The Huron Expositor, 1885-04-17, Page 17 t IOred, iEIGHTFFNT Y]MAR. 131ROS., ]Pubolish-ers McIiEAIT -906. A PRIL -173 18650 �'Wiio.LR NUM-BEn AH., F RIDAY, -d-v 0 $1.50 a Year, izL A -ane -but it happened to be passing by. He extin,- ppt� two dau -ghters, HE PEMLS BY THE *AY. Cidli u g a goo d �'Vork -f or su, 616 r *in g h uman - scheme is mot yet fully deve1ppE d �v ile en route. Babb. car is ford Mrs. Moore of those ointed. by the Do'lDinin Board .1 al?p. UY in this matt mmissioners, under t�le tott Azet, hed the flames oved divided partnients, and Grey to r. His Objett is not to is njore than probable that it will bez- guis and had bier reni into two com- wnship, and Mrs. H. Rogers of of Co r -lie perils nd hardships' m4ke money, bu t to do good ---a,, will be heartily enteped into b� the different 'to the hi�i8p, She is frightfully each cobiparty ient contains s age, who Surviv her. Some idea of t tialls for six Fullarton vill as vendA _#s of liqur for edibinal, me- el -'by the - Canadian volunteers freely teatified by Who 'i out The horses are backed ii illured riqh an -d Poor nusica.1 op11ties throughout the Pro- burndd ab . the breast, arms and legs. orsm ito Age 80yeafs. clianical'and sacramental ipurpooses, and while on their pmxch around the north have een un' do his treatment. vince. ­­Mr.�' Patrick'Gallagher stall; aiia stand with their heads '—Mr� James Fenton, -of Elma late1v believing tlWsaine to be truej it is bere-� 'of G lanford, thesc -Tha -we vi shore of Lake �uperior in,ay, be� gleaned f4offi g —Lieutenarit Morrow,, of thO. Queen's discovered a remarkable formation in a each other,. three in , one en d of sold a Holstein calf to B. F. Knipe, of by resolved al*s follows t ew w the coi*partin Wallace, for -n. Ile -also sold with alarm the grajitiDg of such- lice. se by'the, special corres- 114 -a -, dom from tile f aanada.'­ 0 n Rifles, wounded ccidentglly, by a' bee"cli-t e �.wldch - he out -n on a mt and -three in the other. a good sui are secu 7ely fastene: ome I T d and there is another:to a gentleman near N ng ondent of the Toronto Writi is �.cases - f small -pox exi gt *111 the newspaper r( farin a few (ays ag r Monkton, to persons� who hav heretofore been ves were eng to Port Arthur, il ying 'at a big figure. Both of the cal" laged in the bussiness of selling liquor Voin Eagle Pliver on the 7th at the hospital. -tirbe wits forty feet high and. tl ree feet,. apl e �oom between, tb for f eedin g vibinity of Ott wa. po.��,r while on his way -i�igbbor's lie Ilie) IPM 1.11 a I low con I,Wil., wo6d an inch or two Waterfrig litc., The cars rest" con Pull- from o ted ` Hol- under -the Crooks Act, as botel keepers,- says. Several cases of smal-pox havd I re- in Toronto d't* Tbe 'thick. lIn 'the d,e rge Cleland's celebra -of the finest aninials nd oth icen -At last the Ic;n(, trani across the por- i�ylnptqiiis of blo6cl-poisollingwarei suffl' from the bark, tbl:e -letters J. U. are man s d are provided'with. air tein, which is one er li , sell liquor dealers, -and Mi P ce�ntly oceurr4d! in ontreal. prings, an tage is cover, and; nien are hV.py ati the, 01 apparent to cause aarin. ey' und on brak es' and of. ie modern im,�.,enients. in the Province. not.graiit 17 plainly, visible. Th' can-' be f i L 1hrae fo t�-ponnd 'gun I As been ,ingtbeinto druggists believ- master that appointionts of t thought of gettip- an all -mil roue toi L�ing of Knox church, any cross a etion matter -w iere cut Th —Afr. A. B. McCallum, Lead akin-d.arc been North- v. Di e no tion while )Pt QjeA the --ring the Scott Act in -to att6exings of' d fro ingston to th n the, Tru High School, the 'other Calculated to b pelll� If the on wn st4L 4 Grand unk Yard, at of Listowel In troops in tb an Thursilayni, t, accorded ii p blic wblw Alie leiigth of the tree. Ails, thig. BY special t night delivered an able and were any worse u I arrangeineu interesting contellipt, and open the way for the p . . west A. 11 ippen, of Belleville, has-. �is return f roin Europe., . N�.as. thr6ugh, and seem run up ai id,do I --John 6 i Om h= tl come by the niembersof his congrei-%- —Hon. j6hn Costigan, Miiister of with pany these cars iiere atta-ch- - lecture in that to-wn, on " The p culiar- . continuance of -the habit and t -iose of. the brave boys who cro;s den sed b fined 950 i fid costs for usifig illegal t4,e intiriftin L1, -the gaps separaincr'the inmin Portions of tion -The' dburch w1a well filled and Inland Revenue, in a speech at Levis, ed to ap qxprds, train and were expecttd itieg of Scottish character." The Pro- this Association Would call the -attention Thi- wa6hiss.econd are si r was occu. ed the policy of the Gov,.,rnment to go; throu,,Ob in 28 hours a distance of ceeds of the lecture were given to sup- of the Boart-I of Commissioners aud the -4 the we ncerely -sorry for the chai pied by lAr. T. H. :defend them. There they had burning ellion. $40 lihiles. plement the- Sabbath school 1i rary ov e —The'electri c light is t o' be used in tie primi &I streets -in Iii tile matter of the North west r, b b rnment of the- Dopiiuion� to the 'with breed ch ims, he 1 T to News, says-: The Mr. fund. #while here tlie suid was replaced -During the past winter an-immensc- Copeerning the half - serious wj�iih it is,ldemed i aliamilton. , � - - i ione t -n Ock in mt* d i the dispatch driving- tariw of snow and the tempera tiantity. of square timber has been ,�&id they w e unjust, d should not idow.,L es —One night lately,. in Elul sonic has bee -�L-Flir Selling liqur to Indians a hotel- er an 11 made froi the Spirit. and iA re mny degrees below z6fo. Still rawntoth Grand -Trunk yard t Ails;?- be recogniied. The-Metis bad not been as ai iico ig tho- e butcheirld at:Frog Lake, miscreant tried to poison one ao)f Mr. tentin bf the'Act," t -e Chip awa,ffilr,' North Bruce urage never f ngly treated by the GovErn unanimously, decided the bay s' co, tiled,axid tfiLt. Craig, It is now being shipped ta- Que- ro rneut,. Nori �hi rest Tc rritory, by the Indians, is Thomas.Preston's heavy draught borses, The Association J� Pfined $500, nd-costs. t�-it ho tram. p, trarrip, tramp, of the column, as bee. In Johi klexan der Gowanlock, late of by putting a mixture bf oats and paris to movel for thii appointment of a Police ouses, �­Rev*� M�ingvo I stea, I of being sent to Raniilton )ut after seeinly the lands they -had ob- -w U ken n rafts down the St. aine o led River, they ar d4le, int; wa ana y 10 or i d y mu -1010 ust, the and, then C d 'n the had de- V s well known in Park- green in its manger. Fort el I Magisfri),te f the county, -and instrut- h4s be&nl called by Knox 6hiirch lil- can 11 go naned others on the Saskatchewan. 4 I d thi He went to the ever, the animal tookbut a small part ed the Executive Comitee -to take We silent -woods or trackless w"tesoof the. .;goo. ice, a ikl former years, it* wi a e I city. Salary o(lered is $2- Lawrej a 11 11 Won -a. el appoiot-- The ­plw�jn ffis of �M in. Came, Lake Stiperio*r,ishore was m6i throwth on board the ca -The, Albion hot' at Brandon was Nor2 t about six years ago, and- of the inixture, and hopes are entertaig-� immediate steps to secure the- led ­:-INvIenibers of the my Reserv'e: real- dZ r .k, aturday se'ttlad at RapidCity. Hewasamill- ed that, though very sick, its life 11 be �nent of recoinn�endii John mad, very trying Bravely they strugg, Ar urnt own at . an early lion 8611s, lof Ne�,nmrket were destroyed by L �hielding Liselves, from the- pi (lent in Canada have been ordered to orningl. Two persons� were burned to. wrig ht, and m -orked at his trade in put saved. Beattie, :Esq.., of or the fire on. Friday night. Losiis,$50,000. a ves in readi 111711 with the 1ps 'of their great '—R-ev. X Torl, Loo, I no&) 'of Guelph, and, hold them iness to �et death; -Miss uchan, a sister of the pro- tiingupmills; a fterwardsmovingtollegina —Mr. R. E. Young, D. L. S., Wi ni- position. w�h the The Execut Committee was also codts. The terrible the su n to Englaiid. An old livIng in a boar�,er. Miss Beatibier in p ir t of his avocation. Subse peg, formerly of Stratford, is ive J�ey.'Johnklra of Orilli'a, have. had the. rietor, 1wnd queut- um,pe ed to appoint agents to assist in 4,000 f -n uthoriz 's that there'are b d roin a seond story indow, ly '�IDV'ed tD Battleford, purchasing A p6dVanee gurd of the 90th Re�;-ii ent, a 7 from. the snow-co-vered"ice, �hs it.. fell ou -in. To�oiito, sa3 I 01 tn degree of D. 1) conferred upon the inak- t e I i erve men who v was badly scobiliedi The balance stor ered ace and swollen eyes t6ld but ha e been ere, and was engaged in mercan-., ihow oii. its wa to Prince Albeit. He bringing offenders of the law to justice., Th of the Presbyterian churohi es that the garris,qn - and very complete arrangements 'were af the Story. So unteen in eir iness f )r about two years. Last it 'fduty at -me of the vol home in this country. )f the border Lca I d,with great diffi- tile Qu� eire without gogles, but the more R. g e t o)�� p riv a 5 struck by lightning "edno ig pe e; soll out, and -ie 'le was irUoine and tbe men. were made for obtaining inforinatiu doncern- A purox Cr Ou!'IA slitw night of last, week -.ulty it tf ei bt-clothes. rhe fitre- Vil 1 took tl contract Appe. la t Thursday's storm, and the ball was . �i - 4 ties on. tiie nen. di(. excell t work'and aved the. of edtink a mill at Frog Lake. He to get on the route, although the hig violations of 'the law. 0 t m glad cautious ones extemporized a'substitute some ruffian, placed sever� er -e( iock I ie top. .11 give Mi -ch &-trk; usin, pieces aufficiently track. a sliqrt diatau�-e from P-Ij-411ill. djouilin r building. The insh-ance is cam(,,, to Toronto 'last October to piir- piairles are wet, and marching ana .0, fr bii class at,, Knox College, large to cover i �. koront6ji duiin,� the past , ea whs th 1,000. up p-,4irt of the fce"Jasten- The intentiOn of -wrecking, a 'train wa r chas a he ma inery, and while here was camping anything but agreeable. From Wii-jconsin. I A It TICLR Inj th4 bark with aldece of string over e r Hu bi ma i d to a Niss ohnston, of Fintern, —The L frustrb6t L n ist6wel Banner says: Our -1�xcrest in �the"fiistor of -he collegb ed, as the' first train that passed —A te6 belon6,ing to M 9 y CUMB'ERLIND COUNTY, April 6th, 1-885.� th: ey�s:- - Two. sm MI slits gave ffi- e all was a freight that was going slowly, and 4ilchrist of ilsa Cij.aii, a few ays ago 'Linco n connt�. They both went back monthly cattle'fairs of late h0elof been NUC.Ai'a larae' 4umbering '50i stutlets. and at the t dainac, c- broke one of its fore! legs and t lie local to tj el North 'est before 'winter set in, distinguished for the number or superior DEAR ExroiTop.. —Through the kind- cient spce to see throt utel ant Governor Robitalle, of sustai ed but sli"ll A:dete —Lie i, Same ti me shut ou t the glare. Probab tive is 4fter th miscreant, quality of he animals offered for sale. ne�s o Every. ly Quebecl has pbscribed $200 -for the e v-6terinary surgeon �mpnt ind ��ve be�n engaged at Frog Latke f afrieudIrecieveth Exposr-roF. Last F riday was no e:�beption to the atil take great plea the the t. of th6 'f�niilies of -the ninth' An old g6ntlewan named George says -the steer is to liave-.a woollen leg, 61ver since, 111,ptil the bloo.dthist� red ause in readi suppor Allen nts it is bei X ifevi.s-- off At n the ne�w� from. Huron county and :ever so. e ng stall GREALTr.,,�T. stfFFr,,RiN. lion his Away from.'England died but at all I fed -th section took the lives of as there were few saleable animalp o batta, on e discussion . h- und, with the exception of a few pairs in, any other counties, but never.see aiay�- I by any of the. troops s by etb�i� both. John 'A. Gowanldck. was the gro experiencei: _E J�ive�s on the- train before reaching Lond as nsued as to. wl a, a- West Flainboro, f C%'rme-r,. a iou$1, le nd such an animal uld be slung up on a lirotievcif Jai�iis and Andrew Gowan- of oxen, several- milk cows, an a,few. thing of the �6011nty so the Grenadiers at Clain, ity cani,p, C3 is'destin t' tl Other -day. He lia. w e liv e in, was fine l Haniiltcon police court thought it my duty to give yo Mr.* Job Scott, 611 Moles- ui.a; little raffes from Do- -Lake Colonel Otter been vaccinte�, b6fore li�avi,ng horne, lbammodk and t a fatted, and whetbef lock both of whoin reside in Parkdale. young cattle. n other (lay �, for -selling two bags of -o r years his if kept The have ot as yet received news of worth,, and Thomas Jones, of Logan, breeze about it. It is uearly f it .bad pushed n, intending. to wait for" arm � bebame and the aninial wo'ul chew its c u*d n aqh five po-unds: underv�eight. , 'o 0 sil on P tatoes, e, 1115 cokm; V. y, causing poisoning of up tb us. the butchery other than through the purchased a few head at from. 21 to 3 since I first, cam, e to tl t. which the Grenadiers there, when b6th corps i —A boaqUiti I- window has j usi been inflamed, finall ay They say that if cents per as then a vast- wildernes 68 S� Would trav'e-I in two trains over the first the blood,. —Tbi is what a H sville cc rrespon- newspaper reports. 1b.. w .9 tut ince P*t in St. church, Kingston, by that time improved greatly. The settle- section of 80 miles. - On reachina' there, Donad M.! Grant chief of police, dent sews: The Hallelujah Baftd have Baxker� �oos:t office� inspector at iossIble they will -bring the bodies home however, -it was discovered that our ;of the dity of Ottawa, who died in"New been inilbramental in saving upwards of 4--fict doubotin1g that b6th are killed—ilf How Things Look in Manitoba. ment consists chielly. of Canadians, and ,1�tr 3ets It, 'Dn L d in -memory of his fathbr,motber ill give you the names of my ek wh* ds in Haysville and vicinity. it tler who recently engine had been disabled, and therefore York, - Ihst ilia returning. fifty sol is found to �eossible. to dd so. left I w d nearest neighboun' who are -aU- ;—Tl -lori was, a nath, of Inver-, Two wdnks ago our village was icture one #ain was 'To save from F da; e and Sisters. A Manit4ba, set 014Y availa�le. under the: leadership of Scotland� coming to . Canada at alike unto a little Sodom," but we trust' Stratford writes to -the Herald from Elk- 1from od old 4iuron - 4,obert e 8 pu§hhed o nes4 ws 90 tie�th Queen' Own were Rev. David kavage, had a very success- P orth Items. horn:on the 6t1i of April as follo' Collin a, James . P. :vingston has decide to We left Stratford on the 25th of with this tran; leaving the bagvag� f ge.* Fa thirty years he was now we wibe al�)Ie to Picture it as 6, Mr. and Jame -S Ove. -p! 100 e d in persons .3 e f rani E eter ul lerm usti -fl and Joseph Nevin, Jacob L..: Zeller aud nadiers. the -Iekkao, of th cc of e county of little Heaven," � an "Ed(n upoi rebuild his a X min at Millbpk.; uard to follow with -the Gre professedoobversion und. ll.r thei�llaflu- March, and had a very pleas�ait And ex- -reported, Qarl6ton. Sinde 1844 he had resided in earth. a,ve J. W. Foster. Mr. J. W. Poster is pushed on Miss Cowan, of In —The Mit,.bell town c6i ticif h u arriving at Elkhorn on -The latter, expepting a tr-An 9 peditio s tril w(MIJ eepi, Over'43 m iles. --i reachinc, the -end ce. a 11 a gra 0 of $100 to th talkin� of and going back to t 01 Reginad Wood, on-�:of h late 0 wa. of the, Ba'nd workers, is deserving of mad, e Mechanics' Monday night, Marc .30th, all safe and Canoda, again,- wbi,(�h will be a hara ,t ve h -Augustine Lapresse,wliglives with- special ihentign in lierbonestand sincere Institute. e was k-ille at our stock in good condition. Th the.long march they found nothing bal Chief J cl�l 0, n hborbood, as he is alw usti (1, Imt week in mile and a half of An aug, ba§ -been devotim -to aild. indefatigable ze11 in the --Miss S. Wright, of St. Marys has - 'te eig asmolderingeap fire,-wi�-h tbe-Aher- ) Yale, BAig-11. Columbia. It � is sati to weather seemed to moderate as Nvecame NOW t din _M';atheson. .ie g- 01 cause sbe i I a eii engaged s teacher 0 a good term to any- her(� li� been. c4iisedby a accill6it be 'hell ways willing to d rrauge- morneter 292 deg,rees--bel6w zero.' T ave on the� lodged in Ba HlVrged with identified with. in tfie Mite west,, and When we' arrived t our' des- one and is a 11 joll� good, fellow; which was no shelter for the weary ones,, -saw �killing' Ilia fat ler. e i�, �f unsowid I. Templeton Armstrong Public school, tination. we found very little snow and rain- n9body can deny." My brother ill be kept in- I - Wei James 'a ing in C or s - be Mill) ank woollen mill has been that afforded by a snow drift and tbE mWd nd has,.* olle tW ed last Sunday even that several parties bad beel �&-ther � I - —The bus*ess men of Windsor attri- and myself have been- i. the lumber ead pines that stood like-gi-fin sentineh ed as a,'d- gerous luna#cj�,)Jabu�t the libgton street. Methodist churd but on in st, aion ard h ton- p-'urchased by. a gentleman lately from wheat in'our locality, ay d the smoldering en, -ibers. . Th bite the trade at that 'k IIjly would 111 t cosent t 0 him don. Nis's Arnistroni took.for her Tilton, Scotland, who has had a Ion e busiess this winter. Sleighing Was, aroun fa 4&t Hal, 9 night whad -a -seVere snow Storm. place. to the prevalence :of smuggling, -od all winter, so that we were able to r as he, Lrd f roi night we had a taste of what we were �ting he would Romans Hiii., 23 and 2X: 11 P0'r 611 b e expErience e business. go .111 �tlje asylum, expec in bh Fully eight inches of snow fell -through -`tlie eg ey. ind the st week for the purpose -er. -of —Mr. R. do some good The weather I wL% ne ol recoi corne short of the I Ily disappopared 4eXPOCt On. Our rl g shmed and lory Set rth left Sebring rille a few the night, but it has tot& U- eing "h o seoured coin paati ve- b n matter before the extremely. cold !the murcury b 45' the f ort ates w Horl. J. N:)rquay, H. Macdou7- Go; bding. ju#fiellffeely by ds grace day@ ago for Virden, Manipolba- He again. Under the warm, tays �of a t9n1a, �D at �not " at below zero . sonxe days. I have also the -it log s ohn Paislb . A. Alirrigl t, R Ful- through the redbuiption that is n ,hrist took . the wEll-kno`w�n alliOn Y011119 Manitoba sun the.snow doet' la, tile e, y f ortabl e q uarters in banty, y -�­ho resides on a( J 8 Miss Clear Grit wit him. long.' The plowed ground is now all your aper _Mr Caroll, noticed in some - - tol9wing I �1-uch ries as- axtly finished, but withotit a roof. My e, DoIrgage, F. W. Rol ortson and our Lord." The local press , 1' 11 TIve ��waft P the to*nline between West Nissouri No f -than seven -former resi- bare. again and we expect to be seeding -about wood s4wing &C, I will give you boots afforded -in excelleiat pillow. Rall London townships, while. choppig ;G. Walsh of Winnipeg, and O'Brisco' Templeton's address was simple, but ewer N f t. Iv. [arys are no a statemignt,of some Sawing Which two e hear. tha a in the blankets A of Auclaire, Wisconsin, g,%,v n'O-tice of forcible, and was listened to througlioui dent w in the be--. in a few. days.. Stock. of all kinds has img m ysef was SOO]a the other day,. had, one - of. his feet so Huron boys 4id f& me this wiiiter..' Jz P -irch se41 th ag-i ed town of �Prince Albert, Nortli done exceedingly well during th fast ale�p. ' Toarcis m orting I awolce, badly 6ruslied between * a -log. and application for).etters patent f incorpor- With marked attention. le �e e winter. , L. -Zeller 11 wn PT40i or kh. After a:sttlmp that -arnpoutbtion was necessary. WC T' z will chilled tbrb a good deal ol ation as the Otter Tail Gold and Silver.. -7A well-kno Montreal duce Wes; erritoi y. One'y Ar, Pow ) -%who has winter- ine,350,000 -f.ee# .with the—: lielp of ;one Mining Coinpafiy of Winnine 'capital, imerchant says that even in the event of. — r 6 rite baptism was adminis- ed over 160 head of cattle, has not lost xertion I overcame the des -ire tc e —An 01, resident, of Toronto named chopper nain-ei4 G-� Ebhert in. the short.' R6 where I W'as.' -If togeth-- 'O la ar i to tered 'eight en 6.4 s at t4e - evening one, and all are in splendid condition. yse John Faulkner, was attlicked. with W ult e of 37 days, -the tiniber being vnta e -cam, I I '—The Mo treal Herald Printit and" wheat and pork will not advau ce very serv: c.�' tl.e Methodist 4nreb, St- One or two parties have lost 11.11ina 1-171 q200 60 with England, that prf es' for er, I sallied out, and at one of the h norrh4ge 4 the lungs on the street, on g e in pac "Russia," lie ad 'd "is. Mar niciAly hard w snow. is now adi P;in� now, consists of. tl e e ood. Our e th grand fires found son e of the Grero ers 'Vi i 1 ors, Ion Sukday 5th instaiit hogs through some disease to which they en' Friday. He was carried into the police �Publisl ing C, in - materiall1Y ig fast and . wheeling hiis following per 0 ps: HoniPeter'Mitchell, differently situated from what she was. —W Bt mett has a purchased the diappearix gaged in m aking coff-66.- They kindly station and expired in a few minutes. seem to be subject in this country. com! � I menced. 4 suppose most of your ri�ik was. '�flrered me x drink from their panm.ikin, Azro'Buck baffee, Wm.. Cassils, and in the Qrimean wan- At that period Kea; inr* farn i in Elma, a�joining -his . I lie was worth about $100,000. The great topic of conversation here d -,I, f t. after a anff6r, w hich "it is needless to say, I Blanche Gert. -lua,e Mitchell, of Montreal, ussh,was idependent for its communi- bdin %t�ad,on he 60 concession, for $4,- now is the half-breed and Indian readers don't know ere Cum beiT :—Mr. J. IQ. Gilchrist, poatmastor at, up- is and how it is situated. It is on the OIX 11 attag. d. But the Woodville, Victoria county, received a wid Jaes Mitchell, of Newcastle, New ca tion with, the outside world for the 600, asa. rising, but I reilly "think that people Ch cepte iMgo, -St. Paul, Minn polig telegra; 110 a' re incorpokated as transportation of wheat on ti. e Baltic he youn g- girl, Annie Henderson, and :'t of skatin MOST SEVERE TRIAL here are not so much alarmed as thf-Y Omaha Railway. it is nicely situated- in -Saturday evening fr mBattle- ! f 7 - ar otten up, for was last night's in the mareli from Re� The Herald ompany,. Of Montr�al and and BUck seas, but iiow she has railway who had her left m, -torn off at-- the ford, stating that his son ' William., was t I are in Ontario, although many are'act- betwen two lak-es with a bea,uti" ts be'tlu -elf Winnipegj'with a capital of $80,000. lcommuniu�tion to the' German frontier, woolen mills, lin St. Marys, two. m-eeks dage that "an ounce Rock to Neicron a distance of OB13 killed. y Indians at F�o' Lake on Apin ing upon the old a ' 91 coun try. around i it. Its population is 'Eikating seven miles acro§s the ice. Yet it toot —One 1iig;;; lately Mr. Win. Bailey, and can send all her oduce. th tt way. ago, is doing well. 2nd-. pr of prevention is worth a pound of cure," mostly Norwegians, ho are as a rule a -nearly five hourZt� do it., After li- 6 lot 10, conces ion 10, Arthur, had.. both —The Galt Reporter saya: � e wheat Jainlis Hamilt9n, B�J A�, son of from —Pay- Sergeant Stewar Who cleared and are. orgitnizing and pieparing to flue clas of people. The distance paraded in line. I`. barns an stables, in which. �were plant is now in inany of our fields, un- Rev, R. JHa:inillton, of Montre�%I, returned you 11 ticke !�ho the cars the b from B Batt at Kingston, - has been meettheworatif called upon. Every us to Cum atilklion berlg-nd is seven miles so . ery i'veek , - iishing a tbree� to m ak( ght head of cattle, 260 bouslidIs o covered -and so far while -the is r cen after fli man who has a gn A couple of carnp-fires served at WaterdwN k but n is putting it in -not fat from the railroad. I aptuied vu, New Yo see we are c ;�ight tons of and! farm iinlRements, it stands up we ul e the darkness visible. Allthe m6)a werc kay 11 and t h year Is, . roe t Knox College. e-X.00tS He ilIr refuses to return. The sul in of $285 Was shooting order, and'if people. are to be have many tbings to say of., which you a His loss must be- to be all right. Good weather is pro bI 0 the t I estroyed- by, fire, 9 Nor est. anxious to, start, ad when the word w e made - m sacred they will sell their lives d.e,%T- will bear latei�`if interesting. found on' him. An. effort will b greked - w, bout- $2,000. How the fi�e origivaed 'fieeded, however. I Large surfaces are fore'lan in the M -rch it - w -&eu- to ma as 'tcbell Advo- ly, but I trust there is something b TaomA D.. C,oLLiNGw*oi6,. Formerly 9 to bring him, back. e offi e serve int e ettr 0 1i not knowh.;� Air. Bailey. and wife covered with wate wy, cheers,- It was impossible to march ­M4jor Coombs states that the Ca� r, whi�li+ has n co mpans cat ueen�s Own a in-store an( I was r for the settlers of this count of- Huron. foqirs, - theref ore an order was given f or. ere from home at the time. thfa� by d t4e hottest of the and I have not the slightest doubt but r -my now inclu lof-gettingAway othe st absorp- Rid ;e* I hwv to, r h. We tu 'The other day a carload of Swedish ibn, and the sooner r left tum, quick mar rnedl adian Salvati( - on A Le pes out fire. H assisted in bury'ing thirty-six that this fuss will subside in -,a couple of t ea -have proved a corps, 50 ou,posts -together With 800 sily t . —What n gh e marchwa,,z nl��vi' -ted from Toronto for nd these pools are Feni S. an; d an at- i e dea,W-of Urs. i es was staa absoirb�d, the better weeks. The balf-breeds of 4.-Oak'Lake of i6bedient to the order, but th offi,cers, I 15,0)0 -soldiers serious accident occurredat theblack- hei into. the Sol. *itishColu biaviaGrand Trtmk4and for the wheat plant. The great danger V. deLoni, the re irin asnthing but quick- T tendance at the regiar Services of r. t cler district (near Virden) were interviewed smith shop of Mr. Austin Callander, in ext two or three weelks. un last we one day last week, He was twa ess of the pines and hemlock orthem, I a ific railways. They' ate 'lies in tho n ( f Trh tity ch ah, _ Mitchew, WAS enin darku ek- aull they are all peaceably in- on flie V U or rail- 'The ground is yet frozen under the first far awell party at Mrs. Awty's� Titi, fa the ccolu=, E sid- i 60,000. t work anbo Island f�nd red a Clinton, I -aged in doing �some heavy work, an slowly moved. ach. lie heat '6n edliesday. week. A eng in the VV&ton R. Maguire had a sawhig clined. They say that theyfe6l. a,*s much. -being snow ctionofwhichi about 'f6winches. The robts of both evening, last ayj consw is four feet deep. It 'war§ n of McGilliv,- assistant helping himby theuse f -a. bee on. the thiril concessio commence. Many of th m. er lof hi frien present.- interest in the welfare and progress of -as a1m6st impossible to keep the track, t ein have been and clover are firmly held in the frozen nu t4e" country heir white -neighbors all her large ray a few days. ago. There 'W'ei� f Our ernployed'ov he Canadi an Pacific in -the Tkrt and but a moderaie surface freezing — alor M H. Allan -of the Oueen' large sledge. hainieri-when the lita of a mnis-step buried the unfortunate . q from nine until six, with one' s and have -no sympathy for Ribl, and his the latter flew off witl caught Austifi M' saws in -1 of. Lake: -would toss " both badly. so me of 'Su�eri6r.. . 0 hai gone -to the Northwest vidual up -to hi's nee.k. Then it beg .-hour for dinner, there were forty-two neighbisrhoo who followers. The Sioux Indians also state the pit of the stomaph. Fortunately the t t s. no - i —Mrs. Siisanah' Moodie, the cele--] Saturday in Toronto the medi- witt that regiment, is an old North raining, and fGr hree inortal hours ther ords of wood sawed. that they -%will take no part in ' the.rebel- head had spent mos�t of its force before' alaQ in Was: a.10ont us downpour', The la e c trated Canadian authoress, died on thel,cal health.'officer granted a hospital Eas ope b§Y, " son of the late Rev. muo "Ur I - d have off-erea their services as extreme . —At the New EngI Kennel Club's fil 11 :),roilto, at the.residence -lorder to- a man name His many ol Ron an striking him,'And he was not ',injured fromi- --was eached at last, to the dog show at BostoA last weokl Mr. An- of d Sulliv%n, who Da el d friends will scouts. I fer, however, thit this up- beyond having the brea th knocked out 4 - at pleasure of the, corps. The wild�iess of drew'Laidlaw, of W6odstock, exhibited tier ion -in -1 w, � J. J.* Vickers, at -the, �w4s sent to the hospital on Friday suf- folli w his"movements with interest. rising will be the means of checking him for a few �-ioinents. UES, '80 that, 111's f. 8% She: arrived in Canada' e�ing from. delirium ttemens. 3ullivan r P. Curtin, of Hibbeit'has just migration the - afternoon - and the - rain turned the, three cocker spaniels, Belle, Sport aind a ge ci� to this 'try, which will be Vand in lit: home two very fine horses, the most serious 4 Iso the eldest.- h,and at ever fi+U er ­- settling 'owned h small e of land in 1 he city, bro -On Sunday evening thebtli inst, at snow into alus y step the men With her ui 1832, piec -by this Dash, each of' which won fi,rs-t prize. =ge caused On hi ae x�e hapes ipts to -pre- Douro toNmsliip,! near Peterboro. I wbich'be sold a week- or tw( 'ago for S and Pluto Hicotoga. f t t] the ri�sidence of his s , in the to sank half a foot. . All att�ni Sport also see red-& special prize. trouble. I feel cobfident'that as soon as MeArter se very weak., Ooned by i iesid6s Rotghing k in the Bush, " she !$600. With the purchase In ney he' Tb w e bought,'from, Allessrs. Noble n' Of Morris, Mr. Henry the Inily are serve distance were soon aban —The. Pres 3yterian Synod, of Hamil- %,46te Life 1:n' tl�e Clearing�,"` "Tlora land his wife, it is said, w and are of, Humble- 0 e thousand of our. brav,6 -volunteers go over.to fhe great majority at the a men, who clasped- hands to prevent, mit or a pro� & L ard of Ohio, to the west that Mr. Riel will ilisap­ V'an&d age of eighty-seven years and ton and Loin don- *met -!or a two days',., L'indsay," 1(' -edspree.- Afewdaysago thewife ton stock. with good -follow- as bei quizt6 a I in arms Mari Hurdlestone.' ni rottir g pedi- his The officer.% struggled on, pear across the borders a�ud five months He was born in Cou 9- session- Ha, nilton on MondyT evenWg. 8 to the 6pature of the 7th :died gre es. nked far thle Sam, e purpose. Now —Previc; and was buried, her husbw id being ers will disband. I would su gest that Rev. 1). Fletcher, the retir-ing Moftra-,. the fourth- Down Imland'. in 1798 --the year of the Rev. Mr'L drop in the ranks' Battalion fiom'London for the North- :drunk the whole time. - On laturday r. R. S.Turnbull, of 41 Way of 11 and then men would 7- - 8'erm the best and most I.On. . L�ftanLor at an. -whc, preiched his farewell on, and e pha the, f act only being disco-vered -by those to' west, Mr. JolLn Cowa, of "I D " com-� his condition -was such that he was sent line Wallace has, or rather had, a curi- Irish Rob 11 of that scoundrel would be sonio tbe'#ev,� Mr.- Robertson, of,Cliesterfield. getting rid early- age 'he was,, when but child, class, - - E.ny, -starte a -- subscription for the to the hospital. The $600. is dl gone, osity in the 'shape of a beifer calf with- for the Government to offer A reward in the rear 4timbling OVer them, forced to gral? --Ws re e perfectly fo th li lities, ointed Moderator. -1 of 13 two for his ead' of say $5,000. It would le wi of- aotually fell aleep as they m arched. 11 aPP efit of vate Smith As Smith is landix children, the eldeit a gi I rmea heads and necks of —There is a most unseemly squabble f ' L the dy relying entirel y0n his own resources--& pre, the only man ied man in the - coMpa'ny are left entirely unprovided 01 . They usui]d Size. The rest. of the -bo -E BIUVE FkLLOW not be Irng till some. -of our western account for the Tlif, pUpi going On anio Lig the members of Christ '.and . not a tenderfoot the boys re- havw a uncM -living in the ,ountry, was qu e n ural. The animal' o ly, eircuitance whichma out a murmur fo cowboys would claim the reward. qontreal. - Thete is t hW1 plodded on with church- pailie iral,' -1 remarkable -independence of � character three days. He -bad- been uffering, bu. 4po4ded hea tily, and sufficient was Is said will try to get am into lived a ort e. ch he manifested throughoUtLthe great regret f lalt by the church people at an Mr J. Magwood. an- Of whi S -ell ao hin ub cribed to procure an insur ce of his the Holase of - Providence. T1' eldest t nd family, ar of being left -be L s4enily cutest, as ther .virtu- Huron Scott Act. Association. through the f. the un c is! 'i Monday of last whole of his after yl�ar t the age 4 SO efrained from m akin:g hii i lff� for $�,V %, as a, provision. for'his - girl is at service. Mor on left on the hos-pital, r to Glasgow where He. Arai W&3 -inc involved, merelyL' the fainily in casE of disaster. f0tv, A meetincr of 1[he general L COM of eleven he removed he M instil. -to their mpe dv 'half ally no P1. . iple —The death is'aunbunced of Duff -�veel Manitoba. Mi. Mag- lb �ittee case known. wiparing of surplices- by the choir. 'here about two years the county of Huron Scott ,les, of his church light's mrch reeng lik`6� I —John D. Foreman, of Toronto, ser- Cameron, surveyor of customs, at Lon- wool went co t Act Associa- re��ed about - thirty years. In 1841 acrcoss� last r —MbssrSL Oeorge E., Tuckett &,Son, aving his house d tion was held on'Tuesday, April 14th, heehiigrated to Canada and for eleven Queen's Own Riges,"has built an iths, hich we 1, drunken man, but nature. gave out Wi eant o e don, after an illness of one mcon , from 'ago and now of. Hamilton', have offored- to -give to ye' of pioneer information ag, repared. he has in the temperance hall, Clinton, the ers theull io after -n the sno*. aid %inst Michael & itiflammatoryrheumatisin and - o ngestion othe ' co, iences p last, and. with a gr"n he fell o each volunta Ir - passing through Whiiii- T -a the meeting being to life among the rocky. wild of -fae tow—n Ou. pitiless rain beating m - mes Meagher, proprietors of' the 1of the lungs. D sed was acu old and taken out his family. chief object their V1011-, There he lay, the y f Unark., Teg a p6imd' of myrtle navy aWbacco. rown� Talk, a weekly per p ap esteemed resident ofLondon,and I iad b —Avery E udden death occurred last consider.he steps to be taken towards ship of Dalhousie, Coun to etie pturned face, 11-Intil a paaai.n� er een the boyish u. -lawr 2WO inen Will be ip a rig the enforcement of the Scott- In 1852 he cam e westward aad. settld Probably ,ecently 'started in.Toronto,._ charging tbirt - -three Years in service. He was week -near Rasseldale, being that of T. securh sleigh st�pped behind him. The drivor� ag y Usborne, -1-4 which pos,ition� to t4ke advant ge of the gift. ihem, -r criminal in assertin 'c6llector at Goderich for some years,. W. C`ornish, on of Mr. E. Cornish. The' Act in the tount ty Ist: Re-, on the Thames Road, - upturned face.- witl _y after Mi flashing his lantern in the 9 ParL he lived till'A few yek'rs "ago, —Th,6 Evangelical Alliance of King-' ;hat lie wZs a coward and afraid to go and - su�sequently exchanged to the vom ig man w is nearly 25 years of, age, presentatives werePresent from all _ t tawnship Not yet, old man,' township of Esq., when he - remo said he was dead. ( ston hi%§ isatied a circular whic recon -1- ;O the front, etc. - They were arrested, position, of surveyor at London. He ;f Young, ved to the of the yGutb, as.he opene'; ood chara Aer, and highly respected. of the county,. and W'. H, was the reply f that Sunday. funerals be done aid bail was refused.' ecintinuocl to fill that offlee u. a- few Ano- �her son was dangerously ill with of Oakville, Police Magistrate of alton Morris, of his sons and- a Ison-in- a cadidate oi his eyes. " IM not even in that toWhship- HAo a -es- Yet. "L -,�ith as,far e., ounty,, was invitation law having farms the hospital Re was placed on A aa�y as pbssibil ' and that —The Grond Trunk railwgy author- I weeks sffice, and it may bo, sad of Aim irifla, mination A the bowels. c dso present , by W t W Ar, J. E, Tom, who has be'en on oP the Ex Committee in order 8 14 iin charge tL ecutive po sessed a strong, bardy. constitutico irried he rest f -the jotir sho andumnecessary. expense,,in con-; have deq'ided to reduce the wages of 1ha he as one of the most. ex act and. laying its all - steigh and ca ties Collegiate Institlite in that the* Huron Asso,�iatjonL in se'a"reely knew what it was tok be V-1 iss Way, 16 liection. with Ead caskets, hearse- crae. emplo eg In, the London L East 'very best officers of the departni ent. L He the f taff of Duff y1ey. This morning he was as live 4 I theii! been benefit of the eX_­ sick a day in his life. - On MondAY -way c t. I Tarys -ns might have the 1;n Grand Trunk rail ar shops. Those was one of the old sitand-bys Of PresbY7 S Pla cricket, and, again ready for the fray. etc., at erals be abolished. f several years, has 1. The pupils e of the Halton temperance tight, April 3rd, he —The Rev'.. James Balaiityne, AL A., men who received salaries of $ and rlanism in Londonfor many Years was, enga Yed as s ce master in. the Strath- seized with ich he never recovered Much valuable if orm, ation was pa lysis from -wh by thr S�Verhd son -of Mr. T. Ballantyne, M. P. P., was lunder.- $600 have been reduced' 5 per !a. memb�r of the session and of i he Man- roy stitute i at a sala of $900 per olloing ry --A Berlin paper tells the ilug on Sunday g "the -s-1 concerning +,be cure of . cancer: The Rev inducted as Pastor of the London South 1ceAt.'And e ployes * ith salaries -.above agers' Pourt of St. Andrew's church. anni m with promise of an advance obtained from MT. Yo Id evenin pirit kti6fautfk-y. The ri an this sum h ha t eir wages reduced At the time of- his death he was in6ncial very soon. ullv took its flight." Religiously Aloss, Erb has du Y the last two 0: - church on Tues ay of last The treasurer's report shows the re- peacef Ing Piesb ri bb�ally, he was not a blind follower - (4.'k. ' �'ek.ytlx -very -cordial reception was 10'�nd 20pe., cent. Itisalso expected secretary of -one of theCourts of the An Aher pioneer. of Perth hag -.passed ceipts of the Huron Association to have or polii ra -had over a hundred can we -to H thred yl�a, ,e preferred on of the Iny -of whom aer ha tendered the young inipister by ffie con' that 40 men will be discharged owing Independent Order, of oresters. He aw r in the d ecease of Elizabeth,, relict bi�en $1,132.30 and the expenditure of any. sect r party to think for hun- U141(1-�L�r rg P =e gregation slackness of usiness. leaves a wife and %in family of f r. Walver Walkom. 'Sh6-was a $1,025.62, leaving a balance on hand of all important matters up oloSe f tried all -the, m edical "Skill tha ly- cherne is n - on foot to organize —A little, girl named Jennie Clark five children behinf, 0 nati re of Cornwall, England, and with $106.68. self, and he was at all times able -to gi t,4 and influence could - secure, and of a, —A A OW for: the faith that Was in hini. w6re given Musical,. Association for,'WestemOn-, was taken 116 hospital -in Toron the --70n Tu iusband 'grated to Canada about In regard to- t;hb appLintment of hotel a reason that -number only in three cases he faile a aT. a moon M r. B. H. her pres;S- the association to !be 'organized 6ther� day, t rribly burned. It all pears Ci�i f Ailsa Cra!g, shipped tw rt r years a After remaining a few ke6pers instead of druggists as liquor A man of genuine integrity and scrupu- ex in a com Plete cure. Each of these, owl, -tariO,, 91, C he was cOnseqUeUVY at iWaterloo next' 'that while a e ad several other child Wall s' n a in the sh of Darlington, the v3-ndors under the Scott Act, reLI,nntly lously honest, y things at the entire' i* during the tournament s of horses for no Too . Thdanimals em ever, had gonesof ar-A 'We I ques F 92 to ullarton township, made by knew hirn. M Vale cir- it summer. The object' -of forming such ren were pl%ying in the kitcheo, she weteremarkably fine cookin will y remov iD the Board. of License Commis- highly respected by all.who had beeii poiqone&. the folo d conTnesday in Brussels caitged con- ociation ig.t& cultivate a taste fdr fell, again her � dreiii d.ioubtle 5s command a ig h pri e. Tlke abo t thi - ee years a1zo. Deceased sioners, wing resolution was He was burie there is a professionil man in Anierica�, an us at th6 stove, and a, class ii learned he may a higher clan ofl music, and arrange for caught,; re. �Crazed with fright ai�d I cars on which they el h e'beeh was mot r Charle John unanimously adopted cemetery.- The.funeral, nootwithstand- however emin6nt'i a4d Messrs assable state othis exa-a-lined the show"j- -a ]a opor I tournament to be hild annually under pain, -the- litt le oiie ran on to the str4t built an a constructed astu afford an and Walter alkom. 6f Fullartcon town- VVhereas information has, com, i to us ing the almost, imp ti -le 1.)e,. who can lich rge pr a JamesJWe1kom, of Strat- through the newspapers, givinga list of roids, Was verY Ingely attended. the management of the association. The and fell into the arms of Dr. Gould, who unusual degree Of comfort to their occu-- �hil,. and Mr ertainly ter of tion of cures. Mr. Erb is c on. 'hen IV, 41, 4 ti Ir J