special gents' furnishing sale every Saturday evening. DENCAs, & DUNC Montreal House, - Seaforth. We have still in stock a few too many of the following lines of goods, which we will clear out at greatly reduced prices, to make room for our Spring purchases, which are beginning to arrive : A few line R of Heavy Dress Goods to clear at 10 per cent. off regular prices. A few lines of Mantling& which we will offer a almost your own prices. A few lines of Flannels in grey and fancy to be sold cheap. A lino of Blankets to be cleared at a low price. • In fact, all heavy winter goods must be disposed of during this month. A call solicited, so that you may see for yourself what we are doing. Duncan & Duncan, Seafortb. 1 WG THOUSANDS OF BOTTLE WEN AWAY YEARLY.S le When I say Cure I do not meat . merely to stop them fer a time, and thet rave themreturn again. I MEAN A RADICAL. CURE. I have made the disease of Fite Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Caere tat vorst cases. Because other's have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send a' once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express ant ?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you; Addresi .:-14. 0. ROOT il.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. ey.t treva t•tisit t- c.1 bs Et_ t'igtiT124ceictigg !-!53 .4•9 a ,. pa al E....=• to zz .• 0 •evg gut sa,,X :14' CO LAY/. • 0. 1 IN .44E; CeA :An 0.rqW,...,122 dirsP,?-44 cecil.1 *1 °'`tr;''445";.: 134 g,-0. e ITO* ir4 zry =Lica ei0 gg4cdvag',30"_-!,;g15:, =cre":1.-ita^a 1-4= 74::•° F;c1,1:10.,CD M.= b1=. re Cog "e? -rt. id8R3fIl rr.friebee;.. rrirSzP:43gg7-42 _ , 0 =40.'4_2.20 •papioa 56Egg..F2I4i; 3.4 • REMOVAL. W. J. Northgraves HAS REMOVED HIS . Jewelry .Establishment To the Campbell Block, corner Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth, Where he keeps a large stock of Gold and Silva Watches, Fine Jewelry, Clocks, &o. A fine stook of Heavy Plain Gold Wedding Rings, &c., cheap as the cheapest. Watches, Clock e and Jewelry repaired with despatch. tirCharges Reasonable. W. J. Northgraves, No. 1, Campbell's Block, Seaforth, Executor's Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of David Dorrance, Jr., Deceased. • MHE creditors of David Dorrance, Jr., late of the township of McKillop, deceased, who who died on the 20th day of January, 1890, are required to send to the undersigned executor on or before the first day of April, 1890, full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if any) held by them, verified by affidavit. After aaid date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference to such claims only as they shall have received notice of and after such distribution the execu- tors will not be liable to any person in respect to any portion of the assets of said estate, This notice 18 given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated the 5th February, 1890. THOMAS E. HAYS. Executor. N. B. -All parties indebted to the estate of the said late David Dormice, Jr., are also ho-reby notified to pay the same immediately to the undersigned, Seaforth P. 0. 1156-6 THOMAS E. HAYS. John_ C. Morrison, -AGENr FOR THE - WC) CD ID BIDELE With one canvas; the best in the market. Farmers are requested to see it before pur- chasing any other. Also the U. T. K. HAE• ROW. Auctioneer...for McKillop. The best' of satisfaction guaranteed and sale notes purchased. Will also be willing to execute WillsAgree- ments, Mortgages. &c., at his office, Winthrop. lir A tea* tnal given with all Implements. JOHN C. MORRIgON, Winthrop, nos HURRAH FoR THE Right now we are ready for business with our immente assortment of Christ- mas Gifts. Even Santa Claus is aston- ished at our disPlay. The New, the Noel and the Beautiful Are all inaluded in our splendid line of FANCY GOODS an OVELTIES, SILVER-PLATED WARE, BOOKS, TOYS and NOTIONS. We offer a great varlet presents for Ladies, Children. We can sup gift for old or young, a may Jestre to expend. Our Elegant Holid a Popular Stoc 'Respect Selected to meei' all requifements, we are prepared to furhish at lower than the lowest. I of approprialte entlemen and ly a suitable any sun- you y Stock is in all which prices PAPST, CARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. PENNYROYAL WAFERS used monthly by over 10,000 ladies; itre safe, pleasant, sure in effect; a lady's greatest fricnd at home or abroad; 1 perbox by mall or from druggist. ed particulars sEgtaniA Fit utudidAhresE Re DEIRoiT, Mien. Sold by LUMSDEN & WILS N, Chemists and 1121-52 Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. Wellington. soutasNomn--. Ethel . . Brunets.- .. Bluevale. Winghani Genre Bourn- Winghaan Bluevale Brnisels Ethel.... Grey and Bruce. Passenger. Mixed. 2.51,. N. 9.111 P.n. 8. rah 3.06 9.46 9.20 3.21 10.00 9.50 3.30 10.10 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. 6.39 A.m.11.10 A. v. 7.26 10.11 6.48 11.22 7.55 7.02 11.45 8.55 7.14 12.00, 9.81 London, Huron and Bruce, GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart.... ...... .. 7.55e.m. 4.85r.ir Exeter 9.16 5.67 Minoan. ' . 9.28 6.09 ‘ Kippen.. .. 9.34 6.17 Brucefield. . 9.42 6.28 Clinton. . 0.00 6.4 Londesboro . 10.19 7.03 Blyth. 10.28 7.12 -,Belgrave 10.42 7.27 Wingham arrive . 11.00 7.45 Gong° SOUTH- Passenger. Wingham, depart &Nan& Bel rave , 7.05 4.09 HI h.... . ........ .. 7.18 4.15 Londesboro .. ..... .t. 7.26 4.25 Clinton .. ..... ....... .. .. 7.56 4.45 Brumfield . c 8.15 5.04 Kippen. . 8.24 6.12 Hermit 8.32 5.19 Exeter 8.50 6.33 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton station follows: Goitre Wan- SNAPORTH. Passenger 1.03 P. kr. Pasaenger... .. 9.10 P. M. Mixed Train.. .... 9.20 A. IL Mixed Train . 6.15 P. M. NG GOIEAST- Passenger. 7.69 A. m. Passenger 2.43 P. M. Mixed Train.. 6.30 P M. Freight Train.. .. 4.30 P. M. Cameo 1.20 P. x 927. x 10.05 Am, 13.40 7.48 A. 2.25p. 4.56P. m 3.30 P. KENDALI:S SPAVIN CUR Else Moot Snoomsarni Remedy ever trace erect. as it is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. CENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE OPTION OF MARLIN A. BERME, Iftzrozn or CIXTELAND BAT AND TROTTING BRIM Bonn; . B. Z. Emmett. Co Stanroon, lu.., Mar. 0, 1898. ag. Dear Sirs: I have adman Purohaped yourK all'sIsparta Cure by the half dozen names, rould las prams In larger quantity. I think 101 ne of the best liniments on earth. r have Wadi a my stables for three years. Tatars truly, Cues. A,. 811TD1R. CENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Birommrs, o L B. J. KINNALL Co. N. TNovember, 1888- Dear Sirs desire to give you testimonial of m .04opinion ot your E 'sfipavin cure. I ha* sed it for Lameness, Stiff Joints an blaming!, and I have found 1$a sure cure, [cord Hy recommend it to all horsemen. Yours May 4.. fl GILEItaT, Reneger Troy Laundry Stable* (ENDALL'S SPAWN CURE Rua. Wnerow Comm Onto, Dee. 13. 18. at. B. Z. Karmar.r. Co. Gents Ifeel It sny dnty to say whit I have don rith your KendalPs Spavin, Cure. I have cure wenty-five horses that 'had Bwrgrina, ten II Ling Bone, nine afflicted wfth Big Heeul an even of Big Jaw. Since I have had oneof yos coks and :allowed the directions, I have neve )st z case of any kind. Yours truly, A/maw TUIREINN• Horse Doctot (ENDALL'S SPAM CURE . Prim $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug lets have -it or can getit for you, or it will be see any address on receipt ot price by the prowl, )rs. Dn. B. J. ICTRIDALL Co., Enoshurgh Fall% vt t OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS McDonell-& Waugh H4NSALL, ONT. Hardware Merchants, -DEALERS IN ALL THE LEADING - STOVES AND RANGES. All kinds af light and heavy Hard - "Ware, Mechanical Tools, Cutlery, etc. COAL delivered on shortest notice at lowest prices. UNDERTAKING I A large assortment of Caskets, Cof- fins and Shrouds, • etc. of the best quality always on hand. s, The purest Embalming Fluid supplied free of charge. Emblems of the different societies, Everything new and first class. The best Hearse in the County. Funerals condected at modera to cost. Give us a call for anything in the line. McDONELL & 1147-12 - GOLDEN Ciant Side Oat This new and distinc variety has along grain with very thin skin; heads long and eloseiy filled with choice heavy grain; has bright, stiff straw, and is well adapted for poor, thin soil. They stoolTreely, and are a very large yielding variety. Price, per lb. 25c., post-paid; per peek, 81.50, by freight or express at purchaser's ex-peuse. As bur stock is very limited we cannot offer themin larger quantities than above. _ OUR ILLUSTRATEDAN El DESCRIPTIVE gaSEErOdeTAanLOSUSQFwORerlle(leds,, of fiseedeld, grain, grall8aSTFREE A seedna siNfertilizeetc now Ll. WHO APPLY. Address John S. Pearce & Co., to===sm.2-mw, LONDON, - ONTARIO The Great English Prescription Cures VVeakriess,Spermatorrhe Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by self-abuse or indiecretion. One package 81 navorazrux $5, by mail. Write for iLirrAz pamphlet. EuraxilA CEINMICAL Co., Detroit, Mich. For sale by LITMSDEN: 4 I THE HAY TOWNSILTP Farmers' Mutuai Fire Insurance Company. A purely Farmers' Company. Live Stock also insured when in the fields or on the road in charge of owner or servant. Also manufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer AND WRINGER MACHINES. 'Agen for TOMBSTONES and the WATSON COMPANY'S 17" MIZEMI\TTS.. NDERTAKING promptly attended to a moderate rates. G. 119LTZMAN, Zurich. WILSON Chemists Druggists, $eatorth, Oat. 14.19 °TEN -OF- OTTR•ms Kidney Troub 1157-52-N le -4 Halsted 8e Scott, 1313_1\1-1r , Josephine street, Wingham, J. A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. 3. W. SCOTT, Listo Ont Deposits received and Interest lowed. wel, al - Money advanced to Fanners and Bust ness Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes collateral security. Sale notes bought at a valuation. Money remitted to all parts Canada at reasonable charges. fair of Special Attention giveir to collecting, Notes and Accounts. Agents in Canada -The Merchants' Bank of Canada. Office hours -From 9*. m. to 5p. M. 1154-52 A. E. SMITH, Agent; '>1OO1aVd HUL�IOJV]S 0 0 0 Od 93 0 0 0 CL) 02 •us 0 Oz• at SHAOJS :1:w°e' 1:i'l-I'''''''' (..7 4)• t-1 0 I ' cr'os C11 It tt 1.3 P ce 0> '.7,11) ' • -- &-t- o 0 5 THE FARMERS' Banking House, connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & Oa, BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Now in heir own premises on Market Street Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's o ea. General Banking Busfness done, drafts issued and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. JOHN WEIR. WMS LOGAN. 1058 Allan, White Star and Inman United States &Royal Mail Atlantic Steamships. Cabins, $50 to *100: Return, 2100 to t130. Intermediate, 230, return 260. Steerage, $20, return 440. All classes of passage to and from all points in Great Britiain to any point in Canada. If you are sending for your friends do not fail to secure one of -our prepaid tickete clear through and avoid all trouble. Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tiekete to all points. Special rates to Manitoba, and Pacific Coast points. Through sleepers secureri free. Best connection to all pointsin the United States, Australia and China. Head agency for the best -stock and mutual insurance companies. Money loaned on all classes of security at lowest rates of interest. No trouble to give information. Real estate and Insuranoe- Office-MARKET St Ticket, Steamboat, and Telegraph Office. -MAIN T. A. STRONG, "Thee" Agent, 119B 8/1417014X. A weeti weitt ing. -out a 4.1 Aolla b&ak lau& the 44N tinle Af .of 1511 boar -Cod Tepli fifty• fitee retur do in fi pear etbod $50 strap his h bar walk each time sigh 44 We 11 the o d. cf- the Stoll bald t011y 11 lam' bot IP 4 111 . eetm are teria taan. 2 ; and slip; Fri.' the had skui edo' afte Met en up Rev divi for - Was will far I Rev ho has give son I thr. lih mot of Ian the alt tyi pre pro tie an the say din Frt CO I an. an. gr dr 4 MO lest e ho th- Or: