The Huron Expositor, 1886-10-22, Page 22 • • ,/ Ji FI RON !EXPOSITOR OCTOBER 22 is86. JOHN WHITFIELD'S W FE. John Whitfield was one of tilos men who involuntarily remind us of a. noble old Newfoundland dog; chivalr us to woman, gentle to children, :rendre elling all petty annoyaces with a patienc that really had something heroic in it Old merchants with shaven chins, who carried umbrellas and rode to thei busi- ness in the omnibus, called him, " ure." Young merehanta who drove to the r offi- ces incabs,andthought they were eying commerce a compliment, cane him 'slow." People generally believ d him to be a bachelor, _ yet he had nothi g of that uudeveloped, withered, selfisl look about him which is usually chart:tot ristic of the single state. _ I had. indeed, a dim impression that far beck in my own childhood had heard semething about John Whit -eld's wife. . I once said as much to his head clerk, jaeob Smith, whoseassist4nt I was. Jacob looked up slowly and smil- ed incredulously. , "I have been here, Will Lawsor.," he said, " just five -and -twenty years. I never saw nor heard tell of any woman since I came." ‘` How ald w -as Mr. Wh'tfield then?" " About thirty, I should think. He had juet' bought this business ettme from New Orleans to buy it." "Ah! He might have been in love and even married before that, Jaco e" "He might, but I don't- beliee he was. I never saw one half good e e ough to be his wife." I called john Whitfield "Uncle J bn," but he was not really any relation. Forty years previously my father and he had been sworn comPanions, and in a summer bathing frolic John hadonce saved father's life. When I left ti hool at nineteen years of age, with a p etty fair record, he took me at once int his e ware -rooms. - , I did not live with him, nor in .eed, see very much of him outside o his busieese hours; but occasionally he had invited me to dinner, and when he) did so, he signalized the visit by some such remark as the following: "Will, you heve done very cleverly lately. Jacob Smith says he ea n spare youfora c eple of weeks' vacation, and here iea mall check to make it pass pleasantlei., our father and 1 are heathers, you rums : I have the right to offer it, Will." He said something Verylike th s to me one hot night inJulyjut.sbefor my summer holiday, and then he aske me where I was acting. I told him 3 a little farm -house in the monnt ins, -where I was sure of good fishing. "That is right,' he answered c . eer- Eli ily. "1 like a m.anwho is fond, of throw- ing a line; but Will, let me ask you something—are there any gifts th re?" I said 1 thought so, but had never seen theme. "Then take care of yourself. [You have had a pod education, and a gen- - tteman's -home., Don't marry a beauti- ful, ignorant girl; whatever you do, Will, don't make that mistake." He seemed to me quite mmecess rily exercised about this subject. He r fer- red to it again and. again, and ceuti ned me, even after he had bid me "goo -by and a happy holiday." However, the caution- turned out to be a kind of prophecy. I fell in love with Fanner Jones's little barefa ated girl, a. beautiful child of fifteen yea s of age. My two weeks' holiday fied like an enchanted dream, for Nellie 3 ed I were together all through the swee hot July days. I was so infatuated ith her loveliness andi simplicity, and so. in- terested in helping her to improve her neglected education, that I deter , ined to do a very foolish and unbusiness like thing—I wrote to Uncle John, and ask- ed for another week. • "Dean Will," he wrote back, " am . gladyou said you were sa happy, and did not plead sickness, or a spr ined ankle, or some other fraud. I am a raid you have fallen in love—I told you not; but if this is the case, I can't find i4 my heart to be hard with you. I am at old man now, bat I too have beet in Arcadia. One week, mind, and 110 mbre ; and be cautioue, my dear Will. Do rioth- ing in. a hurry.", !Well, all lov-e, affairs are pretty dutch alike. Nellie and I made vows and promises, ail exchanged locks of hair. I tried to speak toFarmerJones ser (tes- ty a.bout our attachment, but he nly Iteugh.ed at us, and said Nellie w4Ls a child and I was out on a frolic, and that he had no kind of doubt but we would bath of us forget every word we had said in a couple of months. And th 'ugh I felt hurt at being treated in such con- temptuous fashion, I determined to how Faience Jones that we were bath o us very much in earnest, and had no in- tention of forgetting. So I wrote regularly- to Nellie, sent . her books and presents, and was oth pained and. pleased at the efforts the child made to improve herself, Gr du- ally there began to dawn upon my Ind a scheme for her education. I deter in - ed to tell Uncle John the whole t uth, and ask him to propose to her lathe far me,and also arrange souse pla,n by NI ihiell she might came to the city and, (inter some good school. I wrote to Nellie at once, and -she was enthusiastic on the subject ; but it was hard to find the- proper apportuni y to speak: to Uncle John. Indeed it was near Christmas before it came. "1 I had taken dinner with him, and we were sitting silent before the fire. All at brace he said : "Will, did you fall in love last um - men as I suspected. Or was it only trout?" ! " I fen in! lave." " Does it last ?" " I love her more than ever." "Is she pretty ?" "I think so, sir. Yes, I am sur she is very lovely." " Educated ?" No, sir." Lady -like ?" " No, sir. ; she s juet a simple, nno- cent child. She has no idea of lif , or fashion or dress." " It won't do, Will. - Girls of that kind are very pretty to write v rses about; they don't answer in real lif ." "1 am sorry you think so, sir. 1 you only saw: her ! "Ab, Will, I have no oceasion. t see her. 1 know all about it. For a g'rl of 'that kind I once became very neer leing a scoundrel. 1 am not talking without knowledge. Poor Bernice!'l'oor Bernice ! • He smoked away silently for rime time, and then seemed suddenly tol re- member rue. Will," he said, 'you must not run into this danger wit out warning. Conte with me." He led me slaw -1y upstairs intol his own room, and we stood tcigether before a fine painting. "Is Nellie Jones as beautiful as that ?" I "She is very different—and she is not as beautiful." c' no ; few women are as handsome as Bernice was. The temptation was great, if that was any excuse. She was a fisherman's daughter. Her father lived on the Delta of 0 the Mississippi. She was a splendid, passionate creature, and, with all. her faults, she loved me as -few, if any, Men deserve to be loved. Under the orange -trees surrounding their little cane hut I spent a wlitole summer, defying heat and fever, and supremely happy if Bernice was by my side. "Her father was a sensible man; he positively refused his consent to our - marriage. He said his daughter . suited him and their wild life well enough, but that she would make me wretah,ed, and be wretched herself also. 1-1e warned me that she was passionate, jealous; and revengeful, aud fit for no gentleman ,t to marry. But I thought different. —She had a native sense of what was graceful and piroper, and I was -sure that if she was fashionably dressed, and placed in a fashionable world, she would instinc- tively adapt herself to its ways and habits. "At lehgth her father and I carne tp open dissension ; and he told *me with the rude frankness, of his order, thet I must leave the house, and speak to Ber- nice no more. Bernice and I had antic- ipated this order, aud were prepared for an escape together. In the afternoon, while he was sleTeping, we took a boat for New Orleans. "As soon as we landed I looked for a clergyman to marry us: We called oli several. Some made excuses, and some were from home; but at last as we rode through a srnall street, I saw a thurch door open, and a minister entering. I went boldly up to him, and told hire I had run away with the lady, and 'offered him a large fee to be married without further delay. 1 He agreed very politely. The con- gregation were corning in, nd many people were present. We too1 no no- tice of any one, went up to th altar and were made man and wife. The service was the Episcopal service, mid our. marriage certificate was signed by George C. Williams, officiating clergyman. " For -some time we were very happy. I bought her fashionable clothing and rich jeweliyand we travelled about from place to place, Bernice's great beauty everywhere attracting attention and re- mark. At length, being in New York, I thought I would pay a short visit to my native village, and exhibit my bearitiful bride to my old frieeds. "It was there our troubles began. I knew most of the . village girls frpm childhood, and they came with all the frankness and kindness of sistersi to see me. Many of them called me 'John' as they had always done, and there was scarcely a respectable family in the vil- lage that did not give an entertainthent in our honor. In hotels Bernice had played Iter part very fairly. She had little to do but dress well and look hand- some, and this she accompliehed almost naturally. But in the familiarity of household visiting her 'deficiencies were glaringly apparent.' Even her splendid beauty, suffered somewhat when in con- trast with the fair spirituelle faces of the North, and she feltthis dimly, and resented it. "Every girl I spoke to became an object of jealoushatred to. her, and after one or two outrageous public, out -- bursts of temper I was compelled toeud7 denly leave my friends,without Warning and without farewell. But I considered thatI had knowingly accepted Bernice with all her faults, aud I did, not re- • proaeh her. Perhaps if I had it might have been less irritating to the proed, passionate oreature. But I generally sat silent during her outbursts of temper or else wiint quietly. ahout, My business, until she flung herself at my feet in an agony of reproach and self -Upbraid-. ing. "These scenes, ouce begun, -occurred so freqaeritly that I determined to -fur- nish a house, and see if the charge of it would interest end: amuse her. I bought e lovely place, -surrounded with gardens, and had it perfectly appointed. Then I took her there, and gave it to her ae hert own unconditionally. She was greatly . pleased„and for many weeks I was very. happy "But it did not last,Will ; it could not I prospered, inlensiness„ becanie (well known, and was often asked to take part in public digner affairs.. At !first , my wife said nothing, and) I imagined she had quite conquered her jealousy of me. Would you believe ..that she vas• only watching me, and that she was making ateny most innocent cdurtesies dreadful wrongs? 1 proposed to take her with ma, but this she would ,not accept. She had. discovered her social faults, and was too proud to attereptto correct them. 'She had been good et - (nigh to marry," she told me; 'and she Was just as good then as when we were". married.' "And. this was tree, Will ; I anku,owe, "edged that though I was getting tired. t Two years of constant bickering sours the truest losee. 1 lefther t� her own ways, and I went hithere and thither as, I wished. Sometimes We had reenneili-' etions and a weekeir two's per -feta, hapet piness, and alien lame. trifling useidenk, would mouse her ,anger and jealousy, and for another week or two we. were. virtually separated. "Still 1 loved her, loved her passione ately and truly, and I never 'Wronged' her even in a thought. I hart never seen any woman hall so beautiful, and I have.never seen any since to be compar- ed With her. _ Even her wild, ungoyeerl- able nature taisched ;mine as no geetle women's has ever done, and thpu,gh there were evil and cross elements he our destiny!, none the less Bernice was tete destiny—the only woman On the earth to me. a It was in the faurtli year of our marriage, and Bernice had beetie. for weeks in one of her trying tempers. She pleaded siekness sometimes, and in gen- tle moments hung round me with a touching tenderness which -even yet makes my heart ache to remember. One night there was a grand ball, and as it -had eame politicid significance, I felt: compelled to attend it. I _begged Ber- nice to go; she begged me not to go ; nei- ther of us would give way, and I went alone. . " The bail was in masquerade, and Bernice assumed some disguise and fol, lowed nee. When I returned home She met rile with a passion I was in, ne mood to beer patiently, for under excitement her want of education was painfulry , apparcnt,and I had just left the•soeiety of spine of the most brilliant and refined wOmen in the world. For the first time 1 llowed a sense of tny mis ke to frame tai m its;elf in words. , She listene to the, and then left the room wit out a re- pii." • . • ' / i, I rather congratulated myself ion th ir effect, and went to my business as us !al next day. When I ame horn e Bernice was gone, and gone in such a w y that it was imposeible t bide my misery. -1 he servants had taken her ve sion of our dispute and I was severe- ly Ib1uried. It was in all thte ,daily ^pa - pe s, and I had .serious annoyanee from het father and friends. ' Every effort was rna.de tO find her foii some weeks, and was iiinavailing ; and Dived in conetant anniety. One day, when verities circums anees had combined to make the affairj almost ire tolerable to me, I was reque ted. by two frihnds to g0 ttzi . the city rison and identify enean who had obtaijued money onJ'varioqr false pretences. • 11e was net th man who had deceived n e, but he was the man who had married me. I malde/enquiries about him an discovei .4 ed that at the time of my miarriage he Nyfi personating a' clergyman, and so raj ing money for charita le objects, wh'ch of course he appropria ed. • "He was not a clergyman.; he had neN en had a license; my ma riage Was au and void. I was in the mood ,to feel elmost exultant.' I conic tell Bet- nice;hovv t at, if I was hate ul to her, she was free to leave me, and that I had no Iegal elaim on her, nor she on me. ! 't Singulerly enough, when [got home that, day tlYere was a letter waiting -for Me frben a lawyer in Mobile, saying than my wife had instructed him to cornmeece seilagainst me for a seprination. ' I neva r answered him at -ell. I lwrote E., letter to Bernice, Will, what I ought to have been ashamed to write,• nd sen it. to ijer lawyer, with a reque t that it shojild be given to her at onc • ' All that night I thought of what I had done, and felt glad of it. For the firs1 time in my life I drank lone, and dra Id too much. Very ear1 y in the -Imo ning I fell asleep ; but julst as the 'hal -awakened birds were beginning to twi ter in the trees about the house, I aw ke—widet awake, Will _Las people oftep do when their souls are aware of sornle near sorrow. A bell rang loudly andimperatively that I was wanted i , re I was .dressed my servant 'stum4 ble4 half asleep intc, my room. and hand! ed me a telegram. It was signed by a an who called herself Adele Lauve, said only, ' Your wife is at my house g; come at once. What bitter. agony now seized me dreadful letter ! If she got it be - I arrived ! I could not bear to con - late such an event. I chartered a ial train and spared no money in 'ying to her side ; andethank God s not quite too late.- , The first thing v 'when I entered the room was our babe; the second my letter—un wot and dyi C S Th fore tem spec hur •I wt I sa dea( oper ed. . ., , 4 he haa not been able toread it; she twas scarcely able to stretch ,out her hainls toward me and bid .me a long,last fare ,ell with fast -glazing ey s. But in those few last moments we N't ere all one. again, and my dading died ii My antes and telose to my heart. But 'oh, Will!. Will I tremble yet when I think how, 'neai I came to being a. scoundrel.' My oor little wife. We made a• great mis ake.". • " How?" ! - e ought not to have married her un- til I had in some measure piepared her for er new life. .. The ma' len would hav learned for my sake wh t the wife coul not humble herself to 1 arn." " I never thought of marring Nellie, uncip, until she had been educated. I was going to ask your adni e ' on this very subject,; she is herseIf lauxious to eornttt� New York -and go to school." "[]That is better." ! TI en we:talked the matter , over, and the 4lnd of it was that UeelJohn said there wassome woodland for salein the ereig iberhood of Nellie's home, and that el while he was trying to make a ' bargain for 1 imself he would see if h could ar- range matters for me. - . . T e next daY Jacob Smith aid, "Mr. Wh'tfield has gene to She- imeille to buy home land," and ; I. ens ered, "So he tald me." , Three days afterwards Jacob said, "Mr. Whitfield as bought the Land ; he boright Outthat sraeljones withi whom you steyed last1 ummer," rather ex - and I answered, "Indeed ! pect d he would do so." Biht it was a full week be ore Uncle Johli•carne back to the office., He looked ,plea/laintly at mc as he passed my desk, Lewson, I want to speak to you in my rhorn." " Will, I have seen your Nellie." "Did you like her, sir ?" ." 'he is pretty wel , for a beginning. I tocjk her to school this morning—to Miss Hayden's, aver ,good s hool, I am told. Now you are ndt to tr uble her; -she it to have a fairchance with her lesso is."! " low often may I see her in a week: sir ?' "Row Often do you think fair- and right Will ?" , Twice A day—that is foueteen times a N e k, sir: I will help her with her leseo ! ft"wice a day. In, that ca e you will ' halve tolive with me. I dare; -say your Aunt Huldah would like that". +tint Huldah ! What do! you meal! Uncle John. "1;o bel candid, Will, as I was up that way 'I could not help:going to see your lather, and then and there it struck ine th ask your aunt to come and look after myhouse and Nellie. • ! Nellie has 'lots c'f things' to learn that orily 'a lady like lies liuldah can teach her, and am ging to supervise Miss ed- ucati es myself. I have concluded it .iii ist be at home as well as nit sell° I." , 01 ear, dear Uncle John !"! 4, 'ow, Will, you iniver said, 'Dear, dears Ulnele John' before; what is it you want?" . . , want -to stay with you ,and Aunt •Hul ah." nd Nellie ?" ' 1 " Ynst and Nellie" " 11 an agreeable. If yon can live Nellie is studying, and not get El- ande one roof together for two years whil tired of each other' and not quarrel, I think at the end ofit you may venture tornerry. So niove your traps to -night, and atake the experiment. It s eight years since John Whitfield - begat his educational experiment, and Nellih and I have lived under the same roof 4ver since. We .have been six years married, and, Uncle John may be almost !Oily' Seen walking oeriding with a love- ly lit le girl, whO rules him with a ,S 11 0 tyranny at once absolate and delight- ful. / ",'he is so beautiful," he says in apol- • , as he plays with her long fair hak " she is so beautiful thatishe is almest worthy to be called <Bernice." And though the child is as unlike as possible the dark, ha(ndsome, passionate picture which hangs in John Whitfield's room, she is, after it, • the dearest thing on earth to John Whitfield's heart. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DO YOU KNOW THAT . LUMSDEN & WILSON'S "Royal Glycerated Balsam of Fir" Has continually and rapidly inereased in popularity evert since it was firet recom- mended to thp ptiblic as A cure for HotJsE FOR SALE.—For sale, a comfortable • dwellin house on Louisa Street, seaforth. . - There are-eightrooms,ta. a spWilllendid cellar, we+yapll Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Pain in the and cistern, and two Iobe sold (, Apply to SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth. 982-3 Chest, or Incipient Con4umOon, &c. FOR SALE, a brick dwelling, one and a -half storeys high, 242,kitchen, 16x22, with aix bed -rooms, parlor, dining -room, and kitchen, with bed -room and pantry off the saline Hard and soft water, with good stone cellar, there is also a frame stable, 28x16. It is situated on High street, and will be sold reasonable, and on easy ternna Apply to A. STRONG, Agent, Seaforth. 9824.f. AOttEAT BARGAIN.— Will be sold cheap 140 ernes of good land, heavily timbered, chiefly, maple, some Hemlock. and Cedar, never failiiig stream through it. Three miles from Allanford. station, township of Amabel, County of Bruce. Apply to box 284, Stratford, or Ex• . 8934f POSITOR Office. 1 it; ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—For sale I titl Lot 19, and half of 18, in the 1st Con- cession ot- Turnberry; -about- two miles from Winghain, and one and ono -half miles from Blue - vale. Ninety acres under cultivation, well fenced and drained, with good buildings and other cotiveniences, will be sold cheap. Apply. to ALEX. ROSS, illuevale P. 0. 924tf - • A GOOD FARM FOR SALE.—For -sale, Lot _L-1_ 18, Concession 6, llay,containing 100 acres, of which about 60 areacleared, feneed and under - drained and partly free from stumps, the bal- ance is hardwood bush. There are good build- ings and small orchard and plenty of good water This is a good farm and will be sold on reason- able tering. For particulars apply to JOHN GORBY, or, the premises, or Hensall P. 0. 95'21 1 FARM FOR SALE IN GREY TOWNSHIP: Comity of Huron„ being Lot 18, Concession 7. The farm contains 100 acres,70 acres cleared, nd is well watered, well fenced, and in a first - lass state cif cultivation. There, is a good brick cruse, frame barn and stables 'oh the premises, nd an excellent orchard. Ther,eare 15 acres own to fall wheat. The farm it, situated one iile frota the village of Ethel and 6 miles from 3russels. For further particulars apply to E. BATEMAN, Proprietor, Ethel P. 0. 978-13 j ARM IN MORRIS FOR SALE.—A very vain - • able farm for Sale, being south half of Lot , Concesaion 3, Morris, containing 100 acres; here are, about 80 acres cleared an% free from tumps. 1The s611 is a fine clay loam and well enced and watered. Thera is a good bank barn vith stalales underneath and a. good frame house, he buildings are nearly} new, and there is a first - .lass orchard. 1There is a good- hush with plenty f rail timber.:. The farm is one mile .froin school, ve miles from Wingham, and two arid a half rom Belgrave station. Good gravel roads lead - ng from the place. The Farin will be sold heap. Apply on the premises or Belgrave P.O., Val. HANNAH. i• 957 L1011. SALE.—For , of Hensel' at property situated street, consisting of : 8x26 feet, and well gobd well and stable for selling is that the the_village about the can be given at any,time Terms of Sale.—Vety lars apply to D. tractor, }Jensen P. , T1,a ARM IN MORRIS U North -half Lot containing 100 acres, (d, and partly cleared and in a geed state land contains considerable s ood frame house t nderneath and other good orchard and % ithin4hreequarters cnly three. miles from Brussels. This farm en the premises or ' 920tf - SU GOOD FARM 4, Concessi 75 acres, 60 of . good condition. tarn aud sheds, a i ig spring creek r wasl..6 land. -Good trees. There is a, s and post -office adjc acres of fall whet ranted for a term o ises, or address IL SON. sale in the thriving a great bargain, on the west side a good new frame finished -throughout; on the premises. undersigned intenfisleaving end of the year. within a liberal: For MOWBRAY, Mason 0. , villag. that valuabh of Brook. dwelling witt Reeser Possessior weeks notice, full partice. and Con. 905 • Sale, 7, Morris, are clear. .well fenced The wood There is a with stabling a water. It IE school, and village of cheap. Apply Proprietor. .. _ sale, Lot containing and in good franie A never -fail - place, and no lot of char r -smith shot There are sold cheap or on the prem- ROBIN - 980-4 FtlR SALE.—For 22, Concession about 70 of which front stumps, of cultivationa cedar. and bank barn necessary outbuildings, plenty of spring of a milcfrona the flourishing will- be sold Brussels P.p. ON FORSYTHE, . FOR SALE.—For n . 13, Hullett, Vhich are cleared, ', There is . it d good house. is through the orchard and a .hool, store, black Ming the farm. t. It will be years. Apply rlock P. 0. ALEX. a . QOOD FARM F IR SALE.—For sal', Lot 1, Concession 8, Tneliersmith, containing 100 [terns about 80 of ,hich are cleared, free from stuthps, underdrair ed, in a high state of cultiva- t. on and well fenc d. There is a comfortable log house and a lar e bank barn with stabling underneath. Also .a young orchard and good well. The land is 111 dry and of the best quality. lt is convenienta' satiated to Seaforth and Eippen stationsaw* h good gravel roads leading to each place. Fo further particulars address netProprietor, Eg iondville P. 0' . or apply at tlie Egniondville Mils. JAMES KYLE, Pro- prietor. 9044f OOD FARM F IR SALE.—In the township JL of Grey, cou ity of Huron, Ont.; Lot 29, oncession 10, Dort half, containing -50 tacres, nearly all cleared ; fine rolling land ; in of high state of cultivatio , good fences, well watered a id well drained, xtensive bearing orchard of the -choicest frui ,., seven acres sown to fall %%heat, new bank b rn with stone stable under- neath, dwelling h 'use and outbuildings. It is s tuated two mile. from Ethel station on the (=rand Trunk Rail vay, within two miles of a 3 )cese fattory, con enient to post office, school D. Id churches ; tit,: indisputable; ternis to suit purchaser. For 1111 particulars apply on the premises, or to ONRAD BERNATH, Ethel P. O. 981 4 , (1 OOD FARM FO 1 SALE,—Iii Or the affairs of he estate of the Bingston, the exec tors offer the following Nimble lands for sale. First—North LA 30, Concession ;, township of ;aining 90 acres. • en this lot is 0 ' ante barn with stsne foundation, v".11` and/ pump. N arly all clearad, e graael road clos ly adjoining the 3 ussels. Thiefar 1 is a valuable :need and in a good state of F.r prices andtern a apply to Tnoa. .1s P. 0., HENRY J NNINGS, Victoria ) JAMES SMITH, lk aple Lodge P. )aunty.,- ' order to close late W. G. vary half of Morris, con- eeted a good good orchard, and is on village of one, is well cultivation. KELLY, Brus- Square P.O., O., Middlesex 868 WO HUNDRED ACRE FARM FOR SALE.— For sale, Lot 'o. 11, on the 14th and 15th . ncessions of Grey containing 200 acres, 150 of % ich are cleared a id in a good state of cultiva- l.n. The remainder is geed hardwood bush. r ere is a never fai mg creek- running through e farm. There is a good frame barn 40 by -60 eet, good log hous and good bearing Orchard. is six miles fro! a Brussels, and three from a alton with good -.ravel road leading to each )1 ce. ' There is -n, s bool on the next Lot. Price .1,700. This is at excellent stock and grain rm and ' is offer° very cheap. For further ) rticulars apply to the Proprietor on the prem. s 's or to Walton P 0.—ADAM DOUGLAS. 966 - PLENDID 200 • 1 THE TOWNS' 'dressed to the u r 0 to July 1st, A. P. at first-class farm ,r d 12 in the 16th foncession ; •ey, County of Hu r nett about 115 acr t ta of cultivation, . red. There is on It rn ti0x50 feet and a d outbuildings % fine orchard of young aring. A good w r ek, Although th y, intending pun d obtairrany furt o it on application., a ssession wll be g ' e highest or any .. Address offer d ' seville P0., Ont , 1885. . - • CRE FARM FOR SALE IN .IP OF GREY.—Sealed offers dersigmed, will be received 1886, for the purchas,e of being composed of 'Lots 11 of the township of on, comprising. 200 acres, of .s are cieared and in a good thebalance being well aim- thepremises a good frame hewed log clapboard house 4'ences are in good repair. trees just coming, into .11 and a never failing spring is is a most desirable ,prop - hasers can view the property ier information with regard o the tenant on the premises. ren on October 16th, 1886. ffer not necessarily accept- to ROBERT THOMPSON, Roseville, Ont., November - , 93741 a It is undoubtedly one of the most happy combinations discovered, astonishingly quick in its action, healing moving all pain, and lea-ing the throat and bronchial t and natural condition. Hundreds of well-known people these facts.- If you requ re any such remedy, give it a, t recommended to be, is eclually euitable for all ages, rin almost any dealer in this section. Price, 50e per bottle from of remedial agents ever tlh e ulcerated sedate, re- bes in a perfectly healthy gladly bear testim ny to ial. It is all that it is can be procured from and wholesale or retail LUMSDEN & W 1LSON, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth, FALL AND WEVTEI, GOODS AT J. McLOUGHLIN'S, The Bargain House Seaforth. Piles of New Goods arrived and more coming of very description, to suit everybody, and at such prices as have never been seen b fore in the history of the -trade. _ Having finished my fifth year of successful busines and pleasant relations with the people of Seaforth and surrounding country, ill begin this season by giving my old customers, and as many newi ones as favor ime-with a call, Dry Goods Millinery and Groceries .At such low prices as will make them go home pleased McLoughlin's Great Bargain House, Seaforth, is the plac and do their trading., and to remember that to spend their money , All are invited to came and examine for themselve tar Butter and Eggs taken. J. McLoughlin, Whitney's B ck, Seaforth. THE BARGAIN HO -USE Is filling fast with new Fell Goods. Just received per s earners State of Georgia ian, new Dross Goods, New Tweeds and Pantings, New Coatings, New Plushes, New Velveteene, New Line s in Tablings, Hollands, Towellings, &C.; New Silks, Satins, Ribbons &c.; ew Carpetings arid Oil Cloths. and Polyne 'New Shawl ! Stock noW complete Of READYMADE CLOTHIN • of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's: We guarante our goods unmistakeably .right. - We invite you reade yourself: iir No trauble to show goods. in all sizes and prices quality and price 'of all. , to call and inepect for JAMES PICKARD, CAMPBELL' BLOCK, a MAIN STREET SEAVO TH. Axis Cut Pebbles. , The fraud a that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most dealers and pedlars giving assumed and fancy names to ordinary; glass, speaks far the ignorance of the public generally in the all important subject of the preservatton of the sigh . There are only two articles from which spectacle lenses 'cat be maunfactured, via., Pebble and lass. Call glass by any other name it still rem:ains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from Natare's own manufactory. It is natural crystal, found generally in freestone foundation, and is hard r than the ruby and emerald, and nearly as hard as the diamond. The pebble is nolthing more noress than a transparent stone, cut by the aid of diamond dust1 ,' and the greatest atiount of power s placed immediately- over the centre of the grain found in all' pebble. It will givc to the specta le wearer a coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lienses cannot y any possibility impart. All Speetacles and Eye Glasses are stamped B. L. A. C. P., and can only be purchased from , I i - . CI, 0 -CT 1\7 17?, pnAulripAL WATCHMAKER AND JEVVELL , SEAFORTH; ONT. Also pn' hand a stock of Laaarits, Morris & Co., Black & Co., an1 Montreal Optical Company's Spectacles. Common Spectacles from 10c. per pair up. o 1\T -t---1_, 0 INT.— 18 We have received ex -Parisian, Polynesian, Siberia, dinavia,n, the bulk of eur Old Cormtry 'goods, and they h 1 the recent rise in woo1Ie4 goods, are the best Value we also show a good range of Canadian stuffs in Cottons We would ask inspection of our stock of Dress Gaods, all the new shades. 6_ Norwegian and Scan- ving been bought before have ever shown. We Denims, CottOnades, eze. ilks, Velvets,-Plushesin Full stock of Carpets, Curtains and House Furnishinl Goods. S.., 0 IQ-, s.4%.1 F° 0 IR, ri` Ii • rSTOVES. C. NI. WHITNEY Is showing a full line of S '11 -0 --NTE IN COAL OR WOOD. Parlor Cooking and Box Stoves Base Burners square and iround. Don't fail to see them before purchas- ing, as they lead for style, and are all guaranteed to give satisfaction. See the " Royal Art "! Base Burner," "Famous Royal," "Model Cook," " Masdott," &c. The cheapest holm under the sun for goods in our line. C. M. WHITNEY. On Time as Usual. J. A. Stewart —OF THE— Dominion House CONSTANCE, Is just on time with a full stook of latest styles in Dresa Goods, Wool Caps and Wool Hoods, Facinators, Velveteens in black and colored, Plushes, Underclothing, a big stock of Guernsey shirts and Drawers, Plain and Fancy Top Shirts, Car4iga4 Jackets, Flannels, Tweeds, Cottonades, Sairtinga, white and factory Cottons, Weaving C iton and Knitting Cotton, White Shirts cheap a I good. Splendid line of Teas just arrived. , Pure Sugar rap; try it. A lot of those popular Spices for pa -try and pickling, prepared by Connor & Da, on. 1Honey in comb and strained. Anot4r lot of Colored Glassware eheaper than ever. Crockery in great variety. China, Sets, Stone China Sets. A big drive in Boots and Shoes, aWay down in price, Examine them be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Hardware and everything usually kept in a general eountry store. Come one and auto the new store kept by 967 , J. A. STEWART. Watches and Jewelry —FOR ALL AT— YOr Own Prices. - Having purchased the bankrupt stoat I - .of C. L. Pepsi & Co.; consisting of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 'Elatedw,are. ana now in a position to sell the ! ame it LESS THAN MANUFAC- TURERS' PRICES FOR CASH. This !offer stands good for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at Papst's Book Store, SEAFORTH AJ 1 LA I\T' L 1 WE ROYAL MAII. STEAMSHIPS, A. 8TRONG, Seaforth, Agent. GREAT NEDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES, Cabin rates frpm Halifax to Liverpool and Lon. donderry, $50, $03, and $13, according to neaten of staternom. Children under 12 years, half flue; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, 850. Inter, mediate, $35'; $teerage, 813. From Liverpool or Londonderry to Halifax : Cabin, 86, 78.76 4114 894.60; Intermediate, $35; Steerage, $13. Be. turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, $100, $126 and $143 • Intermediate, $70; Steerage, $28. - I Money Loaned and Real Estate Bougllt and S.old as Usual. INSURANCE.. I represent several of the bast insurance Con panies in the world. , tar Office—Market Street, Se.aforth. 862 A. STRONG SPECIAL NOTICE TO 'CUSTOMERS. -7---- Any person who purchased a Watch, Clock at piece of jewelry, and had the same, guaranteed; or Watch repaired and guaranteed by C. L. PAPST, jeweller; will still find the guarantee good by calling at 1 PAPST'S Jewelry Store, No. 1 Campbell's Block, Main-st., C4th, Where can be seen a fine assortment of Watches. Melia, Jewelry, &c. All respectfully invited to come and inspect stock of Papst's Jewelry store- Rernember the spot—No. 1 Campbell's Block, Seaforth. , 079-tf ' ORGANS = Unapproached for Tone and QualitY• CATALOGUES FREE BELL &COI, Guelph, Out, OCTOBER 223 188 4.0.0111_1!1111111111.11MINIIIIMICISSISZCSIMMSOMM.11 T(FhreouirlaNiltorien.; BY A. W. DELLA' This little mit I hone 1.6 'Tis for your band intiend took me very long to hint, glad to send it. You'll wond I send but one, And think at But one will do the he, • And yon may thank me; kin all wool Of good stout )aro,, ; garegiaadll dutnr- Agilt was 1 4,1v4 \Ivy :null ta3d. no" A" I. rakdridh:t3' 0U ean o, with t-'11.1-1A711this\saetrttilett411:11 Another nil thi min botii h s e e That you I've fit 1'0174 think real and not -cotton. night you will not write, iotnts- Pa.gateiftd,'Ar'ildndfcell elated ; But if you 'find The Mitten , wleitilAI (To Mollie.) That little mit ,was E,114h And it was, such a ;pit To know that von aro lin true, I'll keepthe litthi tri Although the yarn was vir.t • With colors nively blonde hand decked out so ga warm, The other anuch 1 think I see, that we atm one hand should not si While old Jack Frost, with maw, Is grasping at the ot/ hive knit, another mi stitches satae in number, I send this one to you, V you do I wouder? trust your heart is 1 this plea will -unlock tvon't have to wander With one hand in my Yon go to work with gers deft, - And a mit to mate left,And 1 will try -my bestto-night, and finish one to match the r 1 g ht. Gaieties. —A Pittsburg twoman having been so badly fright( cent storm that, as she le she "shook like an ashpan.' —When yon have spilled the stove, or nsilk has bac< suffocating smoke arises, spot with salt and it will d. mediately. ,—Tidbit tells the story of on a slow- railroad who told ger that he ha.d been on' nine years. Then," said th this meet be your second —A little child every ni say in her prayers? "0 Lop new heart." One night noticed that she did not asked her why she omit little child replied, " Beeos dot it." - I say, Gway, 1 thou those lavenda.w trowsers VV They fit you supawb." °sea, mai deah tawday, I submitted mai twemities to a Wuisian baw clevaw device wedueed th ty of my pewarnbulators, know?" ---Judge—" I shall }send three months," Priione that for, judge?" Judge "You're a tramp andere ble means of support." Pri ly)--" 1 admit it, judge, bu fault. I've axed three girls in the last month, and if yoi a show Fll get married bei is out." — A carpenter as a rule Irian, doing his work on the wouldn't auger w,ell for folks a bit.. Shaving adz rather de -files his reputath' awl round and hew can n plump carpenter, who WE Judged by his ax, although is the saw -dust man you eve a gambler, you can tell a su penter by his ehips. — "Mr. isaid a a housewife to a visitor, "wi egg to your breakfast -thi " On, ay, Mrs. Tarason,' Miller, " I'M aye glad 0' canna get twa. —" Just throw me half a biggest of those trout," said the fish dealer. "Throw t, ied the -dealer. " Yes, and home and tell my wife t may be a poor fis I'm no liar. - 0-h ! dearl" sighed W "If John had only made t wouldn't he all this trouble property. ' " Do the laxr you?" Bother me? 11 worry me to death, I &cis times wish John hadn't died s. The Maternal Inv Here are two wonderful, tions of the motherly instiw.. strong in the female nature. story concerns a little girl quaintance. Her father NVhich she took the great' and on one occasion when t had been killed little Hattie comforting in her tenderest 1 phaned porkers, and prowls "would try to be a mother t Another' less teething WOU18.12'8 loving nature ing Mrs. Mulligan—'" And so mother, now Motherless boy—" No, mi Mrs. Mulligan'" V's eli whenever you feel the want licking come to me and DI I to you." Mo therless. From a far away country of Wild fiowere had come dren s hospital in the ell Just at dusk the new malae her roulade before one not w little sufferer lay, clasping hand a bunch of blue violets fellow tossed and turned side; ever anon he would st inuring something about " 1 then fall back whispering, too late." "Bad case, bad case, nt and mother both died of baby found dead, and thin soon ;" and the old docto head gravely. " Poor little fellow," nn nurse. "To die alone, hand to wipe away the gath of death; no mother's arms : kiss !" She brushed back the d curls from the white forehei •