The Huron Expositor, 1885-02-13, Page 8M
di qt0r., el tile. 8()util re , ar(m Agri-
otlturl ociety, held -last Tuesday
at Kippen, it was decided to the spring allow on Tues-
day, April Itth, when the usual liberal
list be offered for conipeti-
tion. As parties in the hiterests of botli
Brucefield and Hensalf haye put, in
claims for the show.. thig -�eason, the
,�h�ee at whi0i it be held was iiat
fixed upbut will be- -decided at
of the D-irectorq to be
-held wi the second Tuesday in at
tile latter place. -te.irreg lrity
Of the u for the past few ( a OW
accout of the*snow storals has lef t us
short of tile contributioils of severa of
our local correpondents-this week, and.
ff. any of our subscribers fail to receive
their papers at the proper time t1ley can
ascribe the failure to the sa me cause.
T Ile trains on - the Grnd Trunk - have
+ftn 3viUt-_ extraordinary regu-
larity, tile tages from the north
an d- south ltwe succeeded in getting
through- all right, but there have be"6A
no:trains either- way on the .'London
Huron nd Bruce for several days, an.
aband6ned train beiRg- .
., allowed in. be-
tween Kippeu and Heilsall since Tues -
(lay with no prospects of its removal at
the latest, accounts. OF THE TRY.—The debte on the question of ex-
tewlixng, the suffrage to wonien baving
the %me proerty,qualifications %a men,
Sc '
and to the sons of nierchant's'. mechanics,
and others, on the same term a as the sanie
111% Ro enjoyed b the sons of fariners,
was lyrought to a close ill. the Mock Par-
liament, ox Friday eveilinr last. on
voe bein- taken the Goveniment defeated, the five iiiembers of the gov-
eminent present bf--ing the only support-
ers of the meastirevpr- The gov ernment
will not resign offiGe. as, by the Consti-
tuti on, they are not compelled to retire
-until they have sstained three lifeas.
Th -e next meeting will be held this. Fri-
day evening, the 13th inst., at 8 o'clock
p. in., at the ethodist Episcqpa ch arch
on J�obn street, hen the Gov-
emimeat will hitrodfice a measure for
the abolition of -County Councils. forth Creamery property has been pur-
6hased by Mr. Johil Hannah, of TuGk--
�ersmith, far the su-in of $1,400. We
underst,and Mr. Hannll-intends putting the in a first class state
of repaix and will work- it during the mining, seasGii., We are glad the Cream -
eery has fallen into ood hands.
Mr. ha ior consic'erble time
devoted attention to! the creamery
an(l is tho2roughly coiiversant
it in all its details, and we aro st,ire that he will be able to coi--iduct the' iiess to the entire satisfaction of all.
There is no displiing the fact that th
Creamery m ode of makin, butter is the
ix,,lost profitable. All that is required to
practically demonstrate this is a fair
trial, We hope therefore that tile frin-
era of Otis vicinity . -will render Mr.
Hannah the req.1-dred assL,,t,%nce to irni,ke
the eaforth creainery- a szuccess. If`
they N do� so they will certaily. find
it to ther own profit as well as to his.
He Uiends to iatroduce the latest -and
-most pproved niefhods of nianipulain r
the eream nd Nvork-inc, the factory, n(V
will secure a thoroughly conipetent
butter inaker., -and �11 tha is required to iusure ale cess eventhis first season is a
ilumbar of patros. '- ---NVI e are
certainly mistaken in the enterprise of
the p)roc,�,res.,iivefara-ters'hI this vicinity
will have any cause for
omplaon this score. Let ahone lend his influence and give his crean, aud
the -factory wprove a success ad a
prefift to all who patronise it� A little
con-fidence and united action is -ffl that
is required to secure,this desirable en(l.
ineetin Of the Fir'!it'
Pres�4yterian Church, eaforth, was held on- Moaday. even-111cr last alid was
very fairly attended, notithstanding
the iuclu ment weather. The various re-
ports which were presented show the
0011(fregatim to, be ia a most prosperous condition, as the nitinbership list is Coll -
increasing, notwithstanding re-
niavals. During the past year thelia mies
elf fif�� -one �-ersons have been added to
the Communion Rol. There is naw
a nienibership of nearly six hundred. T he total working receipts of the con-
greggation for the ye ' ar ani.ounted to
$3,562, the year was -closed with, a
balance of aver.$500 in the treasury. In
.addition to thes contributionsover $4()O
were given fG urch sGheines, A ly $200, for, theibeliefit,,of the Sabbath
SehooL It is no V nearly six years since
Rev: A, D� M, nald became pastor of
the cong reaioul and durinj that tinie
4-20 names have. 'een added to the mem-
bership; roH. sittillo, acconimoda-
tion, of the c having becow- e in-
aldequv&.te for requir6rn�iits fl the
conregation, the question of pr vidiag
additiolial room hs'now to be,�Vface--., and was appoint the means to adopt. a the
Committee decide to erect a new
church, which 'will be a credit to so
large nd wealthy a cong-regatiou,&ild an.
ornae-i-it to the to -Ni, or, at, alf eveiAs,
a -t,e aft(Il remodel thie pres-
decide to� enh -i 0
ent allurch edifice so as to brin— it into
line Avith the times nd the caabilities,
Of tile A Vateiv, Alexander - formerly of this"
district, writes froi - Hailey, Idllo
Territory, under date of Jnuary 221st,
have seen mny
9- �
letten; in Tn-E ExPOSIT0,11. by , old rei-
dents of Huron froin the newfriiiing
districts of the Ullite(ll Statesnd Vam-
toba, but Roiie froin any As I have bedn in the mines ever since I
left Seaforth, it may interest sone of
yo-ar in -any readers to learn hoir we
time i a apend oui n the, mount, in here
we have no hogs or horses to talk- &])out,
for in the mining, districts there is
nothin�,,, of this sort of thin a raised..' The
town of flailey is situated on ihe Wood
River, about forty miles from thesou rce,
an the Tooth Range, " These m oun-
ta-ins are covered with snow ten months
in the year. Hailey lift's a population
of about three thousand. There is a
gra�ded school, tile Principa of whic��
receives a, salary of 1 I 0 per Month and
the -assistant, $807'per munth. There are
T!UffiTARY THEE HURON XXP0:S1T013N I I vni h+nnfbeuninteresting andperhailILL, SUIN V ct the ball filled.—Hotel- those who took part) in if tb also 3 churches, - a $40,000 court house the Pregbyteriiin Church on the eyenmg Me uade, R. Charters,A!Ricoat, Anles 'when we expe. maintaining the interest throughout. A afford food for reflection i Cy make j keepers and butchers are busy putting liparisons between the at. Lanilsborougli, G. DOsoa, J. I oig, Jr., aud gaol, 12 stores, 19 saloons, 8 livery of Tuesday, 24th inst. Fuller particu J-kee�ers-Ljawes &,way their summer's supply of ice. —The number of excellent papeis bearing up- some few 601 Aables, 2 blacksmith llops and. 'a pro- lars next week.—Professor Tyndall, of J. Shepherd; POIW6 �,aqt Itiding A gricultural on the work were read, several capital tendance at the various publicseboolsm, MCI can, sr., J., Nott) X ung, directors of_the I alliects the caunty alid, the e 8--. Philadelphia, teacher of eloc�tttion and sses Oil given 8, portional number of private r 'sidence Nott, J. F. Dale, Alexander F'orsYth, I practicl addre Society nict at the Queen'& Hotel, Brus-
When I came h(we three years ago there oratory, is now in to,%" rganizin iT they decid- were delivered and illese in turn cli�ited, nd- 9 y last, Whe rhe total number of persons atte was not oad fillialled house. How does classes, wit], good prosi)ectb of success. it. 3tobert AcLean, jr., J. MoAeland, selt, on8aturdtv. spring and animated discussioi7is, aild tile ilter- ing tile, Pubi-i� schools in tile C()Illlty is Bryan Clary, A, Buchanan, Carno- ed to hold the Ridilig Shows, this comp,are with one of farming He comes well recommen&-J.-1-11"e re ch, Sinclair, W. . Carhaell, c dates have hot clilige of sentiment and expericince thus 17,536. to gret to learn of - the death, on " Tuesday y, , J r. I J. [till fall, ill brussels. Th nuinber attemling the Sab�_ The mines ae situatdd from a Ph Brom11; j. Cumnling, au(l that -yet fixed.—A large Number of the ecured. ctuillot. fail to h4ve a most belle Jose 01 f u t ose wh bath school fkoin t -be returns and mile -to seven miles distant around on la9t, of Mr. M. XfcCullocb, of 11%inilton. HoLick Lodge, Gorric, ficil res11lt3_ not Only uPO 11 all sides. .. The mines are all silver. We He leaves a wife (Maggie Barr-, the Well the elerk drafia by-law c0lifiriii! lie e - these computing the unreported is I -i, 1)00. ippointments—Cp. . �,ried. 111, paid a friendly visit to Western Star participaited in and listened to have no reduction works hei and the known,vocalist) to mourn his loss, and abolv e ie the various The total number of persons inth They spent a, jiscussions, but also upon her affliction -she hasthe sympathy palliniasters' list was revised with tile Lodge, of this place. of �ore 'is all shipped- to Salt Lake and in f It veiling to ether in their- abbath Schools represented. One colinty iii)(ler 16 years of age is 17,148.
0 0 oil1s, J9hn p nt I I an alloNv_ Omaha for redlictioni The -Lore nets of laR. wing altera#jRns and additi lea, e tures . it Will thus lye een that if place of AlexanderXiCIL)OI_ rooni, and Zen adjourned the most attractive and pleasing fe� MeAlurray in lodge about $10Q, per toll Wans average of tile' convention was the excellent ance is for a number
son ew division oil the side h,ne be- to the Queen's Hotel, where the Sa about $4- The Poultry Show. a 11 hed by the union choir con.- 1 of -elderly people who attend, the I b
- per day for miners, bpt tli6ko entertained at all oyster music furnis twec. n lots 5 and 6, concession 3 1 ndi 4 , visitors were 4 y are plenty of ineii here, althc ugli'a good The'Poultry Show which opened in le -Ing vened for the occasion. The excellence 1 bath Schol, and -who certabil do - not steady hand can always find work. the Seaoftb town hall on Tuesday last P. Clary, pathinister;'also oil de J. W. Sbiel is prepal of tile inusic was a theine of general re- come wit-hin the Public Slaool census,
and 6, conceWOW 9 - for the brick block. She intends build- -t large number off children—
and which is being held under the aus� line be't cen lots 5 pathmaster all( in ing season mark and ll present seenied delighted there is n 01IRL WANTED. —Wante a -- Good pices of the Huron Poultry and Pet ,and lo, D. McCloy,-, certainlysoine thosands—wbo are _, 'Ot village L of iondville, from Lie -with the elloir's performances. The pro- We u' �cjleralServantvapableof doing all kinds of §tock Association was, inevery respect, the Egli
ceedings closed about ten o'clock on in tb e Sabbath Sebool. req ire house work. Small family, no children and good Ye south n Kippen road to John' Ethel. a gratifying stiecess. The' dis'play of' brid y evening. once more to hae oi,iiided outto us the Apply toAIRS. AULT, Gode C AVednes(l. rich Street, abeen ' birds'ls siniply magnificent, and both for u d on the Mill road west to aster's coina nalid, " (-XLo ye out into the h. 897-tf ly, illings an Tagrrand who fi lisdeli, ssistant super- a ay previ- extentnd quality far excE.1 F. *v restfaills H. -Colbert,: pathiiiaster; very ill from the effects of a bad cold, is Mr, Robert Lui highways mul the hedges, awl. compel
t ile as lait y er. able to be around again.. Mrs 'Jeafortli Sabbath chool UGAR.—Hugh Robb, aforth, tl.�e olls exbibitionheld here. Mos of le prom- all t ie other divisions sai Joseph hitendent of , them to come ill, that nly house1.1 Faillib.-Grbeer hasafewbarrelso, extra'Smmr resident for the current .my be wbi(-b he _Nvill � I eii at old prices, 20mounds. for 1. inent breeders of the province are well- —Cdrfied. Movedi.)y.'3.,'3iiiilie,$ecoii(l- Wbelpton,-whobs been very ill lately is was elected P -ovin g olficer,.3 Of the full." Tind-all year, and all tile other 897-1 re resented avd com etition in every ed br R. Elarie.tbitt the snin of ! 25 be 110 fa�st.—Mrs. B. i$ w inipi Carrying or comparison a lit eIf y . . V past year -were re-elected. V IV e beg to - I � I �.� ,_�'k .1 —4
CW�TE T LAST.—At -Wilso: r &Young's class waa most keen. There were 400 alloA -ed - the treasurer as reniulierai ion was confined � io her bed on Saturday ther we find that in the four towns Of pongratulate the _10111,7ention oil their Grocery, Seaorth, a car load of resh Iferring birds of all breeds and sizes, besides 20 for extra services in Connection with the evening froni the e0ects of i , nflani'llatioll -which we are able to get coiliplete- re- direct from the seaboard, for sale , olesale and I i is rushing selectiollof President. Mr.lLunisden is - - � r, �t Is g pens, which contarin five birds nego biation Of debentures nd -the iliv ast- of t ie In ig —A. R.. S nitl turns, the Sunday School Population retail. Those who want 'any had bettdr apply nd school his dry goods �bo at cost, so he 'all old and zealoua Sabbath School soon sthey are.g.oing fast. 897, each. 'Xhese represent over fortyex- Public P�� Ck ment of railway [)g of tile considerbly exopeds that of tht, orker nd is well deservii tied. Moved by D., Manson, sdcon led says. ---A number bf people attende(l the, w w 8cliools in three: hibitors. The largest exhibitor was Mr. ollowing sums Ile psoll honor conferred upon hin! by his fello OBITUARY.— any of our readers"'Will -Rbgers�..oftaynga; John Hood, of Park-- by B Elgi ie that the f uction sale of dry goods Sini obarity: Daniel (4runlillAty USon's las laborers in this noble work, and we are tendance- tLndance. be deeply grieved to learn of the death -hill, coming second oil the list; A. J. grarned in t week. ition with credit 'I Goderiel) ....... 1121.5 81-6 gf Mrs. NY a $1 0 ; ANTin. Brewer, $5 E. sure lie will fill tile po A lin Lyons, of this t wh ich 'VA"illabn I "of -Seafortli, third, nd Burges to himself advantage t6 the associ- Union ......... 776 'fook place oft Thursday moriiiilg. Mirs. Douglass, Of Woodstock, fourth. 5.30; 6. Park, $1 ; Mrs. McOill, Stanley. 11 41 Si!dforth ........ 1101 706 r'obust erson lids -There were three pars . of imported $13. '4 ; M rs. ; McLeod, one cot(' of W 01od FARBY Logan, on of tion. The next annual convention will Lyons, never a very I .... 605 640 ied. Moved by J. Sproat, iec- be lield tit Wingliarn. Exeter, ........ 7,148 been in feeble, health.. for er a fowls, viz : A' vey - handsome pair of —Ca.r 'James Logan, Hillso,recii, lately pnr- The secretarie st,
year, s'compreliensive report Brussels ........ 514 aind was gradually becoming weaker, Silver Grey Dorkings, imported by Mr. onded by A Manson, that this con Yeil chased 50 acres of lot' 3, concession 6, and adopted There can be. no doubt'that'the num.
and. 'it was painfully evid(. do w adjourn to Meet gain at Dix )n a SA wbich - as read nt to her A.; Calder, Seaforth pair of Dark tanley, froni Mr. Henry8inith at $70 ber of schools has decreased slightly it i's gives o& very accurate account of the friends #iat her end in ust 1) soon, but Brahmas, iinported direct from Englainu Hot , Brucefield, on Tuesday the 8th )ercre. This is a high price but of A ril,.at 10 o'clock a. ni.—Carr ed." I' , various Sabbath Schools coiinected with -during the year, ' owing to the union in still few expected the sad event so soon. by Mr. J. A. McPherson,' of Chatham, a splendid lot and in good locality. , rent N the association as wells the work which several localities of the dff, Ietho- She bad been confined to'bed but a few and, a pair, of the same imported from -urche with one sch.00l. g tlieytre�ii-�tl)le(ltoacconiplish. ItWill dit ch a Takin days. grs. Lyons - was n estimable Goderich.' Belgrave. ;account, andmaking the, best Ylassachusefts by Mr. A. J. Willson -of lady and -was most esteeme I by those Seaforth. A good deal of *interest was SChAP.S.—QUit all excitement , well repay Careful perusal: this into ;5T I LL GOJtS
1 $ BARC1,AINS and To the- President, Officers and Delegates computation which the data we have 'who knew her best, and her leath, just manifested by breeders present as to ; BARCAINS in Boots creat,ad about three o'clock last lay fi, )ioes, itobe, Furs, and all Winter Goods to enables us- -to ,do, we haNeconcluded in the prime. Of life, will be a source of -whicli. pair would score the largest nuin- after ioon by the breaking out of i a i e make room for harge spring I import . tions.' Now of the Twelfth Annual Conveliti.01i. that thereare in the whole countyof ilie severest grief to a lart e circle of ber of points -when submitted to judg- in th, � oil shed at the. railwy �,tat on. isthetime. Bigdiscounts'forcash. Come one of the County of Huron uiid�y Huron about 150 Sabbmth Schools, with fiienCts and relatives. She 1�,,vea a fam- ment, the English or American birds, 'Before the firemen reached the scene the conieall.. Tailoringaspeeialtyat the cheapest. School Association: ars, teachers and ily of two daughters,. keenly but the Americans cme out consider- fire was well unler wt�,y. Althougli tliey general store. . A. T_AyruR, 13elgrave. membership of schol er, at LOCALITTES.—Cliarles MCCIelland. is The returns which li,,tve been received officers of about 17,500. of mi ev- er ably ahead. Both pairs, howev dece led I iniss the kind and lovinc, care e did not save tfi� b-tifidillg they su from the different Sunday schools of tile 11 Kinds of t
in Thre international convention at Louis' aheti en- ill n -eating the pro gre county, for the year 1884, show that .,�,ffectionate nd symp C 111(ther, remarkably fine birds. It wastbe g as of the h in 'spending few weeks in Toronto for the i .0 , ' Ville, gave all opportunity to once more the bereaved husband hi � loss er al some more, while to ol�inion of competent judg6s that other directions. I eat good of his heath.—The cheese factory ubstantial progress has been niade inCost and as, both dark and light, �vere , ese is. to be built-erly ill th e sprin cr - _Tnake a compilation of the Sabbath chool is one -which no human sympathy can I the Bralim' could be got into the High School, tl Par'- tile grand worktm? which we are engaged alleviate or lighten. The funeraltakes 'I the best eVer shown in Ontario. But all cold mornings it would not feel *Out of ers are wanted to take shares for the and give ai)undnt reason for thankful statistics of the world, which suilimar- Place on '.�aturday m oriii anc the classes were good and nearly,every, breed, place" mdays ago Mr. Willaiii stock of the Compny -which will no ized are as follows. iilg$ ness, and the inspiration of fresh cor- SUNDAY SCI . 1OOL STATISTICS OF THE remains will be taken to Paris for Inter- from the diniinlitive b&ntam io tile pon- Stauf thad his left ariii aniputittel I , a doubt be a success as there are lots of a, I - , ge. The three essentials of Sabbath WORLD. derous and majestic lyniouth Rock, little below the elbbw. He is d(ig enterpriing men in this vicinit .�The 0 - y school work, as given by a fainous Scholars. Teachers. If YOX-1 have not called.
Mr. '.NlcCosll of -\Vingliam -vvill was represented. The -geese and ducks well. The operation was perforined by Rev. American worker, Dr. Vincent, are the G reat Britain ......... _- 4,61.5,453 boo,m) THE ICE. —A friendly niatal i wasply- -also were good, althoug,11 the allow of Dr. N 7hitely, assiAed by Dr. Mackid, of preacli the aiiiih, ersarysermon for theFor- three G's—Grace, Grit and Greenbac United States ...... o,820)835 0329288 sure to -do so re t1l.
ed on the ice here on Wedu esday lz-�st -381,.330 457,412 these was not so large as the bird classes. S'efo 0n.—The Salvation Arnly is a( ain esters of court.Belgrave No. 48, on the British Niorh America...;.. between thre e- riniks of the St. I arys Among - theprincipal breeders repre- hard t-workwitlithe stiff-necked , at 2:30 p. in. 'A colle ti Godhas given the first to oarcounty� urope ......... 717,360 49,632 a's good-, are selling C111 workers, even beyond their- requests; -Asia ......... ........... -3�
curling club ud an equal 111111 Lber of t e. sented were D. F. Rogers, Cayuga; But- rebel ious of this toNvn.---Snow-sho(iiig will be taken up to defray expenef � � R,000 1,772 a one of the second has been displayed in many Africa .......... ...... 1.513, '145 8,8r)5 Seaforth club. The inatch Douglass, Woodstock ; Pickard, is altile rae naw no lack o: al Low All Foresters re requested to attend.— I nc 8 'South America ........ 150,00o gains ire the of the
ii A e where ainidst, much discourage- 3,008 0 Australia and the Pac�#c the 1- nost closely contested an I exciting moo e- ai'd John neither. ment, in sparse settlements, ad in ...... 181,800 1,9W Wt are Balkwell, Exeteri Thoms Br'oks.jr., is still in -a critical isles .......... of the season. St. Marys is the chain- Hord,. Parkhill; J. D. MeP'herson, condition.—Janies Lawrence is able to places where- too great indifferelice r igll-'; pion club of Ontario, nd the3 had their Chatham S. H. Richards, Goderich go abbut on crutches now.—The.Doctors Totals ........... 63,523 1,559,831 h our el
Bayfield. ed, the chool worker has- strongest inen here but our boys� gave Charles Petiellie, Stratford; F. 6'oebel, are inakina nione like. dirt those times These totals, forin. a Snday school Pol,s. —Mr. Tudor had his. y patiently toiled for the - -1alaster ; .Ili them al. tbat_tb�y �rauted to do, ai�d as Mitchell; .J. C. McKay, Georgetown; I and there gret many deaths. —Jas. army in the world of l4,C73,S54teaehe'rs eg bi oken some time since, is reco vet the last have, on the whole, been very Y two R. B, Ferguson and R. Elli?tt, Listowel, ulg Tyner's mill yard is crowded with saw liberally given by the patrons and frio-nds will be* seen cZie short only b' fast as can be ex ected. —Our vilhi,ge and scholars. shot.s. The folO%�ina is the more:� an& �everal others from a distance whose p log.s, which are being sawn up very -fast F U G -0 0 ; lihs more than enough of penetrtng of ebool work. SEAFORTIL sT. 'Mi Ms.' nanids we did not procure. - The local as be has great niany inen a work.— I Your Secretaries rejoice -to know that GENZERAL STATMICS. snow storms at present. 4-eeders were represented' by Messrs. r. and Janies Wightniall,recei-ved 1 there has been a steadily incre ll'iiik No. 1. ANIOTnEu -Ki-ND AeT.—On.'Thilirs lay A larger response has been made to the asing re- Me _J. forming John Fi h, A. Willson,A. Calder, F. telco -rain from Napanee, in I ulars issued by your Secretaries 7 sPect for and appreeiation of tile Sab- J_ wu.�,orl eventig last one of the wardens Mr. ( cire If you require anythill"'r
I ullem o7 their duirliter' G. . Spardug, D. Hogan Win. (4rieve 'r. - I 8 death. They ;gcllool bath -school, not only in the church— J. G.-Uarstone, J. D. *0011d in J i Fee, a ii d number of yo-ang peoplo fro'ni, - soliciting the general Sabbath P -Ca -van, J. Wei r, Al. Chalesworth,_ Frank Beattie, J. P, St. Inke's church, Goshen Lme sur- took, the train 'at 61iliton and reached statistics of the county -tlitin in - any pre- where the -value of Bible study by ung Oas, Capes, or Il
A. Youn yo . Cuffs, 33 skip-, 1-12 S. Sparling, kip..'�..13 Brine, David Thompson; Chas. Aitzel, tile her hoine before she was buried. They but We are convinced that a prisec Taylor Lit vious year, and old is more fully appreciated than the ReV�. G. B. I No. 2. John Wrd, John Dorrance, James A. are expected back this week. —Mr. Ty- bef ore—but among thin kin ty men outside, t,;ure to call ailil e t, 01
11,1180 ]age, Bayfield, bringi eill ing with tl number still remain unreported. Z> rge Anderson, Dr. Scott, Albert H lor,thetailorfroin Blyth, -visited our J. C. Laidlaw, J. Ashby, 'dry a ve'r , large loail of oats. Such acts of A summary of the returns give the fol- i the ebutal-is recognized as the agency- prices ,X. R. Counter, 1Y.Soinervil c, and. Richard Brown of Seaforth, an( last week, accompanied by Mr. A. Wilson, W. R. kind ess cannot fail to endear ny pas- lowing results: on which niore thanally other w. e are to G. Patterson, I T. 0. Robsoi i, skip_ 13 John Cameron of Til6kersinith, ll.Pf tor to his people. -the printer.- -The Rev. I Nmber of schools repoiting ........... 190 depend for the Bible loving citizens, who whom figure very successfully as prize Parke was unable to attend to his duties P
tant- No. 3. BIB LESOCi.ETY MEETINO. —The aiiii ual Number of scholars .................... 10 1US ,&ire to stand for the defence of Protes inlies.'some,excelling in one class ad' Sunday, he having contracted a Number of teachers and officer$, ....... 1,163 ism and tbe dearest institutions ni6eti lg of the Bayfield Branch f the on I Of our W. 0. Reid, 0thers-in -other classes just as their, Uppe Cnacl, , severe cold again on )aturda while Total membership ...................... 11,316 -era -0hea A. W. Thompson, J. Odd y, .4 a Bible Society was held in . y Total average attendance ............... 7,196 country. The Sabbath school work The
f ancy inclines. out driving, so the people were I dis- P
T. G � Josli n C. 31evers, the English church -on Monday evonin Increase during the year..... .......... 903 have responded to this increased appre- 93 R. Coninion: skip. �,.,20 W. Andrew skip. .10 P�,Tlie attendance of spectators was ver appointed in Trinity church.—.Ur. W. Volumes in librar3l, 19,367, ciati6n of their work- by greater faithful- y the 2,nd in-st. The attendance as fair considering the very unfavorable J. I�N'iglitnian, blacksmith, who has Number received froin'.s*c'l') o*o"l into church 327 nss and zeal; their higher 1 conceptio 39 41 and would have been much rather small. Dr. Stnbury was re- lived here for several years is going to 'Number liaving temperance orgmniza- ns winning, by 2 shots. elected President, and Mr. Win; TVJ or- 30 of the dignity and responsibility of the .................. ............ 0 largei7 could people have got ont'with rison, Secretary -Treasurer. Thegent, move to his farni hear lake E rie in a few 'Number -pledged ....................... 2,070 office ba-ve led to advanced plans, and Low -,L BEFs.--Mr. S. Fl- Jol-lilson, any degree of comfort or even safety. days. He -will be greatly missed here Amount iaised for missions ........... %1196.20 tl-leir ever enlarging of -its possi-- the Rev. R. NIcCosh, addressed the HOFFMAN
of Winiiipeg,__ spent. Sunday last with That the exhibition will ]lave a nieeti ig very' forcibly on the vmo�,:� of as lie is a quiet, industrious, citizen, and- Amount raised for the schools ........... :k3,797.40 bilities have developed inore tbouvhtf ul- friends in, town. Mr. Johnsoi i has most stimulating and beneficial the family are all highly respected. 8PECIAL REMARKS. ness andefficiency in school D the s)ciety in general Rev. Mr. For- ianageni-nt, it haalkering for Seforth and I Le may be influenae all -wi admit. Indeed t�he est made a few remarks. Rev'. 14r. Ili answer to the question as to a tem- and of careful, systeinatiz and intelligent F0 I 1, 0 back- here to live agairr - -before Iona. improvement in t ie fowls of th!is nei All a Taylor was not present, being detai led arna. perance organization, the superinten- Bible study than has ever before been The -spring. sittings' �f the Go of borbood during t] te past few years as ill dent (if Dashwoodschool says the -whole knon in this or any otlier land. i1rt C1 nton by the beavy snc'oAv- drilts. TEA MEETING.—Tbe annua ChaA eery open at Godeiich before : Jus- bee n- raid ad g mtifying, and this iiii A faft collection was taken -tip �t the school is a temperance organizatio. Re tfully submitted, Mutual Fire In,
0 il 13. 8 in a very large degree e.P James street,Exeter,_'P%1e_th-odist school, specC. STEVENIS,O�N�-, ljoint Rtice Fergus'n, on Monday, pri provement'i due . close. �ea meeting in connection with St John's J. I b�
Wedne��Iay morning I us 0 competi *on offered by �liurch arna, 'Nvill be held in the town ast was d o the stimul Of representing tile Usbol"IJA
these exhibitions concluIng this hall on Tuesday evening next. Tea will reports a Band of Hope of 210 pledged A. H. MANNING, J ecretaries. experienced in this section for inany Stephen. be served from 7 to 8 o'clock. The Rev. members. Mutual Fire Insurance i
Ous -Alfeltgate at the conVejntifollh-
years. At nine o'clock the -thermometer, report it will not be coilsidered invidi Mr. R. Hicks reports a temperance Bill registered 22 degrees below zaro, ana it o say that much of the credit for the Mr.\i(aP_4_L.—At the last meeting of Messrs. teel, Smith, Craig, Danb and Nye's Philosophy. y organization in connection with Cen- Mutual iss,%i(Ith,t�te,:%rlier,intliein��o 'witwas success of this year's exhibition is due td the Stephen Council it was ag�e4�d to McCosh will address the meeting. In To the young the future has a roseate ation 'Of Ontario, behl the ilitiring 'o6rtions. of the indefati- grant $35 for expelidit re, ctions by the tralia Sal;bath. School, which does Out- h The roseate line con -i -es 30 below.—Notwithstaalding the cold 0 AL I u on the 'South addition to - musical sele side work and has a iiiembershi of ue. ,Ill but February 4th anxI 5tl.)4 A,
,woxther the trains on the Gr Trunk gable Secr�e of the 4ssociation wh9 .Boundary, one half east and the other choir Mr. - H. - C. Brewer, of Clinton, we have to use it ill this place. To the 0 f th busine I trall.savt,!,i
260, although the school only 1111111- as
tnt A Boston Comers' on condition will give some of his celebrated songs
have�beeu runiiing.with r-,m,arkable as been . nVring- in time and labor to a; bets 75. young there spreads out a glorious range -to yom_� nliaiiy regulaxity that � IcGillivry grant -a imilar sum, nd recitations. The proceeds are to be of possibilities. After the youth has 0111 a 18 brifly alude to it, a� follo-A!
ThE trai�s on has crowned the efforts !of himself and -the associal
this season ad it i sel� secure thi result, and the success which and tl Lat not more than 0i cents per devoted for the benefit of the Sabbath The Holmesville Methodist school re- endorsed for an intimate friend a has even been late. few et -of
load Of quarter cord be paid for gravel. school. ports a Gospel Temperance S le tioll is tol
the London, Huron & Bruce ha-ve' ex- associates, will-, in some measure com.- times, and purchased the paper at the legislation to bm- ard tile in, t
perienced much --gre"aer diffic 1ties, the Pensae them for their self sacrificing The t�;nder of Wrn. Weir for the erec- OLi) F-RiENDS IN A NEW PLAC.E.—Ivir. 150 members, doina good work. bank himself latern, the horizon won't Mr. Robert McLaren, of Rodgerville -�-'A -services. 'A list of the successful com- seem to horizon so tuniultaneous as order being thus reversed. tion o a bridge for 425 was accepted. Thos. Ward, of this village, redently re- 11001, in answer petitors will b6 published next week. Presbyterian Sabbath Sc number of young folks The o.Ter of E. Williams, to deliver. three turned from a visit to 8anilac county, I rem ember atone time -who a �arted out 1) c t te, r Of inutlix,
to the question, says: "Thewhol' cords cd stone at $4 per cord was c- Michigan, wliere he spent a week very of purchasing such a piece of aecommo- to the H6n-s I skaing carnival on Tues- 7 cepte(.. Fifteen dollars were granted pleasantly aniong forindr Varna friends. school is in fav or of the Scott Act." dation paper at- a day evening got show-boun on the Hibbert. Z3 bank, and I still have V41 at -the ineethri- -whic-b O.N E GOOD BROTHER WRITES : - W to assist in gravelling on tile first side Heiak it. I don't need it any inore than a 13 London Roa near Kippen, and after' A GOOD CALF.—Mr. John McConnell., es special mention of -2NIessrs. W. "Our school has been very well at- enjoyin. a couple of upsets . li road on the condition that the items J. Vosier_', Yred. Green nd Thos. Still- I needs eleven tails at one nd the same 14. L. Dra (
01 to turn the well-knoiirn breeder of and dealer in tended through the past year. The or -
0 . 4 1U.
round aud come hone. Th i workFor$1.50 per day The Reeve, son, all former residents of Varna. They
e iarrived -cattle, of Hibbert, recently sold tilile. Still the bank made, it an -object acting, s se4�rej Y�
to Clerk and Messrs. D. Fre'neb, P. Cugh- are located bout seven miles from San- der and attention of the young people to in, ;iry- Livel home about 2 a. m., colder buf r , and I secured it. '�S'uch thins as took pla,-e on wiser Michael Collins and (liristoplier Her- attending has also been very g�'od. Our 44 - bert, of Ellls,-�c%: fen mo t dusky, the county seat of Sanilac county. most apparent difficulty during the win- I e filiff bloom 'Steam Threshiens 9 ifflis old thorough- lads, kn-d lssies.—Miss Nellie 811lith wa. lin =4 H. Eilber were �,appoin ed these harsh y knock- th
ewelled a the Salva4-; n A Board and subsequently &r. These gentlemen ]lave been ill ichigan ;" A I T)i far q; for This fine of Health, i, off the cheek of youth, and prompt us t on. A illy 'meet- bred Durham calf, $125. ter months is in the matter of thile. As ing hut Thursday ni- t 'and left on animal weghed 1,006 pounds, and was Frene i was ppointed chairman - Mr about two years. Mr. Green has about we are nili to turn tile straberry-box bottolln side each . I C-)
ta in rased y' Mr. McConnell. bounds of the congre a it is difficult S gay mith ared and ready for crop, and ch scattered around the -up before we pucliase it. Youth ilefects Friday for. Dundas, 'where she as' b Prout r, Clefk ; Dr. - Nas Viedica 40 acres cle, & tion, i the chprge of a station.—IvIr. sla Healt i Officer, and Mr.'H. Eilber� Mr. Foster has about 20 acres ill the to ID and hopeful 'age is covered About to. 1).P -21
4�ies ' - - me these short winter morn- with ex- Killop wi Ll be! sold , I 1 ptr. The Council m6ets on same condition. They. both have good be on ti ) ars where the skin bas. Nichol's farm in Me . ings, and this new standard time is perience and sc byauctionat'vVeir's hotel in.tliis-i�wii the at Monday in each month. farnis and comfortable buildings. Mr. 'lot been knocked off and had to grow on The relative tA
6ft the last S&tu HY'INIRNEAL. I in our favor. till, the average attend- rday in this month.— —One of the most stylish 0 -Stinson also has a good farin, and on it again. To the young a dollar looks thrilsherS, little wedding parties -'we have had' ance has been well kept up, and all -con- The Teeswater News "thus refers to the, the Brussels. he has 9saw mill, nd is doing a large la e and strong,'butto theidale-aged cerned are faithfully endeavoring to keep by ppointing :eOl"n)ittee 0.
operations of a gentlemnan w o fesiddam e 19 the old it i W. pleasure of witnessing for some time, N�vEpt I NE-vipt I NEVER in th business. There is school house fin- an -3 weak and in -efficient. J. S11
M( 'drove through our -village oil Thursday history of Ethel hays goods bien sold so cheap. J to the work,,and we hope needed bless- in this town : M ..T. A - Pr4 aergast, e mediately opposite Mr. Stinson$ farm. When we- are in the heyday and pany J� CU rk Usborm
of last week. The ing will not fail," fizz of with B. J. Wade _& Co., mus le dealers groom was -Mr. Frank The ha f �Price sale the long to be reineinberdd They are all doing well and like the existence, we believe everythin�, but. and W, John,
of traford has sold ad delivered in O'Neil, our kind and harness- sale of Smith. People do not ask how can The following in substance was receiv- vVe ur -,diard Compaily to tal,-e tile
obliging wedoi ey a -now e reason ,%, y. 00 s country. after a while , m What that this town nofewer than ten instruments maker. - The happy, bxidi- was -Wiss bought 466cents oil the dollar can certain]), ed last year, and applied then as well a's you'regivin' us, " or words of like C0111sideration and draft a Si
I '* M to this yeaes work. It is'from the Su- _f� �. since Christri as, ald- as may more in Bessie . cQueen; second daughter of Mr.* be sold much cheaper than when bought � at 160 character. Age brings caution for tile use -of all the i m mediate vicinity. —Tlli' James McQueen, of the London Road, cents on the dollar. . You can't keep the public - Sabbath School Convention. perintendent of the Baptist Sabbath and a s: -has been lot of sbop-worn .ex e purchased members of tl�e assoc
a hard winter on coal and w:)od. S ley. The happy couple' drove to from finding out where they can get the best The annual conventiori of -the county School at Wingliam: ".Ili connection . perinc tan at.the hghest mark-et'prke. Time mortgage lot ing here , last I Fri- value for their hard earned money. You. might with our school we have a mission band, regrets and wisdom 1:y
Bible Society"m eet Seaforth, accompanied by"a' large num- as well try to stop a tidal wave as to try and of Huron Sabbath chool Association 1�rings vain teeth t-A:a'!� tll',-n discussed, aud the I
called the W- illing I'vorkers' Foreign evening -was o A. R. 950TII'113 to day' ber of friends. They then took the train keep the people from coining t was held in Seaforth on Tuesday and the 9-s-sociatiou were ul somewhat' meagrely for Str - that can be left in a glass of water over halinno
buy go Dds. Now is the time for 60 days, don't Wednesday last. This association is Mission Band. We have over 100 mein- attended. Rev. Mr. McCosh, the agent atford. They - inte' n�d - visiting night. —The Iogleside, 4li-approval of suli a elat of tile Society, was ' friends in Hamilton' London and , delay, J !rat come first served. 897 -panorninational and the conventions bets, and the meetings are held monthly. presentalil explain- St. non tachod to thd Poliies ill tile ed the operaions of tile Society, after Thomas. May happiness and prosperity. Bi EFs. —Division Court February are - composed of delegates from tile We are paying for the education of a Treatment of Tree Wounds Companies and it was i
whiell the officers for the , c aftendthern'through life. 25th.�-Good sleighing now. 'Large various Protestant Sabbath Schools of heathen boy and girl in ludia, out of the u. -rent year Valmbld`trees that have been wound- ageed that the-compailies:
were apointed. The quantities of wood are coining to : town, the county, but the Methodist and moneys raised by the Band. The inter- are same as as'sociati -
Y� princ�'pally for the salt ed or. mutilated are often sacrificed for prepare,
works.-�-Jobn Presbyterian bodies est taken in mission -work by the niem- lack 'of the discreet surgery whi !,oala Com-, panics, are sat
Jast year. —There will be a bil thing on Tuckersmith. are usually the most
ice at tile DoiTunion r MeaOws is again back to his ol(14 place largely represented. bers is very great aiid. much good is be- would ink thi -evening. The convention ass ent of polic.
'THE Acco�LTNTS.—Tbe auditors have repair Iflie injury they have suffered ignill y as c, etaker of the town hall and fire- this year bad to conteiid with several ing done. We expect this year to raise 111or , - ause .Vh.e races promise to be inter 3st;4 and completed and Profess -or C. A. ',Sargent bf t t ol
he Bus- exciting.—A detachinfe lit of tile work of auditing the Inua. John is a careful, canine, going adverse circumstances arising wholly $100 for missions. Ever shice our or- Slva- township cc done good service -to tion Army,, draNvii by a four bo ounts. The abstract -has' Englishman.—T-wo young men were be- from unpropitious wea�her,';-Notwith- ganizatign God ba been with sey institution, has in borro Wing Oil . ly fron I
'is a"d farmers fruit -raisers, i
rse team, been hande in for publication and will- fore Justices Hun r and Youjig, for se and landscape- visited Varna oil Wednesday lespite the appear ilext eek. I ' �e standing this fact, however, the affair richly bles d our efforts. I hope the a�;'Ointing of F�rt- <1or,
A few items of ex- distu gardeii ers, by translating from the F rench. intense cold. —A little son of Mr. W in. bing the Salvati -on Arnly in their proved vezy succes timewil soon arrive when every Baptist the followin g prac ably discussed and lf� in till,
thiall broken on account n gal an bb ill have a ch we Hawkshaw had his pediture my lich - we extract from the meeti 4 had to -pay $5 towards throughout. There was a very fair re- a ath School in the land wi tical hints, whi ileV) ia be -of interest. There was the villa e treasury in addition t give with slight abridgment Satur�day last while sle 0 Costs. presentation of delegates and the several mission ba'-nd organized. ig`h-riding.—Mi,. expended las' t year for roads and bridges, Boys auc young in Bark once George Ewin has removed his butdmrs' en should learn! to be- injured or loosened can sedderunts were well attended by spec- THE BANNER CHOOL a.
never attach itself again to th 4,206 cha tY, .$259 alaies $650 have themselves when ii e trunk - sta,11 to the opposite side of i any ,"public tators, b -ace of neither of the county is the one at Cr tk'ain.,Street. tit the attenda editon, be- C -1 1110 -2cOuntY 'rate, 8.3,900; township school meeti g. and �Iiene-ver wounds, 1-1 � 1 yance, iliasmach or Ills' of loose bark exist oil the ed a 41oath b1414* allil
f roni his, old tad. —I_rh e f un.-�rafof the —Some Of "our boys " -would dda�,ates nor spectators was so large as longing to- t11 e Evangelical Association, sectio' es rate, $3,494. The year was closed with do wE 11 to'bear in mind that if the pr. trunk late Clary, of TtickersinLth, which a balance of 341 ft Would been had tile -weather not and under the pastorate of Rev. J. A. 11intital Iof a tree, the dmaged part tile treasury. The tice o. yelling on the streets, as if h, tribe b -should be W11;
passed through town oil Satur( ay last, total assessed vluation bf the ' tpwnship of Indians -were going e and the roads so Schmidt. The superintendent is 3N.Tr. C. Cut away Cle P;klt t-olosist was one of -the through their war blocked by snow. - Brown anly, a's far as the injur t vi -e liall e een for is" $2,198,470, and the total assef -Proni the same C se and the followin p, is itq report in y tiiiidertakll%4; . -1 Oot dance, is not stopped, some unfortlin LI) -- 0
a Ion,, time, thus testifying t e -very. up . to VXLS65. ate also, several to -whoill, subjects had 1) en f ull extends. Careful persons. have been lwfore the Le ii3latue a,,. is hig,h 'este in in which the depeased was will have the pleasuie of I known to nail to a tree a piece of loosen- e paying 85 and assigiie:d, were unable to be present, 'Lit Toial number of scholars ......... 3.50 <)Il COUNCIL MEETINC,-Tbe council met costs a warnin ed bark, in hope of _Cla.�, died ve�y suddeilly g to himself and con, - the places of these were well *and a ly Total number of teachers.. . ....... -42 g it -to grow ti)v Atty,)rney Goneral. xy, n the 7th.inst. The me-niberi al pres- radesi—Elijah Frayne, an old rdsident e Total .............................. 392 again, r -at least of retaining on the Of apaple, ,wic was buried inlrish fill d by volunteers who took up C 0 liowever, not t il)e baMed ha-,�
ent. The auditors handed of thi1s place, died at Creenwood, AU-ni- 'its W
-in- thei re- Average attendance ................ '322 young wood i natual covering. Un- tawn eenleteiy.--Another esteem subjects 'which otherwise would have Mission money raised .......... trodiliced the sellelliel A1111 Y, r, ed pi- port, a detailed statement and abstract. toba, on the l2th ult., of Bright's Dis- been tarepreented. Considerable dis- Sabbath school ex enscs... . ....... 8 s435 fortunately the result produced by this vvill oon b al)lj� t<) OiLeer, in tile person of Mrs. J)hu Shine, Moved by S. Smillie, seconded b p 176 . � -1
INIcKillopi-passe'd y R. ease. —The Choral Society, under the a, Number o d teetotalers... 190 to that s I_
of . i f pledge operation is exactly opposite
peacefultv away On Elgie, that the 'auditors report of PPO ntment was also felt by the, in- . . - . fr, in theassociat'
e -In- leadeiship of Prof. Holland is intended; �The JCaYigowoo( diture for the year end- full blast.. They ineet-ir best schools in order i attract thou-sau(j,,3 ol insects, whhfind.,': Thursday of last week. Sh had been c- me and Expei�, 1ONv in ability lof Hon. S. H. Blake to be present The next seven lih, I and bark
0 the the Attdriley in poor health for some time. y1the'Mechanics' as ppoli.sed. It seems that Mr. Blake- are as follows tez-,tel I Strongly 1 against flie 1 bere safe shelter, and abundalit wing January 31st, i885-, as now examine(, Institinte Rooms. /The Rev. Dr. Moffat succeeded in reaching Stratford on Wed- food, about 65 years of aue and was most de-� and properly certified to, be accepted— gave an interestink and instru and, increasing rapidly, hasten the death cth�e lee- nesday with the intention of being here servedly respected ill the nei xhborhood Carried. Moved by J. Sproat, second- ture in the town li�ll on last Thursday of the tree. In such -cases instea Wednesday afternoon, but the train was d of re� by all eetutivil 'Where she had so loncr, reaideR and was ed by S. Smillie, that John Ybunc� nder th6 all C cs fastening the loosened bark on t ee, bestr known. —We �.re glad to le be evening, u spices of the Me- so late in arriving there that he had to C, W 0 he tr ��'
Mr. Wi. Moore is re, a' Institute Ratt ' I Of fiv(-� meinbers to look aflu
arn that appointed assessor for 1885, at a- salary chanico 'the subject of turn round and go back to Toronto I E' `4 it -should be entirely cut away, rin�,, from his 0 on Clinton Meth enbury St. co 3 care be�- temsts of the as ociat again Exeter bleth., James 24 27 1351 259 in taken to give the cuta re I OU It -
le to le 1 in that city at Seaforth Presbyterian_. that thlose purely r.,
297 30 t327 238 'ar r'- especially on the lower i Ce for if inomingi and had .... 292 29 :321 "6 pailit;, not represented wil��
ave seconded by D. Manson, that the follow- Book-.�. The subject was well handled i te rsJa� Clinton Presbyterian ...... g Cove f $85 --Carried. Moved by R. Eigie, " Mechanics' Institutes and 'Their aIbe had an engagement
severe illness, and is now
n o'clock Thu lersOns be appointed to'the office of by the lecturer, but the aud Wingham. ethod a portion of the bark if adhering...- tillile ill -filling fhe.a his room and hopes to be able to attend ing 294 26 -820 186 ne even e e,wers and pound -keepers: Fence- fair, was not as large as the lecture de- St. Methodist 2 to the wood, is left to his dutie.,; as librarian in a fe�w_days. fenc Lvi ience,ihougli be come-on he could not have returned Goderich North ist
—The Women's Foreigi 'O'll � s� Z 0 in time. Notwithstandihg all 41es 278 3 1310 Igo without direct com-- e Goderich Presbyterian ........ 243 in this intend holding -en a 35 V8 1) H-6yi-S ciety vieyv(,rs-1Aiii. Bell, A. Story John F. Another will be gi% -43 J. CL& it must die social in IPale, A. D. Wiltsie, J. P'' t *1 disappointments and draw-baoks, 4ow.! COMPARI.-,0,-;�& munication with the leaves M. early date On 8011le scientific sr,,bject, ever and decay. A c,)atiing o .f coal -tar sh the c3ii-vclition was a sir-Icess ould. 4n� lour secretaries have thought tht it be applica. to n t 1
4 al