The Huron Expositor, 1883-05-11, Page 5REAL STATE `f FOR SALE —Fee sans 1 lex Grey, oontaining 100 • acrea of which sure cleared, Weill good. state of eultivation, the lit timbered with ham ck - sthe hush hag never te buildinge and na lard dwelling orchard and plenty of gee im tad for roadR, seheckle tike J t* particulars apply t4 the p- „ uns or to Walton PF 0. THO in Tuckerenilth, being g to 2, L. R S., Trtcker.t'h. Ther i frame house, a frame b eaten een a go orehard and two good `walla. 8a acres cleared said 70 free of etaie under-drain3.d and in a good state the balance is well thiabered with h asituated within one mile of Ere and eenvenient to schools and within 6 miles of Seaforth. and 7 r toe, and a good gravel road to both particulars apply to the ro�etor ilea, or by- letter to T O S I+d UN field P. Q. 'pAria FOR SALE.—Lot No. 83 eon township of East Wtuvanoah, cot -o ron, containing 200 acres, about 130 and ander cultivation, the remainder w bared with hardwood, with a sulteleee of cedar for fencing pure Theme premises a good subatanti-til house cella with a good stoma ale' d r. well th:ooghout and newly built; also .a .and pump convenient ; stoodrn bas witty underneath, good orchard and we would suit welt for stock raising rat farm is well situated, being on *good throe Writes from the village of Iden ehte about four miles from the village ofBly there are good ntrkets w.th railway - -Terms.—€nue third of the purchase mo, the balance to silit the purchaser. A 'JAMES BROWNt on the premises, Blyth P. 0. 'ENTIRE STOCK FOR. SERV' 1. r T. Fait Sg %iUE -The under kec p on lot 23, let concessionofTwe L. R. S., a Thoroughbred Rulleer a bull sire registered Mahe old Herd Book, me dam registered in the new herd mak. Tenet $1.50 to insure, aad $e for the sewn. At.KENIIE;,D: RERKSiTIA PIG.—Te ueldoif keep €iurine' the present season conceal -40n 3, I.c. R. 11., Tuekersrmith, a Th bred Berkshire Pig, to which a limited to E f sows will be admitted. Tering—a l pee with the privilege of returning if Mere TO tTOOK BREEDER 1 HE undersigned will keep for the !re meat of stock during the preae its avis farm, lot 27, concession 8, Hibbert theTe Thoroughbred Bull, ,. Lord Wilton," , Wilton is of red c-oler, was calvee Pe l`2, and was bred by Messrs. George .11131 a E,vlatvare, Ont.; got by Earl of cardigan 1143, - i ire ?ter, by 3rd Earl of Darlington Mame lam Elvira 2nd, by Pelaee 545, great _grand I Ivira, by Belt Duke of Oxford 644 ; Kentucky 1}y Burnside • 618, Elie by Effie by John tr. flaunt, Jr. COO, Prince .''i ibert 2nd 851, America by e2, Ludy Eiiz sbeth (imparted) by Emp„. F lvira by Fluke 1933, by Wellington Vetting Remus 2522, ley Midas 435,. by Trot ?aa, by Bolingbroke 86 Terms.—$2 .p si h special rates for thoroughoreds. To JanuArv, It3t3•i. DAVID Mare WELCOME. THE well—knownF ed Heavy Drs Stallion, [. Welcome,” property of Marna Laughlin de Horton, atanri for the improv. of stock this seesee at ewe : Moan ee—Wall leave his own stable. la :>ncee-s1on 13, AlcKino.p, and proceed to Folli xotei, Winthrop, for noon' thence. to Iia. :Law's hotel, Seaforth, for night. Triaseey—ar. aroceed to Br ownlee e hotel,, Alma, for nOrtd ze- ce to hi -Auburn hotel for night. Weesya - Will proceed north to Thos Neilse s, Or noon; thenen to his own stable for , .. ritr;xsryyv 'trill proceed to Beirne's hotel, W ore, for noon ; thence -o Roe's hotel,•B or night, and remain until Friday noon; N est 2i miles along the 5th concession, ;hence South 2 miles to Wm. McArthur' right- SATURDAY --W1 proceed South 2 hence East to.Beirrie'ai hotel, Walton, for n ,hence to his own stah:e, where he wfll. rntit the following Monday morning. (,p� ifeEWEN, Manager. NOTICE TO CRE ITOR& IIDURBISANT taeluipter one hundred antigens of the RevisediStatutes of Ontario, all Ons having claim7against the late CharIott+i n his lifetime of the Township of McE'iilop,li he County of Huron, Drover, deceased,whod he the Eleventh day of april, A.: D. 1883, arta Iulred to send in to F.olmested,Esq.,8eefee lutaario Solicitor for Iter McEwan, John 84 ow and John Menarey_ Executors of thelsst and testament of the s id deceased, on orbehei he sixth day of June next, their Christian ani urnantes and full particulars and proofs of *It hilus and demands upon the estateof t1aaA eased ; and notice is hereby given that aid'Executors will after the said sixth day une next proceed to distribute the assets o- aid deceased among the persons entitled tb axing r egard only to the claims and dei ouch hich they shall then have notice Dated at Seaforth the 8th day of May, 183$. 05-4. F. IIOLMESTFD, Solicitor for Eunice, AUCTIOII SALES. HCTiOrtl SALE GF A DWELLING 1100 IN SEAFORTEI.—air. J. P. Brine hal We Madded by the Proprietors, to sell by Wilt notion, at the Comma offal Hotel, Beatnik -LI etarday, May /9, 181,3, at 2 o'olook F m•,Pri maforrable and commodious residence, a# 10. int occupied by Mr. Lyons. on Viotorla 814 ar the °ethane ohnreh_ The hone entail rlor, dining room, sitting room, kitchen IL d room on the groand flat and four bed seen' G• -stairs, togetle r with a good cellar saga s her necessary convenience& There is a Oa undation under the house. Heed and lx ater, and a, stable and woodshed. Pots ven at any time. The property will palm sold without reserve: Terris —Tenn per'` the parchese money to he paid on the *L. and for the balance terms will be o WIr at the Bale, or previously on applicaksia M. WHITNEY, Seaforth. JOHN BEACOM, CLINTOIL DEAR Sin.—AB yon made a sfa$eftil+ e clay of the Goderich Show-, that yea etch me any day, I deem it, best thatth owlet know before the season closes e best horse, I hereby challenge you ntr stallion Tontine, against my stallien urbon, for ned.00.a sic —mile heats -b : e raga to take place 1 on either t1 inton track, and on on either the th July 2nd. I have to -day deposited Fids or A. 3 . Polly, Goaerioh, as a 10 anee to be put up the morning of the challenge will remain open for Isar.- up- 2Aadup. Yours,' &e.—J. P. M OOR- derich, May 5th,_i8 _ ULY EXAMINATION, IRST CLASS, GRADE "0" NON-. SIONAL, will begin at the Norma> ionto, Monday, July` 9th, at 2 p. m• ediate 3rd and 2nd ?*I -Professional'. 'A at the High Schooll! of the countea ly 3rd, at S a, m. The Professional examination . for iicates will begin at the couclusir,- n-professional examination.. e examination for first -014a% will begin after the eoncclon onat examination. is indispensable that cand dateas ?p e Secretary not later than the 1st of eir intention to present themselves" for tion; and furnish; the' necestary ct rbi anter and service. Forme of notice to begiven b-9 ea& evloualy, can be obtained oar *PP e Secretary. tb$In where desiring to i am nation must be particular i° gh School at which they desire• to optional subject they intend to take. PETER ADAM80N, 2 Secret -Aryl KAN' ' 1883 1 D U N C 'Iu addressing our rn them that what we say is correct .ih el est and most fashionable goods, ;but t1 any house, and that in the best m.arke our customers. Our goods are marke very lowest, }{ HURON EXPOSITORp. SEA ORTH, ONT. • & DUNCAN ny cus ery partic cheapest s. We sell to sill for e °diets through the Expositor, eve eau assuie lar. (con You, will find on examina-vion'of our stock, not only the new- yidei ing the quality) in, the _ market. We buy independen ind.ependen.0- •goocis on less profit than houses i ,the city, and better value to cash or trade, and the public can depend on ge4ing prices at . F Cus rs at a distance from 'Seaforth can have samples and prices sent on application. Good sent by hprss or Stage. DUNCAN & DUNdAN'S i the place to buy foods for ready money. SILKS AND SATINS. Moire Silks, Brocade Summer Silks, Moire and Satin Stripe, Ottoman Cord, Gros Grain, Glade Silks at DUNCAN & DUNOAN'S COLORED DRESS SILgS. Brown, Plum, Navy, Garnet, Bronze, ,Drab and Mode. All colors in Plain Satins. Black Satins full range of prices, from 750 up, worth $1, at Duncan & Duncan's, Seaforth. DRESS GOODS. Plain and. Fancy All -Wool, Small Check and Plaids, all wool French goods in Plain and Twills, Nun's Veiling and Cloth in all the new shades, Colored Cashmeres in all shades, Fine Scotch .Gingham, Sateens in all fancy patterns, Prints in large variety at Duncan & Duncan's, seafort.. 477—QUESTION—Who first used th-eterm f AI - mighty Dollar ?" LACEAND FANCY GOODS, Lace Collars in endless variety, Embroidered Collars very cheap, J-Tandkerchief Sets—a new thing; Four Ply .Linen Col- lars, $1 per dozen. The largest stock of Laces in. ail makes, White and Cream. ; Real Laces, Black and White, up to $4 a yard. All colors of Lace and Embroidery to match Dress Goods this season. A rare stock of White G-oods for summer --cheap. AJJ sorts of Frillings and neck wear at Duncan & Duncan's, Seaforth, 481—QUESTION--Do all clocks and watches give the same number of ticks or beats- to the minute ? _ ilIMMINompaininommumzwaigir Our Millinery room i, in full !running order. All the novel- ties of the season to cho se from. Hats and Bonnets for all. Flowers, Feathe$s, Ribbons, Silko, &c., at Dune • n. Sc HOUSE FURNIS Special val & DUNCAN ca house in the cit and Towelings, American and E Curtains and L the best All -Wo cheap. e in th and Shee White + glish Ti mberqui 1 and TLT. 11 465 --QUESTION the Law ? unc an's, eaforth. INGS & STAPLE GOODS se goods;, im»orted direct. DUNCAN sell these gocd.s as cheap Rs any mg anc4 Pillow -Cottons Table , Linen ottons, the best value in Canada ; eking, Wool Damask, Cretonnes, Lace ns. Carpets—Brussels and Tapestry, ion. Good Table and '-Piano Covers hat are r 1 A boy stood with an umbrel.a, with a cord tied to it, in a public doorway. Eleve + persons thought that that umbrella was theirs, and arried it with them the length of the string. They then suddenly dropped it, and went off without once look- ing back or stopping to pick it up again. 0„; the Nine Points. of TTMBR LLAS, PARASOLS, &C. A' large stock of Cot on and Zenalla Umbrellas .at Duncan & Du can's. mm nse stock of Silk and, Alpaca Umbrellas and s inshades1 on hand. Parasols in all qualities, from 25c to $5, mported direct, and worth more money than we ask at Dune n & Du can's. A large stock of Ladies' Ulster Cloth and Melto 's Wate proof Cloaks, and Rubber Circulars of every size for Ladies' an Children. OAK H� WE L, SEAFORTH ARE S,Ii.OWING FOR SPRING 300 NE P4TTER1S 300 Of TWEEDS i Scotch, English, Irish and Canadian, - all of N CA • which are of the latest designs and colors. We are na Suits to order for o� WO0T At Oak Hall, Seaforth. $12.00 $14.00 TWEEDS $10.00 Our stock of Scotch. Tweeds is very complete, and we are, confident that any, and every person can be suited in patter: or color. Our cutter has been in our employ for the last .v years, and is thoroughly posted in arll the latest styles a will guarantee a perfect fit, and full satisfaction in all cases.: WORSTED COATINGS. English and French Worsted in endless variety, in Black and Colored, and at every price. Fancy Worsted for Suitings. Fancy Worsted for Panting Fancy Tweed Suitings. Fancy Tweed Pan.tjn Our stock of Canadian Tweeds, which is always competfi, will give satisfaction to the most fastidious. OAK HALL, SEAFORTH. HATS THAT ARE HATS. For every age and. style, to suit very person, from the very plainest taste to the nobby genteel. Our New York goods are the latest in the market, and splendid quality Hats fro x:J. 500 up .at Oak Hall. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. Full lines in all kinds of Gents'1-1 Wishing Goods, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Braces, Underclothing a. Gauze and Merino. Men and Boy's Ready-made Clothing. SEAFOR IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY Staple and Faney Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Carpets, Rouse Furnishings, Groceries, VD PRODUOE TAKEN AS USU.L� N9 TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODB. IMJNCAN & DUNCAN, Direct Importers