The Huron Expositor, 1886-10-22, Page 4_ - - - . I . .- 1- -11". ­ -1 �r 1_�� -­ � .1 -1-11 � .1-11 --11- 1. .. - : . Z I __._ . . , . ­_ - -.I-- -_ F: - -_ ­_ I - -_ ­ - ­ - i ­ I 111­1­1­11.1.­�­,, --- __­____ . I � � � . i - I : - . � I � - __11 - - ­ � . � ­ - - . . - C - . . . I I . , . . ; . ; .. ! I $ - 1 . � . . . I . I I I � . . � . , I ! w, . � - I � . - J � . i , . I I . - . . ; . : � A I 7 . � I . � . : . — . . . , � . . I . .- �� . � zI . I ; I I . : . I I . , I . ! � � . � I . I i . . . . - � - I . . I . I I . I I . . . ; . I i � i I . i - . , % I - - I i � . I � . . I : � . . . . . . � I i I 9 . - � - � i I � . . I I - . J . I . � V . . I . . . I ; I . . � I , � I I . I , . . . . . . � , I . . - � ! I � I � . I . . 1 : I i . I . . � , . . . . . � . . .1 . I . � . 0 � I . v � I . I I I I . � . . : ] J . : . - : I I . I . I * " .i . . . ­ -- . . :, . . : . . I . _.. . I . � . . - , f - . . I I � . . � I - . I , . I . . . - . � : I - . I . . . . I . . 1. I , . . - . , . I 1� I 1 . . , , . I . � . I . . � - . I' . : I . . I - %J, i v - I � ! . . � I . I . I . I . . . . I . r I . - . i . . . . � , !, I - I - I - � f . � . . . I . . i I � � . . : . � * 4 - � � . I . . � - 11 I ; . I - . . . I I - - 11 I : 1, I I - . I , I -I ; � . : I � . . � I . � I - I , � � . . - . i I .. I 1 , - - � . . . � . � � � . i I . . � I . �� I . � . - I I � � I . � a � - � � I I I � - i i � - I ,I I , . I , . . � � I I . � � I � � . I I - - � � � . � I I . I : ; � - - . � I I I I __ I . I � _� I � I ` . . . . � 1.9 " . i ; I � . 11 I I . 4 -- I �. J i � I . . , � . - . I . . .! I.. � - � le%_ , I E HURON EXPOSITOR. I - I I - OPT I . I I � i - � I . 11886. � . ­­ __ ­ --------- _!!M________ - _.. -,.------- _____ - , � � I 10BEIR 22 . ___ _.__________________ - �_+_._.__.._________ ___ ______ - . . . . . -i � -_ _­ _.____­­__­i� i i_i___.__--_.__Z7 � . ; I I . � ______-__1_t__ I , !_1 0 �__ � I I .---- ­ NEW ADVEfUISEMENTS. Hand's arrest he had received one 4un- hirr self in, a war with Austria; and be � c6'ved with the greatest satisfaction by� township of Ashfield in the person of night in ZetlandL On each occasion he on one sideiind . I . � I . I I I - . - ; a barrel Of salt the same ' I -2. dred dollars from Hand's wife to induce hind Austria�tand England arid'Turkey the Refoniers of Ontario, 'and we are Arthur Haughry, who is in his 106th was greeted `b§ large audiences, and dis . I 411Zr x1lulk urebetween le parenthesis after � . , I - I ­ tance 'on the o te I 6 ' t 'year, and yet who can I w for several great interest; !was manifested in the hor�e.q then ( P3081 side, The � otes, the page 'tho paper on,which ntry, and not ich we think could not long IremaMh not sure Ut by % good many Conser- ­ I e � etacbed frOn' the pach line den m , give wl�. i , . . � . P 0 b �Cam � he advertisement will be f nd. � . rounds with the firmness of a young work. . The adoresses were excellent wagon and- ral home. Strange to gay , evidence against him at the trial. 'The neu tral'. In such a war Austria could vabives as well. I man. He has to, get a driver, however, ones and are sWid to have had a good � . � Now. T�n4ertakcr-R. Malcolm. (6) � . L � . � I V. r. Holmes ­ Tscaped with but a f4 � . TheINfill Grindi On ---4. W. Ifillar. (6) -, greater portion of this money was gh�eu ,als( count'on the sympatify -and su�g ' � I I upon thosO who heard them. Mr. slight bruises, land the wagon :was not . . I I . I I r as he is almost blitid by the weight of effect I - . I � . - - . - Ilardware-n.eid & Wilson (5) . to Detective Rogers, of the Provincial poft of Servia, Roumenia and Bulgaria,, News of the Week. years. : Re is otherwise a: . vigorous old M cGillieuddy io 4n able speakeringeneral, badly damageJ. . I 'Woollen. gills-A.'G. Van:Epiond's Sons. �(5) . � i , . . '. 11 Wide Awalm "-D. Lothr 5p & Co. (8) . . STRUCKOIL.—Oil hasbeen struck in fellow. He professes to be able to heal but when it doines to talking itemper. ;a --As an incident of . I ' . . . Police Force, and the court ordered.that whose battle she would be fighting ever' ' . , the . - . f - Teacher lVarlted---S. Thom, non. (5) - * pit�lng quantities at Manistee, M i6higat. diseases by charms, etc. He is from 'ance b -cis fiard Jo beat. ' He filas done campaign in A st Huron !Olitical Auction Sal� I it be returned to, the prisoner. There � I i It the IN ingbani -D.'McKenzit ,(5) . I ,moi e than her o w,� in rolling back th( REsic.Njn).-The French Mirlister of Tyrone, �� Ireland, and remember,; well good service An. the interest of the cause Times remark',s: Dr. McDonald held .1 � . Pental Card -1C. Cart - ' ' . . .1 � wa , s no defencei, save as to the previolus tidc of' Muscovite aggression. Th( the tro- bles of '98. � in this countY4 i CoUle Chains-Johric,ton MS. (5) . . - Fiharice has tendered his: resignation. 4 . two meetings iltst week, one on I - i . w -X,Oilday. ' Property for Sale -J B. Wqber.,(5) - ­ good character of the prisoner. 'Clearer peoPle of the two for er. pri cipalitie,, ADVANTCIE, IN IRON. -A decided .-ad- i ­ - ­ ­ -1 __ -Five large,c Be$, weighing 1, 100 lbs. � n at Bdlinore and the Fane qtore-Mrs, Rogan,. (8) , I I I - va, ice in p Is . . otb ' ` I I %v that if Russia i ig and manufactured iron is re Tfr rn Brussels station on I g - er oil .Y. and more conclusive evidence of guilt kno T - � Huron Notes. were shipped' fr en i a evening at CliSard both of White Bronze Monuments � . i - her de. . I i S( � I --W. If. Griffin. (8) tl 1. ev' ' ' Tu . � Ia ' ' po -ted from London. Tuesday of lastweek. They contained wh ch .% ere very largely a ' I To Pi I amara. (6) e been, giveri. If a Mr. 'Hairdy, the contractor for the � ttended. O_n ' ,g Breeders -J. T. 110 could sca,rcely hav I ig�s against Bulgaria their- o' n liber. clothing,aW other useful articles for each occasion the doctor d Estray 11eiter.-Jas ,qluipso iL. (51�- . ., �NXIOMS FOR THE, CZARF,,WITC11.—The Zetlan(l bridge, announces that the i 'q elivered ex- E,qtra.y,Stecr-',%1rs. Wright. (2) : ., Hand is innocent the witnesses,name& ties will be entirely gone. As for Aus illness of the'Czarewitch of Itussiai with gratuitous' distribution among the' In-- cellent speech's, and was � Boar for Service - Gea. Trott. (5) . I . . ! bridge;is completed and farmers can dians ou -the Alssinibo'ine Iteserve, In-- heart 10 accorAd a a ulmonary affection is a source of great cross over in safety. . . y receptipri.- Tlile Belmore, House for, 1,4ale -1fugh Grie, �e. (5) must have perjured themselves, and if tria Hungary, the , premier,of the Huril ­ meet- ' . � an iety. 'I dian Head. con- ing was a rather rem arkable olle I Boy Wanted-11off man& Co. (8). they told the-�ruth he is clearly guilty.. gari in G . 11 -Mit. Robert Marten, ot the London over , O%ts-W.0ter Thomp.,�on. (,,4) ' . � � ' . olvernment' has givenithe Czaij, 11 E Bi ARIA. . . . tributed. by seven of the Auxiliaries in, 200 people cro,�ded into I . . in, ,x-RTJLF,R oi? -, f, o -- road, Tuckersinith, weighed an eighteen the temperanee . � , I Feniale, T,- v,hcr Wanted-' . ]%L lValkee. (8) __ id not attempt to discredit fair i happeni,if a Ras-, Pr- eAlexan(lerbasrettiriie(ItoDarm- the Maitland Presbyterian Society, viz., bull to! hear him, and of this !lumber 4 The defence (11 * notice of what will . � New Jewelry Store -'.K. J.1sorthgrarLs. (8) - . . ! I � I , � , ne In tl , colt in Clinton', last week, that � the witnesses, whi ich. is the best possible ,sian army en&l-s Bulgaria. I h is re- staft, and- is 'residing at his father's ti 0" ' Kincardine,41aron Law,side, Lu-cknow, not over, one-tentil were l-'Leformen ' . I AuctionSale-J. c. morosoa. (,1y) I - , irned the scale .�t 1,469 lbs. $ 0 � fl f I C4ution-s.tTt�iiic,]B.Lrton.(.1� . I proof that they. are credible, and- that cent declaration' in the HungaH� pal -ice. . � -;Nli,. Andrbw Turnbull's now brick 13 .uevale, Pthel and Brussels. The doctor wals repeatedly applauded', , 11 . - ' - Night Sehool-Wm . Moore. (5) . th7ey.told the truth. The very fact o . ; T'ROZEN (,4tArEs. 'Many tons of Con- residenbe in the township of Grey, -near -On �Vcdnw ay night of last week a and when, afto, speaking, an . hour ,arid a Watchmakin4-A," Kelly. (.�) I f liament of the pblicy of hisi Govern- � . ; ' I ' ' . Conveyaticitif', &c. --(:*t.' ) . . � , I cord grapes have been frozen on the' Brusselo', is about complete. hou�eowncdby lijahMartiri,andsitu- half, he conimence(I to � J.8,0herland.,(8) the prisoner s wife having paid one of menb, flerr Tisza said: "I Austria- . It is a very ated near the Ilayfield road, in Goderich, remarks draw his Dry uoodq, &c. -Coad & Ra,inic I l3f (6) . � vines at various points along the Hudson!' to ' a close, . I I comfortable and well -finished house, he was � - Drugs and (,hemicais-r. v. Fea'r. (i�) - : thewitnesses to, get him out of the ,way HilDigary . will not allow an single val ey. : i , and wo 'wish Mr. Turnbull -and family was set on fire in three'differen'tplaces. ,urged to 11 go On I " by Conservatives and WatMes, Clocks. &c.—Nf. R Counter- [31 (8) i , is a confessibn of guilt. Yet, notwith- power t10 --make armed linterf r- �MORAL SUPPORT ASKED.-E,ngland is many Ion, years of comfort and happi- Mrs. Shanklin ,W family, wlio bad been 'Reformers alik�', and did so for.l�ialf ari � New Stock -D.. Weishliller. .(b) i e I . . .. - - Notive to Prize -Winners --Xi Y. �McLean, (5) sti-nding this evidence and these facts ence i Bulgaria. " ' . . said"to be preparing a circular to the ness in ito . . living in the hou,$c, had nearly 'all their hour longer. 4t the conclusion of h- __ 0 The rigarian , is . 'o Debtors�J., S. Potten! (5) - I - . furniture out at �he tinie, as they were address he wa-A tendered a ullaryinlous : � Notice t Judge O'Conner charged strongily �j'i prende iconcluded his 'Powers, asking for the*ir moral support �Ite,v- -foil" Youilg son of Mr. Alex. Et ') I �.­ _­­ � - ­ ___1.1 wnwm� . . . ,pp6ecli ak follows: to Bulgarian independence. YoUllgi of Colborne, 'K'a, . moving . 11. they were sleeping in vote of thank�, the resolt-I � ... - - - .--I--- � . . � s received a call . I I # . � 0 � . fa:Vor of the Prisoner, and actually did , � . thati: aight. tion being . :01, " We , egard the Treaty of Berlin as! FOP. AN E�Niriftms.-A Berlin firm has from thie congregations of Dr he : The door was nioved b G. Barton, a well-known Con� .11 I __. . . � timillond- y * _4 111 T� 6, 141,191, 11 7 . all but instruct the jury to dismiss him'. 'Still in force, alth I suppliad the E'inpress of Japan with a vilic a considerably bdined, the roof was also servative. Mrj� Barton in moving the �� i Lf tv : , I t. 0 r ' )_ d Chippaw . ' �-� � T1 , �71 � . # I ou-b. it has been vic li a, and bag accepted � ­ _� .. 1. I 0 - .1 - I . � - . - . diainon'd necklace worth seyeral hundred mi fired, and coal oil had been poured'upon resolution, took occasi'ion to remark up. le lat ' I . the side of � the holase by tile in : i'� — __ - - - ___�___.., ---.,--..- _._ ,went so far as to impeach ti ' (I and * t , 8 1 a. lie will be ordaiine I - : Hd even , . .. I 7q in certain casqs, tile mosl; seriou . tile & in- � 2- . __ -, .--.. ... .. . - --- ___ - -_ I thdiisand marks. dt�cted , . - cobdiaries. � ,- -. I --- . .. � . I 2nd of November. Mr. on Dr. McDonald's ability and good I ). J Oct. 22 1886. -character and motives of the witnesses, of w1iich accurred last year 1b Eastern I � G-RHAT BANKER DEAD.-Ileyer Karl * welght contest took place qualities, and expressed th opinion that 17 . . I the I S�EAFORTII,, FRIDA I . - I .� -A heavy- ! acher of much promise. I . �'.� —_ --------------, - 7 I Young ? ' e I .1 tria-Hungary ad of tile great bankin a 'ort Arthur 011i the 28th of Septem.-. be would be tbe next representative of . 1. I �, ____._.______�._%1_1_ ----. - . - "' -=-. I alth6ugh the defence did not dare to d6 .Roui rielia. Aus' adherestl' Rothschild, lie. g -L,,,t 'Irl day eveningi at f . � ! . t � I I ' ;�: SO. Had he been the paid adirocate of . r repeatedly de'clared opin' firrr; died suddenly on Friday at Frank- I sa(ldle orso belon'Ail . , iiii,on Parlia- .1 I . r_-'VVedilesday i n,, that g to �Vm. Black, . �, Re m-embe 11F I a valuable 'ber between Jolih McPherson, of Kin- 115'ast Huroft in the Doi ,. -7 �T . I . i fort, 0'ermany, from heart disease. of Win hani, died'�jafter an illness of 24 tail, Ashfield tol"ship, .and John L. ment. - His- reinarks wo T1 �: . re warmly ap- ,�� Evening. i the prisoner instead of the judge who sfi�a d Ttfrkey claim the ri I I . 0 1 glits ecorded Taylor, the chani ion sho't-plitter of the lauded. This ii ,:, A - - . . ; . llun.,,-Ei). -Fire in E'astport, Maine, oil hours-fmin'inflanimation of the bowels, w P s- -still another in(li. ��i The Youag Liberals if Seaforth now -was trying him he could scarcely have her n the Balkan peiii sula , est, for $1 00 Ei id e, which resulted 111..'�4 . � n .iio other Thursday, destroyed over fifty factories, Tile anfimil was a handsome one aiid . . in cation of the A ' 141A actor's popularity in this � A,,! have all arran.gellnreint�'J co m- . storm and dwellings, causing an agare- took sc�eral prizes at fall fairs this an easy vietbry for -AlePberson, who put Riding. '. "t , pleted for delivered a more one-sided address than polvEr would be entitled to iesort to . ''. ��, . __ . gatE -loss of 85Q0,000. C? the 14-1b. shot 48 feet 9 inches, while his - . mcnm� - , 1:4 their demonstration ri-axt 'Wednesday was his charge to the 'jury. , . arined intervonti .. season i�nd was.valued at $150. - � 4 1: on there - also that no . I .. -1 ­ � � I � I y . E ,,,OR�,NroUS STORAGE, -The quantity of opponent put it 44 feetl I inch. ',N,lc- The Member^ for SouthHur , ­�.d evening. The spelaking will take'place JudRe O'Connor is a new man on' the ebanite in th6 constitution 1. Mr. Robert, Beacom, of Goderich Pherson will le'a7e for California, but To the Editor of TAY. Huaw Exr()s,Top on. , . - ­ IT . . I I . la a r - terri - wheat stored in public elevators at Min- township, austa'ined a heavy loss last � . 1; � ' - - . . N ,. , J tiie. chair: w torial relations of the Balka: , wl 4 . , i, -it Cardno's hall, an M return to Ca�ada in the spring to I 18t, . i ill be Bench, "this being the first important; - untries neapolis last week was 2,746,363 bushels, week i ' I I - I : � 1. It r the death of one of his well DEAR,SIR:—I am very sorry I �. I * I : ­ taken at eight o"cloc'k. Addresseii will case he has tried. He was appointed -a can e �ffected wi' bred mares. The animal got loose in attend the games. tO note ." .- I . I thout-the cohsent of and at Duluth 6,661,055 bushels. in a Cons ' S boy named drvative paper which 1, have I I r -1) be delivered b i rd,Cartwr1g, t; few months aao not on account of his ator t the .T�eaty of . BEEXTIER'S V�CARMS.—Rev. Henry the stable (luring the nig t A George 1,P,dmunsOD, Of been readincr, that oar worthy Member I �. y Sir� Rial . h the Powers sign, h and ate - to - .Z. , � . n . yr �O Aslifield, was 0 i a water I � I . - - . 3) Wand Beecher has caused intense excite- excess of sorne. chop feed that was in the . Towned in Sir Ric hard'Cartwright, is spoken of 1 , � Hom A. S Hardy* Prov':ncia.lSecretaxy; "Ietml aectinlen. or fitness for the position, Berli a This,' too, 1. . as � 17. I _. i � � 0 � . . is ecisely ment in Ldndon by referring to " the stable. The animal is said to liave been - trough on the Ist inst, Ile. was subject the outcast of ,%-utli fluroil'allid. further - i . , . � 1; : . . I to fits, and it is .�-�pposed while washing that 's . . � __ - 'Mr. .M., C4 Camt e' , .-,lid' others. Of but as a tilatter of political exigency, the Stan& tal�en by the I Brit- bartaric doctrine of retribution." -worth $,`00. . . I neering remarks are made in refer! . t ron . - - ' - (F i The i policy,, of Tkii, VATIC,kli CALLS o-; FRANCE -one' day last week some onettllo'ught- lie fell over int6. 6e trough. He arose ence to him not - receiving the nolilina. - , Afessr& Cartwright ,in , Cameron we and the experiment has evidently proved ish, Government. . -The . . I - need say itothing, as the� are both well . . � f I Vatican has again asked .-France for aid - lessly th ew a pan of ashes i' from bed before' ihe rest of the house- tion at the convention held in Bracefield I - � . � a failure. His action in this instance is ElIgUnd is t6 maintain the tq'eaty of J ototthe man, 't e oth-ers gol ' � ,� .. known to most of onr readers. This, ,and counsel in the work of putting a are heal) at the bafk of Beattit's liver - hold, and when It b up they in June last. Now, .Sir, I did not go to I all the in -ore to be regret�ed �as it 'will B,erli i, and to. do so in conjucti n with . I y found hillying in the trough dead. that convention I I : . � : - stop to tile massacre of Catholics in Ton- -Stable ir Clinton, not kpo�winu Uere jN1 as a supportet of Sir � �'. however., is the first vis I of the Provin "., .embolden law -breakers and:will give en- tAe 6ther Powers. -if Russia openly , quin , I r. Itoach, his � �randfather, was also ,�, � Z. . I . . ,es . that treaty b . . i were- coa s in the alailes. The s#r`a'%v took- drow a ditch . a few years.ago, R;chard Cartwright, but rather favored .1 ia,l Secretary to, Seafo�-th, arid ,many couragement � to a very daug,erous el"'Iss violal y invadi cr Bul- I A FAMOUS HORsE.-.Mr. Lorilhird's was fortunately �: discovered ned in ' . I t-',- idea of giving the nomination to a _­ I ill hear and a e hi m. . I . 0 . I having: fallen into'�lt while in a fit. -_ . ".­ fainous -horse Iroquois, winner of the 're . - I - �al man, but that meeting, and what I f � e - for' the first time. of citizens, b-_1 bef�rta:tn'ik!ilig much hea,dway, otherwise � % - . . � i We are inclined to- the i.t will: be at her periJ4 Herr -The quoit match between Jas. Mc- - I � - . _ I le is araversa Iv adm_ ittE d to be one of - � ­ �Prirjae of Wales, Derby, arid St. Leger, a very se -ious fire- would 11ave been th 1_�ve heard since, opened iny eyes con. ' _. 1. . 1-1 � opinion that the sooner Judge O'Connor Ti.sz& s declaration has belen wel receiv- 'was Sold a few days ago to General result, as the buildinas close Alpine, of Wingli , an, Alex. Law- siderably. I see now quite clearly that . I , . , - A e m ast a,ble and elocj nent platform * I i franle. 0 � by are all 1. 1. is removed from. the Baii-ch the better ed ir Austria-Hungary, �in Jachson, of Belle Aleade, for $20,000, soil, of Lucknow, r the light weight tl,,,. eyes of this whole Dominion were . � �L -1 . I Ocrmany, I � - 1i championship of ro and Erace couu- � 4.peakers in Canada. The Yoiang Liberals . I H YuRjcms�E, Ii� BhITAIN.—A great -The �uction sale of farm �stock, held on us that day .and that as a party w�e, '�' � and I in England ; i�nci no -doub � it has ,9 -1., � . in gen7, . ' L I : I - have secared ai strong team, ' Ld we cam 1hurr [cane passed over England and Ire- last week oil the farm of Mrq Win. Baw- tiesi came off on th park at Wingliam the Reformers of South Huron, made ` , will it be for the cause of justice , .1 I � . I .� . an I eral, as his conduct in tl�is instance will served greatly to engourage and A ength- I* land on Friday, doing great damage t " I on Wednesday af ternoon of last week ,ho axe within . - I : . I 0 den near G'oderich proved . a great mistake which I h pe wi be -- - . - our readers, e,n t e Bulgarians in ,ship I a�� great Sue- - 0 !11 ` I , - , ) that isi Z . . ` ty iun first There was a good attendance of Spec � ' ii -, Assure all �, - ' ' . . I reach, that they will bd amply destroy,public confidence in him .. -the re stance I )in,, d destroying a large amount cess. Th 3, whole Of his stockbeing _ iet right before long, Sir John Ilae- I ­ - ence in bim.!. . . .. tators and' considerable interest i I they are now offering to t e Czar. i Of P , class Sol(, at very good fi � was donald did his very best- to keep Sir � �, , . repaid if the public ever had confid whiel . operty P gures 1 cows - I � . . i I �', I Tfie opportunity , I .. I I Kl;ocicm) .--'.\like' McCool, well going as i as $70 each, a Alpine i for their attendance. � . d ' I . , OUT . I . manifested in th#* game. Me � a , - . If Bulgaria stands firm', and .1 nglan fe ,lid yearling proved too m uch for hi3 opponent, b Richard Cartwright out of the House by I % � n in the prize ring circles, dipd at I ' ,ea�. . I I lei "S tuh addresses a's i� a each. .Mr. Thos. Cornish, - destroying -old Centre Huron, and when : of listeniag to three s, ' know J.'s a'.�gl� I ­ . , - . . . y ten p I : p, 11be delivered on Wedliesday evenin�g : I suppqrts, Austria as she should do in the,. iNew'Orleans, last Sunday morning, at of Huliet' - ar old filly Ing, 41, I F-all(l- . the - latter was tendered ju 1883 the . 1 , The Bulgarian Qu6sti ;, ing hifn b oilits, tile, score s* I - E - - Wi . . ion. bought a two ve, I . 4; ­ . pt crisis, the -Czar must wi �hdraw tile ,Iharity hospital. 11fe was 49 years for $196, and Mr. Win. 8hiple AlcAlpine Lawson 31. - . �� � i! �:, - The position of affairs in�Bulrfaria is Y, Clin- nomination for thie 'hi ved constituency V does not frequently� occur . 0 of a e. I . -A very sudd(n death occurred in I , of 1, , . t , an(l we hope. . frorm he position hp has assum61d, and 9 I ton, bougilt two sucking col South Huron no one was m, ore chagrined h _�; . - . one of increasing m., erlace to the peace of . . I � . I ts at $65 ,the township of Morris on Saturday, I � . I 1. : -11 be taken advanta,, of,. not on1v . -BERRY -The unhar- each. ' than the ' . z I J - i � � . k'wi I leave lie Bulgarian question to be Settled i TuE, CRAN CROP. . I I great Tory Leader himself. I- .Europe. The envoy (ixtraordiiiary sent , veStE C the 9th inst. On diat (lay Miss Maggie i:� L� � � - - by the people of Seafort lb, bilt by those I cranberries throughout the New -Mr. Ji,mes Lawrence, forITICrly Of But when we did not nominate Sir C I I within the -lines of the'treat "of e'rlin, b,lnglaild States have been 1 I �y 4 Michie, who resid!d with her ftLtl�_er, i . I by the Czar to Rulgarix well deserves . I i . badly damag- Tuckersinith, but'now of Morden, in Richard at the last convention, what a �� �. of the anrro-undirtg couritry as well. . , . I or else engage, in a. -wai in Which Russia ed b the. late froBt. The mercury fell near -Sunshine, fel u-n-welli-and as her howl the Tory . &all 'ver the 1 mmumob , his title. LGeneral Ka-ulbarB is behavi � . Southern lilanitoba, has I)een spending throat�was a little ore and pain in be.r organs raise , o I .. � ,. � ;V I lug 6'uld certainly be del�ated. ito 3( degrees. I " a few day amid country, 1: I . ' __ in the most extraordinary fw3hion ever w, I � . I old Scenes, on his re- head, a physician, as- call d, but de- With wh.at )gjee they boa-st. - : . ani Demonstration. . Tin,, BEAUTIFUL.— � �. . The Wingh I I There was a lively turn fromold Scotin where be has been mpelled Sir � . - ) that we co I Echard to take , � - The Reform Deria- onstration. a,t. Wing- before witnessed on the field of guro- , i fall c f snow in several parts of Rockland enjoying himself for the pas spite all he could do she rapidly sank his, carpet bag in hand and go and hunt - � I . - . . c TUE habitant --- — t two or � : . I , or r1ther the vlast in- , ,. and died on Sutd y. It was a great � ham, oil Tuesday last was � success in pean diplom, acy., Ostensibly the envoy stitu . � f aoun;y, in New York State, on Sunday three months. Mr. L . � for another constituency. Such talk as - I � ' . , tion awrence is engaged �" , which controls him - has ruled 'ifternoon,. and from an inch to an in' shock to the neighborhood, as she bul I � � 7 . . I �, - of a- friendly ,power to a free State, * ell in tile wheat buying business' in Mani- this., Sir, I call most insulting to the , � every respect. Hoil. Mr. Blake Mr ,Canada ever since the -,union in 1 ,, - hild er of snow was found in. toba, and has unbounded confidence in I been at the Blyth all show on the Fri- Reform party in South Huron for we . . , - . a quart . I . I I I : . Gener6l Kaulbars has since his' arrival I . I . . � _ C. Cameran, .N -L P�,, Harl. Ai� M. 9 . . aces. " I 3 I AT - �some� ph day previous and n the enjoyment of I I I . ays,t e Mail. True enou h. Butisn' thefuture )f that Province. . always considered it an honor to be repre- � I - 9 t I I � very . - I , I - . ROSS aii&'Gthers arrived by train in,the iwbulgaria been. performing the paxti .. . , LA��T WEEK'S WIND 8TORM. * At least -One d ' last week .Mr. E. Glen, of good health' sented in Parliament by a man of such � � otafio 15ix Iiives are known to have been lost by rs ScoW& e 1, of the . - 0 rio or,ies , � I . . . . . of envoy, but of dictator and master I . farenoaa &.ad were niet a,t th! ' not it ra,th er singular that the . �y -' I .,N1 ess �. Stanley, fe.11 down and-aeriouqly injured Wing- ability as Sir Richard Cartwright. To I - q station by. - didn't find this' out until 1886 I Ca,n the �looding of- the island at Buffalo his should0r. It pained hi6i so inuch barn furniture factory- have finished arid silence all this talk, . I beg to suggest, - ­. � He has been actincy as if Bulgaria were a . . I � ,0 � . . % , � . 1, a large concourse of people, I A piroces- t) 0 anybo y suppose that after h i I ,luring Th,ursday. night's storm, and that he . shipped twobar.9_fcr 'two of the lead- Sir, that the President of the Reform � �­ � I C s cone u(c 0 o an ,,see t. provi ce of the Russiain e impire and I � avin sbar- . - : ., - sion --was for in ed, headed -by a� bamd, and a � 6corep ?f poor people have suffer d teeri- a in- hotels in Ltst6wel. They are of ;,: ! doctor, not anticipating tha - anyt4ing t5 . i . ed the plunder with them all these e Association call a convention without �� I . � . governor 0: I I ble privations. The dam ) � � . . the 'politicians were escorted to their him- self the f , it, armed I ; age hlong the more than a severe sprain h d happen- . elegant design handsomely ornamented f arther delay and let us unanimously - 1. . z- � ars, amd upheld French-Catadian �vater front of the city is enormous. ' , - and witho *t discussion, � tender Sir �� with absolute auth . ye. �. im and finished, and � reflect great credit . . 7 L , ­ hotel. In. the aftelmoon a mecting, was . . � �,� the Ciax, ' I . . . ed. %flien the doctored examined h A,Ow � u I � � held in the largeat huildi ing in ffie t � aseendehey, they would, ,have fo ind it D NING CASE.—Mrs. Leader, wife lie found th at the- shoul I upon tile inanufact4rers. The bars are Richard I � _�Wri, and supported, as Russian go%lernors al -I . I . - der was dislocat- ` : The fact that there CartAvright the no m ination and � I out no �v, but f6r the fact that ,,,.I 6f a ILondbii butcher, after ,a quarrel ed, and �t required worth' -,,150 each. . . , � � . : ­ . . . .. babi- the 1� c6nibined I thus silence the miserable boastings of , I I . I ! ' w wil. ch was filled, &nd thereirlinat have , ways are, by a,n a,rmed for'be stro; g � . I Ivith. ,!her husband left her lioni6, taking . . large furpititre factories in Listo- � i I , n tant. il I i are two ; c - I i'' -strength ofthree men to get it the hireling Tory press. There: is now 7 ­ � not. dispoised t6 'vote the'. Tory back Into I - � � e 1. . - . . I . ; � been. an atteadance, of betwe UO;uCr-h'to put down all resistamee. In- .1 i I lier fiVe little children with her. Sh wel, and that the order was not left not the slightest reason to doubt that I � an two a.nd again.� ; - , . 1� I I . ticket , So says the Toronto NeW, , and ivent1to the Thames River at .Fullidin - I . - . � - . S : there, shows conclusively that the work I . � . . � The household ,yoods �nd other - � H q three thousand people. There were also I deed it ig, said that General Kaulbars i . .,.. . . . 0 � on. Edward Blake will be the premier . I 1-9 it sa�ys well. I i pd. threw herself and her five children effects of,A' It. 'Morris, n ere I turned -out by Scott & Bell is of a SUP- after the next elections and. to forin a , . - a g in fact sa� supported, .and that he has I I . . I . 0 1 lInt tailor, ; r�. ; I . I � � ood- num- ber of Iadies present. The , into the water. All we�e drowned but erior order. � ' I ; - . - , . � I — . . i � I of Winghailli, were.sold on the market � ministry he must have Sir Richard Cart- . I � - the children, . . w . � � - chair.,was occupied by that veteran: in: authority to set in motion athis will tli.,e . 0 n e � W .-Two potatoes had been lef t last . 1. - . . M R. MACKENME said at Us nomina- - I luare, last 'Saturday, under a chattel . . rightin the Cabinet. Let us take ;. A" MO-MANZ'S VENCEAN(7E.—Tbe 12NIr. 'Morris left town on I'lle spring bi the corner on the brick floor ' I - the' Refar-in ra,riks, Mr. Tboinas Gribson, Russian ariny now assembled in Be'ssar- tion 0 Saturday: `X warn, you that 1 . eaA- mortgage. this matter in hand at once aiid let i� � ' . . � . . � , . , when- he interests -of -the countrg con- rn I alf of the villa�e of Stockton; 30th ult. fOr the puripose of attendincr. of the cellar of the -Methodist parsonage South.-Hur;'dn have a Cabinet Minister - . i . . - M. P, P. of East Huron. � - abia. Only. tile consciousness of. irre.- I J'tahi was bui,ned on Sunday .last, It Im at Londesboro. i During the summer I I I . ,�.� sistible fored,in reserve, andN the flict with the interests of the party I -, suppose . the Westeril'a fair. at London, and as lie ' for a representative in the next Parlia- : Specched were delivered by Dr. _Mc- -d; ' d the' fire was started by o. failed to they threw out� 13ickly-looking thill 11 I I 1, � 8 ter � stick .tothe count�y." Mr., Mackenzie . - mebt. The Tory party, from Sir John � I , '10111"n 116nied .11-rs. Prov' return, the conclusion was r six inOies IOD,,, and little down, are very ;Lnxious that we hould � :* . Danald, the Reform to use it if need be, could ba stalks, five o 'i� - candida,te far the nlina,tiOR . ve (Toub'dess referred. to-, his vote against .ost, who threitit� arrived at :that lie had skipped and I 0 . 8 ., . ned % fe v (lays ago to burn the town his goods wirey rootlets in, Which grew quite a� 11 'Comm., ons for East Huron , J; nspired in General Kaulbars the e Mr. Blake and the other Rielit's 6' t were seized and his store little crop of poitato'es f - . I . PS. So m er- I" I- � xtreme e I .he � ales 3 th�-, saloons quit sellilig liquor to close(I up.. I . roin the size of a not Doiliiiiate,Sir Richard. Let us not � i ville arrogan cc of tone which lie has assumed 1' Liel qu eStion. I Iii tl�at matter tl i . � I . t� - i i , Nt'. P�, Sautli Rruce,,; 'Yr.. SiloAn, . . I 11011- her b tisband. The loss aggre . pea t . � try so hard to please thein. Let us drop � , � . gates $20- -At the -o that of a morble, The floor was - . L . - � 7 1, ol�a'blegetitleman a,ited the" Partl9f the 600. - I auction sale orif tile farm of � all our personal feelings ind work fbr - � , . 11, med to i towards tile Bulga,rian people arid their honest politician. I .. Mr. Alexander 18'mith,. Bullett, near . an t i potato see -the good of the party. Excuse - me for I . Rlyt4, and by Xlessrs. Caia0aal' Ross . quite clea . I � - . - The addresses 11 wete al . - ture from. I and Blake. I.- : Gaveinment since he- arrived in their . Ax )TIluu. Lixj.: dilk, last week, all' -tile stock was grow on air and! ittle inois taki-ng up so i-,n-ulch of your valuable, - �! So says the Toronto Mail IN THE GREAT CIIAIX. Harlo . : i F __ . .,.and y t the . M he: otato crop, spread F. . i � good.,.. but 11sr, Rtal,-e was, of 'o ' ' country. � Even the American pre' - . . --A syndicate has been organiz d 4t good figures. Mr. -and Mrs. the bricl I I lain considerably riled at- - - - ' . '. . (� I Urse, the ss, Alftil Pith all its new found inde[)end- lew Yo-rk to build a 'railway 455 miles -1 ipste'ad, oof the old 4 a slied over the bricks, -was (I iite a curiosity. space, 5ut u readin a. I . � Speaker of the day. Ife, spo4-e for! over. . always friendly to Russia, finds it ... . ,Smith t bli -At the meeting f the Huron Medi- what I have bee 0 Yours, etc., I i I ence, supports the Pandidature of Mr. I prig on the south, side of Lake Superior custom of passing whisky A a sale, tioD,beld last week at Clin- � . CLFAR (jRIT. � : : two hours, and -b-is address -&,as one of ,necessaxy to protest against Kaulbars' ' " f om Duluth to Sault St. Marie,. con- whielf was done years ago, Sent out an cal- Associa Stanley, October 4th,:L886. i . �j _- � - Alfred Boultbee, -Mr. Mackenzie's op- .- I I . : i,nission to 11, U.1garia, and the fashion in . - . r ectii g at, the latter place with the Carl- excellent- Cup ton, a peculiar and interiesting, case of I � mmw� i the m ostable and eloqueat - r listeried ponent, whom nobody claims is an hon___ nd other sub- disea f the spinal cord was presented ; -_ —_ It _�U which it is carried out. The New 11 . I se o _. . . - � I I to I Winghau.i.. NUany of t" . . . alian Pacific and Grand Trunk. The stantial refreshments, which 'were re- - hose pres- , for exarnination.- Tile age of the party - Turnberry. i : est politician. More than this, Mr. c ipital has all been subscribed,,,and tfie 'lished by all. if . . � �r . eat listened to, 111r. Blake f or; the first York Sun says ; " We should have to A r I was about '0 years, and he is a black- C0'U'N-.CIL Doi.Na.g.-At the- last meet. �, __ a . lackenzie is bypractice as well as by M11tracts are being let. -Mr.. Geo. Green, of the, Bayfi . � 1, 7� time, aad all were delig I . go back for some centuries in search of I - eld Smith. flisosym to is were ver pecu- ing of Ir the 'Turnberry council, held at " �. . I . -F concession, G'oderich township ,%vas pre- 11 B, ; hted fwith lifin, I proAssi on' a,nce man, ar SL21LIGHTER OF QUARANTIN ,D CATTLI;. y . - �_ . a, tenipey * d ai� - aeva . - . I The demonstration was a'. 4uecessl in precedents for the brazen o,kders giveii , .. I . _Thd slaughter f, 2,200 qua,rantined -sented with ,an -address and 'Ei pair of liar. .The feeling pr 3ensation of an iron le, the reeve reported that he bad � . .1 I I , 0 lboly, and sometimes .; advocal e of ­ � 1. � to G,eneral Ka-ulbars, ,prohibition- while I Mr. . ,stillery cattle beg.mn Monday ,itt Chi. gold-rinimed-'. spectacles, .and ibis wife band around his let the job of putting in a stone culvert f ever resp f � � � . i * 11 y ect, and cam-noit fail', to hav;e a the Czar's new BoultbEe,is an avowed and' loud-m6'util- cl 6go in a small way. The State Veteri- with a valuable silver butter' around his k-ne-es, I)eillig experienced; a on tile Morris and Turnberry boundary i ,ilt at Safia, and then we could onl I . . . I age . . dish and , I belieficial influence in. both 1 East and , y . feeling of numbn�ssl at the eud-A of the to Geo,. Moffatt for $16, Morris to pay . ;. I ix arian co-nductedc -a post-mortem on knife on the' eve of their removal to a � 11 ed oppcnent of temperance d bil i- . . .. West. Huron. I n . fingers and a sensiti( � in as if wall half ; also the putting in of a box drain � I each case. Only - king on. . fi _d them. in.the Muscovite diplomacy of � ,t* one - infected anim�l farm near . Goderich. Mr. Qreen has � - � I . on, -13 in fact .the ,candidate. ot the Band or on wood �lsb, inability to walk on same boundary to NV. Thor ton for �, I e. � --------- Ivan the Terrible. ' What civilization �1.1 , as found. The meat .of the others was been a class leader and Sabbath School 3 n � ;� - . I �� __ ! fquor interest, but the Mail, despite its 1011OLInced s . with the eyes clos4d., were the principal ! .310, Morris to pay half. Mr. McPher, t . - . 11 Hand Acquitte . m, ay-p,xpect should Russia ` 1i uperb. It is understood superintendent f; 8, and lie : ; I j! . I � ever reach, P Qr some year, . I F: a I the meat except that of the animiti and family, carry with ,them: the be . _. . V . ; 1. 4 rece'nt 7eal for Prohibition, supportt the . symptoms. : : son reported that with Mr. Diment, he ei � I ' �' I .1 . -t 1. i . c ndernned was disposed of to local wishes of their old neighbors. ,7 -For some t q, p st goods have -bee" had examined the embankments at the 1. � � .At the Lambton- Assizes., hold Iasi by wd6y of Stamboul ano palcutta, her. liquor" lan-didate, and thus provet the st � I n 1; ' '! - I � I I � wee , . - a,l empirej ma be guessed end of Jobb's bridg � k, Charles, A,. Ha, 4, th alleged goal of univers ' . b -itcher shops. _. ! -Mr. and- Mrs. Paul &lie om i Ji I �y - . itzer -of missed fr � e, and that the job J � � I . - othing stores of �. Sq,rnia dyna-miter, was trie � fromil the bri-ftal. * cont ' insincerity and hollowness of, its recent I finished sat . , - - " ' Messrs. Lisbe an IV bster in Willgham, "' I I I .. --U 0 isfactorily; also that he - k I . d and, ac� empt for treabes, * - _. i DWISTROLT.q I, NDATIOX.—Th& bi,avy Ashfield, arrived home last week fr in a I I .. . . 'professi na. Our :contemporary,! no r�ins of 'last week accompanied by visit to friends in Verinillian each store having lie broken into and had let' the job of facing the embank- � � . . I � � . qaitted.. It � will be re. m -embered -that for popular rights and public Opinion I � , Dakota. ; ' I Z . . S VerE gales of wind hient with stone to Mr. Raby for $23, i � - -doubt, finds it a, very difficult matter to 8 caused frightful Y'ermillian is situated close to goods taken therefi-oi . I � , � ! Hand, who iql & hotel -keeper in ,-3 - shown Qn. a small scale in Bulgaria from , . ­ I , . . ., the Suspicion ulti- 11 i -1. - arnia, serve two'niuster � I � I and ition on the low lands around southern boundary of Dakota niately.rested upo6i couple of young-, which was finished, and he recommend- � �S- - with N6 - q the m oment that the cubs of .Muscovy - -. ­ . .- � ! was arrested on the cha,rge *,of being in �iew Orlearf'§ -and along the Gulf coast. brask men ed that Mr. Ral- be paid $5 9 ! I . - - ai and Mr. Smeltzer. says, it is the -7named- Jam�s aint and Joseph . Dy for extrae ; -0 . � . � * . --- ----. Tile Own of Sabiue� Pass was' totally finest country he ever saw. The climate Kidd, and their tri'a * is being searched, ing in all $103 ; also that he had got 1 7 strumental in b -lowing Up t1 -:ie. boUse of : venture to unsheath their claws. * mak � 0 ; I I . � - D 51 0 . I . � . al elections ave the stolen goods wpie found in them and ; � TitE Quebec"P-rovinch d'atrcyed by the overflowing of the in summer is considera Bolt's bridge repaired to the extent of 5 one McCrae, a proni,ineat Scott Act � The alere pre-sence of General Kaulbars , � . Ibine river on Tuesday night last week. than in Ontario, a d bly wariner there they were -both arrested just as they . � � S r $L' * -Mr. Diment reported the letting of i r cl resulted in *converting' a . n with little cold or . I a � supporter, with dynamite. at Sofia is an impertinence to ; . - ty 0 f 4 t snow in winter. Although the country were preparing to leave Wingliam. . a stone culvert at the B line for $3, no �' 11' �t He was ar- other 'about U;'rty in i Ro - A hotel containing fif een or twentk - I rested on the strength of confessions 1,'arolpean states, and his . . . fin I . �itvoriof the ss Taillon isbed' Mr. Evans repqrted the let- . I , so-called p(rsons was swept o6t'into the bay and is well settled, good land can be, bought Kidd made a clean bi east of it and ac- . ? : I I . Governn­�Ut inio a 1i I � -made by hi m self to a detecti v ' Ultimatum . ;rninority vaxi�usly all the Occupants *,dre drowned.,, Not from ten to- twelve dollars - kn6 wledged his guilt, but'Saint pleaded tirig of 41 cedar culvert on the 2nd con . I i , -_ e who had am. ounts - to a de- ' I i -per acre. . . I � ; I 1. . . ' ! I cession ito Johii Yeo, for $11 ; al ; ' ' ; � , - been detailed to, ferret out the perpe- fia,nt declaration that neither t'ic Bul- estimatE d at from f ou1.r -to ten. , Thd de- a, iouEe is left in thei,whole country, and --l'i ,xeter and ViCirlity'did nobly at the innocence. They w�re both sent to so thi , :.. - I � : . � every living thing *as drowned. The principal fairs of tile Province this f Goderich to stand tbeir trial by the repairing of 4 calvert to John Yeo fol � �i feat -for, 'the Go1verninent is a, very, de- . I - . all, I V. I � l c Im. Mayor of Avi - � t tra,tors of this atrocious crime.. It is garian people nor amy. of tile powers I : ey , td'Mi number of t' s of the hurricane At tbe NVestern,'Mr. P. Curtin, of Marc, I 19ham. 1 $3, both finished ; also tli,,a;.t the job or'- � � " cidedone. Wh4thear�or!notth� willat iti'dflood at Sv1 I gravelling in Kitch I . difficult to Col -13 ecta.re uponwhitt groands represented in t'he Berlin Congress have I I . I . � abind Pass, Texas, and took Ist and 3rd in the Wo year old . -44 Howick corres )onderlt says : I I It en's swamp was fill - ' - 0 - I - -nd any rights which Russia's C,usar is resign gr I 9 . I I U is ilow rumored n Ifashionable i . the Jury could ,justify tl,,,e ve I rdict, a I - 0 once Iha.n � on to offic6.�ntil- J�hns- -on's Bayo' an'd Radford, Louisi- Clydesdale class, also diploma foil the t i clubs ished. Tnrnberry�s share $26.82; also . 2� - UE . thab B. S. Cook, fi * � � -e prisoner ca,n only � they'itre, voted put! by the aija, is now believed to be fully two best Clydesdale of any age on - the job 1 . a Douglas, swamp finished, .545 r bound to respect." : . I their. disniass4l of th M Pairlia - the t-st depnty-reeve .: I uren i .. h ndr!d. Awful destitution prevails ' also. the.job on the sideline, lots. 5 and 6 . . . I t is .not k;lown It is sorneMiat ... ground. Air. John Willis took'Istprize will offer himself as candidate for the I . J i be accounted fo,r on the sapposlition that Will Russia be allowed to sue � I . . 1, �at#on the survivors. ' for the best aged Clydesdale", " Coul. t Fe-F-veship at the ensuing manic concession 5 -fimshed, $20.; als tile iol . � . ceed- in difficult t I. 9 ipal elect- J 0 �i o � arriv,e at; a co usion ais to I . I they allowed themselves torbelindtflyin- . . .. nel � Careless," and _N . If the above ru' or is fou��ded ' . 1 7. DISASTA fr. Chas. ,in on I I r her attempt to coerce Bulgaria and d��fy t, - ot's . . DRivE. -A cattle Eagery, �f ion of repai6ng Hamilton's. bridge, finished - - r . I . � . Stephen, took Ist prize and diploma f fact it- is expected he will soon issue hi -8* $27 ; also the- repairing of culvert in L . he ,cau3es whi�h led to this ro�ult a. ,c,,( r just in from North Mountain I fluen-ced by tlie very absurd'and one Euro e? We think not� The - . , . . r � or I . p Bulgarian Some afb ,,- Wylie's - swain .. i ; . - 8 te `1 address to the -electors of Ho , p, $2.60. M.r. Thomson rm tha� it is a natural upris . the best �- lercheron on the wick. , I I s � . .. t , or wh o, people -are affering a tout resistance, e pcq,ld ainst an, ext� - 1, i I I , ,n irize I Sided charge of Judge O'Conn ti that the drive. of cattle froin , _ ground. 7 .. 8 ing of t - la WalK Washingto Jerritory 'to - The temperance voter3 of Howick, be- reported the letting of a culvert on the � Unfortunately, pres-ided over t . I I 4va 'Count Careless " also took 2tid r 10th concession, lot 25 for S,-54 ; also the � he Court., and axe sti,owing a firmilress and spirit, a�. at the S#fithegi 1'&ir at St. Thomas. fore they vot er for J :_ O% I . I i Columbia has proven a qsas� I I gant and Boitisl e for 31 . Cook eit � corrupt''G v r-nmentand-pairty,. . ve employed and a de-ter-minatian t tr�iius f iilure to St. Lo ulis-- _ 'vl meron �-%I. 1)., 0 reeve or deputy'reeve Ishould make sure . n r (Irreer, the special detecti - 0 maintain t I L cattlesyndicgtes- Mr.. I - C. Ca I f . joh of gravelling o the 10th concession, � � heir while otiers aver�that it is 4 o a F r a time a drive consisting y Goderich, who had been asked to lay the that be is straight 61, the police magis- vert in W, T. plot . to work up the case, sware positively frecdo-ni, w1aich is equally creditable to e �' of 40,000, -- I fini�lied ; also;a cul F d6silre or. the paxt of the French ha6ilan lie d of cattle prospered finely, but an corner stone of the new Presbyterian trate question. At the last nieetilig of 1 for $8, finished. Mr. .McPherson, re- I I . . . I . ' � . that Hawil bad confessed to him them and embarrassing to the Russian to " � church at Dungannon, i)ut c the County Council li( made a bad mess ported that the executors of the estate . i Uni0h the Go"ve' Sul Ily dry season in I ould not be � I P - rnment because they ul� Montana - - I . pro present on that occasion, recentl I of the late � that he b4d elliployed n,len to blow' autoorat. Tile Bulgariams, throughout gr�'ssed, the cattle began to weaken arid y ac- of himself on -this (luestion. James lieniiingrequired 'the : � � . refused to condemn the D ( - . . . � up. 11�-Cra,e*s house, arid t -at .1 I ! ominion- Cov- I knowledged the compliment by present- -Last - Friday afternoon as Bennett payment of $11 as due for council ser - I . . I all I . , ; h he tile whole business, from the kidnapping erfinient for hanging Itiel. There ' fat, by the waysido, ' d as days passed vices, and be recommended that this - I had -paid them for so doing, and another of Prince Alexander by the tools and is no by' food became scarcer, the animals ing the .congregation with a valuable Holmes, of Turnb­rry, was proceeding ' i �, . amo � 1. doubt bowe-ver, but both thosequestions d communion service, including baptismal Lint be paid. The dispute between I mat), Hall,' who boarded I I I i�d by hundreds, herders even suffered home from Winghairi, his horses be- th -- . i at Hamd's - . . , e township and the to'VV'n of WiDghaio I - 0 gr at privation for bowl, table linen and case. The gift of came frightened while crossi g the rail- , - a(,ents of the Czax down to the present had so ething to do 'with the resq1t. want of water and so lb ; � , , . � � . I o h otel, suore that Ile had bccri� eb(fallred time, have so ,�. Concerning the . latter's � share of the � I I I , 'Per ite did the situation become that ay track and ra away. They pro- Land Improvement Fund accruing to -the . , 7 . , f - 7 .. ch akes, littl . . � ; I CY .b . I acted as to Avin for them- NNili I . 'had most d - de a beautiful pulpit Wible was also re- w ' ' I . I . - -�, , I- - - . �r to rovv -the nien whani. Hand had c mi- - wlien nearing the British line the pro- ceived from. Mr. _.W. MeArthar, a inem ,.ceeded down Albei. Itreet at % terrific I .� ' selves the respect amd. sympathy of all ference to the people of Ontario. ber of the � latter inunicipality, 'I'Ll-rnberry gives . . - . � I . . . The pri3towof the hord ordered the dri-ve, to . congregation, I rate of Spec(], and wheti tile waterworks � E .ployed to (to the. wark back'; to V'ort free nations, arid if they persevere in the result , is, of ;interest, to the people of be abaidoi -The kViugham $400 in addition to �hc :_3411 � I � . i NViDgham. Tirnes of last week. wheel. house was rea led the hor at- � . � r I , Huron after they had conipleted their course they have S I .. , . I . I _� . . led and the be ders, to reach cy, ses 1. 4 : . 0 fax Pursued the this Pro , , , th�, Northern Pacific railway the best says : Thomas McGillicuddy, of the tempted to pass a telegraph, pole., already received from tile C'overDment � . I ince', only in so - As it, af- ' one oil I , - -e did do SO, ancl that Czar and his age' I fai -1 Nva� they could, Tile scene .along tile Goderich Signal, dropped in to .see the each' side, which resill'beld in the tele- le ' task, amd that h - as a filialsettlem ntof the matter. This, . t1ts will certainly be ford-� an iuAex' Of th itude of ille ­ �N'inghani bruj accept(.-(], and an agree- , . I ' I . . � ic river the .11 ' W Times last Thursday evening, while o' iclean in two and I iiient to this eilect w 'i Sig] i � -while they were crossing d dri e vas most pitiable. a graph pol I � I I batiled. The -Rulgarians - I - Cattlemen c ., bein 9 cut . i L � i I . . � the n k oke bein broken. ried by the I t , ; ' a A -vi, e iiote that �'W I � n6xt oil I . r at McCrae's house to4k place, motive to (10 So. The w< * a " , explosio-11 , lave every Que6cer towards tire Do ' 'Dion 'Gov- are'of the opinion that the syndicate his way to Zetlanj. ' , Mr. McGillicuddy 1' ec y This, .. - and t1la,t both ineia admitted )rst that colild ernment ' d are glaa TO, illnob"have 200 bead of stock' has been g0ing thl� - gh Turnberry ton -n- however, did not .sto the horses, and i .1212yorof Wingliam, andithe I'leeve of 1 7 1 Turnberry. The next meeting of couri- I � - i I I use to submit I syow that Sir John spring, out of the immense band drive ship Stirring up the people about the I the_yCOUtiDUedOn the Ir --reckless career : to hin, tllat� happen- to thein if they ref it goes �01 I .Uacdon- I , th,eY had placed, the explosive . , : �.� . - on ust. - - . SS I I wing cause why a with the point of the wagon -pole I -1 I I . -ion and ald. and, his colleagues bav ,;, ow- I and to Ru ian dib�tatioln is th� invas fromtfecountr�. Tie loss in that caslel Scott Act and sho * cil will be h-cld ' the 25th i 0 ; I lighted the 'fuse th . I 6 lost their wil , I . 11 � , - f itu I t, f 1w I I - I - - � _,_ � I ; � � k I , , t -1 � , i I i�' t' iii , itin. �G , 0 U , I I �_' � � I 1W � 1! � I I 4 � I I I 1! � , ( , I I I I ad I I , 1� r4l �� I I 1� I I I P I I . , and that they had . ; .xe cb $250,000. . . ­ Police niagistrat�, should be appointed. ing through the ground. Thoyhaxpro- ­ -- ----------------- �__ - � �� been emplo, . occupation 4 their coun'try by a Russian hold qpon their Qugbec'i, supporters. In I On Monday night of last week be held ceeded but a short distance when tile -Mr. J. T. Hi-eks shipped eighteen � . : . , f � ! . ; Ycd by Hand to: do so. army. It may be doubted whether theCzar this '' eFe i . a meetii;g in Blueva-le, onTuesday night pole struck some o fine horses from Alitchell � � : I I � ore, the resultof the .Another "broth of' bstfuction, throwing on Tuesday p ,a boy from the -in Eadie's church, on Wednesday ni�ht .the wagon high into . I e will involve Quebec P nei -- he air, and land- last week for Marqu,ette, Alichigan, via, � This sa-Me #witriess Stated that after � will go so far; if he does h rovi - OU4, � I i . I . � . I . t , � .H elections'will be re soil " has come to the front in the in Gemmill's church, and on Th . � . � � . I I . I . * : . t I ; , I i I I ursday irig Mr. Holmes about weuty feet away Goderich. , I . I I .. I . .. I I I - . . - ; . ­ I . 1. , .� . I I I � X I I _ I . � 7 7' . I . I ; . ­ � � - . � I ; . � I - I . . I I 1 . N 0 _; I . 4 � i ; _. - i . , � 4 . w I i I . � � " I . . ; . . � 1 1 . I . . I . , - - : . I - . . . I , I . . I � . . � � L . I � I . ; � . . . I � I- . I . . - i � . . I . . . . . . . I I . . � 1. I I . . I � I - ... __ . I I - � . . I I .__ I . - .k ` I i . .. , . - � . � - . . i , . I . - . : I - I . I � , � � . . , - . . . : I I I I - � . I . . . . . I ., . . 1 : , . . - I - .: I -A F � . . I � I I � i I � �, ; . . �� - . � I - , ; . . . . . � I I I .1 � , , , . i . I . I , - . i - 4 k � I I . . , � - _.- - - I , � � � I I I - I � � 9 - . . I I I � . . . , - - F ,0,CTOR m 22, 1886. 1. Ell . "1W0_.;-_____ __ — ___1 ___ ____� __ � " . I Perth Items. , w6ghing 3 lbs. A pota;to , . 'dug from rd,en in St, �Sl iwlsjs . a 94 - . . .Week. . The Irish deldgates, K, $1nitt , addressed a large aw . J.,isto�-el. ' 110 I -Mr. T� T. Sm, ith., of 11st, I .� .S $20b horse from. inflammatit . I I ; Jays ,, I . : jfro� i I . � ' A In I uJah wedding tr)ok� _. i 11allel ; ,the barracks at .Stratford on ; .e,V.,ehiilg last 1 week. Rev. 11r, ,Was t'he officiating clergyman. . - -)f s I -The contract. ( . upplying . -heatin.g apparatus for the '.St: i stitute has been ,C011egilate in., . . . i I I o Frank Wheeler, Toronto, at, -A man na3l1ed N-iet,)r, 11011: �. fulaccidentat Borph(ilm t., � t1)y getting h14 -foot into ti, aiyn, , � . aer of a threshing macllille� � � . � wa-3 badly inamyled. C'_` 1) e Q wrif -There bav n lately ' ,� dipbt-heria in St. Marrs, two 4� proved fat',']. Th*- authorities . I -el"'arors to prt- � I I ing the at'll,ost spread (if tile disease and gi,t it 7 ,�_ il. . I . . . - out. nan I � . � t, . -A i . nanied Joe Cai --r, � JF. ter, was fid �' � dale pain �15 1 ­ ,- I- costs for sellinn, liqlifw out (if. �n . 't. Marys on � . dayi,ng the fair at 'S - - .,. , * . fault ,of payment was sst_-i��t ilr$%v . : days� . I ; .—Mrs. A. Dent, Mrs, T. ) �� �, I . an'N . � . 156 -u-v--(, - , d � Irs, J. 11 Flagg , - the i . . - Iv, I � froin ;N1 itchell, )6,atti i.-ded th � convention of th,e- NV,,nvm*.,i (,' Temperal)tc Union, - held at 0xi � I � last Nveck. � � : t,4 1 -It has now been, �(1,31113li 3V by.tbe Board cf Director,; of till . Trunk in En�glanll, that Stratfi, , have the locomotive -shops arid t ' . I-'4200,001) cannot 1 ,don�s offer of ', - � tained. j . lr I � -Alr. Augnst Wicke, flit, 1i , . la:ndlord 'AL ElEce township. 0:�,,, . known to marly of the early sel � Walla,ce and Elina" i is rapidly --- and is now -con-fined to bed ,for ti . � ,er part of the time' i -A bnrs�e in one of the ranni, .at St Marys show, bolted ,wl , ,. I t - I the judge's Stand, and running ii - the �crowtl ,dashied against a 1 horses. The latter,were throwl and the btj,,,,,y to which they I - a. tt7' tache was tipped just enough t -the -,Occupants out. One 'a, lady -was somewhat injured, I - . - ! Seriously. � -The Western Associationi I -Corignegati4)naleburch held a t ,sessiro* in Stratford last � ALI first session was Aevot&i, to 1� followe-d by a Sermon by the I . _cuthbertson, B. A. -- -of Avooa�,to I . ' ' as is ,!Sel<lom heard,, .Mr. Cat! . delivc�ed another addrims in t1l I ing, dwelling ,on *tile bitter tr� '�' - east London, 'With. great fluell . . pztbos, and tbils closed a very ful meeting of the Associaltion, I . . I - __ . I ' . ; e . I Local Notic. s. INTI�sox & YoC.xG's, .Seafortb. Tea is viery e � howe. Tj�y it �_ I i ' � - FRMT JAR8 a,11 Sizes being, c� 1 Wilson &� Young's, llieaforth. f Tii� best and cheap,,L-st sugars i -sery in g 7 1 ,are at Wilson & Yonug's, s�;afm a DEN -4 isT. -Owing to thenapid z i T ! I Di ni� practive, I am compelled to (1) � I my visits to Brussels, and henceforth N� � my ,attention solmly to the home offic i FEAR, . D.' -S., Dentist, Iseaforth. I FFV� A'_Q) A RALF per cent, � I I I ! ans, a 3' amount, P�rivate funds, at rate of 54 per cent per annum. SE �, - � ; LEIVIS,l 6)d,erieb. . � : I `0 . I GEN'jCLENIES, if you vmnt a ; : clothes,.or an overcoat, st-e J. L. 15111M thev wil astonish vou. sat-is-f-U-flon g�t i � I J. L, sil ith, SeafortlL � ATT'NTI-ON- I A�TENTT'A)N; !--T.� ' I aell a0 Seatorth Oatmeal Mills has e It ; vated, and the publie can be supplied I! des cf oatineal-rourd granulat:LA, � g"a Li �'Oi e , 7 1 and verpool cilit. also Barl y, $�� , - . i and all Rind, of che".1) fevd� Fvedei� i;l I eattlie wid hogs will tiave anqmvi It.y ji� these ii� Uls, Oat.neal e,xvIlangfied fori I - eash pad mr an.v -uu3hwt,_-d cluaijut,%: " I IVALTFR Tn,jNts,)N,_ � . I NO. b WARLITOUSE.—Havinge - edmy2)th yearin-thegrain buAii"�,, intiln-,10 to larwersaml'!',otbers that I � .tinue to-,pav the highebt niurhct prier fi oats, pe�s, barle3, - &c., and i hi% !I..-' -�i'3 - friends, rind as niany ijcw oneg as nvi' ,� , with .me. Always rtliresent(A at iun: i storehouse. JAMES i,'E'ATTIE. i Pll�OTO(',ItAIIIII-('13u-;i--,,.i.--.,.,. -Ha I Isumed controlo,f th­ photo.I%Ehaei�s . Carried on by my brothor, with wbieb I i years I wai, (101111ected-, I beg to an1101.1, have migraged the serVices of Mr. B. 11. I Pmetical and experienced photo. artist 11 whose al)ilitv I shall be able tognamn, , I - faetion to all Avho inay favor ns wit 1 Kno,Ain � I ,%the Nvell-earnid reputat'vin a,,,l I A hAn - '�i WOr this L ., nielit forillialitl . r past, I Lave 130113USIUC-1011 3,11 -zaying Z. , SaIne st"I'lidar4of quahty v6ll be hcvt i i in any "spect po"jwe, -will Im Jn) I I Pro%�. The reception and printin-g depakbivent . as formorly, under the nia-�iagienivnt � Robertson, who will be pleased bo 41m Custon)(.1 8, a,nd lots Of neiv t)"eJi_.S, M- r. I I connection �Yith his Ion,- pboto. tXp'L . � I � . also a 11 0eal cr.Voiiartist, we infet fore, af ,Tr(-Ia tillie, to Inake a special.t. ; size work-. In short, the. businesti in A Partnients will be rarried on with rt -114' " � e ,,iqn I rwy, an all partie4 givinz us a trial ., , � IMS"gUred �f being inadi-t go,A lookingi (if - . ,A I work ' � I vd). Al previously4ordered will ; I . ,ed and i.lade satisfactorv. 1I.J.. wade, �1 ! Block, 8 afortb. - , . ! - � . 9''. � N I - . -_ ­_ - -_ - I I I i . , AUCTION SALE. I I . ,; I On Priday, October 29* at 12 I noon. 0 i. Lot 2 1, North bounk* ,Farm' -Stock and Impleniclatq, Alt I Douglas, proprietor; Arelld. ' I . ! 1 alletioneer. .. I Oil Wednesday, � October 27�, i 1 14y Co�icc_,lsion 14, _McKillop, . ' .. " t( I Oro; Parm. S -,ck ThoS4 Gilgin, pro. � I 1) .. . . Geo, K kIV- , ituctioDeer. : r . On Thursday,0utober 128, at 12 11 ; noon", - I n Lot 1:3, Collces.,Aon 17 . I Parm. , 'tock and implements. , 1q; , I 'Nic � en�, . 'e, proprietor; Alex. D_ �� � a etion ler. � � . On T ursday, 0,�tobcr 2S, on I Bayfic-ld� 1,,,()a,l, ,S,)utll,. Farra I V . I IMplement,q a�nd. flay, at 142 �� --- . i '110011. Chas, Wells, proprie : . 1 Risholl, auptioncer. � � I 40n 'Ti6es(l,ty, octo, I licr 26, 0 n I I Concession 10, Grey, at I 0*6�,-_-'...., 1 Stock a�d Implements. Thomas, . � � 'proprietor - (;co. I,ove, auction �! ; 'on 'T i � - I ) ,,,.,, �umday November 4 at I � I . � ,.t half Lot *24. CM � �n �,a, 8, Mckillop, ()'Iradt� 'S�tock awl 11 I , I i pl, lein � ilts. John C, I 'Jurrisijl ,7,p ; .tor Alex. Dalgetty, auetif .1 1113 On - ,�4atiirday, October 21rd., I ' O'clock ,11. -\I. attilec'0111111AV17c6l 8eaf-ortl , i, valu'able tmwn propert; - 13elit, Solicitor, I . 01-1 8tturday, Oct. 23, at tU mercial 1.1,)tel,, ,._),eafor�b� at 3 4 � � � , P- M, that :vlend , F rin, I- , . ., , ii U i C : - . ,onec-ss oil 01 � .1 ri . r MVEAlop, 111 I ��. (Irieve � rietor; J. V. Brine, - � Oler. ,; ,, rop, I I I - I : I . , On' Tuesday October; 26, lb, - I o clock P. m ., o'n Lot I I I Range L ! f1'61d,Superior rnilch co*s and hil " , cattle. '4 iL . . Alex, Grangeri proprie ; . ; � .. � I I I I . . . �: . I . I - . - I I I I , I— . . 1 4 . i . . I . . . . I. I i I , , f i I � w � � , . � � . i . . . . I - . I . � I - . � — . � � I . , - - - . I � , . I . . : I , . � ,� I . I � � - . ! . . I . - . I � � 1 � �� -1. :1 - - I �� . 1, � . . i � . � ; % I � I - I . I - . - . I � , . . ; � - . � . � . . . . . . - . - � I I.- I � - . ., . - . . . . - I b I � - . . - - . I . . I . I I � . I . Ir. ; ,. -­ - - . . . I � . . . I . � _1 ---1. r : � . . . � . : . - 1- ­­­ - ,­ ____L_, ., . . . . - . . __ __ _-.1., .� ... - , ____ , I I . . I . - I - � I . � - :1 -, ;, . � .... .. � . 1. -.1- 1. -1 ­_ ­_ - _., _­­­ - .--.I- �_,­ i I i I , . - - . . _f�l - . , I - � I . I [_ ­-­. ­­, . --- .. - -