The Huron Expositor, 1886-01-01, Page 441 THE 1i EXPOSITORN E- E WTTER�.C,K & 00.8 was the first who p'ropo�ed to rob -the danger, -aroused.. The whole party, in- with her -usual gt�ace and ability. - Reeve ihe county of Maitland, N�ith Listowel man and asked what he was -trying tA
mces of -tho r . ight of controlling and eluding the ladies t to A with a Strachan occupiekl the- -eb Th - as the county town. Wilk F9t,estalso do,, whi-n he was informed that '!it wai
se air. e pro Reliab; e Paper Patterns for all kinds of PrOvi will to. sav ture 0 gramme wa IAdies', Misses?, Boys' and ChildreWs licensing the liquor -traffic, and did ethe furni in Is a �very long' one, and so has an application for A n ormngement none of his . business." Then Duncai
he of, the house, and'sueceede in getting well assorted With Scoich, English, unty spat.
of counties with it as thec(l asked the man if he would remain ther
Garme As,, for sale 'by HoFFxA.,-; BROS,, go: without e, to justi-d Is cooking_sto�e, Irish 'and Can,d' that' the ber, Antil he went for Chi6f Pettypiece, an(
use or precedent everything.out but tl —On Saturd�y, the 19t i Decein -he would - ed him ho
Dun -be burglar assur
fy him. On him alone -must reatthe before the once comfortable home be- audience would xiot have tired had the Mrs. can McDougall, i.of the l7th t came ruip. Had it -not been performance beeIi kept up until 'Morning. concession of Grey, passed 'quietly away woul d. When the chief and his escorl
a blaAened responsibility of needlessly occasioning - t
nths. returned a few mintte N11R* ADVERTISEMENTS. for the sleighm* rtv, some of- the' in- at the age of 55 years a;Ad 7 mo a later 'tile bir(
an flown. The twain tracked the mai
all the expense, turmoil d ill -feeling mates of libe futpgh�j building wolild Huron Note Her husf3and died about,five years -ago. had
e They were old settlers in the town8h
�gure between th parenthesis after caused by the Dominion, Licensing Act. certainly have 'perished in the flames,. IP, to the black bridge, aboat a mile soutl
01 In teii the page ofetee paper op which Seventy-two . �upila w te at God- 'ke up land.
;; r I . -among the first to ta
ad -v rtisetuent will be found. �i all escape, from some of the rear sleep- erich, 20 *at Exeter and 2 at Clinton being of the town, when they discovered hirr
A TORONTO 'correspondent speaking of Ing rooms was cut off in few for entrance to the Eight children 4re left to mourn the at th� side 'of the road among some trees
Walton Cheese Factory—R. H. -Ferguson. (6) 86 very. High School.
Fann to r Shle--Peter Cooper. (5) minutes after the alarm was given. lose of a good mother. The' deceased They did -not know but what he .1111 hi
Mr. Blake's recent return to - Canada —It is whispered that t e an ial T. EgecuWrs'Notice—Beattie & Chadwick. (6)_. There was $400 insurance the build- 3'. Moorehouse, now of Ba erd, thinks was a . rilember of Knox dharob, Brus- be a thoroughbred, X -XX, all_wool-and
Dominion Skating Rink—E. Hallett. (5) says;. The- Liberal leader wears t ..4e Mg. of removing to Go'derich to ive. sels, for years. She had b�aen ill for a a -yard ide b rglar, so Duncaninquirec
Annual Meeting—G. McAdam, sarde'old style of soft felt � hat. What- long time. of the -w' George,
(55 ! - chief. in a Iow voice, "Say,
s r. John
A Card—Robert Wilson. (19 ever effect his visit t6 Englarid may have' —Mrs. Dixon who was..6 mmitted for have you got a revolver? Nary 6, re
Boar for Servic,". P. MaTshall. (5) News of the ek. Bransden, of Londesboro, Will be glad to. trial' -on the cha*rge Of -had George. But Dune. wal
had, he seems not to have.been seduced burglarizing volver
Farm for Sale—J. lEteattle. (5� GENEROrs DEED.—Mr. harles T. bearthathe is -dauchbett6r and there Inglis & CO.s-mill, at Wi ham, an acw -equal to the emergency, and pulling E
Boarders Wanted—Expositor Office. (9) into ape rimanent adoption. of the regula- Russell, the United State consul at are hopes of his ri riarTonal—Mr. King..(8) ecovery. count of which "was give two weeks silver -mounted- lead pencil from his pock,
Lfver�ool, organized a; C�ris mas dinner —The other day Mr. Samuel Gidley, ago, was tried in. Goderiel L last week, et, he pointed it at the man in the bush�
HgtClurt of ustice---S. "co -moon. (5) tion plug. His health seems to be much -for 300 newsboys. of Exeter, killed., two pigs 31 months
and -received the extraordinary sentence es and shouted, "Hands up, tbumb.�
New Ye�r's Greeting -0, Good.;(8) improved, and be will, no !doubt, meet. DISAGREEING;*—A diffiduAy is report- old, which 'weighed 200 pounds each of one week in the county j ii. She has out." When the man saw the lead pew
ent. with --a ed to have occurred in the Baltic 'be- This is an'extrembly goo the next session of Parlia In d eight for the
very large served. her time, and has returned to cil glistening with. deadly glare in tb(
measure of festore'd strength tween the crews of French and German age. town - again. Considering hat' the' of- moonlight he knew his goose was cook-
els. -The grain rri.�rehants along the Lon -
and energy. By the way it is aid that - 'OCEAIN EXPERTENCE ron and Brace Rail way are corn fence was a deliberately planned burg- ed,so up went both hands. While thc
*for* w I ar vess —The steamer don, Hu VQ/ " the chief nab -
Mr. Blake, who, -it will be remembered, lary, the sentence seems an extraordin- man was thus "cuvered
Persian Monarch, which. arrived Satur. plainiDg of the lack , of- accommodation ary light on met Mr. Gladstone while visiting Lord day at New York, experienced a ter- Their Abrebouseg Are ove flowing bed him and brought him triumphantly
It was und that the
—Mr. Th trias 1) tl I the retir- to the lock-up. SEAF ORT H FRI�AY, Jan. 1'. 1886. Ilosebery,gav,-e'tlieex.Premierof Eriglad -rible. gale, and had three feet of water' there Are o cars to be ]lad to move "Oil c(
ng Master f Auburn Orltenge Lodge, man was not the dangerou0s character he
in !let hold. their grain. much important assistance- in -the pre- Messrs has held tha office for ten $ears in sue- was taken to be, being none other than
pe is cessio Tiff E PoPE's ItLwEss. —The Po R. Cott 1. 4mieson and n, and il all that time he has been Charles Powers, ayoung man employed
Misap.pr6hension- paration of his plan of Rome Rule for and G. Millen have been elected elders of uffering from a" kidney complant, absent from-, but two meetings, one of in Bradwin's pottery, and who has
wing statement is going the Ireland. I do not know what- perceht- 'has been o The rdered to take a complete Londesboro Pres e an �hurch, and* which was' throilgh illn6�s. - He has hitherto borne an -excellent character.
rest. were -ordained on Sabbath last by the been aai mo t zealous worker for the An ipv6stigation showed that several
rounds of theConservative press-: age of truth thereay be. in this rumor,. iti Its of New- pastor, in the prese e of 'a 'good con-- The ci i2;e ]BLOODY WORK.
prosperity o the lodge, a�d can now large holes had: been bored in the post
"T he Committee of the Privy but it has many of the elements of prob.. Mexico -are bani ing. toget 71n h t , ecis- 1er. for the gregation. retire from e principal chair see* g a office door, ju t below the bolt, and the
Counci as. announced i a, d ion on in ability, Mr. Blake some years.ago took purpose of exteriminating the Apaches, —Mr. Philip Liffig, of lot 20, conces, the lice aing questiori and its judgment memberabi f 50 ith i good ball. evident intention wasto insert thehand,
I., tephen, 11kas isposed of his 50- 0
is agair strong ground in favor of Home- Rule :and propose to employ bloodhounds to Sion 8, S W
at the Dominion Act. The case costin� as an evidence of how the withdraw the bolt, and thus gain access
assist them..' acre farm to Mt. Jopeph iDaunce I was he, xd by six and the Lord for Ireland. There is no better type of of lodge 11
I r spered under his guidance. to the building. When Powers was
-10T. Sosieo6g werethe argu- ,Horre Rule",in the world than that lish w authorities .-are 'enforcing the excellent co iditio n� and the buildings are migne, e a
Chance -iscitrrTION' —The Turk� McGillivray, for $4,000. Te land is in WpmisH Co. His success r is Air. H. Sturdy. ar d b f re- Mayor Neelands on
ar n
ad&, and conscription law going ment on both sides that thesixjudges, enjoyed by the Th6 in rriaoe 'of Miss Acheson, Monday morning on a charge of attempt -
Can intends
were eq�allly divid-W on the subject. .provinces of to such an extent in good. Mr. Laing eldest daug ter of Mr. Robert Acheson, ed burglary, he pleaded guilty and was
why should n�t Mr. Blake have given. Thessaly, that it is feared the country Exeter to reside. Three were. of the opinion that the j uris- of the 14th I oncession of Groderich town- c4mmitt-�,cl for trial. He was taken to
w ill be ruined. —We notice that� Mr. Alex. L. Crib -
diction reated with the Dominion, and Mr. Gladstone. much valuable aid and GES abip, on W dfiesday last N�eek to Mr. Goderich the same afternoon.
—0,wing to the son sends to the G1 Colunibiav RAVA OF WoLvEs. . loVe $12i which was D. Calbeck, of British was a three entertained thg, belief that it be- counsel in working out tbe.,sclieme' of, Intense cold, the -wolves which infest conrributed by the 6plo-yees 'of 'the
longed to- the P6vinces. - The Lord plsan affair. A till fn'be)� of invited ancello.r. tip hom, under Home Rule on which he is understood ast Ptussiai Ardennes and Lorraine, Wroxeter Woolldn Faetory, for the , From British Columbia;.
Ch on , the cir- friends were present, and ;while con- to be engaged. have been driven by hunger to commit benefit of distressed volpn�eers in To- To the ]Editor of Tim HURON EXPOSITOR.
camstar ces, rested the responsibility Of gratulations' were showered upon the
-Every employee in 1,the &ctory bead of . the fair- bride, many regr SiR,—Rev. Mr. Thomson requested
-v rhat may be termed - the castin unusu.d depredations on. the inhabited' ronto. giving I 9 regions of those provinces. contributeds-ometi g.� ets
vote, dePided against the Dominion Act, I I were expressed that so estimable a young and expecied me to read the accouipany-
Sbuth Huron. Reformaers. !'J i S 8 -�-About three veeka 'ago on, of tile I &NGAGED! TO 13 MARRIED. 0 for so d ' being, it is lady should be leaving our midst. From address to his late congregation,
itug lit accordance with previous announid- 'E'lelen Gladstone, daughtei of the ex- herd of Polled -Angus. cattle owned by her large circle of f riends she receive- 1.
understood, the-decisi6n. favorable -to . . . :,I-- , imucerield on the evening of our mis-
d ment a. meeting of the Reformers: of premier , and head of Girton College, Mr, James McFatlan64 of the 3ra con- the Pro ces rendered by tile Sup"reme many valuable expressions of their good sionary meetbig, l8th ult., but as it was
Court'of -on fin South Huron was held at Brucefied -Cambridee is engaged to be married to cession ofStanley,,dro�ped a e 'calf
Canada.'-' �a will. After an excellent dinner, the two days late, and in order that all may
Prof.,StdaA, 11. P., Professor of Me-- its" econd. -It is 6gai su�lpose& to be
The statement first, originsted with Tuesday last. Despite the bad staie f happy couple left on their wedding tour. see it, I have thought that, with . your
6hanics at Cambridge and Treasurer of with calf- makini its*1 third in eleven They do not . go to British -Columbia leave, I would have it transferred to
I the roads, the meeting was well attend- the recent Stead Defen e Fun months. theTor4nto Mail,and-was designedlo c 1 ed by representative Reformers f rom all your c 8
until some'time in the spring. olumn -as the best medium for
et ohn Macdon , : i TROTTER POISONED.—W. 'Simons', —Wm. I.Ibister,, of Morris, the other
I Sir J ald down easy, and
p&rts of e Riding. ----The Mitchell Reoorder of last week conveying it to all the families of the
trotting mare, Early Dawfi- W 3 - Poison- day received a halndsome� and valuable
ithas been accepted and repeated with- At the appointed hour the chair w 'as says On Tuesday a fanner, named congregation. W. FoTIERINGHA.A.
ed with asenic at. St. Louisl fair, and Christmas present. from. his brother! Mal- +n1ran he President, Mr. Humphr out question by the triinor organs. The taken by ey- died on the 23rd ult. There is no clue colm Isbister, who, lives- in the North- Mr. E. Williams,. from Usborne, in the GIIMMLLF., Dee 5th, 1885�
ell, of ullet and -Huron, brouillit a large load
Sn t, - the work of organ-- county of,
absurdit� of the� statement will be to the perpetrator of the outrage. The west, in the shape bf a buffalo skm� over- �p of "apples on to the mar et, axid in a few To Union Church Congregation, Brucefield ization was proceeded with. The Pres�i- parent v6en we state that the member tiotter had won $15,000, and was valued coat, -trimmed. with co' skin. Tile- moments he had a larger 'and happier My DEAR FRm-NDs,—To-day I noticed
dent havi intimated his desire to be on at $25,000. -garment fits the* owner to! perfection,
of the Privy Council are swom to secrecy relieved f orn the position which he has crowd about bim than even the Salvation in THE Huitol� E XPOSITOR of Novem-
A Disaot;Ev WOOL BRoKicR. —Robt. and is, of course highly prized by him. so long , d so faithfully filled, his resi Army drew. He opened a bag of beauti- ber 20th you were to have a misionary
and consequently even if there had been ;Girdwood, wool broker, of Tanfield, —Mr. Montgomery, salesman for the
divii of the menn k,
a nationwit acepted,and-thefollowingnew ful snow apples and called the boys' to meeting on December 16tb. I see my
6rs on that ques- officers wi re appointed John. McMillan, Edinburgh, has fled to Spain; liabilities Spring Bank Cheese Factory,'Howic help themselves, and no caU was ever name has not been put on any of the
t $750,000. It is stated he is a defaulter near Gorrie, recently made a' sale of
ion, t fact could. not possibly be H ul II e- It, President -presi- more heartily responded to. To the deputation As, I was preparing to
Si Snell ,vide I t6 the amount of $250,000 a propriated, 60,000 ounds of cheese being tbe'rhake small boy, the middle aged aind the sil- pr�aach a missionar sermon next Sab-
known. On this point the London. dent h6s.-Fraser, anley', secretary; p p l - y
from the proceeds of sales of customers' of the last two months the
ctory was
e u ag
A dvertir, er- sayg�. and its statement has Georg Forest, r' cefield, treasurer,and wool. in operation. Thig sale wa made for very headed boy it was a perfect-p�cnic, bath, I tho * lit it might not be out L. E. ancey, Seaforth, solicitor. The. a regular Christmas. The generous far- place to -send a short speech that I
n Ithout H ot beT- questioned: 'or following SECRETLY is stated that 101 cents. per p6hrid, and netted the I the sigbt fully as much as might at least e of the d,ep-
i gentlemen �.werd� appointed mer enjoye4 appear as on
CCM 'esty's-specia permission the views local . I ussia an Austria are -secretly arming, patrons $6,000. n thought
� P
al. chairmen in their. respective mani- the small boy' did the feast. atation to,Bracefield, and i
! - knd that both have sent'orders� to Eng- Wm. Bak ccof the erribers cannot be made public cipalities, viz : Stanley, George F orest; er, of Stephen, one —On Thursday evening of last week stand on the platformwith my good old
y land for large quantities of tores for 'day last week killed 6 hogs . that
Brucefield ; Seaforth, -- W. M. Gra thre Mr. arid Mrs. Hugh Me,of - the Sth Father Barr and Ily brothers, Acheson
Sion to make pub- t eir armies. turned- the scales at 1,6 pounds. er M11 esty's permis "lie in Halett, Arthur Wbodman,Lotidesboro; concession of Hallett, near Kinbun, and It. Y. homson. I assure you I &Ili
41�iaaf �JI.t, g View$ L, I . SMGGLE5G Opium. The steamer hey"were thoroughbred Siffolks, and
is never sought McK celebrat
illop,VVm.Caih,Winthrop; Tucker ed their 25th marriage anni- proud of this opportunity, for the
Idaho, which arrived from Alaska on thelmmens6 weight whi� ey a in
except where the difference becomes a Smith,. John Hann�li, Egmondville; versary or silver, weddin�. 0uite a greatest trial I 'have ba;d a' e leaving
t,tm Saturday night at Port A'ownsend, certainly establishes'the --all eriority of Inc
atter of consciene Bayfield, Joh Eason;- Ha, Dr. Bueh- number of friends were present fro home is the,loss of fellowship with the
e, and during the Washington -Territory, as ieized.-by that breed for fatting purpos as. I anan, Zurich.; The secretary was in- Exeter and elsewlier'e, who spept an ex- brethren—no committee meeting, no
'pat years there are but two *in- Customs officers, and between 300 and —Mr. John Shobbrook, c the. Iltb eedingly enjoyable evening in social I no ission
struetA to communicae with each of, ?iesbyter ary meeting,
-pb;unds of opiu found in the -en- concession' of Hullett,48 ha ling'bom .y,
"stances Gf Staements of div 400 In.
isiOn Of the chairmen appointed, instructing the" e intercourse. Mr. and Mrs.' Okia were practically 'alone at all ineetings—yet
in gineer'i department. tmberfor the enlarg6ment, -his- bar )filforting consci of
n the recipients during the evening -of having the c( iousness
opinion and those referred to ecclesias-. to call together at as e"rly a date as! pos-. ARCTIC he is als'O going to at a
I CRART� DESTROYE The next summer
""tical cases, in appea, and not as in this - sible the loca organization of each tri'an't- several beautiful presents, as expressions the presence of Rh n who sees not as titan
residehee of -Dr. Emil Bessels, the Arc- stone stable underneith. Mr. T. Shob- of the good-wil . I and esteembf the don- e The promises, " I will never
cipality foir 'the purpose of making out! tie explorer, -at Glendale, Maryland, was brook, of the 13th- c6ricession, and' Mr. ors. ase tal a'merematter of advice tbat.
lists for the Revising. Barristers,, of burned on Christmas morning, an*d all- Joseph Lyon, . of the 12th, ar also going That Mr. Oke and his estimable e thee nor forsake thee, arid
ame. der the original power - of the -persons whose-namesshould be ontben wife may enjoy not only nbther quar- Open thym"Outh wida and I will -feed
ew his books land charts and: other valuable to make aidditions to their b, rns. .80:verexp-in-Council," Ifithis instance voters' lists, and who are not on the as; I ter of a century's wedded as, but live tbee, " I have realized here to a large de -
documents relating to Arctic matters ---.:The Wingbarn salt we 1. has now the cona t of Her M&Jesty has(neither sea ent rolls, and also to take the to celebrate their diamond edding, is gree. I ha--v',e often wished some scien-
am destroyed. reached a depth of about 1,5, D feet -and -ir friends.' ti.�t could a telescope of Suh -necessary- steps to J,complete the the wish of all, the
been asked nor gm -n -ted, and it is not like. W-RECKs.—The City of Pam has drilling operations will be c. included as
local orgnization and get it into —On Monday evening of.�Iast week size as to et before the eyes of the
ly thwt ny m eluber of,ihe Privy Cott, brought home to New York the crews of soon as 1,550 fo-et reached.' 'The tl�ere was ll�ld in tile P�esbytcrian church the exteiit arid necesmities of the
effective' working shape. 'After pass -
five vessels wrecked in the li would dellberatelyperitie himself to grt:k- hig a hearty vote of'thanks to the on, and ch�urch, St. Helens, an excellent efiter- field she is commissioned to cultivate; rbor of -,pump will then beset in �ope rati
A.4pinwall d7ing the norther of Decent- 'the.cpaoity of the well will b retiriii President for - his past services tested taiiintent, commemorating thle twentieth that, at one view she could. see the
tifytheel ir 91y, ofthe Conservative Dress 09 oer 2nd. in order Ao ascertain if sall: has . been anniversary of the settlenwnt of the tho'-usands at borne and the millions
and the transaction of some otber bu ViCTims.—RIeportg from New Jersey, found in paying quantities. The Of Cana gi e , �ir Johii a soficIr ness, the President in' a few compli: Pump- pastor, Re%. Robt. Leask. 1 The large. abroad sitting in moral darkness. Speak -
bed to, li on. mentary and appropriate remarks intro- Long Island arid Westchester coatinty, ing apparatus arrived from' 'Petkolia on church was crowded with �n apprecia-- ing last eveiiii)(T with the captain of a
Ito* that -seven persons were Atten by Ivi on d ay. du'ced'- tive audience, arid 4 e harbor. He says there
d that when It has 41 -so. been tat.� Mr. axcellen addresses ship pow in th dogs,'on Wedn�sda.y last week. —Last Friday night some on'e visited Mr. _NNT. C. Cameron, M. P., 'West were delivered by Al I-, Davidson, are bundreds of Islands, in the Pacific
-wer he had fore- CREMATIO,N jN BUFk,.ALO.—!Cbe first the barn of James Mitchell, concession
Mackenzie was: in po Huron. Mr.'Cameron received a warin of Lang -side, Rev. Mr. Cameron; 0 Ocean peopled with. Savages vrbo live
It case of cremation in Buffalo was per- .12, Grey, and helped himself to some
shado,wed in the Speech from the Throneo a ` d cordial welcome from the a Dungannon Rev. Dr. Ure, o' Goderfelt, largely by ship wrecking. He -says we
form d, Sundayj mornin at the new ere-. oats. The little dog- that a ompan'ied
a M easi-tra calculated to take fi-am, the He commenced by referring to the many and the pastor. A recitation, entitled ha,%�e_ trange feelinus passing these
matcry irl.the� pres�nee of directors ot this inn, wit athe con-tr battles he bad fought shoulder to o was. friendly enough, to The Gambler's Wife," was i admimbI islands leydwe. should be becalmed oi-
al of'the liquor tra;f- the Crematoryl SgeteRy, the ftiends, of help hitfiself, was shut tip in the barb and readered by Miss INIcConileir. The strike oil the coral reefs aloncrtbe Shore.
-shoulder with the Reformers' of 8 y
outh lie and rest it in. the Dorninion Gay the deceased ,,and few physicians. ws liberated by.Lvfr. itch of the progr rtn�e was fur- In:such cas a we wotild be butchered
ern-- Hur e. when he
on, and the triltraphs they had won, t musical part w e
meat, and this is put fprward as an. ex- 'and the victories the�y bad gained, and The test was pronounced a comple e sud- came boine. -Mr. Mitebell is anxious to nisbed by the St. Helens) e oir, led by and eaten, arid our ship plundered. He
know* whether -the -pup
cess. Ot libine all Mr. R. Miller, with Miss -McCrostie told me of an Indin chief who brought
euse fortl corseof SirJbha. This pro, al,,o referred in the m ost feeling. terms. -MAP:—Tlie Chi- right or not. to the noble effqrts wbich.tbe Reformer8. presiding at the organ. Drifingy the en- his son to Monte Video to be educated,
however, is as ratten as the other one, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railwa —We regret to notic
of -8outh Huron' in these various hard- y death of tertainnient the pastor, MrAeask, was but warned the teacher )lot to Inake a
pany sre now publishing a large -
fought contest cago Ro edstbhocme; which
Mac enzie* -never inhis life,contern- s ad- put forth in',,bhqbe� com� Mrs. bert Kydd, of presented with a It andson) e I cutter and Christian of him. Being asked wliy, he
roller map -of the whole northern part of took pfa'ce on Monida , the 14th ult. address from the members f his con- -said: Because the Christiana are bad
plaed any such an infringem ent up'gn tile l5alf. Re- then went into his subject 10
the United States, showing pot only Mrs. Kydd had bben a resideni
d delivered a ringing address, 'and n, which
righ-ft aad- liberties of the Proinces. The an of tJs- gregatio forth a ieeling inen they cheat, rob, kill and make
0 years, and,- conse� and. suitable rep] nk. " Stich is the iea, the
Inc -1 geographical features quently, experienced. all. the tria'ls and rigley, for- -heathen get. of Christianity from the
. - ipa p�astor. Indian dru
kepttheGloseand undivided 4ttention. their system and the connecting lines, borne for over 3 y
ealy refe. * �euce to the subject that was of the audience for over two 1hours, and 'but the pr ---!rhe friends of James r
as well ap, is comprehensive. -hardships of pioneer life. She m as high- of Wingham, will be, pleased to white man who barters with him. Is it
ever ma. de in a'Speech.frorn the Throne if darkness had not set in the audience. The in'
FIGHTI,zve. DUEDC�EIL&—,erious troll- ly respected by 'll her acqv in, - NN, r. M I e a
tim that could be would have listened with equal patie-fice aintances. learn that he is meeting with' great sue- not the daty of all true Chrisfians to
t, bl�e exists- between the oyster dredgem At -the time of ]ter death she
construed 1, ino a of an thing of th andint0rest for'four - liours longer.' it 0 Was in her cess in his enterprise at Velee island, show to the world what tile Christian
y e and the tonginen on the lower Che�a- 69th year. as - one of the most trenchant and Essexounty. During the present year religion really is? This, JIL)y dear
'kind ws in tile session of IrI8,when' w peake river 1he latter ha.vilig attacked —Jbhn.9boplan'-A, of Vic telling addresses we have ev�r listened I toria, British he, made 1,015 gallons Of orilh hren, is y6tir work. You have done
the following several oyster behoon firearm Columbi, after in absene 0 a
paa-raph appeared in the to, and deat 1"Y'ainly- with the financial of eight tile product of ix acres. The cane was little compared with'to be done,
and driven them from the fishing years from Hu'roii, - -turn
mismanage�m return recently, of the Early Arriber and Early Orancre and the time is near when we will all be
speech cut and extravagant ad
ures p -sever I of the dredgers bein and was united in marri is very that there should expendit f the 'Govern- rounds, a 9 to Miss varieties, and some of it yielded 200 softy we have done so little for the con -
be ment. But woui,ided. On Tuesday night apolice Jane Salk-eld, of Goderich township. unliflar legislation in the Pr' lengthy and powerful as gallons to the acre. Tile T brought version of sinners and thb, education and,
Ae d steamer bad a 'fierce battle wibh a fleet The newly -wedded pair� will' n -vin.ces resaectiri the traffic -in spiritu- the indictirtent wits, id not by any Ot leave 40 to 50 cents a gallon. ,�,qgides this, civilization of. the savage.
9 a. Hitherto,' th t tra m eans-exhatist his stibjeet. As he said t dre4 boats whose crews the for British Colut�bia for couple of NI r Srigley sold over 84- to is of Con -
of ei�
a Ile has' police� attempted to arrest for illegal months yet. Mr. Sliopla;nd is enpged cor But it is with the British Columbia
himself, he could speak continuously for I at a�asoh
been xegalr&ted -by krovincial las, or (I grapes the pa , the- -pro, mission field I have to do. It is both a
fisliirtg,�, the steamer having to - use her in sheep -farming in the Pacific Pro a H s ta
las: exis. ing before the.confederati0n ten days- on the tri'aladniinistration of 0, vince, duct of .0 acre al. o ob, - ined 500
carAn Q to defeat the dredgers, . - Horn- IMissiou'and a ForeinMission.
of the ince the present Ottawa ,Government, and if and likes the country. bushels of potLtoes from 4 acres, 300 There are ei-bt ministers in active work
a, although there has 0
AR'T.—The Inter- —A very enjoyable event t ook place bushels of beets and:carrots. 100 bushels in the Province. Four of these belong
been latelk conflict of atithority as-' to their Iniadredds duri�g the' 'past seven nati 6nal- Art Exhibition will open in 'at the residence lof Mr. 'vl'm. Case, of sorghum seed,..5,000 gy,pe worts,
tie, i,urisdiction of the local authorities.
e county of - Huron suf - - e historical' E xeter, last week, it -bein the marriage bout 700 bushels of Corn A Bill ma. building in th ili�.n'on May 18, 1886. Th' to and are pitly upported by ii,,Z,
the necessary provision years -were all written out there is no ;Be 9 arid a (Wan- - four represent he
0 department Wilt! be'a promill part of of'his eldest I daurrhter, Anna, to A, W. Church of Scotland. ficiently lar,ge to contain the countless 0 , ,
wM be rn-itted for your 'eowddem-. the 6xhibitiou, and will cost $1 )0,000. Wrigi tity of hay and other produce—ttll the Canadian church. In Victoria, Rev�
volumes the recital would make. We it. Esq,, of Aew York, It President bove being grown on 26 acres that be Mr. raser's congregation has been
re uunble this weekto.give evena FTr:RY- CARTSTMAs Tit E. __ t to a an an. it , tin( er cu Iva Ion. num er rapidl i i and is this year self -
y increasing,
%�' *14 bad no. reerence to the synoposes of Mr. Cameron's reinarks Chi O on cile" a huge h4stwas' lie ceremony --vas perform$-(" by cattle", -vine and other toi mals were suppor ing. n ])tit t9ferred to I STew Westminster Mr.
but in future issues we sliall reproduce tree, bearing a11' kinds of gift for the S. F. Robinson, incumbent A brist also rai.sed � and fattened for market- McKay. has been over-worked, having
ly t ti ts'and atte id -Church, Exeter. Tbere. wer a great This is ertainly a 'good all �wing, an(I
prohibition of the tra, ffic' is - as in Itch as,the limited a -pace tit our dis- P1 Iantsat th county P - of 'Port 1loody in additio to
tI permit. At th' conclusion of 4:�spjtal, and lavishly illunlin invited friends present at the reflects credit upon the energy and in- his regular work in the city. Iiis con-
maiAfest e remar -s G those who Posal wil h ed with many w dd ng. his eloquent Adress -Mr. Caeron was wax I candles, caught fire while- a telligeuce of Mr. rigley, gregation is neither larg nor wealtby,
%oding vote of'th' hundred or more peoele - wr �,, closely —The list of convictions b -the mag- —Another of the Huron pi
;he Speech� Act tendered a at, ge
anks, oneers died and will need assistance from. the Ali(
was then, i force, afid. it, -ih -a prop6s Sion. of Mr. Qdm abo, � it, and almost instantly tAle entire ed At the eanclu 10ron a- istrates of the county, for th e quarter on Frida,. December 18, in the person pientation Fund'for 4011le tittle to corne.
ending- December 8th, shows 11, total of to, supercede it by a, better Act, and as address a few rem axks were ' made by tree arid its contents were a pyrafilid of of Mr. Win. Holland, oil lot 11, conces- It is hopedthat. the population will in-
resut the President, Mr. 4. Bishop, _11. P. P.S.. flame 3. The garments of hnext to 99, Out of which 24. were dis itissed or Sion 1, Rullett, of apoplexy, t the age -he 8cott Act Avis t 1J, crease after the building of the railway.
and others, obmqtendatory of the course the wee- caught fire and everyone withdrawn, 11 were for brea h of the of '1-7 years and tdire(i month. lie, was Mr. McKay was it pe
h(. -0 casesof drunkenness.and, 'Pursued -by ,V4,'O Ositio in Parlia-� 171's c. Before i born in Hull,, Yorkshire, England, and work entirely, and left yesterday for
al Scott Act, I co, 1 Iled to jive up
P� n bf d to the door in a pain made qaite clear by the remarks of r. ment, th:e ability 6f -the Oppositioni the roorn -,was half emptiedof the crowd others for various offences.'. Eleven were came to Canada in 1820 with his grand- I Southern California on account of ill-
Chailtori, who seconded the address -in leader and the -signal victories wbichthe' Some ,'-,-ie vvith *fire extiauis ars �ub_ byi - Godericb "magistrates, 15 by Sea- father, and Settled in the township Of health. We hope he may be restored to
Ontario Premier,.of whom every� Liberal dited the flarn6s and forth, 17 by Blyth, 0 by Clinton and the 01
reply to. tl�e Speech. He said drencl tie cloth- Vaughan, within 12 miles ' Toronto, heath and Come b�ack in the spring re -
is justly proud, has recently achieved. 'ing. �vbicli had, caught fire. !some 40 rest by sundry magistratei. where be lived -for' I I ye�rs and then cruited. 4ut, -in the mearitime, the
The country -will be deeply interest- in tile courts in the. interests -of Pro- pet -so a wer6 injured, but,'none faally. --At the rec 't examination in Knox move con
en d to Goderich township about one gregation will suffer; we hope soon
ed in the reference m ade in this Speech vincial rights. The mee -mile west of Clinton, and set n the
tin& closed with College, Toronto, Mr, John McGillivray led o' to have another missionary sent out to
from the Throne to, t6 mperance legisla- ceQrs for. Messrs. Blake, took the )Smith c 'larship, vahie850,
0 1'� ; - ; , -11owat and 1'he Aecorld, annual 6oncert under place now known hs the cAllister
ion upon CanieronL intion. - Uniforallit-Y of leci-51at' -m,,-.vhere,.he lived for 1.1 years take charge dnri g his absence. I
I - 4 .o lien's for the best essay on� fai cially feel sorry at his removal,
-tfie,ailloc, the Grey Plowt The Love of God He
the tem per,allce question thmucrhou'- tile in relation to His� Tustice open to then sold tile farm. nd settled on a bush ape -for it
Assoc iatioW-was-ilield at -Crnl rook last leaves me with my nearest nei0bor of
Dominion is, of course, i1i. ti�De �igllest_ —Oil Friday evenin a, - arid was a. grand sti�cess in ever second and third -D, farm in the township of Hullptt, where . our own church in active work M miles
degree 91 I �t'h p1t., , .,week y ears ; and Mr. nurriber of youngy people -om. 1,1iteliell pa, McGillivray, the Prince of. Wa Ift rtipulr., The la les schoi� be-li'ved tint I the time of his (6atli. He distant. My own Veld extends from
The Goverhmen, I liave ub doubt, - haqre drove,; out Dan e iff rge hall wasl filled to rship value 5 -was married in 1832 to EI Za Hicks, i ad -ed a measli o: IN ennicke a' ov6rflj1Owj11g, and tile perf6rmances Nvere .120,1 for b-st- essay on, anvilleFto South Arm, a distance of
fore sl that� ]NIaxy Davi's is boa*rding it The Doctrine of Evolution hl' its Re- daughter of the late Wm. Hicks, of will 1 i"' highly -appr6Gia�d!by all', a indeed it about 15 miles:
-egatios as yet
W Mor s, open least, be wore stisfactory to the coun- Loptri, to have ssocit- lations to Theology and tratford, arid 'sister of the la;te John Congi
a little jollificiafion. - co U'ld not be otlier isq, as th aresnia.11. The North Arm, con re
pera ^.Nlr. Hollandserved tion is composed of s�attlera on Lulu Sea
eill nee �kct7 Aft'Ir'spending a -%-cry enjoyable tinie, ell ar �yea these 9 ga - try thart, he present tkon had procured sit wi , rly of pro- to firat and second rs. B th Ricks, of 'M itebell.
g r)� as far' as it is possible icy started for home about baf-pst fessiolial talent, most of wbic are not ge nen belong to Goderich. in tbe.-rebelli0lof 1337. If is remains 181 -a, and a few settled on tile main- amd will
t tl tlei go ta meelt the wishe' w . ere Interred i1i Clinton c' and a of te )peraride. two in tile morning, and when on their. equalled in'the Province. The' -wonder- —Notice is given -in 0 enietery on
_ful�perfotmance on the azette that ari applia-tio Monday, December 21st. -land is only partially Set- men. the Ontari land alonf, the banks of the Fraser
68,iy-they no ced a, fire in the dis gla"es G n wil be made
tance, His wife and
'th f, Pro v6�'conel usively the which they soon discovored to'be isstlitic", by Mrs. itndNlliss Sae, of W oll, was - to the Legislature 6f the 'Pr vince of fo t to tled. The increase, to our congregation This, In el river. u Is
Ire lef
essL of what we statei th- tit the k* ur sons and three, daughtet., co_rrect4 fro itchen of Mr. James, Woods heartily 6heored by all. - The renowned Ontatio at the next session fc ran Act mourn his..dec.ease. tbere'depen& xiow largely on its being brick residence. ' The party lost no time k5cJbtt1sh 'Vocalist'- John $iewart, of Hal- was the pr6blibition and not tlW, licens-, in t erecting the townsbips - of I Wallace, —The Witigham Times of &at week, settled. Here vVe have secured a lot on reaching the place, shouting' the ton Elma and Aloininaton, -of Ilia and, 5 which to build 'our intention is to pro- 0 county, was, in his best mood and ing of the 4rlfric' . 0 in the �ounty a the folloing: Between 4 that was referred to in alarm as they. �assed the farm hons big songs -were highly itppr iated as' ertb ; Howick a�&Grey in t ootinty o'clock Sunday mornin as . Duncan ceed. with a church early in the SPA e mg.
this speedli. This could be� further 01, arriving at th -ere als those of Gebrdie Hamilton, of of Huron; Varybolroug, c trrity of McCollarn -a L., H. & 913. (onductor, The buTden of building will prevent the e v ouse they- 'm $ shown by t ��e ft4i4tkis of mind nobody- astir, and I'lley at once -cc I n- 'Alilver- people from making any increase in con- Ski J(., bti t4- Atwood- The sel tio by Messrs. Wellington. with the ages w as walking'along-JosepIline street, he
;proceeded to- burat in the *front door Sin�lair Hargreaves, rael an and ton, Brussels, - Wroxeter, 'or rie, and espied a man diligently at wo;r k -with a tributions towards salary (luring this. I
dofial and;dthliera V�t it is uni A through which an entrance was made,., Laird, Br Gte t�ese, of ussels, � %-Vere we�l given. the towns of ..-Palmerston and Listowel, brace' and bit boring holes in the post year. The - congregation was organized i
A0 (ia Sir John Mi cdonald and the uncouscip `Mniq Sage 'T-itsidiad at, e (yrgan into a Provincial. c'unty, to le dalled office door, Duncan went u ? to the -on the 5th of July, with a communion I
e pr E
IS rin
th Wq t
0 ce
ANUZY 1886
roll -of 14. From these, two elders were'
chosen, noble men and loyal Pre4byl-
terians, formerly belon ing to the PrE;8_
*,be TA-mb who h4th redeemied. lish, Indian and6 Clhinese—thlp
byterian church of th6 &11orth of 1reland.'
There is a settlement of Presbyterians
-own blood.
I rjoice in yoVEr we Ifare,
at South A=, on Westharn Island and
athize with yc4 in your lal
in xio,�. iiaeuring ir.,
at Ladnor!s whiere there is
May the ijaster himiself 1-4
plenty of work for a miss' ionary. As
torof Iiis own ebo"
yet none has been sent there, no doubt
from lack of means. Granville ai or-
a Paz.
jad y% -p shall receZre- Finallyl t
ganized on NoTember 15th, ith a com.
farewell- Mrs,
best v6shes and �myrs for _1OU
muinon roll of 9; a small humber,ut a
be up and d6ing,�fsithftlll
goodbeginning. Oarprospectshereare
,work, that when*,,he Master a - 1
very encouraging, though progress is
slow at present from want of a rooni-.,to
y also appear *ith Him in G
meet in. The school house in which we
arri your brothe� in the1ora
meet has been by far too mto a'ecom-
itier pai�tor, i
modate those who atfend many hate o
go away. The laud'4111, -however, be
put on the market n1ext week, when we
The Municipol Nominw,
will secure lots for a site. - Three - lots
will be needed, giving us 75 by 120 feet.
Sr-Aronvi.—Dr..' Coleman,
The cost of this will be $1,200 The ost
1). D. Wilson, keeve; James
of purchasing land afid building will be
and Alex. Davids0n, Deputy--Reo
such a burden on the smallongregation
ST-kxLEY.—J�o1iii Torrmce, lte�
that they can't . be expected to con.-
tribute m Itch towards salary next year.
P er - D -'
X. Cam b 11 Muty Reeve a
:� 3�
We, therefore, appeal to tho liberty and
�coulicillora elected.11
y acelainatio:
—Major, Hrace f.
patience -of the church, A knorith ago.1
organized a Sabbdth School, hi w1iiih
- Peve, F. XV. JohOstoii ; DeP*
the little ones are� very much interested.
.M. G. Caniero.n.
We have an average attendance of about
25. Mr. Chisholm's fiel�d in Nicola
Valley is Very extensive., He preaches
Symonds and elf rd
three times. i Sabbath, travelling adiis-
4elected Reeve D. AlcMu . r,ch
tance of over 30 miles on horse-baek;
Deputy Reeve.
don't envy the man of God his ride. I
witox-ETER RR T B
tried'th,e riding two Sabbaths, but had
Councillors, It, Th0s.
no iclination to sit.. down for two or
hill. Joull Davi4soit Will -1re
three days after. Mr, Chisbol-mi sabout
200 miles from me, so 1 dont see him
Iiams are �3i tile -N
often. But the cause certainly in all
and �'Messrs, NIC),lurchie
quarters is progressm''U., There is a
were re-elected Reiv arld
growing attachment. to the Canadian
church. The appeals arl to as for
obn Esel
Canadian missionaries- are strong, --as
T. J.
trinch-soastroni India_or China. And
esbi Ree, P_ Coun411ois, Mes,:
as the Province for some years has been
Connor, Miadleto Polloek,
rap'idlk progressinig and growinghealtby
on the m ilk of the old Ontario cow, in
the way of mil,ways, docs, &c., we
cillors—Way(I 1,. N m.
hope the church will iIot fail to letawn
Chapirian and Alek. Dawon
.her milk -that the -,weakl. Ing chrchhere
Benjamin Willson,.Robrt
inay grow to the fulness of the stature -of
W. W. Inglis.
.tile perfect man in Christ Jesus.
We need seven mo re missionaries at
-Glabriel Elliott aihtl John Cox.
once—two more on Vancouver Island
Beacom, Deputy
and five on the mainland, at Ladnor's-
Councillols, MessrC Elliott,, Aitt
Landing, Spillana'acheen, KamlooEt
Churchill, Lait-hw4ite and MeLeij
Ae Farwell'an-1 Clintoll—niostly
line of railway. At'all these places there
Deputy Reeve,
are a number of Presbyterians. If we
elected- by acelamil'tion, NVe
neglect them longer with Gospel ordin-
been able toget tbq naniesf thc.
ances they will find their way into other
cillors for this towAship.
fields, or, what is worse, become ca-rp_'-
EAST W.A.-WAN0811— For Reevo,
less and immoral and go back- into . in-
Currie and Thos.-, H. faylor - ; I
fidelity. It is for those who name the
Reeve, Finay A41d-ersbn, re -,4Q
name of Christ, and to whoiif the Lord
Councillors,. Robekt
has given of this world's goods, to gay
'King, Robert R�i�ly, CIna .1 Cat
what is to be done. Your decision
James Henry and Richard Le4slin
brethren, will be seen in 'your love for
Him. who gave His life -for in your
prayers, Your influence�_and your con-
tributiou. "Hear, our cry. come over
Deputy-Reevship. The Uout,
and help us."
nominated are Robert Rol
The V oreign work consists in the edu-
Lean, Jr., _Wni. troaafoolt, and
cation and evangelization of both In-
than and Chinee. A large numb er of
Kennedy. —.Nfes, rp,
3 Ritz, renl�
Indians are scattered over the Province.
ber ana Charles Eilber -ba
, 4
Within tile bounds of my own field
there 1,000,
elected 4.eeN,-,e =4 first a,
DeDuy Reevs' reg'pectivcly�
are about heathen and
Roman Catholic.. School's sould be
provided in which to educate their chil-
J. Mitchell, E. W+on awl 4. Bal
dren ancl the Gospel preached to them in
HLLETT.--Mssrs. John MIC
their awn language.
andJohn Bretton NIV101're re-tIvete
The Chinese are in every settlement.
and Deputy Ilk-elV4 and the thr
They are a much abused race. The cry
counoll-lors anti,
erun-nilng for tim 1)(4,
has beenraised: ?Root out the Cles-
tials, I because, it is said they wor f. -or
of cola,acillrs. 'lie f ollowing ar
so little pay and can live'on so little that
a white man won't be able to live. How-
ever, they serve a good purp
ose, in keepl"40� wai'A"68 at a nonlinal price. The
Chinese all expect to go back to chlls
P. t W� "Cott,
Ailam (yood, alalx,4 Dre'w,
at some ftiture time. -11ow -very im-
Portabt that we Should educate and
ZLIIII F� W. Vall-stolie.
Christianize them while hpre, thatwhen
they return they nlay ttike -the G,opel
them -to their heathen brethren.
alul .Iamefl; 1.
No. 2, ItObt-rt,
amounts of money are sent to
Fornibsa, and good use has been; made of
3, M. a
it;,perbaps no mission b as been ,,-So -pros-
Cbarle� Dodils, nd I
perous. But, suppose some Of 'Clie Chin- ese should go from Granville to For-
Mosa, what would the converts there
�ed Reeve by acch;3
think of tile church that' sent the Gopel
Win. Isbister' aml
to tberit, whilst she cared nothing -for
for th
The -followiij-4ir a 1'4_! the VILTVIMat
tile souls of their brethren here' ! Let the church take bol(I of the heathen
Chineseat our own door, educate And
preach the Gospel to them, and �ult.i_ rit-ately it will be found to cost iess to
evangelize China by evangeliing ily
Chinese here. This work bns bee
It is only an
taiiid r. F B,yan 21M
9611. experinrien t as vet,
we need tile approval, synipatJ)y,
Candidates for abut
McDoald, Daniel Itoberson avid
aud'support of the church.
The Mthodist church has taken hold
of the Chulese work in Victoria. They
Hardy, Wh
ba-ve secured tile services of a returned
represented Ex,eterl for wavy y3r;
619'ng a
in issionary's son, and have a large schoc -)I
with Several teachers.
Cannot the Presbyterian church do
Ex)llins are _t.lie pri-
the sarne for New Wstm.inIster alij
G'ranville? A little has been done.
Mr. McKay opened a sellool in J1.1.1y iin
lity ree, .
New Westminster; providentially at
RAY, � -Dr. retil .8 fr1ri
that time a conver td Cbinaman settled
this yeitr� Ana K
there and became a meniber of th church,'� who has been- a great hell) to
11appel, ar(i the cauirlidat
tile . school, and' is c0nduting service.
ln(�ranvilleitwas impo�,Sible'to (te
sellool-room, but lately w Inove(T our
residence. Whe�
and A� are the
jxiilding-, detache'd froin
k, . 41.
house, 15.xl.3 feet, which I have fitted
D. F. A. -.Nlc�wv
up at my' own expense for this p
Next week we will open the school be-
ginuing -with the alphabet, aild- as -soon
as they can read we Will use the scrip-
for a (I uai centu 4S I
-ter of ry. h
tbis township an, (I fAthfAill
tures almost exclusively as a text book;
, i pal oflicer, r(itirms - fr4r.)III t1w. I
ith otbe work this -will be a heavy tax-
year. 111r,
e w, On tim nd Strngth. It has been uch
Ite-e-veship 4re ,srs. A.: Alh:x
on my dear Brother cKay that h;e hag
late Deputy and Kvrit
ha&to rest for a time. Yousaywby(lo
a formf;r Councillor. For tbe J�
youldoit? Dear friends, we are right
llk-ck and %17e]
in the midst of �beathenisrn it is impos-
Biblie for us to
are the conte' ti , The
. sit still knowing these
youll Mullf)y alul GlW.1l1IlJ
,%re �erishing without God and without
hope, and not do something tolead thel".
was a lr� V a i 1,
to tbeSavigur, even though it may be,
4ay at t1re.
Injurious to health. Let us bestir our-
shiki), and t4em, W1.10 pndly
there is a sound of a going in the
tal in", the Pll V;w
�ops. of the mulberry trees .; let there be
result- Mr. T. _M.'Kay is 6PT
fresh consecration of time, talent awl
the by r.
,neaIis to Jehovah, and go fortll (li-.q-
"iPliping alLiiations 7 till the kingdoms
north wanl, nd r. Janit-
A the world beco � I- . me the of
ft.)r the outh
At presen't I hall not appeal to
Njoriteith awl Nlr. 9L Iforney
'lie church for a teacher or for inoney
it f,or t1w n4rtb
;O support our Chinese school ; not,till
Me 'hicr and *Uylor for
;be -experiment has been well tested
cait ward.'. The A�-puty 111 I
)lit I do appeal to my f f ids in Bruce-
township ie tile
ield.or elzewhere—to
.an see their way clear to -a end Ine a
lollars to help to cover the running ex-
--Abou , t tw weOks i'Mr. 11
of the school aA its equipment;
Wilson, of Listow�-T, re��turneil #Al'
ve will ]need from $10 to $20 now. I
huth)g tour anithigst thp, lhl
Ivill lbe, delighted to hear from any of
rocks (A Wih
conipal iy with tw �otbenq, r�
,70a at any time, but let not this inter
ere �vith your contributions to regular
bunting. rttlls in
u +;-m, ground i -Abe vicinity.4
lonle, and foreign collection. We are
n t P heat'of the battle come and help
Lake, in, the tov)ashlip of
aout the beginning of t)c tober,
I ;
-hat �unitedly we nlayhout victory td
he remained -till th4 �qlose of tb(,- ti;