The Huron Expositor, 1884-03-14, Page 66 T E HURON' OBIT R se t A Moog Mountain: A Moving mountain in Nevada is de. - scribed in the. Reno Gazette. The mountain, or sand dune as it is called, -is located on the eastern part of Churchill county, and is said to be moving slowly eastward. In the Whole- mass holemass which is 400 feet in height, and contains millions of tons of sand, it is impossible to find a particle much larg- er than a pin head. The sand of which it is composed is as clean as any aea- beech sand. The mountain is so solid as to give it a. musical sound when trodden upon, and oftimes a bird light- ing on it, or a large lizzard running aortas the bottom,' will start a large quantity of sand to sliding,which makes a noise resembling the vibration of tele graph wires with a hard wind blowing. A peculiar feature of the dune is that it is not stationary, but rolls slowly east- ward, the wind gathering it up on- the west end, and carrying it along the ridge until it is again deposited at the .. eastern end. Mr. Monroe,. the well- knbwn surveyor, having heard of the movement of this mammoth sand heap. a number of years ago took careful bearings of it while seotionizing Gov- ernment land in that vicinity. Here- cently visited the place, and found that the dune had moved nearly a mile. This phenomenon is of course regarded as extraordinary, for we have been ac- customed to use the mountain as a symbol of eternal stability, but it . may remind us of a time, which will cer- tainly come' when every mountain will be removed out of its plans (Rev vi. 14). It is also a remarkabler natural illustration of a spiritual promise (Isa. all id, 16). Dried Fruit Market. Our market abroad for dried fruits is extending every year. We have referred to it frequently, but it can hardly be mentioned too often, and the following from the Germantown Telegraph is therefore in order : " It is a . mistake among farmers and fruit -raisers , in the United States to think that the different varieties of fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, gooseberries, etc.,' are grown in Europe in greater perfection than here. It is not the fact. We raise. these as abundantly here, and. in as !, much perfection,: as they do in Europe, and with not more= than half the labor and expense. We have not a doubt that the United States, ere many years, will become the greatest fruit - raising country in the world. In dried fruits, such as peaches and apples, the exportations have already acquired large :proportions, and in ten years more it will go on multiplying in extent until fruit -raising will become a far greater and more profitable branch of industry than at present., With such a market as we find in Europe open to us we can never grow an ' over -abundance of apples and peaches ; while these, in addition to cranberries, in their natural condition, fresh from the trees and vines, ought to be, and no doubt will be, produced in such -finalities as to meet any demand. The very cheapness that we can send them abroad for will open for us an unlimited market for all with which we can supply it."—Press.. • An. Extraordinary Tailoring Job, Among the many whimsical anec- dotes told of the peculiar habits of the Chinese, perhaps few will be considered more.characteristic of their love of im- itation than the following : Towards the close of the last century, an officer of the. Pitt, East Indianian, when that ship lay off Canton, sent ashore to a dative an order for ' a dozen` ' pairs of trousers,: to be made of the nankeen for which China has been so long famed. The Chinese arta n required a pattern —he could not make anything without a pattern—so a pair of trousers were sent at his request,which pair had been • mended with a patch and needlework on the knee. In due time the dozen pairs were sent on board, of a fabric of exceeding beauty for fineness and gasal- ity, but every pair bearing, like an her- aldic badge, the obnoxious patch on one knee, exactly copied, stitch for stitch, in a- style that reflected the highest credit on the- mechanical skill of the workman, and fore the difficult execu- tion of which an extra charge was made upon the purse of the exasperated owner, who had no alternative but to bring home his bargain as a Qualifi- cation for the Traveller's Club for certainly among no kindred or people living between .this and China could a: similiar achievement have been per- formed. Genuine Sensation in a Chicago Court. ' A few months ago a burglar entered the house of ,zanies Chambers, No.. I,023 Rowel street, and after packing up a. large quantity of plated -ware and jewelry entered the bedroom of Miss Chambers, who was asleep and kissed her. The kiss aroused her, and she' Sung to the thief until assistance arriv- ed and he was: secured. The sequel is an unusual one, and will prove to inter- est to Toronto readers:. The burglar,. who is quite' a young man, gave his name as Walter Simmonds, and stated that his home was in. Toronto, Canada. When placed on trial the evidence was quite clear, ani before passing sentence the judge asked him if he had anything to say, to which he replied, with tears trickling down his cheeks : Your honor, I haife not much to say. Every word spoke by the witness is. true, and yet I am not a thief. They have sworn to. certain facts, but they have not told the whole truth]; no one knows the whole truth but myself, and 1 will tell it to you.. Three ears ago I left' my home end widowed mother and .sister in Toronto, and secured e good. position in Chicago. But S got among evil com- panians, and through drink, lost my , situation about a month ago. _ Hailing no money, and. none but false friends, I made up mind to commit a robbery and leave the country. I., went into that house with no- previous experience as a burglar, and wor.dered 'how easily I managed to gain 411 entrance. When I entered that lady's room I had no thought but to se:ure as much plunder as possible, of witch I had a goodly pile already picked p. The light was burning low, and When I turned it up the first thing I sew was the Bleeping lady's face. Like a' flash thoughts of home and sister crowded upon me, and in that moment, before I had become a complete thief, I was reformed. I pic- tured to myself the agony my sister would suffer should she learn that Thad become a thief, a1 d in that moment I made up my min that I would depart as I had come, empty hand est. Filled with ,great re grateful to the lady who had c such holy thoughts! of home, I andkissed her, -and.udge, y the rest. The prisoner's st . r; a genuine sensatigi in cour , police were instructed to mak : at once; The'Iorontq deter is sponse.,to • telegraphic enquir e ed that a young matt amed h d-lef t the city for 0 wage o a y years ago, leaving -la widow d and " sieter behind, and tha borne an excellent characte esty and sobriety: To -day t. e was brought upon remand fo and the Judge,•who had ! be' impressed and moved by the'. manner and dramatic I,ecit him to be confined dor; only for attempt at larceny, the li h tence ever recorded in ;Chi crime so serious as -.th t con the prisoner. A Toronto New r porter police headquarter and was that the mother .an siterof left for Chicago on Monday, the prisoner for nearly three been their main support, se best part of his waes regul two weeks. The father, wh one time mate of the sehooue which was recently' burn d a was drowned in Toron o bay years ago. r e, ed sic etre end uq es'in ep nay t m lei for 1�on- prisc$ner eliterice, n gre' fly rico is 1 oke ed h ea 3. est Igo f 411 teed *calk infor sneo d t ears ding rly a 'pry was i at . Gael .h, ' 'Que , ec, some six; 0 on-' nd up' ed ow ted be ies. re- rt - ds ree; er ad 1 a • ye en- a� . by at ed ds Is at ad the The Coue.ty Sail - It would seem by the fcillo ' ingI. f pm the Goderich Signal of l:.st eek at the Huron County' Jail s being u ed for purposes for.which it was ',ne er intended and is not in any : re peat t - ted. ,: The reporter of . the Sig al nisi. ed the institution an,d .replor s a folio �� s : The accommodation fortin ate a s n- sists of four wards, e.anh war hay ng three ells—thus giving r one or two ve prisoners.. When. the in at s exc ed that number, shake 'd wri " in he halls of the wards have .to be ade or all over the number specified. Two l of the wards are upstairs, and ten are on the lower flat. THE FIRST WAR . ' into which the reporter ws sh wn as on the. giound floor. On er�tering a terrible' stench was notice, a of sick :n ing nature. This offensiv od r,he • Ias informed, was caused by . ` c neer or other incurable sore on tl leg f one of. the aged inmates.' An eff'rt ad been made to have the sufferer; (.wh se name is Wm. Burgess, and who' ca a fr m the township of Grey, (re F one to n hospital, but so ,far wit out . suece s. Until recently Burgess ha been assit- ed and attended by a • half-wi ted lad named Johnny Moosehead�fro ,Exeter, bat poor Johnny has been.. strick n down with erysipelas in the h ad; a ` d has now to be attended to by tie 4offici is of the jail. Moosepead hes b .jars 1 n- guishing in jail for (jeer two y ars, 7 'et becau he is a poor, -Week eniud d fellow.. He, like.poor Burg ss is. ' n the felon's.Dell because he is a unfclr- tunate. Poor old McLean aged originally from Seafortli, occupant of this Ward. Hip sis-t in that he is 'old, au these heinous rnisdemeano polled to spend his declini g ye jail which was built for Mal: In ' THE SECOND WAR there were three prisoners, and fortanates—one is Michas By: Seaforth, -who had his han s ' fr the beginning of 'ebraa y, a • sent to jail instead of - to n h the other is named Picket, ged from Clinton, who is ince cera cause. he is helplessly lame and use crutches for purposes o loco In - : I. 7 ye rs :and th third cri es cop - t bl nd, for a he iscom- rs in'€ a factors. it wo u -ta- n, from zen xn d was •spitcll, 4 years ed b' has o urotio' THE THIRD WAR there: are four unfortuna a er tone of whom are in ja for against the State.. " Old " Billy Kelly,'? of Bru about fifty years of - age, of w.ea lect, though of sturdy 'prop is able and willing to pay f by labor. He shoeld not he is not a criminal. McKinney., •a venerable Howick, was sitting in th Kelly. His offence consis is 80 years of age,. and had faith supported by his township or jail. In the same ward is `Thomas from Sedforth, aged 80, who. is inrn rte of the jail and the 6ssoc criminals because he is � olds,. fee decrepit. The fourth inmate 1s J teph of Stephen, who is in tlhe,c. "min when. heshould be in an hospita sane asylum. In the FEMALES' WARD there are two women for v:. ran is a; young woman, a d the middle-aged. The feet of h. att badly frozen last; winter, a th of late become painfully sor::aga case is another which shou d be an hospital. So the matter ' all aroma : st this Shape : Out of 14 in 'ateE common jail we find the cr1 es follows : t ; 1 sick with cancer. 1 blind. 2 o=ver 80 years of age. 1 over 64 years; and on ceetch 1 with hands irozen, • 3 weak-minded. 1 'an idiot suffering from rysi ;. elks. 1 a woman with frozen f et. and .- 3 3 prisoners who. deserve o be When leavingthe :re-poiter formed. by th.e, bailor th 't he turnkey had, in -addition to thei duties, to take turns at nig t' w. to in the ward occupied b Moo:eL a sick with erysipelas, and B rges:, weal ing away with cancer in th leg. Tl�'iei official duties did not 'require th nig', sittings, but in the cause cf h m they had been constrainedo ac ep ill( additional burdens for the ake of IQ poor incapables who had. bee • fej,rc. upon them. aturep, crimes eels, s int il- rtio• s.. - ,e r hi • ke ,e in jail, fe r ma. frons wad wig 13 in hat 'e ✓ to e :ant oe • • Of u• ► evin leo : �• ates ':f le azi• villa 1's c: or i y. ther s :r we)e yha1e re :.H r :ent "O I. ods n intoe o to FIs in{ ja a Township Councils STEPIir ;—At:the next eetit: Council pathmaiters, fence iewi pound -keepers will. be app intee7, beat desiring any partic:dar' ps act in said capacity will give in before said meeting a petition si a majority -of the ratepayers of t or locality, naming, the person choice if they have not done so Moved and resolved that th Council be a deputation tq m McGillivray Council. Aldo t Reeve, Deputy Reeve and' Cie+ r r t e go t e .rs reef ri n �e be t f thie 'e tread ho je t It aft t {e k ee • I• p4 tatien to ay, in both c ast year's exp he,expenditur essions betw number of o be paid, a ntil the first STANLEY.—'A tanley Connci ers were pres oretinae, ,sea hat Geo. BM• 52 for keeping ear ending D ohn Bartley b {carried.; M :eednded by. owing -,persons ouhts : John rant, $5.16, a ee�. Baird, $8. Carried. M ended by A'. Reeve be paid tration•and :e the loaning lo Carded. Mov d .by J. Torr aid$1.80 for, all. -Carried. econded by A. polo be paid t for culvert o )eing part cif oved by J. M ►� . Campbell, t ereby instru o auditors' re ion. -Carried. alaries of th het Teed ap orrance, secon his t Council : gain on the • ext, at one o' o • 1' • eet a sex to ndi um,on the en said ace nut at eC on ay 1 th las a whi nt, t w nde b net a be Jon oe b in a ved m. C be a le a d 2 4; ved he u ens sn t e to db ne, h ood a,• d lire - d M.ICm tl a L th xt i le at t e ted t. ort p in T eb t9w •pse dad b 0 in fire a oak p USBORNE,—A th 1 s orne council it wit .d o ey, seconded . y Jerk procure si: c is ipal Councillor:' .h$u f the council. CaIIri:d. m ells, Qa nton�d.ey u h ouncil to expo d a add e south boa Ida ' in rder to unite t » o p ec�es i d, provided he Iid ant an equiva ent : o ose.—Carried. 1)I'v conded by J. ' h e ceive credit o x, the partie . 41 eft the townshi . H:lis, second .d ie ollector rec a e ei: tr services i •o' ►1arr' ed. Move 1 b . J. Hackie e um of $5 lo f.r t e years.188 uov d by J. •all., that Wm m of $20.90. fo e m. Stark ani i . d lits .—Carried. co dee by HI; H ilson receive $i 0 far oseph Hewitt llov d by J. a k or ey, that Al x t'l e' sum• of ' $ IN ov,d by J Ha k e ie , that the Au i i o to i and that 15 1 for d'stribution.— e. the •ouncil adjonree 7 h • ay of A aril, ,a y arT, t a a n idiom fr i v-:tigate • arrange ice *dewy c :1 icipal it w : �a or(J adjour 11il. 1•e.ting of a the ved MoKi the s y for 1883, nt pe Cam t th grave 80 ; s to w son, $ T ranee el that f$ for on .: atron ns.�pfui Cl j k, se A,. tinso l,r• m fez by 'Pm.C: bel that 1.0 for s do• .road,it ns: —Car seco�t dad b tiler it be a. et ; }r! cop : s d le r dist fixin officers ved ty in. lark; jo n to rd.,y. o . m • in he or ns es. es ed ped he ins yjJ r1eyl of he on mill, ' ol. ace m. p 102, eco s.. w�ith di be he k, oil. es is d. A. is of n - he as J. at et ril • aU7 ,1 i • V' • 1I a t e le ti H :on t soa o tge .d a d 1H3. r, eao:•d h a e• •elle n o� th o'ed ny,+ at p o e n. 'i'e. y, se. c nd a rn a re! .f. y, scl un o s' ,i:po o•ie: 0b. r1 -d 0 ill; ' at 1 .. h th' rri H. 1 me db lis f. ok M ne ze do gr ire alp e tie in Se t s the 1'ys. a _ e i vi a 1 • htin s i] si tc' k our leave. f t e which impress t at Mr. Webster, or ei.hteen ancliner ft st time and tl c 1•d us all by h si ation or mix leav was peau • to IC. YPB 4 antel ' ebt t • eral weeks age, • ow, in 118 36, t to Detroit a '. y the citizen : "I was ah r. Burns, " an istinction of be if. For that ants I know n ed to be priva of other yo ebster. ; e ell, sir, I Fele the greatn,e$ f nfess, somewh�, ✓ -thus accur dad in: the per umber. Pres ed the: room, d. A social, gb half an hour fe lowe alking all oven be rc� ne ie particular, of e re me o'ha oung t in ,me e as 1 el e 0 • n h 1 niel was; t the ut 1j1a 'glin! :son, othet ► int _ bu fn Mr.! $la ,fift' tly • we eral! • • a 've heard that one of Daniel u• t'the .story �s �Burns. " Fou { York, buyin or thought of .' I had just r s :e t to go up I3ro: gnificent figure Confident the s r'I quickened a d at the next con f. it look at him. i.' he man,. and fide with a desiie. I w sheld back }tyt vast Id not rememb:r self Ifollowed hi a' e up my rybedy on lq ed admiringl a d finally I k, aping with we li tie forward. d , Mr, Webster We ears go d Ye ri ed st fade an beaten n .84 Y believe he in Oft .; V i met at his De at he ‘ called eac ough they were his •om that hour od memory, and r n to cultivate Any w Id • • • • • • e to J� We 6 US eu an dui es eb ing of that t or the ved by , that by coma me p collea jar:131,1:e" invitee tation Carri d by paid board d man ri- Tho rovisi d by t be mot n k - Be J. r. is • in 1- 8, ory. Natio. 1 ars ol risen o mess r pose, t w men, pres ter, yer twe Webs r e int rof w hich ble f t fift for with t Ook had t st in tl t head f pa ed h pe to ge a iv do u sti ape to r it Oa OA ti 11 tly into glad walked r very ce time, b name at frien —Judge Chambers, Mon of the pleititi , on spit in the case of th ank of Canada waist berg and George BIM Was to recover $25 000, Was mad.e by the lain testimony introduced b it the nature of a s was necessary to get th fOrrner agent of bee balk R, Shul and the mot thldefense o rebut it. la LEGAL P. S. CARR T ATE of Garrow & ProudfooE'. Solicitor, Conveyancer, &n. " Office :in Meyer's Blpc Seater th. p : Office, elde`r►eh, Money to Moan. Main Street, r 94 Tps 1�• C. HAYS, Solicitor, &o. Private inbn y to • , lend at lowest rates of i +tere'st. • ;OFp oe— Cornerof Square and West Street oderich. 774 4 ,� ARROW & PROUDFOOT,1'�arr)stetef,Selicl. tore, &o., Goderich, Cabello .-J.'11,. harrow WM.Proadfoot. ! 686 (1AMERON, HOLT CAM 'el Solicitors in Chancery, M C.Cameroulg .0., Philip RON, Be testers. 606 W.0 . MEYER, Barrieter ing affidavits in the Prey' or for the Bank of Heil to ta So he Pr va et jo Maws of vits cent. C. Ma n4 Attoen peir (stmt.! take, Se ratter th i° Money to ntario. A NING & SCOTT, Bail neten, Tisdale & Gale. Beaver Block, Clinton, G, .1.6211ES SCOTT, Luoknow office every e y at ner 111141. 88 ank oan. H. 81 41 FTUS E. D Money to!loan, Benson's 01 Block, eaforth. re or the tro tlaokaninetltatI ank da - per W. 8 e on,Glre ich, NOT floor), le° Hol and N Comm Office i McCAIAGH c. Office in Caninehael s pposite THE EXPOSITOR arras and houses for s, I ssoit to late! firm le McCaughey & Scott's Block, Main st et-, entopih. tary Solicitor tor the a ce. Money to !lend. ars for tiale. a. 0 ra 0 EW IMPROVED' CHAMPION AND GENUINE L 'SAWS HZOOZ ID ta 0 )5.4 03 INt ows PIKtJWS A (1.4ar Load of Genu ILLFD PLOWS (L —JUST RECE 0. C. WI n South Bend LKY PLOWS, Agrrultural Implement Whic will he sold at old prices, notwithe impor 4ntie0, the subscriber being deter stock, i ported One Hundred and Fifty of tariff ; conseqUently, he is enabled to Sell stock s exhausted. Call and see those PI ferior etiele' Every Plow guaranteed to A hill st ck of Massey Reapers and Toron o Mo ers, Toronto Cord Binders Sharp s ak a, all of which will be sold oh of all da lveays on hand for the above before 14iying a machine. N'S an mg t e increase of 10, per cent. t tem a f w days before the rise in the w WO buying a common or in - iv satiaf tion or ne sale, a Bey Ig were, Toronto Reapers and Mat y's Low Down Binder, and and bu reasonable ter s. Repairs re lain 0. Don't fail to ee my eto6k a Ma HONEY cents ; two a urchaser satisfied. with qualitir and) d a half ponad pail, 45 cents. 1N.TeTI-SAT SI New Golden Beardless Barley, Rennie e mprdt, Spring' Whea White Elephant Potatoes, A ber Su Z Italian, Cyprean and Holy Land Bees and Walled Hives, Extractors, Roney Knives ens, carry Ontthe business safely and successf lly at stampif fin' price list. W' Money to loan at 6 and Gi• per cenl. HONEY RE rice Five po ar Cane Seed f Queens, -Single led pail, 90 arley, Goose om Kansas and Double erything to s. Enclose MARCH 14,11884. PERFECTION AT LAST SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY ROLLER M The only genuine Roller County, which now has and few equals; on the - America for manufactu A GREAT REVOLUTION I LE- superier on tinent ing The Bread Question of Vital Importarnee. by Rollers now fun , Operation. Roller Flour brings from $1.25 to $1.50 per barrel more than the est Plour made by the Old P OMB& Farmers will in all cask get their own wheat ground, and by ur ne tem get a stronger, -whiter ricbea and better grade of flour .by f r than. the public has hitherto been ab e to get. Remember, there is no h Debug erex- Reduction System. Our n eystem thorough and reliable. I has heen thoroughly tested, and pro ed a great success in Hungary, Germ ny, Peewee, England and the 'United St tele. ' We gave A 1 Flour pre us to our extensive change at a hea y cost, and we gtiarantee better Flour now. One trial Will be sufficient to pirow our a* sertions correct. ! CHOPPING. Our facilities for this cl ss of work are unsurpassed, and custo ers mey de- pend on getting their ctiop liing done at once. Be sure and try our fareout new process—roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shoets and eed deliv- ered to any part .of Seaforth, Herpure hey or Egmondville free of harge, agr Our -Saw Mills at gmonavine and Brucefield in full opera ion. -vegetable end pa daily effeeting th Sick Headeohe, Rheum, Scam-, teaches th 't by r ai. all the abo ena first tised C owls) BUSIN ARD migs. H W TO SAVE MONEY. wants o know where the cen get the best v lue for what they h e, to spenld. hand s nic and choice a' stock of Fresh Groce es, for the hOliday sea- son, as can e found in he county. His T as are choice and. good velue, and his Fru ts are fresh arid cheap. A trial solid. ed. sed, and the higheE+ market price p id. Por and Beef 'Hams Bacon and Sausa es always on hand 'it the Cheap Glass are of every deecriptiou. • I-SUGH 140BB. N B. —KING'S SPECIFIC, a sure oure for Dyspepsiai a ways on hand. T's S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Isand surveyor -a•-• • • mill Civil Engineer. Orden), mailprompt D. S. CAMPRErle Mitotic') TE THE ON CENINE. INDIAN Now most miraenleus cures of filo follow ,aa coraplai ind on the Stomach, Soar Stem h, Coetiv,in crofala, etc You may say it cures o muelits ;minting the Liver, cleansing the Ste a h and' ed diseases. Try it and use accos di g to dire t Ss CHANCE!! The undeesigned begs to announce to the pub - lie that he has purchased the general store busi- ness bitbeer o carried on by Mr. Henry Schufer; in Kippers, and is determined to place it in the fronk ranks of general stores in the County of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, d.c., Will be feend well assorted and complete, with splendid lines of Spring Goods arriving isearly every day, We show excellent values in New Cottoned- e, Shillings, Dress Goods, Piints, 0 -t- ons, Carpets, Tweeas, Ducks, Denims, de-, whieh were bought for cash at a diseount, of which we will give our eustOmers the advantage. Remembler, we do net quote low priees for low graded gookts, meeely for a catchpenny, but mean to keep a ffrst-elats stock and sell it as cheap as the next. Call and examine our stock and prices seed con- vince youreelf before purchasing elsewhere, us we are satisfied yeu cannot get as good pods at the same prices. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange, for which the highest prices wi I be paid. No Trouble to Show Goods.. Five per !cent. discount allowed on all cash par chases excCeding 1 after March 1st. p. • WH42 IS PEOPL P,TO With ANDREW that the telliday the good people less requir way of Por friends or to the imp rto.nce extra ante:461116n holiday teethe , tares, CALDER'S a Photo 'et tasty finieh, easy and graceful position, coupled with delight aod a goo T 2 WHY IT IS HE P. S POPULAR RAPH PARLORS, ALDER at the helm, and now eason is fast approaching, and f Huron and Perth will doubt-. gym thing neat and artistic in the rafts t send as holiday gifts to absent elativ s, and Mr. C. being fully alive of this fact, has made special a for the accommodation of the ALDER'S for Christmas Pie - for New Year's Pictures. For esign, excellence of shade and AN and then go away smiling with picture. BEW CALDER, IVIONE TO LOAN THE undersign -L.' fox the Hamil henow prepared at the lowest rat favorable terms. ally promptly at 844 d, having been appointed Agent on Provident and Loan Society, effect Loans on farm property s of interest and on the most Applications by mail or person- nded to. he Canadian mark ble of all patent m_ ss, Weak Beek, Pim ut reason as well treng ening the sy OXIP, and you will-bl Sj EDICINE it is purely eines, and is nt, Dyspepsia, led Skin, Salt as experience .tem, will cure ss the day you 821-26 PFI AND P9OKET DIARTE ANAPIAN ALMANAC f.07 1884. 5 Op‘ITS. LB ST, W7-11 FORTH. 1+01 AM W' A ONES [The at4. of GrielteFete. Low ices. wenty Per r Than Ever, A Feill Li e to be ad at it JEVALRY EMPORIUM. Siliver Plated Wa e and Clocks in the epairing in all branchee of Watches, 01 cks an ewel y—all guaranteed to give I satis dation. Fine Watches a calielx.perienke. Rings, Lot, kets, Chains, Brii ches, (51c., Manufact red -on the le ok out for a tree of ilverware in the WindoW ; it is the place, directly op °site J. S. Porter'e cheap cash fu niture store. The Leading Jeweller. FARMERS, IT WILL 'A.Y YOH —TO CALL AT THEk— NEAR THE RICH SCHOOLsEEAFORTH,.. And see our stock f Which has been made es my Gang Plow for this seas satisfied in saying that it is the market. Our LAND ROLLE Are large and heavy, runnin doing *good -work. Our cially for n, and feel the best in RS ligh and GRAIN ChUSHEw Are made from hard iron, a ad will bat longer than any other mac ilea amde. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee e tisfaction. Special attention given t repairing Seeaml Engines, Saw and Grist Milt, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines. and ag kinds of machinery repaired on : short notice and at reasonable rates. Bolts land. Castings at lowest rates. Quotatns furnished on apOcatioe. t.• lso agent for the inpieinents of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A fall lina of repairs constantly on han . THOMAS HENDRY. PUBLIC NOTICE! THE undersigned, baring neen appointed Agent - for the CONFEDERATION LIFE Is desirotes of i suring the lives of ab the citizentt ot Seaforth and surrounding count y, BO !as to make Benefactor- provision for famili s andf4iends in case of death. This is undonbte y the hest Insurance Company doing bueiness Canada at presents. A Iook at the Daily Glob or Mail of this fact. Call at MCC on JOHN I3EATTiE, Agent See -forth. N. B.—Money to Loan on Fat Property en the easiest terms of pa low interest. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND ACTORY -I- elastomers for the lib eralpa tron age extentledto hi:Dish:tee -commencing business in Seafortheind trusts hat he zany be favored 'with st continuant* of the same. him a call,as he will continue to keep en bend sage stoek of allkinde Dry Pine Lumber, &shies, Doors, Blinds and 2fouldings, Shingles, Lath, &c. who may favourhim with theirpatrenage,asinoSS but first-elsweworkreenereemployed- 20 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. J. S. PORTER SEAPORTH. I am deternzined to Ciear --Out my Entire Stock of Parnitui-e regfa-d- Less of Cost. give a large discount to those paying sash, efo• pecially to newly married couples. I am still selling six highly finished &las let 0.50. I also keep Knowlton's Spring nee, the best and cheapest in the market ; warranted perfectly noiseless. Warerooms directly opposite M. 3. Countelq EaCsat# 'I/Ilia:1;r bides, skine, furs and tallow. No truck or trade. Cash for everythinge 626 ' JOHN 8. P0111%Be baffle cheer 14059 give Bally 12,801 keys / mak heart ettlese They th< Leiee tione for ti] was are Nage of the etneett teriea- giart alert re The t iin hie ilton aay Rotel oreatt jet o( a call been amen press' on aei the re 000 fe ream Argue mane phen The I re The t zer ice fo never is Jo& dror only I were brake and been i verdie to em have petty stable earrie worth ing la- tte dr ont into t- he we) eago Darts was re of her intern recent Geddt ter tl Horse we quired There tion Manit tional the es loads withit • of iire. age were , and de lead V. passet the St their Traek overet knowe lde ndi