The Huron Expositor, 1885-02-27, Page 114i r T-, qb T2 UPP E [ENT TO TI E_ UR N, EXPOSITOIL UPrLEMENT TO THE HURON EXPOSMR. 3 MR ed a aye i i ow, col -160n..I, t11 f th e' y that the history when it w ruled bench that efte rnativie to his (Lord Lorne's) refusal to di; t no eman's loia" 8- r Didst tbbu no thiin Jer on my. Me r the tru d he 6hz iiss Mr. Letellier. he uggestea that - 'Being sworn.yay r, iddh ig we.ide*nd s ceire. He says il is, an the gIrmer the libel, a* n the qiwi-. in thy star, e si* thy.strength; know. But,this I do say, th Y t First Minister tion involved in the Jism dost thou my foe? e whieh wd tld suit t4 - � isw of the Ubutenan�t- Yer to now pan -Inans loyalty, ever.since I have knO 9 Inos admirably.' ir, I tell ttie First Minister G 'Thou weaest a lion's hi —dof ft for sbaInie, overnor of- Quebec should be referred to Her h* has roved a that he 'knows veri little—ax4-pei-haps it is lin- Majesty's Gove "Knd ban a calfskin 6n t vy r'ee crative es, ent "Iment. -1,referred t4 this, -and most lit 9 !eant limbs.' itically and otherw e; and I am fortutiate that he Lies know. pD little—of po is rr+.* r pr;er ques-' Sir -John produced a note of the o4tement he Mir. Speaker, it is on to it ie Filrs M* pa, T seething in t efor ed to s a.. a., sort of &I the public m' !nd sed to'make 6 -the House on th4d ubject. that his i tions which are noN that that ical pa re; 4n if he -wants a further to say ar( yropo questions- which 'not to be nomd, questions n another place lie says that "on 'Wedneisday- c i f '�lake i i which I haei quote of vich I which he will soon discover, an Her.Majesty 0 ph: avcter, I m prepared to amure perhaps soi.ne of Sir John aga�n caiiie to 'me, atid informed -me so 'pr6ud aoueds w sages like thee faced before we are ma ve to be that,. as an alternative, he suggested that the doubt the hon. gentKnitan an& his friends wre ihat hiscolleaguescould tell him h' it continues to pay, She will.,haVe a JustI.y -n ny years o der. The hon. question involved in the dismissal of the Lieuten-, P& more ient and conscientious servantit" Passa . - iption, ately diesq. I st of e4u th present -First Minister of -Canada. ut these 6kos of equa entleman claims CA, be ultia-loyal, but .1 can re- ant-O'civernor should he referred to Her Maje'sty-"s B lbirilhwicy of thought of 'qual�y exqu ime wh n the -First M isite 90( ar minor natters there, are other and irnp�r- collect t4e t inister was not Government." The man who hese little 0 WtI, -vice tastez -one may sa: -to'which 11 desire to call'the:atFte: gave that ad gs, � as t matite r go ultra loyal. It ig true t"t'at that period the thai L�rd Lorne acted upon-, that loyal of a tha nkf ul heft m" ilingled proba y. do nd 1.0 3 of thil House. I do not at all First ist6r - wu a agree, in Opposition, z and it is chival�ous person, at mute, d d not raise his with a little after-dinne ow f thusiasm, ell (0 nol; at all, possible i hat "the conception rvent. loya mouth, but allowed -the M e of the idea, the Ity that he now hand, did not open his infinite credit to the 'giter. I,kno th( duties, and obligations 'of CanaAian stat�s- vrofespeO. does., s6m imes, I do notsay fall to, zero, representative of royalty, the Queens soniiiin-law� at e ifst Minister 'was from 0.14 recolection th a whieb underlies, not merely' the passaige�" 7311t f iences.a eat cooling -in the shades of to be assailed and tradut�ed by his' upporters, v�e _xpe� i always! more conver bra d, but aim v' oppositi(i-� t an rate., I recolleot When the when one word' froin, him would have closed, -Hudi s than quo ost'e cry word of the fir� with Shkespere, and with elais ore than of the speech de�li*ered by the hon'. grend First Mil' ister waits, if not the instigator of, at their mouths.. And having doneo, lie is the . either; but I re think that tl e' least thel 3y,,mpathiz,-r with that mob of'disloyal man who now lectures han. gentlemen this ly! 1friends and admirerL a xonlrZal. ry, Arst NTinister's ;neino i fc rmer times id I a izani who.burn on say, toat h words and the idea they i rt, §e side of the Housie on their ma ined"d131 "It to mply are A d the Pf6rhament Hou 0 a Y led, evfnts,l 1would have to make such a n iatit of ihe zinost ada, j Ln I pelted the Go�lernor-;General, the the'British Crown. I w adise misohie'.o4s character, and U A van oull e honj represent4t e of ito ;aft. quo Wildn- as ih at w *1 iGh e� wound r.m. N in the in terests of Iall of us that they* should be� - h the -street- of gentleman to cautiorr I would remind! him that t �Ing '�udiated by some pers6n, at all'events, on the� 1'.recollect e -e emember, 'lanyth o tm pl of. Kijt_ ay Montreal I Sir, rfectly well the perzons who live in glass houses should be care - a reater part e characters, or fl" 'nor + discussiol� I rhich-took lace in this House with ful of throwing stones. Although I do not at John of the�n 16�r of thi House.' We' can gather froin,thell th ma pun e a. were the course of Tra respect to the apl, tm4Ynt-- of a certain Mr. the mo guage u dby the hon... gentleman what his. 7 inml no ment see the hon Secretary '�of Stae- in J. M. Grand Duke or Grandi Cr a the- case - gl� it when owe to thi&-eountry. For. n, and I reihe nber at it wa§ publicly which I have.'referred that hon. gentleman, to certain Sir 'Richard and inn by A kind. of a id: -.9 axe o the. duties,- I aacT. obligations whi FeiTis to an important post under the 'the House, it strikes me that on , tWe occasion to than Cro tb be 'wh came to condign ent af arc 8 in elf., I h �e to here as- y members of this House' his credit be it said, took occasion to separate - at re tell him that) I stand. stated here'by nim p )0144 the ia-do of the . S 8& Rich�rd. -An 4 hi repres tsti' nadian constituency, seyc ve of a Ca ral -of thein. -rs of the �irst Minister, himself from his leader, and declare, that he was - 8 lakespe fthAt 9ne of afre,.azid 'In if "IT-ree z)llect imyth a n� �as a P an itibn was the fact not altogether averse to discussing the future of vy Councillof.iif C ada I am bound-' 'his ellai Ls to recoV t former days, to 10 knew aething of his S i I that he was a ver 4 e�, unf Majesty or Her Majesty's -.r4re- old "friend of the First Canada. I say that the Firs Minister, not c le tfi 0 was,';i the, Grand.. 1 JI s tive tUnate Prince Artuat vice which in my heart IL believe 'but his own 1 uncle; Kir ii . 07 Minist�r' Znd a very active promoter of the burn- tent with the assaults to which It have alluded John' do not Want -.to 6ise too saerell -is 't interest of the people of Canada. ng"of the Parliax ient ]!Ziuse� in the city of mustneeds -make 4nainuatiom of a somewhat t in my plain duty, and that I �propose to do treal. IMY hot. -fro' Durham (Mr. offensive character r.,gar ingr c u. gentleman, ertain Liberal.' _Rlaki) Res o e t can tell the bon. gentleman thi attention to ers. They were to the efrect that they h" thee f th I I Y'cost, a certain, Joad he fact t when h� -next OA s into dvise the nadian who dbeg anything elseirho" well known awnwnex ion manifesto i honors. 1 46 f an im,portant *member of to �read! the sipa ornamented sought and siippliated for these awhat he believes to' be for the i e not know whether lie meant to. insinuate that e i Ao with role i then will be able to q )te more preqent it 'a 5:41e.' the e 1,My hon. frie�d 'lit 'ne so, but' I can tell t4e of ada, whol allows himself to be was one who had do ad -hoose t corre Y. But. n6t c rit with poetry the 'k thinig sil ed fo auty considerati6n whatever, is -a hav o go b rough First Minister that'notbilly was that insinuation dded th t hon. e we. -It 16 4s not infre. the lold Gaz attes �o LL a conutry. I say he is a trai�or. i will find the- name of' a cer- not a fac at any rate as regarded 'mysef, -and I oa i mee, �s, re hozi. gent -e Cabinet, but it was th 'exac' Of the mce, nce, en y. 'to inv, his cortntryiii� I am pre, red to. maintain hore'orl,, tain Lieutenant 'Di vid Lewis Macpherson, who believe as regarded tht! other inembers of the 'ti the qu I �ne bef ore pa ance in order th la,y nflict ovin was turned 'out -wh sloyalty, lat t reverse 'be elif ere, befo lem�n or of t ie milftia for rank di e wot ke to., inflict if 1:1* is Mae fact. Noton6of USL thatl.kn*Wof, unis ment It iii 'h tking I t e rer sought e ngil erson or twice le w ire equ 8 'is the fr.* n I 9 � I recollect 'th his friends, that the advice,, or more- 46ori�dtlyl h and David Lew pot;e al to hi i i i and I would ask if - he'SaMeL p associate of the First or asked- for my honor. Honors were tendereil gentl a a, containedadvi en or eight yeais Ago the --hon. - iniStei. -Upon. ift e same manifesto isthe e to us an4-und& circumstances *hick made the the ce which 19 peop e y a for nam ;id bar ell, i whichm, of no less a persori abou ople of the Dominion, and good than Sir John Rose, ex- tendering of th u-Iiarly gratifying, -because fi- di hi h -the; �hos of ance 5 sts of ent pec name gure in w, ic y und anee Minister a` Catiada. ' A little furth they were tendered after we had ceased in any erstood, in the intere er YO W e n f f the w sill flild h ame of one Alexander way to control' the destinies of the coun Aid no at last re My e ag: i Fin sel, d en e ire. But that too lairgo' a iub down M. try- - a" rd on y own io o"alittle spirit I to! It It, of wl o' ed, But, Sir, it is perfectly well known thati so far jeei to entei upon just now. What I. -want Till�c in it may be remem count'i-And' on -one occa on, before ai iai a t b e6i e accep 9j i saylis this, t6it if -the view jut forward by the th e decoration whi h -I froin'the Liberal 1eaders sueing or supplicati 9 th ag sudi enc, t AylTerit w I roked the spin h addir inad or izn�lieil 'by the right sed a formal.,communic for k6norsony hon. fr, iend here (Mr. Blake), MY ri now h ght hon. gentle a on to of I y ndfath0' 'enqured of hil' n -esteem gra hon;,gentleman, with r es and e wished that it hon. friefid wko usually sits beside me (Mr. Mae— hould deal wtth ti vhicb may be assumed, by kmamians ore accepting that decoration kenzie), and -my lion. friend! th4i -late lamen 41 U&T eferenceZ d4ti Lord arnarvon in which hi how he7 "Wolill, A:hf hon. gen, e tsv nowm 4' te e e if b th under certain ircuinstsio es, and 84 an adv 3, who acdept � iOerial decoration be ciiriect, y that he ci of Mr. George -Brown wre.all severally tendered -wh�ch satisfied meand �the larl e audie r( - receiving at&' Imperial decoration a Canadian C%na4 a, nd, to wbo n Lord Carnkrvon, than whom honors, and- all. for reaso" which did. -then feried-to wad -to the 'e t#aVAf the Yin t norelhohomble noblemar sa`W fit to-- decline thel C t&e Fint statessn" isboun to besilent when the int-eiimts i exists, iteplied that honor, d no I e ister had lived'in y. father's di�iys an,R ;of!LC.Sn&4 ha he, should *k, the h' saw'TiO 0eaS611 it that fact why* that gentle- Minister say as much for his own colleagiles? ind e pre' a er instincts Man h Id --in his place and his own Iged h ditory. d require t ou not ace ir,11losiedecomitionstre not honors bi;tbrHm. pt that de Mugt I Will he irise coration tie -language o he' s donen later 'Y116-rat'lAiniste Uwish the im. gentleinail to -recall th f the Mpil, hich, it no� colleagues did not sue and 8noplicate for hono'"? understand that, e alifffer y ae, moreA ;QitistweUithat the peopLie of Canada Shonld the d undc�ubtedl h' 'n on. get --- o- 9 bett�r. We; know that members of an, in the next thing'to it Sir, we know ting the oom, d �Yiehi cest d al when it 'I ras pointed out that the fiicai his own Cabinet did sue and suppAcate, for honors. Y.? &V bl h einfficteden t ian' I would ias whi&&e h6a.gentilems has 'h he inaugurated prove 1. think t* Canadian stat�aznia, when they 'are given u:la:ce to :are idesi policy -m hic, was likely to T L y Irom my wicester. 11 further .,tell havle Brith It cc were tola which zmy suit political'aditeuturers who fujutiou I linection freely an4 spontaneously tendered to them, lusy th U"". ut, which is - I . TM e-ir veins, we imveni if "it shoud nots -that if it lat, were 0 case it ;;a 40 mu& the decorations in the -way I noTdrop.ef, auldian blood in'L tj freely ac;ceL%t Imperial MV grant 'tish ,-onne ions azid in k ho6est regard for e f6ir wors the 4rue intereste-of ction.. Lastly, must I have desert dl; but I can tell the h". gensk- -on. othir to, or 91 Canada. For myself I utterl iate recall the First Minister 0"d man thisli that no Canadisfa statesman Worthy of di * than, net f the ]know the ch hy gentle naz of is in- th46 ppinfo i the granji li ateek- as a . i I10 e was IxPOsed to unmeasured obloq ever stoop to sue or i ic r of- t lit 6A *d d I know this statesineii' 11811 th I lousiD remembers how Lord thb name, or worthr to kold such an portaint that Lorne. feeliiost 0_7 41 rank, 1weW the� asked if rn c� the ihon. uYt , 6W )I wag_� e he andl ge; " A] honors to Canadian tatsemen boun d bv the right lion. gentleman's onors in any 4uarter and if. besides Oueing And. betw ihere woWd !be unison to lmho ae- tlemain I bei,milent when the, intereite slgpliort6rs and We p Aing, it is rem -which, supports those su lei understood that. meii grandfatl Sir, th un V called a - On -them to suPP0, 9-1 and we W 0 recollect the' reason cepp them are bound t6 silence when th� infpFests teir ind len �ftderook o he ;u P speak, would 1 t gentlemani the idea *ith.. the same disda" With, re earnes toques w -hav, p. that" We lect that at the t of the of. their country demand that they sWol& sp!ak hould U I roadiate t jkvw n -i, First M niliter in rder to extricate himself froni out, t4e case is much worse than that to which I have N -P Ole teaOr of the Fird Minister'S el 'SL a� grievous i difficulty, I�rj ]Lornq. bon�_- bave.alluded. f"r- that on, the occasion thave th hon. Igendelhall that 46 not ad efa good R"Y sente r a ce rig it d tox was a liftle roah of how fai he in zilgtiei to, England, �and, referred to the V6t Ministees hea who struck 4) 8 e, All I& h e was man, liever prelenee,,- behind t e itt a'inost virulent turned', and I am son7 for it, because.- with all one 110 &0 - YA g ever'spi& 4koii) of he is &4 manner h ood -this House his faults 4 the are neither few nor far DjFade and rWildo in --an V. Un membe' of ed 4f -land 'M Soft tO_the who neverrilik in, f and 0 newspapers mid&* a the of thi.' betweei—I 000feni had abefter opinion dke Of his UYA qi4be his luntry, I have It the*expres d rstMinister. I thoulot thwv� -was �novgk Iowa PO&Y; be fikee as a an e-deChAitioii 1,6rue that at On the feeh f. respect il� him to prevent him using bubbm 4d ft Retort, V We da walpok and e b&W on the 1. ft -,that old tinles a, the second 'day of *1 Sir John, Kage Uwas sorry to am be used ith reamok e Sake Of alle 111 ift, I -again came to me hoser recently confemed upon him. T%t pededil of informid izie that as an f inve se sd b" qmk goldie 1b ut h loA' t ar Y t e n t Xvr he �h t -�tteran at in it A J