The Huron Expositor, 1883-02-16, Page 1583. [sea Stoek, Piri and in eraipaas cable tome. beat LOan so. rehage. or sae. 41t Per seam znahiP a Store, ?Ala 441 OAK Joan ae,00,,acti at 7 Per cents wers to. Pity tars apply ao aP4. 0. 781 CES, seny....seatt. rale , Boviden't a terms. The tvad is acne ThemeJg Satisfactory xi the premise. •WDEN p. 787 -,vettclid entire - ad coming ne of the beO. by, this. eeles - or teethe. nullett ant ewe Jamas t, 787x4tt Lsa the. hi. leflestablished ItsurartOe bRaia !or partienekea. mfortii. 7/g :the Wekome et soiled parks ted- aciarait- eureel by WM, 788 IT-erissieian Mee and red. )--r- Hatchet _ 781 n',8-lirgeort and Office andreal- tssecond door 841 evaielan, Sur. tidy ot Huron. etreet north, ohool. Graduate. Of a Surgeon and traiResidenees BrieEfonse 498 FIELD, D. C. M., Viee and S G. S,Eden: at Soho Hos- t of woraert. [T1 ST. ige ot Dental the rooms 5,. Whitney's. 1 and salsa rate. Mout naiar he 'is able to -stry suitable Speeialty. Gas given. 9SAI Seaforth. D S ae, CADEY'S )1a.TH, opo - 1 Haiee, on te•Oxide Gas- th. Tate g -aa alight since been one of Vint. Pa - hale the gas 1 in a f 'disagreeable teeth please enton paid Teeth in - 730 -52 Having pure allied by Mr. h0 El ge iked,aBd an -FRE're Pro - 781/24 Ea IETORSt r this Ifonee ,t1 refurnish- : in the best lass accorti- brands or a attentive - lie Stables. ruling cone- CIER epurpose ct ida,i noer 13t taeorsele RATE :4, ofa. 4 FEBRUARY 31 1883. 1111111111111.111111111111111111Ma Latest ReEI Note& Mr. Robert Bell, has purchased 20 acres from Mrs. Bea ish near Trow - )ridge.. The price -p 'd was 111,400. George Whiteman, agent of the Erie railway at Niagararailla, N. Y.) was way. laid and assaulted wIth a club by Wm. Walker a notorious character. His injuries are seVere. Mr. James Martin has sold his farm lama, about two mils east of Listowel, of 125 acres on the 31st , concession of to Mr. John Dickson, of the township of York, for the sum of S.250. The dwelling -house of Thomas Hayes on the 1.0th concessioln of Wallace, near PRIMOrSt011, was des - rayed by the last 1, week. Part of the c ntentts were saved. Cause, defective chimney ; loss . about $500; na bast:trance. A few weeks agn john Barns, of Moore County, North Carolina, very poor end owning may twenty-three acres of and fortune, fame, and the gratitude of miliiiins have teen hinl'Otgliik4. Iti making these statementa,* are gulaaa by an earnest wish to beneflilthe sick and suffering of all nationa4 and in directing their attention to the well. attested curative properties of Hollo- way's remedies, we only reiterate facts and optnions which are patent to three- fourths of the civilized world. -Lammas Indicator. 774,52 , Holloway's Pills. SleePlessness, flatulency, acidity, nau- sea, and all dyspeptic indications may be speedily. relieved by these famous Pills, of which large quantities are shipped to all parts of the vrorld. The constantly increasing demands for Hol- loway's medicine proves its power over disease, and its estimation by the pul- lic. .In weakness of the stomach, in diseases of the liver, and in disorders of barren land, recently discovered gold the system caused by cold or sluggish. Itisdand, and isnow the ..wealthiest. reantin. Eastern North Carolina, being worth hundreds of thonsands of dollars Rev. Mr. Harrison the boy preacher,. bee been holding revival meetings at Decatur, 111., for eleven . weeks, The . attendance is largo.- The total number Of convert& to date i . 1,020, with 1,000 niore on the anxi cm seat. Persons seeking religion cerise one hundred mites,. and parentslfrom neighboring towne came with . their children and Estee netil.they are • cdnverted. Mr. and Mrs,. Bevy of Salt evois, St. Johre, Quebec,.colerated their golden Wedang Monde:et,. February 1 lb, The veuerailele couple haste: twelve children living :eleVell of W _OM are, niari The eruareent used ,o finish the bride's cake hed a.. reeeptaele rese red for a: nest, in which one bird still remains, the. other eleven are in -thee t of leiter- , bag: their home. • Infotenation has been recta' ed of the- deitilt • of John C. Rose, s$i of Mr. Dcreald Ross, of the'3ed line Of Wallace., The yeung Weal was living iu Carson,. .end was shot dead . by a drunken garabler„ in that city, named Cambebecause he refesed to lend. him a sure of money.-Tharing DUO of the B9ltert3, snow atoms u Manitoba a few week aga,-., the . Wife of Mr.. --Harry delta& who, e. few yeers: ago, kept hotel at 1Gawattstown, was frozen te death, while traveling in the (smeary. There were delivered recently at the Reyel Viotoria Hos:rite', England, five: large Berlin wool (OMs. for the nee ef- fete wounded sobliete who are recover- ing in that institicttfan from hurts re- ceived in the Egypt en oarn.peign. Otte if the quilts was- entirely worked by the Qutee herself, attel arether by the Priucess Beatrice.. !The former bears in oue corner Her Majesty's cipher of a crown, Y. R. L„ and date, 1882; the letter the initial, letter of 4.' Befitrice." The ether quilts were worked by af the Court,: but the Queen bas added it border to eatib. circulation, no medicine is SOlefficacious, no remedy so rapid, as these Pills, which are altogether incapable of doing mischief. By quickening digestion, they give refreshing sleep, sharpen the appetite, impart tone to the digestive organs, purify and enrich the blood, regulate the secretions, and strengthen the whole physical system. 774,52. A Single Box. _ Of Dr. Smith's Great Gernaan Worm' - Remedy will kill a thbuSand worms, and is as pleasant to take aa the most delicious candy. It s does not ei eate nausea, and cam _ be given without e particle of apprehension of doing iojury,! Sold by J. S. Roberts, Agent, Seaforth 754,52. Dr. Austin's Phosp. &tine Is wonderful in its curative, effects fu man, woman_ or child. 4 has been tested by thousands in and i about Bos ton with not a Riegle adverse report. Phospbatine • supplies just the preper- ties a diseesed: watedag system is -lack- ing and yearning for, because it con - talus 80 per cent. of the life-sustaining elements (for brain, bone, blood, or tissues( of the human system when in Parsnips. This vegstable, which is seldom seen in country gardens, is nevertheless “very good eating,". and is deserving id culture, este (daily is its keeping quali- ties render it a Plefasant addition to a winter's bill of fere,. The following on the ireehod et vowing is faun the Amerioan, Gardeu0 "The paradp flourishes best, and produceti the largeet,longest and 811100th - .est. roots when grown quiekly, in a very rich, deep soil, for if &eel' manure is given, the roots will beeome ferksd ; or, if the teeds are sown in a shallow or poor soil, the root § will be of small size, tough forked, a:nd alnaost worthless. "The bett and easiest method of oh- - tabling a satisfactery crop is to prepare the groend thoroughly the previous sea- son. Tide should be done by plowing or digging the gronna very acep, and at the same time woeking in an abundance cf decomposed Btkble manure in which a quantity of bone dust has been mixed. If at all possible, let the ground be- - thrown up in ridges throughout the winter, mud as soon as tbe ground is in tvorkine ceudition in the spring, a good. sprinkling of guano should be given, the ground fleetly leveled, and the seed sown iu drills from eighteen inches to two feet spart. '['be seed S,hould be covered to the depth of three-quarters of an inch, and ati seen as the young plants are from three to four inches, in height thy should be thinned out to a distance of six csr eight inches apart. All the care and attention they require after this is to be well cultivated. and kept free from weeds at all times. .'The roots are. perfectly hardy, and are very much improved by leaving them in the ground- during the winter, care being taken ta bring enough in the cellar to last during the cold weather. The roets esquire to be covered with sand whee placed in the cellar, thus preventing them from becoming dry. One ounce of seed will sow about one hundred and fifty foet of row, and as the seed is thiu tuid scale -like, it will not retain ita vitality for over a year." The Law Of Gravitation. health. Try it. For sale by all drutd gists. Price,14.41.00. 1' 788 52 7 Not to avail You!rseLf • Of a trial of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine means to continue suffering withodt limit, with none but yourself to blame; for everyone who has tested it in cases of nervous prostratien, depleted syttem, goneness at the stomach, headache,. bronchitis, and wasting dtseases, sa3f, "Never before did anything act like it:" For sale by all druggists ; price, 11,1.00. 788 52 Excited ,Thousands. All over the land are going into ecatasy over Dr. King's New Discovetly for contaimption. Their unk eked f& recovery by the timely use of this great life Baying remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is gnarane teed to positively cure Selrere Coughe, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitia, Eloareeness, Loss of Voice, or any affee tion of the Throat or Lungs. Trial Bottles free at E. Hickeort & Cole Drug Store, Seaforth. Large size $1.03. 78352. Blessing to all ankind thew times when our n wspapera are flooded with patent medicine advertise- ments, it is gratifying to kuow what to procure that will certainly cure you. -If - THE HijitON EXPOSIToR. ..immumg ties of a high order, rendering the k. neya active and healthy, and e,xpelling from the system the acrid elements which pritsluce rheumatic 'pain- 'Price 61. Sample bottle, ten cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap- per bears &fee-stria/Le of theft signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. 750-52-b Charles T. Casselman, Druggist of Chesterville, writes to the proprietorsof that sovereign tonic,pur- dock Blood Bitters, "Your Blood Bit- ters give universal satisfaction. All your medicines selldtvell, and many of my customers will take no other, 774, 65.2w , Mrs. McArthur. Of, Hopeville, says regarding Hag - yard's . Pectoral Bakam, that - she would not keep house without it. She cannot speak too highly of its merits as a reinedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, atthtba, weak lungs and all pulmoeary troubles. - A cold may be cured by it in one day. 794.65.2W: SAYS DRYBEN • She knows her man, and when you rant and swear, Can draw you to her with a single hair: But it must be beautiful hair to have such power ; . and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 50c by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 • "Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire out in alabaster ?" Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin, When Cingalese Renewer will make it grow faster. For Sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 770.52.789. • The Cause of Death. It is known almoSt to a certainty that in fatal diseases the individual dies either from the brain, heart or lungs. How wise then is the effort to maintain a perfect state of health? Dr. Carson's Stomach and Conetipation Bitters are a veritable "Health Giver." They free the system from impurities ; cure bili- ousness, dyspepsia, and all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowel. In large bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all drug- gists. • With every bottle of Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops, a sample bottle is given free of charge. If, after using the trial bottle, you are not satis- fied, with its effect, you can return the large bottle to yew dealer, ho will re- fund the money. Thousands can testify to its prompt action' in curing coughs, colds, bronchithe etc. If you suffer try them. Price 50 cents a bottleesold by ell druggists. TUE Subsc; ibera Boiler Business There's Where the Shoe erieli Foundry and Pinches. avit.g had an exp that shop, are now Corns are a capital indicator. They in an 'Lir-branches. tell to a Lair's breadth whether your Any work e!) tins des1ro4 Of inairing• my (mire known. R. WITRaaS.--793.52. • In. the Historof Ittddioin.e No preparation has -received such un versal commendation, for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it affects in kidney diseases, as Dr. Van Baren's Kidney Cure. Ite action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. For Sale by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Now That there is a reliable remedy for kid- ney trouble, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed,' For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all praise- for having thus re- moved a hitherto fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by J. S. Roberts. 770.52.789 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure, burns, bruises, cuts, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, _ corns, tetter, chapped hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure 'in every instance or mohey refunded ; 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 783.52. • Farmers before buying your. reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the !reaping and mowing season is coming ,on, farmers should remember' th at th at "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the bett reaper and. mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 T HE CANADIAN BA K OF COMMEBtE 'HEAD OFIICE, TORONTO. Paid op Capita 'teat, . , - $0.01e0,000. ▪ . 1,650,dtattie Presici•ent, H n. Writ. illeAlaster. SEAFO Tho Seaforth Bra receive deposits„ on the mot favoi able t TEI BRANCH._ eh of this Bank continnea t( which interest e allowed. on rms. Drafts on all the ,rincipal towns and citioe it. Can'tuta on Greet ritain, and on tam Guitee States, benght ,iud 8nd, °Mee doo Boath of the Commercia • Hotel. 6119 A. II. IRELAND, Ma.nager. F. HO LMESTED, S )icitor. CHRYST L BLACK PR CTICAL • BOILE MAKERS. have bought the Tools and lately carried on by the Gad- Manufactnrirg Company, and riouce of over eight years in repared to calla' tat the trade ed to us will receive prompt shoemaker . has make allowance for attention. First -c ass werrk guarauteed. their dimensions or uot. Corns will re- Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &o., at lea, - A d kinds of Balers made and rt paired, alto) quire an accident policy at once, for Putnam's Painless Corn -Extradtor re- moves them iu a few da,ys. No pain, -sonable rates - New Salt Pans_ the shortest notice no discomfort, and permanent benefit. petition. CHRY T:inygistto. o1:62by.52d.oruggists everywhere. 7e3 N. C. Poison & Co., Proprietors, u. • G. W. derillgay, Parkdale, Toronto, writes : "My wife youare bilious, blood out of order,Liver had several very severe attacks of inactive, or generally debilitated, there cramps in the stomach. Hearing of is nothing iu the world thet will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a bleesing to all mankind, and eau be had for ouly fifty ceuts a bottle of E. Hickem & CO., Seaforth.-4783-52. Cheap and. God. For 60 cents you can pnrchase from any reliable druggist, a bo X of Mack's Megnetie Medicine, which contaiins forty-fi-ve doses; this is oheaper then any other similar medicine sold, apd Lying berieath en apple tree Sir Isaac Newton saw an apple fall to the ground. His enquiring anted led him to investi- gate the eanee, and the result was the promulgation cf the theory now known as the lid , of gravitation -a system -which at 0 ace won the assent of the learned world, and by means of which the mations (4 a.l. the known heavenly bodies are expleined, and those of the yet unktiowa ,can be determined. A singularly cone'lrebensivo principle is 14. that propel -aide' laud married into prac- tice by neliowtiy, He divides all the usual diseases into two classes-threie arising from imperfect a.ctiou of the digestive arganta, and those proceeding from impuritiee of the blood. These two classes of diseasehetreats by means of his celebrated i Phis a.ncl Ointment, two skilfully prepared remedies -which have been most seccesefully used in all the habitable perts of the globe. His unparalleled suseese hasmad his name a household word not only in his native land4 but througheut the length and breadth of the we eld. Countries where proprietary medieines are forbidden by law have relaxed; f heir stringent regale. - tions in hia favor. True merit is always at length recognised. The rich and the poor, the learna,d and the ignorant, physicians, stateamen, monarchs, a na- tion of enIiglaten,ed freemen, have sane- tioned,used, and. ex toP ed them. They are fixed facts in Medical history. Is not -this better than heying light under a bushel? If anytihii g is worth knowing it is worthy of being universally known. So thinking,Hollowav proclaims the vir- • while it is cheap our druggists say it is the beat, and gives satisfaction in ails cases. Read the advertisement in -an- other co1umn.-180,52. 78emesort, Man., Jan. 17, 1882.. Abont, a year ago I was takeu with .a severe cOlcl which settled- on my chest and brought on bleeding of.the lungs. I bled very freely and was very low. I feared it would ultimately turn into conaumption. Consulted a number of physicians; and used a number of so- called cough remedies and lung pads, but all to no avail_uutil I -saw a notice - of Dia Wilsou's Pulmenary Cherry 1311180.min a paper. Altheugh a forlorn hope I purehased a bottle, and to my surprise found it doicig me good. I per- severed in its use and am now com- pletely cured. Please puhlith this that others may be saved. Yours truly, 793 52. , _ J. E. NEWCOME. The Disfiguring Eruptions Oa the face, the sunken eye, the pallid complexion, indicate that there is some- thing wrong ging on -within. Expel the lurking foe to health. Ayer's Sar- sapa.rills. was devised for that purpose ;- and doeo it. -793-52. I • .As an Article for the Toilet, Ayer's Hair Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the scalp and preserved -it from scurf and dandruff, cureitching end hunace s restores faded or gray hair' to its original dark color, and promotes its growth. -793 52. Dr. Austin's Phosphatine and its pleasantness to take, I gave her two bottles, and she has not had an attack since, and her headth is much improved. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789 J. Wetherell, Writiug from Winnipeg, says; "I can say more about peosphatbee now than wheu I saw you last in Toronto. My health is much. improved, and 1 am free from headaches or any other aches, having used only two and a half bottles of your Phospbatine. For sale by all druggists. 770.52.789. The Elements of Bone, Brain and Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the ibodily organs. When the circulation bectimes impover- rishecl in consequence of weak digestion and imperfect assimulation of the food, Which Should enrich it, every bodily function flags, and the system grows feeble and disordered. When the blood becomes impure, either from the de- velopment of inherited seeds of disease, its contamination by bile or other causes, serione maladies surely follow. A highly accredited remedy for these evils is Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, which eradicates impurities of .the blood and fertilizes it by promoting digestion and assimilation: Moreover, this fine alter- ative and stomachic -exerts a specific action upon the liver,healthfully stimu- lating that organ to a performance of its secretive duty when inactive,and expel- ling bile from the blood. It likewise tiles of his raediOineti throneh the press, possesses diuretic and depurent proper. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning.. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that 'poet terrible disease Cousnmption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of 50 cents to run the risk and do- nothing for it. We know from ex- perience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This ex- plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whoopiug ,cough at . once. Mothers do not be without it. for lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson. 780 26. • Dyspepsia and. Liver Com- plaint. Is it worth the small price of 75 ceets to free yourself of every- symptom of these dietressing complaints, if you think so call at our stere and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every. bottle has a, printed guarantee on it, use ac cordingly, and if it does you Do good it will cost you notliing. SOU by Dims - den & Wilson. 780.26 Shiloh's Catarrh .Remed-y. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker month and headache, in Shilohti Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and eweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by Luriesdee & Wilson. 780;26. ado and old ones renaired On , au d at prices that defy own- TAL & BXAOK, Box 103, Goderie I 'I' 1. J. S. PQRtER SEAFORTH. I am determi zed to Clear Out 974.N _Entire ,'tock of Furniture regard less of Cos TEL' )SE IN WANT, -t • 1 ill 91 ..... pay them to ascot lain prices bc ore purchasing elsewhere. -1 give a large disoot ut to thoae paying cash, ea. pocially to newly ioarried couples. I am still selling six highly finiehed chaire for $2.6O. I also ke ip Knowiton's Spring Bed, the best and cheape t in the market; warranted perfectly noiseles Warcrooms tineatly opposite M. R. Countern Mammoth Jewish Store, Main Street, Sealetth, East Side. Cash for hides, skins, fars and tallow. No truEk or trade. eath for everything. JOHN h. PORTER. e. • 7 KENDALL'S SPAV1N CURE I it cures Spaying, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and' removes the bunch without blistering. KENDAL'S SPAVIN CURE • \F or man it is now known to be one of tlre best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered. • We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in every case if he will only use gdod common sense in applying KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, oatnhderps:ersevere in bad cases of long standing. Read. below the expeitience of FROM 00L. L. T. FOSTER. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co. -Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large hope spavin on one joint, and a smaller one on the other, which made him very lame; 1 bad him under the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement Of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists her& to send for it; they or- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thorough trial; I used i according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceaped to be lame, and tie lumps had. entirely disappeared. I used. but one bottle, and the colt's limbs ar as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He is entirely cur d. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the rema niug two bottlea, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. • $50 We will pay the Liver Complaint, digestion, Constip cure with Wears d,rections are tar purely Veeetable, tion. Sugar Cos Pills,25 cents. F of counterfaits mannfn,etared on "The Pill Makers to, Ont. Freo tr paid on receipt of Roberta Drug sto $100 Nothing Can supply the place of a beautiful silky head of natural hair. It is infinitely more comfortable than switches, and other preparations for the hair by un- known foreigners.- Hair may be re- tained, beautified and actually restored, by the use of the Cingalese Hair Ren- ewer. - Sold at fifty cents per bottle by all druggists. 770.52.786. 13.flowNvieeD, Oct. 4, 1882. I write to tell you of the great and lasting benefits I have received from Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary, Ckerry Bal- sam. I had disease of the lungs for o'er two years. All the d.ectors I tried considered my case hopeless. A friend recommended your Balsam. When I began taking it I had violent coughing fits and strangulation from_ phlegm ; my feet ani limbs were fiwollen, and hectic fever had full poseession of me. The Balsam relieved all these symptoms and made a complete cure of me. REWARD! above reward for any case of Dyttpepaim, Siek HeaJache, In - tion or Costivenetta we cannot egetable Liver Pills, when the otly complied with. They are and never fait to give satlsfac- 4. Large b xeei, pen' aiuing 30 sale by all Druggists. Beware nd imitations. The genuine v by JOHN C. WEST & Go, '181 & 88 King St East, Torun - al package Bent by mail pre - a 3 mat stamp For sale at e. 793 52 - - — - - FORFEiT! .3, -K NDAL-L'S SPAVIN CURE! . ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last s mmer Messrs. p. J. Kendall & Ca., of Duisburg Falls, Vermont, made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year E,etting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on th Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying eubscribers to the Press as a premium. . About the tniase the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- merhorn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. Reread the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at Ms credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall'eaSpavin Cure and COM- rneuced usiug it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed Us this week that it effected such a cemplete cure that an expert horseman, who examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been 'Opted. Mr.. Scherrnerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatise on tEe Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly aud-would be loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy. So much for adv rtising reliable articles. Having the nrn catteeonfileeme in ita Fnperiority over all otheren at d after thausmada of tests of the Most complieate 1 nti severest cases, we could find, we feel jua ified in cilia -lug to forfeit One Thonaand Doi ari for aey ease of congba, cab, sore throat, iefi tenza, ho dens, baonchhis, coneumptien iu i s early Wages, whooping cough, s.ud -all diseases f the thrOat and 'mitts, ex° pt Asthma, for whi *b. we only claim relei that we can't cure withest's Cangh Syrup when 'taken according to thr anione. 3ainp1e bottles 25 and 5f/cents; largeho ;lea ene ellar• Genuiee wra pers only in b ue JOHN q WES `i & C )., 81 88 Haig S. Eat, Tonoutoi Ont. For sale at S. Roberts Drug tore. 793-52 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! EYE, EAR AND THROAT CEORCE S RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S . E , Lecturer on the Eys Ear and Throat, Trinity ifedieal College, Toren - to, and Surgeon to the Mentor Eye and Ear In- firmary, Cdnaulting Oculist and Anriat to the Inetitutions ler the Blied Brantford, arid for the Deaf and Dumb. 13e11eville, Oat. Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi- Afoorfields, and CeetteleThroat and Bar Hospital. 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO., ibfey be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL STRATFORb On the Lost SATURDAY' in EACIll' IVIONTIL 708 R's 4, yE ir Vigor '. stith the.gloss and freshness of yout't, faded or gray hair to a natural, rick :Learn color, Or deep black, as maybe desired. ; ;le me light or red hair maybe darkened, tein hair thickened, and baldness often, thoagh not always, cured. 1 teebecks falling of the hair, and 'stbnn- • niece: a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and -dandruff, and deals nettely every disease peculiar to .tho scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil, nor dye; renders the hair soft, .glossy, and silken ii appearance, and imparts. a -delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. - ..7)1n. C. PaBittthittert writes. from Kirke 0., .7u ly Lan : " Last fall. my hair commeneed felting oat, ami in a sheet time 1 became nearly bald. I used part' of a bottle ' of Aveat's HAin, Yuma, which stopped the fall- ing of the hair, and started a new growth- I have uow a nail beati of hale growing vigor- ously, and ant .convinced that but for th-o nee of your preparation. I should have been entirely bald." .T. W. BOWEN, proprietor of the McArthur (Olio) Enquirer, says: " AvEnt's 11.A.InVIGOX is a. moat excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its ' ese promotes the growth of new hair, and. n mites it glossy and spit. The View's. is also bliste,r, yet it is penetrating and powerful Le reach any deep seated pain or to re- 1 C." :nye elitiie satisfaction."atiNiLt eVetrldfliailineYd tendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not 1::::11-1.-.eedegt(1.3rel-lafsorthdetopurireuplarr. move any bony growth or eny other enlargement if used for several days, such as Mit. ANGI°S FAIR13ATRN, leader of the spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- teqebrated "Fairbairn Family" a Scotlish which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is DOW known to be the best lini- v„r; evideme of .C":11.113";cel-r.TIStiellSCeir11°114.1[Pti.)°enaallilfaSS'VN:eebs.itli' ments of the jloints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for • ment for man ever used, actinv mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used full I :inn,. procureth Itillie)ave-eilt_snegal \AvilYiEct'silelletAlinitg Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think givea positive proof of its Vieen, and so'have been able to maintain et e apearance of yoethfulness-. a matter of streugth with perfect safety at°all seasons of the year. virtu.es. No remedy bas ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, .se.e.elerahle conserves:tee to iminsters, ora - for beast as well as may. 'e a actors, and in fat every one wbo lives le the eyes of the puha." Price S1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or cn avet it for •ei Hs. (3. A. PneseOTT, Writing from 18 Erna . you, or it will be Sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. - Two years ago about 'two-thirds of my hair te, ( leurteet011M, Mass. Aprit 14, 161,42, says : .0 I Vites,,L a- I ,:',1-:•.r.a':(T'at‘ ENT,' . ';i;. ft, _ Dr. E. C. Wes 'a Nerve and Brain Tratment a guaranteed specific for 1:13a-teria, Dizziness, Col - -tnilsiona, Fits, Nervona Nenra'gia, Medea e, Nervous Proatra ion ,used by the use 01 A1001 or tobacco, NN akefulnese, Mental Depressi u, Softening of the Breda, resulting in Insanity d leading to infamy, decay and death, Prematt re Old age, Barren) e:ts, Loss o 4 Power in ,either s , Involuntary Loses and sperrnatorrheaa, can ed by over-excr, im of the biain, self-abuse or c+er iedulgence. Ole box. will cure reeent 0.1h,e4. Each box contains one month's t eatment• One dollar a box; or ix boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of priee. We guara six boxes to cur any case. With each order ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with donors, -we wi 1 send the purchaser our wri guarantee to reimad the money if thel Ueda does not eff c a cure. Guarantees -issued by X. Robea solo autho ized agent for forth fantalio. John C. West & Co., Sole pro r:e- 793- .2 tars TorOnto. 748 62 DR. B. J. 10ENDA.LL & CO., Enosburg Vertnont. , -dee wt. it thiened very rapidly, and I was SEAFORTH PLANING- MILL, BASIL!, BOOS AND BLIND FACTCEY .1 atEsnbseriberbegs leave to thank hi s re eror customer if for the liberal patronage extended tt him since oommencing busiaeas in aloaforth,aa- trastakat he may be fatored with a rmatiunanee of the tiame. • I Partiesiattendig to build wonld do well to gave hint oallatei he Will continue to keep on hand e large stook of ali kinds f Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Door, _Blinds ad ilfoulding s, bitingles. Lath, cfec. Hefeelseonfldqnt of evingsatisfactior tothosi who may f avoar him with their patron age,n FAXOL1ft but artit-CIARt4WOrklIleHPreornployed. laartienlea attentioa paid. to Custom Planina 20[ NEIN H. BROADFOOT. DR FELIX LE BRUN IG AND G T_T A Guar ntced Qtare for Gonorrhaa and Civet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects rom 'its nae. Doo a not interfere with busineaa or diet. SECURE THE oliADOW. Rev. Father Wilds' Price $2 per hot, or three boxes for 8a. Wr guts antees issued by every duly authatizad a to refund the money if thee boxes fail to Sent postage prepaid on receipt of prize ad J. R. Robrrts uthorized agent for Seaforth. Felix In Brun & Co., 81 & 83 King $t. Eaat, rietors. 70 1 onto, Sole Pro tten eut are ress Dr. Tor- -52 EXPERIENCE. - The Rev. Z4 P. Wilds, well-known city missionary_ New York, and brother of the late eininent Judge Wilds, of the Massachusetps Supreme Court, writes as follonts : 4. " dE. 51th St., _Niqe York, May 16, 1S82. MESSRS. J. C. AYER & Co., Gentlemen : IAA winter [1 was teonbled with a most uncOmfortable. itching humor affecting mor especial v my limbs, which itched so into erably at night, and burned so intense - hat I could scarcely bear any clothing over thein. • was also a sufferer from a severe eatiatr and catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run do n.4 Knowing the value of Anna's SARS tr.N.Rmr,A, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use in former yea's, 1 began taking it for -the above-named diaortlers. 1V1 -v appetite im- proved alancis f rout the first dos€. Atter a short time. the fever and itching were allayen, and all signs of irritation of the skin dist) ppea ed. My catarrh and cough were also cut ed by the same means, and my general 'Leath greatly improved, until it is now exc Dent. I feel a hundred per cent stronger and I attribute these results t.0 the use of the SARSAPARILLA, -which I recommen with all confidence as the bpst blood m ;dicine ever devised. I ttrok it small qloses three times a day, and used, in all, less than two bottles. 1 place these facts itt your service, hoping their publication May do good. ' Yours resi entfully, Z. P. Wiens." --The above instance is but one of the many el:instantly coming to our notice, which prey° the perfect adaptability ef AYER'S SARSA- PARILLA. to he cure of all diseases arisieg from hnpure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. yer' Sarsaparilla eleanses, enri ,heS, and strengthens the blood, Stimulates th action of the stomach and tbowels, and hereby enables the system to . resist and ove -come the attacks of all Screfue lott's Diseases,' Eruptions of the Skin, _Rheu- m -trim, CatakTli, General Debility, and all disorderS res thing frcim poor or corrupted blood and a loiv state of the'System. PREPARED Rilr pr.J. C . A er &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all ruggists; price 81, six bottles for S. CATHARTIC AYER'S PILLS. Best P rgative Piledieine eure Constip tio n, Indigestion, Headache, and ' 11 Bilious Disorders. Sold ever ywhere. Always reliable. ANDrtEW CALDER, ,Lt growing bald. On tieing AYER'S HAla V ; , ; ;a the falling stopped and a new growth ..onintencedaand in about a month my head 1-aas completely covered with short hair. it lute eontinued to grow; and is now as gelid as . le.fore it fell. I regularly used but one bottle ef the V [eon, but now use it occasionally as. a . I reesing,." t We inve hundreds of similar. testimonials t ) the efficacy of. Aven's Hain VIGOR. It 1 iteetle but a trial to convince the most skepti- cal of its value. . PREPARED 13'7 TUE PEOPLE'S PITOTOGRAPEEB, 'begs to state that he has returned home from Da- kota. and is convinced that " There's no place like home," at -d 1 e intends to remain at home, and will henceforth give his entire pet sena] at - tendon to his bnaireeF. Bis faeilitiea for doing good waik are nrexcelled, and ae can guarantee satisfuetiona Come ene, ceme all, and blintz your relaiions and frier PS, and seenre the ehadow ere the snbatance fades. I eau aeoom- modate yon all, and can semi yen on3onr waa rejoio'ng. Jest try toe and prove n e. Charget mod ei at e. Remember the place-Seatt's Bb ck Main Street, Seaforth. 762 _et ANDREW CALDER. R. N. BR ET T, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and r.Afe.51Dealex in LEATHER sad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. - None but the Very Beat Stock kept. Terms moderate. Ai:Trial Polieited. All orders by mall th or oerwise romptnAlled. ' 4k11: R N, BRETT Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BbOM ltW1Ni1IPEC — , Y casual obterva.nen,--ve find all landspecula- I tore have a clear head', and watch the ups ahd ! owae of proptrty, thns making large fortunes. But the whole aecret is, they k«.p the svatem in 3 a healthy condition by the ilke of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDWINE. We csn safely say that hundres cerue to us for the great Ring find blood pnr'fier beaae goieg \Vest_ Read the following statement. Il e could gave thousands of the same kind if it we :.e neeasgary. " I certila that I was trenbl- d wit 1 catarrh in . the head. gatherieg of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for yl ars, Fa) I could not sleep ; often tronbled with dull lifeless 1ot-halos pains in the cheat and baok. .. fter glvii g Imadrcds oi dollars to (lectors, and g.ving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE OF THE VAIL .EY, and, WTI now able to do my work after aeve year's aickneFs." Mrs. James lv cNell, 202 hi cae Street. Lndor, Ont. The above stet meet )1 rny Wife'.4 itl correct. James McNtiL For :ale by all druggists is Seaforte- 745-i-2 ''' •,* - -,.; :: 1.0 „---‚- eeteref;,sene'' ist‘t neee'neet.a.e, KY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE TOR 1883 andaining dascriptioa an prices of the choicest kinds of F..teelddir,,,,Garoamndetenn and Plower Seedg purehatters upon application iistlingvalthenahrledroinalellit tio hognepublishea in Canada, and, tobnyPuszFaxsts Barna epee' al attention given t preparing Iirran Geassas foe PlE111111ANE r T PASTITHE.:7 fig,ltlatienbl s will he food in Catalorne R,Ar• Seedsman, TORONTO Dr. J. C. Ayer &Go., Loweli, M8ss. Spid by e.11 Druggists. NORMAN'S ELECTRIC-CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. REiaRVES AND CURES Spinal Complaiuts, Genera' and Nevous Debility,Blieurnatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, feerains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds. Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against imposition, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Cti , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52 Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN F000 A Cure Guaranteed. FOR OLD AND Y01.743, MALE AND rENIA. is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Nor- vcusness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Ppwer, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatorrhotea,SeniinalWeaknesaLencorrhaen, Barrenmss, and General Loss of Power It re- pairs nervous waste, rejuvenerates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enfeebled brn in, and re- st:ens surprising tone and vigor to the exhaled, - cd generative organs in either soca Z/a" With each order for rweeve paekaecs, accompanied with $5. we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a, cure. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full partieulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to eny. address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 ceats per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Wincleo_nbOyJ. S. io Ont. SoklbByERaT118, DruSea- g sts. Guarantees issued f Londoll -ort 181-52 EEuron andzipBreruml_. °Liogend n°, . 7 11 4 00 A. P.M. 88 5038 55 1808 ExeterHeet11. 85 5 35 EXClriiPunPeeteofinn..e1a9 , .... . . . . . . . . . . . 9 134 6 6 6 410 Blyth Wingband, arrive. ... .... : :1100 1)9 6 65 i 7 3109 ° Gox Sou- Mail. Expreas: 13C1liynttohn A .7311.0 2 P.M.o Wingham, depart LEoVdeorn, sr;1e 8788 28495455 881195:25 811 5005 44 )380 BEI; jeattpecgaa. 10 10 4 5 35