The Huron Expositor, 1886-01-01, Page 8IJANUARY 1886. THE HURON EXPOSIT01tv 8 3c 1 them in the ational It 6nvention. tax collector nisde a demand upon these splendid reading, and MMaggie MON�Y I MONEY1 spend his de lin- in that leisure larger-th an usual, on account been broken, and Mr. h cLaughlin had The is year th il. in: which a not partie teresting re in ng a simply closed up the hol by putting a prohibition entiment4 he tate i cit0itioll. his ttive lifee!rso well entitled of the large number of iron brid i 8 a for the amount -of this tax dui Ilislop, gee that ave a on, enner rL SM Then fol owed an excell Any amount of money, to I th all him to. It was decreed, however, that ad been erected, and be.,advocated the board against it. The' I amptation thus only very trong, but enthusiastic, as from last year They again refused to ent 17�-Mitatioli by- O, la sums, on farm property his t I ime, of retirement; must be short,J ;appointment of a competent and skilled offered roved too much 'oroilie passer- there was a ver majority Polled PaY it and the collector levied upon Mr. McKibbih, then came the recitatioij at 1he lowest y - large rate rgenterest, Apply ar. TITR EXPOSITO Officel and hI ad scarcely got ' a thin com- I engineer'to- look' after the public works by, in he accordingI3 snatcljjd the for prohibition. —Com. their Mr goods and chattels and seized of the evening, given by Miss Jennie fort�, I i. enoug 8 93 h any c�h from each to, secure the Ferguson. lie tliI a child gave S6aforth. Lbly gettleC n his new', home wheni of the county 'instead of the present articles named, but be v as, not Y James Beattie said mean's a greedy ilil f 6r je, could easily amount. In. some instances a horse her recitation, 61ititled ",Sister's B he was called. away o r land. commissionem. —Mr. le HibbOft. eall. nd �e te e storb at L THE At the nomina- was taken* and in others a cow, to perfection. After t1lis followed Although fresh a well preserved in' that he had served in the towii council have n red th d carried off a ro 11 0. recitatin-* Mr. Gall i w hich elicit. hac great� deal more. --:-A few nights ago a tio and so on. These animal's so eized appearance, he I reached 65. years, since the secon was - to n in this wnshiP on onday last, were sold 'on Tuesday last, at Lead- ed much laughter. Tlice' evening enter_ and'his death was caused by an affection established as a village, and he was glad drunken man, havin str lyed around to tha're was a good attendance of electors. of the heart. Although not in the most th learn, that- potwithstanding his long ear of CharleWwoI &Brownell'$ There bad been consid4able talk about bury. The parties interested have taininent was also made very the r interesting DISTR�G, T MA LV$. now entered actions against the, by Kindergarten songd,suug by -the little� robust health for -some time, he.'Wais period of service, his opponent had -only -store, and mistaking It s- bearings at- Iee compli6in .. bi T. tempted to walk thr opposition to the old councillors before- township council for damages for il-I pupils of the school., iOA daz arrived ll� 11 -seizing and selling their property, Only confined to his residence -for about thr ts to make against in ou�h a window. He hand, but when nomi 4t Miss killen de- IHe said that Whatever credit s pains. NOTIcu.--r Tties. indebted to Thomas & week prior 'to his � death, nd his ill- was due' broke a large paDe,'OfgTa3s and cut him- th6y w legally erves much praise for the -c a
B ere all returned' a amation, be settled in the she has taken littlenes er , Note, ness was n the it' teaching the Kidd, sith Ook Account 0 a llv known unti -for the satisfactQry financial standing of self considerably. Hgaring the racket and the matter will showing that their de 4lictions'of 'duty, are requested to ckll and"settle tule sa][1118 announcement of his death wae'made.:� the town and the useful improvements Mr. Brownell went to -se the cause and - courts. All the parties interested are' to sing and act their soongs. The com-
if any, during the p it F1GnTF-iFWTH YE
at once as Ibis books miust be closed HawaS a good neighbor, a true an& that had 'been made, be must be ell- found the man lyi on I he ground ap- been ery serious er will not be respectable and. well-to-do farmers, and pany then sang "God Save th' Queen,,'), ng . V a b6fore the lot of Jajauaxy. - 939 - - have, we understand, been acting under and all disp " WHOLF, NUMjjFR kind friend and an -honorable, upright�l titled to' his share of the'credit, as he parently senseless* (tnd bleeding. He ersed for their ' pective. any election in Hibberl this year. res, man, and few more fully enjoyed the!. had taken his due share in them all. He had the fellow carried in, and acting the legal advice throughout. The following homes.—Com. Effie Elizabeth, third ed binding up ies, esteem of those best qualified i6 judge had been- charged by Mr. Davidson with good Samaritan commen are the names of some of the part daiug�ler at Professor . Jones, epsrte4l of his qualities of head. and heart. His being too stubborn and with. bullying his wounds and tried to restore him to Kinbu, 11. it will be noticed that they are and Brassels. this life ou th 26th ult., and on Tue&- CHEESE FACTORY M ETING. —A meet e township: KNIGftyrs OF THE CLEAVER.—Brtiaselg sudden- death will be' deeply regretteid the other members of the council into conscious n-ess. While he was thus among the best farmers in th NEW YEAR
day no the ing of the Shareholder and patrons a by the entire - community, and Tiis be- adopting his -views. This w4san insult engaged the man got thawed out, and f JohnMalone John Shinfa,Wm.Ridy; is never beliftid in a d y of Christ- w. as c nt a I. crowded with sympa- the Constance *Cheese a�ctory Company John Shay 'Michael MeArdle, Henry isph - reaved -widow and estimable family will to his, fellow,councillors, which he. jumping to his feet atten pt,ed to clean I . mas m, eats and this season our butchers thisity; ien Professor Jones re- have the'sympathy of-., all in their great pudiated. When -ever any questiroen out the establishment4 e caughtL Mr. was held in this plac on Wednesday MeArdle, john Maloney, -Patrick have outdone all pastattempts. Andrew
Is P
turns ishea -feltgrati la 0 tudetoalliriends bereavement. In politics Mr. McMur- came up before the council he was never Brownell by the whisk rs and pulled last cial tatement sh 'wed Welsh, Cornelius Delaney and Mr.. Xurrie had* as fire a display as can be whosympathised with him in his�sor- ray was a true and intelligent,. Liberal, afrad to ex I that the business of tl e past year had Thorington. The affair has created, a press his vie lvS L upon it, and out a good h=dful b( ore his grasp . - seen at any city butcher's stall. It con -
row. �The funeral was conducted AID- been very satisfactory to all concerned. great deal of 'interest in. the toWnshi to stand out as strongly as he could fo P, sistsof 5 head- of cat
and -in religion a.Presby.terian.- 'The re" r could be disengaged. he man was GIRiETI-11IJ
rues by tle, asfollows: Two cording,to the �3alvation Army The following a cers mains were. interred in'the Egirionaville. 'What he believed -to be right, and if he brought before Joli�n Bew;tid; 4. P., on and it is evident the end is not Yet' two year old heifers, that -weighe a
John B 'tton, pres-ideint Captains Coo al]&Grattan. 'The Pall- appointed : Tuesday to answer for L s misdeeds and THE WINTHROP CHEESE FAcTory.7'- cemetery on Saturd could convince his felowacouncllors that ton; 1 cow, five years old, weighed 1 Robert Jamieson easurer; J. R. beaterg we Lieutenants Smith and ay be was right Ife was aways glad to do being sober and very p itent was let- The annual meeting of the shareholders 380 pounds ; I cow, weighed I OICIfield and Q adets Stark-, and Trott and Murray, cheese maker' Directors, Geo. '300 ;I NEw YEAR!s GRkkTi-,,iG, 1886.- so,' but* if n6t and he was left in the off upon paying the costs incurred which and patrons of the Winthrop Cheese two ; year old heifer� weighed 1,280 t th -Capp. t was the eel- ,sses, Stark! and. tepben�on, John Britton,. Thos. N Manufacturing Company was held, # D Ilarge turn ou In wishing our many customers and. the public inarity he had. always bowed 0 e amounted to three or four dollars. —Mr. n B. Henderson ouns. . The ailinls were fed by A. t t of the:32nd cQrPS Yet at large a -very happy and prosperousNew Year, will of the majority, and that was shoemaker, has put -chased, the ans, Job and John Me- Y rde Moses Brothers, -of Morris, and
he Murray, the factor on Tuesday last. From the seen in SeafortlL The remar.8 wwould also most sincerely thank every indi- Gregor. A dividend o13 per cent, was vidual who has kbidly supported us with their last of it so far* as he was conce'rned. cottage on John street at present occu- annual report, which was unanlLmous Mr. Perry, Grey. The beef was- prime interred inj J@gmondville cemet declared. Y-- patron ge during the year that is just, closeo. He bad also been accused of.. sapportiz adopted, we learn that during the sea- pied by Mr. Win. Soole, nd intends oc- and was dressed in good shpe' and orna- We co:sider the beginning of a year a very fit- the Scott Act. To this -charee cupyiDg it himself. E. Evans, son son there. were .803,126 Ths. of milk Cie- mented with flowers and evergreens.,-, ting time to review the sast, "in order to remedy, pleaded guilty. As a private zQ. livered it the factory, from wb - Ther were alsQ 9 pigs weighing from -week citi* n he of Joseph Evans, Esq., of McKillop, Harlo k ich. were W K of P-RAyp.—The tifnial if possible, its errors an stakeg, and to form good resolutions for the Me. Our great mis- had inL accordance with the principleI wh is a student at Magill Medical Cal- ImpRovr,.;N�IE-NTS.---Nl'e'understand that made 75,354 lbs. of cheese"' which sold at of PI be observed in tb V I - I ng .25 to 500 pounds. Tlie 5,L OLO pounder and iIIJ take during the past seasoll *as, that -we bought -of a if nd�- Mr. John. Mills, one a Our most exten- all average price of 8-53 cents, realiz ch-urelles in this town and Egmmondv . i -time, which he had never at- lege, Montreal, is at pres mt here spe and �ne that'weigbed 450 were daiidies. goods in ther prospect of good crops,'good pricesi tempotedtto conceal, voted for and Snp- bn his Christmas holid Lys.—Tuesday sive and prosperous farmers, is . now the totA61 sum of $0,433, of which amount 4 lainbs One of which weighed 1,00 next w0ek,,.and the'services. will be held- and good roads, none of which was realized, and g irted the passage of the Scott Act, but ecember 29th was the Hon. Mr. Glad getting tog6ther the r eceiiiary material the patrons received $4,659; Making 'd f dressed n Litton,- the other
as foll6w-g : On Monday, -January 4th, now firod $3,000 worth of surplus,stock on hand- PC I an church — We have. resolved to remedy 'this by simply Id, not iee what that had to do stone's 76th, birth -day —Mr. on next sum ank -the cheese cost. $567 ng the Pan 8 aging 75 pounds, turkeys e G11V
in Egmandvill Presbyteri James for. the erecti mer of a b and drawi thrte Th Star
V a vDe r aise and Thaarksgiving - ring cm- i It Jacksonville company 1, slaughte the surplus itock,for cash 'c V or 726 have decided iecs ducks and rabbits. Air. Currie aubI Pr wi his position asa Councillor, as the Xyle left on Wednesday fi barn, 72 by 36 feeLt. w th capacious stone milk 87 The
meneing first week in January. This. surplus -on. Tuesday M, unicipal councils had no control over Florida, where he intends spending.,the stabling underneo6th. �: M�, - Mills- now to make arid box the cheese aAd draw e ds had iii play photographed on Thurs. . Piresbyterian Coh-grah, Sea- stock consists of fine Young Hypon,. Black and oir and Con. Japan Teas, Raw and Refined Sugars, new sea- this Act, nor any thing to do with it,, winter.—Mr. John Gorvenlock returned has a handsomer brick f6esidence and ex- the milk for next season for 21 cents per forth Hmliati day.. One thing is certain, tll.-e en�ter- L —subi. son's' Fruits, canned goods, crookery ind - gla88- ej gs lesdeLy in the Methodist ther directly or indirectly. At any home from Manitoba on Wednesday.— cellent out-buildin od this new barn lb.� This is somewhat less than last prising proprietor spared n Wed esigns in 0 pains ware beautiful china te e d -McLauchlin, of SC Thomas, is at will givi -him ample s rage ro itio a sets, �hoic 8EAFORTKI
rate, his course in this matter had been Miss om for the. year. The offer was accepted by the- to outdo air former exhib ns of church Sealorth,'L- sub ect, The dLne'r sets, toilet sets, &o. In the boot and shoe C hurch and the FI con- Thursday departmed-t will be found an almost endless vh- consistent, and he bad not been like a present visitina her sister, Mrsi Dr. stock and ducts Qf Itis fine three bull- patrons. The company have also a- this kind and 'he succeeded without. pro riety to choose from. We have decidedto open stick in porridge ready to fall either to -Mr. R�be'rt Loaan lef dred acre farm. 'We t�ope lie may have ranged to - procure the boxes for the in, the Thomas church scliool house, Smith--� t on Fri doubt. NN"ni. BlashiU bad his stall nicely outacustomaho inconnection with our boo his new barn filled to Civer-flowing each whey, and'Ai ve let the drawing of the decor'ated with evergreens� fl-owers and. �Cime and ]Foreign Mis-- p t -the one side or ;the other whichever. way day last for his home, ii� �arberry, Alan a
_7 and;shoe delArtment, where repaWand ordered rai in the Eg- the- Popular beeath might blowi The itoba.—While a special freight train -year with olden g ri. milk at an, average ate of 9 mille per banners. His display of meats consisted alLons On Friday evening work will be done in- the bbst poAsible manner. I,, wishing ur ma�, enstomers and i
mond-ville Pragbyterian ebtucli,—su- In hats and caps we have a few Choice - Persian course of Mr. Davidson, however, was �shuntino, at the station here on' gallon. The folloNiing officers were of 211 two year old heifers,- fed by A. pro V and sperol)s 2
Lamb Caps a%very bapp.
ject, "Nations and.Goverrm�jnts." Each - left,whilch will Ne- sold very c4eapi on this question had not been Tuesday &'brakenian liamed Thomas Leadbary. elected- Alex. Kerr, president; Finlay Hislop, of Greyj hve weight, 22 cwt. Inspection inited, GaORGH Q006, Seaforbl� we would also D)o Incertly thank j�
'following is the d by Duncan of these meetings will com. in alf - s csistent that he should Green was badly injAred - by being F ' Ross and Stephen F. Godkin, directors, , ence a h DUCATIO.N,AL. —Th4 2 two year old heifeis fe.
King, represen f Grey,14%yeight 1,900; a, idual ho has Mildly supported us -he services ae not 'ex- while it was in correct standin Upils of the Lead- y say past seven and t P ES 0 A L. � M r. iing much -about it. At one time caught by the engine and. John C. Moririson, secretary and cLaucblin, 0 the McKenzie Sewin-, treasurer. We are glad to notice that paronage duri the ,Ica that is ill,
Machine Repair Shops of Ug pected to. exceed one hour.. he eLdvocated making the licen tion and dragged some distance. He bury schoolj basgedofonp � ,r6neral proficiency London, called. at our office to -day. This 48, two year old heifer, fed by 11, K.
we the be irog of �t YeAT 40
received a very severe flesh wound on and good conduct, f& the mo Robertson, -6f Mortis; 2 lainbs understand, the only establishment !of the kind high that only two'or three- could adord lith of the affairs. of this company are in a -We consider
fed by. -CA, of to -take outlicenses' ; at another time h his leg. . He was taken bito Kennedy's Noveml�6r and Decem most, satisfactory condition, and the to revic r�d
w the past� in 4b er p
A.N LN 0.13T %E.—AVe no- in Canada, where an old worn out Madhine- e b6r; Fifth class— Will Bawtinhirn-er, Grey, a ne of them 0 1ble, its -errors and tice the fallo-wi rig in theWirigham Times whatever kind can be made over as good as new, supported the passa e of the Scott Adt,. hotel, and. after his inj ries were at- factory is. proving profitable invest- " ""hed '75 pounds 2 bogs fed by 9 I st Maggie Morrison, Mary McNab w ig at!d at moderate charge. � As Mr. King comes -no 6 ac ually vote for it It a surgeoi i ; good resolutions for the fufure. Our.]
and if he'did a by it. he was taken to 3d Edith I roprietors, as well as a of last Iveek Last Thursday night Mr with the nX6st satisfactory credentials, both as e tended t Morrison. I Senior Fourth ment to the p 111, l3lashill! p6-tiltry, sausages, &c.— -t1je during the past season w th-t tied the petition asking for its su4- his home Stratford. 'liristmas day Class—Ist Annie Ga� 4iZ, 2d Louisa Post. and Mr�. John, -,Padca returned hom e from, reprIesents; himself and the haracter of the 09 at hood. The share- t, Toronto,, whitl er t4-ey had gone to house- he represents, we bespeak for him the en- mission to -the people, and now it seem' passed Over very quietly in town. There Morrison, 3d Kate Ge r fourth, holders have invested. only $410, and I of goo t'ropg,
con- ods 1 i theprosro&t 8$ tire confidence of the people of Seaforth. Those ed he was viol4I Cipposed to both tile being no sleighing people ere oblicred to class---lat - Minnie E their liabilities" now only amount to and- od roads,no sult Dr. .Temple Mrs. Eade wishing their Seikjug Machines rebuilt can leave- a wen, 2d Safa ne of which Was Tuckersmith. a Ro V6 remai6s Act nd to birth licenses. 111 find T-3,WJ wort of surp,196 4001
case. After a I caref ul examination the their n nies at the L yal Hotel. Rehad, ig enjoy- themselves as be hey could:- McNab, 3d Neil McE I Senior thiid- $149, while they have i property, worth eph L toctor pronounced it &'case, of c 942 ifact been all things by turns and noth- The ciass�lst James Scojt 2d Susan Ma- BRTEF.9.—XIr. Jos' Townsend, of ancer-of three weeks only.- other .,ways than slei riding. $2000 - The -balance, besides necessar We 11'.XV4e resolved to reniedy' tbit; I
improv Y the West End, has- been ill for same,
the liver, and eld out but. little ihopes BoARDERs WA.NNTED.—Two gentlemen. inglong, just as hehoped it would an YOU112 folks liberally onized the loney, 3d James M)rrison. Junior ements having been paid out of glalighterink the surplus ioiyu for -Q..
time —Miss Crich., youngest daughter of
0 "the earnings. t During the past year
c -y. -However he rpeom-- can find -boarding accommodation in a private swer his own personal interests. He Doininion Skating,Aink in theafternoon third class —1st Dora ]Kenny, 2d Annie -C
f her reem.; Irst week in Janv�sry. Tl�
mended a coUIAL- e of medical treatment family by applying at the ExrosiwoR,0irricit. thouglithe mighti;ay without fear of being and in the evening there was a large McCu improvements to the value of $234 have Mr. �o�n Crich is also ill.. MrIla, 3d Mary Ga IIaner. cconsists of fine'Young 113�s(`".:
g,h' 942tf -roller rink. --The sincerest F wlerf of the 2nd concessio, is having which he sa as r on chance, e open to the charge of egotism, that'even crowd at th.q. been made to the Plant, and it is in con- -.0 3,avan Teas, 11aw aild' RIefined. has been takin the medicine furnished A that question would be a's safe in his hands sympathy will be extended to Professor East Wavranosh. templation to add for next year new stones hauled and is making other pre- MAGAZINE ? ned goods, erockvry WHO GOOD son's rrults,,ean but th is far ere are no signs in -the bands of a person of such unsta- Jones and family on acuount of their sad 11'Liday evenin of vats and presses. It is only just to add parations to havef stone stabling erected
Of The prospectus of -NVide Awake, aplen, HYMENNEAL.—On F ' ware, I)cautifl ehina tea Bets. ehoirle, 9 er oth I children s Magazine 'for 1886, is d by- tb e last week a very enjoable evening. -was ain the bool L
pravei ent Mr. and Mrs. tades -did ible- mind as Mr. Davi?dsoh had proven bereavement cause death of th th much of the success which has at his barn dtiring the coming sum- '
—The contest for school Almier sets, toilet sets, &c.
-ex himself to -be. He bad also been accused third daughter, Miss -Iffie Jones, a tended this enterprise is due to the m'. trustee d I be found V
were at one tinte, highly respected resi- full of Promise of a splendid year of spent at the residence, of Mr. Campbell betw Mr. George Sproat epartinent wil V1 Almost
'Young mind cc%sion b the marriage ricky to choose frora. EspecliallY V,
dents 6f tha town, and their many cellent literature'for s.; 7�ro :by Mr'David n with having unduly bright and promising young lady aout Hanna, the -0 efficient, -skilful and energetic manage- and Mr. lsWintroadfoot in Division No. 2 prom- friends 1 lere, where, -will fine serials for the boys from . the pen of 'favoreW the Salsvoation Army. Vell,: be 17 years bf age.—The open meeting of his foarth daughter' i2aggie, to Mr. ment of the secre-t'ary and treasurer, learn, Mr. John ises to be a keen one. Overshoes, Rubbers, WieW Fine Bd
f 111h. feelings of the sincerest reI C'L R. Talbot, A Midship would askwhat Mr. Davidson had ever under the agspices -of the Good Venip- S. H. Meyers, of Pem roke. The nup- C. Morrison. In fhet, it is man at mer -I. b
NomiN-A.Tio-I\7s. —At rg. nation, nd ppers. Our custo gret a Ei 6 -des' critical codtion. sa-br- done more for thisevening has bee is Va factory the 'nomix have &cided: to
oil Monday, there wasa large turn on, tu%+- We Large 1� and The -Cruise of the Ct -than talk to srppress the,an- lars announced n tial knot was tied by I e Rev. Mr. Bur- iargely due 'to hi efforts tha
and nOYauces,'Occasioned, by the army oned.—%Ve regret to learli of the elgrave, in the presence of a 'is in exittence at Winthrop to -day. We anca three forthe girls, A Gir if there postp 'wash, of B A a regular meetin- of are such annoyances? Could Mr wish for it and- its- genial manag' of electors. For Reeve, David 'Walker- custon shop in conliertion with a Jewel," by Mrs. Harriet P. Spofford, David- death of Sister M. Per�petiia Kidd at St. goodly nur er and rietlds and telatives. was pr rtmey, see- shoe Jelmytincilb, wbere relizirs W!
Britannia Masonc "Dill and the Captain" and 11P son Pol oseph's Convent, Toronto, on Tuesday Miss Ellen Hanna, i3istdr of i Of oposed by Hugh AleCa
the marnbem it to any motion he Ldever- J worthy shareholders and pattons in- Y !,eggy he bride, and Her Family," by Margae n made in' the council to -h e a by-law last. -Kidd was a daughter of acted as bridesmaid, and.'Mr. George reased prosperity. in the onded by G. E. Creswell and elected -work will be done in the beit Lo dge held in the lodge room on on- Syd by. by. acclamation. For the deputy reeve� Iiiourhat and cap r ell ve da&,y e an, I A, the Besides the P ssedtosuppress their in�g 9 Qfhcers will be published. -se there - a. processions on Jo!qph Kidd,' Esq., -Of Dublin, and Pierre, of - Bluevale, !as groomsman. �hoiec Pesian Lamb Caps le t, Whi
were ditly 116d for the ourret Year, are a number of good features specially the streets, and stop what be was pleas neice of Mr. Thomas Kidd of this town. After a very sul BaYfield. there will be a contest between INI-essrs, ix c IIi nptuo 'repast had been I old i e cheap.
Zen Asb
-or th ed to term a nuisance ? He had never Miss Annie Downey and the Misses partaken 'of, the eveni was spent very t -took Mn- Smillie posed by ry z � A. H. L and, W. M.; Wm. Bal- prepared f s� magazine inchidinLy HYMENEAL. - A pleasing even Samuel Smillie and David Manson. Aboutu ,do
lantyne, 8. W.; J. W. Fear., J. W., -A. " Royal Girls and.'Royal. Co' ts,,, done anything of the kind, and before Killoran left here on Monday last to was pro . - A-Vm, to i)o cleared out at Lgreatl rdim,
ur - pleasantly in various . g mes and music, place at the residence of Mr. John Wat- Payne, seconded b D. McDonald. Mr. Almaapsna Knitted Capsve�yrhel
Treasurer; John %teet, $ecre- C Gle of Children," " Stories of meri he found feult with others he should at spend a few days with f riends in, Bid- Y Y all seeming to enj themselves, as son, near Bayfield, on Tuesday evening Manson Z5 was proposed by C.
tairy 1"Lev. Jas. Braley, Chaplain,,� los. can Wars, In Peril least make his actions prove the sinceri dulph. Messrs. John Ca pb�ll,'Robert E. M-asenjo, ro ntic they generally do 0 1 such occasions�. 1of last week�. This was the marriage of se, Geo". -8. cott, J. 'D-; dozen of t The only apparent d[f - Lumsden -and M. Y. McLean were re- 21 secoI by Andrew Story. There, will rue stories of dvettl�re, 1 ty of his words. The many handsome d valuable Pres- �.Mr. VVatson s step-daugliter, Miss Wil- W. leredi-th, 1. G..t Jon Williams, Yonth.-in Twelve nturieI -bean-I ference betweep Mr. Davidson and hill,- elected school trustees fort �e East,North also be a contest for councill�ors, -the fol., Ge a entis which the bride received, showed helmina Wot, to Mr. Lancelot Clark t is that r' nd South Wards resp - 'the respect in which s the Tne ceremony was performed by Rev. TI -ON INVIV
being the' nominees: Robert. Tyler; F. G. Neelan, -8. S.; Jas. Stew- tiful at feuturef " Fire Place.Stories,". on this poio Davidson a ec i -ely, -on Wed e was held in
ar ings. At the and numerO!us sketches, helpful-r�aa voted to annoy the arm by turiiin nesday last.-�-The Publi( Schools re- neighborhood. Mr. add Mrs. Meyers Mr'. Gee, in the presence of a select lowing NXS P E C t, J. Jaz.'Scott Organist. Elgiewa proposed by A. Elcoat,,,see-
conelus� on of la bar the brethren retired Y and ballads. The' Wide is .$3 them out 'oi the ha;ll when tiieY coull open on Tuesday next& aptain Cook left by the noon train an T . uesday for number of friends 'and acquaintances. ouded by James Sparks; Peter Kennedy was proposed by Win. Ireland. seconded to the rpfreshm ut room, where a SU'M'PL- per year, not get any other place to -hold-their who was ia char Le of he Salvation their f utute horrie in Pc m broke, followed The bride was tastefully dressed- in by John H Ill published by D. Lothrop & tuouti r�pa:st of bivalves and other neceb- a ah ; Robert MAeall was; Co. Boston. Subscribe now meetings in, and thus deprive the tow ' Army he ng and sum- by the well -wishes of their many friends brown velveteen with -hat to match, proposed by W. S. Mundell, secoidedI and yon n re during ast sp
-Lpar iment nu a year, .wh e (M saryy a con s awaited- th�n!- will nev& regret -Your Money will 'Of $96 reve ilei h r. mer, is spending a few we ka in for their future 'hap&ess and. pros- while the presents on the occasion were A f -ter salti 4ing the inner -has lately een qui. e 1 by Win. Cooper; Win, Broadfoot was.-"', be -well spent. Beattie) _ madq. a - motion giving them present. He. pority. erous, and useful. Mr. Clark is to hour very tileasantly spent, in gona. num 0 -on his choice of so e the use of the hall providing nd is' be congritulated proposed by Robet Charters, s condec Ithey !Iis- a here resting and recruiting h-6 St, L Geproge G C sentim-edt and social converse, 11,14 a4i CHRISTM41I SERvICES.—Friday' last 'continued the noises which were hnno- health. We. will be klad- to learn 'of hi by A. Elcurat. The noiiiination of gellool linto: i. e mable a youn 'lady as his life part- enyed thems the being mas day the services in St. iug the rateipayers,iii the vicinity This early and coluplete recovery..—Mr. C. ves as members Christ 9 trustees took place at the same time- JURISTIMAs FAIR.—T he Christmas fair and! we are' sure she will endear all mysti tie o, iy can. Ja, mes' church, in this�-towu were xs6lf tol Win. Finlayson was elected for ward MAIN $TREXT, of &In was done, and those who were annoyed J. Ryan having sold his farm in Mc- for the exhibition of fat, stock was held he who may have the pleasure No. 1 ; jobt, Caldwell for ward No. 3 L
unus ere are now a an ves ually impressive, naure, and th atisfied, d the town receh Killop, left this week- for his home 11 on Saturday, the 19th of December. The of her a1eqaintance. The people of Joseph FiLher for ward -No. 4. George A -N� AxNivi',RKAI�LY JUBILRE. he *ere large congregations both �worning the benefit of the revenue from the hall, St. PELUI.—Mr. Michael New Eia says-*: The 8 pre- Makey died 8n eld are sorry to lose her from th the chil- 4nd'evening. The sermons on both I t after a long and painf'ul - d NVm. Broadfoot will contest, All-luver iary lu ilee: given by the which, although n�t large, -was always Tuesday las eir vented any number fro'lli the country I=, and she. will be particularly mis- ciren of the Pre;; terian Sabbath S.�hool dasions were delivered by the pastot, art assistance 'to keep dowA' ward No. 2. Cheap Cie- the taxes. illness. Poor Michael, his as, indeed, att6ndinir the Christrra's fair here, but sed from'the choir of the Methodist on Tu - sdaly & rening last. was a. very Itev. P. J. Shea, who seems to havelost He asked the ratbpai era to decide which a wasted life. 'He had been well ed' - did n y ot prevent therEbel*g a s lendid church, she having presided -as 'organist -pleasa and auccessful affair.' The none of his old ti -me vigor, his dscourses 'was the wiser bourse, and the one most cated and was a man of good ability a,�d exhibit of turkeys, gebs and ducts. it there for the past three years.-" We wish Turnberry. little wer out in force, while the being cogent, practical and i�ntereiting, tin -the interests of 'the town that pursa d but for his one besetting sin might ha -ye —Mr. A. Me- e
S was the opinion of man who visited the herself and her husband a long and h SO-H-OOL EXAMI P d were evidently Well suited by him., a Orne soc ety and-beena credit to his display, that there n i�ver had been a py life.--CoiK. Ewen, teacher 'in chool Section No. 9 -AT— &,t Of P an; other sLympa an tx the , y r. avi son.or that ta thizers L a a ei tly large to -com- festive season. Iii the evenin the. ' After referringto otherma rsfieasked family an country.—Mrs. Black of fin held his examina ion on Tuesday, De. 9 er one in the county, and it certainly ine& cember 22nd. 'The pupils were exatn foI fil the chm Ill The chai was church presented a beautiful appea ance, the ratepayers if they apopfoved of his McKillop, who -for the pasi four months would h a-Ve been in uc'h �rger, though it Walton inhad the suj�cts by Messrs. Fr I9 for the vosition, to. come. out and vote for ovat�d near 'Qu'Appelle, LECTED. Loyal Orange
AN ,occupied by Rev. Mr- McDonald, i;rho, being a perfect blaze of light all a ound. cou�rse in the past -and thought him fitted has been visiting with her ions, - who are could not have been the various
I 1 etter,
in is apenin. remrks said that, the the high altar -and -the crib itself bein 9. W. T., re- weather been 'different. All the poll 07MCIERs E McPherson and p aser, 30hool A in a, ml st prosperous condition, the centre of 9. ItrY Lodge No. 252, met in their hall an Fri- ocock, neighboring HOF Whi 'a great; number of visitorc - im on Monday next.—Mr. Davidson turned home on Saturday, Slid liked teachers. wis well dressed, and showed to the lbe m4nner in ch- the -day, the 18th inst. Bro. John. Adarlett, erK' The mu was 'the CIO try welland says the settlers b6t advantage, some of ille geese weigh. Con arious itricate. �Rd is Z�O-vving a rapidly that the base- other than menib 8,c of said he had been a. resident of Seaforth un pupils answered -the
irtient of �the church has become endrely. -a character sited t6, the -&-biliti : of ifie. for'.fourteen years. and� he thought he there would be well satisfied with their in a ty Master for South Huron occu- questions, show that A] r. McEwen is a 9 ver 20 Ibs. and soid - of the turkeys pied the chair. After the general too suittil, and the audience room has to ehoi, the' diftleretit solos 'aho 'iAg a kadas good a right 'to aspire 'to any lot had it not been for tEe frost bu.91- MAIN STREETI, SEAF01
earlyWlbs. The ex'hbit of cattle was ness of the lodge was got t1i thorough ana pai- n"taking teacher. A 1)e used" for a I arge. nataber Of clisses.. kre&t am Coutif o ra f L POS.i rough _tion -in with f p etice on the art --o the. gift of the people as Mr. summer. Air. Robert Campbell of Me- very fair, considering, �d the aninals goodly number of �Visitors were present the the following officers were duly"electe'd le sit e a in The fol- atisfied TI for the* ensuing year Bro, J Wrenn ill rintenlent, Mr. Wilaon also ta and taken �ltoge the eAtie. He -had done a I rge business Killb , who. also has a fi - in, that shown were ingood co ition* and expressed. themselve well I
ataddress. ie musical, part of the services was of an in his.hote� her� and made money- He -same district, is now here on'a visit.— with Mr.. McEw'eil s -work. Mr. iNleEwerL is the prize list : �Fat ox or steer, W M Bro. J. Oakely, D. Bra 81 -lip -Ing t1le c hildrei4, ILSL Well ag the hilusual high order, which spoke very. had -taken i in on an average, seventeen kr.IC. F. McBride� of Tuckersmith, is lowing w or heifer, 9 entries, We are. now holding A rea
a and recitations. was reall A. ouch fat co AAI-orrion,Sec. Bro. J. Berry,Treas. has been re-engaged for 1886. This
favorably of tile ibiierg displa� f no home from the Commarcial College Ist and 2nd- A.' Y cly yed by the thousatnid ollars ayear, and the most 0 makes his fifth year in )section No. 9. an 0 ry line f goeds, w
Izsimor NOTEz.—Dalne Rumor saith some of s
b Seaforth, He wether, -1st R. Fit 15, 2nd A, Couch;: Ke Chap. ; Bro. W`m. Beirnes, 1). offering at a great werifice.
Couch; fat ewe at Fin.Sec. ; Bro, J, Sale in -eye excellen d that very kreat talented'orgailis' preparing her e'hoir.. thathad - een spent in as he at Q tielph, to spend his holidays.
care anc, e taken up -during the da lly bought his supplies in. town, looks as if Guelph air agreed with him. fat bog, Ist and- 2nd A. Couch; fat the Young men in thisvicIllityLare about see the bargains.- _patient e had Lbeen xere sod ill The collections y usaa exc I eptis liquor Bro. R. H. Ferguson, Lect. their tn ining, and while credit for� this w'cjre of a very liberal kind. a iLnd !he had found that —Mrs. J. P Brine slipped and fell on geese, Tbos. Fear; join, the ranks of the benedicts er&, fat i ilrkey, let Thos. onfier, D. C
in ea $0 n er w are all -new being
-d tbt due to all the teachers, the those e -bo'll, lit * S forth were rist. Fear, 2nd Jo4n Govier ;�-fat ducks lst Crawford Win. Dennison,an IS. no d NVed eaday last and fractnred h O=ittee, E. Driscol, R. C .—Mr. Jas. Hooper, of the 4th cau� The gooils
largest meed Of praise-. should be given TuxTow4 No1iT,,(A-TIOy.,j.--�-The nom- inuerh watereg that, 'even a Polly —Several locid '!tm d communi" d M. Ham- cession, bas refused the handsome um for this fll and inter trade,
-wo ca- and 2nd J. Govier fat chickens, Ist T. 11tn. to, Miss �Jlderso !s t will appear a and Mr. McGillivray inations in this town took place on could not livein the" in, and is he pre- ti,)n crowded at his we ol Fear, 211d John Govier 'fat rabbits,,
Ist, of $150 fOl' as colt, seven months d� In Dress Goodi we nevOr JIM'
ftar their efforts. -The! ill- Monday -last, aud created about the fer' THE OR' ANGX.—Walton Grange No. The colt was sired by the finparted sta.1- f red watering his own . whisky he had to our next.—'Mrs. E. M.Caton of En- and � 2nd A. Couch ; fa4 .Pigeons, John
stramentat a0co lm ;ts were !also usual- interest. Tile nominwfion: 338, met in their hall- onSaturda 26th cli(Ace variety f fabrics.- s for to buy t1da away from home.� . NCotwith. ter�rise, arrived here on .. ednes,duy, to Govier. Judges—S Andrews arid, inst. After the general business th by DueArb - teVE Y lion ".9muggler," owned
q uite. an add itifa tothe litertainmen. Mayor, Bee. e a -n d eputy -Reeve 'took standling tile many spdqd New Years with frie ds- in town. e fol- -thousands of dollar W. Bawden, Goderich John Hunter' 'AcPherson. This oirer was -made by n hole, it. was one. of tke bes en- place irt the Town Hal at 6 weio'ck. he had sp6mlin Seaforth, he d6fied any Stanley A In Mntle and U -biter
lowing were. duly elected to office for Air.'Bell, a horse deale tertilintu n of the ind the peoplq� of, r. Colema, %Ira$ nominated by 'Mr. -living in theensuing year: Bro. Jas. McCallum an to 6a that he had ever cheat- Brucefleld.' 4ohn* Lawson,. W. 0. Wright, of the 6th concession, has pur- W01 W. M. this towt hae been to for a Thoms oventry., and seconded by.Ur. ed him out of ao cent. He hoped tile- AFTURNED- Thomas E M Bro. CK P. chased a flue imported stallion froni-IMT. and Chll(trel
tt, Id come forward and elect, 'Mills and family, formerly of Stanley, A GOOD CALF.—Me. muel Searle I he �cldild ren, to whoin the I'dis-- W m. H. shaur. D. D. - Wilson was people won Bro. X Morrison, W. L. Jae. S'111P- A. Carleton, of Wawanosh for the sum lioy's OverAceI "-a position of the receipts was left, I de- noinina-t son, W. S. ; Bro. McLa led t rBllantyne, a -ad him as their 14F. t ughlin., rposes tray- it y Reeve and lie wall Id arrived at this station on'the 19th inst. one of the leading thorogh -bred stock of.$1,200. Mr. WiI you (led t in alo of seconded hylMr. T"was Kidd. James promise to do foi then; as w .1 ui devote the amotint W. A. S. Bro. A. Morrisoli.,
ell as he -had from Southern Dakota af t( men of this township, III Lailie, Gnt's, Boy's and t,
11 e N e ff 4. * I 8 111-1119310111. .W. Treas. ; Bro. R. H. r an absence his recently pur-, Bro. A. Gardner, W' Chp- ; elli 19 hill, next season in the county of
ed chased a very superioi thor Kent.—Mr. Frank Davidson, an old. Undercloth 'L L
t At the c an - Beattie was 1 natninafed 'by Mr' M. Y. doiie -for litmsL tile following p�r- of h r6e years. in largAtS(
They are h glily pleasI ough-bred- Ferguson, W, See. ; Bro. Jas. Murray, 4-lusioa O the proceedingS votes of McLean, and seconded by Mr. �Iionias sons were noQnated 'as �councillors in wAh the country, Mri. ills and son e- Dorrance.' ull calf from Mr. G(O Turnberr boy, who h thtuik.,, ere p"s to the children and Kidd., Alexoiler W. Gate Keeper; M. Morrison Y a-, been in Mani- Davidson was nom-- -the respective i wards North 187ard— have deeded three sections of This calf was raised by T. Dorrance toba for a number of years Ladies' and Alissee-Furi('r
toachefs, and tkc ineeting was closed by inated by NM'r- L. -E. Dancey, deleT%te to Division Grange; Ceres, Sis- is home vis- Thurah,,vas nice- onded b y Sister Gard- and see Dr. Scott, J,ob�'Fgirley, Noble Cluff, all land. He has broken quite a large and its dam is from Dickson's celebrat- ter iting friends. Frank Set d FOr Trb%
t4e belle,tictio.n. The le IcCallum ; Pomona looks well, and L
14"ast ward amount of -land `Oxford 1, and its sire is' ner; Flora, Sister Ferguson; L. A. S.. spea, Valne' on hisfarn- Air. 11, C. Kennedy Mr. re-elcted by ueelaination and has let ed bull, " Udoras ks ver_V� highly of the Pi-airie Pro_ ly decor,, ted -%vi -A ever -green -SL and a Elliott, th returjuipa afthoer- havina 'R-ob *t E. Header Duke of Kent 41b." san excellent: Miss A. Huett. ing in the son,
it out on slia'res'for a as he owns vince. He purposes return'
Men's and Wv"t Fur lCal
I) r
of pp opriate mattoes also waited the r quired hoar, and it 0 0
0 fur- 'John Wivrd, J bn L ey, X. Pillnian.. a farm pear Brucefield. We are glad to animal and will be a vaivable addition spring to resume his former 0
K lar -e t;tar, ll of 'which cotrilmited 'UlLer hotninationq haviiag been made, he South Ward to. Hawk PERSONAL —Our esteemed friend, Mr. 1,U(),Il Me haw, Th0s. see them back- Ali- Mills stat6s to r. Seartett'8 fine her J. farmin , near Brandon. Ceilpation' "PB, Pluh Caps, Knit' CUP
1,eanty t th,c audience rooll1i and in- declared I)r A. Y..LeaIch, left onaturday last for Coleman 4uly elected Dulican, Ale- Stewart, Thos. �t,Mr. J 01111 �Vatt to armeiy of Hullett, Dougal , of the 7th concessi A cHooL'D1FF1QVL1�V--Some time Seaforth, where lie -spends a week with torest to the Oeca5loll. -MaYor, nd D. 1). WiNon, Reeve, ad- Afonzo Stropg� raming ony purposes. is doingivell. He has - no one section and refittin C, his -barn n ago when the erection a a new school: his father-in-law, Mr. -Barton. He extspring, Anderson & Co. will do the Tweed9s, Flannels, said that au election,woul(I have to e and a fialf of land. lie has raised this ;house in section N - 6, McKil- leaves to sp�nd the winter on his -farm NOTIiFlt PR -FEtt held for th Dep.i1t),_1tee grain - mason work.. etonnes, in fact w
LoCAL Bitmns.�Xlessr& Dickson & year about four thousai'd bush-els of and r- J. Abrahatq the Y ve8hp, h1r, I !lop, Nvas, 'proposed, meeting of near Tilsolroburg. Mr. Leach did excel- framing. Ca;ntona, Cr rained and surprised on Friday James 1�e 'XIc-Niann, horse d��&Iers of this town od AIr.. Alexander and expects to crop- somem After comp, ds fully-ags6rted; and a
th � ratepayers of th here in the section was lent work in the cheese line this season, letion this will be one Of 'theL The,; shipped on Ttiead last a carload of vi oil I riling of the death of Mr. the candidates. ay foui.-bundred acres of land finest barns in Turnberry. einity of called to consider th matter. A' never,failing to produce a first-class- Which toolk place at returil'ing ofhce�' then vaca,ted- the ebtdrl very superior draught hors- es to"Lancilifi- next year. Mr. Watt has now fifty hed* majority of those at the iiiectin decided article, and for whicliF lie received at.all of 9 Colue along and gVPT Itia re' Friday forenoon. Mr. and, as thcre -wv�as -still - a hour before ter, Pennsylvania.—. Xlr. 'John Dorsey horned sto(ik,and 6igbt i-orses. His !to ereoc the new building on the site of times the highest market price. Alma C
arr it liative at Kirkead- theI for recei,'r-liomii'lati.oiis for -has purchased.froiii Thoti. Downey The college, St� Thcoma�, ont. y NVI(Is lalid is of the hest. (IL'lit e to �COUJ)CL cam , and 1e is the old one. � A consider Lble number of Directors of the factory are to be biuhly We have a very lar�e line- oi
it was decided. that the thevacantloton tile corner a(Ijbining veiry- comfortabl c� The prospects in I
0 y- situted, having a the ratepayers, however, r prudence in retain- d icate t1lat s, which'w�e are cog
(it, te a yating nin. He "Mi-1yor, each of the caudi- 1), i. s 375. splendid dwelling It desired to have commended for.thei te alnong this f a v or- carriage,works for of Plu.xh:e tile Canadian Colleg,!a for tra, indueewente in, to furon- bout thi Ouse ai good out it erected � in a more c( ntral position. ing, the of such an efficiciA women, will bav6 a Magificent ej.wol- now o,%% -ns the compact bk'lldings. There are quite a-munber of The trustees acting upon the verdict. of cheese maker, whom they know to to rty-four yqars dates for the De Xfr services lie Dorsey'
oil th 0 farin. oil the b
fifteen I)Iillllte*s to actcb:egs nd it makes a very-ince pro e ment of pupils at Er Huronites out therewho are doing !.th its re-oPelling art Jan- hli,peeUon invied at ihc* ie meeting proceeded w th the erection giving general satisfaction. 'Mr. and tickerswith, which lie tIlLe electors, the chair Ws tken by' pirty. Mr. Downey has pui�chascd the w�ll also. They u& .7th, 1886. are all sitt ated in a rod Y The fall t reCelit1v to N1 r. of a handsoome new brick edifice on erm, enroll- At Mr. John 11'eattie. The Mayor explain-- , vacant lot 0, he Mrs. Leach by their kind and obli 11 the Opposite corner fat' aro[und, the city of Huron. Five' 9 nicut reac[led. 130, all t'ott tiitwl this (ountry was a years Ate of the 61d one. The (I tljoirty more ap- affairs of the town, the same monev that lie roceiv6d from- LgC) there were only ve or lix houses in inority there- manners, have. succeeded in iakig plicatins for rooms liare ))een received r. MeY ur.: sh(ilwiig Vie actu :upon withdrew from tle section 40heap. Oa. h, I indcbteduess� to be M r. Dorsey.—The employees of Ogilvie the ' lace where the city of Ha lestablished a separate school dis riet rounding community. New applicatio.lisi "I and- many warm friends in Walton alid stir- I-Irbi c i pal -A s tii, P ron now
-ty .1wd in n emnent devl� 01113 $10,000, that the bu,iilcs� of &,Co'.'s mill, on Thurs'day evening last stands, and 'it noweont&ins i popultion, ne (I it is expectie-d that every i - 8 t We w sh bot a col
and erected'a building of their awn. happy new year, a pleasant time, and a dorniftory ill be filled. The closing Illost of . tLw Jy the townliad been conducted Cl'ue' -the manager, Mr. T. 0. Kemp, of over three th"Dusand, It is ex and soon J.J�JC7 ell completed
af this. county, )ected I Both uildimis have be'
I -and safe return to Walton in the 'i119- the. past year.—The with -a very handsome Christmas present to be the capital of the ill ,W tate of 'are'now occupied. The Cost of the new time. spring Christmas �entertailiryrent Bur
convertillLg his forest farw tato: 11,eeve Passed in, ed tile 'citizens in� th shape of a' sil berry dish. This ,So'Ah Dakota. The firstlt interest those of ILoinestead for himself upon th'a excellent fillancit I t ver I I former occasions. Mis, . corn. gislature of !Pub ic School building was last yes, —The following- names ven in te§tiinouy of the very high the new l"itate of Difkota coavened Dec. Im
i,dinc, of was gi Of Eleanor Hughes da
nd Ily industry aL s rl thOMITTEI). lighter of His Honor nd frn- the town, our efficiet syste e epayers ose. who took part in the school enter- Judge 1w,eartied an it cotxireteqcyw� prote 8 Hughes, gai JD
0 �e a grand graduating Irfect the organization of of the ection just as if t ere 'had been tainment were mitted in our report in 'of fire est em in which the employees of this l4th, 1885,to pe rateably asse sed on all the rat HOFF
the general pefity -est'tblishi i Of Piano recital. A class of nearly twenty pros lie It hold fiieir dAiinable man-- the Stitte under' tile constitution jUSt no Spli.t. 'Those wb formed them- last week: Mrs. -A. Y. Leach gave an will gradu
retim,fro in the more active whicil it e-lijoys. ` lie - urcred that ill ager.—On. Sunday night some eviltdisw adoptiA, and elect'twb Ullit ves a had, excellent solo, which as much appreci- d States sel into"a separate sell, �ol district re ate in literature e
an d duiea of life, it few nialiths', future the policeman be et*oyed to do Pos music, fi�e SEAFORTH. I ed person took from the- show win- Senators. art.s or commercial science tkflo 11Q, (jigposedof fart -i and ptir The .,cry best element of fused to pay this tax and Owing to some; ated by the audience. Mrs. Leach is commencement. at the Jue �Uty �Lt ni0t, instead of in day time. -,,low of NIr. McLa,ugblin's store a set of Dakota's population . bave come to he i infor ality, the exact na;ure of which I hard to bp;at 111 singing, bav a good, tl�e resideice of Mr. Jalln Logal In ref t
erence to county matters, he salid fursaldsoine,other articles. It seems in Agents for E, Butterick'�S
front and organized the State and have I �we do not understand, th - tax wag not clea voice, a d just knows w to use —Fifty -fou he liopetl to tilLe County rate �&d be'e,-Ti 3omoyrb that a pane of it. r n
Where VO
r applicants wrote at Lis- glus in the window had the right to dlictAte who 8hall represent thencollected. This Year, however, the Mr. Pearen, of Winthrop, gavea towel for entrance the high school-. to IU
r ti
f( fl e
y ti
Cli'"Cietic' 7�arlo
�.,Ts llis. one a
ele' t e
gl �
D jl�t'
I P r1l,