The Huron Expositor, 1886-09-24, Page 4. . . . . . . . . . . .......... 0 -THE _H U RON . EX POS I IrOR, SEPTEMBER -24, 86 =MOi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. Thomas White, and Ilis lieutenarit, Mr. ceive I at.the door 1i gave Allister, Daniel Suiarus,G. Shoellig" red dres's, L. H. Peine; raised Berlin wool, has renited his farm to Mr. Packwood., it at. a. bound, taking the y a cr,bwd who buggy - a -ad -Hy. Bauer, Jos. Ruda n, pant Dalton McCarthy. It is quite possible him 64 ovation,. afid a similar demon- fall wheat, A. Justus Mellick, A. -Johnston; work for a term of five years,,. at the rate of its fair occu AW The figu re betwe - with hiin. Mias strat cin was ma& by tlib members of Berk; Fife spring wheat, Chris. S-1huch, baskpt, T. Murdock; Berfin wool brack- $360 a year. Dougherty -was thrown fro esoilxline denotes the pate of the papefozi tha " the old man," finding he was no -t in the bu the ouse When he ap�eared pu the A. Johnston, Robt. MeAlIlister; spring eta, T. Murdock, Samuel Foster; hand —Legal partnership has been formed but fortunately redeived only le the advertisement will be found, .1 9P, sure of. capturing aur number; of -the fl6o wheat, any other variet than. Fif E), Jas. chain stitched braid, Robt. McAllister, between E. E. Wade and W. M. Sin- bruises. y Business Announcemeni 1). Bright. 0) gy 'was considerably Protestant Grits of dptario, concluded Troyer, Alex, McEwen; flour, El,nes & Johniton & Hardy; mantle drapery, clair of Brussels, unde: the of wrecked, Dalsmm of Fir—Liumsden & Wilson. (6) Gmnd Exhibition—Duncan & Duncan. (5) it would no_�be safe ye� to break entire- The Zurich a Williams; two rowed barlpy, Wi i,'Mc- Mary McEwen -crotch t cardwork, Wade & Sinel ir. Thi4 artnership will �Below is a list of the odelitei who p Look This Way—Jesse 11ockin, (5) 'Kee, Wni. Wilson; qix towed barite , Mary McEwen, Win. gichol; bopeep rr�ake a strong firm and there is no dan Holman Opera. Cornymny. (5y ly with his old Catholic and �rench- Th E) first of th� localshows in this y have been apportioned to C int n A. Birk, A. Johnston, Jos. Hudson; tidy, Samuel Foster ; Berlin n e .8 Worin Poders-1. V. county for the presen -season was held wool tidy, ger of their not succeeding. Mr. Wade School., The fall nu ib r thirty-foar Canadian friends, is now detetmined.to bla k oats' Simon Badour, A. Job aston; Hy. Lippert, Win. Bell; crazy cushion' is widely known thro i nsurance Airency—W. N. Watson.. (5) at Zurichunder the a ispi6es of the Hay . c 0 1 ghoui this and and all of these reported ".present-.()' Ch. re. of 14 incss—D. Watson. (5) work with two strings to his bow. The- common hite oats, Jacob Surar s-, A. Mrs. It., Ferguson, T. Murdock; two surr unding coinities ana his w8rk will Tuesday, exceptin Brall �.la Auricultiural. ociet , on Mon- 0 g one, who is detained y Stolen—Wirt. Hudson. Government will keep 'In with the Catho, (lay �nd 7i7uesday - I Tli6sday, of Johnston, Alex. Ingram; white oats, yards kPitting, M-rs. John Troyer, Hy. be ably seconded by the junior partner. by sickness. The class is the largest Frm for S&le—W. L. RenQ-. (5) Its i g day. If th, any o�her.yariety,'A. Johnston, I'Lobert Down; cbrydon braid, L. ff. Peine, Hy. We wish the firm of Wade & Sinclair model class e 8 Farni in K&nsas for Sale—J. . Brodfoot. (5) lics and French-Canalian, while I the cot being the bi e fir�t tb chool has yet had.: trayed—John McInnes. (5) 'is top 3 an index of whaVl�s to follow we McAllister; marrowfat peas, Jas. T' - -Down ; arasene , work, 'banner, and success. Robt. Agnew, Befla Barr, Heny beat. 7 roy L%l I abuse Robert McAllister, Farm for Sale ail Wil them i order to please may I)ok for a most su'ecessfid show er Jos. Ht dsop; bracket, Mary Mo9we pin cushion, —Mr. Jennings, chief engineer of the tie, John Cronyn, Duncan Clark J My & the Protestants, and both- will work sm,all pea:s, Robt. McAllister, A b. Le Railw , arfived in Cargill, ag 'ampbe erinie canip L gn this season. li- Mary.MeEweii; vase rnats, Alex. Me- Canada Pacific man, Jarnes Turner ; clover seed, Hy.' Ewen fancy tidy, Sal uel Foster, Wingham on Wediiesda : of Iasi week, Cash, Alfred, Conery, Aggi:,,, ��uick_' with the satne object in vie-,�: tile re- In ')nor of theoc'casion,the'enterpris- y Ldiei"Attention—T. Ki(l(l & son. (8) Cook ing I Otle -town was galy decorated by -tinlothy seed, A,. Johnston, Hy. Johnston & Hardy ';'braided straw for to look over the ground for the proposed shank, Ernma Wall, Millinery opening -4. Me Loughlin - (S) tention of 8�r John MabdonalA in p'o*er. Wurm, Hy.. Cook ; Nybite beans, Alex. hats, fly. Cook, A.' Johi paper extension of the lih Ohn Daidson nd presented a -e in to: Wingham. He ean A. G,i Jacob Hunter, Christ' q. Goven!oek. l ti Probibitio Johnston, Justus .Mellick. Exbras— bracket, Hy. Cook."� the siding by W. Hartley, Jas. ahnston y Strm ed Heifer—Tho, arche streamers, &c., a bson) Cheap Gi .. .d.q—A. R. Su . iith. (S) n question the f 91 Ly estive appe�arancc. The was driven out towards Z3 H F. Disolution , Campbell & 1�rig li. (5) Sallie doubI6 course will be pursviedl. �411 Ot beans, Jos. Hudson blac.,- bar-. UDGES.—Grain &c.,_-�D. Urquhart, 11. W. C. Meyer, secretal y of the rail- man, John W. Kain,e, . if iv catt 6r,% r Public -Notice-1). Metierinn. 1i days, was favorable b Lit Lii I>, Iit doo'n to.inatter inu d next day the two F. Livingston, ohn H. Miller Teacher Wanted nThe -Government will still continue t� ot Iseem ell 'what Idy, Jos. ludson ; Simcoo heat, Phris. liensall; A. E .Zuridli ; John Me- way committee, an Miller, irrion Ba.dour; blue peas, Con- Nevin, Kippen. 1'ruit, &��.,—T. Sw',%n, went to Goderich with'a view we be- Halli-day, Arrielia Plummer Ida C isty To Shotinakers—D. Wei,miller. (5) pa to the liquor irterest and retain k -nd of wei,ther reigns, the crowd of Striw Clves-Theodore Dexter. (5) rad Wagner; large white beans John 'Allison, Exeter. lieve, to investigate the isubject of con, mcr,Sarah Jane I-liclil-nond - p opI at Zurich on show day is aways that support;� while tl e Mail will beat large. -This- yea"r, however, wa's excep- 0 tto. John Benjamin P'V' 0 '10'lg ' Ile table Produce &c., tinuing the ek-tention on o that town. a By -Law o. 11 _'Town Lit Seaforth. (1) 7 LT PR(' 'CE. C ollee- _Lden N ge s; Dairy' -�Inillie, John' up the other side of the fence and -pro- tinial for the. -large attbridance both of Hoi,tiiiicu URAL )DI, Stein bach, P. NVagner, J. Merner, —One day last weeli:, � hile NIT. , Minnie nell- Cora Wi t Ir i Zurich. Laiiies' Work,—Mrs. Mack ert Kelleway, of Exeter,'was diggin tion b Millinery Opening—E. ii (8) cure support fo the liquor Govern sito ­,' and. -exhibitors. h= were of apples named, not less -thaq; five -a liaiTis-- Frank A. Woo' r ment V - 9 $ d, D. Wiyte, p 7 I Oats—T-r(juhartoz WtighL of each variety and not less than ten 'and Mrs.'Lainmie, Miss F au9t, well, he met with' a severe accidient. p ese 1from all parts of t y, and Richardsom by preachin tip !Ion, es, for� Sale -'Scott 13res. -6hibition. The Hardware-i-Iteid & Wilson. (,ri) t say hat the town was crowded only varieties, one-half fall and olne-hall win- Zurich. Horses, --Wm. Dixon . and While at the -bottom of the well, -which --The Brussels Post of last scheme is a very nice ope, but those who f ter, Ab. Lehmn, Jacob Week says. expresseb the rush., Th Xoehle E. David McIntosh, Brucefield ; A. Young, had been dug to a considerable depth, the Last Friday the Kelly family held apic- lies 4 named varietes of� fall apples, Seaforth ; 'John TemplAon, Tucker - stay rejy too receipts, at 15 cents (A I bucket by soine means, became detached nic n tbe river bwak on the n be eluded by it re 'enti a ounted to over in a grove 'o Jacob Ruby,, J.. B. Geiger, Will. Bell ; 4 sinith, and a.g. Handfo, '165 esides al IE 'liviembership list, rd, Centralia. from the windlass rope above and fell, rear of thb f�rm reriteA by reen: a,nd guileless for this wicked P. W t J0 named var-iii of winter apples, W in. Cattle,—John Traquair arid Win. Car- striking him with gre f * g d ;ach member rt�ceives three tickets. When they all got there 44 at orce on the world. Wing,. Aaron 'Kaerclier, D. '�',urarus ;. nochan-, Tuckersmitli, and. Daniel Wil- Kelly -1 iThe exhibits at the Zur.iqh show both heao, inflictin. TITO! g an ugly wound. He was could be cou�nted and'i I were no gradual t known, "acob son, Stan -ley. t able in"'. is Northern Spies, no n it �ibere Were tall 1vellys 17 1 exi-ent and quality !how a iinniediately removed a d medical aid to bepresen . SEAFOTH, FBJDAY, Sept..24., 1836. Ha and's -Answer. ai d -not slow Progress, which is indi- Haberer; Bald wins, Aaron Kaer,cher, W in. summoned, when the -laceration was and short 1�ellys ; big Kellys an AfteralItth "gene.,raIpubIic"is*not` cative of the p Bellt; Rhode Island Greenings, Conrad d little I �rogress of the splendid Huron "Not6s. stitched and Kellys, so Wa ner, Wrq. Bell ; Siitzenburg, John Mr. Theopholis -Finneri has leased the — _; oldIKellys and YO111), Kellits clever people imag y, o i 9 On Mo d' morning Thos. Jobb, and a very �I�asant tinie was ' dull as some Jne. country tributal t it Tbe show this �c n My spent b Is It a Dodgb ? hnell,, Win. , Dis has been ratherstr1illgly ilfustrat-� yfar', both in.tht,, hall and field, was the Wing; Newton Pippin, farm of Mr. S. Kent, on the 12th con- sr., of the 9th concession, Turnberry, all. ' Their 4 T he principal topic of interestill po- ges ran from (jin) years o a illBell, Alex. .McEwen Snoti p- cession, E a�t WaNvanosli, 9 -yy three year old.. -Their ed in HaIdiman"d, where for the first la gest and best�etheld. The grain, of all f r a terin of accompanied I . oile of his sons, went to I . le", Godfrey Nicholson, A, JobnEton; tell years. 'Veigbt from litical, circles during the past few d&YS is tim e thi carefully concocted Rlel mud-, -Varieties, -was g6od, the roots large and P 8 Toronto to consult an ocou list relative ta about 200 pbuilds to - i)0 Pounds, a -ad o the excerlEnt, while vegetables were equally 8 the appaent rupture bet*eea ir John dle hastbee�n submitted judgment� fall pears, Alex. McEweii, John ScIriell; —Mr. Win. Bishop of Grey lost - a one of his eye'. While sutookin& wlieat their height frorn' the tall, stalwart of the 9A. There ­was so wil Macdonald, the leader of- the Conserva- Sir johh,s ingenious a a very iceI dis- iter pears, Jacob Koehler, Jacob aluable ruare last week from'acute in- in the harvest 4eld a short time ago Mr. James, of Grey, 6 feet 4� inches to �Vrn, editors ald sophistical ' rhetorricians b of ladies'. work of Surarns ;,peaches, Jacob Ruby Jc �6pli digestion. The animal w4s sick only Jobb had the :isfortnue to have his eye 'eo. every descrip- Keily, and Kelly, tive party, and the Toronto, Mail, the bi of Morris, aving evoked a fog dE nse enough ap- tic Diller; Golden Russets, Wm. Wing, foar hours. punctured in two places by a piece of 6 feet, 21t inches, and 6 feet respectively, 'We say paretly to d n the field the impfrovement was John,Schrii grapes, Jos: ph Diller, —At a meeting of the Huron PresIby- stubble, and as he organ: has been con- down to 3 feet. Twelv f the i number efy commoli sense, emerge e, o leading organ of that party- c ly grow apparent," because the attending cir- fraimthe same and say to the; electors, ev, n more noticeable tli�n, in. the hall. Ab. Geiger ' ollection of grapes,- Jos. tery held at Exeter last week it was tinual rib worse it is feared that belong to the home- of 'Janiei Kelly G'entleinen, you needn'b worr i y your-, There ivas the lakgest an Diller, Ab. Geiger; prunes,D. S. F, ust, decided not to have a Presbyterian he may -lose the ight of it. It N to be d' bet show of 'k - astances, tend strongly to the belief D e a fbil-nd at cun Morris, and I 1 mor * reto be selves. tryIng to. see throuigh this ab -1 -young horses and cattle ever held in Hy. Lippert; "PDlums., Jos. 'Wild ; red ��'abbath School Co�ventioql during the hoped that this fpar will iiot be realized. Geo. Kelly's, Sixteen of 'this large that the LT�fference between them is as- . struse affair,.Iet It suffice- you to n also crab nipples, Ma� ?Mci 1). Hai ch ; coining winte k ow: Zuriti The sheep and pigs were —The Brussels' Post of -last we6k says: family connection are imported, direct sumed, and is part of a grand. scherne to. that the isue is: the ImIls' of good hile in poultry thpre- was not yellow crab apples, Joseph Wild ; c6l- —Mr. Wiii. Da`ne; o'f lithe Albion Early last Monday morning the hostler from the Emerald isle' and the balance kindi not delude the 'For sevjWral n ntry be vindicat�d regardless of such's, larke show as is usiial. In im- lection of flowers of a -he onth§: this cot, 117, less hotel, Godetlich has a cu#osity in t at the Queen's hotel decided to go south, are Canadian bred. - After ditiler the than six pots, grown in the house or. shape of a red pig which is i the wonder so aftdr appropriating a coat, be borrow - race or creed ? Now, if thdtvvere real� Plem DtS, and crriages, however t ceii in i ) . here youngsters Put in big time wi�h swing. its at- a ly the questiou, the Hal lini-and electors wits splendid show and keen competi. garden, D. S. Fatist; boquet of cut f all who see it. He slici -send it to ed Troublesome im, without the inr foot raGin for money, handker� tempts to: create atrife and ill -feeling to a man- would have voted yra. But flowers, Jacob Ruby, Hy. Cook. Ex- Harry Piper, of the Toronfb Zoo. owner's conseift, liowever, and sped chiefs and canles, etc, and after tea competition, no tras—Cut flowers,, Justus Mellick —Mr. Arthur NA-'hittingtqrl of between the Proestant and Caholic that wasn't the question �at d1l. The band Holmes- away. Althougl� telegrams were sent b,A been partaken of the company doubt, ile case stuffed birds, Hy. Doan� Hy. R� nd- ville, has boucylit the Good%�in farm lot to the leading towns and villages the Haldimand- electors reused d materially in drawing odt the C3 ­eoleineiiits of this comitry. I order the b Ii ve ai 6� iarated with best wishes fror tbe 7; 1 pros - I . are any e in There were three bands horse and sulky was I rity of all. The Kelly family 8 that there t� toe all. citizeils anywber crowd. 25 c6neession 4th of Stanle for'the -,uii-f w here' pres Y7 abouts of the a re� better to accomplish this 8bjetb% it has GARDEN VECETABLE. ry*or ate of $2,680. Canada so idiotic as to so much .,as hintl' eM, Blytli-'Seaforth and CreditoD, t contains 70 ac'res,' with not ascertained unr til Tuesday when the si-etable, well-to-do connection; a -ad the irnported into the discussion of " political. that a man's race or drtad should give �- and, the prizes; were awii,rded. ia the rose potktoes, Hy. lCalbileisch, A. Arlif 1 good buildi4 -,s, and is cheap: enough at proprietor of the Quee 's �,d his folks growing up n : rei G vhite elephant potatoes W. this fi ure. I ey e rel I -Tim an immunity from punishmet if he' order Shoeflik; i while th questions in this Province th igions,1 here , named. The. '� follo�iing 9 stol n property at Grant -on, The thief may be " chips of the 'Old block" in actedasjudges: Alessrs.G. strifes of the Province of Quebec, and violates the law. The wIldest Roug4 of gentleinen Bu -,Iianan & Soil, John Votelker, Will. —Mrs. W. White of the 2ud con- hadeskipped out, going Parkhill way, many respects are no discredit 'to their ,,Quebe-c never whispered such an idea, Blacks, one Clinton - 'Kincaid,- Win Broderick ;' any other 'variety, uE tus cession of Grey, died. last N6ek -'after a we believe. V, I g- parents. ery few families caai gather has in the most unsparing ter m s de- aud the Hadimand fainers knew it. So hai iid F� Mellick, Jacob Raberer, Crodf rey Nichol- brief illness, aged 56 years. � Cancer of Y, a Hess, urich. The follow- —The Goderich Star ch a happy company of relatives to - son; yellow corn, -John B. Geiger us- the - ston)acli was the dause of death nounced the system of tithes in vogue in away went the fabric of log, leaving the ing iEr -a list of the,stillii ul competitors. says: Tife many friends of Mr. Stephen. gether as were assem bled at tht pie-nic tre q estion�Is present, Govern- HOILIE:S.—DRAUG-11T.—Brood mare, et corn, A. Johns an u, the tus Mellick ; swq. on, She was a person who was much respect- Yates will regret to learn that his con- last Priday. odf that Pravince, and the other rights d Mrs. Ferguson ; foal, Mrs. Fe�rguson, re dition tHs week is such as to cause ment worthy of the conthilled confidenqe , Nichollson white corn, \� in ed by all who knew her. privileges enjoyed by the Catholic ilson Of the people? This question'!Haldi- John B. Foster; year old geldin�, Mrs Hy. Otto Itirge onions, Tkrs. — olborne township fal show will grave fears. He went to Toronto on Perth I�em& church, and tiasi been iittemPting to rgand has answer' John "Xroyer,' Jos. Wild ; white field be heid at Carlow on Tues owet day and Wed- ed—as " has an* -6d Pergugon ; one year old fillyj Win. Monday for the purpose o \ undergoing --=The '�Uatbeson Patk at Xlitpliellstill, 29th, and an operati f the di�eoaej which has lies in all unim roved condition., make it appear tha the Protestants of before—in the - inegativ - no Elgie; two year old filly Jas Ross, carrots,, Wni.- Reitli, Win. Wing; ed nesday, eptember (:' on �r ,A persecuted nd and 3rd John. McKay ar . 1. niel P Qaebec are bein, injured an doubt it accords the (4overnmentall the 2' field c rots, A. Johnston, G'ci Aslifield fall show oil TueEd.%y, 5th of alili,!ted him f r a long ti -cancer or ' —The rate -of taxati n i, St. 1, AV h 11' e by the Rom�an Catholic church. praise it deserves for having hanged Ac.P.1VUi,TURAL._Brood hn B. Nicholson; red garden carrots, 111m. October. Both societies are inakinc, a tumor ori the owels - but ndtbing could As gon this yeaer is 17 mills on the dollar. arys L ina, Riel, this go6d dee'd is ii Foster, Rob -t. McAllister; fo r-' Odfrey wedish tur- ,Broderick,,Jacob 8urarus ; S: bij� A regarded as al, o push for a succes f ul ex �ibit. be done, and he is now. Kome 'again- —The Perth County M in.ight 'Be expected this course -was, re- sufficient to cover the wultitude.of sins Nichols�n, Wi nips, Win. Reith, G`OdfreyNichols0n; Mrg. Sage and Miss odel chools that yet remain to n. Logan, 11.obt. McAl- long niangolds, Alex. Monteith ;/ fed nnie Sag We -voice th sentinlerits of all when opened on-Tusdy, the l4th inst., with pulaive to the French Canadian sup- -be settled for.—Grip. lister; year old gelding,, W. J. Ca'rlisl.e'-. of Walton' are away at 13)ston for a we say Mr. ��es is not -a. man the co I "il 11 lll� 46 at Stratford, and 19 at Mitchell. Alex. 41onteith, Chris. Al trip. They left last Friday and will D parters of the Government in that P�ro_ two year old gelding, Jas- Turneg , Ern- mangplds, mu ity can pare-. —Arrangements are being mad to st Gie� ; on 'Id filly, Robt. A61 ler; pumpkin, Win. Wilson, Chris. not return for i,a month or so as they —Chas. Scti lias disposed of the and they were comr1nencing to News of the Week. e y e ar have a night school opened m0ter the Allister, Alex' ontleth, Alex. Buchan- ler ; squash, G. Slipellig, Peter Dougl is made an:cng'agerneilt to'provide sonie'of Central hotel building in Wingbam, to- a of the Stiatford,Mechatics, In- WoN--.—Th-e Galatea Ivou the New- an - tw:) year old i illy, Jas. Murray, leyler, Johnsto gether with all the furniture andli kick- in a way that Was likely to, tell. at ater nielons, �Ab 0 A n; their exquisite inusic on the musical -nisk inelons, 'not I uON A.. Johnstc n ; glasses for one of the opera� there. tures, to Fred. Korman, the price paid port race on Saturday f n the approachi elections. In �actil the Jonah Nicholson, IV n: Cooper ; span o he b ostile Arabs of - horses' cabbage, le t —The fll assizes for th —Messrs. Hay, N. Deidlie t, Jacob Ruby;. . Kiddand Climie, of 1:11REATE2 in harness nd wagon, James is �Iounty 'will being in the nii'llborho6d Of �4,000- Listovirel, -shipped on -Tuesday of last CGIT -1 S a - n 0 9 rse of the A �- 0 was rapidly ali.-enaing the o dan are threatenirg the Egypt- VlThite,- Ernest Gies, Alex. McEwen. blood beets, A4.. Geiger," Aaron 1�ar- be pened at Godetvich 6ii Monday, Mr. Kormntakes possession on Octo- the whole FrencIx-Coadian. population i&n frantie'r. week, a car lad of horses for y1le Mont - 7 I —Bvood ' -mare, er; roo is an old hand at the busi- real market. OPE R1oT1X1_—A serious Broderick; tomatoes, A. Johns' Gor\-F.AAL , PURPOSE. ch ted beets- Chris. Schoch, )s. October 4th, by Mr. Justiae O'Connor. ber Ist. He from their ii1legiauce to�the riot, in 7Robt. IcAllister, Alex. Ingram, Will. ton, G d- 'The criminal calendar eft' ness, havii)g kept hotel at St. Jacobs for ne which a womaiwas; fatall injured, took frey Nicholsoil; citr —The Mitchell Advocate say&,,. The In his speech at London last week Si Loga',,�, toal' Mid Schnell, Win. Logan, ons, A. J f rape, two of arson,' oneeach of -it time previous to coming to Al'ingliani., profanity used by So ne' of our' street r ohnst D, charge o ex Iker; black Spanish; radish s,. larceny, enibeiiiinCand fierjury, and and he willmake a good landlord. Mr. cornet - loafers last Sunday place at Belfast, on Sunday.. Al gr�ani; year,old geldi.ng, James JohnVoe John acd&ftld took occasion to repudi- �,'REAT DESTITUVO-N. Hy. Kalbfleisch, N. Deic'hert; wh[te evening even thousail Murr two yearold geldiD the ballot box case from Novdinber, 1884. Schmidt, who has kept hotel here for the would stagger a canal mule driver, y D. ae the utterances of the persons at Charleston are receiving r Mellick - ail and ii;le- radishes, � Justus 11y. Ka b- —Through the death of all Smith, 'T'eoi -Moir, A] X. %lonteith;'-Onc only past six -ears, and- who has Accumulated —Dr. Dunsmore ba been appointed tions from, - the -Sabsisten ei Committee. fleish clined to have his Governent held year �I&filly, Win. Etgie, Samuel Ran' cauliflower, N. Deichert, Pefer brother who resided at Ipswich, Eng- considerable of this world's goods will re� Presient of the Stratford School of Art EGYPTIA'_N� AFFAMS.—Ille Egyptian Wagner ; yellow globe inarigo:Ids, Wn. land, 2NIrs. Win. Drummondi of Blyth; I nie,1 A. M. Capbell; two yea.- old -responsible for its utterances, and defi tire to private life, in place of Major Gray, who has left the Win, Win. Reith. has fallen heir to �a legacylof several —Mrs. Andrew Green, of Colborne, city. Premier has been sent to 14,ngland to as- f1i I E. Smith Henry Bauer, Jpiieph ed his position on. the subject very clear- sst in a settlement"o Eg rptia affmirs. Wild �; pan, of horses in , liarndg and DATRY PRODUCE.—Salt butter in till), thousands of dollars in money and a val- had a son who died in the American AFFECTED THE Jas. Cooper, Aaron K4 —,Michael. Coiney, a yardsman, had ly, He justified, the system of tithes 'he supply of wago 1, Jas".. Berry, Chat' coil - 71 S. Wolf,. H. .1 gas in the viainity of Pittsburh fresh butter, Wm. Bell, Robt. Bell, By. natura ercher, Robt. Bell; ua,ble collection of jewelry:1 We' army in 1862, and in July, 1879, through his collar boi broken on Monday last &nLd shoed that arly privileges enjayed I I I I - I .. gratulate Mrsl Drummond onitbis streak the assistance of Mr. Daniel Gordon, she week, by being caught between the buf.- is said to; have inerially diminished C_.�UR sufficiently salted EAC.L,.—Span of horses in harness Cook ; butter Jor of good fortulic. applied to Washington for the pension fer by the Ro-inali Caholic: citizells in Que- since the recent earthquakes. bea is in making a coupling in the '9'.arriage, Jonathan Miller, Alex. Bell, J and table use, Robt . 'BpIl,. Win. I.S. —Mr. Robt, Delcyatty, sr.,'ofStariley, allowed -in such cases. incethat tim-e bee are- guaranteed them., by law, and CiraLlm�ti,.-,-AtSeoul the Capital of Fo4sythe, Win. White; buggy horse in, Cooper ; home.- made. cheese Godfrey who was a in(' Stratford yard. Nicholson, Robt.: Bell, jinber.of Rev. Mr. Danby's there has been a continued correspond- —A game of baseball was played be- th at the people of tha Province have 'Carea, the cholera rnqrtality is ettim- harness alid bugg,k A' iJohnstoa; church, until;that revere West Rawk4haw, I ud gentlehian ence between Mr. Gordon and the tweell Nlitch-ell and Ptillarton teams a onib, Chr[s. Oswald, severed his ed . inection ated, t 500 daily. o 1 far some 1000 Joseph bell, A., ikl. Campbell. With lis congre- United States anthorities, with apparent- ei -ion, has nmv become d, neinbdr in deatbs have Occurred.! Jos Deller; strined honey, few days ago, resulting in 43 rung for the m atter entirely in th - r -awn hancls, piecd of honey in c ly little prospect of success until lie iteliell to 11 for FuB nge they can 4--'�ENEVO'US 1C0_NDT-(_'T'.—WiIsci Bar- —,Milch cow, . Jacob Roede' Wald, John Voulker . lo rewl, Baylield cong -c-ati,ii He llarton. in six in- and When they desire a. ch CATTRE. -��TRO D DEFRIIAM. ctor, h a g r, . Samuel was one of wrote Ceneral Bragg, and that officer nings. hve it in' the coiristitutioal. way. He rett, tI -e English sent $1,000 Rabnic, Jobn.,Voelker ; yearling heife home nitide, D. NTeEwen,. �Jary X' c - Mr. Dailby's chief sLIPPOI-teA and Will interviewed the conimmissioner of pen -- to the Chaleston suffer-eirs, and wi r' Ewen; loa,f of bftad, bakery ri)ade, Chas. be greatly missed in that —Miss Oliver, . D., of Avonbank, conchided his observations oil this head 11 amulel Raii'llie_; heifer calf, -Jacob chri, $ions, with tile result that Mrs. (4reen having been appoin ted iissionary , to give a banquet in their belilf. Roeder, Win. Rel'th ; bull' -calf, SaMW Brill.- Extra—L. AV. Mang6lds, Wn. —Thonias S. Campbell of the 4th con- by the following 'ble rem ark ?I a sens, 8, : I . s been awarded the um of 82,-308 as SCILNTIST-�.--Twenty-sev- Ranriie, %V- ni-Reith, Win. Loon. King, India,the Presbytery met at tratford cession of Morri" leave for 1);sck pension and interet up to Mlarch on -Monda last'for the purpose of desig- y should, we, iri hnother Province s, expects to� ell litindred, German scientistF6 'were OT -HER THAN- Titoitouaitnlltm Dun- Domji,8.,rw M ANU d (`,aylord, ichigan, in the c6urse of a y ast, and will thereafter receive 12 per nat i her Work. and under. different institutions, try present on Tharsdayiat the - op,.Ding of cloth., G�odfrey Nicholson.; h1orne inade month. Ile has purchased 4 far in i n month besides. A ch cow, D. McU(wen, Jacob 9 cra r, Q the Annual -Scientific Congress atBerlin. calf flannel white, cottKm ii,xid wool Mary Un' -The congre tions of Nlilverton. and to,, get tip an agitatio'll upon a Point Of 1' ,oede.r,' Alex" McEwen ; 6eifer cle 8am's dominions anql will try , 0 —A nianuring' bee took place on t 'Yor —Di,, patches fro McEw.en, D. McE%�en borneirm th Mornigton hitherto united under. in 'Jonah icholson, 9amuel Rainhie, Jchil 1)� flail- farming there. r. CampbelPstill holds farm on the 2ndconcession of Usborne, Glie ministrations of one - pastor, (Rev.' this kind"" Gent.16men,, I disapprove many Points in Northerr Illinois and Kalbflei ch ng heifer, Ist and nel colored,', cotton and- woolt Hy. Lip- a far in' in Morris, and we hoiDe soon to a few da. a aryo, -it which many of the ia yearli of it altogether." A few days,after- Kansas,. report ,reat dainage- y 11 -fr. I y) are now sepa ated, Mr. Kay to fa 2nd J� ob Roeder, Philip llaudh�- two rmanent� �esident. neighbors were present. Things went remaining in. -charge, atMilvert'6n, rm, pert, Robt. McAllister; par! blank 8 see him back as a pe' N.Vards the Mail came out with a AD property an'cl residences by Saturday Mary McEen.1 Conrad NA'dgDer ir 9- - year old heifer, John Welker, Andrew —At the Voters List Court for Brus- admirably in thel fore paA of the day, st —i'vlrs. David Dow, of Fullarton, Was night's orm... trien's Balmoral sl.oes, pegged� E'. iig article, declaring its independence Birk,. Win. Bitchanan two Year old t d- sels, held on Thursday of last' week be- but towaids afternon an altercation of Sir John a ELAN'D. steer, Jacob Roeder 2ad and 3rd'D. ding; pair men's dress shoes or gaiie s fore Judge Toms, the Re - for4crs struck Tia-, LoEa) LIEUTENANT* OF IR thrown from a buggy while in I d the Govern meAt re- arose betw,oeri the landlord and one of one day lately �Tlie arquis of Londonde�ry, the new McEFea; oup year old steer, Jacob -Pair lac F's erati ng &nd s-upplem entiqgg its f ornier Irisli'Lod. Lienterialit, arr iv ed'a Kings- Rci ff. -ff ppel, D. McEwen ; fat calf boots, sewed or g Vo his'ernployees. For a time both held some hours, ut on sewed by hand, I,. Roeddi Ing; -ters andl put oii�,,' She lay insensible for off 8 Conservative pe ged, E. Ro d- recoveripg was I-leformers. The Conservati,�Ies put ii their part -bravely and calmly, until, one found to have utterances coce-viing ltoma.C4-tholic town, 8,aturchiy inci His arrival cow or heifer, H. HAppel, D. AlcE%ven (ling homemade, sustained no further in- rn white woolen yarn, A. 16. E. E. Wade looked after the inter- I of the two�. -undoubtedly tbinklng that was sigrialledby� a -royal ute. H. Happel ; fa ox or steer, Ist, 12nd an� Johnston, D. McEiven Extras— 11 p jury, allpreinacy, and staing tha it !w�ciluld I . _sts of the Reforniers'.and L. Dick- there - Was.. little satisfaction in such —At the Septellilber Cheese Fairield IIENI�Y M. TANLEY.—],lajor Jas. B. 3 r d H. J & pel., Nv�ool colored flannel, A. Johnsto I p Will enon for the C011servativeS. refuting, ni-ad6 a dash for his anta(TOUiSt. in Listowel twenty-three factorie§ r Opose the policy of the7 Goverb;ment Pond, of ew WOOL.—Aged roi, D. k City, h4s engaged e Jacob Haberer; cannediruit lit, b.' eg- -A few da, s ago, while a little child A lively tussle � ensued in which th'eD land- istered 6,882 boxes, all August giake Ut 11ot only onithese issues, but also intend- Henry 8ta;Aley th e Afr. i' y can explorer, Flarv!'ey, J. &.0. Penbale yearli Lehman, Fred Hess; sqfiasli, Ch is. of E. S t ing ram one of Lumley, lord fired-ratIl' aying er badly, being made the one lot.- Six buyers were presekit ed adci the Prohibitoy Liquor plat- for fifty nights in ArneAca. He will Istand Schuch; cellery, F. and W. Joht n The >.nd D.'ftarv4; ram lamb, Ist around theliouse, and while moiinted upon visit C recipient of tkvo black �yei together -0 cents ; 175 at pair e es, D. Har- pcorn, Ch i s. forrm,to Which it knows the Government aada. ai,nd 2qd D. fl�rv�� tobacco, Simon the table, slipped, ani to 'the floor, with -a disfigured nasal appeiidage. sales were. 590 at I C0311 -NO, TO 1J-NG,1AN-D.---:_14ubar Pasha, Vey, G - Penhale pair yea . rling Miller. 1-16cents; 600at 10.4 cents; 2,355 it an -has followed up 'this the Egyptian P rime Minister, has at the eives, J. enhate, D. Harvey pair LADIES' WORK.— It A rs. location of the elbow. Uilder good cord the death of'Thoziias Eacrett, eld- —A row took place at Vietor's hotel is oppbsed, d it strikin with such force as to -cause dis- ---We are ca�led upon this week to re-- 10f cents ; 212 at 101'cents ; 550 p. t. threat by severa.articlefs in favor of the request of the British Governl4ient, ey,e la -n Cllotc�,�tqiuiilt, il arvey, J. & 0. Penhi�lfe. John Troyer crewel Ivor Mary le- medical treatment the child is gaining est., son of- G6orge Eacrett, 't th c stiti-ted for London to Pis e 0 'ted qu It strength in the Iiinb. of Excter,'whicli took place very early coijtinued by the saill the Priciple of prohihitioll, in Aged ram, Isf and 2nd !Ewen, Mary McGregor; in Bornbolm the other night whi'li was settlement of Erypt. n- an a rs. Jxy;�Zoo er;'y arling r4m, Win. Cooper, 1). M.cEwen, if. Cook: k, itted qu It, on Friday niornhig last, in the 27th year Noi it iftay be- W&II to enquire the p Sergeant Kelly, of (Ioderich, has FAsTING FEAT.—Succi, the Italian flicks' House stables, Mitchell, next Win, Lcgan; r lamb, James Cooper, Mrs. John Troyer, Godfrey Nichols been a scarlet member of the Orange Deceased has been ailing dAy, when, blows were exchanged,. Both reason, for this. entire sor m ersault Gn� the faster, has _n; of his g_ ' : slied his task of 'sub, 1"m. Cooper; pair ewes, Wm". Cooper, Berli . Cook; Ilog order for 53 years. H6 is One ^ f the for some years. witha complication of accon-lp'i 0 paeu of the It is u.nAer t he samle sisting for thirty days Witt out food, on-, Jas. Co parties, viz., Reeves and Victor, wete, cper; p i r yearling e wes, Win. cabin� -quilt, Mary MeEw D. Mc- olden time; but � his one great grief is' diseases, but ll�d never been severely ill en ly talcing mineral Water aud extract �iNoper, summoned to attend court at Stratford, the 0 managem ent that it has been for J". �Oopetr pair ewe larabs, Ewen; 'patched, quilt, Mary that his son, who i's a younger and more un be was f rcm an African root. til. about -a week ago, when past ten years. The same griev 6e, Ist'and 2nd Jas Cooper; . A Kirkton correspondent says: 9--n 9,: pair fat sheep Win. Bell; quilt, sewed oJa ground progressive man, i Dd Griy The I Pleuro-pne-u- i,st and 2 J is a 901 tiken dowri-quite suddenly,. gradi ally &v; C. Fletcher of Kirkton and nd J. G. Penh�le, work, W. J. Carlisle ; home-inaie cov-: of which, it now co m plains in the Pro' Sergeant fought in the Indian mutiny, becoming wose and , expiring as above Road Presby'terian church, has monia has been found among the cows B.RBED'---rAged boar, erlet,Ww. Broderick, Conraq.Wagner; and was in a regiment of horse. He is stated. He was a truly moral YOU"g returned vince, of Quebec, have existed -all'that at an extesive da�,iry Ridge -land; Jas. Huc sow, Alex.'McEwen hoine-i-Rade mat, Mary McEw�n, Ist nd still a vigorous old man. iiiaii, bore. an unstained character, and'; earned. bom e, fter enjoying his well - Illinois. A number -f the auirrials have so holiday and entered upon his time. They are no worse now than ing 9 acob Surarus. 2nd ; home-made rag carpet, 11. Pook A —Mrs. Bowman, one of the early resi- was universally liked. To b cut dowfi spr been killed. The milk fro this section arduous duties once moiiie. -BFRiuI1E1E.—Aged boar, Wm. Elgie ; Johnston ; Painting on vellvet, T. M r- dents of Wingliai 31r. they have been during.,, the pAs t"RtY is consunied in Ch' -n, died -at St. Catba- in- the rinle of life is trul sad Vit Fletcher is a man who ossesses trite ago. p y W aged sow, I't and 2nd Samuel *Ran�ie ; dock, Win. Reith: Berlin w:) �, I IQ years, &ad yet d-urilig those I ol wo k rines, where she was residing with her then, He.who knoweth all th-1 gs ruleth zeal and Christian spirit, nd whose m- yeiiii he oF LABOR UITK.—The spring Eow, �Vm. Elgie, J. & G. Pen- L. H. Pehie,_ Mary Me liusband,'on the 9th inst. Mri Bowman for the better. Ew ; Ber�in tiring., labors for his church are ever ap- ail had ilp Word of com plaint, but was Knights of Labor just acquitted of . tile ha.1e'-. wool pillow, cushion,'Mrs. It. F ergu"n, was, a few years ago, a - I —On. eliage of conspiracy-agai.ist the Mis- eadino, convey, foudaP of last week Ur. and preci4ted by the members. SUFFO 1,K.s.—, Aged boar, lst- and 2nd Mary McEweh ; crotchet. work, Ist and ncer in Wingl�aln", and did a rs. Geo. Crich, of the 3rd erfectly stistied, with and freque ti large bnsi- concession —Mr. Joseph Sham an, of Stratford, p 7 souri Pacific 11ailway will brin suits G, Ple 6ves aged sow, Ist and 2nd Geo. 2nd Mary McEwen wreath of feathi n' s. Mrs. Bownian ivas the eldest of Tucli�rsmitb, celebrated their "i left last week for his ranch in th.North- proved of' the exisiting state of he I 9 alp- es agrgregating 50,000 agin,51; th C owes; spring boar, Ist and 2a& Geo. J. Mellick; A. Johnston.; braiding on daughter of Mr. Robert of tal wedding ", having walked the path west, taking with him the balance of his Litt e, one n has opposed prohibition, and no event %I E. in V and society there. Until now, aso, it. pany for malicious prosecu -.1013. P ewes; spring ow, Ist. and 2nd Greo. Iv�rleath, J. Mellick; braiding on cotton, the pioneer residents of Tur- berry, but of life together for the past fifteen years. f e dro e of Hereford and other cattle. No ADDRESs OF WELCO2 —The cor- poratio of Dublin, by a vcte of 27 to 6, Alary IYIcEweni Mrs cGregor ; braid- who now resides in Wingli In the afternoon and elvebirlg of* the 4ay Mr. Sharman's estate is in Birtle and has, transpired calculated to make it A'ND MANUFACTURF.— ing oA dress, Mary*- McEwen, Mrs. _XXc- —Mr. A. McD. Allen of ;Goderich in question, a largQ num'ber of friends ltussc�ll Counties hasrej.ected a motion to pr �sent an ad- ron bevin 1. IV, Louis Thiel a year the card board work, A. Johnstol], hits been coDfirined in the apl o ntm nd relatives of N,lr. and."Mrg. Crich, aI,erage yield of wheat on 100 acres of t a change its opinion. More than this,. the 'dress to the new Lord Licu;eii of Ire- P North Gregor D Aineirica'l �Elnufacftiriiig C6rnpany; Mary McEwen ; sofa atTshion, Ma A of Commissioer to the Col nial an assenbled to do honor to the "occasion. his farm was 30 bushels per acre, a 111aager of the _Nfail is. still on the mi os lan d, on th-elround d that hE ie presents a 4ouble 'ron harrows, John. Deichert, Ewen, A.. Johnston honiton bry Ce, Indian Exhibition, in charge ol the fruit A bounteous supper 'was spread '-at- 111titimte terms of ftiendship ith Sir Government opposed to th restoration Louis 'Ibiel; lumber -BIX ample of which he showed inStratford Ivagon—paten t Johnston, Mrs. R. Fergusoll; mott es interests of Canada. He will leave for o'clock, after which the people sat right- -*to Mr. Hodd, and which is considered cof the Irish Parlia-ment. Jo in Deichert John Macidonald-and the other m;,ern bers arm', Jo H Bauer;.opdn in Berlin wool, Robt, "Bell, Mary A 6- England a -Ad inea-.. down to enjoy tbehiselvei till 9 N EAL. — 1�1 oc rshal Ba,llington bu' 'y, NAT. 11q -ar'd,-John WesIci Eiven; leather work, Tustus Mellick; the worth a bushel. After getting his -of the Governmerit, aild liotwithstndin.tr 99 yN% while is hurrying forward sorld splendid -,�pproaehing morn told thein it -was sons comfortably- settled in the far west Ilooth, eldest son of Geneial Bo,ii of _cciveredbuggy Fred J-1 s, T, Wit Hay- leatl�qrworkori frame, Justus Mellick; exhibits from this county. Hi -address quite time to repair to their homes, es the fact tivilit lie differs rom the m on the Salvation Army, was ma.�ricd. last ward T. W. Hayward; cut- r. 'llarman will return to Straford.; con&'work, A. Johnston'; cou3in toilat, will be South Kensington, Lonflon. No which they f;ccordingly did, hoping that as those k t Claptoll, to P ter, Fr Hesq;, JurnPiDg seat buggy, Mary MeEwen; la, P' mi A. Johnstal), better man could be in ch thev might be presemt thirty-�ve years drove over to 'Stratford on Sunday, two such, very essential D g 1,11 d Ali$ —Three .1�t. -,Marys yo arge. 'h k Charleswarth, all educated and accom- FredHe a, T. NV. Hayward. JVm. Bro bead w',ork, A... Jol ii- —One day last week,, Mr! alluded to,. lie still admit. hi . . derick II, hence, to attend Mr. and 'Crich's iplished youn' Jewe lady,' also a inember: of pot - a n -d returned larn Mellick; c)l- blacksmith, of Go(fe hip,,, nl�dt golden wedding. s burg liens, Jaco rich Towns late in the. evening, the lialperthathe, b Atoll; shell,work Justus" lag rse for liquor. After the rig bad eO. res th-c Arin The -marr* E! ceremony Holtzrftal,,� H. Bauer; Pekin ducks, lection - of buttons, F red Hess,' T. S. k-6thrather a painful accident; while �Iiss Louisa DOugherty, of heppard- been returned to the livery stable -,in y wo their retention in"office. To st! y.. the I was 'itnessed by thousandi. -lu6k% any other Faust; g6nts' dress shirt, lary e- a,ttempting to untie a cow, she jerked ton near- Godaiiii niet with a very Win. M,ilson ;. pair least,. the whole airrange-ment, hundred breed,.obn Schnell, Jas. Hudson' Ewen, D: -McEweri tatting, D. ille- her* head causin the snap to run into -unusual - accident' o altercation ensued, in kas a which one of the pair ne evening heep butchers employed in the la',t Ille-il accused .1118 two companions of fishy appeara lthough Il houses of packin, geese, Jacob Rub , John' �N'irigardincr; Ewen ernbroidery'in 61k, Ist and 2 2d Iiis ]land.. inakin"g a fe a doc- week. She was returning from a y arful-gasl visit stealill(rhiswatch. This they denied at 1 tBcthmas Phil peared iti Public several times receilt- the- stock yo leagg, have p'�Or Black Spapish, H. FArler; pair Wni. Bell embroi4er��-in nimlin,Mary tor called in and inserted tdi stitches to. her sister-in-law -%vben the horse the tii I84 gone out on a strike.. The trikers hae L ip Hauch ; collec- MeEwen ; w661 lie, but as, tti and are I I 9 J stooLfings, Mary .c_ iii the,wou-nd ; he is doing well at pres- whieli -she wm driving took fright at ly, Sir Jahn 11acdonald liad ot �one be*en receiving 7 cents, an(' they wailt tioll of pi synonymous terms, the stolen watch georls, H. Cook, Chris. Miller ; Ewen, Hy. Cook; cottoln st nt, but it will be some time A efore lie some ol)ject*,a short distance fr oc s; A Word to say in code 1.0 cenb� Per head. If thii secure the coflectip, oin the WaS returned to its owner the next day, of the of -rabbits, H. Dietz ; pair and 2nd A. Johnsto knitted mi�,S, can resume his duties. house and tarted down the lane lead- price they ast: their wages. .vill amo-unt I'll acco tilpan ied by any. explanation. I;e U cour. ntil after the RiLl('iinand G�in"ea . fowls, H. Voland, H. Buer ; wool, )LIary McEwenj;Jolm Voelker —Mr. Goud of the 7th ('0110fasion of ing to the rowl at a terrible rate IcEwea to about R10 a (lay. Th e I 1-ary . Lou-, —The annual -harvest home �n the packers are pair Lel orns', Ehnes &'�Villiams Joseph knitted siocks, .1vool, ary Gotlerich Township, has rente4the farm --held oil to the ribbons like a Canadian, mile Foste Marys, the� other election, Nvilen lie that the "race determined not to giN c tithe prices asked.- Diller ; pair 0'ames, J. Broderick : Extras.—Hood, Sa I Motho'dist church St. , i a-uLdrevenge" ury was not likely :have cap, L. on the Huron road, belonging to 'N'Irs. naturally enough expecting, the horse night, was fairly well. attended. 'The, W -N. —Mr. Plyinoutli Rocks, J. Broderick, irrion H. Peine; &Patter wo Ik D. ,qcu n; Whitely, of Clinton, 'which Was form-- would c�uie to ao 0 -lad pe arrived in W( stand still, at the gate. lecture room i w was 0 e �e dil Ly d a c c ;O c D V%6. kJ I y I �e, on- &&on, 11. Bauer Black 'Polands, John drawing, Pei ii.Dpug. a cession gate, which, by-� the way, is rather above' gr�in and:fruit and the walls were hung the sessioi i ent's portrai4/Wm. Reith,1; Berl In belonging to- Mr. Rutledge, of Bay -field. the, ordinary height, proved no barrier this, but the Mail.a coutse W&S .1 rarm r day evening he attended the der sto London on Sun- Bad,6ur"- ii',Goldex Polandis, F. & M. John-' lwaid painting, -ho.has But in this she disappointed. The was suitably decorated with samples f sired effe,ct in Ontario. --tNct oely 7.� � �T. pen.,il erly.ten-anted by Mr. Johnson, a which. the tea was spread day last. lie is in alth. 1 �urdod good ht Robt.1 kusse 1; rented the farm on the 7th -co, ealkorsed by ir John's colleague, the- HIi of Commons. 01 He was rp- fall whea't, Robt. ith scy-thes and -s'ickles and other s9g- Ale- wool.wreath, Con-raA R,'Wagn V; chil 's Mr. John VAitely, of the H14ro road, lu tke frightened aiii who leared gestive implerni -all arranged with �4 EMBER, 24) 1886 tas�.e. The opening, dellvtred 'by the pastor, I 01 was followed h furnt ull,,McLaurin ad niountedto Tte, proceeds + rm -- a grand time at 4, !Jbere Wal of Mr. John e( illibbert to nship, on uestla,, last we 'k. 'Ir. Joe A ing Ijves i.W�o laarri;ed 0 a charming D,AP79 .i,hls *edding tour paid his pa, 4i On shcf'rt notice a t h aXe couple. I every diriection Wen the to 4 t fantastic 'was tripped 'intel g Irowning fm Fritla Th Jonitell, the littif! th.; Jon of Mr. Titylor, f KirlitcJ i ddest affair that ��'has in that f long time. 'tb chibi litft bonae' i jar wi e r, �Xhonips,on, who rs. -re;s co_r�ners. In the lilitle iellow XvIlo had with the, otbercildren ws' rch was at onee made 1`4 sea -tern, A th e k took in the 6s� cric her ,vay batpk- fnii th't 'h, -Sft+r a fuitl,6�s arr Th -1. IW.O at on e- obeye(l arill there t, ko�ror betas fouDa fl()atiDg 00 e, w"er. ;Everyffort,%,as 11 -of th '9 t� - hilif but life was f,111114 _%Tinthr-op.- W� sold his farni near thi, to 41r. Solomop.J. 8hannon' for Mr: ant, Shannn 1�,as got a good plate. 06T ItFl,o .—The folloV TIT the:report of Ol Winthrop publi, fort, + he lilonth 'of A u gust. Th e n iral. proficiem,v. bas'. d. on ge-up :SttAndaneel a4d good �Cla�s_lst Hugh Alexand,er, I -Ili nior liourth Class— I 2nd John Fulton-, :)rd Cakler) 4th Arldnew -Tena Forbe FO&th Class, Ist ie Alexan4ler, 3rl Rlehar(l R H � t. $enior Third .4t i�iaggie .3r IstiSarah Bullar(l.t2nd Aggie 3rdAggie, AVrilght, � unior Thin List Geo. Nfintgornry, -2wl i wlebowell, 3r� Joe Craig 4t] Voijtgornery. i 8enir 4-Recoud 'CIO Fainkii Russell ' 2nd Donalil. Fulb, 3U,�. Rannab-.4tb NVm- Jimlor Second Class-Ist Della" 2ad, Lizzie,Grieve,&d Aiidrtiv Iii 4th Jes�ieCuthill. enic 4M- 148-'Maggfe 21ld -10hi 3rd-Islaggie Wright, 4thLizziei 11 s. Julor Firsti 2nd Ella L-6ve, .3rd Essiel Cw� Ea. ie,lCartei. East Waanosh. John B.ath ei� ver� large la�st wek. visiting her da Blyt Mrsk James F, Arm retui.ned fi�oiA Dakota, where been' for ole itine. Ifer frient com� her Creylaind; atteodig t1t revival ine6ting, union church, tied his horse wir� feace, the hrse bein- rest its toot gl�, t in the Nvire aiic hav� been badty hurt but for soil: wild noticed it, People vall ni toov7areful about fooling with thi =X.iss Mary Wilson, ir., is on t list � this Jand Mrs --are, a-WAy on a -Cou is , 4,it to �Gu--� .see tr1ends, athid also to take'in t hibition,. - N-1 Walsh is tvii� Btrifilill-er tliis jlweek.o-The Wi are talkincy of forming a base b,; whi�h will be lie fii-�t club of lfu;�'ron. -'Mr. Jaines is xpected 'wine In h be twe n. - the westfieW cl Waiyanosh i -s to be played 'ay � A lively.ga, m e is exp re., McGowan and ivife arvil,&Ula: trip to isit reltives aml fri4wls, I exP xt to be absent for .oill e Aiimi� Ed) 7ard INTalsji a wery ne h Mr." Sharp for t1le sum of IS144 Joli6 C. Wilson s found one cattle he d for. There ii yet1to find. Cc ming Fairs. )�Iestern Lon 11 �''n, Sept. 27til �Oet..i F_�-,t 11ur,40n, ussels, oct. 1ithnd utl 841ulth Huron seaf-orth, Sept. 271h in -1 th, )et 7th and bth. 14,ibbert, Aaffa Oe I)er t;tb- . t6 and; and li,wie-r, oct. 4 i� Lplie T H11 MARKET9.� 8xAiFo_kTii..Svptern1)er 201:1 I'llil"iii per bushcl (niew)..... 1,2jo -71 i3 '* RV19 Wheat -per bushel... 00-4 P" bushel.. Teis per bubhel... 0 Nv Bafley per Inishel. 81tttr, No. 1, .. .... oj() Bult*, tub ...... ............. .. ....... . 0 per wo ibs.. 200 RV per ton ...... M Jes per ioo Shpieffikins emh,... 4D 50 t.......... ...... �tetall) per barrel. 60. 'Wholesale) per barrel,, PO Atces per bushel new ........ 0 35 voli ord.... ' ............. ept. '22. -Fall wheat, sp ng, 80-75 to $0,77 -, ii 34c to 300, to 7a; barley .17c to 62c; bkv, per ton t1.50; �butfL�'r 20c to 24c, .- potatots,'� to 75e ; e per -doz., I 5C to hop. per iG6 lbs., ,�6.5o to $7.00. Live Stock Mark48Q. 22. -Although re not Vi 3 of the 1114)-ket to-daN -and pri be . T*Ves Could be bon -lit at ir�m 31c to Onnion dry cow.s att),je t?j:,,(- per I. D N re ainjost �al)l �, bb h c -&I 11,L C, aijd larg4,, m2i , ,i for futilre. lnar�kct& thPeP Xre in demand for -qhi . sell at frow ;,,�e to 4t* oil 'ng f row s:j ti) ;�4 ft'll at froin ",_1 �5t'j to S3.25 cull. ph-'11tiful a-8 j the lautr part of, 11 en pr(,.tt,,- ,00,1 IoU-wvre sold ti 4JI L'ijii frr)la 5v to 5je per %. Deaths. -11.1 Tuckersnifth, on the TV on fl,i y Mason onh f 7 4 241 �C h27 N var- 6 nt,i li the 1.411 ;!i, "I alit f 116kard Iged 4 nwipths and, ti da% i� of Mr �Vni. iv,hite, aged 5t; t i- �011 aViii ars. to -:&t Gut1lill, oil the 14th ja -0 111failt vo Of Mr. GC Iged f3 Nveeks and 5 Jaig qu