The Huron Expositor, 1883-10-12, Page 11 2 LL•ADIES WILL AC VETS: EES • e HADES. Varie LE OT11S. ORNAMENTS, Styles. AND CY GOODS. Y: OPENING A— ccESS, ly and able to HU and Stylish Goode ao icitedtt FMK, GOODS MANI. e they were about ant of his hating` rafessian in order The address closed. sick every success e•w profession, and hough distant from soaa be forgotten. &dress which wee, hilt and after the een made by Misr Miller stepped for - in a few words his ,Gr'assiok aa a teach- e feat that he wag uk.s of the profea o- ably filled. ,eY• deeply regret to of Mk rgaret Dotal,r of the late Neil t the residence of Doull oh Wednee tuber, at one o'ooc'k as of a quietdi-s- er gentleness and y friends who note During her illneeg • ears, she was: never iugle mnrmer but and even cheerful er mach weakneaa xpressed to a friend ood when sanctified slater: to God. On ► a Targe, concourse' is waif and.friends, fol= to their last resting cemetery, to await the jest.. e. ander was = - F rete a a'trotlg." t.i t 1r. D. P. Chia. 13 =� pronairtent rte` of Hamilton,half In r cial specnlatione, .try. His liabilities cita recently he wad° independent ciream- •.nt oreatsd quita` ty. e new Attorney-Gerie as elected on, Friday ittiency of Wilmette over his opponent, SIXTEENTH, YEAR. wOOLE NUMBER 1327. THE LAST GRAND EXCURSION OF THE -SEASON AND EA LY REDUCED FARES 1 —TO- PAPST, THE JEWELLER'S, Where will be seen the largest, newest, cheapest and best stock of latexes, Clacks,; Jewelry, Silver Ware and Spectacles EVER SHOWN IN SE &FORTH. Two Specialties; I am appointed Sole Agent for the Longine and Imperemable Witches.: The Brussels Show. The East Riding of Huron tural Society's Show was held at .sels on Thursday and Friday; week. The weather on both da very favorable;•aed the ehowj, n whole, was a success. Thette, on. Friday was not so large f s '0 former years, but still there 4w representation of people.' T' ceipts were only about thirty, dolts a short of last year. In some depattmens the inside "show was slightly d ficien ono failing the lalie i' mice co - large as we y poductB, re. resen - uaily •good NOTICE. The Longines are a three quarter plate, fall jewelled, English escape- ment, straight line lever watch ; key or stem winders. The cases are solid coin silver, from !two to four ounces in weight, with solid silver donne cases, handsomely engraved, (with place for. name. For sale only at PAPST, THE`. JEWELLER'S. gricul- Brest of last 8 wa on th ndates n soul a fai e gate r This seems to• be . a corn among shows this year. In department there wawa ver; lection of articles, but not So have seen at Brussels. Dais especially butter, were largel ed, and appeared to be of (nn quality. • In' 'grains there light show, but the quality df t shown .was especially ;good, also, were poorly re resented, there were a few ginp od !sal she is de s ve fit exce NOTICE. The Imperemable Watches are guar anteedthe best waterproof and dustproof Watches ever brought into the Market. The movement is solid pickle, with 13 jewels, patent regulator, gold balance, ruby pallets,,gtitck train lever watch. The uses are made of two pieces, of solid chin silver, with patent stem wend and setter, the most perfect ever" made. Comeand examine for yourselves at ' PAPST, 'JEWELLER'S. LADIES w ► crowning part of the roots. We h where this', season s 8 a very e gra n Fruits, lthough s. The OW was n any- ! eat and. large collection of roots, e vege-a. tables, also, were i abundance,, and of -extra good quality. The show in the fieldwas fully up i o, if not in advance of former years. I horse , peciafly in general purpose nd roa nd car- rfage, there. -was a ver , fie display, which embraced m ny rhe 1 y Well bred and superior ani ads, • he heavy draughts, also, were: goo ut in this olass•the competiti n WRs n t' nearly so keen as in the thes Th re is ;f a gradual but very pleasing . i- rovemenrt in the quality of th llo this section of count was such a good sh vv"o cattle; sets as this year. I he fin° bred herds of M . Miln Knechtel attracted much ate they breed . ysldp, Sari rs, whose n•. ize fist, she animal. 'n with M and to be rovince. There y super er1 shee In this nilass Hu etre, ii d th n ak ; ith C •s. John HI nnah e °the tecipal owns a d';:'n Le pair of Bobt of she 2d Du Laugh Sampl Grieve McTa, COT ming 1st Jjb ram 3d \ Joh'. W. lst uin Cun Mac win Job nah 2d` 2a� of e Joh Joh Ro P yea boa 2n Bu. one 3d Come and exarnine -my 15k bolored Geld Sets. of Jewelry. Bright Gold Sets, Roled Gold Sets and Silver Seta of Jewellery, Gold Ear Rings, Roled Gold. Ear Rings, Black Ear Rings, Silver Lar Rings. 60 ► CHAINS. Ladies' Long Gold Chains, .Gold Necklets, Roled •Gold Chains—one tenth stock—Solid Gold Alberts, Roled - Gold Alberts, Ladies' Pony ichains. RING • ne a hi admiration, while as the Messrs. Laughlin, and oth be found in the p eral most excellent oughbred bull shoe herd it would be show ring in the a large show of ve the various breeds John Cuming, of pretty much his o Wolds, while Mess Robert Martin we hibitors of South► tens the honors divided between known treeders. show of hogs,. bot 'Berkshire breeds; largely represent implement men h as usual this de little attention fr following is the PR HORSES HEA mare, lst Duncan McL;aughhn, sr.; Donald McLang Laughlin, er.; Duncan McLan Laughlin ; two y ;Gelder, 2d Thom gelding, Richard 1st Robert Ma ti lin, 3d Alex. �' a team, lst Robert ers. GENERAL P R1osE.—BI and '2d Dooa d ' cLang: Mennen ; sprig oal,torsi Boyd, 2d • Donlald McLaup Giennan a spring foal; m -Sample, 2dPh : s. - Howlet old°filly, let Joh • Hooey, 2d 3d Alex. McKay two ye r 1st Jas. Archiba • , 2d A. e: act Robert Bre*. ,• one y James Duan, 2d; a, Brewer ; one year' old Donatld McLaughlin, 2d span of general pupae h. McGregor, 2d W. J. Dick Solid Gold, Gems, Keepers, Bonds, Signets, Diamond and Plain, 18k Gold Wedding Rings. CH AR NIS. Gold Charms, holed Gold Chztrms,. ;Gold Seals, Roled Gold Seals. ► LOCKETS. Gold. Dockets, lk ; Roled Gold Lock- ets and Silver Lockets, Fine Gilt Lockets, Cuff Buttons, Tie Pi -ns, Collar Buttons, Shirt Buttons: and Emblem Pins.. Also Spectacles in Gold, Silver, Steel and Rubber Broochea_in Gold,. Ruled Gold, Silver and Jete A large assirtment of Clocks and Silverware kept cMestantly in. stoek at PAPST, THE JEWELLER'S. AI ALSO AGENT For the well-kiiolwia Waltham (Spr - field, Illinois) Watch Coe ,Dominion, Niagara, Monte—lakes. F Jacot, Veloci- pede,.- Columbia Celestin, Charpier Chari -de -Fonds, T. Richard's Horse T;nniers, and . other first-class silver watches. i -- 1N GOL:DTWATOHES I keep 'the Lady Astor, L. Raymond S.F. Denis, Valley Watoh Company Agassiz W,'atch, Geneva Watch, and Illinois Watch Company. The James Boss Perfect Gold Cases and Silver Keystone Cases kept can- staiitly in. stock at PAPST, THE JEWELLER'S. REPAIRING As usaal done by first-class workme- i, and satisfaction guaranteed. -Engrav- ing neatly executed at - PAPST, THE JEWELLER'S, Mein Street, Seaforth. ► ► ► imals, re nev in er at Braa- hbrouih-- nd, . tion a • su ole; M times weds Che th Mil • �tin'� lr. " od ch 0 - ill v- r- e's ny as of weree p et y eve a nu be of -w There ` a ' a g of the Liffolk nd Pan try also d. Th agricult d' a goo display,' artmfent attracted m the visitors. E LIST DRAUGHT.—BT McLau hlil, 2d 1: :pring. f al,' horse, lin, 2d DenCaIi pring f l,; mare, lin, 2d Lomas ar old li ly lst •T s Dickson , year cKee ; yE sling ,2d Don 1 Masa • iner ; ear yl dra Martin, F,. C. ROAD AND CARRIAGE H mare, Robert Laidlaw horse,' lat Robert Laidla Musgrove ; •spring foal, ►► Musgrove •; yea ling Ill y, Angus, 2d John ill, 3d W Bie. yearling gelding, lst Ad rd Angn David Moore, 3 John B 11 two old filly, 1st Th -s. Fletc : errh 2d D. McLaughlin, 33 . R. S 1e i + .; . c@ span, 1st, Mrs. iviegst►n 2d Angus ; buggy 1 orae, 1st A hurF 2d: Thos. Hall, d Robe t ovee saddle horse, isF Adam - n s, 2d Dickson, •3d Sa uCi Fra is •1. JUDGES._Geofge McK y'.; Win John J. Anderson, 1 Wi g dam ;' Barr, Hallett, - THOROUGHBRED CATTL mare , 3d it Ant 3d , 1st ; two John eid gelding, l GardCiner, ► re, Ch ha un no i r. gs te- nd es ,.ly- od nd ere ral nd no - he Ca ha •od On.. 1st ai 0- 1St I►� 0 - OB. ging: lly, ght og-. lbt ohn ony- ohn ohn ear - att, Fr m. Sp sil tin La ke B 2 gr G g ar ld ftll d. 3d G /ding, s. Bu rs s,1:3t zss. pring id Pb e, Th lst DER: Milch cow, lst and 2d J Kne two year oldeheifer, •list Jp'• n H 2d John HeQvitt, 3d-Johyslop year old heifer, lst and• 2 • R avid ,c heiferalf, lst J. N. Kn=ch :el, 2d Hill. 3d not - kn. awn ;' b.11 • lf, is Stafford-, 2d D vid 'Mil e, 3d Knechtel ; herd of Dur a • : s, 1st Milne, 2d J. N. , uechte NATIVE OR GRADE ICA TTS .—Co Donald. Carrie, 2d Ale:. 6 ardin John McDonald ; two y ar old 1st and 2d Edward Sri • e, 3d _.Sample; one year old h •if: , 1st Milne, 2d Alex. Gardi ne ; , wo y: steer, lst Anrew . Hy I. ► , 2d d 'Sample one year old st:eE . lst, D leIcLaughlinesr ,- 2d Joh 'ample or steer calf,' lat Donald rie 2 Hyslop ; heifer calf, lst a • 2(1 Dickson ; fat cow orlhei er McLs,ualilin, sr , 2d Reba fat ox or steer, lst and 2 yoke of workingoxen, 1: strong 2d DaviMilne. JUDGES.—Robert Go e ) ock, I lop ; Alex. Robertson, H • wick ; Fowler, Morris. ; SEEP—LEICESERS. ed ra 11�cDon ,.lst oodr� , let , , lat urge 1st ger ; has. rood foal, mas mas dam nes ; :, 2d year tnald :I a Wes,. lst .Donald rliug ew can MoT to ; pair of ;, 2d Andr ; Pen ofL ish OLD, -Ag d Wm. M n Clmmii b, let an G. Hingst amming',: -lingstou ; d 2d Joh; on ; pair 0- ung,! 2d W. n ; ,'pair of ocdrow ; stunning: IIDOWN.—i hearling it vid Mods, a► n Hannah s, lst Ro anuh ; amp h' ;1 1.'M. tin, 2cl (3S— mucsn st teph ell findj�coney 1 .evatid ;Gar in 8 8 3, 1st; Steph i�; rd g �s,�dEd ar year, st - t ;phen Gre3 II FOLD B icb',a�i ; bt s ' Howlett; ill& littered i e . one lyear, nrowIn j 3d n ors. Jass ►► ion,Grey unba, • Mc t:avis lhW: ► Gr leve t udle B e�h, jd D tial e Iambs ;I is �H stetH 1 vI w d ra cl an d. g d, i a, St ar i ua► ewe 1- Hi 60 n llop, 3d'. hes►:T ,lst John : she elfin . G. Sin lin an of '. e " en;G thea lin ing,j3d mb',is gsto'3 f mew:a - o it of !Cots of FilIDAY, OCT BER 1 In 2d pair yslop d Mc Joh , Wm q•uos, cum 4 ram, gston ; /min es, is ey, 3 iewe 4W. Job W�► ether: shee 1 ; a --7-I . 1883. I MCLEAN SROS., Publishers, $1.50 a Year, in Advance., aslem, 2d A: Veal plum or cherry t¢matoes, 1st Alfred Haslerh, 2d W. H. McCracken ; butter beans,/ lst, Alfred llaelem, 2d Geo. Moffatt; white beans, 1st Alfred Haslem, 2d IGieo. Moffatt ; her Variety of beans, 1st Alfred Has m, 2d Donald Currie ; citrons, round riped, Thos. Musgrove ; nitrons, long alifornian, Thos. Musgrove ; caCum- o • Han - cid r m, i*, 1st Joh `• Anna , ram lam', tyt a ii nHewi t;par c.Mrtin; d ands -alit f rhea lin: .ewe:{ ir we la • tis, 1.t ohn X nj ° ojCLTP.Y.=GUea 1�lgala, liiok, 2d Wm. Mac can ; at and 2 Geoege sh,'lat and d �'Vm. i Rock, is � ndt.2d ogled 2d Geor e jL it 1st a d+ d W , lst gd d i Tho as Mus ve ; lst D mil C r ie, rove ; bro ze i ark n;bu gee, 's Ge c)hnMoond- , w 't gee 3 gee e, R, ,ro Ma rt 1 Brottn -, uen �o a Hart; idk, 12d. S 3 i Aylesbury du ° ks, 1st wi ki; P l.in pucks, Grieve ; Dui) rind r . Thompso , 2 ° ra dl n bred anI i s, 1 & er h yne 2d M Tho ps. a;no3 'pigs ns, 11VT w a, Wm. M lea J au ah. Soar o r 0 .e Zit J, H l itki u ; t St:ph:rl Gres, , hating litter:d ey, 2d Samuel vin so e;, and :r Gar in 2d a d r on: ye-: r, Co er o . •ear, 1 B▪ -irn:'d ; so of no •u; so ae. : o lett, sgrove. d,, ilorr•e; Jo M•ffa t, Wi st Sam iBr ov: Bla sieve ; •1' m. Grip gs, 'st ' illia lack Ha M ole: ni ; 13 rie e ; H Bl: dk T 2d Tho ys, Rob , : artwi e, I .Bro co y duo d cks; mi el B au 2d G is ' and an : ries, B: llanty t ► rs. u ; ollect ac ean; - Se: €orh; E. fig , DG S;—D• bg `n is, Elma. PLMEETS --O E ore:i bn anis!& S n; f n ing Hill, 2d G org; L HHe !d y, 2 , G J. 7 .. 4- nes ; . fi : Io se hay re, s°ar, lat n • Otte `, lst rth 0 e ; set 1 f ih t 2d . I rat n ar ill ► 00 -t riage dam rbes, ock ; W.:. .am; ames Au.— htel ; ,• slop, one ilne ; John John avid , 1st r, 3d eifer, John 1p avid ar old John man! bull/ John obert' let. Minoan t .Di kson ; hn Hi slop,; ichar Arm- . Thos. Moore, 2d Robt, Wm. Grieve; shearling can McTavish, 2d W Chas. Howlett ; ram l Sample, 2d and 3d 41 Peter f Id, 3d Dun - w, 3d John slop ; hi dc Co ha riatk . Wilson n, 24 Gehrg o den axle 1 gi row W. A Wil ug wheat liotAllei jey, 2 role 1M He‘ itt s, Ed ,Ale G rdiner ; mall pie s, St Ge . sm 4 Th purpmse eorge • lst ve Id rol 2d r Hi rse '8 i54 8 eedry plow, st Ge Cur ovenl ariety, 2d hite lfred offatt 2d Geor 1st Ale Beau y reka, 1 Bur rewe co s, 2d rn ea, Ross • lst James • 00 AND OE th Peed, Joh ron, Samuel ede turnips 1 mes Wain on gian carrots, ward Gi vin ; t George Moffat I, 12d J ti- alerxl. Iry n, 2d c# yellOW! CROPS Mil Fe Hew gess Sa eor hit Jam 'st Jo es S ewr, Bras el bleed Wets, tor e Hat lac en ; 111 t Glo ea Globe 6, ga n IRo lex d n g- st bers, lst Alfred 13aslem, 2d Thos. Mus- g;eove ; celery, white, lst TZos. Ainley, 2d A. Veal ; collection garden prodnoe, W. H. McCracken. , - JUDGES. -John Bowden, Tor nto ; Chas. Wheeler, Belgrave' Y. Coulter, el Y- ; ,. FRUIT, Eece—Baldwies, Jon Moore ; yellow, belIeflow r, Jas. B Bee Davis, D. .Stewar ; Fame W.. Martin ; ,northern spies, lex. Stewart ; Spitzenberg, Joh ewitt ; Tolman sweet, David Moore 0 ounce pippins, Jas. Bulger ; Wegener avid Moore ; Ribstou pippins, Davi 4 ldenburg, Alex. Stewart, sr.; 11 pip. Stewart, sr.; maiden's.: blush, Robet St. Lawrence, Robt. Govenlock ; ticolle as rt fa st 0. 2d st al - on J. tng er, Nei eoi gs oe ls n. 2. le el tha se, J. avi glis variety, Alex. Stewart, Br4sitels ter pears, G. A. Dead alai; fall Robert Govenlock ; pi mg Middle grapes, dark, John,Hew tt. DAIRY PRODIJOB.—T b butt Donald Currie, 2d Jas. Wilkin 1 John McDonald, 4th Sr m. Smi Robert Brown; table b tter, lst Haslern, 2d David Dubs n, 3d D art, k 4th John McDonald ; cheese, 1st L. W. Laird, id Ridl DOMESTIC MANITne"UREB.--rlki.1111 1, Miss Nash ; blankets, 1st 'Samuel:Bo - gess, 2d Miss Nash ; ooanterpitne, Robt. t yslo pear rg (B. rg ea ls re le on, Alfr Ste acto collectio Robertso pansies, Veal; P ornamen Stewart 'flowers, home grown, 1st 0. yoa, 2d FINE Aaes.—Colleetion of stuffed birds in case, John gooney ; - pencil drawing, Jenny Thompson ; Witter col- or drawing, lst Annice Oliver 2d jenny black cr yon drawing, lst AnniCe Oliv- er, 2d G. A. Deadman : spatter work, Berlin ool tidy, ist S. Fear, 2d. Miss Nash. W. II. McCracken, , id Miss Nas gentleman's suit, Canadian tweed, E Danford ; maple sager, Samuel B r. gess ; maple molasses, ist Alfred e- lena, 2d D. Stewart ; honey in cora honey, strainedelst Alex. ForsYthe, rhubarb wineelst Meti Thom son, Samuel Burgess ; tom to ketahap, W. H. McCracken, 2d Mrs. 13alianty home-made bread; lst Alfred Hasle 21 Mrs. BallantYne, 34 JOB. Wilkins° collection canned fruitS, 1st Geo. H croft, 2d W. H. McCracken. a. H. Ames ; fine boots,' ist Fredefok Pelton, 2d Adam Good it Co.; cos se boots, lst Frederiek'Pelton, • 2a Ad m tt. of cut flowers, 1st A. K. st A. IL Robertson, '2(1 Or lox Drumtaaondi, A. Rob- rbenas, O. Veal ; collection of al grasses, home gretvn, D. 8. started The !at Mon land on —Gal and Cu has bee at Glen bureau, table and bedste factured by the exhibit° JUDGES.—Robert uov MeGowen, BI, braiding, 1st Berlin wool. 2d George H th. ne.—Applique work, r, id Mee. Thomps (ark, flat, 1st George L ycroft, 3d, Mrs. Ball Wool work raised, lst ; Berlin ice Oliver, wool flow k, 1st or 11; cane w work, An Mary orri cotton or embrohdery ntyne, ; fine fancy Geo. tton, st rs. Thomp m. Hartry flowers, homes Ain ny Thomp ool and be 2d John Sh ollen mitts d to be ma nlock, Mc and bead work, 1st An Mrs. Thomption; Berli Donald 'Gnu e ; bead Mrs. Oliver Martin, 2a G Jenny Tlao darned- net, Geo. Lee ; enabroidery, lin, Alfred Haslem ; worsted, Mrs. l'horrip on silk, 1st Mrs. Ball Shaw, 3d Allelic° Olive Miss Nash, id O. Veal Thompson, d O. Veal, fancy flanne shirt, feather flo ees, 1st George Lee, id I specimen o liambrequin 1st George matslet An leathea wor Wm' liartr George Moff netting, C quilt, 1st McCrackela Ainley, 2.1 il. quilt, let Mary Morrie , 2d Donald rie ; knitted quilt, lst O. Veal id Thomplion ;I rag mat, lat David sofa -pillow, - Berlin : ool, raised, 1st It 14 lo rd ; white ter Maso ald Carr eCracke 1 VE ETABL S te wart, 2d oll: et ce° t,n f 2v irSd:!. nteh sets; inada, 1St re 001 tote of orn, 11 H. H. khng Wm. Hart - n, lst lock ; , 1st Med boiled ra peon, 21 ist Mrs. lace, J Berlin ' ie Oliver, ; pair w re- The son id Nkti H. , log cabin qtult, lst hos. fted st 0, lding factory is shoat t Montreal. anada, Pacific Railway real is to coet $100,000. Adam Crooks will le the 18th for Canada. is to have a new pop, toms How building. Donnelly, Biddul appointed a county 00. Reeve of Ailsa Craig shirts tolen from his clothee other night. —The Kept mills at Chath been :ourned down, the lo —Rev. T.B.Leith, Canada minister of Peeston„ has a $1,000 gall to Michigan. scribed for the endowment —Over $133,000 have now tl Knox College, and $70,000 wanted. —The presentation of a farewell ad- dress to Lord Lorne and thel Princess day next ere ship - day for Loudon, it is believed for breeding pur- poses in the ,Highlands. inyst dons disease, su posed by the farmers to be black to gee, has broken out among horses in the town- ool 2d rs, rs. rk, ice W. 411 2d on ery 2d.• Jelin knitting Moffatt ; lat ds, mp to be station e Eng - office la fame, onstable had four int the have being thodist epted a en sub- und, of more is tr 0 fr 0 Louise will take place on Satu' at the city hall,. Ottawa. —Lord Lorne's twci buffalos ped from • Montreal the othe ship of workman who was killed on Ole Cana- dian Pecifi ' railway, is math the oom- pany for $2 ,000 for the lo 1 !of her recovered $1,250 from the Grand Truuk Railway company, for inj um ed by him while a passeng Loudon Zt Port 'Stanley bran Sustain - on the —Mr. Alava . Ego, for m years clerk and treasurer, and at prizelent clerk of the tOwnship of Geo gins, was stricken with parelysis on Fr day night last inj his helpleis co —Mr. T stock 1 bre ncy Ur- nny ool, 1 okernhearted at the successful f tion of their loving designs, and rned very relnetantly. They tom re - Jae tective they would not be fil0 easily ptured next time. , —Last Friday Mrs. Dalton, co m Toronto on the afterhoou tree. kville, was carried past to Br e undertook to walk back, an ing across the Oakville railway b ge as strack by the fast train _from I the est and' instantly killed. —A large boiler full of oil explod e refinery of the Imperial Oil. ny, Petrolea, on Saturday last.' emist of the works.and another ad a very narrow escape, having j epped from in front of the boil oment before the explosion took pi —A German workieg woman in on who lived alone, was disco cked in her house in a starving c on Saturday last. She bad been at a morsel of food from the 25th Itember until found Saturday, Oo th. A parcel containing $35 was —A few days agewhile threshin oing on in the barn of Mr. Jac I Strathallan, the greater portion tdky horserake went through the rator smashing the cylinder and ave all to pieces, end it would ared ill with the horse had not s en present caught the poor anim —Rev. Fiulay McCaaig, Of Kin as presented the' PostmastertGe n Ottawa a petition against the SO ail service. Thie petition is:10 ong and bears 5.000 signatures. uto, and consist of neatly all the ess men in the towns aad cities the line. to te. der and agriculturist, of West Nieseuri, has purchased. a farm of 100 aeres in- North 0 ' ford, near Thameefo d, for which h paid the 13 handepme sum of $10,500. —An iss e of $20,000,000 second mort- gage bonds of the Northern Pacific Railway has been decided on by the directors,. m order to provide for the floating debt.and complete tee equip - 2d John Shaw e pair of stockings, len, lst W. H. McCracken, id Miss Nash ; woollen Bookie 1st Alfred stockiugs, eatton, lst Veal, id Milne ; seed wreath, st Richard Kee, 2d Mrs. Thomp on ; straw h George Hartwick, 2d rs. Thom tatting, 1st O. Veal, son ; wax fruit collec Miss McLelland,and Belgrave. FLOWERS AND FL o Thomas Kelly lst an flowering plants, Th. id ; collection of ha Ilas- r of Mrs. Mc - ment of tile road. —Last Sunday morning Elev. Dr. Ewer, of St. Ignatius oharch,New York, was prostrated while delivering his ser- mon in St. John's Episcopal church, Mont eat, by a stroke of paralysis. — he medical officer of Montreal in his annual report says that the climate of Canada is the hes,lthiestin the world. The deaths from cousumption in Mot- trearare lower then in any other great Coulter, Newry ; Mrs. C. Proctor, foliage plants, 2d • collection of mas'Kelly 1st and et plants, Thos. —The Allan steamship Nestorian from Boston,arrived at Glasgqw on Fri- day, nd landed her live stack ship- ment of 384 oxen in good condition, with he exception of five which died on the passage. — writ of attachment wee grante 1. on S turday last in New York, agains all theproperty of the MoIson's Ban of 1311 ntreal in that'State, for an allege unpaid claim of, their agenl, Kidder Peabody Os Co. , —Mr. C.. Snedecker, manager of th Nith Valley Creamery hes been succes fal in trial, two Guelph,the first in eachelass he showed —A. fire broke ont in the house o Miss Crosby, London, the other night, caused. by the bursting of a coal o'l lamp. • The lady with rare *Bence o mind quenched the fire by Upsetting bag lin sple Pro wer dition to the'Silver Medal. — on. D.A. Smith and John Harm ton, with George Stephens, president the ch a ial winuing prizes. ,At the Indus Toronto, hia butter reeeived th first prizes, and at the Provincial AS • —Two of the London quedre Alexander McTaggart ana Leura, trade died within an hour of each Thursday morning last week. I child died on Sunday. The attribute their death to went of v and gradual weakening.' There but one girl left, and she is said healthy and lively. 1 —On the evening of the 3r 0 a happy social gathering Oak the Presbytetian ehurch at near Owen Sound, a special ea which was the presentation by t pils of the Sunday School -of abe address and well-filled purse to t Jas. Ferguson, who has laboured locality for the laSt two years. —John Sharpe, a wealthy far Delaware, of some fifty or , fi years of age, has been fined $41 an for assaulting and leasing an ' ing with intent to kiss yonn 11; wife of a respectable farmer, Mr. ham, of Delaware. , The several are near neighbors, and live on ing farms. met with an unfortunate a ci ent on the fair grounds, near the hoese ng, at t for a ecame Park- later - the r aug nor to in hr poraey Schobl tug on inter- Ule 18 of °ler- y ev. minent ts. lersey as been in the mittee cesses, of the atchful ed, has amount unsalt- be USt r red ith- ber und WaS nes, of a sep- con- ave eral eral day feet The Tor - long Ger- other third. ctors now be tabor oe in ood, re of e pro ntiful that 16 T3i,ehaeradaegceosseHdlowwasas a native (if Castle end had come to Canada- two and a half district, end his de ever the whole settl hag wit. tweet:tic at Wardsville. : Tile arsenic had been mixed with Oati111341 for the p rpose of poisoning miee, ala parcel, a nor obse the rest ridge o Mader 14 one of the most en - sing settlers, in tile th has past a &imp family and board - last Saturday morn- laay ria tured, 1 day mo at Glen till past the He had $30 and the e is althoug th was 29 ear° of age, and leaves a wife and fiv yodng children. —In ondoia the other night two nava, Q116 a etranger in the city, and one a, live stock exhibitor, were -waylaid and assault on Adelaide street. The Wa wat • of the family coming on t e d not knowieg what it was Vil3g the label, put it in . with f meal, and made the por. it. They are ell recovering edical care. Wm. Darville, who jumped. sin near Newbury, Tiaursday and was found at 8 o'clooktFri- ing last with his skiall free- ing beside the track,died Satur- thug.. He intended to get off oe, aud it is supposed he slept tation,and then juroped off. on his person when found, no suspicion of foul play, exact wey the affair oc- 14 BO er in costs sault- rant- arties London last week. She watt dr buggy alone, the driver haying. 1 few minutes, when the horse frightened in the crowd, and Mre intim was throivn out, being insensible and subtaining seriou nal injuries. —On Saturday. last Dr. an golden wedding. All their so ters and sons-in-law, with a other friends, assembled to d the occasion. It was hoped t Beatty's venerable mother, new 102nd year, would haVe be join the happy circle, but a illness deprived them of tha —The Provincial Sabba Convention is to be held in 'co the 23rd, 24th and 25th inst. eeting and instructive progr being prepared by a compaitte gymen and others interested in achools. Rev. Principal Ne les, M. Parsons, and several oth men are appointed to take s cow, Mary Anne, at Hamilton, tested for a period of Hoven day of practical men. All the p from milking to the weighi butter, were done antler their eye, and the reenit, it is aliE r never been equalled. The he for the week was 26 lbs 9 o f ed butter, and 27 lbs. 91 0. have isstred a writ against Son, publishers, claiming $ ages for advertising that electrotyper, had sued Gage the title of the plates of his r English to Canadian. Th are, it is said, to enter a cohnt against Gage for $50,000 da libelous statements re their Oxford 'University Press as —Friday afternoon a you named Frank Gill, of Petrone?, friend, went out dnck-shootin narrows,near Orillia. By sic one of the parties must heel the trigger and the gtm Ina discharged. The whole of lite entered the back part of the 1 below the talaoulder brad'. f brae. over the flames. . essis. Brown it Erb, of the Be love Works, made a large an did exhibit of their goeds at th incial Exhibition in Guelph, an awarded -sever first prizes in a anada Pacific railway, have pu ed a half interest in the ntercolo oal Company of Cape Breton f dere in the potato fine. Mr. John Lanab obtained 300 bushels of potato off an acre of land. He has one mo ster '' spud" that weighs .1b and can es. Mr. Robert Best has a pota Ma mo h House, Toronto, have p The firm and employees of t i:vr sen ed . A. B. Wincheeter, who lea ing the establishment to enter t 2 0 - is • mission work of thePresbyterian clear h in the Northwest Territory, with a v ry handsome coon -skin ooat. --i-Two young people not out bf ir teens, the girl being only sixteen, elo d from their homes ie the cit o ee Kelly 1st and 21. Rivers, mad were on the* way to he A3IATEUR Lisr.-e-Collection of flower- States to get married, when a dote() ve ing bulbs, 1.st D. Stewart, 2d 0. , Veal. from Montreal followed - their tr ka GENERAL LiaT.---Table hove, 0. an4 arrested them, They felt bj • strange and a cattle and kia beneat SI knoeked down and $35 h taken from him, The an, however, made a bold stand cited one of the fellowe head a ell directed blow planted the ear. He then ran: Had the ras tsucoeeded in throwing him to the er, the tainiu have 1 from t the da other • tit -would -have got a purse con - $70 besides other valuebles. ft ght r of John Smith, and the T. rem it spider bite on the arm of ! Henry Bur . Both patients are doing well, ut t Is thought the girl will lose j the US of her hand. Wm. Bullock, of Bisma k, Who got poisoned by Wearing i colore e, is Still unable to walk ; witho under He ta ages him t —T police ho tre ks ain 0 Oil oronto, 0, e0 daPa- Sliaith, the fo altering ea rs from napbens r action ages for ency of the re - tches, though he has been - tment for several months. f entering an sotien for dam- ' t the et orekeeper who sold mai Cain, and his wife, Eliza - er -charged at the Hanailton con t with ill-treating their child. The l'ttle el appeared. at the -court, and a tho ghdaer, parents say she is an or inary child of -4 years. She has cause of t inhuman treatment she re -1 ceive at the hands of her parents,e The eart ess mother said in °dud that) t want the child, that she;• it away if any 4-ik rs. Pratt a neighbor veri se to do so, and the magis-: e out papers, transferaing the e care of Mrs, Pratt.; felloWing snake story frora' laM13 48 vouched for 'as quite t and truthful : Mr. Gordon Mee e, of the 1.4th concession, was out orphard one day lately, when be ed 4 snake upon whieh he jumped suited, bat upon looking down for fatted to find auy trace of the at !all, and was much puzzled to where or how hie snakeship had ed. He started fer his barn, and e time he got there he felt some - cold on his thigh, and upon haves - ng t (wise, found the snake had' ed up his trousers leg -and had a !rip on his thigh. There Nyasa " la -gill -and fling for a minute or nd. although the snake was one of armless " garter " species, that did ese the frolic. — he uneral sermon of the lete Hon. Isaa Bu hanau was preached by Rev. D. Fl tcher, of Hamilton, last Sun- day caning. The text was taken frora Acts viii, 36; '‘ For David, after be had serv d hie own generation by the will of Goa fell asleep and 'WAS anto his fath rs and saW corruption." The rev- eren gentleman in taking up the text ed David's career ; that while 11 she d d la take i ch trate ad child to t East Wil. cone Benz in hi obser and s it b kno by t thin tigat CraW take livel the not g men, with a at the mishap kicked ediately contents ft lung, e was then rowed back to Orillia n(;1 taken to bell his boarding house, Where he ice a thr very critioal condition. and --A fatal accident occurred n Thars- Per day morning, the 13th- Sep mber, in fro/ the Township of Thomson,I issauga I bel River, Algoma, whereby a ng man ger named Charles Glackin, 23 ye rs of age , ael lost his life.. The yottng I an was , standing in a seow on the -er, and reached his hand Ewa took ho of his ba gun by the muzzle tO lift it out of a ce bark canoe which was lying longside, 1 ov when the gun discharged, an the con- gle tents- of one barrel were (Aped in Hi his right breast caneing almoat instant bo death. He was seen to thro up his arms and exclaim, " Oh, bd shot gang for mei mither had a safety spring which h working right for SOMA WO refer he es a warrior and a poet he was also a etatesMan: He had reformed the combs of illetiee, given life, a DeW life to commerce, establiebed an educational syst m that wits very popular at that thai ; by the introduction of foreign arti ens changed the huts !that the poo r elms had lived in to coMfortable dwe lingS, and at this period. Palestine. was the most prosperous nagon of the day except Egypt.- - A most daring outrage WO perpe- trat d about two o'clock, Monday morn- ing, at Dreany's corners, on the Gover- nor' road, near London, Crumlin the Ina* of the post office at this place, and it is kept by Mr, A. B. Campbell, a There ie a- store in connection with the offi e, and Mr, Campbell and his wife occ pied a bedrotam adjoining, on the gro lad floor. At the hour named they were aransed from sleep by a terrific pon ding at the door, which pretently gam/ waly before several blows from a reit 44 The gun not heen be ra prolong. ju and eame crashing in. r. Camp. sprang ont of bed and onfronted e masked men, armed w th knives revolvers. One of th.e tires des- doee grasped a heavy 1- on poker tire stove and struck r. a terrible blow .on the h ad, stag - ng him back against the d. =Him - and wife were then eeized hy the ians, who began to dose them with. Bird -Campbell fought as best he Id, ilaid managed to aleoid being however, he was fearfully beaten. head was cut open, his nose broken, h e.lyes blackened, anal. his -thigh ly injured. Prior to thits both had n tiled hand and foot. Trmwretches sacked the house, pro° g about And a valuable watch. They then ped into a buggy and drove off. 10 t.