The Huron Expositor, 1883-09-21, Page 4R 219
4 gill qvi s luall
to sit, flow 2 the bill w�0 Stol was found.
tr�ees hA�e all'
11that She was 4uite unable Show, an�( has
ere from.tb� �r.m by We latter with Mau it the Toronto 1:1 boa -- tried on his &edoud charee and Naficor,
hat. while a wildstol �heleg
I we leave it to tbol i6ore' part-iol rail V4 c4trict 011 Con litioll I t rivet on th -
f )U V
W, a *11 not late into,
KIRW AD;VER9�1SEMBNT%8- bra h axe. His wifeeld the bleeding I also enterd. him for- the Proviucialeat f , It - Of ouit too.'
I hQpe this roach: the eye mitt d Mr. Li 9 larly intrestedl o take th i o it isti a dsia trac
1 a he Custom Irom, Kin led
il 4i in return c )ntr to lax..J -hours until A doct Guelph.. c
stu p ibree he township councils of HnIlet and t A Xned oiiele it' Win a 61 bild! bis pictttresqui
glArTh6 figure be�wsift the pareatkesill Ill euditure in corrit [Ptir I, the elel. be d, and Saved hJul from blood- —T the 050 bill from him, n al- ' L�: � 0*3 tt
roenre )I -to commence Mal g taken ad -ter Ir Point, 941:1 to
atti g them in force. f0i e 9-0 f ands for on which n L I If he will
of the West Wswauosh have each voted
.6il line., denotes the.-.pilige pill th
I I the late P tiau ent! election a. jug o des direction there woul the trial it to the Co able
thasolTertisel WHI be f6una. ITAL-T.—D sastrous floods for cutting down.the hill at the west Beer es in that a gave 1 his,el
F �00))s 114 c Oa edriesday afternoo of 1-9,st .10
'or li� objection made, and h —Oa 'k being ha-r4ler al
0 isiderall,
our New Go4erior- enera to b
OpenitIll McFaul.. (8) Mad i e Toron. are )revailing, in the dist ict of Tarsnto.� end of the main street of the the village - migh succe I L ad in raising built week, dw�rd MairaL the Bay, er�
Autumn, 1883—T. Kidd. (5) As it is, no doubt,; U4 bf inte misunder- bar of Manchester. guage not field cone siol Goderiob towl
a ms oll in Ian Mal y lives are loat'and large num for. ship
tea that the fallwheat in t an a bargained gits
,vils—R. Jkfiniesion. w' sordething of tl a o1uptly issued a, of cattle drowned. —it is expee
eat to all to k Fresh ArF Mae o�r pain Fnl duty tairled. very erious loss by
no cl)d` Mr. Shieldo p- -DONATION.—A munificent the township of Howick Ill —1; again beco
Roots and Shoes—T. Coventry- (5) average )u ot his barn by fire, togethet� .33russels 04
gmi at f to ab) 4hers f LRr.,RAL
doll Ltion hag bee y s per usbip, of 11 3tanle l with his i �rops, 1implements, bug
character of the diatiliguishea a liatesmau ' dt ior libel igai 'about nine baBbal ail Tni to ree ard the death of soother a � the 6. d destraoti
Jewelry, okol agy.threl
rb Pbe and otber pli rtie i, T lie
who is to succeed Ldud ro if as Gov. fill lc Globe pfferel by a -wealth re sidE ats of the tow
160 Fa33111 for Sale —6 Woods Ball lady to tbe�R&ormed Catboilie estimate hag been made on the strength
-liel McLeal!li- (5 publish- nd arell. A. 8 iields to N WL Je sel thre8hings which -have alrea 0 The
For Sal ay *taken wh. re one by one dropping wway fro n horses ai d seiveral other articles. Thol nal �ec
r-Gerieral of Ciliads.-I 7 longed a congregation of Newark, a r
erno an
idat. Mr. ThQmas Baird who fire was I !rat discovered in spot
-Mrs. 'L Tslor-_(5) place. litio, gameS
Farm for Salle lurch. d ale
the following as all 'log i rociefed with big leiii al It# n. T1 is a ICE d 'hich at alfelitiv to the 110,
Pf G Kitterer. (5) f,16 a meas on a b on a resident over 30 yet -ra, odi . exat of t Bru
w )o
ri Hri, FR-ENcH STRICTURI 8, -
al it sebms
atbs dl:d barn', and as the wind wail bil I Was.
Mr. Richard Adams, a of Londes ving fr
Pro 3rV for Sal e The French 0
- fit. sul: roun eissful
0 for Sal ure the manner, of mo;n he is 11several mo prosperous. merchants is making oi. ce, car on the 9th jo � M _ ' - - - issful
Ill a rela at, the ff�mea quickI3 dommli d
to 0 3edE
Relaiden ied the blockae al at Tonquin native* the ea o)f
ce for the aharlieter ribi whole family: was f
Cheap Booka--Lams, an Wilson. k *now no better indai l6ial 1� Shields 1A not yol P to lie extent of allow iv.9 vessels- to extensive improvemen.ts on his Premises b tIS Id 'al. a oated with the! barn. Oneofthehorset,, Weati
in that vi,
Pa tie eing
is store 0 Ayrabir& �ol
day SL ale -1 r5rino. (8) a, W�cua d Ilege and has bad ]a
Satur be he of high orl WLaegre tbe ne after b ome out �ot
of any Mau, pro,.eed to their de§tinat o e 1852. It'a tried to i. n
beld il of he: r ell E a- sea -c rwise -d to - Canada' in the ope g, a aul
I othe materially im- a nigr at liu ,
nted al2c door (which w" boeath the I arn eEstray Steer—A- had. for contraband of war. 1,repsi
tban the respect and esteer or, on wol lof Settlelonthes'econd cionc6ssicninthe but
as Wa-ulffiss Slel (8.)
Apprenti REvExu-E,--V1jighty pick.- ;�Proved. suffocated an droppea
him by those under,hini andil are in Ac e c)ntra r. o n i a there till b m - the Smoke is no floubt, ty Steel t has a me Of ra;ffi.
J. W aiker Mi's Ellen Raph, of Godetich year, and, reBided
Estra (5) age 3 of Silk lace, Talned a '05,000, were 11 andvvidel know Ill, -dead. 1;heOt er three -were burnt to
orgel stte
Crockei�y-;:-M. Morrisbri.."(8) great mi easure de&neut x i pc�n bi n. M dus for the fr iy,- w aett L )r..t he 'the rs he r6vol of leers at New 'engaged with the trustees of School d; mth. He was we 3' r of t] �e cinders. Two Of them had b
sei2 ad by r t be e 3n, in
No. 12, Ashfield, for 1884, a id a highly respected, mil
The- following extrdet shill i the -a- lone York on Tuesday. It is claimed they Sectio
Note: Jos.V:I:-T. Malia' � dr. I &ioldi C shot tly before, and weire
170-Dinol. Ifitwe inity. He was f r some years a Put it to feed. ppeared ea"
(5) araL ua
etween ord and
Salle d -latious.whi sst'�� he ficicusatl'n, it welfe Smuggled -by em loyees '6f, the saary of $320 per annum in order to fill al C1 With r harfies on. The I
ell exi hed :1 a te athletes
is nvo v Fus- mber of the Muni t
Agents Waated�A. Stall I reeve. A larre tairted all - thi14 sea -sons hill Wheit Sent in 1Vl
MeD. Allan. (5) Ic tile vacancy Occasioned by the resig
m6b�ip City of Berlin, oer
owne d themi tenants ver lie c O�w a- acted once as dep ty —Wm. Wray. (5) D, M tLean.
Teacher Wanted Ladv Lausd wou la be ly litt I EATH OF A WRITER.- -Dutton Cook tiou of Mr. Al t* W c6nc re�u ain a - to i i- barley, besides !the articles an lolled ucknol
By i - savfA 11
Teacher Wanted 4. !Brigb&m.-(5) and. )or ppeo 6 with Ill to -in tb 'roir bis.reao d died in L —Mr. Will, Golclough of Goderiell ourse followed- his Could -other P( [clenee, a we �elal I I ondon a fe* d is ago, aged at in Ba-iraiiscemistery to. ay tL- Ill not a thing Eir above, a Sherriff's Sale—R. G:bbuns. (5) ihipetatestbat in a residenceof terme He le e,
have come in colutalk An I country a oiw herof tbeie is no 51 earo. He -was 8, bntributor to ItownE l4st tribute of re etbree although the neighbors were nicklyon
u 1i fisko, an Spect.
6 1
r d ib no ablo Pull h, 0 r. Alars
Estray Steer—T.L McIffatt. (�5) a, the Pall ,51,years in that township, he never had
110 00 for him he Cornhill Map azin sons aud four aaubterg, all narriel, build t assiAP. M -fine lot, 0',
Paper says corrupt! 0 Mail Gazette,and theW)rId. Dp Of potato ra hailIg ment; on thi
Something New—R. W a. 8): as good a or, os, and believes
gr obili ran, bo a the ba
V. or
UPPER rieVd,
The artnual sell. "0 p 1e D mijiio G bod 'Wheii We
01ol fees b and' the i Lud will be a a rio*B one,
0. 1B it, Ain SrORTB.--.At Pittsburg that the prop tion ot these affected by a twenty-eight
Millinery Openingy—T. pett at 1e D d been bai Ill- Only a year ago, an, was tri.
-gil Oyaters—James Burgess. (8) distribution of the �!rizes ell to t Ile 3�ent, boBe ellof tle Pa., the other bal' on with Prof. rot, will only be half-a-bushol i.11 twenty. mour u the loss of a fait af al f agree Nvi
arl .1 W 10 lave bar g Q insured. How the fire
Dereen, county Rail t6a .by t 120 ail induig at father. Ram Lambs a JD Rx�sf,
for Sal emplation. (5) 1 intr I ar a o lapsed 3,000 eat above the —Messrs. J. McCullough -ana Hi I T
ledibi , y but it is supposed thut;q,
of't i c � upI 3d Werner col
Marquis tof Lansdowne f6r t best -C)t. ean left Goderich, on Mol —The Godeiich Stair 6f lalat, weel 0, myste, ad been Playing Witll
pas Ml t W !mqh. Watner got holc of the, ro it,, 0 On Thursday Messrs. D. and 3. 1
cf. I him in til ie c iarg.-,,& d il . �Git
tages and gardeDs, Was I
reef iffly be' ek for Toronto on their bicycles.,
f tb balloon, which descended so last we near the straw stack i
0 a F. Fisher shipped a lot, of: stal- Mat A,. I
Bev n
aq iall� if not m re lowly as to land himr injured. tford, Brantford About three huisol childre vere P B�� olli ded hey a
going by way of Stra yotu-310
lions and two wares Mir exhil ition ELt
The first day they who�.'Teceive f suits, 16
Tou 4 J0 I out, �Bach o and Hamilton.
il "thane is. If, t. 3ere.Dre, tb1ey f xil E uiT AGAINST THE GRAND TRUNK.—
the State Faiha of Detroint iChi, Perth -Items,
Lane& -vrne. 8
Loitise B. Klanowsky has began a suit reached Tavistock, a ride of 50 miles.
present from Lady' Lanscli. i
011. Mr. Shie'ds o promed with bis oui,s. One does not' 10ftel see 113 Baillial
the p es,asa ir- The population of Kiktou is Fer-rie,
Loil in presenting for 610,000* against tlIl Gradd Trunk t —Exeter having the required. nnm-
-his tartan ough a ti ne suits, the pu bli c will' a Justi.fied in at roll, is good 11B. lotf animals as these are, _y"r ad ts that alth I reasin g, —six births in the same jaum� )ipers . this
SE AFORTH, FRI]1AY, Sept. 21, 1883 -death of he -husband,who, ;bar of names on the assessme roa I for the
Cl le alla ber.of Weeks. nwWahr piper W
be RET' ae wai Ain over and killed.alit June at t
bfir ouilt. The atler "bylaw, entitled to a deputy -r! ndig English shire,
he and Lady Lansdown !wo he eeve for , e
&rated from them, they amb g W'hcm bho'ensuin f W. C leva4and Bay classes. Of t —Since the!jbeginning -of 1883 tell; Awe
tict inquliry at Chi ne street crossing iE Detroit. I
I g year. The names o
;h Ald bc made A Bi Jec; ol 6 4 Olevelan a Bo mrriages han been
A Good atlan. many: h4py anm-.. , : Co4chmala" and
99P thel apent so t - — lid E. Drew I -lave already been registerea in 111.
IrEALTRY LEGIS�,&TORE.: The session �Bisset a
4yr ant aria, SlrE
wo magnificent spacirli
n "I chell 45 birtho and 23 deal om th ir at
A ol lit of the xeter Times mers would not be aserlt ft he trs*t BeSS 013 are which closed Saturday mentioned.
of i lie legislat
remarks rits'Itigsting,mrr milt)e on' old le famous Young I?
recoil ordshi a aforabas a eapol print A —Mr. Robt.,�,Jories, Reeve of Logan onaild Mclu-VrB, BI
k ives te
ou'saing the Seb;!0 oil Book Qu.6stion
lootions. His L 1110 ning at Concord, N w Hampshiro,'J, —Mr. Hugh Ra the
in, dis ft i pe and edigree! boo to Walls.
were received with, ir ught is shortly going Out wallo, irt T Ball&XItYn6 -u
guilt' is b o in the St t farm of 75 acres, on a concession VIBi..-t L I - -
wa! in t6 shi Washingto T�rritor one, rh well-kmp
tenants. TlIf.6-p&rnish at o" Tall Fil ad: nd If tb i the longest ever b a listor animal pme to biii
finisiles up his letter as follows: of eal
ill r 'chr iieive 1.02 dava; of Hullet, (formerly occupied by his son) sels., '
at ereian Robal houll to tb e cused th punishment 'Th 3 members w ea 6 the Mes a
t than 0 a o doubt tbist 'the Mol aA Ds!
Aqti n is to be ta, u, I understand, the Rev. Faher Barret ad Lc rd. of the same sons,
pay. Itwillrequireup ards of �1 �toMr. Francis Brown
7ill a metEd on. 1. A
onto a ansdowne fo townellip, for the beir reputation is
athenextcount inld Lady L r1hef - interest �h A to� le ( —Mr. J. T:Hielis, of Mitchell, is at --
y 000. to settle their per di Sum of $4,000. The 1 ll will s�stain t
--tbooks shatlibe recomulendod in the welfaie Of their terfronts. -Ho
& I orth the, breeders and 11dealers. LSt year
to wha 1riHILIs.Nn IN THER&Lkcs.—It is state farm is a gdod one and wail w th 3y bibiting a f1he team of colts, Baron
a1 $100 for ag kl
took- no fi'rst pri 0 Rothschild -in
for intr6dction iDtO Jip was doinj 11611 that is the Toronto iour schools.. Now, said His Lordsh* 511stai - 641h
Wi i1iot be so 4 00 a Oraottien as the list that the Cziaiina lately detected one of price paid for it. W rat,
-an hts at Chica o; � d: th :8 Of in.
I presume that the trustees in the 6oun- possible to advance the'cond Min of the be held ol g an : Ue show, L
tL I at I re Was 'If, on t a the Impe agair at
of a similar r, ria Chamberlains in the act —A promenade concert is to W
ty are not welcome to, take even a peep people by the encour it of ol OD? of :)r -year ?i a, in eacch 0ase of Lu&ao
&game] of placing Nihilistic doe iments in her in the skating rink at Wingbam, on thEJ, —Mitehell a disturbed greatly by Gordon,,�
ze Where
the room where,this, Vest pedagog- tion, Oving them better bu� I ififigg, and bt'464 bandi the cla! e uIlfoundotd, first pri or corner )wd is the tol i the-darltillg
apartments. - Fearing cc usequences be evening of the 25th inst., a der tha,� I ge compet#fon; also the'
constab] a
why does he not lock, C. Ros took tE
roM 3e co witted anicide. The, authorities auspiees
ill 7 parliament is agioi;t to deliberate- improving their f arm i knew no f I work borsil at P rial
all 1picion Shen A 3e Ire moiffid of the No. 2 company, 33rd,
landlord in Ireland d done 0 f rat and a4cond ol JL54 for Iraugl ts t hem u.,)e?'
on scool affairs.. If they are welcome, ho' he proceeds to be! applied gh.:t �e
tan L ta. H ac�fliied as soon a 3, pof sible'tbait 1pub ic endeavored to suppress.the fact. Battalion V
an a _a souki.1 —A Rostoe correspondent Says the d
they are not asked, and I may be Mig much for his was bar py the main. St. Louig, 4is the 0�
E,Ab WARNING.-70ha co, towards procuring helmets for
restolled. r es, Delmoni
_kil bUtL I think there Are S , gre%t to be able t ate that :P over a� yesiXt.JohnReynol fall whe t m -hat neighborhood is now -h
o st, crod Lans- confidenca might b -or feet 1 in t1l Le �01
fam'I " f 3elebrat of the company.
tbE last of the Y.0 ad New bars
number l trustees in Huroa capable of dowrie's tenants were pea(elil and laA, of God. I of tbl concession of 'Hu let, as safely housed ad will yield al excl first Won"
no �nnoyance een in declining health, caused Ill
lork caterers, has.become insane. He —On Friday -last lfrs. B forming an intelligent opinion in regard had given Hi� Lordship b her pook-1 cro.. o hicken food.
ng, 1081 ect 45 feet �.n
ion teires plail on yearsage, a maguificeln't orich,while out shoppi a inherited,&'few. A
Mi Algoma elec W9 barn,
to, the requirelaeatS of their several This (Fil I rrett c 11- he 0 vertied. f ill I Le received while in, Phili h 'of $2,000*000. at book containing 6175. S Mr. of Anderson,, hu f .
or trouble. bminess and a fortune 0 . Ding ni
schools, and it- would greatly facilitate tinued) is OingL to the kilfil relations the 98th uist.. The� cons ii t fl on Wednesday Morning of list Fullaito
boubt i ul near a Cor
Y a He ought -to have been & happy man, it on Saturday by means of sill dodg bti far ners) took t - :a.n
pur ten- f receiv- i Weel� death e'd6d his sufferiags. He
matterstoll&-ves joiat -convention of that exist between you SIX 1 Ill u0cert comp n P*d he 1_�ort 41 un. We,"
inn On 3 "na it ould but his- life lacked the element of e_X_ ers, and bad the Satisfaction 0 rig g 65 acres, for -whill he T�
Was flu i;B a go
inspeetbrs,'teaahers and trustees.. Such a -try, owin 'to the confider you a rld early settler jo the t) !lsh
9 and contents from Miss wL P, 64,300. be a0fe �o pirl)4t victo or'either citement. and he speculated in Wall ind the book wooas,U�
dod in a. 1javing emigra d from Ire :d ab
a course has been ado�ted in Middlesex 3downe have Ire Z 8� twid. ab Ful own
bady Lane P d and Other counties and why not in You came and lived amougS' as in 1he part$. The fri nds of hot 3 parties are str 3et. He lived in fine Style, and his Johnston. 30 years aoo. He was. a :bar working —The ar ship Council
a away accident took -place on have glvleii It a 6rd the 10
for , new iroa
am was Bev amnel rous syst rely taxed —A run
Huron I have lived in a -county Where MOBt troublesome times,; Ill i Out got rd evidon lyi exerltigg llheimsalvei to the .91 etaeli- MeXerizie's hill industrious M until he be bridge to' ba built over- the Thames ill
Roll FOR ZULUL D.—A -d 1 3, West
trustees! conventions caleld together and or �i tection, and. when it N I a not con- W f the for work; kind considerate neigb- Mother*ell at a cost of 62,11. .26.
0 LOS ol� 1 Q. each R03US68 the a4anosh through the breakirig o 0,
u ETMOS an ment,of troops has been ordered to pro- W -men, D�:01. Ross t -04t
res� act an -L rai Dow W
c presided over by the inspectol; were sidere'd-safe to. livb Ja Iriflind. Tou� 8 team. bur, arid held n general Me n ute are 3uttiri In inry Taylor' —Far
i of Jaitti; 011or�u t and I OUI Means to ediately:to,E owe, in Zulu neck yoke of M HE
�all wh
iind in, is the causebf eda- Shared not in that notion, b al acn4idar- land. The Cape GoIlverument has Sent The waggon Was apset . throwing out esteem by all o knew hia. He as 9, much Sma Loreae of beat geu.eral &t�
in Be -,t i4 tfieir o a nedthq,se, ras to bp ar y n wn a 66 , cation prospering better thau�' -I'll that ad yoursalf as sae as you culd a 'Mr. Henry Taylor and f4mili I k Ray- this sea, 3on th Ln �usual, thiu fug spring -
a L04 John
an ultimatum to CEitewayr, requiring the o games. Th, walki
ic ory. 11TIe act al Us
ine �f 7ic old a," a ter ad simply to diatln-
county; but how mu6h- of the proaperi- Bowocl In conclusion. wsl(ed, *e ri r �san & na Rutle: a, who, 11 wheat a mol. safer cro
bim to with his followers Misses Cunningham a to BUTre 119 amount
thage oonVeariO guisla him fro : a relative who was of
ty is attributal')le �to 116 Lor� and Lady LaDadow'up I'd fin: ily�- b at enti 3 but very slight in- —Pr f. Liu lenb er, ban� I -master at 0 . �1 dat a see�n io be a . to r, ly within tea days*. If he refuses troops however received eren z . , I The ju
h -. i
remains to'be known. At any rate it a Site and �rosperous VOYIE a. he Same nant He was an adb 't Stratfo been a minted one of $tow
ip a. Of n tt and the will be sent jariErs. The Prot badly _art, Hamilton�
10; 1 19 a confleb, wagon was �i
ra f
iing ly. 9.1, id it, 0 Lve o ty
calDnot,fai to promote a� better feel His Lordship, in rep pf the Roman,catholie faith and the ju BatithebaInd tournament to
--A move has Used up before tile horses were stopped. f 'COW
among teachers and trInFitees and create him great pleasure to bear 8, gtr� gg n dly,� bet ween the 310 SABBITH RAFFIC. uried in the burial grouds nea:r
ic h fri n Ily -P ]a * old al )e
I ompetitioni
been m ado -to of traffic —A Gorie correspondent says : The be held at London during a Wester a sspe sion
and fo: I
an enthusiasm un�kaowa where no such language addressed i to him. He as -a Donxin )it Government on rm.: Heleaves a wife, three sons I'd Fair.
on the Sabbath n thp Michigan potato crop, which at ole tim6promised
—A r 0 43 a I& il;
gatherings' are hold. Lady Lansdowne keerilv feft! their daughter to morn hit,
e of tl Le I jocal Gov- tral Railway Maria er Led' ard to �e an abundant one, is now.reported Urn ad sheep have J7.
9 :y Ma 7er F jr- and
Etb a a 8 and, thil
T Ill arm �y the
from 'a
treu a. His wi'fe ill
Btu so -hours an il I
p ihr . ave h,
roenred and a d
bi cl
G ?B
8 a
bi"' gh noni A
'v �16tracteod a
n�' 4 On th
)paration1frimth rtenants. )Wing to the rot, one. last week died in L of Us
from the
Now, -altliough no formal invitation. proliabingsi enf�.on tbe )tb r, It is s, pity tl at ordering thl no freight trains except almost a failure, r m"Ing an
N-Sugloon Lake Lij
-rustoes to, att4ad such as carry p Brishable freigfit 6hall third of the inbers being a
'He t, i m . to 1e ��ster, of Clin: �ou, was retanit g to tl Lat iick with plea Ill affect- Foot Ed uth Disease"'p eval
has been given to the t
imoug o5m. D ull 8 2buld be Bo; I lit be. Dorninion Au wn from his farm,on the Hu. -on road,
years he Vad spent a leave their respective divisions after 12 ad. Some of the farmers in this neigh. �0 accoun; of ti wet season,
this coa�rentiou if one is to -be held, from ing al.that time- he - coul 'say w i th r in big bicyc!e, when hel met a bnL#gy —Mr Jami a Park of Fulluxtion, -Ate 1 11
orities see let M-inell to bar sE fieshed their f -All wheat,, ari.4 D. tewart
I on Saturday night until that h.
a very. general know] edge of the teal Strict correatness that be Ild nev r re� ean taining a an, his wife, an d a lAt) iree yeiTs to a
tri 1 :1 - The 611110 the rreEent L ml Gove-n- Sunday night.. and although an odd one has a fair yieldi ly sold colb!'ising tl
M buyer f om SL Mary
Venture ved a discourteous word f M ally 0 Thehorse stGood. erf-(ctly 8
ers. Of the c5aulty,we the opinion a A in tery I BE WARE OF CA NVEDD RNED BEEF few will have more that ten or twelve a for 04 hands lasted -uutil dAlvk.,
A T skv tbev and th
Tfnem,9,nu VURT -"a an I M115 VV f Li 0 ul a ,or a Pool VL" all
that they would U only too glad to have Last-Yriday nig�t in Piltsburg,Panusyl- bushels to the more, d quite,& number m of $230.
ad I.: Vas good.
had never failed to firict fri �dly N rill a b 411.17 ha, it) no! al ter I is tivebut to figh 6 it tartea off on a quic� tirot. Turnina
a large representation of the trustees'. va; lie., Richard I Brown wife and, five much less. 0 —ThafirtieAug touches ebaingL4P)
a ad Sal uel H-orn,l ound a moment aftler Mr. Forre ter plied tc the al Catholi ch at
coma: even in ille humbl� t chur
It 611 the: lin6 %id,dowift :or Pave in, children ate beELrtily of canned c6ined] A young mail, named Sal
a n Ly -1 yle�
present and to receive the beilefit of as surprisedi to see the borse Stand Kiukor L, and Rev. Father O'Neil hopes
Li i a they::: do n t seem to'have inten. ''be -0, and about an hour later ill were of Elimville,in the towbship (f.Ushornel
y a fence and the baggy upside dew
their.courisel and- advice on so impor- A LoxDoN Timea-correipow an to have the openhig on thb 1, Lth of 0
atl acked with violent pains in the gtorn - had a Darrow escape from serionsin-
i:31 of adopti�g tbi latter alternative, under- Butt
. I in the ditch,. the Occulpantk bei rig Wh
tan di' av aciaccompaniedbyyOnaitiDg. A pby- Juryafew days ago. When assistifill bar. iteley
-f a Subject as th.&t of deci ing apon ing -with the Northern Pail ra ih �a) t4� - for f In � �F.
0 .0minion ortv years
is interterene f lie �hose at threshing maellineon tha farm of l4leathit. lid went back.1 anil helped —Ar. Dav� I Williams
sician pronounced the ;ymptoms . I
Xwny re the wor
the kind of boorks to be used in our pub, party sent. a letter, to big jour i a'. in �bem out of Itheir dileill fixing UP a f armf r on t. ie 7th concession, F;lllai-
9,76rumentifil caidoncernsdon-ti 'l of poiaoning. One child has died and Mr. X. Elford, he was clearing the spoketIl them.
hic, schools, *aud'we would' respectfully which he said: "The Grand Trank �he buggy w4ich had, beeri considerably t m to big sol iiid
`h lo ge �p a of Ithif � lProvi; 2 ol others are seriotialy ill. Scaffold above when he had the misfor- on, has sold ns -far b d a not �icor
00 peop Tan - �B �; id
last to those bavi--D.g the, matter in Railway of Canada is a - a Alidly -b lilt MR. GLADSTONE'B, To THE 0 ON - tune to drop through, striking on the broken by a accident It appe are h9ving pureb 4sed a house i Mitch'611,
Bugg k f: I fail6d to Pat 1Z an 4
be:f rig! from tl
read lill Bel. defen,le to Prot est g Do that after Pa ing the bid�cle, the ie atigues �o
TINEXT hine -luckily he fell I dy t.ends reti.JL The!SecreUry
t westward from the Nial' I —Mr r i ot
hand the desirability of seelliting the co. line, bui gara Gladqtone hits 0 on a table of the ma�c - � E,
in the bug becar-e i ner, rous Vol
in er goniall dif er. agrIenbittre.
aill at viEittotheContinent. He arrived at backward clear of the maohine and as -
operation of the. trustees in the way -river it runs -through an abib vi aghtlesol gras latigaNle iu' 'his ,t
on —TheCar1ibgf0,,rdPrE
R front what tl,Blr have yet. dc ne. Cc penbagan on sun ay. and dined.With caped with a few bruises. ped ond of the 5 aby te frian cbV,1, t
That:articifthapr(Vict everything aFsW
B-TiggeSted. The trustees, aarepresimta- ce the' Royal family n Moud,ay.: H is —As the mixed train on the London, Rus"19 the hbise to turn of ' the road. pulpit bei, euppliea wit I, mial
- I -by 4 V0
was assisted
yll 4evO cours( tbe Dom ilic, GOVErn wtw A wonder
tivesbf the people -are equally interest- --,,of Ontario which lies beyond L%ke with the Czar is re, Hurou'and Bruce Railway was on its on trial bu
exDected meatbig. and upset the rig. t 1 a yet no ch-il has bm
ll mill tel in' Ipomi i6i electim acome of thf i2 were not tee, and A 18
isly hurt. 8 are in fit"Vor
ad with the teachers and inspectors in 19 E rie, and is protruded, as i war(, i ilto garded of the fiFst -importance. His way from Brucefield to Clinton one day made. f -the member harulo)ay anA�goodl
__,Jgsgi)cfa salary al
on ts oi k
Lould be f = that the t 4
it qrc ad I I �o abst),iu from talk- ori a Contibeilt are last week a brakeman named UcDonald, — Ve 'are glad to of payi, d having
ing the : i I . movem a by I- e
08cur t books, 'and while we 11 the -United Stal, is in s' singularly a y r. tb
-bes t. earn, fire engines M%nuf a�ctui ed by
Ill art in favo Ofl E)i ther ide in a ec. watched with a cons�derable egree of fell from the top of one of the cars, cu list Vl; it, h "dil
'goodi tiat
o D. Ronald, of the BrT ate creuier.
hold the opini n- that the teachers from 11 unfortunate pos-iti6a. To',,,,, a Ill When -the train! paseN wol
1i - anxiety by the 1�u oppan press, and ting big bead opou:.- —Onei ay lately Miss IT, tbat 06d. *o.
tj to the Pro indial LklislOure. p)pular
3 - the firm
the lailture of their occupation, are the ward is the 'bro a exp m ionne, and 12 a not onboard;thq' are gradna,117 growing in ty.
a of! L ahle Berlin, arrived, a' d be wa who was dri,% in.g the reaper .4�
reborts come fro i Standing Wrrip., -
Mr. Ronald has Just 'deliverEd to )he
But to judge, we are equal! 14 Huron, ai e aap�, thit political motiv Wria
a are at the boutorn; engine backed down the road'and mell of WM: Do -,l l, near Go attemljtea
most coml tntario 8. 11 the, I corporation o, ' Meaford ode ol his an- IIE14 8 inil -Al.
� I ud. A run' He wa a
HE Hamilton Tribunal, am indepe i
Clair or of his journey. him coming up on a dea to'takelsome straw from the rikeid4ii
d ch
ly convinced. t6st there are many trils- 46 Erie on the south, and BL -1 1 :1 :-inches; E.. W. _J�
41, 1�paper wili,h: Cc a;er"Va ivE Jeanibgs, very fort�nate in getting off 'With sucN glues an 1.000 feet of h1clse, for w1i While i. motion, When the Y. ak-e canglIt I , I . I �.
IitRRIBLrs Ac*ENTI—Prof. J. W,' inches
he reeei a .0
took whose counsdl and advice would be 11 the West, this rogion is IMOA sur- v d $4,750 9a,shl Also a f
-public School slight inju aw two herfl lingers and m %shed them
rpy�arka:l T49 Mfli Blue 0 Irruption -Barker, principallof th ries . - 1 r ; I -Standing lharee
from atedoo.,
Pon o re
11 rou roa - 1 ' days ago &.odeo�)�ationi feet 9 'nches E N
,orth securing. 0 �Wei gre� 1 u t
w And besides this,. any ilded-by water., Bleak, boll win4s Ill %'n ajle�ed W a d $460 rroi the Pro- -N . 46, in Buff 06, Met with a bekkibl being callec consisting of the, maybr arid c ne of the sever
conclusion 'Aat would be come to -by 11, Swill across Huron and inlipede v g a il la.Bt Sanday eitertinig. He had cord the eceaEe of an old resident 0 —TI e little village of Mnssel-burkJs
6ver councillors, a' expf getting ifts u&m. up for good cheese 044
iEl t G ni�chanical rb, visited
#meui for- imprpvelnl,nt3 at �ended the S nday so ool anhiversary the towtic, hip of Morris, in the persoill a
13 all 1-cr
dist -Episcopal of James Purvis, who died on Monday, -bio
the united bool would be*much more, 11 culture the Surface of - t le c4l t y Orks �ith a vie of
4at �Porrta I T1 at tl a P ri nfl cf' se -vice at Asbury; M tb he -fire engi a w pare h4 il Mr. David Ch-almers
he 1-5 feet t i
likely ta-give'satisfaction,tban if the -de- " has little charm of sceaory the Pill illues age purchasing clue for Witerl:)o. an ap sry f 200 �colonieaof Itillka,
Church. Returning, took al Otreet Of -last WE 6k af ter a brief
1voiding-pub, ic all cipalibieR all rea Beat ties
-he teacW h , do
I ! .. I Wit a to in Meafdrd Bte or being dy it I'll Cypre and: b aes. Th
cisioutwetearrived at, by, t rs lation is Sparse and thoug h t i ; 3mtemptedto hli& 60years. Hehada lame ki�iee th Holy Land
Ill car from wbich bi
)ernibim ad. tall out Jh'Iy test, �d tot. lair Runni73g ]`4M.P.—
Thos. I McLi a blit
A election, tif �6 ills an tlIl bi enorlmoile i
alorLe. It is, not only desirable that the as well', as -they ca-Awith thil ir fam ing, 1 bit did not notice a cAr -wlich was got infla ad and got worse end wqrs 6 colonie are lalf hidden a g
'�n of th passing i tion ification, Be entire satief ction. They 'lad Leon 'ch i
ut the %ail, a the org Cyprean an; iflowers, whi, aerve'the
i t: b ind it until mo t in and deat
I I -feet
nature is against -them he c6ires. n the oppos: te.l;ree elsewhere a eing other!steemers, but Doupe, 20 8 iu�
best selection. be be made, but also that ere 8 double purpo: se of Shade. &1li L pasture for
Dc minion E ]In n i a it, is scil reely in. a stmck him, tbe car )al t y� passing over soon relieved him from his suffering
op, Ste]
the -selection be as universally satisfac-. pondent. of the- Thunderer must haVe 0 cause The funeral on Weduesda � morn�"nj they said the had seen i4one worl. so the bales. - I
o iftion to th�c w s. o aps. The dil far - him, inflictirfig sup'h injuty as t y -45 fe Gibb, 44 fj
tory as'possible -o 6, drawn largely upon i to
handsomely is the Brus: 61s one. Mr. H'bb t I Council -h aea
We hope, theref r his n -iQn a bernoon. was large y attended hearing evidencit s er ave &war
his death on Mon a, I
R8nald is also negotiating with oi bar -119 i 8cott, 43 feet 2 iucl
fail between Mr M -ow filit'lE all 1; 11 Robt. fardo'l. the contractof build!
a 'butm ta for the ne, 7
-a a ! .
R.— 'a- gh jul
ove, or erlIl hi
that the hirt throwa out in the above when penning the wb i . I FIGHT TO TRVIEAM.—A,few days to the eat 3em in which the odeparteo� towns in Mi nitoba, British Colun Lbi
Befl to. C&Ijttl Ire I goma arf d the Do- ago Frank De�veretui, homesteader was hold 3y his neighbors and friend stone bridge Ran;
�19, 1 s;.Gibb,51
qnotation will be acted upon. libations of apovIlonaris wate had go all cdl Nova Se, tis, as well as in On&
Ir 1 1^ 111714^*w��yna, V" 1 +11 a, rf fi ht U - Pri -16 of W
vI 93 ; al -n ar (11-1 r. Robert Martin, who sold hill an Dill ork $34 3,this til
ail Alriabinin had a 9 —M
Tall, 0 feet, 0 indual
It VMi be with a bear and I othhilled6 Devel farm in the township of Qrey, som( The shopEr a kept buay'w the I t td aaer. The Toi onto BlidgO
The prApositiou, itlso,to hold trustees' what distorted his vi8io ith excelent Owes
40b and $40,0 )V' �n t' lia -,pnueol futbre prospects. ltbagv�--Giblbll
news to the wealthy P'rospff.-Ous eanx�s bodv s,fox nd in a stting pos months f1goto Win. Bishop!, has pur. company Is po furnishan ir
coriVentions Is a good one. An annual !Boost, (j fae4� �7 illelJ
7 ay.also menti, E ot hot Siomem hat —On Friday evening Japt a: arge tIum- for. ih�e all
t re braced against a I g, where he had chaged a �plendid 100 acre farm fro. of sm. ie wofl
ad to I �arn' 1 6 inch 3a
emi annu&l-o6nvautian composed of farmers of the section descrill
8 fiff n6 Hezekiab Andrews,on theLoOorr road,, bar of friends from tho, va4ouf 3 zhail a the old bricl ge were to
ive cire iron Works
TA 1 4
est* M81 Wntle, V occurre ei idert tly placc d �imseif after; the. co
that their homesteads are so arii and-
deli:4ates- from each public sdhool. board in Lakelet and vicinity asgem )led M
01 . - t egs war( one mile 3il of Clidton. The price the John I;rimg is for 48, his of far beingA6.
a BEL" 'If Ih%dan d'- teit. His aid,), he3k,and I
Jw Illy 0
OW W. Young, to, elcon, a J. Woo
the climate so bleak, that t] �e I residence of
y a, re s. $8,000. Mr. Martin before highest*
uld be held without an -
',a gi awed nearly to thE
in at county co - bone, one shouldoi paid was
t ouniii aling the Ontark) H. Hazelwood and his 'Bride o ace,
ori,'91 y be W ywra
u t aelT
truggle for 6xistei a. Tbis. an ve ted several Neasrs. John Co in and -
-rig ialuoh incoilvardence or. crpeps, Scott
a desperate a or am all 0 contra'x ti, dislocated. an go mf ad onto - and thf making As purchase visi —While
016*.erument f ding ill The beai other- cou return home' The grourl a round the
nties bnt could noti find atil, Colwell a driving to ards, Dublin
Shows how very unrelikhle were -Put �irlg Li r1lit, S1
upon any person, while the advintages thP im- aWmach almost tori 1 open.
if 1, tbe'-publi p lilting H'3 house Very tastefully a: id beauti-
�Iy pri Vat a had been' sb0t th 40ilgh the shoulder that anit(d himSo well as Hnron.
0 other dal they met t
-fully decQrated. Chinesq'Janserns Were' th younginell
air gement' d vithou6 asking fc r at �d, agigravate I by t he wound, a terriblof is an exci illent farmer and good, fall -
xesulting to -the canae,of education would pressions formed of' a countr fr I olin the coining towards Mitollell on bicycles, sit
be manifold. No better or More comia occasional glimpse's which an )a -ob- struggle ensued. I Tl le ground was torl low and are heartily glald. that hol hanging from the verwidall and trees, which the horse became frightehedi, Scott, 41 fee
]a k, and tran� 0 to Put
6ioers I . or �t' iv� �11 . . to atiLy"with u4. and large lanterns sh4d a rich I ight il - - tigg EE,
petent body could. be assembled to dial tained through the vindowi Of �a rail- 1 117) for twentyleal gout the spot. Th( has ultimately decided 4 in Bud only ur),und a got I 'k
Which - huge –inches - A cott,
L and turnin
EaV in the vifiry issi I c Pf tI ie, er around, while� a
P —A few days ago, a young girl, whil�
E) bill bi' 6th and bunches cl� 0 a gap
cus way carriage, and yet, it is 11 irldisput- p -int of thi brilliancy arid animati n to the scene the buggy and 0 u x '32 f�
a and advise Qhauges and, -improvill el
he road.
& �fir will igbt
lost g. 0, vi! Isined thip critial'sm an adiier 44- h dr *erefound on b evereaux's gun. waiting at the Grand Trunk 1 station it ditch on t S9 8trtinge
a of th
raents in the sch�ol law and regula'6 ble fact that manyof'the il 109 Goderich, to take the train for Nel, not soon till be forgotten. Over the t and nolono 9
4 fol 1, EWM�
lol appeared isk n ,nders for o say,nothi: vas broken
frail Y i
av"el w a BI,( gateway wal erected an arch' decor %ted 1110 feet IV inel
descriptions of tr 11E 110"
bile the members would have York, was accosted by a man wha offel
tions, w 1h7 a 11ij area.
I h 9� wo: rk mil thol Government wexe with -Union acks, a A bbpari gin ge ches; -bi(,
ch Ii i�:-uro 017
ll oppGrtunl of comparing notes al read are evolved from just mitod n Notes. ad to purchase a ticket f ` bar. Sbe iioE.ColquhouU)
Bibg )f tti rig type the wo Wall omd.*, illu in- —Vessrs, Wm. and TI ro
oondemn d le �y pri vat a
gave him her money, about $14, and he
ing by the experience of each'other. and unreliable bases of obse: wagic n. We The Howick f 9,11 show will -be 'held TorbutO, feet4inchial-
profit sted inotto f OM a 0 nve�ienb position bf Hibbert, I oft last week or
(f? tract. Th a slif: Ning ly g3onclue- procured a ticket and ga-�e it to be�_ air superior Shields 84: j�
`34 aine stock.
as to the different modes'Elf. M9.11LIEll do not suppose is I re fE r til a Xb -bit tl
11 il Gorrie on the �8th and 2 1 9th of Sep Station Master Straitout of 1 GodericU. sent put the heerin to a �et I i
�j the relf 'al lity the I 6il's criti- words,, "Welcome vindble
VII iy Umber. They I took with them! the in Thro;ing
Home," to t a gnei3tg of! the evei ki
-tract of country o Hurofi ug.
their respective se n theAmitil next day received!Word from Port
hools in the way of I?canllc uti- . 11 9
, 8 !dr&13=c, t Stalliori If
("Ill in matt, here I e, opi ario —Messrs V3. Cameron and If. T. Inside a prolusion of ffllo*er scatt ered heavy 3rl( rigarryl Roas
§ re, and hall , .31 feet 41
stating that the girl was the �Col-
atioa, salari gly f3p)ken deriall, returned home J_ feet 3 .4
accommodat-pil, elessific as nent than that so disparakirf G arrow, of G
Mvernment s on kne a ticket I or Bay. City. l scoundr4l fragrance and beaut� around, whiloE the the late imlWrtatiOhS Of ear old -
0 v
d country. 'Ithe weight of qubO
and Malay other subjects, sod. besides of by the*above named coi+espondent, I at 'Week fro the " tabl. Dene4th Maly, tille, tw
ho bou tht the -ticket had Swindled hor as groaned I T
lel 10, fe 3
off t. e *��k_ pi
8(?me French pin a& that Mil rh
mare brog i ; )rrisb a 1 7 I'the thlrSe
F� this a more frieud1v relati6n would be nor can better. tilled I I —Mr. A. X. Robe �tson, of Mc in thisway, kee *rig 'the difference Of most excellellt viaril propmed by. the draug] it eta lioh 4"Simbol ano� Sh
fli e congr fee j
W ladies of A number Yea; ily ., L�dy Morltg=6 t
3 n. ies.
Rtablished between the lBoards of the perous farmers be found i Iny cor ntry about 08 in the price, and the. girl wal 98�
a- rl of handsom( presents e a, vaitin the
Dist, il – - ir�a e ures 6 feet 7J i a in length. ii�lit at the FrOvillcil"I
CAT!rim A' N incteas 11 They Nill a so eX1 il Best Gejae
unaware of the wrong.,until She rose 5 t
t- sections. cli i lite is or tire -
116 Racfj.
the diff-eren I� would be well in the w:)rld, while the —The Clinton del School opene n G60ph, next we0k.
12 foot�-aba- �o ith 1 seaSil � IS �eportedin -happy eonpl 3, and an: a dreE a of wel- 13a
Port Huron.
Studer ts, which is the larges;
ly exceptional or its 0 abrit and ",rat di t iCtS Df Eingland. —At tbe-gamea of the Luckuow Cale- come and a Duri contai-�niug $42 a I f0mr ays 81 � I r, I&ok'of the
a also, to invite the presence of the teach Jith 27 Be er
klLtit:rf, r 'St r class thai basiever attended Since it 3 8th "laces 'a, B shard
to evenness of tem erature. tsin�, 1.1d professor week, two members presented to Mrs. a alwoo '0 s.1ppaA.ano
ers at- these conventions and. extend: I donian Society,last
er's 'fo t
lie Smith
Un' a -si was t y CD1111mencemell
If 130 kill 6a recon
Qnoit Clubi came out .—The Winghairl' f last bund
them the privilege of taking PaXt in the of tbeVVingham, A van a o ?,:ad fifty -four a e
—Mr. James Steele, of Sesforth, lill n
o -Y
imbi I r be avil Best pip
- - F - �, �7 i r w ar.Uet.
ES COTTON, the partieh mberley, to
'MR. JAm A 116" ho
victorious, Mr.'W. A. Mol
k Ale g the A JpS, amont ta week says Mr. Hen Old
hough theL voting power -duds,
discussiona, alt .1 ;'a HIE :E MORTGiGES.— It is sold his hote vtc)�,6rt� in A 00po
in ng is woo 011 actory, was re -
weight of t1 ese steets was J A.S
I -cents
Mrs. Harrill 5n,1 the Present occupant 'bg d
first and Mr. John seclo I works ' I U
t ghould be kept within the mehab�rs of accused of bein 'interesteii. in the al I it 9l at r ieved of a atoll on S&Ourday morning ce reco'ived -Best Pi 1>11
9 1. Llang Ulds inort- arid t�he
try prize, at d for the first time Huron bt a 1
for the sum 01 $_1,-6 I,!
the convention -proper while it would thorship of Will was torne# Tk zdges the value lo -1 on Ne,w gi p0ii-do. a st;ws, a t XLlm n,
I I . 0io —Mr. Godf.-ey f6tmerly station Maw beaten Bruce in the 4' tug of. 'war con l last., He h;ad* lieft in b[is vi at rig
i. , pro P A
Second Pacific Scandal," and V' w, 3Tk petition. � Huron's victory on this il on a' post a misSed. it 4bout 11 o c ock Y`6&17 -01d, rai. ad by Mr. Wir . switaer, of ipeL
thecteachers at _r at BrusBel haE moved to ]�Jrtea RO
be likewise, bEneficial i R EI's Co IS Ito A I 11PER. —A case to" a the 3ra concession, �Blai ard and oll -as Smitl
served with a writ for libeLil a casion is' said to be due to the superior H laid iu 11 befolt a . Thernas
their conventions would �extenod a like y Air. Tobili 3t d ine, and -will 'I ave'�harge of the statiol I -
)f le rosy , a 111rOugll by� the la (I Possession ol
muscle cf the Messrs Bell ol HeuSall, Holmes, Esq., J, %gaiast a boy Year in th' Pipe
�frola 0 Fr The ca ;Best.
hree of whom� took part in the contem named Ge6ige Birtch.,1 Be w
priviloge, to the trustees. By this, meauls -S1hi.eId-`s,*rites't6 an 9ttawe, pap3r in that town. as weighed 1,7 9 his -was
i" ba I alu 0 Fr ncis- W 140 pounds.
_Mr. C, Ha of the 17tl Of
Such an interchuma of sentimen% would the effect that -he has �Vaited for a loi.f �oj T q qua al ti 3 Dffiol re used Pill bel 3 all large, powerful men a finest steer of the lot but -, number 4
tle . I I ;: '1� eDneEission. H:)wich' has been very i I -given to Coi istable P ettypiec 3, Who sue
Al to f
00 tit th tillEm f arresting him tat I luev them -;J� of 600 p0`61"ll" -eel
f on ighl'ad upwar
irmLly braced gn,the enc we
tained m wouldbe &like beneficial time for that gefttleman to r eed, b I i ttely with rbJ mipazi de: fever, buti ceeded in Stratfor
be, obt ay,:y IN �6. --i a no, v 'He nf6se I to tt -do
UO HIGA. 1 r6ody a the Hnr)n part of the rope it �vould Sunday night. king, _Xr. J as Steet, -of
while a feeh he does -not. AccordingI he in ends h T'yi ha -v a coialnenced z��, series of 8 owly recovellin ruit grovve a Fli
to of confidence, 3),nt, a: orty horse power lobomotive 40 the watch i hich he hs� s6ld for ?2. a rs Righlan
on -the lost Success,
�or thi I dia- —The Gor undry is to
resum B quire
ourts -06, gs
all in the other would be- established __Iaow to apply to the c inl]hi"go, Crowlearefock- e- AlLathesoll
it' - . I pull it fl om them. I It was rec ered byi the Cor stable, and in thi secti In of the country W1111
lusiness again sh�ortly, the property ireag oftl
-it. This i toi i ear t 2e n.;, tea -,rest attention Uallpm
n trial. Dur- had
nAt;er i�
ousi irably, nter-
micable rels- inissal,of the wr last WeElk coliniill for to
I which the public tire e says a kindsi he
and more friendly and a ThE Clinillon' New Era Birtch was d
, I -;D.— The I aviv g been p, ircha�ed by Mr. Hennedi "
isk&s% ELA, d at pre,..e4t
1 tious between- teachers and, trustees Tiere is a young !a ing the investigation, Ahe Constabl i interested hir geif spO lag
oblih Gaze Ltf se, E that tt a foot slid 'f Blount For at, ee I)au(
du did d overed this same boi had offered a this Y09 -r:
would. ensue. ThLe educitti?hal Ms. ested, and-mbich has been 16ys.te ously Several P tt� efts have �receutly visiting in Clinton who has iol c ly�in fIilum
among e aba,
11 ill i, a& a is real g eat Dres' b-
u-dant vest. Abou
8, ju 0 kenc C muggli g $50 bill to sDme railway M for $6 a reapdT an
Aargew;L ffal t, the absence the somew)lat novel plan oJ a
chinery tl�iroug4qut would be: in a to hushed The in i exten place i
a place i To�rie. In
ad UP pin;. an 0 9,Isrm few clays previously.: Ofi:t be trees b ilive borne r..
�f the family i ii Pat i cana'ryL Wag Sto things across from UncieSa 13 domai a 9 arrested 100 this
1) by I lie E.—, A f: mernamed ties being eat r
e ycon ed to:hava Bi the.. ost prolill
a muol. more. 9moc ne -he f r in her bustle. Recently a a manae th bo, ng lea it in cro 13' the
ru ithly and ed a- that t irm, of which Sl 61110 as W f in Rev. Mr. Fish r oil a day last wool fc
tb�4 ix n and the Blughau
V rkshir gton Sird dviril 1,1 n ar Sagila w
-t aresta would be corresponding- member, receiv6d. from ring a f ull trimmed ha er oattypieol to h -h
Do ' * out the
tional in —.Mr. Lauc hlin McNeil, of Grev, Ill a to b a OBS u Howick. Mr. P
h as larglo
v; hile, underbinahing' with his I dr3d Stallion
-old. -'We make thesuggestions Government large bulAs for el I in a his causai Ciall P t at ingenious way.. -It w4s observoild into Hol and the Man om whom of them ha,rome LnAtj 11 NXIY 14r
ly promot aii lrsu�ht
n 41X 11 ME ri gh� b and -,oxx �pletel) so' v- 0