The Huron Expositor, 1884-09-05, Page 3.teree* - 4 IT? the even. eeel eeenee shetildere is better 'Wheat is more be. What Si, Emagain in offer at dy is in Lovely ees---frota iint eau ed as well and tie OS 00618., ky YOU ).RY AFORTH daily for improvett a and feel he best is light and t will 1 ie made, recutting qsfactione ,-repairing 1st 3Wil1a, achinee, aired on e ratai. Bridge ratee. ation. tements full line RV. ER rilEl, l i R Lift IS, t an newt "c'irin , and: sail loubt in the I to absent fully alive de erecis1 :ion et thoL tease Pic-. areae Fet shade and apIed with •-,-;, give tea tiling with 19 at:earth, SEPTEMBER 5, 1884. The Slippy Starze. wade elany through this weary warl, Ana pick yer steps wi' cam; And never wi" yer neighbor quarrel, Bea aye dee what is fair. peas et' and never rise again, Was never fell afore - lures 575 0. muckle slippy steam e tUs seee's door. Lea gin yer neighbor chance tee slip, Ye Immune. pass him by, But len' a ban' tae help him up, And dinna let him lie. The ease may sometimes be yer sin, Though ye bad walth in store - re's aye a muck% slippy stane At ilk* body's door.. Them's slippy stanes where'er ye gang, At palac*, hut, or ha'; And ye mauu watch an' no gas wrang, Or ewer them ye may is'; For emperors and kings has fa'n, And nobles mony a score- There's- eye a muekle slippy game At aka body's door. Gaieties. 7Then the tramp asks for bread do give him a stone. Set the dogs on -A Georgia man has a cow 100 years ' IJ , and the people are beginning to die - ID Ter it by the flavor of the butter. -A Burlington girl has a diary devot- lel entirely to the noting down the Welts of her beaux. She calls it her ourt docket. -A Georgia man compels his dangh- to eat onions every night for supper, d at ten p. m. that household is sleep - peacefully. _To be at an evening party with a in your head and no handkerchief worse than sitting up with your girl having the old lady present. _A girl advertises for "general house - ;Irk d or waiting." She is evidently one -"A you're wife's greatest trial" is those who has " learned to labor and wait:' ably to find out whether it would Improper to starch her husband's shirts all over, or only the bosom and cuffs. _Lady, to small boy with dog- tJohniate, does that dog bark at night?" Johnny, who is a connoisseur in dogs- " No, ma'am; he barks at cats and kjher dogs." . -A Massachusetts minister saye 'he oyes his cat because it followed him 180 miles. That is the very reason why the majority of people hate cats. -What is the difference between a woman who decks herself, in many beta of ribbon, and one who petiently endures misfortune? One wears her bows andthe other bears her woes. -It is said that nothing is impossible to him who him who wills. - This is false; for it is impossible to him who wills to keep his heirs from fighting over his property. -The. Shah of Persia smokes a pipe floe at 61,000. We may expect to hear at any time that the bank of which the Shah is President has failed for 12,000,000 or $3,000,000. ---u Whars your occupation, Bub?" faked a visitor at the capitol of a bright boy whom he met in the corridor. The boy happened to be a page in the House. "I am running for Congress, sir," he replied. -Glass Shingles are soon to supersede the old wooden kind, and parents can see just when to leave off spanking with- out having to let up three or four times during the operation. - Teacher-Suppose you have two Woks of candy and your big brother gives you two more, how many would you have then? Little boy (shaking his head) -Yon don't know him, he ain't that kind Of a, boy. . -Some women are very much like a teakettle, if you come to think of it. They will sing away ever so pleasantly; then, all at once they will stop short in their sweet melody, and the first thing you know they up and boil over. The Dead Marine. When William IV., the Sailor King," was in the Navy, the ship he was in, sailed with the fleet to the West Indies. On arriving at Port Royal, he invited Pantile officers wha could be spared from duty to a grand dinner. Everything passed off pleasantly, and, as was the custom in those days, a vast amount of wine was stowed away. Towards the close of dinner, not thinking of what he was saying, William called out: "Waiter' bring another bottle of _champagne and take this dead mar- ine away," pointing to an empty bottle standing by his side op the table. The next moment a grayehaired vet- eran, an elderly major, who, had served his country all over the world for forty years, rose to his feet, and exclaimed: "I beg your pardon, your , Royal High. flees,, but may I enquire why you com- pare an empty bottle to a member of the corps to which I am proud to belong i" A dead silence fell upon all the cam - piny assembled, and many an anxious eye Was turned towards the Royal tailor. William, in the clear hearty tone, for whioh be was celebrated, replied, with. oat a moment's hesitation: "Because, Major, it has done its duty well, and is ready to do it again." 4 Bath in the Dead Sea. The heat was terrific, but I could not resist the temptation. Moreover,- I Wished to test the buoyancy of the Water so I three' away the umbrella whioh most bathers rely, and dis- robing, boldly waded in. I substantiat- ed the statements of those who main- tsin that it is impossible to sink in the Water, by throwing myself recklessly in with closed eyes. Not only was it im- Possible to sink, but I could scarcely re- gain my footing, so lightly did I float on the surface. I had been warned about getting the water into my eyes or mouth, hut could not help it. Bah, what a malignant, nauseating mixture it is ? I'cOtad not eradicate the smart from my eYes or the deadly taste from my mouth for along time. "Oh, I hate the Dead Sea," I bluh- be,red, as I emerged, blinking and cl•npping from the water, and proceeded serape the saline in- cruetation from IxtY body. But the worst sensation was an awful treearting and, burning about my ankles, Ler-I had now been five days in the Saddle, and my ankles were somewhat ceellafed from wielding the spurs. Mr. rilayd. told of the bringing of forty-two WI, tete down to the dead sea once who poor animals, and had consequent. LY become very sore from the long ride. They would bathe, and paid for the pri- ZI:lege by walking all the ten miles back ne' 4400. They were too sore to sit in wa9 saddle. My hair proved to be very for an hour or Do. J. don't think I ever got so thoroughly salted dowi before. Nevertheless there was no sal visible at the north end of the sea. I was at the south end, where there is n aordon to partially purify the water and the famed mountains of literal roc salt are to be seen. Ordinary sea wate has about four per cent ofsalt i it, while the dead sea leas Bonin!, werity six per cent. This percentag ie fixed and steady, despite all that tl4e Jordiel and other streams can do to ', b,eal the waters." , Popping The Qtiostiofe. A rather fast young man, enamored of a -pretty girl, fih cided to make her an offer of and heart -all he was worth - he hoped to be indulged in so like demonstrations, the lady far cooly indifferent in her toward him. He attributed this to mai serve, for it never occurred to she was not in love with him. He cautiously prefaeed his ation with a few questions, fox no intention of "throwing away." Did she love him well enough COM111 Hy de hati d the e love: ing s sane: e nly re hii the, declar he ha himse to liv in a cottage with him? Was she a goo cook and washer? Did she think it wife's duty - to make home Would she consult his tastes and concerning her associates and in 'life? Was she economical she make her own clothes, &a. The young lady said that bef re eh answered his questions she wotliel as sure him of some negative virt es sh4 possessed. happy wishe ursuit Coul _ She never drank or -smoked owed a bill to her laundress o never steyed out all night billiards; never lounged on the ogled giddy girls; never indulged itI wine sappers: "Now," said she, rising indignantly 1 "I am assured by those who kr:lbw tha you do all those things, and it i ratbe absurd for you to expeet all the virtue in nie while you do not possess any o them yourself. I can never wife." And she bowed him out and on the door step, a madder if wiser man. ! : Some Snake Stories ; neve tailor playin ier an DO you eft hi not Samuel Farmer, of Rails count Missouri, killed a rattlesnake in hi kitchen, that measured five feet fo inches long. On the D. A. Baker farm n ar No walk, Connecticut, there was ound double headed snake.' It had to eye in each head. Joseph Gaissot, of Sparta,Georgi: nearly lost his life by being bitten twic on the foot by -a moccasin en in the water. A rattlesnake with thirtee attacked.a little dog of David at Lumphin, Georgia, striking it in it side with its fangs. In fifteen inmate the dog died in great agony in convu BlOnS. e win], rattle Adam Two Virginian woodchoppers khled rattlesnake with a quid of tobacico. On held his head with a forked sti to the ground, keeping its bo 'strained with his foot, while h rade forced the tobacco into th of the snake. They then relea instantly became convulsed am a short time. Fred. Campbell, of Grass California, says he saw the head of huge snake emerge from a fence. It tail was just forty-one feet away fro where its head was seen, and tsabrod was as large around as a flou bre It moved rapidly toward the Yu a rive 1 and was in sight not ever one minut Campbell's companidnl certifies s to th I correctness of his story. k °los y conl s comi mout d it. I died i Valle Health -Prints for Wo en.. "Have you many siok people Ito loo out for, doctor ?" said a New YOrk Pd and Express reporter to an tp-tow physician. "Yes, indeed," was the eply "plenty of sick people all the tim most of them womeni however." " How do you explain it ?" "Well, women have a stronOer ii. agination than Men, and besides the are not so careful. Here . are som rules which, if followed, wipe hel women very much. I think Dr. Allic B. Stockton is responsible for them :- : Sleep in rooms so thoroughly fentila ed that the air will be as pure anil sweet as the out door atmosphere. ti women would increase the capacity their lungs and breathe air aletindantl charged with oxygen, four-fifthiof thei ailmeiats would be prevented.:Ba who has the wisdom to convince ;the of this? When a mother thinks he rosy, nine year old daughter is id, efo ed and she must put her in spays t change her "horrid" figure to eine th is trim and neat, what can we iiopo fo the daughter when she takes jthe r sponsibility of her own garme 'ts ? I could do the greatest things Ito eta legeneracy and disease of thej huma race, it would be to convintie woman that lung power more than nythin else contributes to health, longevity an power of endurance. The dress and exercise that increas ability to breathe with the diaphragrn and abdominal muscles do mora to pr vent and cure diseasee of women, if no ail diseases, than all Other possible pr ventiVes and medicines. Upon rising in the morning, hree o four times a week, take a quick, invigo sting sponge bath, accompa ied b friction from the hand, a Turki h tow or bruah. Follow this by a draught of col hot water, the latter if there is dy pepsin. If one has been accustomed to 'hig living, to rich and greasy food, eompos ed mostly of the carbonaceous fat sugar and fat, a change to a eimple die v will work wonders in a shorIt time, The whole system will be relie ed ' an 4 anew life will be lived. The habit once established for a die that furnishes nutriment demanded fo iced t 'nlate Th easur the system, one cannot be led return to that which gorges, sti and fattens, but does not ponds real relish, and gustatory found in a fruit and grain d• t c never be appreciated by those dulge in inconsistent mixtures o lents and disease_ producing el We have only to look at the r snoh lives as Humbolt, Goet Bryant to know what a life of anoe and plain living will &mom - If there is no appetite wait I bidding, do not coax it by sti I and appetisers. Rest of the ho sheen'. ments. rd to e mper Heti. for it nlant estiv "4.1. 17. rgans is o n the best and surest cure or many . : Lases. 11 Let the wo an who is a Offerer from ushes,'diezi 'eas, neuralgi , etc., give p strong te and coffee 1 hot bread, pork and rich pies and oak I. Eat only hat the apatite demand, and until he symptom are relieved' partake of not more than twice a Olay and pos- only Once. In fasting, if the ach has a feeling of maim, or ra ing, drink a cup of ho water hot liem nade or thin gruel made om h at, barley or oats. Discontented iris. Not every girl is disc utented, por are ny wretched all the ti e. If they or:, our homes would los moch sin - hi e. Certainly n� class ,n the. c ity is so conitantly wIrittee a nt, d at, and preached to ea our gils. ns still there always see a te be r m eft for one word mere, I a persuaded ha the -leaven of Idiscan nt pervades 'r1 of • the iseveraleiocie raiks, from he air daughter Of a mitaed , home to er ho has grown up in a jorowded en ment, her highest amb o dress ike the young ladies she lee on the as ionable evenues, Cit on try girls alike know th m s and ' ning of his discon Sent , which ; °times m.unts.to morbidness, an n only o rvons I snce knew and marvel e on who anent her langn dly lounging in a rocking - an y, and eliding nevel not or bust! d about, pkov et' ity an occagional r ro#1 her ind lent daughter still," a e would say, o • der at ma's notable nc illation of sweet sel at hal in my eyes, and I ne led, in the twenty 'av passed since I saw he f omen she made. As ex tions, then& no rippl nc crossed the white br bs ured it, and no flurry vs tossed the yellow cur o spiratio Is which °and ne chair could not gratify. it i girls of larger mind it lity-the irls, for hist w neighb hood, who n oWn since t ey were b 'hie f t • em feel ry much dis ati ife and do • et hesitate- t tea tr ngely e • Ough, the aceon egi te or eemmon.sch 1 a es little difference in • • • dda Bytoennngeo ha r, eating le; her kiio4bir her. m :trance lIcO, ma, it : • •iable wa s This, :*sh t.ssi was aften teaWhich • t sort " he was ' o annoy; frown zhitienhacde ai4d a rock - I not so ani greater nc in. our Vt IseUhave 3.t lany ad With .and, o acol- ucation cobclu. IBS io I s. "To wha h ye I stu es urces ? irl and ha ma ried and goi g just fa ple sure th sto :ping sho I am quo sai to me - net d with ent prefelre te h, or pai fe ion,,nor Pol'shed afte wh t should sta at ho mo her, pla re: ; , shop, fries ds, and leis I re 2? If the wedding girl's leavin out of: the in acCepti cat on, quo of heme, fo girlish life a ha 4piness t the late of young peopl to read beginning home 1i rue ne, it m st so remain. • end," says :th Iformer, 'ed hard, and levi e ed my might have '1!3ee society a good Wile, aid been settled some im , without enough -to flr4 out what te is in study, aid then t." ing from whet gixjls have iris who hay beigrad. istinction, an w o e par. that they a nul neither t, nor enter ppo a pro. en -age in an p i Work. the similitu so a palace, the ditughte a o eicept e to cheer fa' h r and and sing in be t 'ght, sew, visit, :ece their ja to young wom n f I gent love, and lope' 11 ax, March, follow' so • n on a • school, elite a taken ranks of irlh orl, and g woman's ihig, st 'vo- tiship in t e . ngdom egoes the se of her- d its peril of eini un - ether. Thi ' h r, is 'the minorit , a hile continue as t on d do, en n mall • • • II ducation so oo e who on it n that am I Tint of fro OA religion velopment o eci nce wi we lth is ma e anyb an body f sh dowy wo thee are n cat dee mo old die B U A the her she old ed, fro pu 1b0 in io wit art it ei a he is 'the hi Mo ab mu Oti ne Its is not a f tic ght to know lpett superstitious li chool trainin culture and fro the heart an of hoot which in overty, will. 11t y happier or bet r blithe livi g Id. I have n4i d tubers of girl w on, havii g made the -o • respect to their simplf, fa hers, ha also gone fartto horbe intolerable, the h d the old ieeoi ecret, deprealat deed, eaten o t of good a opened in su ed of her plailli, parents, or, i n fling to let them nd while she thi Of though r r gard ht. No isse ered h t de - the con - h ttual any ody, er, br fit in . this 4 ubt that ose Kb:l- ope s of hers and as ke the stile ways •le,alas ! ig saorn. e trPe o When s.tha fonorable,) • t akeham retire td • es in the for the to be the d mpther e diughl .,to !Biome t . That C °keep so that dist on he will market e !•esiorld, What it ✓ poor to give gf is a It e girle U read, Lot ers. var- heir pro. der- der - e either cog se it, d pity jtied it. lear- aY and wler in ill asteful, ecti of irl has, i knowled eyed are is Bella fashions is still w backgro t. did' not pose of s nden tint he land; as they tical, hr nld be th . • A girl either son, in e ble to g Hemet g shre ts, will America daughter rt -sighted y thong selves. la I' • • rite this ariticl ying what I old of every lath r a viz., to educe e t educate the Io ad.winning pt/Su -rule, and no It should be tra ne ead or hands, as ine way or otilier into the would' ing for whic t d, and knosin ay in cash. ic father who ail this special tlirai and cruel ma t was ratherof Some of -theW. 'ir . So wi� some of th hers and daughters oft in, y, are so truly en rappo t t nal comprehension is it iciest regerd and the tr es s on both sides, they di n d each Other. The n bt ee the daughter's disco tout s and resents -it, or fai1s tie id laugh at its possibil ty, a sentimentalist who ma there are dear,merry-h ar young somen who ar a lastic as bird on boughi or Ii a liz vo he ye he he 0 et : o diseont nted girls I e is for y u one panace O is onerefuge-Christ. n told thie before? Do IYo can find leo work worth1 th ieve me, if not in your o need go io further thaii your own street, your Ow over it waiting for you. N do it so Perhapi n do it at tall.' The gir o it d I say, rk and el you y that d ing ? me, own to, n else e else licit be d with if tol appy who, without rese e surrendiz, consecrates h tv . . . ['HE HIT al RE .T,ESTATEFOR .hAT;E. - . , , ON 'EXPOE • EAL hSTM E FOR SALE. 1 TWO FARMS IN Mil RRIS FOR SALF:.--For 'IL sa e, cheep, two i 'proved farms on the 5th Done a:ion of Morr : One Shin 2 miles of Brturse • and the other half a mile. Each 100 acres, . nd good. buildir • -. For eiticulars apply to GE :ROE AR IISTR -.)NG, Br sae's. H868 'AR1 FOR SALE. -'or sa: t1;'$i 2, East Wawanoeh. perty ill be sold this up an estate. It consias land, about 145 hetes eleared ings a d orchard. For W. FA RAN, Clinton , c l sale. lLot 34, Concee- This desirable pro- summer, in order to close of 200 acres of choice ; good farm bnild- particulars apply to Vir• . 0. 865 _ er = A I il 31, co seeded, or pa,i ANDREW RE FARM ot 30, and cession and in ture - GOVENLO IN GREY y toms, 86 acres, good a beaing 'hoe', and . tticulars P. 0. Si -FOR hornasI by Mr. steclasa nd loved ed soft ries ooinplete. o the preprieton P0' north 9, 3icKi excelle it. For fart .FIR part of abut bank b. orch-rd two apply WALT S -a -LE on John"43treet, chnieht 3oo1e. `,1 cellar, s.x kitchen. water, a SALE. -North half half of n rah half of lot IonMolit of this land is conditi n for meadow ter particulars apply to K,Winthrop P. 0, 819t1 VARA -a- ea, tainin fenced; acres if from s ther Brussels SALE.-For.sale Lot 5, -C 60 cleared I and sta ; one ion' Britssels. on the Ipremiss, EB GOVLOCI. --L-For sale, Seaforthneext parsonage, here is good bedrooriteeparler Also a e ew stabile., For "wither DeR )SS,'i ncession and les, 68,45; nd a half -For that , and l stone large We:lashed, andstll particulars Seaferth. on 8, con- well two miles fur- or to 865 T_TOL "ILI" property to St.' cupied tion, fi room : hard a necess apply eairable door now oc- founda- dining other 830 FARM Pari. tainin der is watered on the house to din from I partici on the boron FOR 8 of 112 acres; :seed hardwood with a premise. nd a good ches and lyth at hers apply Sonth h P. O. SALT', IN HULLETT. Lots 34 a id 35, Concession 80 a -Tee cicala; # s sh. Soi never f. ding opting Fran e barn you 4 ! orchard. school , and is d 10 tram Clinton. to W LTER part of :aid lots, . the , t3lay. loam creek and steblos, It is eenvenient situated For CUNNINGHAM, or to - North 13, con- remain- well rising leg 4 miles further Londes- 799 FAR C are :cleared a goo mile fi on tin Belli -are. prieto FOR , Tun: :rid frame om the grave Wil . CHA SALE.- or sale, Lot 22,Cencession el ry, co staining 91 acres ; well fenced anolfwatered, lionise a Id batn on it; village o Wroxoter and road 1 eaieg from Seeforth be sold -heap. Apply to eLES M TAVISH, Wroxeter 72 acres and one half fronting to the Pro- P. 0. ,867x8 TIM W con tai black miles road 1 purch on otl Apply P.O. pROPERT occup able besides a of Ian It is I er, an will 1 Seale ER L. at half • ing 50 ash, ce f the ading se, c al er farm to the JOHN ' or sale, ed by;! welliti. kitch id held and cinideral in. st d i will b e rent h P. 0 IS F.) enher o' conces es sad rame h Reid us or eol urcha..r _ ;'e cc -ER. NDS FIR f Lot I: CI es, in ar and own of S 'rem the do sob: proper # udersi eMJLl n IN H. cheap, e under house n, toget and nift •sirable sold on a Ap. DAVI SALE. -For sale, the 1, Concession 5, Mullett, stly all well timbered with pine. It is within seven eforth, with a good gravel place. Parties desiring to giving a first mortgage ye at 7 per cent; Interest. ted, or address, Constance IN. 868 -ti RPURHEY FOR, the properey at igued There is a, containing seven ter with cellar, Woodshed, water. There i: le large and em: eesidence for a ret easy. terms. If lv on the pre.s McCULLOCH SALE. -- present comfort- rooms an acre 1 fruits. red farm- not sold 'sea or to 867 -ti AR S 20, Is 100 eel Good barns, rente sold i the b• FOWL • SALE en for . -ion of , about use on at outbt en bloc, may -an rt main OR TO RENT. ale or to tent, lot Uckersmith, con mile west of •ne farm, with tidings on both. but not separtely. my one-third d on m,orig . The sub 19 and isting of Seaforth. orchards, Will be II wn, and e: WM. 873 FARM Sale, berry, are cl.ared, bush underdrained There There fruit. a half miles mile apply Wrox IN so contai a a and par is a ge is a spl It is situated miles f. "rem W f Sch on the ter P. TURNB th half oF ing 154 d the b swamp.. and in od Iran • ndid b' o in Bru'. oxeter, iolhouse. : remises, I. .,RRY FOR SALE. Lot 2, Concession hcres, about 70 lance well timbered, The cleared land good state of cultivation. e barn, and ldg aring orchard the gravel road seven els, and two and nd within -a quarter For further particulars, or to EDWARD PALMY...It, I : -For 2,Turn- of which part is well house. Of choice and a hall of a 8734 FAR Concessi 50 aer state house put i i 2 mu -s mile f is a fi masts # ticula S. P : k FI)R i s,45 el of cut with fr fall w o frcm ii om sch•ol, e larm able te s erg ILIPS, SALE. El 2, To ared, we ivation, me addi eat and her Ki cony and 101 Is. Fo re on-. th Alliston Being north uship of I drained Outbuildings ion. Possession, o fall plowing. men or Hensall, nient to . be sold terms end premises, '.0. FOR SALE. 2, McKillop, are cleared, well fenced, ation. There -bank pd other a large two never ed to grass. forth and . It is ode s -in the the proprietor slsewhere. IP. O. WM. : half ef Lot 25, Bay, cOntaining and iis a good good. Log given to i Situated one half churches. This cheapl and on furrer par- or a dress, B. I 872 l' -For Sale, e otaining fc from cle n and in is a good barn wi h stone neees ary out- orchar of the faith g wells. Th s farm is a gr vel road of th best and toweishi and will as pur- Appl on the ALI MESON. [ 1 866 -ti ± 1 VARI+ -1-; 102 a ores attire as, a hig frame stabil buildi choic.st There withi running most be sold chased premires IN i I ot 29, ceneessio 01 nnde state house g und s gs. There fru are 6u two ml's past productive reasonably, a larger or to KILL° which 9 drained, of culti snd larg rueath, is a and acres set. of se the plac far as farm Seaton 1 MPROVED hall containing cleared, being well fenced barn a coneforlabla good ings. pleasently well 'adapted falloW, suit pis:reliesa cheer/ully LOR, of Lot 100 free work de w 40 x 60 joothotne The 8i man : gi Brussel: FARM 24, on the acres) from noxious by ma+inery. I h cedar feet, ne frame h and al .remisesi 'rated a i Or grain red and All I If en by the P. 0., Or. -I ' R SALE.-Bereg North 5th Concession bf Morns eighty-five of Which are weeds, and capable ol The prboperty It and contains a new frame " frame shed Nix 50 feet, th:e with seven rooms, a other necessary outbuild- are in excelleT repair d well Watered and aro or stocka Large, summer ady for seed. ITerms te irther particular s will bo proprietor. 301N TAY i 868x$ G°4 Ring value Lot SQ, taininr frame well the g Bruss fence -Lot of H and f part and from apply JENNI Seim, FA ' MS FOROALE.--In he affa i's of the ton, th execute le Ian • for s Cone: alien 5, 90 ac es. On barn vi ith stone nd p up. Ne avel ro. d closelyl Is. -71 is farm i and i a good e 4, Con ' ession 5, ron, co staining ee of s umps, to ood haedwood, p half Hiles fropi gravel mat,. ,to 7 los, KELL as, 1; ictoria Maple Lodge , order to dos( estate di the late W. G s offer the following very Ie. First -North half ta Township of Merris, con this let is erected a gOOtj foundation, gol orchard ly al cleared, nd is on adjoining the village 01 a valuable one is well ate of cultivation Second. ownehiplof Gre , county t 0 acres, 10 acre cleared ance well timbered with ne and cedar. It is three Brussels, and lone mile iFor prices and terms , Brussels P. O., HENRY quare P. 0., or JAMES . O., Middlesex County. ' 868 A Th • ing a lage of good- stock shops wood- black the a busin good fast. on th; BOB a PLE DID B under': gned offers id Wag n makin Egm• ndville, ttpgether 1 of the busi of iron ::nd lumber. one fo blacksm sorkins. 7 her reith k, op. Th' st agri tiltaral ss has leen cots, la an wit 1 some c The be•t reasons premi:es: or ad RT EU LT ON. S1NESS CHANCE. or sale his Blacksmitn ,establishment in with the tools ess; also a considerable There are two thing and the are three fire e is in the centre istrictsi in Canada. lished thirty years pital can make given foe selling. resS K: el ond ' l: • : the vil- and large other for in the Of one of The and a money Apply e P. 0. A ' S • TOG:rGO,DERYBELF PO0eiBI.$:t0e°.s4COND C&BIN Anchor paid free Ireland. For apply GREE OfIlee : CHOR U. il from GLASC WARD Line of 4harge passag to HEINi)ERBOitI , NE Seafor t . MAIL Pier 20 Na Every El: OW VIA ATE80•;A88isE $40. $28. STEAM rth Rive, turday, f LONDO STEERGE, PREP y HIPS New r DEBBI. ST01' , $21. lowest , Scotrnd of Tours, ILE, 7 icKSON, . s E. York, ER' LIV,,, OUT- , , rates are and &c., 130WLitno Post 8.32 • Drafts in , Cabin Yoan, .,. • ' . mad at Englan ens, Boo BBOTRI or to 8. _ 'TOR. • , fo an Pr as • : se Be fo fiv Su st Ca de di an SU di as po es st be of re Jaw--1A:Vcr FTHE TO,ISHIP OF TucKEItsmrtil, 1884 • A by-law to provide for draining parts of the Town hip of Tuckersinith, an; borrowing on the credit of the municipality the sumj of Twenty-one Hundred o;. i.,. Dollarsand Thirty cents (02162_30), fo Completing the seine nage, have petitioned the Council of the said Toweship Tuckersmith ting forth that, (1) "Ithe following lands, namely ; Lots numbers nine, eightl en, six, five aMoi three, in the Sixth Concession; lots nnmberslseven, six, five r, three, two and, one in the Seventh Conoession ; the north halves of lots six , four, three, two and one in the Eighth Concession, all of the Huron Road vey of said townshiP,, would be greatly benefitted by, and require the con-, action of a ditch or 'drain, to enable the several owners thereof properly tel tivate the same. (1) the concession road between the sixth and seventh con sions, in front of Iota six and seven, and the side road between lots five an , in the seventh and eight coneessions, would be gr oh or drain, and praying that the said Council would proceedings under the Consolidated Municipal A ceeding sections, and in chapter 34, R. S., O., to havo oh or drain made by a Provincial Land Surveyor, a in the above a ts directed at the earliest moment." whole rateable property in the said for the Period of ten years after the date of the final passing of this by-law, dur- ing whiCh the said debentures have to run. Townsh p of Tuokerstnith, in each year, visionally adopted he Twenty -Sixth day of August, . D., 141. TAKE, NOTICE Whereas, a majority in number of the owners, as s Yen by the last revise That the foregoing is a by-law provision-. essment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth be benefitted by the ity of the the 26th rson in- to make It of the assessment, ie required notice of such complaint, and ic and matter thei f. to the ed Clerk of the m on or be ore the twentieth day of Sep - feint will Revision, irty days It, 1884, of ly to have t thereof, s.ys after e a notice And, whores de by H.1B. e, of the said imatee of the -Work to be made by the s nut to be made by him of the real propert •ting as nearly as he can the proportion t benefit w derived in coneequence of such drainage, by every roa lot, the said aseessment so made. and the report of the pect thereof, and of the said drainage, be the Reeve an 4 Couocillors of the Tow -wrap of Tuck,er nith. atly benefitted by sal take the neceseary step It, 1883, election 570, and a proper survey of said d Otherwise to procee , thereupon the sail Council procured an exa oudfoot, Esq., P. L. S., b ing a person compete ocality proposed to be draped, and hap also pro id H. B. Proudfoot, to be ben' fitted b i la, in d and aid H. 1ng as follo s ination to be t for such purl urea plans and. and an assess - such drainagei is opinion, will lot, or portion . Prondfoot GENTLEMEN: In compliance with your iestructions I have •0 ade the exam - in tions, plans, estimates and assessment required b Sec. 570, Chap. 18 St tutes of Ontario, 1883, of the lands in CeIncessions and 8, Huron Roa Sirvey, in the Township of Tnckersmith, Which you p p se dr ining, and hay th honor to submit the following report : I I found t at the 1 lid in questio w rid be rendered valtiable, which it is no # at present,e haling a drain or dr ins to carry off the surplus water. The lower thre dr in is Iodated as nealrly as possible in the bel of the to be model very deep in places, in order to Secure the co cession 6, immediately adjoining the concession rodand the land to the so th of the eaild road,1which for some distance is per ec ly leve li e between the east and west halves of T.,4 t No. 3, in t e 7th ac mint of the Water om both the sixth end eighth c n essions th above tract,; I fon d it necessary to litY; out a bra oh drain, running in so th-easterly Lind eas erly direction, to cat4h all the w telt. from the rear of the fi t three lots in the s venth and eighth concessions, whitbranch drain extenda to the town line .betw en Tuckersmith an , Hibbert, in the County of Perth,. T e main drain corn ences on the line bet eon the east nd west halves of Lot N .9, in the sixth concession, where said line is inte se, tied by the old water course or creek and extends in a general south-east lY by southerly direction, fo lowing as nearly as possible the old wate course -and the drain S already made, to the concession road between concessions 6 and 7, near Where it is intersecte b the line between Lots 6 and 7, thence tO:about the c n re of he east half ef L t 6, in the seventh Concession ; thence p allel to th concessio road to a ehOA di:tame east of the lie between the east a d west h vee of Lt No. 5; thence so a th-easterly across tie east half of Lot . 5; thence parallelto the emcee: - 8i in road, across the est half of lot No. 4, here the branch frona the south half, c lled section A on th accompanying plan, profile and schedule, enters the nisi ii ala? thence down tie line between the ast and west halves of Lot No. 4; It once parallel to the oncession road, acro s the east half of Lot No, 4; thence al ng the line between Lots 3 and 4; th nee parallel to the concession road a roes the west half of Lot No. 3 ; thence ong the line' on the east and west sides thereof, between4the east and. west helves of Lot No. 3, to the road between it c ncessipn 6 and 7; t e branch drain fromkthe junction evith t e main drain is o the line between t e.east and weatehal es of Lot No. 4; then e south-easterly t the drain previously dug by Messrs. Mc aughton aed Kyle, hich it follows td about the line between the east and wee halves of Lot No. , in the eighth concession; thence nertherly to a short d stan.ce from the bli d line between concessions 7 and 8, which it follows to the town line between Tackersmith and : ibbert. There is in all nearly 1,106 rods bf drain to be dug or deepened, con- It:ining about 13,545 ctibie yards. I have estimated the whole cost as $2,162.30, $100 of which as been alloW- e for the deepening or widening of the present water course, elow or north - w sterle from the point of commencement of the dit h proper cross the weSt h of Lot 9 and the east half of Lot 10, in the sixth onoession, in order to give a outlet for the'evate from the main ditch ; $200 of the tot cost has been c arged to the roads enetitted: and the r baaining $1 962.30 hale been assessed 1 a ainst the lands bene tted, as shewn on It e annexed table. Assessment on la ds affected by drain;. 1 ally adopted by the municipa Township of Tuckersmith, day of ugust, 1884. Any terested having any complain in melee to give the cau undersig tember, be haves to be he from th 1881, and such comfp igated. by a Court of d not later than t 29th day of Aug* which nOtice will be given. Any person intending to ap the said By -Law, or any p quashed must, within ten dl the final passing thereof, ser in writing upon the Reeve ana upon the Clerk of the municipality, of his inten- tion to Make such applicatior for that Township of Tuckersmith. Toronto during the sittings next en- puTrpAolcse t:NtohTe IFICiEghC , suing the: final passing of .the WM. XcCONNELL, Clerk thoautrttolife juCsotuicret' aotf _ By -Law. of the Revision, for the hearing of appeals from assessment under the foregoing Hot-cLeasswi:ocn8, ait will be held at Kyle's Hot -431, S., on Monday, the 22nd day of September, 1884, at the I hour of : ten &clock in the forenoon. ' WM. Ale:CONNELL, Clerk of the Township of Toeketemith. * tlaeter of a mile of the , Water ourse, and hae I f the land id. mage 1, that is,lee the concession. On emptying in I, Ii C ficeseion. Lot or part Acree. Value of Ini- of Lot. provements. 0 A : a 0 6 3 6 EI 4 6 W:_k 4 6 5 6 Si 6 6 EA: 7 6 WI? 6 8 6 Ef 9 6 W4 9 7' 1 7 2 7 H E13 31 7 N. W. 8 7 E. 4 7 7 W. A: 5 6 W.47 E. 7 N. 11 7 7 7 7 8 8 N.E. 121 N. 4 3 JI 8 N.H. tel 25 8 N.W.,* 4 25 8 N. 4 5 50 8 50 100 $ 68 40 50 840 50 51 80 100 58 14 50 71 82 50 30 78 60 27 36 100 51 30 50 23 94 50 684 100 75:24 100 51 30 75 41 04 25 50 50 50 50 -100 64 72 116 28 102 60 102 60 102 60 287 28 50 78 66 50 95 76 50 51 30 75 8420 17-10 23 94 51 30 171 00 To Cover Irt terest for 10 years at five per cent. $ 2354 6250 21.97 0170 1855 3891 13 68 2531279 6649652275 20 .52 27 36 58 14 51 80 51 80 51 30 148 64 43975 88 61 2 5 17 10 81 65 1 97 25 65 85 50 Taal spepial Annual assess - t18 06; rte,1 meat dlour7in7g 10 years for eseh 41 26 yea0r. 513 8 72 770 12 107 713 461' 462 41 04 4 10 1 3712° 9829;16 11 29 770 859 103- 769D 779 6156 616 8 21 17 44 15 39 15 39 15 89 43 09 11 80 14 36 7 70 sq es 174 42 153 90 156 90 14533, 9092 117 99 14864. 76 95 5130 513 26 25 85 91 78 95 256'60 257 3 59 r 7 70 26 65 7 & 8 5 & 6 Side 1. 1 nee 7 & 8 Concession I : ''''' 200 And, whereas, said Council are of opinion that th drainage of the locality scribed is desirable. I [ Be it, therefore, enacted by the said M nicipal Co oil of the said Township Tuckersmith, pursiant to the provisi4 of "The Consolidated Municipal t 1883." (18t) That the said report, pans and e timate be adopted, and the id drain and the werks connected therewith, be made and constructed in cordance therewith (2nd) That the eeve of he said Township may rrow on the -credit o tie Corporation of the said Township of Tuckersmith, e sum of $2,162. 0, being the funds heceseary f r the work, and may issue bentures of the Cor or tion oi the said Township of Tuckersmith to that ount, in sums of nc It 1 ss than $100, each, and pays k within ten years from e date thereof, With interest at the rate 0 five per c ntuna , per annum, which terest shall be pIayal lel:)n the first day of ecember, in each, year, at the office the Treasurer of th said Municipality. Such debeiatures to be payable at the ce of said Treasure , and to have attaci Id to them Coupons for payment of terest. (3rd) That or the purpose of pa lug the sn of $,92.3O, being the ount charged again t the said lands so i be ben fitted as aforesaid, other an lands or roads b longing to the Muni e polity, ant to cover interest thereon ten years at the rate ef five per centuml er annum the folio ' g special rata or and above all oth r rates, shall be asse led and lefed in th same manner d at the same timed as taxes are levied upon the undermentioned lots, and ts of lots, and the amount of the said special ra es and interest assessed ae Iresaid, against each Lot or part of Lot rpspectively shall be divided into ten ual parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, in each ar for ten years after the final passing of this By -L w, during which the said bentnres have to run.• 1 cession. Lot or part Acres. Value of Ira- To Cover In Total pe is! Annual 4ssesEi- of Lot. provements. terest for 10 r te, meat during 10 years at five years for each per cent.year. 6 3 100 $ 68 40 $ 34 20 - $102 60 $10 26' 6 E. I 4 50 84 20 17 10 N. :1 5 13 W. 4 4 50 51 30 25 65 7 713 ' 6 ; 100 58 14 29 07 i37 21 8 72 8.46 50 71 82 35 91 1)7 73 '1077 E. I 7 50 80 78 15 89 17 4 62 100 51 80 25 65 116 a 7.'70 W. 4 7 " 50 27 36 13 68 4 10 8 E. 4 9 60 23 94 11 97 85 91 3 59 W. 49 50 6 84 3 42 10 26 1 03 1 100 75 24 87 62 112 86 _ 11 29 2 100 51 80 25 65 76 95 7 70 t S. W. I 3 f 75 61 56 6 16 N. W. i 8 25 E. 4 4 50 W. 4 4 E. 4 5 50 W. 4 5 to 6 100 7 W.7 60 7 E. 4 7 60 8 N, 1 0 4 1 • 8 N. E. # 2 , 25 8 8 N. W..; 2 1 1 75 N. 4 3 t B N. E. i 4 25 8 N. W. i 4 1 25 8 N.15 l 50 8 N. 4 6 t 60 s II is a fo a at ci Co (4t as th on le 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 50 8 &S 6 & 6 Side ),_ nee e Is) 7F4o8r thceopnuc'esrpsioosen payingthMeusum of $200, being the total amount assessed aforesaid against the said roads of the toad municipality, and to cover interest eon for ten years, at the rate of five per centum Per annum, a special rate of -seventh of one mill in the dollar shall, over and above all other rates, bP "ed (in the same nettnner and at the game time as taxes are levied) upon the( 41 04 20 52 54 72 116 28 102 60 102 60 102 60 287 28 78 66 95 '76 51 30 85 50 3420 17 10 23 94 51 30 171 00 27 36 58 14 51 30 51 30 51 30 143 64 89 83 47 88 25 65 42 75 17 10 8 55 11 97 25 65 85 50 02 08 174 42 153 90 353 90 163 90 430 92 117 99 148 64 16 95 128 25 01 80 25 65 a591 76 95 256 50 8 21 17 44 15 89 I 1589 1 15 39 43 09 I 11 80 14 36 I .'7 70 12 83 -- 5 13 1 2 57 7 359 1 770 25 65 MCQUEEN, executor, 3.iumley i'. 4,1h or ii. ELLIOTTo Solicitor, Exeter P.O. 873-13 1, II , # ' A k ii LI LI _ I RE .T,ESTATEFOR .hAT;E. VARM FOR -a- 95 aerres; 9th concession county of stumps. *there house and adjoins the further particulese premises, lor SALE. -For sale a is being composed of lot of the township of Huron, mostly cleared a is a bank barn 54x* two good wells. The ab it coi pOt at a village of 33 :ussels. apple to D. DOB to Brussels P. 0. is containing o. rey, a ; #ve ON, 2, in the in the Lee from a brick property For on the 857 --- , -For and lot, town of acre of on it. with and Soft Apply MRS. 855 .-- , H OUSE: FOR SALE OR TO -lea- sale or to rent, a dwelling Iroise south of 4te railway track, adjoining Seaforth. , There is three quarters o land, all Well fenced; aleo a good o The house is connerdieus and co • a good cellar and weodshed ; also he water con rerient.; Will be sold el on the remises to the undersis W. T. AI ENS. . RENT. the an shard oreable, id cap. med. VARM L Township acres cleared the balance premises ii stables, also rifles fro4i Railway, tied 6 milles particulars Cranbrook OR SALE. -Lot 20, C Of I Grey, containing at 0 in a laird state is well timbered. The good fl -sine house, log b a geed beating urchird. Eth•1 Station On the -6- one mile from the village Of from Pru-sels. For terns spplente VALENTINE P.O., Out. or cession 102 f cultivation, 'e rn eat and FORESTER, 12, acres, 60 is on the and frame It is 2 Western Cranbrook furthest 864-13 VARM /N -L: 50 acres which are under drained. Is situated Brussels. and a goal shed and ph m, e.:r It is one Apply to cess.on 3 i _ MoK1LLOP FOR SALE. of lot 20. concession 18, cleared, free from stn No beteer laud in al ontantlf way between It is well fenced. I here uls frame barn and ire a good orchard planted I and cheny trees in good and a pruner miles east from ROBERT MehLILLA.N, McKillep, or to Box 165, seatoxth , -The south 45 acres of ps and well the county. eaforth and a log house e stable and with apple, caring order. Leadbury, ot 33, Con- P.O. 834 VARM FOR SALL-North hell of -- ca.sion 8, Morris, containing 101 which are cleared and nearly free There are on the premises a good Ice frame stable, two never failing well- cellent orchard of almost two hundred trees, all bearing. The -farm is situated, being oply two and a half Brussels and thirteen from Seafort ther particulars apply to F. S. SCO or to RICHARD LEES, Lindsay. let 29, con' acres 40 of rom stamps. house and and an ex- fruit conveniently miles from s. For fur- T Wined's, 841 VARM -a-; For Sale, ersmith, cleared; is a good There is * It is convenient in five miles good gravel further particulars Seaforth IN 1UCKERSMITH FaR lot 24, concession 3, : Contaieleg 100 acres, 85 if the remainder is haraleveod brick house and frame splendid orchard and pie s to school and chic..It of Seaford' and six of toads leading to both apply on the p.emises P.O. ROBERT IdoVET ' SALE.- . R. S. Tuck- which am bush. There outbuildings. ty , of water. is with- linton, with places. Fos or to . 851 VARM IN •a -r on reasonable McKillop 85 are cleared, and in a good small orchard is a spring good frame and post with a good particulars concession McKERACHER.860 -FARM IN J.- Sale, Road, Tuckersmith, 65 of which and in a balance brick house ling underneath, of water, This farm two miles from Seaforth, p rietor has Land Agent, field. McKILLOP FOR SAT terms, lot 12, containing 100 acres, of well under -drained state of cultivation.' and plenty of good Witter. creek running through t buildings. Convenient office, and within five mil gravel road all the way. apply to the proprietonj 6, or to Beechwood P. CY. . E. -For salt coacession 4, which about well fenced There is a There ie place. Also to schools of Seafoxth, For further on lot 13, ROBERT : TUCKERSMITH FOR cheap, the McCartney fa containing 125 are cleared, underdrainel, fi:st class eitaee of cultivation. is splendid pasture land. and new bank barn with also a good orchard and is within half a mile is beautifully situated, and of the village of 13rucefield,. and will be sold che . gone to Kansas. Apply te Seaforth, or to WM. 84 SALE. --For I, on the Mill apres, ahout well fenced The There is a stone stab- and plenty of a School. is within • a fourunles p as the pre- A.STRONG, OTT, Broca. 869-4 VARld FOR SALE. --For sale, tie: -a- lot 7, concession 12, Hallett, containing acres about 40 of which are cleared acres, free stumps and in a high stet s tion. There is a good frame barn, 'wo and a never failing spring creek r i the placee Is within a quarter of ' . school and is convenient to markets gravel road running past the place. particularis address Harlock P. 0., lot 6, concession 12, Mullett. T Proprietor. east half of 50 well fenced, of claim. orcharda ing through mile of a &c. A good For farther or apply on :OS. AMOS, 861 VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, first-Olass land, being lot 12 and of lot 13, 4oncession 9, Itichillop ; 1 ed and inla good state of cultivation neainder ood hardwood bush. Th urider-dri ned, well fenced, two never fai ing spring creek; franie stable an log barn, two corefortabilog .1 and two c chards, It is convenien and chur res. Is eight miles from eight fro a Walton_ For further apply on the premises or to R Winthrop P. O. 60 acme of the east hall 4 acres clear- ; the nee land is well wells and a barn and houses, to schools ,Seaforth and particulars G. ROBS, 862 VARM 11011. -1; and 1,Conceasioni8, taining 76 stumps a all wvll u the prerai large bearing ated two Walton, I with good Schools and particular P.O. b:1S. SALE. -For Sale, pari township acres, 70 of which are cleated, d in a good state of culti derdrained and fenced. s a good log house and orchard and a good well. and a half miles from t from Brussels and 12 Jr gravel roads leading t churches convenient. e apply on the Premises o A.MeMILLAN. of Lots II p1 Grey, con- free from ation.- It is here are on barn, also * It's situ- village of in Seaforth, each place: For further to Walton 87041 rpW0 G -a- _Th4n for sale, i4 of the late cession 3, acres, 80 acres state of caltivation. of thedcestfruit,ndto brickhoce.seeond_Lot Township cleared, well of cultivation. acres, a latge driving shed, It is about and HensalL and will be of payment OD FARMS IN USBORNEFOR executors offer the folloWing order to close the affairs Andrew MAI'. First - Township of Ueborne, co cleared, well fenced, a There are six aer : of Usborne,coutaining 100 anrea under -drained, and in a There is a -good orchard brick house, also two bans, all frame. School on o three miles to the town These farms adjoin sold together or separately. easy. For perticulars apply , a S A Tan lands Of the estate t 30, Con- taining 160 d in a good s of orcherd verfailinfsprings.:epropertycontaiiaomfortab ncessiont 85 acres high state of four stables, pmite lot. of Exeten each other, Tenni to JOHN - MCQUEEN, executor, 3.iumley i'. 4,1h or ii. ELLIOTTo Solicitor, Exeter P.O. 873-13 1, II , # ' A k ii LI LI _ I