The Huron Expositor, 1886-09-24, Page 6-e
Three Reasons.
. - "I once met a tho4htfu1 scholar,'
says Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota,
" who told me that f r years he had
read every book he cou d which emeti-
c& the religion of Jesu Christ, arid he
said he should have become an infidel
but for three things: First, I am a man.
I am going somewhere. To -night I am
a day nearer the grave than ,I was last
night. I haveread all that such books can
tell me. Theyshed not (me solitary -ray of
hope or light upon the darkness. They
shall not take away thip guide end leave
rne stone-blind. Second I had a moth-
er. I saw her go dowU into the dark
-valley where I am gain, and she looked
upon an uneen arm as calmly as a child
goes to sleep on the brcast of its moth-
er. I know that was not a dream.
Third, I have three motherless daugh-
ters (and hesaiditewith tears inPsis,eyes).
They have po protectoi but myself. I
would rather kill them than leave them
in a Sinf Ill Nvorld if you blot out from it
all the teachingt of th Gospel.'"
The Human Ear. '
Few people realize w iat a wonderful,
delicate structure the lumen ear really
is. That which we or warily designate
so is, after all, only the mere outer
poreh of a series of -winding passages,
which, like the lobbies of a great build-
ing;lead from the outef air into the in,
tier chambers. Oertai4 of these pas-
sages are full of liquid and their mem-
branes are stretched, like -parchment
curtains, across the coritic1ort at different
places, and can be thro n into vibration
or made to tremble as the head of a
drum or the surfahe f a tambourine
does when struck a stick or the
fingers. Between two of these parch-
ment -like curtains a chain of very small
bones extends, which serves to tighten
er relax these membranes, and to com-
municate vibrations to them. In the
innermost place of aI, rows of fine
threed„ called nerves, stretch, like the
strings of a piano, to the last point to
which the tremblings or thrillings reach,
and pass inward to the ,brain. If these
nerves are destroyed, the power of hear-
ing certainly departs, as the power to
give out sounds is lost by a piano or
violin when its strings are broken.
Important Telephone
ExtensilmS. .
_ The Ben_ Telephone tornpany has just
completed a number 4f new and im-
portant -trunk lines, and others are under
ways and -will be finish d . very shortly.
The following. is. a pa ial iist of what.
.kas been done in this -it-evince, vis :-A
line from Walkerton f rough Mil-dmay,
Clifford,. Harriston, ( king in •Mount
Forest,. Arthur, Fergue and Elora, and
connecting with the re t of the system
at Guelph": ' This will e also connected
with Landon, etc., dir et via Palmer-
ston. and Listo-we1, a!ad extended to -
Brussels, and Win.ghain., A new line
has. been run from Toronto to Barrie,.
giving splendid. co.nneetion between
those points,. and e couple of weeks"
this will reach Collingwoed via Stayner.
A new tine has been finished and is now
working froni CailingSvhocl to Owen,
Sound via Clarks!bureah',11horab.nry and
Meaford, se that the whiale of this. dig-.
that will shortly be in communication
with Toronto. In fact, as the company
is now using nothing bat hard -drawn
copper wire, which is g eatly superior to
iron, for -these lines, a d has, already a
copper wire from Bit telo to Toronto, .
the efficiais say .they c trld easily guar-
antee a satisfactory c hversation from
Buffalo-. to Owen Sod -about 290
railes-if any one ever 4quired to uSe a
line of that length. 4 new line has
been strung from Wallecebu•rg to Sar-
nia,which will be a great convenience
to the company's subsotibets in the dis-
trict lietween Windsor and Glencoe,
who, can now transact .their business
with Sarnia by a ahor• line via Chat-
ham. A new excite!" .e has also been
opened at AIvinston,„ ad a trunk line
conneotion made via \ "atfotd ; .also at
Ayer with a line to ISt. Thomas, and
at Plattsville witit'a w*e to New Ham-
bnrg. Men are now engaged in build-
ing from Hamilton to Brantford by an
entirely new route to reli.e,e the pres-
sure of business on existing lines, and
this wire will be extended immediately
to Waterford and &ulnae. Business is
now done over the whole of the Bell
Company's system, cemprising , many
thousands of miles in the Provinces' of
Ontario and Quebec, at a uniform rate
for five minute convers tiorte, ac -cording
to, distance; and for cictated messages
(in the very many case4 where the- sen-
der has not time- nor tdoes not care to
speak direct to -his corespondent), at a
rate of 25 cents for a twentteword mes-
sage to any subscriber within 150miles
of thesender, with an extra 124 cents
for eaeh additional twenty words.'
. A Financial 'thication.
BY -E. H. GC
The abject of this ar icle is to call the
attention of parents to bne of the practi-
cal aubjeeta that children should be
taught, which in after life cannot fail
to: be of great Value to them: viz., the
use and value of money. This is a sub•
ject children are seldom taught -taught
practically. It is one of the most im-
portant questions• in the bringing up of
children that_ they be tanight the -value
of a dollar and how to spend it cor-
Before proceeding further I will relate
something of my experience with my
three children; the eldes!t a girl now
some seventeen year of age, my next a
girl of fifteen, and my youngest a boy of
seven. Nome years age I conceived the
idea of clewing my e dest daughter a
small arnaXsim of money each week. I
gave it with ,ery little thought at the
time. 1 thi -k it was only • twenty-five
• .
cents, knowing that he was fond of
candy,!I eh:tient:her saying to her. "1
don'ogive you this for you to spend it
all for candy." This is the only time
that 1 eve t said anythi tg or had occasion
to tay anything about vhat her money
should purehase, Br eeping my eyes
open 1 found she iteed his small amount
to advantage, buyihg. usefulthings to
wear. I futind also th, t site would save
• to the secoadand thin. week, in order
to make larger perch-4es. Finding the
plan worked well, 4 increased the
amount to fifty eclat, end then to one
dollars' per week.
he ecartte quite,,an expert at shop-
ping, buying all her Illoves, : stdekings,
ribbons. and many ate rmore expensive
articles. Theee thing • were all neces-
sary, and had tobe t reh!ated it coat
no More to let her pu•c ase them. Be-
eidee, 1 found it to be won!derfel edu-
cation to her, I was surprised to see how
much the would buy with her d011ar a
week. She was p oud to be her own
mist ess and bank r, even though lim-
Sh calculated s to future purchases,
which made her c nsider before parting
with her money foolishly. Over one
yeanago 1 mei-ea-ed the amount paid
weekly. Since that time she has
clot ed herself an paid all her expenses,
boar excepted. t is a great pleasure
to so her plan, n t only to make ends
meet, but to see how much she canpur-
chas for her m ney. I- am satisfied
that,she takes car of herself with less
money than if I b ught her things my-
self.] It now bcci :nes more of a pleasure
for her to trim ier own bonnets and
assi t the dressma er than it would be _
if I were footing he bills directly.!
SA hat I have w itten about my eldest
da.0 hter will app1y to the other, up to
the ne dollar peil week, that being her
stip nd at presenlp. The interest which
the take in Making their 'piens and cal-
cul dons, and keeping their accounts, is
a di rersjon from books and school.
\ ith the little boy I commenced by
givi ig him five chnts per week. Now
he ' receiving ten cents. It is quite
ami sing to see him count over his
money, and talkf his little purchases,
and Imake his pla s. He take t as much
intetest, or more, in his monetary affairs
thaij do the othfJr two. He has laid
dowi a rule nev r to draw down his
ban account tol ss than one dollar -a
rule worthy of i iitation by us older
peo le. He delig-its in acting as banker
in tliehouseho1d 1 y making small leans,
alw ys, however dunning the debtor
until the claim is liquidated. In buy
'dig his suspender , neckwear, etc., he
tit on a wonderfIul air of independence
y i sisting on doing his shopping and
On, eking his selections without assist -
and . At first the storekeeper had to
tell im how many fives an article cost
2----tWo fives being his limit, unless upon
rare! occasions. Now he has gotten i be-
yon1 figuring his hank balance by fives;
it iei the usual method of dollnrs and
cents. At Christmas time he Went into
a store and inquired what they had. nice
for a 'present for e little girl; he did not
waot any squeaky thing that would get
outhf order, as she was eery "destruct-.
ible1;" though he !would like semething
on wheels, etc. I mention thislto show
how simply and easily are these Prac-
ticellessons taught and. learnedleven by
one to young. Ile had evidently been
thinking over the style of present he
waited, or, rather, perhaps, the ,style
he did not want. I could mention
ma y instances where the children have
used a. greet deal of judgment -I
might say supetiior judgment -in the
use of their funds!, which I consider on-
ly ould corne from experience in han1i-
ling their own limited amount of
They gain a healthful independence
and experience and take a wonderful
interest in all tha concerns their daily
affairs. Their pans and calculations
occupy their minds a portion ofthe time,
being a healthful, change from school
and books. ,
It is a matter Of economy.
Parents, try it!
-- 1
A Ouriou.s Study. _
Sir Isaac Newton constructed a house
for his cats. Foti the convenience of the
cat he cut a 1 rge hole for entrance ;
for the eqpal con -enience of the kitten
he cut a smal er one, and it was not
until his attentio was called to it that
he realized the fact, which one would
suppose might b self-evident to the
feeblest unclerst lading, that the large
hole: would have erved for both. The
author tf the " Prineipia," one of the
grandest works of the human intellect;
failed to perceive that a kitten could go
through a hole made for a cat. Richard
Brins1ey SheriIaij hired a suburban villa,
and two days lat r received a visit from
a friend, who wa • told to climb thefence
in order to enter the house. " But why
not open the gat ?" the friend inquired,
"Because 1 cai 't untie the string."
" Why don't you cut it then ?" Sheri-'
dan looked at hi4i in amazement, drew
his knife, cut thd rope, walked through
the gate, and, turning around, kicked it
it off the hinges. "If you love me,
please kick me in the same fashion," he
remarked to his friend. The most bril-
liant wit of his time, the dramatist wile
could unravel the most intricate cons -
plications in stage situations had climbed
a fence for two days for the lack of the
stroke of a penknife. A few years ago
one of our famots men was found dead
under circumsta ees which gave rise to
suspicion of sui,cide. One of his acquaint-
ances remarked : "He was certainly
crazy. One evering I called upon him -
and found him' tilying to write a letter,
I could hardly s e my way across the
room. He comp ained -that his eyesight •
must be failing, 8 it was hard fete him
to`follow the lin s upon the paper. In
surprise I turne np the gas. His looh.
of astonishment s he looked at the light,
at me, at the le ser and at • the light
again was some hing impossible to 'de-
scribe. Of cour e he was crazy. If he
hadn't been,he ould have turned up
the gas himself.' So easily do we reech
our conclusions, so easily do we take
things for grant d. Yet Sit Isaac New-
ton was never supposed to be "out of
his mind," and t heridan was never sus
pected of being lunatic. .The gas -jet
simply served to throw more light on
the stupidity of a sensible man, instead
of proving by i feeble glimmer the cor-
responding feeb eness of his intellect.
Nothing is mo e constantly and com-
pletely surprisi g than these apparent
lapses of intelligence in persons whose
intellect is ackn tvledged to be sup&tior
to the average. From a fool we expect
foolishness, and elcldrn have we reason
to complain of disappointment. From
the wise we exp ct wisdom, though we
sometimes fail t find it. It is said that
it is only the fo 1 who learns nio wisdom
from experience butthefoolishness of
sensible people is generally of a kind
which experienc can in no 'svay modify,
It is occasional, variable, unexpected, of
a peculiar quality, admits no argument
from precedent, gives no basis for calcu-
lation. Probab y by contrast and incon-
gruity its effe t is heightened, and it
seems more sens less than ordinary dull-
ness, because it s inevitably compared
with the usual mental brilliancy. We
learn from the e Ltertaining "Letters of
Gustave Flambe t" that he had prepard
a dictionary of `, the stupid sayings of
great men," and the volume is a unique
and amusing one., It was the illustri-
ous Napoleon III. who made the pro-
found observeti n ; "The wealth of a
country depend on its general prosper-
ty." The fam iii Hatin wrote, as if
giving utteraric to a most valeable
philosophical st ternent : "As soon as a
Frenchman cros es the frontier he finds,
himself on forei n soil." Emerson says:
"Men who have commanded great
armies and taken great cities,' who have
made laths for an empire, or proclaimed
the greatest discoveries in science, have
sometimes shewn the utniost idiocy in.
connection with the commonest affairs of
life.--tPhrenologieal Jou.rnal.
-M143. King, wife Of Dr. King, of
Mamitolins College, formerly, of Toronto,
died on Monday. •
-The Montreal Recorder has decided
that the Salvation Army have a perfect
right to. parade on the streets and
sing. , -
• -James Metcalfe, M. P. for East
York, was seized with an attack of
paralysis Monday afternoon and died on
•Tuesdayenorning, aged 65 years.
-In ConestogO, Waterloo county a;
few days ago, while Mrs. Schumacher
was in her garden, a peculiar accident
happened her. Her little boys had
placed a fish pole under one of the apple
trees ti.ncl the line . hanging loose was
wafted about by the wind. The lady
not taking notice of this, wasi caught in
the Boats by the hook, and the 'doctor
being several miles away seeing another
patient at the time, she had to suffer
fOr about an hour before the hook was
cut out.
-The Canada Pacific Railway. CoM-
pitny's telegraph systenri, which was
opened at Ottawa on Monday, was liber-
ally patronized .by commercial men and
the public generallY, who are very glad
the monopoly is at an end. •The rate
from Montreal to Port Arthur, which
has heretofore been $1.50 for ten words,
has been reduced to 75 cents. The same
reduction is made to all points in . the
Province of • Manitoba, a uniform rate
of 75 cents -being eatablished from Que-
bec and Ontario. The rate of the two
Assiniboiaa has been made $1, which is
0, reduction from previous rates of $1.40
and $1.50. The rate to Alberta and
British -Columbia is .fixed at a max-
imum of $1.25, being a reduction from
previous rates of $1.70 and $1.85.
-Last week Mr. J. F. Adams, of the
customs, Sarnia, received a letter, mail-
ed in Port Huron, containing $4 Cana-
dian money, duty on goods which the
writer had smuggled across the frontier
,sorne time ago. • The smuggler, who was
a lady, gave a list of the sinuggled arti-
cles, among Which boots and shoes held
chief place. Her sin has -been preying ,
on her conscience ever since the deed
was commited, to ease which she ren-
dered unto Cresai that which belonged to
Cresar. This fair, penitent sinner in
this rway shows her erring sisters how
they can calm their accusing conscien-
ces and be happy. Were they to follow
her example, how the shekels would roll
into the custom houses on both sides of
the river.
I .
" ey a thorough knowledge of the natural
Laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application of the
fine properties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli•
catcly flavored beverage which may save is
many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicions
, use of such articles of diet that .a , constitution
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point. We
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our-
selves well fortified with pure blood and a pro-
perly nourished frame." -Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in packets by grocers, labelled .thus:
JAMES EPPS & Co., Honneopa.thie !Chemists,
London, England. 967-42
..ammeamemomma, issormanamommiiia
recommend for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and
kindred diseases, the use of MALTOPEPSYN.
For Consumption and all wasting diseases, the
COD LIVER OIL. For teething infants and
nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF
CELERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.)
You probably ask why we recommend these
remedies I
It is because we know them to be reliable
remedies, endorsed by leading physicians
throughout the Dominion, for the cure of specific
'diseases, and not claiming to cure everything.
Also because they have the exact formula printed
en eech bottle la.bel,thereby enabling the pur-
Chaser to know just what he is taking. '
The time is rapidly approaching when intelli-
gent people will refuse to take quack cure-alls,
the ingredients of which are kept seeret, but will
insist upon knowing just what they are taking.1
We would also inform any who may net yet be
aw,areby actual trial of the superiority of our
in ens -Mg Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat'
Incipient Consumption, &c. &c., that this reli-
able remedy can now be proeured from every
dealer in the County of Huron, and although not
advertised outside our own Comity, entirely
owing to its own merits, we have already receiv-
ed orders from the most distant parta of the Do-
minion, if afflicted give it a trial, price 50 cents
per bottle wholesale and retail by
925-62 Seaforth, Ontario.
Carriage Works.
Samuel Lounsibury
has leased the Blacksmithing arid Carriage
Works formerly run by Mr. Robert Fulton, and
is prepared to carry on the Blacksmithing and
Waggon Making in all its branches. Horse Shoe-
ing, General Jobbing and repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to. He will give the busi-
ness his persional attention and can guarantee
satisfaction in every department. Charges as
low as consistent with good workmanship and
material. A trial is respectfully solicited.
S. LOUNSBURY, Proprietor.
A. M. ROSS, Manager.
N. B. -Horse Shoeing and Machinery Repair
ng a 8pecia1ty. 968
Division ,Court Notice.
The Office of :the Second
Division:Court, County of Huronovill be found
open every lawful day at the residence of John
Beattie, Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock a.
in: until 4 o'clock p. m., and everything will be
done that is possible in the interest of Suitors.
Telephone' commtmicationin the office.
Any amount of Money 43 Loan on good prop-
erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates of
interest, and terins of payment made to suit
The following will be found in stock all
fresh and good:
Lost Nation Seed Wheat,' •Oalifornia Defiance Wheat, Arnitka Wheat, Six
Rowed Barley, Two owed Batley, Black Barley, Russian Barley, White am -
pion Oats, Egyptian ats, Weleome qts, McAllister Oats, Crowit Peas, Black
Eyed Marrowfat Pea, Golden yine'iPeas, Prussian Blue Peas, and the following
GRASS SEEDS: Tinothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Meadow FoxteildMeadow Fus-
cue Red Top Italian ye, Perer1snial Rye Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass,and Yellow
Oat Grass. Also the following Clovers: Alsike Clover, Red dlover, Trefoil
Clover, Lucerne Clover, Yellow! Clover, White Dutch and Late Dutch Clover.
All the above are fresh and good, and will be mixed in proper qua4tities to suit
purchasers for permapent pastures. Also, all kinds of Root and Vegetable Seeds.
Farmers wanting Seed will find! it to their advantage to call And examine my
stock before purcha,sipg. All kinds of agricultural implements and sewing ma-
chines on hand.
litkcBRID & .11QITH, from Strathroy,
Having bought the above mills and refitted them throughout with all the latest
and best machinery that could be procured for a
And the result attained is, the have one of the best mills in the Province.
Farmers can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth,
and have it home with them tI same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
13 Et _A_1NT si-Dort-LT:s
For sale by the ton or in less qluantities-FOR CASH. Ca h for any quantity of -
Wheat. 1
MR. THOMAS will personally superintend the Seaforth Roller
Kidd's Pionee
For the celebrat
e.n Ren
Stove House, Seaforth.
IANT HOME" Base Burners and Double Heaters,
the "HIGH ART" Radiant Home Square Stoves -with and without ovens -
fitted with the Genuine Duple Grate. No line of Coal Stoves made have had
from the start so large a sale cr as perfect a record for operation, economy of fuel,
heating capacity and durabillity, as the "Radiant Horde." They are the best
Nearly all our line of faverite. Stoves have been remodelled for thit year,
which together with the many new designs added, makes our stock more complete,
more attractive and deairable than ever.
and the cheapest.
Purehasers find ohr Stove Department a "Happy Thought,"
"Radiant Home" indeed., dome and take a look througla Lowest pries
• I
liberal terms assured!. ' 1
Main Stre t, Seaforth, the People's Grocer.
Though times a e hard,
and is offering good fresh g
specialty. All kind of Teas
brown'Sugar at 16 p unds fo
grocery equally cheap. All
signs, good and cheep. All
Sausage, Bologna and Pork
Honey from my own apiary.
suitable for packing,1
he Popular Grocery is found to be equal to them,
ods at rock bottom prices. Teas , and Sugars a
from 25c to 75c -good value. An extra nice light
$1, and all other goods to be found in a first-class
inds of Crockery and Glassware of the latest de -
kinds of Cured Meats kept constantly on hand.
Cuttings good and cheap. Conib and Extracted
Hogs. -The highest market price for dressed hogs
H. ROBB, Seaforith.
, 1711.1.TIT, S. FRUITS.
Fresh Strawberries every day in the week except Sunday, and plenty of good
cheap Sugars to sweeten them. FRUIT JARSI-A large quantity of Pints,
Quarts and Half Gallons. Parties buying berries by the case will be furnished
here as cheap as any other house in the trade. Gooseberries add Cherries always
on hand in season. !Remember that the Seaforth Tea Store is atilt the place to
buy your TEAS, which are both cheap and good, and of every variety.
A. G. AULT, Seaforth.
The Executors of the Lite Jas. Thompson
l'n_. compliance with his wil, are now bound to
Sell his Real Estate, being the South half of Lot
13, Concession 4,-5Iorris ownship, containing
100 acres, about 85 cleared ,and in a good state of
eultivation. Soil, good clay. Large dwelling
house, Frame barn and stables. Good bearing
orchard of choice fruit. TWo good wells, and is
Well fenced with good cedar rails. It is situated
pn a good road, 3f miles frein the village of Bel -
grave, 5) from Brussels, and 8 from the town of
I'Wing -ham. If hot sold preyiously,will be sold by
Public Auction, at STEWART'S HOTEL, in the
Village of BELGRAVE, on
THE Subscriber is new prepared to deliver
ICE in any quantity.
Any quantity of WOOD, hard or soft, long or
short, split or unsplita Also any quantity of
Cedar Posts and Cedar Blocks for floOring, &c.,
as cheap as plank, all of which I will sell and de
liver at reasonable charges. .
LL OPEN A CLASS for drawing and
mber let., 1886. Terms,
3.00; Painting: Water
Material furnished at
painting on Sep
20 Lessons: Drawing,
Color, 35.00; Oil, 85.00.
cot price.
SATURDAY, Sept. 18th 1886.
At one o'clook p. in. Terms made known on the
day of sale. This is one of the choicest farms in
the Township of Morris. The soil cannot be ex -
Celled. This is a rare chance to seeure a good
farm at your own price. Title perfect. For
terms and particulars, address WM1 BRYANS,
and CHAS. McCREA, Exeoutora, BeIgrave P. 0.
0. HAMILTON, Auctioneer. 977-4
London, Huron and Bruce,
GOING NORTH-- Express. Mail.
London, depart 7.56a.m. 4.26P.m.
Exeter 9.14 6.56
Hensall. 9.24 6.16
Kippen, 9.29 6.25
Brucefield. . 9.36 6.37
Clinton_ .. ........ .. 9.65 7.00
Londesboro 10.15 7.20
Blyth. 10.24 7.30
Belmve 10.39 7.46
Wingham, arrive.... 10.55 8.05
GOING SOINII- Express. Mail.
Wingham, depart 7.00A.M. 3.05r.$.
Belgravb 7.17 3.29 - -
Blyth • 7.32 3.44
Londesboro ...... - .. 7.41 3.63
Clinton ..................8.03 4.13
Brucefield 8.22 4.32
Kippen..! .. . ... . . .... .... 8.31 4.40
}Tongan 8.37 4.45
Exeter 8.51 5.09
London, arrive 10.10 6.00
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
GOING NORTH- iteeom. Express. Mixed.
Ethel 2.34 P. is. 9.20 P.M. 9.46 A.M.
Brussels._ .. 2.49 9.25 10.26
Blnevale. 3,06 9.50 10.66
Wingham.. 3.20 10.02 11,50
GOING SOUTH- Mixed Accom. 'Express.
Wingham.... 7.45 p.M. 11.10 A. Id. 6.50 A.M.
Bluevale 8.12 11.25 7.00
Brussels 8.60 11.45 7.16
Ethel_ 9.20 12.00 7.27
Train leaving Wingham at 8.10 p na for Kincar-
dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Grand Trunk Railway,
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
follows: -
EXpress.... .... 1.48 r . M. 2.20 P.
Expreae 8.57 la la 9.16 r. M.
Mixed Train,.... 9 00 A. Id. - 10.00.a.m.
Expresa.... .... 7.45 A. la 7.26 A. M.
Express .... . . .... 1.48 P. 1.05 r.
Mixed Train,. .. .... 5.16 P. at. 4.30 P. M
St, Julien Restaurant,
Opposite Main and Market street,
Sign of the Big Lantern.
If you want to get
GO C) 1J FE?U 1T_
you can do so by buying at the
Fruits, Confectionery, Ice Cream,
Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes
and Cigarettes.
Parties wishing Ice Cream for Picnics or Even-
ing Parties can be supplied on the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms at the
St. Julien. ,
JAS. BURGESS Proprietor.
(FormerIp of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,
THIS Hotel, which is situated directly opposite
the Union Station, has recently been refitted
and refurnished throughout, and is now one of
the best and Most comfortable hotels in the city
Every pessible attention paid to guesthere
charies moderate.
dersigned has now on Lot 21, Concession 2,
L. R. Tuckersmith, and will keep for the
improaement of Stock, Tyio THOROINIMARD Sep,
FOLK BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," was farr
rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. Wm.
Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire and
his dam were both imported. The second
"King Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884. He
was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the
county of Peel, and both his sire and his dam
were jlso imported. They are as good pigs as
weir -ever offered for service in Huron as can be
proven by the extended pedigrees which are
registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms
$1, with the privilege of returning if necessary.
Standard Mixed,
The Best and Cheapest
In the Market.
Queen City Oil CO'3
Peerless Machine Oil,
Reapers, Binders and
Special Value in Harvest Mitts.
Johnson Bros,
SEPTEMBER 24, 1886.
Protectiue and Collecting -
Association of Canada.
18 an Assoeiation of business and professional
men, having for its objet thecollection of debts
and to prevent its membersfrom making batt
debts by furnishing them with lists of panes
who do not pay. MerChapts and others having
accounts to collect, and wishing to teeornetneei.
hers, by remitting 37 to our Managers, Ranee
ton, Ont., will receive by return mail lull
ticulars, certificate of membership, aa.
for testimonials.
J. Bidwell Mills & Co.,
970 Managers, 'famine/a
W. M. GIFFIN, Esq.,
Clinton, Huron Co., Ontario.
DEAR. Sia, -1 bought a White Bronze Mese.
ment because I could suit myself better for the
same, than in any other material. I investigated
the matter thoroughly, and fouud from the best
scientific authorities that zinc was one. of the
most durable materials when exposed to the
elements. I hl,ve in no way been disappointed,
but I am as well satisfied to -day as ever.
Yours truly, J. B. BUNN,
Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffin, Ohio, March 22nd,1885.
Parties intending to purchase a monunient
should call on or write to W. M. GIFFIN, Clin.
ton, or JAMES GALLAGHER, Goderich. 973
This Space is Reserv-
ed for
Purvis & Milks.
Watches & Jewelry
C.'1111. WHITNEY'S
The Leading Round Base Burner in four eizee,
Double Heaters and with Ovens.
The Royal Peninsular
Is the handSOmeat Square Base Burner made,
Don't fail to see it.
A full line of all kinds of
Wood & Coal Cooks,
No trouble to show them -
Come one, =C�rne all, and get Bargains,
TORN McNEVIN, Proprietor of these well.
eJ known and popular mills, has been adding
more improved machinery, and is now tater
prepared to turn out an article of
cowhunichc,nnot be excelled by any mill in WI
Gristing done while the -party waits for It.
Flour exchanged for wheat, chopping dens
every day and chopped for six cents per
bag with water. Fresh oat meal always on
sold at
tdarand/for sale and exchanged for OW.
,sthheertsioweastndmabrrkaent par\weeastysaisoonh&fld I'8,
tity of chops en hand. Orders promptly atom'
-ed to. Those 'who have not yet giventhese
trial will find it to their interest to do M. Be•
member 'the poptilar "Bell's Mills."
As there are Many inferior
goods, corded with jute,
!Jet )p, etc., offered and sold
as Coraline by sonae Up-
prl acipled Merchants trad-
ing on the repatation
our genuine Cornifse•
we v;-2.-rn the ladies against
$117:.:1:1 imposition by Orate
tree attention to the
nc-eeseity of Eteine that the
iS stamped on inner side of all Coraline gond°,
Without which none are genuine,
I MENT and Saving Society have an unlimit-
ed amount of money to lend on real estate,. at
the very lowest. rates of interest with the prIvi;
lege to the harrower of repaying a portion 01 .
the principal with payments of interest. Ohs
very low. Apply to Messrs. DENT & 110
Barristers, Mitchell, who are the autho
Agents and Solicitors for •tho Society. 83,5 -ti
Dated Nov. 5, 18S5.
. • : A Life that Told,
irty years. ago the region abet
nn, docks contained se la,
a...shoe population as any distr
P-nesa• j5ack of the huge ware -
sore tiirnaumerable courts, and
etnd danir'anddtsineerer
lati4enyo1'9 for the lowest types
• The wealthy and influential eie.
1 .sset*Tilent were the rum -seller,
pent of gambling -hells. (oe
Vtynevareessertisehhopg:?rf3:ecari:enridnee,satIos:wti: IgttNscriineeereweveet°iirlle(lh:gia;d4:1;11:e:ir
one cif Christ, except in an oath.
nenInve!gpadfloguntomrif tnIrinceliduilt
iiarsi)ent; J•i,
atesoogfng to an old English family
afeoreaaoPaBtlr(nlglt::Si: i21:tercvili(xfor:L}is
to a,6bar full of arnbition and hes,
ely; f.:ifill.1.i
sgony,suffering, laughter and Mete
owning from these depths, thet
bisffeie lisse'soglovevd.hte-oregle
aothe World to help these people.
fie look a house in one of the '.•
.ontnteise and lived, in it. " it is ors;
erliselves that they will h
Patrelttlfeheidsthevresi; day in the st
_ taacnn:d ef, ossii• orntioineatthh.taa: tin' adspei
u n,!fi(rwit,,tfie(withiInnatie,l:
qaueeree) with ..,,svidlicaliintoongrea.t(hdetit:eri.
en,s a Slow, etammering speaker, h
: wthfateeswbOciterlsdatr, rphuaeitirialn.letielaurindeidn tel.:xi:if:it:cc
lab: lenwyears.i nt I.stthciNtrvriaiege .t eeitIti,tml ,s' fights,l 01 l:oil he saw . tacNstvii. facing
• fromtheelibutrheehr : ai ni d, that " trho 'the they ee on:oarirevegnaatattiionnid:i
si%evtIrn4:tis IninistshitawcohrakPw6b'er'e the tenh:,'-'1,1
wdese:Mrredkr: roaLreloadwri nnrdaeaesnPrtid He died i n a V i 1 I e
month's rest. He was brought ba
inareadas11,,tiersp..tIrii:olihijasi Ilsns:us:.s. .e(ellrieligor oeldli:, eapdnr :ill is orefugesrn-irdoanf:old: : ;
paths!that abut on hell." A vish
AeOss the bridge where he had
women. A large chureh was buil
womeia whom he had rescued from
earaied, while the police were oblif
keep!ba,ck the crowds of sobbing i
the Docks where he had.worked so
who pressed forward to eatch th
glimpse of "Father Lowder, ' at
the Tyrol, whither he had gone
his murder, his body was revel
been chased by a furious mob, be
funeral," says a L
grew into an
paper, "has even been seen in Ent.
The ; whole population of East I.;
turned out, stopping work for that
The :special trains run to Chise
werefilled, and thousands follow
1 fsBnicoolhihai_rotipno,pudl-miserable d women
- many careers open to :
he had lifted up from barbarism -i
tinen on entering the world, but
322 feet over all, 40 feet beam, 2
are none nobler or that end more t
leyrutosdheera.ven than that of this m
catehanna, was launched at Butih
besides 250 tons fuel. She coette
Saturd:ay, 116. inst., for tradint
the Great Lakes. She is 296 feet
hold, and has seven water -tight
heads. Her engines are of the doul
panaion pattern, 36 and 48 inch
ders ; the boilers, four in numbsr, •
feetdiameter ; steering gear tent
phee :yet a ,or team;11::hidiushrb.eyt: aa tt)fea epiioti eyrI,Ni a2ii.;:10:0i s ;r1Iiieriisiti fle:.;
004% and is expected to average 1:!
in boxes of co'InevNevnilelitliselttlhist!e:IzYaldlel'aloelt' andl i' abeCiiiise:'-'
diatheter and lit feet long; ser
•--:A -Steel steamship named the !
a tatoNevsbatthi
News Notes.
, 1 •
This is an industry thata nire
change thinks i could be madevete
!Able in this eountry.
5, 18
have fallen heir to an estate of .
railf:liaiTodni:e left by an aunt who rt.!
, ildfronined.ger:ibtuchae8raguncecoarlit:Iaiteloadfde. riols_C:urijlatsklei a!Iuiltusroit:-
tehrae:ii;BOrfitissehvearn,ad,l At•azsrielatanvainring iseesr.
exHpeourionawenvatyfoo,srf eel -en -an
so,' lantee"-ieak!oefniianlevtiVeather. --The eultry anuM
mgithd ivas e a see ot 00 illoteohmrtede:nei,e:.ietiitli ittni!ethfc ..if:e.n'ile:slies:, silool d.:11.1:11e:r.:erseltill
suel4 as these purifying Pills, be found ta
Piththat end. They are the in
ste rem: g, o r ..°theolif9!;iaaili,.13'1
fore attained the largest Fate ane
tei5ehen:heNNi%)0,.on.iovtldeefih:na: NI 3 ' i citlitelsi ill:: 0 andti rti . ll 11 Lr:::1:11 sl oi: II:
theseo s tt buenflaleiPilir
Try A-yer's Pills,
andlie cured. Misery is 011111(1 word to
ttiheaelintaisych-:etfiotlai.lio:1:51idw.mind can,,ed
,Th• Mild doses, will re!itere the torpid v
Onstipation. The regular use of A: e
• pelva.ciiiii ilitdblkt, iiciisueld•ah;Toihr,(.txpTeele:111:1 etle,;;T: ;:(n•alI41::*.ctliiht,:elyvi r (e. aafiril
.Sigiottn;_luttiaj:16.not,rsi it ialt:ieltIlieli)strlsogfc:0,,,,rilfin uilhaxItt:trian:.-t' is:::
great corn elite, .Patriain'.4 Painless e, --,r,
- The Victor's Crown,
ter. it werlis4iniekly, iievta- make a a
corituksetoinaly,:iti.s,s0difts;nsr,..wr:f.aiti:fixfaoro(iinf3411./ezi:ttlet.let,ua):4:::.,:salia,6slxilrt,:iLlie. jua.5,0:f.iffoto:),:t:rgelvira:teii:tr:),eurrII:ilirs.:!:ti:)..,1,if):tfiiititrIsl,:!?.:7s:1,1th:,,,:
kin ness, as if 3 ou have any ref the al,,
and1 Per bottle at Lumsden e.;. IA
- Ilatiptaitnvitcri8aedintrieopirieitfi:r(e.iini:s3t ease or 111011,2)
Reasons why you should pm -chase Fla
Plioa-no trouliZe anniolilo8asttallntit(E3?rriltrteilsil:e
auire constant dsc -one appiieetion is
_ruennlebodyttlienwielx1 itsetientoievee. moTrreypaiito tf ho for
llache, headache, rheumatism. l'SJ