The Huron Expositor, 1883-10-05, Page 1— 4 2 , 1883. rte. -! Rliow 11.11111.1.111111111M1111t TURDAY, D 29TH, WHOLE- NUMBER 826. SIXTEENTH 1111.11t.R. WISEA.14 OS„ Publisher $1.50 a -.5t ar, in Advance. There is nothing like - LEATHER IIEN IT'S WELL PUT Together, nd that is how you, get at the' E DAY, OF THE ; 00T STORE. FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE IN EVERY LINE. . The Seaford Show. The Show of the Tuo ersmi h Branch Agricultural- Society as- he d on the Society's grounds, Seaforth, o Monday and Tuesday last. he w ath both days was most favorable, atthough the threatening appearance Tu sda morning no. doubt prevented °me from, being present. _But any who were pre -I vented being present b this oause mus have regretted their ti idity1 longbe fore noon. The attendance wa ,no quite so large as ladt year. his ho ever, may be accounts for by the air cumstance above alluded to as ell a the fact that, no' doubt, a very con siderable number who I would oeh rwis have been here, were at London a ten mg the Western Fair. The ho upo •in advance of - former years T e ir the whole was fully e mai to.t lea n -aide department wes set equal o la year in several bran° es. he man facturers of Seaforth were o nap Cuo for their absence, and the agn fice displays of furniture, a (-ems, nd leathe ware so mach admire in former yea were missing on this occ ion. T only exhibitors of mu ical insteu ent were Messrs Wade Brot ere, w o showed a very nicecote entertained the visitors with OVER 5,000 PAIRS e eason. x ods store, 1:TH, ONT.. IX INVITED_ KY. Mr. Boyd Baia acid drink a, gallon [twenty minutes he ei, gratis, if he failed„ it. The man accept - tied started in on his ig tolerably well for s, which were tossed raw tha.-t promised te, success of the tin- ter the eventh or c4,§. tei to fe as if belied [kept o', and by Witt -ss sueceed.ed in force Wit his throat with *a glasses. He west , and in spite of sill a't get another drat" dly gave up the atrege le milk. der in Illanitoba7 - • Oitobar, Sept. 13th, 1885., DEAR Sin: Great tdsed to -day over a - !between Mr. Daniel e.--ee, formerly of More ittron, arid Mr. Joseph Barker was working lield the other day, he tuston and 3. Stewart. e Austell said he could any man in itlenit0ba. him up, and. said he n, so there was a bet iday was set, the gritin ee. money was staked. oting men was allotted inet eeven o'clock and took a fair start.. &very hard, no differ - C(1 until one o'clock , when Rastau wag it Air. Barker seemed brave as ever, fah° Lela, &et he would. sing , waiatle, and seemed, I ease. But Beletan at og prett,y wet played .1x until six, when la - six acres corattletelY Ruston Waa acre elleers were given in iiker as they Marched f ours, J. Sertfeerr. e --OF TWK— BEST & CHEAPEST BOOTS & SHOES EVER:S.EEN 111 SEAFORD". DON'T SQUANDER YOUR MONEY Until You See Our Prices. PARTIES NEEDING HALF 60ZEN PAIR LOTS WILL BE VERY LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. Everyrair Warranted SOLID „ Ming 2 Alex. Davide° Nevin 4airiage ' horses, 1 Forbes, 21 Henry Hort° Storey; Single driver, lst 2d Ar two ye Magic 2d -Ale ,Alex. . C bear Match Tao I Cow, Dicks ; Sprott Sproa Gam° lst an Elcoa 21 Jo herd bull, Spro GR foot,- ' ,chan Dick tio , a ' ch rrai musics" while the - Singer ewieg M chine Company, represented by Mr. Strong, had this, & partm ra all themselves. The deplorable,_ faller° fall wheat this season °Old not better exemplified, thau by the olio so tary bag of that usefulcommodity whi was on hand. In ober. geains . th was a very fair show, and several rea excellent samples. he display of roo s, especially potatoes, is small, wleile t e quality was not equa to ;many ,for er years.. The same may also be Said of ugh th re e collect'on tidid show t any, rea ly The sh w bread - as' quality meat n - exceptionable. In tie ladies dep ment there was a Cry nice displ both of fancy an useful artic This department wa fully u to f no advance of former years, bu th should be a ranch arger isplay. flowers and fine art thero nice collection. Any de ticeable in the insid , were up by the excelle ce of show., We very mu h doll or better display of Drees in the county of Huron, an partment was inept.' venee.n ticeeble than in 111 i youn carriage classes: . I a year will he a large number of drivers in this section', an much needed too, a pretty' low. So of late years been ci ing of heavy horse but equally useful aaimals time, been neglected, but find it equally as profltabl good driver as it is to r Clydesdale, and he ment given to supe and the noticeable i stock. There eve cattle, although ma rather low conditio still the display w show of sheep was ever seen in Seafor h, and, any cellent aniniale of t e variens pop breeds were on exhibition. • .he s of hogs was not large, and was ma confined to a few breeders, alt ough sh ere de LEATHER OR NO SAT51. o. of re . ly fruits of 'various kind was a Very niceebut of apples. There w of dairy products, superior samples of of home-made and also good', and the -Hats ajad Caps Every One Needing a Stylish Hard or Soft Felt gat sh,ould eall and ex- amine our AMMOTH STOCK. WE ARE GOING TO alth ot lar 6 a Sri and atter. akers 11 Is TONISH THE NATIVES At the Prices af our NEW GOODS JUST OPENED OUT., GENT'S FUR CAPS In, Great Variety, and 4 pricee to wait the tram . GEO. GOOD wa cieu full he t if as e itt 111 er or t tbey the stock has itch attention voted t th hi , that the, ligh had, f reeders to ral ise a 1 oe the en our ior male ani provemen in a god how y of th m wer for 6 ow eg, s ered tab e. he larg st nd ale les c. in out t tar rt. ea. re Site In Sue a & S o- s de Elis de er son.; cha.n heife Rohe two Gove year cohra.snt. fat c and Beat Cold Wm W. Pen tem Tay' H. Wm Pen Win & S hale Sne lam 3d J hn lst Art u 3d And e D. D. Wil on heir Forbes, 3d obert Sc tt' rpld Stallion, a ili Sut erla dF; noon iye r old, is Ada An ug, i '• . Davids n ; euc ng wit, 1 t Davidson, 2a Jo n 0 me on rit carniage colt Tho:. ill d Diltiles, s D. son. 0111CIIIIIRED DUR TTL . stGreo. Sproat, 2 and 3a aT. • n.; tw9 year old h fer, st e�. , 1, in s Dick n, 3 G orge ; ye ding heife let J m s Li n, d rn:Coop r ; h ifer alf d Jams .Dickse 3d ppl to • , bull calf, 1f3t Ali leto El oa n Stafford, ad Jfi, es ick o °heist g of four f mad s a d st Janes Dickso , 2 • G dig I ns.,Ce. el,.•—,Cove, Ilst d 0 -am s Dickson, d W .BC1' c'rnaP two year old l heif:r, 1:t Jame ding heiferelst Wm C rno 2d j.. Shipley, t Ja ee ick t J'. Shipley, 3d 0 eorg Sproat alf, 1st, David. Cam bel , 2 t ov nbeek, 3d e. C noe an eat aa steer, bit a'' s 2d Th, ma. 1 k, Itellert. e oven ock on 1 steer, bit and 2 W . 0 rn 3 Ja es Carnoch ii, jre.f t o mi 1st and 2 Th s. G Yen ock Th: s. heifer, bit . Shiple ,. 2 . d eo ,Sproa ; we king ox n, ie re ir co lst An re •r d ho ill., bea Bro riet Ilan, ' of i'var 2d app Die Ch IC ST1, S E P _ .7- G. iev, , 2d obert Winter; sh arlin • , 21 H. Ste t Wm. Pe hale yll 3d m, G ieve 1 & ons, 2 W G iev ; pair shea al:., 2 Joh Co e , pair ewe lamb ns 2d V. O. Wint 11 ver s ell no de - e 0 - rd nd tb er g ' re un tee er W rg go - alet the of 111 but est ex - lar - ow nly the SAS a.rt- ore isi- s Of quality of moat of he animal was first class. In poultri t a large and good diepley, and ment of the show attracted m ch attention or admiretion from he tem ' than, this. n implem nts and Efcarriages there wa a very. lig t shoW. Mr. Thomas Hendry & Son ha la mewl° of good plates, and oth r imple- ments. Mr. Alex. Stewart' had two . , , pairs of iron harrows w th the •ew • patent look, and Mr. 0. C. and Messrs. Monroe & Hogan. re - seated, but these were the ex- hibitors. The folloWing is the successful competitors : . , HEAVY. DRAUGHT 'HORS mare, bit Horton & Innes, tenberry, 3d John McMil Horton & Tuna, 2a P. Hugh M. Chesney ;I three ing, lst and 2d Win. Ches Broadfbot ; three year old Finlayson, 2d John Melon • W. we Pri a li • 4 7c ‚son r °ma t of B ohn foal tutor ea old eet, ly, bit ; 'two old gelding, bat Alex. Sproat, d M Donnelly, 3d Michael Dorsey; two old filly, lst Peter Campbell, 2d '- Forsyth ; year old gelding, st Finlayson. 2d Mrs. nrY phes year old filly, bit 4.17. pert, 2d McGregor ; year 101 olt, bit Thompson, 2d ArtiheM Grego , 3d st Mrs. C eF3ne McGregor ; draught tea McMichael, 2d ugh M Wm. Dickson. AGRICULTURAL 0 GEN HORSES. --Brood thare, Chesney, 2d Wm. Dicks McMillan ; foal, lst Hug 2d John Pe.rish, 3d John three year old g kling, W three year old fill , Jam s Archi two year old gelch Oat Jas. Arcbi 2d. John Wilson ; two year ol fill 3. C. T. Dale, 2d 'Donald cli nno Alex. Monroe; year old gelding John MoKay, 2d Alex T ore year old filly, lst Olin T. Dale, Fovvler, 3d John cKay ; year old bit John Malone , 2a . m. mu general purpese t aen, lst John T 2d Wm. Rynn, 3 T. 11. al h. oPd • at • 1st , ad elde ta. CRT rtin ear rn. ey ; ohn ohn hos. , 3d RAL PICRIPOSE st n, 3d Join cGr gor, ra,w prd ; . Ire nd; ald ; • aid, , 1st , ad let OARRIAGE HORS S.—Br od Alex. Devicison, d D. TI John Avery; foal 1St Join Mod 2d Alex. Davidso , 3d two year old filly, 1st:Do ald lin, 2d John Aver ad lee. year old gelding, et Ada A Kyle, ad T. H. W e ear lst Thos. Hill, 2 ames aye Adam Angle; ntire colt, bit f mar 1180 cL Itt gus, old son; d J. colt, ray; orp, , bit , ad land, cott ; ugh - ram; 2d J. , 3d Wm. ra Cre E. E. she Wel bit Ha 2d? Sn Dic Ja, W1 So 21 she jas la So PI an an rol Ro hi Go Go 8,12 Fi ls Dr is sh br 2d an • Or it bn 80 Al ged ram , It Gov nlo 3 ram, 1st W & ons ;!re 2d eter M - pair ewe , It . P nha, e, 3d nags 1St NV 111 • n, bit t 3(11 8, -FS • 01 Sne m. Pe TS OLD .--Shearli ral, bit ,dtHS. psnse,n2 tt Jame ; .• pDai. jar son e ,ra 1 Sons; a' ew s, 1 4 Sons; ai • eweram s, H.Su Aged bit Jo Dawes. n , 2d G. E. Ores well she eh , 1t John amiah, pa a d G. gra! 11; Ira WO, et, 2 and 3d 4 swell ; pa rew is and 2d rii swell, d Joh , 'Ha nab; p nIingewes. ls and 2d E. 're John a nah;Ipair ewelam 2d G. . Cresswell MI Jo 11 ,• pair fat sileep " m.Grie ad W. O. Wint t. 1 PSHIRES —Aged I mos I d Jas. Cope 3,1 Jam lie%ram, p, 4 ; lemb, lst: D. Die go , 3d H. nell we let It .5 ell So , Js. Cope d Jas. lst fletsonpeell &; pS D. lies 7, 2d H. :1;ioksori ;- tithes so , Jae, s pan' of Diekso ring 'ewes ckson, bs lst D. lei cilia. OLK ; George Gebrge 04 ,2 er KIM RE G9 en itt 1 loo a loa ; s Ro er 00 T. s. ge b tered itt Plewes age Ple es, 3d j PIG ged ock, 2d A. Ca 83 lst and ed slow, .fit a W, lat red 1 G ien1 •Ick. ; p ns, ir le nell 14 ' ar, 1, eor e 883114,st, d. OW, let hn ff. Car - .i boar, bit dner, be) r, 2d IRO rt d 2 Ito t. 83 st P i , 1 ,t jo n .Brat 8; if Ooc i a, ty Cochi s, eve La g- Iteciu,- et el; ' color d any et er ievoe hla k hn VVitlk r, E C.. Ailtz 1; Aiteel ; g ld s, 13t W lick Ha O. C. w 11. obn Wa (3; , 1_13t and 2d ty, ItPlan i, bit nd ghorne, st . Murray.; 'tt 24 David . , eMoMull 4; y; lurk ys, , d; 9 11 11 s, 1t k. ORTI UL es wint 2d IG. inter a Wm. Mn ray, 2d Rob it ' o ucts.—Four a - let John Mo wed ; ten varie ies ha Hannah; f ur s lst Jas. Dick on, ck ; 'collection of venlack, 293 Ja es and greenings, let d G. E. °resew 11; '4,obt. McLean, 2d russets, let Ro ert t at ;•SPitzenbu gs, e , 2d Chas. It ut- ugh M. Chas ey, Westfield seek no- cLean, 2d G E. lst Wm. C es- ; Graveusteins lst Hugh M. Ches ey ; •McMillan, 2d os. °taking, lst Ro ert t McLean; Ale en- ders, 2d Jas. am- ldeulearg, 1st C s. E. Caldwell; en ge ; Wegener, russtts, lst J intledge ; St. iidsborough, 2 iden's blush, Robt. McLean n; Flemish be k, 2d Robt. G rs, lst Jas. L °Ewen ; Loin , 2d Alex. Oar Robert Goven Robert , Gpven lker ; Rogers riety of grape 2d John Wa Robert Gowen s Lacdaborong ton of canned URAL P r apples E. Gres pies, Jt eties of fall appl Robert Govenli ea, lst Robt. G son ; Rhode Is s. • Routledge, nor hern eines, is J8,8 lst Ied 2d fur Cr ne Ch fal Ch de aro .Ro D viaeCha M Millan; So tt, 2d ee ce, lst L dsboro IR be Gov pe es, Ja Ipe ra, let lo k ; Bar bo pi Cc Scott ; Roxbor ean, Id Geo. Sp Hugh M. Chest e; is has Reutledge her, 1t Robe sswe 1 ; , 2d Ge s. ROut snow. ap . Sproa pippin ,eldsgtea' o2hd ger ; 'King of Aerie d Robe s, st R 'bert'Ch Duc ess of tledge, 2d W. . Routle Chas. ames L gh ; m ulock, 2 ., Dicke Mrs. Bla tlett pe ough, 2d Alex. ms, lst Dr. Scot laware grapes, rtford prolific, booed, , John W Jo Bulge!! ; other R bt. Leitherlan co lection f grape cr b apple, lst J Jas. Dicks n ; collo D Hogan,. FINE A Te.—Bes 'ing, open Io anaate • eight leaflet of Seal well, 2d Miss 3. W Miss M. Jamieson E. Coldwell ; peno Coldwell, 8d Miss ir 5. 5, 11 e,. s, ir LTR1.— i Br lim , 2tisi . d 2 Ja .W.Eld t ; B Beattie; Par ott • any tither Ivari J. W. E ld r, a w ,.. Crr na D. Ho en ; Ply. out. . Rave, d Chas Alt rkings, .Wm Grieve; i le y Dorking, W is . G as ed red ames, 1:t J C. Aitzel ; w ite games, 'o her vox ety games, ° silver Sparigled Hadiebur et:ay, 2d Wm Grieve; gel bit AlexiCardno, 2 ittOcrested black Poland ; floadair, at and 2d . Sieott ; any other ' siari 0. C. 'Willson; white Legh ..v,. 2d ht/ Calder; brown L W se. I Grieve, 2(1 81 W Black Spanish„ let De. So T ontiparni ; black rocks, Ja ot e i fowls, m. urr. Ey ward §parling,—o icks,; JOa Wa ge se lst J. Beattie, Od Aix. Vorsyt , P ki ducks, let E war Spairline, c cka, J. P. Brine ; d Jo n °owe , o iclee, J., P. Brine ; Ayle bury dc, is and 2a G. EI.Cress ell ;,other de. urrey ;1 b is J. Betittie, 2,1 W li ta ss s, bit John Walk r,,2d " ra. Gei co leotion of pigeons bit nd 2d I B oedfoot. i Tr4LEMENTS.--SiDg e to buggy, C etelon ; singlleeope bng y, II. C lo. ; iron beam I plow, T sos. Heti Sou; stubble pow, Thos. I enrY & let rse hoe, Its land 2d 0 C. WilIls t ro horse 'cu. *at r, T es. Heil S n gang plow; T 08. 'el enr$ & S p ir , iron harrows, at aid 2d A S e art; fanning mill, . Melfue & C.; single reaper, Alex Mu he o C .; churn, O. C. -Will on; woo p p, Noble Cluff ; ron pump, bit m.Robertson & o.; se horse sh oe & Hogan. G AIN IND SEEDS. Fall wheat, ;• spring whea 1st .-E liott Armstrong, Jo n ame wed barley, 1st Robt Charter t. Leatherland ; wo r wed. be J Dickson ; large ats, as. Dick c ort oats, lst- obt. Lea,therl 2 ohn Cameron larg bncrsE,r C eron ; smallpeas 1st J. 24 S. Landsborou h ; t mothy s J s Dickson ; °aloe 'ion of far er's d Wm. Murray : 'best wo ashe III' ng wheat, Robt ,Gov n100 ; 11 1° If 6 water color s residing lst W. E. on; painting rayon _drawi sketch, bit nnie Roberts FLOWERS.—Ten ()eke StOCk, 1 n Beattie • si W. E. Col'dw varieties of ph d John MeD as, lst 'John dolph ; ve. °lemma' 2d Ja Of roses, Dr. e ,varieeies of pa.nsie John Welker, 2d ja,raes Scott; six var- ieties of ahlias, • tion of an ualsels W. E. Colelevell ; f Rudolph; three flower, D Colene LADIES! WORK. made, 16 Latedsbor Meanie quilt, W quilt, la Miss M Nash; rag mat Robinson, 2d Hu fine shirt hand Miss Maly McE gents fin shirt m ed, Miss ash ; p lst Mrs ohn 11 alcCrack n ; pair E. Coldwell, 2d Jo ieties asters, lst Andrew Calder; bit John Walker, - six varieties verbe Dowell, 2 Mrs Bit fuchsias, st Dr. Mullen e ollection man; ni s Ohn mes aw- S. let fall uty ven- nds- • a.rd • no ; ock; ock; 014, , bit ker ; ock; •, 2d ruit, Dint- ithin old - et pil, geW. . IE. t W. var- 11, 2d oxes, well; Mo- ieties. 'Mo- Cole- , lat Lean ; Globe man- golds, lst John I Bat- t nberre ,24 W. H. McCracken! ; w. -de t rnips, bit James Carnocha Arrestrong ; Early Hor lgt °had s Lowrie, 2a W. Ef. ; Long Orange or Red ca H. McCr ken 2d Robert C White Be gian carrots, 1st joilan4Staf- Ord, 2d W. He McCracken ; 'adieu leer Mo - Murray; cob Mo- d °pions, r yellow W. H. H; Mc- Cracken ; nip, lst W. H. McCracken, 2d' Robert Rrock ; utter,let h aream- lat John 0 pounds L. .Robin - Robinson, e, factory ; eheese, private made, lst Mrs. T. cl!pchael, 2d Robe t McLetait ; cured ha ; Hugh Robb, b st cured gide of m at,I Hugh Robb; h me made bread,lst idisa Mary Walker, 2d Edward Sparline ; leaker's bread let A. Cardlie, 2d Gqss IBroth- ers e honey in (tomb let John 41,atten- , , berry, 2d James Pieltard ; hoaey in jar, lst Wm. ; Armstrong, 2d James IE'ickard; home made wine, c.st W. 11. cOracken, 2d Joseph Bulge; dressed ,hickens,lat John paineron, d 'JCIDGDES. Jas. Bal. Dorsey, ls. Jr., 2d o rots, c rack - rote, W. mebell ; eorn, lst john Walker; 2d Rc Lean ; Musk melons, Wm. f ur heads. ca.ulillower, bit J oGne:30,1328d. W. H. McCracken; R 11. McCracken; White bit Robert Biock, MaCi•aeken.; tomatoei, W. Cracken celery, W. M Citrons, Thomas Dodds; par ,— ks, ks, fl. ve; m. H. te- on ; ; • rs. Rudelph ; John McDow chaias in flowe arieties bego 13. Patched quilt Miss ry cEwen, ugh; knitted quilt, 1st ,. 2d S. Shannon; -H. M Oracken ; log ry McEwen, 2 ✓ earpet, let h McCartney ; ade unwashe en, 2d Miss chine read° u ir of woollen ndeeson, 2d of whollen sto 2d W. H. Meer SI 1st Mary CEWeri pair of w ollen mitts, 1.13t Mrs. HendersOn, 2d iss Mary Mo ves, bit W. . Oldfield ; d ornas Dodds; nder 12 years et, let Thomas Aitzel ; cote° . Radcliffe e or 'satin, Mrs oidery on rausl ichOe1,2d Mrs ry on worste ; tatting, lst dolph ; crochet • pair of w °reckon, in stock sewing b Murray ; mill, 2d Charles jelly, Mrs. D. ery on silk, velve Henderson; emb t4 re.- Thorne Mo Dodds ; embroid John Henderson Nott, 2d Mrs. R lst Mrs. Rudolph, 2d 'teeorge D braiding bit Mis Nash; 2d Mis McE wen ; fano knitting, .1st John H nderson, 2d , Dr. Scot lph ; lace honit Miss Mary M .Rudolph; Berl 1tliss_ Nash, 2 , feather flowe Calder, d Miss Nott t Alexerider McEwen, 2 ey ; ornamental leather T. -McMichael, 2d Mrs rewel work, '1 Mrs. R "Aping ; let Mrs. Dr. ale ; bead work, bit d Mrs. Rudolph ; wax f ollen gl 2(1, W ngs, T a girl rag oar 11 11 1 • point, Mrs. Rud Mrs. Rudolph, 2 guipure work,Mr work ra eel, lst John H nderson Mrs. A. work, 1 McCart lst Mrs olph ; fancy BESS N • ollec- 11, 2d ,Mrs. ias in t h has sin° bee hardly able; ve about. 0 ther members of 13 sily were also injured, and conaid d mage wa dore to the buildin -Mir. Elphick, miller and farmer ke ton, sold a few days ago to , o Tivertore'a steer only one ye leven meInthe old for $75. d over 1,3 p unds after bei to Welke ton. 188 Lent, a ung lady , fio Bro yn, is taking n action for fa on and mm y removal fr th indsor hot 1, M areal, agsiestd, er of thee tahli huteet. Dame, are cl at po,opo. trying tolget o a moving ca at Ef m ton the other d ye Sheriff Mc l- ift h d a very n rro escape from e Ong, if not fatal i juries. Rail polio man F.arr, swe eded in lerki him rom the ra 1. he piotnth pa•nted, by H.IR the rincess Louise and which ben presented Lo th National a of C nada, will short y arrive from t n, here it has bee • owexhibitio g m time. — everal fireb has occurred in t eal in coal haps om spontan o m ustion. T e •enaction P8.0 s or of 30,0001 ton was ablee s ve al days, but was biaelly •exting ed by the fire b igad . aikerton farm rs are boaetia theiij fine creek,. Mr. J. G. .09to oht.ined of 12 acres 50 bushels of p and Mr. Edward Sponce 180 bushel oats off threeacres of lend. He that for a record? J. W. Mus er of the resigned hi ue his co icasityld.epar er •The Provincia lph turned out t snccesfu1 Pro held, and in th lled anything ads. An influential ergrove the ot devise means b •oe and Couch cing heir proper level, a •etition the ntar akp the matte —The Fores oad of valuabl here a few ained 60 Med Italie, for imp estern State ed. at $1,500, —N. Brick, bushels of eed BOwn. hushels to One y was the We pounds to the • —Ferdinan or attemptin assault upon age, was sentenced day last twenly blo his bareback, and prisonnaent with ha —Lacrosse tick amble market in Collection of vegetables, W cracken. ,DAIRY PRODUCE.—Creamery Mitchell creamery, 2d; Seafor ary ; firk n homemade butter ]IrOWn, of butter son ; 5 1 2(1 Josep made, J h and 2d S. Robt. raised cabin Misi W gents Ise ash t; wash sock, kings, ckent Johe wen ; . Mo- rning plain Wne. Gomel ion of! broid., John n, lst Cha, Mr. Miss. work, hem ; Mary Mrs. e lace n, lst wen.; n wool Mrs. s, lst shell • Hugh work, Red- dolpli ; ott, 2d VT d. Jos.' Townsend; fit for table use, W s butter, bit Wm. h Townsend:; chee A. Marray, Kinbur HeAV lantyne, Seafort DRAUGHT HORSES. Sebringville ; Joh . John Nott, Reuss GENEILLL PURPOSE <- AND HORSE8.—Alex. J. Fisher, Colborne; G. A. Seaforth. CATTLs .—Aix. Forsyth,M Marquig, Goderioh townshi McLaughlin, Grey. SHEEP. —D u wan McLaren', Hibbert; John Slack, St. Marys; Jo son, Tuokersrnith. Pia -gel -David Walker, Tu Thos. MoLaughtlin end Joh son, MeKillop: - IMPLEMENTS.t—Richard Pe 00IRIAGE lieton • J. Honght'on, rris; John ; hornas ph Atkin- keismith ; C. Morn- hiek, Win- throp ; Jas. Ma wirig. SeefoVia, 'Young and MoD. war , Ben - Pi Fe an wegb dr Ve 1 GRAIN, SEEDB AND DAIRY BODINE.— WrO. Charters; Hensall ; A. J. C. Laidlaw, Seaforth. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCT Alien, Goderich ; John St, t miller : John Allis° , Exeter. I VINE ARTS.—F. H lmeso3d, Sea,fortie ; Wm. MoConnell; T ckersnai h. Lewes' rs. Mc °mien and Mrs. Atkiasen, uckers ith ; Mrs. Mustard, Dublin ; iss Wilson, tHensall. DOMESTIC MANUF CTURE8 ANt• YEGE- TABLES.—John Petrie, Hallett ; A. K. Robertson, Morris; Jas. Lang, Tucker - smith ; Henry Davis, Wirigham ok • • na la o second story alighting hea.vil The Professor own bumps, so well developed. Fr—eel:ea:set leFrrkillo 1 t Petrolea, jump g b Finch train Ias in motion, t e sidewalk, s i flictieg othe 1 jades are sev erMed fatal. ed Davi 1 r. if e- • 11 Gan.pida. The Port Frank works are turning oat 175 to 200 barrels of salt per day. . —Six thousand immigrante have settled in the Province of Quebec this season. —The managers 'Mist" have decid through the whirlp the 10th of Octobe Governor-General Louise have accepted the i a ball by the citizen of declined the dinner —The new steam r8. Scott, bit Miss S'mpson, 2d Wm. Hog ; wax flowers, bit Roberti McMillan, d John Walker; hair flowers, Mrs. job Hen - collection of ladies' wor Mips John pbell ; in wool abinet, awork, work, 11 1. derson; Mary Slatigh cone wo flowers James Joseph Mrs. G Do cEwen; dres er; sofa pillow, Robt. Ca k,Hugh McCartney; Ber A. Calder; Japanese . Anderson ;. darned n Henderson-; berlin woo orge Smithers. STIC MANUFACTURES.—T domestic cloth, MitHS Nash; te linsey evoolsey, bit Miss Mary 2d, Robert Cambell; Satinet Nash • woven home made q 2d Miss M e blankets, 1 d Miss Nott; ble yarn, lst W. H. McCracken, & Mary McEwen ; factory made en Hogan, instruments, Wade B nd Sewing machine, Singer Menuf es,- Co. bit and 2(3; 'barrel niercha cNevin ; bricks, John Reckon tile, John Cart in mat, Joseph Bulger- ; gauntlets, Jeseph Ba 11 I the "Maid of the nd the boat s again on nd Princess vitetion titres', but hip Beum4va1e, of d to se 01 rapi • tie Brazilian line, has arrived at Mon - 's a splendid tees.] on her first trip, and vessel of 1,500 tons. 1—At an auction sale on Mr. Geo. Way, Bosanquett few days ago, sheep sold a 01 each, and an o dinary fleeting colt for $39. , —Eighteen hund ed dollars have been subscribed in liontr al as the beginning of a $20,000 fund or the expenses of next winter's ice car ival. 8,8 1 ry a- * :11 he farm, of township, a frone $9 to yards yards °Ewen, , Miss 1st ry Me- t Bliss woollen d Miss uilt, D. others; during ts flour, Carter; r ; beet pair of ger let "If • ' Robert McLean, n; Ewen; home ma ex. Mary McEwen, • John os. best c 2d sheeps on; dogski 2d and 2d 16y, GAR on; urn p Hebroh,Joseph Townsend ; Early Rose, ohn bit Alex. Davidson, 2d Thomas( Dodds; wn, White Elephant, Jahn Hanneh ; ()ab- ed, bage, st John Stafferd, 2d John Walk- er; bl d beets, let Jolan Rattenbury, 2d W. bit W. EN VEGETABL 8..—Magntim Bon- tatoes, John Eannah ; Beauty ro- e of 'te •• or —An action has ben enteredi against I)r. Gaboury, ex -l1. P. . for Laval,. Quebec, to disqualif him f r sitting in the Assembly for seven Years for per - apnea bribery. —The Board of. Heal th Mentreal is compelling the ewners of soap and glue manufactories to remove their estab- lishments outside the oity limits, as a health precaution. —The other day peter McCallum, of forest dug 14 bushels of fine large pots, - RS as 'ur 111 001 ve xc a 11 ard, sq., B. 8Ci igh chool, Walke position and intend rse of studies in men., of the Tor *et I° :1 CO •on, to the to - at the one ock in at 11813 im- t at to to 11 Exhibition to be ono of incisd,Exbibi show of live,s vet' before- see eeting was bel er day, to dis whioli Lakes would be ke d it was decid 0 Governneen in hand. • - , Free Press says Ha sheep passed. thr ays go. The los, o ra s, importe 1, ovin the etock itt -t . T e animals we Df Lo oats his bush corn bus Ver to c chil that the Ca making way t sent out fro adia ere. o, grew this rota two ounc at the rate of I sown. Th They weig 1. nnean, of Mop mina an Mel under ten ye o reoeive T H of the la,gli upon indow, and rolled eft, on the street below. as since been feeling his e of which are pretty y evening Mr. W. 1G. the Division Co rt, el off the Mooreto n. t St ThoMas, whit it nd struck his face !on selling his nose. ad injuries. Though is re, they are not con id- Smith, sr., who die at hawanoo Cre k, Lake Road, Bosan- uet, on the 18th inst., VMS aged [1.01 ears and 11 months. She was the idow of Mr. _David Smith, of Anchter- uchty, Fifeshire Scot and, and came to Canada in 1058', settling along with er eldest son, on the farm where lifki 4nded her days. —A man named Sainuel Brown siding in Gait', and acting as comme traveler for the Guelph organ comp nye while turning eat of the road to allow Some drunken men to pass on the Moun- tain road, near Hamilton, about e ght o'clock Thursday night last week,ha his buggy upset amd sustained a very se fracture of his ankle. —The agricultural and iedustrial ex. re. ial GOO bibition of the Canglans.wage Indian Montreal, was attended by -an imam etimber of spectators. The exhibit departments were ve y fine, 'Mild do credit to any par of Can The Indian curiosities were remediable 'for the taste aisplayea in the work npon • I —Molson's deenk, Moeteeal, recently a at age in and des. I • I . !them, advanced.$301,000 on a bit of lading presented by p. Dewey, the tu out to be a foegery and the bank the -sem. Tbe detecti-vea are afte fugitive in all directions, but Flo Is tidings have been received of his w. care ugh con - from] the val. year s of 420 arie- d 42 teal, 'cent es of urs- ighteen mont)a d labor. are finding a Australia, sh national One hunclre ntreal broug manufacturer $104 lear profit, alt arge were 454. 1 ilto & Co., of Bran e eyards of ove Isla d, report th will not be half Is awba •one-fourthIi the axly season ,c n, sr. of Hastings,L nght w. face a sunflower Mat, en inClieS diamet r and rcumference. The stalk grew was 11 feet q i cheat ilson had ateethee Ma; eter, a a freight and c —J. S. Ha who control acres on Pole hardier grape and- the Ca steady rain o rot and mild —Mr. Wile to the Star measured fift four feet in c on which it high. Mr. measured tw but it was st —Mr. Ale years past an ward in the is dead. He ohildren. P lum Mr. Sy for many ye shoe store. —The saf way station ofisly robbed The safe was the morning The robbers 1/1 IS toes, the product ofilfa patent pailful of keys of the o the Jumbo." eed. They are a el w variety known as clue has yet A poor ,—The revenue of the Dominion, ex- year, wife of elusive of land melee, for the fiscal ,yeat ship of Ba ending 30th of 3ure last, was $35,388,- assisting her grain to the the top of th expired alm was broken $34, and expenditu ing a surplus of $7, —Rev. Percy M. the late Rev. Wm while visiting Re Braetford, preache e, $28,805,229, leav- 83,105. Panshon, a son of Mode); Punshon, . Manly meson at -for Mr. Benson's oongregation on Su day last . —Oue night late-lly two men attempt- ed to rob a mail °eerier between South- wold station and Lawrence, but the i latter, Walter Mill r by name, drew a revolver and fright ned the fellows off, —The storm o Sunday, 23rd nit., destruction of he pound nets along the shore at Stonee,, Point, ou completed the Lake Huron, and fshing is suspende for this fall. The etorra was ne of the worst ever seen in that vicinity. - ' —The Washington authorities have asked the Canadian Government for information conneeted with the working Of th Post Office 8avings Bank with a View o its probable adoption. —Mr. Counstell, of Ottawa, won the e1,000 prize in the Orange lottery,which took Place on the St. Lawrence river on Tnesday of last week. A poor family in Now York State won the $500 prize, —Daring the prevalence of the rain storni of Monday, 23rd ult., the resi- dence of Hugh Bachanan, oii the 10th concession of Plympton, was struck by . McCracken ; Long mangolds, 1 lightning. Mr. Buchanan was so badly H. MeCracken, 2d Robert Mc- burn on the arm, shoulder and side a • —Mrs. E. Bloor street being about o re the bride of he I presented b he pupils with 4 ver and a rnagniflpen their appre iatio school. —Mrs. Di na man, died i4 LO last week, al the was born in Dan plantation, 'n tle previoue to he d dence. A the ried on the ame 35 year in ond —The to owt Forest Free Pree cerning M Gal and well -k own *thews that •matt and travelli g. since he fir t beg ‘4Mr.Ga1br ith, who is stop ing met with a pai night. Bea he went ut pro - Wing e is ticks t the °ugh ford, 150 t the 1crop The used 11 rity nchee in dia len f one his gerdene . Sy it gton, for soix ervi, or of the refl. nsan Asylum( at L leaveH a widow spas ior to coming to the ington resided in W s, where he eondu at the Grand Teen t Metritton, was in of $2 feat] but must ce been old John ton, ear Hamilton, hush nd ie carting barn, slipped and fel loaf, to the ground st imes ediately, ash( n th Raw Su e twp otoryi don vera Asys tford ted reed loses the r no ere - d $10,000 is offered fo his aa br :cue?. an 1 —Mr. Thomas Wilson, a studeat of Knox College, Toronto, who has =been Rail. steri 9,a few night ago. locked as us al fit he money was gone. have had db. heat nd safe locks. N found. . woman, in her 70t Turner, of the town -- while is fall from . She r neck doing missionary work at Auburn, toba, during the summer month who is now returning to Toronto, presented a feW days since -with a plimentary and gratulatorY addres companied with a wet -filled given on behalf of the Presbyteria Auburn, Oberon, McQuarrie and wood. —The other day while Daniel Phee was spading on the railway at Wyoming, a young friend n Armstrong: came op and gave li push. McPhee fell with his treast across obe of the rails, and just at that moment te passenger engine struck him and knoeked him off the track.1 His head was badly cut, but he wilnot stiffer any permanent injuries thereby. His escape froin death was a verei nar- row one. —A project if3 on foot in Toron ee for holding united' Evengelioal se vices nightly during the winter. It is sug- gested that all denominations 13,6111d unite and appoint a central comMittee of laymen, and that there shou d be ani- , but , was ma. , ac.1 urges, s of ; ell -I Mo- ra& tned im a sley, a teacher at tilts day School, Vronte, ove to Strathatla,n as ev. S. W. Jones, WRS fellow -teachers and handsome gold watch ark of n the 10 • fall, album as a of her work alphis, a colon don (m Thur go of 115 year ille, Ky., on ed wo- day of She slaye year 1768, eight yea clars.tion of i go of 20 she w plantation. S n. g paragraph fro of the 28th u •raith, the ce phrenological h.ctnrer, man to be still alive t is thirty-five yeaWi n lecturing in Ontario: rofessor of Phrenology, ay t the FrankliluesdHouse, rd accident on 'tee under the weather who bought her ticket she clai s as her u the yeran from, a uncle, but declines to prosecute hini. depe 8 ma e live four stations in the city, whe Gospel would be preached in its sili form by ministers or responsibl 'men, or by both. The scheme lard before the Ministerial Assocj at their next meeting, and, if fav received will be carried, out. m t t., co brat .—Miss Lizzie Forbes,youngest ter of George Forbes, London Ro united in the ,holy bonds of matr Tuesday morning of last week, t Great, a thrifty young farmer o laceburg, with whom she bees quainted w141e teaching school i R formed the quiet affair, &o., being sensible andt economical way of over the affair, but not likely to a popular way with matrimonial dates. —The firet general meeting Algoma Lutaber Convexly took at Ottawa a, few days ago. Th the pled 1-11 lay - be ia.tion rably Laugh. , was monyi Neil - Wal- e that v. Geo. Cuthbertecee per- remony, which was a very ridesmaids, weddin cake, ispensed with. Th 8 is a etting mime candi oistehnceet of the company ig to sell, menu eicture and dress lumber for Manitoba aid the Northwest Territoiies. The hea1 place of business of the company will be in 'Fort, William, near Prince Arthur's ;Landing, having extensive plani ' and docks there, now in operat• the dressing and shipping of 1 The capital of the company is all of which is paid up, and directors are the only shareho the company. —George!A. Clarke, a West Eiaa Tor- onto barber of the colored persuasion, is a hippy man. He had the g4od for- tune in his younger days to ne rry an American girl of good connecti n, bat in jIlltnble circtunstances. Fr years they have plodded their way together throngh this " weary vale" inlo. bscure contentment, George having for several years kept a little barber shop near the corner of i Niagara and Douro streets, and adjoining the Ban Head hotel. A few weeks ago be received an imposing miesive iron Washington to t e effect that his spouse had fallen hei4 to the ming little sum of $30,000, through a will made by her :a1111t, who, it 4ppears, WRS the relict of the late Gov rnment Surveyor Stansbury, of Was ingtou. The amount is one-third of a mane willed to three sisters, two of whom, itecluding Mrs. Clarke, leave married. colored hue - bawls. George intends to continue hia tonsorial profession, totwithetanding the above substantial increaSe in hie wealth. —The giel who was defrauded in the purchase a a railway ticket at Goderich station a few weeks ago, has been re- imbursed by the Grand Trunk Railway o cials to the amouutof2.80, the fare tram Port Huron to Bay C ty. She galve her name as Sarah Muijpliy, and stated that she was a wok at he Feint Firm during the eummee. ¶rhe man g mill On for mber. 40,000, he five ere of 1 1 ':;t"