The Huron Expositor, 1887-09-16, Page 6THE HDRON EXPOSITOR. A Double Disappointment. A good story is told of a banker who was a prominent public man fifty years ago. An impecunious acquainteoice once called upon him for a loan of five pounds. Be was very particular to make it clear to the banker that he would certainly return the money on a certain early dai y. His persistency n repeating this promise caused the moneyed banker to hesitate. That a man of such a hopeless financial status 'could have suddenly arrived at that point of perfection in business economy that would enable hint certainly to pay five pounds at a near and specified time was incredible to the banker. That was a suspicious phase of the request. Still he did not reveal his suspicion ; nor did he directly refuse to lend the inoiseyeas many others would have done. With- drawing from the room for a few moments he marked a five pound note in such a. manner that he would know it again, and this money he lent to the man. True to his word, in a few days the borrower called and paid his debt. The lender observed privately that it was the original five pound note, but said nothing. He saw clearly what he had before suspected, that the money had been borrowed and returned only to establish the credit of the borrower. In a short time the same man appeared again, and. solicited this time a loan of ten pounds. "Mr. X.," said the bank- er, "you and I are square now, and think we had better remain so. You disappointed me once, and I don't wish you to do so again." The Wrong Man. .Mr. Wilson Barrett tells the follow- ing funny -story of himself :-" Shortly after the disastrousexplosion at Clerk- enwell," he says, " when a namesake of mint had been tried. and condemned to be hanged for the offence, I went as a young man to fill my first engagement in Dublin. I had heard of the generous warmth of the Irish race, and _looked forward to pleasant times, but little did I expect the perfect furore of cheers which greeted my first appearance. Every speech was received with a tor- rent of applause, and being at that time a young man, I certainly felt myself a person of considerable importance be- fore I got through the first act. So much, indeed, was this the case, I was compelled to unbosom myself to the property man, whom ,I had had the pleasure of meeting elsewhere, I said A very warm audience to -night.' Efe replied, 'Yes, sir, very warm. I said Very enthusiastic, I think.' Oh, yes, sir, very enthusiastic.' he replied. 'Are Irish audiences often as warm as this?' I asked. Not often,' he said; and I thought he might have added that they did not often get the chance. At last I was obliged to press the point. '1 ,saw they seemed to like my acting very much.' The acting?' my friend re- plied. 'It's mit that at all, at all. They are after takin' yon for a relation of that Barret that was hanged !" On one of the trips tbe boy got his foot hurt on -the anal boat and was taken off by his grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Cobb, who placed him in the Orphan Asylum at Albany, NeW York. The mother heard no more of either the boy or the grandmother, and it is assumed that the old lady has since died. The boy was dead so far as the mother knew, as from that day she heard not a word of him, although many an anxious inquiry she made. She was without means, and therefore unable po investigate the case for herself by gong from place tO place. But it may be 1 that she never fo at the time of - • is • ea. Education at the Prussian Court. Until Prince William, the eldest son et -the Crown Prince of Prussia,, had ar- rived at the age of 15, he had to study_ daily from 9 to l2 a. m., a pause of a quarter of an hour being allowed at 11 for breakfast. The Princt got regular- ly a piece of white bread with such fruit as was in season. Dr. D , his tutor, had beefsteak, etc., filz breakfast. The savory smell of the meat a..!ways seemed to raise a feeling of longing in the Prince's breast, and his eyes v ould often wander from his own modest re- past to the smoking plate of his tater. The latter also felt a certain amount of embarrassment in thus raising envy, or a similar feeling to it in the heart of his pupil. The stern discipline which regulated even the meal times and re- creation did not, however, allow of the slightest indulgence. One day the les- sons both in German and Latin had been done in splendid style, and Dr. D- feIt the laudable satisfaction of an in- structor when his pupil does honor to his teaching. " Caesar de bello-gallico " had been rendered with spirit when eleven o'clock struck.. A servant enter- ed with breakfast on a silver tray -a smoking beefsteak for the Doctor, and a basket with bread and grapes for his princely pupil, who as usual did not fail to cast stolen glances at his tutor's plate. " Prince," said the Doctor, carried away by his good humor, " I'm a great lover of grapes; suppose we - exchange -you eat my steak and I your-" The Doctor had not time to finish his speech before his pupil had taken the steak, with the brightest of faces. Both teacher and pupil were enjoying their exchange when the Crown Prince entered the room. Perhaps both eaters blushed, but the father made no remark, but merely in- quired as to how his son had learnt, and was rejoiced to hear the Doctor's good report. At twelve o'clock, as the tutor was about retiring, a message was brought that the Crown Prince desired to speak with him. "Doctor," said his Highness, "explain to me how it was that the Prince ate beefsteak and you a cold breakfeast ?" The tutor put the a -Latter in the best light, as a joke which his .satisfaction with his pupil had caused him to make. "1 allow the joke for this once," said • his Highness, " but I wish the Prince to accustom himself to see these arrange- ments for your comfort without envy, and also that he should be satisfied with the food given him, which allows of an alteration in future years. What will he require at twenty if he longs for beef- steak for breakfast now? Bread and fruit are wholesome and fully sufficient for a boy of his age." When breakfast was brought next day, the Prince did not look away from his plate. "A splendid bunch of grapes ?" said he to himself; a wholesome and excellent meal, which I prefer to your beefsteak Doctor." o ed upon as certam gtit the boy who was disappearance only five years of age. His name was Alpheus Chapen1 LI course of time the Mother remerried and is now living on. Church street) Terento, her nanie being or some months she Constantindes who w that her trouble was partly mental and that Omething that was on her mind was Preventing her recovery. . One day she o1d him the story of the disappearance, of her boy and the doctor undertook to[find him, if possible, and so_relieve her mind of anxiety. He cernmunicated with The Telegram and that papers opened com- munication with the Albany Journal, with the result t.hat the boy was found alive and well in the Albany Orphan Asylum. Mrs Carrington has no .other family and it may be assumed that she would therefore receive the tidings of the discovery of her boy with unusual delight. FrOm being despondent and anxious she ia now elated with joy. Her little girl was placed with relatives some years ago and adopted by them. Dr. Constantindes is to interkiew Mayor Howland and take such steps as may be necessary to haye the boy restored to his mother, the Orphan Asylum author- ities being willing to surrender him on it being ehown that he will be properly provided for. Six years is a long time for a mother to be kept in doubt as to whether her child is dead or alive, and it is hoped that it will not be long be- fore Mrs. Carrington is able to take her boy in her arms and be happy in the re- union. Mrs. Carrington has been ill and Dr. was attending hr,s cisely those who look forward to it most who are likely to make the worst use of it. -Pall Mall Gazette: -The other day Mr. Charles ,Brooks had delivered at the station at Mitchell a splendid two-year-old Clydesdale stal- lion registered as "His Lordship," sired by the famous stallion " McGreg- gor." "His Lordship" was shipped from Scotland consigned direct to Mr. Brooks, and he arrived safe and sound in every respect. Mr. Brooks having ordered the colt w,ithout seeing him, he is well satisfied with his bargain. -A number of Stratford yeung men who are commonly supposed to be away above such conduct got on a big spree the other night and tore up a number of valuable plants at Mr. D.D. Hay's resi- dence in that city. Ex -Alderman Barns - dale also had a number 'of beautiful plants cid off, others torn up and several handsome garden vases carried away and broken. Some of them were car- ried as far as the Collegiate and dropped in the yard there. a -Mr. Lawrence Russell, of Holyoke, Massachusetts, who came to Mitchell a few weeks ago to attend the funeral of his brother James, of Russeldale, is now lying very ill at the Royal hotel. He unfortunately caught cold after recover- ing from a surgical operation and in- flammatory rheumatism set in, accom- panied with erysipelas. Mr. Russell being a very fleshy man, this attack of two painful and dangerous diseases is a very trying one. What Cardinal Manning Says on Emigration from England. Notwithstanding restraining motives there has been a steady and strong year- ly stream of emigration from. England, Ireland and Scotland. In the last thirty years, 3,000,000 have left our , shores, writes Cardinal Manning in Murray's Magazine. From the last return of the Board of Trade, published by Mt. Gif- fen, it appears that the number of British -born subjects who left our shores in the first three months of 1886 was 30,700 ; in 1887, 44,446 -that is 14,000 more than in the previous -year. Again, 44,000 in all left this country, and of these 30,000 went to the United States. We must be glad that our people should find a home in the United States, and the growing number of English -born who mingle with the population of the States, will be, we may trust, a growing security for the amity and unity of the two countries. Nevertheless it must obviously be our desire that our people should find their homes within the bounds of our own lands. One of the aims in behalf of state -directed coloniz- ation is to guide the stream of emigra- tion to our own channel, and to retain our brethern still as subjects with us of the Britist Empire. Kippen Plow Emporium.' Eavetro ugh mg. Advice to Mothers. Are you disturbed and hroken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for children teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake ice about it. It cures dysentery andiarrha, regu- lates the stomach and bowels, urea Wind colic, d softens the gums, reduces in a.mmation, and gives tone and energy to he whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," and take no other kind.966.1y. Consumption Cured. An old physician,retiae d from practice, having had placed in his hand F by an East India mis- sionary the formulae f a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and peesenanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervotte Debility and all Nervou nom. plaints, after having 'tested its wonderful cura. tive pOWtoCS in thousands of cases, has felt it hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and uging. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namine this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester N. Y. 938-25 eow Two Ways of Looking at Things. When it rains one man says, "This will make Mud." Another, "This will lay the dust." Two children looking through col- ored glasses, one said, "The world is blue." And the other said, " It is bright." Two boys eating their dinner, one said, "1 would rather have some other thing than this." The other said, "This is better than nothing." A servant thinks that a man's house is principally kitchen. A guest,that it is principally parlor. "I am sorry that I live," says one man. "I am sorry that I must die," says another. "I am glad," says one, "that it is no worse." 'I am sorry," says another, "that it is no better." ' One man counts everything that he has a gain. Another counts everything else that he receives a loss. One man Spoils a good repast by think- ing of a better repast of another. An- other one enjoys a poor repast by con- trasting it with none at all. A Toronto Mother_who Lost Track of her Little Boy for Six Long Years Gets Trace of Him at Last. An interesting case has just occurred, in. -Which a mother who had lost her son for six: years has at last discovered his whereabouts. Years ago a young woman of twenty, whose home was in Gibson, New Hampshire'was married M to a r. Cliapen They had two chil- dren, a boy and a girl. After the birth of the boy the father died, and the wid- ow went out into the world to make a living for herself and children. She took a place as cook on a Hudson river boat, her children accompanying her. Children Cry for `Hirlioavas `uoravi Thomas Mellis Is marching forward with a larger stock Plows than ever beforb. Farmers in need of of PLOWS, • GANG PLOWS' SULKY PLOWS, OR IRON HARROWS, Can be supplied on the lowest possible terms, and aatiefaction guaranteed by going to the KIPPEN PLOW. SHOP. A large stock of all kinds of' Plow and Gang Plow Castings, together with Skimmers, Wheels, Mould Boards, Beams, Handles and Bolts always on ,hand. PLOW REPAIRING 'Of all kinds done promptly and at small profits. Remember, you can get all your wants supplied by going to the plow emponum of THOS. IA LLLIS, 1027x8 KIPPEN, ONT. HURON AND BRUCE Every Day Medicines. If you want a good appetite this hot weather, get a bottle of Loan and investment Marriage as a Partnership. Marriage is still only too often a bar- gain, but at least it is no longer an en- tirely one-sided bargain. It is tending toward the only true ideal of life-long companionship -a partnership on equal terms, with equal give-and-take on both sides. Women no longer feel bound to render the implicit obedience which was considered de rigneur in our great- grandmothers' days, and mea no longer universally demand it. Husbends,more- over, are beginning to learn fthat their prime duty is not "to look after their wives. The very sentence is indicative of the most ghastly Misapprehension of the whole ideal of matrimony. The general feeling of society condemns a man who lives to rule his wife on the same principles as a pasha rules his harem. And badeedithe whole scheme of modern life makes it practically im- possible for him - tb do so. A married woman enjoys as' a rule complete liberty during the livelcmge day, and even at night it is frequently impossible for a busy man to escort his wife. Thus everything turns on the relations be- tween the married couple. If the girl is really in love with the man the marries, she may be trusted with an amount of subsequent freedom. If not, not ; and therefore we say that the injudicious and worldly parents who are responsi- ble for the great majority of ill-assorted unions are also responsible for the many evil results which are to be seen he so- ciety at this day. For it is a fact that rows of Engliah girls are as much forced into marriage as the French girl, whose husband is selected while she is yet in her convent_ Not by main force, no - but by the whole tone of her education, by the exaggerated fear- a! being an dld maid, by the obvious necessity of ina.k- ing way foisa younger sister, by the per- sistent scheming of her parents, and by her own longing for remancipation. For marriage undoubtedly does mean eman- cipation to most women; and it is pre - 001VIP.Al•T"ir_ Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, Burdock E3lood Bitters, Johnston's Tonic Bitters, Or a 15e package of CRESCENT BITTERS, which *illmake you eat and work in the most satisfa.otory man- ner. This Company is Loaning Money on Farra Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Pitcher's Castoria. Mortgages Puchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. We have anything you want in Medi- cines, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Dyes, Nursery Furnishings, Perfumery, and a large stock of BEAUTIFUL SPONGES 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. -AT- Fear's Drug Store, OFFICE. -Corner of Market Squars and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. 922 Goderich, August 5th,1885. SEAFORTH. CO:IC az CO_ Members Toronto Stock Exchange, 26 TORONTO ST., TORONTO. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU -TO CALL AT THE - HURON FOUNDRY, -NEAR TIIE- HIGH SCHOOL, SEAFORTH , And see our stock of. in 1_10 --CNT S Direct Wires to New York, Chicago, Oil City, Toronto and Montreal. Continuous Quotations. Transact a General Brokerage Business., Best workmanship done in Galvanized Iron OR Tin Eavetroughing. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions and OH Bought for Cash or on Margin. Which have been made especially for this county I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for tide Navin, and feel satisfied in saying that it is th best in the market. -Our LAND ROLLERS Metal Roofing And all kinds of work in Tin, Sheet Iron or Copper. Dairy Utensils SEAFORTH OFFICE: Up Stairs over Kidds Block. J. F. McLaren, Manager. REPAIRING1 We want eery reader to remember that we make a specialty of Cleaning and Repairing ALL KINDS OF , Are large and heavy, running light and &Ong good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from Hard Iron, and vrill last longer than any other machine made. Having specie tools for recuttiag Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to ie. pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist b HIS, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short n1 tice and atareagonable rates. , To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates, Quotations furnished on application. trAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamiltoa. A fu line of repairs eon• stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY, Watches, Clocks & Jewery. A SPECIALTY. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Cherry Creamery Gan, And best Self -Skimmer in the market. Stoves have advanced in price; our old stock will be sold at old prices. KIPPEN MILLS. The undersigned having purchased the Kippen Mills, is prepared to " MAKE A SPECIALTY Iron .Cisterns & Well Pumps Skillful Workmanship, Neatness, Promptness and 'Reasonable Prices may always be relied upon with any work entrusted to our care. We guarantee finest work alad good satisfaction.. W. J. Northgraves, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. -AT- JOHNSON BROS., CURES MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. 5 GRISTING*CHOPPING Having secured the services of a first-class Miller, will endeavor to give the best of satisfac- tion to customers. - D. B. McLEANI, Kippen, Ont. 1009.t.f. W. N. WATSON, Genera Insurance Agent -AND- Dealer in Sewing Machines. All kinds of property insured at lowest rates in first-class reliable companies, and losses set- tled promptly. Special low rates on FARhl PROPERTY in the Gore and Waterloo, from 75c to 81 (cash plan) for three years. Mills and factories in- sured in these eompanies at a saving of 20 per cent. on stock companies. Sole dealer in the WHITE and RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES (family and manufactur- ing). Prices ranging from $25 to $75. All ma- chines warranted for five years on every kind of work. Needles, oil and repairs for sale. Ma- chines repaired. 1•T_ MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. London, Huron and Bruce, GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart 8.10A.m. 4.25a.M. Exeter 9.35 6.45 Hensall. 9.46 6. Kippen. 9.51 6. Brucefield 9.6 6.15 Clinton. 10.1 6.35 Londesboro 10.37 6.66 Blyth... 10.46 7.05 Belgmve 11.00 7.20 Wingham arrive 11.20 . 7.40 Goma Sours- Passenger. Wingham, depart 7.00A.m. 3.05 ram. Belgrave .. .. 7.17 3.28 - Blyth 7.31 3.42 Londeeboro 7.40 3.51 Clinton 8.00 4.10 Brucefleld 8.19 4.29 Kippen.. ........ .... .... 8.27 4.37 Hensall 8.33 4.43 Exeter 8.47 4.67 London, arrive 10.10 6.00 ..._____. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH-. Paseengen Mixed. Ethel. 1 2.35 r. M. 9.20 l'.7A. 8.40A.14. Brusiiels , 2.50 9.35 9.30 Bluevale 3.06 9.60 10.00 Wingham.. .. 3.20 10.02 11.25 Gem) SOUTH- Passenger. Mixed. Winghani.... 7.25 P.td. 11.10 A. id. 6.39 A.M. Bluevale .. .. 7 60 11.26 6.48 Brawls 8.46 11.45 7.02 Ethel.... .. . - . 9.20 12.00 - 7.14 Train leaving Wingham at 8.10 p m. for Kincar- dine, run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Liver Complaints Biliousness, Im- pure Blood, Dys- pepsia, Kidney Complaint, Skin Diseases. • THE. GREAT REGULATOR Of the Stomnch, Liver, Bowels and Blood Cures Headache, Constipation, Female Com• plaints, and builds tip the system. Read the following: "For years past I have suffered from dyspepsia, and I was recornmended to try Dr. Hodder's Compound I did so, and found it a perfect cure." E. J. CURTIS, Toronto, Ont. Sold everywhere. Price, 75c. Dr. Hodderns Cough and Lung Cure never fails. Guaranteed. Price, 25c And 50e. TIIE UNION MEDICINE CO., Proprietors, Toronto, Ont. 1026 52 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, Rest, $6,000,000. 500,000. PRESIDENT, HENRY W. DARLING, ESQ. GENERAL MANAGER, B. E. WALKER. ASS'T MANAGER, J. H. PLUMMER. only. • Fencing Wire. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WBEIT- &WORTH. Morns. Mixed ..... .. 1.48 P. M. 2.20 P. M. Passenger... .. .. 9.02 P. M, 9.20 r. N. Mixed Train .. 9 16 .a.'. 10.1See*. GOING EAST - Passenger. .. 7.48 A. ea 7.30 A. le. Mixed.. .. 1.48 r. re. 1.15P. M. Mixed Tram.. .. 5.05 P n. 4.15 P. is. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to eceive deposits, on which interest is allowed at current rates. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First door SOUTH of the Commercial Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor For Wall Papers -AND- . Decorations,Window Shades AND FIXTURES, Children's Carriages, -WAGONS AND CARTS -e- -CALL AT- C. W. Papst's BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. The largest assortment to choose from, and the cheapest prices to be had in the county. HORSES AND IMPLEMENTS J. G. MELLICK, Zurick, has on hand at all times a large stock of Aoni Cr LTV'S AL TM MEM PANTS. He has also for sale sev- eral H eAvy lionises, 5 and 6 years old, and a few good YouNo DRIvERs. • All of which will be sold cheap and on easy terms. All horses a aranted as represented. . J. G. MELLICK, Zurich. 1026-4 0 P2 - CD CD sJapao anoR. oaeirT 0 )t'S td P.) )-1 CD OUJOITT51011g CD criq =•-• SEPTEMBER 16, 1887. LEGAL. HASTINGS,Solicitonetc. Offiee-Cady'l V . Block, opposite Commercial Hote1,13ea. forth. 974 SEAGER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderiela- Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel. eee RC. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. ass - io1 M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &o. °nice_ 1 . HOOPOE One Door North of the Commercial tel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher shop. Agents -CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Bonet -- tors, &ea, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Waxes., PaOUDPOOT. 086 CAMERON, 110LT & CAMERON, Barristerk Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich. Ont. M. C. CAILERON, Q. C., PLIILIP HOLT, G. CAMNRON. 508 OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron j.j , Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So. licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben. son's old Office, Cardno'e Block, Seaforth. ass ANNING & SCOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to bin. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. R. Maseema, Jamas Scone 781 HOLMESTED, successor t9 the late firm of , McCaughey & Holinested, Barrister, so. licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. - Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. -TS TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per lyji_ cent., with the privilege to borrower offepaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. QL. BALL, L. D. S., Honor Graduate, mem. . ber Royal Dental College, Toronto, Me. cessor to D. Watson. B. B. MORRIS, as. Blatant operator. All operations carefully performed and guaranteed. Chloroform, ether, gas and local agents used in extmetion of teeth. Plates inserted at prices agreed upon with lir. Watson. Rooms over Johnson's Hardware, Sea - forth. • Prices as low as good work can be done for. Residence same as that occupied by Mr, Watson. 980 Binding TWine. -r D. S., M. R. C. and B. S., of LA. Ontario. latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, -In srannya Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 Arouse the liver when torpid with National Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic, sugar-coated. 1007.52m. \D,CHASES: 11 MANDRAKE i DANDELION As made by the cele - ;CURE brated Dr. Chase, for 11 diseases arising indigestion, i from a torpid and in- active Liver, such as Dyspepsy, Billiotmness, Jaundice, Pain in the Back, TRY THE GREAT KIDNEY LIVER REMEDY, CCARTWRIGHT & SON, Ben- tists, of Exeter, Ont. One of the above mill visit Blyth the last Thursday, and following Fri- day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at Peine's Hotel, and Hensel] the following Thurs- day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex- tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re- inoves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new teeth will please call early in the morning of the first day. Charges moderate. Terms cash. 984 TJ . K11. INSMAN, Ont.De l,ll be a L. 11i. a 1 Zurich, iExeter, Dentist, theeHeurr'sonllotel, onthe • LAST THURSDAY IN EACH MONTS. Teeth extracted with the leaet painpossible. All work first-class at liberal rates. 971 E. A. Martin, L. D. S., Honor graduate of the , Royal College of Dental surgeons, Tot onto. Charges as low as those of any reliable dentist, and satisfaction guaranteed. Offiee Garfield Block, BR us SE Ls. 10084.1. MEDICAL. M. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence= -North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the Methodist church. 961 Headache, Sour Stomach, &c. From one to three bottles is guaranteed to cure the very worst case of Liver Complaint. One dose cures sick Headache; one to two doses stimulates and invigorates the whole system. A FREE Book is given away with every bottle of Chase's Liver Cure. It contains over 300 choice receipts. The ladies' department is devoted to the secret of embellishing the complexion, giving receipts for making Magnolia Balm, Cream of Beauty, Golden Hair Dye, Eye Bright, &c. No lady or gentleman should be without the BOOK. Sold by all dealer's at one dollar. I. V. FEAR, AGENT, SEAFORTH. 1023-62 TARS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucelielid, Limn- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Ont. 930 TARS. MACKIDD & EVANS, Office, Meyer's 1.7 Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Residence, John street. Calls at night at either the Office or Residence. 891 ST_ TI-103S.CA.S WHITE BRONZE Monument Co. G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician'Surgeon, and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Mee and. residence South nide of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 The Only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. -Sp W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member df the College of Physicians and Sur se. &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and realdtnoe same as occupied by Dr. Vereoe. 848 VETERINARY. Our material is endorsed by leading scientist, as being practically in -perishable. It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affect- ed by the frost. Send fer Designs and Terms to W. M. GIFFIN, Clinton. STAFFA HORSE INFIRMARY. -All diseases of Horses, Cattle. Sheep, or any domesti- cated animals successfully treated on the short est notice. A large stock of Veterinary medi- cines on hand. Chasges moderate. WALTER SHILLINGLAW, Staffa. 1010 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY.--Cornerof 0 Jarvis and Gode rich Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All. dia eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Teterinary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin ary Medicines kept constantly on hand AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the U. County of Huron. Sales attended in al palls of the County. All. orders left at Tnn ExPostrost Office will be promptly attended to. THE SEAFORTH COOP E R AGE, The undersigned is now prepared to ree-eiee orders for any number of first-class Apple Barrerlsiand Butter Firkin s, Also any other work in his line. Apply at the works, old 13aptist Church, Seaforth. Dealers and Packers taking large nuniVell will be very reasonably dealt with. P. KLINKHAMMER. 102241 Catarrh --a New Treatment. has been achieved in modern medicine has been Perhaps the most extraordinary suceees that attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh - Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past fax, months, fully ninety per cent, have been cures of this stubborn malady. This is none the lose startling when it is remembered that no fise-Pei patent tr medicines enear cent. of patients presenting themselves to the never record a cute at all. Starting with the nd'areotbheenreflatdtedvert' isedwililenutesehe claim now generally believed by the neost Kiev tific men that the disease is due to the prernee of living parasites in the Merlin, Mr. Dixon e, ices aeadeanpmtpednehniesdc,unree ntlha etibr ehe eexatetarinntiniastpioraen--, °n Meetly cured, and the permanency is lingual's'? td, as cures effected by him four years Were cures still. No one else has ever attempted te cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat ment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, and can be done el home, and the preeent season of the year lathe most favorable for a speedy and permanent cora the majority of cases being cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Monte - A. 11. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, Weee Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for the3 tr. Isom on Catarth.-Montteal Star, Novemhe 882-62 'SBiorEmBE 46-3.-ePherds !1.,,V old Ilac'Y teal. istrepherel on the Pe at les.st, b Dothing *hat he narrated, tl yaP ; when he spok af hes oven antique tools. on. & colour of ity'thitt Was surpri - sheep with their par the hill, and how, in sand purchases, each ally thinned and etre eiiight busyness of A - OW weather, the car eda, the exquisite st -.exquisite cunning at eeald present so hu leach old experiene aleet weariness vitas the midst he would hltis laowed back, th abroad in. clemonstra thunder of his voice erary for the dogs, last the use of that g for every knowe an hill -side; and the el ad with lowered ta" Vould run up thei mesthead, ancl spree the indicated cireuit with. wonder how th retain so long a, stor :these creatures all Were the constant la, eoutempt ; it was e with the like of th than possible. Ala' eland upon the sulka 'dogs that he had really good dog tha sessed. Ile had bete for it ; but a good 4..=. than that., nore t "herd ;" he did the 'qs; for the like of and scornfully iudie of his assistants. At the foot of f yetton (Caer Ke there is a scrog of 1 With a dam for NV' was one day lying - Wog, when he was the far hill -side through the deepes - obtrusive stealth. knew him for a. clel, from quite a distal perhaps, he had c _masterfully stiscri- But What did the from home ? And secret mameuvring for it was towartisi - 'heading. John las hush, and preseent1i -forth upon the alai, see if he were anya 'in and repeatedly head and ear' s and - , and with tailin over the hills. rhl was sent his mastee titioner, shaken u all imeocence, befi out to a- dykesisie for alas l he was ti under trust, h slt. . from the maculatio he had come so far b the pool behind Ki TInanf, At a small socia zoolast week one what noted D. 1 im much both at hom the following visit to the Chum! eller at Jerusala too, povsisitiot;ydotfhsisoio)1 after being shown tame to 'the duet was created,' and after his creation once said to tin believe you. I hs creditinet'all ye the identity of nm me, but in this doubt whatever. 11 left over after Ad I see there is a co this dust -quite t form Eve. Wie, ereated ?' 'Sir,' ef our guide, "for she was aot Detroit Post, A Sof A New York p talks with anecto that he would rat expense than not his latest: "1 w; window,and elitt ing himself by t.1 wind outoow f th, IIo 1...0utoe; -the boy. It hale -e et ewnut, eari gafterm At be child, ste seeined excessive - now witli our nuch pain, if °c1 plied; y dt hbien pkr: bedroom and wir make efs much as not a soft answes of turning away WOOd The wooden ttood, says the nian, is no small activity of Maio toothpick man is ter, of Strong, has done more fi it is said, than a Sweepof her ea tled the origina pieks but he ives of South Ai merchant years •can e picked thei si?lints. Foster his wife in the osity. A hotel and sent to Fa latter whittled t the order, ;Am gan to get bea !leases whittlin 'lobe's all over snoved home a '31.flie and ix 1St, picks by machie s • old. fle eases c CI -114