The Huron Expositor, 1886-10-22, Page 11886.
the Iron
Dttered to
ds, &
"?ial shades and
Pa will give bja.
speciat low
, es are -very an,
id are sore to
nerything else
entt, bat strtke
old secure some
L real bargains._
ion rtex” We
exteneive stock
aperiority, that
to- enter iuto
nt is a pillar of
nties„ tisters, '
Goods, Mantle
[.sevlso Knitted
loves, Corsets.
kets, Conifort-
ths, Gent's and
Cs Furnishings,
&ea; :altogether
tit eollecticri of
and Millinery
eat—Mr. J. P.
agent for the
.nsurance Como
—Mr. liallock,
dry goons in
n now drives a
said that the
more than six
as. Agnew and
village, intend -
Tuesday last,
's to get a robe.
Wele-h's, the
tarting off sad -
its occupants
with it the
ar some man oa
damage was
-eeeived no in -
they procured
d went on their
,g her daughter,
Era. Fraser and
rg, are visiting
ces in Howick.
ant Forest, paid.
.—A minsionaw
he Presbyterian
Tuesday even -
R. Y. Thom-
. Excellent ad -
by the Rev.
lesbore ; Pritch-
n, of Blyth, and
Clinton church.
occasion was
iy evening meet
was manifested
of the church's
y work.
meeting of, the
• of the SOuth
.Id in theMetho-
riday last, on
s a. very fair at -
lid of:prominent
hroughout the
ed a.nd interest
best means ix
rrying out ani
ce work and th
• particular, the
e selection of a
to be appointed
e South Riding,
t of officers and
ieh was done,
rsecl to meet
✓ for this time of
ually warm and
s in consequence
and is looking
,11., Rogerson is
1 the work on his
Murdock and -
ere on Wednes-
,ces at St. Clair -
o has been here
iting her sister,
turned home to
nruold, of Ails&
old, of Forest,
acrett, f 1-1aY,
ng up a horse, a
auddenly sprang
him with great
breaking his leg
Rev. IL Red-
rkone, are this.
and friends
oiship.—We are
W. R. Ilodgics
e fast recovering
- Mr. J.I. Carterr
irtrieht Salt Coe
Neck, looking as'
M r. Mclilibboor
10sged pulpits on
Pleased to see
Lon school teacher,
to- the house for
✓ sister Miss Ag•
e schoel, j so far
to resume her
SEAiORTH, FRIDAY, .00TOBER 22, 1886.
tinder consideration by heads of fami-
lies at the present tinie, is the
Boot and Shoe
There is no other item of expenditure
that is so constant and so expensive as
Boots and Shoes. In large families
there seems to be a constant need of a
pair of
Boats, Shoes or Slippers
Of some kind. At the present time,,in
many families, there is need of Boots
and Shoes
By the Dozen Pairs,
And the natural enquiry. is, " Where
shall we buy our -
Boots & Shoes
this season?" What store in Seaforth
is most likely to have. the Most useful
goods? the beet shapes, the greatest
variety, and the lowest prices?
The Great Boot 45 Shoe Dealer,
Is now constantly receiving and opening
up his mammoth stock of Fall and Win-
ter Boots and Shoes. The leading fac-
tories in the Dominion are represented
in our stock this season, prominent
amongst which is the
Of Boots and Shoes, every pair of which
is warranted.. If they rip or give way
in any particular, except by regular
Remember the Eagle Brand of Boots
and. Shoes, the best in Canada.
Hats and Craps in the latest styles
and lowest prices.
Geo. Good.
Cheap Cash Store,
All Departments are now
complete with newest goods.
SOW very special lines
in Dress Goods, Mantle and
Ulster Cloths, Flannels,
COttons, etc.
An in3pectionfrespectf7ll2J
solicited at the
Cheap Cash Store
ffman & Company,
Cardno's Block, Seaforth,
i McLEAN BROS. Publielae4.
.J.50 a Year, in Advance.
In a speech recently delivered 1 yhim
to lus constituents Hon. Geo. W. Ross,
Minister of Education made 1 engthy
reference to various subjects of i terest.
We commend the followingex Lr cts to
the consideration of our readers :
Besides the public wheel sy tem pf
Ontario, which is undenominatioi al, we
have three othen, elesses of ielet enterer
sohools—colored separate sa001 , Pro-
testant separate \and Roman C ttholic
separate schools, the latter bei g the
most numerous. You are no doubt
aware that under the British North
American Act of 1867 the supporters of
separate schools'were guaranteed entain
privileges which the Local Leg lature
may extend, but which they canuot
abridge. ;You will also no do bt see,
that as a part ofour school systei , DOW
dealing with the education of nearly
30,000 children, it is clearly thy uty to
promete the efficiency of the s parate
schools as much -as it is to aid the public
and the high schools. It will stir ly not
be said, if any real grievance in th work-
ing of the Separate Sehool Act e istede
that the grievance should not, be -mon-
ed, and let me enter my protest gainst
the alleged grounds on which these
amendments are made, that is, th t they
are concessions to the Roman Ca holies,
or that they are made to conciliate atho-
lies for political purposes. If th ques-
tion of legislation is to be conshl red in
these ,narrow grounds, then, it lay be
shown that all legislation has its object
in some ulterior motive, and tha there
is no such thing as political honor or no
such thing as justice per se. W en the
supporters of eeparate schools apply to
the Government for such legislation as
would aid them in carrying out - the iii
tentions of the law—a1 law, minjl you,
which we find upon the statute ook—
what is our duty? Tell them tljiat: wei
cannot do it because' they are Zeman
Catholics? Is that what you wo id ex-
pect of a Liberal -G-overnment, whose
traditions for over half a eentur r
demonstrated its readinessto edress
grievances of every character? Ce tainly
not. :Our duty is to see w,het er the
chaages proposed are wise, prude it and
effectual ; and if so, to make t em or
to ask- Parliament to makethe4i, and
not to ask questions as to Whet er the
petitioaers are Catholics or rrote tants.
Thus in this spirit we have dealti,with
the Separate . School Act, and- i : is on
this account that we are blained lo :seine
who have no appreciation Of: the duties
which Parliament owes to eVcry e `ass of
Her Majesty's subjects, irrespec ive of
creed, race, or color. _
One of the duties imposed loy• tante
upon my department is the aut oriza-
tion of text books for the schOls f the
Province. The regulation �i this
subject, which I had the honor to rame,
and which are unanimously appreved
by both sides of the House, requhje that
all public school . text books sh 11 be
published in Canada and the epart-
ment shall hold the copyright, th4.t .any
publisher may publish thein on p otect-
ing the rights of- the oeiginal publ .ehers,
subject to the approval of the L epart-
wilt in regard to typography, bieding,
etc., and. that the prices Ishell be a fair
market price. In regard to books used
in the public schools it is the pol cy of
the Department to secure'Ounifo Mity,
not only for the con\venieitee of the
teacher in classification, but .for the
sake of parents, who would otherwise
be liable to incur the expense of per -
chasing new books ,with ennry change
of residence. I might say that this in
effect has been the policy of the Educa-
tion Department for--ower30 rears;
although not in everi
y nstance fully
carried out. When I assumed, bffice,
as you are ne doubt aware, I wit, con -
fronted With the reader questi1
n, so
called. My predecessofavore the
authorization of more that'll one Bellies of
text books in each subject, and had jnet
prior to his illness all but corn leted
his arrangements for placing thr0 series
upon the market. Two had a ready
been authorized, and the thir4 was
under consideration. In re -es blish-
ing.the system which I then e.nd now
bertinve to be the true one, I ha.4 twe
difficulties to overcothe—(11) t4 get.
over the books authorized either in
fact or conditionally, without. infl'cting
a wrong upon the publishers 'Wh had
invested several thousand dollars ip the
undertaking on . the strength o the
authority of the Government to publish,
and (2) to avoid inflicting a _loss upon
'those who had already! purchas.ell 'the
new readers for the use of their hild-
ren. . In dealing with the publish rs, I
might have ascertained their loss by a
commission and paid them a lunip sum,
or, what I thought was fairer t4 the
public, give a limited interest i4 the
publication of a new series, which, with-
out enhancing the cost of the r aders
to the consumers, would enable them
out of the ordinary profits of • pu lica-
tion to indemnify themselves ito their
loss. I know you will agree as t4 the
justice of this coursito the pobli Lie' rs,
and when you'ascerta.ineas -I peep se to
show you, that the book S are no. e.aer-
on that account, you will admit,-- am
sure, that the settlement Was a peen-
liary satisfactory one frOm a public
standpoint. Again, in order to protect
those who had already pdrchased those!
readers from loss, I permitted Midi. use
for eighteen months—that beingi the
ordinary life of the school\ book. (The
conditions under which thee lipoki; are
published are certainly exacting eneugh.
,(L) The, publisher must comply. With
our regirlations as to the quality of -the
booksee.s a manufaetueed article. (2)
An officer of the Department has a
right to examine every look in ael its
stages of manufacture, froth theHut-,
ing press till it is ready for ship-
ment. (3) No alterations are stillow-
ed without the consent df the Depart-
ment. ,
If it appears that the new readers
.afford too great z prefit to the, publish-
ers, the Department has ti e power at
the end of five years, to reduce the sell-
ing price to the consumer. ;
In the event of the publisherviolat-
ing the conditiolus of the con treat in
any. substantial way, the Department
may cancel the same and o er tae pub-
lication to some ther .firm bin-, if, on
the other hand, tho contract i in all
material respects kept invi late, then it
remains in full fo •ce and of ect for ten
It is also a ccl th agree-
ment that the boc be printed
and p4hlished in Th earlier
Irish readers wer d i Great
readers in
rs in Edin-
ndition o
ks should
e publish
Britain, the oldi Ontario
,Glasgow, the Bnyal read
burgh, and Gael in the U
For the first tire in the
.Ontario, it may b said tha
purely Canadian eries:
tory of
have a
It is said: Y u aro el ang lin our
school books ver often. Let me ex-
plain. In the ase of r ade s there
have been only t‘ o change in , 8 years.
The Irish Nati nal serie. w s used
-from 1846 to 18 '7 ; the o d I anadian
series from 186 to 188. in some
schools the Gage nd• Royal we e intro-
duced in 1883, bu , the change was not
general. It is qu te probable t e pres-
ent series will las the rema nde of this
century ; so therej is very 1 ttle ground
for complaint iik regard to readers.
Now, in the case of other tex books,
the trustees have the mat er in their
own hands. By section 27 of he Pub-
lic School Act no change ca be madein
the text books used in an subject
without the cone rrence of he Inspector
-and the Truste s. So 1 y u have
changes you areJ yourselv s • blame.
-If you observed tl e law, th n t ere need
have been no cha ge- in th ,,a ithmetic
since 1869, in ge graphy s nee 1877, in
grammar since 1877, in 1 isto y since
7875, in algebra since 1865, in eometry
since 1868, in chemistry sit ce 1875, in
physics sin'ee 1875: This • i ce tainly a '
fair degree of permanen e. • In the
books ' used in our B gh Schools
changes necessarily occur in ma y of the
texts, because the course is be. ed upon
university work, and that I is on con-
trolled by the Education Dep rtment.
But I am, charged with h vim forced
upon the schools of Ontari 23 changes
in text books during the t ree years of
my administration—certai ly serious
charge, if true. First, let tie 1 otice in
a general way the amount of' studied
and disingenuous exaggerati n c ntained
in this charge. \ The read rs, • ltelough
but one series, a`re made to mil t as six
text books ; the drawing co irse consist-
ing of five numbers, c,ounts as ve text
books ; and then to swell t e a gregate
and alarm the public an exerci e book,
in commercial forms, consis iing of three
numbers, which has not bee a thorized
and which does nlot reqnir a thoriza-
tion, is thrown' in, so that vh t might
be fairly called,two text bo ks is made
to appear as foarteen. But th import-
ant thing to kiiow is, what lay- I actu-
ally done? Well, I have au ho ized the
readers, and there is not a eac ier, cer-
tainly not a pupil of the w o 500,000
in Ontario, capable of jud in:, but is
.glad I have. And I have Ise author-
ized the drawing b9oks,'b ca se these
were authorized before, and t ought it
necessary, as we 'were b in ling the
study of this subject, thp, w should
lay a proper foundation. h ve also
authorized a new. history of :Ing and and
esi .able to
er mettned.
he readers,
sch ols was
ly Depart-
riz d. draw-
th history
cei before
.nei oowf ,thase
he recom-
s hey are
ens of 'the
tea hers or
Canada, because it was
study history. after a bet
Now, except in the case of
no text book used in our ,
displaced by the`action of 1
ment. There was no auth
ing book to displace, and
could not legally be introd
1887 without the concurr
Trustees and the ,Inspecto
to the others, they are ei
mended simply, which mea
not text books in the true s
term, or they tused by
teachers in trainin
It might be w rthy of not ce that
every change made in the te t books
has resulted in a large sa in to the
public—a material rgument to be sure,
but a potent one. Let me be in with
the new High Sch ol Read r, hich is
sold for 60 cents. Tfhis book r presents
the following outl y en disari ed text
books.; 1. A text book on. th art of
reading, whieh w s author zet at 75
cents. 2. The pre cribed Iijer. ture for
third-class teache , 25 c nt ; .fifth
!reader, 60 cent; f tal, $1.60. There is.
a clear saving of $1 1to the 8,698 who use
the newi readers in our 'pu lic schools,
and to about 10,0 0,who u e *t in the
high schools, or al out $17, 01 in one
year to the people df .Ont ri.. Then
take the drawing curse, as u mg that
only one book or number s sed by
each pupil during the year he dig-,
carded: drawing book whi h as not
authorized consisted of 25 pa es and was
sold for 15 cents the new • rawmg
book consists of 32 ages and is sold for
10 cents --a differe ce of 7 c nts to each
pupil studying th s subje t. This,
multiplied by the [limber in 1r wing in.
our Public and High Schools 1 st year
(250,000), represents a savinglof 17,500.
Not a bad financial stroke, serel . Then
take the history rimer. in 1:87 this
book will displace the old text books
which were isold separately for . 0 cents
each—the new book, containing the two
histories in one, being -sold for 3 cents..
This effects a savingt to each of he 104,-
000 pupils in our Public an. High
Schools studying this subjec , of 25
cents, or $15,600 in all in one ye r. And
lastly, but I Weary you, I will cation
another book now used in our Normal
and Model Schoels—Baldwin' Art of
School Management. This bo+k was
sold up to this year for $l.6'. I se-
cured the preparation of a ne» edition
and added, by way of appen ix, the
scheme required flor Mode echools.
The new work no* takes tle +lace, at
75 cents per copy,- of the old book,
which cost alone $1.60, and with the
school law purchased, as it needs must
be, 50 cents more --thus I effecting a sav-
•ing of $1.35 to each of the 2,000 teachers in
training who would require to purchase
the work annually—another nugget of
$2,700. In these four eases, then, the
parents of pupils and tea hers are saved
an ex pen d i tu ee of over $52,000. You
Will allow me- to say . vith becoming
modesty that this is not a bad record on
the difficult question of text book sup-
- •
• Canada.
It is proposed to establish a flax mill
at Kincardine.,
— Fifty acres, belonging to the. estats
of the late Alexander McDonald, lot 8,
concesion 12, Kinloss, have been sold
to Edward Neill for $2,500. •
—During the -present season five thou-
sand head of Montana cattle have passed
oVer the . Canadian Pacific Railway to
Winn ipee.
-- Last Friday James Wilson's flour
and oatmeal mills at Fergus were burn-
ed down, together with about 8,000
bushels of oats. Loss heavy. Insurance
small. •
=It is understood that Big Bear, who
has been confined in Stoney Mountain
penitentiary since September, 1885, will
shortly be granted his liberty.,
—The barn of Mr. Miller- Fleming, of
Blenheim, near Druenbo, was destroyed
by fire op Tuesdafr night last week.
-Loss mostly covered by insurance.
— Archdeacon Leach, Vice -President
of McGill College, Montreal, one of the
principal- founders of Queen's Univer-
sity, Kingston, died on the 14th inst.,
aged 81.
—Eighteen miles of the Hudson's Bay
Railway have been graded, and the sod
has been broken on the whole forty
miles,1 which will be completed in about
tee° Weeks if fine weather continues.
—Cable advices .state that the ship
Eudora sailed from Yokohaina for Port
Moody, British Coluinbia, with 18,000
packages of tea for Canada and the
United States.
• —The schooner" George M. Chase,"
Chicago, for Buffalo, foundered three
miles from Port Arthinr on Friday.
Four of the crew were saved, but Cap-
tain Daly, the cook,and one seaman
were drowned.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Brock, of East
Nissouri, were thrown out of their car-
the other day-, the horses being
frightened by bicycle riders. , Mrs.
Brock's arm and leg were broken, and
Mr. Brock was badly shaken up. .
—At St. Thomas, on Saturday, the
jewelry shop of Geo. Carry was raided
and a complete set of counterfeiting
tools found. Carry was arrested, a
quantity, of counterfeit money being
found in his pocket. ,
—Saturday morning at Glencoe, a
small house owned by Robert Donnelly,
and occupied byWm. Donnelly, for-
merly �f Biddulph; was burned together
with the contents.. Insured in Royal,
$100on house and $300 on contents,
—The veterans of the Fenian raid of
1866 have. formed an association, and
have requested Speaker Kirkpatrick to
accompany the delegation to Ottawa to
ask the Government to reward them for
their services.
.. —Mr. R. A:, Townsenci, returned to
Petrolea.last week from India. -Ile has
been. extensiyely engaged in oil opera-
tions in India for five or six years and
his experience in that country Was an
agreeable one.
—Mrs. Barney, of. Rhode Island, on
Thursday evening delivered an eloquent1
address me the liquor traffic and its at-
tendant evils to the delegates at the
Ontario Woman's Christian Temperance
Union Convention held at Owen Sound
last week. -
— The new bridge over the Grand
River at Breslau, will be opened for
traffic in a •few days. The piers and
abutments are of .heaVy stone, *ith a
superstructure of iron. It is described
as being a massive structure, and geed
,for half a dozen generations.
— Neil Paterson, son of the late John
Paterson, of Tiverton,died at Pullnrian,
near _Chicago, of consumption, aged
thirty nine years. His body arrived in
Kincardine by train on Tuesday night
last week, and was conveyed to Tiver-
ton for interment.
. --Mr. James . Hay, of Delaware,
showed a plate of ripe strawberries at
Delaware fair on Wednesday last week.
They were pulled that morning. The
family had been having strawberries and
cream for the last two weeks: Second
crop this season. •
, —P. C. Falconer, teller of the Bank
of Toronto. in Montreal, while attempt-
ing to board the Langueuil ferry, !which
had moved off, _last Friday evening at
6 ' o'clock, was accidentally drowned.
Deceased belonged to Aberdeen, Scot-
—The schooner George M. Case, laden
with grain and bound from Chicago to
Buffalo, foundered in the gale of Thurs-
day last week, when about three miles
off Port Colborne, Four of the csrew
were saved, but the captain, cook, and
another man went doWn with the veesel.
. —At Cherry Grove, near London, the
other day, an aged lady named Mrs.
Brown was in theact of lifting a pet of
boiling water from the stove, when her
foot slipped, and missing herhold of the
pot it tipped, the contents falling ever
her face, neck and arm. Her injnries
were very severe.
—A correspondent writing from Carnp-
bellforcl says: During three nights of
last week the three veteran frog catchers
residing in this neighborhood, relieved
the Trent river of 900 pounds of dreSsed
frog. In skinning the amphibious .crea-
tures these men exhibit wonderful dex-
terity. Recently they " peeled " 3,000
of them in four and a half hours,
—General Booth, of . the Salvation
Army, met with a grand reception on
his arrival at Ottawa, last Friday. . He
was met at the railway station by a
band, and a procession escorted him to
theresidenee of Mr. J. M. Musgrove,
who will entertain the General during
. his stay in. Ottawa. 'A holiness meet-
-lug was held n the Opera House,in the
afternoon, an General Booth addressed
a mass meetin in the evening..
—It is related of old Joe, a, horse of
the Toronto Eire Department, recently
„killed while on duty, that one night he
got out of his Stall and found a .pile of
bags of oats.1. Catching a. bag in. his -
teeth, he carried it to his tvi9 stable com-
panions and then carried two bags to
his own stall.; The feast that followed
well nigh foundered the three horses. ;
—Mr. Robert kVaddell, of Trenton,
contractor :foi-1 superstructures over the
Murray canal, recently found. on his
property, in the township of Lake,
county of Hastings, a . deposit of pure
asbestos, which has been submitted to
an analytical test and pronounced to be
of a superior 4uality. '
—The Presbyteriau Home MiSsiO0
Committde, which met at Toronto last
week, on tugmentation of ministers'
stipends, ordered the payment of
$1,416.50 to the Montreal Presbytery.
In the augmentation:of salaries in the
Northwest, $30,000 Will be needed, of
which Montreal and Toronto will be
asked to contribute $4;750 each.
—The Bran e monunient at Brantford
was unveiled ,with imposing ceremonies
on Wednesday last week. Therwe
great representative gathering f oin all
parts of the Dominion and the in
States, and a vast concourse of all
20,000 ° people present. One of
events was a grand !procession of ix
Nation Indians in full war costumei and
a speech by one of the chiefs.
•—Mr. John Wright, the oldest build-
er and contractor .of London, died on
Sunday. He was a metnber of the firm
of Wright & Durand for 26 years, and
had been ailing at times since June. He
superintended' the construction of the
new Roman Catholic cathedral in Lon-
don and the new church in Guelph. In-
flammation of the lungs was the cause of
death. '
—Thestemner United Empire came
in to - Sarnia onher latest trip down
with 24,000 bushels of wheat, 3,500 bar-
rels of flour from Minneapolis for export -
via Montreal, 1,200 cases of salmon
from British Columbia, and 35 pas-
sengers. She left on the following Tues-
day night on her regular trip . with a
large consignment of freight and numer-
ous passengers.
—Three Grand Trunk Railway cars
went down the embankment at Harris-
burg the other day, owing to the break-
ing of a couplieg pin. Two flatl and a
box car took the leap, the latter being
empty and the others loaded with tim-
ber. A large amount of coal was -also
upset.' • The three cars- were very badly
smashed and two others severely dam-
aged. Loss overt$600.
—Messrs. Robprt Currie Winghain ;
Chas. Moffatt, Durham ; and T. S. Mc-
Leod, the Exectitive Committee of the
Ontario Grange, tivere in session in Tor-
onto last week, preparing work . and
making arraneehients for the annual
meeting, which %till commence in TeM-
perance -hall, Toronto, on November
23rd. The Dominion Grange will meet
immediately afte'rwards. ;
—Matthew Eggert, of Walkerton,
was charged by Constable Pratt with
obstructing him in the discharge of his
duties while assisting in making liquor.
seizures in that town. The ease was
heard before magistrate Joseph Barker.
The information having been amended
at the request of the complainant, Eg-
gert pleaded guilty, and was fined. $1
and $17-.90 costs.
—The • Ay„r Recorder says: The
renowned Johnnie McNeil landed here
on the big day of the show. He had- a
young pig under his arm and tortured
the poor brute shamefully. - Some folks
say it was the bagpiPes. Maybe it was,
but it had all the Sows within. hearing
bunting for their 'young 'uus." Ah,
brother there is an old Book that
speaks -of the folly of " throwing pearls
before swine."
—John Watson, Esq., the veteran
manager of the 'Ayr Agricultural Works,
has enough of his yosithful vim left yet
to enjoy a feat drilve with a rattling
team. The Reeorder says: Mr. Wat-
son drove to Galt op Monday with his
new span ot ponies in 57 minutes and
returned in 55. Th distance is a good
ten miles, andthe ponies just took
their own gaiti and were not pressed
at all.
--An' old resident f Middlesex county
eays : The oldest b idge in the eounty
is across a stream th t empties into the
Thames on -the far of James Tait,
Ekfrid. It has, t� .1 is knowledge, been
in use for 52 years; has never had any
repairs, nor' ever re , uired Any, and to
all appearance is go • d for *twenty years
to come, as it yet ppears to be quite
sound. This. bridg consists of one
black walnut tree.
—Mr. Thomas 13 llantyne, of Strat-
ford, recently ; ship ed the oheese, of
West Magdalla aro Iona. factories,
26,000 pounds, also that of Wallace -
town and Detton factories, 26,000
pounds, amounting I • value to $5,200.
The prospects now re that September
and October ',cheese ill sell at a high
price", considering th price of other pro-
—While Messrs. harles Abraham,
Archie McGugan', A ex. Grey and Mr.
Robinson were bori g for water on lot
17, 4th concession of Dawn, last Thurs-
day morning, a startl ng and nearly fatal
accident happened/ to the first three
named. It appears that some 16 feet
had been dug with spade and pick -axe
before starting to bore with augur. Mr.
Chas. Abraham was in the well when
suddenly the augur was hurled out of
the :4vel1 by som6 subterranean power,
causing consternation among the :work-
men. It was discovered that Mr. Abra-
ham_was lying at the bottom of the well
asphyxiated. Mr. Alex. Grey immedi-
ately descended to rescue his comrade,
but met with the sane fate. Mr. Mc-
Gugan then quickly descended, with the
aid of a rope held by those at the top of
the well in case of an accident. In spite
Of t le escaping gas Mr. McGugan sue -
ceded in placing asope round the feet
alud legs of the two prostrate men, who
✓ er4 drawn out mprelike dead than liv-
ing lnn. Medical aid was innnediately
spin 'toned, and the sufferers are now
Pro ounced out of danger.
li --Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne, English
line, Dunn -tier, Peterboro county, cele-
brated their golden wedding last Tues-
day y giving a grand dinner to, theirnear
✓ '
ela ives who numbered about eighty.
Mr land Mrs. Payne received some valu-
a )lej presents, among which were a pair
a old spectacles each. They -were
e•Ii• much affected at parting with their
frie ds, as they never expect to see them
iataoberled.dttogetheragain, as hey are
1 A7verY peculiar accident happened
at t1ie -corner- of Dufferin avenue and
Ric mond street, London, on Saturday
a te moon. Frederick Boake, an em
p oy, e of B. Skuse, was leading a sick
h! rsle from the veterinary surgeon's
li ck to the stables. Suddenly the horse
f 11 dead; and 'in falling it knocked
•alFe clown and broke his leg below the
eq. Doctors were summoned and
ndaged the limb, and then the in -
red man was sent to his home. ! The
•rae the property of Mr. Skase, died
here it fell.' t
1 —One clay laslt week John Buchanan,
o the 12th line of Plympton, with his
s n Hugh and daughter Mary, was re-
f rning from Forest, when his horses
t ok, fright. The tongue dropped and
.e ught in the ground. The occupants
ere thrown out with such force as to
✓ n er them all unconscious. Mr. Bu-
cl1iaxan had his arm broken and was in-
-ern Ily injured; Hugh had his collar
bion broken; Mary, 10 years of age,
who was supposed at first to have been
but ittle injured, died from the effects
of her injuries. Mr. Buchanan himself
is; in a very critical state.
li—Forty piers ago Wm. Feeney, a
brot er of Mrs. John McKay, of Hamil-
tcn,1 left that that city and went to
Cali ornia to push his fortunes. He
Wro11e occasionally for eight years, and
theni stopped, writing. For thirty-two
'years his family did not hear from him
or cif him, until one day a couple of
Weeks ago, when he surprised hie sister
and brother-in-law by quietly walking
in upon them and announcing himself.
Mr. Feeney has been mining in Cali-
forn a and 13ritish Columbia all these
year, and amassed a considerable for-
tune He will settle in Ontario and en-
joy tihe fruits of his toil. .
—Several young mem belonging to
Beverly township, county of Went-
worth, were the other day arraigned be-
fore a magistrates' court on coniplaint
by the leaders of the Westover Baptist
chureh of wilfully interrupting and dis-
turbing public worship in the church on
Sabbath, 3rd inst. Six of them were
found guilty and fined $6 and $8 accord-
ing to merit, with costs. Two of the
boys refused to pay, and said they
would go to jail. Their commitment
was made out and all was got handy to
sterti for Hamilton, when they broke
clown and paid up, or gave security for
payMent of the fine and costs. ,
--+ terrible wind storm passed over
Onto io on Thursday night and Friday
morn ng last week. A number of casu-
altie are reported from various points,
but f rtunately no loss of life Occurred
ence t in one instance, on the 3rd con-
cessi n of Blandford, near Woodstock.
TWo men were working in the bush
when a tree, blown down by the wind,
struclt both of them, killing Heysel in-
stantly and terribly injuring-Deitrich..
Aii Iiish companion twelve yards away
was Oninjured, and the roar of the
sterni was so great that he did not, hear
the tree falling till it struck.
• r. Thos. Davis, of the 5th conces-
sion, 1 1issouri, went into his granary at
an ea .ly hour on the morning of the 13th
inst. o get oats for his horses, when he
sttim led and fell, and the coal oil lan-
tern hich he carried broke and set fire
teeth floor. Two barns, two stables,
and a shed! 90 feet long, and eighteen
hund ed bushels of grain were destroy-
ed', b sides other property . Mr. Davis
hiiusel f was badly burned about the face
and rms. The buildings were owned
by H. H. Scott, of London, who loses
about $2,000. Mr. Davis' loss Will be
about $1,000.
-- very unusual scene took place in
Christ church, Ga.nanoque, last Sunday
morning, just before the eleven o'ciock
service. In July last the incumbent
placed eucharistic and vesper lights upon
the communion table of that church. A
-large majority of the congeega.tion at
, once niemorialized their clergyman to
removle the lights, but a ithout avail.
Subsetjuently Archdeacon Lauder visit-
ed the parish with a iew to settling the
difficulty, and it was supposed the mat-
ter was satisfactorily disposed of. Re-
cently the pastor, with the assent of the
Commissary of the Bishop, 'replaced the
candlesticks, it being understood that
they were not to be lighted for the pres-
ent. The anti -Ritualists then sent a
deput tion to wait on their clergyman,
with he result that no satisfactory re-
sult as arrived at. On Sunday some
twent of the Low Church party Wait-
ed on he reverend gentleman, evidently
prepa ed to push the matter to the last
extennity and take the candlesticks from
the altar, by force if need' be. On his
positive refusal to acquiesce in their re-
quest, they as a body entered the chan-
cel of the church and carriedithem off.
lise -clergyman and the few choristers
present resisted slightly, but met with
no violence.
--The prisoner Hand has been ac-
quitted on the indictment charging him
with having caused the dynamite ex-
plosion at Mr. MeCrae's house at Sar-
nia. Vial on the other indictments has
been postponed. With regard to the
verdict of acquittal, the Toronto News
remarks: There are some things about
the administration of justice—I beg
pardon, I mean the administration of
the, latv—that an ordinary citizen like
mec.nnot understand. Take for in-
stancd the case, as reported, of Charles
A. Hand, tried as a dynamitard at oar-
nia on Friday. John G. McCrae proved -
that his house had been partially -de-
stroyed with dynamite Dr some explo-
sive. Deteetive Greer swore that Eland
had confessed to him that he had fur-
nished the cartridge and the men to do
the job. W. W. Hall swore that he had
rowed the men who fired the explosive
across the river after the explosion, that
he was hired to do so by Hand, and that •
he had brought certain messages back. to.
Hand's. He had, he swore, been paid
$100 by Mrs. Hand not to give evidence
and this ,was admitted. Wm. Ronald.
and others gave corroborative evidence.
The defence merely called witnesses as
to previous character. Judge O'Con-
nor, in summing up, said it seethed.
strange to him that the prisoner should
have made a confession of guilt te an
outsider, that the evidence of theide-
tective must be received with caution,
that Hall, by keeping the thing quiet so'
long, had to an extent destroyed !his
1 credibility, and that his taking then -4-4100
was an indictable offence, and infect
the charge was strongly in favor of the
prisoner, and the jury acquitted.
West Huron Reformers.
A well attended meeting of the ib-
erals of West Huron was held in the
Temperance Hall, Goderich, on the
afternoon of the 16th inst., the President
of the West Huron Association, Mr.
Chas. Girvin, in the chair. Mr. Seeger
gave a short account of the werkin-
volved in looking after the Dominion
Voters' Lists saying the object !for
which the Act had been passed had
signally failed in this Riding, as the
Liberals had got justice at the hands of
the Revising Barrister; a total of 480
Reformers had been added to the I sts
. before their final revision and 140 Con-
servatives struck off, making a tlital
change of 621 votes. The work of re- -
vising the lists had cost the Reform
party over $800 for the West Riding
Mr. A. McMurchie, Reeve of Clinton,
then nominated Mr. M., C. Camero* as
the Liberal candidate for the West
Riding; Mr. Jos. Griffin., ReeveI of
Aelifield, seconded the nominat on,
which was carried amidst treniend us
Mr. W. Young, ex -Reeve of Colborne,
nominated Hon. A. M. Ross, as the
Liberal candidate for the Local, .and.
Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of Ashfield, second. -
ed the nomination, which was also Car-
ried amid applause, ,
A deputation theu waited upon the
gentlemen nominated, who came to the
meeting and accepted the same. BOth
were most enthusiastically received.
Speeches were made by the candidates, -
and also by Dr. Sloan, of Myth; kr. A.
H. Manning of Clinton, and Mr. D. Mc-
Gillicuddy, Goderich. Resolutions of
confidence in the leadership of Him..
Edward Blake and in the administrat on
�f Hon. Mr. Mowat were passed befere
the meeting wee brought to a cloSe.
Toronto Topics.
(From Our Own .Correspondent.)
The Queen city is now enjoying eom-
parative quiet after the noise and bus le
of the Industrial. This is the brief s a -
son intervening between the close of ne
great show ad the preparation for the
next. Only a few days and we will h ar
that the directors have met and settl d
the date and made arrangements fior
many new attractions of the &ens
parade type.
Dr. Kane and Mr. Hill Smith, the
anti -Home Rule delegates from Ireland,
gave addresses to very large audiences
in the city some days ago. They are
fluent speakers, wity and sarcastic, but
are accused by their opponents of min-
gling in personalities.
The contract for the mason work of
the new Parliament buildings has been
let to a city contractor. The old grey
stone building on the east side of Queen's
Park will' be pulled down to make way
for the new structure. This ancient pile
was formerly King's-College'and aft,er
the erection of the new University
buildings was converted into a lunatic
asylum. What a transition Lately it
has been unoccupied except by a few
destitute families during the winter
months. The hew buildings will I!)e
much more couveniently situated thin
the old. They will be completed in
about five years.
The American Public Health Assoc. -
tion, consisting of many prominent
medical men of the United States, held
their an n ual convocation here last week.
They were treated to a drive around t e
city by the council, and visited all tie
points of interest.
The students of Toronto School of
Medicine held their annual conversa-
zione on Thursday evening. Several
prominent voealists.took part in the con-
cert in the principal lecture -room, while
the dissecting room was cleared out and
tastefully decorated for dancing, and
many a slippered foottrippedlightly
over the floor beneath which lay the
subjects in their beds of alcohol.
Shaftesbury Hall was filled to the
doors on Friday evening to bear Di.
Aubrey, Gladatonian candidate for an
English constituency at the recent elec-
tions, deliver an address on ," An Eng-
lishman's view of Honie Rule." Do
not know whether it was the Young
Men's Liberal Club or the Toronto
Branch of the National Land League
had the most to do with the getting u
of the lecture, but both parties were we 1
represented. The chair was occupied
by Mr. Mulock, M. P., for West York.
The appearance of lion. Edward Blake
on the platferm was the signal for loud
and prolonged applause. Dr. Aubrey iS
a real Englishman in appearance if the
newspaper outs of the typical John Bull
are to be relied upon. The Doctor said
that Mr. Gladstone and his followers i
were not at all discouraged, and added
that the dissentient Liberals were sure
to desert the present Government on
any question of foreign or domestic
P. Q.