The Huron Expositor, 1884-12-26, Page 6glimmeimmasollanlelee amensagemessameesenhemmtemitommmh eta humor of ethe stdries .and ameedotes I g • without number will& he told. And thee is how internus Ward lectured in Pott A Gambler Snperstitiona. A friend of mine, who .yearmago used travel up and down the laiasissippi river said tome this evening : "1 have- watch-. ad gambling on the Mississippi river ;steamboats night after night, and.' have Lad a pretty fair eluenee of observing some of the superititions of the old-time ganibiei. For instance they do not be - love that there is ally great luck in any fthe pre'iousstonosxeeptirg diamonds. If you have noticed theprote lona gam bl' - or eVell of these days, y u will see thathe usually weara no other ornament except diamonds. I don'thhelieve that you could hire a gambler to wear a sun Opal. Opals of all kinds are supposed to 'bring bad luck, but a sun opal, in a gam- anything or which filer's eetimation, kings the worst luck ' scarcely know of f all. I have yet to see a gambler there is so little excuse. If you say that elwith , you indulge M it only when you ate nerve enough to sit down to a. gamewear- angry. I reply that is worse than at s ing a sun opal. Another thing, your , any other time. * Where Castle is Scarce. I Cincinnati Enieuirer : Look .into Weet ' Virginia for Kicample. Aefriend told Me , that in that state he went to a house and ! got food for himself and companions tid their horses. He wanted Ito pay for this but the woman was ashamed to take pay I for a mere act of kindness. Ile 'press 1 the money upon her. Finally she said . . - . " If you don't think I am mean .I wi I take onetquarter of a dollar from you; 0 ' as to look at it now and then'for theitc , has been no money in thh is ouse fee a ' year." The little farm and barter at elie store had supplied all the absolute wants of this woman. . I Swearin g "I think a man that swears is like man that fires a guieA the street with out seeing where the charge is going to strike. When a person uses profane language he does not know - what' or whom he is going to injure ; it is a habit which comes, upon a man gradually, but grows rapidly. It demoralizes a man s conscience, wounds his honor, injnres his own soul, and hurts the feelin s �f others. It is profitable in nothing .a d mischievous .in almost everything. professional gerrablerwill never anew you to touch his chair while he is playing.. in old times, whenthe stakes were high. on the river horde, many a bloody quar- rel has grown outeif an infraction -0i this miwriteen law. Usually a gamblerwili at once leave the game, and it he returns - he will not play for large sakes. : Now I will gr you one More which, perhaps, Is the .most .universal rule among gam- blers, even to this day. At midnight the t old timer' will arise from. the board and g partake of a lieett lamb and perhaps a ttle wine. When he resumes his seat you \sill, observe that he has changed his hat. That is an 'unvarying rule. TO git, PrOUgh.a, game with the same hat on in the gambler's maxims is considered e lit- . tie less foolish than giving his. money. : „nee No. With . Variations. epee\ - away. Do all the gamblers of to day At t , time Of my visit to Copenhagep, -keep up the same superstitions ? Some of• eth ie favo :te actress at the Court Theat le - them do, but they have non:se-61U There was Madame Heiberg, who could char] are very few :games nowadays where a . the publie by a woed, a gesture,andie Le man is. not certainto lose all he has if the by silence.. At times she Made here f gambler only wishes: to take it. .Within understood without - uttering a sylla e the pest fifteen years 1 have not seen a. or making a moveMent. In - such cajs s game where cheating more or lens:adroit, mute immobility was. transformed ' 1 o v. as not indulged in to trap the unwary. eloquence„and the whole scene was fi e Boston Traveler. with her. presence. In.. consequend f • this gift an enterprising . dramatist Asir te A Fine Piece of Social Tact for her a piece eetteled "No." Du _._. 1 Many have heard the story of George the first hell of the piece she had .o 1 IV., who one day invited to his table a this one word to pronounce, end h, i sonnet -hat boorish but deserving subject. pronounceditnineteentimes.Butsuch 'hi e person committed the social crime the marvellous suppleness of her v of pouring tea into his saucer, to thehand physiognomy, that she made he visible horror of his fellow -guests. - 'simple monosyllable " No " a vehicle 4zir But the king, the gentlemanly George, ' the most diverse expressions of mean'ig tero-like, followed suit, in order at onee Those nineteen Nos conveyed iiinet e to rebuke hie courtiers, and to relieve different thoughts, each one perfec I characterized by the clever artist's: m the. embarrassment of o-ne whom lte had chosen to honor. - A similar instance of royal.self-denial once occurred at the polite court of the Second Norman king 'of England, Wm. Rufus, or the Red • King 'William had been hunting ie. the royal preserves, and WILS returning to his magnificent brownstone castle, when he met a woodcutter at work by the way -- side. The king, who always cherished the affection of his subjeete, even the humblest, thusachiressed the woodcutter: strugglMg classes of the world. Go 4" Marry, my good fella*, by my troth, aver one • of these factories with how art thou, in Tod sooth?" superintendent, I said to him, " W of utterance. --Oscar Cominettant. A Word to Working Men. HENRY WARD BEECHER. I went into a lar e factory 'Wheeling; the other ay, and was gr Iy interested, as I am everywhere, ii looking into the foundries and factor. e and wherever men are struggling ; 11 believe in the common people. Ever hair of my head, every bone of my body, every fibre of rny being belongs to he ng The woodcutter poked up, but did not are the wages of these men ?" He • recognize leis sovereign, and so gave but plied, Fatty to eighty dollars a wee a. surly rep17responded hiMajesty, eighty . • e, s jL. 1 "Good gracious," said I, " forty Go to, ' dollars a week t Why, ,it's gr BOTitewhat provoked, " have at thee, 1 wages, Do they save it ?7 " Not am thy king, I trow. " .,.., cent" "What do they do with i " Thou lies, 1 wot, methinks, " Saut i-." Drink it, gamble it, spree it, - and the peasant, iiicredulously. the end of the week .. they haven' The king, angered by this retort, let aeggy. e fly an arrow at the peasant, but Missed r Tell Me now whether these men Lim. The poor woodcutter then knew moral or unmoral. Whether they do that it waa indeed the king who had am say . to themselves, "Soul, take th coned him, for DO one but a king could ease. - Eat ancl drink. You've got he t he shoot so badly. Falling upon his knees, means to do it" All their after-trou le he earnestly besoueit pardon for his in- is *as nothing to them, the househol is 8°11'11' William, whose passion was as nothing ; the night meeting, he gOOL Cooled, bade him rise, gave him a drink the singing, the jollity—these 1tre Purs° of gold, and 111-. vited him to attend everything—this the present --the pi O- tt court that very evening,ent self-indulgence. The woodcutter, eager to behold with It is the duty of every young man to Lis own eves those splendors of which he @eel say to his body, "Look here, Ill foil ; eo often heard, came good season you just as much as is necessary to ..' e4 hi to the king's apartments. In spite of the all the work out of you I can, and no LI collet dress with which he had been pro- vided, and in spite of his affected good single oat more, not one." It makes n difference to you that your neigh breeding, the straw,- alcoholic. breath lives higher than you do. That ap whieh he brought irao the presence of nothing to do with you. You've, dt the assembled ladies betrayed his in-. business in this world to attend to to herent bad manners. The ladies tossed develop your manhood, and to ema ci- -*Jute heads, the courtiers did not scruple pate yourself from eternal bondage to to siseer. King William, after welcom- the flesh it is yOur business to put yo tee the poor peasant with great kindness self on wholesome allowance and stic t ' • left the room. Shortly after he returned that Out of every single dollar ea e , switie a breath which rivaled that of his lay by something, even though it be limerlde Mend. The courtiers keenly small, from week to week, month to 'reit the rebuke which had been so justly month, year to year, until by and by ou het so delicately administered. All in have sufficient capital to start M ler er rrfollowed the lead of their truly* business --still carrying on that proc es node sovereign, and it wa,s soon irnpossi- 1 —and by the time yip are thirty- ve " t1 'u to tea which of the assembled breaths i you will owe no man anything, you ill rtained to the lowly peasant - I own your house, your ground and y ue This anecdote shoe -s us that whatever • stock, and. own sufficient capital for he evil hICilliam may have done, he at least modera,te 1basrness of common life, e- poeseesed the instincts of a true gentle- sides o niithe wife and children i od veer —Harvard Lampoonwill haves: LN n you mea,nwhile. • . • How Arteries's Ward Once —The once despised town. of, F r; Lectured. William, situated on the banks, of i There are yet living at Potteville, Pa., renowned Ka,ministiquia river, seems tp igks,.csrfLI gentlemen who never hear the be looking up again. The Cm el' ' rame e of Arteraus Ward without a grail- Pacific Railway Company have han e; ine recollection of a pleasant night spent over to the town council the two lee vitt. that droll genius. In the winter of of new streets recently opened by th rh line ef the earlier y•ears of the war, Arte- in lieu of the streets closed by the r try,16. Ward seas advertised: to deliver his way company on account of the new le- . larimus lecture on the Mormons in the vator track crossing them so frequen lei. itseceo. hall at Pottsville. Much curiosity Several new buildings are in course of • weie excited by the announcement of his erection on them. The Canada Pao 6 c ng and and there .was every reason to Railway pile driver are busy deiv mencet that the hall -would be crowded piles for a huge coal dock, to be built on on tee evening of the lecture. But one the bank of the Kaministiquia, a sh of the fiercest snow -storms that ever distance east of the new elevator. h Visited the town raged without interreis- new coal derricks, which were erecte , niee ell day, and the night was wildly Port Arthur last spring, are being ta eh ' etoregy when the lecturer was drivento down and loaded on cars to be- brou ht ` Va.- hall. to Fort William and placed on the ew , H.- found waitine for him only five Coal docks now being built. The ste m ' iner., who had clefi7a1 the storm. Ad- dredges have been dismantled and 1 id : waiving to the stage, and beckoning up for the winter. They will he ON er- P%'witt his finger ali if to a single individ- hauled and put in first-class shape re dy * del, Artemus said, in an ordinary conver- to resume operations in the spring. sationai tone: "Come; up closer." Not • ' -kneeing precisely v. hat to do, the audi- Catarrh—a New Treatment. 'env- of five compromised with their em- h Perhaps the most extraordinary sliceess bet are been achieved in modern medicine has I een ' barreseinent by doing nothing. Arte- attained by the Dixon Treatment for Cata b. rau:- (:hanged his tone to that used by Out of 2,000 patients treated during the pa six or who wishes to coaxand. said : ' months, fully ninety per cent have been ei red of this stubborn inalady. This is none the less " 'Meese come up closer and be socia- startling, when it is remembered that tio five per ... ble ; I want to speak to you about a lit- centof patients presenting themselves to th(. • tie matter 1 heve thought of. " regular Practitioner are benefitted, while t e patent medicines and other advertieed c res lel eying succ;ceded in getting his audi- ifever record a cure at all. Starting ewith the erict to move up near the stage, the hu- claim now generally believed by the most se en- tracriA said: tific ;nen that the disease is due to the pres, nee "1 moVe. that we do not have any lee- of livitig parasites in the tissue, Mr. ,Dixo. at once adapted his cure to their exterminati n-,- tire here to -night, and I propoae instea,d this accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is p ac- ' ' that we adjourn to the restaurant be- tically cured, and the permanen y 's unquest on• and have a good time. " ed, as cures effected by him fo ir -ears ago are • tures still. No one else hasee incl ,attempt to E.e. then put the znotion'voted on it cure Catarrh in this manner, and n e other t eat- fiirr self, deelare,d it carried, and to give merit has ever cured Catarrh. T e appliea ion -no hpportun.ity for an appeal from the of the remedy is simple, and can be don at - * chair, at once led the way to the restate- home, and the present season of the year is the mod favorable for a. speedy and permanent e re, t, rant. There he introduced himself to his the majority of eases being ciii•ed at one ti at - 1 ''.'tiztended auditors and spent several- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Me ..rs. in their company, richly compen- r.af.1.- them for their elleajete‘ilitelLent, in ' th,:. zL..utterof tie leettiee by the wit arid srs. A. H. DIXON & SON, 34.5 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose tamp for t er treatise 01) (eatse Moetrealeun tr, Not ebee. 17, 1s032. 882-52 • THE HUB. E*POSITOR. EA: MH:ILaleee ;Ti e above s.have iobcii thoroughly • t iipoe.the,co piete gr th UNG RIAll ROLLEI PROCES he Mill atly en oughou E L , res and Sore us Bltdldthgs have b en arged, and n$ machinery app ied • EST11111 ROVED ROL S Plow DresOnig Machin Feam'the lest Manufeeturing lirms have b met in, an everythin necess4ry added to en her to tur out flour In the Do grain from harealso nowbe and load pee hour, •A LA OND ninion. e face farmers an forj ele • en extensi eleeim en from f rmerse Into ears t the y the work of Vet GE US OM H been ha dling c goods can be unl HE tin, a,nd t op and eoa ed has bee aded and r T • Promptly a HST LASS UAR la TO Chopp • satisfaeto NONE ities for reoeiv ding and sheep roved. Grai wagons, weig rate of 700 bi.s en. en ble ng ng ed, els E1E 'STONE 0 OHOPPIN e naceesary machine -y for Mil S. er ete , so that w oaIed Inider cover. xp ANG tended to, and OLLER WL TED ly and LLL:R FL 1 he Mar Cas fora Mika PP Censtan ly n hind. l? 1 ki ds without dela3 115 SHORTS, of FEE AP LE P ce Paid in Laity of Fl E OARSE .F•PR SA • 1 nly firs -class and ligrig men will be kept ttend bustornrns. The -1 befal patronge of ers an4 general t •e ees ctfully solicited. •-A1 W. OCILIE&' CO., P OPRIETORS. . Mar a$r. to fa 1. BARRELS OD LAND' SALT V-1 a aJJWzdIrioo 0 S1IVMLLS tml DEALERS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST FIGURES. OTT A CAR LOAD OF BEST AMERICAN WATER WHITE COAL OIL, JUST RECEIV- P. rj1AT is the PH Is I\ TH , kie i no proae l'wjth will artric in dile Geftst C., ,being ttt 1 h made co mode, for Chri Ye r's -Piet Ex tl ence _ fu: Positi gr d an v the sir_ ling wit TOCRA . CALD , v that the ing, and t oubtless r he way of absent fn ly alive to cial ext on of the. as Pictii itir es. For of Shade a n, couple Aceeseori P. P. P. P. h delight a AND]] • IT eop e's Popular H, RLORS, 'R AT THE 11/11,11. 0 tml oliday f Season is foist ap- good peopie of Hurcin nd uire s mething neeit lnd ortmit to send as oli- nds or relative, and lir. he inip�rtanee of thi f arrang eneets for theac- lida,y Trade. CALI) R'S s, CALDER'S for ew Photo, of Tasty gn, d Finish, Easy and.._ e. with appropriate Peek. trial, lrnd then go away d .a Go D PICTURE. CA DER, • Soo 'e Block, Seafo th. When, Where How TO SAVE ONEY. —AT Til POPULAR. OROCERYI SEARMITH You can get the best value fpr your money in all kinds of Groceries, Crockery and I have just reeiv !!"-- Fresh Sug Glassware. dal r anid Teas • Which I am bound to len eh tie) lot cash. Eigh- teen pounds o, Brown Sup. and 14 pound e of Coffee Sugar for el, an1 a g d Tet for 25c Per pound, and extra val e ... at 50c * i Black and Green. Also some ext e„ fiin PURE SUdAF STRUP8 . at 50e and Vic pe• HONEY, iloNEY, Extracted pure from n y own apiary, at 15e per pound, or eightpounds for e Dollar. PORK I ORK I I have.egain conneeeeed ail, and will pay the highest market price fo • good fat hogs, have on -hand ale kinds, of CI ep Meats, Pork and Bologna Sausage and Cluttin s. .H RO MAIN STREET, EAFORTH. EM ORIUM 111/1••••••••=.=••••=.1. READY-MADE cLoTTIII,Tc+. Our pr arations have nev plete tha they are for whether I • rim- a fabrics or considere , Buy ng, as we d the largest ma ufacterers, quantities of other firms, we you. VALUE NOT SHOW s We Positively petitio er been more com- he present season, variety a styles is ,for spot Cash, from and in twice the are enable to offer To any bu3;er of judgemen enced by the trashy ieduc purchasers of SECOND HA GOODS, we appeal with that our elothinS once eeen • both for quality, durability, We buy nothing but go goods. Customers cOn'', the confidence, feeling that whe they have something mor shoddy. ELSEWHERE, ely Com- , who is not infiu- ments • held out by D OR BANKRT,TPT onfideeCe, knowing vill be appreciated, tyle and price. d all.wool reliable fore, urchase with the Y reach home than at 'parcel of See my Men's Light and coats. eery Tweed Over - See my Men's Bower Ove coats, ind nete the prices. See my Boy's Overcoats and Uls rs. See my Men's -and Boy's , otch and Canadian Tweed Suits, made and 4rirnrned first-elass at reasonable prices. Rubber Costs all steles and prices, from t the lowest priced oil cloth to the finest macintoste Underclothing and furnishing' departmentare fully assorted with the -best lof value. A CALL SOfrICITED. THOS KID Corner Main and rket Streets. R CO SEAFORTH • ST9VE C. M. WH HOUSE. TNY. Has just received a full line of Cooking, Box a al Parlor Stoves—Coal and wood. All new patterns. Don't fail to seethe/le N Ace -the following are the leading lines made by the first foinidries in_Canada. r—ss( CZ 0 McCleary's with Oven and 0 " Telephone " also a) 8 • ROY4 BASE URN6S. A full line of Wood! Heating Stoves, Stove Pipes, Mows,: Drums, &c. ' Also the famous Stove Boards—so cheap. S ind in yohr orders,.."and get your pipes cleaned and stoves in, 4der, for cold we• thee is coming, donKforget it.. nen-- e • , Universal, Art Premium, Brilliant Cee CD CD 0. M. WI-IITNE y The Oheap Stove House. MUSICAL 11%11§TRUMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH; ONTARIO. SC617 BROS., PROPRIETORS. T -C,,T1\T I -1.A- M FIATO- Read the following testimonial by one of day: "The Upright Pians of Messrs Dun "endorsement, as a decide I success. They d "sympathetic quality, can not be surpassed b "and.are equally beautiful in their musical qi. " appearance."—THEODO E THOMAS. he best musicians of the present am deserve, as Well an -emphatic telop a tone, which in power and the now 6d:sting Upright Pianos, alities as well as in their exterior • EXCELSIOR This celebrated Organ has always rem shown, taking first prize at the - Northern Ui Among other Organs shown at this show were Hamilton; Karus, Woodstack, &c. Call and ments taken at their full vane. Orders for t to at once. SC N. 13.—Small Instruments, such as certinas, &c., onIand. ; also a good assortmen All kinds of Instruction Bdoks. STAMPING and Outline Embroideries. RGANS. ed the highest award • wherever hen Exhibition in October, 1883. W. Bell & Co., Guelph; Kilgour, ee us before buying. Old instruz ning pians and orgaim attended TT ROTHERS. Guitars, Accordeons, Con - of Piano Covers, Piano Stools, &c. Patterns for Kensington, Crewel For thoHoli ay Trade. , Rodgers & Sons Table, and Pocket Cutler r, Electro -Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. A splendid assortment of Hall, Pa tor and Library Lamps. English " Block Tin " Goods in Jelly Moulds, Puddin Dishes, T6i. Pots, Cofiee Biggins, Biscuit Pans, &c. Nickei-Plated, Granite, 1 eon, Tea and. Coffee Pots, The celebrated "Cold Handle" Sad Iron, botl plain, palish and nickel fmish. Japanned Tinwares, Enamelled Wares, Kitch n Furnish4ngs and Cooking Uten- sils in great variety. -- We have many useful, sensible _and appro elate artic es suitable for .Christmas and New Year's gifts, hi Hardware and ouse Furnishings, :which we. have marked at our usual hese prices. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS. WISHING MY NT.IMEROUS CUSTOMERS AND EVERYBODY A MERRY CHRISTMAS. • MRS. JOHN KIDD 9 SEAFORTH. SEWING MACHINES AT 0. C. WILLS° S, Seaforth. I have the largest and best selected stock of machines to be found in any one house in Canada. I am not hired to sell any 1 ne particular machine, but am at liberty to keep and aell all that I consider thel best consequently I keep a large stock-- of the following first-class machines viz.: The Domestic, the Davis, the Wanzer C, Royal A, and elaymond. All of tie above are sold and guaranteed by the manufacturers and nyself for five yea4 from date- of sale. Call and ex- amine my stock of machins, and you will fm as above. Instructions free by good experienced operatorS. Oils, -Needles a d Repairs of all kinds always on hand. 1 O. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. DECEMBER 26, 1884. FROM THE PRESIbENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. "Independence. Texas, Sept. 24, 1882. * Gentlemen: 0 11 te Has been used in my r threes rea4stu.To n3 :— 1prevvnt fa"..liese net ef " 31: T: prtche.ea.snLt2itge.o An It has given eie. ire sat:efee';esti la every Instanz3. Yourf, W2.1, CALEY Cie.e.eires ANE11,'S riel./It VIGOR is ent,:ney free froM une1.2anly, dangerou; or iniur:eus sub. stances. It prevents the hair from turning gray, restores gray hair to its oregieel color, prevents baldness, preserves nhe hair anti promotes its growth, cures dandruff and an diseases of the hair mil !.:1:eri, And 13. at the same time, a veey ceeeeier and desieable dressing. P11ERIT2D B7 eeere Dr.J.C.Ayere.e.CO., Sold by all Drixt.3. HELLO, UNCLE! WON'T YOU STOP A MAIIENT? THESE ARE ITARD AIN'T THEY ? W II, I should say so, and here I want a pile of good between this and Christmas, but it takes a whoi4i wagon load of wheat to get a fellow a suit of cl thes and a dress or two for the girls, not sa3i g anything about Groceries. Ri ht, Uncle, it does take something to clothe irnd ed your large family, and times ire hard, but if you've got the cash I can tell you where to gee and it won't take the price of a load a wheat to get two suits of Clothes. a Dress for Emma, Bella and Jane, half a dCzeri pairs ef Gloves, five Bustles, eight yards Fur Trimming, 11 Corset Laces, two webs Cotton, 17 yards of Fine Flannels, two Fur Caps, One Set Furs, four boxes of Hair Pins, three Fine Combs,10 pounds of Tea, a lot of Currants, Raisins, Croekery, &c. Well, I declare Harry, that is just where I want to go. But, pray where is it? Why, out at RA,ieeTON BROS., Exeter. See, am just going over to Mr R '8 with a b' order I ant sending out there. They are in full chase after the CASH, and are givinggreat value in Dress Goods, Velveteens, Furs, Tweeds, and in feet everything. Their goods are eeiv, MI6 an assortment and owing td the great s:lepression in trade, have secured mane- lines at ba. which, with their entire stock, they are usiung off at desperately close figures betweeni this and the New Year. Thank you, Harry, I'll go out to Renton Broa this week. I often wondered how it was jou could wear ;mob good clothes, ahd times so hard, but 1 understand it now. You buy your goods cheap, and that you say is at RAN TON BROS., EXETER, Who ask -all the 'people to come and !see them this tenth, and you will surely have a MERRY. CHR STMAS. THE SEArORTH RESTAURANT. Fir4 door North of Reid 85 Wilson's liard- , ware store, m . Streetl . ri 1 it Tits. SMITH wishes to nforni the , people of ,Ble Seaforth and vicinity, that she , has per- chasdd the Seaforth Restaurant from Mr. Jamet Steele, and heving added 1*.gely to the stock, ise now Iprepar to furnish leustomers with the choiciest CONrEGTIONERY, FRUITS, OYSTBRS, ao. ---- OYSTERS COOKED &RAW Seeved OD the premises On the shortest notice. All ldnds of Green Fruit constantly oe hand. The choicest Tobaccos and Cigars. Oysters in Bulk and Cans received fresh, daily. Every attention paid to customers, end terms very reasonable. • VI -Remember the place. • MRS. SMITH. BkUSSELS STONE ORIST —AND— FLOURING MI1LL. nesdiesrgheosnthe ainformthorough routghhe E undersigned, thanldng his many ens- tomers for their patronage during, the pa eara late t improved machines have been introduced, but till retain the torepair. thSaottheInieofnuithel K.s SltONE GRINDING SYSTEM Fill° Flour, Graham. Flour, Craeked Wheat and all yorte of Milli Feed dr levelled promptly to order. • Mopping done tm the shorest notice. Enti tre satisfaction guarantees]. Give us a trial. - WM • ROSS. LVMBER I LIJMI3ERI TIIle undersigned having bought and re -fitted the mchinery of the Carrick Mill, are now fat pree . red to furnish Femme Contretetense_anu Luniber Dealers with all kinde of Building exur" ber et the most reasonable terms. a, Those building houses we can f 10145 Tle Dreesed Inaning and Siding at low rate . Perties ordering lumber can have t shipped to a le,- station on the Grand Trunk RailleaYs- Ord rs by mail promptly attended to. G ve us a eall before dealing elsewhe ALDWORTII & CAMERON, 12 Whiteehurch th DECEMBER eesemesesseen. Manitoba and: • IsTotes. Wheat iS,Belliog at • • PawaA—Attorney • nd his position in the Niz ment. —Farmers were OA in last week. .1tenja oose Jaw,' sowed ten a•g ee l)pee:arebe-rsta .2n‘rit. porii —Messrs. Griffiu & n lishment in that eity, talebuy en unlimited seiJ Vies is an important min • —last Thursday even of Fort William celebrat lion of the chimney for t • Pacific Railway eliseator display of fireworfes fron ehimney. The dt-play and lasted over two honi were seen for mike arou•l also a large bonfire eltimney is built of wh 150 feet high, and is workmanship. It can The elevator is fa:4 al pletion, and is hen fiei over a million hueliche hmidred and fifty nom' engaged hi working unit ed to be reagly to eeceite 1st of February. The: Liss four hundred !mese ! rived, also two huge boa placed in position. Mj riving daily, is being be all ready to start eine soon as the last nail f carpenters. 1 s eL No —Maria Itaddin, age( is suing Orrin S.currie bachelor, of Roston, for raise to mania gmiestima $10,000. Currier is 50 e, a superinteliglent of a. He alleges that Mies I to him, and that he rejec • , —The wax counterpee reath sent by Queen placed. on President Ga completed. • For two ye has been at work upon ti a historical noek of art value. It is it heavy f loak made from the WOG& Sts0011 for 300 years, and by the Britieh at the bat to build a bridge. The fi with oak lessees, except a border, where the roe Queen's favorite flower, the hollyhock. At the t nee engraved the sword • Bible, surmounted by th right the United States c oil. the Ieft that of Great - Gains of the T Reformat . = Daniel Dorchester, D. int the above subjeet itt Xndependent, says The last six year have most rapid spread of pro Wnt ever known. Like surging hillews,- Iiausas eastward througl States, throughout the 13 in North" Ameriea,l, all Wes, through all the Bri far as Australia iand Either in the form!of al tion or permissive prohib agitated. It is upon ti and is mightily w It has entered polities. there to stay until it sr It mands. A trothieso ed, it is regarded by t there seems to be n so long as the heart-brea kif society cry out Ifor .tion. Chewiedenti tlwr „sometimes in the temper but even their untvislit,i1 the vicious temp:6A1 •sordid politieians. No - lates for the good of see the Elinor prol don. It tion which thruste itself fieitTe greatest and lies ;society are graelmaly a nhalling themselves agi :shop, and pointing: to its 'llueillatelLis7 a imit' ane'' a ie eit We shall not reaeh tir There will lie stout and and delays. But we are 'ward it Indiscreet 1.0 !seeress the work; poll,. tis; secretly indulged weaken the actioni of sc timidity may distrinit ot ,iaretoodienriaet, i nyis,17.ia fore and in hTeheae sine dirsie48:0tI1.111n1Iltie),Ig • tilliti 3,1 •tulliteiradeafteeati 4 of the century points to, diet The witnesses a . :elearness and ..mpliasis. !beneficent . agenciesappear against it. Civi' ithete is nothing in the g 1,eoci4y yen afford to 'science, that it seek n, 1.irove, but much c hconomy, that it tin which it ememuloree; that it sem :he vintlicatei ciples of law Imre it she cannot tolerate the the woes she eeke Christianity proclaims demnation of the drains} iiroinee-ofve,Vniicets a0a as emingta , sacred scal of thii ifl lisneithn An erp . urote:ptx_n;:te sal.pip hop. e • "Miss important question ?” - yOUrig, Man to a hitbeleeheSp al PaYinofte ii att te,a4 sepulchral voice imag said the young lady, so _at the solenm turn of know that there wind. Hobjeetion if yo ti ha question to ask." little eloser, and "in a whisper, "do you think time? ,-There'e that I see," washe • as the youn lad loomuttLA nd tha"t youacaul3d"" "Why, really, Me. • -expect me to ansever question I" • neweja_e